Townships: Inskip with Sowerby

A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 7. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1912.

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'Townships: Inskip with Sowerby', in A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 7, ed. William Farrer, J Brownbill( London, 1912), British History Online [accessed 19 September 2024].

'Townships: Inskip with Sowerby', in A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 7. Edited by William Farrer, J Brownbill( London, 1912), British History Online, accessed September 19, 2024,

"Townships: Inskip with Sowerby". A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 7. Ed. William Farrer, J Brownbill(London, 1912), , British History Online. Web. 19 September 2024.

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Inscip, Dom. Bk.; Inskyp, 1246; Insckyp, 1285; Ineskyp, 1331.

Sorbi, Dom. Bk.; Soureby, 1256.

This township has a total area of 2,979½ acres, (fn. 1) of which Inskip proper has 2,046, Sowerby 868½, and Carr House Green Common 65. The north and east portions are flat and lie low, but the south-west quarter has two rather higher plateaux, 50 ft. above sea level, divided by a small valley running from west to east. On the more northerly of these elevations stands the village of Inskip; the southerly contains Higham. Crossmoor lies on the western border; Sowerby is in the lower land to the east. There was a population of 450 in 1901.

The principal road goes north-west and west from Woodplumpton, through the village of Inskip to Elswick and Singleton, with two branches going north by Sowerby and by Inskip to St. Michael's, and another south-west through Higham to Wharles and Kirkham.

There is a parish council.

The soil is light and peaty, with subsoil gravel. Wheat and oats are grown. Rush wicks were formerly made in Sowerby.


Though INSKIP, assessed as two plough-lands, is named in Domesday Book among the manors of Earl Tostig in 1066, (fn. 2) its subsequent history is very obscure. In the 13th century it seems to have been held by the Carleton family, (fn. 3) and to have been joined to their part of Great Eccleston. Walter son of Sir William de Carleton about 1280 granted his son William the homage and service of Sir Richard le Boteler for his tenement in Inskip and Eccleston. (fn. 4) In 1285 Henry de Kighley and Ellen his wife obtained from Alice widow of Richard le Boteler the manor of Inskip and two-thirds of the manor of Great Eccleston. (fn. 5) Henry de Kighley was knight of the shire in 1297, 1298 and 1301. (fn. 6) Sir Richard de Kighley in 1330 settled the manor of Inskip and other estates, with succession to his son Gilbert and his heirs by Clemency his wife. (fn. 7)

Gilbert de Kighley appears to have had a son Sir Henry, (fn. 8) whose three sons John, Hugh and Richard were in the remainder to 'Nicholas Manor' in Tyldesley in 1385. (fn. 9) Of these Richard (fn. 10) is probably the knight who was slain at Agincourt, 1415. (fn. 11) and was followed by a son Henry, (fn. 12) who occurs down to 1446. (fn. 13) Then came another Richard, described as son and heir of Henry in 1467. (fn. 14) Sir Henry Kighley (fn. 15) died in 1526 holding the manor of Inskip with messuages and lands in Inskip and Eccleston of the heir of Richard Eccleston in socage by the rent of a barbed arrow. His grandson Henry Kighley, aged thirty, was his heir. (fn. 16) The heir, who recorded a pedigree in 1533, (fn. 17) left a son Henry, who was dead in 1554, when his heir was a son also named Henry. (fn. 18) This Henry Kighley proved to be the last of his name; he died in July 1567, leaving two daughters as heirs—Anne, aged four years, and Katherine, aged four months. (fn. 19) The former married William Cavendish, ancestor of the Dukes of Devonshire, and the latter married Thomas Worsley of Booths. (fn. 20) On partition the manor of Inskip was allotted to the former, (fn. 21) and descended in the main line until 1819, when it was given to a younger branch, (fn. 22) and so descended to the trustees of the Earl of Burlington, who, with the Hon. Charles Compton Cavendish, in 1843 (fn. 23) sold it to the thirteenth Earl of Derby, whose successor is now lord of Inskip and Great Eccleston. Manor courts are held. (fn. 24)

Kighley. Argent a fesse sable.

Cavendish. Sable three stags heads caboshed argent.

A manor of Inskip was claimed by the Cliftons of Westby. (fn. 25) This appears to have been the tenement oftheWhittingham family (fn. 26) which about 1308 passed to the Shireburnes of Stonyhurst. (fn. 27) A family surnamed Inskip (fn. 28) and a few other landowners occur in the records. (fn. 29)

Cockersand Abbey (fn. 30) and the Knights Hospitallers (fn. 31) had lands in the township.

SOWERBY was in 1066 assessed as one ploughland, and, like Inskip, formed part of Earl Tostig's fee. (fn. 32) Afterwards Great Sowerby was part of the Wyresdale lordship, (fn. 33) and the chief owners appear to have been the Banastre (fn. 34) and Hoghton (fn. 35) families. The Earls of Derby have long been lords of the manor, (fn. 36) and courts are held. (fn. 37)

The distinction between Great and Little Sowerby was often ignored, and the same families appear to have held lands in both hamlets, so that much confusion results. Among the owners were the Carleton (fn. 38) and Ellel families, (fn. 39) the latter adopting Sowerby as a surname, and later the Botelers of Rawcliffe, (fn. 40) Lawrences, (fn. 41) and others. (fn. 42) Except perhaps the Sowerby and Charnley families, none of these was resident.

One or two sequestrations in Sowerby are recorded in the Commonwealth period, (fn. 43) and two Inskip 'Papists' registered estates in 1717. (fn. 44)

Before the Reformation there was a chapel at Inskip, (fn. 45) but it disappears afterwards, being probably claimed by the Kighleys as private property.

In 1848 St. Peter's was consecrated for the services of the Church of England. The vicar of St. Michael's is patron. (fn. 46)

A Baptist congregation, due to a division in Elswick Chapel, was formed in 1794 and met in Inskip; the chapel was built in 1817. (fn. 47)

In 1680 Thomas Tomlinson of Crossmoor was presented to the Bishop of Chester for keeping conventicles of Quakers in his house. (fn. 48)


  • 1. The Census Rep. of 1901 says that there are 2,984 acres, including 7 of inland water.
  • 2. V.C.H. Lancs. i, 288a.
  • 3. In 1246 Richard de Whittingham and Hawise his wife claimed common of pasture against William de Carleton respecting certain lands in Inskip, but were non-suited; Assize R. 404, m. 3. Robert son of Adam at the same time unsuccessfully claimed certain pieces of land (cheviciae), about 2 acres in all, against William de Carleton; ibid. m. 7.
  • 4. Dods. MSS. cxlii, fol. 83. Ellen widow of Robert de Stockport in 1275 claimed from Richard le Boteler a third part of 2s. rent in Inskip; De Banco R. 10, m. 71 d.
  • 5. Final Conc. (Rec. Soc. Lancs, and Ches.), i, 163–4; should Henry and Ellen die without issue the manors were to revert to Alice. In 1296 the same Henry and his wife acquired a further part of Great Eccleston and the manor of Bedford in the parish of Leigh; ibid. 181–2. The surname is derived from Keighley in Yorkshire, where Sir Henry de Kighley held six plough-lands in 1303; Kirkby's Inq. (Surtees Soc), 192–3.
  • 6. Pink and Beaven, Parl. Repre. of Lancs. 11, 12.
  • 7. Final Conc, ii, 1935 the other estates were a moiety of the manor of Great Eccleston and the manor of Keighley. The trustee in the settlement was Thomas son of Henry de Kighley. Nicholas le Boteler put in his claim. The manor of Bedford was at the same time settled on Gilbert and Clemency; ibid. 77. Robert and John, apparently other sons of the same Richard, had land in Eccleston in 1326; ibid. 64. Sir Richard de Kighley was in 1346–7 engnged in disputes with Sir Nicholas le Boteler as to the manor of Inskip; De Banco R. 347, m. 217 d.; 349, m. 118 d. He, with others, acted in 1351 as surety for William de Balderston, clerk; Assize R. 431, m. 1 d.
  • 8. Gilbert de Kighley was in 1353 concerned in a dispute as to a mill in Bedford; Assize R. 435, m. 5, 32. In 1356 he attested a Sowerby deed; Add. MS. 32106, no, 3. Henry son of Gilbert de Kighley was, together with Roger de Bradshagh of Westleigh and others, charged in 1375 with wrongfully imprisoning Adam son of Robert de Buckley the elder at Pennington; De Banco R. 457, m. 34 d. Henry de Kighley of Leigh was named in a recognisance of debt in 1378; Add. MS. 32108, no. 1657. Gilbert's brother was Nicholas de Kighley, who was executor of Sir Richard's will (1366–70); De Banco R. 423, m. 318; 438, m. 344. Nicholas de Kighley and Joan his wife transferred in 1378 various messuages and lands to Robert [?de Urswick]; they were situated in Inskip, Great and Little Eccleston and Elswick; Final Conc, iii, 4. See the account of Hapton in Whalley.
  • 9. Final Conc, iii, 26.
  • 10. Richard son of Sir Henry de Kighley in 1396 obtained the manor of Lightshaw (ibid. 49), which descended like Inskip. Richard de Kighley is named in writs in 1409 and 1411; Add. MS. 32108, no. 1595, 1533. Sir Richard de Kighley and Katherine his wife, widow of Sir Peter Mauleverer, occur in 1410; Final Conc, iii, 69.
  • 11. Nicolas, Agincourt (ed. 1827), ccxxxii, ccxxxvi.
  • 12. Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Chet. Soc), i, 116. The lands in Inskip were said—no doubt wrongly—to be held of the heir of Sir William Boteler (of Warrington). Henry, the heir, was twenty-four years old. Henry, as executor of his father, rendered account of sums expended in the Agincourt campaign; Army Accts. Exch. K.R. bdle. 44, no. 29. Sir Richard had taken in his retinue fifty Lancashire bowmen at 6d. a day. One of them was William Tailor of Inskip, who died at the siege of Harfleur. A contemporary, Sir John Kighley, was bailiff of Rouen in 1420, and is otherwise mentioned; Dep. Keeper's Rep. xlii, App. 388, &c. Sir Gilbert Kighley also occurs; ibid, xliv, App. 579.
  • 13. Henry Kighley was a trustee in 1432 and 1446; Final Conc, iii, 99, 113. In 1473 the executors of the will of Henry Kighley were Constance the widow and James, Ralph and Christopher Kighley; Pal. of Lanc. Writs of Assize, bdle. 13.
  • 14. Dods. MSS. cxlix, fol. 101b; in a bond of £40 to abide by an arbitration as to disputes with John Kirkby of Rawcliffe. Richard Kighley, esq., was plaintiff respecting a tenement in Great Eccleston in 1459; Pal. of Lanc. Writs of Assize, bdle. 5 (37 Hen. VI). He was a juror in 1464; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Chet. Soc.), ii, 77.
  • 15. He was made a knight by Lord Stanley during the Scottish expedition of 1482; Metcalfe, Bk. of Knights, 7.
  • 16. Duchy of Lanc, Inq. p.m. vi, no. 44. The heir was son of Richard son of Sir Henry. The other Lancashire estates were the manor of Lightshaw, with lands in Golborne and Pemberton; also others in Bedford.
  • 17. Visit. of 1533 (Chet. Soc.), 92; his wife was Cecily daughter of Thomas Boteler of Bewsey, and his son Henry had married Elizabeth daughter of Sir Alexander Osbaldeston.
  • 18. Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. x, no. 49; it is noteworthy that the manor of Inskip, called Inskip Hall, was stated to be in the vill of Eccleston. The inquisition recites the provision made by Henry the father on his son's contract of marriage (1523) with Elizabeth Osbaldeston. His father's widow was named Isabel; she had married Nicholas Tempest before 1552. Part of the younger Henry's will is given, naming daughters Margaret and Anne. Of these the former married William Hulton. In 1552 an annuity of £30 was settled on Isabel Tempest for life; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 14, m. 97.
  • 19. Duchy of Lanc. Inq, p.m. xi, no. 10; the manor of Inskip, or Inskip Hall, with messuages and lands in Eccleston and Cross Moor, was held of the heir of Richard son of Roger de Eccleston by the rent of a barbed arrow. The will of Henry Kighley, 1567, is printed in Richmond Wills (Surtee Soc), 198. He desired to be buried in St. Michael's Church near the place where his father was buried. Mary his wife, Anne his daughter, Isabel Tempest (widow of Henry Kighley his grandfather) and Mr. Justice Carus his father-in-law are named. He left 'to every one of my servants and to every one of my mother's servants at Lightshaw one whole year's wages. Elizabeth Kighley of Lightshaw, widow, was a recusant in 1577; Gibson, Lydiate Hall, 215, 217.
  • 20. A moiety of the manor of Inskip, with view of frankpledge, &c., was in 1585 held by William Cavendish and Anne his wife; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 47, m. 133. The other moiety was in 1589 held by Thomas Worsley and Katherine his wife; ibid. bdle. 51, m. 13. An agreement seems to have been made in 1593; ibid. bdle. 55, m. 161, 180. In 1594–5 Thomas Worsley and Katherine sold messuages in Inskip and Cross Moor to John de Cardenas and Nicholas and William Thompson; ibid, bdles. 56, m. 122; 57, m. 11. John de Cardenas sold his land to Sir Richard Shuttleworth in 1596 and it descended with the Gawthorpe estates; Fishwick, op. cit. 30; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 59, m. 210. Cross Moor belonged to the lords of Inskip in 1580; Exch. Dep. (Rec. Soc. Lancs, and Ches.), 2.
  • 21. William Lord Cavendish had Inskip, &c., in 1614; Pat. 12 Jas. I, pt. xxvi.
  • 22. See the account of Brindle. Inskip was among the manors of the Right Hon. William Cavendish in 1747; Pal. of Lanc. Plea R. 567, m. 6.
  • 23. Fishwick, op. cit. 19.
  • 24. Information of Mr. Windham E. Hale.
  • 25. In 1514 it was found that William de Clifton about 1300 had had the homage and service of Richard Shireburne for his manor of Inskip as parcel of the manors of Clifton and Westby, and that this had descended to Cuthbert Clifton, who died in 1512; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. iii, no. 3. Similar statements are made later; ibid, ix, no. 6.
  • 26. Richard son of Warine de Whittingham gave 2 acres in Inskip to Cockersand Abbey; Chartul. (Chet. Soc.), i, 184. In 1246 Geoffrey de Whittingham obtained an oxgangof land, &c., from Richard de Whittingham and Hawise his wife; Final Conc, i, 99. Richard de Whittingham gave an oxgang of land in Inskip to Roger de Wharles with his daughter Alice in exchange for an oxgang in Elswick, and Roger and Alice afterwards released it to John lord of Whittingham, son of Richard; Towneley MS. DD, no. 1906. John son of Richard de Whittingham in 1279 claimed land against Walter de Carleton and William his son; De Banco R. 31, m. 32. John son of John de Whittingham in 1305 claimed a messuage, 2 oxgangs of land, &c., in Inskip against his father and his brother William, with whom was joined Adam de Lever; Assize R. 420, m. 6. There are two charters relating to it in Kuerden fol. MS. (Chet. Lib.), 330 (68), 331 (96).
  • 27. The Shireburne abstract book at Leagram affords the following notes: John de Whittingham to John his son, all his lands in Sowerby (s.d.). John de Whittingham of Sowerby to John son of Nicholas de Sowerby, all lands in Great Sowerby which he had from Sir Henry de Kighley (s.d.). William son of John de Whittingham to Robert de Shireburne, homages and services in Elswick, Inskip and Sowerby (Inskip, 1308). In 1354 John the Chapman of Preston claimed against Alice widow of Robert de Shireburne two messuages, 100 acres of land, &c., as nephew and heir of John son of Nicholas de Sowerby, being son of Johns sister Margery. The land had been granted to Roger de Sowerby, but his son and heir (John) had died without issue. Alice alleged that Roger was a bastard, so that his lands escheated to her, but the jury found for the claimant; Duchy of Lanc. Assize R. 3, m. vd. Margery widow of Nicholas de Sowerby occurs in 1292; Assize R. 408, m. 36. Sir Adam de Howick in 1358 purchased messuages, &c., in Inskip from John the Chapman of Preston, William le Grigour and Alice his wife; Final Conc, ii, 159. Inskip is named among the Shireburne estates in the later inquisitions, but the tenure is not recorded. It can only be gathered from the Clifton inquisitons cited already.
  • 28. Adam de Inskip to his son Thomas land on Moorbreck (perhaps in Upper Rawcliffe), for which 3d. rent was due to Lytham Priory; Kuerden fol. MS. 188. Richard de Inskip granted to Richard le Boteler the waste pertaining to 1 oxgang of land in Inskip, also part of the windmill; Kuerden MSS. iv, S 4. About 1226 William de Carleton released to Dieulacres Abbey his right in Richard son of Richard son of Alan de Inskip; Dieulacres Chartul. (Wm. Salt Soc.), 352.
  • 29. An agreement was made in 1271–2 between Richard son of Geoffrey de Chipping and Gilbert son of Paulinus de Wedacre and Godith his wife as to land, &c., in Inskip and the twelfth part of the mill; Anct. D. (P.R.O.), C 1912. Adam de Catterall in 1397 held a messuage, &c., of the duke in socage; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Chet. Soc), i, 66. James Anderton of Clayton and Dorothy his wife had an estate here in 1602; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 64, m. 233. In the inquisition he is said to have had 20s. rent from Inskip; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. xxvii, no. 56.
  • 30. Chartul. i, 184.
  • 31. Plac. de Quo Warr. (Rec. Com.), 375.
  • 32. V.C.H. Lancs, i, 288a. There is nothing to show whether this refers to Great and Little Sowerby or to one portion only.
  • 33. Ingram de Gynes held Sowerby in 1324; Dods. MSS. cxxxi, fol. 39b.
  • 34. The Banastre of Bretherton estate was probably derived from the Singletons. In 1346–8 John Trussell and Petronilla his wife were claiming her dower in various messuages and lands in Sowerby against Robert de Haldeleghs and his son John; De Banco R. 347, m. 165; 354, m. 300. In 1521 the Banastre estate was held by Thomas Radcliffe of Winmarleigh and Thomas Earl of Derby; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. v, no. 3 (and later), 68. The tenures in Sowerby are not recorded separately from the rest of the Balderston estate. In 1563 Edward Earl of Derby acquired land in Great and Little Sowerby and in Myerscough from John Osbaldeston and Jane his wife; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 25, m. 104. In 1662 a rent of 16s. 8d. for the manor of Sowerby was due to Moore of Bankhall, Kirkdale; Pat. 14 Chas. II.
  • 35. John the Chapman of Preston in 1356 granted to Sir Adam de Hoghton all his messuages and lands in the hamlet of Great Sowerby in the vill of Inskip; Add. MS. 32106, no. 3. From a pleading above cited it appears that the grantor was heir of a John de Sowerby. Maud Chapman, widow of John, was living sixty years later, releasing her dower right in the vill of Sowerby to Sir Richard de Hoghton in 1417; ibid. no. 670. Sir Richard de Hoghton in 1387 demised his lands, &c., in Great Sowerby to William de Hornby the younger for life; ibid. no. 64 (2). Sir Adam de Hoghton in 1358 complained that Sir Nicholas Boteler had seized certain cattle of his in the vill of Inskip in a place called the Highfield in Great Sowerby. Sir Nicholas replied that his tenant John Chapman, who should pay 6s. 8d. a year, was in arrears; but the jury found that the place of seizure was outside Boteler's fee, and he was fined 40d.; Assize R. 438, m. 9. Sir Richard Hoghton in 1415 was found to have held of the heir of Adam de Winkley; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Chet. Soc.), i, 146. In later Hoghton inquisitions the tenure is recorded as of the king by knight's service; e.g. Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. v, no. 61. A fishery in Sowerby mere is named in 1519; ibid. no. 66.
  • 36. The rental of the Earl of Derby in 1522 (in possession of the Earl of Lathom) shows that from Great and Little Sowerby and Myerscough £27 14s. 2d. was received from Sir Henry Kighley, who farmed the estate, and that the following free rents were paid: To the heirs of James Boteler, 34s.; Richard Hoghton, 15s.; the chaplain of St. Michael-on-Wyre, 14s.; Hugh Shireburne, 62s. 10d.; and the heirs of John Lawrence, 33s. 4d. For the Balderston lands 46s. 8d. was paid, of which one half went back to the Earl of Derby and the other to Radcliffe and Osbaldeston. Thomas first Earl of Derby had purchased lands belonging to Roger Birewath and—Hyde producing 33s. 8d. a year. It does not appear that the Earls of Derby, though they must have owned a large part of the land, claimed any manor at that time, but in 1665 the manors of Great and Little Sowerby were held by Charlotte Dowager Countess of Derby and in 1678 by William Earl of Derby, while in 1708 they were among the Derby estates in the hands of John Earl of Anglesea and Henrietta Maria his wife; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdles. 175, m. 143; 201, m. 37; 260, m. 53; 267, m. 75.
  • 37. Information of Mr. Windham E. Hale.
  • 38. William de Carleton was defendant in a plea respecting a tenement in Sowerby in 1246; Assize R. 404, m. 7. Ten years later Wimark daughter of Adam released to Walter de Carleton 2 oxgangs of land in Sowerby and 20 acres in Plumpton, receiving other land in Sowerby; Final Conc, i, 128.
  • 39. Walter de Ellel son of Grimbald gave Adam son of Henry the rector of Bolton 3½ acres in the Balgerfield and other land in Fourlands (apparently in Sowerby); Dods. MSS. liii, fol. 100b. Richard de Sowerby and Roger White of Eccleston attested.
  • 40. Walter de Ellel granted Sir Richard le Boteler the wardship and marriage of his eldest son Richard with his inheritance in Ellel and Sowerby; Dods. MSS. liii, fol. 90b. Hugh de Sowerby, with the assent of Henry his son and heir, gave certain land in Sowerby to John son of Richard le Boteler; ibid. fol. 100b. In 1284 Richard de Sowerby complained that Alice le Boteler had disseised him of a tenement in Sowerby which he had demised to William son of Richard le Boteler for eight years. William had granted it to his brother Edmund, and he to Alice; Assize R. 1265, m. 21; 1268, m. 12. William son of Walter de Carleton was joined in the defence. John Butler in 1534 was found to have held of the king in socage; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. vii, no. 4.
  • 41. A fourth part of the manor of Sowerby was in 1340 settled by Robert de Washington the elder and Agnes his wife upon Robert de Washington the younger and Margaret his wife; Final Conc. ii, 113. This it probably the same fourth part as that held by Robert Lawrence in 1450, the tenure being of the king as duke by the rent of a grain of pepper; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Chet. Soc), ii, 57; also 122, 131. The Lawrence inheritance became much divided. Thus Thomas Rigmaiden of Wedacre in 1520 held lands in Carleton and Sowerby of the king as of his duchy by the tenth part of a knight's fee; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. v, no. 65. Richard Skillicorne of Preese also had a share, which was in 1557 described as 140 acres of land held in socage by a rent of 1d. yearly; ibid, vii, no. 3; x, no. 25. Evan Haughton in 1608 held part by ½d. rent; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Rec. Soc. Lancs, and Ches.), i, 125–6.
  • 42. Sir Richard Shireburne died in 1513 holding land in Sowerby of the Earl of Derby in socage; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. iv, no. 46. A similar statement is made in later inquisitions. George Newsham, who died in 1585, held his land in Sowerby of the Earl of Derby in socage; ibid, xiv, no. 88. Alexander and Thomas Charnley had disputes with John and George Newsham, 1547–60; Ducatus Lanc. (Rec. Com.), ii, 94, 222, 230. Robert Charnley of Myerpool was a freeholder in 1600; Misc. (Rec. Soc. Lancs, and Ches.), i, 232. John Charnley in 1636 held a capital messuage called Myerpool in Inskip with Sowerby of the Earl of Derby, lands in Woodplumpton, &c. His heir was his son Robert, aged thirty; Towneley MS. C8, 13 (Chet. Lib.), 244. Norton Abbey in Cheshire had an alms of £1 10s. yearly from 'Sawarby,' perhaps this township; Ormerod, Ches. (ed. Helsby), i, 686. In 1596 there was a suit between Thomas Farington and Brian Jackson respecting lands in Sowerby, late of the Earl of Derby; Exch. Dep. (Rec. Soc. Lancs, and Ches.), 8.
  • 43. Dorothy Grant of Sowerby had twothirds of her estate sequestered in 1653 for 'Popery'; Royalist Comp. Papers (Rec. Soc. Lancs, and Ches.), iii, 92. Bartholomew Jackson, for a like reason, had two-thirds sequestered, but part of the estate had not been surveyed, and this led to further inquiries; ibid, iv, 23–8. Richard Parkinson of Sowerby, refusing to abjure his religion in 1653, likewise had two-thirds of his estate sequestered; Cal. Com. for Comp. i, 656.
  • 44. Thomas Eccles registered a house called Gradwell's; Estcourt and Payne, Engl. Cath. Nonjurors, 101. The other was Christopher Medcalfe; ibid. 106.
  • 45. It is named in a description of boundaries—'straight upon Inskip chapel' —in a Clifton rental first compiled in 1509; Towneley MS. OO. For its equipment see Fishwick, op. cit. 170–1. In 1650 its existence was remembered by the people; Commonw. Ch. Surv. (Rec. Soc. Lancs, and Ches.), 148. The inhabitants were 'often debarred from church by water and moist ground.'
  • 46. Fishwick, op. cit. 95; Hewitson, Our Country Churches, 427.
  • 47. Fishwick, op. cit. 133; Nightingale, Lancs. Nonconf. i, 90; Hewitson, 431.
  • 48. Visit. Ret.