
A History of the County of Oxford: Volume 15, Bampton Hundred (Part Three). Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 2006.

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Christina Colvin, Carol Cragoe, Veronica Ortenberg, R B Peberdy, Nesta Selwyn, Elizabeth Williamson, 'Index', in A History of the County of Oxford: Volume 15, Bampton Hundred (Part Three), ed. Simon Townley (London, 2006), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

Christina Colvin, Carol Cragoe, Veronica Ortenberg, R B Peberdy, Nesta Selwyn, Elizabeth Williamson, 'Index', in A History of the County of Oxford: Volume 15, Bampton Hundred (Part Three). Edited by Simon Townley (London, 2006), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

Christina Colvin, Carol Cragoe, Veronica Ortenberg, R B Peberdy, Nesta Selwyn, Elizabeth Williamson. "Index". A History of the County of Oxford: Volume 15, Bampton Hundred (Part Three). Ed. Simon Townley (London, 2006), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

NOTE. Page numbers in bold-face type indicate the substantive account of a subject. A page number in italics denotes an illustration on that page. A page number followed by n is a reference only to the footnotes on that page.

Abbreviations used in the index include: abp, archbishop; adv., advowson; agric., agriculture; And., Andrew; Ant., Anthony; archdcn, archdeacon; Art., Arthur; Bart., Bartholomew; bdy, boundary; Benj., Benjamin; bldg, building(s); bp, bishop; Cath., Catherine, Catholicism; ch., church; chant., chantries; char., charities; Chas, Charles; Chris., Christopher; chwdns, churchwardens; cts, courts; ctss, countess; d., died; Dan., Daniel; dau., daughter; Edm., Edmund; Edw., Edward; Eliz., Elizabeth; est., estate(s); fam., family; fl., flourished; Fm, Farm; Fras, Francis; Geo., George; Gilb., Gilbert; grds, grandson; Hen., Henry; ho(s)., house(s); hosp., hospital; Humph., Humphrey; hund., hundred; inc., inclosure; ind., industrial, industry; Jas, James; Jos., Joseph; Kath., Katherine; Lawr., Lawrence; ld, lord(s); Leon., Leonard; m., married; man., manor(s), manorial; manuf., manufacture(r); Mgt, Margaret; Mgy, Margery; Mic., Michael; mkt, market(s); Nat., Nathaniel; Nic., Nicholas; nonconf., nonconformity; par., parish; parl., parliament(ary); Phil., Philip; pop., population; prehist., prehistoric; rect., rectory; Ric., Richard; riv., river; rly, railway; Rob., Robert; Rog., Roger; Rom., Roman; s., son; Sam., Samuel; sch., school(s); Sim., Simon; soc. struc., social structure; Steph., Stephen; stn, station; Thos, Thomas; vct(ss), viscount(ess); vic., vicarage, vicars; w., wife; Wal., Walter; Wm, William



-, Hen. of, 215
-, John of, 214–15
-, Steph. of, 221, 231
-, Thos of, 214–15

Abingdon (formerly Berks.), 114, 221

Abingdon Way (or Lane), 206–7, 210

-, Jos. (fl. 1902), 184
-, Jos. (fl. 1941), 197
-, Rob., 185
-, Maj.-Gen. W. E. V., 153, 163
-, fam., 196–7, 204

-, Eliz., w. of Sam., 34
-, Knightly, 54
-, Sam., rector of Alvescot, 20, 32–4
-, fam., 134

Aelfric, abbot of Eynsham, 41

Aeluric, 21

Aelwin, 21

agricultural implement makers, 5, 137, 236

Agricultural Labourers' Union, 28, 92, 196, 235

agriculture, 3–5; and see bee keeping; cheese manuf.; cider making; Corn Rent Act; crops; dairy farming; demesne farming; fields; furze-cutting; maltsters; market gardening; meadows; mechanization; mills: corn; pasture; rents; set-aside; sheep; smallholdings; stints; stock breeding; wages; woodland; and under names of particular places

aid, 89, 133

Akeman Street, 1, 37–8, 40, 41, 56, 56–7, 74, 177–8, 193

-, Alf., 30
-, Chas, 236
-, Hen., 75, 92
-, Jos, 236
-, Thos, 215
-, fam., 92, 98, 236–7

Alan, Wm s. of, see William

Alchester, 1, 40, 206

Aldbourne (Wilts.), 34

-, Wm (d. 1846), 123
-, Wm (d. 1874), 123
-, Wm, s. of above, 123

ale, assize of, 36, 100, 146, 245

allotments, see poor allotments

-, Sir Edw., 19
-, Hester, see Ashcombe

Alvescot, Geoff. of, see Geoffrey son of William

Alvescot, 1–3, 8–37, 9, 24
-, adv., 31
-, agric., 4, 23–9, 147
-, Alwoldsbury, 3, 8, 10, 20–1, 23, 25–7, 32, 36
-, as address, 55, 81, 154, 159–60, 164, 166, 217, 224
-, assarting, 25
-, bdy, 2, 3, 4, 8, 24, 73, 112
-, Bromscott, 3, 8, 10, 11, 21, 23, 25–6
-, bldgs, 6, 12–16, 20, 22–3, 30–4
-, Butlers Ct (man. ho.), 20, 27–8, 34–5
-, chant., 26, 31–2
-, char., 16–17
-, ch. hist., 3, 30–4, 95, 128–9, 140
-, ch., 11, 17–18, 22, 26, 31–2, 33–4, 37
-, chwdns, 37
-, clubs, 16–17, 166
-, cts, 36–7
-, curates, 31–3
-, demesne, 13, 20–1, 25–7
-, est., 22–3, 159
-, farms, 24, 27–9
-, fields, 4, 23–5, 24
-, glebe, 18, 31
-, inc.:
-,-, early, 4, 11, 22, 25–6, 28 parl., 8, 15, 17, 28, 132, 141
-, inns, 15–16, 29, 37
-, man., 16, 18–23, 28, 30–1, 87, 134
-, Manor Fm, 13, 20, 28
-, man. hos, 11, 12–13, 19–21, 24; and see Alvescot: Butlers Ct
-, mills, 11–12, 19, 24, 28, 29–30
-, nonconf., 5, 15, 30, 32–3, 34–6, 99, 145, 172
-, par. officers, 17, 37
-, Park Fm, 22–3, 23, 28, 30, 35
-, Pemscott, 3, 8–10, 11, 21, 23, 25–6
-, place name, 3, 11
-, poor relief, 16–17, 28
-, pop., 10, 27
-, post office, 9
-, Puttes, 3, 8, 10, 11, 18, 21–2, 23, 25–7, 31, 36–7, 122
-, quarries, 12, 29
-, rly, 9, 29
-, rectors, 19–20, 30–1, 32–3, 36–7, 128–9
-, rect. est., 26, 31–2
-, rect. ho., 20, 31–3
-, roads, 8–9, 24, 74
-, Rom. Cath., 34
-, sch., 9, 14–16, 17, 33, 36–7, 80
-, settlement, 1, 10–12, 12–13, 15–16, 19–20, 25, 27
-, Shield Fm, 12, 20 n, 22, 27–8, 30
-, shops, 29
-, soc. struc., 26–9
-, stocks, 16, 37
-, tithes, 8, 11, 31, 128–9, 140
-, trade and ind., 29
-, vestry, 37
-, village hall, 16
-, woodland, 24, 26
-, workho., 16

Alvescot band, 16

Alvescot station (in Black Bourton), 5, 9, 75, 93, 114, 136, 148

Alwoldsbury, Geoff. of, see Geoffrey son of William

Alwoldsbury, see Alvescot

-, Hen., chancellor of Oxford diocese, 123
-, Mgt, w. of Hen., 145

America, United States of, see Kansas; Nixon; United States Air Force

-, Wm, 226
-, fam., 226

Ampney, Down (Glos.), 18, 81

Andocomius, 179

-, Agnes, see Poure
-, Rob., 81

-, John (d. 1589), 49, 59–60
-, John, grds of above, 49
-, Sim., 49
-, Wm, 49

Anglo-Saxon settlement, 2–3, 10–11, 40–1, 75, 114–15, 148, 177, 179–80, 206–11

Anthony, John, 152

apprenticing, 16–17, 46, 48, 170

Archer, Thos, 231

'Archers', the, 45

archery practice, see butts

architects, see Bramwell; Bruse; Bruton; Buckler; Carpenter, R. H.; Castle, Rob., Chance; Collier, John; Collier and Merrin; Davidson; Field and Castle; Francis, F. J. H.; Franklin; Haines; Luker; Mowbray; Percy Thomas Partnership; Scott; Slater, W.; Street; Wetten; Wilkinson

Arkell, W. C., 101

-, John, 236
-, Lawr., 235
-, Ric., 236
-, Wm, 236
-, fam., 236

army, retired officers and soldiers, 110, 161–2, 197

Arnatt, Rob., sculptor, 203

-, Bob, 45
-, fam., 134

artificial-manure manuf., 236

artists, designers, engravers, and sculptors, see Arnatt; Brooke; Clayton & Bell; Gray, C. E. G.; Hardman; Humphrey, J.; Mayer; Pearson; Piggot; Powell, John H.; Powell & Sons; Tristram

-, Ann, m. Sir Thos Longueville, 19
-, Frances, m. Sir Edm. Bray, 19
-, Hester, m. Sir Edw. Alston, 19
-, Kath., m. Rob. Hales, 19
-, Kath., w. of Sir Wm, m. 2 Thos Hales, 19–20, 22
-, Mgt, m. Rob. Ashton, 19
-, Mary, m. John Lenthall, 19
-, Sir Wm, 19, 34
-, fam., 20, 27

-, Mgt, see Ashcombe
-, Rob., 19

Asia, 214

assarting, 1, 3; and see under names of particular places

Asshe, Simon, 18

assizes of bread and ale, see ale; bread

Asthal, Baroness Scotland of, see Scotland, Patricia Jane

-, John of, 52, 59, 63
-, Otuel of, vic. of Asthall, 67
-, Rob. of, archdcn of Worcester, 45, 52
-, Rob. of (another), s. of Wal., 52, 60
-, Thos of (fl. 1279), s. of Wal., 52, 59, 63
-, Thos of (fl. 1331), clerk, 52
-, Thos (fl. early 14th cent.), chamberlain of North Wales, 45
-, Wal. of, 52, 59, 63

Asthall, 1–3, 37–72, 41, 56–7, 191
-, adv., 65
-, agric., 4, 55–62, 194, 233
-, assarting, 3, 25, 38, 42, 58
-, Asthall Leigh, see Leigh, Asthall
-, Asthall Manor (man. ho.), 4, 6, 41, 45, 46, 48, 50–2, 51, 60–1, 66
-, barrow, 2, 38–9, 40, 56–7, 206
-, bdy, 2, 3, 37–8, 56–7, 205
-, bldgs, 6, 43–5, 47–8, 51–2, 54, 64, 67
-, chant., 54, 67, 69
-, char., 46–7, 67
-, ch. hist., 65–71, 199
-,-, ch., 6, 41, 54, 65, 66, 67–8, 69–70, 69
-, chwdns, 46–7, 61, 72
-, clubs, 46
-, cts, 72
-, curates, 67–8
-, demesne, 59–60
-, est., 50, 52–5, 60–1, 199
-, farms, 56–7, 59–62
-, Field Assarts, 3, 37, 39, 42, 44–5, 56–7, 58, 62, 71, 178
-, fields, 4, 55–8, 56–7
-, Fordwells, 1, 3, 6, 37, 39, 42–3, 45, 56–7, 62, 65, 71–2, 178, 192
-, glebe, 55, 66–7
-, inc.:
-,-, early, 4, 56–7, 58 parl., 37, 39, 42, 47, 50, 55, 61, 192, 194
-, inns, 41, 43, 45–6
-, Kitesbridge Fm, 44, 48, 50, 56–7, 60–2
-, man., 37–8, 43, 46, 48–54, 60–4, 72, 198
-, man. ho., 53; and see Asthall: Asthall Manor
-, mills, 41, 56–7, 62–4, 207, 210; and see Asthall: Worsham (mill)
-, nonconf., 6, 42, 48, 65, 71–2
-, par. officers, 63, 72
-, place name, 41
-, poor relief, 46–7
-, pop., 40–3
-, post office, 39
-, quarrying, 5, 43, 55, 62–3
-, rect. est., 42, 48, 55, 65–6, 199 n
-, roads, 38–9, 56–7, 207
-, Rom. Cath., 5, 65, 71
-, sch., 41, 44, 46, 47–8, 56–7, 68, 71–2
-, settlement, 1, 39–43, 41
-, shops, 62
-, soc. struc., 59–62
-, Stonelands, 5, 37, 43, 44–5, 50, 56–7, 58, 60, 62–4, 205, 207
-,-, 'Bastard Sch.', 43–4
-, tithes, 37, 48, 55, 61, 65–6
-, Tocques Fm, 44, 50–1, 61–2
-, Toque Ho., 43, 44, 56–7
-, trade and ind., 62–4
-, vestry, 72
-, vic., 46–8, 55, 65–9
-, vic. ho., 41, 44, 56–7, 65, 67, 68
-, village hall, 42, 45–6, 48
-, woodland, 3, 4, 38, 40, 42, 56–7, 58–9, 61–2, 177, 196
-, workho., 47
-, Worsham, 5, 37, 39, 42, 63
-,-, mill, 5–6, 39, 42, 45, 52, 56–7, 62, 63–4, 63, 198, 206–7, 210

Astill, Thos, vic. of Brize Norton, 240

Aston (in Bampton), 2, 4, 6, 75, 209
-, brick from, 78

-, Reg. of, 222
-, Rob. of, 222

Astrop, see Norton, Brize

-, Jas, 154
-, Mary, see Godman

Aubrey, earl of Northumberland, 184

Augmentations, Court of, see Ingram

Augustinians, 32, 34

Awberry, Art., rector of Alvescot, 31 n


BBC, 45

Bagley, Hen., bellfounder, 98

Baker, Wm, 162

bakers and baking, 5, 29–30, 62, 93, 94, 126, 136, 161, 198, 236

-, Hen., 231, 233
-, John, 231
-, Wm, 231

Bampton, 4, 10, 18, 84, 91, 94, 132, 148, 207–8, 215, 225, 233, 235, 237
-, as address, 19, 34, 53, 80
-, bdy, 2, 73, 119, 210–11
-, ch., 6, 30, 85, 129, 140–1, 143–4, 211–12, 237, 242; and see Bampton: minster
-, cts, 147, 246
-, est., 128, 168
-, man. (post-Conquest), 82, 124, 127–8, 134–5, 147, 151, 153–4, 211, 227
-, minster, 2, 8, 30, 73, 75, 94–5, 112, 139–40, 167, 179, 199, 201, 206, 210, 237
-, nonconf., 34, 145
-, roads to, 9, 39, 74, 113, 148, 206–7
-, royal vill and demesne (pre-Conquest), 2–3, 8, 10–11, 18, 26, 38, 73, 75, 80, 88, 115, 122, 133, 148, 206–7, 210, 218
-, sch., 80, 121, 143, 218
-, tithes, 85, 119, 129, 141, 211–12
-, vic., 129, 141
-, and see Aston; Cote; Haddon, Lower; Lew; Shifford; Weald

Bampton hund., 1, 2, 3 n, 100
-, ct., 26, 36, 72, 100, 147, 173, 245

Bampton station (in Brize Norton), 101, 103, 207, 237

Banbury, earl of, see Knollys

Bancroft, John, bp of Oxford, 45,

bands, 171; and see Alvescot band; Thames Valley Ironworks Band

banks and bankers, 197; and see Barclays; Clinch, John; London and Midland

Baptists and Anabaptists, 35, 71, 99, 145, 184, 203–4, 237, 244
-, Particular Baptists, 15, 30, 33, 35–6, 35, 99, 145

Barclays Bank, 106

Barcote, see Buckland

-, Mary, see Smith
-, Thos, 123
-, Thos, s. of above, 123

Barrington, Great (Glos.), 19

barrows, ring-ditches, and henges, 1, 10, 40, 75, 86, 114, 131, 207–8; and see Asthall: barrow

basket weaver, 198

-, Alice, 83
-, John, see Inge

Batayle, Phil., 124, 128

-, Art., 50–1, 61
-, Art. Chas, 50–1, 70
-, C. E., 51
-, Chas, 50, 61
-, Eliz., 61
-, Hen., 50–1, 53, 61, 67, 70
-, Rob., 50, 54–5, 61
-, Thos, 51
-, Wm., 50
-, fam., 51, 58, 61, 70

Bath, 155

Bath and Wells, bp of, see Bubwith

Bathurst, Rob., 59

-, H. E., 197
-, fam., 191

Baynel, Wm, 21, 122, 126

Beaumont, Rob. de, earl of Leicester, 184

Beazor, John Augustine, curate of Minster Lovell, 201–2

-, Edm. de la, archdcn of Berks., 18, 21
-, Rob. de la, 18

Becket, Thos, Abp of Canterbury, 98

-, Edw., 223
-, Thos, 223
-, Wm, 223

-, Dan. (d. 1699), 235–6
-, Dan. (d. 1780), 236
-, John, 236

-, duke of, see Tudor
-, earl of, see Russell, Edw.

Bedford, 215

Bedfordshire, 163; and see Bedford; Cardington; Elstow

bee-keeping, 28, 60, 90, 135, 159, 196–7, 233

bellfounders, see Bagley; Bond, Thos; Keene, Jas; Knight; London: Whitechapel; Mears, Geo.; Mears & Stainbank; Rudhall; Taylor, John & Co.; Wells, R. and J.; Wokingham

bells, ancient, 34, 70, 98, 109, 145, 169, 203, 243

-, Thos (d. 1807), 123
-, Thos (fl. 1835), 123

Benney, see Clanfield, Little

Berkshire, 162–3
-, archdeacon of, see Beche, Edm. de la and see Abingdon; Binfield; Buckland; Cumnor; Eton; Faringdon; Frilford; Fyfield; Hendred; Hinton Waldrist; Lambourn; Newbury; Oare; Pusey; Reading; Sparsholt; Wadley; Wokingham; Wytham

Berkshire Hunt, 215

Berrière, fam., 162

Bicester, 40, 206

-, agent, 137, 161
-, dealers, 29
-, manuf., 64

Biddlesden abbey (Bucks.), 52, 63, 72

Binfield (Berks.), 31, 129,

Birch, Sam., 34

Birmingham, 51

-, John, 61
-, fam., 63

Black Bourton, see Bourton, Black

Black Bourton brook, 1, 73, 86, 131

Black Death, see epidemics: plague

blacksmiths, see metal industry: smiths

Bladon, see Hensington

Blagrove, fam., 138

-, Dan., 22
-, Wm, 22

Blakenham, fam., 21

blanket industry, see cloth and blanket industry

Bletchingdon, 221

-, John, 19,
-, Mary, w. of John, see Bray

-, Eliz., w. of Ric., m. 2 John Horne, 221
-, Sir Humph., 49
-, Ric., 221
-, Sir Thos, 49

Bloxham, Thos, 201

Blundel, Nic., 224

Boddington (Glos.), 18

bodice-makers, 5, 29, 35, 93, 137

Boggis, W. & A., organ bldrs, 70

Bolt (Boult):
-, Edw., 232, 235
-, Wm, 20, 28

Bolton, Hen., 161

-, Alice, w. of Thos, 13
-, John, 27
-, Thos (d. c. 1557), 13, 27–8
-, Thos (fl. 1928), bellfounder, 203

Bosnia, 214

Bosworth (Leics.), battle of, 185

-, John, 129
-, Thos, 129

Boult, see Bolt

boundaries, see under names of particular places

Bourne, A., 197

Bourneville (formerly Warws.), 64

Bourton (Burton):
-, Geoff of, 81, 84, 94, 128, 133–4
-, Hugh of, 81, 95
-, Ralph of, 81
-, Rob. of (fl. 1200), 81
-, Rob. of (fl. 1250), 81
-, Sim. of, 81

Bourton, Black, 1–3, 73–101, 86, 224
-, adv., 94–5
-, agric., 4, 85–93, 132, 147
-, airbase, see Norton, Brize
-, assarting, 87
-, bdy, 2, 3, 4, 8, 73–4, 86, 112, 205, 238
-, bldgs, 6, 77–9, 82, 84–5, 91, 95–9
-, Carterton, q.v.
-, ch. hist., 3, 31, 94–9, 109, 238, 241
-,-, ch., 6, 69, 76, 94, 97, 97–9, 110
-, chwdns, 79, 100, 112
-, clubs, 79
-, cts, 87, 93, 99–100, 147
-, crosses, 77
-, curates, 96–7, 99
-, demesne, 82–3, 85, 87–8, 89, 90, 94, 133
-, farms, 86, 90–2
-, feast, 79
-, festivities, 79
-, fields, 4, 85–8, 86, 90
-, glebe, 85, 91, 95
-, inc.:
-,-, early, 4, 85, 86, 87–8, 91 parl., 73–4, 85, 91, 95
-, inns, 78–9, 82, 93, 166
-, man., 75–6, 79, 80–5, 89, 91, 93–6, 99–100, 124, 128
-, man. hos, 4, 76, 81, 82–3, 86, 88–91, 94, 99
-,-, Manor Fm, 6, 76–7, 79, 84–5, 84, 86, 90, 92, 94
-, mills, 74, 77–8, 86, 93–4
-, nonconf., 74, 78, 94, 96–7, 99
-, par. council, 101, 103, 111
-, par. officers, 100
-, place name, 2–3, 75–6
-, poor relief, 79, 91
-, pop., 76, 89, 101
-, post office, 75
-, quarries, 78, 93, 102
-, rect. est., 85, 95
-, roads, 74–5, 86, 120, 148
-, roads to, 9, 73, 101, 103, 206–7
-, Rock Fm, see Carterton
-, Rom. Cath., 5, 94, 99
-, sch., 78, 79–80, 96–7, 106
-, settlement, 1, 75–9, 82–4, 86, 91
-, shops, 93
-, stocks, 100–1
-, soc. struc., 76–7, 88–92
-, Spout Gn, 74, 76–8, 100
-, Swan pool, 83, 86, 93–4
-, tithes, 85, 91, 95
-, trade and ind., 93
-, vestry, 100
-, vic., 27, 76, 79–80, 91, 94–7, 98–9, 154
-, vic. ho., 78–9, 86, 90, 95–6, 97
-, water supply, 73, 78–9
-, woodland, 86, 88, 90
-, workho., 79

Bourton-on-the-Water (Glos.), 32

Bouverie-Pusey, Mrs, 191

Bowley, Jos., bldr, 120

bowls, 79, 106

-, Agnes, see Mauduit
-, Thos de, 83

Bradley, Wm, 60

Bradshaw, Mary, m. John Howse, 127

Bradwell Grove, see Broadwell

Bramwell, W.C.C., architect, 78, 84–5

Branksome (Dors.), 101

Brantom, John, 244

-, Sir Edm. (d. 1684), 19
-, Edm. (d. 1725), 19
-, Frances, m. Thos Bushell, 19
-, Frances, w. of Sir Edm., see Ashcombe
-, Jane, see Rainton
-, Mary, m. John Blewitt, 19
-, Reg., 19
-, Reg. Morgan, 19

bread, assize of, 146, 245

-, Phil., 163
-, fam., 162

Brecon, see Crickhowell

Breteuil (or Fitz William), Rog of, earl of Hereford, 222

brewers and brewing, 15, 29, 61, 89–90, 160; and see Clinch & Co.

brick, 6–7, 15, 43, 75, 78, 99, 103–5, 109, 119

-, Cecily, m. Sim. Seymour, 224
-, Wm, 224

Briscoe, Hen., 35

British Rail, chairman of, 186

Brize Norton, see Norton, Brize

Broadwell, 2, 3 n, 147–9, 153, 159, 164–6, 169, 173
-, as address, 153, 160, 166
-, Bradwell Grove, 4, 147, 150, 156, 157
-,-, estate, 151, 154–5, 160
-, ch., 31, 167, 171
-, man., 21, 148, 156 n, 159, 169, 173
-, mills, 156, 166
-, vic., 168–70 and see Filkins; Holwell; Kelmscott

Broadwell aerodrome (in Kencot), 148, 150, 157, 160

Bromscott, see Alvescot

Brooke, Sebastian, sculptor, 174

Broughton Poggs, 31, 100, 169, 240

-, Hugh, 152, 168
-, Mary, w. of Thos, 152
-, Thos, 152

Brown (Brun):
-, Isabel, see Hareng
-, John (fl. 1242), 221
-, John (fl. 1279), ?s. of above, 221, 223
-, John (fl. 1327, another), 231
-, Sarah, m. Sir Hen. Spigurnel, 221
-, Thos, vic. of Clanfield, 142 n
-, Wm le (d. 1205 X 1214), 219, 226
-, Wm (d. 1502), 160, 169
-, fam., 209, 231

-, Eliz., w. of Wm, m. 2 John Hals, 3 ?John Horne, 221
-, Wm, 221, 233

Brun, see Brown

Bruse, H., architect, 214

Bruton, E. G., architect, 78 n, 98

Brynde, John, 231

Bubwith, Nic., rector of Alvescot and bp of London, Salisbury, and Bath and Wells, 32

Buckinghamshire, 84; and see Biddlesden; Dagnall; Eton; Iver; Westbury; Wycombe

-, John of, 158
-, fam., 81

Buckland (formerly Berks.), 39, 129, 152, 207, 219–20, 231, 237, 243
-, Barcote in, 223

Buckler, J. C., architect, 242

building materials, 6–7, 12–13, 43, 77, 84, 103–4, 117–18, 147, 174, 182, 212; and see brick; iron; quarries; thatch; timber framing

building trades:
-, builders, 17, 29, 34, 67, 80, 93, 104, 110, 120, 137, 161, 217, 242
-, builders' merchant, 5, 237
-, carpenters and joiners, 5, 29, 62, 84, 93, 110, 136–7, 161, 198, 215, 236
-, lath-layers, 84
-, limeburner, 62
-, masons, 5, 15, 29, 62, 93, 120, 137, 141, 198
-, painter-decorator, 198
-, plasterers, 29, 161
-, prefabricated construction, 103
-, sand, gravel, and stone merchant, 29
-, sawyers, 29, 93, 137, 161
-, slaters, 29, 84, 93, 152, 161–2, 236
-, tilers, 84, 236
-, timber dealers, 236–7
-, and see quarries

buildings, 6–7
-, fm bldgs, 6, 13, 23, 43–5, 52, 54–5, 79, 85, 103, 107, 126, 134, 170, 174, 176–7, 182, 187–8, 213, 220, 224–7, 239; and see dovecots
-, ind. bldgs, see mills
-, and see under names of particular places

-, Hawise, w. of Sir John de, see Mucegros
-, Sir John de (d. 1350), 18

Burford, 1, 2, 4–5, 43, 65, 67–8, 134, 152, 164, 166, 170, 175, 199
-, as address, 53, 59, 68, 96, 152, 154, 203
-, communications, 9, 39, 74–5, 113–14, 148, 178, 207
-, hosp. of St John the Evangelist, 54, 67
-, mkt, 28, 91
-, sch., 109, 218
-, and see Signet

Burgis, Wm, 168

Burroway (extraparochial), 8, 25, 112 n, 128, 130, 131, 147–8, 156, 169

Burton, see Bourton

Busby, John, 195

-, Frances, w. of Thos, see Bray (later Fettiplace), Thos, 19, 50

butchers, 5, 29, 93, 110, 137, 161, 198, 236

-, E.H., 35–6, 145–6
-, Fred. (d. 1886), 20, 36
-, Fred., vic. of Brize Norton, 241
-, fam., 20

butts (archery), 100, 146


Cadbury, Edw., 64

Calcot, see Hughes, Thos

Cambridge, 242

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, 214

Campden, Chipping (Glos.), 221

Campion, Edw., 170 n

Canada, 163

Cantelupe (?or Cauntelo):
-, John de, 190
-, Mgy de, w. of John, 190
-, Wal. de, 190
-, Wm de, 190–1, 194

Canterbury, 181
-, abp of, 140; and see Becket

Cardington (Beds.), 213

Carlisle, bp of, see Goodenough, Sam.

Carpenter, R. H., architect, 34

carpenters, see building trades

carriers and carters, 9, 39, 75, 93, 101, 114, 148, 161, 178–9, 198, 208, 236

-, Amelia, w. of— Carter, 120–1, 145, 164, 166, 172–3
-, Edw. (d. 1667), 224
-, Edw. (d. 1674), 224
-, Goddard, 16–17, 20, 34, 154, 164, 217, 224
-, Rebecca, m. Sir John Doyley, 224
-, Rebecca, w. of Goddard, 224
-, Wm (d. 1628), 224
-, Wm (fl. 1900), 3, 101, 103, 106
-, fam., 217

Carterton (formerly in Black Bourton), 1, 2, 3, 5–7, 78, 101–12, 102, 205, 213
-, adv., 109
-, agric., 5, 101, 110
-, airbase, see Norton, Brize
-, bdy, 73, 101, 102, 111–12, 205
-, bldgs, 6–7, 91, 103–6, 104, 107–8, 109–10, 212
-, ch. hist., 95, 109–10, 112, 238, 240–1
-,-, ch., 98, 102, 105, 107–8, 109–10
-, chwdns, 112
-, clubs, 106
-, communications, 101, 103, 111
-, Emporium, 104–6, 110
-, festivities, 106
-, foundation, 1, 73, 101
-, leisure facilities, 104, 106
-, mkt, 111
-, nonconf., 103, 105, 109
-, par. (later town) council, 101, 111–12
-, place name, 101
-, police stn, 106
-, pop., 76, 101, 106
-, post office, 105–6, 111
-, pubs, 104, 106, 111
-, rly, 101, 103, 110
-, recreation ground, 102, 106
-, roads, 1, 74, 101, 102, 111
-, Rock Fm, 78, 91–3, 101, 102, 103, 105, 107, 109–10
-, Rom. Cath., 102, 103, 105, 109
-, sch., 80, 105–6, 109, 218
-, settlement, 101, 102, 103–5, 212
-,-, pre-urban, 75, 86
-, shops, 104, 105–6, 107, 110–11
-, soc. struc., 110–11
-, street lighting, 103, 111
-, town badge, 111
-, town hall, 106, 108, 111
-, trade and ind., 5, 110–11
-, village hall, 106
-, water supply, 103, 111
-, vic. ho., 96, 109

-, John (fl. 1633), 126
-, John (d. 1720), 127
-, John (fl. 1750), 127
-, Rob., architect, 240
-, Wm (fl. 1633), 126
-, Wm (d. 1685, ?the same), 127
-, Wm (d. 1734), 127
-, fam., 127

Caswell, see Curbridge; Norton, Brize

Cattell, Chas, 155, 162

cattle, see stock breeding

cattle dealer, 28, 236

-, Maud de, see d'Oilly
-, Wm de, 190
-, and see Cantelupe

cert money, see fixed view

Chadlington (in Charlbury), 177

Chadlington hund., 1 n, 2, 177, 204

Chance, A., architect, 214

chandlers, 137

chantries, see under names of particular places

Chapman (or Taylor):
-, Eliz., see Edmonds
-, John (d. 1634), 129
-, John (d. c. 1658), 129, 140
-, John (d. 1702), 125, 129
-, Kath., w. of John, 129
-, Kath. (fl. 1664, ?another), 140
-, Kath. (fl. 1715), m.—Turfrey, 125
-, Rob., 125
-, fam., 129

chapmen, hawkers, and general dealers, 29, 137, 161

Charlbury, see Chadlington; Chilson; Shorthampton

Charles I, 20

Charles II, 45

Charlton-on-Otmoor, 81

Charterville (in Minster Lovell), 177, 179–83, 184, 193, 197
-, agric., 5, 181–2, 197
-, bldgs, 6, 182, 183
-, foundation, 1, 2, 3, 177, 181
-, inns, 182–3
-, nonconf., 5, 180, 182, 199, 201, 203–4
-, sch., 182–3, 184
-, settlement, 181–2, 181
-, soc. struc., 181–2, 197

Chartists, 1, 181; and see Charterville; National Land Co.; O'Connor

-, Eliz., m. Wm Gernon, 123
-, Hen., 122
-, Hugh (fl. 1295), 122–3
-, Hugh (fl. 1356–79), 123
-, Ric. (d. 1279), 122–3, 126, 134, 222
-, Ric. (d. after 1346), 123
-, Ric. (grds of above), 123
-, fam., 81

-, Patrick de, 82
-, fam., 82

cheese manuf., 13, 28, 60–1, 84, 90, 135, 159, 196

Chelsea (Middx), 110

Cheltenham (Glos.), 101, 110, 197

-, Alice de, 122, 126
-, Hugh de, 190
-, Lucy de, m. Guy de Dive, 190
-, Ralph de, bro. of Alice, 126
-, Ralph de (d. c. 1195, ?the same), 190
-, Rog. de, 190, 192
-, fam., 190

Chichester (Suss.), 98, 226

Chieveley (Berks.), see Oare

Child, Wm, and his w. Alice, 123

Chilson (in Charlbury), 177, 195

Chipping Norton, see Norton, Chipping

Chislehampton, 224

Christ Church, Oxford, 78–80, 83–5, 87–8, 90–3, 95–6, 100, 109, 111, 117, 122–3, 128, 135, 139–40, 147, 169, 200, 217–20, 222–3, 225–6, 232–4, 237–43

Church, W. M. H., rector of Alvescot, 33

Church Commissioners, see Ecclesiastical Commissioners

church plate, 34, 70, 98, 145, 171, 203, 243

Church Society Trust, 168

Churchill, John, duke of Marlborough, 59

churchscot, 140–1

cider making, 30, 92

Cirencester (Glos.), 1, 9, 40, 75, 101, 110, 148, 206, 208
-, abbey, 18, 21

Civil War, 20, 45, 80, 115, 191, 201, 215; and see parliament: Parliamentarians; Royalists

Clanfield, Philippa of, see Frayn

Clanfield, 1–3, 26, 112–47, 116, 131, 166
-, adv., 140
-, agric., 4, 25, 130–6, 147
-, assarting, 130
-, Benney, see Clanfield, Little
-, bdy, 2, 4, 8, 73, 112, 116, 131, 147
-, bldgs, 6, 93, 117–19, 120, 123–7, 129–30, 134, 138, 141–5, 146
-, char., 120–1, 164
-, Carter Inst., 119–21
-, Chestlion Fm, 6, 115, 116, 117, 122, 123–4, 124, 131, 134–6, 140
-, ch. hist., 3, 30–1, 115, 139–45, 199
-,-, ch., 6, 116, 121, 142, 143–5, 144
-, chwdns, 147
-, Clanfield, Little, q.v.
-, clubs, 119, 124
-, cts, 36, 100, 113, 120, 146–7, 166, 173, 245
-, crosses, 116, 118, 119
-, curates, 142–3, 171
-, demesne, 23, 123, 130, 132–5
-, Edgerly, 116–17, 130, 132
-, est., 127–30, 159
-, farms, 131, 135–6
-, festivities, 119, 124
-, fields, 4, 130–2, 131
-, Friars Ct, 6, 115, 125–6, 125, 127, 131, 132, 134–6, 139, 142
-, glebe, 129–30, 140–1
-, Grange (rect. ho.), 116, 129–30, 141
-, inc.:
-,-, early, 4, 112, 117, 130–2, 131, 134 parl., 113, 118, 129, 135–6, 141
-, inns, 116, 117, 118, 119–20, 137, 146–7, 245
-, ironworks, see Knapp, L. R., & Co.
-, man., 3, 8, 11, 21, 23, 81, 100, 112, 115, 116 n, 122–7, 132, 134, 140, 146
-, man. hos, see Clanfield: Chestlion Fm and Friars Ct and Northcourt Fm
-, mills, 138–9; and see Clanfield, Little
-, nonconf., 35, 113, 116, 119, 139, 143, 145–6
-, Northcourt Fm, 115, 116, 127, 131, 136, 145
-, par. officers, 147
-, place name, 114
-, poor relief, 120–1, 141
-, pop., 11, 115, 133
-, post office, 114, 117 n
-, preceptory, 115, 124, 125–6, 134, 139, 141–2
-, rly, 114, 136
-, rectors, 142
-, rect. est., 112, 115, 120, 128–30, 135, 140–1, 143, 145
-, rect. ho., see Clanfield: Grange
-, roads, 74, 113, 131
-, Rom. Cath., 139, 142–3, 145
-, St Leonard's chapel, 6, 115–17, 128, 131, 139, 141–2, 142
-, sch., 93, 119, 121–2, 143, 146–7
-, settlement, 1, 11 n, 114–17, 116, 131
-, shops, 119, 137
-, soc. struc., 133–7
-, stocks, 147
-, tithes, 8, 11, 31, 112, 128–9, 140–1
-, trade and ind., 5, 136–8
-, vestry, 113, 115, 120–1, 147
-, vic., 121–2, 130, 139, 140–3, 147, 169
-, vic. ho., 116, 119, 122, 129, 131, 141
-, village hall, see Clanfield: Carter Inst.
-, water supply, 119
-, weir, see Harper's weir
-, woodland, 132–3
-, workho., 121

Clanfield, Little (?Benney), 3, 9, 112, 116–17, 130, 131
-, agric., 136
-, bldgs, 117–18
-, est., 128
-, mill, 5, 112, 117, 131, 132, 137–8, 138
-, place name, 116–17
-, pop., 115–17

Clanfield brook, 113, 115

Clanfield Milling and Straw Rope Co., 137–8

Clanfield Provident Society, 119

Clare, Thos de, 18

-, Wm, 27
-, fam., 27

Clark (Clarke, Clerk):
-, Jas, 121
-, John, 127
-, Phil., 52
-, Priscilla, m.—Edmonds, 127
-, Ric., 134
-, Wm, 127
-, fam., 127, 135

Clark's weir, see Harper's weir

Claudius, Emperor, 179

Clayton & Bell, stained glass manuf., 98

Cleeve Prior (Worcs.), 19

Clerk, see Clark

-, John, banker, 196, 220
-, John Williams, 220
-, Thos, 136

Clinch & Co., brewers, 16, 79

clocks, ancient, 70, 145
-, clockmakers, see Smiths of Derby

cloth and blanket industry, 4–5, 93, 136, 198
-, blanket manufacturers, 5, 64, 161, 198
-, carding, 79
-, clothiers, 191
-, fullers, 5, 29, 62, 198
-, linen, 135
-, spinners, 62, 79, 135
-, textile workers, 62
-, weavers, 5, 29, 62, 136–7, 198, 236
-, and see drapers; mercers; mills: blanket and fulling; tailors

coal, 90, 216
-, coal dealers, 5, 29, 93, 110, 137, 161, 237
-, coal char., 121, 164, 216

-, Hen., 54, 60
-, Thos, 54
-, Wm, 54, 60
-, fam., 60

Cogges, 2, 4, 22, 74

Coke (Cook, Cooke):
-, Sir Edw. (d. 1634), 59, 185, 221 n
-, Edw. (d. 1707), 185
-, Edw. s. of Thos, 185
-, Mgt, w. of Thos, 185
-, (Cook), Nic., 233
-, (Cooke), Rob. (d. 1551), 223, 233
-, Rob. (d. 1673), 185
-, Thos, Baron Lovel, Vct Coke, and earl of Leicester, 185
-, Thos Wenman, MP, earl of Leicester, 185 (formerly Roberts), Wenman, 185
-, fam., 59, 180, 184–5, 187–8, 196, 199, 204

Cokkes, John, vic. of Asthall, 67

-, Eliz., see Hammersley
-, Ric., 174

collarmakers, see leather ind.

-, Hen., 121, 129, 136
-, Wm (d. 1833), 129
-, Wm (fl. 1868–84), 129
-, fam., 130

Colley, Thos, vic. of Asthall, 68

-, Emily Westall, 70
-, John, architect, 48, 67
-, Rob., 5, 64
-, Wm, 225

Collier and Merrin, architects, 70

-, Ferdinando, 125
-, John, 53
-, fam., 67

-, Sarah, 196
-, Wm, 195
-, fam., 195–6

Colvile, O. N., 31

common pasture, see pasture

Compton, Sir Wm, 185

confectioners, 5, 29, 236

conference centre, 198

Congregationalists, Independents, and Presbyterians, 34, 71, 96, 204, 237, 244–5

Cook(e), see Coke

-, Geo. (fl. 1797–1826), 236
-, Geo. (d. 1856), s. of above, 236
-, fam., 198, 236

Co-operative Society, 104–5, 110

coopers, 5, 62, 93

Copgrove (Yorks.), 168

-, Chris., 195–6
-, Rob., 195
-, fam., 195

copyhold tenure, 28, 37, 60, 76, 89–91, 100, 128, 133 n, 134–5, 159, 173, 195, 204, 231–3, 246

Corn Rent Act (1576), 60, 90 n, 232

Cornish, Hen., 96

cornmongers and corn dealers, 93, 136, 236

-, Sir Brian, 49
-, Sir Edm. (d. 1354), 49, 51, 69
-, Sir Edm. (d. 1370 X 1375), 49
-, Eliz., w. of Sir Edm., 49
-, Eliz., dau. of Sir John, 49
-, Geoff., 69
-, Isabel, 49
-, Joan, w. of Sir Ric., 49, 51, 53–4, 60, 67, 69
-, Sir John, 49, 53
-, Sir Ric. of, 49, 52–3, 67, 69
-, fam., 69

-, ctss of, see Margaret
-, duchy of, 212
-, earls of, see Edmund; Richard

Cote (in Bampton), 2, 35

Cotmore, John, 231

council housing, 15, 45, 105, 119, 150, 174, 181, 211–12

Countryside Agency, 112

Coventry, fam., 127

-, John, 78
-, Ric., 231
-, fam., 92

Coxeter, Thos, 89

Craddock, fam., 160

Crawley (in Witney), 2, 4, 64, 178, 199

cricket, 16, 106, 119, 166, 215

Crickhowell (Brecon), 19

Crimean War, 167, 171

Cripps, Thos, vic. of Asthall, 68

Cromwell, Oliver, 45

crops, 5, 27, 29, 60–2, 89–90, 92, 110, 135–6, 159–60, 195–7, 233, 235
-, clover, 27, 61, 160, 195, 197
-, dredge, 89
-, flax, 89, 135
-, fruit, 110, 135, 161, 197
-, hemp, 27, 90, 135
-, hops, 27, 90, 160, 187
-, madder, 135
-, maize, 160
-, millet, 89
-, mushrooms, 92
-, mustard, 61, 160
-, oats, 27, 29, 60–1, 89–90, 92, 110, 136, 159–60, 195–7, 233
-, oil-seed rape, 5, 62
-, potatoes, 5, 29, 92, 110, 136, 160, 196–7
-, sainfoin, 27, 61, 73, 92, 160, 195, 197, 233, 235
-, swedes, 29, 62, 92, 136, 160, 196
-, turnips, 29, 61–2, 73, 92, 135–6, 160, 195–6, 235
-, and see market gardening

Crown, 18, 21, 31–2, 49, 54–5, 65, 82–3, 95–6, 122, 124, 126, 128–9, 140, 143, 151–2, 167, 184, 185, 192, 200–1, 219, 223, 225–6, 232, 238
-, Ct of Augmentations, see Ingram
-, royal justices, 81–2, 185
-, royal servants, officers, and chaplains, 3, 32, 45, 54, 185, 200–1, 210, 225–6, 240; and see Wychwood Forest: ranger
-, and see under names of particular sovereigns

crucks, see timber framing

Cumnor (formerly Berks.), 50

-, Steph. of, 221
-, Thos of, 221

Curbridge (in Witney), 2, 4, 194, 206, 244
-, Caswell, 4, 211, 218, 223, 228, 235
-, and see Witney: park

Cusson, Phil., vic. of Brize Norton, 240

customs, traditional:
-, Christmas mumming, 166
-, maypoles, 166, 215
-, perambulations (of bdy), 16, 72, 119, 166–7
-, Whitsuntide hunt, see Wychwood Forest
-, and see feasts and festivities under names of particular places

Cynehelm (Kenelm), martyr, 179, 199


-, Deliverance, 19
-, Meliora, w. of Deliverance, see Gorges

Dagnall (Bucks.), 221

dairy farming, 5, 13, 28–9, 62, 89–90, 92, 110, 135–6, 159, 176, 196, 235, 237; and see cheese manuf.

-, John, 81
-, Wm, 81

Darcy (d'Arcy):
-, J. B., vic. of Clanfield, 143
-, Rob., rector of Kencot, 169

Darvell, Capt. Sidney, 153, 163

d'Aubigny, Sir John, 243

Davidson, Ian, architect, 212

Davies, David, 50

-, Kath., see Smith
-, Rob., 134
-, Wm, 123

-, Emily, 186
-, John (d. 1727), 233
-, John (d. 1887), 186

-, Rob. (d. 1559), 201 n
-, Rob. (d. 1611), vic. of Minster Lovell and Witney, 201

Deddington, 124, 152

Delly End, see Hailey

demesne farming, 3; and see services, customary, and under names of particular places

Derby, see Smiths

Despenser, Sir Hugh, earl of Winchester, 185, 219

Devon, earls of, see Rivers

Devon, 138, 162–3; and see Exeter

Devonshire, duchess of, see FreemanMitford, Deborah

Diss (Norf.), 70

Dissent, see nonconformity

-, Guy de, 190
-, Hen. de, 190
-, Lucy de, see Chesney

d'Ivri (d'Ivry):
-, Adeline, w. of Rog., 49, 219
-, Adelize, dau. of Rog., 49, 219
-, Rog., 40, 48–9, 55, 65, 81, 85, 122, 140, 210, 219, 222, 227
-, (or Lovel), Waleran, 184
-, fam., 226

Dix, Ric., 196

Docking (Norf.), 199 n, 200 n

Dodge, Edw., 59

d'Oilly (Doyley):
-, Hen., 190
-, John (fl. 1545), 226
-, Sir John (d. 1746), 224
-, Maud, w. of Hen., m. 2 Wm de Cauntelo, 190
-, (Doyley), Rebecca, see Carter
-, Rob. (d. c. 1092), 151, 167, 190
-, Rob. (d. 1142), 169
-, Rob. (fl. 1154 x 1168), 83
-, Rob. (fl. 1279), 133–4
-, Rob. (fl. 1302, ?the same), 128
-, Rog. (fl. 1086), 151, 167
-, Rog. (fl. 1142), 151
-, Rog. (fl. 1268), s. of John, 151
-, Rog. (d. c. 1309), s. of Rog., 151
-, fam., 151, 153, 158, 167, 174

Dorchester (Dorset), 212

-, Joan, see Inge
-, Rog., 83

-, John, 81
-, Kath., w. of Sir Mic., 81, 224
-, Sir Mic., alderman of Lond., 81, 224

Dorset, see Branksome; Dorchester; Poundbury

Dossett, Benj., 236

dovecots, 14–15, 19, 85, 89, 126–7, 180, 187, 189, 225

Downe, earl of, see Pope, Sir Wm

Doyley, see d'Oilly

drapers, 5, 110, 137, 153, 161

dressmakers, seamstresses, and straw-hat makers, 29, 62, 93, 137, 161, 198

-, Annora, see St Valéry
-, Rob. (II), Count of, 49
-, Rob. (III), Count of, 49, 219

-, Fras (d. 1663), ?curate of Brize Norton, 244
-, Fras (fl. 1663–89), s. of above, 244
-, Wm., 89
-, fam., 83, 89, 98

Droitwich (Worcs.), 3, 39, 206

Drye, Abraham, 244

Ducklington, 2, 4
-, Clay Weald in, 232

-, And., 185
-, John, earl of Warwick and of Northumberland, 185

Durham College, Oxford, see Trinity College

Dyer, fam., 162


Eadwine (fl. 1066), 20

Ealdwine (fl. 1066), 20

Ealing (Middx), 240

-, Art. Ric., 64
-, Chas, 146
-, Hen., 64
-, Ric., 64

Early, Chas, and Marriott (Witney) Ltd, 64

East Anglia, 138

East Gloucestershire Rly, 9, 75, 114, 207

East India Company, 46

Eaton, Water (in Kidlington), 89

Ebsworth, Ric., 145

Ecclesiastical (later Church) Commissioners, 50, 66–7, 95, 109, 128, 138, 141, 227, 239

Eckley, John, vic. of Brize Norton, 240

Edgeworth, Maria, novelist, 4, 82

Edington, Wm of, bp of Winchester, 18, 21

Edington abbey (Wilts.), 18, 21

-, Agnes, m. Fras More, 125
-, Agnes, w. of John, m. 2 Thos Watson, 3
-,-, Wal. Savage, 124, 140
-, Ann, 127
-, Eliz., m. Rob. Chapman, 125
-, Fras (d. 1721), 90
-, Fras (d. 1797), 154, 161–2
-, Humph., 159
-, John (fl. 1524), 152, 158
-, John (fl. 1540s, ?the same), 124, 129
-, John (d. 1557, s. of above), 124
-, John (fl. 1843), 127
-, Mary, m. John Rogers, 120–1, 125
-, Priscilla, see Clark
-, fam., 29 n, 154, 162

Edmund, earl of Cornwall, 49, 72
-, his w., see Margaret

Edmund 'Crouchback', earl of Leicester, 184

Edward III, dau. of, see Isabella

Edward VI, 185

Eggleton, Jos., 235

electricity supply, 16, 34, 45, 52, 79, 98, 103, 119, 150, 164, 181, 210, 243

-, Geo., 82
-, Mary, see Hungerford
-, Paul, 81–2, 90–1, 93
-, fam., 82, 90, 94

Ellingdon (Wilts.), 199

-, G. H. (fl. 1819–45), 129
-, Capt. G. H. (fl. 1845–77), 129
-, G. H. Blois, 129
-, John, 129
-, Onesiphorus Elliott, 129
-, fam., 140

Elston, Mabel, 168

Elstow, Thos of, vic. of Clanfield, 142 n

Elstow (Beds.), 142
-, abbey, 128–9, 140–2

Ely, bp of, see Heton

emigration, 115, 147

engine-driver, 137

engineering, 138

-, Admiral of, see Howard, Sir Edw.
-, Bank of, 66
-, kings and queens of, see Crown and under names of particular sovereigns

English Heritage, 186

Eode, Thos, 221

Epaticus (fl. AD 30s), 208

epidemics, 10, 115
-, foot-and-mouth, 160
-, plague, 10, 27, 115, 149, 158, 179
-, scarlet fever, 164
-, smallpox, 10
-, typhoid, 164

Essex, see Lindsell

Eton College (Berks., formerly Bucks.), 55, 61–3, 65–7, 70, 128, 191–2, 200–1, 238

Europe, immigration from, 110

European Community, 62

-, Ric., 155
-, fam., 154–5, 160, 162

-, Lewis, vic. of Clanfield, 143 n
-, Lewis (fl. 1565–71), controversialist, 143 n

Evermond, John, 81

Ewelme, honor of, 21, 81, 122, 126, 128, 146–7, 219, 222, 245–6

Ewre, fam., 187, 203

Exeter, dean and chapter of, 128, 133, 135, 141, 147, 227, 234

Eynsham, 2, 74, 216
-, abbey, 190, 192, 226–7, 237–9; and see Aelfric
-, minster, 2, 179, 199


factories, see mills

Fairford (Glos.), 9, 74–5, 101, 148, 207

Falklands War, 214

Faringdon (formerly Berks.), 4, 9, 20, 74, 113–14, 137, 145, 208
-, as address, 35, 122, 125, 127 n, 144–5, 161

Faringdon, Little (in Langford), 31

Faringdon Primitive Methodist circuit, 36, 99, 146

Farmer (Fermor):
-, John, 141
-, fam., 128, 137

farming, see agriculture

-, Wm, 155
-, fam., 134

Fell, Leon., vic. of Asthall, 68

fence breaking, see riots

Fenemore, J. A., 197

Fereman, Geo., vic. of Brize Norton, 217, 240–2

Fermor, see Farmer

Fernhill, Rob. of, 83

-, Hawise, w. of John de, see Mucegros
-, John de, 18
-, Parnel de, 18

-, Adam, 151, 167
-, Chas (d. 1674), 46, 53
-, Sir Chas (d. 1707), 50
-, Chas (d. 1720), 53
-, Chas (d. 1805), 19, 50, 54
-, Sir Edm. (d. 1707), 50
-, Eliz., m. Lawr. Horne, 53
-, Frances, w. of— Fettiplace, see Jones
-, Frances, m.— Gorges, 19
-, Sir Geo., 46–7, 50
-, Lorenzo, 50
-, Ric. Gorges, see Gorges
-, Rob., 19, 50
-, Thos, see Bushell
-, fam., 46, 60

Field and Castle, architects, 239

Field Assarts, see Asthall

fields, open, 1, 4; and see under names of particular places

Filkins (in Broadwell), 5 n, 31, 148, 151, 153, 154–5, 164, 166, 171–2

Filkins Primitive Methodist mission, 36

firebote, see woodland: hedgebote

fires, 78–9, 95

First World War, 149 n, 167, 172; and see military convalescent home

Fisher (or Pearce), Wm, rector of Kencot, 169

fishing and fisheries, 30, 64, 94, 119, 135, 139, 186, 191, 198–9
-, fishmonger, 237
-, fishponds, 19, 51, 85, 94, 139, 180, 187
-, mussel pond, 199
-, and see Harper's weir

-, Ric., 83
-, Tristram, 83

-, Matilda, see Hareng
-, Ralph, 219

FitzGerald, see Villiers, John

Fitzherbert, Humph., 123

-, Rog., s. of Wm, see Breteuil
-, Wm, earl of Hereford, 81, 83, 222

fixed view (cert money, hidage, wardpenny, tithing silver), 36, 72, 100, 146, 245–6

-, Harman, 70
-, John, 235
-, Hen., 216
-, Ric., 44, 68

Flodden (Northumb.), battle of, 151

flooding, 74, 92, 113, 132, 148, 181

Foddy, A. H., 160

foot-and-mouth, see epidemics

football, 16, 106, 119, 215

Ford, at, fam., 194

fords, 9, 38, 74, 113, 178

Fordwells, see Asthall

Forest Hill, 83

Foreshew, fam., 92, 151, 155, 160

Foresters, Ancient Order of, 119

foundries, see bellfounders; Knapp, L. R., & Co.

Fox, W. H., 151, 155

France, 244
-, king of, 49
-, and see Ivry; Paris

franchises, see ale; bread; frankpledge; free warren; infangthief; pannage; woodland: hedgebote

Francis (Frances):
-, John, 170
-, F. J. H., architect, 176 n

Franciscans (Minorites), 142

Franklin, Rob., architect, 51

frankpledge, view of, 36, 71, 100, 146–7, 173, 204, 245

Frayn (de Fraxino):
-, (?or de Kranefeld ?or of Clanfield), Philippa, w. of Wm, 21 n, 122, 127–8
-, Wm, 124, 127
-, fam., 133

free warren, 127, 134, 195

-, (formerly Mitford), Algernon Bertram, Baron Redesdale, 50
-, David, Baron Redesdale, 4, 45, 46, 50–1, 64, 70
-, Deborah, duchess of Devonshire, 45, 46
-, Diana, 45, 46
-, Jessica, 45, 46
-, (formerly Freeman), John (d. 1830), Baron Redesdale, 50, 61
-, John Thos (d. 1886), earl of Redesdale, 50
-, Nancy, novelist, 4, 45, 46
-, Unity, 45, 46
-, fam., 4, 46

Frethern, Jas, rector of Kencot, 168, 170

-, Eliz., w. of John, m. 2 Nathan Wright, 125
-, John, 125
-, Ric., physician, 125

friendly and benefit societies, 16–17, 79, 119, 121, 166, 182, 215

Friends (Quakers), 5, 15, 30, 32, 34–5, 99, 145, 203, 237, 244

Frilford (Berks.), 123

-, Miles of, 219
-, Millicent, w. of Miles, 219, 225
-, Ralph, 219–20, 231
-, Ric., 219–20, 231
-, Steph. of (d. c. 1230), 219–20, 225
-, Steph. of (d. by 1279), 219
-, Thos, 219–20

Frost, Derek, vic. of Brize Norton, 241

-, Edm., 154, 156
-, Thos, 154

Fulbrook, 2, 46, 55, 65, 182, 199
-, Westhall, 41

Fulk (fl. 1086), 219

fullers and fulling, see cloth industry; mills: fulling

Furley, Jas Samson, 155

furniture making, 137

furze-cutting, 25, 28, 47, 58, 61, 87, 132, 156, 216, 229, 239

Fyfield (formerly Berks.), 53

-, Commr R. H., 155
-, Ric., 174
-, fam., 155


-, Wm, 49, 53, 59
-, Wm, s. of above, 49

Gale, Chris., 221

gardeners, 161

-, Rob., 231
-, Thos, 231

gas supply, 164
-, gas-fitter, 198

Germany, see Munich

Geoffrey, Wm s. of, see William

Geoffrey son of William (or of Alvescot, or of Alwoldsbury), 18
-, his w., see Mare, Gunnore de la

-, Eliz., see Chastillon
-, Mgy, w. of Wm, 123
-, Wm (fl. 1396–1428), 123
-, Wm (d. 1479), 123
-, Wm (d. by 1494), 123
-, fam., 81, 123

Gibraltar, 170

Giffard, Osbert, 222

Gilbert, fam., 236

-, Augustus, 155, 160
-, Chas, 220, 234
-, Jas, 220
-, John, 189, 196, 235
-, Thos, 235–6
-, Wm, 235
-, fam., 162–3, 196, 234

Gilmour, John, 53

glass, painted or stained, 34, 69, 98, 145, 174

-, duke of, see Humphrey
-, earl of, 204

Gloucester, 20, 34, 39

Gloucestershire, 16, 18, 123, 154, 162–3; and see Ampney; Barrington; Boddington; Bourton-on-the-Water; Campden; Cheltenham; Cirencester; Kempsford; Poulton; Quenington; Rissington; Southrop; Stonehouse; Stowell

glovers, see leather industry

Goda (fl. 1066), 18,

-, Jas, vic. of Black Bourton, 79, 96, 98, 154
-, Mary, m. John Attwood, 154

Godstow abbey, 54, 192, 194, 226

Godwin (fl. 1086), 226, 230

Godwin, fam., 22

Goisbert, 21

-, Alice, w. of Wm, 221
-, Isabel, w. of Wm, 221, 224
-, John, 53
-, Wm (fl. 1356–7), 21
-, Wm (d. 1358, ?the same), 221, 224
-, Wm (fl. 1370–97), 221

-, John of, rector of Kencot, 168
-, Ric. of (fl c. 1309), 151, 167
-, Ric. of (fl. 1428), 151
-, fam., 151

Goldsborough (Yorks. WR), 151, 168

goldsmiths, see metal industry: smiths; Theoderic the goldsmith

golf, 150

Goodacre, H. M., vic. of Clanfield, 143

-, Edm., 240
-, F. R., 168
-, Sam., vic. of Brize Norton and bp of Carlisle, 240
-, W. M., 151
-, fam., 154

Goodricke, see Holyoake, Fras Lyttleton

Goodwin, Wm, 192

Gorbachev, Mikhail, president of USSR, 214

-, Arabella, m. John Gwynne, 19, 50
-, Diana, 19, 50, 64
-, Eliz., m. Chas Hen. Sheldon, 19
-, Frances, see Fettiplace
-, Mary, m. Thynne Howe Gwynne, 19, 50
-, Meliora, m. Deliverance Dacre, 19
-, (later Gorges Fettiplace), Ric., 19, 31, 50, 55

Gosford (in Kidlington), 134

governess, 162–3

Grafton (in Langford), 9, 113, 124, 146

Graham, Hen. Elliott, 31

Grandison, earls and ctss, see Villiers

Gray (Grey):
-, Anketil de, 82 n, 83
-, C. E. G., painter, 242
-, Eve de, m. Ralph Murdac, 82
-, Hen. de, 223, 231
-, Parnel, ?w. of Hen., 223, 231
-, fam., 83

Gray and Davison, organ bldrs, 203

Great Western Rly, 9, 75, 114, 208

-, Thos, 158
-, Wm, 155
-, fam., 158

Greenfield, John, 231

-, Anne, w. of Chas, 220
-, Chas (d. 1721), 220, 243
-, Chas (d. 1772), 220, 243
-, Chas (d. 1818), 220, 233
-, Geo. (fl. 1632, two of this name), 221
-, Geo. (fl. 1760), 129
-, Dom Greg., 244
-, John (d. 1683), 220
-, John (d. 1712), 220, 243
-, Thos (d. 1642 X 1646), 220, 232, 243
-, Thos (d. 1679), 220, 222, 243
-, fam., 5, 218, 220–1, 232, 237, 243–4

Gregory, Hen., vic. of Asthall, 68

Grey, see Gray

-, Ray, 237
-, Ric., vic. of Asthall, 68
-, Thos, vic. of Asthall, 68

Griffiths Woodwear Ltd, 237

grocers, 5, 29, 35, 93, 119, 137, 145, 153, 161–2, 198, 236; and see tea dealers

Groome, J. R., 186

Grove, Mr, bldr, 242

Gulf Wars (1990–1 and 2003), 214

-, Ann, 140
-, John (fl. 1634), 129
-, John (d. 1705), 120, 129 n
-, John (d. 1711), 129–30, 140
-, fam., 129, 145

-, Arabella, w. of John, see Gorges
-, John, 17, 19
-, Mary, w. of Thynne Howe, see Gorges
-, Thynne Howe, 19, 50


-, Kath., w. of Sir Ric., 49
-, Sir Ric., mayor of London, 49
-, Thos, 49

Haddon, Lower (in Bampton), 2, 4, 53, 73, 160, 208, 211

Haddon, Marsh, see Norton, Brize

Hailey (in Witney), 2, 4, 178, 199
-, Delly End, 178

Haines, P., architect, 214

-, Jane, 196
-, John, 196
-, fam., 191, 196

Hales (Hals):
-, Eliz., see Browning
-, (Hals), John, 221
-, Kath., w. of Rob., see Ashcombe
-, Kath, w. of Thos, see Ashcombe
-, Rob., 19
-, Thos, 19, 22

Halifax, Jos., curate of Brize Norton, 217

Hall (Halle):
-, Mrs F., 19
-, Hen., rector of Alvescot, 32
-, John atte, 32 n
-, Ric., 159
-, Wm, 231

Hals, see Hales

-, Art., rector of Kencot, 168, 171
-, Eliz., m. Ric. Colchester, 163
-, Sir Hugh, ld mayor of London, 153, 168, 174
-, Wm, 158
-, fam., 153, 155, 161, 163, 168, 175

Hampshire, 170; and see Southwick priory; Wight, Isle of

Haney, Wm, 215

-, Geo. Sim., Earl Harcourt, 28
-, Miles, 53
-, Sir Ric. (d. 1486), 53–4
-, Ric. (d. 1513), 53
-, Sim., Vct Harcourt, 22
-, Sir Wal., 53
-, Wm Vernon, 22
-, fam., 59

-, Ant. Bruce, 50
-, Thos Augustus, and his w. Kath, 50

Hardman, John, & Co., designers, 70

-, Fulk, 219
-, Helewise, w. of Fulk, see Wadard
-, Isabel, m. Wm le Brun, 219, 221
-, Matilda, m. Ralph FitzGeoffrey, 219–21
-, Ralph (fl. early 13th cent.), 52, 122, 124, 140, 146
-, Ralph (fl. 1230–6), s. of above, 52, 122, 126, 128
-, Ralph (one of above), 219
-, Walkelin, 219–20, 226, 238
-, fam., 81

Harman, Edm., 54

Harper's (or Clark's) weir (in Clanfield), 114, 117, 120, 131, 139

-, Anne, see Kelway
-, Sir John, 185
-, Lucy, m. Edw. Russell, earl of Bedford, 185
-, fam., 185, 192

-, Giles, 63
-, Jonathan, 63
-, Mic., 168
-, Ric., 63
-, Rob. (fl. 1687), 63
-, Rob. (fl. 1700, ?the same), 195
-, Thos, 198
-, fam., 189 n, 195, 198, 236

-, G., builder, 104 n
-, Jas, vic. of Minster Lovell, 200

Harrison, John & Co., 103

-, Wm of (fl. 1200), 21
-, fam., 21

-, Sir John de, 185, 194
-, Maud, see Lovel

Haukes, Tompson, 221

hauliers, 29, 110, 137

hawkers, see chapmen

Hawkins, John, 53

-, Sir Hen. (d. 1826), Bt, 125
-, Sir Hen. (d. 1831), Bt, 125
-, Jas, 125
-, Sir Jos. Hen. (d. 1875), Bt, 125

-, Alex., 224
-, Thos, 224
-, Wm, 152
-, fam., 152

hedgebote, see woodland

Hendred, West (formerly Berks.), 66

henges, see barrows

Henley, 123

Henry I, 184, 192

Henry II, 194

Henry III, 49

Henry V, as duke of Lancaster, 184

Henry VI, 55, 65, 191, 200

Henry VII, 185, 187, 219

Henry VIII, 151, 219, 238
-, as duke of York, 185, 201

Henry (d. 1361), duke of Lancaster, 82

Henry (d. 1345), earl of Lancaster, 82, 215

Hensington (in Bladon), 134

-, Sir Alf., 51
-, Watkin, 236
-, Wm, 236

Hereford, earls of, see Breteuil; FitzOsbern

Herefordshire, 163

heriot, 28, 89–90, 133–5, 159

Hertfordshire, see Wymondley

Hervey, Wm, 150, 154–6, 160

Hesdin, Ernulf de, 82

Hethe, 167

-, Alice of, m. Wm de la Penne, 21
-, Bart. of (fl. 1250), 21
-, Emme of, m. John de la Penne, 21
-, Wm of, see William son of Geoffrey

Hethel (Norf.), 21

Heton, Martin, vic. of Brize Norton and bp of Ely, 240

Hewitt, fam., 160

Hewlett (or Hullett):
-, Humph., 162
-, Thos, 152, 162
-, fam, 161–2

-, Edw., 191
-, Hen., 191, 203
-, Peter, theologian, 191
-, fam., 203

Heyworth-Savage, Cecil, 151, 155

Hichman, Wm, 60

hidage, see fixed view

Hide, see Hyde

Higginson, Wm, rector of Alvescot, 33

higglers, 110

Highfield Primitive Methodist circuit, 36

-, Eleanor, see Laundels
-, Eliz., w. of Sir Thos, 123
-, John (fl. 1422), 151
-, John (fl. 1887), 28
-, Rob., merchant of the staple, 123
-, Sir Thos, 123
-, Thos, vic. of Black Bourton, 96

Hine, J.T.M., vic. of Asthall, 69

Hinton, fam., 27

Hinton Waldrist (formerly Berks.), 170

Hippisley, John, 53

-, Wm, 159, 162
-, fam., 159–60

hockey, 79

Hogg, Alex., 123

-, Ambrose (d. 1662), 22
-, Ambrose (d. 1701), 22

Holcot, Fulk of, and his w. Agnes, 223

Holiday, Barton, vic. of Brize Norton, 240

Holwell (in Broadwell), 16–17, 19, 31, 95, 203

-, Dor., w. of Fras, 224
-, Fras, 224
-, (later Goodricke), Sir Fras Lyttleton, 224

Homesteads Ltd, 101, 109–10

Hook Norton, 174, 209
-, barony of, 151, 190

-, Sir Art., 98
-, Wm, 215

Horley, Wm, vic. of Minster Lovell, 201

-, Edm., 221
-, Edw., 53
-, Eliz., w. of Edm., 221
-, Eliz., w. of John, see Blount
-, Eliz., ?w. of John, see Browning
-, Eliz., w. of Lawr., see Fettiplace
-, John, 221
-, Lawr., 53
-, Sam., 53

horse and pig dealers, 161, 236

horses, see stock breeding

Hoskins, Jas, 224

Hospitallers, 115–16, 128, 132–4, 146, 153–4, 173, 226, 230; and see Clanfield: preceptory; Quenington

Houghton, Ric. de, 230

housebote, see woodland: hedgebote

-, Alice, see Lovel
-, Sir Edw., Admiral of Eng., 151
-, Thos (d. 1524), duke of Norfolk, 151–2, 219
-, Thos (d. 1554), earl of Surrey and duke of Norfolk, 151, 219

Howe, Fred. Douglas, 153, 166

Howitt, Geo., 64

-, John, 127
-, Mary, see Bradshaw
-, Ric., 61
-, Wm, 195

Hudson, fam., 198

Huggenett, Alice, 53

-, Eleanor, w. of Thos, m. 2 Basil Woodd, 232, 243
-, (or Calcot), Thos, 232
-, fam., 14

Hullett, see Hewlett

Humphrey (of Lancaster), duke of Gloucester, 191

Humphrey (Humfrey):
-, J., sculptor, 70
-, John, 231
-, Rog., 231

Humphries, fam., 110

Hundred Years' War, 191

-, Sir Ant. (d. 1559), 18, 81, 83
-, Sir Ant. (d. 1589), 19
-, Sir Ant. (d. 1627), 19, 81, 88, 99
-, Ant., neph. of above, 19
-, Ant. (d. 1657), 80–1
-, Col. Ant. (d. 1703), 80, 98
-, Sir Edw. (d. 1711), 81
-, Edw. (d. 1748), 81, 99
-, Eleanor, w. of Sir John, 81, 98
-, Sir John (d. 1582), 18, 81
-, Sir John (d. 1634), 19
-, Mary, m. Paul Elers, 81
-, Rachel, w. of Ant., 81
-, Mrs, 82, 99
-, fam., 3, 5, 77, 82, 89–90, 93–4, 98

Hunsingore, John de, rector of Kencot, 168

Huntingdon, archdeacon of, 142

Huntley, J.W., vic. of Clanfield, 130

hurdlemakers, 29

Hyde (Hide):
-, Hen., earl of Rochester, 59
-, John, 189 n
-, Kath., see Wilmot


Ilott, Wm, 159

inclosure, 1, 3, 4; and see under names of particular places

Independents, see Congregationalists

industries, trades, and professions, 5; and see agricultural implement makers; architects; army; artists; artificial-manure manuf.; banks; basket weaver; bellfounders; bicycles; bodice makers; brewers; building trades; carriers; cattle dealer; chandlers; chapmen; cheese manuf.; cider making; cloth and blanket industry; coal; cornmongers; drapers; dressmakers; engine driver; engineering; fishing; furniture making; gardeners; gas; higglers; horse and pig dealers; hurdlemakers; insurance agent; laundresses; leather industry; maltsters; mercers; metal industry; mills and factories; model engineer; motor cycle manuf.; organ builders; photographer; physicians; plastic; police; potters; railways; servants; shepherds; soap boiler; tailors; tea dealers; tent manuf.; tobacconist; wireless dealers; wool trade

infangthief, 204

-, Joan, m. Rog. Dore, 83
-, John (d. 1349), 83
-, John (d. by 1376), s. of Alice Bassett, 83
-, John (fl. 1382), 83
-, John (fl. 1428, ?another), 83

Ingram, Ric., Treasurer in Ct of Augmentations, 126

innkeepers, publicans, victuallers, 5, 62, 198, 215, 236; and see inns under names of particular places

insurance agent, 237

intercommoning, see pasture

iron, corrugated, 7, 103–4, 106, 109

Iron-Age settlement, 75, 114

Isabella, dau. of Edw. III, 185

Ivens, Wm, vic. of Brize Norton, 240–1

Iver (Bucks.), 221

Ivry (Normandy), 184
-, abbey, 55, 65, 67, 140, 191, 199–200, 226, 230


JSP Ltd, see Johnstone Safety Products

James, Edw., 236

Jefferies, H., 55

Jenkins, Wm, 195

Jobson, Sir Fras, 223

John, king, 49

John, Ric. s. of, see Richard

Johnson, Geo., vic. of Clanfield, 143

Johnstone Safety Products (later JSP Ltd), 64

-, Frances, w. of Rice, m. 2— Fettiplace, 46
-, Frances, m. Ric. Lumley, earl of Scarborough, 49
-, Sir Hen., 45, 49, 51, 65, 71
-, Jane, w. of Rice, 45
-, L.S.R., 218
-, Rice (d. 1615), 46, 49, 51
-, Rice (d. by 1644), 45, 49, 51
-, Sir Ric., justice, 51 n
-, Sir Wm, justice, 51 n
-, fam., 3, 5–6, 51

-, John (d. 1736), 152–3
-, John (fl. 1740s), s. of above, 152–3, 171
-, John (d. 1770, ?another), 152–3, 176 n
-, fam., 151–4, 161, 175–6

Joslin, Thos, 223

justices of the peace, see Oxfordshire: JPs


Kansas (USA), 163

Kearse, fam., 162

-, John, curate of Kencot, 170
-, John, Tractarian, 170

-, Jas, bellfounder, 70, 145
-, Ric., 127

Kelmscott (in Broadwell), 31–2, 127, 140, 148, 162, 167

-, Anne, m. Sir John Harrington, 185
-, Cecily, w. of Rob., 185
-, Sir Rob., 185
-, fam., 187

Kempsford (Glos.), barony, 82

Kempster, Chris., 129

Kencot, 1–3, 120, 128, 147–77, 149, 157
-, adv., 151–2, 167–8, 174
-, agric., 4, 156–60
-, aerodrome, see Broadwell aerodrome
-, bdy, 2, 3, 8, 147–8, 157
-, bldgs, 3, 6, 147, 150, 158, 170, 173–7
-, Carter Inst., 150, 164–7, 173–4
-, chant., 169
-, char., 163–4
-, ch. hist., 3, 31, 162, 164–5, 167–72
-,-, ch., 147, 149, 157, 161, 166–7, 168, 169–70, 174
-, chwdns, 162, 169–70, 173
-, clubs, 164, 166
-, cts, 173
-, crosses, 149
-, curates, 169–70
-, demesne, 152–3, 155–6, 159
-, est., 96, 151, 153–5
-, farms, 150, 157, 158–60, 177
-, festivities, 166–7, 171–2
-, fields, 4, 156, 157
-, inc., 4, 148, 152, 154, 156, 159, 161–2, 169, 174
-, inns, 166
-, Kencot Ho., 6, 149, 150, 153–5, 155, 157, 175–7
-, man., 151–3, 156, 158–9, 161, 167–9
-, Manor Fm, 149, 152–3, 155, 157, 158, 174–7
-, man. ho. (Kencot Manor), 149–52, 153, 155, 158, 161, 163, 165–6, 168, 174–6
-, mills, 156
-, nonconf., 5 n, 167–8, 172
-, par. officers, 173
-, place name, 3, 148
-, police stn, 164
-, poor relief, 163–4, 170, 172–3
-, pop., 148–9, 158, 163
-, post office, 148, 164
-, quarries, 161, 174
-, rectors, 151 n, 153, 162–3, 166, 168, 169–72
-, rect. est. and glebe, 151, 153–4, 156, 159–60, 168–9
-, rect. ho., 149, 150, 157, 158, 169–71, 173, 175–6
-, roads, 9, 148, 157, 207
-, Rom. Cath., 5, 167, 169–71
-, sch., 150, 162–3, 164–6, 165, 167, 171–3
-, settlement, 148–50, 149, 157
-, shops, 5, 153, 161–2, 167
-, soc. struc., 5 n, 150, 156, 158–60, 161–3, 167, 172, 175
-, tithes, 151, 154, 167–9
-, trade and ind., 5, 160–1
-, vestry, 165, 173
-, village hall, see Kencot: Carter Inst.
-, water supply, 150, 164
-, woodland, 156, 157, 159
-, workho., 163

Kenn, John, 14, 55

Kent, 59, 163; and see Canterbury

-, Thos, 60, 71
-, fam., 5, 71

Kidlington, see Eaton, Water; Gosford

Kimber, J.R., 185

King, John, vic. of Clanfield and rector of Kencot, 143, 170

Kingston, Nic. of, 221

Kinlet (Salop), 49

Kipling, John, vic. of Brize Norton, 240

-, Jas, 22
-, Mgt, w. of Jas, 16, 22
-, Ric. (d. 1696), 22
-, Ric. (fl. 1701), 35
-, Ric. (d. 1756, another), 22
-, Wal. (d. c. 1719), 35
-, Wal. (d. 1801), 16, 22
-, fam., 22, 28, 30, 32, 35

-, Leon. Randolph, 119, 137
-, fam., 5, 137

Knapp, L.R., & Co. (later Thames Valley Ironworks), 5, 116, 117, 119–20, 137

Knight, Hen., bellfounder, 98, 109

Knollys, Chas, earl of Banbury and vic. of Black Bourton, 96

Kosovo, 214

Kranefeld (?Clanfield), Philippa de, see Frayn


Lacy, Sir Rowland, 59

Lamb, Thos, 163

Lambourn (Berks.), 46, 53

Lancashire, see Preston

Lancaster, Humph. of, see Humphrey duke of Gloucester

-, duchy of, 184
-, dukes of, see Henry V; Henry, duke of Lancaster
-, earl of, see Henry, earl of Lancaster

Langford, 4, 31, 143 n, 148, 166–7, 169; and see Faringdon, Little; Grafton; Radcot

Langland, Wm, poet, 45

Langley (in Shipton-under-Wychwood), 178

-, Chas, 153
-, Chas Edw., 153
-, John, 153–5, 159–60
-, Wm, 153
-, fam., 151, 153, 161–2, 168

Lathum, Ralph, 123

-, Eleanor, w. of Nic., m. 2 John Hill, 151
-, John (d. 1361), sheriff and escheator of Oxfordshire, 151, 190
-, John (fl. 1390), 167
-, Nic., 151
-, Ralph, rector of Kencot, 151
-, Wm, 128
-, fam., 128, 151 n, 190

laundresses, 93, 137, 161

lawyers, attorneys, solicitors, 14, 22, 59, 81, 106, 166, 185; and see Crown: royal justices; Stephens, Wm

Leafield, 37, 42, 178, 194, 237

-, Hen., 185, 203
-, John, 53, 61
-, Wm Martin, rector of Kencot, 170–1

Leamington Priors (Warws.), 153

Leaper, Rob., 231

leather industry:
-, collarmakers, 137
-, cordwainers, 137, 161
-, curriers, 93, 198
-, glovers and gloving, 62, 137, 198, 237
-, shoe- and bootmakers, 5, 29, 62, 93, 110, 137, 161, 236–7

leather industry
-, skinners, 136
-, tanners and tanning, 137, 197

Lechlade (Glos.), 9, 59, 74, 101, 110, 113, 120, 148, 164, 166, 168

Leckhampton, Wal. de, 190, 194

-, barony of, 184
-, earls of, 184; and see Beaumont; Coke, Thos and Thos Wenman; Edmund 'Crouchback'; Montfort

Leicestershire, see Bosworth; Loughborough

Leigh, Asthall (in Asthall), 2, 3, 37–49, 51–65, 56–7, 68, 70–2
-, agric., 58–62
-, bldgs, 6, 43–5, 54
-, chap., 42, 65, 68, 70–1
-, char., 46–7
-, clubs, 46
-, cts, 72
-, est., 53–5, 60, 63
-, farms, 56–7, 61
-, fields, 42, 55–8
-, incl., 58, 61
-, inns, 45–6
-, Knightplace (Knightscourt), 42, 53
-, man., 48–9, 51, 52–4, 60, 63–4, 72
-, man. ho., 53
-, nonconf., 6, 65, 71–2
-, par. officers, 72
-, pop., 40–2
-, roads, 39, 178
-, sch., 47–8
-, settlement, 42, 43–5
-, shops, 62
-, trades, 62
-, village hall, 42, 45–6
-, woodland, 59, 61

Leigh, North, 1 n, 2, 39

Leigh, South, 2, 225

-, John (fl. 1609–12), 49
-, John (d. 1681), 19
-, John (fl. 1796), 28
-, Mary, see Ashcombe
-, Wm, Speaker, 19

Lew (in Bampton), 2, 4, 74, 207, 216

Lewis, Thos, 224

leyrwite, 133

limeburner, see building trades

-, bp of, 95; and see Longland; Wells
-, cathedral, 239

Lincolnshire, see Spanby

Lindsell (Essex), 83

Lisle, Rob. de, of Rougemont, 83

Little Clanfield, see Clanfield, Little

locks, see Radcot lock

-, Chas, see Stephens
-, Chas Loder, 164
-, Seymour, rector of Kencot, 168, 170
-, Wm Stephens, 154
-, Mr, 168
-, fam., 154

Lollards and heretics, 67, 96, 142, 145

London, bp of, see Bubwith

London, 39, 110, 136, 181
-, as address, 34, 48, 59, 67, 70, 81, 83, 98, 101, 103, 123, 145, 163–4, 168–9, 174, 203, 223
-, alderman of, see Dormer, Sir Mic.
-, Chelsea, q.v.
-, Covent Garden, 110
-, Ealing, q.v.
-, East Ham, 218
-, Gray's Inn, 152
-, Lincoln's Inn, 129
-, mayor of, see Haddon, Sir Ric.; Hammersley, Sir Hugh
-, Newgate prison, 170
-, Southwark, 152
-, Whitechapel foundry, 34

London and Midland (later Midland) Bank, 106

Longland, John, bp of Lincoln, 140

-, Ann, see Ashcombe
-, Sir Thos, 19

-, Chris. (fl. 1649), 232
-, Chris. (d. 1694), s. of above, 232–3
-, Chris. (fl. 1776), 234
-, Jas, 39
-, Ric., 236

Loughbourough (Leics.), 70, 145

-, Alice, m. 2 Sir Edw. Howard, 151
-, Fras, Vct Lovel, 185, 187, 189, 219
-, Hen., Ld Morley, 151
-, Isabel, w. of John, 185
-, Isabel, w. of Wm, 185, 198
-, Joan, w. of John, 185
-, John (d. 1252), 185
-, Sir John (d. 1287), 185, 201
-, John (d. 1310), Ld Lovel, 185
-, John (d. 1314), Ld Lovel, 185
-, John (d. 1347), Ld Lovel, 185
-, John (d. 1362), Ld Lovel, 185
-, John (d. 1408), Ld Lovel and Holand, 185, 191, 219
-, John (d. 1465), Ld Lovel and Holand, 185, 191, 203
-, Kath., w. of John, 185
-, Maud, w. of John (d. 1314), m. 2 Sir John de Haudlo, 185, 194
-, Maud, w. of John (d. 1408), 185, 191, 246
-, Maud, w. of Wm, 191, 199
-, Waleran, see d'Ivri
-, (or Lupellus), Wm (d. 1166 X 1170), 184
-, Wm (d. 1213), 184, 191, 198–9
-, Wm (d. 1455), Ld Lovel and Holand, 151, 185–6, 191, 200, 202–3
-, Wm (d. 1476), Ld Morley, 151
-, fam., 3, 177, 184, 186–7, 191, 194, 199, 203–4, 219

Lovel, Baron, see Coke, Thos

Lowe, Sim., 81

Lucas, John, vic. of Asthall, 67

Luckett, W.E., 197

Luker, John, architect, 144

-, Frances, see Jones
-, Ric., Ld Lumley and earl of Scarborough, 49

Lupellus, Wm, see Lovel

Lupton, Jas, vic. of Black Bourton, 79–80, 91, 94, 97, 99

-, Dor., w. of Phillips, 154, 224
-, Phillips (d. 1763), 154, 224
-, Phillips (d. 1809), 154, 159, 164, 224, 234


Maastricht (Netherlands), siege of, 45

machinists, 5, 93, 198

magistrates, see Oxfordshire: JPs

-, And., 89, 96
-, Jas, 160
-, John, 99
-, fam., 89

-, John, 189 n
-, Jos., 195

Malorye, Alice, 34

maltsters and malting, 5, 27–9, 60, 62, 90, 93, 126, 135, 137, 152, 160–1, 196, 198, 210, 233, 235–6

Mapledurham, 221

March, earl of, see Mortimer

-, Cecily de la, w. of Hen., 18
-, Gunnore de la, m. Geoff. s. of Wm, 18, 21, 31
-, Hen. de la (d. by 1239), 18, 30–1
-, Hen. de la (fl. 1260s), 18
-, Odo de la, 18
-, Ric. de la (fl. 1108 X 1123), 18, 30
-, Ric. de la (d. by 1198), 18
-, Wm de la (fl. 1229), rector of Alvescot, 32
-, Master Wm de la (fl. 1279), 21
-, fam., 19

Margaret, ctss of Cornwall, 49

market gardening, 3, 5, 92, 101, 103, 110, 197, 236

markets, 4, 28, 90–1, 110–11, 197

Marlborough, dukes of, 80, 83–4, 91–2, 100; and see Churchill; Spencer; Spencer-Churchill

Marriott & Sons, blanket manuf., 64

Marsh Haddon, see Norton, Brize: Haddon

Martin, Art., 109

Martin & Coate, organ bldrs, 145

Mary, queen, 185

masons, see building trades

-, Agnes, w. of Sir John, m. 2 Thos de Bradeston, 83
-, Beatrice, see Murdac
-, Sir John (d. 1302), 83, 230
-, Sir John (d. 1347), 83
-, Rob. (fl. 1212), 82
-, Rob. (d. 1288), 83, 88

May, fam., 27,

Mayer & Co., stained glass manuf., 145

maypoles, see customs

-, common or lot, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 24, 25–6, 28, 31, 55–6, 56–7, 86, 87, 112–13, 130, 131, 132, 147, 156, 177, 192, 228, 229
-, inclosed, 88, 130, 136, 156, 160, 192, 193, 195
-, shared and detached, 1, 2, 3, 8, 25, 28, 37, 73, 87, 91, 112, 130, 131, 147–8, 156, 205, 226–7, 229, 234
-, water meadow, 56

-, Geo., bellfounder, 34
-, Hen., 152–3

Mears & Stainbank, bellfounders, 98

-, John de (fl. 1309), 151–2, 167
-, Sir John de (fl. 1383), 152 n
-, Thos, 152
-, fam., 151–2

mechanization, agric., 29, 92, 136, 160, 236; and see agricultural implement makers; machinists; steam power

medieval settlement, 3, 11–12, 19–20, 41–2, 51, 54, 75–7, 82–4, 114–17, 123–6, 129, 148–9, 179–80, 209, 211–12

mercers, 5, 49, 161, 169, 174, 236; and see drapers

Merton College, Oxford, 69

metal industry:
-, foundries and ironworks, see bellfounders; Knapp, L.R., & Co.
-, smiths, 5, 29, 40, 62, 93, 136–7, 161–2, 194, 197–8, 236
-, goldsmith, 123
-, wrought ironwork, 117, 120, 137

-, Primitive, 5–6, 15, 30, 33–6, 42, 65, 71–2, 74, 78, 94, 97, 99, 116, 119, 139, 146, 180, 199, 204, 235, 237, 244–5
-, United, 99, 204, 238
-, Wesleyan, 71, 103, 105, 109, 113, 119, 139, 145–6, 180, 199, 203–4

Middlehurst, Ralph, vic. of Brize Norton, 240

Middlesex, 163; and see Chelsea; Ealing; London

-, Bart., 226
-, Thos, vic. of Clanfield, 143

Midland Bank, see London and Midland

midwives, see physicians

military convalescent home (First World War), 51

Milk Marketing Board, 62

Mills, Thomasine, 16

mills and factories, 198
-, blanket and mop factory, 5, 42, 62, 64, 198
-, corn mills, 1, 5, 29–30, 42, 63–4, 94, 138–9, 198
-, fulling mills, 5, 198
-, millers, 62, 138, 189 n, 198
-, mustard mill, 61
-, straw-rope factory, 5, 137–8
-, threshing mill, 94
-, windmills, 64, 139
-, and see under names of particular places

Milton-under-Wychwood (in Shiptonunder-Wychwood), 178, 242

ministries (govt):
-, Munitions, 51
-, Public Buildings and Works, 186, 188, 214
-, and see Secretary of State for Air

Minster, Little (in Minster Lovell), 177–80, 182–4, 190–6, 193, 198
-, agric., 194, 196, 235
-, demesne, 191, 194–5
-, est., 195–6
-, man., 184, 190–1, 192, 194, 198
-, man. ho., 180, 182, 191, 194–5
-, mill, 190, 198
-, pop., 179
-, Rom. Cath., 203
-, sch., 183
-, settlement, 179–80
-, tithes, 190, 192

Minster Lovell, 1–2, 177–205, 180, 193
-, adv., 199–200, 238
-, agric., 4, 192–7
-, as address, 22, 63, 221
-, assarting, 194
-, bdy, 2, 3, 177–8, 193, 205
-, bldgs, 6, 182, 186–91, 195, 199–200, 202–3
-, chant., see Minster Lovell: St Cecilia
-, char., 183
-, Charterville, q.v.
-, ch. hist., 191, 199–203, 238, 240
-, ch., 6, 179, 180, 189, 193, 201, 202–3, 202
-,-, and see Minster Lovell: minster
-, chwdns, 200, 204
-, clubs, 182–3
-, cts, 178, 195, 204
-, cross, 180
-, curates, 183 n, 199–203
-, demesne, 182, 185–9, 192, 194–5, 199, 204
-, est., 191–2, 196
-, farms, 193, 195–7
-, festivities, 182
-, fields, 4, 177, 192–4, 193, 205
-, glebe, 191, 200
-, Hall, see Minster Lovell: man. ho.
-, inc., 4, 42, 180, 192–4, 193
-, inns, 178, 180, 183, 193
-, Little Minster, see Minster, Little
-, man., 64, 180, 183, 184–91, 192, 194, 196, 198, 201
-, Manor Fm, 180, 186, 188, 189–90, 190, 196–7, 201
-, man. ho. (Hall), 3, 6, 177, 179–80, 182, 184–5, 186–9, 193, 195, 197–9, 203–4
-, mills, 5, 180, 183, 189 n, 190, 193, 195, 198
-, minster, 2–3, 177, 179–80, 199, 201
-, nonconf., 180, 184, 199, 201, 203–4
-, par. officers, 204–5
-, place name, 177
-, poor relief, 183, 204
-, pop., 179, 194, 201
-, post office, 179, 181, 198
-, priory, 128, 140, 180, 191–2, 199–200, 201
-,-, prior, 65, 200–1
-, quarrying, 198
-, rect. est., 191–2, 195, 199–200
-, rect. ho., 191, 199
-, reservoir, see Worsham reservoir
-, Ringwood Fm, 180, 184, 194, 196–7, 204
-, roads, 39, 178, 193, 207
-, Rom. Cath., 201, 203,
-, royal vill, 2, 179, 199
-, St Cecilia's chapel, 6, 180, 189, 190, 201
-, sch., 48, 180–1, 183–4, 202
-, settlement, 2, 177, 179–82, 180, 189, 193
-, shops, 179, 181, 198
-, soc. struc., 181, 194–6
-, tithes, 190–2, 200
-, trade and ind., 64, 197–8
-, vestry, 183, 204–5
-, vic., 178, 191, 195, 199–202, 203
-, vic. ho., 180, 189, 193, 200
-, village hall, 181
-, water supply, 181
-, woodland, 4, 59, 177–8, 180, 185, 187, 192, 193, 194–6, 204
-, workho., 183

Minster Lovell Estates Ltd, 186

Minster Lovell jewel, 179

minsters, 2, 167, 179, 199; and see Bampton; Minster Lovell

Minty, Norman, 64

Mitford, see Freeman-Mitford

moated sites, 6, 115, 125–6, 205, 223–4

model engineer, 110

moduses (for tithes), 169, 191

Monk, Thos, 170

-, Ric. of (fl. 1330), 18
-, Ric., s. of Thos of (fl. 1343, ?another), 18

Montfort, Sim. de, earl of Leicester, 184

Moore, see More

More (Moore):
-, Agnes, see Edmonds
-, Eliz., 172
-, Fras (d. 1592), 125
-, Fras (d. 1644 X 1651), 125, 140
-, Jas, 125
-, John (fl. 1609–36), 53
-, John (fl. 1664, another), 125
-, John Frewin, 125
-, Sir Thos, 243
-, Thos de la, 53
-, fam., 63, 126, 129, 140

-, Ann, w. of Edw., 224
-, Edw., 224
-, Wm (d. c. 1855), 224
-, Wm (d. 1871), s. of above, 224, 234

Morley, Lord, see Lovel, Hen. and Wm

Mortimer, Rog., earl of March, 215

motor cycle manuf., 64

Mowbray, A. Mardon, architect, 120

-, Cecily, 18–19, 31
-, Hawise, m. 1 John de Ferrers, 2 Sir John de Bures, 18
-, Rob., 18

Mulcock, John, 63

Munich (Germany), 34

munitions, see ministries

-, Beatrice, m. Rob. Mauduit, 82–3
-, Eve, see Grey
-, Ralph, royal justice, 82, 95

-, Rob., vic. of Clanfield, 142
-, fam., 142

mushrooms, see crops

mustard mill, see mills


-, John, 22, 28
-, Martha Ann, 34
-, fam., 14, 22, 28–9, 159–60

Napoleonic Wars, 17, 28, 47, 216

Nash, Giles, 129

National Communications Union, 15, 17

National Land Co., 181

National Trust, 155

Navarre, Joan of, 191

-, Maj. A.C. Burnaby, 19
-, Art., rector of Alvescot, 19–20, 33–4, 36
-, Chas Burnaby, 19
-, Eleanor, dau. of Art., 19
-, Eleanor, w. of Art., 19
-, Thos (fl. 1810–23), 31
-, Thos (d. 1856), rector of Alvescot, 19–20, 31, 33
-, Thos Art., 19
-, Wal., rector of Alvescot, 19–20, 33
-, fam., 20, 22, 30–1, 33–4

Netherlands, see Maastricht

Neville, Mrs A.L.F., 15

Newborough, Dr, 66 n

Newburgh, Mgt de, ctss of Warwick, m. John de Plessis, 190

Newbury (Berks.), 20

Newland, Giles, 53

-, Hen. (d. 1862), 118
-, Hen. (fl. 1869–83), 125, 136
-, Wm (d. 1846), 125, 127, 136
-, Wm (d. 1869), 121, 125, 136
-, fam., 126

Nixon, Ric., vice-president of United States of America, 214

nonconformity, 5; and see Baptists; Congregationalists; Friends; Lollards; Methodists; and under names of particular places

Norfolk, dukes of, see Howard, Thos

Norfolk, 151, 184–5; and see Diss; Hethel

Norreys, Sir Hen., 185

Northamptonshire, 163; and see Preston Capes

Northmoor, 53

Northumberland, earls of, see Aubrey; Dudley, John

Northumberland, see Flodden

Norton, Brize, 1–3, 43, 87, 166, 205–46, 210, 228
-, adv., 109, 200, 238
-, agric., 4, 87, 147, 227–35
-, airbase, 1, 3, 5, 63, 73, 75, 101, 102, 105, 109–10, 205, 207, 209, 213–14, 218–19, 235, 237
-, Astrop, 3, 4, 205–6, 208, 210, 211, 212, 218, 220, 222–3, 225–7, 228, 229–31, 233–5, 242, 245–6
-, bdy, 2, 37, 73, 112, 205–6, 209, 211, 223–4, 228
-, bldgs, 6–7, 212–14, 220–5, 239, 241–3
-, Caswell, 3–4, 205, 211, 223–4, 228, 229–31, 233–4, 242, 245
-, char., 216
-, ch. hist., 3, 95, 109, 199, 226–7, 237–43
-, ch., 6, 206, 209, 210, 217, 237, 238, 241–3, 242
-, chwdns, 217, 246
-, clubs, 215–16
-, cts, 245–6
-, curates, 217, 240
-, demesne, 220, 230–2
-, est., 223–7
-, farms, 205, 232, 234–5
-, festivities, 215, 241, 246
-, fields, 4, 177, 210–11, 227–9, 228
-, glebe, 226, 233–4, 239
-, grange, 210, 225, 228, 231–2
-, Haddon, Marsh, 3, 199, 205, 207, 210, 211–12, 213 n, 218, 221, 224–5, 227, 228, 229–31, 233–5, 246
-, inc.:
-, early, 4, 211, 228, 231, 233
-, parl., 206–7, 212, 216, 225–7, 233–4, 239
-, inns, 210, 215, 216, 236
-, man., 3, 209, 211, 218–23, 229–33, 237, 245–6
-, man. hos, 5–6, 206, 209, 210–12, 220–3, 232–3, 237, 244
-, mills, 210
-, nonconf., 218, 235, 237–8, 244–5
-, par. officers, 215, 246
-, place name, 2–3, 75, 209–10
-, poor relief, 216
-, pop., 208–10, 211–12, 231, 246
-, post office, 208
-, quarries, 5, 210, 217, 237
-, rly, 101, 207–8, 236
-, rectors, 220 n, 240
-, rect. est., 226–7, 232–3, 239
-, rect. ho., 206, 209, 210, 220
-, roads, 148, 206–7, 228
-, roads to, 9, 39, 74–5, 178
-, Rom. Cath., 5, 208, 220, 232, 237, 243–4
-, sch., 109, 209, 217–18, 217, 241
-, settlement, 205–6, 208–12, 209, 220–7, 228, 239
-, shops, 5, 210, 236–7
-, soc. struc., 230–7
-, tithes, 211, 225–7, 233–4, 239
-, trade and ind., 5, 235–7
-, vestry, 246
-, vic., 206, 217, 220, 234, 237–8, 239–41, 246
-, vic. ho., 209, 238, 239–40
-, village hall, 215, 241
-, water supply, 210
-, woodland, 4, 228, 229–30
-, workho., 216

Norton, Chipping, 223

Norton, Hook, see Hook Norton

Nottingham, Rog. of, and his w. Matilda, 223

Nottinghamshire, see Stoke

Nuffield, 171

nursing association, see physicians

Nutt, John, 195


-, Alex., 15
-, Hen., 154, 162
-, Rob., 29
-, Sam., 17
-, fam., 29, 160

Oakley, Thos, curate of Minster Lovell, 201

Oare (in Chieveley, Berks.), 125

O'Connor, Feargus, Chartist, 1, 177, 181–3

Oddington, see Otley

-, Jas, rector of Kencot, 163, 168, 170
-, Wm, 168

organ builders, see Boggis; Gray and Davison; Martin & Coate; Walker, J.W.

Oriel College, Oxford, 68

-, abbey, 4, 75, 79, 82–5, 87–9, 94–7, 100, 116–17, 128, 133, 146, 169, 226–7
-, cathedral of Christ and St Mary, 83, 85, 218, 225, 238
-, North, ct of, 72, 245

Otley abbey (in Oddington), 225

Oundle, Rog. of, vic. of Brize Norton, 240

Owen, Huw, 170

Oxford, 110–11, 137, 169, 197, 227
-, as address, 67, 78, 85, 97, 103, 109, 120, 145, 160, 224, 239–40
-, communications, 9, 39, 101, 114, 148, 179, 208
-, Franciscans in, 142
-, garrison (Civil War), 20
-, prison, 244
-, Radcliffe Asylum (Warneford Hosp.), 240
-, Radcliffe Infirmary, 216
-, recorder of, 185
-, St Frideswide's priory, 54
-, St George's in the castle, 85, 167, 169, 226–7
-, St Peter-le-Bailey ch., 240 and see Osney

Oxford, diocese, 66
-, archdcn of, 240
-, bps of, 65, 140; and see Bancroft; Secker; Wilberforce
-, chancellor of, see Alworth, Hen.
-, Diocesan Association, 48
-, Diocesan Board of Finance, 48
-, Diocesan Board of Patronage, 140
-, Diocesan Church Building Society, 34, 145, 200, 202
-, Diocesan Education Society, 48

Oxford, university, 96, 169, 214
-, University Museum, 85
-, colleges, 90 n; and see Christ Church; Merton; Oriel; Queen's; Trinity; University

-, constabulary, 101, 106
-, JPS and magistrates, 35, 129, 148
-, Quarter Sessions, 173, 215
-, sheriff and escheator, see Laundels, John

Oxfordshire County Council, 63, 106, 111, 215

Oxfordshire Society for the Augmentation of Poor Benefices, 66


Packer, John, 44

Page-Turner, Sir Edw., 217, 234

Pain (fl. 1086), 81, 88, 122

Pain, Rob., 47

-, Hen., 153
-, Wm, 153–5, 169

Palleyn, see Paulin

Palmer, Ric., 158

pannage, 194

-, appeal to, 142
-, collector of papal camera, 169
-, papal dispensation, 32

Paris, 163

Parker, Sir Peter, 186, 189

parks (game), 4, 90, 187, 194; and see Witney

-, MPs, see Coke, Thos Wenman
-, Parliamentarians (Civil War), 45
-, Speaker, see Lenthall, Wm

Particular Baptists, see Baptists

pasture, common, 4, 24, 25, 56–7, 58, 86, 87, 115, 131, 132, 148, 156, 192, 210–11, 216, 228, 229
-, intercommoning, 58, 87, 132, 192, 229, 233
-, and see stints; woodland: pasture; Wychwood Forest: pasture

Patrick, fam., 155

Paulin (Palleyn, Polyn):
-, Thos, 152, 170
-, fam., 162

payments, customary: see aid; churchscot; fixed view; heriot; leyrwite; quitrents; scutage; tallage

-, Hen., 50–1, 195
-, Hen. Heylyn, 50–1
-, Judith, w. of Hen., 50–1
-, fam., 191

Pearce, see Fisher

Pearson, J.L., sculptor, 203

Peisley, Bart., 19, 53

Pembroke, Wm of, rector of Brize Norton, 240

Pembroke, earls of, see Valence

Pemscott, see Alvescot

-, Adam de la, 21
-, Alice de la, see Hethel
-, Emme de la, see Hethel
-, Hugh de la, rector of Alvescot, 32
-, John de la (fl. early 14th cent.), 21
-, John de la, s. of above, 21
-, John de la (fl. 1356), s. of above, 21
-, Laur. de la, 21
-, Maud de la, w. of Adam, 21
-, Wm de la, 21
-, fam., 26

Penson, John, vic. of Brize Norton, 240

perambulation (of bdy), see customs

Percy Thomas Partnership, architects, 212

Persian Gulf, 214

Pettifer, Job, bldr, 80

Phillips, Wm, vic. of Clanfield, 142

photographer, 110

physicians, surgeons, and doctors, 106, 155, 163–4, 177; and see Frewin, Ric.
-, midwives, 29, 106, 161
-, nursing association, 166

Piggot, Jos. A., painter, 70

pigs, see stock breeding

Pilkington, W.F., 155

Pinnell, Ric., 160

-, Jos., 53
-, Wm, 160

Pitt (Pytt):
-, Ann, 67
-, Jas, vic. of Asthall, 68

plague, see epidemics

Plaster, Rob., 34

plasterers, see building trades

plastic, injection-moulded, 5, 64

-, Bart., 152, 154, 158–9
-, Eliz., m. Fras Yate, 152, 154, 170

-, Hugh de, 83, 190
-, John de, earl of Warwick, 190
-, Mgt de, see Newburgh
-, fam., 151, 190

ploughbote, see woodland: hedgebote

plumbers, see building trades

Pocock, E.A., 119

police, 198; and see Carterton; Kencot; Oxfordshire: constabulary
-, retired policemen, 110, 197

Polyn see Paulin

Ponz, Wal. s. of, see Walter

poor allotments, 17, 37, 47, 61, 79, 91, 216

poor relief, see under names of particular places

-, Eliz., w. of Thos, 21
-, Sir Thos (d. 1559), 21, 152–4, 155 n, 167–8
-, Sir Thos (d. 1660), earl of Downe, 22
-, Sir Wm (d. 1631), earl of Downe, 21, 152, 168
-, fam., 168

Porter, Wm, 160

Portington, Owen, vic. of Asthall, 67

post offices, see under names of particular places

potters, 62

Poulton, John of, vic. of Brize Norton, 206

Poulton (Glos.), 46

Poundbury (Dorset), 7, 212

-, Agnes, m. 1 Wm Winslow, 2 Rob. Andrew, 81
-, Ric., 81
-, Sir Thos (d. by 1398), royal justice, 81–2
-, Thos (d. 1407), 81
-, Wm (d. 1316 x 1317), 81
-, Wm (fl. 1338), 81

-, Hen., curate of Brize Norton and vic. of Minster Lovell, 240
-, John H., designer, 70
-, Wal., rector of Alvescot, 32

Powell & Sons, stained glass manuf., 174

prefabricated construction, see building trades

prehistoric settlement, 1, 10, 39–40, 75, 114, 148, 179, 208; and see barrows; Iron-Age settlement; Roman settlement

Presbyterians, see Congregationalists

Preston (Lancs.), battle of, 215

Preston Capes (Northants), 54

Price, Wm, vic. of Black Bourton, 97

Primitive Methodists, see Methodists

prisons and lock-ups, 16, 18, 37, 244

Pritchett & Webley, 64, 198

professions, see industries

Public Buildings and Works, see ministries

Pusey, fam., 18

Pusey (formerly Berks.), 234

Putney (Surr.), 70

Puttes, see Alvescot

Pytt, see Pitt


Quakers, see Friends

quarries and quarrying, 5
-, mortar pits, 153
-, slate, 5, 29, 62, 93 and see under names of particular places

Queen Anne's Bounty, 66–7, 95–6, 141, 200, 239

Queen's College, Oxford, 45, 54–5, 60–2

Quenington (Glos.), preceptory, 124, 134, 153, 158

Quincy, de, fam., 184

quitrents, 22, 28–9, 50, 82, 125, 127–8, 146, 195


Radcot (in Langford), 115, 129 n, 140

Radcot bridge, 74, 113, 131

Radcot lock, 139

Raikes, Rob., 186

railways, 5, 9, 29, 75
-, rly workers, 5, 29, 93, 236
-, station masters, 15, 29
-, and see Alvescot station; Bampton station; East Gloucestershire Rly; Great Western Rly; and under names of particular places

Rainey, Sarah, w. of vic. of Clanfield, 145

-, Jane, m. Reg. Bray, 16, 19
-, Wm, 19

Rankell, fam., 191

-, Bridget, w. of Fras, 243
-, Fras, 221–2, 232, 243
-, Hen. (d. 1557), 221
-, Hen. (d. 1612), 138, 221–2, 232
-, Thos, 221, 232, 246

Reade, Chris., vic. of Black Bourton, 96

Reading (Berks.), 163, 203

reading rooms, 16, 36, 106, 119–20, 165–6, 172–3, 215

Reason, John, 136

recusancy, see Rom. Cath. under names of particular places

Redesdale, barons and earl of, see Freeman-Mitford

rents, agric., 26–8, 59–61, 88–92, 133–6, 158, 194–5, 197, 232, 234–5

Reve, Ric., 169

revolts, see riots

-, Joan, w. of Wm, 127
-, Ric., 126
-, Wm., 126–7

Richard III, 185, 187, 189

Richard, earl of Cornwall, 36, 45, 49, 51–2, 72, 100, 146, 219, 245

Richard son of John, 222

Richman, fam., 133

ridge and furrow, 11, 23, 25, 85 n

ring-ditches, see barrows

riots, revolts, and disturbances, 18, 92, 200, 214–15
-, fence-breaking, 91
-, hedgewood stealing, 133
-, strike, agric., 196

Ripley, Horace, vic. of Minster Lovell, 201–3

Rissington, Great (Glos.), 244

river transport, see Thames

Rivers, fam., earls of Devon, 83

-, droveway, 207
-, Roman, 1, 9, 74–5, 113, 148, 206–7, 210, 228; and see Akeman Street
-, saltways, 3, 38–9, 206
-, turnpikes, 39, 74–5, 79, 113, 178, 207
-, and see fords and under names of particular places

-, Wenman, see Coke
-, Wm, 234

Rochester, earl of, see Hyde

Rochfort, Guy de, 18–19

-, Ann, m. John Warren, 125
-, John, 125
-, Mary, see Edmonds
-, fam., 129, 145

Rokayle, Eustace, 45

Roman Catholicism, see under names of particular places

Roman settlement, 1, 10, 40, 41, 56–7, 75, 114, 148, 179, 208
-, villas, 1, 40
-, and see roads

Rose, Wm, 161

Rougemont, de, Misses, 163

Rougemont, see Lisle

Royal Agricultural Society, 137

Royal Air Force, 101, 105–6, 109–11, 213–14, 218; and see Broadwell aerodrome; Norton, Brize: airbase

royal servants, see Crown

Royalists (Civil War), 20, 32, 45, 80, 191, 215

Rudhall, Abraham, bellfounder, 34

-, Edw., earl of Bedford, 185
-, Lucy, see Harrington


Saeric (fl. 1086), 18

Saewold (fl. 1066), 20, 190

St Philibert, fam., 21

St Valéry:
-, Annora, m. Rob. of Dreux, 49
-, Bernard of, 49
-, Guy of, 49
-, Hen. of, 54
-, Reynold of (d. 1163), 49, 81
-, Reynold of (fl. early 13th cent.), 49, 52
-, Thos of, 49, 52, 63
-, fam., 122, 219

St Valéry, honor of, 21, 49, 81, 122, 124, 133, 140, 146, 219, 222

Salford, 19

Salisbury, bp of, see Bubwith

Salisbury cathedral, chancellor of, 50

salt trade, 3, 29, 39; and see roads: saltways

Salter, Jas, builder, 67

Salvation Army, 35, 172

Sambidge, Sarah, 29 n

Sampson, Wm, 60, 233

Sancto Paulo, Ric. de, vic. of Minster Lovell, 201

Sapey, Sir John de, 49

Sarsden, Wal. of, 226

-, Chas, 53
-, (or Standish), Jas (d. 1557), 152
-, Jas (fl. 1650s), 128, 154
-, (or Standish), Joan, see Spanby
-, John (fl. 1653), 145
-, John (fl. 1660, ?the same), 20, 34

-, Agnes, see Edmonds
-, Jas le, 122, 138
-, Wal., 124

sawyers, see building trades

-, ctss of, see Jones, Frances
-, earl of, see Lumley

schools, see under names of particular places

Scotland, Patricia Jane, Baroness Scotland of Asthal, 45

Scott, Sir Geo. Gilb., architect, 80

Scudamore, John, 226

sculptors, see artists

scutage, 26, 88

seamstresses, see dressmakers

Secker, Thos, bp of Oxford, 170

Second World War, 48, 105, 149–50, 160, 172, 214
-, evacuees, 48, 218

Secretary of State for Air, 224

Seend, Thos, 123

serjeanties, 3, 18, 226

servants, domestic, 29, 60, 93, 143, 161–2, 208; and see gardeners; governess

services, customary, 26–7, 59, 88–9, 133–4, 158, 194–5; and see scutage; serjeanties

set-aside scheme (agric.), 62

settlement, 1–3, 4; and see Anglo-Saxon; barrows; Iron-Age; medieval; prehistoric; roads; Roman settlement; villages, deserted; and under names of particular places

-, Alex. (fl. 1541), 81–2, 94, 224
-, Alex. (fl. 1551), s. of above, 81
-, Cecily, see Brill
-, Eliz., see Winslow
-, Humph., 81
-, Isabel, w. of Alex., 83, 224
-, Phil., vic. of Brize Norton, 241
-, Sim. (d. 1523), 81, 224
-, Sim. (fl. 1541), 224
-, fam., 82, 89, 224

Shakenoak Roman villa (in Wilcote), 1 n

Sharpe, Edm., rector of Alvescot, 32

Shayler, Thos, 187 n, 195

sheep farming, see shepherds; stock breeding

-, Chas Hen., 19
-, Eliz., w. of Chas Hen., see Gorges

shepherds, 28, 162, 236

Shifford (in Bampton), 4, 143

Shill brook, 1, 8–9, 29–30, 36, 73–4, 76, 78, 86, 87, 92–4

Shill Valley and Broadshire, benefice, 31, 95, 167, 171

Shilton, 2, 9, 19, 30, 32–3, 43, 68, 95–6, 148, 171, 207, 235

Shipton-on-Cherwell, 221

Shipton-under-Wychwood, 2, 179, 199, 206; and see Langley; Milton-under-Wychwood

shoemakers, see leather industry

shops, 5; and see under names of particular places and trades

Shorthampton (in Charlbury), 177, 195

Shrewsbury, earl of, 151; and see Talbot, Geo.

Shropshire, see Kinlet

-, Rob., 225
-, Wm, 225

Signet (in Burford), 153

Silven, Wm, 156

-, Edm. (d. 1578), 54
-, Edm., s. of above, 54
-, Edw., 54
-, Eliz., 53–4
-, Thos, 54

Slater, W., architect, 34

slaters, see building trades

smallholdings, 1, 3, 101, 110, 136

-, Percival, 152
-, Thos, 152

smallpox, see epidemics

-, Hen., 123
-, John (fl. 1662–4), 125, 126 n, 140, 143
-, John (fl. 1682–1703), s. of above, 125
-, John (d. 1704, another), 123
-, Kath., m. Wm Dawes, 123
-, Kath., w. of John, 123
-, Leon., 123
-, Martha, see Wilmot
-, Mary, m. Thos Barnard, 123
-, Ric., 125
-, Sam., vic. of Clanfield, 143
-, Thos (d. 1668), 123
-, Thos (fl. 1841–63), 246
-, fam., 123, 126

Smiths of Derby, clockmakers, 110

smiths, see metal industry

Snitterfield (Warws.), 190

soap boiler, 161

social structure, 3–5; and see under names of particular places

Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge, 217

Sodyngton, Master Thos de, 122

Somenour, Thos, rector of Alvescot, 32

Somerford (Wilts.), 83

Somerset, 138; and see Bath

Somerton, 237

South, Rob., 239

Southrop (Glos.), 160

Southwark, see London

Southwick priory (Hants), 126–7, 132–4

-, Ant. de, 152 n
-, Art., 152, 167
-, Joan, m. Jas Saunders
-, John, 152
-, fam., 152, 167

Spanby (Lincs.), 152

Sparsholt (Berks.), 152

-, Chas, 3rd duke of Marlborough, 59
-, Fras (d. 1845), Baron Churchill of Whichwood, 220
-, Fras (d. 1886), Baron Churchill of Whichwood, 59
-, Geo., 4th duke of Marlborough, 81, 83, 91, 93
-, Victor, Baron Churchill of Whichwood, 59

-, Chas Ric. John, 9th duke of Marlborough, 82, 101
-, Geo., 6th duke of Marlborough, 78
-, John, 7th duke of Marlborough, 78, 80, 91, 93

Sperrink, fam., 134

-, Benedicta, w. of Thos, 221
-, Sir Hen. (fl. 1300), 221–2
-, Hen. (fl. 1340), s. of Thos, 221, 231
-, Sarah, see Brown
-, Sir Thos, 221–2, 231

sports and pastimes, 246; and see bowls; cricket; football; golf; hockey; tennis

Spurgeon, Chas, Baptist preacher, 204

Stafford, Rob. of, 21

Staffordshire, see Tettenhall

stage coaches, 178

Standish, see Saunders, Jas and Joan

-, Hugh of, 60
-, fam., 194

Standlake, 4, 45

Stanton Harcourt, 226; and see Sutton

-, Rob. de, 21
-, Vivian de, 21

Stead, Jos., 161

steam power, 29, 92, 138
-, steam sawyer, 93

Stephens (Stevens):
-, Ann, w. of Wm, 152–4, 159, 161, 163
-, (later Loder), Chas, 154, 164 n, 176
-, Hen., 153
-, John (fl. 1767), 154, 159, 162
-, John (d. 1831), s. of Wm, 152
-, Ric., 162
-, Wm, attorney, 152–4, 156, 159, 161, 163, 166, 175, 176 n
-, fam., 134, 151, 153–4, 159, 162–3, 176

stints (pasture), 25, 31, 58, 87, 132, 156, 229, 246

stock breeding:
-, cattle, 5, 25, 28–9, 60, 62, 87, 89–90, 92, 110, 132, 135–6, 160, 195–7, 233, 235, 239; and see dairy farming
-, deer, 90
-, horses, 60, 87, 132, 160, 196–7
-,-, racehorses, 235
-, oxen, 60, 87, 89, 132, 233
-, pigs, 28–9, 60, 62, 90, 92, 135–6, 160, 194, 196–7, 233, 235, 246
-, poultry, 28–9, 62, 89–90, 92, 110, 135–6, 159–60, 197, 235
-,-, game-bird rearing, 5, 62 and see dovecots
-, sheep, 4–5, 25, 27–9, 31, 33, 60, 62, 87, 89–90, 92–3, 132, 135–6, 159–60, 169, 195–7, 231, 233, 235, 239
-,-, Cotswold, 92, 196, 235 Hampshire Down, 29 Leicester, 92 Oxford Down, 92, 136, 196, 235 South Down, 92
-, and see pasture; stints

stocks (punitive), see Alvescot; Bourton, Black; Clanfield

Stoke, East (Notts.), battle of, 189

Stone (de Petra):
-, Hugh, 26
-, fam., 26

Stonehouse (Glos.), 129

Stonelands (partly extra-parochial), see Asthall

-, John, 83
-, Tristram, 83
-, fam., 83

Stowell (Glos.), 21

Strainge, Ant., 89

-, Anne, w. of Wm, 53
-, John, 53
-, Master Rob. of, 52, 63
-, Wm, 53

straw-hat makers, see dressmakers

straw-rope manufacture, see mills

Street, G.E., architect, 242

strikes, see riots

-, Amelia Gertrude, see Villiers
-, Ld Hen., 50

Studley Castle (Warws.), 154, 224

Studley priory, 128

Suffolk, see Sutton Hoo

Sullivan, W.J., vic. of Asthall, 68

-, Ann, 216, 243
-, Toby, 232–3

surgeons, see physicians

Surrey, see Putney; Waverley abbey

Sussex, 163; and see Chichester

Sutton (in Stanton Harcourt), 134

Sutton Hoo (Suff.), 40

Swalcliffe, 237

Swinbrook, 2, 37, 43, 46–8, 50, 53, 62, 64–5, 67, 74, 143, 206, 235

Swindon (Wilts.), 101, 110–11, 114, 137

Swindon Wesleyan Methodist circuit, 146

Symonds, John, vic. of Brize Norton, 240


tailors, 5, 29, 62, 93, 110, 136, 198, 236

-, Geo., earl of Shrewsbury, 151
-, fam., 127

tallage, 59

-, Ric. Large, 30 n
-, fam., 29

tanners, see leather industry

Tapper, see Tipper

Tate, Ric., 83

-, Maria, w. of Sir Wm Elias, 183, 186, 194, 203
-, Sir Wm Elias (d. 1835), 185–6, 196
-, Wm Elias (d. 1873), 186 n
-, fam., 189, 191, 196, 199

-, John & Co., bellfounders, 70, 145
-, Mrs R., 51
-, Wm, 160
-, and see Chapman

Taynton, 65
-, quarries, 5, 34, 203

tea dealers, 5, 198

Temperance, 150, 166

-, Eliz., 243
-, Thos, 203
-, Wm, 232, 243
-, fam., 203, 243

Temple, Thos, rector of Alvescot, 32

tennis, 14, 106

tent manuf., 64

Terrière, de Sales La:
-, Col. F.B., 186
-, Mrs, 182

Terumbere (or Towker):
-, Eliz., see Winslow
-, John, 81

Tettenhall (Staffs.), 224

-, Hugh of (fl. 1145), 83
-, Hugh of (fl. 1277), 223
-, John of, 223
-, fam., 83

Tew, Duns, 83

Thame, 160, 226, 239
-, abbey, 194, 198, 208, 218, 222, 225, 231
-, Lord Williams's school, 240

Thames, riv., 2, 74–5, 112–14, 139
-, transport on, 75
-, valley, 1, 40, 179
-, and see Harper's weir; Radcot lock

Thames Valley Ironworks, see Knapp, L.R., & Co.

Thames Valley Ironworks Band, 119, 120

thatch, 6, 13, 43, 77, 117–18, 138, 147, 174, 182, 198

Thatcher, Mgt, prime minister, 214

Theoderic the goldsmith, 225, 230

-, Hugh, vic. of Clanfield and rector of Kencot, 142, 169
-, Wm, vic. of Brize Norton, 240

Thomason, Elizeus, rector of Kencot, 169

Thompson, fam., 169

Thorold, Jas, rector of Kencot, 163, 171

Thorpe, E.M., 129

Throckmorton, Sir Rob., 129, 140 n

timber framing, 6, 182
-, crucks (raised), 84, 117

-, Art., 215, 237
-, Edw., 53
-, Geo., 53, 61
-, Jos., 217
-, Patrick, 237
-, fam., 5, 237

Timms, A.K., and Sons Ltd, 237

Tipper (or Tapper), John, 152

Tirer, Edw., vic. of Clanfield, 121, 143

tithes, see moduses and under names of particular places

tobacconist, 110

Tombs, Wm, 55

-, Edw., 53, 61
-, Frances, 53, 61

Towker, see Terumbere

-, Rob., 244
-, Rob. Maitland, s. of above, 244

Tracy, Hen. de, 18

trades, see industries

-, Chas, 16, 19, 22
-, fam., 203

Trinity (formerly Durham) College, Oxford, 152, 168

Tristram, E.W., restorer, 98

Truman, John, 195

-, Humph., 152–3, 159
-, Thos, 153

Tudor, Jasper, duke of Bedford, 185, 219

Tuer, Thos, vic. of Black Bourton, 96 n

-, John, 77
-, Kath., see Chapman
-, Sarah, w. of John, 77
-, fam., 27, 33

Turgot (fl. 1066), 82

-, Adam (d. 1591), 126, 127 n, 158
-, Adam (d. 1662), 158–9, 163
-, Adam (d. 1697), 158–9, 162
-, Adam (fl. 1640s, one of the above), 162
-, Amy, w. of Thos, m. 2 Ric. Keene, 126–7
-, Ann, w. of Drew, 126
-, Chas, 159
-, Drew, 126–7
-, Fras (fl. 1615), 159
-, Fras (d. 1645, ?the same), 159, 162
-, Fras (fl. 1662), 158
-, John, 170
-, Mary, 162
-, Thos (d. 1624), 163, 170
-, Thos (d. 1635) 159, 175
-, Thos (d. 1636), 126
-, Wm, 170
-, fam., 3, 134, 152, 154–6, 158–9, 162, 166, 170, 175

turnpikes, see roads

Tyndale, Wm, vic. of Clanfield, 142 n

typhoid, see epidemics


-, Thos, 195
-, fam., 195

Underwood, Geoff., rector of Kencot, 170–1

United States Air Force, 101, 105, 109, 214; and see Norton, Brize: airbase

United States of America, see America

University College, Oxford, 186
-, master of, 45

-, Alex., 223
-, Sir Edw., 206
-, Thos, 223

Upton Wold (in Blockley, Worcs.), 224

USSR, see Gorbachev


-, Aymer de, earl of Pembroke, 190, 194, 198
-, Wm de, earl of Pembroke, 18, 124, 127

Vampage, John, 203

victuallers, see innkeepers

villages, deserted or shrunk, 3, 8, 10, 25, 27, 36–7, 42, 116–17, 180, 205, 211–11; and see Alvescot: Alwoldsbury and Bromscott and Pemscott and Puttes; Clanfield, Little; Minster, Little; Norton, Brize: Astrop and Caswell and Haddon

-, Amelia Gertrude, m. Ld Hen. Stuart, 50
-, Eliz., Vctss Villiers and Ctss Grandison, 50
-, Geo., Earl Grandison, 50
-, (or FitzGerald), John, Earl Grandison, 50, 191

Viner, fam., 197


-, Helewise, m. Fulk Hareng, 219, 226
-, Walkelin, 219

-, Hen. de la (d. by 1202), 226
-, Hen. (d. 1287), 226, 230

Wadley (Berks.), 223

wages, agric., 196

Wakefield, Thos, 153–4, 160, 162

Waleraund, Rob., 18

Wales, 45, 178

-, J.W., organ bldr, 70
-, John, 181, 191 n, 196
-, Rupert, 55
-, Sam., 50
-, fam., 154

wall paintings, 6, 33, 70, 98, 242

Wallingford, honor of, 49, 122, 146, 219, 222

Walter son of Ponz, 21

Walter, Sam., 50

-, J.H.K., vic. of Asthall, 68
-, W.H.K., vic. of Asthall, 68
-, Wm, 122, 245

wardpenny, see fixed view

Warman, Wm, 234

Warneford, Sam. Wilson, 240

-, Ann, see Rogers
-, John (fl. 1618–29), 125
-, John (fl. 1682, another), 125
-, fam., 126

warren, see free warren

wars, see Civil War; Crimean War; Falklands War; First World War; Gulf Wars; Hundred Years' War; Napoleonic Wars; Second World War

-, ctss of, see Newburgh
-, earls of, 53, 190; and see Dudley, John; Plessis, John de

Warwickshire, 163; and see Bourneville; Leamington; Snitterfield; Studley Castle

Water Eaton, see Eaton

water supply, see under names of particular places

Watlington, 170–1

-, Agnes, see Edmonds
-, Thos, 124

Waverley abbey (Surr.), 225

-, Agnes, w. of John, 223
-, John (fl. 1376–84), 223
-, John (fl. 1413, another), 223
-, John, s. of above, 223

Weald (in Bampton), 2, 25, 114, 124, 134, 146, 229

Weald, Clay, see Ducklington

weavers, see cloth and blanket industry

-, Miss E.F., 47
-, Edw., 47 n

Webley, see Pritchett & Webley

weirs, 199; and see Harper's

-, Hugh of, bp of Lincoln, 95
-, R. and J., bellfounders, 34

wells, holy, 56–7, 67

Wendlebury, 81

-, John, 123, 127
-, Phil., Vct Wenman and Baron Tuam, 233
-, Ric. (d. 1534), merchant of the staple, 123, 223
-, Ric. (fl. 1558, ?same as below), 154
-, Sir Ric. (d. 1572), 123, 223
-, Ric. (d. 1640), later Vct Wenman of Tuam, 123
-, Thos (fl. 1545, ?same as below), 154, 159
-, Sir Thos (d. 1557), 123
-, Thos (fl. 1567, ?same as below), 224
-, Thos (fl. 1570s), bro. of Sir Ric., 123
-, Sir Thos (d. 1577), 123
-, Ursula, w. of Sir Thos, 123
-, fam., 123, 218, 223

Wesleyan Methodists, see Methodists

Wessex Electrical Co., 103, 181

West, Thos, 190, 198

West Oxfordshire District, 37, 72, 101, 147, 173, 205, 246
-, council, 111

-, Wal. of, 122
-, Wm of, 122, 124, 126–7
-, fam., 122

Westbury (Bucks.), 122

Westhall, see Fulbrook

Weston, Rob., 174

Westwell, M. Rob. of, 52

Westwell, 31, 95, 160, 203

Wetten, Rob., architect, 70

-, Jane, w. of John, 203
-, John (d. 1672), 22, 187, 192, 203
-, John (d. 1723), 22, 182 n, 188, 192, 195–6
-, Wal., 204
-, Mrs, 182 n
-, fam., 182, 187–9, 192, 195, 204

wheelwrights, 5, 29, 93, 136, 161, 198, 236

Whichwood, Baron Churchill of, see Spencer, Fras and Victor

Whitaker, Fred., 227

-, Amy, w. of Ferdinando, 125
-, Ernest, 136, 145
-, Ferdinando, 125, 145
-, Rob., 128
-, Thos, 138
-, Wm, 127 n
-, fam., 127

Whitehorn, fam., 159

Whiting, Mary Ann Howes, 47

Whitton, fam., 90, 98

Wich, St Ric. of, 98

Widford, 1 n, 2, 47, 65, 67

Wight, Isle of, 83

Wilberforce, Sam., bp of Oxford, 33, 96–7, 171, 201

Wilcote, 2; and see Shakenoak

Wilkins, Hen., 195

Wilkinson, Wm, architect, 78, 91, 103, 105, 121, 183

William I, 184

William, Geoff. s. of, see Geoffrey

William son of Alan, 169

William son of Geoffrey (?or of Hethel), 21
-, Cecily, his mother, 21

Williamson, Rob., 187, 195

Willis, Browne, antiquary, 238

-, R.N., 125, 136
-, fam., 125–6

-, Kath., w. of Leon., m. 2— Hyde, 123
-, Leon., 120, 123, 127, 145
-, Martha, m. Hen. Smith, 123, 134
-, Wm, 123

Wiltshire, 18, 163; and see Aldbourne; Edington abbey; Ellingdon; Somerford; Swindon

Wimund (fl. 1086), 82, 88

-, bp of, see Edington, Wm
-, earl of, see Despenser
-, honor of, 184

windmills, see mills

Windrush, riv., 2, 37–8, 40–1, 63–4, 74, 177–8, 198
-, valley, 1–3, 38, 40, 179

Winkworth, Cath., 17

-, Agnes, see Poure
-, Eliz., m. 1 John Terumbere, 2 Humph. Seymour, 81
-, Thos, 81
-, Wm, 81

wireless dealers and engineers, 110, 198

Wisdom, Sim., 59

Witney, 1, 2, 4–5, 111, 137, 179, 194, 198, 215
-, as address, 5, 16, 53, 64, 68, 79, 128, 146, 154, 161, 185, 191, 194, 196–7, 220, 233
-, bdy (Anglo-Saxon), 177
-, chant., 128
-, communications, 9, 39, 74–5, 101, 103, 111, 113–14, 148, 178–9, 207–8
-, grammar sch., 68, 201, 240
-, mkt, 28, 91, 197
-, nonconf., 5, 30, 71, 109, 204, 244
-, park (in Curbridge), 62
-, rector of, 67
-, town hall, 93
-, vic. of, 201
-, and see Crawley; Curbridge; Hailey

Witney poor law union, 17, 47, 79, 101, 121, 147, 164, 183, 216
-, union workho., 17, 164

Witney Primitive Methodist circuit, 71–2, 99, 146, 245

Witney rural district, 37, 72, 101, 111, 147, 150, 173, 205, 246; and see council housing

Witney Urban District Council, 181, 211

Witney Wesleyan Methodist circuit, 109, 146, 203

Wokingham (Berks.), bell foundry, 70, 243

Women's Institute, 106, 107, 119, 182, 215

-, Basil (d. 1645), 215
-, Basil (d. c. 1684), 232
-, Eleanor, see Hughes
-, Esther, 243
-, Thos, 215

woodland, 1, 3, 4, 114, 148
-, assarting, 1, 3; and see under names of particular places
-, hedge-, house-, fire-, and ploughbote, 88, 132, 134
-, hunting in, 187, 194, 196, 204; and see parks
-, management of, 58–9, 90, 194, 196
-, pasture rights in, 58–9, 192, 194, 196
-, woodmen, 62
-, and see parks; Wychwood Forest; and under names of particular places

Woodstock, Jas of, and his w. Joan, 221

Woodstock, 89, 145

wool trade, 4, 27, 89, 135–6, 239
-, wool merchant, 123
-, and see cloth and blanket industry; stock breeding: sheep

Woolley, John, vic. of Clanfield, 143

Worcester, archdeacon of, see Asthall, Rob. of

Worcestershire, 163; and see Cleeve Prior; Droitwich; Upton Wold

workhouses, see under names of particular places

-, John (d. 1858), 220
-, John, s. of above, 220, 234
-, Wm, 220, 234
-, fam., 234

Worsham, see Asthall

Worsham Blanket Co., 64

Worsham reservoir (in Minster Lovell), 181

Worth (Wroth), fam., 81

-, Eliz., see Frewin
-, Nathan, 125

Wroth, see Worth

wrought ironwork, see metal industry

Wychwood Forest, 1, 37–8, 56–7, 59
-, bdy, 38, 72, 194
-, disafforestation and inc., 1, 38–9, 42, 58, 70, 192, 194
-, pasture rights in, 58–9, 192
-, purlieus, 38, 58, 194
-, ranger of, 38, 196
-, Whitsuntide hunt in, 215

Wychwood parish, 2, 3, 4, 42, 66, 71, 192

Wycombe, High (Bucks.), 160

Wymondley (Herts.), Hen. of, 223

Wytham (formerly Berks.), 53


yardlands, size of, 26, 56, 87, 132, 192, 200, 229

-, Apollonia, 129
-, Sir Chas (d. c. 1680), Bt, 129
-, Edw. (d. 1596), 220
-, Sir Edw. (d. 1645), Bt, 129, 152–3
-, Eliz., see Platt
-, Eliz., ?dau. of above, 170
-, Fras (fl. 1559–77), 152, 154, 158, 170
-, Fras (fl. 1590s, another), 159
-, Jas (fl. 1708), 152
-, John (d. 1579), 219–20
-, John (fl. 1586–1606), ?s. of above, 220, 231, 242
-, John (fl. 1595), s. of Fras, 152–4, 159, 170
-, John (fl. 1621–25, another), 153, 156
-, Sir John (d. c. 1658), Bt, 129
-, fam., 5, 140 n, 143, 152–3, 155, 158, 161, 166, 167–8, 170, 237, 243

-, John, 135
-, Ric., 134
-, Rob., 152
-, fam., 118

Yelford, 96

York, duke of, see Henry VIII

Yorke, Ric., vic. of Clanfield, 143

Yorkshire, see Copgrove; Goldsborough


Zouche, Alan la, 184