Townships: Dutton

A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 7. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1912.

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'Townships: Dutton', in A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 7, ed. William Farrer, J Brownbill( London, 1912), British History Online [accessed 19 September 2024].

'Townships: Dutton', in A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 7. Edited by William Farrer, J Brownbill( London, 1912), British History Online, accessed September 19, 2024,

"Townships: Dutton". A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 7. Ed. William Farrer, J Brownbill(London, 1912), , British History Online. Web. 19 September 2024.

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Dutton, 1258 and usually. Ditton is found very rarely. Dunton occurs 1289.

This township includes the extra-parochial place or chapelry of Stidd, formerly belonging to the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem. The area of the whole is 1,898½ acres, (fn. 1) of which Stidd has 752. The population in 1901 numbered 229.

The land slopes down from nearly the highest point of Longridge Fell, over 1,100 ft., to theRibble, 100 ft. above the ordnance datum, the length in this direction, from north to south, exceeding 3 miles. Starling Brook, on the east, divides it from Aighton, and Stidd Brook, on the west, from Ribchester, while Dutton Brook flows south through a wooded valley in the centre to join the Ribble. Stidd proper is in the south-west corner of the township, and its district stretches north along the western border for some distance, St. John's Well being nearly a mile to the north; then it extends across the township as far as the eastern border, and returns to the west. There are four small detached portions at the south end of Dutton and one in the north end. In the north end also is a detached part of Aighton, Bailey and Chaigley, known as Lennox's Farm. In recent times these anomalous boundaries have been removed for local government purposes.

Ribchester Bridge is in this township; it provides a passage between Longridge and Ribchester on the north and Blackburn on the south. Another road from Ribchester turns to the north through the township, passing Dutton Hall and Pan Stones, to join the road from Longridge to Mitton. It continues north through Huntingdon to join the higher road between the same places.


In 1066 DUTTON was probably a part of Ribchester, not having a separate record in Domesday Book, but in 1102 it was given, as one plough-land, to Robert de Lacy by Henry I. (fn. 2) From that time it became a member of the honor of Clitheroe, and the land was held by a number of tenants. The immediate lordship of the manor seems to have been held by a family using the local surname, (fn. 3) from whom it passed to a younger branch of the Claytons of Clayton-le-Dale about 1290. (fn. 4) The inquisition after the death of Ralph de Clayton (1324) was taken in 1329, when it was found that he had held lands in Dutton of the honor of the castle of Clitheroe by the service of 5s. yearly; there were a capital messuage worth 12d. a year; 30 acres of land, worth 6d. each; a pasture, 2s. 6d.; an acre of meadow, 12d.; rents of free tenants amounted to 6s. 6d. Henry the son and heir of Ralph was thirty years of age and more. (fn. 5)

In the Clayton family the manor descended regularly, (fn. 6) coming about 1400 to the Belfields of Clegg in Rochdale. (fn. 7) From their heirs the manor was acquired in or about 1578 by Sir Richard Shireburne of Stonyhurst, (fn. 8) and descended in due course to Thomas Weld, who became a cardinal in 1829, and in 1831 sold Dutton to Joseph Fenton of Bamford Hall, a manufacturer and banker of Rochdale. (fn. 9) Mr. Fenton, who also purchased the adjacent manors of Bailey and Ribchester, died in 1840, (fn. 10) and was succeeded by his son James, who in turn at his death in 1857 was succeeded by his eldest son, also named James. He died in 1902, the present lord of the manor of Dutton being his eldest surviving son, Mr. Robert Kay Fenton, born in 1853. No courts have been held for a long time.

After the decay of the Claytons the principal family in the township was that of Townley, appearing about 1380. (fn. 11) Their estate is of uncertain origin. John Townley in 1562 described the tenure of his estate as socage or in the nature of socage. (fn. 12) Richard Townley of Dutton in 1618 held his lands in Dutton of Richard Shireburne of Stonyhurst by the service of a red rose yearly; he also held lands in Ribchester, Dilworth and Hothersall. (fn. 13) A pedigree was recorded in 1665. (fn. 14) The estates descended to Abraham Townley, who died in 1701, leaving two sons, Henry and Richard, the latter of whom is noticed in the account of Belfield in Rochdale. Henry Townley died in 1731, leaving three daughters as coheirs. The eldest, Jane, married Edward Entwisle of Ribchester, and by a partition in 1738 the Dutton estate descended to their children. (fn. 15) 'In 1805 Mr. W. Joule purchased the estate, and in 1823 sold it to Mr. James Rothwell, whose nephew, the late Marquis de Rothwell, of Bolton, was the owner till his death' in 1890. (fn. 16)

Fenton of Dutton. Per pale argent and sable a cross dovetailed, in the first and fourth quarters a fleur de lis and in the second and third a trefoil slipped all counterchanged.

DUTTON HALL is a picturesque two-story stone house, with balled gables and mullioned windows, finely situated on the southern slope of Longridge Fell, and commanding a magnificent view to the south over the Ribble Valley. The house is said to have been erected by Richard Townley about 1670–80, (fn. 17) but there is no date or inscription anywhere on the building itself. It is now used as a farm-house, and the west wing is unoccupied. The front, facing south, is 63 ft. in length, and consists of two end gabled wings with a recessed middle part containing the hall, the plan being a later adaptation of the general type of the preceding century. The doorway, however, is in the east wing, and the principal feature of the front elevation is the great square bay window of the hall, which occupies nearly the whole of the space between the wings in the west angle. The bay is externally 14 ft. wide with a projection of 6 ft., and goes up both stories, terminating as a kind of tower with lead flat and balustraded parapet, forming an exceedingly picturesque feature. It has a large mullioned and transomed window of seven lights placed at the angle with three lights on the return, and the rest of the windows of the house being low and without transoms a good effect is produced by the contrast. The windows of the disused west wing retain their original leaded lights in good geometrical patterns. The walling is generally of large gritstone blocks, but the east wing is faced with rough coursed sandstone pieces and gritstone quoins, and may be a rebuilding. The roofs are covered with modern blue slates. In the recess between the great bay window and the east wing is a wooden bell-turret containing a bell. The interior is somewhat modernized, but the arrangement of the hall and staircase is interesting, and in the upper room over the bay is a good plaster panel over the fireplace, with conventional floral ornament within a moulded border. The hall is flagged diagonally and has a wide open fireplace, and woodwork of late 17th or early 18th-century date. The porch is an open one with four-centred arch, and a stone seat on one side. The lay-out of the garden on the south side has been effective; it is inclosed on either side by outbuildings, giving something of the appearance of a forecourt, and the two tall stone gate piers, with balls and original wooden gates, surmounted by quaintly carved lions, form a very picturesque foreground. The grass plots, however, have been planted as an orchard, and the trees now almost completely hide the front of the house.

Among the older landowners were the families of Blackburn, (fn. 18) Clitheroe, (fn. 19) Talbot (fn. 20) of Salesbury, Moton, (fn. 21) and Hoghton of Hoghton. (fn. 22) Others took their names from places within Dutton, as Ash, (fn. 23) Dodhill, (fn. 24) Hayhurst (fn. 25) and Hunting don. (fn. 26) A few additional owners, as Bradley, (fn. 27) Harrison (fn. 28) and Thorpe, (fn. 29) are also known

The abbeys of Whalley (fn. 30) and Sawley (fn. 31) and the hospital of St. Leonard at York (fn. 32) had land in the township.

For their lands the following contributed to the subsidy of 1524: Edmund Bradley, Robert Goodshaw, John Hayhurst and Richard Townley. (fn. 33) Similarly to that of 1543 Richard Townley and Robert Ash the elder. (fn. 34) To that of 1597 Thomas Holt, Henry Townley, Edward Ash, John Hayhurst and Richard Goodshaw. (fn. 35) To that of 1626 Henry Townley, John Hayhurst, Edward Ash and Robert Goodshaw; various non-communicants are entered on this list. (fn. 36)

Richard Duckett of Dutton paid £10 in 1631 on declining knighthood. (fn. 37)

The land tax return of 1787 shows that Thomas Weld, Sir George Warren, Lord Petre and Mrs. Jane Entwisle were then the chief landowners.

The manor of ST1DD (fn. 38) was acquired by the Hospitallers about 1265 from a more ancient hospital. (fn. 39) Grants which have been preserved indicate that there had been an organized community there for at least fifty years, (fn. 40) the endowments being given 'to God and B. Mary the Virgin and the hospital of St. Saviour under Longridge and to the master and brethren serving God there.' (fn. 41) Some of the masters or wardens granted or attested 13th-century charters. (fn. 42) In 1338 it was reported that the camera of St. Saviour called the Stidd, under the preceptory of Newland in Yorkshire, was demised to farm at 10 marks yearly, but the farmer was bound to pay a chaplain singing there. (fn. 43) From this it may be assumed that divine service was maintained down to the Reformation. (fn. 44) Nothing definite, however, is known, for the manor was extra-parochial.

After the Suppression the manor was given to Thomas Holt of Gristlehurst (fn. 45) and remained in his family for more than a century. It may have been acquired later by Shireburne of Bailey, founder of the Stidd Almshouses. (fn. 46) In 1609, however, an independent grant was made to George Whitmore and others, (fn. 47) who in 1613 sold to Richard Shireburne of Stonyhurst. (fn. 48) Apart from these manors the Crown had sold various lands to Richard Crombleholme (fn. 49) and others. (fn. 50) The manor was in later times claimed by the Shireburnes and their representatives. (fn. 51)


After the Reformation an allowance of 40s. was ordered from the manor estate towards the stipend of a chaplain at Stidd, (fn. 52) but this became merely a perquisite of the vicar of Ribchester, (fn. 53) who held a service in the dilapidated chapel several times a year. (fn. 54) The extra-parochial district has now been formally united to the parish of Ribchester, and service is performed once a month and more frequently in the summer.

The chapel of ST. SAVIOUR at Stidd (fn. 55) stands amongst fields in a pleasant situation about half a mile to the north-east of Ribchester. It is an exceedingly interesting and rather picturesque (fn. 56) building substantially of late 12th-century date, with subsequent alterations, in plan a plain rectangle 46 ft. 6 in. long internally by 20 ft. 6 in. wide, and with a small south porch. The walls, which are 3 ft. thick, are faced with rubble masonry, but at a later date, probably in the 13th century, square buttresses of two stages have been added at each angle, built with dressed stone and with chamfered plinths. The north wall retains all its original 12th-century features unaltered, having two narrow semicircular-headed labelled windows, with 9-in. lights splaying on the inside to 3 ft. 10 in., and between them a doorway, 2 ft. 4 in. wide, now built up, with semicircular head, chamfered jambs, and hood mould with plain zigzag ornament. On the south side a single 12th-century window remains, similar in character to those on the north, but of greater height and widened out in its lower half to a width of 12 in. The other windows on the south side are of 15thcentury date, each of three lights under a square head. They, however, differ in detail, and were probably not inserted at the same time, that at the eastern end, which is the earlier, having no hood mould but with cusped heads to the lights, the opening going right up under the eaves. The other is slightly lower, with external hood mould and without cuspings, and may be of 16thcentury date. The lower part of both windows is now built up. The south doorway is at the western end of the wall, and is a good example of early 13thcentury work, probably inserted soon after the original building was finished. It has a pointed arch of two moulded orders springing from moulded imposts, and angle shafts with carved caps. The detail of the carving is transitional in character, but the appearance of the doorway has been spoiled by successive coats of whitewash. On the east side the detached outer shaft has gone. The door is the original oak nailstudded one. A plain open porch 6 ft. 6 in. square has been built at a later date in front of the doorway, consisting simply of two rough stone walls with stone lintel and rubble gable.

Plan of St. Saviour's Chapel, Stidd

The east window is a modern pointed one of three lights, the mullions crossing in the head, but internally it has a segmental arched head. The gable above is quite plain, and below the window is a dwarf buttress. The east wall, unlike those on the north and south, has a plinth suggesting its entire reconstruction at the time the angle buttresses were added. On the south wall below the easternmost window is a portion of a string 13 ft. in length, detached at each end, between the buttress and the 12th-century window.

At the west end, high up in the wall, is a late two-light pointed window, the sill of which is 10 ft. above the floor of the chapel, and in the south-west corner a pointed doorway, the threshold of which is 8 ft. 6 in. above the floor. On the outside, where the ground has probably risen all round, the height of the door from the ground is only 6 ft. 6 in. Both window and door are now built up, and the south buttress at the west end is broken at the top. The doorway was probably the means of access from the formerly existing buildings of the hospital to a gallery at the west end of the chapel, the condition of the external masonry at the south-west angle of the building indicating a structural connexion at this point.

The roof, which is covered with stone slates, is for the most part ancient, though patched and mended, and consists of simple tie-beam trusses without king posts, but with a species of very small collar and king post close to the top. One of the tie-beams has the sacred monogram carved on its underside, and another has a floreated ornament, and the space between the spars is plastered. The floor is flagged, and the interior is generally in a rather neglected condition. The walls are plastered and whitewashed, and there being no means of heating the building, which is little used but in the summer months, it has naturally suffered in the course of years. The piscina remains at the east end of the south wall, and has a trefoiled head, but the bowl has gone. The sanctuary is still marked by a late 17th or early 18th-century oak screen standing 13 ft. from the east wall, now in a very dilapidated condition, the framework with some turned balusters along the top being all that is left. The screen is 5 ft. 11 in. high, and finishes at the south end against the pulpit, which stands against the south wall immediately to the east of the 12th-century window. It is of oak, with nine sides, and stands on a rough stone base 3 ft. 3 in. high, with stone steps on the west side, the topmost one of which is level with the sill of the window. The pulpit is probably of late 17th-century date, and is 4 ft. high with plain panelled sides. It appears to have formerly had a suspended canopy, the chain of which with turned oak spindle still remains. The font is interesting, and belongs to the first half of the 16th century. It is of dark gritstone, octagonal in shape, each side with a shield bearing sacred, heraldic and other devices, some of which have been differently interpreted. (fn. 57) Against the north end of the screen facing the nave is a long oak seat with panelled back, and there is a square oak pew in the north-east corner of the sanctuary. The altar table is of oak, and is probably the one given in 1703. (fn. 58) There are no communion rails, and the seats in the church are modern benches without backs.

The floor of the sanctuary is slightly raised round the table and along the north side. Below the table is a 14th-century double sepulchral stone, 3 ft. 9 in. square, with two floreated crosses marking the burialplace of Sir Adam and Lady Alicia de Clitheroe. The inscription, which is very much worn and defaced, is read as: 'Amen, hic jacet dominvs ada de cliderov m(iles) (p)ropicietvr devs—hic jacet . . . ade. cvivs aie propicietvr devs. (fn. 59) On the south side of the sanctuary are two other sepulchral slabs, one 6 ft. long with an incised cross, broken at the top, and the other 5 ft. 9 in. long with raised floreated cross within a circle. In the floor close by, now partly hidden by seating, is the tombstone with Latin inscription of Bishop Petre, vicar apostolic of the northern district, who died in 1775 at Showley Hall.

A scheme for the restoration of the chapel in 1888 was abandoned. (fn. 60) There is a small cemetery on three sides of the building, and a public path through the fields passes it on the west side. On the south side is the base of an old cross.


  • 1. 1,908 acres, including 24 of inland water; Census Rep. 1901. The addition of Lennox's Farm accounts for the difference of area.
  • 2. Farrer, Lancs. Pipe R. 382. It was given together with Aighton and Chippingdale. There is but little evidence of the dependency upon Clitheroe, but in 1258, after the death of Edmund de Lacy, it was found that Dutton paid 5s. to the lord; Lancs. Inq. and Extents (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 217.
  • 3. As the deeds of the Dutton and Clayton families do not seem to be known, and as few references occur in the pleadings, only a very imperfect account can be given of the descent of the manor. Uctred de Dutton granted land to Ellis son of Leising within bounds including Netherhalgh, Overhalgh, the Crook and Wilmescroft; Add. MS. 32106, no. 172. Swain de Hothersall and Benedict de Dutton were among the witnesses. Richard son of Uctred de Dutton gave lands to Lambert de Anderton and his heirs by Avice de Cundecliffe, the bounds of which name Horsegate and Rakedenescliff ibid. no. 133. It may be added here that Lambert's son Thomas was surnamed 'de Dutton,' and acquired various lands in the township; he was living in 1292; ibid. no. 132, 153, 188. Richard de Dutton occurs in 1241; Final Conc. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 79. In 1249 Hugh Gogard claimed 2 oxgangs of land in Dutton against Richard de Dutton and another oxgang against Richard son of Vivian, but all three were acknowledged to be the right of Richard de Dutton; ibid, i, 97. Richard son of Uctred de Dutton and Alice his wife granted lands to Sawley Abbey; the bounds of one portion name Redisnape, Huuerbeleisick and Huntingdon Brook; the other portion was in his wood, near 'the great stonyway'; Harl. MS. 112, fol. 78b. Other grants by Richard son of Uctred are in Kuerden MSS. ii, fol. 217; Add. MS. 32107, no. 1476–7. Richard de Dutton and William his son were among the witnesses to a grant of land in Withinlache in the upper head of Dutton Holme, made by Adam son of Henry de Blackburn in 1256–7 to Robert de Cunliffe; Towneley MS. DD, no. 1793. William son of Richard de Dutton confirmed his father's gifts to Sawley; Harl. MS. 112, fol. 78b. As William de Dutton he granted to Jordan the Clerk son of William de Stainburgh, clerk, these lands: A piece the bounds of which began at the outlane (via exitus), followed the new ditch which Geoffrey son of Godith made, as far as Dodhill Brook, with all holmes (holmis); part of Broadridding, on the east side of the high road to Lancaster; and the toft which had belonged to Robert son of Ellis de Ribchester; to be held by a rent of 3d.; ibid. no. 173. Jordan the Clerk occurs down to about 1320. To him Robert son of William de Dutton confirmed the 'old garden' given by his father; ibid. no. 144. The same Robert gave Jordan de Dutton, clerk, and Emma his wife five ridges in the Heys between land of Henry de Clayton and land held in dower by the grantor's mother, Emma widow of William de Dutton; ibid, no. 167. Further, in 1309 he released his right in the land to Jordan and his heirs by Emma formerly his wife; ibid. no. 142. It may be added that Jordan had a son Thomas and a daughter Avice or Alice; to the son in 1321 he gave the Old Orchard and land in Stonyfurlong; ibid. no. 165. About the same time he, his son and his daughter made various grants to Richard son of Amery and Alice his wife; ibid. no. 163, 166, 148. Richard son of Ellis de Ribchester complained in 1290 that Jordan the Clerk of Dutton had disseised him of a tenement in the township; Assize R. 1288, m. 12. It appears that Robert de Dutton was living in 1316; Add. MS. 32106, no. 149. His son William seems to have been in possession a year later; ibid. no. 141. There was another son Thomas; ibid. no. 134. William son of Robert de Dutton in 1321 claimed a tenement in Dutton against William son of William de Dutton; De Banco R. 237, m. 72 d.; 240, m. 261. The elder William de Dutton (father of Robert) was defendant in 1279; De Banco R. 30, m. 33 d. He was perhaps living in 1292, when Adam son of Richard de Entwisle recovered seisin of certain land against William de Dutton and Robert son of Robert de Halghton; Assize R. 408, m. 52. It appeared that William had enfeoffed one Alimun, whose daughters Avice and Agnes married respectively Roger de Ribchester and John de Whittingham, and forfeited the tenement to Robert de Halghton. William son of William de Dutton occurs down to 1340; he had a son Thomas; Add. MS. 32106, no. 140, 156.
  • 4. The alienation of the manor was made by William de Dutton, for his son Robert released to Henry de Clayton all right in the vill of Dutton, 'which my father gave to the said Henry'; Add. MS. 32106, no. 129. Henry was probably the son of Ralph de Clayton who together with his father attested a Dutton charter about 1250; ibid. no. 133. In 1292 he released to Jordan the Clerk 8d. out of the 9d. rent due from land on Broadridding, and the meadow which Jordan had by the grant of Adam de Blackburn; ibid. no. 161. Henry's sons appear to have had Dutton, but the Huddleston family, who succeeded to Clayton-le-Dale, also had rights in Dutton, as appears by'various pleadings; De Banco R. 272, m. 20, &c. In 1314 Adam de Huddleston, lord of Billington, made an exchange of lands in the Halgh with Jordan the Clerk; Add. MS. 32106, no. 187. Henry de Clayton left sons Ralph and Philip, of whom the former was living in 1322 and the latter in 1340; ibid. no. 138, 158. Henry gave to Philip his son Hordischale or Longridge in Ribchester, Milnholme in Dutton, Colicroft, and the service (13d.) of John de Huntingdon; Towneley MS. DD, no. 1178. Ralph de Clayton in 1308 granted to William son of William de Dutton a plat of his waste; Add. MS. 32106, no. 174. In 1311 it was found that Ralph held his tenement as of the dower of the Countess of Lincoln, doing suit to the court of Clitheroe from three weeks to three weeks; De Lacy Inq. (Chet. Soc), 18. Philip gave some land in Hayhurst in 1297 to Robert de Clitheroe, clerk; Towneley MS. OO, no. 1206. In 1318–19 he granted land in Seedcroft to Richard son of Amery and Alice his wife; Add. MS. 32106, no. 989. In 1338 four messuages with land, meadow, and wood in Dutton and Bailey were settled upon Philip de Clayton, Isabel his wife and Robert their son; Final Conc. ii, 109. See the account of Towneley for the Clayton-Towneley connexion. In 1321 William son of Robert de Dutton appears to have made an attempt to regain his grandfather's lands, at least in part. Against Ralph de Clayton and Sarah his wife he claimed 20 acres of land, &c., and 10s. 0½d. rent in Dutton, which William de Dutton gave to Robert de Dutton, Agnes his wife and their issue; De Banco R. 240, m. 138 d. He made other claims against John son of William de Greenhill, Agnes his wife and Margery widow of Adam de Greenhill, also against Jordan the Clerk; ibid. m. 115 d. He was eventually (1324) non-suited; ibid. 250, m. 2.
  • 5. a Inq. p.m. 3 Edw. III (1st nos.), no. 39. Ralph de Clayton died during 1324, for in Trinity term in that year Henry de Osbaldeston and Isabel his wife claimed the fulfilment of an agreement made with him in 1320 concerning a messuage and lands in Dutton. Ralph had died and Henry his 3on had entered into possession. Henry appeared, alleging a grant from Henry de Clayton to his son Ralph and Alice his wife, their son and heir being Henry the defendant; ibid. 252, m. 158 d. The dispute went on some little time (Assize R. 426, m. 2 d.), but was concluded in 1328 by an agreement between Henry de Clayton and Margery his wife with Henry de Osbaldeston and Isabel; Add. MS. 32106, no. 191.
  • 6. b One of Henry de Clayton's early acts (1330) was to make a release to the free tenants of Dutton Huntingdon, of common of pasture in the vill; Add. MS. 32107, no. 1497. Henry was in 1337 called lord of Dutton, being said to hold the whole vill of the Lady Isabella, queen of England, mother of the king, as of her manor of Clitheroe, by the service of 4s. yearly; Inq. p.m. 11 Edw. III (2nd nos.), no. 10. The tenure was stated a little differently in 1362, when Henry held it of the Earl of Lancaster by thegnage service and 5s. yearly; Inq. p.m. 36 Edw. III, pt. ii (2nd nos.), no. 45. Henry de Clayton seems to have lived for a few years after this, being named in 1366. Cecily widow of Adam de Clitheroe in 1346 made a claim against Henry and Ralph his son, and there were cross-suits; Assize R. 1435, m. 31, 15. In 1349 Henry granted his son Adam a house and garden formerly held by Alice daughter of Ralph de Clayton, and five ridges in Dutton Heghes, with remainders to other sons—John, Hamlet and Ralph; Add. MS. 32106, no. 175. In 1357 Henry's feoffees regranted him his lands and manor in Dutton; ibid. no. 162. Again in 1364 a similar refeoffment was made to Henry son of Ralph de Clayton of the manor of Dutton, with the services of all the free tenants (except for lands of Cecily widow of Nicholas Moton), with remainder to Henry son of John de Clayton; ibid. no. 194. This Henry son of John was no doubt the grandson of the elder Henry. In 1376 he granted his right in a plat of meadow between land formerly belonging to Philip de Clayton and to Nicholas Moton; ibid. no. 150. Five years later he released his right in a moiety of land called Hayrewasbank, Highacre and Stubbing; ibid. no. 177. Thomas son of Henry de Clayton was in possession in 1388, when he granted land in the Milncroft; ibid. no. 139. Thomas died in 1393 holding a messuage and lands in Dutton of the Duke of Lancaster by the service of 5s. yearly at the feast of St. Giles. Ellen his daughter and heir was only five years old; Lancs. Rec. Inq. p.m. no. 1, 2.
  • 7. The descent in the 15th century is unknown. In 1445–6 the heir of Ellen de Clayton held the manor in socage; Duchy of Lanc. Knights' Fees, bdle. 2, no. 20. The manor does not seem to be mentioned again until 1572, when it was part of the inheritance of the Belfields of Clegg; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 34, m. 98; 38, m. 40. See the account of Clegg in Butterworth, and Fishwick, Rochdale, 353.
  • 8. The manor of Dutton was included in a Shireburne settlement in 1579; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 41, m. 199. Earlier Shireburnes were stated to hold lands in Dutton of the Abbot of Whalley in socage; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. iv, no. 46, &c. Their ancestor John de Bailey had held of the heir of Henry de Clayton in 1391; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Chet. Soc), i, 44. In a dispute as to closes called Hichhaugh and Stonyfurlong in Dutton in 1550 Richard Shireburne claimed them as heir of Hugh, who had demised them to James Tarleton, chantry priest of Ribchester deceased. John Talbot of Salesbury, on the other hand, asserted that they had belonged to the chantry endowment and were included in the lease made by Edward VI; Duchy of Lanc. Plead. Edw. VI. xxvii, T 9. The lands are named in the chantry endowment in Raines' Chantries (Chet. Soc), 196, and seem to have been regarded as within Ribchester. In 1565 Sir Richard Shireburne purchased a messuage, &c., from Christopher Wilkinson, and another in 1581 from John Woodcock; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 27, m. 55; 43, m. 190. In 1583 a messuage, &c., in Dutton was settled on Sir Richard Shireburne; ibid. bdle. 45, m. 172. At Sir Richard's death it was not known of whom or by what tenure the manor of Dutton and other lands there were held; Duchy of Lane. Inq. p.m. xvi, no. 3; xxvi, no. 4. The manor continued to be named in Shireburne and Weld settlements down to 1777; Pal. of Lanc. Plea R. 625, m. 10 d. (16).
  • 9. Information of Mr. R. K. Fenton through Messrs. Greenall & Co.
  • 10. The particulars of the descent are taken from Burke, Landed Gentry.
  • 11. An account of the family by W. A. Abram is printed in Lancs, and Ches. Antiq. Notes, i, 182–190. Gilbert de Legh, Richard de Towneley and John de Towneley attested Dutton deeds in the time of Edward III and later. They belong to the principal family, and held land in Dutton, Ribchester and Hothersall; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Chet. Soc.), ii, 59. The lands were held of the Hoghtons; ibid. ii, 112. Of the local line Robert de Townley in 1379–80 granted land in Huntingdon to Richard Woodroff for life; Add. MS. 32107, no. 926. He was a witness to Dutton charters in 1406–7; Add. MS. 32106, no. 179, 131. Henry son of Robert Townley in 1420 enfeoffed John White, vicar of Preston, of lands in CHviger, Ribchester and Dutton; Towneley MS. DD, no. 2020. Henry Townley of Dutton had variance with Richard Towneley in 1452 respecting boundaries in Cliviger; W. A. Abram, loc. cit. Richard Townley of Dutton in 1531 married Joan daughter of Roger Winkley of Winkley; DD, no. 668. Shortly afterwards he and his wife gave to trustees a part of 'my hall of Townley' and certain lands in Dutton; ibid. no. 646.
  • 12. From his will, printed in Richmond Wills (Surtees Soc.), 151. He gave various lands to his wife Katherine for twenty-one years and £10 to Jane his daughter. To James Lingard, vicar of Ribchester, he left 13s. 4d., and to two other priests 10s. each. In 1537 John son and heir-apparent of Richard Townley had disputes with Richard Crombleholme and others respecting land called Carlinghurst in Dutton; Ducatus Lanc. (Rec. Com.), ii, 60. It was probably the same John Town]ey who was plaintiff in 1549; ibid, i, 246. According to the pedigree, however, Richard was succeeded by a son Henry Townley, probably the same who in 1583 held eight messuages, a dovecote and various lands in Dutton, Ribchester, Hothersall and Dilworth, of which he enfeoffed John and Edward, sons of Edmund Shireburne; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 45, m. 184. Henry Townley of Dutton had a dispute with Robert Lynalx in 1582 respecting a right of way; T. C. Smith, Ribchester, 54. He was among the freeholders in 1600; Misc. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 234. He was living in 1608; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Rec. Soc), i, 89. The estate was in 1595 secured by Henry Townley from John Townley by a fine, the meaning of which is not clear; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 57, m. 17.
  • 13. Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), if, 137. Richard's wife (Anne), brothers and children are named; the heir was his son Henry, aged fourteen. Henry Townley of Dutton married Alice Coulthurst (Burnley) at Ribchester, 26 June 1626; Reg. He paid £10 in 1631 on refusing knighthood; Misc. (Rec. Soc.), i, 217.
  • 14. Dugdale, Visit. (Chet. Soc.), 310. Richard the son of Henry Townley was thirty-four years old. He died in 1670 and was succeeded by his brother Abraham.
  • 15. This part of the descent is from W. A. Abram, loc. cit. The younger daughters of Henry Townley were Janet, who married the Rev. Henry Ward of Ingatestone, and Margaret, who married Lawrence Wall of Preston. The family were benefactors of the poor. The deforciants in a fine respecting the Townley estate in Dutton, Ribchester, Bailey and Burnley (1739) were Edward Entwisle, Jane his wife, Henry Ward, Janet his wife, Margaret Townley, John Nock and Anne his wife; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 320, m. 133. Anne was the widow of Henry Townley. Richard his brother had lands in Ribchester in 1744; ibid. bdle. 330, m. 124. Edward Entwisle died in 1776 and was buried at Ribchester; his wife died at the end of 1799. Their eldest son, Townley Entwisle, a surgeon, had died in 1779, leaving three daughters. A younger son, Edward Entwisle, died at Rochester in 1828. See T. C. Smith, Ribchester, 252–3. It may be added that this surname occurs early, for William de Dutton in the 13th century granted to Adam son of Richard de Entwisle land in Dutton, the bounds of which name Ormsclough and Rakedanclough where Bailisti falls into it; Towneley MS. DD, no. 1149. Henry son of Robert Franceys in 1342 gave land at Whitecarfall (or Quittarfall) in Ribchester to John de Entwisle, afterwards held by Adam del Hull of Clayton; Add. MS. 32107, no. 1028, 1105.
  • 16. T. C. Smith, op. cit. 232. For the Rothwell family see the accounts of Hoole and Sharpies.
  • 17. Ibid.; an illustration of the house is given.
  • 18. Adam de Blackburn gave his son Richard lands in Dutton and Hayhurst, part of them being held of St. Saviour's, for the rent of a pair of white gloves; Towneley MS. OO, no. 1191. Amabel widow of Adam de Blackburn claimed dower in 1291 in two messuages, &c., in Hayhurst and Dutton against William de Blackburn; De Banco R. 90, m. 87. Adam de Blackburn and others were accused of assault in 1292 by Jordan the Clerk of Dutton (son of Emma); Assize R. 408, m. 95 d. In the same year Adam son of Master Adam de Blackburn released an annual rent which Jordan owed him for land and meadow in the vill of Dutton; Add. MS. 32106, no. 176. Six years later he demised to Adam de Huddleston for a term Whitworth in Dutton and two-thirds of a culture called the Coltepark; Towneley MS. DD, no. 2061. Robert de Cofhill granted land in the Hough and the Berecroft in Dutton to Adam de Blackburn, a rent of 6d. being payable to St. Saviour's; Towneley MS. DD, no. 2131. Adam son of Robert de Cofhill in 1297–8 claimed certain land against William de Blackburn, who replied that he (William) was a villein of Thomas le Surreys and held the said land in villeinage; De Banco R. 116, m. 117 d.; 122, m. 48 d. William, however, gave to Adam de Cofhill land in Hayhurst between the brook running from Cunuyld Wall to the Ribble and Wyarde Burn; Towneley MS. OO, no. 1207, 1193. A little earlier William son of Adam de Blackburn had obtained land from Adam son of Adam de Blackburn; De Banco R. 114., m. 86; 115, m. 179 d. Robert de Clitheroe, clerk, obtained land from William de Blackburn in 1304; Assize R. 419, m. 11. Adam de Clitheroe in 1327 complained that William and others had cut down his trees in Dutton; De Banco R. 269, m. 70 d. The above-named Richard son of Adam de Blackburn seems to have been the founder of the family of Blackburn of Shevington and Dutton; their deeds are in Add. MS. 32107, no. 1462, &c. Richard son of Adam obtained lands from Henry de Cunliffe and also from William son of Richard de Dutton; the latter grant included parts of Middesholme, Bradridding and Dodhill (under the Stanrays); ibid. no. 1485, 1489. Richard also had from Richard de Dutton his part within the fields of Dodhill pertaining to 2 oxgangs of land in Dutton; and from William de Dutton land in Dodhill, the bounds of which touched Karkesti; ibid. no. 1506,1510. Richard de Blackburn gave his son Thomas land in Dutton to the east of Dodhill Brook; ibid. no. 1475. Thomas obtained other grants; 1496, 1501.
  • 19. Ralph de Clayton gave Hugh de Clitheroe a moiety of the mill on the Ribble in a place called Harewas in Dutton; Towneley MS. DD, no. 1177, William de Blackburn exchanged land on the Hough for another piece in Hayhurst with Hugh de Clitheroe; ibid. no. 1157. Adam son of William de Dutton gave Roger de Clitheroe all his land in Dutton; 2063. In 1316–17 Alice daughter of Geoffrey son of Godith de Dutton granted all her land in the township to Adam son of Hugh de Clitheroe; ibid. no. 2069. In 1335 Cecily widow of Adam de Clitheroe recovered dower in land in Dutton against Philip de Clayton; De Banco R. 304, m. 235 d. Some years later (1349) an agreement as to pasture was made between Henry de Clayton of Dutton on the one side and on the other Cecily widow of Adam de Clitheroe, William de Rilston and Sibyl his wife, Robert son and heir of Robert de Clitheroe and Adam de Blackburn; DD, no. 2138.
  • 20. This family inherited the Clitheroe estate and made other purchases. Isabel daughter of Richard brother of Sir Robert de Clitheroe, who married John Talbot, had lands in Dutton and Ribchester; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Chet. Soc.), ii, 42, 55. Later the lands in Dutton are stated to be held of the Abbot of Whalley; ibid. ii, 144, 161.
  • 21. William son of William de Dutton demised for his life to William son of Henry Moton a moiety of his land in Balbanridding at a rent of 2s. 9d.; Add. MS. 32106, no. 180. Jordan de Dutton, clerk, gave William the Tailor, son of Henry Moton, land in Mossiley Carr in 1317; ibid. no. 147. In the same collection will be found other grants of land in Old Carr and New Carr, &c., to the same William son of Henry; some of them were made by Richard son of Amery and Thomas his son. In 1361 William Moton of Dutton and Cecily widow of Nicholas Moton appear to have sold their lands to Henry de Clayton; ibid. no. 183, 178, 156. Richard son of William Moton was defendant in 1360, the plaintiffs being Richard son of Simon Ball of Farington, Alice his wife, Henry del Scholes of Cuerdale and Maud his wife; Duchy of Lanc. Assize R. 8, m. 8 d.
  • 22. From the charters it appears that the Moton lands came into the possession of Sir Richard Hoghton about 1407; Add. MS. 32106, no. 129, &c. Sir Richard also acquired the lands of Hitche (Richard) son of Amery, which have been mentioned previously; ibid. no. 145. One or two further references may be added: William son of William son of Maud de Ulnes Walton, together with Margery (his wife) and Hawise, daughters and heirs of William Baskit, in 1316–17 granted the reversion of a toft in Dutton to Richard son of Amery (fern.) de Bradhill and Alice his wife; ibid. no. 244. From another charter it appears that the grantors were the heirs of Adam son of Alice deWheatley; 138. Roger de Wheatley son of Richard the Smith of Chipping a little later gave them the right he had in a certain toft after the death of Alice his wife; ibid. no. 130. In 1330 Richard son of Amery gave his lands in Dutton and Ribchester to his son Thomas, with remainders to other sons William and John; ibid. no. 484 (fol. 329). Thomas son of Richard made a feoffment or sale of his lands and the rent of 9d. due from the land of William son of Robert de Ribchester in 1372; ibid. no. 171. Land in Dutton was held by Sir Henry Hoghton in 1424; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Chet. Soc.), ii, 43. The tenure of the Hoghton lands in Dutton was unknown in the 16th century; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. xiv, no. 26; xv, no. 39.
  • 23. Deeds of this family are in Add. MS. 32107, no. 874, &c., and reference may be made to the account of Aighton and Bailey already given. Alexander del Ash (de Fraxino) demised land in Dutton to Richard del Ash for a term of years; ibid. no. 901. Henry de Clayton gave the same Richard Roughfall in Hayhurst; no. 890. Richard also obtained other lands in the same part of the township; no. 880, 900. Richard del Ash made the following grants: In 1320–1 to John his son a messuage in Hayhurst (no. 913); in 1335 to Hugh his son Willeriddings in Dutton, which Richard del Ash the younger seems to have confirmed (no. 911, 914); and in 1336 to Robert his son Roughfall (no. 907). Hugh son of Richard del Ash in 1361 granted all his land in Dutton to Robert de Bailey; no. 887. In the same year Margery daughter and heir of Robert de Hayhurst by Emota his wife released all her right in Dutton to Robert del Ash; no. 876. Robert son of Richard del Ashes in 1347 recovered a messuage and lands in Dutton and Aighton against his brother Richard and others; Assize R. 1435, m. 33 d. Robert del Ash in 1360 claimed messuages, &c., in Dutton against Hugh del Ash; it appeared that Richard del Ash had in the time of Edward II granted them to John del Ash and to William and Robert, the brothers of John, and that John and William had died without issue; Duchy of Lanc. Assize R. 7, m. 5; 8, m. 6. Robert del Ash in 1366 claimed land against Robert de Leyland and Katherine his wife; De Banco R. 425, m. 504. The descent cannot be traced accurately. Richard son of Robert in 1378–9 married Ellen de Aighton; Add. MS. 32107, no. 878. Richard appears to have had sons John and Thomas; ibid. no. 886, 919. Robert son and heir of Thomas Ash in the time of Edward IV married Elizabeth Crumbleholme; ibid. no. 912. Hugh Ash died in Sept. 1554 holding messuages in Dutton of the king and queen in chief by knight's service; his son George was a year old; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. x, no. 35. George Ash appears in 1583; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 45, m. 172. Edward Ash in 1609 held Clough Bank of the lord of Dutton; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 165. Edward Ash of Dutton in 1630 compounded for his recusancy by paying £3 yearly; Trans. Hist. Soc. (new ser.), xxiv, 174. Robert Ash of Dutton in 1652 desired confirmation of a house and land sequestered for the recusancy of John Talbot of Dinckley; Cal. Com. for Comp. ii, 1449.
  • 24. This family appears from an early time, and some references to it will be found in deeds already quoted. Thomas de Bradhurst of Dutton granted a toft to John son of Thomas de Dudhill in 1316–17; Add. MS. 32107, no. 1525. Richard de Dudhill in 1342 granted land in Ribchester to Adam son of Richard Award de Dutton; Towneley MS. OO, no. 1198. Thomas son of William de Dudhill made grants of land in Huntingdon in 1364 and 1375; Add. MS. 32107, no. 1524, 1462. Part at least of the Dudhill lands appears to have descended to the Bradleys mentioned later.
  • 25. Deeds of this family are contained in Towneley's MS. OO, no. 1191, &c. A noteworthy grant wag one by the prior of the Hospitallers to Richard son of Adam Award de Dutton of lands called Canfall (by Dodhill Moss), Hichetleys, by the Stonebridge, Codee, Bernardacre and four butts in landoles; a rent of 6s. 6d. was to be paid, and half a mark at death; ibid. no. 1196. In 1508 accordingly 6s. 8d. was paid for the 'obit' of Henry father of John Hayhurst; ibid. no. 1217. Robert son of William de Dutton granted land in Hayhurst belonging to the vill of Dutton to Otes son of John son of Roger de Hayhurst. The bounds name Ash House, Wyardburn to Ribble, down the Ribble to land held of St. Leonard; ibid. no. 1192. Otes de Hayhurst and Margery his wife appear in 1335; no. 1215, 1202. Margery was a widow in 1338, and there were several sons, William, Richard and John being named; no. 1455, 1430, 1432, 1440. John son of Otes de Hayhurst and Alice his wife are mentioned from 1348 to 1372, and Alice was a widow in 1379; no. 1216, 1205, 1200. Alice was probably one of the three sisters and heirs of an Adam Award and had a son John; no. 1212, 1197, 1476. John son and heir of Otes Hayhurst in 1401 gave lands in Dutton to William son of Richard Hayhurst; no. 1435–6. See also an undated testimony as to the possessions of William Hayhurst; no. 1476. Oliver son and heir of Robert Hayhurst had land in Dutton in 1446–7; no. 1194. The will of Percival Hayhurst, 1499–1500 names his son and heir John; no. 1457. John ton and heir of John Hayhurst did homage for his lands (in Bailey) at the court of Aighton in 1549; no. 1441. Jenet widow and executrix of Henry Hayhurst of Hayhurst in 1574 became bound to John, the son and heir, an executor; no. 1226. Thomas son of Robert son of William de Hayhurst in 1364 claimed a messuage, &c, in Dutton against John de Hayhurst; De Banco R. 417, m. 214; 419, m. 212 d. John Hayhurst died in 1619 holding Hayhurst, Furtherhouse and Houghwellfall of the heirs of Richard de Dutton by a rent of 5d. His heir was his son Henry, aged forty-two; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Rec. Soc. Lanes, and Ches.), ii, 121. For Houghwellfall cf. Fallwelhalgh in the account of Ribchester. The Hayhursts were Puritans; one of them was vicar of Leigh 1646–62, and founded the library at Ribchester. See the account of the family in T. C. Smith, Ribchester, 232–4. On the opposite side Lawrence Hayhurst of Dutton, yeoman, registered his house and land in 1717 as a 'Papist'; Estcourt and Payne, Engl. Cath, Non-jurors, 104.
  • 26. In 1277 Robert de Huntingdon, living et the abbey of Selby, came to Dutton and buried his son Roger, and then entered upon half his land, whereupon Beatrix widow of Roger, Robert her son, Richard de Wulnesbooth, John le Surreys, Hugh the Clerk and Henry de Blackburn made complaint 5 Assize R. 1235, m. 12. It may be added that Thomas son of Richard de Ulvesbooths and Jordan his son, a clerk, attested a local charter; Towneley MS. DD, no. 1137.
  • 27. In 1466 William Bradley, chaplain, granted to John son of Henry Bradley lands in Dutton inherited from his mother; Add. MS. 32107, no. 1464. From a feoffment of 1370 it would seem that this land had belonged to John son of Adam de Bradley in right of his marriage with Beatrice daughter of John de Dudhill; ibid. no. 1518. Edmund Bradley died in 1529 holding a messuage in Dutton of the king aa duke by the hundredth part of a knight's fee and the rent of 1d. or a pair of white gauntlets. The heir was his grandson John Bradley (son of John), aged seventeen years in 1539, and an idiot; he had sisters Anne and Alice, aged nineteen and fifteen. James Sharpies was the uncle and guardian of the said John; Duchy of Lane. Inq. p.m. viii, no. 22. From a later pleading it appears that John Bradley died in 1545; Anne married Alexander Bimson and Alice Thomas Wynhart, and a division was made in 1550; Pal. of Lane. Plea R. 184, m. 4 d.; 190, m. 2. See also Ducatus Lane. ii, 220, for a claim to a moiety of Dudhill by the Bimsons. In 1609 a fourth part of Dudhill was held of the Crown (as of the Hospitallers) by Richard Thornley and John Bimson, and the remainder by John Bimson, by a total rent of 2s.; Kuerden MSS. ii, fol. 133b.
  • 28. The estate was known as Smithybottom. Richard Harrison, who died in Oct. 1587, had made a settlement in 1578 in favour of his son Richard (aged twenty-four in 1589), and afterwards, his daughter Jane marrying one Thomas Jones, he granted them a third part of the messuage for twenty-one years. The whole was held of the queen by the 200th part of a knight's fee and a rent of 3s. 7d.; Duchy of Lane. Inq. p.m. xv, no. 57. For fines relating to the estate see Pal. of Lane. Feet of F. bdles.49, m. 142; 56, m. 54; 59, m. 218. From the Ducatus Lane, it appears that a number of disputes soon afterwards broke out; op. cit. iii, 215, &c. Richard Harrison in 1594 complained that Thomas Jones, his brother-in-law, Richard Goodshaw and others retained possession of Smithybottom and its lands. At his father's death he said he had been a minor, T. Jones being his guardian; Duchy of Lane. Plead. Eliz. clxiv, H12. John Lynalx or Lennox afterwards claimed a third part 5 Ducatus Lanc. iii, 399, 442. Edward Houghton died 30 June 1621 holding a messuage and land called 'Smeathbottom' by the 600th part of a knight's fee and the third part of a rent of 3s. 7d. Edward his son and heir was twenty-nine years old; Lanes. Inq. p.m. (Rec. Soc. Lanes, and Ches.), ii, 276.
  • 29. John Thorpe died in 1588, leaving a son and heir John, aged fifty-six; Duchy of Lane. Inq. p.m. xv, no. 52. The Walmsleys purchased lands in Dutton as well as in Ribchester, and Thomas Walmsley was in 1584 found to have held land in Dutton; ibid, xiv, no. 72. Robert Reade of Aighton held land in Dutton in 1610; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Rec Soc), i, 177. Bartholomew Barker of Salesbury was a landowner in 1641; Duchy of Lane. Inq. p.m. xxx, no. 11. In these cases the tenure is not recorded.
  • 30. The land at Harrows Banks in Dutton produced a rent of £2 5s. about 1540. The tenants at will were Dewhurst, Green and Bolton; Whalley Couch. (Chct Soc), iv, 1219. From a preceding note it is known that the Shireburnes of Stonyhurst had also part of the abbey land. In 1557–8 Kenningfield and Harrows Banks in Dutton and Clayton, lately belonging to Whalley Abbey, were sold by the Crown to Richard Shireburne; Pat. 4 & 5 Phil, and Mary, pt. viii. Dutton Lee, &c, were in 1564 granted to Charles Jackson and William Mason; Pat. 6 Eliz. pt. x.
  • 31. The grants by the Dutton family have been recorded above. Thomas Sowerbutts died in 1594 holding Reedysnape, part of the lands of Sawley acquired by Sir Arthur Darcy in 1538; it was held by the 200th part of a knight's fee; Duchy of Lane. Inq. p.m. xvi, no. 20. His grandson Thomas (son of Robert) died in 1623 holding the same lands and leaving a son Robert, Under age; ibid, xxv, no. 37.
  • 32. The 'land of St. Leonard' has been named in a Hayhurst charter already quoted. In 1299 the master of the Hospital of St. Leonard of York recovered lands in Dutton against Richard son of Robert del Hes of Hayhurst, John son of Avice and Otes son of John; there was some suspicion of fraud or evasion of the statute; De Banco R. 130, m. 243.
  • 33. Subs. R. Lanes, bdle. 130, no. 82.
  • 34. Ibid. no. 125.
  • 35. Ibid. bdle. 131, no. 274.
  • 36. Ibid. no. 317.
  • 37. Misc. (Rec. Soc. Lanes, and Ches.), i, 217.
  • 38. The old spelling was some form of Stede; 'Le Styde,' 1343. Stydd is a common form at present.
  • 39. In 1292 it was found that the Knights Hospitallers had acquired from a certain Adam, chaplain-warden of the house of St. Saviour at Dutton, two plough-lands, with wood and moor, and 40s. rent in Dutton, Ribchester and Aighton during the minority of Henry de Lacy and with the assent of Alice de Lacy; Plac. de Quo Warr. (Rec. Com.), 376. The date must lie between 1258 and 1271. Sec B.M. Add. Charters, no. 7364.
  • 40. The earliest part of the chapel may be dated about 1190.
  • 41. Charters of land in Ribchester and Dilworth have been quoted in the accounts of those townships; see also Dugdale, Mm. Angl. vi, 686–7.
  • 42. Alexander the Chaplain, master of the hospital of St. Saviour, and the brethren of the same place made a grant early in the 13th century regarding land in Salesbury; Towneley MS. DD, no. 2021. Land in Hothersall was held of the hospital by Richard de Ametehalgh and to one of the deeds regarding it the first witnesses were 'Brother Alexander, rector of the hospital of St. Saviour; brother Adam of the same place'; Add. MS. 32106, no. 5 (fol. 24.1). Brother Alexander the prior and Adam the chaplain also occur; note by Mr. Weld. A somewhat later deed was attested by Adam de Blackburn and John his son, master of St. Saviour 5 Add. MS. 32106, no. 119. In 1269–70 Richard son of the master of the Stidd, or son of Alexander de la Stidd, was defendant; Cur. Reg. R. 199, m. 27 d.; 202, m. 26 d. It does not appear that Alexander was then living, so that he may be identical with Alexander the chaplain. Adam Prior of St. Saviour occurs as witness to a Dutton charter which mentions land in Hayhurst belonging to the house of St. Saviour; Add. MS. 32106, no. 170. The hospital may not have become extinct on its transference to the Knights of St. John, for Walter the Chaplain, warden of the house of St. Saviour in Dutton, was the first witness to a local charter in 1314; Add. MS. 32106, no. 187. In 1339 Walter de Lofthousum, warden of St. Saviour's by Ribchester, was one of the defendants in a dispute about land in Ribchester involving several Dutton people. The chief plaintiffs were Hugh son of John de Huntingdon and Joan his wife; Assize R. 427, m. 2 d., 3 d.
  • 43. Hospitallers in Engl. (Camd. Sot), III. In 1351 the Prior of St. John granted the manor of St. Saviour called the Stidd to Richard Tomelay {? Townley) for life. The lessee was to maintain the buildings and the chantry and pay £8 a fear to the treasury at Clerkenwell (Fontis clericorum). A mark was to be paid at death as obit. When the preceptor or warden of Ribston should come (not more than once a year) to hold the prior's court, provision for men and horses was to be made by the lessee; MSS. Var. Coll. (Hist. MSS. Com.), ii, 228. In 1292 Robert Spendloue and Amery his wife were non-suited in a claim against the Prior of the Hospitallers as to a tenement in Dutton; Assize R. 408, m. 22. In 1337 the prior did not prosecute his claim against Thomas de Dudhill of Dutton; Assize R. 1424, m. 11 d. William Hall (see Chipping) in 1506 held a messuage, &c, in Dutton of the Prior of St. John of Jerusalem by a rent of 7s. 6d.; Duchy of Lane. Inq. p.m. iii, no. 19.
  • 44. In 1501 Nicholas Talbot appointed a priest to sing for twelve months at Stidd, 'where father and mother are buried'; Whitaker, Whalhy (ed. Nicholls), ii, 465. In 1535 Thomas Bradley was chaplain at Stidd; Valor Eccl. (Rec. Com.), v, 68. The bailiff there was John Talbot; he had a fee of 30s.; ibid. 69.
  • 45. Pat. 35 Hen. VIII, pt. iv. The manor, with many other estates, was held by the thirtieth part of a knight's fee; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. xi, no. 46. It is regularly named in settlements and inquisitions; e.g. Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Rec. Soc. Lanes, and Ches.), i, 158; ii, 81; iii, 371.
  • 46. An estate called Stidd in Dutton belonged in 1716 to John Shireburne, younger brother of Richard Shireburne of Bailey; Payne, Engl. Cath. Rec. 144. In 1725 John Shireburne of Sheffield— wheTe he was agent to the Duke of Norfolk—was engaged to marry Margaret Nelson of Fairhurst, £40 being settled on her from ' the capital messuage called Stidd, and demesne lands in Stidd, Ribchester and Blackburn'; Piccope MSS. (Cher, Lib.), iii, 228, from roll 11 of Geo. I at Preston. Next year John Shireburne made his will. To Elizabeth widow of his brother Richard he gave £15 a year out of Bailey Hall; to his cousin Richard Walmsley of Showley (who was one of the residuary legatees) £10 for the poor of Bailey, Stidd, &c., and £10 for a piece of plate. His executors were to build a good almshouse on his estate at Stidd for five poor persons to live separately therein, and to endow it with £30 a year, viz. £5 for each inmate and £5 for repairs. He died in Dec. 1726. See C. D. Sherborn, Sherborn Fam. 73–6.
  • 47. Pat. 9 Jas. I, pt. xxvii. At the same time an extent was made; Kuerden MSS. ii, fol. 132b–3b. It appears that Stidd was occupied by Robert Goodshaw, who paid 4s. rent. There was a considerable number of farms, &c, in Dutton and the adjoining townships. This second manor may have been due to a regrant to the Hospitallers by Queen Mary of Stidd with numerous dependencies; Pat. 4 & 5 Phil, and Mary, pt. iv.
  • 48. Kuerden MSS. ii, fol. 132. The sale included the manor of Stidd, formerly belonging to the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, with customary rents in Chipping, Barbing, Thornley, Chaigley, Aighton, Bailey and Belingfield, &c, together with perquisites of the court of Stidd; but a rent of, £4 10s. 0½d. for Stidd, Forton and Cunscough was to be paid to the Crown. In 1543 Sir Alexander Osbaldeston had a lease of 'the manor or capital messuage of the Stidd, 'by purchase from John Cowell, who had it from the Crown at a rent of £5 1s. 8d.; Add. MS. 32106, no. 1076.
  • 49. The grant to Richard Crombleholme in Dutton, Huntingdon, Milneclough, &c., appears to have been from part of the Hospitallers' possessions; Pat, 38 Hen. VIII, pt. xvii. In the extent of 1609, above referred to, Richard Crombleholme is stated to have held Huntingdon and 'Bailey in Dutton' by the twentieth part of a knight's fee and 3s. 1d. rent, and to have granted out many portions of the lands. Richard Crombleholme the elder held a messuage 'in Huntingdon in Bailey in the township of Dutton' and various lands, and made a settlement of part thereof in 1576. His son William having died before him, he was succeeded by a grandson Richard the younger (son of William), who died at Dutton in 1588 holding Huntingdon, &c, of the queen by the hundredth part of a knight's fee, and other land in Dutton of Sir Richard Shireburne as of his manor of Dutton. Richard, the son and heir of the younger Richard, was seven years old; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. xiv, no. 40. See further in T. C. Smith, op. cit. 238–9. William Crombleholme of Dutton was arrested in 1584 on his way to the Continent to be educated for the priesthood and was imprisoned in the Tower for some time 5 Misc. (Cath. Rec. Soc), iii, 17; Gillow, Bibl. Diet, of Engl. Cath. iii, 410 (quoting Bridgewater's Concertatio). He is supposed to have become a missionary priest in Lancashire. Huntingdon is now the property of Mr. Holt of Stubby Lee in Spotland.
  • 50. Carlinghurst was in 1560 granted to Thomas Reeve and Richard Pynde; Pat. 2 Eliz. pt. iii. Afterwards it was held by the Shireburnes.
  • 51. In a fine of 1686 respecting the manor of Stidd and various messuages, lands, &c, in Stidd, Ribchester and Blackburn the plaintiff was Edward Burdett and the deforciants were James Stamford Richard Chorley, Richard Husband, Richard Shireburne, John Shireburne, Richard Walmsley and John Walmsley; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 216, m. 38. The Shireburnes here named were those of Bailey Hall, and the 'manor' may be that of the Holt family. On the other hand the manor of Stidd is named among the Shireburne of Stonyhurst possessions in 1737 and 1777; Pal. of Lane. Plea R. 544., m. 13; 625, m. 10d. (16).
  • 52. This was directed in the sale to Thomas Holt. The tithes of the district seem also to have been paid by custom to the chaplain, but by compositions they became very trifling in amount.
  • 53. At first there seems to have been a separate chaplain, for one John Moss was there in 1574. He gave a certificate that Edward Ash had received the communion from him at Stidd Church in Passion week that year. Ash had been summoned before the Bishop of Chester for his omission in that matter; Chester Consistory Ct. Rec. About 1610 Stidd was described as 'a donative from the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury'; there was 'no minister there resident'; Hist. MSS. Com. Rep, xiv, App. iv, 9. On 21 Jan. 1616–17 Richard Learoyd, B.A., was admitted to the church of Stidd on the presentation of Francis Holt; Act Bk. at Chester, 1579– 1676, fol. 65. The vicars of Ribchester were therefore in charge, and the convenient custom remained in force. The right of patronage or donation was exercised by Francis Holt, but on the decay of this family and the apparent extinction of the manor the vicar of Ribchester seems to have been regarded as the patron, Stidd thus becoming a curacy. In 1650 it was regarded as Mr. Holt's donative, and was worth £6 13s. 4d., this sum being paid to the minister at Ritchciter, being accounted parson at Stidd.' There were only seventeen families in the parish; Commoniy. Ch. Surv. (Rec. Soc. Lanes, and Ches.), 170. About 1717 Bishop Gastrell found the income to be £3 19s. 1d., being £2 from Stidd Hall, from three other estates 5s., tithes (by composition) £1 14s. 1d. In 1690 the 'vicar of Ribchester [?was] instituted to Stidd and invested with all the rights belonging to it' The ancient burial-ground was in use; Notitia Cestr, (Chet. Soc), ii, 476–8.
  • 54. In Gastrell's time it was' served by the vicar on New Year's Day, Good Friday and some other SundayB in summer time'; ibid, i, 478. A century later Whitaker wrote that divine service was performed ' only twice a year'; 'nc reading desk was ever erected and prayers are read out of the pulpit'; Whalley (ed. Nicholls), ii, 465.
  • 55. A monograph entitled 'The History of Stydd Chapel and Preceptory near Ribchester, Lancashire,' by George Latham, architect, was published in 1853. It contains fourteen plates, mostly measured drawings. The letterpress is of little value.
  • 56. Its 'picturesque beauty' in 1801 is noticed in Whitaker's Whalhy, loc. cit. A view of the building is given by T. C. Smith, Lottgrtdge, 166.
  • 57. See Smith, Ribchester, 134–5, where illustrations of the font and the carved shields are given. The shields, beginning at the west, are as follows: (1) I. H. C; (2) the sacred heart, hands and feet; (3) the initials T. P.; (4) a quatrefoil, on a chief a cross; (5) arms of Clitheroe of Salesbury; (6) arms of Hothersall of Hothersall; (7) five bulls' heads caboBhed in cross; (8) arms of Newport of Salop. 'Every effort has been made to identify nos. 4 and 7, but without success.' It has been suggested that the initials T. P. refer to the name of the donor, that P. stands for Prior and that the letters stand for Turcopolier, one of the official titles in the Order of St. John. Smith suggests they are the initials of Sir Thomas Pemberton, preceptor of Newland, under which Stidd was a camera and that the font was a gift from the Preceptory. Whitaker assigns no. 4 to the Knights Hospitallers, but gives no explanation of the other arms. Smith acknowledges indebtedness in his interpretations to Sir Henry Dryden, bart., F.S.A., and to Mr. Joseph Gillow.
  • 58. 'Dec. 1 1703. This day Mr. Ogden, vicar of Ribchester, gave ye communion table at Stid Church and caused the long seat in the church to be fixt under the south window '; Church Book quoted by Smith, Ribchester; 132.
  • 59. Smith, op. cit. 136. There is an illustration in Cutts's Sepulchral Slabs, plate lxiv.
  • 60. A report on the state of the structure with suggestions for its repair, a copy of which has been communicated by the present rector, was made in that year. Some portions of it are quoted by Smith, op. cit. 132–3.