
A History of the County of Middlesex: Volume 8, Islington and Stoke Newington Parishes. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1985.

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A P Baggs, Diane K Bolton, Patricia E C Croot, 'Index', in A History of the County of Middlesex: Volume 8, Islington and Stoke Newington Parishes, ed. T F T Baker, C R Elrington (London, 1985), British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].

A P Baggs, Diane K Bolton, Patricia E C Croot, 'Index', in A History of the County of Middlesex: Volume 8, Islington and Stoke Newington Parishes. Edited by T F T Baker, C R Elrington (London, 1985), British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,

A P Baggs, Diane K Bolton, Patricia E C Croot. "Index". A History of the County of Middlesex: Volume 8, Islington and Stoke Newington Parishes. Ed. T F T Baker, C R Elrington (London, 1985), British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.

Abbatt, Ric.

-, Eliz.
-, Mary, see Gunston Sir Thos., Id. mayor of Lond.
-, fam.

Abney Park Cemetery Co.
-, see Stoke Newington, cemeteries

Acburn, Mrs. Susan

Actel Housing Assoc.


Acton & Borman

-, A.
-, H. Percy,
-, John,

Adams's tilekilns

Advance Players Assoc.

Agate & Co.

-, Anna Letitia
-, m. Rochemont Barbauld
-, John
-, Lucy
-, fam.

Aislabie, Rawson

Albert Town, see Stoke Newington

Albany mission

Alcock, Geo.

Alderson, Wm.

Aldersgate, see London

-, Clive
-, Dan. Asher,
-, Geo. Wm.

Alexandra Theatre Stock Co.

Algar (landholder before 1066)

Algar, s. of Derman, prebendary of Islington

Alice, dau. of Thos. of Barrow

All Hallows, vicar, see Cave

-, Charlotte
-, see Hanbury Grizell, see Hoare Mary Georgiana
-, Mat.
-, Thos.
-, W., architect
-, Wm.

Allom, Thos.

Allon, Hen.

Alvarez, Isaac

Ambler, Elisha

Anderson, J. P.

-, Adam
-, C. F., & Son
-, Chas. Fred.
-, Chas. Weston
-, Wm. Fred.

Andrade, Solomon Haim

Angel Pavement

-, Sam.
-, Thos. John

Ankins, John

Anne of Cleves

Ansell, Hen.

Anthony, Edw.

Apleforth, Wm. or John

Apostolic Faith Church

-, Sir Allen (d. 1630)
-, Sir Allen (d. 1683)


architects, see Adams, H.P.; Alderson; Alexander, Clive and Dan. Asher; Allen, W.; Allom; Barlow, W. H.; Barnett, John, & Birch; Barry, Sir Chas. and Chas. jr.; Bate; Bell, Chas.; Bennett, Hubert; Billing; Blackburne; Blomfield, Sir A.W.; Bonella & Paull; Boreham; Brooks, J. Martin and Jas.; Bunning; Burges; Butterfield; Cachemaille- Day; Carpenter, R.C.; Christian; Clare; Clarke, T. C.; Clifton; Cooksey; Craze; Cubitt, Jas.; Cutts, J. E. K. and J. P.; Dar- bishire; Darbourne & Darke; Da- vies, John; Dollman; Dowbiggin; Eedle & Meyers; Farber & Bar- tholomew; Farrow; Finch, Hill & Paraire; Ford, T. F.; Goalen; Gough, A. D. and H. R.; Green, T. K.; Grellier; Griffith; Hab- ershon & Brock; Habershon, E. and W. G.; Hall, Hen.; Ham- bridge; Hammond, F.; Hare; Har- ris; Harvey, John; Hill, R. W.; Hoole; Hosking; Howes, Jackman and Partners; Hué; Inwood, H. W.; Jarvis; Johnson, J.; Lamb; Laming; Law, Chas.; Lee, Chas.; Luck; Manning; Martin, Sir Les- lie; Matcham; McLansborough; Messon; Monson; Newman, F. B. and John; Pearson, L. G.; Peck; Pipe; Pite; Porter, F. W.; Ridley, S. H.; Riley; Roumieu; Scoles; Scott, Chas. M. O., John Oldrid, Sir Geo. Gilb., Thos. H. B. and W. Gilbee; Searle; Seely & Paget; Smith, A. L., Geo. and Wm. Bas- sett; Spiller, Jas.; Sprague; Stev- enson & Ramage; Sulman; Tappen; Taylor, Kenneth; Taylor; Teulon; Tress; Trimen; Truefitt; Truelove; Wallen; Waters; White, Wm.; Wickings; Wigginton; Wil- liams & Crouch; Wilson, Jas.; Woods, Jos.; Worley; Young, John and Keith

Argent, Chas.

-, Eliz., m. David Lloyd (d. 1700)
-, Geo.
-, Susanna, w. of Thos. (fl. 1690)
-, Thos. (? d. by 1670)
-, Thos. (fl. 1690)
-, Thos. (d. 1730), s. of Thos. (fl. 1690)

Arsenal (formerly Woolwich Arsenal) F. C.

Ashby, Ric.

Ashe, Ant., and his w. Eliz.

-, Hen.
-, John, and his father

Ashurst, Jas.

Aspland, Wm.

assize of bread and of ale

Astey, John

Asty, John

Athelbert, King


-, John
-, Ric.

-, Anne, see Rickthorne Sir Art.

Aubert, Alex.

Augier, Reynatus

Augustinian Sisters of Meaux

-, Sir John, Bt.
-, Thos. (fl. 1632)
-, Thos., grds. of Thos. (fl. 1632)

Avery, John

Axtel, Dan.

Bacon, Sir Fras., Vct. St. Alban

Baddeley, John, ld. mayor of Lond.

Badger, Benj.

Bagby, Eliz.

Baily, E. H.

-, Eliz.
-, Wm.,
-, baking,

Baldwin, Penelope Flinders

-, Anne
-, John,
-, Thos.,
-, and see Bull

Ball's Pond, see Islington balloon making

Bancks, John

-, John
-, Lewis, & Sons,
-, Thos.,

Baptist Union

-, and see Seventh-day Baptists

-, Anna Letitia, see Aikin Rochemont

Barbre, Ant.

-, Anne, see Jekyll Drew

Barford, Ric.

-, John
-, Thos. Burgess, and his wid.,
-, Wm.,
-, Mr.,

-, W. H., architect
-, Wm. Hagger, vicar of Islington,


Barnett, John, & Birch

Barnsbury Assoc.

Barnsbury, in Islington
-, baths
-, chs.
-, dom. bldgs.:
-,-, Beaconsfield Bldgs.,
-,-, Clarence Terr.,
-,-, Mountfort Ho.,
-,-, Pembroke Villa,
-,-, Twyford Villa,
-, growth,
-, Jews,
-, libr.,
-, man., see Islington, mans. moated site,
-, nonconf. (protestant),
-, Paget Memorial hall, q.v.
-, pks. and open spaces,
-, pub. hos.:
-,-, King William IV,
-,-, Pied Bull,
-,-, White Horse,
-, Rom. Cathm.,
-, schs.,

Barr, Thos.

-, Alice, dau. of Thos. of, see Alice Bertram of, see Bertram Thomas of, see Thomas

-, Sir Chas.
-, Chas. jr.,

Bartholomew, Chris.

Barton, Rob.

-, Adam de
-, Advice de, m. Wm. de Hadestok,

-, Geo. Hen.
-, Thos.

Bastard, Fras.

Bate, S. C. Kerr

-, Hen.
-, Mary, see Mayor Wm.

-, Edw.
-, Josiah

-, ctss. of, see Pulteney earl of, see Bourchier; Pulteney

-, Alf.
-, Alf. (another)
-, Eliz.
-, Rob.
-, Thos.

Battersea Dogs' Home (Surr.)

Battle Bridge, see King's Cross

Baume, Peter Hen. Jos.

Bawde, Ferdinand

-, Fras. Wm.
-, Wynne
-, fam.

-, Edw.
-, John
-, Wm.

Beale's Ltd.

Bear, Wm.

Beavis, H. J.

-, Jos.
-, Wm.

Beck's British Carnival Novelties

Becke, Godfrey, rector of Stoke Newington

-, Stephen (fl. 1729)
-, Stephen (fl. 1791), and his w. Dorothy
-, Wm.

Bedyk: Hen.
-, Joan, see Hadestok

-, Chas.
-, vanessa

bell-founders, see Mears; Pack and Champman; Whitechapel Bell Founary

Belle Isle, see Islington

Bellow, Rog.

Benitt, Thos.

-, Hubert
-, Wm.

Bentely, John

Berdoe, Jos.

Berkeley Square, see Westminster

Bermondsey (Surr.)

-, Amice, w. of Sir Edm.
-, Beatrice, w. of Sir Wm.
-, Sir Edm.
-, Eliz., w. of John
-, Hugh de
-, Isabel, w. of Ric.
-, Sir Jas.
-, John (d. c. 1341)
-, Sir John (d. 1361)
-, Margery, m.
-,-, John Ferriby
-,-, Sir John Bourchier
-, Philippa, w. of Ric., m.
-,-, Sir Thos. Lewknor
-, Ralph de (fl. before 1176)
-, Ralph de (fl. before 1253)
-, Sir Ralph (fl. 1220,? another)
-, Sir Ralph, s. of Sir Ralph (fl. 1220)
-, Sir Ralph (d. 1297, another)
-, Ric.
-, Sir Wm. (de)
-, Lord, see Bourchier

Bernstein Properties

Bertram of Barrow

Bethnal Green (formerly in Stepney)
-, ind.
-, nonconf. (protestant)
-, Wm. Lee's and John Peck's almshos.

Betjeman, Sir John

Bibiliotheca Topographica Britannica

Bickley, Fras.

Bifield, Caroline

Biggins, Lionel


Billing, A.

Birch, Chas.

-, Hen.
-, Ric.
-, Thos.

Birkbeck Freehold Land Soc.

-, Nat. (d. 1790)
-, Nat. (d. 1836)

Bishopsgate, see London

Blackburne, E. L.

Blackmore, Geo.

Blackstone, Mrs.

Blair, Eric (Geo. Orwell)

Blasson, Mrs. Sarah

Bligh, Chas.

-, Sir A. W.
-, Chas. Jas., bp. of Lond.

-, Chas. (d. 1693)
-, Chas. (d. 1729)
-, Sir Hen.
-, Hen.
-, Hester (d. 1678), see Wase Hester (fl. 1732), m. Sir Harry Tyrrell
-, fam.

Blue Ribbon Gospel Army

Blythswood, Ld., see Douglas, Sholto Douglas Campbell-

Bolton, Wm., prior of St. Bartholomew's, Smithfield

bone collecting and boiling

Bonella & Paull


-, Eliz., see Sutton Wm.

Boreham, F.

Bostock, Chris.

-, Sir John, Ld. Berners (d. 1474)
-, John, Ld. Berners (d. 1533)
-, John, earl of Bath
-, Marg., see Donnington Margery, see Berners

Bourne, Wm. Parker

Bowland, Ric.

Bowles, Sarah


Brady, Charlotte

Brandon, Sam.

Bransby, John

-, Edm.
-, Margery, m. Sir Wm. Sandys
-, Sir Reynold


-, Rob.
-, Thos.


Brian, and his w.

brick and tile making

-, Alf.
-, Thos. G.

Bridewell, vicar, see Fowler, Geo

-, Thos., prebendary of Stoke Newington
-, Mr.

Briset, Jordan de

British and Foreign Schs. Soc. and British schs.

British Rail

British Waterways Board

Broad, Chas.

Brondesbury, prebendary of, see Vaughan, Edw.

-, Sir David, and his w. Cath.
-, Wm.

-, J. Martin
-, Jas.
-, John
-, Sam.
-, Wm.

-, Thos.
-, Wm.

-, Geo.
-, Hen.
-, Jas. (d. 1788)
-, Jas. (d. 1839)
-, John
-, W.
-, Wm.

-, John
-, Margareta
-, Rob., separatist

-, Jas.
-, Wm.

Brownswood, prebend of

Brownswood, in Hornsey
-, agric.
-, ind.
-, Jews
-, prebendal man.
-,-, copyholds
-,-, demesne
-,-, ho., see Newington Green, dom. bldgs.
-,-, and see Stoke Newington, man., Clissold Park
-, Rom. Cathm.
-, soc. life

Bryantwood, Chas.

Bryceson Bros.

builders and bldg. ind.
-, and see Adams, A. and John; Allen, Mat. and Thos.; Anderson, C. W.; Ashby; Aspland; Astey; Bear; Beck- ingham; Bentley; Berdoe; Bird, Thos.; Blackmore; Bricknell, Alf. and Thos. G.; Bryantwood; Can- non; Capsey; Casey; Catling; Chapman, Ric.; Chessum; Clarke, Rob.; Cleaver, Sam. and Chas.; Conquest; Cubitt, Thos. and Wm.; Dalby; Dallman; Davies, David; Davis, John; Dawes, John sr.; Dawson; Dennis; Donnelly; Dove Bros.; Dove, Wm. Spencer; Dunkerly; Earl; Edmondson; Ed- mundson; Edwards, Job; Emmett; England, Louis; Evans, Thos.; Finney; Flaxman, E. and G.; Flower, Hen.; Foot, Hen.; Foulkes; Frasi; Gardiner, Thos.; Goepel; Goodall; Goodbody; Hancock, Art.; Hardy; Harreson Bros.; Harrison, Dan.; Haswell; Hebb; Hext; Hicklin; Higgs & Hill; Hill, C. H., John and - Hobson, Fras.; Horton, Silvanus; Hunt, Chas.; Izzard; James; Kell; Kelland; King & Co.; Langhorn; Lavington; Law; Lee, Hen.; Ler- oux; Levitt; Major; Marston; Mas- sey, Benj.; Messenger; Morgan, John; Newens; Nowell; Nunn; Ol- dis; Osment; Palmer, Job; Paxley; Payn; Payne, C. W.; Pearson, T.; Phillips, S.; Pierpont; Pocock, Geo. and Jos.; Prescott; Price, Geo.; Pryor, J. and Thos.; Pullin, Jas.; Quilter; Ramsay; Rashbrook; Reddall; Rhodes, Jas.; Roberts, C. P.; Robson & Estall; Rodda; Ro- soman; Rowland; Rufford; Rydon; Sabey; Sage; Scott, Thos.; Spiller, John; Steemson; Stevenson & Ramage; Thomas, Thos.; Thomp- son and Crosswell; Thurman & White; Tidman; Timewell; Treby; Wagstaff; Ward, Jas.; Whymark; Wickes; Widdows; Williams, Benj.; Williamson; Wilson, Geo. and John; Witcombe; Wyeth

Bull & Smith, Messrs.

Bull (or Ball), Dan., rector of Stoke Newington


Bunce, Sir Geo.

Bunney, Geo. Hockley

Bunning, J. B.

Bunnion, And.

Burge, Jos. Hankins

Burges, Wm.

Burgh, Jas.

Burghersh, Hen., bp. of Lincoln

Burnet, John

-, Chas.
-, Eliz.
-, Thos.
-, Wm.

Burton, Wal.

-, Kath., see Sutton Tomlinson

Buskel, Thos.

Butter, And.

Butterfield, Wm.

-, Ralph
-, Miss

Byfield, John

Bysmore, Geo.

Cachemaille-Day, N. F.

Calamy, Edm.

Calcutta, bp. of, see Wilson, Dan.

-, Anne, w. of Ric.
-, Sir John Clerke
-, Eliz.
-, Thos. Hayes
-, John Wroth (d. 1556)
-, John Clerke
-, Ric.

Calthrop, Gordon, vicar of St. Augustine, Highbury

Cambridge, see Christ's Coll.; Emmanuel Coll.; King's Coll.; Pembroke Coll.

Camden, Lond. boro.

Camden Sch. of Art

Camden Town, see St. Pancras

canals and canal transport, see Regent's canal

Cannon, Rob.

Canonbury, in Islington

Canonbury Tower
-, and see Islington, mans., Canonbury
-, chs.
-, dom. bldgs.:
-,-, Canonbury Ho., see Islington, mans., Canonbury
-,-, Turret Ho., see Islington, mans., Canonbury
-, growth
-, Jews
-, King Edward's hall
-, man., see Islington, mans. mill
-, pub. ho., Canonbury tavern
-, schs.
-, water

Canterbury, abp. of (as patron of ch.)
-, and see Coggan

Capsey, Alf.

Cardon, Wm.

Cardrow, Jas.

Carleton, Mary, m. Wm. Tufnell

Carlile, Wilson

Carnegie, And.

Caron, Sir Noell

-, R. C.
-, Ric.
-, Thos.

-, Ann, see Nevill Martha
-, Wm.

cart grease making

Carter, Erasmus

Carter, Paterson & Co.

Casey, Thos.

Catholic Apostolate, Sisters of (Pal- lottine Sisters)

Catholic Apostolic Church (Irvingites)

Catling: David Bowker
-, Thos.
-, W. T.

cattle plague

Cave, Wm., vicar of Islington, rector of All Hallows the Great, canon of Windsor

Caysar, Thos.

Celestial Church of Christ

Challenge Oil Co.

Chalmers, Alex. Hen.

-, Jos. (d. 1837)
-, Jos. (d. 1874)
-, Jos. (d. 1914), statesman

Chambers, Ephraim

Chancellor, Ld. (as patron of ch.)

-, Herb.
-, Ric.

Charity Commissioners

Charity of St. Jeanne Antide, Sisters of

Charles I, as Prince of Wales

Charles II

Charron, Mr.

Chartered Gas Co.

Charterhouse, see London, Charterhouse

Charteris Neighbourhood Tenants' Co-operative

Chase, Wm.

Chatterton, A., & Co.

Cheke, John

Chelsea, Physic Garden

Chertsey (Surr.)

Cheshire, see Vale Royal

Chessum, Jesse

Chevalier, Albert

Chichester, John

Chilcott, R. V.

Childs, Mr.

Chilton, Mr.

chimney-pot making

Chiswick, prebendary of, see Wilson, Dan.

Chitty, Art. Jas.


-, Jasper
-, John
-, Marg., w. of Jasper
-, Wm. Wootton
-, Ric.
-, Wm.

Christ Scientist:
-, Fifth Church of
-, Fourth Church of

Christ's Coll., Cambridge

Christ's Hospital, see London


Christian, Ewan

Christian Soliders

Chubb, Geo.

Church (formerly Ecclesiastical) Commissioners

Church Army

Church House, see Westminster

Church Missionary Soc.
-, coll. and children's home, see Islington, Church Missionary Soc.

Church of England Metropolitan Training Institution, see Highbury, Highbury Coll.

Church Pastoral Aid Soc.

Church Patronage Soc.


Circle housing trust

City & S. Lond. Rly.

City Gardens, see Islington

City of London Volunteer Engineers

City Road

City University

Clacton-on-Sea (Essex)

Clapton, see Hackney

Clare, Edwin

-, Thos.
-, Mrs.

-, Rob.
-, T. Chatfeild
-, Thos.

Clarkson, Nat.

Clayton, Revd. Mr.

-, Chas.
-, Sam.

-, Benj.
-, Jas.

Clergymen, Widows and Children of, see Sons of the Clergy

-, Eliz., see Callard
-, Sir John
-, John
-, Wm.

-, chs.
-, county court
-, Dame Alice Owen's almshos.
-, ind.
-, Islington spa
-, Knights of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem
-, mans. and other estates
-,-, Commandery Mantels
-,-, St. Mary's (later St. James's)
-,-, and see Islington, mans., St. Mary's
-,-, and see Islington, mans., St. John of Jerusalem
-, Pentonville
-, nonconf. (protestant)
-, schs.
-, priory of St. Mary
-, roads
-, schs.
-, and see Owen's sch.
-, smallpox hosp.
-, St. James's lecturers, see Hendley water
-, wkho.
-, and see Islington town

Cleves, Anne of, see Anne

Cliffe, a cobbler

Clifton, E. N.

-, Augustus
-, Eliza, see Crawshay

clothing ind.

Cloudesley (or Young), Ric.

Clutterbuck, Ric.

Clyve, Jas., rector of Stoke Newington

Co-operative Bank

Co-operative Soc. department store


Cobb, Rob. Curling

Cobbin, Ingram

-, Jas.
-, Mrs.

Cockfosters, see Southgate

-, Dr. John, vicar of Islington, Dean of the Arches
-, John

Cogan, Thos.

Coggan, F. Donald, curate at Islington, later abp. of Canterbury

-, Sir Geo., Bt.
-, Jas.
-, Sir Jas., Bt.

collar making

College of Preceptors

Collier, Wm.

-, Mary, see Worth
-, Ric.

Colyn, fam.

Comondall, Cath.

-, Chas., earl of Northampton (d. 1763)
-, has., earl and marq. of Northampton (d. 1828)
-, Chas., marq. of Northampton (d. 1877)
-, Eliz., Lady see Spencer
-, Geo., earl of Northampton (d. 1727),
-, Geo., earl of Northampton (d. 1758)
-, Jas., earl of Northampton (d. 1681),
-, Jas., earl of Northampton (d. 1754)
-, Mary, w. of Spencer, earl of Northampton (d. 1643)
-, Spencer, earl of Northampton (d. 1643)
-, Spencer Joshua Alwyne, marq. of Northampton
-, Wm., Ld. Compton and earl of Northampton
-, Wm., marq. of Northampton
-, Wm., Bingham, marq. of Northampton
-, Wm. Geo. Spencer Scott, marq. of Northampton
-, fam.

Compton Housing Assoc.

Compton, Housing Assoc.

Congletion, Baron, see Parnell

Congregatinal Federation

Congregational Union

Congregatinalists (Independents)

Conquest, E.

Conservative party and voters

-, Eliz. (d. 1768), see Lloyd
-, Eliz. (d. 1789)

-, Eliz., see Gould
-, Thos. (d. 1752)
-, Wm., rector of Stoke Newington, provost of Eton, dean of Ely

Cooksey, A.W.

-, Ant. Ashley, earl of Shaftesbury (d. 1683)
-, Antony Ashley, earl of Shaftesbury (d. 1885)
-, John
-, Marg., see Coventry

Coote, Sir Nic.

-, Agnes, see Parker
-, Ann
-, Edm. (d. 1687)
-, Edm. (fl. 1694)
-, Eliz., w. of Ric. (d. c. 1690)
-, Hen.
-, Humph. (d. 1609)
-, Humph. (fl. 1615)
-, Jane, see Fowler
-, Ric.
-, Ric. (another, d. c. 1690)
-, Rog.
-, Rowland
-, Thos.
-, Wm.
-, fam.

Cordell, Sir Wm.

Corder, Susannah

Cornish & Sievier, Messrs.

Cossor, A. C.

Cotton, Mr.

Countess of Huntingdon's Connexion

Covent Garden, see Westminster

-, Marg., m. Ant. Ashley Cooper (d. 1683)
-, Thos., Ld. Conventry


Craig, John Kerr

-, Eliza, m. Augustus Clissold
-, Geo.
-, Wm.
-, fam.

Craze, Romilly

Crease, Mary Ann

Crewick, Thos.

Creton, Rog.



Crippen, Dr. H. H.

-, Eliz.
-, Mrs.

Croft-Atkins, W. A.

-, Ant. (d. 1803), Independent min.
-, (or Croles) Revd. A., schoolmaster (? another)

-, Bridget, m. Chas. Fleetwood
-, Oliver
-, Thos., earl of Essex
-, Thos. (d. 1864)

Crosby, Brass

Cross and Passion, Sisters of the

Crouch End, see Hornsey

-, (as landowner)
-, (as patron of ch.)

-, Mary, see Sadleir
-, Wm.

Cruikshank, Rob.

Cruso, Timothy

Cruth, John

-, Geo.
-, Jas.
-, Thos.
-, Wm.
-, fam.

cut glass making

-, J. E. K.
-, J. P.

cycle making


Cypriots, see immigrants

D'Israeli, Benj. (d. 1816)

Dalby, Mr.

Dallman, Sam.

Dalston, see Hackney

Daniell, Wm.

Danvers, Hen.

Darbishire, H. A.

Darbourne & Darke

Darlington, earl of, see Vane

Darnell, Geo.

Darrell (or Dorrill):
-, Hen.
-, Thos.
-, Wm.

-, (or Davision) Duncan
-, J. Thain

-, B., drapers
-, David
-, Ebenezer
-, John
-, T. Eynon

-, Jane, w. of John
-, John
-, Martha, see Young
-, Mic.
-, Thos.
-, and see Davidson

-, Hen.
-, John (d. 1788)
-, John (d. 1822)
-, Wm.

Dawson, Jos.

Day, Thos.

De Beauvoir Town, see Hackney

Deaf and Dumb, Institute for

Dean, Gilb.

Dee, Eliz., see Gardiner

Deeping, Geo.

Defoe, Dan.

Denbigh, earl of, see Feilding

Denham, John

Denise, w. of Gervin

Dennis, Wm.


Devaynes, Wm.

-, Hen.
-, Hen., s. of above
-, Judith, see Fletcher

Diary of a Nobody

Dickens, Chas.

-, Edw.
-, Thos.
-, Mr.

Dickson, Mr.

Discalced Carmelites, Sisters of

-, Rob.
-, Wm.

Dod, F. A.

-, John
-, Sarah, w. of John
-, Sarah, dau. of Sarah

Dodington, Wm.

dog fights

Dollman, F.

Donnelly, P.

-, John
-, Marg., m.
-, Sir Thos. Kytson, m.
-, Sir Ric. Long, m.
-, John Bourchier, earl of Bath
-, Ric.
-, fam.

Doolittle, Thos.

Dorman, W. H.

Dorrill, see Darrell



-, Lady Marg., m. Mat. Stewart, earl of Lennox
-, Sholto Douglas Campbell-, Ld. Blythswood
-, Violet Mary Campbell-, see Paget

-, Art.
-, Wm. Spencer

Dove Bros.

Dowbiggin, Launcelot

Dr. Williams's libr.

-, Joshua
-, Ric.
-, Sir Thos., Bt.
-, fam.

-, John
-, Rob.

Dubois, Mrs.

-, Sir Hugh
-, Sir Rob., Bt., ld. mayor of Lond.
-, Sir Wm., Bt.


-, Anne, m. Sir Fras. Popham
-, Eliz., w. of John, m.
-, Thos. Sutton
-, John
-, John, Ld. Lisle and duke of Northumberland
-, Lettice, see Knollys Rob., earl of Leicester

Duff, Mr.

Duke, Eliz., & Co.

Dukes, E.

-, Mrs. Anne
-, Crawford

Dunham, Mr.

Dunkerly, Hen.

Dunning, Rob.

Durban, W.

-, St. John's Hall (Coll.)

Dutch pin bowling


-, Edw.
-, Jonathan
-, Jonathan Bowles
-, Jos.
-, Wm.
-, wid. of Jos.
-, fam.

Ealing, Rom. Cathm.

Earl, Geo.

East & West India Docks & Bir- mingham Junction Rly.

East End Dwellings Co.

East Grinstead, see Grinstead, East

East London Water Works Co.

Ebonite Container Co. (Mfg.)

Ecclesiastical Commissioners, see Church Commissioners


Eddington, John

Edgeworth, T. E.

Edgware Road

Edmond, John

Edmondes, Chris.

Edmondson, I.

Edmonton, Bowes Park

Edmund of Grimsby

Edmundson, J., & Son

Education and Science, Dept. of

-, J. Passmore
-, Job


Eedle & Meyers

Elcom, Ric.

-, local
-, parliamentary

electronic ind.

Elim Four-Square Gospel Alliance

Elim Pentecostals

Elizabeth I

-, Edw.
-, Thos.

Elmes, A., & Co.

-, Sir John
-, Sim.
-, Thos. (d. by 1529)
-, Thos. (fl. 1551), and his w. Beatrice

Elstree (Herts.)

-, dean of, see Cooke, Wm. prebendary of, see Gaskin, Geo.

Emmanuel Coll., Cambridge

Emmett, John



-, John
-, Louis

Enkel or Inkle:
-, Esther, see Lepper Rob.

Ermine Street

-, ctss. of, see Knollys earl of, see Cromwell

Essex, see Clacton-on-Sea; Great and Little Bardfield; Sewardstone; Southend-on-Sea; Waltham Holy Cross

Eton, provost of, see Cooke, Wm.

Euston & Hampstead Rly.


-, Fred. Mullet
-, G.
-, John
-, Thos.
-, Miss

-, Caroline H., w. of Wm.
-, Carrie Maud
-, Wm.

Ever Ready Co.

Express Motor Co.

Eyre, Mary, see Harvey

Faraday, Mic.

Farber & Bartholomew

Farmer, Miss M.

Farrow, F. R.

fat melting

feather dressing

Feilding, Wm., earl of Denbigh

-, Eliz.
-, Marie

-, Revd. Rob.
-, Rob.
-, Wm.

Felton, Rob.

Ferrers, Rob. de

-, John
-, Margery, see Berners

Ferris, Mrs. Isabella

-, John
-, Ric.
-, Ric. Noakes
-, Fields, Gracie

Finch, Hill & Paraire

-, East
-, hosp.
-, nonconf. (protestant)

Finney, Thos.

Finsbury, metropolitan boro.

Finsbury Park, in Islington and Hornsey: ch.
-, Jews
-, mission
-, Moslems
-, nonconf. (protestant)
-, open space
-, rly. sta.
-, schs.

-, Browne, w. of Sir Ric.
-, Sir Ric., Bt.
-, Sam.
-, Sarah, see Fowler
-, Susan, w. of Thos.
-, Thos.
-, Sir Thos., Bt. (d. 1636)
-, Sir Thos., Bt. (d. 1670)
-, Sir Thos., Bt. (d. 1671)
-, Ursula, m. Sir Wm. Halton, Bt. (d. 1662)
-, fam.

Fitt, Miss S. A.

fives court

Flack, Wm.

-, E.
-, G.

Fleet river

-, Bridget, see Cromwell Chas.
-, Mary, see Hartopp Smith
-, fam.

Fleischmann, Art. J.

-, Eliz.
-, Judith, m. Hen. Dew sr.
-, Mary, w. of Theophilus, m.
-,-, Jas.
-, Ravenscroft jr.
-, Theophilus

floor-cloth making

-, E.
-, Hen.

-, Hen.
-, Rob.


-, F. A.
-, T. F.

Ford's Green, see Southgate

foreign language churches, see German Evangelical; German Methodist; Greek church; Polish R.C. mission; Presbyterian Church of Wales

Formby, Geo.

Fortescue, Sir John

Foscolo, Ugo

-, Geo. Tufnell, see Tufnell Ric.
-, Rob.
-, fam.

Foulkes, H. S.

Four Per Cent. Industrial Dwellings Co.

-, Eliz., see Man
-, Fras.
-, Mary, m. Zachariah Gibson

-, Alice, see Heron Dorothy, w. of Sir Thos. (d. 1625)
-, Edm.
-, Geo., vicar of Bridewell
-, Jane, m. Ric. Corbett
-, Rob.
-, Sarah, m. Sir Thos. Fisher (d. 1636)
-, Thos.
-, Sir Thos. (d. 1625)
-, Sir Thos., Bt.
-, Wm.
-, fam.

Frances, Wm.

Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood

Franklin, Benj.

frankpledge, views of

Frasi, Geo.

Free Church of England

Free Church of Scotland

-, E. A.
-, Peter

-, Jas. Wm.
-, John

Fretwell's manure works

Friends, see Society of Friends

Frowyk, Hen.

furniture making

Furtado, Isaac

G.E.R., see Great Eastern Rly.

G.L.C., see Greater London Council

G.N.R., see Great Northern Rly.


Gabell, Mr.

Gabrie, Cyprian

Gale, Theophilus

Gantley, Mrs. Mary Ann

-, Eliz. (d. 1706), see Man Eliz. (d. 1729), m.
-, Dee
-, Thos.
-, Wm.

Garrett, Jeremiah Learnoult

Gas Light & Coke Co.

Gaskin, Geo., rector of Stoke Newington, lecturer at Islington, later prebendary of Ely

Gatliff, Chas.

Gawsell, John

-, Joshua
-, Thos.

Geary, Mrs. Ann


German Evangelical (United) Church

German Methodist mission

Gervin s. of Peter the otter-hunter
-, his w., see Denise

Gestetner, Jacob

Gethin, Maurice

Geyt, Chas. Jas. Le

Gibbes, Thos.

Gibbons, Grinling

Gibbs, Mrs.

-, Edm., bp. of Lond.
-, Mary, see Fowke Thos.
-, Thos. Milner
-, Zachariah
-, Gilbert: Chas.
-, John

-, Ann
-, Edw.
-, Wm.

Gillray, Jas.

Giovannelli, Edw.

Girls' Public Day School Trust

Gitters, Ric.

Glasites, see Sandemanians

Glasscock, Fras.


Glenny, Henrietta Thresher

Gloucester, dean of, see Jennings, Wm. glove-making

Goalen, Gerard

Goepel, Phil. Dorset

-, Edw.
-, Eliz., see Gower (or Gould) John

Goldsmith, Oliver

Goodall, Steph.

Goodbody, Jas.

Gostling, John

-, A. D.
-, H. R., architect
-, Hugh R., vicar of Islington, later abp. of Sydney

-, Eliz., m. Thos. Cooke
-, Frances, see Hartopp John
-, Sir Nat.
-, and see Gold

-, Anne, m. Wm. Rutland
-, Eliz., m. Edw. Gold
-, Ric.
-, Thos.

-, Chas. John
-, John
-, John Smith

Grand Union Canal Co.

Grant, Duncan

Graves or Greaves:
-, Jos.
-, Miss
-, Mrs.
-, fam.

Gray's Inn, see Holborn

grazing and fattening

Great and Little Bardfield (Essex)

Great Eastern Rly. (G.E.R.)

Great North Road

Great Northern Rly. (G.N.R.)

goods yards
-, sta.

Great Northern, Piccadilly & Brompton Rly.

Great Northern & City Rly.

Greater London Council (G.L.C.)

Greaves, see Graves

Greek church

Greeks, see immigrants

-, Geo. (d. 1764)
-, Geo., s. of Geo. (d. 1764)
-, Geo. Rob.
-, T. K.
-,-, (fl. 1639)

Green Lanes, see Stoke Newington, roads

Greenwood, Chas.

Gregson, Jesse

Grellier, Wm.

Griffith, John Wm.

-, Mary, m.
-, Sir John Miller
-, Thos. Wilks
-,-, Brewer
-, Mic.
-, Wm.

Grimsby, Edm. of, see Edmund

Grinstead, East (Suss.)

Grote, Geo.

Grove, Hen.

Grovelands, see Southgate

Gudgeon, Thos.

-, Alice, w. of Ant. the nephew
-, Ant. (fl. 1685)
-, Ant. nephew of above
-, Wm.
-, fam.

Guilliam, Mary

Guinard, Hen.

-, Mary, m. Sir Thos. Abney
-, Thos.

gut scraping

Guy, Hen.

-, Edw.
-, John
-, Rob.

-, E.
-, W. G.

Habershon & Brock

-, Clapton, schs.
-, Rom. Cathm.
-, De Beauvoir town, nonconf. (protestant)
-, dispensaries
-, dist. bd. of works
-, dom. bldgs., Park Ho.
-, electricity
-, estates
-, fire
-, growth
-, Homerton
-, Ram's chapel
-, hosps.
-, ind.
-, Jews
-, Kingsland, q.v. Lond. boro.
-,-, arms
-,-, wards
-, metropolitan boro.
-, missions
-, nonconf. (protestant)
-, police
-, poor relief
-, pub. hos.
-, rlys.
-,-, stas.
-, schs.
-, soc. life
-, Stamford Hill
-, Stoke Newington common
-, water
-, west

Hackney and Stoke Newington Coll. for Further Educ.

Hackney brook

Hackney Coll.

Hackney Gazette

Hackney Monthly and Stoke Newington Review

Hackney Union
-, wkho.

-, Avice de, see Basing
-, Joan de, m.
-,-, Bedyk
-, Wm. de

Haine, Maj.

Hale, Wm. Hale, archdeacon of Lond.

Hales, Sir Rob.

-, Hen.
-, John Westley

-, Anne, m. Sir Hen. Mildmay
-, Marg., m. Sir Edw. Hungerford
-, Susanna, w. of Wm., m.
-, Rob. Rich, earl of Warwick
-, Wm.

-, Geo.
-, Mary, w. of Ric.
-, Mary (another)
-, Ric.
-, Sir Thos., Bt. (d. 1726)
-, Thos.
-, Ursula, see Fisher
-, Sir Wm., Bt. (d. 1754)
-, Sir Wm. (fl. 1786)

Hambridge, Chas.

Hamel, F. J.

-, Frederic
-, Mary
-, Payson

-, chs.
-, hosp.
-, sewerage

Hampstead and Highgate turnpike trust, see Islington turnpike trust

Hampton, Hen.

-, Caroline, m. Albert Head
-, Charlotte, m. Wm. Allen
-, Cornelius (d. 1869)
-, Cornelius, s. of above
-, Sarah, see Janson fam.

-, Alice, see Harbury Art.
-, Thos.

Handley, Tommy

Hanmer, Meredith, vicar of Islington, vicar of Shoreditch

-, (or Hancock) Alice, w. of Humph.

Harden, Jas.

Hardy, Wm.

Hare, Hen. T.

Hargrave, fam.

Harlesden, prebendary of, see Vaughan, Edw.

-, Edw.
-, Hen.
-, Jeremiah
-, John

Harman & Price

Harreson Bros.


-, Ann
-, E. S.
-, John
-, Mary, m. Dan. Radford
-, Sam.
-, Thos.
-, fam.

-, Dan.
-, H. W., & Co.
-, John
-, Thos.

Hart, Ephraim & Co.

-, Sir Edw., Bt.
-, Frances, m. Sir Nat. Gould
-, Sir John, Bt. (d. 1722)
-, Sir John, Bt., s. of Sir John (d. 1722)
-, Mary (d. 1684), w. of Sir Edw., m.
-, Chas. Fleetwood
-, Mary (fl. 1734)
-, Sarah, m. Jos. Hurlock
-, fam.

-, Jacob
-, John
-, Mary, m. Hen. Sam. Eyre
-, Sarah
-, Wm.

Harvist, Edw.

Haselbech, Wm. of, see William

Haswell, Chas.

Hatfield's varnish factory


Hatton Garden, in Saffron Hill lib.
-, nonconf. (protestant)

Hawes, Dr. Wm.


-, Duncan
-, Lady

Hayden, W. H.

-, Eliz., w. of Thos., see Callard
-, Eliz., m. John Iremonger
-, Geo.
-, Jas.
-, John
-, Thos.
-, Wm.
-, fam.
-, hayward, Hen. the, see Henry Head, Caroline, see Hanbury

-, Alice, w. of Ric. (d. 1579)
-, Eliz., w. of Ric. (d. c. 1628)
-, Ric. (d. 1579)
-, Ric. (d. c. 1628)

-, Emily
-, Mrs. Louisa

-, John
-, Wm., rector of Stoke Newington

Hebb, John

Hebrew Evangelization Soc.

Henderson, John

Hendley, Wm.


Henry the hayward

Henry, Prince of Wales

Henty, Rob.

Herbert, Wm., earl of Pembroke

Herne Hill (Surr.)

-, (or Herne) Alice, m. Thos. Fowler
-, Giles
-, Wm.

Herst, John

Hert, John

Hertfordshire, see Elstree; Potters Bar; Stevenage

Hethersett, Ric. of, see Richard

-, Chris.
-, Thos.

Hext, Herb.

Hibberd, Shirley

Hicklin, W.

Higgs & Hill

High Church, see ritualism

Highbury, in Islington
-, Athenaeum
-, chs.
-, dom. bldgs.:
-,-, Cream Hall, see Islington, mans., Highbury Woods
-,-, Highbury Cres.
-,-, Highbury Hill Ho.
-,-, Highbury ho. (17th-cent.)
-,-, Highbury Ho. (1781), see Islington, mans.
-,-, Highbury Ho. Highbury Lodge
-,-, Highbury Park Ho.
-,-, Highbury Place
-,-, Highbury Terr.
-,-, Loxford Ho.
-, drainage
-, farms and farmhos., Highbury farm
-, growth

Highbury barn and grange, see Islington, mans., Newington Barrow

Highbury Coll. (St. John's Hall)

Highbury Fields

Highbury wood and Little St. John's wood
-, ind.
-, Jews
-, man., see Islington, mans., Newington Barrow
-, mill
-, mkt. gdns. and nurseries
-, moated site
-, nonconf. (protestant)
-, omnibus svces.
-, pks. and open spaces, see Highbury, Highbury Fields
-, pub. hos., Highbury Barn
-, residents' assoc.
-, retail trade
-, Rom. Cathm.
-, schs.
-, soc. life
-, vicar, see Calthrop
-, water
-, woodland and see Highbury, Highbury wood

Highgate Archway Co.

Highgate Hill, see Holloway, Upper

-, John
-, Nat.

-, Mrs. Amy
-, Chas. Havor
-, John
-, R. W.
-, Wm., & Son
-, builder

Hindle, John


Hitchens Fire Proof Plastering Co.

-, Grizell, m. (2) Wm. Allen
-, Jonathan
-, Marg., m. Jos. Woods
-, Sam. (d. 1796)
-, Sam. (d. 1825)

Hobby, Mary

-, Fras. S.
-, Thos.

-, Geo.
-, Wm.

Hogarth, And.

-, Gray's Inn
-, ind.
-, Lincoln's Inn Fields, New Ct.
-, Royal Free hosp.

Holborn Union, wkho. infirmary

Holden, Rob.

Hollands, Edw.

Holloway, Thos.

Holloway Housing Aid Centre

Holloway prison

Holloway Road, see Islington, roads

Holloway Tenant Co-operative

Holloway, in Islington
-, drainage
-, farms and farmhos.
-, fire
-, growth
-, nonconf. (protestant)
-, omnibus svces.
-, pub. hos.
-, retail trade
-, schs.
-, water
-, woodland
-, and see Holloway, Lower; Holloway, Upper

Holloway, Lower, in Islington
-, chapel of ease
-, chs.pls.
-, Copenhagen fields
-, dispensary
-, dom. bldgs., Paradise Ho.
-, farms and farmhos., Copenhagen Ho. or Cutlers, see Islington, mans., Cutlers
-, growth
-, ind.
-, nonconf. (protestant)
-, pks. and open spaces
-, pub. hos.
-,-, City Arms
-,-, City of Rome
-,-, Crown (Angel, Wilkes's Head)
-,-, Queen's Arms
-,-, White Horse
-, Rom. Cathm.
-, Royal Caledonian asylum
-, schs.
-, vicars, see Hudson; Mackenzie, Wm. Bell; Ralph

Holloway, Upper, in Islington
-, Aged Pilgrims Friend asylum
-, Alexandra orphanage
-, Athenaeum
-, baths
-, chs.
-, dom. bldgs.:
-,-, Alpha Villas
-,-, Devonshire Ho.
-,-, Elm Lodge, see Holloway, Upper, farms, Blounts'
-,-, Grove Ho.
-,-, Hollies
-,-, Mount Pleasant Ho.
-,-, Sievier's ho. (Old Manor Ho.)
-,-, Whitehall
-,-, Whitehall Pk.
-, farms and farmhos.
-,-, Blounts' ho. (Elm Lodge?)
-,-, Lower Place, see Islington, mans., Lower Place
-,-, Manor farm, see Islington, mans., Brewhouse
-,-, Tollington farm, see Islington, mans., Upper Place
-, growth
-, Highgate Hill
-, hosps.
-, ind.
-, Jews
-, librs.
-, mans., see Islington, mans., St. John; St. Mary's
-, mkt. gdns. and nurseries
-, moated sites
-, nonconf. (protestant)
-, office blocks
-, pks. and open spaces
-, pub. hos.,
-,-, Archway tavern
-,-, Black Dog
-,-, Crown
-,-, Devil's or Duval's Ho., see Islington, mans., Lower Place
-,-, Half Moon
-,-, Horse and Groom (formerly Castle and Falcon) and see Islington, mans., Palmer
-,-, Ingleby Arms
-,-, Mother Red Cap
-,-, Plough (later Crown)
-, retail trade
-, roads, Hornsey Rd. (Tollington Lane)
-, Rom. Cathm.
-, schs.
-, soc. life, see Holloway, Upper, Athenaeum
-, sports centre
-, St. Anthony's leper hosp.
-, Tollington, q.v.
-, Tollington Pk.
-,-, chs.
-,-, mission
-,-, nonconf. (protestant)
-,-, Rom. Cathm.
-,-, schs.
-, Tufnell Pk.
-,-, chs.
-,-, nonconf. (protestant)
-, Whittington Coll.

Home and Colonial Sch., Soc.

Home Mission Soc.

Homerton, see Hackney

Honeyball, Edw.

Hoole, Elijah

-, Geo.
-, John
-, Mary, m. Wm. Twyford

-, Miss
-, Mrs.

-, Brownswood, q.v. char.
-, Crouch End
-, estates
-, Jews
-, Muswell Hill
-,-, nonconf. (protestant)
-,-, sch.
-,-, nonconf. (protestant)
-, roads
-, sch. bd.
-, Stroud Green, q.v.

Hornsey, South (detached)
-, boundaries
-, chs.
-, drainage
-, estates
-, growth
-, ind.
-, local bd.
-, nonconf. (protestant)
-, nurseries
-, pub. hos., White Hind (later White Hart)
-, schs.

Horsfall, Wm.

Hort, Josiah, abp. of Tuam

-, John
-, Silvanus
-, Wm.

Hosking, Wm.

Hospitallers, see Clerkenwell, Knights of the Hospital

-, John
-, Mrs. John, see Lardeau
-, Thos., duke of Norfolk

Howes, Jackman and Partners

Howmedica(Dental Fillings)

Hoxton, see Shoreditch

Hudson, A. W. Goodwin, vicar of St. Mary Magdalene, later dean of Sydney

Hué, Wm. Burnell

Hughes, John

Huguenots, see immigrants

-, Jane, w. of Rob.
-, Rob.

Humphreys, Sam.

-, Sir Edw.
-, Marg., see Halliday

-, Chas.
-, Jeremiah

Huntingdon, see Countess of Huntingdon's Connexion

-, Jos.
-, Sarah, see Hartopp

Hurst, Wm.

Huskisson, John

-, Maria, see Loane

-, Susan
-, Thos.

Iden, Hen.


-, Cypriot
-, Greek
-, Huguenot
-, Irish
-, Jewish
-, Polish
-, Rhine Palatinate protestants
-, Turkish
-, West Indian

Imperial Gas Co.

Improved Industrial Dwellings Co.

Independent Evangelical Churches

india-rubber works

Industrial Dwellings Co.

industry, see baking; balloon making; bone collecting; bookbinding; brewing; brick and tile making; builders; cart grease making; chimney-pot making; clothing; coachbuilding; collar making; cut glass making; cycle making; dyeing; electronic ind.; engineering; fat melting; feather dressing; floor-cloth making; furniture making; glazing; glove-making; gut scraping; hatters; india-rubber works; ink making; japanning; linseed oil making; metal working; mustard making; organ-building; paint making; paper; paste-board making; piano making; pottery; scientific instrument making; shoemaking; silkweaving; slaughtering; soap making; soda-water making; tailoring; tanning; varnish making; vinegar making; watchmaking; water-meter making; water-proofing; weaving; wheelwrights; white lead making

Ingram, Geo.

Ingram & Lermitt

ink making

Inkle, see Enkel

Innocent, John

-, H. W.
-, W.

-, Eliz., see Hayes
-, Hen.
-, John
-, Thos.
-, Wm.

Irish, see immigrants

-, Edw.
-, Hen.

Irvingites, see Catholic Apostolic Church

-, adv.
-, agric.
-, Agricultural Hall
-, almshos., and see Clerkenwell, Dame Alice Owen's almshos.
-, Ball's Pond
-, Barnsbury, q.v.
-, baths
-, Battle Bridge, see King's Cross
-, bd. of health
-, Belle Isle
-,-, estate
-,-, growth
-,-, ind.
-,-, nonconf. (protestant)
-,-, schs.
-, bp. suffragan of
-, boro., see Islington, Lond. boro. and metropolitan boro.
-, boundaries
-, bridges
-, burial bd.
-, cage
-, canal, see Regent's canal
-, Canonbury, q.v.
-, cattle lairs
-, cemeteries
-, chars. and see Islington, Stonefields char. estate
-, chs.
-, Church Missionary Soc.:
-,-, children's home
-,-, coll.
-, City Gardens
-, coach svces.
-, common
-, common fields
-, common pasture
-, commons and waste
-, communications
-, conservation areas
-, county court, see Clerkenwell
-, dispensaries
-, dom. bldgs.:
-,-, Barossa Lodge
-,-, Colebrooke Row
-,-, Harvey's ho.
-,-, Lamb's cottage
-,-, Virginia Hos.
-, drainage
-, electricity
-, Experimental Gardens or Frenchman's colony
-, farms and farmhos.
-,-, Laycock's
-,-, Pullin's (later Rhodes's)
-,-, Ravenildes croft
-,-, Sheepcote
-, Finsbury Park, q.v.
-, fire
-, gas
-, gentrification
-, geol.
-, glebe
-, halls and institutes and see Islington, Agricultural Hall
-, Highbury, q.v.
-, Hindus
-, Holloway, q.v.
-, Holloway, Lower, q.v.
-, Holloway, Upper, q.v.
-, hosps.
-, inclosure
-, ind.
-, Islington town, q.v.
-, Jews
-, King's Cross, q.v.
-, Kingsland, q.v.
-, lecturers and see Brett; Denham; Gaskin; Hendley
-, leper hosps.
-, librs.
-, Lond. boro.
-,-, arms,
-,-, wards
-, mans. and other estates
-,-, Baker's
-,-, Barnfield and Pondfield
-,-, Barnsbury, copy-holds, demesne, man. ho.
-,-, Barnsbury Closes
-,-, Brewhouse (Tufnell)
-,-, Burroughs
-,-, Canonbury, copyholds, demesne, Ho.
-,-, Charterhouse
-,-, Christ's Hospital
-,-, Clothworkers'
-,-, Cowleys
-,-, Cutlers, ho., Copenhagen Ho.
-,-, Drapers'
-,-, Fisher's
-,-, Fowler's
-,-, Hattersfield or Tilekilnfield
-,-, Hides
-,-, Highbury Ho.
-,-, Highbury Woods or Cream Hall
-,-, Hoppings
-,-, Islington Prebend,
-,-, copyholds, cts.
-,-, Iveney or Seveney, ho.,
-,-, London Fields or Harvist
-,-, Lower Place (Devil's Ho.)
-,-, Maseres or Highbury New Pk.
-,-, Mercers'
-,-, Mildmay Ho.
-,-, Newington Barrow or Highbury, barn and grange, copyholds, cts. demesne, grange, man. ho.
-,-, Packington
-,-, Palmer
-,-, Pied Bull (Milner Gibson)
-,-, Rowe's
-,-, St. Benet
-,-, St. John of Jerusalem or St. John's Clerkenwell, copyholds, cts.,
-,-, St. Mary's Clerkenwell, copyholds,
-,-, Taylorfield or Bellfield
-,-, Thornhill
-,-, Tollington
-,-, Trayeshill
-,-, Upper Place (Tollington farm)
-,-, Vale Royal
-,-, Wase's, ho.
-,-, Waterpit or Bentley's
-,-, Weryngs
-, metropolitan boro.
-,-, arms
-,-, wards
-,-, and see Islington, Lond. boro.
-, metropolitan par.
-,-, offices
-, mills
-, missions and see Albany; German Methodist; London City; Medical; Mildmay; Moody and Sankey; Paget Memorial; Railway; St. Giles's
-, mkt. gdns. and nurseries
-, mkts.
-,-, Caledonian mkt.
-,-, cattle mkt.
-,-, Metropolitan mkt., q.v.
-, moated sites
-, Moslems
-, Newington Green, q.v.
-, nonconf. (protestant)
-,-, academies
-, omnibus svces.
-, par. officers
-, par. wards
-, parsonage ho.
-, pks. and open spaces
-, police
-, poor relief
-, pop.
-, pound
-, prebend, see Islington, mans., Islington Prebend
-, prebendaries, see Algar
-, pub. hos.
-, Angel and Crown
-, Black Horse
-, Copenhagen Ho., see Islington, mans., Cutlers
-, Crown
-, Eagle and Child (Green Dragon),
-, Pied Bull and see Islington, mans., Pied Bull
-, Rosemary Branch
-, Salutation (Boarded Ho.)
-, White Conduit Ho.
-, rectory
-, retail trade
-, Ring Cross
-, rlys. and Underground rlys.
-, stas.
-, roads
-, Back Rd., see Islington, roads, Liverpool Rd.
-, Caledonian Rd.
-, City Rd., q.v.
-, Essex Rd. and see Islington, roads, Lower Rd. and St.
-, Frog Lane
-, Holloway Rd.
-, Liverpool Rd. (Back Rd.)
-, Lower Rd.
-, Lower St. and see Islington, roads, Essex Rd.
-, Maiden Lane (Hagbush Lane)
-, Maiden Lane (York Way)
-, New North Rd.
-, Seven Sisters Rd., q.v.
-, Upper St. and see Holloway, Upper; Islington town
-, Rom. Cathm.
-, convents
-, Rosemary Branch
-, and see Islington, pub. hos., Rosemary Branch
-, schs., and see Owen's sch.
-, sewerage
-, soc. life
-, South-East:
-, chs.
-, growth.
-, pub. hos.
-, spa, see Clerkenwell
-, sport
-, stocks
-, Stonefields char. estate
-, Stroud Green, q.v.
-, Stroud Vale
-, tech. educ.
-, tithes
-, Tollington, q.v.
-, town hall
-, tram svces.
-, vestry
-, vicarage
-, vicarage ho.
-, vicars
-, and see Cave; Cocks, Dr. John; Gough, Hugh R.; Hanmer; Jennings; Stonehouse, Geo.; Strahan; Vaughan; Wardale; Williams; Yeates
-, watch ho.
-, water
-, wkhos.
-, infants' wkho. and sch.
-, infirmary
-, woodland, and see Highbury, Highbury wood and woodland; Holloway, woodland

Islington board of guardians
-, wkhos., see Islington, wkhos.

Islington Bus Co.

Islington Churches Extension Soc.

Islington Clerical Conference

Islington Narrow Boat Assoc.

Islington Protestant Institute

Islington Reward Soc.

Islington spa, see Clerkenwell

Islington town, in Islington and Clerkenwell
-, Camden Passage
-, dispensary
-, dom. bldgs.:
-,-, Blackhorse Yard
-,-, Draper's ho.
-,-, Fisher's ho., see Islington, mans., Fisher's
-,-, Fowler's ho., see Islington, mans., Fowler's
-,-, Mansion Ho. (Sandy's Ho.)
-,-, Nowell's Bldgs.
-,-, Phelps Cottage
-,-, Quinn's Bldgs.
-,-, Rose and Crown Yard
-,-, Rosoman's Bldgs.
-,-, Rufford's Bldgs. (High St.)
-,-, Rufford's Bldgs. (Upper St.)
-,-, Swan Yard
-,-, Ward's (King John's) Pl.
-, flats, Myddelton
-, green
-, growth
-, halls and institutes
-, Hedgerow
-, ind.
-, missions
-, New Bunhill Fields, see Islington, cemeteries
-, nonconf. (protestant)
-, office blocks
-, pub. hos.
-, Angel (Clerkenwell)
-, Blue Coat Boy
-, Cock
-, Crown
-, Dog and Partridge
-, Fox
-, George
-, Half Moon
-, Horse's or Nag's Head
-, and see Islington, mans., Christ's King's Head
-, Lansdowne tavern
-, Queen's Head
-, Thatched Ho. (? Dog and Partridge)
-, Three Tuns
-, retail trade
-, roads, High St., and see Islington, roads, Lower St. and Upper St.
-, schs.

Islington turnpike trust(Hampstead and Highgate trust)

Ives, John

Izzard, Meshach

-, Grace
-, John, bp. of Lond.
-, Thos., rector of Stoke Newington

James, Thos.

Jamrach, Wm.

-, Fred.
-, Jos.
-, Sarah, m. Cornelius Hanbury jr.,
-, fam.


Jarman, Thos.

-, Geo.
-, architect

Jay, John

Jebb, Lieut.-Col. J.

Jefferies, Sarah

Jehovah's Witnesses

-, Anne, w. of John Stokker (d. 1549), m. 2 Drew Barentyn
-, Bart.
-, John Stokker (d. 1549)
-, John Stokker (fl. 1570)
-, Sir Jos.
-, Marg., see Stokker
-, Wm.
-, fam.

-, Thos.
-, Mr.

Jenks, Geo.

Jennings, Wm., vicar of Islington, dean of Gloucester

Jensen & Nicholson

-, and see immigrants

John, Hen., & Co.

-, Cath., see Oglive Fras.
-, Geo.
-, J.
-, John
-, Rowland,
-, Dr. Sam.
-, Wm.

Johnstone, Sir Wm., see Pulteney

Jolliffe, Wm. Tufnell, see Tufnell

-, E. Dean
-, Emma Eliz.
-, Evan John
-, Sir G. W. H., M.P.
-, Sir Geo.
-, John Gale
-, Wm.
-, Mr.

Jones Bros.

Johnson, Ben

Joseph Rank Benevolent Trust

Kaiser & Co.

Kay, Jos.

Kear, R.

Keble, John

Kell, Sam.

Kelland, Wm.

Kemble & Co.

Kempson, H.

Kendall, Alf.

-, nonconf. (protestant)
-, South, see Science and Art Department

Kent, ctss. of, see Margaret

Kent, see Margate; Penge

Kentish Town, see St. Pancras

Key & Whiting

Kibblewhite, Jas.

-, David
-, Edw.
-, John
-, Mary
-, Thos.

King & Co.

King's Coll., Cambridge

King's Coll., Lond.

King's Cross (Battle Bridge), in Islington and St. Pancras
-, ch.
-, growth
-, hosps,:
-,-, London Fever, see Islington, hosps. smallpox
-, ind.
-, nonconf. (protestant)
-, retail trade
-, schs.

Kingsford, John de

Kingslands, in Islington and Hackney
-, estates
-, farms and farmhos.
-, green
-, growth
-, ind.
-, leper hosp. and chapel
-, mkt. gdns. and nurseries
-, nonconf. (protestant)
-, pub. hos. Star and Garter
-, Rom. Cathm.
-, schs.
-, watch ho.

Kirkman, Mr.

-, Ant.
-, John

Kitching, John

Kitte, Wigar

-, John
-, Wm.
-, Mr.

Knolles, Sir Rob., and his w. Constance

-, Lettice, m.
-,-, Wal. Devereux, earl of Essex
-,-, Rob. Dudley, earl of Leicester

Knyvett, Sir Hen.

Kores Manufacturing Co.

-, Marg., see Donnington Sir Thos.
-, Thos.

L.C.C., see London Country Council

L.G.O.C., see London General Omnibus Co.

Labour party and voters

Lamartine, Alphonse de

-, Chas.
-, E. B.

Lambe, Wm.

Laming, W. D.

Lamplough, Wm.

Lancashire, see Liverpool

Langhorn, Phil.

Langley, Thos., rector of Stoke Newington, minor canon of St. Paul's

Langtry, Lily

Lardeau, Mrs., m. 2 John Howard

Lascelles, Edw.

Latter-day Saints (Mormons)

Lauder, Harry

Lavender, Thos.

Lavington, Chas. D.

-, Chas.
-, Hen.

lawn tennis

Lawson, Ric.

Laycock, Ric.

-, Judith, see Terry
-, Ric.

le Meyr, fam.

Lea river

Leader, Mr.

-, Chas.
-, Geo.
-, Hen.
-, Ric.
-, Sam., ejected vicar of St. Botolph's Bishopsgate

Lefebver, Abp.

Leicester, earl of, see Dudley, Rob

-, Alice, w. of Sir Thos.
-, Sir Thos.

Lennox, ctss. of, see Douglas, Lady Marg.

Leno, Dan

-, Esther, m. Rob. Enkel or Inkle
-, Rob.

Leroux, Hen.

Levitt, Wm.

-, Evan
-, John, Partnership
-, Sam.
-, Thos.

Lewis & Co.

Lewis & Mackie

-, Philippa, see Berners
-, Sir Thos.

Liberal Catholic Church

Liberal party and voters

Lilley, Ric.

Lincoln, bp. of, see Burgherssh

Lincoln's Inn Fields, see Holborn

Lingood, Thos.

linseed oil making

Lisle, Ld., see Dudley

-, John
-, Jos. Jackson
-, Mary

-, Ann, see Orton
-, John
-, Ric.

Little Brothers of Jesus

Liverpool, bp. of, see Sheppard, David S.

Liverpool (Lancs.)

-, David (d.1700)
-, David (d. 1734)
-, Eliz. (d. 1723), w. of David, see Arnold
-, Eliz. (d.1768), m. -Conway
-, Marie
-, Thos.

-, Art., s. of Nat. (d.1627)
-, Art., grds. of Art.
-, John
-, Maria, m. Thos. Huxley
-, Meliora, m. John Shaw
-, Nat. (d.1627)
-, Nat., s. of Art.

Lobb, Steph.

Local Government Board

Locke, John

-, Aldersgate, Hare Ct. chapel
-, Artillery Company
-, Bearstead Memorial hosp.
-, Bishopsgate
-, Bishopsgate Street Without
-, Carter Lane
-, Charterhouse
-, conduit
-, Christ's Hosp.
-, chs. and pars.:
-,-, All Hallows the Great, vicar, see Cave
-,-, Bridewell, vicar, seeFowler, Geo.
-,-, Minories
-,-, St. Benet Sherehog
-,-, St. Botolph's, Bishopsgate, vicar, see Lee, Sam.
-,-, St. Bride's Fleet Street, vicar, see Palmer, Jas.
-,-, St. Giles without Cripplegate
-,-, vicar, see Nicoll, Wm.
-,-, St. Mary Lothbury
-,-, St. Matthew, Friday Street
-,-, St. Michael Patermoster
-,-, St. Olave, Old Jewry
-,-, St. Paul's cathedral, q.v.
-,-, St. Peter-le-Poer
-,-, Whiterfriars
-, citizens and merchants
-, City:
-,-, cemetery
-,-, Companies: Bookbinders' Co., Brewers' Co., Bricklayers' Co., Clothworkers' Co., Cutlers' Co., Drapers' Co., Dyers' Co., Haberdashers' Co., Mercers' Co., Tylers' and Bricklayers' Co., Weavers' Co.,
-,-, Corporation
-,-, Founders' Hall
-,-, Gresham Coll.
-,-, house of correction, see Holloway prison
-,-, ind.
-,-, (ld.) mayors, see Abney; Baddeley; Ducie, Sir Rob.; Spencer, Sir John
-,-, nonconf. (protestant)
-,-, Salters' Hall chapel
-,-, wkho.
-,-, City of Lond. Maternity hosp.
-, diocese:
-,-, archdeacons, see Hale; Peter of Newport
-,-, Bp. of Lond.'s Fund
-,-, bps., as patrons of chs., as landowners, and see Blomfield, C. J.; Gibson, Edm.: Jackson, John
-,-, Gracechurch St.
-,-, Greater London Council, q.v.
-,-, hosp. of St. Mary without Bishopsgate
-,-, ind.
-,-, innholders
-,-, Jews
-,-, Little Old Bailey
-,-, London County Council, q.v.
-,-, London Wall
-,-, milk supply
-,-, nonconf. (protestant)
-,-, Old Fish St.
-,-, Oxford Ct., Cannon Street
-,-, Paul's Alley
-,-, Smithfield mkt. and see Metropolitan mkt.
-, St. Bartholomew, Smithfield:
-,-, hosp.
-,-, prior, see Bolton
-,-, priory
-,-, St. Paul's cathedral, q.v.
-,-, St. Saviour's Union
-,-, University
-,-, and see King's Coll.; London School of Divinity
-,-, water
-,-, Wood Street Sq., Lambe's chapel

London & Birmingham Rly.

London Baptist Assoc.

London Caoutchouc Co.

London City Mission

London Congregational Union

London Corresponding Soc.

London County Council (L.C.C.)
-, estates and housing
-, fire
-, hosps.
-, pks.
-, schs.
-, tech. educ.
-, transport

London Electricity Board

London Fever hosp., see Islington, hosps.

London General Omnibus Co. (L.G.O.C.)

London Parochial Charities

London Passenger Transport Board

London School Board

London School of Divinity

London Shirt and Collar Dressing Co.

London Street Tramways Co.

London Transport

-, Hen.
-, Marg., see Donnington
-, Sir Ric.

Long Acre, see Westminster

Longbottom, Frances

Lord's Day Observance Soc.

Loreto, Sisters of

Lovechild, John, rector of Stoke Newington

Low Church, see Evangelicalism

Loyal Islington Volunteers

Luck, C. L.

Lycett, Sir Fras.

Lyon, Thos.

M.B.W., see Metropolitan Board of Works

Mackay, Rob.

-, Duncan
-, Wm.
-, Wm. Bell, vicar of St. James's, Lower Holloway

Mackie, Rob.

Mackreth, Rob.

Maddox, Mr.

Major, Geo.

Maltby, Parkers & Co.

Maltby, T. and C., & Co.

-, Edm.
-, Eliz., m. Gardiner
-, Fras. Fowke
-, Hen.

Manners, Hen., earl of Rutland

Manning, J. R.

Manton, Thos., rector of Stoke Newington

Margaret, ctss. of Kent

Margate (Kent)

Margett's chemical laboratory

Mariben, Caroline

Marrant, John

-, Fras.
-, John
-, Wm.

-, Hen.
-, Rosamond

Marston, Hen.

-, Humph.
-, Judith, see Wase
-, Sir Leslie
-, Mat.
-, Ric.
-, Rob.
-, Rog.
-, Wm.
-, innholder

Mary I

Mary Notre Dame, Company of the Daughters of

Mary Ward Settlement

Marylebone turnpike trust

-, Fras.
-, Peter Abraham

-, Benj.
-, Capt.

-, Geo.
-, Judith, see Wase
-, fam.

Matcham, Frank

Mathews, Timothy

Matthews, Eliz.

Maughan, Thos.

May, Mrs. Ann

Maye, John

-, Cath., m. John Winterflood
-, Dinah, m. John Speight
-, Eliz.
-, Jane, w. of Ric.
-, Mary, m. Winspear
-, Mary, m. Wm. Bateman
-, Ric.
-, Wm.

McLansborough, J.

Mears, Thos.

Medical mission

Medina, Solomon de

Meeson, F. R.

-, Mrs.
-, fam.

Mercy, Brothers of

Merrington, John

Mess, Caroline

Messenger, Geo.

metal working

-, Lascelles (d. 1741)
-, Lascelles (d. 1781)


Metropolitan Asylums Board

Metropolitan Benefit Societies, asylum

Metropolitan Board of Works (M.B.W.)

Metropolitan Commission of Sewers

Metropolitan Electric Tramways Co.

Metropolitan Free Dormitory Assoc.

Metropolitan mkt.

Metropolitan Rly.

Metropolitan Strict Baptist Assoc.

Metropolitan Turnpike Rds., Commissioners of the

Metropolitan turnpike trust

Metropolitan Water Board

Meuse, Sir Thos. de

Michell, Mat.

Middlesex County cricket team

Midland Rly.

-, Anne, see Halliday
-, Carew
-, Halliday
-, Sir Hen.
-, Hen.
-, Sir Hen. Paulet St. John, Bt.
-, Humph. Hervey
-, Jane, m. Sir Hen. Paulet St. John (later Mildmay)
-, Letitia, m. Humph. Hervey Mildmay
-, Wm.

Mildmay mission

Mile End, see Stepney

-, Jas.
-, John Stuart

-, Edm.
-, Joan
-, Sir John
-, John
-, Mary, see Griggs Mic.

Millington, John, rector of Stoke Newington

-, Ann, see Walter
-, Wal.

Milne, John (Jackey)

-, Thos. (d. 1733)
-, Thos., s. of Thos. (d. 1733)

-, Fred. J.
-, Miss M. A.

Minories, see London, chs. and pars.

Mitchell, John

-, Edw.
-, Isabella
-, Sparks

Mona Cycle Works Co.

Monday, John

-, Wm.
-, Wm. H.

Monmouth's rebellion

Monson, E. C. P.

Moody, D. L.

Moody and Sankey mission

Moore, John

Moravian Brethren

More, Sir Thos.

Morel, Anna Maria

Moreton, Elias

-, Campbell
-, John

Morland, John

Morley, Sam.

Mormons, see Latter-day Saints

Morrett, Mr.

-, Geo.
-, W. D.

-, Ann
-, Ric.

Morrison, Herb.

-, Chas.
-, Mrs. Mary


Moss Empires

Mount Calvary Church of God

Moxon, G.

Munteni, Muriel de, m. Jordan de Briset

Murcell, Geo.

Murray, John

music halls

mustard making

Muswell Hill, see Hornsey

Myers, Wal.

Mylne, Wm. Chadwell

N.L.R., see North London Rly.

-, John Shepperd
-, Mary Lowthion

Nasmith, David

National Children's Home

National Chrysanthemum Soc.

National College of Rubber Technology

National Freehold Land Soc.

National Soc. and National schs.

Naylor, Mr.

Neal, Dan.

Needham, Issac

-, John
-, Ric.

Nevill, Ann, m. Wm. Car

New Grub Street

New Jerusalem, Church of the, (Swedenborgians)

New River

New River Co.

New Yiddish Theatre Co.

Newbery, John

Newens, Edw.

Newington, lordship

Newington, Stoke, see Stoke Newington

Newington Green, in Islington and Stoke Newington
-, agric.
-, chapel
-, chs.
-, dom. bldgs.
-,-, Bishop's Pl.
-,-, Brownswood ho.
-,-, Gloucester Ho.
-,-, Grove Ho.
-,-, Mildmay Ho. (Eagle Ho., Halliday's ho.), see Islington, mans., Mildmay
-,-, Monte Cristo Ho.
-,-, no. (Holland or Olympic Ho.)
-,-, Pulteney's ho.
-,-, Wright's ho.
-, farms and farmhos.
-,-, Dells
-,-, and see Islington, mans., Maseres
-, green
-, growth
-, ind.
-, Jews
-, Mildmay conference hall, see Mildmay mission Mildmay hosp.
-, Mildmay mission, q.v. mkt. gdns. and nurseries
-, nonconf. (protestant)
-, pop.
-, pub. hos.
-,-, Coach and Horses
-,-, Golden Lion
-,-, Green Dragon
-,-, Green Man
-,-, Spring Gardens
-,-, Weavers Arms
-, retail trade
-, rlys. and Underground rlys. sta.
-, schs.
-, sports
-, water
-, wkho.

-, Fras. B.
-, John

Newport, Peter of, see Peter


Newton, Chris.

Nias, Jane

Nichols, John

Nicholson, John

Nicoll, Sarah

-, Mary
-, Rose
-, Sam.
-, Wm., vicar of St. Giles without Cripplegate
-, Wm. Hen., rector of Stoke Newington

Nigerian Christ Apostolic Church

Noel, Gerard Noel

nonconformity (protestant), see Apostolic Faith Church; Baptists; Blue Ribbon Gospel Army; Brethren; Catholic Apostolic Church; Celestial Church; Christ Scientist; Christadelphians; Christian Soldiers; Church Army; Countess of Huntingdon's Connexion; Elim Four-Square Gospel Alliance; Elim Pentecostals; Free Church of England; Free Church of Scotland; German Evangelical; Highbury, Highbury College; Jehovah's Witnesses; Latter-day Saints; Liberal Catholic; Methodists; Moravian Brethren; Mount Calvary Church of God; New Jerusalem; Nigerian Christ Apostolic Church; Paracletians; Pentecostal; Presbyterian Church of Wales; Presbyterian; Railway Mission; Reformed Episcopalians; Salvation Army; Sandemanians; Seventh-day Adventists; Seventhday Baptists; Society of Friends; Spiritualists; Unitarians; United Reformed; United Secession Church of Scotland; Welsh Congregationalists

Norfolk, duke of, see Howard

Norman & Beard

North Islington Housing Rights Project

North Islington Infant Welfare Centre

North Lond. Coll. of Commerce

North London (formerly Northern) Polytechnic
-, sec. sch.

North London Coll. for Further Educ.

North London Day Coll.

North London Guardian

North London Industrial Home

North London Observer

North London Rly. (N.L.R.)

North London Soc. for Mentally Handicapped Children

North London Tramways Co.

North Metropolitan Tramways Co.

North-western Polytechnic

Northampton, earls and marqs. of see Compton

-, duke of, see Dudley
-, earl of, see Percy

Northwood, in Ruislip

Norville, Sarah

Nottingham, John

Nowell, Thos.

Nunn, Edw. Paget

Oakeley, Canon

Oakshott, Amelia

-, Titus
-, Miss

-, Cath., w. of Jas., m. Rowland Johnson
-, Jas.

Old Etonian Housing Assoc.

Oldfield, Thos.

Oldis, Thos.

Onslow, Art.

Orchard, Rob.


Oriel Property Trust

Ormond, Sir Herb. J.

-, Ann, m. John Little
-, Ric.
-, Sarah
-, Wm.

Orwell, Geo., see Blair

-, Dorothy
-, Jas.
-, John
-, John, grds. of John

Osborn's (firm)

Osment, Wm.

Ossulstone hundred
-, Finsbury division

otter-hunter, Peter the, see Peter

Outbridge, Rob.

Our Lady of Sion, Sisters of

Overton, Messrs., & Son

-, Dame Alice
-, Hen.
-, Rob.

Owen's sch.

Oxford, earl of, see Vere

Oxford Street, see Westminster

Pack and Chapman (Whitechapel Bell Foundry)

Packington, Anne, w. of Sir John

Paddy, John

Page, Wm.

Paget, Violet Mary, m. Sholto Douglas Campbell-Douglas, Ld. Blythswood

Paget Memorial mission hall

paint making

Palatine, Elector

-, Jas., vicar of St. Bride's, Fleet Street
-, Job

paper ind.


Parke, Dan.

-, Agnes, w. of Wm. (d. by 1576), m. Humph. Corbett
-, Wm. (d. by 1576)
-, Wm. (fl. 1580)

Parkes's chemical laboratory

-, John (fl. 1537)
-, John, Baron Congleton

-, John
-, Thos.

Passionist Fathers

paste-board making

Patten, Wm.

Paul, Mrs.

Paxley, Fras.

Paxton, Jos.

Payn, John

-, C.W.
-, Ric.

Peabody Trust

-, Alf.
-, Kezia

Peachey, Jas.

Peacock, Wm.

Pearcy, Wm.

-, L. G.
-, T.

Peck, Fred.

Pemberton, Sir Jas.

Pembroke, earl of, see Herbert

Pembroke Coll., Cambridge

Penge (Kent)

-, Cath., w. of Wm.
-, Wm., vicar of St. Jude's, Islington

Penry, John

Pentecost, fam.


Penton, Hen.

Pentoville, see Clerkenwell

Pentonville prison

Pepys, Sam.

Perceval, C. E.

-, Hen., earl of Northumberland (d. 1537)
-, and see Perse

Perfect, Wm.

Perkins, John

-, Geo. (d. 1780)
-, Geo. (fl. 1797)
-, Mary, m. John Terrett

Perse or Percy:
-, Jerome
-, Thos.

Peter of Newport, archderacon of Lond.

Peter the otter-hunter
-, Gervin s. of, see Gervin

-, Fras.
-, Sam.

Pevsner, Sir Nikolaus

-, Jos.
-, S.
-, (fl. 1649)

Piano making

Piccadilly line

Pickering, Edw. Rowland

Pierpont, John

Piggot, Chris.

-, G.
-, Mr.

Pinch & Whipple

Pipe, Mic.

Pitcairn, Dr. Wm.

Pite, A. Beresford

-, Hannah, w. of John
-, John

-, Geo.
-, John Thos.
-, Jos.
-, Sam.

Poe, Edgar Allan

Polish Rom. Cath. mission

Politi, D.

Poole, Rob.

Poor, Little Sisters of the

Poor Law Board

Pope, Thos. A.

-, Alex. (d. 1669)
-, Alex. (fl.1699)
-, Anne, see Dudley
-, Sir Fras. (d. 1644)
-, Fras. (d. 1674)

Poplar (formerly in Stepney)
-, Stratford (at Bow), St. Leonard's priory

-, F. W.
-, Thos.

Potters Bar (Herts.)


Presbyterian Church of Wales (formerly Welsh Calvinistic Meth.)


Prescott, Wm.

-, Abraham
-, Geo.
-, John
-, Ric.

-, John
-, Martha, w. of John

-, J.B.
-, Jos.

-, Humph. (d. 1729)
-, Humph. (d. 1740)
-, Nat.

printing ind.

Pritchard, And.

Proctor, Hen.

Protestantism in Peril

Providence, Sisters of

-, J.
-, Rob.
-, Thos.

-, Jas.
-, Sam.

-, Anne
-, Frances, m. Sir Wm. Pulteney (formerly Johnstone)
-, Harry
-, Henrietta Laura, ctss. of Bath
-, Sir Wm.
-, Wm., earl of Bath
-, (formerly Johnstone), Sir Wm.

Pyne, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Baker

Pyry, Ric. de la

Quakers, see Society of Friends

Quick, Misses

Quilter, Wm.

R.I.B.A., see Royal Institute of British Architects

Rackshaws and Roberts, Messrs.

Radcliffe, John

-, Dan.
-, Mary, w. of Dan., see Harris Mary, m. Thos. Rogers

Rae, A.

Ragged School Union and ragged schs., see Shaftesbury Soc.

Railway Mission

Raleigh, Alex.

Ralph, T.C., vicar of St. Mary Magdalene, Lower Holloway

Ramsay, Joshua

Randell, John

Randell's tilekilns


Rashbrook, J.

-, Jas., sr.
-, Jas., jr.
-, Mary, see Fletcher

Rebotier, Chas.

Reddall, Wm.

Redmond, Wm.

Rees, Thos.

Reformed Episcopalians

Regent's canal

Regent's Canal Co.

Reid, Chas.

-, John
-, Wm.

-, Sam.
-, Miss.

Rhine Palatinate

-, Hen.
-, Jas.
-, Sam.
-, Thos.
-, Wm.
-, fam.

-, Sir Ric.
-, Rob., earl of Warwick
-, Susanna, ctss. of Warwick, see Halliday

Richard of Hethersett

-, Hen.
-, John

-, Anne, w. of Wm., m. Sir Art. Atye
-, Wm.

Ridge's Royal Food Mill

-, S. H.
-, Sam.

rifle and pistol shooting

Rigby, Thos.

Riley, Mr.


Ring Cross, see Islington

-, Hen.
-, fam.

-, C.P., & Co.
-, Chas. Ernest
-, Chas. Phil.

Robey, Geo.

Robinson Crusoe

-, Anne, w. of John (d. by 1813)
-, Geo.
-, John (d. by 1813)
-, John (d. 1822)
-, fam.

Robson & Estall, Messrs.

Rochester, prebendary at, see Strahan

Rock Estates

Rodda, John

-, Mary, see Radford
-, Sam.

Rolfe, Steph.

Roman Catholicism, and see Augustinian Sisters of Meaux; Catholic Apostolate; Charity of St. Jeanne Antide; Cross and Passion; Discalced Carmeliters; Franciscan Missionaries; Little Brothers of Jesus; Loreto; Mary Notre Dame; Mercy, Brothers of; Our Lady of Sion; Passionist Fathers; Poor, Little Sisters; Providence, Sisters of; Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary; Servite Sisters; St. Paul of Chartres; John of God; St. Paul of Chartres; Ursulines of Jesus
-, Old Rom. Cath. Ch.

Rood, Heal & Co.

Rose, Jack, (Shoes)

Rosemary Branch, see Islington

Rosoman, Thos.

Ross, fam.

Rothschild, Nathan Mayer de

Roumieu, R. L.

Routh, Cuthbert

Rowarth, Mrs. Phebe Eliza

-, John
-, Thos.

Rowland, Edw.

Royal Agricultural Hall Co.

Royal Caledonian asylum, see Holloway, Lower

Royal Chest hosp., see Shoreditch

Royal Free hosp., see Holborn

Royal Humane Soc.

Royal Institute of British Architects (R.I.B.A.)

Royal Smithfield show

Royal Toxophilite Soc.

-, Nic.
-, Mr.

Rule, John

-, John
-, John Johnson
-, John Jos.

-, Anne, see Gower Wm.

Rutland, earl of, see Manners

-, H. J.
-, Hen.

Rydon or Rygdon, Joan

S.B.L., see London School Board

S.D.P., see Social Democratic Party

S.P.C.K., see Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge

Sabey, Sam.

Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary, Sisters of

Sadler, Sir Ralph

Sadlier, Dame Mary, formerly w. of Wm. Crowne

Saffron Hill, see Hatton Garden

-, David
-, E. J.

Sainsbury's Ltd.

St. Alban, Vct., see Bacon, Fras.

St. Barbe:
-, Mary
-, fam.

St. Bartholomew, Smithfield, see London

St. Benet Sherehog, see London, chs. and pars.

St. Bride's, Fleet St., vicar, see Palmer, Jas.

St. Camillus, Fathers of the Order of

St. Giles without Cripplegate, see London, chs. and pars.

St. Giles's Christain mission

St. John, Sir Hen. Paulet, see Mildmay

St. John of God, Sisters of

St. John's Wood, see St. Marylebone

St. John of Jerusalem, see Clerkenwell, Knights of the Hospital; Islington, mans., St. John

St. Luke's, Old Street
-, Leysian Mission
-, Moorfields
-, nonconf. (protestant)
-, Rom. Cathm.
-, sch.

St. Mary Lothbury, see London, chs. and pars.

St. Mary without Bishopsgate, hosp. of, see London

St. Marylebone:
-, hosp.
-, St. John's Wood

St. Michael's Paternoster, see London, chs. and pars.

St. Olave, Old Jewry, see London, chs. and pars.

St. Pancras
-, Battle Bridge, see King's Cross
-, burial bd.
-, Camden Town
-, Gray's Inn Rd.:
-,-, Mayo sch.
-,-, Kentish Town
-,-, King's Cross, q.v. nonconf. (protestant)
-,-, roads
-,-, Somers Town
-,-, tech. educ.

St. Pancras, Marylebone and Paddington Freehold Land Soc.

St. Paul of Chartres, Sisters of

St. Pauls's cathedral, Lond.: canons
-, and see Sired clerks of the choir
-, dean and chapter
-,-, as landowners
-, deans
-, minor canons
-, and see Langley, Thos.
-, perbendal estates, see Islington, mans., Islington Prebend; Stoke Newington, man., prebendal man.
-, precentor, see Thomas of Stortford
-, treasurer, see Vaughan, Edw.

St. Peter-le-Poer, see London, chs. and pars.

St. Vincent's Housing Assoc.

Salman, fam.

Salonika (Greece)

Salvation Army

Sammes, John

Samuel Lewis Trust

Sandeman, Rob.

Sandermanians (Glasites)

Sanders, Hen. Martin, vicar of St. John's, Highbury Pk.

Sanderson, Thos.

Sandoz, Fred.

-, Margery, see Bray
-, Thos.
-, Sir Wm., Ltd. Sandys

-, Ann, w. of Hen.
-, Hen.

Sankey, I. D.

Sarson, Hen.

Saunders, Dr. Wm.

Sayer, Geo.

Scheldt, Mr.

Scher, Anna

Schoroder, Wm. Hen.

Scheweizer, Mr.

Science, Mrs.

Science and Art Department, South Kensington

scientific instrument making

Scoles, J. J.

Scotland, Established Church of

-, Chas. M. O.
-, Sir Geo. Gilb.
-, John Oldrid
-, Thos.
-, Thos. H. B.
-, W. Gilbee
-, Mrs.
-, fam.

sculptors, see Baily; Banks, Thos.; Fleischmann

Searle, C. G.

Seely & Paget

Seifert, R., & Partners

Selfridge Provincial Stores

Serventi, Hen., shopfitters

Servite Sisters

Seven Dials, see Westminster

Seven Sisters Road

Seventh-day Adventists

Seventh-day Baptists

Sewardstone (Essex)

-, Anna
-, Mary

Shackell & Edwards

Shaftesbury, earls of, see Cooper

Shaftesbury Soc. (Ragged Sch. Union)

Sharpe, Sam.

-, John
-, Meliora, see Loane
-, Mrs.

Shawyer, H., & Sons

Sheffield, Mary

Shelford, Leonard, rector of Stoke Newington


Shepherd, Wm.

Shepherd, David S., curate at Islington, later bp. of Liverpool

Shield, John

Shillibeer, Geo.


Shore, Offley

-, boro.
-, chars.
-, Hoxton
-, nonconf. (protestant)
-, schs.
-, ind.
-, nonconf. (protestant)
-, poor relief
-, Royal Chest hosp.
-, schs.
-, vicar, see Hanmer
-, Wenlocksbarn
-, wkho.

Short, Jas.

Sickert, Wal.

Sievier, Rob. Wm.


Simeon Trust

Simes, Clarence, vicar of St. Mic's, Islington

Simmons, Ric. Anstead

-, Rob.
-, Sidrach, rector of Stoke Newington


Skeat, Fras.

ski practice

Skinner, Ephraim



Slennet, Thos.

-, Chris.
-, Edwin

Smetham, Jas.

-, A. Llewellyn
-, Benj.
-, F. M.
-, Geo., architect
-, Geo., cowkeeper
-, Geo., nurseryman (? the same)
-, Humph.
-, Jas.
-, John
-, L. J.
-, R. P., Vaux, & Bell
-, Ric. (d. 1772), vicar of Islington
-, Ric. (d. 1776)
-, Revd. Ric. (fl. 1811)
-, Thos.
-, Sir Wal.
-, Wm. Bassett
-, Mrs.
-, fam.

Smithfield Club

Smithfield market, see London, Smithfield

soap making

Sobell, Sir Mic.

Social Democratic Party (S.D.P.)

Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (S.P.C.K.)

Society of Friends (Quakers)

soda-water making

Softley, Mrs.

Somers Town, see St. Pancras

Sons of the Clergy, Corporation of the

Soper, Donald, Ld. Soper

Soundry, Mrs.

South Kensington, see Science and Art Department

South Mimms

South-East Islington, see Islington

Southcott, Joanna

Southend-on-Sea (Essex)

-, Cockfosters, Trent Park cemetery
-, Ford's Green
-, Grovelands

Southwark (Surr.)

Sparshatt, Mary Ann

-, Dinah, see Mayor
-, John

-, Eliz., m. Wm., Ld. Compton
-, Sir John, 1d. mayor of Lond.

Spencer Bros.

Spencer, Thos.

Sperati, fam.

Spicer, Trevillian

-, Jas.
-, John

Spilsworth, Wm.


Spitalfields, see Stepney sports and recreations, see archery; athletics; billiards; bowling; bullbaiting; cricket; cycling; dog fights; duck-hunting; Dutch Pin bowling; fives court; football; harriers; hawking; lawn tennis; rifle and pistol shooting; ski practice; skittles; wrestling

Sprague, W. G. R.

Sprange, Dan.

Spratling, John Rob.

Springett, Emma

-, Chas. Haddon
-, John

Stacy, Capt.

Staley, Jas.

Stamford Hill, Hackney
-, turnpike trust

Starkey, John

Starling, Mat. Jas.

Statham, Sherard Freeman

Steemson, Sam.

-, Jas. (d. 1779)
-, Jas. (d. 1832)

-, Mic.
-, (or Stevens) Wm.
-, Wm.?, landholder

Stephens's Ink factory

-, Bethnal Green, q.v.
-, man.
-, Mile End
-, Poplar, q.v.
-, Rom. Cathm.
-, Spitalfields, nonconf. (protestant)

Stevenage (Herts.)

Stevens, John

Stevenson & Ramage

-, Alex.
-, Sir Halley

-, Thos.
-, wid. of Thos.
-, Mrs.
-, and see Stoke; Stokker

Stock & Sons

Stodhart, Rob.

Stoke Wm. atte

Stoke Newington
-, adv.
-, agric.
-, Albert Town
-,-, ind.
-, almshos.
-, baths
-, boro.
-,-, arms
-,-, offices
-,-, wards
-, boundaries
-, bridges
-, burial bd.
-, cage
-, cemeteries
-,-, Abney Park
-, chars.
-, coach svces.
-, common, see Hackney common fields
-, communications,
-, conservation areas
-, dispensaries and clinics
-, dom. bldgs.: Abney Ho., see Stoke Newington, man., Abney
-,-, Church Row
-,-, Church St.
-,-, Compton Ho.
-,-, Copthall or church ho.
-,-, Defoe's ho.
-,-, Fairview
-,-, Fleetwood Ho., see Stoke Newington, man., Fleetwood
-,-, Grafton Ho.
-,-, Grange
-,-, Halstead Ho.
-,-, High Street (? Stamford Ho.)
-,-, Hugonin Ho.
-,-, Laurels
-,-, Manor Rd.
-,-, Newington Hall
-,-, Northumberland Ho.
-,-, Olney Cottage
-,-, Palatine Ho., see Stoke Newington, man., Palatine
-,-, Paradise Ho.
-,-, Paradise Row
-,-, River Ho.
-,-, St. Mary's Lodge
-,-, Stoke Ho.
-,-, Stoneleigh Ho.
-,-, Summerhouse
-,-, Thatched Cottage
-,-, Vincent Ho.
-,-, Warwick Ho.
-,-, Wentworth Ho.
-,-, Willows (later Kennaway Hall)
-, drainage
-, electricity
-, farms and farmhos.
-,-, Brooklands
-,-, Clayditches or Littlestones
-, fire
-, flats
-,-, Coronation Ave.
-,-, Woodberry Down
-, friendly socs.
-, gas
-, geol.
-, glebe
-, growth
-,-, Church St.
-,-, the London rd.
-, halls and institutes
-, hosps. and asylums
-, ind.
-,-, Church St.
-,-, the London rd.
-, Jews
-, lecturers
-, librs.
-, man. and other estates
-,-, Abney Ho.
-,-, Browning
-,-, Clissold Park Ho.
-,-, Corbett ho.
-,-, Fleetwood Ho.
-,-, Maughan's
-,-, Palatine Ho., hos.
-,-, prebendal man. copyholds, cts., customs, demesne, lessees man. ho.
-,-, Pulteney
-,-, Stonefields
-, mills
-, missions
-, mkt. gdns. and nurseries
-, Newington Green, q.v.
-, nonconf. (protestant)
-,-, academies
-, omnibus svces.
-, par. officers
-, pks. and open spaces
-, Clissold Pk.
-, police
-, pond
-, poor relief
-, pop.
-, pound
-, prebendaries, and see Briggs, Thos.; Turner, Thos,; Young, John
-, pub. hos.
-,-, Clarence
-,-, Falcon
-,-, Finsbury Park tavern
-,-, Green Dragon
-,-, Hare and Hounds
-,-, Londesborough
-,-, Manor house
-,-, Pegasus
-,-, Rochester Castle
-,-, Rose and Crown
-,-, Royal Oak
-,-, Three Crowns
-,-, Three Crowns (formely Flower de Luce or Cock and Harp)
-,-, Three Pigeons
-,-, White Hart
-,-, White Lion
-, rectors and see Becke; Bull; Clyve; Cooke, Wm.; Gaskin; Heath, Wm.; Jackson, Thos.; Langley; Lovechild; Manton; Millington; Nicolls, W. H.; Shelford; Simpson, Sidrach; Taverner; Tayler, Archdale Wilson; Thoresby; Wyndeson
-, rectory
-, rectory ho.
-, refuse
-, retail trade
-,-, Church St.
-,-, the London rd.
-, rlys. and Underground rlys.
-,-, stas.
-, roads
-,-, Church St.
-,-, Green Lanes
-,-, the London rd. (Stamford Hill, High St., and Stoke Newington Rd.) and see Ermine Street; Seven Sisters Rd.
-, Rom. Cathm.
-,-, convents
-, schs.
-, sewerage
-, soc. life
-, Stocks
-, tithes
-, town hall
-, tram svces.
-, vestry offices
-, vicarage
-, vicars and see William
-, water
-, wkho.
-, woodland

Stoke Newington and Hackney Observer

Stoke Newington Citizen

Stoke Newington Dwellings Syndicate Ltd.

-, John
-, Marg., m. Wm. Jekyll
-, fam.

-, Duke
-, Fras.
-, Geo. (fl. 1691-1720)
-, Geo., vicar of Islington

Stortford, Thos. of, see Thomas

Stowe, Harriet Beecher

Strahan, Geo., vicar of Islington, prebendary at Rochester

Stratford-at-Bow, see Poplar

Straw, Jack

-, John
-, Mary, w. of John
-, Thos.

Stroud, Hen.

Stroud Bros.

Stroud Green, in Islington and Hornsey
-, farms
-, growth
-, mission
-, nonconf. (protestant)
-, pub. hos.
-, Rom. Cathm.

Stroud Vale, see Islington

Studds, John

Suckley, Ralph

Sulman, John

Surrey, see Battersea; Bermondsey; Chertsey; Herne Hill; Southwark; Woolwich

Sussex, see Grinstead, East

-, Anne, w. of Ric.
-, Anne, m. Thos. Yates
-, Eliz., see Dudley Eliz., m. Wm. Booth
-, Kath., m. Tomlinson Busby
-, Ric.
-, Thos.

Swedenborgians, see New Jerusalem

Sweetapple, Sarah

Swinnerton, Hen.

-, abp. of, see Gough, Hugh R.
-, dean of, see Hudson


Talbot, Mr.


Tappe, Clara

Tappen, Geo.

Tate, Harry

Taverner, John, rector of Stoke Newington

Tavistock Repertory Theatre Co.

-, Abraham
-, Archdale Wilson, rector of Stoke Newington
-, Kenneth

Taylor, Jas.

Tealby, Mrs. Mary

Temple, Dame Sarah

-, customary, see Islington, mans.; Stoke Newington, man.
-, enfranchisement
-, leasehold
-, bldg. leases
-, leases in reversion
-, military svce.
-, subleasing

-, John
-, Mary, see Perrott

-, Edw.
-, Eliz.
-, Ellen
-, Judith, m. Ric. Lazenby
-, Ric.
-, Steph. (fl. 1714)
-, Steph., gt.-nephew of Steph. (fl. 1714)
-, Thos., sr.
-, Thos., jr.
-, Sir Wm.

Teulon, S. S.

Thackeray, Wm.

Thames Water Authority

The Recorder
-, theatres and concert halls and see Islington, Agricultural Hall

Theobald, Phil.

-, Hugh
-, John
-, Thos.

Thomas of Barrow, his dau., see Alice

Thomas of Stortford, precentor of St. Paul's
-, his s., see William

-, Chas.
-, Geo.
-, Pishey
-, Thos.

Thomson and Crosswell

Thoresby, Ralph, rector of Stoke Newington

-, Geo. (d. 1827)
-, Geo. (d. 1852)
-, Geo. (d. 1875)
-, Noel
-, Thos.
-, fam.

Thrift, Jos.

-, Eliz., m. John White
-, John

Thurman & White

Thwing, Geo.

Tidman, Edw.

Tilley, Vesta

Timewell, Wm.

Tollington, in Islington
-, farms and farmhos.
-, Barton's
-, Tollington, see Islington, mans., Upper Place
-, growth, see Holloway, Upper
-, man., see Islington, mans., Tollington
-, moated site
-, woodland

Tollington Park, see Holloway, Upper

Tomkins, Martin

Tonge, Israel

Tooke, Wm.

Tooker, Wm.

-, Hermitage est.

Tower Hamlets, Lond. boro., schs.

Townshend, Sir Rog.

Treby, Elias

Tredway, Frans.

Trent Park Cemetery, see Southgate, Cockfosters

Tress, Wm.

Trimen, Mr., architect

Trinder, Tommy

Trounce, Wm.

Truefitt, Geo.

Truelove, J. Reg.

Tuam, abp. of, see Hort, Josiah

-, Edw.
-, Ellen Bertha, w. of Edw.
-, (later Tufnell Foster), Geo.
-, Hen.
-, Hen. Archibald
-, Mary, see Carleton (later Tufnell Jolliffe), Wm., (d. 1797)
-, Wm. (d. 1809)
-, fam.

Tufnell Park, see Holloway, Upper

Turfett, see Tursett

Turks, see immigrants

-, Thos., prebendary of Stoke Newington
-, Miss

Turner's varnish factory

Tursett (or Turfett):
-, Edw.
-, Edw., s. of above
-, Geo. his s.
-, John
-, Steph.

Turvyn, Thos.

Tutchin, Mrs. Eliz.

-, Eliz.
-, Mary, m. Rob. Young sr.
-, Mary, see Hooper
-, Wm.

Twyford, prebendary of, see Wardale

Tyler, Hen.

Tylor, John, & Sons

Umfreville, Edw.

Unitarian Soc.


United Provinces

United Reformed Church

United Secession Church of Scotland

University College sch.

Upton, John

Ursulines of Jesus

Usher, Thos., tailors

Uwins, Thos.

Vagg, Sam. Thos. Collins

Vale Royal (Ches.), abbey

Vane, Wm. Harry, earl of Darlington

varnish making

Vaughan, Edw., vicar of Islington, prebendary of Brondesbury and of Harlesden, treasurer of St. Paul's, later bp. of St. David's

Venn, Hen., vicar of St. John's, Upper Holloway

-, Edw. de, earl of Oxford
-, Wm. de

Vernon, Hen.

Victoria, Queen

Victoria Dwellings Assoc.

vinegar making

Vorley, Mr.

Vowell, Peter

Waddington, John, printers

Waddy, S. D. (Judge)

Wagstaff, Jas.

Walburton, Rob.

Walford, fam.

-, Hen.
-, Isaac
-, John or Jas.
-, Sam., & Co.
-, Mrs.

Walker, Maltby & Co.

Wall Paper Manufacturing

Wallace or Wallis, Geo.

Wallen, F.

Waller, Chas. Hen.

Walley, Wm.

Wallis, see Wallace

Wallis & Sons

-, Ann, m. Wal. Mills
-, John

Waltham Holy Cross (Essex)

War Relief Toys

-, Jas.
-, Thos.

Ward, Mary, Settlement, see Mary Ward

Wardale, John, vicar of Islington, prebendary of Twyford

Warlters, Mr.

Warminger, John

Warner's coach and cart grease factory

Warwick, earl of, see Rich

-, Chris.
-, Hester, m. Sir Hen. Blount
-, Judith, w. of Chris., m. Wm. Martin
-, Judith, m. Geo. Masters


water-meter making


Waters, A. W.

Watkins, Mr.

-, Jas.
-, John
-, Thos.
-, Wm.

-, Isaac
-, Thos.
-, Wm.

Waugh, Evelyn

-, Mrs.
-, Miss


-, Geo. (fl. 1834-45)
-, Geo. (fl. 1862-1913)
-, John
-, Rob. Wm.
-, Thos.
-, Wm.

Webber, Hen.

Weitzman, David

-, Edw.
-, John
-, Thos.

Welsh C.E. Church

Welsh Calvinistic Methodists, see Presbyterian Church of Wales

Welsh Congregationalists

Welsh language classes

Wenlocksbarn, see Shoreditch

Wentworth, Sir Thos., Ld. Wentworth

-, Chas.
-, John
-, Sam.

West, John

West Indians, see immigrants

-, John
-, Wm.

Western Ground Rents

-, abbey
-, Berkeley Sq.: St. Mary, Bourdon St.
-, Church House
-, Covent Garden
-, Long Acre
-, nonconf. (protestant)
-, Oxford St.
-, Seven Dials

Whatmore, John

Wheelwright, Mr.


Wheteley, Ric.

Whincop & Son

Whitbread's bottling yard

-, Eliz., see Thurman
-, John
-, Wm.
-, and see Whyte

white lead making

-, almshos.
-, nonconf. (protestant)

Whitechapel Bell Foundry

Whitefield, Geo.

Whitefriars, see London, chs. and pars.

Whithear, Rob.

Whitteridge, Jabez

Whittingham, Chas.

Whittington, Ric.

Whymark, W.

Whyte, Miss M. C. and see White

Wickens, Wm.

Wickes, H. A.

Wickings, Wm.

Widdows, Thos.

Wigginton, Wm.

Wilberforce, Wm.

Wildman, Watkinson, and his w. Susanna

-, Conrad
-, Jos.

Wilkinson & J. S. C. Heywood, Messers.

William of Haselbech

William s. of Thomas of Stortford

William Wilson

William, vicar of Stoke (? Newington)

-, Benj.
-, Sir Gilb., vicar of Islington
-, Sir Howell J.
-, Mr.
-, priest
-, and see Dr. Williams's libr.

Williams & Crouch

Williamson, Wm.

Willoughby, Mr.

Wills, Thos.

Wilmer, John

-, Dan., sr., vicar of Islington, later bp. of Calcutta
-, Dan., jr., vicar of Islington, prebendary of Chiswick
-, E. & J.
-, Geo.
-, Jas.
-, John
-, Jos.
-, Alderman Col. Sam.
-, Wm.
-, fam.

Wiltshire, archdeacon of, see Yeates, Cornelius

-, Eliz., w. of Thos.
-, Thos.

Windsor, Edw., Ld. Windsor

Windsor (Berks.), canon of, see Cave, Wm.

-, Mary, see Mayor
-, Thos.(? two of this name)

-, Cath., see Mayor
-, John

Wisdom, Norman

-, Sir Ric.
-, Rob.

Witcombe, Jas.

Wolfit, Donald

Wollstonecraft, Mary

-, Thos.
-, Thos., & Sons

-, Mary, w. of Rob.
-, Rob.
-, Rog.

Wood Green

Woodcock, Rob.

-, Hen.
-, Wm.

-, Jos.
-, Jos., s. of above
-, Marg., see Hoare
-, fam.

Woolwich (Surr.)

Woolwich Arsenal F.C., see Arsenal

-, Marg., see Cholmondley
-, Wm.

Worley, Mr.

-, Hugh
-, Thos.

Wragg, Mr.


-, John
-, Sam.

Wroth (Wrothe):
-, Edw.
-, Eliz., see Callard
-, John
-, Mary, w. of Wm. (d. 1614), m. Ric. Colton
-, Ric.
-, Rob.
-, Sir Thos.
-, Thos.
-, Wm. (d. 1614)
-, Wm., s. of Ric.
-, Mrs.
-, fam.

Wyeth, Wm.

Wyn, schoolmaster

Wyndeson, John de, rector of stoke Newington



-, And.
-, fam.

-, Anne, see Sutton
-, Hester, w. of Ric. Wm.
-, Ric. Sutton
-, Ric. Wm.
-, Thos.

Yates & Co.

Yeates, Cornelius, vicar of Islington, archdeacon of Wilts.

Yoakley, Mic.

Yon, Wm.

-, Ellen, w. of John (d. 1612)
-, John (d. 1612)
-, John (fl. 1630)
-, Sam.
-, Wm.
-, Wm., s. of Wm.

Yorkshire, N. Riding

-, John, architect
-, John, prebendary of Stoke Newington
-, Keith
-, Martha (d. 1780), m. Jas. Davison
-, Martha (d. 1803)
-, Mary (d. 1769), see Twyford
-, Mary (d. 1788)
-, Mary (fl. 1804)
-, (or Cloudesley), Ric., see Cloudesley
-, Rob., sr.
-, Rob., s. of above

Young & Co.

Zachary, John