Townships: Yealand Redmayne

A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 8. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1914.

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'Townships: Yealand Redmayne', in A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 8, ed. William Farrer, J Brownbill( London, 1914), British History Online [accessed 16 September 2024].

'Townships: Yealand Redmayne', in A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 8. Edited by William Farrer, J Brownbill( London, 1914), British History Online, accessed September 16, 2024,

"Townships: Yealand Redmayne". A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 8. Ed. William Farrer, J Brownbill(London, 1914), , British History Online. Web. 16 September 2024.

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Jalant, Dom. Bk.; Hielande, 1202; Hieland, 1207; Yeland, 1208; Yelaund, Yelaunde, 1276.

The configuration of this northern half of Yealand may be described as quarterly. In the north-east and south-west are low-lying level tracts called White Moss and Storrs Moss respectively; in the pass between them is Yealand Storrs. Hilderstone is on a slightly higher piece of land to the east of White Moss. The south-eastern part is occupied by the northern spur of the ridge which begins at Warton Crag; near the foot of its eastern slope is the village of Yealand Redmayne. The north-western portion, the largest in area, is also hilly; Gatebarrow New Park occupies the extreme corner. The northern boundary is formed by Leighton Beck, on which stands Brackenthwaite. The area of the township is 2,135½ acres, (fn. 1) and in 1901 it had a population of 191.

The north road from Lancaster to Kendal passes through the eastern part of the township. Through the village another road goes north and north-west, by Brackenthwaite, to Arnside; at Leyland Storrs it is joined by a road from Silverdale. The London and North-Western Railway Company's main line passes through near the eastern boundary. The Lancaster and Kendal Canal is near it.

A furnace and forge were established at the beginning of the 18th century by the proprietors of the Furness Iron Works, the ore being conveyed by coasters. (fn. 2) An embankment was formed in 1840 for the protection of the moss from the sea.

The hamlet of Yealand Storrs was famous for plums. (fn. 3)

The township has a parish council.

The celebrity of the place is Richard Hubberthorn, born in 1628. He served as an officer in the Parliament's army in the Civil War, but then became a friend of George Fox and adopted his religious views. He had a controversy with Dr. Sherlock, chaplain of Borwick. He died in Newgate in 1662. (fn. 4)


The manor of YEALAND REDMAYNE was the result of a partition of Yealand made probably by William de Lancaster I in the time of Henry II. (fn. 5) The moiety of Silverdale granted to Cartmel Priory by Henry de Redmayne was probably included in it at first. To Norman de Yealand the same William granted Levens in Westmorland, (fn. 6) and his son Henry adopted the surname Redman or Redmayne. (fn. 7) The family is mainly connected with Westmorland. Henry gave land near Hilderstone to Cockersand Abbey about 1200, (fn. 8) and was succeeded by a son Matthew, (fn. 9) who in 1242 held part of Yealand of William de Lancaster III, (fn. 10) and in 1246–8 acted as Sheriff of Lancashire. (fn. 11) On the partition of the Lancaster inheritance about that time Yealand Redmayne was assigned to Lindsay, and so in the end reverted to the duchy. (fn. 12) Sir Matthew was followed by his son Henry, (fn. 13) who in 1267 obtained a grant of free warren in his demesne lands of Levens, Yealand and Trenterne. (fn. 14) He had a son Matthew, (fn. 15) whose son Adam received Yealand (fn. 16) and in 1327 obtained a grant of free warren in his demesne of Yealand Redmayne. (fn. 17)

Redmayne. Gules three cushions ermine tasselled or.

Adam de Redmayne had a son John, who died without issue, and daughters Elizabeth and Margaret, between whom the manor was divided. (fn. 18) The former married Roger de Croft of Durslet in Dalton, and her share descended to the Lawrences of Yealand as shown below; Margaret married John Boteler of Marton in the Fylde, (fn. 19) and her daughter Ellen carried this part of the manor to Nicholas de Croft of Dalton on her marriage to him in 1388–9. (fn. 20) On the partition of the Croft manors it was included in the Middleton share. (fn. 21) From that time there appear to have been two manors called Yealand Redmayne.

Edmund brother of John Lawrence (fn. 22) died in 1510 (sic) holding the manor of Yealand Redmayne of the king as duke as of his manor of Warton by the sixth part of a knight's fee. Joan his daughter and heir, then thirtytwo years of age, married Thomas Lathom, and at her death in 1509 was followed by her son Thomas, who did not long survive. (fn. 23) Thomas Lathom, the husband, retained possession till his death in 1515. Joan's next heir was a niece Agnes wife of William Preston, as daughter of her sister Elizabeth; but the heir male was a cousin Lancelot Lawrence, son of Edmund's brother Robert, and he was thirty years old in 1515. (fn. 24)

Lawrence. Argent a cross raguly gules.

Lancelot Lawrence died in 1 5 34 holding the manor of Yealand Redmayne by the sixth part of a knight's fee and various other messuages and lands in Warton, Silverdale and other places. (fn. 25) His heir was a son Thomas, aged thirteen, whose wardship was in 1538 given to Thomas Haydock. (fn. 26) The heir died in 1541, and was succeeded by his brother Robert, also a minor. (fn. 27) Robert died in 1555, (fn. 28) and was followed by a daughter Anne, then ten years old. (fn. 29) She married Walter Sydenham, (fn. 30) and in 1566 they sold the manor, with messuages, windmill, dovecote, &c., and lands in various townships, to George Middleton, (fn. 31) who thus became lord of the whole manor, as well as of Yealand Conyers and Leighton. Nevertheless the Lawrence and Croft portions continued to be regarded as separate manors, and were named Yealand Redmayne and Yealand Storrs. The Yealand Hall (fn. 32) estate, perhaps representing the Storrs demesne, appears to have been purchased from the Towneleys by Thomas Rawlinson, who died in 1802. It was afterwards sold to John Bond of Lancaster, whose representatives in or about 1851 sold it to the late R. T. Gillow of Leighton. (fn. 33)

There is little separate record of STORRS. (fn. 34) It was in 1558 in the hands of Oliver Middleton, (fn. 35) and was afterwards held by the Middletons of Leighton. (fn. 36)

As already related, Hilderstone was given to the canons of Cockersand in the time of Henry II or Richard I. (fn. 37) It was held of the abbey by the family of Comyn, of whom was Robert Comyn living in 1451 and 1461. The relict of Robert Comyn held half of Hilderstone Grange for 10s. rent in 1501 and Edmund Comyn the other moiety for the same rent. In 1537 Thomas Comyn and Edmund Comyn held the two moieties, one of which appears to have passed to the noted Quaker family of Backhouse, of whom John Backhouse of Yealand Redmayne died in 1690, and was buried at Hilderstone. His daughter Hannah married John son of Edward Cumming of Hilderstone. Her brother Thomas had a son John Backhouse, described as of Hilderstone, who died in 1779, having devised his estate there to his cousin John Cumming, whose daughter and heir Hannah married her third cousin George Backhouse and brought to him the re-united estate of Hilderstone. His grandson Edward Cumming Backhouse is the present owner. (fn. 38)

Middleton of Leighton. Argent a saltire engrailed sable, a mullet for difference.


  • 1. The Census Rep. of 1901 gives 2,136 acres, including 7 of inland water.
  • 2. Lucas, Warton MS.; Cumb. and Westmld. Antiq. Soc. (new ser.), viii, 31.
  • 3. Lucas, Warton MS.
  • 4. Dict. Nat. Biog.
  • 5. See the account of Yealand Conyers.
  • 6. The charter is printed in an essay on the Redman family by Mr. W. Greenwood in Trans. Cumb. and Westmld. Arch. Soc. (new ser.), iii, 272. Full use has been made of this essay, but the spelling Redmayne has been adopted as that used in the township name. Norman was also known as dapifer from his office under the Hospitallers and even as 'de Redmayne'; ibid. 275–6.
  • 7. Henry son of Norman de Redmayne had succeeded to his part of Levens by 1188; ibid. 276.
  • 8. Cockersand Chartul. (Chet. Soc), iii, 997; the land was in his demesne.
  • 9. Benedict was son and heir of Henry de Redmayne in 1216; Excerpta e Rot. Fin. (Rec. Com.), 571. Matthew son of Henry de Redmayne attested a charter somewhat later; Cockersand Chartul. ii, 339.
  • 10. Lancs. Inq. and Extents (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 154.
  • 11. P.R.O. List, 72.
  • 12. In 1324 Much Yealand and Little Yealand were included in the lordship of Ingram de Gynes; Lancs. Inq. and Extents, ii, 126. Mary Countess of Pembroke held it in 1346, as shown in the account of Yealand Conyers; Surv. of 1346 (Chet. Soc), 82.
  • 13. Mr. Greenwood ut sup.
  • 14. Cal. Chart. R. 1257–1300, p. 74.
  • 15. Matthew son and heir of Henry de Redmayne showed his right to free warren in 1292; Plac. de Quo Warr. (Rec. Com.), 794. He had disputes with various tenants and others; Assize R. 408, m. 58 d., 54 d. Matthew was in possession in 1283, when the Prior of Cartmel made complaint as to his taking trees in the prior's wood at Yealand; De Banco R. 48, m. 65.
  • 16. Mr. Greenwood ut sup.
  • 17. Chart. R. 1 Edw. III, m. 31, no. 61. Adam de Redmayne was plaintiff in 1332; Assize R. 1411, m. 11 d.
  • 18. Memo. R. (L.T.R.), 117, 120; Pal. of Lanc. Chan. Misc. file 1, bdle. 8, m. 8. John son of Adam de Redmayne died in 1350 holding two-thirds of the manor of Yealand and the reversion of the other third held by his mother Ellen in dower; the whole was held of the king in chief as of the lands which were William de Coucy's by the service of 7½d. and suit at the king's court at Warton. The heirs were his sisters—Margaret, aged sixteen, and Elizabeth, aged fifteen, already wife of Roger de Croft; Inq. p.m. 24 Edw. III (1st nos.), no. 24.
  • 19. Dods. MSS. cviii, fol. 110; a settlement on the daughter Ellen on her marriage to Edward son of Sir Thomas de Lathom the younger in 1378. See also fol. 114. In a rental of Kendal lordship c. 1400 Nicholas Croft is stated to hold the manor of Yealand Redmayne in right of his wife Ellen by a rent of 12d.; Levens Hall D. He owed no suit of mill.
  • 20. Raines MSS. (Chet. Lib.), xxxviii, 567, 585.
  • 21. See the account of Yealand Conyers.
  • 22. A scrap of pedigree in Kuerden gives the descent thus: Adam -da. Elizabeth -s. John -s. John -da. Mabel; Kuerden MSS. iv (end); also Greenwood, Redmans of Levens, 249. In 1395 John son of Roger de Croft of Yealand Redmayne and Nicholas de Croft of Dalton made a division of the inheritance; Final Conc. iii, 46–7. Thomas Lawrence of Yealand Redmayne complained of various outrages in 1443; Thomas Beetham and others came to kill him, and they set his house on fire; Pal. of Lanc. Plea R. 7, m. 17, 18b. John Lawrence died in 1479 holding the manor of Yealand Redmayne. His heir was a brother Edmund, aged forty; Dods. MSS. cviii, fol. 111b.
  • 23. Three inquisitions were taken in 1510, 1513 and 1514, but all give the date of Edmund Lawrence's death as 20 Jan. 1 Hen. VIII (1509–10), and state that his daughter Joan afterwards married Thomas Lathom, bore a son Thomas and died 10 June 1509; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m.iv, no. 37, 24,19. Possibly the first date should be 1 Hen. VII. In one of the inquisitions the service is called that for the sixteenth part of a knight's fee.
  • 24. Ibid, iv, no. 61; the heir of Thomas Lathom was his nephew Hugh son of Richard Lathom. About 1526 Nicholas Bellingham and Joan his wife made a claim, Joan and her sisters Elizabeth, Margaret and Agnes being daughters and heirs of Agnes Preston; Duchy of Lanc. Plead. Hen. VIII, L 14.
  • 25. Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. vi, no. 41.
  • 26. L. and P. Hen. VIII, xiii (2), g. 734 (36); xvi, g. 1308 (43).
  • 27. Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. vii, no. 36.
  • 28. In 1552 he made a feoffment of all his lands in Yealand Redmayne, Warton, Silverdale, Hutton, &c., with remainders to his sister Isabel and to Thomas, Hugh and John, sons of Thomas Bradley; Dods. MSS. cviii, fol. 113.
  • 29. Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. x, no. 38.
  • 30. A feoffment of lands in Yealand Redmayne was in 1565 made by Walter Sydenham, Anne his wife, George Middleton and Thomas Bradley; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 27, m. 21. Thomas (son of Thomas) Bradley of Arnside obtained a lease of Yealand Hall from Walter Sydenham of Hatche in Somerset and Anne his wife, daughter and heir of Robert Lawrence, at a rent of £ for his life, but complained in 1567 that certain of the tenants were withdrawing services due by custom and agreement. Each of the customary tenants (nine in number) did yearly four days' shearing, one day's ploughing and one day's harrowing, giving also five hens and 1d. for a cock; Duchy of Lanc. Plead. Eliz. Ixx, B 7.
  • 31. Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 28, m. 175; Dods. MSS. cviii, fol. 111b.
  • 32. The hall was rebuilt in 1769.
  • 33. Information of Mr. J. R. Ford.
  • 34. It may have been the Little Yealand of 1324.
  • 35. Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 19, m. 32. Oliver had other messuages and lands in Dalton and Nether Burrow. The remainders were to Christopher son and heir-apparent of John Middleton, and to Edward and Richard, other sons. One Thomas Middleton of Haverbreck held various messuages in the township in 1531–2; Pal. of Lanc. Writs Prothon. file 22–3 Hen. VIII.
  • 36. Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 156, m. 135.
  • 37. Cockersand Chartul. 996, 1161, 1195, 1286–7. The grange of Hilderstone was usually described after the dissolution of the monasteries as held at will of the king for 20s. rent.
  • 38. Foster, Backhouse Descendants, i, 13, 16, 48.