Index: A-J

A History of the County of Middlesex: Volume 9, Hampstead, Paddington. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1989.

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T F T Baker, Diane K Bolton, Patricia E C Croot, 'Index: A-J', in A History of the County of Middlesex: Volume 9, Hampstead, Paddington, ed. C R Elrington (London, 1989), British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].

T F T Baker, Diane K Bolton, Patricia E C Croot, 'Index: A-J', in A History of the County of Middlesex: Volume 9, Hampstead, Paddington. Edited by C R Elrington (London, 1989), British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,

T F T Baker, Diane K Bolton, Patricia E C Croot. "Index: A-J". A History of the County of Middlesex: Volume 9, Hampstead, Paddington. Ed. C R Elrington (London, 1989), British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.

NOTE. An italic page number denotes a map or coat of arms on that page. A page number preceded by the letters pl. refers to one of the plates between pages 144 and 145.

Buildings and groups of buildings in Hampstead and Paddington parishes are indexed under their own names, without an indication of their location. Most references to roads, squares, alleys, and courtyards are to their first occurrence in the text or to buildings which do not have individual names. Proper names which occur only incidentally have not been indexed.


Abbey (est.),

Abbey Farm est.,

Abbey Rd.,

Abel, Jas.,

Aberdare Gdns.,

Aberdeen Ct.,

Abernethy Ho.,

Abingdon, John, par. priest of Hampstead,

Abinger Mews,

Abourne, Geo.,

Abrahams, A.,

Achilles Rd.,

Acol Ct.,

Acol Mews, Rd.,

Acrow cos.,

Acton, see Bedford Pk.

actors and actresses, and see Ash croft; Booth, Barton; Chester; Cibber; Compton, Fay; Cooper, Dame Gladys; Du Maurier, Sir Gerald; Hemet; Inchbald; Kemble; Langtry; Neagle; Rob son, Dame Flora; Siddons, Sarah and Wm.; Tree; Walbrook; Wilks; Wolfit

Acworth, Miss W. B.,

-, Sarah Flower,
-, Wal., min. of Hampstead, n

Adamson Rd.,

Addington, Sir Wm.,

Addison, Revd. Mr.,

Adelaide, queen of Wm. IV,

Adelaide P.H.,

Adelaide Rd.,

Adey, Chas.,

Adoration of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Montmartre, Sisters of the,
-, Tyburn shrine,

Adpar St.,

Æthelred, King,

Agamemnon Rd.,

Agate, Jas.,

Agincourt Rd.,

Aglionby, Hen. Aglionby,

Aikin, Lucy,

Ailsa, marquess of, see Kennedy

Ainger, Thos., min. of Hampstead,

Ainger Rd.,

Ainsworth (est.),

Aird, Sir John, Bt.,

Airey, Julius Talbot,

Ajax Rd.,

Albany (flats),

Albert Pk.,

Albert St.,

Albion Cottage,

Albion Gate,

Albion Grove,

Albion Grove Ho.,

Albion Rd.,

Albion St.,

-, Rog.,
-, Wm.,
-, fam.,

Aldenham (Herts.), sch.,

Aldenhams est.,

Aldenhams (ho.),

Alder, J. S.,

Aldred St.,

Aldridge, Hen. (later Bliss),

Aldridge Ct.,

Aldsworth Close,

Alexander I, tsar of Russia,

-, A. & G.,
-, Mrs. Ann,
-, Chris.,
-, Isaac,

Alexander St., n,

Alexandra (of Denmark), queen of Edw. VII,

Alexandra Ct.,

Alexandra Ho.,

Alexandra Mansions,

Alexandra Mews,

Alexandra Rd.,

Alfred Rd.,

Alice of Westm.,

All Passion Spent, see Sackville-West

All Souls' Coll., Oxford (as land-owners),

Allaly, Thos.,

-, Eliz., wid. of Thos.,
-, Jane,
-, Thos., s. of Eliz.,

Allason, Thos.,

Allcroft, J. D., and see Magnus-Allcroft

-, Edw.,
-, Lewis,
-, Sir Thos.,
-, and see Bickerdike

-, Rita,
-, Sarah,

Alliance Plating Works,

Allison & Foskett,

Alpine Cottage,

Alulf, s. of, see Constantine

Alvanley, Baron, see Arden

Alvanley Gdns.,

Amalgamated Investment and Property Co.,

Amberley Rd.,

Ambridge, Wm.,

Ambridge Cottages,

Amer, A. R.,

Amiand, Dan., perpetual curate of Paddington,

Amis, Kingsley, and see Howell & Amis

Amner, Ric.,

Amy, Wm.,

-, Alex.,
-, David,
-, Jas.,
-, Wm. Dunlop,

-, Jesse,
-, & Sons,

-, Grace,
-, Harriette,

Andrews Ho.,

Anglo-American Brush Electric Light Corp.,

Anglo-American Oil Co.,

Anglo-Catholicism, see ritualism and High Church practices

Annesley Lodge, pl.

Antrim Rd.,

Arbuthnot, John,


Archery P.H.,

architects, and see Alder; Allason; Atkinson; Audesley & Joseph; Austin, Hubert; Barry; Bayes; Belcher & Joass; Bell, Chas.; Bennett, Hubert and T. P.; Ben son; Bentley, J. F.; Bickerdike; Billing; Biscoe & Stanton; Black burne; Blomfield, Sir Art. and Sir Reg.; Bodley; Boehmer & Gibbs; Boissevain & Osmond; Brawn, Mic.; Breuer; Bristow; Brook; Brooks, Jas.; Brydon; Budden; Bunney; Burton, Deci mus; Butler, J. Dixon; Caroë & Passmore; Champneys; Chap man, J. Wallis; Christian; Clarke, A. and T. Chatfeild; Clutton; Coates; Cockerell, C. R., F. P., and S. P.; Collins, H. H.; Com per; Connell, Ward & Lucas; Cook, Sid.; Cooper, A. W. S., Sir Edwin, and T.; Cowper; Crake, John; Culverhouse, P. G.; Cundy; Davis & Emmanuel; Dawber; Dawkes; Design 5; de Soissons; Dinerman, Davidson & Partners; Dixon, W. A.; Douglas, Campbell; Douglas & Wood; Drake; Ellis; Elsom; Emerson; Emmett; Erith; Farey; Farmer; Farrell; Faulkner; Field, Horace; Fleming, O.; Flitcroft, Hen. (d. 1769); Flock hart; Forsyth, Alan; Foster, Mic.; Fowler, Chas. and Sir John; Francis; Fraser; Freud, E. L.; Fry, Maxwell; Garner; George & Peto; Gibberd; Goalen; Goldfinger; Goldicutt; Gowan; Gray, Alex. (fl. 1968); Green, Leslie W., T. K., and Wm. Curtis; Gropius; Gutch; Habershon; Hall, J.; Hall, Stan.; Hall & Waterhouse; Hare; Har rington; Hawkins, Rohde; Hes keth; Hill, Oliver; Hopkins, Mic.; Hopper; Hornblower; Horne; Horvitch; Housden; Howard, T.; Howell & Amis; Hyde-Harrison; Jackson, Thos. G.; James, C. H.; Johnson, John; Jolly; Jones, Owen; Joseph, Delissa and N. S.; Ken dall; Kitchin; Koulermos; Lasdun; Le Corbusier; Lee, J. T.; Legg; Leicester; Levy; Lutyens; Lennon; Lethbridge; Little, Thos.; Lockyer; Luder; Lyell; McInerney; Mackmurdo; Maclaren; McMorran; Man ning, W. P.; Martin, Leslie; Matcham; Mather; Maufe; May; Mayer Hillman; Measures; Mew; Mewès & Davis; Meyer; Milne, Oswald; Minoprio; Mit chell, Arnold; Moore, Temple; Mumford; Munt; Murray, John; Nash, John; Neale; Nelson, T.; Nevill; Newman & Billing; Nicholson, Sir Chas.; Nickson; Nightingale, J. S.; Norman & Davison; Palgrave & Co.; Pear son, J. L.; Pite & Balfour; Plaw; Plumbe; Pollard, Thomas & Edwards; Porter, F. W. and Horatio; Pugin; Quennell; Rob erts, John; Robson, E. R.; Rot tenberg; St. Aubyn; Sanderson, John; Scarlett; Scott, Adrian, Sir Geo. Gilb., Geo. Gilb., Sir Giles Gilb., and John Oldrid; Searle; Seifert; Sexton; Shaw, John and Ric.; Simpson; Smith, F. Danby and T. Rog.; Snell; Soutar; Spalding; Spalding & Cross; Spence; Sprince; Sten ning; Stephen; Stevenson, J. J.; Stokes, Leonard; Street, G. E. and W. C.; T.F.P. Architects; Tarring; Tayler, A. S. and Ken.; Taylor, Geo.; Tecton; Terry, Quinlan; Teulon; Thomas, J. A.; Toms; Trehearne & Norman; Vaughan, C. Evans; Ventris; Voysey; Vulliamy, Geo. and Lewis; Wade-Farmer; Wad more, Jas.; Walker, Fred.; Ware, Isaac and Sam.; Warwick; Waterhouse; Watts; Webb, Phil.; Weedon, Harry; White, John and W. Hen.; Whitfield & Thomas; Williams-Ellis; Win mill; Wood, Sancton; Worthing ton; Wray; Wren; Wyatt, Jas. (d. 1813), Sir Mat. Digby, and Sir Mat.; Young; Zins

Arctic Fur Store,

Arden, Ric. Pepper, Baron Alvanley,

Ardwick Rd.,

Argyll, duke of, see Campbell, John

Ariel St.,

Arklow Ho.,

Arkwright Arts trust,

Arkwright Rd.,

Arlington, earl of, see Bennet

-, Chris.,
-, Mary,
-, Maud,

Arran, earl of, see Butler, Ric.

Artesian Rd.,

-, Eliz., see Pawlett
-, Ric.,

Arthur Ct.,

Arthur Mews,

Arthur West Ho.,

artists and designers, and see Barnard; Barret, Geo., sr. and jr.; Beaton; Beechey; Bevan; Blake; Bomberg; Boydell; Bone; Brooke, Leslie; Brown, Ford Madox; Burne-Jones; Calvert; Camden Town Group; Carline, Ric.; Clausen; Clint; Cold stream; Collier; Collins, Wm.; Constable; Craig; Cristall; Cruikshank; Danby; de László; De Morgan; Dicksee; Dobson; Doyle, John and Ric.; Du Maurier, Geo.; Egg; Field, Wal.; Fry, Rog.; Frith; Gertler; Gil pin; Ginner; Grant, Duncan; Greenaway; Gunn; Hall, John; Haydon; Hayes; Herbert; Hogarth; Holl, Frank and Wm.; Houghton; Jackson, John; Joy; Kokoschka; Lamb, Hen.; Land seer; Leighton; Linnell; Linton, Sir Jas. and W. J.; Long; Low; Lucas; MARS; Macbath; Mar tin, John; May, Phil.; Mondrian; Morland; Morris; Mulready; Nash, Paul; Nevinson, C. R. W.; Nicholson, Ben; Nollekens, Jos. Fras.; Oram; Orchardson; Pal mer, Sam.; Pettie; Poole; Pyne; Rackham; Reynolds, Sir Josh. and Sam.; Romney; Rossetti, Dante Gabriel; Salisbury, Frank; Sandby; Schiavonetti; Serres; Shields; Sickert; Spencer, Sir Stan.; Stanfield; Stephenson; Stevens; Stokes, Adrian; Swin stead; Tenniel; Topham, Fras. and Frank; Topolski; Unit One; Uwins; Varley, John and Cor nelius; Whistler
-, studios, and see Mall studios; Steele's studios; Wychcombe studios
-, see also stained glass painters

Artizans', Labourers', and General Dwellings Co. (later Artizans' and General Properties Co.),

Ascot Lodge,

Ashby, Geo. Payne,

Ashcroft, Dame Peggy,

Ashmore Rd.,

-, Hen.,
-, Jos., and his wid. Mary,
-, Marg.,
-, Mary, m. John Merry,
-, Ric.,
-, Rob.,

Ashton's hotel,

-, Sir Wm.,
-, Wm. Pritchard,

Ashwell, John,

Ashworth Mansions,

Ashworth Rd.,

-, Adam,
-, Amy Anne, see Cary
-, Lucy Eliz., see Cary
-, Thos.,

Asquith, Herb. Hen.,

Assemblies of God,

assize of bread and of ale,

Astley, Wm.,

Athenaeum (flats),


Atholl Ho.,

-, Phil., perpetual curate of Paddington,
-, R.,

Atlas line (omnibuses),

-, Sir Art.,
-, Eleanor, m. Sir Wm. Roberts,
-, Jane, see St. John
-, Judith, w. of Sir Art., m. 2 Sir John Dormer,
-, Rob.,
-, fam.,

-, Lt.-Col. Thos.,
-, Capt. Thos.,

Aubrey Ho.,

auctioneers and estate agents, and see Owers; Paxon; Potter, Geo., Geo. W., and H. G.; Williams, W. Chas.; Williams, W. & S.

Audesley & Joseph,

Augustus Fred., duke of Sussex,
-, his w. Augusta, see De Ameland

Aust, Frances,

-, Hen. de Bruno,
-, Hubert,

Australia, see emigrants

Austrians, see immigrants

authors, see writers

the Avenue,

Avenue Close,

Avenue Gdns.,

Avenue Mansions,

Avenue Rd.,

Ayckbourn, Emily,

Aylmer, John, bp. of Lond.,

Ayres, John,

B.B.C., studios,

-, Alice, see Barnham
-, Edw.,
-, Fras., Vct. St. Alban,
-, John,
-, John, sr., sculptor,
-, John, jr., sculptor,

-, John,
-, Thos.,

Baesh, Anne, see Waad

Bagrit, Sir Leon,

Baileman, Jacob,

Baillie, Joanna,

Baines, F. E.,

-, Eliz.,
-, Jas.,
-, John,
-, Ric. Pierce,
-, Thos., his Hampstead Heath,
-, Wm.,

Baker Street and Waterloo Rly.,

Bakerloo line,

Balchin, Nigel,

-, Eliz.,
-, Jos.,

Balfour, Geo., and see Pite

Balogh, Thos., Baron Balogh,

Balta, Ric. de, n

Bandon, earl of, see Bernard

Banff Ho.,

Banks, Thos.,


-, Anna Letitia,
-, Rochemont,

Barby Ave.,

-, Alex. de,
-, Gilb. de,
-, Ric. de,
-, Thos. de,
-, fam.,

Bark, John,

Bark Pl.,

-, John,
-, Ric. Pierce,

Barn Field (flats),

Barnard, Fred.,

Barnard, Vct., see Vane, Hen.

Barne, John,

-, John, & Co.,
-, R. C., & Sons,

Barnet, Lond. boro.,

-, Edwin,
-, Dame Henrietta,
-, Canon Sam.,

-, Alice, m. 1 Fras. Bacon, Vct. St. Alban, 2 Sir John Underhill,
-, Benedict,
-, Bridget, m. Sir Wm. Soame,

Barnsdale Mews,

Barnsdale Rd.,

Barnwood Close,

Barrable, John,

Barratt, Thos.,

Barratt Ltd., builders,

-, Geo., sr.,
-, Geo., jr.,

Barreto, Baron,

-, Arabel,
-, Phil., and his w. Eliz.,

Barrie, J. M., and see Barry

Barrie (est.),

Barrie Ho.,

Barry, E. M., and see Barrie

Barton, Adm. Mat.,

Bartram Ho.,

Bartram Pk.,

Bartrams (ho.),

Bartrams (Bertrams) est.,

Bastard, John, par. priest of Hampstead,

-, H. N., dean of York,
-, Thos.,

Bath (Som.),

Bath and Wells, bp. of, see Stillington, Rob.


Bathurst Mews,

Bathurst St.,

-, Ric.,
-, Thos.,

Batterbury & Huxley,

Battersea (Surr.), Shaftesbury Pk. est.,

-, Jas.,
-, Mary, see Stanwix

Baud, Rob. le,

Baugh, Lancelot,

-, Alf. Ridley,
-, Sir Arnold,
-, Clifford,

Bay Tree Cottage,

Bayard's Watering Place, see Bayswater

Bayes, Ken.,

Baynton, Sir Edw.,

Bayswater (formerly Bayard's Watering Place, then Bayswatering), in Paddington, pl.
-, baths,
-, chapel, pl.
-, chs.,
-, dom. bldgs., pl.
-, farm,
-, flats,
-, gravel pit,
-, growth,
-, hotels and boarding hos.,
-, housing and council est.,
-, Jews,
-, King's Fund coll.,
-, lodging hos.,
-, nonconf. (protestant),
-, office blocks,
-, Eastbourne Terr., pl.
-, pest ho.,
-, pop., density,
-, poverty,
-, pub. hos.,
-, retail trade, and see Whiteley
-, roads,
-, Rom. Cathm.,
-, schs.,

Bayswater, Paddington, and Holborn Bridge Rly. Co.,

Bayswater Hill, see Bayswater Rd.

Bayswater rivulet,

Bayswater Rd. (formerly the Uxbridgerd.),
-, Bayswater Hill,
-, Bayswater Terr.,
-, dom. bldgs., pl.
-, Elkins's Row,
-, flats,
-, hotels,
-, Hyde Pk. Gdns.,
-, Hyde Pk. Pl.,
-, Lancaster Gate, pl.
-, lighting,
-, Oranjehaven (Dutch club),
-, St. Agnes Villas,
-, St. George's Row (later Terr.), n,
-, turnpike gates and tollho.,
-, Upper Hyde Pk. Gdns.,
-, Uxbridge Pl.,
-, Wellington Terr.,

Bayswater Terr., see Bayswater Rd.

Bayswatering, see Bayswater

Bazell, Ric.,

Beach, Sarah,

Beachcroft, Sir Ric. Melvill,

the Beacon,

Beadle, Steph.,

Bear P.H.,

Beard, see Norman

Beaton, Sir Cecil,

Beauchamp Lodge,

Beaufort, Marg., ctss. of Richmond,

Beaulieu Ave.,

Beaumanor Mansions,

Beaumont, Tim. Wentworth, Baron Beaumont of Whitley,

Beaumont Gdns.,

Beaumont Walk,

Beck & Pollitzer Contracts,

Becket, -, builder,

-, Maria,
-, Wm., ld. mayor of Lond.,
-, fam.,

-, Eliz., m. - Vavasor, and see Cholmeley
-, Frances, m. Geo. Harvey,
-, Leonard,
-, Rog.,


Bedford Coll., Lond.,

Bedford Lodge,

Bedford Pk., in Chiswick and Acton,

-, Sir Jos.,
-, Sir Thos., Bt.,

Beechey, Sir Wm.,


Beedle, Thos.,

Beerbohm, Sir Max,

Beethoven St.,

Behnes, Wm.,

Belcher & Joass,

Belgrave Gdns.,

Belgrave Rd.,

Belgravia, see Westminster

Belgravia Dairy Co.,

-, Chas.,
-, Edw.,
-, Ern.,
-, Laura, see Thistlethwayte
-, P.,
-, Miss,

Bell farm,

Bell P.H. (Bayswater),

Bell P.H. (Kilburn),

Bell Properties Trust,

Bell Terr.,

Belle Isle (Westmld.),

Belle Vue,

bell-founders, see Taylor, John, & Co.

Bellmoor (flats),

Bellmoor (ho.),

Belsize, in Hampstead,
-, chs., pl.
-, dom. bldgs.,
-, farms and farmhos.,
-, flats,
-, growth,
-, hotels,
-, housing and council est.,
-, ind.,
-, Lawn Rd. community workshops,
-, man., see Belsize est.
-, pub. hos.,
-, retail trade,
-, roads, pl.
-, Shepherd's well,

Belsize Ave.,

Belsize Cottage,

Belsize Ct. (flats),

Belsize Ct. (ho.),

Belsize Cres.,

Belsize est., cts., grounds (Wilderness), man. ho.,

Belsize farm,

Belsize Grove (Haverstock Terr.),

Belsize Ho. (former man. ho.),
-, entertainments,
-, gdns. and orchards,
-, Sion chapel,

Belsize Ho. (19th-cent., later Belsize Ct.),

Belsize Lane (Village Cres.),

Belsize Lodge,

Belsize Pk.,

Belsize Pk. Gdns.,

Belsize Pk. Laundry Co.,

Belsize Pk. Mews,

Belsize Rd.,

Belsize Villas,

Bence, H. R., & Son, and see Gregory

Benham, Wm.,

Benham's Pl.,

Bennet, Hen., earl of Arlington,

-, Geo. Purden,
-, Hubert,
-, T. P. (Sir Thos.), & Son,
-, Wm.,

Benson, Gordon,

-, Jeremy,
-, Sir Sam.,

Bentham Ho.,

-, E. C.,
-, J. F.,

-, Helen,
-, Norman,

Beresford, Marianne,

Beresford-Peirse, Revd. R. W. de la Poer,

Bergman-Osterberg, Mme.,

Berkeley (later Upper Berkeley) Street West,

Berkshire, see Eton Coll.; Windsor

Bernal, J. D.,

Bernard, Jas., earl of Bandon,

Bertie, Geo., earl of Lindsay,

-, Steph.,
-, fam.,

Besant, Sir Wal.,

Best, Geo. Nathan,

Bethell, Ric., Baron Westbury,

Bevan, Rob., n

Bibbesworth, Edm.,

Bickerdike Allen Simovic,

bicycle making,

Biddulph Mansions,

Biddulph Rd.,

Bide, John,

-, Hugh, sr.,
-, Hugh, jr.,

Billing, A., and see Newman

Billingham, Mrs.,

-, Hen.,
-, Mary,
-, fam.,

Binnington, Fras. Thos.,

Binns, S. H.,

Birch, Sam.,

Birchington Rd.,

-, Stan.,
-, Wal.,

Bird in Hand P.H.,

Birdall, John,

Bischoff, Chas.,

Biscoe & Stanton,

Bishop's Bridge Rd.,

Bishop's Walk,

Black Boy and Still P.H.,

Black Death, see plague

Black Lion Lane,

Black Lion P.H. (Bayswater),

Black Lion P.H. (Kilburn),

Black Lion P.H. (West End),

Blackburn Rd.,

Blackburne, E. L.,

Blackwood, Art. Johnstone,

-, Jane,
-, W. J.,
-, Wm.,

Blakett, Ric.,

-, John,
-, Thos.,

Bland, Barnett & Co.,

Blaquiere, John Peter,

Blashford Ho.,

Bleak Hall,

Bleamire, Wm.,

Blessington, see Stewart

Blind Lane,

-, Sir Art.,
-, Baron de,
-, Edw.,
-, Hen., see Aldridge
-, John,

Bliss est.,

-, Sir Art. Wm.,
-, Chas. Jas., bp. of Lond.,
-, Sir Reg.,

Blomfield Ct.,

Blomfield Development Corp.,

Blomfield Rd., pl.

Blomfield St. (later Villas),

Blomfield Terr., see Harrow Rd.

-, Eliz.,
-, Esther,

Blore, Ric., & Co.,

Blount, Cath.,

Blue Ho.,

Blueh, Mat.,

-, Hester, see Hibbert
-, Thos.,

Blunt, Jos.,

-, Art.,
-, Chas.,
-, Sarah,

Boad's Corner,

Board of Education, see Education

Bodley, G. F.,

Boehmer & Gibbs,

Boissevain & Osmond,

Bolton, Thos.,

Bolton Ho.,

Bolton Rd.,

Bomberg, David,

Bonaparte, Prince Louis Lucien,

-, Alex.,
-, John,

Bone, Sir Muirhead,

Bonomi, Jas.,

Boone, Thos.,

-, Barton,
-, Chas.,
-, Nat., Baron Delamer,

Boots the Chemists,

Borthwick, Algernon, Baron Glenesk,

Borthwick-Norton, F. H. P.,

-, Chas.,
-, Sir John,

Boswell, Jas.,

-, Art.,
-, Jas.,

Boucher, Eleanor,

Boundary Mews,

Boundary Rd.,

Bourne & Hollingsworth,

Bourne Terr.,

Bovingdon, Wm., n,


Bowyer, Chas.,


'Boy George' (Geo. O'Dowd),

Boyd, A.,

Boydell, Josiah,

Boyle, Ric., earl of Shannon,

Boynton, Sir Griffith, Bt., and his w.,

-, Reg., earl of Meath,
-, Rog. le,

Bracken, Brendan, Vct. Bracken,

Bracknell Gdns.,

Bracknell Gate (flats),

-, S., & Co.,
-, Wm.,

Bradley's Bldgs., n,

Braemar Ho.,

Bragg, Melvyn,

Brailsford, Hen.,

Brain, Dennis,

Braine, John,

-, John (d. 1818),
-, John (d. 1870),
-, Warwick,

Bramwick, Rob.,

Branch Hill, see Hampstead Heath

Branch Hill est.,

Branch Hill farm,

Branch Hill Lodge,

Brandon Ho.,

Braun, Hen.,

Bravington Rd.,

-, Fanny,
-, Mic.,

Bray, Sir Reg.,

Bray Tower,

Brendel, Alf.,

Brent, Lond. boro.,
-, rent office,

Brent, riv.,

Brent Cross, see Hendon

Brent People's Housing Assoc.,


Breuer, Marcel,

Brewers Alley,

Brewers' Ct.,


Briardale Rd.,

brick and tile making,

Bridge, A. C., dean of Guildford,

Bridge Approach Rd.,

Bridge Ho.,

Bridge Rd.,

Brighouse, Harold,

Brindley St.,

Bristol Gdns.,

Bristow, Fred.,

Britannia building soc.,

Britannia P.H.,

Britannia Terr.,

British and Foreign Bible Soc.,

British and Foreign Schs. Soc. and British schs.,

British Assoc. of Settlement and Social Action Centres,

British Boxing Board of Control,

British Electric Traction Co.,

British Home Stores,

British Land Co.,

British Petroleum Co., see General Petroleum Co.

British Telecommunications,

British Transport Com.,

British Waterways Board,

Broad's Manufacturing Co., formerly Broad & Co. and Broad, Harris & Co.,

Broadbent, Mr. (fl. 1753),

Broadhurst Gdns.,

Bromwich, S.,

Brontë, Charlotte,

Brook, Wm., and see Brooke

Brook Ho.,

Brook St.,

-, Hen., Baron Brooke of Cumnor,
-, Leslie,

-, Revd. H. W.,
-, Jas.,
-, Revd. T. B. H.,
-, Wm.,

Broomsleigh Rd.,

Browell, Edw.,

Brown (Browne):
-, Chas. Armitage,
-, Ford Madox,
-, John (d. 1381),
-, John (fl. c. 1550),
-, Ric. (fl. 1558),
-, Ric. (fl. 1648-81),
-, Ric. (fl. 1756), perpetual curate of Paddington,
-, Thos.,
-, Wm.,
-, fam.,

Browncar, Wm.,

Browne, see Brown

-, Eliz. Barrett,
-, Rob.,

Browning Close,

Brunel, I. K.,

Brunel (est.),

Bryan, Mic.,

Brydon, J. M.,

Bryston Property Group,

Bubbington, Wm.,

Buckhurst, Isaiah,

Buckingham, Jas.,

Buckingham, marquis of, see Grenville, Geo.

Buckingham Mansions,

Buckinghamshire, see Eton Coll.; Hedgerley Wood

-, Ann Seager,
-, Eliz.,
-, Jas.,
-, John,
-, Thos.,

Buckland Cres., pl.

Buckle, Hen.,

Buckmaster, Stanley Owen, Vct. Buckmaster,

-, Sarah,
-, Sarah, her dau., m. Thos. Ripley,

Buckner, see Frewen, Anne

Budd, Miss,

Budden, W. H.,


Buddle, Wm.,

-, Mary, see Regnier
-, - (d. by 1768),

builders and bldg. ind., and see Allison & Foskett; Amer; Ashwell; Batterbury, Ric. and Thos.; Batterbury & Huxley; Becket; Beedle; Bell, P.; Bence; Biers, Hugh, sr. and jr.; Bott, Art.; Brown, Wm.; Buddle; Burford; Bursill; Callard; Capps, Edw., Hen., and Jas.; Carter; Cave, E. H. and E. J.; Clark, Thos.; Clowser; Cook, Chas.; Cossens; Crake, Wm.; Cubitt; Cuming; Davis, A.; Densham; Dixon, Jas.; Duncan, Geo. and John Wallace; Elkins; Estcourt; Garrett; Gelsthorp; Gibb, Jas.; Godson; Gray, -; Gregory & Bence; Hackworth; Haines, -; Hankin; Hart; Hewett; Humbert; Jackson, Hugh; Jay; Kellond; Kelly, Edw. and Herb.; Kerrison, Wm.; King, Chas. and Wm.; Kingdom; Laing; Leammell; Legg; Littlewood; May; Medley; Michael; Mowlem; Muncey; Oldrey; Parnell, Joshua; Pearce; Pickett; Pink; Ponsford, Jas., Lionel, Thos., and Wm.; Potter, Geo.; Price; Pritchard, Geo.; Pugin; Pulling; Rathbone, A. and -; Rayner; Reeder; Reynolds; Roberts Bros.; Roff; Rose; Rudd; Sanders; Sanderson, John; Scantlebury, John, Wm., and Wm. Oliver; Sharp, Chas.; Shepherd, Wm.; Stock, Hen.; Sugden; Suttle; Taft; Tavener; Thomas & Son; Thorpe, Rob.; Tidey; Tomblin; Vigers; Wallas; Ward, Wm.; Wartnaby; Waterson; Wates; White, Hen. (fl. c. 1780); Willett, Wm., sr. and jr.; Wimpey; Wynn; Yeo

Bull and Bush P.H.,

Bunney, Mic.,

Burbidge, Ric.,

Burdett-Coutts, see Coutts

Burford, Jas.,

Burford Ho.,

-, Maj. Ardwick,
-, Hen. Weech,
-, fam.,
-, and see Burgeys

Burgess Hill, Pk.,

Burgess Pk. Mansions,

Burgeys, Thos., and see Burgess

Burgh, Revd. Allatson,

Burgh Ho.,

Burke, Edm.,

Burne-Jones, Sir Edw.,

Burney, Dr. Chas. and Fanny,
-, Evelina,

Burnham (flats),

Burnham Ct.,

Burrard Rd.,

Bursars Rd.,

Bursill, Julia,

Burton, Decimus,

Burton, Montague, & Co.,

Burwood Pl.,

-, Tomlinson,
-, Lt.-Col. Tomlinson,
-, Revd. Wm. Beaumont,

-, Anne, see Waad
-, Col. Thos.,

Bushnell, Geo.,

Bussee, Geo.,

-, Eliz., dchss. of Ormond,
-, J. Dixon,
-, Jas., bp. of Durham,
-, Ric., earl of Arran,
-, Thos.,

Butt, Dame Clara,

Buxton, Sir Thos., and his w. Hannah,

Bycock, fam.,

-, Fanny Lucy, Lady Byron (later Lady Houston),
-, Geo. Gordon, Baron Byron,
-, Anne Isabella, Lady Noel-, wid. of Geo. Gordon, Baron Byron,
-, Wm., Baron Byron,

Byron Cottage,

Byron Villas,

C.P.A.S., see Church Pastoral Aid Soc.

Cadbury Bros., and see Schweppes

Caen Wood Towers,

-, Jas.,
-, Phil.,

Caine, Sir Hall,

Caird St.,

Calder, Wm.,

Callard, Abraham,

Calvert, Edw.,

Cambridge, see King's Coll.

Cambridge Ct.,

Cambridge Sq.,

Cambridge St.,

Cambridge Terr.,

Camden, Lond. boro.,
-, ambulance sta.,
-, arms,
-, arts centre,
-, as housing authy.,
-, schs.,
-, town hall,
-, vehicle maintenance depot,
-, wards,
-, workshops,

Camden History Review,

Camden History Soc.,

Camden Town Group,

Camelford, Baron, see Pitt, Thos.

Camelford Cottage,

-, Archibald Montgomery, perpetual curate of Paddington,
-, E. J.,
-, Geo.,
-, Jas.,
-, John,
-, John, duke of Argyll,

Campbell St.,

Campden, Vct., see Hicks, Baptist; Noel, Baptist and Edw.

Campden Bldgs.,

Canada, govt. of, exhibition com.,

Canadian & English Stores,

canals and canal transport, see Grand Junction canal; Paddington canal; Regent's canal

Cane Wood, see Kenwood

Canewdon (Essex), vicar of,

Canfield Gdns., Pl.,

Canfield Rd.,

Canning, Geo.,

Cannon, Chas.,

Cannon Cottage,

Cannon Hall,

Cannon Hill,

Cannon Lane,

Cannon Lodge,

Cannon Pl.,

Canons Pk., see Edgware

Canterbury, abp. of,
-, and see Sheldon, Gilb.

Canterbury Ho.,

Canterbury Mansions,

Canterbury Terr.,

Canterbury Villas, see Maida Vale (part of Edgware Rd.)

Capo di Monte,

-, Edw.,
-, Hen. Augustus,
-, Jas.,

Carbonell, Wm. Chas.,

-, Edw.,
-, Eliz., w. of Edw.,
-, Janette Anne, m. Benj. Edw. Willoughby,
-, Jas.,
-, and see Carlyle

Carlile est.,

Carlile Ho.,

-, Hilda, m. Sir Stan. Spencer,
-, Ric.,
-, fam.,

Carlisle, dean of, see Ridgeway

Carlton Dene,

Carlton Mansions,

Carlton Mews, Pl., Rd.,

Carlton Vale,

Carlton Villas, see Maida Vale (part of Edgware Rd.)

Carlyle, Thos., and see Carlile

Carmichael-Smyth, Maj. H. and his w.,

-, And.,
-, H. T., vicar of Hampstead,

Carnegie Ho.,

Caroë & Passmore,

Caroline Ho.,

Caroline Ho. (flats),

Caroline Pl.,

Caroline Pl. Mews,

Carpenter, Wm. Boyd, bp. of Ripon,

-, Hen.,
-, Sam.,
-, Wm.,
-, fam.,

Carroll Ho.,

Cart and Horses P. H.,

Carter, Jas.,

Carter, Paterson & Co.,

cartridge making,

-, Chas.,
-, Mr. (fl. 1723),

-, Amy,
-, Amy Anne, m. Adam Askew,
-, Lucy Eliz., m. Thos. Askew,
-, Mary,
-, Rob.,

Casa Maria,

Castellain Mansions,

Castellain Rd.,

Casterbridge (flats),


Castleden, Jas.,

Cate Mead farm,

Cater, Phil.,

Catholic Apostolic Church (Irvingites),

-, E. H. & H. T.,
-, E. J.,

-, Hon. Hen.,
-, Hon. Hen. Fred. Compton,

Cavendish Ho.,

Cavendish Mansions,

Cayford Ho.,

Cecilia Rd.,

Cedar Lawn,

the Cedars,

cement merchants,

Central Council for the Promotion of Public Morality,

Central London Rly.,

Central Pk. hotel,

Centre Heights,

Chadwick, Sir Edwin,

Chalcot Gdns.,

Chalcots, in Hampstead:
-, chs., pl.
-, dom. bldgs.,
-, est., see Eton Coll.; Wyldes
-, farms and farmhos.,
-, flats,
-, growth,
-, halls and institutes,
-, hotels,
-, housing and council est.,
-, Jews,
-, pub. hos.,
-, roads,
-, schs., see the Hall

Chalk Farm, in Hampstead (part),

Chalk Farm P. H.,

Chambers, Sir Paul,

Champneys, Basil,

Chandler, Chas.,

the Chantry,

Chantry Point,

Chapel Side,

-, Dan., and his dau. Ann,
-, J. Wallis,

Charfield Ct.,

Charing Cross, Euston, & Hampstead Rly.,

Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, Sisters of,

Charity Organization Soc. Pensioners, Adelaide Home,

Charles II,

-, Eliz. Rundle,
-, Thos.,

Charlotte Augusta, princess of Wales,

Charlton (Kent),

Chatelaine, John,

Chater, Geo.,

Chavalliaud, Léon-Jos.,

Cheeseman, Rob.,

-, (detached),
-, Kensal New Town, q.v.
-, Queen's Pk., q.v.
-, schs.,

Cheltenham (Gloucs.),

Chelwood Ho.,

Chepstow Lodge hosp.,

Chepstow Rd.,

Chesnut Ho.,

Chestnut Cottage,

Chestnut Lodge,

Chester, Eliza,

Chester Mews,

Chester Pl.,

Chesterfield, earls of, see Stanhope

Chesterford Gdns.,

Chevalier, Alb.,

Chichester, Joscelin of, see Joscelin

Chicken Ho.,

Chicken Ho. P. H.,

Child, Ric. le,

children's hosps.:
-, Hampstead,
-, Paddington,

Childs Hill, in Hampstead (part),
-, Blacketts well,
-, chs.,
-, dom. bldgs., pl.
-, est.,
-, farms and farmhos.,
-, flats,
-, growth,
-, housing and council est.,
-, New West End,
-, roads,

Childs Hill Ho.,

the Chimes,

-, Antonio Martino,
-, J. T.,
-, Capt. Jas.,
-, P. J.,
-, Mrs.,

Chippenham Mews, Rd.,

Chippenham Terr., see Harrow Rd.

-, Denis,
-, Denis, his s.,

Chirme, John,

Chislett Rd.,

Chiswick, see Bedford Pk.

-, Eliz., m. 1 Leonard Beckwith, 2 Chris. Kenn,
-, Frances, m. - Russell,
-, Sir Rog.,

Cholmley Lodge,

Christian, Ewan,

Christian Community,

Christian Scientists,

Christian Social Union,

Christie, Dame Agatha,

Church Army Housing Trust,

Church (formerly Ecclesiastical) Commissioners,

Church Extension Assoc.,

Church Lane,

Church Missionary Assoc.,

Church Mystical Union,

Church Pastoral Aid Soc. (C.P.A.S.),

Church Path farm,

Church Patronage Soc.,

Church Pl. (Hampstead),

Church Pl. (Paddington),

Church Rd. (Balsize),

Church Rd. (Chalcots),

Church Row, pl.

Church St.,

-, Ld. Randolph,
-, Sir Winston,

Cibber, Colley,

Cicely Davies housing assoc.,

Cincello, marquis de,


Cirencester St.,

Civic Trust,

Clare, Osbert de, prior of Westm.,

Claremont Ct.,

Clarendon, earl of, see Villiers

Clarendon Ct.,

Clarendon Ct. hotel,

Clarendon Gdns.,

Clarendon Mews,

Clarendon Rd., Terr.,

Clarendon St. (later Cres.),

Clarissa Harlowe, see Richardson

-, F. J.,
-, Ken., Baron Clark,
-, Ric.,
-, Thos.,
-, Wm. (d. 1630),
-, Wm. (d. 1651),

-, A.,
-, Chas. Cowden,
-, John (fl. 1802),
-, John (d. by 1861),
-, Jos.,
-, Mary Cowden,
-, Ramsay Robinson,
-, T. Chatfeild,
-, Sir Thos.,
-, Thos.,

Clausen, Sir Geo.,

Claygate (Surr.),

Clayton & Bell,

Cleave, Thos.,

Cleaver Ho.,

Cleeve, Sir Wm. of, see William

-, bailiwick,
-, est., see Hampstead, mans. and other est., Temples
-, Knights of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem,
-, schs.,

Cleve Ho.,

Cleve Rd.,

Cleveland Sq.,

-, Hen.,
-, Wm. de,

Clifford, Revd. John,

Clifton Ct.,

Clifton Ho.,

Clifton nurseries,

Clifton Pl., Rd.,

Clifton Villas,

Clint, Alf.,

Clive Ct.,

Clive (formerly Clive Hall) hotel,

Clorane Gdns.,

Cloth Hill,

Clowser, Thos.,

Clutton, Hen.,

Coach and Horses P. H.,

coal merchants,

Coates, Wells,

Cobden, Ric.,

Cobden-Sanderson, Thos.,

Coburg hotel,

Cock P. H.,

Cock and Hoop P. H.,

Cockburn, Thos.,

-, Sir Chas. Rushout, Bt.,
-, Chas. Rob.,
-, Fred. Pepys,
-, John,
-, Sam. Pepys,

Cockram (or Cokerham), Phil.,

cocoa mill,

Cogel, John,

Coggs, John,

Cohen, Dr. David,

Cokerham, see Cockram

Coldstream, Sir Wm.,

Cole, Sir Hen.,

Cole Lane,

Coleman, Wm.,

-, John, Baron Coleridge,
-, Sam. Taylor,

College Cres.,

Collier, John,

-, H. H.,
-, John,
-, Wilkie,
-, Wm.,

Colls, see De Cols

Colonnade hotel,

Colonades (flats),

Coltman, Sir Thos. (Mr. Justice),

Combe Edge,

Combes, John,

-, Eleanor, m. - Gardner,
-, Gideon,
-, Mic., and his wid. Mary,
-, Susanna,

Commonwealth, see immigrants

Commonwealth Holiday Inns,

Communist party and voters,

Compayne Gdns.,

Comper, Sir Ninian,

composers, see musicians

-, Fay,
-, Hen., bp. of Lond.,

Conduit Ho.,

Conduit St.,

Congleton, Baron, see Parnell, Hen.

Congregationalists (Independents),

Connaught, earl of, see William Fred.

Connaught Ho., (another),

Connaught Mansions,

Connaught Mews,

Connaught Pl.,

Connaught Sq.,

Connaught St.,

Connaught Terr., see Edgware Rd.

Connaught village, see Tyburnia

Connell, Ward & Lucas,

Conron, P. R.,

Conservative party and voters,

Consort Ho.,

Consort St.,

-, Isabel,
-, John,

Constable Ho.,

Constantine, s. of Alulf,

Constantine Rd.,


-, Dame Anne,
-, John,

-, Gerald,
-, Tristram,

-, Chas. Claudius,
-, Sid.,

Cooke, Hen.,

-, A. W. S.,
-, Lady Diana,
-, Sir Edwin,
-, Dame Gladys,
-, John Julius, Vct. Norwich,
-, T.,

Coorg (India), rajah of,

Coote, Sir Chas., Bt.,

Cope, Wm.,

Cope's Taverns,

Copydex Ltd.,

Corbusier, see Le Corbusier

Cort, Hen.,

Cory, W. J.,

Cossens, G. W.,

Cotleigh Rd.,

Cotton, Col. Hen., and see Powell-Cotton

-, Jukes,
-, Jukes, his nephew,

Countess of Huntingdon's Connexion,

Court Royal hotel,

Coutts, Angela Burdett

Coward, Sir Noel, his Vortex,

Coward Coll.,

Cowherd, see Herd


Cowper, J. B. K.,

Cox, Sir Thos.,

Crabbe, Geo.,

-, Mary, see Jodrell
-, Sheldon,

Craig, Sir Gordon,

Craik, Mrs., see Mulock

-, John,
-, Wm.,

Cramphorn, Wm.,

-, Chas. Theomartyr, perpetual curate of Paddington,
-, Geo.,

Cranfield, Jos.,

-, Wm., earl of Craven (d. 1697),
-, Wm., earl of Craven (d. 1825),
-, Wm., earl of Craven (d. 1866),
-, Wm., Baron Craven (d. 1739),

Craven est.,

Craven Hill,

Craven Hill Gdns.,

Craven Rd.,

Craven Terr.,

Craxton, fam.,

Cranleigh (Surr.), sch.,

Crediton Hill Rd.,

Crediton Mansions,

Creed, fam.,

Cressy Rd.,

Cresta Ho.,

Creswick, Thos., and his sis.,

Crew, Anne, ctss. of Torrington,

Crewe, John, Baron Crewe, and his w. Frances,

Crewe Cottage,

Crewes, Wm., n

-, Eton and Mdx. cricket ground,

Cricklewood, in Hampstead (part),
-, housing est.,
-, ind.,
-, nonconf. (protestant),
-, roads,
-, schs.,

Cripps, Rob.,

Crispin, Geo.,

Cristall, Joshua,

Crockett's Ct., n

Crokesley, Richard of, see Richard

-, Benj.,
-, Rookes,

Crompton St.,

Cromwell, Oliver,

Croni, A. J.,

Crosbie, Gen. Chas.,

Cross, see Spalding

Crossfield Rd.,

Crown P.H. (Bayswater),

Crown P.H. (Hampstead town),

Croxley Rd.,

Cruikshank, Geo.,

Cubbidge, John,

Cubitt, Thos.,

Cuchow, John, ? par. priest of Hampstead,

Cullum, Wm.,

-, Alf.,
-, Edw.,
-, Fred.,
-, John, n
-, P. G.,
-, fam.,

-, Susannah,
-, Thos.,

Cumberbatch, Charlotte,

Cumberlege, Chas. Nat.,

Cuming, Sam.,

Cundy, Thos.,

Cunningham Ct.,

Curran, Phil.,

Currie, Baron, see Wodehouse

-, Ena,
-, Revd. John,

Curwen, T. T.,

Cuthbert St.,


Daleham Gdns.,

Dalhousie, earl of, see Ramsay

Dallas, Sir Rob.,

Dames Anglaises of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary,

Danby, Thos.,

Dandelion Rd.,

Daniells, H. W.,

Dart St.,

-, Frances Mary,
-, Hen. (d. 1827),
-, Hen. (fl. 1850),
-, John,
-, and see Dinerman

-, Sir Hen. Walford,
-, Isabel, see Sparkes
-, Mary Llewelyn,
-, Rob.,

Davies Tutors,

-, A.,
-, Joe,
-, Mrs., laundress,
-, and see Mewès

Davis & Emmanuel,

Davison, see Norman

Dawber, Sir Guy,

Dawes, Rosa Money,

Dawkes, S. W.,

-, Martin,
-, Susan, w. of Martin,

Day, Alan,

Deaconess Community of St. And.,

De Ameland, Lady Augusta, m. Augustus Fred., duke of Sussex,

de Clifford, Sophia, Baroness de Clifford,

De Cols (or Colls), Eliz.,

De Gaulle, Gen. Chas.,

De La Fountayne:
-, Frances, see Palmer
-, John,

de László, Phil.,

De La Warr, Baron, see West

De Morgan, Wm.,

De Roure (or Rowe), John Peter, and his w. Mary,

De Rowe, see De Roure

de Soissons, Louis,

Dearmer, Revd. P.,

Debat, Dan., asst. curate of Paddington,

-, John,
-, Marg., w. of John,

Defoe, Dan.,

Delamer, Baron, see Booth, Nat.

Delamere Terr., pl.

Delaware Mansions,

Delaware Rd.,

Delius, Fred.,

Dene Mansions,

Denholme Rd.,

Denman, Thos., Baron Denman,

Denning Rd.,

Dennington Pk. Rd.,

Densham, Ric., & Sons,


Desborough Cottage, Ho.,

Desborough Lodge,

Design (firm),

D'Este, Sir Augustus,

Deutsch, Oscar,

Devonshire Ct.,

Devonshire Ho.,

Devonshire Pl., see Edgware Rd., Haverstock Hill

Devonport Mews,

Diaghilev, Tamara Karsavina,

Dibdin Ho.,

Dickens, Chas.,

Dickens & Jones,

Dickenson, Marsh,

Dicksee, Sir Frank,

-, Sir Chas., Bt.,
-, Chas. Wentworth,

-, John, Baron Dimsdale,
-, Thos., n

Dinerman, Davidson & Partners,

-, Chas.,
-, Rob.,

Disney, Lt.-Gen. Sir Moore,

District Rly., see Metropolitan District Rly.

Ditchfield, -, deputy steward of man.,

-, Jas.,
-, Mary, see James
-, Rob.,
-, W. A.,

-, Wm.,
-, John,

Dodd, Ant., min. of Paddington,

-, Thos.,
-, Wm.,

domestic servants,
-, ch. svces. for,
-, Domestic Science Coll.,
-, training sch.,

Dominican Sisters,

Donne, John,

Donningtons est.,

Dorchester Ho.,

-, Sir John,
-, Judith, see Atye

Dorney, Dorney Towers,

Dornfell Rd.,

-, Ld. Alf.,
-, Ld. Archibald,
-, Campbell,

Douglas & Wood,

Douglas Ho.,

Douglas Mansions,

-, Lt. Edw. Thos.,
-, Thos.,

Down Barns, see Northolt

Downes, Col. -

Downfield Close,

Downshire Cres.,

Downshire Hill,

-, John,
-, Ric.,

Dr. Williams's Libr.,

-, Theodore,
-, Dr. Wm.,

Drake, Lindsey,

dramatists, see writers

-, John,
-, Thos., and his w. Eliz.,

Dresden Close,


Drew, John,

Drinkwater, John,

Droop St.,

Drouet, Mr.,

Dryhurst, Sylvia,

Dubourg, Mat.,

Ducie, earl of, see Moreton

Duddeley, Steph. de,

Duddingtons est.,

Dudley, John, earl of Warwick,

Dudley Grove,

Dudley Grove Ho.,

Dudley Ho.,

Dudley St.,

Dudman, John,

Dufferin, ctss. of, see Sheridan, Helen

-, Jas.,
-, John,

Duke of Cumberland's Head P.H.,

Duke of Hamilton (Duke of Hamilton's Head) P.H.,

Duke of Kendal P.H.,

Du Maurier:
-, Daphne,
-, Geo.,
-, Sir Gerald,

Du Maurier Ho.,

Dunbar, Revd. Wm.,

-, Chas.,
-, Geo.,
-, John Wallace,

Dundee Ho.,

Dunlop Rubber Co.,

Dunrobin Ct.,

Dunster, Sam., perpetual curate of Paddington,

Durants, in Enfield,

Durham, bp. of, see Butler, Jos.

Dutch club, see Bayswater: Oranje haven

Dutton, John, Baron Sherborne,

Duval, Lewis,

Duveen, Sir Jos. Joel,

Dynham Rd.,

-, Eleanor,
-, Eliz., see Rawlinson
-, Giles (d. 1759),
-, Giles (d. 1811),
-, Giles Clarke,
-, Marg., wid. of Giles (d. 1811),
-, Wm. Rawlinson,

Earlsfield(s) est., n,


Earp, T.,

East, Alf.,

East & West India Docks & Birmingham Junction Rly.,

East End (Ostend),

East Heath Lodge,

East Heath Rd.,

East Middlesex Militia,

East Pk., see Hampstead Heath

Eastbourne Terr., pl.

Easton, see Hall, Stan.

Ebbsfleet Rd.,

Ebury, see Eye

Ecclesiastical Commissioners, see Church Commissioners

Edbrooke Rd.,

Edgar, King,

Edgeworth, Maria,

Edgware, Canons Pk.,

Edgware Rd. (Watling Street),
-, Connaught Terr.,
-, Devonshire Pl.,
-, flats,
-, gallows, see Tyburn
-, lighting,
-, Maida Hill,
-, Maida Hill East,
-, Maida Pl.,
-, Maida Vale (part of Edgware Rd.), q.v.
-, Marylebone flyover,
-, Philpott Terr.,
-, Prospect Pl.,
-, pub. hos.,
-, turnpike gates,
-, turnpike trust,

Edinburgh, duke of, see William Fred.

Edinburgh Ho.,

Edinburgh Pl.,

Edmonton poor law union, wkho.,

Edmund (Crouchback), earl of Lancaster, and his w. Blanche,

Edna Ho.,

Education, Board or Dept. of,

Edward the Confessor, King,

Edward VII, see Wales, prince of

Edwards, see Pollard

Effingham, earl of, see Howard, Ric.

Egg, Augustus,

Eldon Grove, Rd.,

Eldon Ho.,

-, local,
-, parliamentary,

-, Bros.,
-, Wm.,
-, fam.,

Elgar, Sir Edw.,

Elgin (est.),

Elgin Ave.,

Elgin Mansions,

Elgin Rd., Terr.,

Elizabeth I,

Elizabeth Close,

Elkins, John,

Elkins's Row, see Bayswater Rd.

Ellerdale Close,

Ellerdale Rd.,

Ellis, Edw.,

Ellwood Ct.,

Elm Ho.,

Elm(s) Lane,

Elm Lodge (Hampstead town),

Elm Lodge (Westbourne green),

Elm Row,

Elm Tree Pl.,

the Elms (Chalcots),

the Elms (Kilburn),

the Elms (Spaniard's End),

the Elms (West End),

Elms Ho.,

Elsom, C. H.,

Elsworthy Ct.,

Elsworthy Rd.,

Embassy Ho.,

Emerson, Wm.,

Emmanuel, see Davis

Emmett, J. T.,

emigrants, to Australia,

Empson, Sir Wm.,

Enfield, see Durants

Enfield Ho.,


England's (formerly Upper Chalcot) Lane,

English Bowling Assoc.,

Environment, Dept. of, Housing Corporation,

Eresby Rd.,

Erith, Raymond,

Ernest Harriss Ho.,

-, Geo. (d. 1769),
-, Geo. (d. 1796),
-, Geo. Hen. (d. 1843),
-, Geo. Hen. (fl. 1845),
-, fam.,

Errington Rd.,

-, Hon. Frances,
-, Thos., Baron Erskine,

Erskine Ho.,

Esplanade hotel,

Esplanade Rd.,

Essendine Rd.,

Essex, see Canewdon; Fanton; Romford

estate agents, see auctioneers and estate agents

Estcourt, Ern.,

Esterhazy, Prince,

Ethical Church (formerly West London Ethical Soc.),

Eton, John of,

Eton Ave.,

Eton Coll. (Berks., formerly Bucks.), as patron,
-, est., and see Wyldes

Eton Ct.,

Eton Hall, Rise,

Eton Pk.,

Eton Pl.,

Eton P.H.,

Eton Rd.,

Eton Villas,


-, Benj. Beardmore,
-, Dan.,
-, Joshua,
-, T. A., & Sons,
-, Thos.,

Evans Row,

Evelina, see Burney

Evelyn, John,

-, Mary, see Clark
-, Ralph,

Evergreen Hill,

Ewens, John,

-, bp. of, see Pelham
-, dean of, see Boyd

Express Dairies,

Express Mansions,

Eye (or Ebury), in Westm., man., cts.,

Eyles, B.,

-, Geo. John,
-, Hen. Sam.,
-, Col. Hen. Sam.,
-, Revd. Hen. Sam.,
-, Walpole, and his wid. Sarah,
-, Walpole, s. of Walpole,
-, fam.,

Eyre est., in Marylebone,

Faber, Sir Geof.,

Fairfax Mews, Pl., Rd.,

Fairhazel Gdns.,

Faith Christian Fellowship,

Falkirk Ho.,

Fallodon Ho.,

Falmouth Ho.,

Fanton (Essex),

Farby, Rachel,

Farey, Mic.,

Farjeon, Eleanor,

Farmer, Alb.,

Farrell Grimshaw Partnership,

Faulkner, Amos F.,

Fawley Mansions,

Fawley Rd.,

Fearn, David, & Co.,

Fearon, Hen. B.,

-, Wm.,
-, fam.,

Fellows Rd., (est.),


Fenrother, Rob.,

-, John Thos.,
-, Thos.,

-, Jas.,
-, Phil.,

Fenton Ho.,

-, A. J., & Co.,
-, Wm., Jas.,

Fermoy Rd.,

Fern Lodge,

Ferncroft Ave.,

Fernhead Rd.,

the Ferns,

Ferrers, Earl, see Shirley

Ferrier, Kath.,

-, Horace,
-, Wal.,

Field Ct.,

Fields, Gracie,

Fifth Ave.,

Fiennes, Celia,

Finch, Edw.,

Finchley, metropolitan boro.,

Finchley Rd.,
-, retail trade,

the Firs,

First Ave.,

Fisher, Geo.,


Fitzjohn's Ave.,

FitzOsbert, Wm.,

Flecker, Jas. Elroy,

Fleet, riv., or Holborn,

Fleet laundry,

Fleet Rd.,

Fleetwood, Hen.,

-, Sir Alex.,
-, Ian,
-, John,
-, O.,
-, Peter,
-, Valentine,

Fleming Ct.,

-, J. S.,
-, John (fl. 1694),
-, John (fl. 1711),
-, Mary,
-, Nic.,

-, Hen. (d. 1769),
-, Hen. (d. 1826),

Flitcrofts est.,

Flitcroft's farmho.,

Flockhart, Wm.,

Flood, Jas.,

Flora hotel,

Florence Cayford (est.),

Flower, Eliza,

Foley Ho.,

-, Eliz., m. Sir Thos. Hanmer,
-, Hen.,
-, Thos.,
-, Wm.,


-, Christine,
-, Florrie,
-, Wm.,

Fordwych Ct.,

Fordwych Rd.,

Forester, fam.,

Formosa St.,

Forrest, Revd. Rob. Wm.,

Forster, Mat., n

-, Alan,
-, Jane, wid. of Thos.,
-, Thos.,

Fortune Green, see West End

Fortune Green Rd.,

Foskett, see Allison

-, Jas.,
-, John,
-, Mic.,
-, Rob.,

Fountains Abbey P.H.,

-, Chas.,
-, Chris.,
-, Geof. le,
-, Sir John, Bt.,

-, Chas. Jas.,
-, Wm. Johnson,

Fox P.H.,

Fox and Goose P.H.,

Foxhanger, see Haverstock Hill

Francis, F. & H.,

Francis St.,

Francklin, Wm., and his sis. Martha,

frankpledge, views of,

-, Maj.-Gen. Sir C. Cranford,
-, Ian,

Frederick V, count palatine,

-, Eliz., m. Sir John Morshead,
-, Sir John, Bt. (d. 1755),
-, Sir John, Bt. (d. 1757),
-, Selina, m. Rob. Thistlethwayte,
-, Sir Thos., Bt.,

Freeling, Sir Fras.,

Freelove, Wm.,

Freemasons' Arms P.H.,

-, Revd. J. B.,
-, John, earl of Ypres,

-, immigrants, q.v.
-, schs.,

French Protestant Ch.,

-, Anna,
-, E. L.,
-, Sigmund,

-, Anne, m. - Buckner,
-, Chas.,

Friedenheim hosp.,

Frith, W. P.,

Frobisher, Sir Martin, w. of,

Froggart, fam.,

Frognal, in Hampstead,
-, chs., pl.
-, dom. bldgs., pls.
-, farms and farmhos., Snoxell's,
-, flats,
-, growth,
-, halls and institutes,
-, hotels,
-, housing and council est.,
-, pub. hos.,
-, retail trade,
-, roads,
-, Sailors' Orphan Girls' Home,
-, workho.,

Frognal (rd.),

Frognal Close,

Frognal Ct.,

Frognal End,

Frognal Gdns.,

Frognal Grove,

Frognal Hall, pl.

Frognal Ho.,

Frognal Lane,

Frognal Mansions,

Frognal Pk.,

(Frognal) Priory, (another),

Frognal Way,

-, Chris.,
-, Eliz.,
-, Maxwell,
-, Rog.,

-, sch.,

Fulham Pl.,

Fuller, Chas. Jas.,

-, Edw.,
-, Jane, see Weeks
-, Ric.,
-, - (fl. 1660),

G.L.C., see Greater London Council

G.W.R., see Great Western Rly.

the Gables,

Gabo, Naum,

Gainsborough, earls of, see Noel, Baptist, Edw., and Wriothesley

Gainsborough Gdns.,

Gairdner, Jas.,

Gaitskell, Hugh,

Gale, Sam.,

Galloway, ctss. of, see Stewart

Galsworthy, John,

Gambier, Sam.,
-, his wid.,

Games, Wm. Langhorne,


-, Eleanor, see Combrune
-, Thos.,

Gardnor, Thos.,

Gardnor Ho.,

Gardnor Mansions,

Gardnor Rd.,

Gardnor's Pl.,

Garlinge Rd.,

Garner, Thos.,

-, J. C. M.,
-, Ric.,
-, Wm.,

Garnett Rd.,

Garrett, E.,

Garson Ho.,

Garway Rd.,

Gas Light & Coke Co.,

Gascony Ave.,

Gaselee, Alicia Mary,

-, Dorothy, m. Sir Thos. Jocelyn, n
-, Edw.,
-, Sir Hen., and his w. Kath.,

Gayton Cres.,

Gayton est.,

Gayton Rd.,

-, John,
-, Martin,

Geddes, Alex.,

Gee, Osgood,

Gelsthorp, John,

General (later British) Petroleum Co.,

George III,

George V,

George, Ern., & Peto,

George P.H.,

Gerard, John,

Gerin of St. Giles,

Gerin (the) linendraper,

Germans, see immigrants

Gers, Gilb.,

Gertler, Mark,

-, Alice,
-, Jas.,
-, John (fl. 1459),
-, John (d. c. 1516),
-, Thos. E.,
-, Wm.,

Gibberd, Sir Fred.,

Gibbet Hill, see North End

Gibbon, Dr. Wm.,

-, Grinling,
-, Stella,

-, G. A.,
-, Hen. Huck,
-, John,
-, Ric.,
-, Thos.,
-, Wm.,
-, Messrs.,
-, and see Boehmer

Gibray Ho.

Gibson, Mrs. Milner,

Gilbert of Hendon,

-, Edw.,
-, Sir W. S.,
-, Wm.,

Gilbert Sheldon Ho.,

Gilberts est., n,

-, Jas. Sharp,
-, Peter,

-, John,
-, Thos.,

Gilling Ct.,

Gilling Lodge,

Gilpin, Wm. Sawrey,

Ginner, Chas.,

Ginsberg, Morris,

Girls' Public Day School Trust,

Glastone, R. T.,

Gladys Rd.,

Glasgow Ho.,

Glastonbury St.,

Glenbrook Rd.,

Glendyne, Baron, see Nivison

Glenesk, Baron, see Borthwick

Glenilla Rd.,

Glenloch Ct.,

Glenloch Investment Co.,

Glenloch Rd.,

Glenmore Rd.,

Gloucester, duke of, see William Fred.

Gloucester Cres.,

Gloucester Gdns.,

Gloucester Rd.,

Gloucester Sq.,

Gloucester Terr.,

Gloucestershire, see Cheltenham

Goalen, Gerard,

Godfrey, Wm.,

Godolphin Ho.,

Godson, Geo.,

Godwin (hermit),

Golden Spikes,

Golden Sq.,

Golden Yard,

Golders Green, in Hendon,

Golders Hill, in Hendon,

Goldfinger, Ernö,

Goldhurst Terr.,

Goldicutt, John,

-, Fras. Hastings,
-, fam.,

Goldney Rd.,

Goldsmith's Pl.,


Gondar Gdns.,

Goode, W. J.,

Goodrich (Goodwike), Ric.,

-, Geo.,
-, Thos.,
-, Dr. Thos.,

Gospel Oak, in St. Pancras,
-, ch.,
-, nonconf. (protestant),
-, schs.,

-, Art. Norman,
-, fam.,

Gothic Cottage,

Gotto, Edw.,

Gough, Shane Hugh Maryon, Vct. Gough,

Gouldburn, Edw. Meyrick, dean of Norwich,

Goulding, Thos.,

Gouvernet, marquise de,

Gowan, Jas.,

Granary Ho.,

Grand Junction Arms P.H.,

Grand Junction canal, and see Paddington canal

Grand Junction Canal Co., est.,

Grand Junction Co., est.,

Grand Junction Rd.,

Grand Junction St.,

Grand Junction Waterworks Co., reservoirs,

Grand Union Canal Co.,

the Grange (Frognal),

the Grange (Kilburn),

Grange Gdns.,

-, Revd. Chas.,
-, Duncan,

Grantully Rd.,

Graves, Wm.,

-, Alex. (fl. 1889),
-, Alex. (fl. 1968),
-, -, builder,

Great Western (later Great Western Royal) hotel,

Great Western Rly. (G.W.R.):
-, Co.,
-, line,
-, parcels depot,
-, stas.:
-, Paddington main line terminus, pl. stables, workforce,
-, suburban (Bishop's Rd.),
-, Royal Oak,
-, Westbourne Pk.,

Great Western Rd.,

Greater London Council (G.L.C.),
-, as housing authy.,
-, dept. of mechanical engineering,
-, pks. and open spaces,

Greek Orthodox Ch.,
-, cathedral, pl.

-, Leslie W.,
-, T. K.,
-, Thos., n
-, Wal., n
-, Wm., min. of Hampstead, n
-, Wm. Curtis,

Green Hill,

Green Lane,

Green Man Lane,

Green Man P.H.,

Green St.,

Greenaway, Kate,

Greenaway Gdns.,

Greencroft Gdns.,

Greenhill, fam.,

Greenhill est.,

Greenhill (flats), pl.

Greenhill (ho.),

Greenhill Rd.,

Greenwood, Ant., Baron Greenwood of Rossendale,

Greenwood, bros.,

Gregory, Barnard,

Gregory & Bence,

Greig, fam.,

Grendon, And. de, and his w. Sibyl,

Grenfell, J. S. Granville,

-, Geo. Nugent-Temple-, marquess of Buckingham,
-, Wm. Wyndham, Baron Grenville,

-, Hon. Chas.,
-, Sir Fulk,

Greville Estates,

Greville Ho.,

Greville Mews,

Greville Pl.,

Greville Rd.,

Grew's hotel,

Griffen, Wm.,

Grigson, Geof.,

Grittleton Hall (Wilts.),

Gropius, Wal.,

Grosvenor, Hugh Lupus, duke of Westm.,

Grosvenor Ct. hotel,

Grosvenor Mansions,

-, Ant.,
-, Thos.,

the Grove,

Grove Cottage,

Grove Ho. (Belsize),

Grove Ho. (Hampstead town),

Grove Lodge,

Grove Pl.,

Guildford, dean of, see Bridge

-, Edw. C., earl of Iveagh,
-, Wal. Edw., Baron Moyne,

Gulbenkian, Calouste Sarkis,


Gunn, Jas.,

Gurdon, F., bp. of Hull,

Gurney, Emilia Russell,

Gutch, Geo.,

Guyana, high commission of,

Guyon, Steph.,

Guyon Ho.,


H.J.R., see Hampstead Junction Rly.

Haberdashers' Aske's Sch.,

Habershon, W. G.,

Hackney Coll.,

Hackworth, Alf.,

Haggerston, Sir Carnaby, Bt.,

-, Alf.,
-, Geo.,
-, -, builder,

Haley, John, and see Hawley

-, Benj. Edw.,
-, Sir Chas.,
-, J., architect,
-, Jas.,
-, John,
-, Mat., & Co.,
-, Mrs.,

Hall, Stan., Easton & Robertson,

Hall & Waterhouse,

Hall Oak farm,

Hall Pl. (formerly Pk.),

the Hall sch.,

Hallfield (est.),

-, Alex.,
-, Lady, see Hart, Emma

Hamilton & Clarke,

Hamilton Ct.,

-, schs.,

Hammersmith and City Rly.,

Hammond, J. L., and his w. Barbara, and see Wilson

Hamon, s. of Roger,

Hampshire, see Southwick Pk.

Hampshire Ho.,

-, adv.,
-, agric.,
-, bailiwick,
-, baths,
-, boro., see Hampstead, metropolitan boro.
-, boundaries,
-, bridges,
-, burial bd.,
-, cage,
-, cemeteries,
-, Chalcots, q.v.
-, Chalk Farm, q.v.
-, chars.,
-, Wells char.,
-, charters,
-, Childs Hill, q.v.
-, chs., pls.
-, coach svces.,
-, common pasture,
-, communications,
-, conservation areas,
-, Cricklewood, q.v.
-, dispensaries,
-, drainage,
-, electricity,
-, power sta.,
-, fairs,
-, fire,
-, friendly socs.,
-, Frognal, q.v.
-, gas,
-, gentrification,
-, geol.,
-, Hampstead Heath, q.v.
-, Hampstead town, q.v.
-, hosps.,
-, inclosure,
-, ind.,
-, Jews,
-, lecturer,
-, librs.,
-, Littleworth, q.v.
-, magistrates' ct.,
-, man. and other est.,
-, Hampstead man., cts., customs, demesne, grange and hall, man. ho.,
-, metropolitan boro.,
-, as housing authy.,
-, arms,
-, wards,
-, mills,
-, windmills,
-, missions, and see London Diocesan Home
-, mkt. gdns. and nurseries,
-, mortuary,
-, nonconf. (protestant),
-, North End, q.v.
-, omnibus svces.,
-, par. officers,
-, par. wards,
-, pks. and open spaces, and see Hampstead Heath
-, police,
-, poorhos.,
-, poor relief,
-, pop.,
-, pound,
-, Primrose Hill, q.v.
-, rlys. and Underground rlys.,
-, stas.,
-, pub. hos.,
-, Ratepayers' Assoc.,
-, retail trade,
-, chamber of commerce,
-, tradesmen's assoc.,
-, roads,
-, Rom. Cathm.,
-, convents,
-, Sandgate, see North End
-, St. John's Wood, q.v.
-, schs., and see Haberdashers' Aske's; University College sch.
-, sewerage,
-, soc. life,
-, Spaniard's End, q.v.
-, stocks,
-, Swiss Cottage, q.v.
-, tithes,
-, town hall,
-, tram svces.,
-, vestry offices,
-, vicarage ho.,
-, vicars, par. priests, and ministers, as patrons, and
-, see Ainger; Nalton
-, watchhos.,
-, water,
-, West Hampstead, see Hampstead,
-, West
-, wkhos.,
-, woodland, St.
-, John's Wood, Whitebirch
-, wood, and see
-, Kilburn: Kilburn wood

Hampstead, West,
-, chs.,
-, Jews,
-, nonconf. (protestant),
-, schs.,
-, tradesmen's assoc.,
-, trading centre,

Hampstead and Highgate Express,

Hampstead Annual,

Hampstead Antiquarian and Historical Soc.,

Hampstead Artists' council,

Hampstead Brewery,

Hampstead brook,

Hampstead Conservatoire,

Hampstead Ethical Institute,

Hampstead Football News,

Hampstead Garden Suburb, in Hendon and Finchley,

Hampstead Gen. hosp.,

Hampstead Grove,

Hampstead Hall,

Hampstead Heath,
-, acreage,
-, Branch Hill,
-, cinema shows,
-, digging,
-, drainage,
-, ponds,
-, East Heath,
-, East Pk.,
-, brickfields,
-, geol.,
-, gibbet,
-, Hampstead Heath Protection Fund,
-, inclosures,
-, Lower Heath,
-, military events,
-, North Heath,
-, origins and development,
-, parliamentary disputes,
-, popular resort, pl.
-, prehistoric settlement,
-, roads and tracks,
-, romantic appeal,
-, Sandy Heath,
-, Upper Heath,
-, vegetation, and see Hampstead: woodland, Whitebirch
-, wood
-, West Heath,
-, and see Golders Hill; Hampstead
-, Heath Extension; Kenwood;
-, Parliament Hill; Parliament
-, Hill Fields

Hampstead Heath, see Baker, Thos.

Hampstead Heath Extension, in Hendon,

Hampstead Heath Extension cttee.,

Hampstead Heath hotel,

Hampstead Heath Protection soc.,

Hampstead Hill Gdns.,

Hampstead Hill Mansions,

Hampstead Historical Soc.,

Hampstead Junction Rly. (H.J.R.)

Hampstead Mansions,

Hampstead Middle Class Defence League,

Hampstead Model Steam Laundry,

Hampstead Municipal Electors' Assoc.,

Hampstead Music Trust,

Hampstead Pharmacy,

Hampstead Plating Works,

Hampstead Sq.,

Hampstead Towers hotel,

Hampstead town,
-, assembly rooms,
-, chs., pls.
-, churchyard,
-, dispensary,
-, dom. bldgs., pl.
-, Everyman cinema, theatre,
-, farm,
-, flats,
-, growth,
-, halls and institutes,
-, Constitutional club,
-, Moreland hall,
-, hotels,
-, ind.,
-, nonconf. (protestant),
-, ponds,
-, pop. (hos.),
-, poverty,
-, pub. hos.,
-, retail trade,
-, roads and courts, pls.
-, Rom. Cathm.,
-, Royal Sailors' Daughters' Home,
-, Monro Ho.,
-, Royal Soldiers' Daughters' Home,
-, schs.,
-, Heath Mount, pl.
-, South End Green,
-, well (town),
-, wells (spa),
-, ballroom,
-, chapel,
-, entertainments,
-, Great Room,
-, Long Room,
-, pl.
-, trustees,
-, Wells Ho.,
-, and see Hampstead: chars.:
-, Wells char.

Hampstead Volunteers,
-, drill hall,

Hampstead Water Co.,

Hampstead Women's Local Govt. Assoc.,

-, Ant.,
-, Wal.,

Hancock Nunn Ho.,

Hankin, Chas.,

Hankins, Thos.,

-, Eliz., see Folkes
-, Sir Thos., Bt.,

Hanningham, Ric.,

Hanwell, lunatic asylum,

-, Sir Hen.,
-, Phil.,

Harben (est.),

Harben Rd.,

-, Chas. Maddocks,
-, Eliz., see Regnier

Hardie, Thos. Kincaid, and see Hardy

Hardman, Revd. O.,

Hardy, Thos., and see Hardey; Hardie

Hardy Ho.,

Hare, C. G.,

Hare and Hounds P.H.,

Haringey, Lond. boro.,

Harley, Rob., earl of Oxford,

Harley Rd.,

-, Alf.,
-, Alf., Vct. Northcliffe,
-, Cecil, Baron Harmsworth,
-, Sir Geof., Bt.,
-, Harold, Vct. Rothermere,
-, fam.,

Harper, Mr. (fl. 1802),


Harrington, D. E.,

-, Capt. Edw.,
-, Edw.,
-, John,
-, Thos.,

-, John,
-, Wm.,

Harrison Homes,

Harrods Ltd.,

Harrow, Lond. boro.,

Harrow Rd.,
-, Blomfield Terr.,
-, Chippenham Terr.,
-, pub. hos.,
-, turnpike gates,

Harrow Road and Paddington Tramways Co.,

Harrow sch.,

-, Emma (later Lady Hamilton),
-, Geo. (fl. 1816),
-, Geo. (fl. 1900),
-, Sir John, ld. mayor of Lond.,

Harvard Ct.,

-, Edw.,
-, Frances, see Beckwith
-, Geo.,
-, Jas.,

Harvist, Edw.,

Hatch, Sam.,

Hatch's Bottom, see Vale of Health

Hatherley Ct.,

Hatherley Rd.,
-, Haunch of Venison P.H.,

Havelock Hall training coll.,

Haverstock Hill,
-, Devonshire Pl.,
-, Foxhanger,
-, St. John's Pk. Villas,
-, turnpike gate,
-, Windsor Terr.,

Haverstock Lodge,

Haverstock Terr., see Belsize Grove

Hawk P.H.,


-, John Tanner,
-, Rohde,

Hawley (or Haley), Thos.,

Hawthorne Ho.,

Haydon, Benj. Rob.,

Hayes, Edwin,

Hayter, Thos., perpetual curate of Paddington,

Headfort, mchnss. of, see Taylour

Health, Min. of,

Health and Social Security, Dept. of,

the Heath (ho.),

Heath and Old Hampstead Protection soc.,

Heath Brow,

Heath Cottage,

Heath End Ho.,

Heath Ho. (Hampstead town),

Heath Ho. (Littleworth),

Heath Lodge,
-, Hill Gdns.,

Heath Mansions,

Heath St.,
-, 19th-cent. rebldg.,

Heath View,

Heath Villas,

Heathfield Ho.,

Heathlands, pl.


-, Reg.,
-, Reg., his s.,

Hedgerley Wood (Bucks.), sch.,

Hedham, see Luke

Helling, Edw.,

Helmsdale Ho.,

Hemet, Jane, alias Mrs. Lessingham,

Hemstel Rd.,

-, And.,
-, Jas. Stewart,

Henderson Ct.,

Hendon, Gilb. of, see Gilbert

-, Brent Cross shopping centre,
-, cemetery,
-, ch.,
-, Golders Green, q.v.
-, Golders Hill, q.v.
-, Hampstead Garden Suburb, q.v.
-, Hampstead Heath Extension, q.v.
-, mans., and see Hodford and Cowhouse; Wildwood; Wyldes
-, nonconf. (protestant),
-, schs.,

Henry I,

Henry VI,

Henry VIII,

Henry, Rob., ? par. priest of Hampstead,

Hepworth, Dame Barbara,

Herbert, abbot of Westm.,

-, Sir Hen.,
-, John Rogers,

Herd (or Cowherd), fam.,

Hereford Lodge hosp.,

Hereford Rd.,

Herford, Dr. Brooke,

Hermes Point,

Hermitage St.,

-, Basil (d. 1729),
-, Basil (d. 1774),
-, Jos., n

Hero of Maida P.H.,

Herries St.,

Herriott, Chas.,

Hertford hotel,

Hertfordshire, see Aldenham

-, Thos.,
-, Capt. Thos.,
-, Wm.,

Herzen, Alex.,

Hesketh, Rob.,

Hetherington, Ann,

Hethpool St.,

Hewett, Edw. Jas.,

Heynes, Phil., min. of Hampstead, n

Heysham Terr.,

Heyward, Hen.,

-, Hester, m. Thos. Blunden,
-, (or Hubbard), John,
-, (or Hubbert), Wm., and his w. Hester,

-, Baptist, Vct. Campden,
-, Eliz., Vctss. Campden,
-, Juliana, m. Edw. Noel, Vct. Campden,

Hide, Ralph,

Higginson Ho.,

High Close,

High St., pl.
-, 19th-cent. rebldg.,

Highbury Coll.,

Highgate, in St. Pancras (part), n

Hilgrove (est.),

Hilgrove Rd.,

-, G. H.,
-, H.,
-, Jane, see Snoxell
-, Jas.,
-, John,
-, Mat. Davenport,
-, Octavia,
-, Oliver,
-, Sir Rowland,
-, Rowland, Baron (later Vct.) Hill,
-, Wm.,

the Hill (ho.),

Hill Ho. (Frognal),

Hill Ho. (Littleworth),

Hill View,

Hillcrest Ct.,


Hillfield Ct., Mansions,

Hillfield Estates,

Hillfield est.,

Hillfield Rd.,

-, Edw.,
-, Rob.,

Hillsborough Ct.,

Hillside Ct.,

Hitchcock, Wm.,

Hitchman's Bldgs.,

Hoar, Wm.,

-, E. Brodie,
-, Fras.,
-, Hannah, m. Thos. Pryor,
-, Hannah, w. of Sam. (d. 1825),
-, John Gurney,
-, Jos.,
-, Juliana,
-, Sir Sam., Bt.,
-, Sam. (d. 1825),
-, his fa.,
-, Sam. (d. 1847),
-, Sarah,
-, Misses (fl. 1911),
-, fam.,

Hoare's bank,

Hobhouse, E. G.,


Hodford and Cowhouse est., in Hendon,

Hodges est.,

Hodgeson, see Hodgson

Hodgkinson, Enoch,

Hodgson (Hodgeson):
-, John,
-, Wm., min. of Hampstead, n

Hodilow, Ric.,

Hogan Mews,

Hogarth, Wm.,

-, Geo.,
-, Jas.,
-, Thos.,
-, Thos., jr.,
-, Thos. Jefferson,

Hogman's farm,

-, com. of sewers,
-, metropolitan boro.,

Holborn, riv., see Fleet

-, Chas.,
-, Josiah,
-, Mary Anne, see Toller
-, Sarah,
-, fam.,

Holford Ho.,

Holford Rd.,

Holgate, John,

Holiday, Hen.,

Holiday Inn,

-, Frank,
-, Wm.,

Holly Bush Hill, pl.

Holly Bush hotel,

Holly Bush P.H.,

Holly Bush Vale,

Holly Corporation,

Holly Cottage,

Holly Hedge Cottage,

Holly Hill,

Holly Hill Ho.,

Holly Pl.,

Hollybush Hill (ho.),


Hollycroft Ave.,

Holmdale Mansions,

Holmdale Rd.,

Holmfield Ct.,

Holt, Fras.,

Holtham Rd.,

Holyland, John,

Holyland farm,

Home Counties Newspapers,

Home Treatment of Disease by Diet,

Homerton Coll.,

Honeybourne Rd.,

Honeycombe, G., his Red Watch,

-, Anne, see Pitchford
-, Benoni,
-, Edw.,
-, Fraser,
-, Isaac (d. 1721),
-, Isaac (d. 1740),
-, Sir John, Bt.,
-, Sir John Courtenay, Bt.,
-, Ralph,
-, Rebecca, see Pitchford
-, - (fl. 1762),
-, fam.,

Honywood est.,

Hoop and Bunch of Grapes P.H.,

Hooper, Wm.,

Hope, Sisters of,

Hope P.H.,

Hope Cottage,

-, Fras.,
-, Thos.,

-, Gerard Manley,
-, Manley,
-, Mic.,

Hopper, Thos.,

Hormead Rd.,

Hornblower, Geo.,

Horne, H. P.,

Horrex, Edm.,

horse races,

Horseley, Wm.,

Horton, Rob. F.,

Horton Ices,

Horvitch, Levy Benj.,

Horwell, Arnold R.,

Hospitality Inn,

Hospitallers' est., see Temples

Houghton, Art. Boyd,

-, Edw.,
-, Ric.,

Housden, Brian,

Housley, Sam. John,

Houston, Lady, see Byron, Fanny

-, Eliz. Jane,
-, (formerly Upton), Fulk Greville,
-, Ric., earl of Effingham,
-, T.,

Howell, Jas.,

Howell & Amis,

Howell St.,

Howitt, Wm.,

Howitt Ct.,

Howitt Rd.,

Howley Pl.,

Hoxton, see Shoreditch

Hubbard, see Hibbert

Hubbert, see Hibbert

-, Emily, see Wingrove
-, W. H.,

Hügel, Friedrich von,

-, Ric.,
-, Thos.,

Huguenot Home for French Gover nesses,

Hulbert, John S.,

Hull, bp. of, see Gurdon

Humbert, Fras.,

-, Eliza Anne,
-, Jos.,

Humez, Wal. de, abbot of Westm.,

-, Chas., and his wid. Sarah,
-, Sir John,

-, Jas. Hen. Leigh,
-, Wal.,
-, Wm.,

Hunt Cottage,

Hunter, Marg.,

Hunter's Lodge,


Huntingdon, see Countess of Huntingdon's Connexion

Husband, Mat. Thos.,

-, Nat.,
-, Peter,
-, Sarah,
-, Thos.,
-, Thos., bp. of Waterford,

Hutchinson Ho.,

Hutton, Barbara,

-, Aldous,
-, Leonard,
-, and see Battersbury

Hyde man., in Westm.,

Hyde Pk., in Westm.,

Hyde Pk. Cres.,

Hyde Pk. est. (Church Com.),

Hyde Pk. Gdns., see Bayswater Rd.

Hyde Pk. Mews,

Hyde Pk. Pl., see Bayswater Rd.

Hyde Pk. Sq.,

Hyde Pk. St.,

Hyde Pk. Towers,

Hyde-Harrison, David,

Hyndman, Hen.,

I.C.E. Group,

I.L.E.A., see Inner London Education Authority

ice cream making,

ice merchant,

Ilbert St.,

Ilchester, Ric., bp. of Winchester,

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Missionary Sisters of,

-, Austrian,
-, Commonwealth,
-, French,
-, German,
-, Indian,
-, Irish,
-, Jewish,
-, Pakistani,
-, Polish,
-, Russian,
-, United States,
-, West Indian,

Imperial Gas Light & Coke Co.,

Inchbald, Eliz.,

Independents, see Congregationalists

India, high commission of,
-, and see Coorg; Oudh

Indians, see immigrants

industry, see bicycle making; brewing; brick and tile making; builders; cartridge making; cement merchants; coal mer chants; cocoa mill; conveyance; dressmaking; engineering; gun making; ice cream making; ice merchant; laboratory supplying; laundering; metal working; motor car dealers and repairers; oil depots; paper; parquet floor making; perforating machine making; piano making; pill mak ing; printing; rubbish and manure collecting; slaughtering; stained glass artists; timber merchants; wood working; zip fastener making

Ingham Rd.,

Inglewood Rd.,

-, Benj. Hanson,
-, Jas.,

Ingram, Perkins & Co.,

Inner London Education Authority (I.L.E.A.),

Innos, John,

Institute of Occult Social Science Religion,

International Catholic Soc. for Girls,

Inver Ct.,

Inverforth, Baron, see Weir

Inverforth Ho.,

Invergarry Ho.,

Inverness Ct. hotel,

Inverness Terr.,

Ireton, Eliz.,

Irish, see immigrants

Irongate Wharf Rd.,

-, Edw.,
-, Washington,

Irvingites, see Catholic Apostolic Church

Islington turnpike trustees,

Isokon flats,

Iveagh, earl of, see Guinness, Edw.

Iverson Rd.,

Ivy Bank,

Ivy Cottage,

Jack Straw's Castle P.H., pl.

Jacksfield est.,

-, Dorothy, see Little
-, Fras.,
-, Geo.,
-, Hugh,
-, Sir John,
-, John, bp. of Lond.,
-, John, artist,
-, John Mills,
-, Thos. Graham,
-, bros. (fl. 1857),
-, fam.,

Jacobs, Dr. Louis,

James I,

James II,

-, C. H.,
-, Hen.,
-, John (fl. 1521),
-, John (fl. 1951),
-, Revd. John,
-, Mary, m. Rob. Dixon,
-, Rob. (d. 1618),
-, Rob., his s.,
-, Rob. (? another), n
-, Susan, m. - Nutting,

Jay, Hen.,

Jealous, Geo. Sam.,

Jehovah's Witnesses,

-, Geo. Thos.,
-, Revd. Rob. Chas.,
-, W. H.,
-, Wm. Kinnaird,

Jenkinson, Edw.,

Jerome, Jerome K.,

Jesus, Society of,

Jewish Domestic Training Home,

-, schs.,
-, Spanish and Portuguese,
-, and see immigrants

Joad, C. E. M.,

Joan of Arc,

Joass, see Belcher

Jocelyn, see Joscelin; Josselyn

-, Judith, see Sheldon
-, Paul,

John, King,

John, par. priest of Hampstead,

John, s. of Gerin of St. Giles,

John, Sir Wm. Goscombe,

John Aird Ct.,

John St.,

-, A. P.,
-, Hilda M.,
-, John,
-, Lancelot,
-, Dr. Sam.,
-, Susan, w. of Wm.,
-, Thos. (d. by 1626),
-, Thos. (d. 1644),
-, Wm.,

Johnson Ho.,

Johnson's Yard, n

Jolly, J. E.,

Jolly Gardeners P. H.,

-, Alb.,
-, Owen,

Jones Bros.,

Jonson, Ben,

Joscelin of Chichester, and his w. Aubrey,

-, Delissa,
-, Sir Maxwell,
-, N. S.,
-, and see Audesley

Josselyn (Jocelyn):
-, Dorothy, see Gate
-, Edw.,
-, Hen.,
-, Mary, see Lamb
-, Sir Thos.,

Joy, Geo. Wm.,

Joyce, Jeremiah,

Jubilee line,

Judges Bench Ho.,

Judges' Walk,

Jurden, Wm.,