Index: K-Z

A History of the County of Warwick: Volume 8, the City of Coventry and Borough of Warwick. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1969.

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'Index: K-Z', in A History of the County of Warwick: Volume 8, the City of Coventry and Borough of Warwick, ed. W B Stephens (London, 1969), British History Online [accessed 9 March 2025].

'Index: K-Z', in A History of the County of Warwick: Volume 8, the City of Coventry and Borough of Warwick. Edited by W B Stephens (London, 1969), British History Online, accessed March 9, 2025,

"Index: K-Z". A History of the County of Warwick: Volume 8, the City of Coventry and Borough of Warwick. Ed. W B Stephens (London, 1969), British History Online. Web. 9 March 2025.

'Kangaroo' bicycle,

Katherine, St.,

Katherine of Aragon, queen of
-, Henry VIII,

Kean, Edw.,

Keene, Ric.,

Keivet (Kyvet), Thos., mayor of Cov.,

Kekewich, — (fl. 1880), n

Kelle (Kele), Hen. de, n; Rob.,

Kelley, —, timber merchant,

Kemble, Chas., Rog.,
-, Sarah, see Siddons

Kemp, Thos.,

Kench and Cattell, millers,

Kenilworth, Id., see Siddeley

-, cast., char.,
-, deanery, n; gaol,
-, hosp., priory,
-, rly., Unitarian chap.,
-, and see Crackley Hall

Kenilworth Gas Undertaking,

Kennett's Parcel Dispatch,

Kent, earl of, see Holland (Thos.)


Kerby, John,

Keresley, Adam de, John,
-, Thos. (fl. 1247), Thos. (fl.
-, 1335), fam.,

Keresley, in Cov.,
-, agric., area, boundaries,
-, chap., char.,
-, colliery, ch.,
-, n; electricity supply,
-, estates, gas supply,
-, Green,
-, Heath,
-, hosp.,
-, houses, housing estates,
-, inc., ind., inns,
-, Lamb's farm, laundries,
-, local govt., mans.,
-, mission ch., New Ho. farm,
-, par., place name,
-, pop., Prot. nonconf.,
-, n; roads,
-, schs., sewage
-, disposal, tithes,
-, village,

Keresley-with-Coundon, ecclesiastical
-, par. of,

Kervyn, Hen.,

Kettering (Northants.),

Kettle, Jas.,

Keyte, Sir Wm.,

Kidderminster (Worcs.),

Kiel (Germany),

Kimberley, Chas., Jonathan, dean
-, of Lichfield, Sam.,


Kineton, North and South, deaneries
-, of,

King, Ben., Edw.
-, Bolton, Sim., Thos.,
-, Miss —(fl. 1843), fam.,

Kingston Lacy (Dors.),

Kirby, Monks,

Kirkeham, Edw., Geo.,

Kirshaw, Ellen Ann, — (fl.
-, 1855),

Kit-Cat Club,

Knight, John, Rob.,

Knightley (Knyghtley), Edm., n;
-, Edw., John, Sir Ric.,
-, fam.,

Knightlow, hund. of, n,
-, n

Knighton (Knyghton), Hen.,
-, Wm., n

Knighton, hund. of,

Knollys, Hanserd,


Knox, E. A., suffragan bp. of Cov.,

Knyghtley, see Knightley

Knyghton, see Knighton

Kuninck, see Cuninck

Kyngton, Gilb. de,

Kyvet, see Keivet

Labourers, Statute of,

Labourers Union Chronicle,

Ladbroke (Ladbrok), John de,
-, Rob.,

Ladgrave, Steph. de,

Ladysmith (South Africa), relief of,

Laffeld, Rog. de,

Laing (John) and Sons, contractors,

Laird, Messrs., textile manufacturers,

Laking, Sir Guy,

Lamb, Chas., R. H.,


Lancaster, Blanche of, m. John of
-, Gaunt, Henry of, duke of
-, Lancaster (d. 1361),

Lancaster, duchy of, duke of, see
-, Lancaster (Hen. of); Gaunt (John
-, of)


Lancaster and Bell, teaching methods
-, of,

Lanchester, Fred. W.,

Lanchester Co., manufacturers of
-, motor cars,

Landor, Eliz., Ellen, Dr.
-, Wal., Wal. Savage,

Lane, Ric., Thos.,

Langham, Sim.,

Langley, de, Alice I,
-, Alice II, Edm. I,
-, Edm. II, Geof. I,
-, Geof. II,
-, Geof. III, Hen.,
-, Jane, Joan, m. Edm. de
-, Chesterton, Joan, m. John de
-, Charlton, John I,
-, John II,
-, John III, Mary,
-, Rob., Thos., Wal. I,
-, Wal. II,
-, Wm., fam.,

Langport (Som.), n

Langton, Wal. de, bp. of Cov.,

Langton, Church (Leics.),

Lanyan, John, n

Lapworth, Alex., Edw. I,
-, Edw. II, fam.,


Large Towns, Commissioners on the
-, state of (1843),

Latimer, baron, see Neville (Geo.)

Lattimer, Timothy,

Laud, Wm., abp. of Canterbury,

Lavender, Twentyman and Percy,
-, architects,

Law and Customs of the Lead Mines,

Lawley, Ric., Thos.,

Lawrence, St., relic of,

Lawson, Harry J.,

Le Northerne, name of,

Lea, see Lee

Lea and Francis, cycle manufacturers,

Lea-Francis cars,

'Leaf-Lynx' sports car,

Leam, riv.,

Leamington Priors, par. of,

Leamington Spa,
-, boundary,
-, hosp., medicinal springs,
-, Parl. rep., rly., schs.,
-, sewage works, and
-, see Lillington

Leamington and Warwick Times,

Leamington and Warwick Tramway,

Lee (Lea), Benedict, Bennet,
-, Fred, Lawr., Mary,
-, Sir Ric. (fl. 1544), Ric. (fl.
-, 1660), Ric. (fl. 1934),
-, Roland, bp. of Cov., — (18th-
-, cent. baker), — (fl. 1810),

Lee (F.) and Co., watchmakers,

'Lee, la' (in Barford or Bishop's Tach
-, brook),

Leeder, John, mayor of Cov.,

Leeds (Yorks. W. R.),

Leek Wootton,

Lef, name of,

Leicester, earl of, see Dudley (Rob.)

Leicester, de, Ralph, Wm.,

-, n,
-, abbey of, borough,
-, gaol,


Leigh, Chandos, baron Leigh (d.
-, 1850), Chas., Sir Francis,
-, John, Sir Thos.,
-, Wm. Hen., baron Leigh (succ.
-, 1850),

Leland, John,

Leo, son of Deuleben,

Leo, Moses son of, see Moses

Leofric, earl of Mercia (d. 1057),

Leofwine, abbot of Cov.,

Lethenhull Brook, n

Levant Co.,

Levenhull, Rob. de,

Leveson, Lady Kath.,

Lewin (Lewyn), Wal., Wm.,

Lewis, W. G.,

Lewis Ordnance Manufacturing Co.,

Lewis's Coventry Recorder,

Lewyn, see Lewin

Leyland Motors,

Lichfield, bps. of,
-, canons of, chapter
-, of, precentor of, diocese,

Lidice (Czechoslovakia),

Lifford, vct., see Hewitt (Jas.)

Liggins, John, Jos.,

Light Dragoons, 14th, 17th
-, (Lord Feilding's Light Horse),

Lightoler, Timothy,

Ligon, Rog.,

Lilleburne, see Jabet (Hugh)

Lillingston, Abraham Spooner,

Lillington, in Leamington Spa,

Limesey (Limesi), de, Ralph,
-, Rob., bp. of Cov.,


Lindsay, John, earl of Lindsay (d.
-, 1678),

Ling, Arthur,

Lipscomb, Geo.,

Lirpol, John, Margery,

Little and Woodcock, bankers,

Liulph, Nic. son of, see Nicholas

Liulph, Simon son of, see Simon


Livy (Titus Livius),

Lloyd, Thos.,

Local Government Act (1929),

Local Government Board,

Locard, Anketil, Rog.,

Lodelawe fam.,

Lodington, de, Alice, Rog.,

Loges, de, Eleanor, m. John de Peyto,
-, Hugh I, Hugh II,
-, John, Margery,
-, Ric., fam.,

-, Albert
-, Memorial, n; Charterhouse,
-, Corporation of, County
-, Council, Crystal Palace
-, Exhibition (1868), Dyers' Co.
-, of, Great Fire of,
-, International Exhibition (1870),
-, leather trades, Merchant
-, Taylors' Co. of,
-, mint, Olympia motor
-, show (1919), Prot. nonconf.,
-, Royal Coll. of Art, St.
-, Paul's cath., Synod of,
-, Unity of Odd Fellows, Vauxhall
-, Gardens, Whitechapel,

London and Birmingham Railway Co.,

London-to-Brighton motor race,

London General Omnibus Co.,

London and Home Counties Property Investments Ltd.,

London Missionary Soc., n

London & North Western Railway Co.,

London Road Car Co.,

Long Distance Telephone Co.,

Longford, in Foleshill,
-, canal, char., ch.,
-, electricity supply,
-, gas works, housing estate,
-, library, par., Prot.
-, nonconf.,
-, rly. sta., schs.,

Longton Hall (Staffs.),

Longvile, Anne,

Lord Feilding's Light Horse, see
-, Light Dragoons (17th)

Loseley, Edw.,

Lotis cars,

Loughborough (Leics.),

Love, John, — (fl. 1788),

Lovel, Maud, m. Wm. La Zouche,

Lovetot, — (fl. 1301),

Lowe, Humph.,

Lowe's Dancing Show,


Lucias II, Pope,

Luckman, Edw.,

Lucy, Francis, Spencer,
-, Wm. de, fam.,

Ludlow (Salop.),

Luffe, Ric.,

Luther, Martin,

Luton (Beds.),

Lutterworth (Leics.),

Lychefeld, Ric. de, n

Lycoryz, John,

Lydgate, John,

Lynch, J.,

Lythall, Edw.,

Lyttleton (Lyttelton), Hon. Alfred,
-, Thos.,

Macbeth (play),

Mackarnes, — (fl. 1633),

Mackay, C. H., J. W., n;
-, Rob. Wm.,

Macready, Wm. Chas.,

Magister, father of Hela, scholar,

Maidlin, Ric.,

Mainwaring (de Maisiulwarin), Ralph
-, I, Ralph II, n

Makepiece, Edm. I, Edm. II,

Malaterra, Geof.,

Mallory, Dan., Hen.,

Malmesbury, Wm. of,

Malmesbury (Wilts.), abbey of,

Malt, — (builder, fl. 1865),

Man, Isle of,

Mancetter fam.,


Manchester, Ric., n

-, n,

Mandevill, Wm.,

Manly and Buckingham, motor car
-, manufacturers, n; and see
-, Buckingham Engineering Co.

Mann, Tom,

Mansell, Sir C., n

Manville, Edw.,

Marcellinus, see Ammianus Marcellinus

Mardon Sich (Martin's Gutter),

Margaret of Anjou, queen of Henry
-, VI,

Margetts (John) and Sons, auctioneers,

Mariot, John,

Marlar (Marler), Hen., mayor of
-, Cov., Ric., mayor of Cov.,
-, fam.,

Marmion, Rob.,

Marprelate Tracts,

Marriage Duties Act (1694),

Marrs, T. A.,

Mars Ltd., motor cycle manufacturers,

Marseal Motors,

Marsh, Charley,

Marshall (Marshal), Edw., John,
-, Margery, w. of John, see
-, Beaumont; Margery, w. of Rob.,
-, Rob., Mrs. —, theatrical
-, manager (fl. 1813),

Marston, Wm.,

Marston, Priors,

Marston Junction, in Bulkington,

Martin (Martyn), Chas. Wm.,
-, Thirza, Thos.,

Martin-Jones, D. H. J., n

Martin's Gutter, see Mardon Sich

Marton, deanery of,

Martyn, see Martin

Mary, the Virgin, St.,

Mary I, queen,

Mary, queen of Scots,

Mason, A. E. W., Chas.,
-, David, Revd. F. W., and
-, see Freeman

Massey, Thos.,

Massey-Ferguson Co., tractor manufacturers,

Massinger, Phil., play by,

Massingham, John,

Matthew, Wm.,

Maudslay, R. W.,

Maudslay Motor Co.,

Mauduit, Wm., earl of Warwick (d.
-, 1268),

Maundy, Thos.,

Maurice, Simon s. of, see Simon

Maxstoke, priory,

Mayall (Mayell), John (fl. 1420),
-, John (fl. 1504),

Meads, Thos.,

Mears, Thos.,

Mears, C. and G., bellcasters,

Meath, earl of, see Brabazon

Meaux, de, Scolastica widow of
-, Godfrey,

Medley, Benet,

Meek, T., n

Melanchthon, Phil.,

Mellor, — (fl. 1857), n

Meneley, John, n

Mercer, Roger le,

Mercia, earls of, see Edwin; Leofric

Mercia, kingdom of, dioc. of, see
-, Lichfield

Merford, Wm.,

Meriden, char.,
-, reservoir, R. D.,

Meriden Union,

Merinton (Merynton), Agnes de,
-, Guy, Hen., Hugh de,
-, Kath., m. John Wymondswold,


Merridew, J., Nat.,

Merston, Thos. de,

Merynton, see Merinton

Métaux, La Société Commerciale et
-, Industrielle des,

Methuen, Paul,

Meulan, count of, see Beaumont (Rob.
-, de)

Michaux bicycle,

Michel, see Mitchell


Middlemore, Wm.,

Midland Daily Telegraph (later
-, Coventry Evening Telegraph),

Midland Express,

Midland House to House Electricity Co.,

Midland Railway Co.,

Midland Red Omnibus Co.,

Miles (Myles), Hen., John, mayor
-, of Cov., — (20th-cent.
-, revivalist),

Miller, Sanderson, Thos.,

Million, John,

Mills, Benedicta, Chas.,
-, F. J., Jas. Rob.,
-, Wm.,

Millward, Hen.,


Mitchell (Michel), Nic., mayor of
-, Cov., n

Moffat, — (19th-cent. architect),

Mohun, Sir John de, n

Mokrzycki, J. M., n

Mollady, E. E., John,

Mollady (John) and Sons, hat makers,

Molling, Hen.,

Molotov, Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich,

Monck, Geo., mayor of Cov.,

Money, Eugenia, see Stoughton; Jas.
-, Jas. II,

Monmouth, duke of, see Scott (Jas.)

Monmouth, Geof. of,

Montagu, John, duke of Montagu (d.
-, 1749),

Montalt, de, Cecily,
-, Rob. (d. c.
-, 1275), Rob. (d.
-, 1329), Rog.,
-, fam.,

Montfort, de, Pet., Sim.,

Moody, Jas., n

Moon, Sir Ric.,

Moore, H., Hen., John,
-, Dr. Jos.,
-, Pet., Rob.,


Morcar, earl of Northumbria (fl.
-, 1066),

Mordaunt, Sir John,

More, Sir Thos.,

Morell, Rob.,

Morgan, Jane, m. John Preston,
-, Thos.,

Morlee, Rob. de,

Morris, John, n

Morris Motors,

Mortimer, Cath., m. Thos. Beauchamp,
-, earl of Warwick,
-, Rog. de,

Morton, Rob.,

Moses, son of Leo,

Mota, Thos. de,

Motor Cars, Royal Commission on
-, (1905),

Motor Cycle (trade journal),

Motor Manufacturing Co.,

Motor Mills,

Motor Panels Co.,

Motor Radiator Manufacturing Co.,

Moubray, see Mowbray

Mount Grace Priory, in East Harlsey
-, (Yorks. N. R.),

Mowbray (Moubray), Alex de,
-, Lady Anne (d. 1481), Eliz.,
-, see Segrave; John, baron Mowbray
-, (d. 1368), Thos., duke of
-, Norfolk (d. 1399), Thos. (fl.
-, 1410), fam.,

Moyses, prior of Cov. (fl. 1183),

Muddiman, Sam.,

Munich (Germany),

Municipal Charities, Royal Commission
-, on,

Municipal Corporations Act (1835),

Munster, Oliver,

Muntz, P. J.,

Murray (Murye), Chas., Jas.,
-, Ric. de la,

Muschamp, Geof. de, bp. of Cov.,

Museums Act (1891),

Musson, see Muston (Ric.)

Musters, Commissioners for,

Muston, Eliz., Mary, (or
-, Musson) Ric., Thos.,

Mutiny of the Nore, The (play),

Myles, see Miles

Mylne, Rob.,

Mylner, John,

Mylys, Nic.,

Myton (in Warwick),
-, agric.,
-, chap., coll.,
-, fields, Grange,
-, housing, inc.,
-, mills, pop., village,

Nailer, Jas., char. of, John,

Naish, see Nash

Nall, see Naul

Napoleonic Wars,


Nash (Naish), Ford, R. G. J.,
-, Thos.,

Nason, Edw.,

Nassington, — (fl. 1398),

National Assistance Act (1948),

National Fire Service,

National Health Service Act (1946),

National Telephone Co.,

Naul (Nall), Thos., — (fl. 17th
-, cent.),

Neale, Hen., John,
-, Wm.,

Neild, J.,

Nellor, Jas.,

Nelson, E. M.,

Nelson (Geo.), Dale and Co., millers,

Nemesis of Faith (book),

Nerbone, de, Margery, m. Rob. de
-, Stivichall, Steph.,

Nerthus, goddess,

Nethermill (Nethermyll), John,
-, mayor of Cov. (fl. 1557), John
-, (fl. 1618), Julian,

Nettlestede, Hugh de,

Nevill, see Neville

Nevill and Son, architects,

Neville (Nevill), Alice, ctss. of
-, Salisbury, Anne, ctss. of
-, Warwick, see Beauchamp; Cecily,
-, m. Hen. Beauchamp,
-, Edw., ld. Bargavenny (d. 1476),
-, Geo., baron Latimer (d. 1469),
-, Isabel, m. Geo. Plantagenet,
-, Ric., earl of Salisbury (d. 1460),
-, Ric., earl of Warwick (d.
-, 1471), Thos.
-, de,

New, Keith,

New Beeston Cycle Co.,

New Centaur Co., motor car manufacturers,

New Premier Cycle Co., see Premier
-, Cycle Co.

New Way to Pay Old Debts, A (play),

Newburgh fam.,

Newcastle-upon-Tyne (Northumb.)

Newcombe fam., bell founders,

Newcombes, Chas.,

Newhaven (Connecticut, U.S.A.),

Newland, in Exhall,

Newman, Ric., n

Newport (Monms.),

Newsam, Capt. — (fl. 1720),

Newsham, Thos., Wm.,
-, n; — (fl. 1695),

Newton, Hen. (later Puckering),
-, Sir Isaac, K.,

Niccolls, see Nicholls

Nicholas (fl. 1086),

Nicholas the crossbowman (fl. 11th
-, cent.),

Nicholas, son of Liulph,

Nicholas, son of Nicholas,

Nicholas, Sir Edw.,

Nicholls (Niccolls, Nichols), John,
-, Steph., Thos.,

Nicholsons (of Worcester), organ
-, builders,

Noel-Baker, P. J.,

Nonant, Hugh de, bp. of Cov.,

Norfolk, dukes of, and see
-, Mowbray (Thos.)


Norizun, John le,

Normanton Turville (Leics.),

Norris, Bower,

North, Sir Edw.,

North Warwickshire coalfield,

North Warwickshire Times,

North Warwickshire Water Co.,

North Warwickshire Worsted and
-, Woollen, Spinning and Weaving
-, Co.,

Northampton, earl of, see Compton

Northampton, John,

Northampton, n,
-, Philosophical soc.
-, of,


Northcliffe, vct., see Harmsworth

Northcote, John,

Northey, Fanny Eliz., m. G. I. Irby,
-, Ric. (later Northey Hopkins),
-, Wm., Wm. Ric. Hopkins,

Northey-Hopkins, Ric., see Northey

Northumberland, duke of, see
-, Dudley, John (d. 1553)

Northumbria, earl of, see Morcar

Norton, John, Sim., mayor of
-, Cov.,
-, Sir Thos. I, Sir Thos.
-, II, Revd. —,

Norton-by-Daventry (Northants.),

Norton juxta Twycross (Leics.),

Norwich (Norf.), n,
-, n; cath., mint,

Nottingham, John de,

-, n,

Nuffield group, motor car manufacturers,

-, canal, rly.,
-, and see Attleborough;
-, Griff; Stockingford

Nunn, Wm.,

Nunn, Brown and Freeman, lace
-, manufacturers,

Nutbrowner, John,

Nuweres, John de,

Nye, J. S.,

Oakey and Cox, ribbon weavers,

Oakley, Vincent,

Occleve, Thos.,

Odard fam.,


Oken, Joan, Thos.,
-, n,

Okes, des, Adam, Phil., Wm.,
-, fam.,


Oldnall (Oldnale), Thos., Wm.,

Olds, Jos.,

Oley, John,

Oliver, Adam, n,

Ollard, Hen.,

Ollerton, in Withnell (Lancs.), n

Olney, Wm. de,

Olney, in Cov.,

Olney (Bucks.), n

Olton, in Solihull,

Omega cars,

Onley, John, Sir Rob., mayor of
-, Cov., Rog., fam.,

Ordnance Survey,

Ordnance factories,

Orne, Jas.,

Orton, Thos., n

Osburg, St.,

Osmonde bros., actors,

Osnabrüsck (Saxony),

Otmoor (Oxon.),

Oughton, Col. Adolphus,
-, and see Houghton

Over (Waver), Hen.,
-, n,
-, Ric.,

Overton, Francis, Valentine,

Oving House (Bucks.),

Owen, Edw., Rob.,
-, Thos., — (fl. 1678),

Owen Owen, Ltd., department store,

Owr, Thos.,

Oxenbridge, John,

-, All Souls coll.,
-, Bodleian library, Queen's
-, coll., St. John's
-, coll., univ. of,

Oxford & Birmingham Railway Co.,

Oxford Canal,

Oxford Parliament,


Pack and Chapman, bellcasters,

Packington, Great,

Packington, Little,

Packwood, n,

Page, Wm.,

Paget, Geo., Thos., Sir Wm.,

Pain (Paine), John, Maud,
-, Tom,



Palington, Wm. I, Wm. II,

Palmer, John, Marg., Rog.,
-, Thos., Wm. (d. 1392),
-, Wm. (fl. 1410), fam.,

Panting, Wm.,

Paraphrase of the Gospels,

Parbury, J. E.,

Paris, Mat., Nic.,
-, Sam., Thos.,

Paris (France),

Park, de, Margery, Vincent,

Parker, J. A., Jos., Moses,
-, Sim., Wm. le,

Parker, Messrs., cotton weavers,

Parkes, John, Jos. I,
-, Jos. II, † Josiah,
-, Wm. I, Wm. II,

Parkes, Brookhouse and Crompton,
-, worsted spinners,

Parkyns, Sir T.,

Parrott (Parratt), Francis, Ric.,
-, fam.,

Parrott, Ferneyhough and Whieldon,
-, colliery owners,

Parsons delivery van,

Partington, Geo.,

Partridge, Wm.,

Passenham, Wm. de,

Passenham (Northants.),

Pastoral Aid Soc.,

Paterson, Chas.,

Pateshull, Hugh de, bp. of Cov.,

Patson, John,

Paull and Robinson, architects,

Pavy, John,

Paxton, Sir Jos.,

Paybody, Thos.,

Payne (Payn), C., n; Mat., n;
-, Thos. (fl. 1279), Thos.
-, (fl. 1827),

Payne and Bates, motor car manufacturers,
-, n,

Peart (Perte), Thos., Wm., char.
-, of,

Peasants' Revolt,

Pecche (Peche), John,
-, Rob., bp. of Cov.,

Peck, Fred.,

Peek, Wm. de, n

Peel, Arthur Wellesley, vct. Peel (d.
-, 1912), Sir Rob.,

Peel-Conner Telephone Works,

'Peeping Tom',

Pembroke, earls of,

Penfold, Frank,

Penn, Wm.,

Pennant, Thos.,

Pennington motor cycles,

Perceval, Chas., baron Arden (d.
-, 1840),

Percy, ld. Algernon, Anne
-, Caroline, see Greatheed; Hon.
-, Chas. Bertie, John de,
-, Nic., fam.,

Pere, Wm.,

Perkins, Eliz., F. D.,
-, Joshua,

Perks and Birch, motor-cycle manufacturers,

Perowne, J. J. S., bp. of Worcester,

Perte, see Peart

Peshale, Sir Adam, Joyce,

Peter, bp. of Chester,

Peter, Geof. fitz,

Petersham, Id., see Stanhope (Wm.)

Petre, E. H., Edw., Lady
-, Gwendaline, O. H. P.,
-, fam.,

Pettit, John,

Peyto, Sir Edw., Eleanor,
-, see Loges; Eliz., see Verney;
-, Francis, John de (fl. 1373),
-, John (fl. 1581),
-, Marg., fam.,

Peyto-Verney, Hen., Id. Willoughby
-, de Broke (d. 1852), John, Id.
-, Willoughby de Broke (d. 1756),
-, fam.,

Philip surgicus (fl. 1282),

Philippa, queen of Edward III,

Philips, see Phillips

Phillimore, — (fl. 1857), n

Phillips (Philips), Edw., John,
-, Marianne,
-, Thos., Miss — (fl. 1875),

Philpott, Hen., bp. of Worcester,

Phrenological Journal,

Physick, Edw.,

Picken, (or Piggin) Jane,
-, T. W.,

Piddock, Leonard,

Pierce's Coventry Gazette,

Piggin, see Picken (Jane)

Pigot's Commercial Directory,

Pihod, Nic.,

Pilgrim Trust,

Pinley, de, John, Ric., Wm.,

Pinley, in Cov.,
-, agric., boundaries,
-, chap., ch.,
-, n; estates, golf club,
-, hosp.,
-, houses, housing estates,
-, ind., man.,
-, market gardens, mill,
-, place name, rly., Rom.
-, Cath., woodland,

Piper, John,

Pisford, Wm., n

Pistor, Hen., Rob., fam.,

Pitsford (Northants.), rector of,

Pitt, Wm.,

Pizarro (play),

Place, Wm.,

Plantagenet, Edw., earl of Warwick
-, (d. 1499), Geo., earl of
-, Warwick and duke of Clarence (d.
-, 1478), Isabel,
-, see Neville

Plessis, John du, earl of Warwick (d.
-, 1263), Margery,
-, see Beaumont

Pliny the Elder,


Plymouth (Devon), n, n,

Pneumatic Tyre and Booth's Cycle
-, Agency,

Pointer, John, antiquary,

Pole, Wm. de la,

Polesworth, rural deanery of,

Pollard, Mary,

Pollock, E. M., baron Hanworth (cr.
-, 1926), Sir Fred.,

Poole, Ben.,
-, Ric., S. G.,

Poor Law Commission,

Portalyn, Thos.,

Porter, Hen.,

Porter's Cycle Directory,

Portland, duke of, see Bentinck


Post Office, General,

Poteger, Wm.,

Potter, John, Thos.,

Power, Wal.,

Powick (Worcs.),

Poynter, Ambrose,

Pratt, Chas., Sir Rog.,
-, Wm.,

Preest, Wm.,

Premier (New Premier) Cycle Co.
-, (formerly Hillman, Herbert and
-, Cooper),

Prescott, Jas. I, Jas. II,

Preston, Anne, m. Hugh Clifford,
-, Jas., n; Jane, see Morgan;
-, John (fl. 1400), n, John
-, (fl. 1680), Sir Thos.,

Preston (Lancs.), battle of,

Price, David, char. of,

Pridmore, G. A., John,
-, M. K., W. F., Wm.,
-, fam.,

Prime, Wm.,

Princethorpe, n

Priory Motor Co.,

Prison Commissioners,

Privy Council,

Proctor, John, Rob.,

Proffitt, Wm.,

Progress Cycle and Motor Co.,

Proud, Wm.,

Prudde, John,

Public Building and Works, Ministry
-, of,

Public Health Acts,

Pucelle, Gerard, bp. of Cov.,

Puckering, Cicely, Sir Hen. (d.
-, 1700), Hen., see Newton;
-, Jane, Sir John,
-, Sir Thos.,
-, fam.,

Pugin, E. W.,

Purcell, A. A.,

Purefoy, Geo., Martha,
-, Wm., Mrs. —
-, (fl. 1740), fam.,

Purnell, E. J.,

Purser, le, John, Rob.,

Pykering, Wm.,

Pym, John,

Pynchbek, John,

Pynnock, Wm.,

Quadrant Motor (formerly Cycle) Co.,
-, n

Queen Anne's Bounty,

Queeney, Mrs. — (fl. 1697),

Queen's Own Hussars,

Quency, de, Marg., n; Saher,
-, earl of Winchester (d. 1219), n

Quick, H.,

Quinborough, Lydia, char. of,

Quinton, Joan, Thos.,

Quinton Cycle Co.,

Raby, Nic., Wm.,

Racecourses Licensing Act (1879),

Radenite Batteries,

Radford, Mary, char. of,

Radford, in Cov.,
-, agric., airfield,
-, boundaries, ch.,
-, cinema,
-, common, cross,
-, estates, fields, gas
-, supply, green, houses,
-, housing estates, inc.,
-, ind., inn, library,
-, mans., mills,
-, mock election at, par.,
-, pop., Prot. nonconf.,
-, quarry,
-, racecourse, reservoir,
-, riflerange, schs.,
-, sewage tank, streets,
-, well,

Radford Brook,


Rainbow, Hen.,

Rainsford, Edw.,

Raleigh Industries,

Ralph, chaplain (fl. 1190),

Ralph the mason (fl. 1191),

Ralph the miller (fl. 1250),

Ralphs, Edw.,

Rambridge, John,

Ramsey, Phil. de,

Randall (Randell, Randle), Chris.,
-, John, Ric.

Randolf, Rob., Wm., (fl. 14th
-, cent.), Wm., (fl. 15th cent.),

Ranger Cyclecar Co.,

Ranulf, earl of Chester (d. 1129),

Ranulf, earl of Chester (d. 1153),

Ranulf, earl of Chester (d. 1232),

Rapin-Thoyras, Paul de,

Rastell, Thos.,

Ratcliff, John, Rob.,

Rawdon, Marmaduke,

Rawes, Gerard,

Ray (Raye), John (fl. 1379), John
-, (fl. 1535), John (fl. 1576),

Read, John,

Reader, Wm.,

Reading (Berks.), n,

'Red Flag' Road Acts,

Red Lane, in Cov., mission
-, chap., Ordnance
-, factory, schs., sewerage,

Redditch (Worcs.),

Redfern, — (fl. 1850),

Redgrave (C. F.) and Partners, architects,

Regent Foundry,

Reid, Dr. — (fl. 1888),

Religious and Useful Knowledge Soc.,

Remarks on the English Language,

Remonstrance, The,

Renold (Hans), engineers,

Renold and Coventry Chain Co.
-, (later Renold Chains), and
-, see Coventry Chain Co.

Repindon, Rob. de,

Reporter, see Coventry Graphic

Repton, G. W. T.,

Reve, Thos.,

Rew, Sir Skears, mayor of Cov.,

Rex Motor Manufacturing Co.,

Rey, John,

Reynold the mason (fl. 1188),

Reynold the miller (fl. 13th cent.),

Reynolds, Caroline, John,
-, Ric., Thos., fam.,

Rhodes, Harold,

Ricardo, H. H.,

Rich fam.,

Richard II, king,

Richard III, king,

Richard, Wm. son of, see William

Richard, duke of York (d. 1483),

Richard, earl of Chester (succ. 1101),

Richard the Forester or the Huntsman
-, (fl. 1086),

Richard atte Grene (fl. 1328),

Richard, son of Ivo, (fl. 1130),

Richard, miller (fl. 1364),

Richard the vintner (fl. 14th cent.),

Richard, son of Wimmam (fl. 13th
-, cent.),

Richard's Castle (Herefs.), honor of,

Richardson, Ric. (fl. 1724), Ric.
-, (fl. 1841),

Richmond (Surr.),

Richmond (Virginia, U.S.A.),

Rickman, Thos.,

Rickman and Hutchinson, architects,

Rider, John,

Ridley Autocar Co.,

Riley, John, Wm.,

Riley Co. (formerly Bonnick Cycle
-, Co.),

Ringley, Edw., Jane,

Ripon, Maud, Pet.,

Rivers' Purification Association,

Robert 'in the gate' (fl. 1361),

Robert, miller (fl. 1367),

Roberts, Thos.,

Roberts's Iron Foundry,

Robinson, A., Revd. A. G.,
-, R. S., n; fam.,

Rockingham (Northants.),

Rody, Nic.,

Roe, Thos. (fl. 1584), Thos. (fl.
-, 1850),

Roger (fl. 1086),

Roger, chaplain (fl. 1145),

Rogers, Aaron, Jas., mayor of
-, Cov., John, Ric.,
-, n; Thos., W., fam.,

Rogerson, John, mayor of Cov.,
-, n; — (fl. 1600),

Rolleston, Wm. de,


Romsey (Hants), n

Roo, Ric., Thos.,

Rooke, Sir Chas.,

Rootes Horticultural Soc.,

Rootes Securities Ltd.,

Rorik, name of,

Rosevear, — (fl. 1880),

Rotherham, Chas., Ric. Kevitt,
-, mayor of Cov., Thos.,
-, fam.,

Rotherham and Sons, watchmakers,

Rothwell, Nic.,

Rous, John,

Rover Co. (formerly J. K. Starley
-, and Co., Rover Cycle Co.),
-, †


Rowleys Green, in Foleshill,

Rowton, Nat.,

Royal Agricultural Show,

Royal Air Force,

Royal Artillery,

Royal Fine Art Commission,

Royal Warwickshire Regiment,

Roydon (Essex),

Rucker, Martin,

Rudge, Dan.,

Rudge (D.) and Co., cycle manufacturers,

Rudge-Whitworth, cycle manufactuters,

Rudhall, Abraham,

-, canal, char., n; deanery,
-, n; rly., R. D.,

Rumplestiltskin (play),

Rus, Thos. le,

Rush, Eliz., char. of,

Rushock (Worcs.),

Ruskin, John,

Russell, John, Lucy, ctss. of
-, Bedford (d. 1627), Rob.,



Rycknield St.,

Rydware, de, John, Pet.,
-, Rob.,

Rykmersbury, in Beausale,

Ryley, John, Thos.,

Ryley, Wood and Bradford, motor car
-, manufacturers,


S.S. Cars,

Sadler, Sir Ralph,

Sadler's Wells Theatrical Company,

St. Briavels (Glos.),

St. Catherine of Siena, English
-, congregation of,

St. Evroul (Orne), abbey of,

St. John, Oliver,

St. John of Jerusalem, prior of,

St. John's Brook,

St. Peter's, Thanet (Kent),

Sale, John de la, Ric. de la,
-, Wm. de la (fl. 1233), Wm. (fl.
-, 1588),

Salisbury, earl of, see Neville (Ric.)

Salisbury (Wilts.), cath.,

Salop, archdeacon of,

Saltisford, in Warwick,
-, alms ho., char., ch.,
-, common, ind.,
-, poor relief,
-, pop., Rom. Cath.,
-, sch., taxation,

Salvin, Ant.,

Sammons, Thos. ('Cobbler'),

Samwell, Eliza, Sir Thos.,

Sanders, see Saunders

Sandys, Wm.,

Sapcote and Sons Ltd., architects,


Sartoris, J. A.,

Saunders (Sanders), David, n,
-, Edw.,
-, John, Julius, Laur.,
-, Ric., Rog.,
-, Thos. (fl. 1550), Thos.
-, (fl. 1580), Thos. (fl.
-, 1663), Thos. (fl. 1720),
-, Thos. (fl. 1785), Wm.
-, (fl. 1469), Wm. (fl. 1788),
-, fam.,

Saunders (W. H.) and Son, architects,

Savoy Conference,

Scandinavia, personal names,

Scarlet, Hen.,

Schepey, see Shepey

Schulte, M. J.,

Scot, see Scott


Scott (Scot), Sir Geo. Gilb.,
-, Sir Giles Gilb.,
-, J. Oldrid, Jas., duke of
-, Monmouth (d. 1685),
-, Rob., — (fl. 1865),

Scotton fam., n

Scutari (Istanbul),

Seager, Pet., char. of,

Sedgemoor (Som.), battle of,

Segrave, de, Eliz., m. John Mowbray,
-, John, Id. Segrave (d. 1353),
-, Nic.,
-, Steph., fam.,

Sehar, son of Hugh le Harper,

Seled, Thos.,

Sentinel (newspaper),

Serjeaunt, Wm.,

Seven Champions of Christendom,

Severn, riv.,

Sewall, Hen., mayor of Cov.,

Seward, Thos.,

Seymour, Anne, m. John Dudley,
-, Edw., duke of Somerset (d. 1552),

Seymour-Conway, Francis, earl of
-, Hertford (d. 1794), Francis,
-, marquess of Hertford (d. 1822),
-, Hen., Wm.,

Shakespeare, Wm.,
-, works of, see Macbeth

Shanks, Messrs., timber merchants,

Sharp (Sharpe), Hen., Jas.
-, Vincent, John, Jos.,
-, Ric., Thos., n,

Sharpe and Paley (of Lancaster),
-, architects,

Sharratt, Eliz.,

Shawell (Leics.),

Sheepshanks, Thos.,

Sheffield, earl, see Holroyd

Sheffield, Rob.,

Sheffield (Yorks. W. R.), n,

Sheldon, Phil.,

Shelley, Wm., n

Shelton, J. B., n,

Shepey (Schepey, Shepeye), John,
-, Jordan,
-, Lawr. de, Rob.,
-, Wm. de, fam.,


Sherbourne, riv.,

Sheriff Hales (Salop.),

Shewell, Thos.,

Shilton, de, John, Rob.,

-, chap. or ch.,
-, n, n; gas supply,
-, par., Prot. nonconf.,
-, sch., weaving ind.,

Shipley, John, Rob.,
-, fam.,

Shipston on Stour (formerly Worcs.),

Shirley, Ric.,

Shortley, in Cov.,
-, boundaries, chap.,
-, Charterhouse, cross,
-, estates, fields,
-, houses, housing estates,
-, ind., man.,
-, mill, place
-, name, rly., roads,
-, sch., and see Bisseley

Shortwood, in Walsgrave-on-Sowe,

Shotteswell, —, prior of Cov.,

Shrewsbury, earl of, see Talbot

Shrewsbury (Salop.),



Sibree, John,

Siddeley, John Davenport, ld. Kenil
-, worth (cr. 1937),

Siddeley Autocar Co., n

Siddeley Deasy Motor Manufacturing Co.,
-, and see
-, Deasy

Siddons, Mrs. Sarah, w. of Wm.,
-, Wm.,

Sidenhall, see Sydnall

Sidney, Wm. Phil., vct. De L'lsle (cr.
-, 1956), fam.,

Sidwell, J. R.,

Sidwell (R. J.) and Partners, architects,

Siemens-Martin, steel manufacturers,

Simister, H. W.,

Simmons, Rob.,

Simms, see Sims

Simon, bp. of Worcester,

Simon, son of Liulph,

Simon, son of Maurice, his sis.,
-, Cecily, see Cecily

Simpson (Simson), Jas., Patrick,
-, Ric., Rob., Wm.,

Sims (Simms), Edw., F. R.,

Simson, see Simpson

Singer, Geo.,

Singer and Co. (formerly Singer
-, Cycle Co.),

Singleton, John, Ric.,

Skathelok, name of,

Skeers, John, char. of,

Sketchley (Leics.),

Skidmore, F. A., n; Isabel,

Skipworth, Sir Fulwar,

Skirrow, Walker,

Slader, Josiah,

Slater fam.,

Slingsby, Jos., fam.,

Smart, Messrs., cotton spinners,

Smethwick (Staffs.),

Smith (Smyth, Smythe), E. T.,
-, Eliz., m. John Stokes, Francis,
-, †
-, H. L., Harold, Hen.,
-, John (fl. 1491), John (fl. 1584),
-, John (fl. 1606), John (fl.
-, 1624), John (fl. 1704),
-, John Bohun, Jos.,
-, Lovell, Margery, see Stoke;
-, Ric. (fl. 1486), Ric. (fl. 1623),
-, Sam., Thos. (fl. 1562),
-, Thos. (fl. 1672), Thos. (fl.
-, 1728), Thos. (fl. 1848),
-, Wm. (fl. 1570), Wm. (fl.
-, 1695), Wm. (d. 1747),
-, — (fl. 1810), —, clock-
-, maker, fam.,

Smith (Chas.) and Son, architects,

Smith and Molesworth, bicycle assmblers,

Smith's Stamping works,

Smyth, Smythe, see Smith

Smythier, John,

Smythson, Rob.,

Soane, Sir John,

'Sociable' tricar,

Soden, Hen., Jas.,
-, mayor of Cov.,

Soland (Sowysland), Wm., prior of
-, Cov. Charterhouse,

Solihull, Ric. de,

Solihull, rural deanery
-, of, and see Olton

Solomon (fl. 1184),

Somerset, duke of, see Beaufort;
-, Seymour (Edw.)


Soper, R., n

Sotemay, John,

South African War,

Southam, Dr. John, Ric.,

-, rectory of,

Southampton, earl of, see Wriothesley


Southern, Bridget,

Southwark, dioc., n

Sowe, Ralph of,

Sowe, see Walsgrave-on-Sowe

Sowe, riv.,

Sowysland, see Soland


Spakeman, Nic.,

Sparkbrook Manufacturing Co.,

Speed, John,

Spence, Sir Basil,

Spencer, Chas., earl of Sunderland
-, (d. 1722), David,
-, Herbert, Isabel,
-, John le (fl. 1363), Sir John
-, (fl. 16th cent.), John (fl. 1740),
-, Margery, Rob., earl of
-, Sunderland (d. 1702),
-, — (fl. 1633),

Spencer Industrial Arts Trust,

Spender, David,

Spicer, Ric. de, Wm.,

Spier, John,

Spitalmoor Brook,

Spitalmoors, in Harnall,

Spon, of, Alice, Amice,
-, Lytholf, Wm.,

Spon, in Cov.,
-, bridge,
-, causeway, chap.,
-, ch.,
-, n, cross, fields,
-, gate, hosp.,
-, housing estates, 'man.',
-, mill, place name,
-, Prot. nonconf.,
-, rly. viaduct, schs.,
-, waste, waterworks, woodland,

Springfield (Endemere) Brook,

Stafford, Ann, Humph., duke of
-, Buckingham (d. 1460),
-, John de, Rob. de, fam.,


Stalingrad, Sword of,

Stamford (Lincs.),

Standard Motor Car Co., n,

Standard-Triumph International,

Standish, Laur., n,

Stanford (Worcs.), n

Stanford Hall (Leics.),

Stanhope, Sir Edw., Eliz., see
-, Culy; John, Sir Ric., Wm.,
-, ld. Petersham (d. 1779), fam.,

Stanley, Thos. de, n; Wm.,

Stansfield (Stansfeld), Ric.,
-, Wm., n

Stanton, see Staunton

Stanydelf, Adam, Alice,
-, fam.,

Staple, Dorothy, Thos.,

Starkey, Wm.,

Starley, J. K., †,
-, Jas.,

Starley Bros., cycle manufacturers,

Starley (J. K.) and Co. (formerly
-, Starley and Sutton),
-, and see Rover Co.

Staunton (Stanton), Humph.,
-, John de (fl. 1337), John (fl.
-, 1663), John (fl. 1789),
-, John and Joan, char. of, S. W.,
-, Wm., n; fam.,

Stavensby, Alex. de, bp. of Cov.,

Staverton (Northants.),

Stayner, Thos.,

Steane, G., G. A.,

Steane (G. and I.), architects,

Steele, Ric.,

Stephen, king,

Stephens, J., Nat., T.,

Sterling Metals Co.,


Stevens, Isabel, see Chatill; Thos.,
-, Wm.,

Stewart, John, earl of Galloway (d.
-, 1806),

Stirman, Steph.,

Stivichall, de, John, Joylin,
-, Margery, see Nerbone; Ralph,
-, Rob. I, Rob. II,

Stivichall (Styvechale),
-, agric.,
-, area, boundaries,
-, Bremond coll.,
-, bridge, char.,
-, ch., n,
-, †; common,
-, electricity
-, supply, estates,
-, fields, gas supply, Grange,
-, Hall,
-, hermitage, houses,
-, housing estates, inc., inn,
-, local govt., mans.,
-, mills, par.,
-, pk.,
-, place name, pop., pound,
-, Prot. nonconf.,
-, rly., roads, Rom. Cath.,
-, schs., sewage
-, disposal, trades, village,
-, Wightwick's Elm,

Stockingford, in Nuneaton, man.,

Stoke, de, Alice, Eliz.,
-, Hugh, John I, John II,
-, Margery, m. Thos. Smith,
-, Nic., Ralph, Ric. I,
-, n; Ric. II, Rob.
-, I, Rob. II, Rob.
-, III, Rob. IV,
-, Rob. V, Thos. I,
-, Thos. II, Thos. III, Thos.
-, IV, Wm. I,
-, Wm. II, fam.,

-, agric., area,
-, boundaries, bridges,
-, canal basin, chap.,
-, char., ch., n,
-, †; commons,
-, electricity supply,
-, engineering ind., estates,
-, fields,
-, gas supply, Green,
-, Hall, Hill,
-, houses, housing estates,
-, inc., ind.,
-, library, local govt.,
-, mans., market,
-, mission ch., par.,
-, place name, poor
-, relief, pop., Prot.
-, nonconf.,
-, racecourse,
-, roads, Rom.
-, Cath., schs.,
-, sewage
-, works, sports,
-, tile making ind., tithes,
-, tram service, Upper,
-, weaving ind., and see Barras
-, Green; Barras Heath; Biggin Hall;
-, Bigging; Stoke Heath

Stoke Aldermoor, in Cov.,
-, chap., ch., housing
-, estate, Prot. nonconf.,
-, Rom. Cath.,

Stoke Heath, in Stoke and Wyken,
-, area, ch.,
-, electricity supply,
-, housing estate, par.,
-, Prot. nonconf., sch.,

Stokes, Eliz., see Smith; Francis,
-, Geo., John,

Stone, Nic., Sim., n

Stone (Staffs.), adv., priory,

Stonebridge, in Hampton in Arden,

-, abbey,
-, agric., area, deanery,
-, electricity supply, estate,
-, gas supply, housing estate,
-, nature reserve, par.,
-, water supply, n; vicar of,
-, and see Cryfield; Fletchamstead;
-, Tile Hill

Stoneleigh Motors,

Stoney Stanton (Leics.),

Stoney Stanton Road Prudential Co-operative Soc.,

Stoughton, Ant. (d. 1575), Ant.
-, (fl. 1626), Eugenia, m.
-, Jas. Money, Geo., Nat.,
-, fam.,

Stow, John,

Stowell, Isabel, Phil.,

Strand, the (Mdx.),

Stratford, John, Thos.,

Stratford-upon-Avon, n,
-, coach service,
-, Holy Trinity ch., n;
-, Prot. nonconf., taxation,

Street, G.,

Stretton-under-Fosse, n,

Strickland, Wm.,

Striedinger, Otto,

Strong, Edw.,

Stroud, — (fl. mid 17th cent.),

Strutt, Edw.,

Stukeley, Wm., n

Sturmey Motors,

Styvechale, see Stivichall

Suetonius (Caius Suetonius Tranquillus),


Sugar, John,

Sullivan, Sir Arthur, Barry,

Sumery, de, Nichole, Rog.,

Sunbeam-Talbot Motors,

Sunderland, earl of, see Spencer
-, (Chas. and Rob.)

Supercar Co., n

'Surland' (unidentified), n

Surrey, duke of, see Holland (Thos.)

Sutherland, Graham,

Sutton, Wm. de,

Sutton Coldfield, ch.,
-, rural deanery of,

Sutton-under-Brailes, n

Swain, Ric.,

Swallow Coachbuilding Co.,

Swanswell Brook,

Swarbrick (Swarbrook), Thos.,

Sweden, church of,

Sweppeston, Rob. de,

Sweyn, name of,

Swift of Cov. (formerly European
-, Sewing Machine Co., Coventry
-, Machinists Co., Swift Cycle Co.),
-, n,

Swillington (Swyllyngton), Eliz.,
-, Ralph,

Swinnerton, Jas.,

Swyllyngton, see Swillington

Swynbroke, Geof. of,

Sydnall (Sidenhall), in Foleshill,

Syer, J.,

Symcox, Jos., char. of,

Symondes, Hugh,

Taberer, G.,

Tach Brook,

Tachbrook, Bishop's,
-, and see Lee
-, (la)

Tacitus, Publius Cornelius, n

Tackford, in Foleshill,

Tackley, in Foleshill,

Tackley Brook,

Tailor, Rog. le,

Talbot, Geo., earl of Shrewsbury (d.
-, 1541), John, earl of Shrewsbury
-, (d. 1453), Marg.,
-, see Beauchamp

Tallants (Tallons, Talontes), John,
-, mayor of Cov.,

Tallons (Talontes), John, see Tallants

Tamworth (Staffs.),

Tangent and Cov. Tricycle Co.,

Tanworth, and see Umberslade

Tate, Bart., Sir
-, Wm., Zouch,

Taunton, W. F.,

Taunton (Som.),

Taylor (Tayler), Anne, see Woodcock;
-, Edw. (fl. 1676), Edw. (d. 1799),
-, Geo., n, Geo. Ledwell,
-, n; Ric., fam.,

Taylor (J.) and Co., bellcasters,

Taylor, W. and J., bellcasters,

Tearle, Edm.,

Telford, Thos.,

Teonge, see Tong

Tewe, Ralph,

Tewkesbury (Glos.), abbey of,

Thames, riv.,

Thelsford Friary, in Charlecote,

Thickins, Wm.,

Thomas, miller (fl. 1364),

Thomas, Morgan,

Thompson (Tompson), J., char. of,
-, Wm., char. of,

Thorlawiston, name of,

Thornton, John, — (fl.
-, 1874),n

Thorpe, John,

Throckmorton (Throgmorton), Clement
-, (fl. 1550), Sir
-, Clement (fl. 1630), Geo.,
-, Job, John (fl. 1440),
-, John (fl. 1560),
-, Kenelm, Rob.,
-, Thos. (fl. 1559), Thos. (fl.
-, 1614), fam.,

Thurkyl, Wm.,

Thurstan, name of,

Thynne, Hen.,

Tibbits, E. G., Jas.,

Tichborne (Hants), crawls,

Tickner, T. F.,

Tile Hill, in Stoneleigh, ch.,
-, † clinic, nature
-, reserve, Prot. nonconf.,
-, rly. sta., reservoir,
-, Rom. Cath., schs.,

Tilebrook (Tyllebroc), Guy de,
-, n,

Tiler fam.,

Tinmouth, John of,

Tinsley, Wm.,

Titchbourne, Sir Rog. de, n

Tithe Commissioners,

Tiverton (Devon),

Tochet, Hugh,

Toftes, John de, n

Toleration Act,

Tolpuddle martyrs,

Tolloos, John, char. of,

Tom the Tailor,

Tomes, John,

Tomes and Handley, millers,

Tomes, Russell and Tomes, bankers,

Tomkys, Jane,

Tompson, see Thompson

Tong (Tonge, Teonge), Geo.,
-, Wm.,

Toone, John,

Top Green, in Cov.,

Tovey, John,

Town and Country Planning Act (1944),

Townend, Geo.,

Townend Bros., cycle manufacturers,

Townsend, Sir Ant.,
-, John, Ralph, Ric.,
-, Sir Rob.,

Trade, Board of,

Traherne (Treherne), Marg.,
-, Morgan,

Transport Vehicles (Daimler), Ltd.,
-, and see Daimler Motor Co.

Treen, Joan, Ric.,

Treherne, see Traherne

Trent and Mersey canal,

Trevisa, John,

Trillow, Joan, Sir John,

Triumph Co.,

Trollope, Mrs. — (d. c. 1904),

Trotter, Alex.,

Troughton, Nat., T. B.,

Troughton and Lea, colliery owners,

Trye, Thos.,

Tube Investments Ltd.,

Tunnicliffe, Jabez,

Turchil of Arden,


Turner, Geo., Mary, Rob.,
-, Rowley B.,

Tuschet, Rob., fam.,

Turrell, C. McRobie,

Turville, Mrs. — (fl. 1658),

Tustin, Edw., n

Twist, G. T., J. B.,

Tyllebroc, see Tilebrook


Ullathorne, Wm., Rom. Cath. bp. of
-, Birmingham,

Umberslade, in Tanworth,

Unbrako Co.,

Underwood, John,

Uniformity, Act of,

United States of America,

Upper Ossory, earl of, see Fitzpatrick

Upton (Northants.),

Upton-on-Severn (Worcs.),

Urban IV, Pope,

Vale, Sam., — (fl. 1781),

Valladolid (Spain), English Coll. at,

Vandyke, Sir Ant.,

Vaughan, Thos.,

Velox Motor Co.,

Vennor (Vennour), Ric. (fl. 1639),
-, Ric. (fl. 1712),

Verney, Eliz., m. Edw. Peyto,
-, Sir Greville, John, Sir
-, Ric., — (fl. 1590),

Vernon, Diana Venables, Jos.
-, (or Josiah), Mr. and Mrs.
-, Venables,

Vesey, John, n

Victoria, queen,

Viennia, Hugh de,

Villiers, Geo.,

Viner (Vyner), Thos., Wm.,
-, — (fl. 1643),

Vines, Ric.,

Virginia (U.S.A.),

Virmyde, Gilb.,

Vives le Romaunzur,

'Voiturette' quadricycle,

Voltaire, Jean Francois Marie Arouet
-, de,

Volunteer Rifle Corps,

Vyner, see Viner

Wade (Wayd), Chas. Gregory,
-, John,

Wagstaffe, Thos. (fl. 1600),
-, Thos. (fl. 1640),
-, fam.,

Wakefield, W., Wm.,

Wakeham, J., n

Wakeryng, John, n

Walden, Gilb., Isaac, mayor
-, of Cov.,

Wale, John, Sarah, m. Wm.
-, Brown, Thos., Wm. (fl.
-, 1569), Wm. (fl. 1682),
-, Wm. (d. 1781), fam.,

Wales, n,

Waller, Sir Wathen, fam.,

Wallhead, R. C., n

Walsall (Staffs.),

Walsgrave, Eliz., Laur.,

Walsgrave-on-Sowe (formerly Sowe),
-, agric.,
-, area, boundaries,
-, brickworks, bridge, bullbaiting,
-, cemetery, chap.,
-, char., ch.,
-, collieries,
-, common, court,
-, cross, electricity supply,
-, estates, gas supply,
-, Green, Hall,
-, hosp., houses,
-, housing estates, inc.,
-, ind., local govt.,
-, mans., mills,
-, Moat Ho. farm,
-, par., place name, poor
-, relief, pop., Prot.
-, nonconf.,
-, rly., roads,
-, Rom. Cath., schs.,
-, sewage works, tithes,
-, village,
-, Waste,
-, weaving ind., and see
-, Attoxhale; Shortwood; Wood End

Walsh, Agnes,

Walshman, Wm.,

Walter the miller (fl. 1325),

Wanley, Humfrey, Nat., n,

War Damage Commission,

War Office,

Ward (Warde), Miss E. Goode,
-, Miss E. M., John, mayor of
-, Cov., John, theatre
-, manager, Sarah,
-, Thos. (d. 1686), Thos.
-, (fl. 1720), fam.,

Wardant, John,

Warde, see Ward

Wardon, Ric. de,

Waring, Wal.,

Warland Rim Co.,

Warner, Wm.,

Warner (John) and Sons, bellcasters,

Warren, Chris., mayor of Cov.,
-, John, Thos.,

Warrington (Lancs.),

Warwick, ctsses of, and see
-, Beaumont

Warwick, duke of, see Beauchamp,
-, Hen. de (d. 1446)

Warwick, earls of,
-, and see Beauchamp;
-, Beaumont; Dudley; Greville;
-, Mauduit; Neville (Ric.); Plantagenet;
-, Plessis

Warwick, Elias of, Guy of,
-, Joce of, Leo of,
-, Moses of, Nic. Avery de,
-, Phil. de,

Warwick, agric.,
-, Albert Hall, ale houses,
-, All Saints, ch.,
-, par., almshouses,
-, Anglo-Saxon remains,
-, archdeacon,
-, archdeaconry, area,
-, assizes, Athenaeum,
-, banks, Banqueting
-, Hall, Baptists,
-, 'Black Hole', boatswains,
-, Booth Hall,
-, bordars,
-, borough,
-, arms, burh (burgh)
-, charters,
-, corporation and council,
-, common council,
-, courts,
-, insignia, officers:
-, aldermen,
-, bailiffs,
-, beadle,
-, burgesses,
-, 'assistant',
-, chamberlains,
-, constables,
-, mayors,
-, recorders,
-, rent collectors, serjeant at
-, mace, n; ser-
-, jeant, yeoman, n; stewards,
-, town
-, clerk, plate,
-, seals, wards,
-, Castle St.,
-, High Pavement,
-, Jury St., Market
-, Place, Smith St.,
-, West St.,
-, boundaries, bridewell (or
-, house of correction),
-, Bridge End,
-, bridges:
-, Castle Bridge, Cley
-, Bridge, Gog Bridge,
-, Great Bridge,
-, over Holloway, Leafield
-, Bridge, burgages,
-, Butter
-, House, by pass,
-, canals,
-, Castle,
-, †
-, courts, gaol
-, in, man. or estate,
-, officers of,
-, constables, keepers,
-, of armoury, of meadows,
-, of warren, porter,
-, Meadow, Pk.,
-, Vineyard,
-, cemetery, Chaplain's
-, Hall, char.,
-, Church Army,
-, chs., and see Warw.:
-, All Saints; St. Helen; St. James;
-, St. John; St. Lawrence; St. Mary;
-, St. Michael; St. Nicholas; St.
-, Paul; St. Peter; St. Sepulchre;
-, cinemas, Clay Pits Common,
-, coach services,
-, clubs and societies, coll. of
-, St. Mary,
-, commons,
-, communications, Congregationalists,
-, Corn
-, Exchange, correction,
-, house of, see Warw., bridewell;
-, county town, Court
-, House, †
-, n
-, cross, dispensaries,ditch,
-, dog show, Dominican
-, friary,
-, economic history,
-, education, public, entertainments,
-, Ethelfleda's
-, Mound, fairs,
-, Fernhill
-, woods, feasts,
-, fields,
-, fire service,
-, fires,
-, fisheries, gallows, gaol,
-, †
-, n; Gaol Hall, gardens,
-, gas works,
-, † Gatehouse, gates,
-, †
-, geology, Goodrest man.,
-, Guildhall,
-, guilds: Holy Trinity
-, and St. George (Guild of Warwick),
-, n
-, Holy Trinity
-, and St. Mary,
-, St. George,
-, health, public,
-, Heathcote, highway maintenance,
-, Hikman's
-, Green, honor of,
-, Hospitallers, Knights,
-, hosps., General,
-, King Edward VII Memorial
-, Sanatorium, Lord Leicester's,
-, †
-, St. John,
-, St. Lawrence,
-, St. Michael,
-, hotels: Lord
-, Leycester, Tudor Ho.,
-, houses,
-, Abbotsford, †
-, Allen's Ho., the Bear,
-, Bennett's Pl., Berkeswell Pl.,
-, Brome Pl., the Brook,
-, Castle St. Ho., the
-, Cheker, Cross Ho., n; the
-, Crown, Edmonde's Pl.,
-, Elizabethan Ho., the
-, Firs, Guy's Court, Joyce
-, Pool Ho., Jury St. Ho.,
-, † Landor Ho.,
-, 'le Sterre',
-, Lemynton, 'londonhede',
-, Marble Ho., Miles Pl.,
-, Mill Ho., Northgate Ho.,
-, Oken's Ho., Park Cottage,
-, the 'pevette', Porridge
-, Pot, Price's Ho.,
-, the Priory, †
-, St. John's, † Sotemays,
-, Spier's Lodge,
-, Steward's Pl., Stonehall,
-, the Swan, Temple Farm,
-, Tinker's Hatch, Treasurer's
-, Pl., Westgate Lodge,
-, housing, †
-, immigrants, inc.,
-, industry,
-, brewing,
-, candle manufacture, cloth,
-, cotton spinning,
-, gelatine, malt,
-, pipe manufacture,
-, silk mills, soda water
-, manufacture, stained glass,
-, timber, wool,
-, worsted spinning,
-, inns: Anchor, Bear and
-, Baculus, Bell, Cape
-, of Good Hope, Cavalier,
-, Coffee Tavern, Cross
-, Keys, Cross Tavern,
-, Flying Horse, Game
-, of Bowls, King's Head,
-, Malt Shovel, Mermaid,
-, Millwright Arms, Roebuck,
-, Swan, Three
-, Tuns, White Hart,
-, Jehovah's Witnesses, Jews,
-, Judges' Lodgings,
-, Justices of the peace, King
-, Henry VIII's estate,
-, Ladsome,
-, High and Low,
-, Lammas lands,
-, Latter Day Saints, Leather
-, Hall, libraries,
-, Linen Hill, Long
-, bridge, houses,
-, inc., meadows,
-, poor relief, tithes,
-, Market Hall, †
-, markets,
-, Mayor's Parlour, Mechanics'
-, Institute, medieval town,
-, Methodists, mills,
-, mint,
-, Moot Hall,
-, museums,
-, Neolithic remains, newspaper,
-, omnibus service, Pack
-, more, pageants,
-, pks., and see Warw.:
-, Castle Pk.; Temple Pk.; Wedgnock
-, Pk.; Parl. rep.,
-, place name,
-, Plymouth Brethren, police,
-, political hist.,
-, Poor Law Union,
-, poor relief,
-, Popery, fear of, pop.,
-, postal
-, service, Presbyterians,
-, priory of St. Sepulchre,
-, n
-, Priory Pools, Prot.
-, nonconf.,
-, Quakers,
-, quarter sessions,
-, rlys., rates,
-, rents, roads,
-, Rom. Cath.,
-, R. D.,
-, St. Helen, ch.,
-, St. James, chap.,
-, † St.
-, John, ch., St.
-, Lawrence, ch., St.
-, Mary, ch., †
-, † par.,
-, St. Michael, ch.,
-, St. Nicholas,
-, ch.,
-, vicars of, par.,
-, St. Paul, ch.,
-, par., St.
-, Peter, chap., † ch.,
-, St. Sepulchre, ch.,
-, Salvation Army,
-, schs.,
-, sewerage, ship
-, money, Shire Hall, †
-, †
-, social history,
-, sports and pastimes:
-, cock fighting, cricket,
-, gambling, golf,
-, horseracing, hunting,
-, polo, Steward's Place,
-, Stokehill,
-, streets, Avon
-, Lane, Back Hills,
-, Back Lane, Banbury Rd.,
-, Barrack St.,
-, Bowling Green St., Brittain
-, Lane, Brook
-, St., Butts, the,
-, Castle St.,
-, Chapel St., Church St.,
-, †
-, Crompton St., Crosse St.,
-, Dog Lane,
-, Foxes Lane, Friar Lane,
-, Gallows St., Gaol Hall
-, Lane, Gerrard St.,
-, Hampton Rd., High
-, Market, High Pavement,
-, High St.,
-, †
-, Hill Close Gardens,
-, Hogford (Hoggesford),
-, Horse Cheaping, Joyce Pool,
-, Jury St.,
-, Linen St.,
-, Market Place,
-, Market St., Mill St.,
-, Milne St.,
-, Monk St., New St.,
-, n, Northgate St.,
-, † n
-, Old
-, Square, Parkes St.,
-, Pebble Lane, Pigwells,
-, Poke Lane,
-, Priory Rd., Queenwell St.,
-, St. Nicholas St.,
-, Sheep St.,
-, Shoe Lane, Smith St.,
-, Southam St., Swan St.,
-, Tankard Lane, Theatre
-, St., Walker St., Walkers
-, Lane, Wallace St.,
-, Wallditch,
-, Warytree St., West
-, St.,
-, Woodhouse St.,
-, synagogue, taxation,
-, telephone service,
-, Templars, Knights, house and
-, estate of,
-, Temple Pk.,
-, theatres,
-, tithingmen, tourism,
-, trade companies,
-, trades and occupations: antique
-, dealers, apothecaries,
-, architects, bakers,
-, bird and animal
-, preservers, booksellers,
-, butchers,
-, carpenters,
-, carriers, caterers,
-, chandler, clockmaker,
-, confectioners, cutlers,
-, drapers, dyers,
-, fishmongers,
-, flax dressers, gardeners,
-, glaziers, glovers,
-, goldsmiths,
-, grocers, gunsmiths,
-, haberdashers, hair
-, dressers, hat manufacturers,
-, hosiers, innkeepers,
-, 'lymner', maltsters,
-, masons, medical
-, men, mercers,
-, milliners, music dealers,
-, notaries, pewterers,
-, scavengers, shoemakers,
-, skinners,
-, smiths, stationers,
-, tailors,
-, tanners, tilers,
-, victuallers, watchmaker,
-, weavers,
-, tram service, unemployment,
-, Unitarians,
-, univ., Vase, the Warwick,
-, wall, water supply,
-, Wedgnock Pk.,
-, agric., Woodcote,
-, woodland,
-, Wool Hall, workhouses,
-, and see Coten End; Emscote;
-, Guy's Cliffe; Hardwick; Heathcote;
-, Hogford; Myton; Saltisford;
-, Woodloes

Warwick Advertiser,

Warwick and Birmingham Canal,

Warwick and Napton Canal,

Warwick Guide,

Warwick Yeomanry,

-, County Council,
-, sheriffs of,

Warwickshire Coal Co.,

Warwickshire Company of Comedians,

Warwickshire Football Association,

Warwickshire Golf Club,

Warwickshire Militia,

Warwickshire Natural History and Archaeological Soc.,

Warwickshire Rifle Volunteers,

Wash Brook,

Watling St.,

Watson, Edw., John Boles,
-, —, clockmaker,

Watts, Hugh, fam.,

Watwode, John,

Waver, see Over

Wayd, see Wade

Weale, Fulke, Geo.,
-, John,

Webb (Webbe), Geo., Rob.,
-, Sampson, Wm.,

Webster, J. D.,

Webster and Bennett, engineers,

Weddell, A. W.,


Wedurby, John,


Wellingborough (Northants.),

Wells (Som.), cath. of,

Welton, Sam., fam.,

Wendover, Rog. of,

Wengha, name of,

Wentebrugge, Rob. de, n

Werner motor bicycle,

Weseham, Rog. de, bp. of Cov.,

Wesley, John,

West Bromwich (Staffs.),

West Ltd., motor-car manufacturers,

West Midlands Gas Board,


Westminster Review,


Weston, H., n; Ric. de (fl. 1295),
-, Ric. (fl. 1410),
-, Thos., fam.,

Weston-in-Arden, in Bulkington,
-, man.,

Weston under Wetherley,

Westwelle, Osbert de, abbot of
-, Stoneleigh,

Westwood, ch.,
-, par., sch.,

Whadcock, Devereux,

Wharton, Nehemiah,

Whatton, Rob. de,

Wheate, Wm., n

Wheatley, Thos.,

Wheeler (Wheler), Sir Chas.,
-, Francis, Jane, m. Hen. Hood,

Whieldon, Geo., and see
-, Parrott, Ferneyhough and Whieldon


Whitchurch, Wm.,

White, Thos. (d. c. 1546), char. of,
-, Sir Thos. (d. 1567), char. of,

White and Poppe, motor-car manufacturers,

Whitehead, John (d. 1597), John
-, (fl. 1654), — (fl. 1828),

Whiteman, Madge,

Whitesmith, John le,

Whitford-Turner, Mrs. K. A., char.
-, of,

Whitgift, John, abp. of Canterbury,

Whitley, de, David, Geof.,
-, Ralph, Thos., Wm.,

Whitley, in Cov.,
-, †, Abbey,
-, agric., airfield,
-, boundaries, bridges,
-, chap., ch., n
-, common,
-, cross, hosp.,
-, houses, inc.,
-, ind., inn, man.,
-, mills,
-, par., placem name, quarry,
-, roads, Rom. Cath.,
-, sch., sewage
-, works, tithes,
-, village, waterworks,

Whitmore Park, in Cov.,
-, boundaries, estates,
-, housing estate, inc.,
-, ind., man., New
-, Ho., pk., place name,
-, rly., sch.,


Whittem, J. S.,

Whittingham, John,

Whitwell, Thos. Stedman,

Whitworth Gloster Aircraft Co.,

Whityng, glazier (fl. 1507),

Whoberley, in Cov.,
-, chap., ch., n;
-, common, estates, fields,
-, Hall, housing estate, inc.,
-, place name, Prot. nonconf.,
-, Rom. Cath., schs.,

Whood, John,

Whor Brook, see Hor Brook

Widdrington, Sidney Hen.,

Wigan-Barlow Motors,

Wight, see Wright (Thos.)

Wigston, Christine, Francis,
-, Kath., m. Edw. Aglionby,
-, Rog., Wm. (d. 1536),
-, Sir Wm. (d. 1577),
-, n

Wilberforce, Wm.,

Wilbraham, Great (Cambs.),

Wilbraham, Little (Cambs.),
-, Anglesey man. in,

Wilcox, — (fl. 1850),

Wildgrise (Wildgrice, Wildegryse),
-, John, mayor of Cov.,
-, Thos., fam.,

Wilding, Humph.,

Wilkes, Dr. — (fl. 1604),

Wilkington, see Willington

Wilkins, Nic.,

Willardsey, Rob.,

Willdig and Hatton, engineers,

Willenhall, Geof., John (d.
-, 1365), John (fl. 1410),
-, Ric., Rob., Sim. de,
-, Thos., Wm., fam.,

-, agric.,
-, boundaries, brickworks,
-, bridges, chap. of St.
-, James, ch.,
-, electricity supply,
-, farms, gas supply,
-, houses, housing estates,
-, inc., inn,
-, library, local govt., mans.,
-, mill, par.,
-, place name, pop.,
-, Prot. nonconf.,
-, roads, Rom. Cath.,
-, schs., tithes,
-, trades, village,
-, woodland,

Willes, see Willis

William I, king,

William II, king,

William III, king,

William, son of Corbucion (fl. 1086),

William, son of Geoffrey (fl. 13th
-, cent.),

William in the Hollies (fl. mid 14th
-, cent.),

William, son of Richard (fl. 1279),

Williams, Francis, John (fl.
-, 1696), John (fl. 1796),
-, R., n; Wm. (fl. 16th cent.),
-, Wm. (fl. 1835),

Williamson, Sir Jos.,

Williamson Motor Co.,

Willington (or Wilkington), Wm.,
-, char. of,

Willis (Willes), Edw., Hen.,

Willoughby, Sir Francis,
-, Gilb., Sir Hen., Hugh,
-, Marg., Ralph, Wm.
-, (d. 1587), Wm. (d. 1629),
-, fam.,

Willoughby de Broke, ld., see Peyto
-, Verney

Wills, John, Sam., Wm.,

Wills (W. H. and H. O.), tobacco
-, manufacturers,

Wilmer, Thos.,

Wilmot, John, Thos.,
-, the Misses (fl. 1875),

Wilmshurst, John,

Wilson, Edw., J. W., John,
-, W., Sir Wm. (fl.
-, 1697), Wm. (fl. 1850),
-, — (fl. 1820),

Wiltshire, Thos. de,

Wimman, Ric. son of, see Richard

Wimperis, Simpson and Guthrie,
-, architects,

Winchcombe, Phil. de,

Winchester, earl of, see Quency

Winchester (Hants), n honor of,

Windsor (Berks.), St. George's chap.,
-, dean and canons of,

Winter, Sir John,

Wise, Geo., H. C., Hen. (fl.
-, 1709), Hen. (d.
-, 1883), Mat., — (fl.
-, 1760), fam., n

Withers, Jeremy,

Withibrook, Nic. I, Nic. II,


Wodehale, Thos., n

Wodwall, Ric.,

Wokingham (Berks.), n

Wolf (Wolfe), Margery, Oliver,
-, Thos., fam.,

Wolseley Motors, n,

Wolston, n,and see
-, Bretford

Wolverhampton (Staffs.),


Wombwell's Menagerie,

Wood, Ric.,

Wood End, in Walsgrave-on-Sowe,
-, ch.,
-, par., pop.,

Woodcock, Anne, m. Ric. Tayler,
-, Geo., Mary, see Barker; Thos.,

Woodloes (Woodlow), in Warwick,

Woodlow, de, Alan, Thos.,
-, fam.,

Woodlow, see Woodloes

Woodstock, Thos. of,

Woodstock (Oxon.),

Woollcombe-Adams, P. E., fam.,

Wooster, Wm.,

Wootton-under-Edge (Glos.),

Worcester, Florence of,

Worcester, n;
-, archdeacon of, archdeaconry
-, of, battle of, bps. of,
-, and see Gore; Perowne; Philpott;
-, Simon; cath., cath. priory,
-, dean and chapter of, n,
-, n; diocese,


Works, Minister of,


Worsopp, Thos., n

Worthy, Thos.,

Wotton, Rog. I, Rog. II,
-, Thos.,

Wragg, — (fl. late 16th cent.),

Wren, Sir Chris.,

Wright, Eliz., John, Mary,
-, Ric., (or Wight) Thos.,
-, mayor of Cov., Wm.,
-, — (fl. 1590), — (fl. 19th cent.),
-, fam.,

Wriothesley, Thos., earl of Southampton
-, (d. 1550),

Wyatt, Hugh, Jas., Jas. R.,

Wychard, Hen.,

-, agric., area,
-, boundaries, char., ch.,
-, n; collieries,
-, commons, electricity
-, supply, estates,
-, gas supply, houses,
-, housing estates, inc.,
-, local govt., man.,
-, man. ho., mill,
-, mission chs.,
-, par., place name,
-, Pool, pop.,
-, pound, Prot. nonconf.,
-, rly.,
-, Rom. Cath., schs.,
-, tithes, vicar of,
-, village, weaving ind.,
-, and see Stoke Heath

Wyley, Francis, John,
-, Col. Sir Wm.,
-, Col. — (fl. 1913),

Wymondswold, John, Kath., see
-, Merinton; Wm.,

Wynold, Chris.,

Wyrley and Essington Canal,

Yardley, Ann.,
-, H. M., Humph., John,
-, Mrs. — (fl. 1804),

Yarmouth, Great (Norf.),

Yarnemouth, Wm. de, n

Yates (W.) and Sons, cartographers,

Yeatman-Biggs, H. W., bp. of Cov.,

Yelverton, Sir Chris.,

Yeo, Edw. Roe,

York, duke of, see Richard

-, n, n, n,
-, minster, mint,

York, Vale of,

Yorke, Phil., earl of Hardwicke (d.
-, 1764), n,


Younge, Winifred, char. of,


Zouche, Maud, see Lovel; Wm. La,
-, ld. Zouche of Harringworth (d.
-, 1352), Wm. La, ld. Zouche
-, of Harringworth (d. 1382),
-, fam.,