
A History of the County of Oxford: Volume 16. Originally published by Boydell & Brewer for the Institute of Historical Research, Woodbridge, Suffolk, 2011.

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'Index', in A History of the County of Oxford: Volume 16, ed. Simon Townley (Woodbridge, Suffolk, 2011), British History Online [accessed 29 March 2025].

'Index', in A History of the County of Oxford: Volume 16. Edited by Simon Townley (Woodbridge, Suffolk, 2011), British History Online, accessed March 29, 2025,

"Index". A History of the County of Oxford: Volume 16. Ed. Simon Townley (Woodbridge, Suffolk, 2011), British History Online. Web. 29 March 2025.

Long title


Note. Page numbers in bold-face type indicate the substantive account of a subject. A page number in italics refers only to an illustration or caption on that page, while a page number followed by n refers only to the footnotes on that page. A number preceded by pl. refers to the colour plates between pp. 178–9.

Abbreviations used in the index include: abp, archbishop; adv., advowson; agric., agriculture; And., Andrew; Ant., Anthony; archdcn, archdeacon; Art., Arthur; Barth., Bartholomew; bdy, boundary; Benj., Benjamin; bldg, building(s); bp, bishop; Cath., Catherine, Catholicism; ch., church; chant., chantries; char., charities; Chas, Charles; Chris., Christopher; chwdns, churchwardens; cts, courts; ctss, countess; d., died; Dan., Daniel; dau., daughter; Edm., Edmund; Edw., Edward; eccl., ecclesiastical; Eliz., Elizabeth; est., estate(s); fam., family; fl., flourished; Fm, Farm; Fras, Francis; Geo., George; Gilb., Gilbert; grds, grandson; Hen., Henry; ho(s)., house(s); hosp., hospital; Humph., Humphrey; hund., hundred; inclo., inclosure; ind., industrial, industry; Jas, James; Jos., Joseph; Kath., Katherine; Lawr., Lawrence; ld, lord(s); Leon., Leonard; m., married; man., manor(s), manorial; manuf., manufacture(r); Matt., Matthew; Mgt, Margaret; Mgy, Margery; Mic., Michael; mkt, market(s); Nat., Nathaniel; Nic., Nicholas; nonconf., nonconformity; par., parish; parl., parliament(ary); Phil., Philip; pop., population; prehist., prehistoric; rect., rectory; Reg., Reginald; Ric., Richard; riv., river; rly, railway; Rob., Robert; Rog., Roger; Rom., Roman; s., son; Sam., Samuel; sch., school(s); Sim., Simon; soc. struc., social structure; Steph., Stephen; stn, station; Thos, Thomas; vct(ss), viscount(ess); vic., vicarage, vicars; w., wife; Wal., Walter; Wm, William


-, Mgt of, see Brand, 207
-, Maud, m. John Thedemarsh, 207
-, Nic. of, 207, 217
-, fam., 206

Abingdon, 1, 5, 12, 22–3, 26–7, 76, 79, 81–2, 84, 90, 120, 124, 128
-, abbey, 238–9, 257, 270, 275, 280, 311

Act of Uniformity, 168

-, Chas, rector of Rotherfield Peppard, 334
-, Humph., 186

Adrian, Rob., 79

agriculture, 2–4, 8, 9–12
-, farms, 2, 10; and see under names of particular places
-, mechanization, 4, 209, 213, 215–16
-, and see cider ho.; crops; dairying; marling; rents; stock rearing; woodland; and under names of particular places

Alan, see Ranulf son of; Robert son of

Albert, Prince Consort, 140

Alchester, 4

Aldermaston (Berks.), 239

-, Chas, rector of Henley, 136, 166–7
-, Hen., dean of Christ Church, Oxford, 166–7

ale, assize of, 16, 103–5, 320, 336; and see brewers and brewing

Alexander I, Czar of Russia, 134

Aleyn, see Allen

-, Hen., 76, 188
-, John, 74, 188
-, Wm, 76
-, fam., 76

Alfred (fl. 1086), 238
-, his s., see Roger

All Souls College, Oxford, 227, 258, 261–2

Allen (Aleyn):
-, Jas, 321
-, John (fl. 1316), 284
-, John (fl. 1794), 134
-, Ric., 53
-, Thos., 53
-, and see Ranulf son of Alan

Alleway (Allaway, Alloway):
-, Edw., 248
-, John, 26
-, fam., 244

Allington (Kent), 163 n

Allnutt (Alnutt, Allnatt):
-, Chris., rector of Rotherfield Greys, 297
-, Eliz., see Hall
-, Ric., 218
-, Sam., 58, 169, 262
-, Zachary, and his s., 139

allotments, poor and recreational, 43, 47, 116, 151–2

almshouses, 17, 51, 131, 329; and see Henley-on-Thames, borough

-, Geoff. de, rector of Rotherfield Peppard, 331
-, John de, 284, 312, 316, 322–3, 330–1

Alvingham, Maj. Gen. Ld, 209, 214

American Machine Foundry Ltd, 322

Amersham (Bucks.), 1, 6, 159, 165

Amon, Ric., 288

Ancastle, see Henley-on-Thames, borough

-, Ric., 240
-, Wm, 249

angling, recreational, 92, 96, 140–1, 155

Anglo-Saxon settlement, 2, 31, 198, 201, 235, 246, 267, 270, 306

Anne of Denmark, queen of Jas I, 77

antique dealers, 98–100

apothecaries, druggists, and chemists, 87, 91, 94, 98–9, 125, 133–4, 138, 152

-, Jos., 90, 92
-, Rob., 90

apprentices, 107–8, 111, 121, 130, 136, 170, 216; and see charities: apprenticing

Arbib, Sir Martyn, 100, 156

architects, see Barry; Billing; Brandon; Broadway Malyan; Brownshill; Cattermole; Champion, Wm Scott; Chipperfield; Day; Dodd; Edwards, Rob. Clarke; Farrell; Fawcett; Ferrey; Flockhart; Gibson; Gwynne; Hare; Haslam; Hayward; Hines; Hobbs, A.E.; Hook; Hunt; Jefferies; Jones, W. Campbell; King, Lawr.; Lowdell; Lutyens; Morris, Jos.; Norton, John; Oxfordshire County Architects; Pollen; Pratt, E.A. and Hampden W.; Prynne; Ravenscroft; Sedding; Shaw; Smith, Chas, and Son; Tapp; Theobalds; Verity and Beverley; Walton; Webb; Wilkinson; Willcocks; Wing; Woodman; Woodyer; Wren

Arden (Ardern):
-, Edw., 87
-, Hen. de, 281, 284
-, John, 107

Argentyne, John, rector of Bix, 225 n

artists, designers, engravers, and sculptors, see Clayton and Bell; Damer; Dart & Francis; Gainsborough, Thos; Geldart; Hardman; Holiday; Kneller; Lancaster; Lavers & Westlake; O'Connor; Piper; Pugin; Siberechts

Arundel (Arundell), Thos, 330 n

Arundel, earl of, see d'Aubigny

assarting and woodland clearance, 8, 11–12, 22, 188, 192–3, 198, 210, 212, 231, 247–8, 250, 266, 282–3, 285–6, 303, 315

Assendon, Lower or Nether (Assendon Cross) (in Bix and Henley), 3, 19, 20, 22, 44, 75–6, 150, 154, 170, 184, 190, 193, 195, 197, 198–9, 200, 201–5, 215, 217, 219–22, 228

Assendon, Middle (in Bix), 3, 20, 44, 75–6, 197, 198–9, 200–5, 208–12, 214–17, 220–1, 228; pl. 1

Assendon, Upper, see Stonor

Assendon common, 188

Assendon sewage works, 44, 47, 196–7, 203

Assendon spring, 198

Assendon valley, 8–9, 196, 198, 201; pl. 1

Assendon Way, 199

assizes of bread and ale, see ale; bread

Astley, Jacob, 290

Aston, Anna Sophia, m. Ant. Hodges (d. 1799), 240

Aston, rural deanery, 160

athletics, 143–4, 148–9, 221, 325

Atkins, Wm, 125

auctioneers, estate agents, and appraisers, 43, 57, 66, 98, 100, 134 n, 142, 146, 152, 213

Aumâle, honor of, 275

Austen, Jane, novelist, 252 n

Australia, 152

Avery, John, 91

Awbery, A.R., 147

Aylesbury (Bucks.), 6, 22. 79

Aylesford, earl of, 253

Ayleward, Wm, 123, 165 n


Bacchus, John Northcote, 175

Backhouse, John, 272, 286–7

Bacon (Bakun):
-, Elias, 280
-, Eliz., m. Sir Wm Periam, 130, 132, 179
-, Sir Nic., 130
-, Steph., 89

-, Ralph of, 186
-, Wm of, 186, 190
-, fam., 186

Badgemore (formerly in Henley-on-Thames), 9, 11, 13, 16, 19, 20, 31–2, 45, 67, 135, 156, 183–7, 170, 190, 192–5, 270
-, as address, 13, 132, 142, 147, 167, 191, 281, 292
-, Badgemore Ho. or Ct, 20, 56, 134, 138, 151, 154, 183–4, 186–7
-, bdy, 21–2, 42, 198, 266
-, Burial Board, see Henley and Badgemore Burial Board
-, civil par., 20–1, 42, 198, 266
-, cts, 16, 106, 301
-, man. and est., 16, 19–21, 27, 31, 73, 104, 106, 120, 164, 185–7, 190–3, 275
-, place name, 184

Badgemore Park Golf Club, 186–7, 194

badminton, 153

Bagot, Fred., rector of Harpsden, and his w. Charlotte, 262–3

Baker, Wm, 293–4

bakers, 78, 86, 88, 94–5, 98, 100, 109, 121, 125, 145, 217, 305, 322

Bakun, see Bacon

Baldon, Marsh, 83

Baldwin, Ric., rector of Henley, 165–6

Balet, John, 323

Ball, Hannah, 170

Balliol College, Oxford, 130, 227

balls (social), 133

Banastre, Wm, rector of Harpsden, 258

Banbury, earl of, see Knollys

Banbury, 22–3

bands, 143–4, 149

banks, 61–2, 91, 93, 98, 255
-, bankers and financiers, 15, 27, 75, 94, 100, 126, 128, 186, 188, 208, 220, 238, 244, 255, 289, 311

Bannister, John, 286

Baptists and Anabaptists, 15 n, 159, 168, 171, 174–6, 228
-, Strict or Particular, 174–5

Barbel and Beuzeville, Messrs, 95

Barber, Hamo, 80 n

barbers, 88, 121

Baret, see Barrett

Barford, Hugh, 151

bargemen, 6, 36, 40, 52, 55, 81, 83, 84, 86, 88, 89–90, 92, 94, 124–5, 128, 134, 170
-, bargemasters, 58, 88–90, 91–2, 94, 106, 122, 132, 134–5
-, barges, 28, 83–4, 89, 90, 91–2, 124
-,-, shouts, 79–80
-, boatmen, 79
-, and see Thames, river: trade

-, John, rector of Bix, 225–6
-, Keith, 100
-, Wm, rector of Henley, 166

Barkham (Bucks.), 240

barley, see crops

Barnaby, Wm, 84, 130–2

Barnard, Alex., 262 n

Barnes, Rob., rector of Rotherfield Greys, 293, 297

Barnett, R.C., Ltd, engineers, 98

Barneville, Wm de, 120, 122

Barrett (Baret):
-, Bill, 300
-, Rob., 282
-, fam., 287

Barrington, Shute, bp of Durham, 326

barrows, 7, 188, 306

Barry, Mr, architect, 114 n

Bartelot, John, rector of Bix, 225 n

Basingstoke (Hants.), 28

-, Hen., 245, 281, 314
-, fam., 241, 245

basket making, 87–8, 94, 99, 251, 320

Bateman, Rob., rector of Rotherfield Peppard, 331

Bath (Som.), 25, 70, 133–4

Bayley, John, 312

Baynton (or Waynton), John, rector of Harpsden, 259 n

Beaconsfield (Bucks.), 6, 26

-, Jas, 249
-, John, 87n

-, And. de, 275, 287
-, Eve, see Grey

Beaufitz, John, 276

Bec-Hellouin (Eure, France), abbey, 329–30

Becket, Thos, abp of Canterbury, 165, 179

Bedford, duke of, see Tudor, Jasper

Bedfordshire, see Luton

Bekyngham, Edm., rector of Henley, 162

Belesham, Thos de, rector of Bix Gibwyn, 223

Belgium, 153

bellfounders, 78, 180–1, 229

bells, ancient, 103, 165–6, 176, 178, 180–1, 229, 297, 331–2

Bennett's Lane, 199, 220

Benson, Messrs J.W., 181

Benson Bros, builders, 69

Benson (Bensington), 1, 2, 5, 6, 15, 31, 27, 76, 89, 294,
-, ch., 15, 159, 222, 257, 295,
-, cts, 106, 273, 302,
-, man., 2, 5, 15–16, 19, 21, 31, 38, 73–4, 75–6, 104, 106, 159–60, 185, 190–1, 197, 203, 206–7, 257, 266, 275, 303, 307, 310, 313,
-, Roke, 170

Benson (Bensington) half-hund., see Ewelme hund.

-, Hen. (d. 1697), 212, 245
-, Hen. (fl. 1777), 91
-, John, 317
-, Jos., 90, 92, 97
-, Peter Sarney, 92
-, Sam., 286
-, Wm (d. 1669), 286, 318
-, Wm (fl. 1672), 87
-, Wm (fl. 1725, ?another), 210
-, Wm (d. 1739, ?same as above), 333
-, fam., 92, 206, 218, 318

Benwell, Jos., and Co., brewers, 92

Benyn (?Bevyl), John, 80

Berkeley, Maurice, 207

Berkshire, 19, 79, 121, 254, 328
-, Berkshire Downs, 82
-, county ct, 118
-, sheriff of, 239
-, Vale of White Horse, 82
-, and see Aldermaston; Bisham; Bray; Cookham; Eaton; Hurley; Maidenhead; Newbury; Pangbourne; Reading; Remenham; Shefford; Sonning; Sotwell; Stratfield Say; Streatley; Twyford; Wallingford; Wantage; Wargrave; Windsor; Wokingham

Berkshire Baptist Association, 168

Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Naturalists' Trust, 325

besom making, 251

Betts and Son (Motts and Betts), 98

Betty, Adam, 112

Beuzeville, see Barbel and Beuzeville

Beverley, see Verity and Beverley

Bevyl, see Benyn

Bewmorris, Ric., 323

Bicester, 22

bicycle agents and clubs, 98, 144

Bigod, Rog., earl of Norfolk, 74

Billing, Ric., architect, 72

Billings, Mr, 95

-, Frances, 285
-, Thos, 285
-, fam., 286

Binfield Heath, see Shiplake

Binfield hund., 1, 10, 15–16, 252, 256, 265
-, bdy, 16, 196–7
-, ct, 16, 264, 301

Birch, J.W. Newell, 188, 222

Birch Reynardson, fam., 65

Bird, John, 58

Birmingham (Warws.), 26

Bisham (Berks.), 89

Bitmead, Sam., 286

-, Emma of, m. Rob. Brand, 207
-, (of Bixest), see Hugh son of Osbert
-, Hugh of (d. by 1223), 207
-, Peter of, 207
-, fam., 206

Bix, 1, 3, 4–11, 16, 31, 191, 196–230, 266, 284–6, 295, 299; pl. 1–2, 11
-, adv., 223–5
-, agric., 2–4, 11–12, 17, 196, 200–1, 209–16
-, Assendon, Lower and Middle, q.v.
-, Bix Bottom, 5, 7–8, 197, 198–9, 201–2, 205, 209–10, 214, 217, 219–20, 222–4; pl. 1–2, 11a
-, Bix Brand, 8, 11, 16, 196, 197, 198, 200–2, 206–7, 208–11, 215–16, 218, 222–6, 228, 229, 230
-, Bix Common, 196, 197, 199, 202, 203, 209–10, 212, 220–1, 228–9
-, Bix Gibwyn, 8, 11, 16, 196, 197, 198, 200–2, 206–8, 210, 218, 222–6, 230; pl. 11
-, Bix Hall, see Bix: rect. ho.
-, Bix 'village', 8–9, 196, 197, 198–202, 203, 204–5, 217, 220, 228
-, bdy, 1, 3, 16, 19, 173, 196–8, 197, 199, 201, 223, 266
-, Braunds (Brawns), 197, 202, 204–5
-, Bromsden, q.v.
-, bldgs, 18, 202, 204–5, 210, 212, 215, 218, 220–1, 224, 229
-, Catslip, q.v.
-, char., 157, 222
-, ch. hist., 8, 196, 201–2, 222–9, 295, 299
-,-, ch. archit., 197, 201–2, 220, 222–3, 225–8, 229; pl. 11
-, chwdns, 218, 227–8, 230
-, clubs, 220
-, cts, 16, 210, 230
-, curates, 218–19, 225–7
-, demesne, 207, 210–11, 215
-, est., 208–9, 284
-, farms, 197, 208, 210–13, 286
-, festivities, 220–1
-, fields, 198, 210, 212
-, glebe, 201, 208, 212, 222, 224
-, inclo., 198, 210, 230
-, libr., 221
-, Maidensgrove, q.v.
-, man., 8, 19, 31, 196, 197, 198, 201, 206–9, 209, 223, 230
-,-, man. hos, 200–2, 206
-, man. officers, 230
-, Merrimoles, 208, 210, 213, 220
-, nonconf., 222, 227–8
-, par. council, 220–1
-, par. officers and property, 222, 230
-, place name, 4
-, poor relief, 17, 157, 222, 226
-, pop., 8, 11, 200–1, 203, 210, 219
-, post office, 200, 217
-, pound, 230
-, pubs and inns, 199, 202–3, 205, 216–17, 220–1
-, rectors, 213, 217–24, 225–8
-, rect. est., 208, 223–4
-, rect. ho. (Bix Hall), 197, 204–5, 209, 224–5
-, Redpits, 186 n, 196, 197, 198, 200, 202, 205, 208–9, 212, 214, 219, 226
-, rifle range, 198
-, roads, 5, 6, 9, 196–7, 198–200, 220
-, Rom. Cath., 223, 227–8
-, sch., 196–7, 202, 220, 221–2
-, settlement, 7–9, 196, 200, 201–4, 217, 223, 226
-, shops, 217
-, soc. life, 220–1
-, soc. struc., 17, 201, 205, 213, 217–20, 221
-, stocks, 230
-, tithes, 212–13, 224
-, trade and ind., 209, 216–19
-, vestry, 230
-, villa, see Roman settlement
-, village hall, 221
-, Warburg nature reserve, 209, 221
-, water supply, 198, 213
-, woodland, 3, 4, 11, 196, 197, 198–9, 200, 207–16, 219–20, 223–4, 230, 285

Bix and Assendon civil parish, 198

'Bixest', Hugh of, see Hugh son of Osbert

Black Death, see epidemics: plague

Black Prince, see Edward, prince of Wales

-, John, 317
-, Rob., 317
-, Wm, 317

Blackman, John, 90, 134–5

blacksmiths, see metal industry

Bladon, John, rector of Bix, 225 n

Blagrave, John, mapmaker, 242; pl. 12a

Blaston, Wm de, rector of Bolney, 259 n

Blewbury (formerly Berks.), 313

Bliburgh, Nic. de, rector of Rotherfield Greys, 296

Blike, Wm, 311

-, Geo., 313
-, John, 312, 323
-, Sir Thos (d. 1400), 122
-, Thos (d. 1407), 312, 323

Blount's Court, see Rotherfield Peppard

Blythman, Rob., rector of Harpsden, 260

boat building, 41, 62, 78, 80, 86, 92, 96–7, 99, 152, 251

boathouses, 18, 41, 62, 97, 158, 251

boatmen, see bargemen

bodgers, 251, 288, 320

Boer War, 146

Boham, Hugh, rector of Harpsden, 252, 261
-, his dau., m. Thos Lamplugh, 252

-, Hugh, 206
-, Wal., 206
-, fam., 206

Boler (Bowler):
-, Hen., 125
-, John, 212

-, Gilb., 322
-, Matilda, 322

-, Alice of, m. Reg. of Whitchurch, 239
-, Maenfel of, 239
-, Mgy of, m. Alan of Farnham, 239–40
-, Nic. of, 239
-, Wal. of, 239, 258
-, Wm of, rector of Bolney, 259 n

Bolney (in Harpsden), 1, 3, 8–9, 11, 13, 132, 136, 231, 232–3, 234–51, 256
-, Bolney Ct, 9, 133, 140, 143–4, 232–3, 234–6, 238, 240–1, 243–4, 246, 252–3, 255–7, 263, 286, 311, 313; pl. 14
-, ch., 8, 235, 257–60
-,-, adv., 258
-, cts, 264–5
-, ferry, 233
-, glebe, 245, 258–9
-, hythe, 232–3, 235
-, inclo., 246
-, man. and est., 8, 16, 231, 235, 238, 239–41, 244–6, 251–2, 257–8, 264
-, par., 231, 251–2, 257
-, place name, 232, 246
-, pop., 8, 11, 234, 235, 246–7
-, rectors, 258–9
-, rect. est., 258–9
-, rect. ho., 259
-, tithes, 239, 246, 257–8

Bolney Estates Ltd (Bolney Syndicate), 233–4, 236, 245, 263

-, Ann, 170
-, Rob., 173

-, F.M., 209, 213–14, 219
-, John, rector of Bix, 225 n
-, Maria, 306

bonnet makers, see milliners: hat and bonnet makers

booksellers and stationers, 62, 91, 94–5, 98, 100, 138, 140, 142, 150; and see Smith, W.H. (Vct Hambleden)

Boots the Chemist, 98–9

Bosworth (Leics.), 73

Botreaux, Baroness, see Hungerford, Mary

Boure, John, 81 n

Bowler, see Boler

bowls and bowling greens, 35, 87, 125–7, 153, 325

Boyle, Chas, Vct Dungarvan, 324

-, Benj., 59, 70 n, 134–5
-, Wm, 70–1, 103, 134, 180

Brakspear (Brekespere):
-, A. R., 152
-, Archibald, 97, 119, 141, 143–4, 146–7, 150, 152, 255
-, Geo. Edw., 97, 143, 272
-, Gilb., 206
-, R.W., 153
-, Rob., 90–2, 326
-, W.H., 29, 90, 92, 93, 97, 138, 146–7
-, Miss, 182
-, fam., 141, 146–7, 152–3, 181, 253

Brakspears' Brewery (W.H. Brakspear and Sons, formerly Henley Brewery), 12, 30, 39, 46, 48, 62, 64, 65–7, 90, 92, 93, 97, 98, 100–1, 144, 152, 202, 205

-, Christiana, 207
-, Emma, see Bix
-, John, 207
-, Mgt, m. Nic. of Abingdon, 207
-, Maud, ?w. of John, 207–8
-, Rob. (fl. 1248–62), 207, 223
-, Rob., rector of Bix Brand, 223, 225
-, fam., 202, 206

Brandon, David, architect, 280

brandy merchants, 58, 91

Brangwin, Misses, 150

brasses, memorial, 164, 179 n, 260, 290, 300, 324

Brawne (or Braund), Capt., 204

Bray, Thos, rector of Bix, 226

Bray (Berks.), 167
-, Braywick, 276

braziers, see metal industry

-, assize of, 103–5
-, prices, 135
-, regulation of, 109, 135
-, and see charities

Brecon, collegiate ch., 227

Breconshire, see Brecon; Treberfydd

Bree, John, 227

breeches makers, see leather industry

Brekespere, see Brakspear

Breteuil, Gilb. de, 239

Breteuil, honor of, 239

brewers, brewing and brewhos, 12, 29–30, 36, 39, 46, 48, 56, 59 n, 62–7, 78, 87–95, 97–8, 100–1, 105, 125–6, 128, 132–5, 138, 141, 143–4, 146, 150, 152, 169, 171, 195, 202, 205, 211, 214, 217, 251, 255, 272, 278, 286, 312, 316–17, 320, 326, 331; and see ale, assize of; crops: hops; draymen; maltsters

Brewster, see Cooper, Rob.

-, Maud, 223
-, Rob., 206, 223
-, fam., 206, 208 n

-, John, 168
-, Wm, rector of Henley, 132, 166, 168

-, as bldg material, 17–18, 30, 35, 37, 49–50, 55–8, 60–8, 70–2, 85, 87, 119, 174, 182, 187–8, 204, 213, 236–7, 243–4, 257, 259, 273–4, 279, 281, 291–3, 300, 310, 313, 318, 327, 331, 335; pl. 7–9
-, brick kilns, 3, 274
-, bricklayers, 49, 56, 71, 87, 94–5, 97, 149, 180, 216, 222, 251
-, brickmaking, 4, 18, 56, 58, 94, 195, 216, 281, 287

Bridges, John, bp of Oxford, 129

bridges, 5; and see Henley-on-Thames: borough
-, bridge hermits, see Henley-on-Thames, borough: hermitage

-, Wm (fl. 1381–8), rector of Bolney, 259 n
-, Wm (fl. 1416–43, ?the same), rector of Henley, 163

Brightwelton, John, 260

Brigstock, Chas, 90

Bristol, 6, 137, 165

British Automobile Traction, 305

Broadway Malyan, architects, 67

Brockham, Ric., 83, 107, 121

Bromsden, Ric., of 207

Bromsden (in Bix), 9, 196, 197, 198, 201–2, 205–8, 210–15, 220, 224, 286

Bronze-Age settlement, 7, 235, 267, 306

Brooke Bond Tea Ltd, 322

-, Jas (d. 1803), 56, 90
-, Jas H. (fl. 1850), 138)
-, Solomon, 87n
-, Wm, 90

Brown (Browne):
-, Wm, 82
-, Mr, 193 n

Brownlow Doughty:
-, Geo., 186
-, fam., 170 n

Brownshill, Peter, architect, 183

-, Eliz., w. of Felix, 276, 280, 292
-, Felix, Bt, 276, 280
-, fam., 291, 299

Bryan, Thos, 86

-, Fras, 87
-, Hen., 130

Buckingham, earls of, see Giffard

Buckinghamshire, 19, 21, 74, 79, 82, 121–2, 159, 168, 328, 331; and see Amersham; Aylesbury; Barkham; Beaconsfield; Crendon; Danesfield; Eton; Fawley; Haddenham; Hambleden; Ibstone; Lillingstone Dayrell; Linford; Marlow; Marsh Gibbon; Medmenham; Newport Pagnell; Slough; Stokenchurch; Stowe; Turville; Wooburn; Wycombe

building materials, 17–18, 49, 68; and see brick; cement; chalk; concrete; corrugated iron; flint; slate; stone; thatch; tiles; timber framing

building trades, 78, 86, 88, 91–2, 94–5, 97, 99
-, bricklayers, see brick
-, builders, 26, 41, 44, 58–66, 68–72, 94, 97, 99–100, 113, 134, 138–9, 145–6, 150, 189, 301, 310, 314, 322
-, carpenters and joiners, 40, 56, 59, 63, 78, 81, 86, 88, 94–5, 97, 120, 130, 149, 165, 216, 251, 272, 287, 320–1
-, electricians, 99–100
-, glaziers, 53, 86, 88, 130
-, masons, 38, 94, 177, 180
-,-, monumental, 99
-, painters, 94, 97
-, plumbers, 94–5, 99–100
-, sawyers, 88, 94, 288; and see mills: saw mills

buildings, see building materials; Chilterns; council housing; furnishings; and under names of particular places

-, Chas (fl. 1840), 249
-, Chas (fl. 1845–52, ?the same), 336–7
-, Ric., 249

Bulstrode, fam., 78

Burcot, 84

Burford, 5, 22

-, John, 287
-, W. G., 61
-, fam., 320

Burgis, Edwin, 158

Burlton, F. J., 171

Burn, J. S., 55, 141, 146

Burr, Harry, 274

Busher, fam., 213

butchers, 35–6, 53–4, 83, 86, 88, 94–5, 98, 103, 109, 121, 124–5, 152, 170, 193

-, Albert, 322
-, Alice, see Deincourt
-, Chas (fl. 1840), 326
-, Chas (fl. 1904, ?same as below), 319
-, Chas (fl. 1910), builder, 310, 335
-, Edm., justiciar of Ireland, 311
-, Eleanor, w. of Jas (d. 1338), m. 2 Thos de Dagworth, 311, 330
-, Jas (d. 1338), earl of Ormond, 311–12, 330
-, Jas (d. 1382), earl of Ormond, 311
-, Jas (d. 1405), earl of Ormond, 311, 330
-, Jas (d. 1850), Baron Dunboyne, 253
-, Jesse, 320
-, John, 248
-, Mary, see Vaughan
-, Peter, 319
-, Sir Ralph, Ld Sudeley, 276
-, Wm, 337
-, fam., 310, 314, 316, 322–3

Butler's, builders, 229

Byles, Hen., 93

Byles, T. F. A., & Co. (formerly Byles and Son), see Greys Brewery


cabinet makers, 57, 63, 91, 94–5, 146

Calais, staple of, 82, 122

Calvin, John, 166

Calway Construction Ltd, 68

Cambridge, 63, 140
-, univ., 138, 227; and see Sidney Sussex

Camoys, Baron, see Stonor, Fras Rob. and Thos (d. 1881)

canals, 6, 28

-, Joanna, writer, 324
-, fam., 324–6, 328

-, abps of, 160; and see Becket; Chichele; Laud
-, cathedral priory, 209
-, prerogative ct of, 91

Canterbury College, Oxford, 80

Cardun, Wal., rector of Bix, 224–5

carpenters, see building trades

carriers and carters, 5, 12, 27, 79, 86, 88, 91, 94–5, 98, 200, 233, 267, 302, 305

Carter, Abraham, 87

Cassington, 239

Castell, Wm, rector of Harpsden, 260 n

Caterer, Isaac, 327, 333

Catslip (in Bix and Nettlebed), 3, 197, 199, 204, 223

Cattermole and Eade, architects, 61

cattle, see stock rearing

Caversham, 1, 11, 72, 144, 160, 239, 280, 303, 315
-, Kidmore, 320, 330–1

Cawdrey, Wm, 293

Cawking, Wm, 193 n

-, John, rector of Henley and archdeacon of Lincoln, 166–7, 188, 193
-, Wm, regicide, 166 n
-, fam., 188

cement, 68

chair and furniture manuf., 12, 94–5, 216, 251, 288, 320; and see turnery

Chalcraft, John, 152

chalk (as bldg material), 49

chalk pits, 4, 216, 321

Chamberlain, Edm., 145–6

Chambers, John, 66

-, Hen., 253
-, Wm Scott, architect, 181, 335

chandlers, 88–9, 94, 125, 134

chantries, see Harpsden; Henley-on-Thames, parish; Rotherfield Greys

Chantry House, see Henley-on-Thames, borough

-, John, 316
-, Wm, 172

chapmen, 79

charcoal burning, see woodland: management

charities, 17
-, apprenticing, 129–30, 132, 136, 151, 157, 170
-, bread, 130, 132, 137, 151–2, 257, 293, 329
-, clothing, 130, 132, 170, 293, 323, 328–9
-, coal, 152, 329
-, and see under names of particular places

Charity Commissioners, 145, 149, 151, 157, 329

Charles I, 126, 128

Charlett, Greg., rector of Harpsden, 259 n, 260

Chater, fam., 325

Chaucer, Thos, 16

Checkendon, 1, 76, 169, 280, 303–4, 313, 315, 332; and see Wyfold

cheese manuf., see dairying

Cheltenham (Glos.), 26, 200

chemists, see apothecaries

Cheshire, Wm, rector of Rotherfield Peppard, 331–2, 334

chess, 127, 142

-, John, 226
-, Wm, rector of Bix, 218, 225–6
-, fam., 226

Chesterton (Glos.), 330 n

Cheyne, Thos, 276

Chichele, Hen., abp of Canterbury, 82

Chiltern, John, 312

Chilterns, south-west, 1–18
-, agric, 2, 3, 8, 9–12, 17, 211, 287, 314, 316, 319
-, bldgs, 11, 13, 17–18
-, communications, 2, 4–7, 14–15, 17
-, estates and parishes, 1, 2, 16
-, hundreds, 1, 5, 10, 15, 74, 239; and see Binfield hund.; Langtree hund.
-, landscape, 1–4, 9, 196, 198, 231–2, 266, 282, 303, 314; pl. 1–2, 12b
-, pop., 8–11, 200
-, relig. hist., 14–15, 122, 127, 159
-, settlement, 1–2, 7–9
-, soc. struc., 2, 7, 12–15, 17, 155, 289
-, trade and ind., 12
-, water supply, 8, 10, 198
-, and see topics under names of particular places

Chilton Lodge (Wilts.), 77

chimney sweeps, 94, 98

Chinnor, 1, 79, 216

Chipp, Wm, 286

Chipperfield, David, architect, 67

Chipps, Matt., 248

choirs, church, 172–3, 262–3, 292, 324, 326

Christ Church, Oxford, 226; and see Aldrich, Hen.

church dedications, 35, 117, 160, 163, 223, 258, 295, 329, 330 n

Church Patronage Trust, 262

church plate, 164–5, 167, 172, 182, 222, 226, 252 n, 260, 291, 297, 299, 332–3

churches, see under names of particular places

Churchill, Jas, 169

cider house, 76

Cigony, Engelard de, 73

cinemas, see Henley-on-Thames, borough

circuses, 142

Cirencester (Glos.), 26–7, 128

Civil War, 25, 77–8, 105, 110, 126, 127–8, 129, 159, 166, 226, 240, 261, 277, 279, 290–1, 323, 332; and see Parliamentarians; Royalists

Clarendon Palace (Wilts.), 76

Clark (Clerke):
-, Alex., rector of Rotherfield Greys, 297
-, Alice, 318
-, Hannah, 192
-, John (d. 1641), 328, 332
-, John (fl. 1725), 317
-, Ric., 332

Clayton, Sir Rob., 126, 128

Clayton and Bell, 181

Clements, Chas, 61–3, 65–6, 68, 70, 72, 97, 113, 145–7, 150, 189

Clerke, see Clark

Cleydon, Thos, 86, 125, 129

Clifton Hampden, 89

Clobber, Thos, 80, 107, 120–1, 192, 311

clock- and watchmakers, 61, 88, 91, 94–5, 149, 170, 180

clocks, early, 177, 180–1

cloth industry, 78–80, 82, 84, 86, 88, 91, 95, 107, 120–1
-, clothiers, 145
-, dyers, 78, 82, 84, 86, 88, 121
-, flax and hemp processing, 88–9, 132, 246, 286
-, fullers, 78, 83–4, 121
-, girdlers, 240
-, shearers, 86, 165
-,-, weavers and weaving, 84, 86, 94–5, 120, 125, 165, 170
-, weavers' guild, 122, 164
-, and see mantua makers; milliners; silk; staymakers; tailors; wool trade

clover, see crops

Cluett, Rob., 90

coaching, 2, 5, 7, 12, 14, 17, 19, 23–4, 26–7, 29, 37, 40, 60, 87, 89, 91, 92, 95, 111, 125, 132–3, 137, 140–1, 200
-, coach builders, 27, 60, 94, 98
-, coachmen, 26, 111

coal, 12, 30, 52–3, 151, 165 n, 253
-, coal clubs, 143, 256, 257, 265, 289, 291, 294
-, coal trade and dealers, 12, 28, 30, 40, 63–4, 83, 86, 89, 91, 93–4
-, and see charities: coal

Coates, W.T., 144

Cobb, Wm, 93

Cole, Thos, principal of St Mary Hall, Oxford, 168–9

Colebrook, Esther, 322, 324

Coles, Thos (d. 1713), 216, 218

Collard, John, 188

collarmakers, see leather industry

Columber, fam., 239

-, Isaac, 294, 329
-, Jane, w. of Isaac, 294

common pasture, see pasture

communications, see canals; carriers; Chilterns; coaching; Henley-on-Thames, borough; railways; roads; Thames, river

-, Eliz., see Spencer
-, Jas, earl of Northampton, 75
-, Mary, ctss of Northampton, 75
-, Spencer, earl of Northampton, 75
-, Wm, earl of Northampton, 75

computing and software ind., 12, 99–101

concrete, 72

Condore, Wm, rector of Bix, 225 n

confectioners, 94, 98, 100

Congregationalists, Presbyterians, and Independents, 15, 25, 35, 38, 42, 127, 134, 139, 142–4, 146–8, 150, 156, 159, 166–7, 168–70, 171, 173–5, 182–3, 227, 243, 261–2, 289, 292, 297–8, 325–7, 328, 329, 333–5; pl. 9

Conventicle Act, 168

-, Anne Seymour, m. John Damer, see Damer
-, Gen. (later Field Marshall) Hen. Seymour, 25–6, 70, 133–4

Cookham (Berks.), 1, 5, 18, 76, 186

Cookley Green, see Swyncombe

cooks, 78, 88, 94–5

-, Alice, 211
-, Edw. (fl. 1768), s. of Gislingham, 75
-, Edw. (fl. 1799), curate of Harpsden, 262
-, Gislingham, 25, 75, 77–8, 134–5
-, John (d. 1801), rector of Bix, 219–20, 224, 227
-, John (d. 1905), 139, 146, 151, 181
-, John Fred. (d. 1928), 66
-, (or Brewster), Rob., 108
-, Sam., 138, 147
-, Thos (d. 1788), 134–5
-, Thos, s. of above, 135
-, Wm (fl. 1341–81), 80
-, Wm (fl. 1835), 71
-, fam., 66, 73, 112, 141, 320

Cooper, Wm, and Sons, builders, 71, 139

coopers, 78, 80, 88, 94, 165, 320

coppersmiths, see metal industry

coppicing, see woodland: management

-, John, 283
-, Wm, 186

Cork, Emma, 284

-, Hen., 168
-, Wm, 168

cornmongers and dealers, 29, 78–80, 83–4, 93–4, 103, 122, 124–5, 165; and see grain trade

Cornwall, 162
-, duchy of, 16, 74–5
-, earls and ctsses of, 76; and see Edmund; Gaveston; Margaret; Richard

Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 226

corrugated iron, 68, 257, 325

Coryton, Peter, rector of Harpsden, 261 n

Cotes (Glos.), 76

-, Thos, 209
-, fam., 219

council housing, 42, 45, 47, 66, 68–9, 115–16, 152, 202, 204, 219, 221, 271–4, 309–10, 325

-, Col. Art., 214, 219–20
-, fam., 220

Coverdale, Miles, 165

Cowherd, John, 316

Cox, Mary, 288

craft guilds, see cloth industry: weavers; mercers; tailors

Craig, Jas, and his w. Kate, 324

Cranfield, Geo., 86, 124–5

Crazies Hill, see Wargrave

Crediton (Devon), 181

Crek, Wm de, 280

Crendon, Long (Bucks.), 83

cricket, 14, 134, 141–4, 148, 152–3, 220 n, 221, 232–3, 255–7, 268–9, 272, 292, 325

Crisp, Sir Frank, 62, 70, 138, 141, 147, 158, 174, 182, 188–9
-, Lady Crisp, 181

Crispin, Miles, 238, 311, 314, 329

Crocker, fam., 98 n

Crocker End, see Nettlebed

Croft, Hen., rector of Harpsden and bp of Hereford, 261

-, Mgt, see Deincourt
-, Oliver, 127
-, Sir Ralph, 276

crop rotations, 194, 210–11, 282

crops, 9–10, 191, 193–4, 211–12, 214–15, 247–8, 250, 284–7, 317–19
-, barley, 10, 85–6, 89, 191, 193–4, 211–12, 214, 248–50, 284–5, 287, 316–17, 319
-, beans, 89, 250
-, cereals, 10, 189, 191–2, 194, 212, 214, 248
-, clover, 194, 212, 214, 248, 250
-, dredge, 191, 316
-, fruit, 76, 214, 272, 287, 317–20
-,-, fruiterers, 98, 100, 319
-,-, orchards, 4, 214, 317
-, hemp, 248; and see cloth ind.: flax and hemp processing
-, hops, 30, 87–8, 193, 286, 317
-,-, hop drying, 54
-, maize, 287
-, mancorn, 191
-, mangolds, 194
-, maslin, 86
-, oats, 89, 191, 193–4, 211–12, 214, 248, 250, 284, 287, 317, 319
-, peas, 193, 212, 248, 250, 284
-, pulses, 10, 191, 211
-, rape, 287
-, rye, 10, 191, 211–12, 248, 285, 317
-, sainfoin, 250
-, swedes, 250, 287, 319
-, turnips, 193–4, 212, 214, 248–50, 287, 319
-, vetches, 191, 212, 248
-, wheat, 10, 79, 86, 89, 191, 193–4, 211–12, 214, 248, 250, 284–5, 287, 317, 319
-, and see grain trade; market gardening; woodland

Crown, 24, 33
-, as ch. patron, 159–60, 162, 295, 330
-, as landowner, 16, 33, 73–4, 76–7, 121, 160–1, 191, 206, 275–6, 307, 311, 313
-, officers and servants, 104, 107–8, 110, 120, 160, 162, 191, 206–7, 238, 240, 276–7, 290, 313; and see Great Seal; Oxfordshire: JPs and sheriffs
-, royal visits, 279 n, 290; and see Henley-on-Thames, borough
-, and see Charles I; Edward II; Edward III; Edward VII; Elizabeth I; Elizabeth II; Frederick; George I; George III; George IV; George V; George VI; Henry II; Henry III; Henry IV; Henry VI; Henry VII; Henry VIII; James I; John; Mary I; Richard III; Rupert; Stephen; William III

Crowsley park, see Shiplake

Croyley, Nic. of, rector of Harpsden, 259 n

crucks, see timber framing

-, Jas, 305–6
-, Matt., 91 n
-, Wm, 320

cucking stool, see punitive instruments

Cules, Hen., 53

Culham, 84

Culham Court, see Wargrave

curriers, see leather industry

Curtis, Hen., and his w., 332

customs, traditional, see festivals; perambulations; sports, games, and pastimes: traditional

Cutler, Ric., 83

cutlers, see metal industry

Cuxham, 1, 28, 79

cycling, see bicycle agents and clubs


-, Eleanor de, see Butler
-, Thos de, 311, 330

dairying, 12, 94–5, 191, 194, 209, 213–16, 248–50, 286–7, 319
-, cheese manuf., 248, 286, 317
-,-, cheese trade, 28, 86, 88, 170, 321
-, milk trade, 30, 287–8, 319
-, and see stock rearing: cattle

Dale, A. A., 209

Damer, Anne Seymour, sculptress, 26

Damory, Ric., 206

Dams, A.E., rector of Henley, 173

Danesfield (Bucks.), see Medmenham

Danvers, Rob., 82

Darby, Ric., 91

Dart & Francis, wood carvers, 181

Dashwood, Sir Fras, 291

d'Aubigny, Wm, earl of Arundel, 73

-, Hugh, earl of Gloucester, 74, 122
-, Mgt, ctss of Cornwall, see Margaret (d. 1342)

David, Sir Percival, and his w., 188

David Somerset Skincare, 101

Davison, Geo., 238

Day (or Dey), Thos, rector of Bix, 225

Day, Maurice, & Associates, architects, 67

Dean (Deane):
-, Edw., 216
-, Mgt, 217

-, Edw. Harry, 152
-, Mr, 97

-, Alice, m. 1 Wm Lovel, 2 Sir Ralph Butler, 276, 278
-, John, Ld Deincourt, 275–6
-, Joan, see Grey
-, Mgt, m. Sir Ralph Cromwell, 276
-, Wm, 276

demesne farming, 10, 79; and see labour services and under names of particular places

Denmark, Anne of, see Anne

Denmark, king of, 140

Derby, earls and honor of, 186, 275

Despenser, Lord Le, see Stapleton, Thos (d. 1831)

-, Joan, w. of John, 123
-, John, 82, 120, 122–3, 164–5
-, fam., 55,

Devon, earl of, see Rivers

Devon, 80, 120; and see Crediton

Dey, see Day

dice and hazard playing, see gambling

Didcot (formerly Berks.), 30

Dissent, see Nonconformity

d'Ivoi (de Iveto), Geoff., 73, 76,

Dixon, Jas, 151

Dobson, Wm, 151

Dodd, —, architect, 114 n

Doe, Thos, 83 n

-, Rob., 207
-, Thos, 211

-, Hen., 323
-, John, 54

Doney, fam., 265

Dorchester, 1, 7, 311
-, abbey, 206, 208, 222 n, 223–5, 280, 311
-, roads to, 4–5, 23–7, 31, 197
-, Dorman, John, rector of Bix, 225–6

Dorset, 76

Doughty, see Brownlow Doughty

Douglas, Rob., 124

dovecots, 77, 243, 317

Drake, Jas, 306

Draper, fam., 13, 126

drapers, 61, 80 n, 82, 84, 88, 90–1, 94, 98–100, 125, 131, 134, 138, 144, 146
-, linen draper, 112

Drax, Rog. de, rector of Rotherfield Peppard, 331

draymen, 63, 94

-, John (d. ?1417), 311, 316, 321, 330
-, Ric., 240, 259, 311, 321, 330
-, Sir Wm (fl. 1382), 240
-, Wm (fl. 1395, ?another), 321, 330

dressmakers, needleworkers, seamstresses, 95–6, 195, 251, 287, 320

Drewett, F. M., 70 n

Droitwich (Worcs.), 27

druggists, see apothecaries

Dumbleton, John, rector of Rotherfield Peppard, 331

Dumfries-shire, see Newbie

Dunboyne, Baron, see Butler, Jas (d. 1850)

Dungarvan, Vct, see Boyle

Dunt, Ric., 53, 84 n

Durham, bp of, 326

Dutton, Matt., 227

dyers, see cloth industry


Easington, 132

East Anglia, 4, 92

East India Company, 186, 204, 324

Eaton (Berks.), 238

Ecclesiastical (later Church) Commissioners, 330

edgetoolmakers, see metal industry

Edinburgh, coadjutor bp of, see Morrell, Thos Baker

Edmund, earl of Cornwall, 74, 77, 160, 280,
-, his w., see Margaret (d. 1312)

education, see schools under names of particular places

Education Act (1944), 157

Edward II, 275

Edward III, 207

Edward VII, as prince of Wales, 97, 140

Edward, prince of Wales (Black Prince), 16, 74–5, 162, 207, 315

-, Chris., 91
-, Rob. Clarke, architect, 189

Egham, Thos, 210

electricity supply, 324; and see Henley-on-Thames, borough
-, electricians, see building trades

Elizabeth I, 109, 279 n, 290

Elizabeth II, 301, 337

-, Anne, 240
-, Ant., 253
-, Eliz., ?w. of John (d. 1460), 240
-, Humph. (d. 1526), 11, 248 n, 252
-, Humph. (fl. 1630s–40s), 240, 258
-, Isabel, ?w. of John (d. 1460), 240 n
-, John (d. 1460), 13, 82–3, 102, 107, 109, 120–2, 164, 178, 240
-, John (d. 1491), 82, 124
-, Wal., rector of Harpsden, 259 n, 260
-, Wm, 82
-, fam., 13, 55, 125, 165, 240, 244, 247, 252, 260, 264–5

-, Chas, 310–11, 321
-, John, 321

-, Sir Gilb., 240, 247
-, Joan, 244
-, John, 240
-, Juliana, see Farnham
-, Wm, 244
-, fam., 240, 245, 252

Elsfield, 247

-, Wm (d. 1641), 125 n
-, Wm (d. 1674), 85–6, 125

-, Lucy, 299
-, Misses, 291

Elyngton, Adam de, rector of Henley, 163

emigration, 152, 257, 333

Emilie, Hen., 87 n

enclosure, see inclosure

encroachments, see waste

engineers and engineering, 12, 38, 75, 98–9, 101, 134, 152, 186, 321; and see Stuart Turner Engineering

Englefield, fam., 276

epidemics, 137
-, influenza, 154
-, plague, 23, 111, 131
-,-, Black Death, 8, 10, 22, 79–80, 116, 120–1, 200, 234, 246–7, 270, 306, 316
-, smallpox, 118, 137
-, typhoid, 72

Ernle, Edw., Bt, rector of Harpsden, 252, 261 n

Essex, see Ongar

estate agents, see auctioneers

Eton College (Berks., formerly Bucks.), 124, 150

Ewelme, Thurstan of, 79, 120

Ewelme, 1, 49, 51, 131, 197–8, 168, 200, 208, 215

Ewelme, honor of, see Wallingford, honor

Ewelme hund., 15 n

excisemen, 88

Exeter, bp of, 252

Exeter College, Oxford, 226

Eye and Dunsden, see Sonning

-, Cath., 91
-, Ric., 135
-, fam., 36

Eynsham abbey, 207


Facy, clothing retailers, 99–100

faggot makers, 288

Fair Mile, see Henley-on-Thames, borough

Falaise (Calvados, France), 49

Falmouth, earl of, 138

Faringdon, Great (formerly Berks.), 5, 90

-, Humph., 87
-, John (fl. 1595), 84
-, John (fl. 1626, another), 179
-, Rob., 217

farming, see agriculture

-, Alan of, 239, 258
-, Juliana of, m. John Elsfield, 240
-, Mgy of, see Bolney

Farrant, Thos, rector of Rotherfield Peppard, 331

Farrell, Sir Terry, architect, 67

Farrington, Wm, 168

-, Wm (d. 1412), 311, 316, 321
-, Wm, s. of above, 311

Fawcett, W., architect, 63

Fawley (Bucks.), 1, 3, 13, 24, 74, 135, 188, 193, 215, 255, 259 n
-, Fawley Ct, 3, 20, 26, 73, 75, 77, 78 n, 126, 133, 135, 142, 176 n
-,-, as address, 13, 25, 40, 56, 66, 75–6, 114, 118 n, 138, 141, 144, 167, 188, 209, 241, 245, 252, 281, 314, 324
-,-, Civil War damage, 77, 128
-, Fawley Rectory, 133
-, man., 73, 75–6, 208, 314
-, rector, 130, 166

Fayremere, Rob. de, rector of Rotherfield Greys, 296

Ferrers (Ferrières):
-, Hen. de, 186
-, fam., 186

Ferrey, Benj., architect, 149, 180–1, 263

ferries, 25, 233

festivals, religious, 123, 159, 163, 165

-, Peter, 82 n
-, Wal., 82
-, Wm, 82 n
-, fam., 82

fields, open or common, 10, 33–5; and see under names of particular places

financial services, 12, 92–3, 98–100; and see banks; insurance

Finch, Hon. Dan., rector of Harpsden, 253, 261

fires and fire fighting, 321; and see Henley-on-Thames, borough

firewood, see timber trade: fuel

First World War, 98, 153–4, 250

-, John, 80
-, Mr, 91

fishing and fisheries, 81, 83, 101, 116, 134–5, 190, 246–7, 251, 281, 284–5, 316, 321
-, fishermen, 78, 94, 251, 253
-, fishmongers, 53–4, 78–80, 94, 125, 217
-, fishponds, 32, 34, 76–7, 161
-, herrings, 79–80
-, and see angling

FitzHerbert, fam., 206

-, Alice, see Pipard
-, Ralph, 311, 330
-, Ralph, s. of above, 311, 330

-, Rog., earl of Hereford, 239
-, Wm, earl of Hereford, 239, 275

flax processing, see cloth industry

-, Kate, m. — Grimond, 208
-, Lucy, m. Sim. Williams, 208
-, Nic., 325
-, Peter, 208, 220, 312, 325
-, Philip, 312
-, Rob., 208, 280, 311–12, 325
-, Mrs Valentine, 276, 280
-, fam., 213, 220, 310, 312, 319, 325

-, Thos, 53, 85, 124, 128
-, —, 128

flint (as bldg material), 18, 49, 63, 85, 180–2, 204, 229, 236–7, 273–4, 278, 300–1, 310, 334

Flockhart, Wm, architect, 244

Florence (Italy), 25

Floyd, Wm, 87n

football, 14, 126, 144, 148, 156, 221, 255–6, 325

-, Geo., 312, 320
-, Wal., 312
-, fam., 320

fords, 2, 23–4, 31

Forester, Jordan the, 107

Foresters, Ancient Order of, 143

Formby, Chas, rector of Bix, 220–1, 228
-, his w., 221

Forster (or Foster):
-, Alice, see Stonor
-, Eliz., see Mare
-, Sir Geo., 239
-, Hugh, rector of Harpsden, 259 n
-, Humph. (d. 1488), 239, 259–60, 284
-, Humph. (d. 1500), 260 n, 284
-, Sir Humph. (d. 1663), 239, 258
-, fam., 126, 239, 252, 260

Forteye, John at, rector of Rotherfield Greys, 296

Foster's Company of Comedians, 133

foundries, see bellfounders; metal industry

Fowl, John, 83–4, 131

France, see Bec-Hellouin; Falaise; Vallemont abbey

franchises, medieval, see assizes; frankpledge; free warren; infangthief; outfangthief; pannage; pavage; punitive instruments; writs

frankpledge, view of, 16, 104–6, 121, 230, 265, 301, 311, 336

fraternities, religious, 122–3, 159, 163–5, 178

Frederick, prince of Wales, 133, 166

free warren, 207, 280, 282–3, 315; and see parks

-, Ambrose (d. 1662), 124–5
-, Ambrose (d. 1670), 86, 125, 128 n, 217
-, John, 188
-, Jos., 91 n
-, Sambrooke, 25–6, 75, 133–5, 167, 188, 209
-, Sarah, w. of Sambrooke, 133, 188
-, Strickland, 25, 38, 40, 56, 75, 105–6, 134–5, 193
-, Wm Peere Williams (d. 1832), see Williams
-, Wm Peere Williams (d. 1873), 75, 138
-, fam., 13, 59 n, 73, 133, 188, 192–4, 209

Freeman, Hardy, and Willis, 98

Freemasonry, 144, 145, 147, 152

French, Peter, 333

Frewin, Thos, 249

Friar Park, see Henley-on-Thames, parish

friendly and benefit societies, 17, 143, 152, 173, 257, 265, 294, 329

Friends (Quakers), 15 n, 35, 46, 146, 153, 159, 167–8, 170, 171, 175, 182, 193, 227, 298

-, Jas, 216
-, fam., 214–17, 220

fruiterers, see crops: fruit

Fry, Ernest, 306

Frythyon, John, rector of Rotherfield Peppard, 331

fuel, see timber trade

Fulham, Adam of, 79

Fuller, Geo., 146

Fuller-Maitland, fam., 173

fullers, see cloth industry

Furnell, Eliz., 327

furnishings, dom., 53–4, 58, 120, 124–5, 218–19, 323

furniture manuf., see chair and furniture manuf.

furriers, 94


-, Humph., 25, 38, 103, 134, 169, 243
-, Thos, artist, 134, 169

Galian, Thos, 75, 77

gallows, see punitive instruments

gambling, dice, hazard, and cards, 109, 123, 126, 134, 142, 174

game rearing, 4, 213, 251
-, gamekeepers, 213, 253, 321, 326
-, and see hunting; parks

games, see sports

gardening and gardeners, 76, 98, 149, 189, 194, 246, 317; and see market gardening; Milner

Gardiner, H.H., 208, 311

Garter, Thos, 211

gas supply, see Henley Gas and Coke Co.; Henley-on-Thames, borough
-, gas fitter, 63

-, Mgt, ctss of Cornwall, see Margaret (d. 1342)
-, Piers, earl of Cornwall, 74
-, Geldart, Ernest, 181

'gentlemen' (as status), 53, 125, 134, 218

George I, 117

George III, 133–4

George IV:
-, as Prince of Wales, 240
-, as Prince Regent, 134

George V and Queen Mary, 140

George VI, 255

Gervays, Rob., rector of Rotherfield Greys, 296

Getour, John, rector of Bix, 225

Gibbons, Thos, 261

Gibson, John, architect, 229

-, Geoff., 206
-, Ralph, 206
-, fam., 206

-, Wal. (d. 1102), earl of Buckingham, 206
-, Wal. (d. 1164), earl of Buckingham, 206

Giffard, honor of, 265

girdlers, see cloth industry

-, as bldg material, 67
-, manuf., 83, 87
-, window glass, 53
-,-, painted or stained, 70, 78, 172, 179–81, 183, 227, 259–60, 262, 291, 298–301, 324

glaziers, see building trades

'Glorious Revolution' (1688), 78, 110, 128

Gloucester, earl of, see d'Audley, Hugh

Gloucester, 5, 26–7, 30, 199

Gloucestershire, 323; and see Cheltenham; Chesterton; Cirencester; Cotes; Gloucester; Lechlade; Stroud

glovers, see leather industry

Goadby, John Jackson, 147, 174

Godby, Chas, 149

Goddard, Art., 98

Godfrey, Miss, 150

Goff, Wm, 40

goldsmiths, see metal industry

golf, 152–3, 304–5, 324–5; and see Badgemore Park Golf Club; Henley Golf Club

Gooding (Goodinge):
-, (or Goodwin), Hen., 239
-, Thos, 85

Goodwin, Abraham, 54 n, 124; and see Gooding, Hen.

Gordon, fam., 253

Goring, 1, 5, 8, 24, 207, 267, 303, 307, 329 priory, 314

Goudge, Eliz., novelist, 324

Gouldar, Fras, 315

Goulty, John Nelson, 173

governesses, see servants

grain trade, 2, 9–10, 12, 22–3, 27–8, 37, 78–80, 82–4, 86, 89, 92, 101, 103–4, 109, 111, 120–2, 128, 284–5
-, granaries, 32, 35–6, 39, 41, 54–5, 79–80, 82–3, 87, 89, 97, 120, 135, 161, 164, 237, 248
-, and see cornmongers; Thames, river: trade

Grandison, ctss, see Villiers, Eliz.

Granger (Grainger):
-, Chris., 54
-, Gavin, rector of Bix, 218, 225–6

Grant, John, 53

Gras, Ric. le, 206 n

gravel pits, 4, 20, 321

Gravett, Wm, 116, 129, 132

Gray, see Grey

Grayson, Wm, 61

Great Exhibition (1851), 180 n, 183

Great Seal, Keeper of, 75

Great Western Railway, 6, 23–4, 26, 28–9, 40–1, 92, 137, 139, 141, 144, 306

Great Western Road, 5

Greece, king of, 140

-, Chas, 240
-, Edw., 248
-, R. S., 319

greengrocers, see grocers

Greenlands Ho., see Hambleden

Greenlane, John at, 122

greens, see Harpsden: Hunts Green and Mays Green; Rotherfield Greys: Greys Green and Shepherd's Green; Rotherfield Peppard: Peppard Green

Gregory, Alex., 129

Grey (Gray):
-, Anketil de (fl. 1086), 186, 275, 278, 282, 290
-, Anketil, grds. of above, 275
-, Barth., 275
-, Eve de, m. 1 Ralph Murdac, 2. And. de Beauchamp, 275, 287
-, Hawise de, 186
-, J. B., 244
-, Joan, m. Sir John Deincourt, 275–6, 290
-, John de (d. by 1192), 275
-, John de (d. 1214), bp of Norwich, 186
-, Sir John (d. 1311), 275, 278, 281
-, John (d. 1359), 1st Ld Grey, 275, 278, 284, 290
-, John (d. 1375), 2nd Ld Grey, 275, 282, 284, 296
-, Ric. de, 275
-, Rob. de (fl. 1166), 275
-, Rob. de (fl. mid 13th cent.), 186, 275, 295
-, Rob de (d. 1295), 275, 278, 284
-, Rob. de (d. 1388), 275, 278, 290, 300
-, Wal. de (d. 1255), bp of Worcester and abp of York, 186, 275, 290, 295
-, Sir Wal. de (d. 1268), 186, 275
-, Wm, 332
-, fam., 10, 13, 106, 186, 190 n, 208, 266, 275, 282–4, 289–90, 294–5

Greys, civil parish, 21, 42, 266, 270

Greys Brewery (T.F.A. Byles & Co.) (in Henley), 62, 65, 92–3, 97, 143

Greys Court, see Rotherfield Greys

Greys Green, see Rotherfield Greys

Grice, Sam., 313

Griffiths (Griffith):
-, Jas, rector of Bix, 228
-, John, rector of Rotherfield Peppard, 331

Grimond, Kate, see Fleming

Grim's Ditch (South Oxfordshire), 7–8, 31, 32, 33–4, 190, 198, 266–7

Grimsby (Lincs.), 217

grocers, 53, 63, 89, 91, 94–5, 98–100, 125, 134, 145–6, 169–70, 175, 193, 217, 273, 288, 306, 322
-, greengrocers, 95, 100, 174, 217
-, and see Tesco; Waitrose

-, Geo., 27, 186, 209
-, Jos., 186–7
-, fam., 13, 132–3

Grove, John, 285

guilds, see cloth industry: weavers; fraternities; Henley-on-Thames, borough: guild; mercers; tailors

Guile, Jas, 86

gunsmiths, see metal ind.

Gurmecestr', John de, rector of Henley, 162

Gwynne, Patrick, architect, 67

Gyles, John, 169, 261

gypsies, 44


haberdashers, 76, 94–5, 125

Hacche, Ric. at, 77

Haddenham (Bucks.), 296

hairdressers, 91, 94–5, 98–9

-, And., 89 n
-, fam., 89

-, Agnes, m. Clement Rede, 76
-, Humph., 76
-, Sir Jas (d. 1554), 76
-, Sir Jas (fl. 1574), 76
-, Mary, m. Sir Jas Hales, 76
-, Thos (d. 1520), 76–7, 122, 163, 276
-, fam., 76

-, Chas Montague, 77
-, Eliz., ctss Grandison, see Villiers

-, Sir Barth. (d. 1677), 13, 126, 239–40, 252, 261
-, Barth. (d. 1717), 240, 261
-, Barth. (d. 1747), 240
-, Eliz., m. Sam. Allnutt, 262
-, Hen. (d. 1700), 240, 252, 261
-, Hen. (d. 1742), 240, 262
-, Hen. Warner (d. 1742), 240
-, Mary, see Owen
-, Thos (d. 1793), 134, 240, 243, 255, 262
-, Thos (d. 1824), 240, 262
-, fam., 15, 127, 169, 238, 240, 243, 248–9, 251–3, 255–7, 261–2, 311, 313

Hallam, Hen., 188

Hallmark Cards, 101

Hambleden, Vct, see Smith, W.F.D. and W.H.

Hambleden (Bucks.), 1, 5, 27, 51, 182, 193 n
-, Greenlands Ho., 127, 130, 138, 143
-, Skirmett, 130

Hambleden valley, 79

-, Thos, 63, 65–6, 97
-, Wm, 63–6, 97

Hampshire, 254; and see Basingstoke; Hursley Park; Silchester; Southampton; Winchester

Hampton Court, 127

Hanley (Northants.), 187 n

Hanney, East (formerly Beks.), 82 n

-, John, 253
-, fam., 244

-, John, 313
-, Rob., 313, 318, 323

-, Aumary de, 160, 162
-, John de, 73
-, Rob. de, 73, 76, 102, 121, 160
-, fam., 73

Harding, fam., 218

Hardman, John, stained-glass maker, 181, 183

Hardy, Nat., rector of Henley and dean of Rochester, 166 n

Hare, Hen., architect, 68, 70

Harlington (Middx.), 238

Harpesfeud, Wm, rector of Bix, 225 n

-, Eliz., w. of Sir John, m. 2 Sir Ric. Lestrange, 239
-, Sir John de, 239
-, Ralph of, 238
-, Rob. of, 258, 260
-, Wm of (fl. 1306), 252
-, Wm of (fl. 1348–9, ?another), 260
-, Wm of (fl. 1366, ?another), 260
-, fam., 13, 239, 245, 252, 258–9

Harpsden, 1, 3, 4, 7–9, 11, 13, 15–16, 231–65, 317–18; pl. 12–14
-, adv., 258
-, agric., 3, 11, 17, 232–3, 235, 246–51, 315
-, as address, 134, 152, 192
-, Bellehatch, 232–3, 236, 244, 245, 248–9, 253–5, 265
-, Bolney, q.v.
-, bdy, 1, 3, 21, 42, 231, 232–3, 258, 303
-, bldgs, 234, 236–8, 241–4, 248, 250, 253–6, 259, 263–4
-, cemetery, 263
-, chant., 260, 263
-, char., 253, 257, 265
-, ch. hist., 251–2, 257–64, 288
-,-, ch. archit., 236, 242, 257, 259–62, 263–4, pl. 12b
-, chwdns, 253, 255–7, 261, 265
-, clubs, 255–7
-, cts, 16, 264
-, curates, 260, 262
-, demesne, 246–8
-, estates, 244–5, 320
-, farms, 237, 247–9, 318–19
-, festivities, 255–6
-, fields, 246–7
-, glebe, 247–50, 252, 258
-, golf club, see Henley Golf Club
-, Harpsden Ct, 3, 13, 18, 126–7, 169, 231, 232–3, 235–6, 239, 241–3, 242, 248, 252–5, 260–4, 313; pl. 120b–13
-, Hunts Green, 3, 232–3, 236, 237, 245, 247
-, inclo., 231, 246–8
-, Lucys Fm, 236–7, 247–9, 251
-, man., 16, 231, 235, 238–44, 246–7, 249, 252, 258, 264, 313
-, man. hos, see Bolney: Bolney Ct; Harpsden: Harpsden Ct
-, Mays Green, 3, 45, 232–3, 235–7
-, nonconf., 15, 169, 251, 257, 261–2
-, overseers, 257, 265
-, par. council, 265
-, par. officers, 265
-, place name, 231
-, poor relief, 17, 222, 253, 256–7, 261, 265
-, pop., 8, 11, 234, 235, 246–7, 256
-, post office, 234, 251
-, pubs and inns, 251, 255
-, rly, 234
-, rectors, 247, 252–3, 255–8, 259–63, 265, 296
-, rect. est., 245, 247, 258–9
-, rect. ho., 232–3, 236, 245, 252, 255, 259, 260
-, roads, 232, 261, 265, 304
-, Rom. Cath., 261–3
-, sch., 231, 232–3, 255, 256, 257, 263, 265
-, settlement, 4, 7–9, 231, 234–6, 246, 251, 254, 261
-, shops, 251, 255
-, soc. life, 133, 231, 255–7, 263
-, soc. struc., 17, 231, 246, 251–5
-, tithes, 246, 258, 262
-, tithingman, 265
-, trade and ind., 246, 251
-, vestry, 253, 265
-, villa, see Roman settlement
-, village hall, 231, 232–3, 255, 257, 265
-, woodland, 3, 4, 9, 169, 231–3, 235–6, 241, 245–8, 250–1, 254, 261; pl. 12b

Harpsden Hall Trust, 257

Harpsden Heights (in Henley, formerly in Rotherfield Peppard), 22, 42, 258, 310

Harpsden valley, 231–2, 235–6, 251, 259

-, Thos (d. 1751), 321
-, Thos (fl. 1760s–70s), 286
-, Thos (d. 1794, ?another), 91

-, Geo. (fl. 1708), 30
-, Geo. (d. 2001), former Beatle, 155–6, 188–9
-, Olivia, w. of above, 188–9

Hart, John, 132

Hart Hall, Oxford, 227

Hart-Davis, Rupert, 220

Hartcliffe, John, rector of Harpsden, 261

Harwell, John of, 79, 120, 164, 192

Haseley, Gt, see Rycote

Haslam, Fred., architect, 72

Hasthorp, Sir Wm, 80

-, Sir Edw., 74, 164
-, Fras, earl of Huntingdon, 74
-, Geo. (d. 1544), earl of Huntingdon, 74
-, Geo. (d. 1604), earl of Huntingdon, 75
-, Hen., earl of Huntingdon, 74, 188
-, Mary, see Hungerford

hat makers, see milliners

Hatfield (Herts.), 5, 6, 26

Hathaway, John, 26, 111

Hawe, Thos, 192

hawkers, 95, 308

Hawkins, fam., 36

Hayes Control Systems, 101

Hayman, Hen., 167

-, Ric., 90–1, 134–5
-, Wm, architect, 26

Hearne, Thos, antiquary, 226, 252, 279

Heath, John, 87n

-, Hen., rector of Bix, 224, 227–8
-, Wm, Bt, 224

Heathfield, Fras Ld, 224

hedge breaking, see riots

hedgebote, see woodland

Hellfire Club, 291

Heming, Benj. Capel, rector of Rotherfield Greys, 292

hemp, see cloth ind.: flax and hemp processing; crops

Henley (Surr.), 76 n

Henley Advertiser, 142, 147

Henley and Badgemore Burial Board, 114, 118

Henley and District Conservative Association, 146–7

Henley and District Housing Trust, 68

Henley Bijour Orchestra, 142

Henley Brewery, see Brakspears' Brewery

Henley Building Company, 62, 65

Henley Coffee Tavern Co., 143

Henley College, see Henley-on-Thames, borough: sch.

Henley Congregationalist Benefit Society, 173

Henley Cottage Improvement Association, 65–6

Henley Festival of Arts and Music, 159

Henley Fishing Association (later Henley Fishery Preservation Society), 140–1

Henley Free Press, 147, 174

Henley Gas and Coke Company, 30, 39, 113

Henley Golf Club (in Harpsden), 144, 232–3, 241, 250, 255–6, 263; pl. 12b

Henley Horticultural Society, 138, 140, 142, 148

Henley Municipal Charities, 68, 157

Henley Navigation Company, 90

Henley Operatic (later Operatic and Dramatic) Society, 153

Henley park, 3, 19–20, 22, 31, 38, 73–7, 104, 160, 166, 184, 187–8, 189, 191, 192–4, 198
-, ho., 133, 183–4, 188, 192–3
-, lessees and occupiers, 150, 166, 222

Henley Plastics, 100

Henley poor law union, 17, 65, 71, 114, 118, 150–1, 222, 294, 302, 329, 336
-, board of guardians, 71, 151, 157, 253, 255
-, workho., see Henley-on-Thames, parish

Henley Royal Regatta, 2, 14, 19, 23, 28–30, 40, 44–5, 92, 96, 117, 138–40, 141, 143, 158–9, 194, 255
-, bldgs, 41, 46, 49, 66, 67, 139–40, 158; pl. 10

Henley rural deanery, 159–60, 234, 258
-, dean, 262
-, penitentiary, 163
-, seal, 160

Henley rural district, 230, 302
-, council, 17, 221, 230, 265, 273–4, 309–10, 324–5, 336–7

Henley Sanitary Steam Laundry, 98

Henley Savings Bank, 98, 255

Henley Standard (formerly Henley and South Oxfordshire Standard), 147, 152

Henley Volunteer Rifle Corps, 142–4

Henley Water Company, 45

Henley-in-Arden (Warws.), 133 n

Henley-on-Thames, borough and town, 1–2, 3, 4–7, 9–15, 19–183, 215–17, 226, 228, 231, 233, 246, 250–1, 254–5, 260, 267, 281, 284, 293, 302, 316–17, 322, 326; pl. 3–10
-, adv., see Henley-on-Thames, parish
-, agric., see Henley-on-Thames, parish
-, allotments, 43, 47, 151–2
-, almshos, 17, 35–8, 45, 58 n, 68, 85, 109, 111, 124, 130–1, 152, 157–8, 171, 180
-, Ancastle, 31
-, arms (heraldic), 117
-, as address, 189, 193, 211, 216, 240, 253, 257, 262–3, 276, 280, 285, 293–4, 301, 311, 313
-, as resort, 2, 7, 12, 14–15, 19, 22–4, 37, 40–1, 45, 92, 96–9, 132, 133–4, 138–42, 152–3, 155, 172
-, Assembly Rooms, 57, 142–3, 174
-, bailiffs, see Henley-on-Thames, borough: town officers
-, bands, 143–4, 149
-, banks, 61–2, 91, 93, 98
-, bars, see Henley-on-Thames, borough: walls
-, Bell (Fillets) Lane, 21, 32, 34, 39, 77, 95
-, Bell (North) St., 31–4, 37–8, 40, 43–4, 48–9, 61, 100, 123
-,-, premises on, 35, 37, 43, 50–1, 54, 56–7, 59, 61–2, 66–7, 87, 89–93, 100–1, 120, 125, 142–3, 153, 156, 174–5
-, bdy, 3, 20, 21–2, 32, 34–5, 41, 42, 114–15, 231, 266, 268–9, 303
-, Brakspears' Brewery, q.v.
-, bridge, 2, 4–5, 14, 17, 23, 24–6, 29, 31, 35–9, 49, 70, 103, 107–10, 112–13, 116, 128, 132–3, 139, 145, 165; pl. 3–4
-,-, Bridge Acts, 26, 37–8, 40, 58, 69, 112–13, 118, 135
-,-, bridge commission, 26, 38, 112–13, 135, 186
-,-, bridge hermit, see Henley-on-Thames, borough: hermitage
-, bridge rents, 25, 107–8, 112–13, 116, 130, 145, 163–4
-, bridgemen, see Henley-on-Thames, borough: town officers
-, bldgs, 32, 35, 40, 46, 49–72; pl. 3–10
-,-, commercial, 35–6, 39–40, 42, 48–9, 54–5, 60–3, 66–8, 79, 81, 84, 85, 93, 96, 103, 119; and see Henley-on-Thames, borough: inns
-,-, council housing, q.v.
-,-, dom., 17–18, 35–6, 40, 42, 43–5, 47–9, 50–60, 63–6, 68–9, 76–8, 81, 119–20, 124–5, 142, 155, 161–2, 182 n
-,-, eccl., 15, 35, 61, 64, 156, 167–9, 170–5, 176–83, 262, 289, 292, 297; and see Henley-on-Thames, parish: ch. hist.
-, burgage plots, 33, 48
-, burgesses, 80, 82–4, 87, 89, 103–6, 107, 108–10, 112, 113–14, 120–3, 125, 129, 134, 165, 192
-,-, capital burgesses, 109–10, 125, 129
-, Butcher Row, 34, 69
-, bylaws, 35, 41, 44, 63, 65, 109, 114–15
-, carriers and carters, 5, 27, 79, 86, 88, 91, 94–5, 98, 233, 267
-, cemetery, 20, 41, 114, 116, 172
-, chant., see Henley-on-Thames, parish
-, Chantry Ho., 32, 35, 37, 46, 51, 55, 68, 118, 124, 129, 155–6, 163, 173, 181; pl. 5–6
-, chapel, see Henley-on-Thames, borough: St Anne's chapel
-, char., see Henley-on-Thames, parish
-, charters and privileges, 14, 17, 21, 31, 78, 102, 104, 105, 109–10, 112, 114, 117–18, 134–5
-, ch., see Henley-on-Thames, parish
-, cinemas, 45, 46, 48, 67, 142, 153, 156
-, Civil War, q.v.
-, clubs and societies, 133, 135–6, 140–1, 142–4, 152–3, 155–6, 174
-, coaching, 2, 5, 7, 12, 14, 17, 19, 23–4, 26–7, 29, 37, 40, 60, 87, 89, 91, 92, 95, 111, 125, 132–3, 137, 140–1, 200
-, communications, 2, 4–5, 23–30; and see Henley-on-Thames, borough: carriers and coaching and rly and river transport and roads
-, constables, see Henley-on-Thames, borough: town officers
-, corporation, 14, 21, 25, 25–6, 34–5, 38, 41, 45, 47, 55 n, 58–9, 68–71, 74–5, 87, 102–6, 109–17, 118–19, 125–6, 128–32, 134–5, 137, 140–1, 145–8, 150–5, 157, 162, 167–8, 203; and see Henley-on-Thames, borough: burgesses and seals and town officers and town property
-, cottage yards, 36–7, 40–1, 43–4, 46, 48, 60, 65, 118, 142
-, Countess Garden (site), 31, 32, 34, 75–7
-, drill halls, 70
-, Duke (Brook, South) St., 19, 30, 32–3, 36, 39, 41, 43, 49–50, 55, 60–1, 62, 65, 67, 87, 90, 97–8, 123, 127, 131, 150, 154, 174–5
-, dunghill, common, 103
-, education, see Henley-on-Thames, borough: sch.
-, electricity supply, 43, 45, 47, 68–9, 99, 181
-, est., see Henley-on-Thames, parish
-, Fair Mile, 4, 9, 18, 20, 21–2, 24, 35, 38, 41, 42, 45, 47–8, 63–4, 73, 101, 106, 114, 118, 126, 144, 150, 172, 181, 183–5, 195, 198–9
-, fairs, 31, 74, 78, 83, 102, 103, 122, 286
-, ferry, 25
-, festivities, 29, 102, 110, 112, 123, 126–7, 134, 152, 159, 165
-, fields, see Henley-on-Thames, parish
-, fires, 47, 128, 146
-,-, fire-fighting and fire engines, 69, 111, 117, 119
-, First World War, q.v.
-, Fisher Row, 34, 69
-, Friar Park, see Henley-on-Thames, parish
-, Friday St., 19, 21, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35–6, 39, 43–4, 50, 52, 55–6, 58–61, 65, 68, 92, 95, 97–8, 116, 123, 130 n, 153, 160–2, 171, 174, 266, 288
-,-, tithing, 301
-, gala week (1777), 133, 136, 255
-, gaol, 35, 69–70, 109, 112, 118–19, 129
-, gas supply, 30, 39, 47, 69, 113
-,-, gas works, 44
-, glebe, see Henley-on-Thames, parish
-, 'Glorious Revolution', q.v.
-, grammar sch., see Henley-on-Thames, borough: sch.
-, Gravel Hill, 21, 24, 32–6, 38, 40, 43, 51, 60, 65–6, 103, 137, 147, 156–7, 172, 174–5, 184–5
-, Greys Road, 19, 21, 34–5, 38, 40–1, 47, 61, 65, 68
-, guild, medieval, 13, 17, 25, 31, 34–5, 69, 74, 79, 103–4, 106, 107–9, 116–18, 120–4, 130–1, 159, 163–5, 168, 176, 192; and see Henley-on-Thames, borough: burgesses and seals and town officers and town property
-, guildhall, see Henley-on-Thames, borough: town hall
-, Hart (High) St., 25, 32–3, 34–5, 37–40, 43, 48, 58, 61, 102–3, 116, 123
-,-, premises on, 45, 50–2, 54, 56, 57, 59, 62, 67, 69, 89, 91, 131, 136, 142, 147–9, 153, 161–2, 169, 173, 176
-, Henfield (Hempfield), see Henley-on-Thames, parish: fields
-, hermitage, 25, 35–6, 124, 131, 164
-, high stewards, see Henley-on-Thames, borough: town officers
-, High St., see Henley-on-Thames, borough: Hart St.
-, hinterland, 10, 79–80, 84, 121
-, Hop Gardens, 21, 42, 63–4, 88, 188 n
-, hosp., 154
-,-, Isolation (Smith Hosp.), 20, 41, 48, 118–19, 141
-,-, Red Cross, 153, 154
-,-, Townlands, 67, 70–2, 119, 157
-,-, War Memorial, 42, 45, 47, 67, 119, 144, 154, 305, 310
-, hotels, 41, 48, 66–7, 92, 96, 98–100, 138, 141, 153
-,-, Imperial, 29, 62, 96, 141
-,-, Royal, 29, 41, 44, 62, 64 n, 96, 98, 141
-,-, and see Henley-on-Thames, borough: inns
-, immigration, 17, 23, 111, 120–1, 201
-,-, 'foreign' traders, 111, 132, 164
-, industry, see Henley-on-Thames, borough: trade
-, inns, pubs, and alehouses, 14, 35–8, 40, 47, 50 n, 54, 58, 62, 65–7, 69–70, 81–2, 84, 86–7, 89–90, 91, 92–5, 97, 102, 103 n, 111, 125–7, 133–5, 138, 141, 143, 326
-,-, Angel on the Bridge, 24, 35–6, 38, 46, 96, 131, 141, 152, 161
-,-, Bear, 27, 32, 37, 51, 54–5, 86–7, 90–1, 125
-,-, Bell Inn, 26, 32, 37–8, 54, 56, 86, 91–2, 125, 128, 133, 135, 141, 148, 149
-,-, Bull, 26, 46, 81, 84, 86, 91, 101
-,-, Catherine Wheel, 26, 35, 37–8, 54, 66–7, 81, 84 n, 86, 91, 96, 152
-,-, Red Lion, 26–7, 36–41, 46, 54–6, 82 n, 84 n, 86, 89, 91–2, 96–7, 129, 133–5, 137, 139, 141–3, 151–3, 161
-,-, White Hart, 26–7, 30, 32, 33, 35, 37, 46, 49, 51, 54, 67, 81, 84, 86, 91, 102, 144
-, Kenton Theatre (St Mary's Hall), 46, 58, 67, 133–4, 137, 142, 147, 150, 153, 156, 169
-, libr. and reading rooms, 67, 136, 140, 142, 155–6, 166
-, local board, 21, 44–5, 58, 102–4, 113, 114, 115, 118–19, 145–6
-, magistrates, see Henley-on-Thames, borough: town officers
-, man., see Henley-on-Thames, manors
-, mkt, 2, 9–10, 12, 23, 26, 37, 43, 78, 86, 101–4, 106, 108–9, 111–12, 116, 189–91, 209, 211, 214, 246, 283, 302, 316, 322
-,-, mkt cross, 32, 34, 36, 38, 69 n, 103, 108
-,-, mkt ho., 35–6, 38, 70, 103
-,-, mkt place, 21, 32–8, 41, 43, 45, 61, 69, 70, 78, 84, 101–2, 103, 113, 116, 170, 172; premises at, 30, 50–2, 54, 56–7, 62, 67, 85, 86, 89–91, 93, 97–8, 119, 131, 133, 142–3, 154
-,-, regulation, 103–4, 106, 108–9, 111–13, 122
-,-, tolls, 33, 74–5, 78, 102–3, 111–13, 115, 135 n
-,-, weighing engine, 38, 103, 112
-, mayors, see Henley-on-Thames, borough: town officers
-, meeting hos, see Henley-on-Thames, borough: bldgs (eccl.)
-, Middle Rows, 25, 34–6, 38, 54, 69–70, 103, 116, 118
-, Mill Meadows, 45, 49, 116, 153–5
-, New St., 21, 25–6, 31, 32, 34, 35, 39–40, 43, 55, 58, 60, 65, 67, 70, 82, 92, 123
-,-, premises, 39, 48, 51, 56, 58–9, 90, 93, 95, 97, 101, 129, 132–3, 137, 147, 151, 153, 169 n
-, newspapers, 142, 147, 152, 174
-, Newtown, q.v.
-, nonconf., see Henley-on-Thames, parish
-, Northfield End, 11, 20, 21, 33–5, 37, 39, 41, 43–4, 65, 67–8, 73, 75, 106, 119, 125, 128, 144, 168, 184, 191–2
-,-, premises at, 30, 57, 98, 136, 148, 150, 154, 156–7, 168, 170–1, 182
-, obelisk, 38, 43; and frontispiece
-, origins and growth, 2, 7, 9, 19, 21–2, 31–49, 97, 155, 190
-,-, suburbs, 9, 14, 17–19, 21–3, 38, 40–1, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 60, 63–6, 68–9, 92, 97, 114–15, 133, 148, 152, 162, 167, 171, 181, 183–5, 266–7, 270, 274, 288, 294, 302
-, par. officers, see Henley-on-Thames, parish
-, paving, 26, 38, 41, 43–4, 112–14
-, paving commission, 38–9, 112–14, 118
-, perambulations, 21
-, pest ho., 118
-, Phyllis Ct, 13, 20, 21, 24, 31, 32, 36, 46, 68, 73, 75–6, 77–8, 122, 126, 127, 128, 132–3, 141–2, 152, 154, 163, 184–5, 188, 191, 255; and see Henley-on-Thames, manors: Fillets
-, Phyllis Ct Club, 45, 78, 152–3
-, place name, 4 n, 31 n
-, policing, 108–11, 118, 122, 135–6; and see Henley-on-Thames, borough: watchmen
-, politics, 25, 29, 44, 69, 113–15, 121–3, 127–9, 134–7, 142, 144–7, 152, 156, 168–9, 173
-, poor relief, see Henley-on-Thames, parish
-, pop., 11–13, 17, 22–3, 35, 92, 99, 121, 155, 270
-, post offices, 30, 61, 67
-, pound, 35
-, public health, 35, 37, 43–4, 60, 102, 105, 108–9, 111, 113–15, 118, 140, 142; and see Henley-on-Thames, borough: sewerage and water supply
-, Queen St., 41, 42, 43, 63, 65, 142, 147, 154, 173
-, rly, 5–7, 12, 14, 19, 20, 23–4, 27, 28–30, 40–1, 45, 92, 96–8, 137–8, 140–1, 149, 152
-,-, rly stn, 29–30, 41, 46, 49, 142, 267
-, Reading Rd, 21, 30, 41, 42, 47, 48, 56, 60–1, 63, 65–7, 98–100, 144, 148, 154, 156–7, 168–9
-, recreation grounds, 42, 45, 47, 49, 116, 153, 155
-, rectors, see Henley-on-Thames, parish
-, rect. ho., see Henley-on-Thames, parish
-, Regatta, see Henley Royal Regatta
-, River & Rowing Museum, 42, 49, 66, 67–8, 155–6
-, river transport, 27–8; and see Thames, river: trade
-, riverside, see Henley-on-Thames, borough: wharfs
-, roads to, 2, 4–5, 6, 23–5, 27, 32, 198, 200–1, 232–3, 267, 303–4, 307
-, Rom. Cath., see Henley-on-Thames, parish
-, Rotherfield Ct., see Henley-on-Thames, parish
-, royal visits, 31, 76, 126, 128, 133–4, 140
-, St Anne's chapel, 25, 35–6, 124, 164
-, St Mark's Estate, 41, 42, 43, 45, 64–6
-, St Mary's Hall, see Henley-on-Thames, borough: Kenton Theatre
-, sanitation, see Henley-on-Thames, borough: public health and sewerage and water supply
-, sch., 37, 48, 55, 67, 71, 72, 88, 94–5, 100, 108, 124, 129–30, 133, 136, 147–50, 156–7, 170, 172, 174–5, 182, 188, 219, 256, 292, 326
-,-, British, 46, 148, 150, 156, 173
-,-, Gillots Secondary, 157
-,-, grammar sch., 36–7, 46, 55 n, 116, 125–6, 129–30, 135, 136, 143, 148–51, 156–7, 227, 255
-,-, Greencoat sch., 136, 147
-,-, Henley College, 67, 150, 157
-,-, National, 46, 136, 142, 147–50, 156, 172, 292
-,-, Periam (Bluecoat) sch., 37, 126, 129–30, 132, 135, 136, 144, 148–50
-,-, Technical Inst., 46, 61, 143, 150, 154
-, seals, insignia, and robes, 110, 115–16, 117, 146
-, sewerage and drainage, 20, 41, 43, 44–5, 47, 65, 113–15, 119, 145–6
-, soc. life, 14, 29, 69, 102, 110, 112, 123, 126–7, 133–4, 138–44, 152–3, 155, 159, 165, 251, 254–5
-, soc. struc., 12–17, 120–1, 124–6, 132–3, 138, 141, 152, 155–6
-, Station Rd, 21, 29, 41, 42, 67, 97, 154
-, street cleaning and scavenging, 37, 47, 114–16
-, street lighting, 26, 37–9, 41, 43–4, 112–14
-, streets, 32–4, 42, 43, 46, 63–5; and see Henley-on-Thames, borough: under particular streets
-, suburbs, see Henley-on-Thames, borough: origins
-, Temperance, q.v.
-, theatres and plays, 133–4, 142; and see Henley-on-Thames, borough: Kenton Theatre
-, tithes, see Henley-on-Thames, parish
-, tourism, see Henley-on-Thames, borough: as resort
-, town clerk, see Henley-on-Thames, borough: town officers
-, town council (from 1974), 104, 116–17, 119, 156
-, town ditch, 19, 21, 31, 32, 33–5, 44, 113, 161–2, 190 n, 266, 269
-, town hall or guildhall, 34–8, 41, 43, 46, 68, 69–70, 103, 110–14, 115, 116, 118–19, 122, 126, 133–5, 142, 144, 147, 153, 154, 155–6, 168; and frontispiece
-, town officers, 37, 70, 84, 107–16, 121, 125, 132, 134, 152
-,-, aldermen, 107, 112–15, 134, 146, 152
-,-, bailiffs, 84, 102, 106, 107–10, 117
-,-, bellman or beadle, 108, 113
-,-, bridgemen, 25, 80, 84, 104, 106, 107–10, 112–13, 115–16, 117–18, 120, 123, 130, 134, 137, 145, 151, 163, 168
-,-, clerk of the market, 103–4, 108–12, 117
-,-, constables, 84, 106–8, 110, 112, 118, 123, 129, 135
-,-, high steward, 112, 115, 135, 138
-,-, magistrates (JPs), 102, 104, 109–10, 112–15, 118, 134–6, 145–6
-,-, mayors, 25, 89–90, 97, 104, 109, 112–15, 116, 118, 122, 134–6, 138, 144, 146, 152, 157
-,-, overseers, see Henley-on-Thames, parish
-,-, porters, 108
-,-, recorder, 112, 115, 136
-,-, sergeants at mace, 37, 112, 134
-,-, stewards, 107
-,-, surveyors of highways, 110, 117–18
-,-, tasters, 103, 108
-, town clerk, 26, 66, 87, 108, 112, 115–17, 124, 128, 130, 135, 151, 168
-, wardens, 77, 79, 83–4, 86–7, 90, 102–4, 106, 107–10, 111, 116–17, 120–6, 128–32
-, and see Henley-on-Thames, borough: burgesses
-, town property, 21, 34, 55 n, 58–9, 69–70, 74–5, 107–8, 110, 112–13, 116, 119, 122–3, 134, 151, 163
-, Townlands, 21, 34, 116 n, 132 n; and see Henley-on-Thames, borough: hosp.
-, trade and ind., 10, 12–14, 27, 47–8, 78–104, 120–1, 138, 155, 215
-,-, shops, 34–6, 54, 69–70, 79, 86, 89, 91, 94, 98–100, 125
-,-, trade tokens, q.v.
-,-, and see Thames, river: trade; and under names of particular trades
-, vestry, see Henley-on-Thames, parish
-, walls and bars, 21, 32, 33, 35
-, wardens, see Henley-on-Thames, borough: town officers
-, wards, 107–8, 111, 115, 118
-, watchmen, 26, 40, 107–8, 111–13, 118
-, water supply, 40–1, 42, 44–5, 60, 65, 113–14
-, West St., 36, 38, 40, 43–4, 52, 60, 63, 65–6, 68, 70, 118–19, 174, 190
-, wharfs and riverside, 18, 25, 28, 29, 32, 35–7, 39–41, 45, 46, 48–9, 54–5, 62–3, 66–7, 87, 89, 91–2, 96, 105–6, 113, 116, 125–6, 129, 135, 139, 158, 161; pl. 3–4
-, workho, see Henley-on-Thames, parish
-, Working Men's Inst., 61
-, Henley-on-Thames, manors, 16, 19, 21, 31, 73–8, 102–6, 112, 115–16, 121, 185–9, 190–3
-, cts, 31, 74, 79, 81, 103, 104–6, 108–9, 118, 121–2
-, Fillets, 21, 73–4, 75–6, 83 n, 104, 122, 126, 188, 191–3, 208; and see Henley-on-Thames, borough: Phyllis Ct
-, Henley man., 21, 31, 73–5, 76, 102–6, 112, 115–16, 121–2, 126, 160, 187–8, 190–1, 193
-, lds, 13, 25, 36, 40, 102, 112, 122, 126, 132, 134–5, 191
-, man. hos, 31, 34, 73, 76–8, 121, 184, 189, 191
-, man. officers, 77, 79, 105–6, 135, 192
-, and see Badgemore: man.; Benson: man.

Henley-on-Thames, parish, 11, 19–30, 183–95, 328
-, adv., 159–60, 162, 191
-, agric., 3, 11, 20, 22, 88, 94–5, 124–5, 138, 142, 154, 188, 189–95
-, Badgemore, q.v.
-, bdy, 1, 3, 19–21, 42, 160, 173, 190, 197, 202, 231, 266, 268–9, 303
-, bldgs, 184, 186–9
-, chant., 120, 123, 129, 159, 163–4, 165, 176–8
-, char., 111–13, 115–16, 123, 126, 129, 130–2, 134, 137, 145, 151–2, 157–8, 293, 328
-, ch. hist., 15, 31, 32, 33, 112, 123, 127, 159–76, 261, 288, 297, 333
-,-, ch. archit., 37, 38, 41, 49, 64, 107–9, 116, 120, 122, 132, 134, 136, 152, 163–5, 167–8, 172, 176–81, 260
-,-, lectureships, 110, 166–7
-,-, and see Holy Trinity
-, chwdns, 104, 107–8, 112–13, 116–18, 123, 134, 137, 145, 151, 163, 165, 168, 173, 179; and see Henley-on-Thames, borough: town officers (bridgemen)
-, curates and chaplains, 159, 161, 163, 166–7, 171–2
-, demesne, 76, 190–2
-, est., 185–9, 328
-, farms, 20, 189, 192–5
-, fields, 20, 32, 33, 189–90
-,-, Cherlmede, 190–1
-,-, Church croft or mead, 164
-,-, Old field (Aldfeld, Naldefeld, North field), 32, 33, 190, 192–3
-,-, Dry Leas, 20, 68, 144, 192
-,-, Henfield (Hempfield), 21, 32, 33–4, 35, 190
-, Friar Park, 20–2, 41, 42, 61, 63, 138, 141–2, 147, 155, 174, 181–2, 188–9
-, glebe, 160, 161 n, 191
-, inclo., 22, 188–92
-, Lambridge Fm, 20, 184–5, 193
-, Mankorns fm, 20, 125, 184, 193–4
-, mills, 184, 190, 287
-, Newtown, q.v.
-, nonconf., 15, 25, 35, 38, 69, 114, 128, 134, 139, 142, 145–9, 151–2, 159, 166–7, 168–71, 172, 173–6, 227, 262, 294, 298
-, overseers, 111, 115, 117–19, 129, 130, 132, 137, 151
-, park, see Henley park
-, poor relief, 17, 92, 104, 111, 113–14, 117–18, 123–4, 126, 130–2, 134, 136–7, 150–2, 157–8
-,-, poor rates, 111, 119, 129, 132, 136–7, 144, 151
-, pop., 11, 22–3
-, pubs, 184, 195; and see Heley-on-Thames, borough: inns
-, rectors, 43, 64, 118, 122, 127, 129–30, 132, 136, 142, 147, 157, 159, 161, 162–3, 165–7, 168, 171–3, 188, 193
-, rect. est., 159, 160–1, 162
-, rect. ho., 33–4, 46, 53, 56, 136, 161–2, 167, 171–3
-, Rom. Cath., 29, 45, 46, 87, 148, 156, 159, 166, 170–1, 175–6, 183, 188
-, Rotherfield Ct, 21, 42, 63–4, 114, 146, 154, 157, 181, 292
-, sch., see Henley-on-Thames, borough
-, settlement, rural, 183–5
-, Swiss Fm, 20, 47, 184, 192, 194
-, tithes, 20, 122, 160–1, 163, 166 n, 170, 296
-, trade and ind. (rural), 195
-, vestry, 104, 111, 117–18, 119, 132, 134, 137, 145, 166
-,-, select vestry, 17, 104, 118, 151
-, woodland, 3, 20, 31, 22, 75, 86, 128, 160 n, 183, 186–9, 191–4, 267, 285
-,-, Hales wood, 188, 192–3
-, workho, 17, 20, 21, 36, 40, 42, 46, 58, 70–2, 118–19, 132, 134, 137, 143, 150–1, 157; and see Henley poor law union

Henley-on-Thames, parl. constituency, 156

Henry II, 31, 76

Henry III, 74, 107, 160, 206

Henry IV, formerly duke of Lancaster, 122, 186

Henry VI, 102

Henry VII, 276

Henry VIII, 109, 276

Hereford, 27
-, bp of, 261

Hereford, earls of, see FitzOsbern

Herefordshire, 125

heriot, 248

hermits, see Henley-on-Thames, borough: hermitage

herrings, see fishing and fisheries

Hertfordshire, see Hatfield; Hitchin; St Albans; Tring; Watford

Hervey (fl. 1086), 206–7

Heseltine, Mic., MP, 156

Hethe, Thos de, rector of Henley, 162

Hewitt, Sir Fred., 324

Hewson, J.M., 175

Heybourne, Rob., 53

-, Fras (d. 1739), 280, 285
-, Fras (d. 1747), 280
-, Mary, m. — Wright, 281
-, Wm, 280
-, fam., 29, 297

Hickman, Wm, 152

Hickman & Stapledon (later Hickman & Kinch), stationers, 140

higglers, 288

Higgs, T.O., 150

Higgs & Co., 152

Highmoor (formerly in Rotherfield Greys), 16, 197, 266, 268, 273, 282–3, 286–9, 291–2, 295–6, 298–9, 302, 320
-, agric., 283, 286–7
-, bdy, 198, 268–9
-, ch., 223, 268–9, 273, 288–9, 291–2, 295–6, 298–99, 301
-, chwdns, 291
-, civil par., 266, 302
-, eccl. par., 223, 228, 266, 270, 273, 288, 295, 298–9, 302
-, glebe, 273
-, Highmoor Cross, 267, 268, 270, 273, 274, 288, 292, 295, 298
-, Highmoor Hall, 273, 291, 299, 302
-, man. and est., 268, 280, 284, 289, 294
-, nonconf., 298
-, par. officers, 288
-, parks, 267
-, pop., 270
-, post office, 267, 273
-, pubs, 268, 273, 288–9, 292
-, sch., 268–9, 292, 293, 327, 329
-, settlement, 202, 268
-, shops, 288
-, soc. struc., 288
-, trades, 287–8, 320
-, vic., 289, 291–2, 295, 298–9
-, vic. ho., 268–9, 296, 298
-, village hall, 268–9, 273, 291–2
-, water supply, 273, 291
-, woodland, 268, 282, 288

highwaymen, 5, 24, 136

Higley, Rob., 211

-, Art., 334
-, Rowland, 173

Hines, E. G. V., architect, 69

Hinxman, Hen., 324

Hitchcock, Ric., 324

Hitchin (Herts.), 1, 6

-, A. E., architect, 67
-, H. E., 97
-, W. A., 152

Hobbs and Sons, boat builders, 62, 97, 99, 141, 158

-, Anna Sophia, see Aston
-, Ant. (d. 1757), 240, 243, 313
-, Ant. (d. 1781), 240, 255
-, Ant. (d. 1799), 240, 252
-, Eleanor, see Palairet
-, Fred., 240–1
-, Hen., 241
-, Jeremiah, 240
-, John (d. 1924), 241, 257
-, (formerly Hodson), John Fowden (d. 1894), 140, 143, 240–1, 243, 244, 245, 249, 253–6, 263
-, Sarah, m. Jas Hodson, 241
-, Wm (d. by 1813), 240
-, Mrs, 144
-, fam., 13, 132–3, 193, 238, 241, 245, 249, 252–3, 286, 311, 314

-, Jas, 241
-, John Fowden, see Hodges
-, Sarah, see Hodges

Hofmann and Burton, car dealers, 99

Hogge, John, 121

Holbeach, Wm, 80 n

-, Kath., see Knollys
-, Rob., 276, 280

Holdich, Geo., 180

Holiday, Hen., artist and stained-glass designer, 70

Holland Grove (Lancs.), 241

Holy Trinity, eccl. par. (formerly in Rotherfield Greys), 38, 40, 42, 46, 142, 148, 162, 171, 173, 180–2, 258, 288, 295–6, 302, 330
-, adv., 162, 295
-, bdy, 162, 258, 330
-, ch. hist., 116 n, 161–2, 171, 173, 183, 295–6
-,-, ch. archit., 64, 173, 180, 181–2
-, clubs, 142
-, curates, 162
-, sch., 40, 46, 148, 156, 173
-, soc. struc., 142
-, vicars, 146, 173
-, vic. ho., 40, 46, 162, 182

Holyhead (Anglesey), 26

-, Jas, 174 n
-, Miss, 150

Honyngham, Gilb. de, rector of Rotherfield Greys, 296

Hoo, Alice, see St Omer

Hook, Brian, architect, 301

-, H. W., 320
-, Jas., 96

hoopmakers and hoopshavers, 87–8, 94, 170, 250

hops, see crops

horse riding, recreational, 326

hospitals, see Henley-on-Thames, borough; Reading; Rotherfield Peppard

Hosteler, Giles, 81 n

Hounslow (Middx), 68

-, John (d. 1530), 284
-, John (d. 1677), 286
-, Ralph, 286
-, fam., 218, 280, 285–6

houseboats, 44, 139, 140

housebote: see woodland: hedgebote

Housing Act (1919), 68

Howe, see Watlington

Huberd, Thos, 80

Hudson, Lee, 254 n

Hugh son of Osbert (?of 'Bixest'), 207

-, John (fl. 1909–40), 175
-, John, vic. of Highmoor, 299
-, —, builder, 62

Hull, Messrs, builders, 68

hundreds, see Binfield hund.; Chilterns, south-west: hundreds; Ewelme hund.; Langtree; Lewknor hund.

-, Eleanor, see Moleyns
-, Mary, Baroness Botreaux, m. 1 Sir Edw. Hastings, 2 Sir Ric. Sachaverell, 74
-, Sir Rob., Ld Hungerford and Ld Moleyns, 74, 102, 122

-, John (d. 1631), 125
-, John (fl. 1632, ?same as below), 192
-, John (d. 1638), 125
-, L. T., architect, 67
-, Thos, rector of Bix, 226
-, fam., 214

Huntercombe, see Nuffield

hunting, 220, 255, 282–4, 315; and see game rearing; parks; shooting

Huntingdon, earls of, see Hastings: Fras and Geo and Hen.

Hunts Green, see Harpsden

Hurley (Berks.), 5, 79
-, Warren Row, 154

Hursley Park (Hants.), 224

Hussey, Jas, 248

Huwet, Wal., and his w. Ameta, 207

Huxley, Timothy, rector of Rotherfield Peppard, 331–2

hythes, see wharfs


Ibstone (partly Bucks.), 207

Icknield Way, 4

inclosure, 9, 10, 17, 22, 108, 122; and see under names of particular places

Incorporated Church Building Society, 162, 181

Independents, see Congregationalists

Indicater, software co., 101

infangthief, 105

influenza, see epidemics

innkeepers, publicans, and victuallers, 39, 54, 58, 60, 78, 80–4, 86–9, 94–7, 106, 109, 111, 121–2, 124–5, 132–5, 149, 151–2; and see pubs and inns under names of particular places

insurance companies, 93, 100

intercommoning, see pasture

International Tea Company, 98

Invesco Perpetual (formerly Perpetual plc), 67, 100, 156

Ipsden, 1, 16, 296, 303, 336

Ipswich (Suff.), 61

Ireland, 311, 316, 323, 330
-, justiciar of, 311
-, and see Kilkenny; Raphoe; Trinity College, Dublin

Irland, John, 247

Iron-Age settlement, 7, 31, 183, 196–7, 201, 232–3, 235, 246
-, coins, 267
-, and see Grim's Ditch

ironmongers, see metal industry

Italy, 82, 133; and see Florence

-, Hen., 144
-, fam., 97

Iveto, see d'Ivoi


-, Eldridge, rector of Rotherfield Peppard, 318, 328, 331–2
-, Josias, 252
-, Wm, 151
-, —, 69
-, fam., 90, 253

James I, 77, 129; and see Anne of Denmark

James, John, 272, 280, 283

Jarrett, Mary Ann, 293

Jay, Wm, 173

Jayes, Ric., 132

Jefferies, T. L. G., architect, 68

Jeffs, Wm, 89 n

Jehovah's Witnesses, 159 n, 176

Jemott, Griffin, 317–18, 323

Jenkins, Sir Leoline, principal of Jesus College, Oxford, 330, 332

-, John, 193
-, Ric., 56, 167, 186, 187
-, Wm, 85

Jessop, John, 121

Jeston, T.W., 146

Jesus College, Oxford, 329–30, 332–4

jewellers, 61, 100

John, king, 73, 160

-, Boris, MP, 156
-, Edw., 96
-, Fred., 96
-, Jas, rector of Rotherfield Peppard, 331
-, Sam., lexicographer, 133

Johnson Mathey and Co., 322

Jonas, John, 133

-, Maurice, rector of Rotherfield Peppard, 331, 334
-, Rob., rector of Rotherfield Greys, 293, 297
-, W. Campbell, architect, 62

-, Reg., 80
-, Ric., 80, 106
-, Thos, 106

journey times, see railways; roads; Thames, river

judges and justices, 76, 111, 126, 206, 275, 289, 311
-, justices of the peace, see Oxfordshire: JPs; Henley-on-Thames, borough: town officers (magistrates)


Kaworth, Jas de, rector of Rotherfield Peppard, 331

Keble College, Oxford, 228

-, Hen., 261
-, Hugh, 89 n
-, Mary, see Riggs

Kemp, John, 80

Kemys, Thos, 276

-, Lettice, see Knollys
-, Wal., 276

Kennet, river, 91

-, John of, and his w. Emma, 312, 336
-, Rob. of, 312

Kent, 23, 57, 162, 171; and see Allington

-, John, 84, 129
-, Rob. (d. 1532), 84, 121
-, Rob. (d. 1584), 131
-, Rob. (d. 1638), 132

Kenton Theatre, see Henley-on-Thames, borough

Kerr, Lady Caroline, m. Horace Pechell, 219

Kerson (or Kersoner), John de la, rector of Henley, 162–3

Kidmore, see Caversham

Kilkenny castle (Ireland), 311

Kilmorey, earl of, 138

Kinch, Chas, 138; and see Hickman & Stapledon

-, Jas, rector of Henley, 142, 161, 171–2
-, Lawr., architect, 182

Kingston, Thos of, rector of Rotherfield Peppard, 331

Kingston-upon-Thames (Surr.), 281

Kingwood, And. of, 307

Kingwood Common, see Rotherfield Peppard

Kinner, Rob., 58

-, Augustine, 129, 293–4, 323, 328, 332
-, John, 332

Kneller, Sir Godfrey, artist, 117

Knightsbridge Lane, 5, 232

-, Dorothy, w. of Wm (d. 1632), 300
-, Sir Fras, 274, 276–9, 290, 300; pl. 15
-, Kath., w. of Fras, 300
-, Kath., m. Rob. Holdanby, 276, 280, 297
-, Lettice, w. of Rob. (d. 1521), m. 3 Sir Thos Tresham, 276, 297
-, Lettice, m. Wal. Kennedy, 276, 279, 285, 295, 297
-, Rob. (d. 1521), 276, 282–4, 290
-, Rob. (d. 1659), 276, 285
-, Rob. (d. 1679), 276, 297
-, Wm (d. 1632), Vct Wallingford and earl of Banbury, 129, 276, 290, 300
-, Wm (d. 1664), 130, 166, 276, 290–1
-, Sir Wm Thos (d. 1883), 312–13, 321, 324
-, fam., 13, 275, 278, 280, 283, 285, 289–90, 294–5, 297, 299–300, 312, 320, 324

Knowles, Phil., 189

Kodak, 238


labour services (medieval), 13, 191, 210, 246, 283–4, 290, 316

-, agric., 13–14, 17, 94–5, 205, 211–12, 218–19, 222, 236, 252–4, 256, 274, 286, 322–3, 326, 336–7
-,-, hiring of, 286, 315
-, misc., 43, 60, 78, 88, 94–5, 97, 121, 125, 138, 152, 170, 298, 310

lacemakers, 94–5

Lamb, Wm, 150, 194

Lambeth, see London

Lambourne, W.T., 175

Lambridge Wood (in Bix, Henley-on-Thames, and Rotherfield Greys), 3, 19, 20, 84, 183, 190, 193, 197, 267
-, sewage works, 44, 47, 116

Lampeter, St David's College, 228

-, Thos, bp of Exeter, 252
-, Thos, his s., 252
-, and see Boham

Lancashire, 227; and see Holland Grove; Liverpool; Wigan

Lancaster, Osbert, cartoonist, 66

Lancaster, earls and dukes of, 186, 275; and see Henry IV

landscape, see Chilterns

-, Chas, 147, 151, 186
-, Wm, 84 n

Langford, see Radcot

Langtree hund., 1, 10 n, 15 n, 252

Lashbrook, see Shiplake

Laud, Wm, abp of Canterbury, 54, 117, 125, 132, 166

laundresses and washerwomen, 95–6

Lavers & Westlake, stained-glass makers, 181

Lawrence, ?Wm, 180

lawyers, attorneys, solicitors, 13, 66, 75–6, 82, 87–8, 91, 94–5, 112, 125–6, 129, 133–5, 138–9, 141, 146–7, 151, 171, 181, 186, 188, 219, 252–3, 324

Leander Club, 41, 46, 140

leather industry, 78, 88, 98
-, breeches makers, 91
-, collar- and harnessmakers, 87–8, 94–5, 98, 149
-, cordwainers, 81, 88, 91, 170, 320
-, curriers, 88, 91, 94, 98
-, glovers, 78, 83, 86, 88, 91, 94, 111, 121, 129, 216
-, saddlers, 78, 87–8, 94, 98, 134
-, shoe- and bootmakers, 63, 78, 84, 86, 88, 94–5, 98, 99, 125 n, 216, 251, 287
-, skinners, 78, 80
-, tanners and tanning, 39–40, 58, 78, 80–1, 86, 88, 91, 94, 98, 120–1, 124, 320

Lechlade (Glos.), 5

-, John at, 123
-, Wm, 152

Lee-Warner, Thos Hen., vic. of Highmoor, 299

Leeward Islands (West Indies), 291

Leicester, college of St Mary in the Castle, 260

Leicestershire, see Bosworth; Leicester

Leigh, Thos, rector of Harpsden, 252, 261

Leighton, Fras, rector of Harpsden and wdn of All Souls College, 262

Leland, John, 9, 25, 267, 277

Lendall, Wm, 321

-, Eliz., see Harpsden
-, Sir Ric., 239

Lewen, Hen., 84

Lewes, John, 125, 132

Lewis, T. J., 175

Lewknor, 1, 168, 214, 321
-, man., 16, 270, 280, 302

Lewknor hund., 239

libraries and reading rooms, see Bix; Henley-on-Thames, borough

Lidderdale, Jas, 144

Lilford, Great (Northants.), 240

Lillingstone Dayrell (Bucks.), 331

lime making, 4, 195, 216

Lincoln diocese, 15
-, archdcn, see Cawley, John
-, bp, 330; and see Longland

Lincolnshire, see Grimsby; Lincoln; Stamford

Linford, Great (Bucks.), 323, 331

-, Giles, 206
-, Rob., 206
-, fam., 206

literacy, 14, 221, 256

Liverpool, 26

livestock, transport of, 12, 28, 30

-, Ric., 240
-, Rob., rector of Rotherfield Greys, 298–9

Local Government Acts:
-, (1858), 114
-, (1894), 17, 20, 118, 266, 302

Local Government Board (London), 44

locks and weirs, 27–8, 251, 321

locksmiths, see metal industry

Logge, John, 82, 120

Lollardy, 15, 122–3, 127, 159, 165, 168

London, 30, 78, 80, 86, 90–2, 111, 125, 127–8, 130, 134, 148, 165, 219, 275
-, aldermen, 76, 79, 126, 128, 252
-, as address, 62, 67, 75–6, 128, 141, 151, 168, 170, 181, 188, 229, 241, 252–3, 311
-, bp of, 162
-, bldgs, influence of, 37, 49, 55–6, 57, 133
-, coaches and carriers, 2, 26–8, 91, 111, 140
-, commuters, 14–15, 30, 40, 138, 141, 155, 219, 254, 274, 289, 325
-, Grosvenor Ho., 78
-, Hampton Court, q.v.
-, Houses of Parliament, see parliament
-, Lambeth, 28, 92
-, Leander Club, q.v.
-, leisure vistors from, 96, 140–1
-, ld mayors, 75, 126–8
-, Lyon's Inn, 129
-, merchants from, 10, 12, 75, 78–83, 87, 120–2, 126, 136, 186, 193 n, 240
-, Middle Temple, 252
-, pop., 79–80, 83–4
-, rly to, 2, 6–7, 14, 24, 29–30, 137
-, Regent's Park College, q.v.
-, roads to, 5, 23–5, 199
-, rowing clubs, 138, 140
-, St Martin-in-the-Fields, 260 n
-, St Paul's Cathedral, 56, 186–7, 296
-, Southwark, 80
-, Stepney, 240
-, Theatre Royal, 133
-, trade with, 2, 6, 9–10, 12, 15, 19, 23, 27–8, 30, 52, 55, 78–86, 89, 92–3, 95, 107, 123, 125, 127, 165, 170, 193 n, 215–16, 284–5, 316
-, Westminster, 111, 193 n
-, Whitechapel, 180, 229
-, Wimbledon, 259 n

London & County (later National Westminster) Bank, 62, 93

London Glass Sellers' Company, 87

Long, Harold, 320

Longland, John, bp of Lincoln, 36, 117, 124, 130, 162, 178

-, Thos (two of this name), 83 n
-, fam., 83

Lovejoy, Hen., 69

Lovel (Lovell):
-, Alice, see Deincourt
-, Fras, Ld Lovel, 276, 284
-, Jessie, 116
-, Wm, Ld Lovel, 276

Lovelace, John, 3rd Baron Lovelace, 128

Lovell & Son, builders, 69

Lowdell, W. T., architect, 182

Lucey (Lucy):
-, Chas, 64
-, Ric., 253, 257
-, Steph. de, rector of Henley, 162

Luker, Chas, 152

Luton (Beds.), 276

Lutyens, Edw., architect, 66

Lyde, John, 54

Lyon, Hen., 121 n

Lyon's Inn, see London


Macclesfield, earls of, 112, 224, 226; and see Parker, Geo. and Thos

machine makers, 94, 287

MacIntyre, Mrs, 291

-, Edw., 75, 114, 146, 241, 245, 314
-, Keith Ronald, 245, 281, 314, 319
-, Wm Dalziel (d. 1928), 66, 75, 141, 144, 146, 225, 281, 320
-, Wm Roderick Dalziel (d. after 1952), 75
-, fam., 73, 209, 224, 314, 319–20, 324

Macnaghten, Col. Balfour, 254 n

Maidenhead (Berks.), 1, 5, 22, 24–5, 28, 84, 138, 148, 166

Maidensgrove (or Minigrove) (in Bix and Pishill), 3, 4, 197, 200, 202, 208–9, 216, 220–1, 228, 230

Mair, fam., 141

Maitland, E. F., 186; and see Fuller-Maitland

-, Paul, Bt, 153, 274
-, Col. Wm Thos, Bt, 63–4, 114, 146, 150, 181, 328
-, fam., 154, 292

maltsters and malting, 2, 10, 12–13, 19, 36–7, 53–4, 55 n, 83, 84–5, 86, 88–9, 91, 92, 93–5, 101, 111, 124–5, 126, 128, 131–2, 134, 144, 151, 169–70, 211, 248, 253, 285, 293, 313, 317
-, malt mill, 36
-, maltings and malthos, 39, 54–5, 58–9, 67, 78, 85, 87, 89–90, 92, 93, 97, 100–1, 131

Man, Abraham, rector of Henley, 129, 132, 166

Mancorn, John, 184 n, 191

-, Eleanor, see Moleyns
-, Sir Oliver, 74

Manioun, Ferandus, and his w. Mgt, 164

Mantell, Geo., 223

mantua makers, 91

Mapledurham, 1, 160

March, Barrett, 39, 89, 90 n, 135, 137, 152

Mare, Eliz. de la, m. Sir Geo. Forster, 239

Margaret (d. 1312), ctss of Cornwall, 74, 77

Margaret (d. 1342), ctss of Cornwall, m. 1 Piers Gaveston, 2 Hugh d'Audley, 74

market gardening, 58, 88, 94–5, 138, 149, 214, 267
-, nurseryman, 174
-, and see crops: fruit

markets, 10, 79, 209, 211; and see Henley-on-Thames, borough; Oxford; Reading

Marlborough (Wilts.), 76, 125

marling and marl pits, 4, 11, 317

Marlow (Bucks.), 1, 5–6, 12, 17–18, 22–5, 27–9, 45, 49, 69, 90–1, 128, 141, 169
-, MP, 126, 128
-, priory, 296

-, Amice, w. of Wm (d. c.1470), m. 2– Mauntell, 76
-, Wm. (d. c.1470), 76–7, 122
-, Wm (fl. 1491), 76
-, fam., 76, 164 n, 280, 286

Marsden (or Ralphson), Jeremiah, 169

-, Harry, 98
-, Sebastian, rector of Bix, 219, 223–4, 226
-, Thos, 98
-, Wm, 223

Marsh Gibbon (Bucks.), 206

Marsh lock (in Rotherfield Peppard and Remenham), 321

-, Wm, earl of Pembroke, 239
-, fam., 206, 239

Marshall, Paxman, and Watson, 100

-, John, rector of Rotherfield Greys and vicar of Highmoor, 299
-, Kenneth, vic. of Highmoor, 299

Mary I, 297

Mary, queen of George V, see George V

Masham (Massam):
-, Rob., rector of Rotherfield Greys, 296
-, Wm (d. 1600), 76–7, 126, 132
-, Wm, his s., 76
-, fam., 77

Mason-Villiers, see Villiers, Geo.

masons, see building trades; Freemasonry

Massam, see Masham

Massingham, H.J., writer, 219

Mattingley, J.T., 139

Maul, J.F., rector of Henley, 172

Mauntell, Amice, see Marmion

Maxwell, Maj. Nigel, 324

-, Edw. (fl. 1750s), clockmaker, 91, 170
-, Edw. (fl. 1789), maltster, 89
-, Jos., 170

Mayo, Ric., 168

Mays Green, see Harpsden

-, W. H., 186
-, fam., 186

Meade, Ric. Jas, 187 n

meadows, 1, 3, 8, 31, 190–2, 198, 211, 232–3, 246–50, 266, 268–9, 281–5, 296, 303, 312, 315–16
-, common or lot, 191, 248, 282–3, 315

meal and mealmen, 10, 83, 86, 88–9, 101, 128, 321

Mears, Thos, bellfounder, 180

Mears & Stainbank, 181

medieval settlement, 7–9, 196–7, 200–2, 235–6, 270–3, 306–7
-, shrinkage, 8–9, 200–2, 231

Medley, Ralph, rector of Harpsden and Rotherfield Greys, 260, 296–7

Medmenham (Bucks.), 79, 180
-, Danesfield, 175, 183

Meller (Miller):
-, Sir John, 76, 77, 126, 188, 192
-, Sir Rob., 76, 188
-, fam., 76–7

Mellett, Wm, 192 n

members of parliament, see parliament: MPs

Mercer, Nic., 151

mercers, 86–7, 91, 124, 136, 151, 169
-, mercers' guild, 122

merchant guild, see Henley-on-Thames, borough: guild

Merton College, Oxford, 79, 331

-, Ann, w. of Ralph, 131
-, Ralph, 49 n, 86, 124–5, 131, 215 n, 285
-, fam., 126

metal industry, 78
-, blacksmiths and smithies, 65, 78, 86, 88, 94–5, 120–1, 123, 195, 213, 216, 218, 251, 272, 287, 300, 320, 337
-, braziers, 87, 129
-, coppersmiths, 94
-, cutlers, 88
-, edgetoolmakers, 88
-, farriers, 37, 94, 121
-, foundries and forges, 39, 43, 68, 91, 94, 99, 101; and see bellfounders
-, goldsmiths, 75, 78
-, gunsmiths, 94–5
-, ironmongers, 88, 91, 94, 98–9, 134
-, locksmiths, 87, 124, 130
-, pinmakers, 87
-, ploughwrights, 88, 287
-, tin, 82, 94
-, whitesmiths, 94
-, wire workers, 94

Metcalfe, Nic., rector of Henley, 162

Methodists, 262
-, Primitive, 171
-, United, 173, 175
-, Wesleyan, 15, 61, 159, 170, 171, 174–5, 227–8, 298, 326, 333

Michell, Hen., curate of Harpsden, 260

Micklem, Nat., 194

Middlesex, see Harlington; Hounslow

milk trade, see dairying

Mill Lane, 21, 47, 266–7, 269, 304, 305, 306, 310, 325, 329

Miller, see Meller

milliners, 91, 95, 112
-, hat and bonnet makers, 94

mills, 6, 27, 86, 89, 136, 184, 190, 192, 195, 267, 269, 287, 307, 312, 314–17, 320–1
-, corn, 86, 89, 321; and see meal
-, horse mill, 86, 192, 195, 321
-, malt mill, 36
-, millers, 90 n, 94, 287, 315, 321
-, millstones, 79, 82
-, millwrights, 94
-, paper manuf., q.v.
-, saw mills, 12, 209, 215–16, 220
-, silk, see silk weaving
-, steam mill, 62
-, tolls, 16, 321, 336
-, windmills, 184, 195, 287
-, and see under names of particular places

Milner, Hen. Ernest, garden designer, 189

Milton, Great, 83

mineral-water factory, 39, 97

-, Sarah, 326
-, fam., 324

Minigrove, see Maidensgrove

Ministry of Housing, 68

Ministry of Transport, 113

Mitchell, see Michell

moats, 77, 243, 257

-, Eleanor de, m. 1 Sir Rob. Hungerford, 2 Sir Oliver Maningham, 74, 102
-, John de, 74–5, 77, 105, 122, 191–2
-, Ric. de, 74
-, Sir Wm de (d. 1381), 74
-, Wm de (d.1425), 74, 77
-, Wm de (d. 1429), 74
-, fam., 76, 122

Molle, Rob., 193 n

Monday, see Munday

Mongewell, 1, 3, 266, 293, 303, 321, 326

Monro, Horace, vic. of Highmoor, 299

-, John, earl of Salisbury, 275
-, Thos, earl of Salisbury, 275
-, Wm, earl of Salisbury, 275
-, fam., 239

Montserrat (West Indies), 291

Moorhouse, Benj., 90

-, Hen. de la., 162
-, fam., 162

Morgan, Thos, 84

Morles, David, rector of Bix, 226

-, Deacon, 161, 172
-, Ottoline, w. of Phillip, 324
-, Philip, 324
-, Thos Baker, rector of Henley and coadjutor bp of Edinburgh, 64, 142, 171–2, 181

-, John, 85
-, Jos., architect, 301
-, Ric., 53
-, (or Morrison), Thos, rector of Henley, 166

morris dancing, 123

-, John, 212
-, Wm, 218
-, fam., 226

Mothers' Union, 221, 326

motor garages, 98–9, 310, 322

motorways, see roads

Motts and Betts, see Betts and Son

Mountford, Jas., 91 n, 193

Munday (Monday):
-, Geo., 87
-, Hen., 130
-, Ralph, 53–4

Municipal Corporations Act (1835), 104, 113, 145

Municipal Corporations (Unreformed) Bill, 114

-, Eve, see Grey
-, Ralph, 275

musicians, 98, 125, 133

Myncent, John, 165 n


Nash, Jas, 138

National Fire Service, 119

National Health Service, 119, 157, 322

National Trust, 272, 275–6, 280, 291

National Westminster Bank, see London & County Bank

Neale, Jas, 219, 227

needleworkers, see dressmakers

Nelson, Admiral Horatio, 173

Netherlands, 121, 333

Nettlebed, 3, 30, 87, 89, 122, 130, 144, 168, 200–1, 221, 267, 289
-, bdy, 196–8, 223, 266
-, brick, tile, and pottery making, 18, 215–16, 287
-, Catslip, q.v.
-, ch., 159, 173, 223–4, 288, 295, 297, 299
-, Crocker End, 3, 200, 220, 229
-, hiring fair, 286
-, man. and est., 208, 213–15, 220, 311–12
-, roads to, 8, 24, 199–201, 267, 303, 307
-, Soundess, 3, 197, 200, 208–9, 221, 230

Nettlebed Woods (in Bix and Nettlebed), 3, 197, 198–9, 219–20, 223

New College, Oxford, 80

New Mills, see Rotherfield Peppard: mills

Newbie (Dumfries-shire), 75

Newbridge, see Northmoor

Newbury, Humph., 36, 53, 55 n, 85, 124, 131

Newbury (Berks.), 28

-, Thos, 134
-, Wm, 90 n, 134

Newington, 1, 209

-, Rob., President of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 226
-, Thos, rector of Bix, 218, 226
-, fam., 226

Newmer, Rob., 215

Newnham Murren, 1, 266, 314

Newport Pagnell (Bucks.), 331

newspapers, see Henley-on-Thames, borough

Newtown (in Rotherfield Greys and Henley), 21, 40–1, 42, 44–5, 48, 60, 65, 99–100, 115, 174, 267, 269, 310, 322

Nicholl, Sam., curate of Bix, 218, 227

-, Leon., 243, 254–5, 263
-, Wm, rector of Bix, 225 n

nonconformity, 14–15, 127; and see Baptists; Congregationalists; Friends; Jehovah's Witnesses; Lollards; Methodists; Plymouth Brethren; Puritanism; Roman Catholics; Sandemanians; United Reformed Church; and under names of particular places

Norfolk, earl of, see Bigod

Norman, Sam., 314

Norman & Beard, organ builders, 181

North, Nic., rector of Henley, 162

Northampton, earls of, see Compton: Jas and Spencer and Wm

Northampton, 125

Northamptonshire, 328; and see Hanley; Lilford; Northampton; Silverstone

Northey, fam., 281

Northmoor, 162
-, Newbridge, 5

-, Cecil, Ld Rathcreedan, 244
-, John, architect, 187
-, Marguerite Cecil, Lady Rathcreedan, 265
-, fam., 254–5

Norton, Chipping, 22

Norwich, bp of, see Grey, John de

Nuffield, 1, 24, 266, 294
-, Huntercombe, 144

Nutkyn, Ric., 247

Nutt, J. W., rector of Harpsden, 259 n


oats, see crops

O'Connor, —, stained-glass maker, 180–1

Oddfellows, Independent Order of, 143

Offer, Clifford Jesse, vic. of Highmoor, 299

Olympic regattas, 140, 158

Ommanney, Harold, 254 n

Ongar (Essex), 130

Orange, Prince of, see William III

orchards, see crops: fruit

organs, church, 165, 167, 175, 178–82, 228, 262–3, 291, 298–9, 334
-, organ builders, 180–1

Orkney, earl of, 138

Orme, Jas, 134

Ormond, earls of, see Butler, Jas

Osbert, see Hugh, s. of

Osgood, Wm, 124

Osney abbey, 206

outfangthief, 105

-, Ric. (fl. 1812), 57
-, Ric. (d. 1902), 142, 186–7, 281
-, Ric. (fl. 1930s), 216
-, Rob., 192, 280, 286
-, Thos, 312
-, fam., 186–7, 281, 286, 292

-, Hen., rector of Harpsden, 261
-, Humph., rector of Rotherfield Peppard, 333
-, John, 261
-, Mary, m. Barth. Hall (d. 1717), 261

-, Jas, 57
-, Rob., 41, 44, 62–4, 72, 97, 139, 146, 301

Oxford, earls and ctss of, see Vere

Oxford, 1, 6, 12, 15, 22, 26–8, 30, 76, 82, 124, 127–8, 134, 140, 193, 226
-, as address, 26, 171, 223, 280, 285
-, as mkt, 79–80, 215, 287
-, castle, 136
-, corporation, 135 n
-, Osney abbey, q.v.
-, prisoners sent to, 118, 136, 169
-, quarter sessions, q.v.
-, Radcliffe Infirmary, 152
-, Rewley abbey, q.v.
-, river transport to, 6, 23, 27–8, 78, 81–2, 84
-, roads to, 5, 23, 25, 198, 200, 232
-, town hall, 70

Oxford, diocese, 327
-, bps of, 129, 160, 162, 262, 298, 327; and see Secker; Wilberforce
-, Diocesan Church Building Society, 162, 181

Oxford, university, 125, 138–9, 162, 296–7, 331
-, Bodley's Librarian, 333
-, chancellor, 162
-, Prof. of Arabic and Regius Prof. of Hebrew, 226
-, and see All Souls; Balliol; Canterbury College; Christ Church; Corpus Christi; Exeter; Hart Hall; Jesus; Keble; Merton; New; Queen's; St Mary Hall; Trinity College, Oxford; Wadham

Oxford-Burcot commission, 6, 28, 84

Oxford canal, 28

Oxfordshire, 13, 17, 19, 74, 168, 197, 328
-, county constabulary, 118
-, county ct, 115, 301
-, election (1754), 135, 226
-, JPs, 112, 118, 122, 126, 141, 151, 186, 253, 327
-, MPs, 239, 276, 324
-, sheriffs, 73, 75, 77, 186, 240, 252, 255
-, towns, 10, 12, 124

Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, 117, 153

Oxfordshire County Architects, 67

Oxfordshire County Council, 113, 115, 119, 146, 155, 157, 326

Oxfordshire Football Association, 144

Oxfordshire Regional Hospital Board, 119


Pack and Prime Lane, 267, 268–9, 303

Padehale, see Padnells

Padnells (Padehale):
-, Thos of, 280
-, fam., 302

Padnells, see Rotherfield Greys

painters, see building trades

-, Eleanor, m. Hen. Hodges, 241
-, fam., 241

-, Wm (d. 1349), 80 n
-, Wm (d. 1598), 131

Pangbourne (Berks.), 49

pannage, 9, 191, 215, 284, 312, 315–16; and see stock rearing: pigs

Pannell, Wm, 219

paper manufacture, 94–5, 98, 175, 287, 314, 321
-, paper bag manuf., 98

Pardo, Thos, rector of Rotherfield Peppard, 331, 333

Parents' National Education Union, 326, 328

Park Place, see Remenham

-, Hon. Algernon Rob., rector of Bix, 219 n, 228
-, Geo. (d. 1764), earl of Macclesfield, 69, 135
-, Geo. (d. 1842), earl of Macclesfield, 138
-, Thos (d. 1732), earl of Macclesfield, 117, 135, 223, 226
-, Thos (d. 1795), Vct Parker (later earl of Macclesfield), 69, 135
-, Thos (d. 1896), earl of Macclesfield, 220, 228
-, Wm, builder, 58–9, 70 n

-, Humph., 86
-, John (d. 1611), 84
-, John (d. 1668), 52

parks, 4, 13, 191, 267, 278, 280, 282–5, 289–91, 303, 307, 310, 315–17, 323, 331; and see game rearing; Henley park
-, parkers and park keepers, 79, 105, 315

-, Cttee for Compounding, 75
-, Cttee for Plundered Ministers, 166
-, Cttee for the Safety of the Kingdom, 127
-, Houses of, 44
-, MPs, 126, 156, 239, 241, 276, 291, 324
-, and see Henley-on-Thames, parl. constituency; Oxfordshire: election

Parliamentarians (Civil War), 13, 25, 75, 77, 126–8, 159, 168, 290, 323

-, Alf., 96
-, Wm, 96

Parslow, Thos, 124–5

Pass, Col. Guy de, 254 n

pasture, common, 3, 4, 8–10, 34, 38, 189, 194, 198, 212, 215, 230–1, 247–8, 267, 268–9, 270, 273, 282–4, 303, 307, 312, 315, 325, 330
-, intercommoning, 303, 314–15
-, and see greens

patten maker, 89, 94

-, Cath., m. Wm Stapleton, 276, 291
-, Jas, 276
-, Wm, 276, 291

pavage, 78

Payes, John, 247

-, Wm, 247
-, fam., 237, 248

-, Caroline, see Kerr
-, Horace, rector of Bix, 219, 222, 227–8
-, —, s. of Horace and Caroline, 222

Peel, Hon. Art., and his w. Agnes, 324

Pembroke, earl of, see Marshall, Wm

Pembrokeshire, 173

Penley, Sam., 133

Peppard Chest Hospital, see Rotherfield Peppard: hosp.

Peppard Common, see Rotherfield Peppard

Peppard Green, see Rotherfield Peppard

perambulations, 19 n, 21, 106, 123, 196 n, 303 n, 310

perfumiers, 94

-, Dame Eliz., see Bacon
-, fam., 130

Perpetual plc, see Invesco Perpetual

Perrers, Alice, w. of Wm Windsor, 207

Perrin (Perring), fam., 287, 320

peruke makers, 91

-, Greville, rector of Henley, 43, 172
-, fam., 245

photographers (commercial), 98

Phyllis Court, see Henley-on-Thames, borough

physicians, surgeons, and doctors, 53, 87–8, 91, 94–5, 125, 133, 138, 144, 146, 152, 322, 324; and see hospitals

Pickering, Ric., 87

-, Dan., 248, 320
-, Peter, 253
-, Thos, 245, 248
-, fam., 245, 253, 286

-, Geo., 337
-, fam., 320

pigs, see stock rearing

Pike, Sam., 169

pillory, see punitive instruments

Pinckney, W. P., vic. of Holy Trinity, 173, 182

Pinder, North, rector of Rotherfield Greys, 298

pinmakers, see metal industry

-, Alice, m. Ralph FitzNicholas, 311
-, Gilb. (fl. 1107), 311
-, Gilb. (d. 1191–2), 311
-, John (d. 1306), 311
-, John (d. 1331), 311
-, Ralph, 1st Ld Pipard, 311–12, 315, 321, 323, 331, 336
-, Rog., 311
-, Wal., 311, 315, 330
-, Wm (fl. mid 12th cent.), 311
-, Wm (d. 1195, another), 311
-, Wm (d. 1227), 311
-, fam., 10, 13, 310, 316, 322–3, 330–1

Piper, John, artist, 67

Pishill, 1, 85, 197, 200, 211, 223–4, 226, 228, 295, 299
-, Russell's Water, 3, 197, 201, 216, 228
-, and see Maidensgrove

Pitts, Art., 332

place names, 3–4; and see under names of particular places

plague, see epidemics

Pleydell, fam., 276

Plint, A.F., 99, 152

Plot, Rob., antiquary, 85, 235

ploughwrights, see metal industry

-, John, 151
-, Wm, 138, 146

plumbers, see building trades

Plymouth Brethren, 334

Pocock, Abraham, 132

policing, 221; and see Henley-on-Thames, borough

Pollen, Fras, architect, 67, 183, 238, 280

-, Thos, 320
-, fam., 320

polo, 256

Ponsonby, Rog., rector of Rotherfield Peppard, 332

poor allotments, see allotments

Poor Law Commissioners, 71–2

poor relief, 13, 17; and see under names of particular places

Portrait Software (formerly AIT Group), 100

post offices, see under names of particular places

Potenhale, John of, 80

pottery making, see tiles: tile and pottery making

poulterers, see stock rearing: poultry

-, Caroline, w. of Phil. Lybbe, 27, 133, 136
-, Phil. Lybbe, 136
-, fam., 133

Prascey, Edw., 134

-, E. A., architect, 68
-, Hampden W., architect, 182
-, John, 81 n

prehistoric settlement, 2, 4, 7, 31, 183, 201, 235, 267, 306; and see Iron-Age settlement; Roman settlement

Presbyterians, see Congregationalists

Prescott, fam., 253

-, Chas, 312, 324
-, Ralph, rector of Rotherfield Greys, 297
-, fam., 312–13, 324

Prichard, Rob., rector of Rotherfield Peppard, 330–1, 333–4

Primitive Methodists, see Methodists

Prince Regent, see George IV

printers and printing, 43, 94, 98; and see booksellers and stationers

prisons and lock-ups, see Henley-on-Thames, borough: gaol

prize fighting, 325

Prussia, king of, 134

Prynne, G. H. Fellowes, architect, 181

Public Health Act (1872), 114

-, A. W. N., 175, 180, 183
-, E. W., 175

Pugin Society, 176

punitive instruments:
-, cucking stool, 118, 122
-, gallows, 105, 122
-, pillory, 105, 118, 122
-, scolding stool, 105
-, stocks, 230, 336
-, whipping post, 38

Puritanism, 127, 166, 261

Purley (Surr.), 227

Puteo, John de, rector of Harpsden, 259 n

Pykard, Wm, 123–4, 131

Pyrton, 1, 5, 197, 211, 226
-, 'Readanora', 197
-, and see Stonor


Quakers, see Friends

quarrying, 4

quarter sessions, 112–13, 118, 134, 136

-, Joan, w. of Thos, 282–3
-, Ric., 82–3
-, Thos, 282–3
-, fam., 281

Queen's College, Oxford, 331–2

-, Barth., 321
-, Thos, 321

quitrents, see rents

Quynaton, Rob., 336


Radcot (in Langford), 27

Radeford, Hugh de, rector of Harpsden, 259 n

-, Rob., 253, 254
-, fam., 253, 254

railways, 2, 5–7, 9, 12, 14, 18–19, 20, 23–4, 26–7, 28–30, 40–1, 45, 48, 92, 96–7, 101, 137, 139–41, 144, 149, 152, 233, 234, 254, 267, 269, 306
-, journey times, 30
-, rly workers, 63, 65, 98, 306
-, signalmen, 306
-, and see under names of particular places

Raine, John, 134, 186

Rainsford, Rob., rector of Henley, 166

Ralph (fl. 1086), see Badgemore

Ralphson, see Marsden

Ranulf son of Alan (or Ranulf Aleyn), 239

Raphoe (Ireland), 226

Rapp, John, 291

Rathcreedan, Ld and Lady, see Norton, Cecil and Marguerite Cecil

-, Geo., 87
-, Wm, architect, 145

Rawlins (Rawlyns):
-, Jas, 241
-, Rob., 84

Ray, Thos, 89 n

'Readanora', see Pyrton

Reading (Berks.), 1, 5–8, 10, 12, 15, 30, 79, 81, 90, 99, 101, 120–1, 123, 130, 132, 134, 149, 155, 281, 322, 324–5
-, abbey, 280
-, as address, 62, 67, 69, 72, 82, 132, 134, 145, 182, 187, 217, 301, 333
-, as mkt, 10, 12, 214, 217, 287, 302, 322
-, bands, 143
-, carriers and buses to, 27, 233, 267, 302, 305
-, Civil War in, 127–8, 290
-, hosp., 119, 152
-, mayor, 327
-, nonconf., 170, 174–5, 298, 333–4
-, pop., 12, 22–3
-, rly, 7, 12, 24, 27–9
-, river transport, 27–8
-, roads to, 5, 6, 8, 23–6, 267, 303–4, 307
-, Simonds' Bank, q.v.
-, Simonds' Brewery, q.v.

Reading Monthly Meeting (Friends), 170

reading rooms, see Henley-on-Thames, borough: libraries

Reading Savings Bank, 98

recusancy, see Roman Catholicism

Red Cross, 154–5

-, Agnes, see Hales
-, Clement, 76
-, fam., 280

Redhode, John, 123, 165 n

Redpits, see Bix

Reeves, Lucy, 305

Reformation (16th-cent.), 15, 36, 123, 126, 165–6, 179, 225–6, 260, 297, 332

regattas, 138, 143; and see Henley Royal Regatta; Olympic regattas; rowing

Regent's Park College (formerly London), 175

Reginald, rector of Rotherfield Peppard, 330

religious hist., see Chilterns; choirs; church dedications; festivals; fraternities; Lollardy; nonconformity; Reformation; Tractarians; and ch. and nonconf. under names of particular places

Remenham (Berks.), 3, 79, 116, 125, 143–4, 152, 159–60, 171 n, 173, 261 n, 294, 321
-, Bottom House Fm, 130
-, Park Place, 13, 25, 70, 126, 130, 133, 138, 173, 186, 254
-, Remenham Hill, 24–5

Renfridus, see Ric. s. of

-, agric., 11–12, 191, 193 n, 194, 210–14, 248–9, 285, 316–19
-, mills, 321
-, quitrents, 73, 106, 108, 112, 116, 239, 283
-, urban, 44, 63–4, 66
-, and see Henley-on-Thames, borough: bridge rents

Rewley abbey, 280, 283

Reynardson, see Birch Reynardson

Reynolds, Hen., rector of Rotherfield Peppard, 331, 333–4

Richard III, 276

Richard, earl of Cornwall, 74, 160, 187, 191

Richard son of Renfridus, 73

Richardson, Lewis, rector of Rotherfield Peppard, 331

Riches, Maj., 220

Rigge, Ambrose, 170

-, Mary, m. 2 Hugh Keene, 89
-, fam., 89

riots, revolts, and disturbances, 122–3, 126–9, 135, 139, 290, 315, 323, 331
-, bread riots, 135
-, hedge breaking, 108, 122
-, and see Civil War; Glorious Revolution

River & Rowing Museum, see Henley-on-Thames, borough

river trade, see Thames, river: trade

Rivers, Baldwin de, earl of Devon, 275

roads, 4–5, 6, 23–5
-, Anglo-Saxon and medieval, 4–5, 23–4, 199
-, journey times, 24, 26
-, motorways, 5, 14, 24
-, Roman, 4, 7, 24, 31, 197, 199, 201, 232
-, salt ways, 27
-, turnpikes, 3, 5, 6, 25–6, 197, 199–200, 203, 267, 304
-,-, commissioners, 25, 38, 69
-,-, toll hos, 25
-, and see Assendon Way; Bennett's Lane; bridges; fords; Mill Lane; Pack and Prime Lane; Warmscombe Lane; and under names of particular places

Robert son of Alan, 239

Roberts, Cecil, author, 219

Robin Hood game, 123

Robinson, Wm, 125

-, John, 284
-, Peter des, bp of Winchester, 160
-, Willelma, w. of John, 284

-, bps of, 160, 162
-, dean of, 166 n

-, John, 252
-, Wm, 252
-, fam., 247

Roger (d. by 1166), s. of Alfred (fl. 1086), 238

Roger son of Alfred (fl. 1184), 238

Roke, see Benson

Rolls, Thos, 245

Roman Catholicism, 15, 87, 126, 226; and see under names of particular places

Roman settlement, 2, 4, 7, 31, 183, 198, 201, 235, 246, 267, 306
-, burial urn, 267
-, kilns, 7, 267, 306
-, villas, 2, 7, 196–7, 201–2, 232–3, 235, 246, 306
-, and see roads

-, Eliz., w. of Rob., 76
-, Rob., 76

rope making, 87, 94

Rose, Rob., 323

Rotherfield Greys, 1–4, 7–9, 11, 16, 19, 31, 135, 216, 247, 255, 266–302, 328; pl. 15–17
-, adv., 181, 275, 294, 295, 298, 330
-, agric., 2–4, 11, 190, 266, 281–7, 288
-, bdy, 1, 3, 19–21, 34, 42, 190, 198, 258, 266, 267, 268–9, 303
-, bldgs, 272, 273–4, 276–80, 281, 284–5, 287, 289–93, 295–6, 299–301
-, chant., 280, 297
-, char., 130 n, 157, 289–90, 292, 293–4, 328
-, ch. hist., 162, 166, 223, 270–1, 288–90, 292–3, 294–301, 302, 330
-,-, ch. archit., 260 n, 290–1, 295, 297–8, 299–301, 300
-, chwdns, 291, 296, 300, 302
-, Civil War, q.v.
-, clubs, 289, 291–2, 294
-, cts, 16, 289–90, 301–2
-, curates, 226, 296–7
-, demesne, 282, 283–5, 290
-, estates, 131, 160, 207, 211, 238, 280–1, 284–5, 289, 314, 328
-, farms, 211, 247, 268–9, 281, 283, 285–7
-, festivities, 290–1
-, fields, 35, 40, 268–9, 282, 290
-,-, South field, 19–20, 32, 129, 190, 268–9, 274, 282, 288, 296
-, glebe, 280, 296
-, Greys Ct, 18, 32, 243, 266, 268–9, 270–1, 274–5, 276–80, 277, 279, 285, 287, 289–91, 295, 301; pl. 15–16
-,-, as address, 38, 129–30, 141, 166, 185, 286
-,-, park, 13, 267, 268–9, 278, 280, 282, 284–5, 290–1
-, Greys Green, 3, 267, 268–9, 271–2, 283, 287–9, 292
-, Greys mead, 20, 266, 282–3, 296
-, Hernes (Ardens), 22, 186, 267, 268–9, 274–5, 281, 284–6, 292
-, Hernes, Lwr, 274, 283, 285–6
-, Highmoor, q.v.
-, Holy Trinity, q.v.
-, inclo., 266, 282–3, 284–6, 288, 290, 296
-, man., 16, 19, 31, 34, 104, 106, 186, 190, 208, 266, 270, 274, 275–6, 282, 285, 291, 294, 301–2
-, man. ho., see Rotherfield Greys: Greys Ct
-, mills, 287
-, nonconf., 169, 288–9, 291–2, 294, 297–8
-, Padnells, 16, 266, 268, 270, 275, 280, 282, 284–6, 302
-, par. council, 302
-, par. officers, 294, 289, 301–2
-, place name, 3, 232, 267, 282
-, poor relief, 157, 288–9, 294, 297, 302, 329
-, pop., 8, 11–12, 60, 270, 285
-, post offices, 267, 268–9, 272–3
-, pubs and inns, 268–9, 271–4, 287–9, 292, 299
-, rly, 267
-, rectors, 162, 289, 292–5, 296–9, 302
-, rect. est., 280, 294, 295–6
-, rect. ho., 271, 274, 296
-, roads, 5, 24, 200, 202, 232, 267, 268–9, 273, 289, 302–4
-, Rom. Cath., 291, 294, 297–8
-, Satwell, 16, 267, 268–9, 270, 272–3, 274, 280, 283, 286, 288–9, 294, 302
-, sch., 272–3, 289–91, 292–3, 298, 302, 327, 329
-, settlement, 7–9, 183, 266, 267–73, 288, 295, 297–8; and see Henley-on-Thames, borough: origins and growth (suburbs)
-, Shepherd's Green, 3, 266–7, 268–9, 270, 271, 272, 274–5, 283, 287–9; pl. 17
-, shops, 273, 281, 288
-, soc. life, 255, 290–1, 292, 299
-, soc. struc., 13, 281, 284, 288–92
-, tithes, 160–2, 294, 296
-, tithings, 34, 104, 106, 301–2
-, trade and ind., 7, 130, 281, 287–8
-, vestry, 289, 302
-, village halls, 268–9, 272–3, 291–2
-, water supply, 266, 271, 273, 283, 291
-, Witheridge (Hill), 16, 266–7, 268–9, 270, 273, 280, 286–9, 293, 295, 298, 302, 320
-, woodland, 3, 11, 86, 266–7, 268–9, 270, 280–2, 282–4, 285–8, 290–1, 296
-, workho., 17, 273, 294, 302, 329

Rotherfield Peppard, 1–4, 7–9, 11, 15–16, 31, 247, 255, 259, 296, 302–37
-, adv., 329–30, 332
-, agric., 2–4, 11, 307, 314–20, 322, 325
-, as address, 129, 293
-, Blount's Ct, 3, 13, 232–3, 245, 252, 302–3, 304–5, 307–8, 310–11, 312–13, 314–15, 322–5, 329, 332–3
-,-, Blount's Ct Fm, 248, 303, 313, 318–20
-, Bolt's Cross, 272, 303, 309
-, bdy, 1, 21, 42, 162, 231, 266, 268–9, 302, 303, 304–5, 310
-, bldgs, 308–9, 310, 312–13, 316, 318, 320, 323–5, 330–1, 334–5
-, char., 323, 328–9
-, ch. hist., 162, 295–6, 299, 323–4, 329–34
-,-, ch. archit., 324, 329–32, 334–5, 335
-, chwdns, 323–4, 327, 332, 336–7
-, clubs, 324–5
-, Colmore Fm, 306, 308, 312, 314, 317–20
-, cts, 16, 315–16, 323, 336
-, Cowfields (Coufold), 303, 305, 307, 310, 313, 317, 318, 319–20, 333, 336
-, Crosslanes, 7, 304, 306, 320, 337
-, curates, 226, 331–3
-, demesne, 314, 316–17
-, estates, 238, 312, 313–14, 319–20
-, farms, 247, 314, 317–20
-, festivities, 325, 337
-, fields, 314, 316
-, Gillotts, 157, 304, 305, 306, 314, 317–18, 320, 324, 330
-, glebe, 314, 319–20, 330
-, golf course, 304–5, 324–5
-, Highlands (Hellelane), 4, 7, 303, 305, 306–7, 310, 312–13, 317–22
-, hosp., 304–5, 306, 308–10, 314, 322, 325–8, 334
-, inclo., 307, 314–16
-, Kingwood Common, 3, 4, 303–4, 304, 306–8, 309–10, 312–15, 318–20, 322, 325–6, 336–7
-, man., 16, 31, 239, 303, 306, 310–13, 314, 317, 330, 336
-, man. hos, 306–7, 310, 316, 323
-, mills, 195, 287, 307, 312, 314–17, 320, 321
-,-, New Mills, 98, 136, 305, 311–12, 321, 330
-, nonconf., 15, 308, 325–7, 328, 329, 333–5
-, par. council, 310, 328–9, 334, 336–7
-, par. officers, 323, 336–7
-, park, 13, 303, 307, 308, 310, 315, 316–17, 323, 331
-, Peppard Common, 3, 8, 304, 305–8, 308, 309, 312, 315, 322, 325, 327, 329, 333
-, Peppard Green, 307
-, Peppard mead, 303, 315–16, 318
-, place name, 3, 232, 302–3
-, poor relief, 17, 294, 329, 332, 336–7
-, pop., 8, 11, 306–7, 316
-, post offices, 305–6, 314, 322
-, pubs and inns, 16, 303, 304–5, 307, 309, 321–2, 325, 326, 329, 336
-, rly, 306
-, rectors, 299, 303, 318, 324–7, 329–30, 331–4
-, rect. est., 314, 319–20, 330–1, 334
-, rect. ho., 308, 310, 323, 330–1, 332
-, roads, 8, 232–3, 303–5, 304–5, 307
-, Rom. Cath., 15, 313, 317, 323–4, 329, 332–3, 336
-, Sadgrove Fm, 307, 312, 318–20, 324
-, sch., 293, 304–5, 308–9, 322, 324–5, 326–8, 329
-, Selgrave (Selegrovelond), 312
-, settlement, 7–9, 302–3, 306–10, 316, 325, 333
-, shops, 314, 321–2
-, soc. life, 134, 292, 322, 324, 325–6, 333
-, soc. struc., 13, 302, 306, 309, 316, 322–5
-, tithes, 303, 329–30, 332
-, trade and ind., 309, 312, 314, 320–2
-, vestry, 336
-, village hall, 304–5, 322, 326, 335
-, water supply, 303, 305, 315, 329
-, woodland, 3, 11, 303, 304–5, 312, 314–17, 318–19, 321, 325, 328, 330
-, Wyfold, q.v.

Round, Hen., 317

Routledge and Kegan Paul, publishers, 100

rowing, 40, 92, 138–41, 143–4, 148, 152–3, 155; and see Henley Royal Regatta; Leander Club; Olympic regattas

Rowland, Jas, 173–4

Rowles, John (fl. 1725), 210–11

Rowney, Thos, 295, 330

Rowse, fam., 208

Royal Commission on Liquor Licensing (1897), 146

Royal Exchange Fire Office, 119

Royal Navy, 215

Royalists (Civil War), 75, 77, 127–8, 226, 239, 290

rugby, 153, 155

Rupert, Prince, 128

Russell, John, 283–4

Russell's Water, see Pishill

Russia, see Alexander I

Rycote (in Gt Haseley), 82

rye, see crops


-, Mary, see Hungerford
-, Sir Ric., 74

sack and sail-cloth making, 88, 94–5, 134

saddlers, see leather industry

-, Edw., 320
-, fam., 318

Sadgrove, see Rotherfield Peppard

sailing, recreational, 153

St Albans (Herts.), 1, 4–5, 6
-, Verulamium, 4, 7, 232

St Kitts (West Indies), 240

St Mary Hall, Oxford, see Cole, Thos

St Omer:
-, Alice, m. — Hoo, 207
-, Thos of, 207

Salesian Sisters of St John Bosco, 188

Salisbury, earls of, see Montagu, John and Thos and Wm

salt trade, 27, 79, 83, 86; and see roads: salt ways

Salters of Oxford, boat operators, 141

Sancte Marie de Ecclesia, Wm de, 73

Sandemanians, 169

-, Ric., 86
-, Thos, 103, 134

Sandow, Rob., 187

-, Benj., 90
-, Chas, 249, 254
-, Dan., 90
-, Josiah, and his w., 152
-, Peter, 90, 169
-, fam., 90, 287

-, John of, 284
-, fam., 302

Satwell, see Rotherfield Greys

Savage, Nic., 86

Savills, estate agents, 100

saw mills, see mills

sawyers, see building trades

Say, John, rector of Henley, 163

Scholefield, Nat., 169, 298

schools, see under names of particular places

Schwarzenbach, Urs, 238, 255–6

Science Research Associates, 100

scolding stool, see punitive instruments

Scot, John, 121 n

Scotland and Scots, 121, 148, 175, 244; and see Edinburgh

-, Chas Rob., 183
-, fam., 183

scriveners, 87, 130, 163

Scrope, Sir Adrian, 168

sculptors, see artists

Seakes, Thos, 87

seamstresses, see dressmakers

Searle and Sons, boat builders, 97

Secker, Thos, bp of Oxford, 167

Second World War, 99, 154, 187, 198, 200, 216, 217 n, 250, 319, 337
-, evacuees, 153–4, 221,
-, Home Guard, 154, 220
-, military camps, 309

Sedding, Edm., architect, 335

Sedgwick, John, 249

Sedham, Nic. of, 239 n

Segrave, Sir Hugh, 240

Sempringham, Ralph of, rector of Bolney, 258–9

servants, domestic, 63, 88, 94–6, 107–8, 121–2, 124, 127, 138, 165, 169, 216, 218–19, 238, 243, 252–4, 260, 291
-, governesses, 95, 254

settlement, see Anglo-Saxon; barrows; Bronze-Age; Iron-Age; medieval; prehistoric; roads; Roman settlement; and under names of particular places

Seward, Ric., rector of Rotherfield Peppard, 331

-, Solomon (d. 1631), 53, 253
-, Solomon (d. 1685), 125 n
-, Solomon (d. 1707), 87, 125

sewing machine agent, 98

Shackleton, Ernest, 98

Shard, Rob., 131–2

Sharp (Sharpe):
-, Jas, 193
-, John, 93, 97

-, John, 90
-, Norman, architect, 64

shearers, see cloth industry

sheep farming, see stock rearing

Shefford, Little (Berks.), 82 n

Shelton, Geo., 95

Shepherd (Sheppard):
-, Fred., 175
-, Thos, 96, 97, 141

shepherds, see stock rearing: sheep

Shepherd's Green, see Rotherfield Greys

Sheppard, see Shepherd

Shilborne, Thos, 163

Shillingford, see Warborough

-, John of, rector of Bolney and Rotherfield Greys, 259 n, 296
-, Rob., of, 79, 107, 120, 122, 192

Shiplake, 1, 3, 7, 9, 11, 98, 231, 233–6, 248, 250–1, 254–5, 258, 260 n, 261, 263, 297, 303–4, 306, 309, 317–18, 320, 326–8
-, Binfield Heath, 16, 245
-, Crowsley park, 231, 241, 244–5, 250, 275, 280, 286, 311, 314, 320
-, Lashbrook, 11, 231, 240, 264–5
-, Shiplake Ct, 98

Shirburn, 1, 226
-, Shirburn Castle, 135 n, 223

Shire, Rog. de, 312

Shone, Isaac, 44

shooting, 148, 220, 255

shops, see under names of particular places

Shorland, Geo., 245, 249, 310, 319–20
-, Shorland est., 322

shouts, see bargemen: barges

Shrewsbury, 26

Shropshire, 332; and see Shrewsbury

Shurvell, Wm, 326

Siberechts, Jan, painter, 22, 35–7, 49, 55, 126, 128; pl. 3–4

Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, 334

Silchester (Hants.), 4, 7, 232

silk weaving, winding, and throwing, 39, 92, 94–5

Sills, John, 169

Silverstone (Northants.), 76

Simmonds (Simmons, Symons):
-, Chas, 43
-, Humph., 247
-, Ric., 247
-, W. Anker, 142, 144, 146–7
-, W. H., 72

Simms, H. T., 152

Simon, Rob., 108

Simonds' Bank, 93

Simonds' Brewery, 90, 93

Simpkins, W., 61, 146

Singer, Chas, 146, 175

skinners, see leather industry

Skirmett, see Hambleden

skittles, 134

slate (as bldg material), 18, 58–9, 292, 327, 334

slave plantations, 240, 252

Slemaker, Wm, 38, 180

Slough (Bucks.), 24

smallpox, see epidemics

Smith (Smyth):
-, Chas Hen., 98, 321
-, Edw., rector of Henley, 166
-, Jas, 175
-, John, 89 n
-, Jos., rector of Rotherfield Greys, 298
-, Phil., 76
-, Ric. le, 216
-, W. F. D., Vct Hambleden, 118, 141, 143
-, W. H., Vct Hambleden, 118, 138, 141, 146
-, Wm, rector of Harpsden, 259 n
-, fam., 89, 320

Smith and Son of Reading, builders, 182

Smith, C.H., and Sons, paper manufacturers, 321

Smith, Chas, and Son, architects, 67, 72

Smith, W.H., and Sons, stationers, 62, 98, 100, 138

Smith Isolation Hosp., see Henley-on-Thames, borough: hosp.

smiths, see metal industry: blacksmiths and goldsmiths and locksmiths

Smyth, see Smith

Snelling, Thos, 281

soap boilers, 89

social structure, see Chilterns and under names of particular places

-, John, 81
-, Wm, 81

Somerset, see Bath; Bristol

Sonning (Berks.), 1, 3, 11, 134, 261, 302–3, 327, 330–1
-, Eye and Dunsden, 1, 3, 11, 132, 258, 303, 312, 327

Sotwell (Berks.), 272

Soundess, see Nettlebed

Soundy, Thos, 92

soup kitchens, 113, 135, 152, 157

South, John, rector of Rotherfield Peppard, 332

South Oxfordshire District, 17, 116, 155, 302, 337

South Oxfordshire Farmers' Drag Hunt, 220

South Sea annuities, 130, 136

Southampton, 5, 23, 78, 82, 120, 148

Southwark, see London

Spain, 164

-, Eliz., m. Wm Compton, 75
-, Sir John, 75

spicers, 79

sports, games, and pastimes, 109, 122
-, traditional, 123, 126, 164–5, 325, 333
-, and see athletics; badminton; bowls; chess; cricket; football; gambling; golf; Henley Royal Regatta; horse riding; hunting; polo; prize fighting; rowing; rugby; shooting; skittles; squash; swimming; tennis

-, Adam (d. 1644 or 1645), 87
-, Adam (d. 1707), 110, 128, 192
-, Augustine, 110
-, Thos (fl. 1686), 295
-, Thos (fl. 1697–9, ?the same), 110
-, Wm, 86

Springold, Thos, 282, 284

Spurgeon, C. H., 175

squash, 153

stage coaches, see coaching

stained glass, see glass: window glass

Stamford (Lincs.), 82

Stanton Harcourt, 73

Stapledon, see Hickman & Stapledon

-, Cath. (fl. 1724), see Paul
-, Cath. (d. 1863), 291
-, Fras Geo. (d. 1899), Bt, 141, 276, 280, 291, 293–4, 302
-, his w., 293
-, Revd Fras Jarvis (d. 1874), Bt, 38 n, 276, 280
-, Maria, 291
-, Mary, w. of Thos (d. 1781), 291
-, Miles (d. 1731), rector of Harpsden, 252, 261–2
-, Miles Talbot (d. 1977), 276, 291
-, Thos (d. 1781), Bt, 38, 276, 279, 291, 302
-, Thos (d. 1831), Ld Le Despenser, 276
-, Wm., Bt, 38 n, 276, 283, 291
-, fam., 184 n, 274–5, 279, 283, 285–6, 289, 291–2, 294, 300

staymakers, 91

Stelrad Group, 100

Stephen, king, 31, 73, 76

Stepney, see London

-, Edw., 53, 87, 125
-, Hen., 186 n
-, Joan, 53
-, John (d. c.1717), 136
-, Capt. John (d. 1777), 134, 186
-, Ric., 124
-, Thos (d. c.1765), 136
-, Thos (fl. 1837), 319
-, fam., 132

Steward, H. T., 140

stock rearing, 9–10, 43, 47, 189, 194, 246–8, 316–17, 320
-, cattle, 43, 80, 101–2, 191, 193–5, 211–15, 246, 248–50, 283–7, 316–17, 319–20
-,-, Aberdeen Angus, 319
-,-, cowkprs, 94, 191
-,-, and see dairying
-, deer, 188–9, 191, 284, 290, 303, 310, 317; and see parks
-, horses, 43, 102, 191, 211, 284–6, 315–17
-, oxen, 316–17
-, pigs, 9, 43, 47, 109, 154, 191–4, 210, 212, 214, 248, 250, 283, 285–7, 316–17, 319; and see pannage
-, poultry, 47, 94, 101, 103, 191, 194, 212, 214, 250, 285, 288, 317, 319–20
-, sheep, 10–11, 43, 83, 102, 191, 193–4, 211–12, 214–15, 225, 248–50, 260, 283–6, 297, 315–17, 319, 331
-,-, shepherds, 94, 191, 212, 250
-,-, and see wool trade
-, and see livestock, transport of; warrens

stocks, see punitive instruments

Stockwell, Dan., 86

Stockwood, Wm, rector of Henley, 167

Stoke, Wm de, rector of Rotherfield Greys, 296

Stoke, North, 1, 16, 160, 332, 336

Stoke, South, 1, 131, 207
-, Langtree sch. (in Woodcote), 327

Stoke Row, 27, 169, 289, 298, 304–5, 320, 327

Stokeley, Nic., 165 n

Stokenchurch (Bucks.), 1, 6, 26, 82 n, 216, 286

Stokesley, John, rector of Henley and bishop of London, 162

stone (as bldg material), 24–5, 31, 49, 62, 70, 79, 119, 180–2, 229, 243, 274, 279–80, 293, 300, 312–13, 334
-, stone slate, 70

-, Alice, m. Humph. Forster (d. 1488), 260
-, Cecily, w. of Fras (d. 1564), 166
-, Eliz., w. of Hen. (d. 1637), 332
-, Fras (d. 1564), 332
-, Sir Fras (d. 1625), 17, 129, 295, 321, 329–30, 332
-, Fras Rob. (d. 1897), 4th Baron Camoys, 30, 140–1
-, Hen. (d. 1624), 312, 323
-, Hen. (d. 1637), 332
-, Hen. (d. 1705), 311, 323, 332
-, Jane, 123, 163
-, Sir John (d. 1354), 206–8, 211
-, Sir John (d. 1361), 211
-, John (d. 1687), 126, 313, 330
-, Ric., 207
-, Thos (d. 1474), 311–12, 316
-, Thos (d. 1512), 311, 316
-, Thos (fl. 1517), 315
-, Thos (fl. 1532, ?the same), 321
-, Thos (d. 1683), 223, 317
-, Thos (d. 1724), 222–4
-, Thos (d. 1831), 298
-, Thos (d. 1881), 3rd Baron Camoys, 29, 71, 138, 140–1, 327
-, Sir Wal. (fl. 1525), 252
-, Sir Wal. (d. 1550, ?the same), 126, 311
-, his w., 332
-, Wm (d. 1494), 225, 280, 282, 284
-, fam., 11–13, 15, 36, 40–1, 81, 87, 126, 204–8, 210–11, 215–17, 222–3, 225–7, 238, 245, 252, 260, 266, 274, 280, 285–6, 289–91, 294, 297, 302, 310–14, 317–18, 321, 323–4, 329–30, 332–3, 336

Stonor (Upper Assendon) (in Pyrton), 3, 17, 166, 175, 197, 198, 201–2, 210–11, 214, 216, 329
-, Stonor man. and est., 196, 206, 208, 210–15, 218–19, 230, 311, 314, 317
-, Stonor Pk, 49, 166, 175, 197, 311, 333
-,-, as address, 29, 36, 81, 126, 129, 138, 206, 275, 286, 290
-,-, chapel, 228

Stormy, Rog., 312

Stowe, John of, rector of Rotherfield Peppard, 331

Stowe, Geo., & Co., 101

Stowe (Bucks.), 331

-, John (d. 1809), 58, 71, 180
-, John (d. 1845), 58, 60, 71
-, W.C. 58, 71–2

Stratfield Say priory (Berks.), 260

straw workers, 95

Streatley (Berks.), 49

Strickland, fam., 188

Stroud (Glos.), 26

Stuart Turner Engineering (Stuart Turner Ltd), 98–101, 152, 154

suburban growth, 236, 252, 308–10; and see Henley-on-Thames, borough: origins and growth (suburbs)

Sudeley, Ld, see Butler, Sir Ralph

Suffolk, 323, 331; and see Ipswich

Suleham, Wm of, 239

Summersby, Benj., 334

Sun Fire Office, 119

surgeons, see physicians

Surrey, see Henley; Kingston-upon-Thames; Purley

Susman, W.J., 152

Sussex, 137

Sutcliffe, fam., 253

Swallow, Ric., 58–9

swimming, recreational, 126, 141, 144, 153, 155, 254

Swinnerton, Sir John, 76–7

Swithinbank, Joshua, 146

Swyncombe, 1, 196–8, 200, 208, 223, 226, 267, 327
-, Cookley Green, 200

Sygar, Thos, rector of Harpsden, 259 n

Symons, see Simmonds


tailors, 78, 80–1, 86, 88, 91, 94–5, 120–1, 216, 223, 320
-, merchant tailor, 240
-, tailors' guild, 122

tallow chandlers, see chandlers

-, Wm, 218
-, fam., 80, 320

tanners, see leather industry

Tapp, David, architect, 67

Taverner Wallis, fam., 209

-, Dame Eliz., 252
-, Joan, 316
-, John (fl. 1672), 188, 193
-, John (fl. 1892), 174
-, Ric., 26
-, fam., 80, 320

telegraphs, 30, 43

Temperance, 65, 113, 142–7, 174–5

tennis, 144, 152–3, 254, 324–5

tent-peg making, 288, 320

Tesco, grocers, 48, 99–100, 156

Tetsworth, 327

Texier, Ant. Le, 255

Thackham, Hen., 129

Thame, 1, 22–3, 120, 123, 180
-, abbey, 303, 307, 313–15, 330
-, Weston, North, 82

Thames, river, 1–2
-, in Civil War, 127–8
-, journey times, 28
-, navigation, 2, 5–7, 23, 27–8, 81, 84, 89–91, 321
-, recreation on, 28, 96, 99, 126–7, 133, 141, 153, 155, 251, 255; and see angling; houseboats; regattas; rowing
-, trade along, 2, 5–7, 9–10, 12, 14, 22–3, 27–8, 37, 39–40, 60, 78–80, 81–3, 86, 89–90, 124, 126, 137–8, 187, 193, 215–16, 232–3, 250, 284–5, 316
-, and see bargemen; canals; fishing; locks; wharfs

Thames and Severn canal, 28

Thames Commission (later Conservancy), 28, 44, 69, 140

Thames Valley Electrical Supply Company, 45

Thames Valley Traction Co., 305

thatch, 18, 273–4, 310

theatres, plays, and concerts, 133–4, 142–3, 149, 255, 292, 326; and see Henley-on-Thames, borough: Kenton Theatre

-, John, 207
-, Maud, see Abingdon

Theobalds, Wm, architect, 62

Theodor, Emil, 241

Thomas, rector of Bix, 225

Thomson, John, rector of Rotherfield Peppard, 332

-, John (fl. 1526–30), curate of Rotherfield Greys, 296
-, John (d. 1597), 53

Tiler, see Tyler

tiles (as building material), 18, 57, 63–4, 66–7, 76, 103, 181, 229, 243, 260, 263, 273, 278, 291, 293, 299, 301, 310, 313, 321, 331, 334–5
-, tile and pottery making, 79, 195, 215–16 kilns, 7, 196–7, 216, 251, 267, 306

Tiller, Wm., 91 n

timber framing, 17–18, 35, 49–52, 54, 59–60, 69, 85, 120, 205, 236–7, 273–4, 281, 310, 318, 321; pl. 5–6
-, crucks, 236–7

timber trade and timber merchants, 2, 9–12, 30, 36, 78–80, 83–4, 86, 89, 91–2, 124–5, 128, 191–3, 215–16, 284, 316
-, fuel and firewood, 2, 9, 11, 35, 80, 191, 193 n, 215, 250, 284, 286, 316–17
-, timber yard, 63
-, woodmongers, 83, 86, 193 n
-, and see mills: saw mills; woodland

tinkers, 63, 308

tithes, see under names of particular places

tobacconists, 99, 152

Toomer Bros (later Toomer, R. and Co.), coal merchants, 30

-, Mary, 293
-, Thos, 223–4
-, Wm (fl. 1672), 170 n
-, Wm (d. 1710, ?the same), 85
-, Wm (d. 1725), 85

tourism, 99, 155, 194; and see Henley-on-Thames, borough: as resort

Towers, fam., 244

Townlands, see Henley-on-Thames, borough

Townsend, John, 26

Townshend, Edw., rector of Henley, 167, 170

-, Chas, 139
-, Fred., 151

Tractarians, 253

trade and ind., see apothecaries; auctioneers; bakers; banks; barbers; bargemen; basket making; besom making; bicycle agents; bodgers; brandy merchants; building trades; butchers; cabinet makers; chapmen; chimney sweeps; cloth industry; computing and software ind.; confectioners; cooks; coopers; cornmongers; excisemen; faggot makers; financial services; furriers; grocers; haberdashers; hairdressers; hawkers; higglers; insurance companies; jewellers; lacemakers; laundresses; leather ind.; machine makers; mantua makers; meal and mealmen; mercers; metal ind.; milliners; musicians; paper manuf.; patten maker; perfumiers; peruke makers; photographers; quarrying; rope making; sack and sail-cloth making; scriveners; sewing machine agent; soap boilers; spicers; staymakers; straw workers; tent-peg making; tinkers; tobacconists; turnery; umbrella manufacture; upholsterers; veterinary surgeons; wheelwrights; and under names of particular places

trade tokens, 26, 86, 117, 125

Treberfydd (Brecon.), 253

-, Lettice, see Knollys
-, Sir Thos, 297

Tring (Herts.), 6, 28

Trinity College, Dublin, 140

Trinity College, Oxford, 181, 292–5, 297–8, 300, 330

Trustee Savings Bank, 98

Tucker, Sydney, 174

Tudor, Jasper, duke of Bedford, 276

Turkey, Sultan of, 97

-, G.W., 66
-, Rob., bellfounder, 180
-, Stuart, 98–9; and see Stuart Turner Engineering
-, fam., 218, 320

turnery, 12, 94, 216, 320

turnips, see crops

turnpikes, see roads

Turville, John of, 80

Turville (Bucks.), 85, 170

Twyford (Berks.), 27–30, 139, 169, 267, 306

Tyler (Tiler):
-, John le (fl. 1341), 216
-, John (fl. 1650s), 128, 130 n, 168
-, John (?the same), 130
-, Nic., 216
-, Thos, 216

Tynney, Ric., rector of Rotherfield Peppard, 332

typhoid, see epidemics


Uluric (fl. 1086), 311

umbrella manufacture, 98

United Reformed Church, 15 n, 156, 159 n, 171, 175

United States of America, 140, 153, 309

upholsterers, 91, 94, 134 n, 139

Upper Thames Electric Launch Co., 141

uprisings, see riots

-, Rob., 135
-, fam., 89


Vale of White Horse, see Berkshire

Valence, Wm de, earl of Pembroke, 239, 265

Vallemont abbey (Normandy, France), 260 n

Vanscor, M., 133

Vansittart, fam., 253

Vasor, Peter, rector of Henley, 162

-, Mary, w. of Vincent, m. 2 Jas Butler, Baron Dunboyne, 244, 253
-, Vincent, 244, 253
-, fam., 244

Venner, John, 76–7, 83

-, Isabel de, ctss of Oxford, 223
-, fam., earls of Oxford, 206

Verity and Beverley, architects, 67

'Verneveld', 207

Verulamium, see St Albans

veterinary surgeons, 94

Vickers, Jas, 240

Victoria, Queen, 70, 115, 140; and see Albert

Videcom International Ltd, 100–1

view of frankpledge, see frankpledge

Vigorous, Wm, rector of Bix, 225

villas, see Roman settlement

-, Eliz., ctss Grandison, m. Chas Montague Halifax, 77
-, (Mason-Villiers), Geo., Vct Villiers, 133, 255

vintners and wine trade, 27, 79–84, 86, 120, 168
-, wine and spirit merchants, 97, 138–9, 144, 148, 151, 169, 262

Vlasto, Augustas, 186–7

Vyne, Thos, 284


Wade, Adam, 49 n, 79

Wadham College, Oxford, 227

Wagge, Thos, 108

Waitrose, grocers, 48, 67, 100, 156

Wakeman, Wm, 80

Waldens', builders, 69

Wale, Thos, 275

Wales, prince of, 16; and see Edward (Black Prince); Edward VII; Frederick; George IV

Wales, 5, 23, 121, 329, 333; and see Brecon; Lampeter; Pembrokeshire; Treberfydd

Waleys (Waleis):
-, John le, rector of Rotherfield Peppard, 331
-, Wm, 265

Walker, Jos., 325–6, 333

Wallingford, Wigod of, 238

Wallingford, Vct, see Knollys, Wm (d. 1632)

Wallingford (formerly Berks.), 1, 4–6, 10, 22–4, 26, 28, 79–82, 90, 120, 130, 132, 169, 185, 280
-, castle, 76
-, priory, 314

Wallingford, honor of (later honor of Ewelme), 16, 74–5, 207, 238–9, 264, 280, 284, 302, 311
-, cts, 16, 106, 218, 230, 264, 302, 311, 336

Waltham, Wm of, 73

Walton, Geo., architect, 238

Walwen, Nic., 218

Wantage (Berks.), 26

Warborough, 159
-, Shillingford, 89

Warborough Monthly Meeting (Friends), 170

Warburg nature reserve, see Bix

Warcup, Rudolph, 75

Wargrave (Berks.), 25, 27, 79, 111, 134, 260
-, Crazies Hill, 70
-, Culham Ct, 186 n

Warmscombe (formerly in Watlington), 197, 224

Warmscombe Lane, 197, 224

-, Chas, rector of Henley, 172
-, Fras, 240, 252
-, Wm, 321
-, fam., 240, 243, 252
-, and see Lee-Warner

Warren Row, see Hurley

warrens (rabbit), 78, 317

wars, see Boer War; Civil War; First World War; Second World War

Warwickshire, 260; and see Birmingham; Henley-in-Arden

-, John, 311
-, Thos, 207

waste, manorial, 103, 106, 135, 202 n, 236, 315
-, encroachments on, 105–6, 112–13, 135, 202 n, 216, 230, 307, 315

watchmakers, see clock- and watchmakers

watchmen, see Henley-on-Thames, borough

water supply, 8; and see under names of particular places

Waters, Wm, 86

Watling Street, 4

Watlington, 1, 3, 5, 10, 22, 24, 27, 75 n, 76, 169, 197, 200, 211, 217, 200, 224, 226, 267
-, Howe, 223
-, park, 191
-, and see Warmscombe

Watson, Mrs, 220

-, A. J., rector of Harpsden, 258
-, T. N., 145–6

Waynton, see Baynton

weavers, see cloth industry

-, Ellis, 84
-, G. W., architect, 62
-, John, rector of Harpsden, 260
-, Mic., 179
-, Rob., and Sons, barge operators, 92

weirs, see locks

Wellman, Jasper, 125

-, J. G., 175
-, fam., 253

Wesley, John, 170

Wessex Electric Light Company, 47

West, Rob., 321

West & Collier, wood carvers, 182

West Indies, 240, 252, 291

Westbrook and Whiting, Messrs, millers, 321

Westminster, see London

Weston, North, see Thame

Weyman, John, 64

wharfs and hythes, 82, 232–3, 235; and see Henley-on-Thames, borough: wharfs
-, wharfingers, 135, 193 n, 298

wheat, see crops

Wheatley, 334

-, Rob., 315
-, fam., 320

wheelwrights and wheelers, 78, 88, 94–5, 216, 320
-, wheel rims, 12

whiggism, 127–8, 135, 146, 169, 226

whipping post, see punitive instruments

Whitaker, Geo., rector of Bix, 220

-, Alice, see Bolney
-, Reg. of, 239, 258

-, Geoff., 87
-, John, 316
-, Rob., 321

Whitechapel, see London

Whitelocke (Whitelock):
-, Ann, w. of Wm (d. 1709), 75
-, Sir Bulstrode (d. 1675), 13, 37, 75–7, 126–8, 130, 166, 188, 193, 252, 261
-, Bulstrode (d. 1688), 128
-, Bulstrode (fl. 1724), 75
-, Sir Jas, 76, 126
-, Sir Wm (d. 1709), 36, 135
-, Sir Wm (d. 1717), 75, 77–8, 128, 188, 193
-, fam., 73, 77–8, 127, 253

whitesmiths, see metal industry

Whittick, Mary, 293

Wickens, Fras, 49 n

'wife gathering', 123

Wigan (Lancs.), 253

Wigginton, Ric., 91

Wight, Isle of, 275

Wilberforce, Sam., bp of Oxford, 92, 171–2, 180, 228, 262

Wilkes, Ralph, 84, 125 n

Wilkinson, Wm, architect, 118

Willcocks, C. B. architect, 187

William III, as Prince of Orange, 78, 128

William (fl. 1086), 207

-, Lucy, see Fleming
-, Morris Price, rector of Rotherfield Peppard, 334
-, Rob. Price, rector of Rotherfield Peppard, 333
-, Thos, rector of Rotherfield Peppard, 326, 333–5
-, (later Williams Freeman), Wm Peere, 75

-, Fras, 286
-, Jas, 165
-, R. M., vic. of Holy Trinity, 173, 182

-, Charlotte, 324
-, Geo., 64–6, 97
-, Ric., 64, 66, 68, 97
-, Thos, 334
-, fam., 325

Wiltshire, 82, 254; and see Chilton Lodge; Clarendon Palace; Marlborough

Wimbledon, see London

Winchester, 125, 130
-, bp of, 27, 160

windmills, see mills

-, Alice, see Perrers
-, Wm, 207

Windsor (Berks.), 30, 84, 127, 130–2
-, royal chapel, canon of, 226

wine trade, see vintners

Winford, Edw., rector of Harpsden, 262

Wing, Wm, architect, 72, 144, 147

wire workers, see metal industry

Wise, Fras, rector of Rotherfield Greys, 297

Witheridge (Wyterugge):
-, Ralph of, 273
-, fam., 302

Witheridge, see Rotherfield Greys

Witney, 5, 22–3, 27, 90, 102 n, 114, 170
-, Wychwood Brewery, 101

Wodevile, Ric., rector of Bix, 225 n

Wokingham, Wm of, rector of Harpsden, 259 n

Wokingham (Berks.), 62, 97, 132, 134

Wolferstan, Mrs Pipe, 314, 320

Wolsey, Thos, Cardinal, 178 n

Wolvey (Wolneye), Thos, 177

Women's Institute, 220–1, 292, 326

Wooburn (Bucks.), 90, 152

Wood, fam., 287

Woodcote, see Stoke, South (Langtree sch.)

Woodhall, Wm, 80, 107

woodland, 1–4, 8–12, 24
-, ash, 215, 316
-, beech, 2, 12, 215, 251, 282, 288, 316
-, hedgebote and housebote, 284, 315
-, management, 11–12, 191–3, 215–16, 246, 250–1, 282–6, 314–17, 321
-,-, charcoal burning, 193, 215, 316
-,-, coppicing, 11, 193, 215, 247, 250, 282, 284–6, 315, 317, 328
-, oak, 215, 251, 316
-, shaws, 3, 282, 285
-, and see assarting; besom making; bodgers; chair and furniture manuf.; faggot makers; tent-peg making; timber trade; and under names of particular places

Woodman, W.H., architect, 301

-, Ellis, 87
-, John, 124
-, Wm, 87
-, fam., 87

Woodstock, 23, 27, 31, 76, 102
-, rural deanery, 160 n

Woodyer, Hen., architect, 64, 264

wool trade, 10, 13, 78, 80, 82–3, 107, 120–1, 132, 211–12, 286
-, wool hos, 35, 82
-, wool spinning, 286
-, woolpacker, 82
-, and see cloth ind.; stock rearing: sheep

Woolley, Mic., 83–4

Woolworth, F.W., retailers, 98

Worcester, 5, 26
-, bp of, see Grey, Wal. de (d.1255)

Worcestershire, 226; and see Droitwich; Worcester

workhouses, see Henley-on-Thames, parish; Rotherfield Greys

Workman, Wm, 249

-, Sir Chris., architect, 56, 186
-, F. C., architect, 68

-, John Atkyns, 281
-, Mary (fl. late 18th cent.), see Heywood
-, Mary (d. 1842), w. of John Atkyns, 281, 311, 314
-, fam., 275, 281, 286

writs, return of, 105

Wychwood Brewery, see Witney

Wycombe, Wal. of, rector of Rotherfield Peppard, 331

Wycombe, High (Bucks.), 1, 5, 6, 23, 27, 81, 170, 216, 288

Wydmere, John, 247

Wyfold (in Rotherfield Peppard and Checkendon), 3, 231, 303, 304–5, 306–7, 310, 313–15, 318–19

Wylly (Wylley):
-, John, rector of Bix, 225 n
-, Nic., 80

Wynch, Wm, 247

-, Eliz., w. of Wm, 74
-, Wm, 74–5, 77, 105, 122


YMCA, 142–3, 154, 325

Yacht Leg and Cradle Co., 101

yardlands, 10, 186 n, 190, 192, 207, 210, 216–17, 246, 281–2, 284, 312, 314–16, 322
-, size of, 248, 284, 314

Yarmouth, Great (Norf.), 79–80

York, abp of, see Grey, Wal. de (d. 1255)

-, F. W., vicar of Holy Trinity, 146, 173
-, Hen., 332

Youth Hostel Association, 175, 182