Index: A-J

A History of the County of Sussex: Volume 6 Part 1, Bramber Rape (Southern Part). Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1980.

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A P Baggs, C R J Currie, C R Elrington, S M Keeling, A M Rowland, 'Index: A-J', in A History of the County of Sussex: Volume 6 Part 1, Bramber Rape (Southern Part), ed. T P Hudson (London, 1980), British History Online [accessed 9 March 2025].

A P Baggs, C R J Currie, C R Elrington, S M Keeling, A M Rowland, 'Index: A-J', in A History of the County of Sussex: Volume 6 Part 1, Bramber Rape (Southern Part). Edited by T P Hudson (London, 1980), British History Online, accessed March 9, 2025,

A P Baggs, C R J Currie, C R Elrington, S M Keeling, A M Rowland. "Index: A-J". A History of the County of Sussex: Volume 6 Part 1, Bramber Rape (Southern Part). Ed. T P Hudson (London, 1980), British History Online. Web. 9 March 2025.

NOTE: A page-number in italic type denotes a plate facing that page. The pages containing the substantive history of a parish or hundred are set in bold-face type. A page-number followed by n is a reference only to the footnotes on that page. Among the abbreviations used in the index the following may require elucidation: admin., administrative; adv., advowson; agric., agriculture; Alex., Alexander; And., Andrew; Ant., Anthony; abp., archbishop; Bart., Bartholomew; Benj., Benjamin; bp., bishop; bd., board; boro., borough; bdry., boundary; cast., castle; cath., cathedra; Cath., Catherine/Catholicism; cent., century; chant., chantry; chap., chapel; char., charity; Chas., Charles; Chris., Christopher; ch., church; chyd., churchyard; Coll., College; com., commission(ers)/common; corp., corporation; ctss., countess; ct., court; Dan., Daniel; dau., daughter; devel., development; d., died; dioc., diocese; dist., district; dom. archit., domestic architecture; Edm., Edmund; educ., education; Edw., Edward; Eliz., Elizabeth; fam., family; fm., farm; fl., flourished; Fred., Frederick; Gdns., Gardens; Geof., Geoffrey; Geo., George; Gilb., Gilbert; govt., government; grds., grandson; Hen., Henry; Herb., Herbert; hosp., hospital; ho., house; Humph., Humphrey.; hund., hundred; inc., inclosure; ind., industry/industrial; Jas., James; Jos., Joseph; Kath., Katherine; Laur., Laurence; Lit., Little; ld., lord; man., manor; mchnss., marchioness; Marg., Margaret; mkt., market; m., married; Mat., Matthew; Mic., Michael; Nat., Nathaniel; Nic., Nicholas; nonconf., nonconformity; par., parish; pk., park; parl. rep., parliamentary representation; Phil., Philip; pla., place; pop., population; presum., presumably; rly., railway; reclam., reclamation; rec., recreation; Reg., Reginald; Ric., Richard; riv., river; rds., roads; Rob., Robert; Rog., Roger; Rom., Roman; rm., room; Sam., Samuel; Sax., Saxon; sch., school; servs., services; Sim., Simon; s., son; stn., station; Steph., Stephen; Thos., Thomas; Trin., Trinity; vct., viscount; Wal., Walter; w., wife; Wm., William; wds., woods; wkho., workhouse; wks., works.

-, Sir John,
-, Ric. (fl. 1327-32),
-, Ric. (fl. 1376),
-, Thos. (fl. 1296-1300),
-, Thos. (fl. 1346),
-, fam.,

Adams, Steph.,

Adelaide (of Saxe-Coburg-Meiningen),
-, queen of Wm. IV,

-, signal stns.,

Adshead, S.,

Adur, dist.,
-, council,

Adur, river and valley (otherwise Beeding river, Bramber river or water, water of Pende, and Shoreham river),
-, bed of, rights over,
-, flooding, n,
-, improvement,
-, silting,
-, and see ferries; fords

Aelfwine, bp. of Winchester,

Aelle, king of Sussex,

Agincourt, battle of,


agricultural depression,

agricultural shows,

agriculture, see agistment; agricultural depression; agricultural shows; arable, conversion to; assarting; bee-keeping; Bramber Agricultural Society; cattle-raising; cider; crop rotations; dairy-farming; egg production; fairs, hiring fairs; flower-growing; fruit-growing, modern; inter-commoning; ley farming; manure; mkt.-gardening; pig-keeping; poultry-farming; sheep-farming; transhumance; water-cress beds; and place-names

Ailsworth (Northants.),

airfields, see Lancing, Shoreham
-, airport


Alcock, Laur.,

-, Hen.,
-, Martha, m. Young Willes,
-, Wm. (fl. late 17th cent.),
-, Wm. (d. 1721),


-, Sir Edw., and his w. Anne,
-, Edw., M.P.,
-, John, M.P. (d. 1649),
-, John, M.P. (d. 1691),
-, John (fl. 1726),
-, fam.,

Alfred, King, n


allotments and smallholdings,

alms-houses, see Durrington; Lancing; Sompting; Washington; Worthing

alodial tenure,




Amelia, Princess, dau. of Geo. III,

America, North,



Andrews (or Clarke), Thos.,

-, Ecclesden man.,

Anne Boleyn, queen of Hen. VIII,

Annington, Reynold,

Annington, see Botolphs

Applesham, see Coombes

Apps, Joan,

-, Sir Allen,
-, Ann, see Mill
-, Edw.,
-, Geo.,
-, John,
-, Nic.,
-, Peter,
-, Wm. (fl. c. 1500),
-, Wm. (d. by 1583),
-, Mr.,

arable, conversion to, and see assarting

Archer, Thos., Ld. Archer,


architects, see Adshead; Ayrton; Blomfield; Blore; Buckler, C. A., J. C.; Butterfield; Byfield; Cachemaille-Day; Carpenter, R. C., R. H.; Clarke, W. Tierney; Clutton; Cowles-Voysey; Elliott, John; Gibbs, Jas.; Hardwick; Hide, C., Edw.; Hills, G. M.; Hyde, R. S.; Loader; Neale; Ramsey; Rebecca; Salvin; Scott, E., Sir Geo. Gilb.; Smirke, Sir Rob., Sydney; Truefitt; Wilds; Woodyer

-, Denise, w. of Ralph de, see Waleys
-, Ralph de,


-, Anne, see Cooke
-, John, rector of Coombes and
-, Wiston,
-, John (fl. 1676-83),
-, fam.,

art gallery, see Worthing, museum and art gallery

-, dist.,
-, riv., n,

-, Eleanor,
-, John d' (d. 1379),
-, John d' (d. 1391),
-, John d', earl of Arundel (d. 1421),
-, John d', earl of Arundel (fl. 1421),
-, Thos., and his w. Joan,

Arundel, earls of, and see Arundel; FitzAlan; Howard, Phil., Thos.

-, n,
-, Holy Trin. Hosp.,
-, museum,
-, parl. rep.,
-, rly.,
-, rape,

Asgill, John,

Ashby, Ric. of,

-, Buncton,
-, chap.,

-, Eatons, q.v.

Aspale, Geof. de, rector of Findon,

assarting, and see arable, conversion to

assize of bread and of ale,

Athelstan, King,


Atwater, Wm., and his w. Gillian,

Atwood, Adam,

-, Hugh d', earl of Gloucester,
-, Marg. d', see Gaveston
-, fam.,

Augusta, Princess, dau. of Geo. III,

Augustus Frederick, duke of Sussex,

Austen, Edw., see Knight

Austin, Margery,

Austin canons,

Australia, and see Melbourne; Victoria

Avery, Thos.,

Ayrton, Maxwell,

Aythorpe Roding, John of,

Aythorpe Roding, (Essex),


-, Nic.,
-, Ric. (d. c. 1641),
-, Ric. (d. 1656 or 1657), and his
-, widow,

-, Phanuel, rector of Bramber with Botolphs,
-, fam.,

-, Anne,
-, Eliz.,
-, Thos.,

Baker, Mr.,

-, Hugh (? more than one),
-, John,
-, Ric.,
-, fam.,

Baldon, Marsh (Oxon.),

-, J. S.,
-, Jas. B.,

band of hope,

Banfield, John (fl. 1387-1434/5, ? two of this name),

Banks, John, vicar of Steyning,

-, Edw.,
-, Eliz.,
-, John,
-, Thos., and his w. Lucy,
-, Misses,
-, fam.,



-, Anne, see Compton
-, Edw. (fl. c. 1600),
-, Edw. (d. 1747),
-, Edw., his s.,
-, Edw. (d. 1835),
-, Hen.,

-, Ric.,
-, Thos. (fl. 1675),
-, Thos., of Burton,

Barnett, Alice,

barracks, see Shoreham; Southwick; Steyning; Worthing

Bartlett, fam.,

-, Hen.,
-, Wal. (d. 1764),
-, Wal., s. of last,

Basset, Ralph, Ld. Basset,

Bath, mchnss. of, see Thynne

Bath (Som.),

Battle abbey,

-, Adam de,
-, Alice de, w. of Adam,
-, Rog. de (fl. 1304-33),
-, Rog. de (d. 1355),

-, Jane, see Lewknor
-, Wm.,

Bayly, Wm., and his w. Eliz.,

Beachy Head (in Eastbourne),

Beaton, John,

-, John (fl. 13th cent., more than one),
-, Joyce, see Cokesey
-, fam.,

Beaufort, Hen., Cardinal,

-, Rob. de,
-, Sabina de, see Falconer

Beche, Sir Nic. de la, and his w. Margery,

Becket, St. Thos., abp. of Canterbury,

Beckett, T. R., Ltd. (later Beckett Newspapers Ltd.),

Bedford, duke of, see Plantagenet

Bedwind, Wal. de, rector of Wiston,


Beecham Pharmaceuticals,

Beeding, Lower and Upper,
-, n,
-, Beeding bridge,
-, ch.,
-, Court Fm.,
-, Horton man.,
-, King's Barn,
-, King's Barns man.,
-, man.,
-, poor-relief,
-, public servs.,
-, rectory,
-, residential devel.,
-, rds.,
-, St. Leonard's forest, q.v.
-, sch.,
-, Sele man.,
-, Sele priory, q.v.
-, tithes,
-, Tottington,
-, trades and ind.,
-, vicar,
-, Wowood,

Beeding river, see Adur

Beer, Geo.,


bell-founders, see Hull; Knight, Sam.; Nicholas; Tapsell fam.; Tonne


-, Anne, w. of John, m. Thos. Lewknor,
-, Sir Edw.,
-, Edw.,
-, Joan, w. of John, m. Jas. Gage,
-, John (d. 1540),
-, John (d. 1577),
-, John (d. 1613),
-, Mary, w. of Ric.,
-, Ric. (fl. 1530s, ? more than one),
-, Ric. (fl. 1570),
-, Ric. (d. 1592, ? same as last),
-, Ric., his s.,
-, Ric. (d. 1625, another),
-, Thos. (fl. 1490),
-, Thos. (fl. 1611-41),

Belloc, H.,

Bembridge (I.W.),

Bennett, Arnold,

Bentalls department store,

Berkeley, Wm., earl of Nottingham,

Berkshire, see Harwell; Windsor

-, Ellis s. of, see Ellis
-, John,

-, Nic. de,
-, Wm. de,

Berners, Wm.,

-, Helewise de, see Wiston
-, Hugh de,
-, Wm.,

Beverley (Yorks. E.R.),


-, Chas.,
-, John,

Bidlington, see Bramber


Birmingham (Warws.),

Biset, Iseult, see Munpincun

-, Anne,
-, Sir Cecil, Ld. Zouche,
-, Kath. Annabella, m. Vice-Adm. Sir G. R. Brooke-Pechell,
-, Thos. (fl. 1583-1602, ? more than one),
-, fam.,


Blackheath (Kent),

Blackwell, Chas., vicar of Steyning,

Blaise, St.,

-, Anne, w. of Wm.,
-, Edw. (d. 1653),
-, Edw. (d. 1678),
-, Edw. (fl. 1705),
-, Nat.,
-, Susanna, m. John Monke,
-, Wm. (fl. 1655-1703, ? more than
-, one),
-, fam.,

Blatchington, Hen.,

Bloet, Roland,

Blomfield, Sir A. W.,

Blore, Edw.,

boatbuilding, see shipbuilding


Boleyn, see Anne

Bolney, Bart.,

Bonard, Wm. s. of, see William

Bone, Mary,

-, Alice, ? m. Nic. de Wilcombe,
-, Hamon,
-, Hubert,
-, Niel, and his w. Marg.,
-, Rob. (fl. c. 1190-1209, ? two of this
-, name),
-, Rob. (fl. 1242),
-, Wm. (fl. 1332),
-, Wm. (fl. 1361),
-, fam.,

-, Herb.,
-, Ninian,
-, Steph.,
-, Thos.,

Booth, Geo., vicar of Findon,

borough English,

Borrer, John,

-, Hugh,
-, Susanna, see Walker

Botolphs (formerly Annington, Old Bridge, or St. Botolph's),
-, adv.,
-, agric.,
-, Annington man. and settlement,
-, man.-ho.,
-, bdry.,
-, ch.,
-, com. pasture,
-, fms.,
-, fields, open,
-, glebe,
-, land reclam.,
-, local govt.,
-, Marlotts,
-, mill,
-, place-name,
-, poor-relief,
-, pop.,
-, rly.,
-, rds.,
-, sch.,
-, tithes,
-, trades and ind.,
-, vicar,
-, vicarage ho.,

Botting, Hen.,

Boundstone Lane (in Lancing and Sompting),

-, Chas.,
-, Revd. Edw.,
-, Ric.,

Bovo, rector of Washington,


-, Sir Jas.,
-, John,
-, Thos.,

-, Halnaker,
-, priory,

Bradford, Mr., vicar of West Tarring,

-, adv.,
-, agric.,
-, barony, see Bramber, rape
-, Bidlington (or Maudlin) hamlet, man., and tithing,
-, hosp.,
-, man.-ho.,
-, boro.,
-, 'new town',
-, officers,
-, bdry.,
-, bridge,
-, chap.,
-, burgages,
-, castelry,
-, cast.,
-, constables,
-, and see castle-ward; murage
-, char.,
-, ch. and college,
-, com. pasture,
-, dom. archit.,
-, St. Mary's,
-, fairs,
-, fms.,
-, fields, open,
-, glebe,
-, Harrocks,
-, Heathens' Burial Corner, q.v.
-, honor, see Bramber, rape
-, inc.,
-, inns,
-, land reclam.,
-, local govt., and see Bramber,
-, boro.
-, 'man.',
-, mkt.,
-, mkt.-gardening,
-, mills,
-, museums,
-, parl. rep.,
-, place-name,
-, pop.,
-, port,
-, prison,
-, public servs.,
-, rly.,
-, rape (or barony, otherwise honor),
-, cts.,
-, lds. of,
-, officers, n
-, as parl. constituency,
-, Sewers Com.,
-, rectors,
-, rectory ho.,
-, residential devel.,
-, rds.,
-, schs.,
-, tithes,
-, trades and ind.,

Bramber Agricultural Society,

Bramber river or water, see Adur

Bramble, Ric.,

Brambleden, see Southwick

-, H. B. W., Vct. Hampden,
-, H. O., see Trevor
-, H. R.,
-, Thos.,

Braose (Brewes):
-, Aline de, m. John de Mowbray,Ld. Mowbray, Ric. dePeshale,
-, Beatrice, w. of Thos. de,
-, Geo.,
-, Giles de, bp. of Hereford,
-, Gillian de, w. of - de Merle,
-, Joan, w. of Peter de,
-, Sir John de,
-, John de,
-, Marg., w. of Sir John de, m. Sir Thos. Wickham,
-, Marg., w. of John de, m. Wal. de Clifford,
-, Mary, w. of Wm. de,
-, Peter de (fl. 1281),
-, Peter de (fl. 1357-69, ? more than
-, one),
-, Phil. de, n
-, Reynold de,
-, Ric. de,
-, Thos. de (d. 1361),
-, Thos. de (d. 1395),
-, Wm. de (d. 1093 × 1096),
-, n
-, Wm. de (d. c. 1192),
-, Wm. de (d. 1210),
-, Wm. de (d. 1211),
-, Wm. de (fl. 1218-26),
-, Wm. de, Ld. Braose (d. 1290),
-, Wm. de (d. 1326),
-, fam.,
-, arms,

-, Edm.,
-, Margery, m. Sir Wm. Sandys, Ld. Sandys,
-, Sir Reynold,

-, G. T.,
-, G. T., and Sons,

Brewes, see Braose

brewing industry, and see malting ind.


-, Colvill,
-, F. S. C.,
-, Harry (d. 1766),
-, Harry (d. 1832),
-, Harry (d. 1910),
-, Harry Colvill,
-, Lt.-Col. Hen. Colvill,
-, John,
-, Mr., n
-, fam.,

Brightford hundred,

-, commuting to work in,
-, corp.,
-, as mkt.,
-, nonconf.,
-, port,
-, public servs.,
-, rlys. to,
-, rds. to,
-, as seaside resort,
-, trades and ind.,

Brighton and Hove General Gas Company,

Brighton General Gas Light & Coke Company,

Brighton, Hove, and Worthing Gas Company,

Bristol, marquess of, see Hervey


-, Jane, see Monke
-, Thos. (later May, afterwards Knight),

-, adv.,
-, agric.,
-, bdry.,
-, Broadwater green,
-, Broadwater Hall,
-, chant.,
-, char.,
-, Charmandean Ho.,
-, Charmandean Lane, q.v.
-, ch.,
-, Cissbury Hill,
-, Cissbury Ring,
-, com. pasture,
-, dom. archit.,
-, fairs,
-, fms.,
-, Lyons fm.,
-, fields, open,
-, Charmandean field,
-, fraternity,
-, glebe,
-, inc.,
-, ind. estates,
-, inns,
-, land reclam.,
-, Little Broadwater (near Broadwater),
-, man.,
-, Little Broadwater (near Horsham),
-, local govt.,
-, Lyons man.,
-, man.,
-, ladies of,
-, ld. of,
-, man.-ho.,
-, mkt.,
-, mkt.-gardening,
-, mills,
-, nonconf.,
-, Offington hamlet and man.,
-, ld. of,
-, man.-ho.,
-, pk.,
-, place-name,
-, poor-relief,
-, pop.,
-, public servs.,
-, rly.,
-, reading rm.,
-, rec. grounds,
-, rectors, and see Chester, Grenado
-, rectory ho.,
-, residential devel.,
-, rds.,
-, schs.,
-, Sea Mills bridge, q.v.
-, shops,
-, sport,
-, tithes,
-, trades and ind.,
-, The Warren,
-, and see Nuthurst; Worthing

Broadwater (or Sompting) brook,

-, Bernard,
-, John,

-, Bertha de, see Lancing
-, Christiana de, w. of Niel,
-, Niel de (fl. c. 1200),
-, Niel de (d. by 1289),
-, Niel de (fl. 1299-1332),
-, Niel de (fl. 1361-2, ? same as last),
-, Ranulph or Randolph de,
-, Thurstan de,

Brom, Thos. de,

-, Adelaide Harriet, m. Sir Alfred Somerset,
-, Vice-Adm. Sir G. R.,
-, Henrietta Kath., m. Sir Percy Burrell,
-, Kath. Annabella, see Bishop

brotherhoods (fraternities), see Broadwater; Steyning; Tarring, West

-, John,
-, Thos.,

-, Sir Ant.,
-, Ant., Vct. Montague (d. 1592),
-, Ant., Vct. Montague (fl. 1592),
-, Ant., Vct. Montague (d. 1629),
-, Ant., Vct. Montague (d. 1767),
-, Ant., Vct. Montague (d. 1783),
-, Eliz., m. W. S. Poyntz,
-, Francis, Vct. Montague (d. 1682),
-, Francis, Vct. Montague (d. 1708),
-, Geo., Vct. Montague,
-, Geo., and his w. Eliz.,
-, Hen., Vct. Montague,
-, Sir Mat.,
-, Sir Thos.,
-, Thos.,

-, John,
-, Wm.,

Brownsword, Wm., rector of Coombes and vicar of Sompting,

Bruce, Rob., and his w. Eliz.,

Brydges, Jas., duke of Chandos,

-, Agnes, w. of Hugh de,
-, Hen.,
-, Hugh de (fl. 1267-79),
-, Sir Hugh de (fl. 1313-56, ? more than one),
-, Landric de,
-, Lucy, w. of Rob. de,
-, Ralph de,
-, Rob. de (fl. 1153),
-, Rob. de (fl. late 12th cent.-1242, more than one),
-, Rob. de (fl. 1288),
-, Wm. de,
-, fam.,

-, Hugh, and his w. Joan,
-, John of (fl. early 13th cent.),
-, John (fl. c. 1300),
-, John (fl. 1329-41),
-, Ric. (fl. 1301),
-, Ric. (fl. 1378),
-, Ric. (? the same),
-, Rob.,
-, Thos. (fl. 1358-62),
-, Thos. (d. 1394 or 1398, another),

Buckinghamshire, see Latimer

-, C. A.,
-, J. C.,

Buckner, John, rector of Southwick and bp. of Chichester,

Buddington, see Wiston

building societies,

Bulstrode, Cath., see Periam

Buncton, see Ashington

Bungalow Town, see Shoreham Beach


Burbeach hundred, n

-, John,
-, Rob. (fl. c. 1247),
-, Rob. (fl. 1296, ? same as last),
-, Rob. (d. 1377),
-, Thos.,
-, Wal.,
-, fam.,

Burford, Harriet,

burgages, see Bramber; Shoreham; Steyning

Burges, Alfred,

-, Agnes, see Waleys
-, John,

Burghal Hidage,

Burgo, Geof. de, bp. of Ely, n


Burrage, Emily Ellen,

Burre, Ric.,

-, Anne,
-, Sir C. M.,
-, Eliz., m. Thos. Trevor, Ld. Trevor,
-, Eliz., w. of Timothy, see Goring
-, Henrietta Kath., see Brooke-Pechell
-, Sir Percy,
-, Revd. Timothy,
-, Timothy,

-, Edw.,
-, Hen.,
-, and see Pullen

Burt, H. J.,

-, Hen.,
-, Jane, see Wheatley

-, Edw., rector of Broadwater,
-, Eliz., see Hautington
-, Wm. (fl. 1341),
-, Wm. (d. 1375, another), n

-, Burton Pk.,

Burwell's farm, see Lancing, fms.

bus services,

-, Marg.,
-, Thos.,

-, Ann Jemima, m. Revd. Rog. Clough,
-, Jas. (d. by 1665),
-, Jas. (d. 1696),
-, Jas. (d. 1741),
-, Jas. (d. 1775),
-, Jane,
-, John,
-, Patty, m. Ric. Clough,
-, Prudence, w. of Jas.,
-, fam.,

Butt, Clara,

Butterfield, Wm.,


Byfield, Geo.,

-, Edm.,
-, Eliz., w. of Edm., m. Rob. Leeves,
-, Frances,
-, Jas. (fl. 1285),
-, Jas. (fl. 1378-98),
-, Jas. (fl. ? late 15th cent.),
-, John (fl. c. 1310),
-, John (d. 1600),
-, Sir John (d. 1641),
-, John (d. 1661),
-, Mary,
-, Susanna,
-, Thos.,
-, Wm.,
-, Wm. de,

Cachemaille-Day, N.,

Cade's rebellion,

Caen stone,

Calthorpe, barons,

Cambray, John,

Cambridge Camden Society,

Camilla, Tedisius de, rector of Patching and West Tarring,

-, Eleanor de, m. Rog. Lewknor,
-, Hugh de,
-, Sir John de,
-, Marg. de, m. Ralph Radmyld,
-, Marg., w. of Sir John de, see Gatesden
-, Sir Ralph de,
-, Sir Rog. de,
-, Sir Thos. de (d. 1372),
-, Sir Thos. de (d. 1421),




Canterbury, Gervase of, n

Canterbury (Kent),
-, abps. of, and see Becket; Kempe, John; Kilwardby; Lanfranc; Peckham, John; Theobald; Walter, Hubert
-, cath. priory,
-, Christ Ch.,
-, dean and chapter,
-, peculiar jurisdiction, see Patching; Tarring, West
-, prebendaries,

Cantrell, Wm.,

Capital and Counties Bank,

Capon, David, vicar of West Tarring,

carcases, inspector of,

Carl Rosa Opera Company,



Carnegie, And.,

Caroline (of Brunswick), queen of Geo. IV,

-, R. C.,
-, R. H.,

-, G. K.,
-, J. M.,
-, fam.,
-, and see Lloyd

-, Cath.,
-, Sir Edw.,
-, John (d. 1566),
-, Sir John (fl. late 16th cent. ? same as next but one),
-, John (fl. late 16th cent. ? same as next),
-, Sir John (d. 1613),
-, Sir John, his s.,
-, John (d. 1681, another),
-, John, his s.,
-, John (d. 1718, another),
-, John (d. 1736),
-, John (fl. c. 1738-66),
-, Lady Mary, w. of John,
-, Philippa, m. Hen. Parker, Ld. Morley,
-, Ric. (? more than one),
-, Sir Thos.,
-, Thos.,

Castle Goring, see Goring


Catt, Wm.,

-, Welsh cattle,


Cave, Sir Steph., M.P.,

Celario, Julian de,

cement manufacture,

Central Electricity Generating Board,

chalk-quarrying, see mining and quarrying

-, Ellis of,
-, Humph. of,
-, Ralph of,
-, Walkelin of,

Chancton, see Washington

Chanctonbury, rural dist.,

Chanctonbury Hill (in Washington and Wiston),

Chanctonbury Ring (in Washington and Wiston),

Chandos, duke of, see Brydges

chantries, and see Broadwater; Heene; Shoreham; Southwick; Steyning; Tarring, West; Washington; Wiston

chapels of ease, medieval, see Ashing- ton, Buncton; Clapham, Michel-grove; Coombes, Applesham; Shoreham, Erringham; Sompting, Cokeham; Steyning, Wapping-thorn; Worthing, ch.

charcoal-burning, see woodland trades and crafts

Charles I,

Charles II,

Charlotte, princess of Wales, dau. of Geo. IV,

Charlton, see Steyning

Charman, fam.,

Charmandean Lane (in Broadwater and Sompting),

-, Bernard, incumbent of Lancing,
-, Hen.,

-, John (d. 1686),
-, John (d. 1717),
-, John (d. 1751),

chemicals industry,

-, Grenado, rector of Broadwater,
-, Sir Rob.,

Chesworth, see Horsham

Cheyne, Sir Wm., and his w. Marg.,

-, bps. of, n and see Buckner; Richard, St.
-, cath.,
-, treasurer, see Gest
-, dean and chapter,
-, estates of,
-, dioc.,
-, port,
-, prebendaries,
-, rape,
-, rds. to,
-, vicars choral,

Childs, Rob., minister of Steyning,

Chiltington, East, Wootton in,

Chiltington, West,

Chishull, John de, rector of Broadwater,

Chitty, Jos., and his w. Ann,

Chorley, Wm.,

-, Edw.,
-, L.,

Christian Scientists,

Christian Society (of New Shoreham),

church ales,

Church Army,

Church Commissioners, and see Ecclesiastical Commissioners

Church Lads Brigade,

Church Society,

Churchman, Burt & Son,


cinemas, see Lancing; Shoreham; Worthing, entertainment

Cinque ports,

Cissa, king of Sussex,

Cissbury, see Findon

Cissbury Hill and Ring, see Broadwater

Civil War, n,

Clapham, Gilb. of (? same as Gilb. St.Owen), n

-, adv., n
-, agric.,
-, bdry.,
-, char.,
-, ch.,
-, club,
-, com. pasture,
-, dom. archit.,
-, fms., Lee fm.,
-, fields, open,
-, glebe,
-, Holt,
-, inc.,
-, inn,
-, institute and reading rm.,
-, local govt.,
-, Long Furlong, q.v.
-, man., man.-ho.,
-, mkt.-gardening,
-, Michelgrove hamlet and man.,
-, chap.,
-, estate,
-, ho.,
-, pk.,
-, mills,
-, nonconf.,
-, place-name,
-, poor-relief,
-, pop.,
-, rectors, and see Wall, John; Wilmer, And., Sam.
-, rectory ho.,
-, rds.,
-, schs.,
-, sport,
-, tithes,
-, trades and ind.,
-, water supply,
-, wds.,

Clapham Common Brick and Tile Company,

-, Alice de, see Dammartin
-, Maud de,
-, Rog. de,

-, Thos., see Andrews
-, W. Tierney,

clausura parci,

clay-digging, see mining and quarrying


Clayton (near Brighton),

Clayton (in Sullington and Washington),

-, Marg. de, see Braose
-, Wal. de,

climate, see Lancing; Worthing

clinics, see health centres

Clinton, baron, see Fiennes

cloth trade, see textile ind.

Clothale, John of,

-, Ann Jemima, see Butler
-, Patty, see Butler
-, Ric.,
-, Revd. Rog.,

Clutton, H.,


coal duty,

coal trade,

-, defences, military,
-, erosion and flooding, defences against, n
-, foreshore rights,
-, and see wreck, right of; wrecking

coastguard stations, see Kingston by Sea; Lancing; Shoreham Beach; Worthing


-, Hugh,
-, John,

-, Anne,
-, Reynold,
-, Sarah, w. of Reynold,

-, Laur.,
-, Ralph,

Cokeham, see Sompting

-, Alice, w. of Sir Hugh,
-, Sir Hugh,
-, Joyce, m. - Beauchamp,
-, Thos.,

Colchester (Essex),

Colebrooke, Thos.,

Collins, Thos., rector of Coombes,

-, Ric.,
-, Ric. Barnard,

communications, maritime, n

commuting to work, and see Brighton, commuting to work in; London, commuting to work in; Worthing, as dormitory town

Compton, Anne, m. Edw. Barker,


Congreve, G. T.,

convalescent homes, see Findon; Lancing; Worthing

Cook, John and Rog., see Mill

-, Anne, m. John Arnold,
-, Edw. (fl. mid 17th cent.),
-, Edw., his s. (d. 1672),
-, Eliz., w. of Edw., m.2 Ric. Creswell,
-, Hen.,
-, John,
-, Thos.,
-, Wm. (fl. 1510),
-, Wm. (d. 1598),
-, Wm. (fl. 1598-1643),
-, fam.,

-, Hugh of (fl. c. 1096-1153),
-, Hugh of (fl. c. 1209-42),
-, Hugh of (fl. 1286-1301),
-, Joan of, m. Rob. Halsham, Rob.Tregoze,
-, John of (fl. c. 1180-1206),
-, John of (fl. 1277-c.1286),
-, Mic. of,
-, Niel of,
-, Ric. of,

-, adv.,
-, agric.,
-, Applesham hamlet and man.,
-, chap.,
-, man.-ho.,
-, bdry.,
-, ch.,
-, com. pasture,
-, dom. archit.,
-, fms.,
-, fields, open,
-, glebe,
-, inc.,
-, land reclam.,
-, local govt.,
-, man.,
-, mill,
-, nonconf.,
-, poor-relief,
-, pop.,
-, rectors, and see Arnold, John; Brownsword; Shelley, Geo.; Smith, Chas.; Wall, John
-, rectory ho.,
-, rds.,
-, sch.,
-, sport,
-, tithes,
-, trades and ind.,

Coombes in the Wold,

-, Joan, see Cowper
-, Ockendon,
-, Vincent, rector of Bramber with Botolphs,

Copperas Gap, see Southwick

coppicing, see woodland trades and crafts

Corby, John, rector of Broadwater,

-, Eliz., w. of Sir John,
-, Sir John, n,

-, duchy of,
-, earl of, see Edmund; Gaveston; Richard

Cornwallis, Thos.,


Cortis, Alfred, mayor of Worthing,

Cote, see Durrington

Coulsdon (Surr.),

-, John le (fl. 1205-6, 1242, ? two of this name),
-, Rob. le,
-, Sim. le,

Countess of Huntingdon's Connexion,

-, Hawise de, m. Sir John de Gatesden,
-, Sir Rob. de, n

Courtney & Birkett, yachtbuilders,

-, John,
-, Ric.,
-, Ric. de,

Cowden (Kent),

-, Cath. de,
-, Maud de (? two of this name,)
-, Rob. de,


Cowles-Voysey, C.,

-, Anne, m. Ric. Duke,
-, Edw. (fl. 1524, ? same as next),
-, Edw. (fl. 1546),
-, Jane, m. Laur. Stanynoghe,
-, Joan, m. Ockendon Cooper,
-, John (d. 1592),
-, John (d. 1594),
-, fam.,

Cranfield, Lionel, earl of Mdx.,

Crawley, John,


-, Eliz., see Cooke
-, Ric.,


-, John,
-, Wm.,

-, Blanche, m. S. B. Tristram,
-, Frances, see Pinnock
-, H. P.,
-, J. S.,
-, John (d. 1776),
-, John (fl. 1791),
-, Revd. P. G.,
-, Mrs.,
-, fam.,
-, estate,

-, Adm. Hen., see Frankland
-, Thos., Ld. Cromwell,
-, Thos. (? the same),

crop rotations,


-, estates,
-, patronage,
-, timber,

Crowner, Ric., rector of Broadwater,

Cubbel, David, chaplain of Steyning chant.,

Cuddon, Jas.,

-, Edw.,
-, John (fl. 1432),
-, John (d. 1565),
-, Ric.,
-, Thos.,

Cumberland, duke of, see Ernest


customs and excise, and see Shoreham, custom-hos.

customs, manorial, and see bishopsthresh; borough English; 'danger'; freebench

Cuthman, St.,

Cutts, John, Ld. Cutts,


-, Eleanor, see Shelley
-, Geo.,
-, Hen. (d. 1889),
-, Hen. (d. 1900),
-, Wm.,

Dalingridge, Sir John,

-, Alice de, m. John of Wauton, Rog. de Clare,
-, Odo de (fl. early 13th cent., two of this name),
-, Wm. de,


danger silver,

Dankton, see Sompting

Dartford (Kent), nunnery,

-, J. B.,
-, J. T.,
-, Mrs. M. A.,

Davenport, Laur., rector of Bramber with Botolphs,

Davison, Wm., chaplain of St. Paul's, Worthing,

Dawson, Wm., rector of Kingston by Sea and Southwick, n

Dawtrey, Wm.,

De Gex, Sir J. P., and his w.,

De la Warr, barons, see West

Deane, Sir Ant., M.P.,

decoy pond,

-, Edm.,
-, Jane,
-, John,

Defoe, Dan.,

-, Jane, see Farnfold
-, Laur.,

Dene, Alice at,

Denham (Suff.),

-, Sir C. S., Ld. Denman,
-, Sir R. D.,

Dennett, W. H.,

Deptford (Kent),

Derby, John of,

Derby stakes,

Despenser, Hugh le, earl of Winchester,

Devereux, Wm.,

Devonshire, see Okehampton; Torquay

Didling, Hen. of,

Dieppe (Seine-Maritime, France),


district nurse,

Dix, Wm.,

Dobel, Marg.,

Dodson, Jeremiah, rector of Broadwater,

Dolphin soap works, Kingston by Sea, see Evershed

Domesday Book, appeal to,

Dorking (Surr.),

Dorset, earl of, see Sackville

Dorset, and see Poole

Dot, John,

Douglas, Ld. Alfred,

dovecots, surviving,

Dover (Kent),
-, strait of,

Downton, Thos.,

Dred, Ralph le,

Dreux, Rob., count of,
-, his w. Annora, see St. Valery

-, Wm.,
-, fam.,

Drungewick, see Wisborough Green

ducking stool,

Dudley, Edm.,

-, Anne, see Cowper
-, Ric.,

Duke, F., Ltd.,

Dulany, Rebecca A., m. Sir Ric. Hunter,

Duncton Quarrying Company,

Dundas, Hen., First Ld. of Admiralty,

Durford abbey (in Rogate),

Durham, bp. of, see Trevor, Ric.

Durham, county,

-, adv.,
-, agric.,
-, alms-ho.,
-, bdry.,
-, ch.,
-, com. pasture,
-, Cote (or Walcote),
-, dom. archit.,
-, fms.,
-, fields, open,
-, Swandean,
-, hosp.,
-, inc.,
-, inns,
-, local govt.,
-, man.,
-, man.-ho.,
-, mkt.-gardening,
-, mills,
-, nonconf.,
-, poor-relief,
-, pop.,
-, public servs.,
-, rly.,
-, rec. ground,
-, residential devel.,
-, rds.,
-, schs.,
-, sport,
-, tithes,
-, trades and ind.,
-, vicarage ho.,
-, vicars,
-, and see Worthing

Duston, Wm. of,

dyeing industry, see textile ind.

Dyer & Company,

Dyne, John,

earthworks, and see Broadwater, Cissbury Ring; Chanctonbury Ring; Lancing, Lancing Ring

Easebourne priory,

East End, see Findon

East India Company,

-, Beachy Head, q.v.

Eastbrook, see Southwick

Easwrith, East, half-hundred,

Eatons (in Ashurst and Henfield),

Ecclesden, see Angmering

Ecclesiastical Commissioners, and seeChurch Commissioners


Edgar, King,

Edgell, Wm.,

Edmund, King,

Edmund, earl of Cornwall,
-, his w. Marg.,

Edmund (fl. 956),

-, Chas.,
-, Evelyn,
-, Geo.,
-, Ric.,

Edred, King,


-, Rob. (d. 1628),
-, Rob. (fl. 1665),

Edward the Confessor, King,

Edward the Elder, King,

Edward I, n,

Edward VII,

Edward, prince of Wales (the Black Prince),

Edward (fl. 1066),

Edwards and Balley, shipwrights,

Edwy, King,

egg production,

-, baron, see Wyndham, J. M. H. S.
-, earl of, see Wyndham, Geo. O'Brien

Eleanor, ctss. of Leicester,

Eliot, Geo. (Mary Ann Evans),

Elizabeth II,

-, C. A.,
-, Cath., see Elliston
-, E. J., rector of Broadwater,
-, E. K., rector of Broadwater,
-, Edw., Ld. Elliott,
-, John,

Ellis son of Bernard (FitzBernard),
-, his w., see Harcourt, Aline de

-, Cath., m. Edw. Elliott, Ld. Elliott,
-, Edw.,

Ellman, Thos.,

-, Mary, see Shirley
-, Ric.,

Ely, bp. of, see Burgo; Ridel


-, agricultural,

-, David, rector of Clapham and Patching,
-, W. W.,

epidemics, and see leprosy; Worthing, typhoid epidemic (1893)

Ernest, duke of Cumb.,

Erringham, see Shoreham

escort service,

Esmerewic, n

Essex, see Aythorpe Roding; Colchester

Essocher (fl. before 1066),

-, Anne, see Lewknor
-, Edm.,
-, Sim. of,

Ethelred II,

Ethelwold, bp. of Winchester,

Ethelwold the alderman (fl. c. 946),

Ethelwold (fl. 899),

Ethelwulf, King,

Evans, Ric.,

-, Edw., rector of Southwick,
-, John,

-, Sir Chas.,
-, Chas. (d. 1749),
-, Chas. (fl. 1812-18),
-, John,
-, Mary, see Levett
-, Nic. (d. 1629),
-, Nic. (d. by 1684),
-, Olive,
-, Thos.,
-, Wm., see Markwick
-, fam., n

Evershed, J., & Son (Dolphin soap works), Kingston by Sea,

Ewelme, see Steyning

Ewhurst, see Shermanbury

Excess Insurance Company,

excise, see customs

Exeter, duke of, see Holand

Exeter, dean of, see Milles

Eyre, Gabriel,

-, Chas. (d. c. 1715),
-, Chas. (fl. c. 1729),
-, Eliz., m. Sir Chas. Mat. Goring,
-, Eliz., m. Sir John Peachey,
-, Sir John,
-, John Meeres,
-, Sir Rob. (d. 1715),
-, Sir Rob. (d. 1736),
-, Sir Rob. (d. 1740),
-, fam.,

-, Thos.,
-, Wm.,

fairs, see Bramber; Broadwater; Findon; Shoreham; Sompting;Southwick; Steyning; Tarring,West; Worthing hiring fairs,

Falaise, Niel de la,

-, Godfrey (fl. 1244-79, ? more than one),
-, Hen. (fl. 1320, ? same as next),
-, Hen., see Michelgrove
-, John,
-, Lettice, w. of John,
-, Rob. (fl. 1175),
-, Rob. (fl. 1190s, ? same as last),
-, Rob. (fl. 1203-c. 1240),
-, Rob. (d. 1302),
-, Sabina, w. of Rob., m. Rob. de Beaumes,
-, fam.,

Farmers and Growers Ltd. (Fargro),

-, Eliz., see Hautington
-, John,

-, Hen.,
-, Jane, m. Laur. Delachamber,
-, Ric. (d. c. 1546),
-, Ric. (d. 1569),
-, Ric. (fl. 1579, presum. same as next or next but one),
-, Ric. (d. 1600),
-, Ric. (d. 1609),
-, Sir Thos.,
-, Wal.,
-, Wm. (fl. 1548-c. 1568, ? two of this name),
-, Wm. (fl. 1610),
-, fam.,

Fécamp (Seine-Maritime, France),abbey, and n, n,

-, Hen. de la (two of this name),
-, Rose de la,
-, Wm. de la,

ferries, and see Lancing; Shoreham; Shoreham Beach

-, Highdown Hill,
-, Kingston,

-, Hen.,
-, John, and his w. Sarah,

Fetherstonhaugh, Col. T.,

Field manor, see Goring

Fielding, Ant. Copley,

Fiennes, Edw., Ld. Clinton,

figs, see fruit-growing

Filby, Wm.,

Fillol, Ric., and his w. Marg.,

film studios,

Finch, Misses,

-, adv.,
-, agric.,
-, bdry.,
-, char.,
-, ch.,
-, Church Hill,
-, Cissbury (formerly East End) Ho.,
-, estate,
-, pk.,
-, clubs, social,
-, com. pasture,
-, convalescent homes,
-, crematorium,
-, dom. archit.,
-, East End,
-, fairs,
-, fms.,
-, fields, open,
-, Findon Pk.,
-, Findon Pla. (man.-ho.),
-, estate,
-, pk.,
-, fire stn.,
-, glebe,
-, Heregrave,
-, inc.,
-, inns,
-, libraries,
-, local govt.,
-, Long Furlong, q.v.
-, man.,
-, man.-ho., see Findon, Findon
-, Pla.
-, mkt.,
-, mkt.-gardening,
-, mills,
-, Muntham, hamlet and man.,
-, Ho.,
-, pk.,
-, Nepcote,
-, Green,
-, nonconf.,
-, North End,
-, Palmer's Coombe,
-, pest-ho.,
-, poor-relief,
-, pop.,
-, public servs.,
-, rec. ground,
-, rectors,
-, rectory ho.,
-, rds.,
-, Nepcote Lane,
-, schs.,
-, Sheepcombe man.,
-, man.-ho.,
-, sport,
-, tithes, n,
-, Tolmare pond,
-, trades and ind.,
-, vicarage ho., and n,
-, vicars,
-, Wattle Ho.,
-, wds.,
-, wkho.,

Findon Valley,
-, ch.,
-, nonconf.,
-, residential devel.,
-, sch.,

Finlay-Johnson, Harriet,

First World War,


Fishersgate, see Southwick

Fishersgate half-hundred,

Fishersgate Wildish,

-, oyster fishing,
-, and see 'ripier'


-, Hen., earl of Arundel,
-, John (d. 1379),
-, John (d. 1390), and his w. Eliz.,
-, Ric., earl of Arundel (d. 1376),
-, Ric., earl of Arundel (d. 1397),
-, Thos., earl of Arundel (d. 1415),
-, Thos., earl of Arundel (d. 1524),
-, (or Mautravers) Wm., earl of Arundel (d. 1487),
-, Wm., earl of Arundel (d. 1544),

-, Augusta, w. of Hen. Granville, duke of Norf.,
-, Bernard Marmaduke, duke of Norf.,
-, Hen., duke of Norf.,
-, (formerly Howard), Hen. Granville, duke of Norf.,
-, and see Howard

FitzBernard, Ellis, see Ellis

Fitzgerald, Thos.,

-, Alice, m. Sir Thos. West,
-, Sir Edm.,

Fitzwilliam, Wm., earl of Southampton,


flint-mining, see mining and quarrying

Floate, fam.,

flower-growing,and see mkt.-gardening

Flushing (Netherlands),

Folkington, Wootton in,

folklore and customs, and see church ales



Foreign Office,

Forestry Commission,

forests and chases, and see St.Leonard's forest

Fortescue, Sir John,

fortifications, see Bramber, cast.;Shoreham Beach, fort

-, Anselm,
-, John (fl. 1733),
-, John (fl. 1755-9, another),
-, Judith, see Lewknor

Fox, Geo., Quaker,


France, Wm.,

-, king of, see Louis VIII
-, and see Dieppe; Fécamp; Gascony; Harfleur; Honfleur; Normandy; Paris; Rouen; Saumur

franchises, and see assize of bread and of ale; fisheries; frankpledge, view of; free chase; free warren; gallows; pillory; return of writs; tumbrel; wreck, right of

-, Capt. F. W.,
-, (formerly Cromwell), Adm. Hen.,and his w. Mary,
-, Revd. Rog.,
-, Wm.,

frankpledge, view of,

fraternities (brotherhoods), see Broadwater; Steyning; Tarring, West

Fredri (fl. 1066),

free alms,

free chase,

free warren, and see warrens


freehold, customary,

Freeland, Rog.,

French (or Westridge), Chas.,

friendly societies,

fruit-growing, modern,
-, figs,
-, grapes,
-, and see mkt.-gardening

fulling, see textile ind.

-, Sir Wm.,
-, Wm. of,
-, fam.,

-, Sir Edw.,
-, Jas.,
-, Joan, see Bellingham
-, John (fl. 1540), and his w. Philippa,
-, John (fl. 1605),

-, John,
-, Ric.,

-, J. C.,
-, Thos.,


Garbrand, Nic., rector of Patching and vicar of Washington,

Garlick, W. J.,

-, Cath., m. - Norris,
-, Frances, w. of Thos.,
-, Sir Hen.,
-, John,
-, Thos.,
-, Sir Wm.,
-, Wm.,

Gascony (France),

Gates's brewery,

-, Hawise de, see Courtenay
-, Sir John de,
-, Marg. de, m. Sir John de Camoys, Sir Wm. Paynel,

Gateway (formerly Temperance Permanent) Building Society,

Gatewick, fam.,

Gatewick, see Steyning

-, Marg., w. of Peter de, earl of Cornwall, m. Hugh d'Audley, earl of Gloucester,
-, Peter de, earl of Cornwall,

-, Francis,
-, fam.,

George III,

George IV,
-, as prince of Wales,

George V,

Germany, see Saxony

Gest, Wal., rector of Broadwater and treasurer of Chichester cath.,

Gibbons, Wal., vicar of Lancing,

-, F.,
-, Jas.,

Gibraltar, bp. of, see Trower

-, Laur., rector of Clapham,
-, Thos.,

Gilbert (fl. 1086, ? same as Gilb. St. Owen),

Glasgow (Scotland),
-, bp. of, see Trower

glass-house industry, see market-gardening

Gloucester, earl of, see Audley

Gloucester, bp. of, see Nicholson


Goatcher, fam.,

Goatcher, A., and Son,

-, Gen. R. T.,
-, Mrs.,

Godstow (in Binsey, Oxon.), abbey,

Godwin, Earl,

Goldsmith, Chris., rector of Kingston by Sea,



-, Eliz., see Mowbray
-, Sir Rob.,

-, Sir Chas. (d. 1713),
-, Chas., of Rowdell (d. 1821),
-, Chas., of Wiston (d. 1829),
-, Chas. (d. 1849),
-, Sir Chas. (d. 1884),
-, Chas. (d. 1924),
-, Sir Chas. Foster,
-, Sir Chas. Mat.,
-, Edw.,
-, Eliz., m. Timothy Burrell,
-, Eliz., w. of Sir Chas. Mat., see Fagg
-, Geo., Ld. Goring,
-, Sir Harry (d. 1731),
-, Sir Harry (d. 1824),
-, Sir Harry Dent,
-, Sir Hen. (d. 1594),
-, Sir Hen. (d. 1626),
-, Hen. (d. 1655),
-, Sir Hen. (d. 1671),
-, Hen. (fl. 1678),
-, Hen., his s. (fl. 1685),
-, Hen. (d. 1687, ? same as last),
-, Sir Hen. (d. 1702),
-, Revd. John,
-, John (d. 1520),
-, John (fl. 1978),
-, Mary,
-, Percy,
-, Sir Wm. (d. 1553/4),
-, Sir Wm. (d. 1601-2),
-, Sir Wm. (d. 1658),
-, Sir Wm. (d. 1724),
-, fam.,
-, estates,

Goring, and n,
-, agric.,
-, Field and Knelle mans., n
-, Goring, Castle,
-, estate,
-, hosp.,
-, ind. estate,
-, man.,
-, public servs.,
-, residential devel.,
-, rds.,
-, schs.,
-, vicar,
-, and see Worthing

Goringlee, see Thakeham

-, Lt.-Gen. Sir Geo. F.,
-, Hugh,
-, Louisa,
-, Maj. W. H.,
-, Wm.,
-, Wm. Pennington,
-, fam.,

-, Sir Hen.,
-, Sir Ric.,
-, Steph., rector of Bramber with Botolphs,
-, fam.,

Gould, Sir Nat., M.P.,

Gowland, Thos., and his w. Irene,


Graham, Thos.,

grain trade,

Granby, marquess of, see Manners

-, Parnel, m. John Shirley,
-, Ric.,

-, Peter,
-, fam.,

Grantham, Thos., rector of Bramber with Botolphs,

grapes, see fruit-growing

gravel-digging, see mining and quarrying

Gravenor, Rob.,

-, Jas. (d. 1608),
-, Jas. (d. 1626),
-, Jas. (fl. 1688),
-, John,
-, Sackville,

Gray, John, rector of Southwick and sequestrator of Old Shoreham,

Great Exhibition (1851),

-, Eliz., m. John Levett,
-, John,
-, Ric.,
-, Sibyl, m. Ric. Nore,
-, Thos., rector of Bramber with
-, Botolphs,
-, Thos. (d. before 1515),
-, Wm. (fl. 14th or 15th cent.),
-, Wm. (d. 1786),
-, fam.,

Greenhill, Wm., vicar of New Shoreham,

Grene (fl. 1086),

-, Geo., earl of Warwick,
-, Sir John,

Griffith, C. M.,

Grinstead hundred,

Grinstead, West,

-, Rob.,
-, Sibyl,
-, Wm.,

-, Chas.,
-, Thos.,
-, Wm., vicar of Sompting (three of this name and office, fl. 1771- 1815),
-, Wm. (d. 1795, another),

guild, trade, see Steyning, trades and ind.

-, Hen. of,
-, Sir Ric.,

Guildford (Surr.),

Guilford, fam.,

Gunnild (fl. 1066),


Gurth, Earl,

Haddock, Sir Ric., M.P.,

Hailsham, John,

Hales, Sir Chris.,

half-hundreds, see hundreds

-, Arthur Wilby,
-, Esther,
-, Hen. (d. 1607),
-, Hen. (fl. 1615-70, at least two of this name),
-, Hen. (fl. 1735),
-, Hester,
-, I. E.,
-, John,
-, John H.,
-, Nat. (fl. 1705),
-, Nat. (fl. 1748-1845, at least three of this name),
-, Ric.,
-, Ric. Spencer,
-, Rog. Wilby,
-, fam.,

Hallett, Thos., vicar of New Shoreham,

Halnaker, see Boxgrove

-, Joan, see Coombes
-, John (d. 1415),
-, John (fl. 1440-53),
-, Rob.,

Hammond, Ant.,

Hampden, Vcts., see Brand; Trevor

Hampshire, see Bembridge; Hayling Island; Portchester; Portsmouth; Southampton; Stockbridge; The Vyne; Wight, Isle of; Winchester

Hampshire Banking Company,

Hampton, fam.,

Hangleton, n

Hansard, Wm.,

harbours, see ports

-, Agnes de, m. Wm. of Wiston,
-, Aline de, m. Ellis s. of Bernard,
-, Wm. de,

-, priory,

Hardwick, P. C.,

Harfleur (Seine-Maritime, France),

Harmsworth, Sir Hildebrand,

Harold (Godwinson), King,

Hart, John, rector of Wiston,


Hartingdon, Adam de,

Hartridge, see Hautington

harvest, overseers of,

Harwell (Berks.), n

Haselholt, see Washington

Hastentoft, Wm., and his w. Isabel,

Hastings, Edith,

-, rape, n

Hautington (or Hartridge):
-, Eliz., m. John Percy, Wm. Burton, John Farnborough,
-, John of,
-, Nichole, w. of John of,
-, Thos. of,

Hawes, Lucy,

Hawkins, John,

Hawkins and Phillips's bank,

Hawksbourne, see Horsham

-, Ric.,
-, fam.,

Hayling Island (Hants),

Hazelgrove, fam.,

-, Sim. of (at least three of this name),
-, Wal. of,

Hazelholt, see Southwick

-, Hen.,
-, fam., n,

health centres and clinics,

Heathens' Burial Corner (in Bramber and Steyning),

Hedge, Thos., vicar of Findon,

Hedges, Ric.,

-, adv.,
-, agric.,
-, bdry.,
-, chant.,
-, ch.,
-, com. pasture,
-, dom. archit.,
-, fms.,
-, fields, open,
-, inc.,
-, inn,
-, library,
-, Lit. Heene,
-, local govt.,
-, mans.,
-, man.-hos.,
-, mkt.-gardening,
-, mills,
-, nonconf.,
-, pop.,
-, rectory ho.,
-, residential devel.,
-, rds.,
-, schs.,
-, as seaside resort,
-, tithes,
-, trades and ind.,
-, water supply,
-, and see Worthing; Worthing, West

Heene Estate Land Company,

-, Eatons, q.v.

Henley, W. E.,

Henry II,

Henry III,

Henry IV,

Henry VII,

Henry VIII,

-, Edw.,
-, Thos.,
-, fam.,

Henty's (formerly Worthing and Sussex) bank,

Hereford, bp. of, see Braose, Giles de

Heregrave, see Findon

Herlaston, John de,

Heron, Sir Wm., and his w. Eliz.,

Hertfordshire, see Royston

Hervey, Fred. Wm., marquess of Bristol,

-, Rob.,
-, Rog.,

Heydon, Francis, rector of Broadwater,

-, C.,
-, Edw.,
-, Rog.,

Higgins, Thos.,

High churchmanship, and see Puseyism; Tractarians

-, Humph. of, and his w. Isabel,
-, Nic. of,

Highden, see Washington

Highdown Hill, see Ferring

Hills, G. M.,

-, Hen.,
-, John,


Hoecourt, see Lancing

Hoel, Phil.,

Holand, John, duke of Exeter,

Hole Street, see Wiston

Holford, Geo.,


-, Eliz.,
-, Sir Thos.,
-, Wm.,

Holland, see Netherlands

Holt, see Clapham

-, Sir John (d. 1781),
-, Sir John (fl. 1789-96),
-, fam.,

Honfleur (Calvados, France),

Honorius, Master, rector of Patching and West Tarring,

-, G. H.,
-, T. P., rector of Kingston by Sea and vicar of Sompting,
-, fam., n,

Hope, Thos.,

Hoper, John, vicar of Steyning,

horse-racing,and see Derby stakes; racehorse-training

-, Chesworth,
-, dist.,
-, Hawksbourne,
-, as mkt.,
-, Marlpost,
-, nonconf.,
-, Nutham,
-, poor-law union,
-, rlys. to,
-, rds. to,
-, Roffey,
-, schs.,
-, Shortsfield,

Horton, see Beeding, Lower and Upper

Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem,Order of,

Hospitallers, see Knights Hospitaller

hospitals, modern, see Durrington; Goring; Kingston by Sea; Shoreham; Shoreham Beach; Worthing

-, Eliz., see Sedley
-, Sir Rob.,


Hove Gazette,

-, Hon. Sir Arthur,
-, Bernard Edw., duke of Norf.,
-, Chas., duke of Norf. (d. 1786),
-, Chas., duke of Norf. (d. 1815),
-, Chas., earl of Nottingham,
-, Edw., duke of Norf.,
-, Eliz., ctss. of Peterborough,
-, Hen., duke of Norf. (d. 1684),
-, Hen., duke of Norf. (d. 1701),
-, Hen. Chas., duke of Norf.,
-, Hen. Fred., earl of Norf.,
-, Hen. Granville, duke of Norf., see Fitzalan-Howard
-, John, duke of Norf.,
-, Marg., w. of Wm., Ld. Howard of Effingham,
-, Phil., earl of Arundel,
-, Thos., successively earl of Surr. and duke of Norf. (d. 1524),
-, Thos., duke of Norf. (d. 1554),
-, Thos., duke of Norf. (d. 1572),
-, Thos., duke of Norf. (d. 1677),
-, Thos., duke of Norf. (d. 1732),
-, Thos., successively earl of Arundel and Norf.,
-, Wm., Ld. Howard of Effingham,
-, fam.,
-, and see Fitzalan-Howard

-, Ric.,
-, Wm.,

Hudson, W. H.,

Hull, John,

-, Harry,
-, Rob., and his w. Ann,

hundredal jurisdiction,

hundreds and half-hundreds,and see Brightford; Burbeach; Easwrith, East; Fishersgate; Grinstead; Loxfield; Ninfield; Patching; Poling; Singlecross; Steyning; Tarring; Tipnoak; Wyndham

Hungerford, Sir Edw., M.P.,

-, Rebecca A., see Dulany
-, Sir Ric.,

Huntingdonshire, see Yaxley

hurdle-making, see woodland trades and crafts


Hussey, Sir Hen.,

-, Hawise de la, see Veel
-, John at,
-, R. S.,
-, Wal. de la, and his w. Joan,
-, Wm.,

Ifield, Sir John,


Iford, Alice of,

immigration into Sussex, 19th- and 20th-cent.,
-, retired people, and see Worthing, elderly residents


industries, see trades and industries

Ing, L. C.,

Ingram, Fanny,

Innocent IV, Pope, n

institutes, see Clapham; Patching; Steyning; Worthing



Ireland, John,

iron industry, see mining and quarrying

Ironmonger, -,

Isemonger, Wm.,


Italian Opera Company,


-, Muntham,

-, John Starkie, and his w. Eliz.,
-, Thos.,

jam manufacture,

James, Anne,


Jay, Ric.,

Jefferies, Ric.,

Jefferys, Nat.,

Jefferys, John,

Jehovah's Witnesses,

Jenny, Edw.,


-, G. C.,
-, Mrs.,

Joan of Kent, w. of Edward, prince of Wales (the Black Prince),

John, King,

John the marshal (two of this name),

John son of William (two of this name),

-, Edw.,
-, Frances, m. - Young,
-, Inigo, M.P.,
-, Isaac,

-, Maud,
-, fam.,

-, John,
-, Sir Wm.,