Index: A - K

A History of the County of Stafford: Volume 17, Offlow Hundred (Part). Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1976.

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A P Baggs, G C Baugh, C R J Currie, Johnson D A, 'Index: A - K', in A History of the County of Stafford: Volume 17, Offlow Hundred (Part), ed. M W Greenslade (London, 1976), British History Online [accessed 15 March 2025].

A P Baggs, G C Baugh, C R J Currie, Johnson D A, 'Index: A - K', in A History of the County of Stafford: Volume 17, Offlow Hundred (Part). Edited by M W Greenslade (London, 1976), British History Online, accessed March 15, 2025,

A P Baggs, G C Baugh, C R J Currie, Johnson D A. "Index: A - K". A History of the County of Stafford: Volume 17, Offlow Hundred (Part). Ed. M W Greenslade (London, 1976), British History Online. Web. 15 March 2025.


Note. An italic page-number denotes an illustration on that page or facing it. The pages containing the substantive history of a parish are shown in bold-face type.

The following abbreviations used in the index, sometimes with the addition of the letter s to form the plural, may require elucidation: agric., agriculture; Alex., Alexander; And., Andrew; Ant., Anthony; abp., archbishop; Benj., Benjamin; bp., bishop; b., born; boro., borough; cath., cathedral; Cath., Catherine; cent., century; chap., chapel; char., charity; Chas., Charles; ch., church; Coll., College; commr., commissioner; corp., corporation; ctss., countess; ct., court; Dan., Daniel; dau., daughter; d., died; dist., district; Edm., Edmund; educ., education; Edw., Edward; Eliz., Elizabeth; est., estate; fam., family; f., father; fl., flourished; Fra., Francis; Fred., Frederick; Geof., Geoffrey; Geo., George; Gilb., Gilbert; govt., government; grds., grandson; Hen., Henry; Herb., Herbert; hist., history; hosp., hospital; ho., house; Humph., Humphrey; inc., inclosure; ind., industry; Jas., James; Jos., Joseph; jr., junior; Kath., Katherine; Laur., Laurence; man., manor; mchnss., marchioness; Marg., Margaret; mkt., market; m., married; Matt., Matthew; Mic., Michael; Nic., Nicholas; n, note; par., parish; pk., park; parl., parliamentary; Phil., Philip; pop., population; Prot. nonconf., Protestant nonconformity; rly., railway; Revd., the Reverend; Ric., Richard; rd., road; Rob., Robert; Rog., Roger; Rom. Cath., Roman Catholic(ism); Sam., Samuel; sch., school; sr., senior; Sim., Simon; s., son; Sq., Square; Steph., Stephen; St., Street; Thos., Thomas; Vct., Viscount; Wal., Walter; wid., widow; w., wife; Wm., William; workho., workhouse.

Abbots Bromley, see Bromley, Abbots

-, Mary, see Turton
-, Rob., 24
-, Susannah, m. Rog. Holmes, 23, 24
-, fam., 85

-, Sir Rob., 178, 214
-, Thos., 189

Adam the bloomer, 192

-, Sam., 71
-, Revd. Thos. Burrowes, 174
-, Wal., 103

Addenbrooke, Edw., minister of Smethwick Old Church, 124

Adelaide, queen of William IV, 258

-, Caleb, 102
-, Geo. Caleb, 102, 116, 128
-, Thos., 116
-, Thos., & Co., 116

Adkins, Nock & Boyle, 42, 116

adult schs., 68, 82, 264

air raids, 48, 66, 138, 243

-, Chas., 63, 84, 86
-, Eliz., w. of Chas., 26 n, 84, 131

Alazun, de:
-, Margery, see Rous
-, Ric., 169

Albrighton (Salop.), 99

Alcock, John, bp. of Worcester, 229

Aldridge, 46, 169, 174, 212, 228, 238, 272-3, 278
-, Barr, Great, q.v.
-, ch., 267
-, ind., 191, 278, 280
-, Rom. Cath., 282
-, urban dist., 217, 225

-, parl. constituency, 225-6
-, urban dist., 217, 275

Alexander & Henman, architects, 46

Alexandra, queen of Edward VII, as Princess of Wales, 152

Allcock, Edgerton, 100

-, Eliz. Mary (? née Powell), 69
-, Frank, 21, 69
-, Harry, 21, 69
-, Tom, 69
-, Wm., vicar of St. Matthew's, Wal- sall, 227, 230

Allsopp, Sam., 42

Almondbury (Yorks. W. R.), Wood- some Hall, 20

-, John, 205
-, Wm., 205

aluminium-refining, 194

America, 4, 35
-, North, 20, 108
-, South, see Argentina
-, United States of, 4, 38, 100, 104, 113; and see California; New York

American War of Independence, 35

Anabaptists, see Baptists

Anglesey, see Holyhead

Anglo-American war of 1812, 35

Ann, Rob., Congregational minister, 131

Ansculf, Wm. fitz, see William

Ansells Brewery Ltd., 18, 178

Anti-Corn Law League, 226, 264

Antinomians, 62

Apollo Chemicals Ltd., 207

Appledore (in Northam, Devon), 243

-, Alice l', see Rous
-, Jos. Allen, 275
-, Nic. l', 169-70

architects, see Alexander & Henman; Arkell; Atkinson; Bacon; Bailey; Bailey & McConnal; Beck; Bindley; Birch & Caulfield; Bowden; Bradley; Briggs & Evoral; Brocki; Bucknall & Donnelly; Burton; Bye; Chat- win; Christian; Clarke; Cooke; Cooper; Cotton & McConnal; Crouch, Butler & Savage; Cutts; Davies & Middleton; Dawkes; Dunn & Hansom; Dunn & Hip- kiss; Ebbles; Etwall; Fallows; Fillmore; Gibson; Gill; Good- win; Gray; Griffin & Weller; Griffiths; Harper; Harris, Martin & Harris; Harrison & Cox; Harvey & Wicks; Hawkes; Henman, Harrison & Perrott; Hickton & Farmer; Hickton, Madeley & Salt; Highway; Hill; Hinton, Denys, & Associates; Holliday; Holmes; Horton; Hulme, Upright & Partners; Ingall & Sons; Ireland; James; Jennings, Homer & Lynch; Jesson; Johnson; Johnson & Son; Joynson; Kirby; Lavender; Lavender & Twentyman; Long; Loxton; Lynch; Madin; Mark- wick; Martin & Chamberlain; Mitton; Moss; Naden; Nichols; Nichols & Morgan; Oakley & Coulson; Owen & Ward; Pear- son; Pilkington; Pincher; Randle; Reynolds; Rogers; Sanders; Sharpe; Sheppard, Ric., Robson & Partners; Shipley & Foster; Smith; Street; Sulman; Thoma- son; Veall; Warnock; Webb & Gray; Weller & Proud; White- house; Wigginton; Withers; Wood; Wood & Kendrick; Wright; Wyatt

Argentina, 207

Arkell, Dan., architect, 251

Arley, Upper (formerly Staffs., later Worcs.), 26

Arms and Materials for Arms, Com- mittee of the Manufacturers of, 35

Arrowsmith, fam., 266

Asbury, Fra., Methodist bp., 4, 65, 72

Ashmore, Edw., 34

-, Anne, m. Gamaliel Purefey, 175
-, Thos., 175

Ashton-under-Lyne (Lancs.), 132

Aspinall, Peter, 282

Assemblies of God, 61-2, 129, 241

-, J. L. 73
-, Thos., 100, 113
-, Thos., & Co., 111 n, 113
-, Thos., & Son, 111 n

Astbury & Jewell, 72

-, Hen. Hervey, 108
-, Richmond, 172-3
-, Sir Thos., 26, 228
-, fam., 108

Aston (in Runcorn, Ches.), 108

Aston (Warws., later mainly Birming- ham), 14, 30, 36, 190; and see Bromwich, Castle; Bromwich, Little; Erdington; Saltley

Aston, Little (in Shenstone), 32, 228

Atkins, Thos., 105

Atkinson, W. W., and Partners, architects, 141

Ault, Thos., 64

Australia, 36, 42, 207
-, South, see Marryatville

Australian Mining & Smelting Ltd., 194

-, Eliz., see Flaxall
-, John, organ-builder, 132
-, W. & T., Ltd., 113-14

Averys Ltd., 114

Avonmouth (in Bristol), 194

awl-blade making, 195, 199

axle-making, 37

Bacchus, Geo., 105

Bache, Chas., 33

-, Fra., architect, 125
-, Wm., 280

-, Anne, see Underhill
-, Geo., 99
-, John, 99, 104
-, John, his s., 99
-, Martha, see Webster

Badland, Thos., Presbyterian minister, 67

-, Chas., 237
-, Edw., 39, 104
-, J. N., 21, 54
-, Jas., 39, 56, 72
-, John, 39
-, John, & Sons, 7, 36, 39, 57-8, 74, 237
-, John, & Sons Ltd., 39
-, Jos., 202, 240
-, Mary, m. Frederic Willett, 54
-, Ric., 172
-, Thos., 81
-, Wm., 26
-, fam., 39, 78

Bailey, F. E. F., architect, 268

Bailey & McConnal, architects, 222

Baily, John, 194; and see Bayley; Baylie

Bainbridge, H. G., 117

Baines, Wm., & Co., 112

Bainton, Emily G., 86

-, Emecina, see Rous
-, Geof. de, 169, 184

Bakewell (Derb.), see Haddon, Nether

-, Joan, 175
-, John, 175

Balls Hill, see Bromwich, West

Balls Hill branch canal, 7-8, 13-14, 36-8, 98

Balthrop, Rob., 176

Baptists, 33, 62, 67-8, 70, 78, 80, 104, 106, 130, 241-2, 264

-, John, 256 n
-, Jos., 206
-, Ric., 207
-, Sam., 198
-, Steph., 206

Barford, Kath., 173

Barnes, S. F., 88

Baron Davenport's Trust, 83

Barr, Great (in Aldridge), 1, 29 n, 64, 143, 176, 228-9, 272-3
-, communications, 12-14, 165
-, Ray Hall, q.v.

Barr (Great or Perry), 18

Barr, Perry (in Handsworth), 1, 3 n, 46, 166 n, 228
-, Perry Hall, 101, 103

Barrington, Frances, m. Wm. Legge, earl of Dartmouth (d. 1853), 20

Barrs, Jos., 75-6

Barton-upon-Humber (Lincs.), 114

Bascote (in Long Itchington, Warws.), 214-15, 266

Bass Charrington Ltd., 117

-, Joan, see Beauchamp
-, Ralph (fl. later 13th cent.), 170
-, Ralph, Lord Basset of Drayton (d. 1343), 169-71, 185-6
-, Ralph, Lord Basset of Drayton (d. 1390), 170-1, 177-8, 184
-, Rog., 15
-, fam., 15 n, 209

Bates, Jos., 72

Bath stone, 61-2, 120, 128, 232, 237-9, 241, 245

Baxter, Ric., Presbyterian divine, 243

Bayard's Colts, see Walsall

Bayley (Baylye):
-, Geo., 266
-, Jas., 64
-, John, 173
-, Wm., 173
-, and see Bailey; Baily

Bayley Bros., 208

Baylie, John, minister of Bloxwich, 256, 258

bayonet-making, 32, 35-6

-, John (fl. 1781), 176
-, John (fl. 1829), 176
-, John Edw., 176, 236-7, 262, 274
-, Jos., 176

bear-baiting, 134, 250

Bear Stream, see Shireland Brook

Bearwood, see Smethwick

Beauchamp, de:
-, Anne, m. Ric. Neville, earl of Warwick, 170
-, Hen., duke of Warwick, 228
-, Joan, m. Ralph Basset, Lord Basset of Drayton (d. 1390), 170
-, Ric., earl of Warwick, 178
-, Thos., earl of Warwick (d. 1369), 170
-, Thos., earl of Warwick (d. 1401), 170, 185, 194
-, fam., 232

-, John, duke of Somerset, 170
-, John, marquess of Dorset, 170, 209, 210 n
-, Marg., m. 1 Edm. Tudor, earl of Richmond, 2 Sir Hen. Stafford, 3 Thos. Stanley, earl of Derby, 170

Beaumont, Thos., 228

Bebington (Ches.), see Port Sunlight

Beck, F. T., architect, 127-8

Beckett, Eliz., see Price

Bedale (Yorks. N.R.), see Langthorne

Bedford, John, Wesleyan Methodist minister, 4

Bednall, T., & Co. Ltd., 205

bedstead ind., 111-12, 127, 201

Beech, Chas., 241

Beeching Report, 169

Beeson, T. H., 54 n

Belgians, 88, 106, 115

Bell, Ric., Presbyterian teacher, 247

bell-founders, 196; and see Carr; Mears; Mears & Stainbank; Rudhall; Smith; Taylor & Co.

Bellamour, see Colton

Bennett, Moses, 52

Bentley (in St. Peter's, Wolver- hampton), 143, 165, 184, 212, 216, 228-9, 244, 271-2
-, Bentley Hay, 161 n, 182, 192, 271
-, Prot. nonconf., 247
-, tithes, 227

Bentley Brook, 143, 167

Bentley Faults, 188-9

-, Emanuel, 192
-, Rob., 241

Berkeley, Wm., 15 n

Berkshire, see Newbury

-, Mary, see St. John
-, Sir Rob., 179

Berners, Lord, see Bourchier

Bertillon, Alphonse, 88

Bertrand, G. S., Rom. Cath. priest, 240 n

Bescot, see Walsall

Bescot Brook, 143

Bethany Church of God, 249

Bethel Evangelistic Society, 249

Bethel Gospel Church, 242

Beverley, John de, 179, 228

-, Emma, 104 n
-, Wm., 104
-, the Misses, 104

Bible Pattern Church, 62, 242

Bickenhill (Warws.), 272

bicycle ind., 114, 200-1

Bideford (Devon), 243

-, Jas., 135
-, Kathleen M. J., 135

Bilston (in St. Peter's, Wolver- hampton), 46, 50, 81, 121, 191, 217; and see Bradley; Cappon- fields

-, S. E., architect, 45
-, T. R. B., 93

-, Chas., and his w. Anne, 174
-, Dorothy, 239 n
-, Geo. (d. 1698), 109
-, Geo. (d. 1721), 98, 108, 136 n
-, Hen. (of Goscote), 174
-, Hen. (of Harborne), 105
-, Joan, see Birch, Mary
-, John, 174, 239
-, John, his nephew, 174
-, Mary, m. Chas. Lane, 105
-, Mary (or Joan), w. of John, 174
-, Thos. (of Goscote), 174
-, Thos. (of Smethwick), 92 n
-, fam., 92, 105, 136 n, 239

Birch & Caulfield, architects, 149

Birchills, see Walsall

Birchills branch canal, 168, 191

Birchills Estate Co., 193

Birchills Furnaces Ltd., 193

Birchills Hall Iron Co., 193

Bird, Moses, 67

Birmid Ltd., 107

Birmid Qualcast Ltd., 114

Birmingham, 46, 74, 89, 94, 96, 119, 273
-, as address, 8, 16, 32, 36, 45, 48-9, 60, 62, 64, 68, 71, 99-106, 109-10, 114-16, 118, 121, 123 and n, 126, 128-9, 132, 134-5, 176, 190, 194, 205-7, 235, 237, 241, 245, 251, 265, 282
-, Aston, q.v.
-, Birmingham and Midland Institute, 82, 106
-, bps. of, 60, 125-9
-, brick, 61
-, char., 141 n, 123
-, chs., 55 n, 123
-, corp., 49, 102, 266
-, Crown Brewery, 117
-, diocese (Anglican), 60, 123
-, diocese (Rom. Cath.), 129
-, Edgbaston, q.v.
-, gas, 49
-, Halesowen, q.v.
-, Handsworth, q.v.
-, Harborne, q.v.
-, hosps., 45, 102, 212, 222
-, ind., 35, 100, 105, 109, 111-14, 116-18, 194
-, M.P. for, 88
-, merchants, 104-5
-, Museum of Science and Industry, 98
-, newspaper, 135
-, Northfield, q.v.
-, Norton, King's, q.v.
-, plague, 220
-, Prot. nonconf., 67-9, 131, 132 n, 133
-, public transport, 49-50, 122
-, Rotton Park reservoir, 98
-, School of Art, 138
-, Sheldon, q.v.
-, trade, 11, 28, 40, 187
-, University, 265
-, Sch. of Educ., 266
-, Winson Green, q.v.
-, Yardley, q.v.

Birmingham Aluminium Casting (1903) Co. Ltd., 114

Birmingham and District Cricket League, 74

Birmingham and District Tramways Co. Ltd., 49

Birmingham and Fazeley Canal, 14

Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co. ('Midland Red'), 122

Birmingham and Midland Tramways Ltd., 49-50, 122

Birmingham and Staffordshire Gas Light Co., 8, 49, 122, 218, 224

Birmingham Canal, 7-9, 13, 26, 30-1, 36, 38-9, 87, 91-3, 96, 97-8, 100-2, 105, 109-10, 112-13, 113, 115-16, 118, 168
-, Cape arm, 111
-, Co., 9, 108
-, Navigations, 93

Birmingham Dental Supply and Manufacturing Co. Ltd., 208

Birmingham District Power and Traction Co. Ltd., 122

Birmingham Fire Office Co., 48-9, 224

Birmingham Metal Co., 109

Birmingham Patent Iron and Brass Tube Co., 111-12

Birmingham Plate Glass Co., 114, 116

Birmingham Railway Carriage and Wagon Co. Ltd., 93, 112, 122

Birmingham Screw Co., 113

Birmingham Tramways and Omnibus Co. Ltd., 49

Birmingham Wagon Co. Ltd., 93, 112

Birmingham Waterworks Co., 121

Birmingham, Wolverhampton & Dudley Railway, 14, 93, 98, 112, 115

Birmingham, Wolverhampton & Stour Valley Railway, 14, 31, 91-2, 94, 96, 98, 101, 111

Bishop's Itchington, see Itchington, Bishop's

bit-making, see horse furniture

-, John, Congregational deacon of West Bromwich, 3, 68
-, John, Walsall baker, 186
-, Susanah Langstone, w. of a John Blackham, 85-6

Blackwell, John Howard, 105

Blades, J. H., M.P., 63

Blair & Stephenson, 116

-, Ric., 24
-, Thos., 24
-, Mrs., 24

Blakenall Heath, see Bloxwich

Blount, Edw., 22

Bloxwich, John de, 173

Bloxwich (in Walsall), 143, 145-6, 172, 179-80, 229, 234, 269
-, agric., 180-4
-, baths, 222
-, Blakenall Heath, 163, 181-3
-, the Barracks, 163 n
-, ch., 237; par., 274
-, growth, 163-4
-, ind., 163, 196-8, 200
-, pop., 164
-, Prot. nonconf., 243-4, 247
-, races, 250
-, rds., 166
-, schs., 255, 258-60
-, canals, see Bloxwich, communica- tions
-, cemetery, 223
-, Chapel Green, see Bloxwich, El- more Green
-, chapelwardens, see Bloxwich, churchwardens
-, chars. for poor, 267-8, 270-5
-, chs., 81, 210-11, 233-7, 255-6, 270, 273-4
-, clergy, see Baylie; Cheadle; Davenport
-, churchwardens, 211, 235, 270
-, cinemas, 251
-, Coal Pool, 145, 189, 212, 274
-, char. for poor, 270
-, ch., 237
-, Coal Pool Ho., 164
-, growth, 164
-, ind., 164, 200
-, mill, 185-6
-, pop., 164
-, Prot. nonconf., 246
-, Rom. Cath., 241, 261
-, schs., 241, 255, 261
-, collieries:
-, Broad Lane, 190
-, Broad Lane no. 2 Pit, 189
-, Forest, 164 n
-, Harden, 164 n
-, commons, 163, 181-3, 249
-, communications:
-, canals, 163, 168
-, rly., 169
-, rds., 165-7, 212, 225
-, Cowley's Farm, 173
-, Delaville Spelter Works, 194
-, educ., 241, 251, 254-6, 258, 260-3, 265-6
-, Sunday schs., 254, 256, 262
-, Elmore (formerly Chapel) Green, 161, 212
-, Excelsior Works, 206
-, felons, association for prosecution of, 224
-, Field Ho., 163
-, fields, common, 161 n, 181-2, 186, 189, 245
-, fire precautions, 224
-, Fishley, 163, 166, 168, 189, 269
-, gallows, 210
-, golf-course, 163
-, Goscote, 143, 179, 182, 210
-, Barley Mow inn, 174, 250
-, char., 270
-, free warren in, 184
-, Goscote Hall, 176
-, Goscote Lodge Farm, 174
-, growth, 164
-, hosp., 176, 223
-, ind., 189, 192, 202
-, man., 173-4
-, mills, 186
-, pop., 164
-, rds., 166, 212
-, sch., 261
-, sewage farm, 174, 176, 221
-, Great Bloxwich, 161, 163, 166, 173, 179, 183, 220
-, chars. for poor, 268
-, educ., 255
-, fields, common, 181-2
-, fishery, 184
-, ind., 189, 195, 199
-, meadows, common, 182
-, Green, 163
-, growth, 161-5
-, Harden, 179, 234, 255
-, chars., 270-1
-, ch., 237
-, Cromwell Cottage, 240
-, fields, common, 181-2
-, growth, 164
-, ind., 164, 195, 197, 199
-, pop., 164
-, rds., 166
-, Rom. Cath., 240-1, 258
-, schs., 258, 261
-, Hatherton Brickworks, 165
-, Hatherton Furnaces, 193
-, the Hills, 176
-, hosps., 223
-, housing, 161, 163-5
-, inc., 182
-, ind., 163, 189-90, 192-208, 248 n
-, King's Arms inn, 210 n
-, Leamore:
-, ch., 237
-, Crown Brewery, 207
-, Crown Hotel, 207
-, growth, 164-5
-, ind., 164-5, 200, 207
-, playing-fields, 250
-, Red Lion inn, 253
-, rds., 166
-, schs., 264
-, library, 252
-, Lime Tree Ho., 145, 249
-, Little Bloxwich, 179, 183, 221
-, chars., 268, 270-1, 273-4
-, ch., 237
-, fields, common, 181-2
-, Green, 163
-, growth, 163
-, ind., 189, 195, 200
-, King William inn, 167
-, meadows, common, 182
-, place-name, 161
-, rds., 166
-, Saddler's Arms inn, 235
-, schs., 255, 262
-, Long Field farm, 181
-, Lower Farm, 163
-, man., 173
-, Manor Ho., 223
-, mkt., 187
-, Marlpit Ho., 161 n
-, meadows, common, 182
-, Music Hall, 247 n, 251
-, pk., 163
-, pinfold, see Bloxwich, pound
-, place-name, 161
-, playing-fields, 163, 176
-, police, 224
-, Poplar Farm, 163
-, pop., 161, 163
-, post offices, 225
-, pound, 210, 219
-, Prot. nonconf., 236, 242-5, 247-9, 259
-, public buildings, 224, 252
-, public health, 220
-, public transport, 169, 225
-, rly., see Bloxwich, communications
-, rds., see Bloxwich, communications
-, Rom. Cath., 61, 240-1, 258, 266 convent of St. Paul of Chartres, 167
-, schs., see Bloxwich, educ.
-, Short Heath, 161, 163, 182-3, 199- 201, 224, 249, 259
-, social life, 249-54
-, sport, 250, 253
-, stocks, 210
-, streets:
-, Beatrice St., 165
-, Bloxwich Rd., see Broadstone
-, Booth St., 164
-, Broad (formerly Clitchkyn) Lane, 166
-, Broadstone (later Bloxwich Rd.), 164-5
-, Carl St., 165
-, Church St., 161
-, Clitchkyn Lane, see Broad Lane
-, Comwall St., 164
-, Foster St., 163
-, Harrison St., 163
-, May St., 165
-, New St., 161
-, Parker (formerly Wolver- hampton) St., 163
-, Portsea (later Portland) St., 164
-, Providence Lane, 164
-, Reeves St., 163
-, Revival St., 248
-, Somerfield Rd., 165-6
-, West St., 165
-, Wolverhampton St., see Parker St.
-, Sunday schs., see Bloxwich, educ.
-, theatres, 251-2

Bloxwich (cont.)
-, wake, 249-50
-, Wallington Heath, 161, 163, 182, 192, 199
-, King's Arms inn (later Walling- ton Ho.), 167, 241
-, Walsall Glue Works, 207
-, windmills, 186
-, woodland, 184
-, workho., 212
-, Yieldfields, 166, 179
-, Yieldfields Hall, 179, 240

Bloxwich Brewery Co., 207

Bloxwich Iron & Steel Co., 193-4

Blue Ribbon Army, see Gospel Temperance Movement

Bluegate Stream, 87

Blunt, Geo. Vernon, 100

-, H. C., 200
-, W. W., 109
-, Wm. Edw., 275

Boak Walsall Ltd., 203

boiler-making, 7, 36-7, 280

Bolton, John, and his w. Alice, 269

Bonarjee, Pitt, Congregational minister, 172

Bontemps, Georges, 116 n

Booth, Wm., Salvationist, 248

Bordesley Steel Co., 101, 110

Botetourt, Joan, see Somery

Botteley, Thos., & Co., 31

-, M. R., 110
-, Matt., 35, 110, 120

Boulton & Watt, 36, 98, 101

Boulton, Watt & Sons (later Boulton, Watt & Co.), 110

-, Eliz., see Tylney
-, John, Lord Berners, 173-4, 279

-, Hen., 33
-, Jas., 33
-, Swaine, 130

Bowden, Geo., architect, 91
-, & Son, architects, 130, 134

Bowen, Thos., Unitarian minister, 251, 266

-, John, 179, 234
-, John, his s., 179, 234

bowling, 92-3, 250
-, oycott, Wm., 100

-, Rob., & Sons, 42
-, —, chemical manufacturer, 42, 116

Boys, Hen., 158, 268, 274

Boyse, Rob., minister of Smethwick Old Chapel, 123

Brace, Eliza, 274

-, Randall, 123 n
-, Thos., 123

Brades Village (in Rowley Regis), 13

Bradeston, Sir Thos. de, 18

-, barons, see Bridgeman
-, ctss. of, see Wilbraham
-, earls of, 209; and see Bridgeman; Newport

Bradford, John, Independent minis- ter, 240

-, H. G., architect, 134-5
-, Jos., 174, 186, 202
-, R. T., 174
-, W. F., vicar of St. Peter's, West Bromwich, 174

Bradley (par.), 229

Bradley (in Bilston), 32

Bradley & Foster Ltd., 193

Bradnack & Son, 206

Braintree (Essex), 115

Braithwaite & Co. Structural Ltd., 8

Bramah, John Jos., 110

Bramah, Fox & Co., 110

-, John, 196
-, — (fl. 1577), 190

brass ind., 9, 36, 109-10, 198, 200

brassware, 111, 194-6, 198, 200

Brawn, — (fl. 1858), 280

Brayford & Lancaster, 193

-, Anna Maria, m. Chas. Sacheverell, 101, 103
-, Jane, m. 1 John Clopton, 2 Wal. Gough, 101, 103
-, Jos. (fl. 1781), 101
-, Jos. (fl. 1820), 103
-, Wm. (fl. 1710), 101
-, Wm. (d. by 1781), 101
-, fam., 101, 103

Breauté, Marg. de, 98

Breconshire, see Talgarth

Brethren, 62, 130, 242-3
-, Christian, 62, 130, 283
-, Plymouth, 130, 242

-, Bayly (fl. 1693), 67
-, Bayly (fl. 1751), 31
-, Eliz., 68
-, Wm., 31, 35
-, Wm., & Co., 31 n
-, fam., 67

Brewer, John, 191-2

Brewer & Marriott, 192

brewing, 8, 22, 41-3, 109, 113, 117- 18, 206-7, 210 n, 229, 248 n

Brewood, 24 n
-, Gunstone, q.v.
-, stone, 231

brick-making, 9, 22, 25, 32, 41, 44, 158, 164-5, 183, 189, 192, 268, 277, 280-1

Brictuin (fl. 1066), 14

Bridgeford (in Seighford), 99 n

-, Geo. Augustus Fred. Hen., earl of Bradford (d. 1865), 167, 177, 245 n, 264, 281
-, as benefactor of chs. and schs., 237, 256-9
-, as lessor of building land, 147, 149, 151, 153-4, 156, 158-60, 201, 204-5
-, Geo. Cecil Orlando, earl of Brad- ford (d. 1915), 153, 155
-, Hen., 170
-, Orlando, Baron Bradford, later earl of Bradford (d. 1825), 170, 182, 188, 191, 283
-, Orlando, earl of Bradford (d. 1957), 170, 226
-, Orlando Geo. Chas., earl of Brad- ford (d. 1898), 155-7, 159-60, 232 n, 237-8, 265, 281
-, as Vct. Newport, 147

Brierley, J., & Sons Ltd., 206

Brierley Hill (in Kingswinford), 61, 241

Briggs & Evoral, architects, 45

-, Jas., engineer (d. 1772), 13, 97
-, Jas. (fl. 1813), 191

Bristol, 37, 109, 172, 195
-, Avonmouth, q.v.
-, cath., dean of, see Hallam

British Crown Glass Co., 115

British Electric Traction Co. Ltd., 49, 122, 225

British Legion, 60

British Limbless Ex-Servicemen's Association, 238

British Pens Ltd., 118

Britten, Wm., 72

Brixton (in Lambeth, Surr.), 269

Broadwaters, see Wednesbury

Broadwaters branch canal, 8, 13-14

-, Hen., 63
-, John, 37
-, John, & Co. Ltd., 38, 63, 112

Brockhouse Organization, 38

Brocki, L., architect, 61

Brogden, Alex., M.P., 46

Brome, Thos., 173

Bromford, in Oldbury and West Bromwich, 1
-, bridge, 12
-, Bromford Ironworks, 24, 33, 38-9
-, forge, 30
-, mill, 30
-, pool, 30 and n

Bromley, Abbots, 33

Bromley, King's, 228

Bromsgrove (Worcs.), 142

Bromwich, de:
-, Helis, 15 n
-, Marg., m. Ric. de Marnham, 15, 30
-, Ric., 15
-, Sarah, m. Wal. Devereux, 15

Bromwich, Castle (in Aston, Warws.), 2, 179, 271, 273

Bromwich, Little (in Aston, Warws.), 2

Bromwich, West, 1-86, 108, 115, 145, 228, 269
-, as address, 104, 191
-, agric., 27-30
-, Albion (area), 8, 13-14, 49, 74
-, Albion Brickworks, 32, 41
-, alms-hos., 83-4
-, Balls Hill, 29, 39-40
-, baths, 48
-, beadles, 44
-, Bird End, 6, 12, 21
-, Black Lake (Nether Finchpath), 6-7, 11, 26, 49
-, board of health, 46
-, boro., 45-6
-, arms, 46
-, bridges, see Bromwich, West, com- munications
-, Bromford, q.v.
-, Bromwich forge (Old Forge), 6, 29, 32, 38, 66 n
-, buses, see Bromwich, West, public transport
-, Bustleholm, 6
-, canals, see Bromwich, West, com- munications
-, Carter's Green, 7, 11, 29, 50, 71, 74
-, Junction inn, 65
-, Prot. nonconf., 65, 241
-, cemetery, 33, 48
-, chars. for poor, 83-6
-, Charlemont, 3, 6, 25, 79
-, Charlemont farm, 21
-, Hall, 10, 20-1, 31
-, Prot. nonconf., 65
-, schs., 79-80
-, Stanton farm, 21
-, Church Farm, 52
-, chs., 9, 26, 41, 44, 50-60, 80-1, 84-5, 125
-, clergy, 17, 67, 74, 76, 82, 84; and see Bradley; Cantilupe; Connor; Gordon; Hodgson; Hugh the priest; Jesse; Jesson; Lane; Langley; Solly; Stilling- fleet; Stylband; Thompson; Townsend; Willett; William
-, clergy ho., 53
-, par. ho., 53
-, Churchfield, 34 n, 42
-, Churchfield Ho., 52
-, churchwardens, 44, 54 n, 84
-, cinemas, 71-2
-, Coll. of Commerce and Tech- nology, 72, 83
-, collieries:
-, Balls Hill, 40
-, Brickhouse, 41
-, Golds Hill, 40n
-, Hall End, 39
-, Heath, 39-40
-, Sandwell Park, 34, 41
-, Union, 40
-, commission of peace, 46
-, commons, 7-8, 28-9
-, communications, 11-14
-, bridges, 11-13, 33
-, canals, 7-9, 11, 13-14, 26, 29-32, 36-40, 43, 49, 65, 98
-, rlys., 14, 30-2, 49, 96
-, rds., 11-12, 47, 49, 96
-, constables, 43-4, 48
-, Control Ho., 48
-, Cop Hall, 8
-, Crabb's Mill Farm, see Bromwich, West, Finchpath
-, crematorium, 48
-, the Cronehills, 5, 45, 85
-, Crookhay Ironworks, 39
-, Crown Works (chemicals), 43
-, Crown Works (engineering), 8, 37
-, Crump Hall, 20
-, Crumpall Green, 20
-, Cutler's End, see Bromwich, West, Lambert's End
-, Dagger Hall, 21
-, Dartmouth Pk., 5
-, Dartmouth Sq., 5
-, the Delves, q.v.
-, Dunkirk, 8, 21-2, 42, 62
-, Dunkirk inn, 22, 42
-, Forge, 11, 36
-, Hall, 21-2, 42, 60
-, educ., 61-3, 68-9, 74-83, 225, 241
-, Sunday schs., 52, 59, 62-70, 74- 9, 79 n
-, electricity, 49
-, the Expressway, 5, 12
-, Farley Pk., see Bromwich, West, Greets Green
-, felons, association for prosecution of, 48
-, fields, common, 27-8, 34, 43
-, Finchpath, 6-7, 7 n, 11-13, 228
-, Crabb's Mill Farm, 34, 63
-, Finchpath Hill (later Holloway Bank), 6, 11, 13, 26
-, Fountain inn, 11
-, ind., 26, 39
-, Nether Finchpath, see Brom- wich, West, Black Lake
-, the Over Ho., 26
-, Prot. nonconf., 62-3, 67
-, Finchpath Hall, see Bromwich, West, Hill Top
-, fire services, 48-9
-, fishing rights, 30
-, Five Ways, 67
-, Five Ways Ho., 7
-, free warren, 30
-, free Park, 22, 29-30, 33 n, 81
-, ch., 59-60
-, Friar Park Ho., 22
-, Prot. nonconf., 70
-, gas, 14, 49
-, geology, 1, 39, 41
-, Globe Tube Works, 37
-, Golds Green, 7, 13-14, 29
-, ind., 40
-, Prof. nonconf., 66
-, Golds Hill, 7, 40 n
-, char. for poor, 85
-, ch., 57-8
-, ind., 39
-, sch., 78
-, Golds Hill Ironworks, 39, 57, 78
-, Great Bridge, q.v.
-, Greet ('Grete'), 8, 30-1
-, Greets End, 8
-, Greets Green, 1, 8, 12-13, 21, 28-9, 82
-, ch., 57; par., 58
-, Farley Pk., 9
-, ind., 41
-, Prot. nonconf., 62, 64-6
-, schs., 78-80
-, the Grove, 10
-, growth of town, 4-11
-, Guns Village, 9
-, Prot. nonconf., 66
-, sch., 80
-, Hall End, 4, 39, 43, 52
-, Prot. nonconf., 65-7
-, sch., 75
-, Hall Green, 6, 29
-, Hall Green Ho., 17, 32
-, Moorlands Farm Ho., 8 n
-, Hamstead, q.v.
-, Harvills Hawthorn (formerly Har- vills Oak), 6-7, 12, 37
-, Prot. nonconf., 64, 66, 68
-, Hateley Heath, 7, 11-12, 14, 28
-, sch., 53
-, ind., 36, 39, 42
-, Prot. nonconf., 67
-, schs., 80-1
-, Hawthorns Hotel (formerly Street Ho. and the Hawthorns), 10
-, Heath, 3-4, 9, 11, 12 and n, 23, 28-9, 40-1, 44
-, Heath End, 4
-, highway surveyors, 44
-, Hill Ho., 22-3, 23
-, Hill Top, 7, 11, 13, 47, 49-50
-, ch., 56-8; par. 86
-, educ., 77, 80, 82
-, Finchpath Hall, 7
-, Meyrick Ho., 7
-, Pk., 7
-, Prot. nonconf., 62-6
-, Hindus, 70
-, Holloway Bank, see Bromwich, West, Finchpath
-, hosps., 46, 48
-, housing, 5-10, 46-7, 121
-, slum clearance, 47
-, immigrants, 3, 5, 59, 61, 71
-, improvement commrs., 11, 45-7, 49, 70
-, inc., 4, 27, 30, 40
-, ind., 5-10, 13-14, 22, 26, 29-44, 32, 60-1, 65, 72, 74, 112, 190
-, inns:
-, Bull's Head (formerly the Boot), 5, 43, 72
-, Bush, 42
-, Cross Guns, 4
-, Dartmouth Hotel (formerly Dartmouth Arms), 5
-, Dunkirk, see Bromwich, West, Dunkirk
-, Fountain, see Bromwich, West, Finchpath
-, Hawthorns Hotel, 10
-, Junction, see Bromwich, West, Carter's Green
-, Red Lion, 74
-, Ring of Bells, 43
-, Royal Exchange, 71
-, Stone Cross, see Bromwich, West, Stone Cross
-, Swan, see Bromwich, West, Swan Village
-, Three Mile Oak, 10
-, Virgin, 4
-, Ireland Green, 9, 29, 41, 64 and n
-, Kenrick Pk., 10, 88
-, Kenrick Technical Coll., 72, 80, 83
-, Kenrick's Village, 10
-, Lambert's End (formerly Cutler's End), 9, 71
-, law-cts., 46
-, libraries, 7, 53, 69, 72, 81-2, 97
-, Line Ho., see Bromwich, West, Lyndon
-, Littleton's Hall, see Bromwich, West, Lyttleton Hall
-, local govt., 43-6
-, lock-up, 43
-, Lodge Farm, 23
-, the Lower Ho. (later Lower Farm), 26
-, Lyndon (Lyne), 4-5, 11-12, 23 and n
-, Line Ho., 23
-, mkt. ho., 34
-, Prot. nonconf., 64-5, 67
-, schs., 76, 83
-, well, 48
-, the Lyng, 9, 65-6, 80-1
-, Lyttleton (Littleton's) Hall, 23-4, 38
-, man., 14-18, 30-4, 40, 44, 51
-, cts. and govt., 27-8, 34, 43-4, 47-8
-, ho., 2, 6, 11, 16-18, 17
-, mkts., 34
-, Mayer's Green, 4, 28-9, 48 and n
-, Prot. nonconf., 63, 68-9
-, sch., 77
-, mayors, 25, 46-7, 63, 86
-, mechanics' institutes, 81-2
-, medical officer of health, 46-7
-, Meyrick Ho., see Bromwich, West, Hill Top
-, the Mill, 24-5
-, mills, 7, 11, 12 and n, 24, 30-4
-, Monkey Green, 10
-, Moorlands Farm Ho., see Brom- wich, West, Hall Green
-, Mount Ephraim, 21
-, museums, 72
-, music halls, 71
-, musical societies, 72
-, New Town, 1, 8, 66
-, newspapers, 72-3
-, Oak Ho., 16, 25, 25-6, 43, 64, 68
-, Oakley, 10
-, Oakwood, 26, 67
-, Old End, 9, 47
-, Old Forge, see Bromwich, West, Bromwich forge
-, the Over Ho., see Bromwich, West, Finchpath
-, Overend, 4, 65
-, overseers of poor, 44-5
-, par. govt., 44-5, 48, 54 n
-, Park Village, 10
-, pks. (manorial), 22, 29; and see Bromwich, West, Sandwell
-, pks. (public), see Bromwich, West, Dartmouth Pk., Greets Green, Hill Top, and Kenrick Pk.
-, parl. hist., 46, 50, 63
-, petty sessional division, 119
-, Phoenix Ironworks, 36
-, Piercy Brickworks, 41
-, place-name, 1-2
-, police, 7, 43, 48
-, poor-law union, 45
-, poor relief, 44-5
-, pop., 3
-, postal services, 50
-, pounds, 43-4
-, Prot. nonconf., 52, 61-70, 76-7, 79, 130, 132, 241
-, public health, 46-8
-, public services, 46-50
-, public transport, 49-50; and see Bromwich, West, communica- tions, rlys.
-, quarter sessions, 46
-, rlys., see Bromwich, West, com- munications
-, rates, 3, 44
-, Ray Hall, q.v.
-, rectory, 18, 26, 50-2
-, Ridgacre, 7, 29
-, Ridgacre foundry, 36
-, rds., see Bromwich, West, com- munications
-, the Roebuck, 10
-, Rom. Cath., 60-1, 76, 81
-, Royal Chemical Works, 42
-, Ryders Green, 8, 13-14, 29
-, Ryland Memorial School of Art, 82-3, 225
-, St. George's Hall, 71
-, Sandwell:
-, Arch Lodge, 10
-, Coopers Hill Ho., 55
-, est., 6, 22, 29, 51, 102
-, Hall, 16, 18-20, 19, 44
-, hermitage, 8
-, ind., see Bromwich, West, col- lieries
-, man., 18-20, 33, 43-4
-, mill, 33-4
-, pk., 5-6, 10, 18, 20, 29-30, 64, 73
-, priory, 13, 18-20, 26, 29, 31-3, 43-4, 51-2
-, Sandwell Gate, 44
-, Sandwell Park Farm, 20, 20
-, spring, 18-19
-, Sandwell Centre, 5
-, schs., see Bromwich, West, educ.
-, sewage farms, 47
-, Sheepwash, q.v.
-, slum clearance, see Bromwich, West, housing
-, social life, 70-4
-, Spon, 9
-, Spon Coppice, 9-10
-, Spon Heath, 9
-, Spon Lane, 9-10
-, ch., 59
-, cinema, 71
-, ind., 36-8, 74
-, Prot. nonconf., 65, 68-70, 132
-, Rom. Cath., 61
-, schs., 77, 79, 81
-, well, 48
-, Spon Lane Ironfoundry, 32, 37
-, sport, 6, 71, 73-4
-, Springfields, 10
-, Stanley Trust, 51-2, 55
-, Stanton farm, see Bromwich, West, Charlemont
-, sterilization clinic, see Bromwich West, Control Ho.
-, stocks, 43
-, Stone Cross, 6, 11-12
-, ch., 60
-, Prot. nonconf., 62
-, Rom. Cath., 61
-, Stone Cross Hotel, 61
-, Stone Cross inn, 71
-, Stour Valley Works, 37
-, Street Ho., see Bromwich, West, Hawthorns Hotel
-, streets:
-, Beeches Rd., 5, 12
-, Bratt St., 4
-, Brickhouse Lane, 12, 41
-, Bromford Lane, 9
-, Dagger Lane, 4
-, Fisher St., 8
-, Garden St., see Trinity Rd.
-, Glover St., 10
-, Grice St., 10
-, Grout St., 8
-, Hall Green Rd., 11
-, Hallam St., 4
-, Herbert St., 5
-, High St., 4-5
-, Houghton St., 9
-, Legge St., 5
-, Lodge Rd., 9
-, Lombard St., 4
-, Marsh Lane, 12
-, New St., 4
-, Newton Rd., 12
-, Nicholls St., 5
-, Oxford Rd., 9 n
-, Pitt St., 5
-, Queen St., 5
-, Roebuck Lane, 10
-, Roebuck St., 10
-, Salter's (formerly Saltwell) Lane, 12
-, Sams Lane, 9
-, Spon Lane, see Bromwich, West, Spon Lane
-, Tinkers Lane, 12
-, Trinity Rd. (formerly Garden St.), 10
-, Whitehall Rd., 12
-, William St., 8
-, Summit Foundry, 9, 77
-, Sunday schs., see Bromwich, West, educ.
-, Swan Foundry, 65 n
-, Swan Pool, 33
-, Swan Village, 8, 47
-, Basin, 14
-, gas-works, 11, 14, 49, 81
-, ind., 8, 36-7, 40-3, 65 n
-, Prot. nonconf., 65-6
-, rly., 14
-, Swan inn, 8, 12, 43-4, 72
-, theatres, 71
-, Three Mile Oak, 10-12
-, tithes, 22, 26, 29, 51
-, town hall, 46, 69, 71, 97
-, trams, see Bromwich, West, public transport
-, Union Farm, 8
-, Union Furnaces, 8, 39
-, Victoria Chemical Works, 42
-, Victoria Works, 38
-, Virgins End, 4, 68
-, Vulcan Works, 36-7
-, wakes, 70-1
-, Walsall and West Bromwich Dis- trict Schools, 45
-, warren, 30
-, water-supply, 46-8
-, Wellington Tube Works, 8
-, West Bromwich Brewery, 42
-, West Bromwich Institute, 81-2
-, whipping-post, 43
-, Whisty, 6
-, Whisty Ho., 6
-, 'Whytelake', 7
-, Wigmore, 6, 32, 45, 47, 49
-, woodland, 26, 29-30, 38
-, workhos., 44-5, 48, 53
-, Y.M.C.A., 74

Brook, Ann Eliz., 268

Brooke, Baron, see Greville

Broseley (Salop.), 39

-, Eliza Jane, 85
-, John, 24

-, John (fl. 1669), 232
-, John (fl. later 1760s), 175
-, R.G., & Co. Ltd., 112
-, Thos., 186

Brown & Chesterton, 201

-, Sir Ant., and his w. Lucy, 18 n
-, Lucy, m. 1 Sir John Cutte, 2 Sir Thos. Clifford, 18

Brownhills (in Norton Canes and Ogley Hay), 225, 275, 277-8, 280-1; and see Aldridge-Brown- hills

Brownhills Gas Co. Ltd., 281

Brownhills Motor Sales Ltd., 281

Bruggende, Ric., 147 n

Brunel, Isambard Kingdom, 110

brush-making, 206

Bryntysilio Outdoor Education Centre, see Llangollen

-, Frances (née Mellish), 153
-, fam., 153

Buckingham, duke of, see Stafford

buckle-making, 34-5, 60, 151 n, 154 n, 195-200, 208, 280

Bucknall & Donnelly, architects, 241

building societies, 8, 156-7

Bulkington (Warws.), see Wolvershill

-, Alice, see Hanlon
-, Fred., and his w. Annie Eliz., 275

bull-baiting, 71, 134, 250

Bullevant, Jos., 41

-, Edw., 56
-, W., 10
-, Wm. (fl. 1780s), 36
-, Wm. (fl. 1805, ? another), 9
-, Wm., & Co., 32, 36-7, 79
-, fam., 36

Bunch, Jones & Co., 193

Burch, Wm., 49

-, Eleanor, see Shelfield
-, Wm., 179

-, Eliz., see Persehouse
-, Rob., 177

Burn, Geo., Ltd., 114, 117

-, Joanna, m. Fra. Goodall, 175
-, Ric., 207
-, Sim. (fl. 1767-70), 206
-, Sim. (d. 1785, ? another), 175
-, Thos., 175

Burton, J. H., architect, 132

Burton (in Castle Church), 273

Burton-upon-Trent, 42, 254, 273

Bury, Sam., 180

Bushbury, 273; and see Essington; Moseley

Busst & Marlow, 206-7

-, Steph. F., & Co. Ltd., 280
-, Thos., 95
-, Wm., 117

Butteaux, Thos., Independent minister, 243

button-making, 280

-, A., architect, 71
-, Albert, architect (? the same), 69

Byrdall, Thos., vicar of Walsall, 229-30

Cadbury Bros., 132

Caddick, Edw., 24

Caernarvonshire, see Nantgwynant

Cairns, Edw., 104

Cairns, Frears, Carmichael, Halliday & Co. 104

Caldmore, see Walsall

Caldmore Residents Action Group, 156

Caldow, Wm., 136

-, Anne, wid. of Benj., 176
-, Benj. Geo., 176
-, John, 176

California, 36

Caloe, Thos., 186

Calstone Wellington (Wilts.), 52

-, Thos. Wm., 116
-, fam., 116

Camm Brothers (later Camm & Co.), 116

Cannock, 179, 217, 225, 243, 271-2, 282; and see Churchbridge; Hednesford

Cannock Chase coalfield, 188, 281

Cannock forest, 29, 180, 190, 279

Canterbury, abp. of, 53; and see Theobald

Cantilupe, Matt. de, probably vicar of West Bromwich, 51

Canwell, 101, 216

Cape of Good Hope Stream, see Shireland Brook

Capponfields (in Bilston), 58

Carles (Careles), Jos., 30

Carless, Seaman J. H., V.C., 156, 158

Carnegie, And., 72, 252

Carpenter, Benj., Presbyterian minister, 67

Carr, Chas., bell-founder, 127

Carroll, Madeleine, 4

cart-gear, manufacture of, 197, 280

Carter's Green, see Bromwich, West

Cartwright, D., 275

-, Edw., 102
-, Eliz., see Guest
-, Hen., 102, 108
-, Hen., s. of Hen., 102
-, fam., 204

Castle Bromwich (Warws.), see Bromwich, Castle

Castle Church, see Burton; Ricker- scote

Castle Coal & Iron Co., 193

Caswall, Edw., Rom. Cath. divine, 88, 129

Catholic Apostolic Church, 62-3, 130, 243

Catshill, see Walsall Wood

Catten, —, schoolmistress, 138

Caverswall, Park Hall, 178

Central Manufacturing Co., 208

Central Wagon Co. Ltd., 112

chain-making, 197-8, 277, 280

-, Jos., 113
-, Jos., s. of Jos., statesman, 88, 113, 136, 140

Chambers, Jos., 23

-, A. M., 102
-, G. F., 128
-, J. H., 127
-, Jas. Timmins, later Sir Jas., 88, 92, 116, 120
-, Rob. Lucas (d. 1865), 81, 115, 120, 133
-, Rob. Lucas (d. 1897), 126, 133
-, Wm., 56, 115
-, fam., 59, 116, 126, 138, 140

Chance Bros. & Co. (later Chance Bros. & Co. Ltd. and Chance Bros. Ltd.), 49, 59, 81 n, 82, 88, 91, 112, 115-17, 120, 122, 125-6, 133, 138

Chances & Hartleys, 115-16

-, Frank, and his w., 137
-, John, 42
-, Wm., 32

Charlemont, see Bromwich, West

Charles II, 216, 219

Charles, Rowland, 175

Charlton, Frank, Ltd., 202

Chartism, Christian, 130

Chatsworth (Derb.), 115

-, J. A., architect, 128
-, P. B., architect, 129

Chavasse, J. L., 252

-, H., and his w., 236
-, R., vicar of All Saints', Bloxwich, 236

Cheadle, 109, 248

Checketts, Wal., 159

Checkley, see Hollington

chemical ind., 42-3, 116-17, 207

Cheshire, Edw., 117-18

Cheshire, see Aston; Port Sunlight; Woodhey

Chesshire, J. H., 25

Chester, bps. of, 98

Chesterton (Warws.), 32

cholera, 46, 220, 222

Christadelphians, 62, 130, 243

Christian, Ewan, architect, 55, 232

Christian Scientists, 62-3, 243

Church Building Society, 232

Church Mission to the Deaf and Dumb, see Deaf and Dumb

Church of England Temperance Society, 74

Church of England Working Men's Society, 230

Church of God, 249

Churchbridge (in Cannock), 166

Churchill, John, 33

City Electrical Factors (Midlands) Ltd., 133

Civic Trust, 9, 126

Civil War, 9, 18, 145-6, 178, 241

-, Jervoise, see Clarke Jervoise
-, Mary, see Jervoise
-, Sir Sam. (d. 1733), 16, 17, 44
-, Sam. (d. 1767), 16
-, Sam. (fl. 1851), 105
-, Somers, architect, 54, 58
-, fam., 74

Clarke Jervoise:
-, Jervoise, 16
-, Thos., 16, 31

Clarkson, Geo., 209, 227

Claverley (Salop.), see Shipley

Claybrooke (Leics.), see Wigston Parva

Clayhanger, see Walsall Wood

Clayhanger Brook, 275, 277 n

Clayhanger Fault, 281

Cliff, Wm., & Sons, 117

Clifford, Dame Lucy, see Browne

Clift, Thos., 104

Clinton, de:
-, Joan, see Hillary
-, John, 171
-, Rog., bp. of Coventry, 50

clock-making, 99, 200

Clock Mill Brook, 143

-, Jane, see Brearley
-, John, 101

cloth, manufacture of, 204

clothing, manufacture of, 204-5, 281

coach ironwork and furniture, 36-7, 197-8

coaches, 11, 167

coal-mining, 7-8, 11, 14, 22, 24, 38- 41, 47, 115, 158-9, 163-4, 168, 184, 188-90, 193, 202, 237, 277- 8, 281
-, butties, 65, 74

Coal Pool, see Bloxwich

Coatham (in Kirkleatham, Yorks. N.R.), 222

cock-fighting, 71, 134, 250

-, Dorothy, m. Wm. Pirton, 179
-, Fra., and his w. Mary, 179

Codsall, 228
-, stone, 235-7, 239

Cohen, Mark, & Co. Ltd., 205

Cole, A. A., Baptist minister, 264, 265 n

Coleshill (Warws.), 11, 171

Coleson, Wm., 179, 228

Colley, Theodore, 173

-, Patrick, M.P., 145, 249
-, fam., 155

Colton, Bellamour in, 22

Colwich, see Haywood

Comberford, Wm., 32

Comberlege, see Cumberlege

Comitassone, Nic., 31

Compton (in Kinver), 18

Congregationalists (Independents), later United Reformed Church, 42, 68-9, 76-7, 84, 86, 130-1, 172, 243-4, 260, 264

Connor, M. M., vicar of All Saints', West Bromwich, 53

Conservative party, 46, 50, 88, 120, 123, 217, 226, 252; and see Tories

-, John, 175
-, Rob., 175

Cook, Thos., & Son, 169

-, Agnes, 228
-, Harriet, 174
-, S. N., architect, 128

-, B. H., Congregational minister, 77
-, Geo., 17
-, Hen., architect, 257
-, Jas., Presbyterian or Congrega- tional minister, 68
-, and see Couper; Cowper

Coote, Chas. Hen., earl of Mountrath, 170, 184, 191, 227

Cope, E. F., 253

copper-refining, 194

copper-ware, 196

Corby (Northants.), 201

Cornhill, Wm., bp. of Coventry, 51

-, Sir Chas., 98
-, Chas., his grds., 98

corrugated iron, 36, 39

Coseley (in Sedgley), 46, 69, 217

-, Jas., & Sons Ltd., 197
-, Jos., 188

Cotterill, Chas., 23

Cotton & McConnal, architects, 248

Countess of Huntingdon's Connexion, 68, 243

Couper, Steph., 184

Coventry, 114, 204, 229, 269
-, bps. of, 98, 226; and see Clinton; Cornhill; Durdent
-, prior of, 51, 226

Coventry and Lichfield, bps. of, 98, 118, 226; and see Heyworth; Stavensby

Coventry-Eagle Cycle and Motor Co. Ltd., 114

-, Joan, 173
-, John, 176
-, Winefrid, see Pretty

Cowper alias Piddock (Piddocke):
-, Eliz., 141
-, Ric., 108
-, Thos. (fl. 1583), 24
-, Thos. (fl. 1624), 102
-, Wm. (fl. 1623), 141
-, Wm. (d. by 1624, ? another), 102
-, Wm. (fl. 1661), 100
-, fam., 102

-, Jos., and his w., 240
-, Sam., 268

Cozens & Greatrex, 202

Crabtree, J. A., Ltd., 208

Crane, Wal., artist, 63

-, Elias, 176, 192, 222
-, Jas., 222

Credenda Seamless Tube Co. Ltd., 114, 122

Creese, Thos., 67

Crescent Motors Ltd., 114, 198

cricket, 73-4, 78, 88, 135-6, 253

Crimean War, 149

Crittall-Hope Ltd., 115

Crittall Manufacturing Co. Ltd., 115

Crockett, Wm., 101

-, Oliver, later Lord Protector, 241
-, Thos., 51

Crooke, Chas., 250

Cross, Solomon, & Co., 112

Crouch, Butler & Savage, architects, 132

-, B., 49
-, Dorothy, 172
-, Edw., 172
-, John (fl. 1820), 172
-, John (fl. 1857), 274
-, Steph., 172
-, Wm., 172

-, Sam., 109
-, Wm., 109

-, J. H., vicar of Holy Trinity, Smeth- wick, 125, 127
-, John Farrington, 153, 160, 268

Crystal Palace, 88, 111, 115

Cumberlege (Comberlege, Cumber- lidge):
-, John, 215, 222
-, Rog., 250
-, Thos., 241

currying, see leather trades

-, John (fl. 1560), 174
-, John (d. 1617 or 1618), and his w. Ellen, 270

Curtis, Jos., 184

-, Mrs. Benj., 62
-, Geo., 62

Cutler's End, see Bromwich, West

-, Sir John, 18
-, John, his grds., 18
-, Dame Lucy, see Browne

-, J. E. K., architect, 238-9
-, J. P., architect, 239
-, Jos., 64

Cwmbran (Mon.), 113

Daly, J. J., Rom. Cath. priest, 61

Dandy, Jas., 142

Danks branch canal, 14

-, Chas., 42
-, Chas., s. of Geo., 22, 42
-, Geo., 42
-, Thos., 106

Darby's Brewery Ltd., 22, 42

Darlaston, 177, 212, 217, 245, 273-4
-, ind., 35
-, Primitive Methodist circuit, 66
-, trams, 49, 225

-, Baron, see Legge
-, ctsses. of, see Barrington; Nicoll
-, earls of, 18, 50-1, 54-6, 73-4; and see Legge

Dartmouth Auto Castings Ltd., 114

Dartmouth branch canal, 14, 30

Darwall, C. F., 151, 251

-, Jas., minister of Bloxwich, 235
-, and see Baron Davenport's Trust

-, Edw., 176
-, T., & Son, 39

Davies & Middleton, architects, 235

Daw End (in Rushall), 191, 270

Daw End branch canal, 168, 278, 281

Daw End Lime Co., 191

-, Geo., 106
-, Hen., 21
-, John, 24, 38
-, John, & Sons, 39, 106
-, John Sam., 38, 106
-, S. & J., 38
-, Sam. Jas., 21, 38
-, W. H., 38, 58
-, fam., 21, 24

Dawkes, S. W., architect, 56-7

Dawley (in Wellington, Salop.), 172

Deaf and Dumb, Church Mission to the, 237

Deakin, Eliz., 247

Dee, John, 270

Delaville Spelter Co. Ltd., 194

Delight, Eliz. (probably née Goodall), 175-6

Delta Metal Group, 194

Delves, the (formerly in Wednesbury, later in Walsall and West Brom- wich), 1, 155
-, chs., 60, 239
-, Delves Inn, 61
-, Green, 155, 239
-, housing, 155
-, Yew Tree Est., 6, 60-1, 65
-, Prot. nonconf., 65, 242-3
-, rds., 155
-, Rom. Cath., 61
-, schs., 80-1, 261-2

Denbigh, earl of, see Feilding

Denbighshire, see Llangollen; Ruabon

-, ctss. of, see Beaufort
-, earl of, see Stanley

Derbyshire, 125, 188; and see Chats- worth; Haddon, Nether; Sud- bury

-, John, 15
-, Sarah, see Bromwich
-, Steph., 15
-, Wal., 15, 30
-, Wal., his s., 15, 30
-, Wm., 15

Devonshire, 91, 95, 195; and see Appledore; Bideford; Exeter; Plymouth

Dewsbury, John, & Sons Ltd., 197

Dibble, Sam., 91, 95

Dickenson, Ric., 31

die-sinking, 195-6, 200

Digbeth (Walsall) Development Ltd., 149

distilling, 207

District Iron and Steel Co., 109-10, 112

Disturnal, Ric., & Co., 37

-, Edw., 201
-, Revd. J., and his w., 106
-, Wm., 201

Dobson, Thos., assistant curate of Walsall, 227

Docker, Ralph, 119

dog-fighting, 71, 134

dolerite-working, 160

-, John (d. 1724), 176
-, John (d. 1756), 176
-, John (d. 1782), 176
-, Thos. Vernon, 176-7

Donington (Salop.), see Shackerley

Dora, Sister, see Pattison

Dormer alias Johnson, Fra., Rom. Cath. priest, 240

Dorset, marquess of, see Beaufort

Dorset, 195

-, Geo. Smith, 32
-, Mary Smith, 59

Doulton, Hen., & Co (later Doulton & Co. Ltd.), 118

Dowlais (Glam.), Dowlais Iron Works, 113

-, Evelyn, w. of T. W., 179
-, Gilb., 179
-, Joan, 179
-, T. W., 179
-, Thos., 179

-, Geo., and his w., 101
-, Hen., 101, 110
-, John, 101
-, Louisa Jane, 126
-, Thos., 101
-, W. E., 101
-, Wm., and his w., 101
-, — (fl. early 18th cent.), 29, 33
-, fam., 91, 107 n

drain-pipes, manufacture of, 118, 192, 280

dramatic companies:
-, King's, 250
-, Prince's, 250
-, Queen's, 250

Drayton Bassett, 171, 184

Dresser, John, organ-builder, 207

Dudley (or Sutton):
-, Ambrose, earl of Warwick, 22
-, Edm. (d. c. 1483), 209
-, Edm. (d. 1510), 173
-, Edw., Lord Dudley (d. 1532), 15
-, Edw., Lord Dudley (d. 1586), 98, 108
-, Edw., Lord Dudley (d. 1643), 98, 107
-, John, earl of Warwick and duke of Northumberland, 22, 98, 170, 176, 178, 226
-, John, Lord Dudley, 209
-, fam., 15

Dudley barony, 14-15

Dudley (formerly Worcs., later Staffs.), 14-16, 33, 114, 135, 146, 235, 256-7
-, castle, 9
-, public transport, 49-50, 122
-, Rom. Cath., 61 and n

Dudley Herald Ltd., 73

Dudley Port (in Tipton), 49, 61, 109

Dunkirk, see Bromwich, West

Dunkirk branch canal, 13

Dunn, Sarah, 85

Dunn & Hansom, architects, 61

Dunn & Hipkiss, architects, 265

Dunne, J., Rom. Cath. priest, 258 n

Durdent, Wal., bp. of Coventry, 50

Durham, see Stockton-on-Tees; Sun- derland

Eaton, Jas., 4

Eaves, Edw., 247

Ebbles, Rob., architect, 56

Eberhardt, Hen., 191

Eccles, Jos., 103

Ecclesiastical Commissioners, 227, 237-8

Edgbaston (formerly Warws., later Birmingham), 59, 97, 106, 127-8, 131, 139, 233, 254
-, the Oratory, 88, 129

Edgbaston Private Nursing Home Ltd., 122

edge-tool ind., 185, 200

Edgeworth, Maria, 105

Edison & Swan United Electric Light Co. Ltd., 208

Edmonds-Smith, E., vicar of St. Alban's, Smethwick, 128

Edward V, as Prince of Wales, 229

-, Fra., 174
-, Jane, m. Wm. Whyley (d. 1800), 25, 68
-, John, jr., 63
-, John, sr., 63

Effluent Dispersal Ltd., 281

-, F., 197
-, John, 147, 149 n

electrical ind., 207-8

Elim Foursquare Gospel Alliance, 63, 131, 244

Elkington Copper Refiners Ltd., 194

Elkington Ltd., 194

-, Edw. (d. 1809), 7, 31-2, 36
-, Edw. (d. 1837), 31, 36, 74
-, Thos., 195
-, Wm., 31, 195

Ely, Maria Marshall, 83

Engine branch canal, 98

engineering, 8, 36-7, 110-13, 202

Epstein, Lady (Kathleen), 252

Erdington (in Aston, Warws.), 32

Essex, see Braintree; Thaxted

Essington (in Bushbury), 182, 217, 228, 234, 268
-, Lords Hay, 168
-, Newtown, 179

Essington Wood Brook, 143

Etwall, E. J., architect, 58

Evangelicals, 3, 52, 63, 244

-, Charlotte Louisa, 128
-, Sam., 116

Evans & Co. Ltd., 116

Evered & Co. Ltd., 103, 111-12

Evered, Ric., & Son, 111

Everitt, Allen, & Sons Ltd., 114

Exeter, 195

Exhibitions, 1851, 1862, see London

Eyland, Moses, 208
-, & Sons, 208

Faddiley (Ches.), see Woodhey

Fallows, John, architect, 245

false teeth, manufacture of, 208

Farley, Reuben, 9, 22, 25, 46, 82

Farnall, Eliza, 176, 274

Farrington, Hen., 152

Faukes, Thos., 155

Fazeley (in Tamworth), 173

Featherstone (in St. Peter's, Wolver- hampton), 227

Feilding, Basil, earl of Denbigh, 146

Fellows, H. L., 253

felons, associations for the prosecu- tion of, see Bloxwich; Bromwich, West; Walsall

Fenton, Jas., 23 n

Ferguson, R. W., vicar of St. Matthew's, Smethwick, 140 n

file-making, 195, 199

Filey (Yorks. E.R.), 106 n

-, C. E. M., architect, 65
-, Cecil E. M., and Partners, archi- tects, 69

-, Fra., M.P., 264
-, Thos., 106

Finchpath, see Bromwich, West

fireclay-mining, 39, 40 n

First National Finance Corporation Ltd., 112

-, Ric., and his s., 67
-, fam., 42

Fisherwick (in St. Michael's, Lich- field), 15, 173
-, Hall, 167

Fishley, see Bloxwich

Fisk, Geo., vicar of St. Matthew's, Walsall, 230

fitz Ansculf, see William fitz Ansculf

fitz Roy, Hen., duke of Richmond, 170

FitzGerold, Hen., 98

Flanagan, J. S., Rom. Cath. priest, 129

-, Agnes, m. Rob. Wykes (or Wilkes), 178
-, Eleanor, 178
-, Eliz., m. Ric. Avery, 178
-, Eliz., see Pearte
-, Hen., 228
-, Joan, m. John Hawe, 178
-, John, 228
-, Nic., 184
-, Rog., 178
-, Thos., 178
-, Wm., 177

Fleet & Newey, 37

-, Thos., 167
-, fam., 206

Flint, Miss E. M., 252

Floude, John, and his w. Alice, 175

Foden, E. A., 152

-, Phil., 32-3, 67, 98-100, 106
-, Ric., 32-3
-, T. E., and his wid., 191
-, Thos., 32, 98

Foliot, Gilb., bp. of London, 51

football, 10, 74, 93, 135, 253

Football League, 74

Ford, Hen., 102

Ford Brook, 143, 146, 151, 186, 202, 275

-, C. S., M.P., 206, 226
-, Sir Chas., M.P., 158, 226, 265
-, John, 154

Foster, fam., 223

Foster Bros. Clothing Co. Ltd., 205

-, Gerard, 32
-, Rog., 32

-, Edm., 93
-, Geo., 247-8, 257
-, Sim., 248
-, Thos. (fl. 1840), 258
-, Thos. (fl. 1845-51), 100
-, Thos. Leversage, 100
-, Wm., 100

Fox, Sir Chas., 88, 110-11

Fox, Henderson & Co., 94-5, 110-12, 133

France, 183, 195, 207
-, immigrants from, 88, 115
-, wars with, 187, 195, 199, 203
-, and see St. Quentin Canal

Franciscans, 282

Frankel, J., (Aluminium) Ltd., 194

Frankley (in Hagley, Worcs.), 108

-, Alice, see Freeman
-, Cecily, m. John Stanley, 16
-, Ric., 16
-, Wm. (d. by 1424), 16
-, Wm. (d. 1437), 16
-, Wm. (d. by 1515), 16

Free, Hen., and his s., 67

Free Church, 249

Free Church of England, 244

Free Press Co., 72, 73

Freeford, 190

-, Alice, m. Wm. Frebody, 16
-, Isabel (née Marnham), 16
-, Wm., 15-16

Freer, Joanna (née Goodall), 175-6

-, Hen., 18
-, John, 109
-, Phoebe, m. Josiah Turton, 24

French Walls, see Smethwick

Friar Park, see Bromwich, West

friendly societies, 74, 136, 253-4, 279

Friends (Quakers), 63, 244

-, Ric., 103, 193
-, W. F., 193

Full Brook, 143, 168, 192

Fullbrook, see Walsall

Fyld, John, 103

Fynney, Wm., 234, 236

G. K. N., see Guest, Keen & Nettle- folds Ltd.

Galliardello, Mark Antony Caesar, town clerk of Walsall, 146

Galton, fam., 93

galvanized iron, 39, 200-1

-, A., 242
-, C. H., 242
-, Thos., 242

Gamson, Thos. (? same as last), 222

Gardner, Herb., vicar of St. Mat- thew's, Smethwick, 126 n

Garman-Ryan art collection, 252

Geast, see Guest

George II, 146

George IV, as Prince Regent, 195

Gerard, Dr. Edw., 61 n

Germany, 37, 117, 195
-, workers from, 117

Gibbons, Edw., 30

-, J. S., architect, 218, 252
-, Thos., 100, 105

Gibthorp, John, 173-4

Giffard, Bonaventure, Rom. Cath. bp. of Madura, 240 n

-, F. J., architect, 120, 127, 141
-, Geo., 201
-, H., 198

Gill & Russell Ltd., 201-2

Gillott, Jos., 105

Gilmore, K. M., 175

Ginder, T., & Son Ltd., 208

Gladstone, J. N., 226

Glamorgan, see Dowlais

Glascote, Wm., 279

glass-making, 26, 112, 115-17, 208

Gloucester, 233

Gloucestershire, see Tidenham

Glover, John, 70

glue-making, 93, 165, 207

-, Edw., 204
-, Edw., Ltd., 204

Golde fam., 6-7

Golds Green, see Bromwich, West

Golds Hill, see Bromwich, West

Good Samaritan, Sisterhood of, 222

-, Fanny, 176
-, Fra., 175
-, Joanna, see Burrowes
-, Joanna, see Freer
-, and see Delight

Goodwin, Fra., architect, 55, 232, 236

Gopsall (Leics.), 103

-, Jas., Rom. Cath. priest, 240
-, Wm., minister of Christ Church, West Bromwich, 56

Gordon Walker, P. C., M.P., 123, 129

Gornal, Upper, in Sedgley, stone from, 232

Gorway (Gorwey):
-, Thos., 269
-, Wm. (? two of this name), 192, 234, 236

Goscote, see Bloxwich

Goscote Foundry Co., 202

Gosling, John, 100

Gospel Temperance Movement (Blue Ribbon Army), 63, 230

-, Jane, see Brearley
-, Wal., 101

Gower, Wm., 214

Gower branch canal, 13

Grafton Heater Co. (1960) Ltd., 280

Grafton Manor (Worcs.), 190

Grainger, John, 280

Grand Junction Railway, 14, 168-9

-, J. J., and his w., 47
-, —, Wesleyan Methodist, 131

gravel-working, 158

-, C. C., architect, 246
-, John Edw., 145

Great Barr, see Barr, Great

Great Bloxwich, see Bloxwich

Great Bridge (in Tipton and West Bromwich), 8, 31
-, communications:
-, bridge, 12, 33
-, canals, 14
-, rly., 14
-, rds., 11-12
-, Great Bridge Colliery, 41
-, iron ind., 36
-, Prot. nonconf., 69, 76
-, public services, 49-50
-, sch., 76, 82

Great Eastern (ship), 110

Great Western Railway Co., 106

-, Rog., 18
-, Sam., organ-builder, 233
-, Thos., 174

Greene, Zacharias, 173

Greet (in Yardley, Worcs.), 112

Greets Green, see Bromwich, West

Gregg, Fra., 174

Grete Brook, 8

Greville, Fulke, later Baron Brooke, 190

-, Benj., 103
-, Henshaw, 103
-, Jane, see Hunt
-, Ric., 103

-, Edw., Lord Lisle, 229
-, Sir Ric., 229

Grice, Jas., 37

-, Chas. Fred., 176
-, Geo., 176
-, John, 252-3
-, Jos., 191
-, Wm., 252-3

Griffin & Weller, architects, 237

-, A. C., 194
-, Jas., 186
-, P. H. S., M.P., 123
-, Rob., architect, 152, 238-9
-, T. F., Son & Co., 112

-, Edw., 22 n
-, Thos., Congregational minister, 243
-, fam., 22

Grubbere, Rob., 192, 194

-, Hannah, w. of Jonathan, 101
-, Hannah, her dau., 101
-, Jonathan, 101
-, Jonathan, his s., 101

Guest (Geast):
-, Eliz., m. Hen. Carver, 102
-, Ric., 33

Guest & Co., 113

Guest, Keen & Co. Ltd., 113

Guest, Keen & Nettlefolds Ltd., 105, 109, 111, 113

gun-making, 35, 37, 100, 109

Gunpowder Plot, 240 n

Guns Village, see Bromwich, West

Gunstone (in Brewood), 32

-, Dan., 22
-, Jas., 22
-, Jos., 22

Guy, Wm., 151

gypsies, 94

Haddon, Nether (in Bakewell, Derb.), 15

-, Isaac, 42
-, Jos., 93
-, Sarah, 96

Hagley (Worcs.), 101, 108; and see Frankley

Haines, Ric., 8 n; and see Haynes

Haines branch canal, 14

Halesowen (formerly Salop, and Worcs., later partly in Birming- ham), 123-4; and see Hawne; Oldbury; Quinton; Warley Salop; Warley Wigorn
-, abbey, 22, 28, 31, 92, 98, 107-8, 176, 180, 226-7, 266
-, abbots, 13, 22, 168, 229; and see Taillour

-, Hen., 10
-, Jos., 10

Halford branch canal, 14, 43

Halfpenny, Mary, 142

-, Eliz., 103
-, J. T., 207
-, John, 178, 269
-, Mary, m. Geo. Hawe, 178
-, fam., 21

Hall End, see Bromwich, West

Hall End Brick Co. Ltd., 41

-, Hen., historian, 21, 23
-, John, dean of Bristol cath., 21, 23

-, Ann (or Hannah), 205
-, Edw., 205
-, John, 205
-, Joshua, 205

Hamblet, Jos., 41

Hamblet Blue Brick Co. Ltd., 25, 41

Hammerwich (Hambridge Forge) Brook, 143 n

Hammond, Clarice, see Withers

Hamstead (formerly in Handsworth, later in Birmingham and West Bromwich), 1, 4, 6, 47, 165
-, chs., 60
-, Hamstead Hall, 105
-, ind., 41
-, Newton, 4, 12, 65-6, 69, 72
-, Newton End, 6 n
-, Prot. nonconf., 62, 65-6, 69
-, schs., 80-1
-, stone, 231
-, Tanhouse housing est., 60

Hamstead Colliery Co., 41

Handel, G. F., 103

Handsworth (formerly Staffs., later mainly Birmingham), 6 n, 45, 94, 102, 115
-, as address, 33, 96, 101
-, Barr, Perry, q.v.
-, chars. for poor, 84, 141
-, chs., 50, 60
-, Hamstead, q.v.
-, Hill Ho., 22 n
-, ind., 116 n
-, Island Lodge, 85
-, the Leveretts, 21
-, mill, 108
-, New Inn Hall, 101
-, Oscott, q.v.
-, parl. constituency, 123
-, Prot. nonconf., 134
-, public transport, 49-50
-, rly., 98
-, Rom. Cath., 61
-, Soho Manufactory, 110
-, Woodville (ho.), 21

Hanlon, Alice (née Bull), 275

-, Thos. (fl. 1746), 106
-, Thos. (d. 1800), 99, 106
-, Thos. (fl. 1818-46), 106
-, fam., 99

Harborne (formerly Staffs., later Birmingham), 87, 103, 105, 107-8, 125
-, alms-hos., 142
-, chars. for poor, 141-2
-, ch., 118 n, 123-4, 128-9, 142
-, rectors, 107
-, vicars, 123-4
-, educ., 136
-, local govt., 118-19
-, man., 87, 97-9, 118-19, 125
-, Parish Lands, 119
-, police, 119, 122
-, pound, 119
-, Sch. Board, 131, 136, 141
-, township, 87, 105
-, wake, 134
-, workho., 119

Harborne, North, see Smethwick, North Harborne

Harden, see Bloxwich

Harden and District Community Association, 244

Hardman, John, & Co. Ltd., 102

-, Jas., 91
-, John, 91

-, A., Sons & Bean Ltd., 114, 131
-, Ewen, architect, 132
-, John, 227, 267
-, Wm., 267

-, Eliz., see Mountfort
-, Thos. (fl. c. 1681), 172
-, Thos. (fl. 1684), 172
-, Thos. (fl. 1717), and his uncle, 233

Harris, Martin & Harris, architects, 121

-, Abraham, 280
-, John, 256 n
-, John, Unitarian minister, 70
-, Wm., 191-2

Harrison & Cox, architects, 241

-, Jas., 115
-, John, 115
-, John, s. of John, 115

-, J. H., 191
-, J. P., 117
-, Matt., & Co. Ltd., 197, 204

Harvey & Buffery, 156

Harvey & Wicks, architects, 60

Harvills Hawthorn, see Bromwich, West

Hastings, Selina, ctss. of Hunting- don, 52, 64 n, 68

Hateley, Jos. (? two of this name), 7, 56

Hateley Heath, see Bromwich, West

Hatherton, barons, 151, 177; and see Littleton

Hatherton (in St. Peter's, Wolver- hampton), 177, 227

-, Geo. (d. 1558), 174, 178, 228, 267-8
-, Geo. (d. 1605), 178
-, Geo. (fl. earlier 17th cent.), 146, 178
-, Geo. (d. 1660), 178
-, Geo. (d. 1679), 178
-, Joan, see Flaxall
-, John (fl. earlier 16th cent.), 178
-, John (d. 1721), 178
-, John (d. apparently 1755), 178
-, John (? same as last), 256 n
-, Mary, m. Thos. Parker, 178
-, Mary, see Hall
-, Nic., 174, 178, 268

-, G. F., architect, 130
-, Thos., 30

-, W., & Son, organ-builders, 207, 282
-, Mrs., 266

-, John, 205
-, John, & Co. (Walsall) Ltd., 205
-, John Jas., 205
-, John Jas., (Speciality Works) Ltd., 206

Hawley-Goodall (Walsall) Ltd., 205

Hawne (in Halesowen, Salop, and Worcs.), 100

Hay Head, see Walsall

Hayes, Timothy, Rom. Cath. priest, 240

Haynes, Cicely, 272

Haywood (in Colwich), 228

Heath Colliery Co., 4

Heath End, see Bromwich, West

Heaton, Ralph, & Sons, 110

'heaving', 71

Hednesford (in Cannock), 225, 278

Heles, Ann, 32

Helliwells Ltd., 169

Helliwells School of Flying Ltd., 169

Henderson, John, 110-11, 133, 135, 138, 140

Henman, Harrison & Perrott, archi- tects, 222

Hennessy, — (fl. 20th cent.), 24

Henrietta Maria, queen of Charles I, 146

Henry II, 169

Henry the Lion, duke of Saxony, 169

Henry, priest at Handsworth, 51

Heptinstall, John, 195, 199

Herefordshire, see Leominster; Stoke Edith

Heronville (Hereville, Hervill):
-, Ric., 7 n
-, Wm. de, 7 n
-, fam., 7

Hewett, Frances, 175

-, Edw., 135
-, Laura, 125

-, Jos., 62
-, Sir Wm., 16

Hexton, John, 26

Heyworth, Wm., bp. of Coventry and Lichfield, 27

Hickin, Jos., 264

Hickton & Farmer, architects, 246

Hickton, Madeley & Salt, architects, 60, 265

Hides Brook, 13

-, Chas., 34
-, Phil., 240
-, Ric., 34
-, T., 198

High Heath, see Walsall Wood

-, Chas., 193
-, Isaac, architect, 193, 237, 282
-, Thos., 193

-, Hen., 185
-, Rob., 185
-, Thos., 185
-, — (fl. 1876), 201

Hildick & Hildick, 201

Hildick, Mills & Hildick, 201

-, D. Shenton, architect, 282
-, Geo., 172
-, Ric., 175
-, T. W., 83 n
-, Wm. Hen., 274

Hill Top, see Bromwich, West

-, Joan, m. 1 John de Clinton, 2 Saier de Rochford, 171
-, Kath., w. of Sir Rog. (d. 1356), 24
-, Marg., w. of Sir Rog. (d. 1400), 171, 233
-, Rob., rector of Sutton Coldfield (Warws.), 24, 173
-, Sir Rog. (d. 1356), 15 n, 24, 171-3, 184, 279
-, Sir Rog. (d. 1400), 15 n, 171, 173, 184-5, 228, 233, 234 n
-, Wal., 172
-, Wm., 171-3, 182
-, fam., 279

Hills Estate Co., 176

Hilton, Ric., Presbyterian minister, 67, 248

Hilton (in St. Peter's, Wolverhamp- ton), 173, 179

-, Beata, see Hunt
-, Hen., 98-100, 136 n
-, Hen., his s., 99
-, John, 99

Hindenburg Line, 158

Hindus, 70

Hinks, Wells & Co., 118

-, Denys, & Associates, architects, 126
-, J. W., 106
-, Rog., 273

Hints, forge, 33

Hobnail (Hobbins) Brook, 1, 27, 31

Hockley Brook, 49, 87, 108

Hodgettis (Hoggettes):
-, John, 190
-, Wm., 192

Hodgson, Rob., as vicar of Christ Church, West Bromwich, 76; as vicar of St. Matthew's, Walsall, 230

Hoggettes, see Hodgettis

Holbrook, the, 143, 146, 151, 168, 180, 182

-, E. T. (later Sir Edw.), 259
-, Edw., 120
-, R., 282

Holland, 195

Holliday, Steph. J., architect, 72

Hollington (in Checkley), stone from, 61, 218, 246

hollow-ware ind., 7, 32, 36-7, 195-6

-, Dan., 93
-, Wm., and his w. Martha, 103
-, fam., 40

Hollowood, Job, 192

-, Ann, 24
-, Edw., architect, 48
-, Edw. (another), 25
-, Rog., town clerk of Walsall, 24, 30, 171
-, Susannah, see Abney
-, Susannah, 24

-, E. E., organ-builder, 207
-, Edw., 176
-, Ernest, organ-builder, 207
-, Sidney, organ-builder, 207

Holton (Oxon.), 18, 29

Holyhead (Anglesey), 11, 13

Homer, Hen., 280

Hoo, Thos., 191

Hood, Thos., 56

Hope, Hen., & Sons, 93, 115

Hopkis (Hopkes):
-, Ric. (fl. 1542), 195
-, Ric. (fl. 1601), 34

Horham Hall, see Thaxted

Hornsey (Mdx.), 269

horse-furniture ind., 34, 60, 145, 194-8, 200-1, 208, 280

horse-racing, 250

-, Isabel, 185
-, Jas., 115
-, Margery, 185
-, Sam., architect, 245
-, Wm., 245

Houghton, John, 9

-, Eliz., see Tylney
-, Thos., earl of Surrey and duke of Norfolk, 279

Howell, Wm., 23

-, John, Congregational minister, 42
-, R. S., Ltd., 42
-, Rob. Spear, 42

Hudson's Dry Soap Powder, 42

Hugh the priest, vicar of West Bromwich, 50-1

Hughes, Dr. Sam., 174

Hughes & Newton, 197

Hulme, Upright & Partners, archi- tects, 245

-, Beata, w. of Wm. (d. by 1692), 124
-, Beata, m. Hen. Hinckley, 99
-, Edwin, 85
-, Jane, m. Benj. Grevis, 103
-, John, 176
-, Marg., 103
-, Wm. (fl. 1575), 103
-, Wm. (fl. 1600), 103
-, Wm. (fl. 1630), 103
-, Wm. (d. by 1692), 99, 103

Huntingdon, ctss. of, see Hastings

Huntingdon, 179

-, Edm., 175
-, Geof., 175
-, Hen., 175
-, John, 175
-, John atte, and his w. Isabel, 175
-, Ric., 233
-, Thos., 175
-, Wm. atte (fl. 1330s), 175
-, Wm. atte (d. by 1446), 175

Hutton, Wm., 108

-, Dorothy, 174
-, Thos., 174

I.M.I., 194

I.M.I. Refinery Holdings Ltd., 194

I.S.C. Alloys Ltd., 194

immigrants, see Bromwich, West; Smethwick; Walsall

Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., 114

Imperial Smelting Corporation, 194

Independents (political group), 120, 218

Independents, see Congregationalists

Indians, 3, 71, 88, 134-5, 145

Ingaldesthorpe, Isabel, m. John Neville, marquess of Montagu, 18

Ingall & Sons, architects, 62

Ingestre, Ingestre Hall, 75

International Bible Students' Associa- tion, 244

International Nickel Co. of Canada Ltd., 117

Ireland, Jos., architect, 61, 240

Ireland, 187, 207
-, Irish, 61, 145, 161, 241

Ireland Green, see Bromwich, West

iron manufacture, 29, 33, 38-9, 101, 109, 184, 190, 192-4, 225, 280

ironstone mining, 34, 37-9, 189-90, 202

Itchington, Bishop's (Warws.), 102

Itchington, Long, see Bascote

-, John, 24-5, 30
-, Wm., 23-5, 30 n

Izon & Whitehurst, 30-1, 36

Izon branch canal, 14

Izons & Co. Ltd., 25

-, Nic., 195
-, Thos., 266
-, Wm., 280
-, fam., 280

Jacobites, 145, 223

-, Chas., 83
-, Jos., 83

Jago, Ric., 6

Jamaicans, see West Indians

James I, 3

James II, 216

-, B. V., architect, 241
-, Jos., architect, 126
-, Ric., 264
-, Wm. (fl. early 18th cent.), 29, 40
-, Wm. (d. 1837), 40

James & Co., 40

James Bridge, see Walsall

James Bridge Copper Works Ltd., 194

japanning, 196, 202

-, F. T., 72
-, Wm., 35

Jehovah's Witnesses, 63, 244

-, Humph., 32-3
-, John (fl. 1651), 190
-, John (fl. c. 1700), 32-3

Jennens (or Jennings):
-, Chas., 103
-, Edw., 103

Jennings, Thos., 186

Jennings, Homer & Lynch, architects, 241

Jensen Motors Ltd., 38

-, Jerome Clapp, 243-4
-, Jerome Klapka, 145, 243

Jervase, Sam., 109

-, Mary, m. Sam. Clarke, 16
-, Thos. (fl. 1560), 16
-, Thos. (fl. 18th cent.), 16
-, and see Clarke Jervoise

-, Eliz., 23
-, Mary, w. of Wm., 22
-, Wm., minister of All Saints', West Bromwich, 23, 52

-, A. J., architect, 65, 67
-, Eliz., 67
-, Hen. (fl. 1446), 26
-, Hen., vicar of St. Peter's, West Bromwich, 55, 57-9
-, John (d. 1615), 26
-, John (d. 1625), 26
-, John (d. c. 1730), 26, 67
-, John (fl. c. 1730), 26
-, John (d. c. 1774), 26
-, Jos., 26, 38
-, Jos., & Co., 33, 38
-, Ric. (fl. later 18th cent.), 26, 33, 35, 38
-, Ric. (fl. 1813), 154
-, Ric., & Co., 38
-, Susan, 55
-, Thos. (d. by 1694), 26
-, Thos. (probably d. by 1697), 26, 67
-, Thos. (d. 1703), 26, 67
-, Thos. (d. 1766), 26
-, Thos. (fl. 1808-25), 21, 38
-, Thos. (d. 1837), 26
-, Thos. (d. 1873), 26, 54 n, 55, 58, 75
-, Revd. Thos., 26, 55
-, fam., 26 n, 38

Jesson branch canal, 14

Joan, queen of Henry IV, 178

Joberns & Arrowsmith, 280 n

John, King, 51, 226

John Madin Design Group, see Madin

-, Hen., 115
-, Thos., architect, 125
-, — (fl. 1845), 117
-, and see Dormer

Johnson & Cranage, 36

Johnson & Son, architects, 57

Johnson Bros. & Co. Ltd., 201

-, Edw. (fl. 1857), 57
-, Edw. (fl. 1876), 26 n
-, Geo., 193
-, Isabel, 275
-, John, 193
-, John, & Sons, 193
-, Thos., and his w., 21
-, Thos. Halbert, 275
-, W., 78

Jones Bros., 193

Joynson, C. W. D., architect, 245

Joynson Bros., architects, 245

Justice, Humph., 18

Keeling, Mrs., 100

Keen, Arthur, 113

-, Amelia, m. J. L. Moilliet, 105
-, Jas., 4, 104 n

Kendall, Edw., 33

Kennedy, Geo., 102-3

-, Archibald (d. 1835), 9, 10, 36, 74
-, Archibald (d. 1878), 10, 82
-, Archibald, & Sons Ltd., 36, 66, 112
-, G. H. (later Sir Geo.), 81, 83
-, Geo. Smith, 82
-, J. A., 10, 72
-, Sam., 9, 81
-, Timothy, 10
-, Wm., 10
-, fam., 70, 77, 82

Kenrick & Jefferson Ltd., 69, 73

Kent, see Sydenham; Westerham; Woolwich

-, Sam., 43
-, Sam., & Co. Ltd., 43
-, W. H., 43
-, fam., 43

Keys & Co. Ltd., 43

Kidderminster (Worcs.), Hill Grove, 100

King, Wm., 273

King's Bromley, see Bromley, King's

King's Norton, see Norton, King's

Kingswinford, see Brierley Hill; Prestwood

Kinver, see Compton; Whittington

Kirby, Edm., architect, 61

Kirkleatham, see Coatham

Kirkpatrick, Sarah Janet, 274

Kynnardessey, John de, canon of Lichfield cath., 27