General index: A-J

A History of the County of Middlesex: Volume 1, Physique, Archaeology, Domesday, Ecclesiastical Organization, the Jews, Religious Houses, Education of Working Classes To 1870, Private Education From Sixteenth Century. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1969.

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'General index: A-J', in A History of the County of Middlesex: Volume 1, Physique, Archaeology, Domesday, Ecclesiastical Organization, the Jews, Religious Houses, Education of Working Classes To 1870, Private Education From Sixteenth Century, ed. J S Cockburn, H P F King, K G T McDonnell (London, 1969), British History Online [accessed 9 March 2025].

'General index: A-J', in A History of the County of Middlesex: Volume 1, Physique, Archaeology, Domesday, Ecclesiastical Organization, the Jews, Religious Houses, Education of Working Classes To 1870, Private Education From Sixteenth Century. Edited by J S Cockburn, H P F King, K G T McDonnell (London, 1969), British History Online, accessed March 9, 2025,

"General index: A-J". A History of the County of Middlesex: Volume 1, Physique, Archaeology, Domesday, Ecclesiastical Organization, the Jews, Religious Houses, Education of Working Classes To 1870, Private Education From Sixteenth Century. Ed. J S Cockburn, H P F King, K G T McDonnell (London, 1969), British History Online. Web. 9 March 2025.

NOTE: A page-number in italic denotes an illustration or a map; a number prefixed by a dagger † indicates a plate facing that page.

The following abbreviations have been used: abp., archbishop; acad., academy; admin., administration; Alex., Alex- ander; And., Andrew; Ant., Anthony; arch., archaeology; assoc., association; Bart., Bartholomew; Benj., Benjamin; bd., board; bor., borough; bp., bishop; bro., brother; Cath., Catherine; ch., church; chap., chapel; char., charity; chart, charter; Chas., Charles; chron. chronicle; coll., college; com., commission; conf., conference; corp., corporation; ctss., countess; ctee., committee; d., daughter/died; Dan., Daniel; dchss., duchess; dept., department; dist., district; div., division; Dom. Bk., Domesday Book; eccl., ecclesiastical; Edm., Edmund; educ., education; Edw., Edward; Eliz., Elizabeth; Eng., England; f., father; fam., family; fed., federation; Fr., France; Fred, Frederick; gen., general; Geo., George; Geof., Geoffrey; Gilb., Gilbert; govt., government; Hen., Henry; Herb., Herbert; ho., house; hosp., hospital; Hospit., Hospitaller; Humph., Humphrey; inst., institute/institution; Jas., James; Jos., Joseph; jun., junior; Kath., Katherine; Lawr., Lawrence; Lond., London; mag., magazine; man., manor; Marg., Margaret; m., married; Mat., Matthew; Mic., Michael; min., minister/ministry; n, note; Nic., Nicholas; nonconf., nonconformist; org., organization; par., parish; Phil., Philip; Reg., Reginald; Revd., Reverend; Ric., Richard; riv., river; Rob., Robert; Rog., Roger; Rom., Roman; s., son; Sam., Samuel; sch., school; Sim., Simon; sis., sister; soc., society; Steph., Stephen; tech., technical; Thos., Thomas; U.D.C., Urban District Council; univ., university; vct., viscount; w., wife; Walt., Walter; Westm., Westminster; wid., widow; Wm., William.

Abbott, Edwin,

Abel, Fred., John,

Abercorn, Dukes of, see Hamilton

Aberdeen, Earl of, see Gordon

Aberdeen, Univ. of,

Abingdon, Berks., n; abbey,

Abington Pigotts, Cambs., n, n

Abney Pk. Cemetery, Stoke Newington,

Acheulian 'industry',

Achi the housecarl,

Ackworth, Yorks. W.R.,

Acton, par. and bor., arch., n, ch., schs.,

Acton Vale,

Adam, Prior of Bentley,

Adam, monk of Ruislip,

Adam, John, Phillipe Villiers de Lisle, Grand Master of Knights Hospitallers,

Adams, Chas. Hen., John, John, jun.,

Addedomaros, chief of the Trinobantes,

Addington, Surr.,

Addison Road Station, now Kensington (Olympia),

Adler, Hermann, Nathan,

Ælfgar, Earl,

Ælmer (fl. 1066),

Æthelheard, Abp. of Canterbury

Agnes, Prioress of Haliwell,

Agnes, Prioress of Kilburn,

Ailric (fl. c. 1057–66),

Ailward, s. of Sired, prebendary of Stoke Newington,

Ainger, Canon Alfred,

Ainsworth, Rob.,

Aisne, riv., Fr.,

Akeman Street,

Alan, s. of Fulk,

Albemarle Ho., military acad., Hounslow,

Albert (of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha), Prince Consort, m. Queen Victoria,

Albert Gate, see Westminster, City of

Albert Hall, see Westminster, City of

Albert Univ., see London, Univ. of

Albold (fl. 1086),

Albury, Herts.,

Alcock, John, Bp. of Ely,

Alcocke, Ric., Vicar of Hampton,

Aldenham, Herts., n,

Aldersgate Hosp., London, City of,see Religious Houses, Hospitals

Aldershot, Hants,

Aldgate, see London, City of; and see Religious Houses, in and near London

Aldham, Essex,

Aldrington, Suss.,

Aldwych, in Westminster, City of, see 'Moynesokne'

Alembert, see D'Alembert

Alexander IV, Pope,

Alexander VI, Pope,

Alexander, Harold Rupert Leofric Geo., Earl Alexander of Tunis, n

Alexandra (of Denmark), Princess of wales,

Alfort Sch., Paris, Fr.,

Alfred of Lincoln,

Alfred Ho. Collegiate Inst., Islington,

Algar, man of Earl Harold,

Algodesmelle, n

Alice, Dchss. of Gloucester,

Alice, Prioress of Clerkenwell,

Alice, Prioress of Haliwell,

Alice, Prioress of Kilburn (fl. 1207–8),

Alice, Prioress of Kilburn (fl. 1352–81),

Alice, Prioress of Kilburn (fl. 1423),

Alice, w. of Roger, s. of Reinfrid,

All Cannings Cross, Wilts., see Cannings

All Saints, Honey Lane, see London, City of, pars.

All Souls and St. Marylebone District Sch.,

All Souls Coll., see Oxford, Univ. of

Allchin, Sir Wm.,

Allen, Alex., Revd. John (fl.1732–61), John (1771–1839),

Allen's Pit, in Dorchester, Oxon.,

Alleyn's Sch., Dulwich, Surr.,

Allhallows, Bread Street, see London, City of, pars.

Allhallows, 'Dowgate', see London,x City of, pars.

Alnod or Ælfnoth (fl. 1086),

Alnwick, Wm., confessor-gen. of Syon,

Alston, Sarah, see Seymour

Alswick, in Layston, Herts.,

Althorne, Essex,

Altryncham, Ric.,

Alveve or Elveve, w. of Wateman, n,

Alvred (fl. 1086),

Alwin, man of Ulsi, s. of Manni,

Alwin, s. of Birhtmar,

Alwin blondus,

Alwin Hor',

Alwin 'Horim',

Alwin Horne,

Alwin Stichehare,

Alwin White,

Alwin Wit,

America, South, pupils from,

Amesbury, Wilts., priory,

Amewill, Rob. de,

Amiens, Fr., Bp. of, see Guy

Amwell, Great, Herts.,

Ancylus Lake,

Anderson, Dame Kitty,

Andeville, Thos. de,

Andrew, Jas.,

Andrewes, Lancelot, Bp. of Chichester,

Angers, Maire-et-Loire, Fr., abbey of St. Nicholas,

Anglesey, Earl of, see Annesley

Anglia, East,

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle,

Anne Boleyn, Queen, see Boleyn

Annesley, Arthur, Earl of Anglesey (d. 1686),

Anselm, see Marshal

Ansgar the Staller,

Ansty, Wilts., preceptory,

Antwerp, Belgium,

Aperdale, Rog. de,

Appelby, Idonea,

Appleton, Berks., see Eaton

Arbury, in Nuneaton, Warws.,

Archaeology, Lower Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, † Beaker, † Bronze Age, † Iron Age, † Rom., † Pagan Saxon, †

Ardleigh, Essex,

Argentyn, nun of Stratford at Bow,

Arkley, Herts.,

Armagh, Abp. of, see Beresford

Armstrong, Emily, H. E.,

Arnold, Prior of Saint-Gilles,

Arnold, Mat., poet, n; Dr. Thos., headmaster,

Arnold Ho. Sch., St. Marylebone,

'Arnold's' wood,

Arundel, Eliz., Prioress of Haliwell, Hen. of, Prior of Hospits.,

Arundel, Suss.,

Ash, North, in Ash (next Ridley), Kent,

Ashby, Marg., Abbess of Syon,

Ashford, par., arch., Dom. Bk., n, sch., soke,

Ashkenazi Orphan Charity Sch.,

Ashton Preparatory Sch, Isleworth,

Ashwell, Herts.,

Ashworth, R.,

Aske, Rob.,

Asman, Revd. H. N.,

Aspland, Rob.,

Assailly, see D'Assailly

Assistant Mistresses, Assoc. of,

Association for Promoting a Teaching Univ.,

Astell, Mrs. Mary, Serious Proposal for Ladies,

Aston, later Aston Clinton, Bucks.,

Athelais, w. of Geof. de Mandeville,

Athelbertus, King, see Ethelbert

Athelstan, King, n

Athelstan, f. of Ansgar, n

'Atherley's lands',

Atherston, Warws.,

Atkinson, Revd. John,

Aubin, —, schoolmaster in Norwood,

Aubrey, Prioress of Haliwell,

Aubrey, sis. of Alfred of Lincoln,

Aubrey, sis of Wm. de St. George,

Aubrey, w. of Geof. Martel,

Aubrey, Felice,

Aubusson, Peter d', n

Audelay or Awdelay, John,

Audelay, Sir Thos., Lord Audley of Walden (d. 1544), lord chancellor, n

Augustinian Fathers, see Religious Orders, schs.

Augustus Fred., Duke of Suss. (d. 1843),

Aulus Plautius,

Aumenyl, Wm. de, Master of Burton Lazars, Leics.,

Aunay, Hugh d', Prior of Eng.,

Aungee fee, Lincs.,

Austen, Jane, author,

Avebury, Wilts., n

Avening, Glos.,

Avignon, Vaucluse, Fr., n

Axholme, Lincs., priory,

Axmouth, Devon,

Aylesbury, Bucks.,

Aylesbury, Earl of, see Bruce

Ayrton, W. E.,

Azor (fl. 1066),

Azor the housecarl,

Babington, John, n; fam., n

Babraham, Cambs., n

Bagshot Sands,

Bainiard, Wm.,

Baker Street, Upper, see St. Marylebone

Bakewell, Marg., Prioress of Clerkenwell, Steph. de,

Baldwin, Stanley, prime minister, n

Balfour, Alex.,

Ballintober swords,

Bancis, Avice de, Eustace de, Marg. de, Rog. de, Wm. de,

Bancroft, Francis,

Banes, Sir Wm.,

Bank of England, see London, City of

Baptists, org., Sunday schs.,

Barantyn, Joan de,

Barat, Margery,

Baril, Hubert, Pain,

Barker, Rob., Master of St. Giles's Hosp.,

Barking, Ric. of, Abbot of Westm.,

Barking, Essex, abbey, abbess, see Montague, Maud; arch.,

Barn Elms, in Barnes, Surr., n,

Barnes, Surr., n, n,

Barnet, John, Bp. of Ely,

Barnet, East, Herts.,

Barnet, Friern, see Friern Barnet

Barnet or High Barnet, Herts.,

Barneville, John, Maud, Wm.,

Barnsbury, in Islington, sch.,

Barrow, Wm., Academic Education,

Barrow, Suff., n

Barry, Alfred,

Bartholomew, Min. of Hounslow Priory,

Bartholomew, s. of Galiena Dammartin,

Barton, Eliz., Holy Maid of Kent,

Basing, Solomon de,

Basingstoke, Hants.,

Bassano, fam.,

Basset, Fulk, Bp. of Lond., Gilb., n; Ralf, n

Bassingeburn, Nic. de,

Batchworth Heath, in Rickmansworth, Herts.,

Batmanson, John, judge, John, Prior of London Charterhouse, formerly Prior of Hinton, Som., Oliver

Battersea, Surr., arch., Mesolithic, Neolithic, Beaker, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Rom.,

Battersea Polytechnic,

Battle Bridge, see St. Pancras

Baudon, Isabel,

Baxter, Ric., divine, Wm., scholar, n

Bayeux, Bp. of, see Odo

Baynard, Wm.,

Bayswater, in Paddington,

Beaker people, and see colls., Archaeology

Beale, Dorothea,

Beatrice fitz Peter, see Say, Beatrice de

Beauchamp, Miles de, Rob., Prior of Harmondsworth,

Beaufort, Hen., Cardinal, Bp. of Winchester, Marg.,

Beaumont, J. T. B.,

Beaumont Animals' Hosp.,

Beauvale, Notts., priory, n

Bec, Eure, Fr., abbey,

Bech, Geof. de, n

Beche, Rob. de,

Beckwith, Ralph, Min. of Hounslow Priory,

Beddington, Surr.,

Bedfont, Dom. Bk., n, n, sch.,

Bedfont, East, par., arch., n, ch., Dom. Bk., man., rectory, and see Hatton

Bedfont, West, Dom. Bk., n,

Bedfont and Hatton National Sch.,

Bedford, Beds.,

Bedford, Bp. of, see How

Bedford, Duke of, see John

Bedford Coll., London, Univ. of, coat of arms

Bedfordshire, n, n; Dom. Bk., n, n

Bedwell, Wm., Vicar of Tottenham,

Bedyll, Thos.,

Belgae, Belgic culture,

Belgium, Iron Age,

Bell, Alex., Dr. And., Gertrude, traveller, Rob., Confessor-gen. of Syon,

Belle Vue Ho. Acad., Stoke Newington,

Bellême, Rob. of,

Bellers, John,

Bellovaci, coins ascribed to,

Belmeis, Ric. de, Bp. of Lond., n

Belmont Sch.,

Belsham, Dr. Thos.,

Belsize Park, see Hampstead

Benedictines, see Religious Orders, schs.

Benet, treasurer of St. John's (fl. 1232),

Benfleet, South, Essex,

Benigna, Prioress of Haliwell,

Bennett, Wm. Sterndale, composer,

Benson or Boston, Wm., Dean of Westm.,

Bentham, Jeremy, Morals and Legislation,

Bentley Priory, Harrow, priors,

Bere, John de, Prior of Bentley, Ric.,

Beresford, Lord John Geo., Abp. of Armagh,

Berkhampstead, Herts.,

Berkshire, Dom. Bk., n, n, n, n,

Bermondsey, Surr., and see Horsleydown; Rotherhithe

Bernard, f. of Walt. of St. Valery,

Bernard, s. of Walt. of St. Valery,

Berneres, Hugh de,

Berners, Lady, see Bourchier; Lord, see Bourchier; Wm.,

Berry, Ric., Guide of Kingsland,

Besant, Sir Walt.,

Bessborough, Earl of, see Ponsonby

Bessemer, Hen.,

Bethlehem Royal Hosp., see Hospitals, medical

Bethnal Green, bor., arch., chs., nonconf., pauper children, Roman Road, schs.,

Betson, Thos., treatise,

Bettesworth, John,

Bever, Wm.,

Beverley, Yorks. E.R., n

Bevis Marks Synagogue,

Bible Christians, see Methodists

Bignall, John, Guide of Kingsland,

Billesdon, John,

Billingsgate, Thos. of,

Birkbeck, Geo.,

Birkbeck Coll., London, Univ. of, n, coat of arms,

Birkbeck Inst. see Birkbeck Coll.

'Birkbeck Schools',

Birkhead, Nic.,

Birklands Sch., Holland Park,

Birmingham, Warws.,

Birston or Briston, Geof, de, Master of St. Giles's Hosp.,

Bisham, Berks., ch.,

Bishopsgate, see London, City of

Bissell, Dan., Governor of Knights bridge Hosp.,

Blackfriars, see London, City of

Blacklands Sch., Chelsea,

Blackstone, Sir Wm., Commentaries,

Blackwall, in Poplar, sch.,

Blake, Wm. (fl. c. 1685), Wm., poet, Songs of Innocence,

Blakeney, Adam de,

Blakenham, ?Great, ?Little, Suff.,

Blandford St. Mary, Dors.,


Bledlow, Bucks.,

Blomfield, Chas. Jas., Bp. of Lond.,

Bloomsbury, in Holborn, man., schs.,

Blossom, Rob.,

Blue Coat Sch. (girls), Tottenham,

Blue Sch., Isleworth,

Blund or Blount, Rob., Wm.,

Blunt, Isabel, Prioress of Stratford at Bow,

Blyth, Notts., priory,

Board of Trade, Science and Art Department,

Bocheland, Hugh de, n

Bocking, Essex,

Bodichon, Barbara,

Bodleian Coll., South Kensington,

Bodmin, Cornw.,

Bohemia Palace Sch., Hackney,

Bohun, Humph. de, Earl of Hereford (d. 1275),

Boissier, A. P.,

Boleyn, Anne, Queen, m. Hen. VIII, John,

Bond, Wm.,

Bonesquiere, Walt.,

Boniface VIII, Pope,

Bonn, Germany, Univ. of,

Bonner, Edm., Bp. of Lond.,

Bonnycastle, John,

Boorde or Bord, And.,

Booth, Chas.,

Boothby, Lincs.,

Borough Road Coll., Southwark,

Boston, Wm., see Benson

Boston, Lincs.,

Boswell, Jas., biographer,

Boteler, Rob.,

Bothenhampton, Dors.,

Botwell, see Hayes

Botyll, Rob., Prior of Eng.,

Boucherett, Jessie,


Boulder Clay, Chalky,

Bourchier, John, Lord Berners (d. 1474), Margery, Lady Berners, formerly Margery Ferriby,

Boutcher Sch.,

Bovey, Dr. H. T.,

Bow, in Poplar, and see Stratford at Bow, priory

Bow Bridge, in Poplar, n,

Bowen, E. E.,

Bowers Gifford, Essex,

Bowes, Marm., n

Boyn Hill Terrace,

Boys' Public Day Schs. Company,

Brackley, Northants.,

Bradenstoke, Wilts., priory,

Bradford, Yorks. W. R.,

Bradpole, Dors.,

Bradshawe, Wm.,

Brahi, Rog. de,

Braintree, Essex,

'Brambel', Herts.,

Brampton, Suff.,

Brandesby, Thos. de,

Bras, Denise, Prioress of Clerkenwell,

Braughing, Herts.,

Bray, Margery, Prioress of Clerken well, Dr. Thos.,

Braybroke, Rob., Bp. of Lond.,

Braybrooke, Kath., Prioress of Cler kenwell,

Brede, Suss.,

Brenckley, Joan,

Brent, riv., and see Place-names

Brent, South, Devon, see Marley

Brentford, arch., Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, n, Beaker, Bronze Age, Iron Age, n, n, Rom., election (1715), hospitals, see Religious Houses, Hospitals; schs., and see Old England

Brentford Ait, Richmond, Surr.,

Brentford End, in Isleworth,

Brentford Ferry,

Brenton, Capt. Pelham,

Brentwood, Essex,

Brethren, sect,

Brex, Wm., formerly Commander of Yeaveley, Derb.,

Brian fitz Count,

Brian, s. of Ralph,

Brian, Thos.,

Bricet, Jordan de, and his w. Muriel,

Bridge Creek or Counter's Creek,

Bridges, John,

Brien, —, w. of,

Brienne, Guy de,


Brihtmar, man of Earl Harold,

Brihtmar of Gracechurch, n

Brionne, Count of, see Gilbert

Bristol, Univ. of,

Briston, Geof. de, see Birston

British and Foreign Schs. Soc.,

British Education Soc.,

British Journal,

British Postgraduate Medical Fed., n,

British Union Sch., Shadwell,

Brito, Rob., de Aldewic,


Brixton, Surr.,

Broadway, Dors.,

Brockley Hill, see Stanmore, Great

Bromley (by Bow), in Poplar, Dom. Bk. man., mill, pillory,

Brompton, in Kensington, schs.,

Brompton Church of England Sch.,

Brondesbury, in Willesden, schs.,

Brondesbury and Kilburn High Sch.,

Brondesbury Lodge Collegiate Sch.,

Brooks, Wm.,

Brothers of Mercy, see Religious Orders, schs.

Brougham, Hen., Lord Brougham, and Vaux (d. 1868), lord chancellor,

Broughton, Bucks.,

Brown, Mrs. Alex., Constance, Abbess of Syon, Miss Dudin, W., W. H.,

Browne, Anne, Prioress of Kilburn,

Brownell, Thos.,

Broxbourne, Herts.,

Broxted, Essex, see Chaureth

Bruce, Robert, Earl of Aylesbury (d. 1685),

Bruce Castle Sch., Tottenham,

Bruges, Belgium, Charterhouse,

Bryant, Com.,

Brussels, Belgium,

Bryant, Sophie,

Bryce Com.,

Brydges, Jas., Duke of Chandos (d. 1744),

Buchuinte, John,

Buckingham, John, Bp. of Lincoln,

Buckingham Coll., Harrow,

Buckingham Palace, see Westminster City of

Buckinghamshire, arch., n, n; Dom. Bk., n, n, n, n, n

Buckland, Minchin or Sororum, Som., preceptory,

Budde, Thos.,

Budleigh, East, Devon,

Bukerell, And., Mayor of Lond.,

Bull, Marg., Prioress of Clerkenwell — schoolmaster in Hammersmith,

Bunhill Sch., Finsbury,

Burford, Alice, Prioress of Stratford at Bow,

Burgess, Jas.,

Burgh, Dr. Jas.,

Burghley, Lord, see Cecil, Wm.

Burke, Edm., Reflections on the French Revolution,

Burlington, Lord, see Cavendish

Burlington Academy, Fulham,

Burlington Ho., see Westminster, City of

Burlington Ho. Sch., Isleworth,

Burney, Dr. Chas.,

Burnham, Bucks.,

Burnham, East, in Burnham, Bucks.,

Burnham or Burnham on Crouch,Essex,

Burnham Beeches, Bucks.,

Burrow, Edw.,

Burston, Norf.,

Burton, Ric.,

Burton Lazars, Leics., see Religious Houses, Hospitals

Bushey Heath, Herts.,

Busk, Sir Edw.,

Buss, Frances Mary,

Bute, Earl of, see Stuart

Buthlers, Margery de,

Butler, Geo., Jas., Duke of Ormond (d. 1688), Revd. Montagu, Dr. Weedon,

Butlin, H. T.,

Button, Revd. John, Ralph,

Buttsbury, Essex,

Bycullah Sch., Enfield,

Bylewit, John, see Hilewit

Byron, Geo. Gordon, Lord Byron (d. 1824), Lady, see Noel Byron

Byron Ho. Sch., Highgate,

Caburn, Suss., see Mount Caburn

Cadmore End, in Fingest, Bucks.,

Caen, Calvados, Fr., abbey of the Holy Trinity,

Caesar, Caius Julius,

'Caesar's Camp', Heathrow,

Calais, Pas-de-Calais, Fr.,

Calcutta, Bp. of, see Welldon

Calvinistic Independents,

Cam Ho. Sch., Belgrave Square,

Camberwell, Surr.,

Cambridge, Univ., Christ's Coll., Girton Coll., King's Coll., Newnham Coll., Peter house, Trinity Coll.,

Cambridge Conf. on Secondary Educ.,

Cambridge Training Coll.,

Cambridgeshire, n, Dom. Bk., n, n

Camden Ho. Preparatory Sch., St. Marylebone,

Camden Sch.,

Camden Town, in St. Pancras, schs.,

Camerton-Snowshill daggers,

Cammaerts, Emile,

Campbell, Thos., New Monthly Mag.,

Campbell-Bannersman, Sir Hen., prime minister,

Campden Ho. Sch., Kensington, †

Canning, Charlotte, Lady Canning,

Cannings, All, Wilts., All Cannings Cross, n

Canonbury, in Islington, schs.,

Canonbury Collegiate Sch.,

Canterbury, Kent, cathedral priory of Christ Church, n, priory of St. Gregory, sch., shrine,

Canterbury, Abps. of, Dom. Bk. estates, n, peculiars, and see Aethe leard; Chichele; Cranmer; Dun stan; Lanfranc; Langham; Laud; Longley; Stigand; Sudbury; Sut ton; Wake; Winchelsey; Wulfred

Canton, John,

Canute or Cnut, King,

Cappell, Jacques,

Capra, Alice, Geoff., Mic., and his w. Rose, Wm., and his w. Alice, Wm. s. of Wm.,

Carbrooke, Norf., n

Cardiff, Glam., Univ. Coll.,

Cardinal Vaughan Sch., Kensington,

Cardonel, Mrs. (d. c. 1713),

Cardones or Cardens, in Cliffe, Kent,

Carey, Annie, schoolmistress,

Carlile, Sir Hildred,

Carlisle, E., schoolmaster in Kensington,

Carlisle and Gregson (Jimmy's) Ltd., sch.,

Carlisle, Bp. of, see Goodenough

Carlton, Wm. de, Prior of Bentley,

Carlyle, Thos., author,

Carshalton, Surr., n

Carter, Thos.,

Carterfield, —, master of Haber dasher's Aske's Sch.,

Case, Miss, schoolmistress in Hamp stead,

Cassel, Sir Ernest,


Castlebar Court Sch., Ealing,

Cateby, Hen. de, Master of St. Giles's Hosp.,

Catholic Grammar Sch., Holloway,

Catholics, see Roman Catholics

'Cato', writer in the British Journal,


Caune, Agnes de,

Cave, Dr., keeper of former Charter house church,

Cavendish, Wm., Duke of Devon shire (d. 1891), fam.,

Cavendish Square Training Coll.,

Cavour, Ellen, sub-prioress of Hali well,

Cecil, Wm., Lord Burghley (d. 1598),

Cecily, Prioress of Clerkenwell,

Cecily, Prioress of Kilburn,

Cecily, d. of Hen. of Oxford,

Cecily, w. of Hen. of Essex,

Cellier, John le,

Census (ecclesiastical) by Daily News (1902–3),

Central Criminal Court, sessions,

Central Inst., later part of Imperial Coll. of Science and Technology,

Central Lond. Collegiate Sch., Hol born,

Central Lond. Dist. Sch., Hanwell,

Central Tech. Coll., later part of Imperial Coll. of Science and Technology, n,

Cenwulf, King of Mercia,

Chaddesden, Geof. de, Master of St. Giles's Hosp.,

Chadwell, in Great Amwell, Herts.,

Chafford, hundred, Essex,

Chalcot Coll. for Girls, Haverstock Hill,

Chalkhill, see Kingsbury

Challoner, Ric., Bp. of Debra,

Chamberlain, see Geoffrey; William

Chambers, Chas.,

Champnes, Chas.,

Champneys, Basil, Canon Wm. Weldon, Rector of Whitechapel,

Chandler, Thos.,

Chandos, Duke of, see Brydges

Channing Ho. High Sch., Highgate,

Chaplin, Chas., actor,

Chapman, Alex., Master of Guild of Holy Trin., Aldersgate,

Charing Cross, see Hospitals, medical, and Westminster, City of

Charity Com., and see Schools, char.

Charles I, King,

Charles II, King,

Charlotte, Princess, d. of George IV,

Charlton, in Shepperton, Dom. Bk.,

Charlton Ashurst, in Ashurst, Suss.,

Charrington, Nic.,

Charterhouse, Finsbury, see London Charterhouse

Charterhouse Sch.,

Chase Side Sch., Enfield,

Chauncey, Isaac,

Chauncy, John, Jos. de. Prior of Eng., Maurice Historia aliquot Martyrum,

Chaureth, in Broxted, Essex,

Cheeseman, Rob.,

Chell, Miss, headmistress of Coopers' Company Girl's School,

Chelsea, par. and bor, arch., n, Dom. Bk., man., Marlborough Street, sessions, schs., n,

Chelsea Palace Sch.,

Cheltenham, Glos.,

Cheltenham Coll.,

Cheltenham Ladies' Coll.,

Cherry Hinton, Cambs.,

Chertsey, Surr., abbey, arch.,

Cherwell Ho. Acad., Hammersmith,

Cheshire, Dom. Bk.,

Cheshunt Coll., Herts., n

Chester, conventual ch.,

Chester, Earl of, see Ranulf

Cheyne Ho. Sch., Chelsea,

Chichele, Hen., Abp. of Canterbury,

Chichester, Suss., Rape, Bp. of, see Andrewes

Child-Villiers, Victor Albert Geo., Earl of Jersey (d. 1915),

Children's Friend Soc.,

Chilham, Kent,

Chiltern Hills,

Chingford, Essex,

Chinnor, Oxon.,

Chishull, John, Bp. of Lond.,

Chiswick, par., arch., Mesolithic, Neolithic, Beaker, Iron Age, n, Rom.,ch., schs., Sutton, and see Turnham Green

Chiswick Collegiate Sch.,

Chiswick High Road,

Cholmeley, Sir Rog., R. F.,

Chorley Wood, Herts.,


Christian Community,

Christine, Prioress of Clerkenwell,

Christine, Prioress of Haliwell (fl. 1269–84),

Christine, Prioress of Haliwell (fl. 1314),

Christine, heir of Walt. of Windsor,

Christine, maid of honour to Queen Maud,

Christmas, Walt., Master of St. Giles's Hosp.,

Christ's Coll., cambridge,see Cambridge, Univ. of

Christ's Coll., Finchley,

Christ's Hospital, sch., n,

Chrodegang of Metz, Rule of,

Church Building Act (1818),

Church Ho. Grammar Sch., Ealing,

Church Missionary Soc.,

Church of England, org., schs., Sunday schs.,

Churches in Lond. and Westm. Act (1711),

Churchill, Sir Winston, prime mini ster, n

Cibe, John, Prior of Harmondsworth,

City and Guilds Inst., n

City of Lond. Coll.,

City of Lond. Coll. for Ladies,

City of Lond. Sch.,

City Polytechnic, see Birkbeck Coll.

Clacton-on-Sea, Essex,

Clactonian 'industry',

Clapton, in Hackney, arch., schs.,

Clare, Emma of, Gilb. de, Earl of Hertford (d. 1152), Martin, Ric. of, see Ric. fitz Gilbert; Rog. de, Master of St. Giles's Hosp.,

Clare, barony of, earldom or honor of,

Clare, Suff.,

Clarence, Marg., Dchss. of,

Clarendon, Lord, see Villiers

Claridge, Ric.,

Clark, G. E., founder of Clark's Coll., Ric.,

Clarke, Hen., John, schoolmaster in Enfield,

Clark's Coll., Southgate Road,

Claudius, Emperor,

Claygate Beds,

Cleeve, Som., abbey,

Clemence, Prioress of Haliwell,

Clement V, Pope,

Clement VI, Pope, n

Cleremont, Pain de,

Clerkenwell, Walt. de, Master of St. Giles's Hosp.,

Clerkenwell, in Finsbury, nonconf., St. James, par. of, schs., workhouse,

Clerkenwell, Grand Priory of the Knights of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, † admin., buildings, ch., chapters, Commanders, dissolutions, foundation, number of inmates, Priors of England, and see Botyll; Chauncy; Docwra; Gren don; Hanley; Kendal; Langs trother; L'Archer; Mallory; Red ington Rob. the treasurer; St. Cross; Thame; Tibertis; Tresham; Walter; Weston; property, seals, Turcopoliers, see Middleton; Tong. Rob., Tong, Wm.

Clerkenwell, Priory of St. Mary, admin., buildings, cartulary, dissolution, number of inmates, prioresses, property, seal,

Clerkenwell Academy,

Clerkenwell Charity Sch.,

Clerkenwell Road, formerly Wilder ness Street, n

Clermont, Adeliza de,

Clifford, Agnes, Prioress of Clerken well, Ric., Bp. of Lond., Ric., Master of Burton Lazars, Leics.,

Cloker, Hen.,

Clyderhow, John, Ric.,

Cnut, see Canute

Coar sisters, schoolmistresses in Tottenham,

Cobden, Ric., statesman,

Cobham, Surr., n

Coborn or Cobourne, Prisca,

Coborn Girls' Sch.,

Coborn Sch.,

Cockfield, Suff.,

Cockfosters, in Barnet,

Cockhampstead, in Braughing, Herts.,

Codenhlaewe (Codanhlaw),

Coghlan, Mrs., schoolmistress in Hampstead,

Cohen, John,

Coins, Iron Age, Rom.,

Coke, Thos., Earl of Leicester (d. 1759),

Cokefield, Wm. de, Master of St. Giles's Hosp.,

Colchester, Wm., Abbot of Westm.,

Colchester, Essex, abbey, archdeaconry,

Cole, Baldwin,

Colebrook Ho. Acad., Islington,

Coleman, Edw.,

Colenso, John Wm., Bp. of Natal,

Coleraine, fam.,

Colet, John, Dean of St. Pauls'

Colet Court Sch.,

Colham, in Hillingdon, Dom. Bk., n, n, fee, man., mill, vineyard,

College Ho. Boarding Sch., Hackney Road,

College Ho. Classical and Commercial Sch.

College Ho. Sch., Edmonton,

College of the Pharmaceutical Soc., see Sch. of Pharmacy

College of Preceptors,

Collegiate Sch. for Girls, St. Peter's Park,

Collingwood, Thos.,

Collinson, Peter,

Colne, riv., arch., and see Place-names

Colney, Lucy of, Prioress of Hali well,

Cologne, Germany, Charterhouse,

Colt, Thos.,

Comenius, Johannes Amos,

Committee of Council on Educ., Science and Art Department,

Commius, British chief,

Compton, Hen., Bp. of Lond.,

Congregationalists, org., schs., Sunday schs.,

Conte-Poyntour, Humph. le, Prior of Harmondsworth,

Conventicle Act (1664),

Conway, Kath. (d. 1639), wid. of Edw., Vct. Conway,

Cookham, Berks.,

Coombe Rock,

Cooper, Ant. Ashley, Earl of Shaftes bury (d. 1885),

Coopers' Company's Boys' Sch.,

Coopers' Company's Girls' Sch.,

Copinger, John, Confessor-gen. of Syon,

Coram, Capt. Thos.,

Corbet, Wm.,

Corbett, Rob.,

Corbridge, Northumb.,

Cornere, Maud de la,


Cornwall, Duchy of,

Corringham, Essex,

Corsham, Wilts.,

Corviser, Wm. le,

Cotham, John de,

Council of Legal Educ.,

Counter's Creek, see Bridge Creek

Countess of Huntingdon's Con nexion, see Methodists

County Hidage,

Courtauld Inst. of Art,

Courtenay, Edw., Earl of Devon (d. 1556),

Coutances, Bp. of, see Geoffrey

Coventry, Warws., priory, n

Coward Coll., Bloomsbury,

Coward Trust,

Cowdroy, Charlotte,

Cowley, par., arch., Dom. Bk.,

Cowper, Earl, see De Gray

Cowper Street Middle-Class Schs., Finsbury,

Cox, Revd. Jas.,

Cozens-Hardy, Sir Herb., later Lord Cozens-Hardy (d. 1920),

Cramb, J. A.,

Crammaville, Cecily de,

Cranborne Chase pottery, n

Crane, riv.,

Cranford, par., Dom. Bk., man., woodland,

Cranmer, Thos., Abp. of Canterbury,

Crayford, Kent, n

Craylands Lane, see Swanscombe

Crediton, Devon, Hosp. of St. Lawr., see Religious Houses, Hospitals

Creighton, Mandell, Bp. of Lond.,

Creslow, Bucks., n

Cretinge, Kath. de,

Cripplegate, see London, City of

Crispin, Gilb., Abbot of Westm., n, John, Keeper of St. Giles's Hosp., Miles,

Cromer, Norf.,

Cromwell, Thos., Earl of Essex (d. 1540), n

Cromwell Ho. Sch., Highgate,

Cromwell Road, Kensington, sch.,

Croston, Lancs.,

Crouch End Acad., see Hornsey Acad.

Crouch End High Sch. and Coll.,

Croudace, Camilla,

Crowelegh, Ric., Master of St. Giles's Hosp.,

Croxley, Isabel,

Croxley, in Rickmansworth, Herts.,

Croxton, Wm., Master of St. Giles's Hosp.,

Croydon, Surr., deanery, schs., n,

Cruce, Ric. de,

Crundale, Kent, see 'Fawnes'

Cudham, Kent,

Cullen, Rob.,

Cunobelinus, s. of Tasciovanus,

Currie, Sir Edm. Hay,

Curson, David, n

Curton, Arnold de,

Cuthwulf or Cutha, (fl. c. 571),

Cwenthryth, Abbess,

Dagger, A. Wilkinson,

Daily News, see Census

Dale, Canon Thos., Vicar of St. Pancras, Wm.,

D'Alembert, Jean Le Rond,

Dalston, in Hackney, schs.,

Dammartin, Galiena,

Daniel, Abbot of St. Benet of Holme,

Dansie, Jas., Guide of Kingsland,

Darby, Mary, or Perdita Robinson, actress,

Darcy, Sir Arthur,

Darley, John,

Dartford, Kent,

D'Assailly, Gilb.,

Datchet, Bucks., n

Davenant, Mary, w. of Ralph, Ralph, Rector of St. Mary Matfelon Sarah, sis.-in-law of Ralph,

Davenant Foundation Grammar Sch., coat of arms,

David, Sir Percival,

Davies, David, or Davis, Emily, Revd. J. Llewelyn,

Davies Tutors Ltd.,

Davis, V. S. E.,

Dawley, in Harlington, arch., Dom. Bk., fee, man.,

Defoe, Dan., author,

De Gray, Francis Thos., Earl Cowper (d. 1905),

De la Beche, Thos.,

De la Mare, M.,

De la Place, Denis,

De la Rue, Warren,

Delhi, New, Indian Inst. of Technology,

Delius, Fred., composer,

Denham, Bucks.,

Denis the Carthusian,

Denmark, Maglemosean sites,

Dennett, Thos.,

Denys, Hugh,

Deptford, Kent,

Derby, Earls of, see Ferrieres; Stanley, Thos.

Derbyshire, n

Derman of London,

Deverel-Rimbury, Dorset, n; people, pottery,

De Vere, see Vere


Devon, Earl of, see Courtenay, Edw.

Devonshire, Duke of, see Cavendish; fam.,

Dewe's Farm, see Harefield

Dickens, Chas., author,

Digby, Everard,

Digswell, Herts.,

Dilke, Sir Chas., Bt., M. P.,

Dingley, Thos., n

Dinmore, Herefs., preceptory,

Disciples of Christ, sect,

Disraeli, Isaac,

Dissenting Academies, see Nonconformity

Dive, Ralph de, Prior of Hospits., Rob. de, Prior of Hospits.,

Docwra, Sir Thos., Prior of Hospits., n,

Dodd, Dr., schoolmaster in Ealing,

Doding (fl. c. 1066),

D'Oilli, Rob.,

Dolbe, Revd. C. V.,

Dolittle, Thos.,

Dollis Brook,

Dollis Hill, in Willesden,

Domesday Survey, man., and Harmondsworth man., and see Exon Domesday

Donnington, now Dotton, in Colaton Raleigh, Devon,

Doo, John,

Dorking, Surr., see Milton

Dormer, fam.

Dorney Wood, in Dorney, Bucks.,

Dorset, Walt. of, n

Dorset, Dom. Bk., n, n, n, n,

Dotton, Devon, see Donnington

Douglas, Lady Marg., later Ctss. of Lennox,

Dove, —, master at Haberdashers' Aske's Sch.,

Dover, Nic. of, Master of St. Giles's Hosp.,

Dovercourt, Essex, n

Dower's Acad., Islington,

Dowgate, see London, City of

Dowling, Dr., master of Mansion Ho. Acad., Highgate,

D'Oyly, Dr. Geo., Rector of Lambeth,

Drayton, John,

Drayton, West, par., arch., Dom. Bk., chart., n; ch., man., weir,

Dreux, Count of,

Droitwich, Worcs., n

Drummond, Miss I. M.,

Drury, Jos.,

Drury Lane, see Westminster, City of

Dublin, Ireland,

Dudley, John Vct. Lisle, Earl of Warwick, Duke of Northumberland (d. 1553),

Dudley, Worcs.,

Duke of York's Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea,

Dunmow, Essex, deanery, man., priory,

Dunn, Sam.,

Dunstable, Beds., Prior of, see Morins, Ric. de

Dunstan, Abp. of Canterbury,

Dunton, Beds.,

Durand, canon of St. Paul's,

D'Urfey, Thos., Love for Money,

Durham, Hen. of, Master of St. Giles's Hosp., John of,

Durham, Bp. of, and see Hat field; cathedral priory, Dean, see Welldon

Durham, Univ. of,

Durham Ho. Sch., Chelsea,

Dursley, Glos.,

Dury, John,

Dyconson, John, Guide of Kingsland,

Dyne, John Bradley,

Eagle, Lincs., preceptory, n,

Eagle Hall Collegiate Sch., South gate,

Eagles, E. M.,

Ealing, par. and bor., arch., ch., Coldhall man., Hanger Hill, Ness House, schs.,

Ealing Deanery Middle-Class Sch.,

Ealing Grammar Sch.,

Ealing Great Sch.,

Eames, John,

East India Company, sch.,

East Islington Commercial Sch.,

East Islington Proprietory Sch.,

East Lond. Coll., † and see Queen Mary Coll.

East Lond. Collegiate Sch. for Ladies,x Poplar,

East Lond. Irish Free Sch., Minories,

Eastbourne, Suss., n,

Easter, High, Essex, n

Easterbrook, John,

Easton (Royal), Wilts.,

Eastwood, Essex,

Eaton, in Appleton, Berks.,

Ebbsfleet, in Minster, Kent, pottery, n, n

Ebury, in Westminster, City of, Dom. Bk., n, man.,

Ecclesden, in Angmering, Suss.,

Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Act, n

Eccleston, Lancs.,

Ecole Libre des Sciences Politiques, see Paris

Eden, Sir Thos.,

Edgar, King, n,

Edgbaston, Warws., n

Edgware, par., ch. (Edgeworth), Deacon's Hill, roads, sessions,

Edgware Road, and see Watling Street

Edgworth, T. E.,

Edinburgh, Univ. of,

Edith, Queen, w. of Edward the Confessor,

Edlesborough, Bucks.,

Edmer Atule or Attile, Atre,

Edmonton, par., and bor., arch., Bell Inn, Dom. Bk., man., nonconf., schs., † and see Laty mer Sch.; sessions, theatre, U.D.C., vicars, see U.D.C., vicars, see Gregory; woodland, and see Palmers Green; Southgate

Edmonton, Upper, St. James's Ch.,

Edmonton ((A)delmetone), hundred,

Edmund Ironside, King,

Edmund fitz Algot,

Education, private, working class, and see Schools

Education Guild, formerly Teachers' Guild,

Education Soc.,

Edward the Confessor, King, n,

Edward I, King,

Edward II, King,

Edward III, King,

Edward IV, King,

Edward VI, King,

Edward, Black Prince, s. of Edw. III,

Edward, Prince of Wales, later King Edw. VII,

Edward, Prince of Wales, later King Edw. VIII,

Edward, Master of St. Giles's Hosp.,

Edward, s. of Suain,

Edward of Salisbury, see Salisbury, Edw. of

Edwards, Dr. Thos.,

Edwin, Earl,

Edwin, man of King Edw. the Confessor,

Edwin, thegn of King Edw. the Confessor,

Edwy, King,

Eel Pie Island, in Twickenham,

Eideva, w. of Edw. s. of Suain,

Eldon, Earl of, see Scott

Eleanor, Prioress of Clerkenwell,

Elford, S.,

Elgin Coll, Bayswater,

Elilond, Peter de,

Elizabeth I, Queen,

Elizabeth II, Queen,

Elizabeth, princess, d. of Chas. I,

Elizabeth of Hainault,

Elizabeth of Ulster, w. of Prince Lionel,

Ellis, Jas., Wm.,

Elm Ho. Sch., Edmonton,

Elmley, Kent,

Elphinston, Jas.,

Elstree, Herts.,

Elthorne (Helet(h)orne), hundred, Dom. Bk., woodland,

Elveve, w. of Wateman, see Alveve

Ely, Cambs., abbey, n; Bps. of, see Barnet; Montague, Simon

Emerton, Revd. J. A.,

Emery, Jas.,

Emleybridge, hundred, Surr., n

Emma, maid of honour to Queen Maud,

Emma, nun of Kilburn,

Emma, sis.-in-law of Geof. de Mulneho,

Enderby, Thos. de, Commander of Clerkenwell,

Endowed Schs. Com.,

Enfield, par., arch., n, and see Ponders End; Bush Hill Park, Chase Side, chantry, Dom. Bk., fee, fishponds, man., hosp., see Religious Houses, Hospitals; schs., and see Ponders End; vicars, see Heath; woodland,

Enfield Court,

Enfield Grammar Sch.,

Engelbric, canon,

Englefield, Cath., see Fettyplace; Sir Francis,

English Grammar Sch., Chelsea,

Epping Forest, Essex,

Erasmus, Desiderius, New Testa ment,

Ermengarde, Prioress of Clerkenwell,

Ermine Street,

Ernulf (fl. 1086),

Ertebølle culture,

Esher, Surr., n, n

Essewell, Elias de,

Essex, Hen. of, Rob. of,

Essex,x arch., n; Dom. Bk., n, forest, place-names, Sheriff of,

Essex, Earls of, see Cromwell; Fitz Peter; Mandeville, Geof., Wm.

Estrild, nun (fl. 1086),

Ethelbert (Athelbertus), King of Kent,

Ethelred (Unraed), King, n,

Eton Coll., Bucks.,

Eton Park Coll., Haverstock Hill,

Eton Park Sch., St. Pancras,

Ettingshall, Staffs., n

Eustace, Count of Boulogne,

Evangelistic Mission Services,

Evans, Revd. John,

Eve, H. W.,

Everard, s. of Ailwin,

Eversden, Wm. of,

Eversden, ?Great, ?Little, Cambs.,

Evesham, Abbot of, see Walter

Ewell, Surr.,

Exeter, Bp. of, see Osbern

Exeter, Franciscans of,

Exhibition of 1851 or Great Exhibition

Exmew, Wm., procurator of London Charterhouse,

Exon Domesday,

Eyre, Revd. John,

Fabian Soc.,

Fabyan, Hugh, governor of Knights bridge Hosp., Thos. or Jasper, governor of Knightsbridge Hosp.,

Fafiton, Rob.,

Faithful Company of Jesus, sisters of the, see Religious Orders, schs.,

Faithfull, Lilian,

Falkley, Walt., Confessor-gen. of syon,

Fargue, —, schoolmaster in Hoxton,

Farmer, John,

Farnham, Essex,

Farnham, Surr., n

Farnham National Sch.,

Farnham Royal, Bucks.,

Farringdon Street, see London, City of, streets

Fauconberg, Eustace, Bp. of,

Faulkner, T.,

Favell, Sam.,

Fawkes, Mic., printer,

'Fawnes', ?in Crundale, Kent,

Fearon, D. R.,

Fécamp, Seine-Maritime, Fr., abbey,

Feckenham, John, Abbot of Westm.,

Felix, Dr., schoolmaster in Chelsea,

Fellenberg, Philipp Emanuel de,

Felmersham, Beds., n

Felstead, Essex,

Feltham, par., advowson, ch., Dom. Bk.,man.,sch.,

Feltham Industrial Sch.,

Fengate ware, n, n, and see Peterborough

Ferguson, Rob.,

Feria, Gomez Suarez de Figueroa, Count of, Spanish ambassador,

Ferrers, Hen. de,

Ferriby, John, Margery, w. of John and later of Lord Berners,

Ferriers, Rob. de, Earl of Derby (d.1139),

Fetcham, Surr., n

Fettyplace, Cath., later w. of Sir Francis Englefield,

Fewterer, John, Confessor-gen. of Syon,

Field, Nic., Guide of Kingsland,

Filliol, Joan, John, Kath.,

Finchley, par. and bor., ch., Queen's Head Tavern, rectors, see White; schs., and see Christ's Coll.; Whetstone,

Finchley Gap,

Finemere, Gilb. de,

Finsbury, div. of Ossulstone Hund.,

Finsbury, par. and bor., arch.,prebend, St. Luke, Old Street, par. of, St. Thomas, Charterhouse, par. of, schs., and see Clerkenwell; London Charter house

Finsbury Circus, see London, City of

Finsbury Collegiate Sch.,

Finsbury Square, schs.,

Finsbury Tech. Coll.,

Finsbury Training Coll.,

Firth, J. B.,

Fishbourne, Thos., Confessor-gen. of Syon,

Fishbourne, ? New, ? Old, Suss.,

Fisher, John, Bp. of Rochester,

Fitz Alan, Rog., n

Fitz Alfred, Rob.,

Fitz Brian, Ralph, see Ralph

Fitz Fulc, Theobald,

Fitz Generan or Gelran, Rob.,

Fitz Gerald, fam.,

Fitz Gilbert, Gilbert, Earl of Pembroke (d. 1148), Ric., see Richard

Fitz Godwy, Osbert, Master of St. Giles's Hosp.,

FitzHugh, Hen., Lord (d. 1425),

Fitzneal, Ric., Bp. of Lond.,

Fitz Peter, Geof., Earl of Essex (d.1213),

FitzRichard, Wm., n

Fitz Robert, Walt.,

Fitz Stannard, Thos.,

Fitz Walter, Rob.,

Fitzwaryn, Wm.,

Flambard, Ranulf, later Bp. of Durham,

Flammaville, Ric. de, Proctor of Ogbourne, Wilts.,

Fleet, riv., or Holborn,

Fletcher, Jos.,

Flitton, Beds.,

Flood, Luke,

Flood Plain Terrace, Lower, Upper,

Flower, —, schoolmaster in Islington,

Foliot, Gilb., Bp. of Lond., Hen.,

Ford, Edw., Lionel,

Ford, Northumb.,

Ford, Old, in Poplar,

Forde, Laurence de la,

Forest, John, n

Forest Gate, see Ham, West

Forster, Josiah, Ric., W. E.

Fortescue, Adrian, n

Fortress Road High Sch., Kentish Town,

Foster, Lady Winifred, Sir Wm.,

Fotheringhay, Northants., college,

Foubert, Maj. Lewis, Solomon,

Foundling Hospital, see London, City of

Fox, George, fam.,

Foxe, John,

France, n,

Frankfort Ho. Sch., Stoke Newington,

Franks, John, Master of the Rolls,

Franacey, Phil. de,

Fraunceys, Adam,

Fraunkevyle, John de, Prior of Harmondsworth,

Free Episcopalians,

Freeman, Clemence, Prioress of Hali well, Revd. Steph., Wm.,

Freethinking Christians,

Friern Barnet, par., ch.,

Frindsbury, Kent,

Froebel, Friedrich, Mme,

Froebel Educ. Inst.,

Frowyk, Joan, Lady, Sir Thos.,

Fry, fam.,

Fryer, Hen., governor of Knightsbridge Hosp.,

Fulbourn, Cambs.,

Fulbourne, Steph. de, Commander of Clerkenwell,


Fulham, Joan, Prioress of Clerkenwell,

Fulham, par. and bor., arch., ch., Dom. Bk., n, man., n, n; schs., weir, woodland, and see Parson's Green; Sands End; Walham Green

Fuller, Dr. Wm.,

Furnell, Hen. of,

Furnishing Trades Tech., Coll., n

Furze Platt, see Maidenhead

Fyfield, Essex,

Gaddesden, Little, Herts.,

Gage, Sir John,

Gale, Theophilus,

Gallop, Revd. R. W.,

Galsworthy, John, author, n

Gant, Maurice de,

Garnett, W.,

Garrett, Wm.,

Gascoigne, Thos.,

Gatesbury, John of,

Gatesbury, in Braughing, Herts.,

Gatherwood, Nathaniel, Thos.,

Gaugeour, Isabel le, Wm. le,

Gaul, coins,

Gayton, Eliz., Prioress of Stratford at Bow, John,

Geddingas, see Place-names

Gefferoy, John,

Gellingas, see Place-names

Gelran, see Fitz Generan

Geoffrey, Bp. of Coutances,

Geoffrey, s. of Count Eustace,

Geoffrey the chamberlain,

George I, King,

George IV, King,

George VI, King,

Gerberoi, Battle of,

Gerbier, Sir Balthazar,


Germany, North,

Gernon or Grenon, Rob.,

Gerson, Jean le Charlier de,

Gervase, Abbot of Westm.,

Gibbs, Eliz., Abbess of Syon,

Gibson, Avice, see Knyvett; Ed., Bp. of Lond., Nic.,

Gibsone, Revd. B. W.,

Giffard, Walt.,

Gilbert, Abbot of Westm.,

Gilbert, Bp. of Lond.,

Gilbert, Count of Brionne,

Gilbert, treasurer of St. John's,

Gilbert (fl. 1086),

Gillian, Prioress of Haliwell,

Gillian, d. of Wm. Renger,

Ginges, Reynold de, and his w. Emma, Rog. de,

Gipping valley, Suff.,

Girls' Public Day Sch. Trust, for merly Company,

Girton Coll., see Cambridge, Univ of.

Gladstone, Wm. Ewart, prime minister,

Glanville, Ranulf de,

Glassington, John, Guide of Knightsbridge Hosp. (fl. 1581–98), John, governor of Knightsbridge Hosp. (fl. 1654),

Glastonbury lake village, Som.,

Gloucester, John of,

Gloucester, Dchss. of, see Alice

Gloucester, Earls of, and see Robert

Gloucestershire, Dom. Bk., n, n, n, Sunday schs., Westminster Abbey, property,

Glover, John,

Glynde, Suss.

Goda, Countess, sis. of King Edw. the Confessor,

Godalming, hundred, Surr., n

Goderich, Vct., see Robinson, Fred. John

Godolphin, Hon. Chas., Eliz., Francis, Sir Wm.,

Godolphin (Osborn), Geo., Duke of Leeds (d. 1927),

Godolphin and Latymer Sch., Hammersmith,

Godolphin Sch., Hammersmith,

Godwin, hermit, later prior of Kilburn,

Godwin, s. of Esgar, n

Godwin, Wm.,

Godwin Alfit,

Godwine, Earl,

Goldcliff, Monms.,

Golders Green, in Hendon, arch., Jews,

Goldin, man of Earl Harold,

Goldsmith, Otto the,

Goldsmith, —, schoolmaster in Hampstead,

Golsyngper, John, Keeper of Hammersmith Hosp.,

Goodenough, Sam., Bp. of Carlisle,

Goodwin, Thos.,

Gordon, Geo. Hamilton, Earl of Aberdeen (d. 1860), prime minister, n,

Gordon Riots,

Gore (Gara or Gare), hundred,

Gorges Ho. Sch., Chelsea,

Gorwey, Thos.,

Gosfregth the portreeve (fl. c. 1067), n

Gosham, Ellen, Prioress of Haliwell,

Gosse, Jeremiah,

Gothic Hall Acad., Enfield,

Gough Ho. Sch., Chelsea,

Gouti, housecarl of Earl Harold,

Governesses' Benevolent Inst.,

Government Sch. of Mines, see Royal Sch. of Mines

Graciane, Anne, Prioress of Stratford at Bow,

Graffigni, —, schoolmaster in Kensington,

Grafton, fam.,

Graham Street, Islington and Finsbury, sch.,

Grande Chartreuse, Isère, Fr., abbey,

Grant, Thos.,

Grately, Hants,

Gravesend, Ric., Bp. of Lond.,

Gravesend, Kent,

Gray, see De Gray

Gray's Inn, Holborn, arch.,

Grays Thurrock, Essex,

Great Exhibition see Exhibition

Great Ormond Street, Holborn, see Working Men's Coll.

Greece, pupils from,

Green, John, Confessor-gen. of Syon, Kath., Prioress of Clerkenwell,

Green Park, see Westminster, City of

Greenford, Great, par., Dom. Bk., fee, Horsenden Hill, schs.,

Greenford, Little, see Perivale

Greenhithe, Kent,

Greensand, Lower,

Greenwich, Kent,

Greenwich Hospital schs.,

Greet, Ben,

Gregory IX, Pope,

Gregory X, Pope,

Gregory the priest,

Gregory, R. S., Vicar of Edmonton,

Gregson, Capt., schoolmaster inx Kensington, and see Carlisle and Gregson

Grendon, Walt., Prior of Eng.,

Grenon, Rob., see Gernon

Gresham Comm., see London, Univ. of

Grew, Jonathan,

Grey, Maria, and see Maria Grey; Mrs. Wm.,

Grier, Maude,

Griffith, Edith, Prioress of Haliwell,

Grim's Dyke, properly Ditch, earthwork,

Grimston, Rob.,

Grindal, Edm., Bp. of Lond.,

Grooved ware or Rinyo-Clacton,

Grose, Revd. Thos.,

Gryseley, John, deacon redditus,

Gueri, Canon of St. Paul's,

Guildhall Sch. of Music, n

Guineville, Wm. de,

Gullifer, Hen. and Sarah,

Gumley Ho. Sch., Isleworth,

Gunilda, maid of honour to Queen Maud,

Gunstone, David, n

Gurney, fam.,

Guy, Bp. of Amiens,

Guyn, Simon, head of Highgate Hosp.,

Guy's Hosp., Southwark, see Hospitals, medical

Gwynn, Austin,

Gymer, John, Governor of Mile End Hosp.,

Gymnar, John, and his w. Kath., heads of Highgate Hosp.,

Haberdashers' Aske's Schs.,

Haberdashers' Trotman's Sch.,

Hache, Arlin atte,

Hackney, par. and bor., arch., n, archdeaconry, chs., hosp., see Religious Houses, Hospitals; Jews, nonconf., School Field, schs., n; Shacklewell, n; and see Clapton; Dalston; Stamford Hill

Hackney Academy or Coll., or Theological Seminary, n

Hackney Brook,

Hackney Coll., or New Coll.,

Hackney Proprietary Sch.,

Hackney Sch. or Newcome's Acad.,

Hackney Unitarian Acad.,

Hackney Wick, n,

Hadleigh, Essex,

Hadley Wood, Herts.,

Hafiz Sudrool Islam Khan Bahadoor, schoolmaster in Highbury,

Haggerston, in Shoreditch, Dom. Bk., n,

Hagham, Peter de, Prior of Eng.,

Hailet, now Haileybury, in Great Amwell, Herts., n

Haileybury, Herts., see Hailet

Haldane, Richard Burdon, Vct. Haldane (d. 1928),

Hale, Thos.,

Hales, Nic. de, Commander of Cler kenwell, Rob. de, Prior of Eng.,

Haliwell Priory, Shoreditch, dissolution, foundation, nuns, Prioresses, and see Gillian; Lynde; Montague; Newdigate; property, seals,

Hall, John Paxton,

Halliday, Rob., Master of St. Giles's Hosp.,

Halliford, in Shepperton,

Halliford Sch., Shepperton,

Hallingbury, Hen. of,

Hallstatt culture,

Halstow, Lower, Kent,

Halton, Bucks., n

Ham, Surr., n, n

Ham, East, Essex, n

Ham, West, Essex, sch., Forest Gate, sch.,

Hamilton, Revd. A., Alex., fam., Dukes of Abercorn, Geo.,

Hamme, Mic. de,

Hammersmith, par. and bor., arch., Mesolithic, Neolithic, n, Beaker, Bronze Age, Iron Age, n, Rom., Crab Tree, hosp., see Religious Houses, Hospitals; schs. and see Latymer Sch.; sessions, and see Shepherd's Bush

Hammersmith Bridge,

Hammersmith High Sch.,

Hammond, John, Min. of Hounslow Priory, Rob.,

Hampshire, Dom. Bk., n, n, n, n

Hampstead, par. and bor., arch., archdeaconry, Belsize Park, chart., ch., Dom. Bk., 'Jack Straw's Castle', man., ridge, schs., sessions, and see Haverstock Hill; Kilburn

Hampstead Garden Suburb Inst.,

Hampstead, Heath,

Hampton, par., arch., camera of Hospitallers, Dom. Bk., fisheries, man., Rectory Farm, sch., and see Hampton Grammar Sch.; sessions, vicars, see Alcocke

Hampton Court, in Hampton, arch., honor of,

Hampton Grammar Sch.,

Hampton Hill, in Hampton,

Hampton Wick, in Hampton, sch.,

Hanbury, fam.,

Hanger Hill, see Ealing

Hanley, Wm. de, Prior of Eng.,

Hanningfield, West, Essex,

Hanway, Jonas,

Hanwell, par., arch., Palaeolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Rom., Saxon, Dom. Bk., mill, schs., Seward's Pit, Westm. Abbey, property,

Hanwell Coll.,

Hanwell Collegiate Sch.,

Hanworth, par., Dom. Bk., fee, marsh,

Harbert, John, Head of Highgate Hosp.,

Hardwicke, fam.,

Hardy, Revd. Sam.,

Hare, Augustus, artist and writer, Thos., Zachariah,

Harefield, par., arch., Mesolithic, Neolithic, n, Iron Age, Rom., commandery, later camera, of Hospitallers, Dewe's Farm, Dom. Bk., fishponds, Hartley's Pit, formerly Dewe's, man.,

Harefield Moor,

Harlesden, in Willesden, Dom. Bk.,

Harley Street, see Queen's Coll.

Harling, West, Norf., n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n,

Harlington, par., arch., Dom. Bk., n, n, fee, man., rector, and see Dawley

Harlow, Essex, deanery,

Harman, Bp. of Salisbury,

Harmondsworth, par., arch., ch., Dom. Bk., n, fishponds, abbey of the Holy Trinity, Rouen, property, man., Manor Farm, mills, vineyard, and see Heathrow

Harmondsworth Priory, finance, priors, and see Beauchamp; Richard; Walemond; sale of,

Harold, Earl,

Harold, Miss E. G.,

Harold, s. of Earl Ralph,

Harpendon or Harpeden, Ralph de, Wm. de,

Harpford, Devon,

Harpsden, Oxon.,

Harringay, see Hornsey

Harringwold, Thos., Master of St. Giles's Hosp.,

Harris, G. F., —, schoolmaster in Sloane Street,

Harrison, Cuthbert, Guide of Kingsland, Ralph,

Harrow, (Harrow-on-the-Hill), par., arch., ch., Dom. Bk., n, hermitage, man., Oakington or Tokyngton, Preston, Roxeth, n; schs., and see Harrow Sch.; woodland, and see Bentley Priory; Pinner

Harrow-on-the-Hill Preparatory Sch.,

Harrow Sch., † coat of arms, 'English Form', later Lower Sch. of John Lyon, football, royal com.,

Harrow Weald Common,

Hart, Heber, Hen.,

Harthacnut, King, n

Hartlib, Sam.,

Harvye or Somerset, Wm.,

Haselden, Thos.,

Haslingfield, Cambs.,

Hasmonean Grammar Sch. for Boys, Hendon,

Hastings, Battle of, n

Hastings, Geo., Lord, later Earl of Huntingdon (d. 1705),

Hatcham, Surr.,

Hatfield, Thos., Bp. of Durham,

Hatherley, Wm., sometime Prior of Hinton, Som.,

Hatton, J. L. S.,

Hatton, in East Bedfont, Dom. Bk., n, fee, Sch., and see Hounslow

Haugh, Miss M. B.,

Haverhill, Jas. of,

Haverstock Hill, in Hampstead, schs.,

Hawes, Benj.,

Hawise, Prioress of Clerkenwell,

Hawise, w. of Wm. of Windsor,

Hawkins, Sam.,

Hawksmoor, Nic., architect,

Hawnsevyll, John,

Hayes, par., arch., Botwell, ch., Dom. Bk., n, n, n, man., n; sch., Yeading,

Headlam, Arthur Cayley, Principal of King's Coll., Lond., and later Bp. of Gloucester,

Headmasters' Assoc.,

Headmistresses, Assoc. of, London Assoc. of,

Heath, Benj., Revd. J. M., T. K.,

Heather, Revd. G. F.,

Heathfield High Sch., Harrow,

Heathrow, in Harmondsworth, arch., Neolithic, Iron Age, n, n, n; and see London Airport

Heddon Court Sch., Rosslyn Hill, Hampstead,

Hedingham, Essex, deanery,

Helvetius, Claude Arien,

Hemming, Dr. Sam., Wm.,

Hendon, par. and bor., arch., Dom. Bk., Grinsgate, see Place-names; man., schs., Westm. Abbey, property, and see Golders Green; Mill Hill

Henley, Thos., Abbot of Westm.,

Henley Ho. Sch., Kilburn,

Henley-on-Thames, Oxon.,

Henrietta Barnett Jun. Sch., Hamp stead,

Henry I, King,

Henry II, King,

Henry III, King, n,

Henry IV, King,

Henry V, King,

Henry VI, King

Henry VII, King,

Henry VIII, King,

Henry, s. of Hugh,

Henry, s. of Humph. Tubelin,

Henry of Essex,

Henry, Mat.,

Herbart, Johann Friedrich,

Herbert, Abbot of Westm.,


Hereford, Bp. of, see Tyrhtel

Hereford, Earls of, see Bohun, Humph. de; Ralph

Herefordshire, Dom. Bk., n


Hermodesodes, see Harmondsworth

Hertford, Earls of, and see Clare; Seymour-Conway

Hertfordshire, arch., Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Iron Age, Rom., Dom. Bk., n, n, n, n, Sheriff of, Westm. Abbey, property,

Hesdin, Ernulf of,

Hesdin, Pas-de-Calais, Fr., n

Heston, par., arch., chart., vicarage, and see Osterley

Heybridge, Essex,

Heydon, Cambs., formerly Essex,

Heyford Warren, Oxon.,

Hewins, W. A. S.,

Hidagium Comitatus Totius Middlesexe,†

High Beech, in Waltham Holy Cross, Essex,

'High School for Mathematics',

High Terrace, see Boyn Hill Terrace

Higham, Kent,

Highbury, in Islington, n schs., and see Newington Barrow

Highbury Coll.,

Highbury Hill High Sch.,

Highbury New Park Collegiate Sch.,

Highgate, in Hornsey bor., chap., hermitage, hosp., see Religious Houses, Hospitals; schs., and see Highgate Sch.; sessions, Whittington Stone,

Highgate Collegiate Sch.,

Highgate Hill,

Highgate Road Convent,

Highgate Sch.,

Highway, the, see Stepney

Highwood Hill,

Hildersham, Cambs.,

Hilewit or Bylewit, John,

Hill, Arthur, Dame Eliz., Mat. Davenport, Octavia, Rowland, Miss, schoolmistress,

Hillingdon, par., Dom. Bk., n, n, n, n, n, man., n, Town Pit, weir, n; woodland, and see Colham; Yiewsley

Hillmartin Coll., Kentish Town,

Hillska Skola,

Hilton, Walt.,

'Hintingford' (?Huntingfield), Kent, man.,

Hinton Charterhouse, Som., priory, n

Hinxworth, Herts.,

Hoare, John,

Hobbayne, Wm.,

Hodgskin, Thos.,

Hofmann, August von,

Hofwyl, Switzerland,

Hogarth, Wm., artist,

Hogg, Quintin, philanthropist,

Hogshaw, Bucks., preceptory,

Holbeche, Marg., Prioress of Stratford at Bow,

Holborn, bor., arch., and see Gray's Inn; Dom. Bk., hosp., see Religious Houses, Hospitals; riv., see Fleet; schs., and see Bloomsbury; Saffron Hill

Holborn, Hosp. of St. Giles-in-the Fields, admin., buildings, endowment, masters etc., and see Birston; Dover; Lynton; Macclesfield; seal,

Holborn, par. of St. Andrew, schs.,

Holborn, par. of St. Giles-in-the-Fields, ch., Rom. Catholicism, schs.,

Holborn Commercial Sch.,

Holborn Preparatory Collegiate Sch.,

Holborn Viaduct,

Holden, Chas., architect,

Holland, Canon Francis, and his w. Jessie Winifred, see Foster


Holland Park, see Kensington

Hollar, Wenceslas, engraver,

Holloway, Miss G. E.,

Holloway, in Islington, hosp., see Religious Houses, Hospitals; schs.,

Holloway, Upper, schs.,

Holloway Coll.,

Holy Child, Sisters of the, see Religious Orders, schs.

Holy Maid of Kent, see Barton, Eliz.

Holywell, prebend of, see St. Paul, Cathedral of

Home and Colonial Coll.,

Home and Colonial Infant Sch. Soc.,

Home Office, and London Univ.,

Homersley, John,

Homerton Coll., formerly King's Head Academy,

Honeycott, John,

Honorius, Emperor,

Honorius III, Pope,

Honyter, Thos., Master of Burton Lazars, Leics.,

Hooke, John, serjeant-at-law, Rob., natural philosopher,

Hoole, Chas.,

Hopkins, Gerard Manley,

Hornchurch, Essex,

Horne, Wm.,

Hornsey, bor., arch., ch., man., schs., Harringay West Station, and see Highgate; Muswell Hill; Stroud Green

Hornsey Acad., or Crouch End Acad.,

Hornsey Coll.,

Hornsey Grammar Sch.,

Horsenden Hill, see Greenford, Great

Horsleydown, in Bermondsey, sch.,

Horsted Keynes, Suss., n

Hospitallers, see Clerkenwell, Grand Priory of the Knights of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem

Hospitals, medical: Bethlehem Royal, n; Charing Cross, n; Guy's, n; King's Coll., n, London, n, Maudesley, n; Middlesex, n; Royal Cancer, n; Royal Dental, n; St. Bartholomew's, n, and see Religious Houses, Hospitals; St. George's, n; St. Mary's, n, St. Thomas's, n. University, n, West minster, n

Hospitals, medieval, see Religious Houses, Hospitals

Houghton, John, Prior of London Charterhouse,

Hounslow, Rob. of, Provincial of Trinitarians,

Hounslow, in Heston and Isleworth bor., arch., n, man., and see Hounslow Priory; schs.,

Hounslow (Honeslauu), hundred,

Hounslow Heath,

Hounslow Priory, buildings, ministers seals,

How, Wm. Walsham, Bp. of Bedford,

Howard, John, prison reformer, Thos., Duke of Norf. (d. 1554),

Howes, Edw., mathematician,

Howrah Ho. Sch., Poplar,

Hoxne, Suff.,

Hoxton, in Shoreditch, Dom. Bk., schs.,

Hoxton Square Acad.,

Hugh, Earl of Chester (d. 1101),

Hugh, s. of Cecily w. of Hen. of Essex,

Hugh, tenant of Wm. fitz Ansculf,


Hull or Kingston-upon-Hull, Yorks. E.R.,

Hullah, John,

Hulles, Wm., Prior of Hospits.,

Hume, David, philosopher, Jos.,

Humphrys, Revd. John,

Hunsbury, in Hardingstone, Northants., n

Huntingdon, fam., and see Countess of Huntingdon

Huntingdonshire, n, n, n,

Huntingfield, in Eastling, Kent, and see 'Hintingford'

Hurley, Berks., priory, n

Hurwitz, Hyman, and his sis.,

Huscarl, Wm.,

Hussey, Isabel, Prioress of Clerkenwell,

Hutchinson, H. H.,

Hutton, —, schoolmaster in Hackney,

Huxley, Thos. Hen., scientist,

Hyde, Wm., Minister of Hounslow Priory,

Hyde, West, in Rickmansworth, Herts.,

Hyde Park Barracks, n

Hyde Park Coll.,

Hyde Side Acad., Edmonton,

Hykeham, Lincs.,

Hyllard, Helen, Prioress of Stratford at Bow,

Iceland Wharf, see Poplar

Ickenham, par., fee, mans., n; and see 'Ticheham'

Ilford, Essex,

Immigrants, Irish,

Imperial Coll. of Science and Technology, London, Univ. of, n, coat of arms,

Imperial Inst.,

Incorporated Law Soc.,

Independents, congregations of,

India, language tuition,

Indulgence, Declaration of (1672),

Infant Sch. Soc.,

Ingatestone, Essex,

Ingleby, John, Prior of Sheen,

Innes, Miss, schoolmistress in Islington,

Innocent III, Pope,

Inquisitio Eliensis,

Institute of Advanced Legal Studies,

Institute of Archaeology,

Institute of Chemistry,

Institute of Classical Studies,

Institute of Commonwealth Studies,

Institute of Educ., n

Institute of Germanic Languages and Literature,

Institute of Historical Research,

International Coll, Isleworth,

International Collegiate Sch., Great Ormond Street,

Ireland, Dr., schoolmaster in Edmonton,

Ireland, and see Immigrants

Ireton, John,

Irish Free Sch., later 'Protestant Bible Sch.',

Irish Sisters of Mercy, see Religious Orders, schs.

'Iron Room Sch.', Hampstead,

Isabel (of France), Queen, m. Edw. II,

Isabel, Prioress of Clerkenwell,

Isabel, Prioress of Haliwell,

Isbister, A. R.,

Isleworth, hundred, n,

Isleworth, par., arch., Mesolithic, Neolithic, Iron Age, n, Rom., char., coroner, Dom. Bk., herbage, man., Rom. Catholicism, schs., weir, and see Syon Abbey; Wyke

Isleworth Grammar Sch.,

Islington, par. and bor., arch., Bp. of, causeway, ch., Dom. Bk., and see Tollington; nonconf., schs., n, and see Owen's Sch.; see also Canonbury; Highbury; Holloway; Newington Green; Pentonville

Islington High Sch.,

Islington Proprietary Sch.,

Islington Sch. of Science and Art,

Ismaelite, Thos., author,


Itford Hill, in Beddingham, Suss., n, n,

Itinerarium Antonini Augusti,

Iver, Bucks.,

Jacks, M. L.,

Jackson, John, Bp. of Lond.,

Jacob, Dr., headmaster of Christ's Hosp.,

James I, King,

James II, King,

James, Dr. R. L., Capt., schoolmaster in Kensington,

Jamieson, Dr., schoolmaster in Isleworth,

Jan, Thos.,

Jeffreys, John, Canon of St. Pauls,

Jelf, Dr. Ric.,

Jennings, David,

Jephson, Alex.,

Jermyn Street, see Westminster, City of

Jerrard, —, university examiner,

Jersey, Earl of, see Child-Villiers

Jerusalem, hosp., Patriarch of,

Jervis, W. J.,

Jesuits, see Religious Orders, schs.

Jewish Middle-Class Sch., Red Lion Square,

Jews, schs.,

Jews' College and College School, Finsbury,

Jews' Free Sch., Spitalfields,

Joan, Prioress of Kilburn,

John, King,

John, Duke of Bedford (d. 1435),

John, Min. of Hounslow Priory (fl.1466),

John, Min. of Hounslow Priory (fl.1503),

John, s. of Rob. Blund,

John, s. of Rog. de Somery,

John the chaplain, Master of St. Giles's Hosp.,

John the priest,

John, Sir Ric.,

Johnson, Ric.,

Johnson, Dr. Sam., lexicographer,

Johnstone, Wm.,

Jolles Sch.,

Jolliffe, Martin,

Jones, Revd. A., Capt. John, Dr. Trefor, Wm. (1675-1749),

Jordan, Agnes, Abbess of Syon,

Judith, Countess, w. of Earl Waltheof, n,