Townships: Lea, Ashton, Ingol and Cottam

A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 7. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1912.

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'Townships: Lea, Ashton, Ingol and Cottam', in A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 7, ed. William Farrer, J Brownbill( London, 1912), British History Online [accessed 19 September 2024].

'Townships: Lea, Ashton, Ingol and Cottam', in A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 7. Edited by William Farrer, J Brownbill( London, 1912), British History Online, accessed September 19, 2024,

"Townships: Lea, Ashton, Ingol and Cottam". A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 7. Ed. William Farrer, J Brownbill(London, 1912), , British History Online. Web. 19 September 2024.

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Lea, Dom. Bk.; Le, 1212; Lee, 1297; Engleshel[e], 1200; Englisle, 1292; Inglisle, 1301; Frenkyssele, 1277; Franckesleye, 1292; Frensshele, 1352.

Estun, Dom. Bk.; Eston, 1168; Estone, 1201; Assheton, 1292.

Ingole, Ingool, c. 1200.

Cotun, 1227; Cottun, 1258; Cotum, 1261; Coton, 1280; Cotom, xv cent.

This composite township lies to the west of Preston. It is divided into two nearly equal parts by the Savock or Savick Brook, flowing west to the border, and then turning south to become itself the boundary at that point. The Ribble's old course is the boundary on the south. The river is tidal here, and the land by it is level, but the surface rises to about 60 or 70 ft. above the ordnance datum, and then falls again to the Savock. North of this stream the ground again rises and over 100 ft. is attained on the border of Woodplumpton.

Lea forms the western part of the township. It was formerly divided by the Savock into French Lea on the south and English Lea, now Lea Town, on the north, but the old names have long been forgotten. On the northern border is Cottam or Cotham, while Ingol lies in the north-east corner, on the border of Broughton. Sidgreaves is or was on the boundary of English Lea and Cottam. South of the Savock the eastern part of the township is called Ashton, or Ashton-upon-Ribble, having Tulketh to the northeast on the border of Preston, and Ashton Bank on the south-west by the Ribble. Greaves lies between Ashton and (French) Lea. A large part of Ashton has now become urban; the dock of the Preston Corporation's Ribble navigation scheme is situated there in what was formerly the bed of the Ribble, (fn. 1) the course of which stream has been straightened. The township boundaries also have been altered so as to include about half of Ashton within the township of Preston. (fn. 2)

The areas of the several parts are as follows: Lea, 1,776 acres; Ashton, 828½; Ingol, 365; Cottam, 518½; in all 3,488 acres. (fn. 3) The population in 1901 was 6,586. (fn. 4)

The principal roads are those from Preston, west through Ashton, Greaves and Lea towards Lytham, and north through Ingol to Woodplumpton. From Greaves on the former road another important one goes north to Inskip and the Wyre district; crossroads connect it with Cottam, Lea Town and Clifton. The Preston and Wyre Railway, owned by the Lancashire and Yorkshire and London and NorthWestern companies, runs north-west and west through the township, with a station called Lea Road. The Lancaster Canal crosses the Savock from Preston and then goes west through the township. The Preston tramway system extends into Ashton, and there are branch railways to serve the dock.

There are brick and tile works at Ashton and Cottam. In the other parts of the township agriculture remains the only industry.

The present reduced township is governed by a parish council.

There was formerly a holy well (fn. 5) in Ingol, 'a walled-in structure reached by a flight of steps.' In French Lea was St. Catherine's Well.

'Danes Pad' goes west through Ingol and Cottam; it is supposed to mark the line of a Roman road.


In 1066 LEA, assessed as one ploughland, and ASHTON as two, were members of the fee of Preston or Amounderness held by Earl Tostig. (fn. 6) After the Conquest they appear to have been included in the royal demesne, and were held in thegnage by a number of tenants, the hamlets being French Lea, English Lea, Ashton, Tulketh, Ingol, Cottam, Sidgreaves, and perhaps others. French Lea, as above stated, lay between the Savock Brook and the Ribble; in this part the hall was built; while English Lea was to the north of the Savock. (fn. 7)

Henry II granted FRENCH LEA among other manors to Warine de Lancaster to hold by the service of falconer, (fn. 8) and this was confirmed between 1190 and 1194 by John Count of Mortain to Warine's son Henry de Lea. (fn. 9) A further confirmation or renewal was granted in 1199 after John had become king. (fn. 10) In 1207 the king obtained Henry's manors of Liverpool and Uplitherland in exchange for ENGLISH LEA, (fn. 11) and the service thenceforward to be rendered was a payment of 20s. yearly instead of falconry. (fn. 12) The two Leas were thus united under one lordship and have so remained. In 1212 accordingly Henry de Lea was recorded as holding in all six plough-lands by the king's charter and rendering 20s. (fn. 13) The two Leas seem then to have been considered as one plough-land, as in 1066, and 3s. 4d. was the portion of the rent charged on them (fn. 14); but in the 14th century they are called two ploughlands. (fn. 15)

Henry de Lea (fn. 16) was succeeded by his son Sir John de Lea, of whom little is known. (fn. 17) He died in 1265, (fn. 18) leaving two sons Sir Henry and Baldwin, the former being his successor. Sir Henry was a prominent man in the county (fn. 19) and was at one time sheriff. (fn. 20) He died in 1288, leaving as heir his son William de Lea, (fn. 21) who acquired the manor of Mollington Banastre near Chester by his marriage with Clemency Banastre. (fn. 22) Their son Henry, (fn. 23) taking part with Adam Banastre in his rebellion in OctoberNovember 1315, was executed (fn. 24); but his sister Sibyl was able to secure the inheritance, which she carried by marriage to Sir Richard de Hoghton of Hoghton. (fn. 25) From that time Lea has descended in the same way as Hoghton. (fn. 26)

The family seem to have found Lea a desirable residence, and were often known as Hoghton of Lea. (fn. 27) The most prominent incident of their tenure was the tragedy of 1589, when a feud between the Langton and Hoghton families resulted in a night attack on Lea Hall and the death of Thomas Hoghton, the lord. The story is thus told (fn. 28) :—

Thomasine widow of John Singleton of Staining in right of herself and her daughters claimed certain oxen feeding in an inclosed pasture adjoining Thomas Hoghton's manor-house called the Lea on 2.1 November 1589; these cattle had been removed from Staining by George Singleton the brother of John. William Anderton of Anderton Ford, a kinsman of the widow's, she being a daughter of Roger Anderton, asked Thomas Langton of Walton-le-Dale to take the cattle away from the Lea, arguing that it might lawfully be done. Langton accordingly on 20 November warned a number of his tenants to be ready to accompany him with their weapons, and asked the help of Thomas Singleton of Broughton. About eleven o'clock at night Langton, Anderton, the Singletons and their aiders, about eighty in all, armed with pikes, guns, long staves, Welsh hooks on staves, swords, daggers, bows, arrows, and bills, assembled on Preston Marsh for the purpose of seizing the cattle, their watchword being 'The crow is white !' They reached the Lea about an hour after midnight, dividing themselves into two companies, of which one passed through the outer court of the manor-house to reach the cattle inclosure. Thomas Hoghton had had several hours' warning and had made preparations to resist. He and a company of friends and tenants, including William Hulton and his two sons, to the number of thirty, armed themselves with staves, a pike, a gun charged with hail shot, two pistols, a bow and arrows, swords and daggers, and placed themselves near the inclosure to guard the cattle. Their cry was 'Black, black !' The two companies met and 'a great affray began between them within 60 yards of the said mansion house.' The first attack having been repulsed a fresh one was made in which Thomas Hoghton was killed and one man on the other side. After this the assailants appear to have withdrawn.

Complaint was made and an inquiry immediately ordered, which was held at the beginning of January, the Earl of Derby and Sir Richard Shireburne stating that they had taken steps to quell the disturbance and arrest the offenders as soon as they heard of the matter. Thomas Langton, sore wounded, was arrested as he lay in bed at Broughton Tower; Thomasine Singleton and others were sent to Lancaster Castle.

Anne the widow of the Thomas Hoghton thus slain had Lea Hall for her life; she afterwards married Richard Shireburne of Stonyhurst. (fn. 29)

A record of the arms displayed at Lea Hall, 1591 to 1636, has been preserved. (fn. 30)

No courts have been held for the manor for many years, but rolls extending from 1622 to 1774 are preserved at Walton-le-Dale. (fn. 31)

Several minor families occur taking a surname from the Leas. (fn. 32) SIDGREAVES was at one time held by Baldwin de Lea, above-named, (fn. 33) and it also occurs as a surname. (fn. 34) GREAVES in French Lea occurs in 1277. (fn. 35) The Knights Hospitallers (fn. 36) and Cockersand Abbey (fn. 37) had land in Lea. Robert son of Robert son of Auger of French Lea gave land there, with his body, to St. Cuthbert of Durham in connexion with Lytham Priory. (fn. 38)

One plough-land in ASHTON was granted by John when Count of Mortain to Arthur de Ashton, to be held in free thegnage by the service of 10s. yearly, and this was confirmed when he became king in 1199. (fn. 39) It had formed part of the honour of Peverel forfeited about 1153. (fn. 40) Arthur de Ashton died in 1201, when his son Richard succeeded, (fn. 41) but in 1212 it was recorded merely that ' the heir of Arthur de Ashton' held the plough-land by the service named. (fn. 42) The inheritance became divided, (fn. 43) and one moiety or share was obtained by Lea and the other by Haydock. (fn. 44) The Lea portion descended like that manor to the Hoghtons, (fn. 45) and ceased to have any distinct history. Of the Haydock portion a part was given to a younger son, ancestor of the Haydocks of Cottam, and the remainder came to Alice and Aline, daughters and co-heirs of John de Haydock, and thus was divided between the families of Travers of Nateby and Lawrence of Ribbleton. (fn. 46) The Travers manor was in 1625 sold to Hugh Rigby. (fn. 47) The history of the Lawrence share is unknown. (fn. 48) The Waltons of Preston also seem to have had part of the manor. (fn. 49) TULKETH in Ashton, where the monks of Savigny resided before they settled in Furness, (fn. 50) became a seat of the Travers family till the 17th century. (fn. 51) Afterwards it passed through many hands, and the hall is now part of a boys' industrial school, managed by the Brothers of Charity. (fn. 52) Cockersand Abbey had land in Tulketh. (fn. 53) The Hospitallers had some in Ashton. (fn. 54)

Of INGOL there is little to be said. (fn. 55) Land was given to the endowment of St. Mary Magdalene's Hospital by Walter son of Gamel de Ingol about 1200. (fn. 56) Richard de Lea gave to Edmund Earl of Lancaster lands in Ingol in Christ's Croft, Whitefield, &c., (fn. 57) and William son of William de Ingol gave the earl land in Oldfield. (fn. 58) In 1567 it was alleged that the queen was seised of the manor, to which appertained a pasture or moss ground in which all her inhabitants, tenants and farmers in Ingol, had common of pasture and turbary. (fn. 59) Fulshaw Moor was in Ashton and Ingol. (fn. 60)

COTTAM, assessed as 2 oxgangs of land, may be identified with a grant of the land by Fulesyke (fn. 61) made by Arthur de Ashton to Richard son of Uctred; for this Richard afterwards gave it to Roger his son under the name Cottam, (fn. 62) while Roger son of Richard son of Uctred de Singleton granted an oxgang of land in Cottam to Richard son of Robert son of Uctred. (fn. 63) This last grant seems to have been made in 1204. (fn. 64) Towards the end of the same century Henry de Haydock was in possession, (fn. 65) and gave it to a younger son Henry, (fn. 66) whose descendants continued to hold it till the early part of the 18th century. The early history of the family is obscure. (fn. 67) Cottam in the earlier surveys is stated to be held of the Earl of Lancaster by the service of 2s. 6d. yearly, but at the death of Eleanor Haydock in 1525 the estate in Ingol, Ashton and Cottam was said to be held by a rent of 2s. (fn. 68) A pedigree was recorded in 1613, (fn. 69) and William Haydock died on 4 August 1624 seised of the manor of Cottam, a watermill, three messuages, lands, &c., in Cottam, Ingol, Ashton, French Lea and Freckleton, held of the king as of his duchy, and in Woodplumpton, held of Sir Robert Banastre. (fn. 70)

Haydock. Argent three sparrow-hawks close gules.

The interest of the family is mainly religious. William Haydock, said to be a brother of the Gilbert of 1529–42, was a monk of Whalley, and executed there on 12 March 1536–7 for complicity in the Pilgrimage of Grace. (fn. 71) Ewan Haydock, left a widower in 1557, was strengthened in his constancy to Roman Catholicism by the company of William (afterwards Cardinal) Allen, a relative by marriage, and in 1573 went over to Douay with one or two of his sons, and in 1575 was ordained priest and sent on the English mission, dying at Mowbreck in 1581. (fn. 72) His son George, educated at Douay and the English College, Rome, was ordained priest, and in 1582 returned to England. He was almost immediately betrayed to the government, and after two years' imprisonment was executed as a traitor at Tyburn, 12 February 1583–4. (fn. 73) Richard Haydock, an elder brother of George, was ordained priest at Douay in 1577. In 1582 it was reported that he was with his brother at Cottam Hall or else at Mowbreck. After ten years of missionary labour, during which he is said to have been imprisoned, he returned to Rome, and had the titular dignity of Dean of Dublin. He died at Rome in 1605. (fn. 74) William Haydock, the eldest brother, was punished for hi9 recusancy in various ways. (fn. 75) The family appear to have escaped molestation during the Commonwealth period, (fn. 76) but William Haydock of Cottam is traditionally said to have taken part in the Jacobite rising of 1715; he died soon afterwards. (fn. 77) The manor of Cottam, however, passed to a relative, and eventually became the property of the Crosses of Red Scar in Grimsargh. (fn. 78)

A branch of the Haydocks (fn. 79) settled on a small estate known as The Tagg in Cottam, the old dower house of the family, and there were born Thomas Haydock, a publisher, (fn. 80) and George Leo Haydock, a priest noteworthy for his edition of the Bible; he died in 1849. (fn. 81) This family is now represented by Mr. Joseph Gillow, whose works have been quoted frequently in these pages.

A family surnamed Cottam is found in this and neighbouring townships. (fn. 82)

Cockersand Abbey (fn. 83) and the Knights Hospitallers (fn. 84) had land in this part of the township.

The inquisitions show that in general the land was held by the Hoghton family. (fn. 85) Under the Commonwealth some holdings were sequestered for religious 'delinquency,' (fn. 86) and some 'Papists' registered estates in 1717. (fn. 87) Disputes as to the fishery in 1691–2 are of interest as showing the customs of the fishermen. (fn. 88)

A pedigree case of much interest concerned the estates of Richard Harrison of Warrington, who died in 1863, a descendant of John Harrison of Lea who died in 1667. (fn. 89)

In connexion with the Church of England St. Andrew's, Ashton, was built in 1836, and a parish was formed for it in the following year. A chapel of ease, St. Michael and All Angels', was built in 1884. The patronage is vested in trustees.

A school was founded in Lea in 1784. by Samuel Neeld. (fn. 90)

The Wesleyans had a chapel in Ashton in 1883; the present church was built in 1893. There is a Baptist church in Ashton, founded about 1880.

From the accounts of the manors it will have been gathered that Roman Catholic worship was maintained with more or less constancy during the long period of proscription. (fn. 91) When owing to sale Cottam Hall was not available, the mission appears to have been removed to the adjoining township. (fn. 92) In 1800 the old mission at Salwick Hall was transferred to Lea, St. Mary's Church being built there. In Ashton the Church of the Sacred Heart was built in 1903–4.


  • 1. The work of altering and deepening the course of the Ribble and making the dock was begun in 1884, and the dock was opened in 1892 as the Albert Edward Dock. The entrance is through a dock basin and two locks. Vessels of 18-ft. draught can come up to the dock. Warehouses have been built at the side of it.
  • 2. Part of Ashton was included within the municipal borough in 1880 and a further part in 1888; in 1894 these parts were included also in the township of Preston by Loc. Govt. Bd. Order 31607.
  • 3. The Census Rep. of 1901 gives 3,098 acres, including 18 of inland water, as the area of the present reduced township— the old name being retained—and 357 acres, including 2 of inland water, as the area of the part taken into Preston. In addition there are 22 acres of tidal water and 13 of foreshore in the reduced township; while the alteration of the Ribble course and the boundary have made further changes at the expense of Penwortham, perhaps 100 acres.
  • 4. Eight-ninths (viz. 5,872 persons) were within the borough (and new township) of Preston.
  • 5. Lancs. and Ches. Antiq. Soc. xx, 173.
  • 6. V.C.H. Lancs. i, 288a.
  • 7. The positions of the two parts of the township are shown by various charters. Thus about 1290 Amphelicia widow of Richard le Scrivain (scrivener) released to William de Lea her lord her right to dower in her husband's lands beyond Wadebridgegate towards the west in French Lea, between Ribble and Savock, and also all the land her son William had granted in Sidgreaves; Add. MS. 32106, no. 460. The same William son of Richard le Scrivain of French Lea released to William son of Sir Henry de Lea land within bounds which began at Wadebridge, followed Wadebridgegate across to the Ribble, along Ribble to Savock, and along Savock to Wadebridge; ibid. no. 457. It may be added that Richard son of Robert Scriptorius of French Lea occurs in another deed; ibid. no. 419. The two Leas, English and French, seem also to have been known as Great and Little Lea.
  • 8. This grant is known only by the confirmations. Warine the Falconer is named in the Pipe Roll of 1185–6; Farrer, Lancs. Pipe R. 60. As Warine de Lancaster he gave the fourth part of an oxgang of land in Lea to the abbey of Cockersand for the soul of King Henry, &c.; Cockersand Chartul. (Chet. Soc), i, 207. Warine probably died about 1191.
  • 9. Farrer, op. cit. 432; it mentions a confirmation previously granted by John to Warine de Lancaster. Henry son of Warine gave 20 marks for the charter; ibid. 116.
  • 10. Chart. R. (Rec. Com.), 26.
  • 11. In the Pipe Roll of 1200–1 English Lea appears as paying an increment of 4s. for the half-year; Farrer, op. cit. 130.
  • 12. Cal. Rot. Chart. (Rec. Com.), 171.
  • 13. Lancs. Inq. and Extents (Rec. Soc. Lancs, and Ches.), i, 21. The grant to Cockersand made by Henry's father Warine is recorded, as also a further gift by Henry himself. The six plough-lands seem to have been made up thus: Ainsdale 2, Ravensmeols 3, Lea 1.
  • 14. The vill of Lea rendered 40d. yearly to the Earl of Lancaster in 1297; ibid. i, 289. Richard de Hoghton in 1324 held the manor by the service of 3s. 4d. at Michaelmas; Dods. MSS. cxxxi, fol. 39.
  • 15. In 1346 Adam de Hoghton held both Leas as two plough-lands by the service of the third part of a knight's fee, giving relief, and paying 3s. 4d. yearly for castle ward; Surv. of 1346 (Chet. Soc), 54. The two Leas are again called two plough-lands in 1445–6; Duchy of Lanc. Knights' Fees, bdle. 2, no. 20. They were then held by the third part of a fee.
  • 16. He confirmed his father's gift to Cockersand; Chartul. i, 209. He also allowed Walter son of Simon to give part of his land in Lea, by Fulford at the Savock; ibid, i, 208. He gave land in English Lea near the Outlane and Merelich (the boundary between English Lea and Ashton) to Richard son of Owen; Anct. D. (P.R.O.), C 2146. To Uctred son of Edith he gave a toft and croft in Lea, with two nets free in the Ribble, for a rent of 12d.; Add. MS. 32106, no. 50. To Peter son of Geoffrey he gave land within bounds which name Blakemon Syke and Katelaw Syke; ibid. no. 53. To his son Richard he gave land in the Spitalfield; ibid. no. 69. In English Lea he granted 1 oxgang of land to Roger son of Levenot, which the said Levenot had held; ibid. no. 55. A more important grant was made by him as Henry de Lea son of Warine de Lancaster about 1230, giving his daughter Amice the moiety of the whole vill of English Lea with all its appurtenances at a rent of 3s.; ibid. no. 379. There is a charter of William son of Henry son of Warine de Lancaster respecting Sidgreaves, ibid. no. 380. 'Henry de Lancaster son of Warine' gave a plot of land in Forton to the monks of Furness in exchange for another piece for the souls of William de Lancaster, Warine de Lancaster and Mabel his wife, Richard Fitton father of his own wife Margaret, &c.; Harl. Chart. (B.M.) 52 I, 1. The round seal has a bird with the inscription + sigill + henrici de lanca +. William de Lancaster (either I or II) is called the uncle of Warine; Cockersand Chartul. ii, 366. For the Fittons see the account of Harwood.
  • 17. He attested various charters. William de Scales son of Gilbert granted Sir John de Lea a selion in English Lea, lying between land of Henry son of Roger and land of Herbert the Clerk, in exchange for a messuage in the same vill; Add. MS. 32106, no. 411. Sir John occurs several times between 1244 and 1261; Lancs. Inq. and Extents, i, 158, 184, 227.
  • 18. Ibid. 234.
  • 19. He gave land in the Millneld in French Lea to Cockersand Abbey; Chartul. i, 210. The seal to this grant is drawn by Dodsworth (cxlii, fol. 17); it shows a bend lozengy, with the legend + s. HENRICI DE LEE. A number of grants to and by him are contained among the Hoghton deeds in Add. MS. 32106. Among them may be cited the following: Henry son of Uctred of English Lea gave Henry son of John de Lea all his land in English Lea, about 1230, Henry de Lea (i.e. the grandfather) being a witness; no. 80. Henry son of Adam de Leahead gave all his land in Leahead to Henry son of John de Lea, a rent of 12d. to be paid to St. Saviour's in Ribbledale (i.e. Stidd); no. 58. The same grantor also gave land in the field called Westley in French Lea; no. 458. Robert son of Henry of French Lea gave Henry son of John de Lea five selions in Leferirley; no. 401. Adam son of William Edwin made an exchange of land in the field called the Mekes with Sir Henry de Lea; no. 433. In 1281 an exchange in the Crofts and Geoffreyfield was made between John son of Alan of French Lea and Sir Henry de Lea; no. 65. William the reeve of Lea was a witness. Henry de Lea appears as the king's bailiff in 1256; Lancs. Inq. and Extents, i, 205–6. He became tenant of the Cockersand land in Lea in 1262; Final Conc. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 141. He was defendant to a claim for a tenement in French Lea made by Alice daughter of Robert de Staining in 1278; Assize R. 1238, m. 31; 1239, m. 39.
  • 20. P.R.O. List of Sheriffs, 72.
  • 21. Lancs. Inq. and Extents, i, 273. In addition to Lea Sir Henry held Charnock, part of Wheelton and Ravensmeols. He held Lea of Edmund Earl of Lancaster by the service of 40d., having 2 oxgangs of land in demesne there, each worth 5s. a year, and 6 oxgangs in service, each worth 2s. a year; also a water-mill, worth half a mark yearly. William the son and heir was thirty years old.
  • 22. Dods. MSS. cxlii, fol. 32b. Clemency was daughter of Robert Banastre. As William son of Sir Henry de Lea he made an exchange of land on the east side of Baddebridgegate for land on the west side thereof with William son of Roger of French Lea; Add. MS. 32106, no. 39. John son of Alan de Lea granted his lord William de Lea certain land in French Lea, lying in Merclie, in Gildhomefield, in Overthemarketgate field, also selions called Staniggefethir and Crauthornland; ibid. no. 44. Roger son of Mille of English Lea in 1284 gave William de Lea, his lord, an acre in English Lea, a candle having to be given yearly to God and St. Mary; ibid. no. 47. Richard the Miller of Lea confirmed to William his lord two butts of land in English Lea, lying in the Merstholme between the Scalebanks and the new bridge; no. 308. In 1292 William de Lea was summoned to prove his title to the manor, which he did by showing the grants above cited; Plac. de Quo Warr. (Rec. Com.), 380. In 1296 Margery widow of Alan de Ingol released to her lord William de Lea all right in lands which she and Alan had sold to him, which lands were in the fields called Becanesfurlong and Eastgreaves in English Lea in Syke Meadow, in Wadebridgeholme, Wadebridge Meadow and Mill Carr; Add. MS. 32106, no. 388. In 1301 an agreement was made between William de Lea and Robert de Haydock; Dods. MSS. lxx, fol. 154b William de Lea appears to have died in April 1302, leaving his son and heir Henry, a minor; Mins. Accts. 771, no. 1.
  • 23. In 1311 Sir Henry de Lea granted to Thomas son of David de Sidgreaves and Alice his wife 3 acres in the field called Wiliiamcroft in the vill of Sidgreaves at a rent of zox.; Add. MS. 32106, no. 436. In 1312 William son and heir of Gilbert de Ashton released his right in Brookfield (? in Ashton) to Sir Henry de Lea; ibid, no. 485. Roger son of Roger son of Emma de Sidgreaves in 1313 gave all his land in Lea to Sir Henry; ibid. no. 347.
  • 24. The insurgents were defeated on 4 Nov. 1315, and Henry de Lea for a week or more remained hiding in the moors and woods, being captured by William de Holland, and afterwards beheaded by order of the Earl of Lancaster; Coram Rege R. 254, m. 52.
  • 25. Dods. MSS. cxlii, fol. 32b. Henry de Lea had two brothers (or half brothers), William and Thomas, mentioned in 1301; Add. MS. 32106, no. 889. Sir William de Lea, son of William de Lea, in 1337 released to Sir Richard de Hoghton, Agnes widow of Sir Henry de Lea, Sir Adam de Hoghton and others all right in the manors of English Lea, French Lea, Ashton by Preston, &c. 5 ibid. no. 891. For Sir William see the account of Croston. In 1320 Thomas son of Roger son of Emma of English Lea released to Sir Richard de Hoghton and Sibyl his wife all that land which Sir Henry de Lea, brother of Sibyl, had had by the gift of Thomas's brother Roger in English Lea; ibid. no. 735. Sir Richard in 1323 acquired from Henry son of John de Lea land given him by William son of Sir Henry de Lea; ibid. no. 52. Later, in 1327, Avice widow of Richard de Claughton granted Sir Richard two butts of her land in the vill of English Lea, near the tithe barn of Lea and adjoining the king's way from Preston to Kirkham; ibid. no. 43 Adam de Hoghton in 1341 granted common of pasture in Lea Marsh to certain tenants of John son of William de Lea; ibid. no. 765. William de Dutton, clerk, apparently the trustee of Thomas the Priestsknave of Preston, gave Sir Adam de Hoghton in 1371 all Thomas's lands in English Lea; ibid. no. 355. This charter was dated at French Lea. Maud widow of William de Freckleton in 1388 granted all her lands in English Lea to Sir Richard de Hoghton; ibid. no. 75. In 1393 John de Whitley and Ellen his wife granted Sir Richard a messuage and land in the vill of Lea which Adam son of William had received from his brother John; ibid. no. 464. Thomas Whiteside of Burscough in 1419 granted to Sir Richard Hoghton all those lands in French Lea which he had by his wife Alice daughter of John the Spenser, and Richard Whiteside, the son, agreed; ibid. no. 549, 299.
  • 26. A number of the Hoghton tenants in French Lea and Ashton are named in an agreement of 1334 5 Final Conc, ii, 94. The manor of Lea is constantly named in the Hoghton inquisitions, &c. Sir Richard Hoghton was in 1422 found to have held the manor of French Lea of the king as of his duchy by knight's service and a rent of 20d., and English Lea by the same tenure, the two being the third part of a knight's fee and worth 5 marks a year; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Chet. Soc), i, 145. So in 1580 the manor of Lea and lands, &c., there were held of the queen as of her duchy by the third part of a knight's fee; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. xiv, no. 26. Sir Henry Hoghton and Dame Susanna his wife were vouchees in a recovery of the manors of Lea and Ashton in 1742; Pal. of Lanc. Plea R. 554, m. 12.
  • 27. Sir Adam de Hoghton in 1348 had licence for oratories in his manors of Alston, Lea and Thornton; Canon Raines' note from York records. General pardons were in 1469 granted to Alexander Hoghton of French Lea, esq., and to Henry Hoghton of French Lea (otherwise of Hoghton), esq.; Add. MS. 32106, no. 366–7. A number of tenants of pasture in Lea are named in 1582; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 46, m. 39.
  • 28. Add. MS. 32106, fol. 205b.
  • 29. Ibid. no. 776.
  • 30. Tram. Hist. Soc. (new ser.), xiv, 216.
  • 31. Information of Mr. J. H. Lumby. The customs of the manor were in dispute in 1691–2; Exch. Dep. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), 78, 81.
  • 32. Some of them have occurred in preceding notes. The following particulars may be added: Henry son of Uctred of English Lea granted Adam son of Gillomichael his kinsman 6½ acres in English Lea. Four of the acres were in Berifurlong, two lay between Alan's Dyke and Russilache, and the half acre was next to Adam the Studherd's acre; Add. MS. 32106, no. 409. Henry de Lea and John his son were witnesses. The following witnesses to a charter show that the users of the surname were numerous about 1270: Henry de Lea son of Alan; Robert son of Henry de Lea, Robert son of Roger de Lea, Uctred de Lea, Alan son of Alan de Lea Gallica; ibid. no. 416. In 1292 Alice widow of John son of Adam de Lea claimed dower in Lea against Adam son of Henry de Lea, who called Baldwin son of John de Lea to warrant him; Assize R. 408, m. 33. At the same time Maud daughter of Robert de Lea claimed a tenement in French Lea against Thomas Uttingesone; ibid. m. 58. William son of Robert Backman in 1301 made a claim against Henry son of Emma de 'Inglisle' respecting a tenement in English Lea, but did not prosecute it; Assize R. 419, m. 7. The claim was renewed or continued in 1324–5, the plaintiff's name being given as William son of Robert eon of Robert de Lea; Assize R. 426, m. 2. A settlement by Thomas Johnson Amotson and Ellen his wife in 1385 may refer to the same family; Final Conc. iii, 25. James son of Richard Lea and cousin and heir of John Lea in 1532 granted lands, &c., in French Lea to Sir Richard Hoghton; Add. MS. 32106, no. 73. The said James and John his son were 'of English Lea ' in 1564; ibid. fol. 189. John Lea made a feoffment of lands in English Lea in 1574 for the benefit of his son Alexander and Janett his wife, daughter of John Bayne; ibid. no. 786. In 1587 Thomas Hoghton purchased a messuage, &c., in Lea from Alexander (son and heir of John) Lea and Janett his wife; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 49, m. 250.
  • 33. Thomas son of Uctred de Lea released to Baldwin de Lea his claim to service for a tenement in Sidgreaves; Add. MS. 32106, no. 42. William son of Henry son of Warine de Lancaster released the service of Robert Spendlow in Sidgreaves, viz. 16d., to Baldwin son of John de Lea; ibid. no. 380. Robert Spendlow released to Baldwin de Lea the service of Roger Spendlow his brother for a tenement in Sidgreaves in the fee of English Lea and also of Robert White; ibid. no. 416, 420. Baldwin also obtained a ' land' in the Astewaldis in Sidgreaves, extending east to west from the road to the moor to a syke of Remisgrene; ibid. no. 395. Robert son of Geoffrey de Lea in 1334 acquired an estate in Great Lea from Richard son of Baldwin; Final Conc. ii, 92.
  • 34. Adam son of Adam de Sidgreaves gave his son-in-law Gilbert a half-acre on the west side of the out-lane in Sidgreaves, with common of pasture in English Lea; Add. MS. 32106, no. 45. Robert Spendlow (son of Richard) gave an acre in Sidgreaves to Uctred son of Eda de Sidgreaves at a rent of 2d. sterling; ibid. no. 401. In 1292 Roger son of Roger Spendlow of Sidgreaves was non-suited in a claim for a tenement in the place made against Robert son of Ralph de Sidgreaves and Ellen his wife; Assize R. 408, m. 76. Soon afterwards (1294–5) the lastnamed Ellen stated that her husband, who had been hanged for felony, had held a messuage and lands in Lea of her patrimony; Inq. p.m. 22 Edw. I, no. 86; 23 Edw. I, no. 110.
  • 35. Margery widow of Alexander son of Warine in 1277 claimed dower against Richard son of John del Greaves in respect of two messuages and 2 oxgangs of land in French Lea; De Banco R. 21, m. 27 d., 94 d. The hamlet of Greaves was said to be in the vill of French Lea in 1404; Add. MS. 32106, no. 513.
  • 36. Part or all was in Sidgreavea; Kuerden MSS. ii, fol. 132. Roger son of Levenot of English Lea in making to his son Uctred a grant of the eighth part of an oxgang in English Lea, next to Swingilcar, excepted half an acre given to the Hospitallers; ibid, iv, L 5–9. John son of Adam de Lea granted to the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem half a ' land ' in Longfield in English Lea and half a land on Old Bruches next Sir John de Lea's land, beginning at the Spitalfield and extending as far as the moor; Kuerden fol. MS. fol. 234. George Atkinson died in 1639 holding a messuage and lands in Lea which had belonged to the Hospitallers. His heir was his sister Anne Hodgson, widow, aged fifty-eight; Towneley MS. C 8, 13 (Chet. Lib.), 1. James Harrison died in 1610 holding a messuage in English Lea of Richard Shireburne (as of the Hospital of Jerusalem); John his son and heir was aged twenty-eight in 1633; ibid. 498.
  • 37. In addition to grants already recited the canons had land in Mill Furlong, with easements of the vill of French Lea, from Richard the Clerk of Lea; Cockersand Chartul. i, 209.
  • 38. Lytham D. at Durham, 2a, 2ae, 4ae Ebor, no. 42–3; 4 acres were in Witesstanes Furlong, &c.
  • 39. Chart. R. (Rec. Com.), 26. The township is named in 1168–9 as contributing to the aid together with Preston; Farrer, Lancs. Pipe R. 12. Arthur de Ashton gave 20 marks for the confirmation of his charter; ibid. 116. Theobald Walter in 1200–1 appeared against Arthur de Ashton in a plea of half a plough-land and a mill in Ashton; Coram Rege R. 22, m. 4 d.
  • 40. Farrer, op. cit. 5, 36; Lancs. Inq. and Extents (Rec. Soc. Lancs, and Ches.), i, 120. It is possible that the second plough-land in Ashton remained in the king's hands after the grant to Arthur de Ashton, and was transferred to the Earl of Ferrers, who is said to have held them in 1216–22; ibid. It was probably divided among the other tenants of Lea and Ashton, and that may account for the increase in the assessment of Lea from one plough-land to two. There was, however, no increase in the rent paid. In charters already given Sidgreaves is described as being in English Lea, but in a grant to Cockersand by Richard Spendlow it is said to be in Ashton, the bounds being fully described: From Fulesyke where the Plumpton road crossed it to the boundary to Cottam and Sidgreaves, south to the Savock, &c.; with appurtenant easements in Ashton, and the sixteenth part of a fishery in the Ribble; Cockersand Chartul. i, 213. The vill of Ashton paid ioi. to the Earl of Lancaster in 1297; Lancs, Inq. and Extents, i, 289.
  • 41. Rot. de Oblatis et Fin. (Rec. Com.), 115. Richard paid 100s. as relief; Farrer, op. cit. 130.
  • 42. Lancs. Inq. and Extents, i, 50. The 'heir' is again unnamed in 1226, when the tenure was called drengage; ibid. 140. The same uncertainty as to the succession is shown in the Pipe Rolls of 1205–6, when the heir of Arthur de Ashton paid 10s. scutage; Farrer, op. cit. 205. Again in 1210–11, the heir owed 100s. for relief; ibid. 242.
  • 43. Robert son of Arthur de Ashton gave half an acre in Geoffrey's assart on the east side of the vill of Ashton to the canons of Cockersand; Chartul. i, 214. The record of the payment of relief cited above (Rot. de Oblatis, 115) states that Richard and William sons of Arthur paid it, but William's name is cancelled. About 1230 Adam son of Waltheof the White of Ashton granted his brother Henry lands in Ashton held of William son of Richard de Ashton, and in Lea held of Sir Henry de Lancaster; Add. MS. 32106, no. 505. William Breton was then Sheriff of Kent; Dep. Keepers Rep. xxxi, App. 297. William and Robert de Ashton were living in 1242; Lancs. Inq. and Extents, i, 151. The division of the inheritance was probably due to Arthur de Ashton himself, for he gave his son Robert 'the whole moiety of all his tenement in Ashton with all its appurtenances and with his messuage and garden and the whole moiety of all his demesnes, 'the rent being a spur; Add. MS. 32106, no. 381. The seal showed a bird with outspread wings and had the legend + sigill. Arturi De Estun. To his son Richard he gave all the land on the north side of Savock, from Gamel's bridge to the boundary of English Lea, and so round to the road (via) from Plumpton and the street (strata) which crime down to the bridge named; ibid. no. 375. Another charter by Arthur to the same Richard was given into the safe keeping of Adam son of Sir William Banastre in 1330; Dods. MSS. lxx, fol. 154b. The descent of the various portions cannot be traced clearly. Adam son of Warine de Lancaster and his wife Alice released to Robert son of Arthur all that Arthur had given his son, except a grant made by Robert to the said Adam; Add. MS. 32106, no. 378. About the same time Eva de Ashton, widow, released to Robert de Ashton some land; ibid. no. 433. Susan widow of one Robert de Ashton was plaintiff in 1277; De Banco R. 21, m. 27 d. Mabot, the widowed daughter of Robert de Ashton (then dead), gave her brother Robert all the land in Ashton given in free marriage when she espoused William son of Walter de Penwortham; Add. MS. 32106, no. 455. A similar grant in 1282 seems to carry the descent a step further; by it Maud daughter of Robert de Ashton released to her brother William de Ashton a toft and croft formerly belonging to her uncle Ralph de Ashton; ibid. no. 511. The same Maud, as widow of Robert de Newton, released to William son of Robert de Asbton all right to land which her father Robert had given on her marriage; ibid. no. 489. In or about 1298 William son of Robert de Ashton gave to William de Lea, his lord, an acre in Ashton and all his part of the water of the Ribble; ibid. no. 894. In 1301 Henry son of William de Lea gave William son of Robert de Ashton all his lands, &c, in Ashton, reserving homages and services; Dods. MSS. cxlii, fol. 27. Ten years later William son of Robert de Ashton gave Sir Henry de Lea his manor and all his lands in the vill of Ashton; Add. MS. 32106, no. 888. From the names of the attesting witnesses this was evidently a grant of special importance. Alice daughter of William son of Arthur, a widow, gave to Cockersand Abbey a moiety of her wood in Ashton and the carr of Tulketh; Dods. MSS. cxlii, fol. 34b. The wardship of the heir of William de Ashton—no doubt a later William—was in 1291 given by Edmund (Earl of Lancaster) to Thomas le Sureya; Add. MS. 32106, no. 494. Roger de Ashton seems to have inherited the manor of Ashton, for it descended to Richard son of Roger, who in or about 1298 gave it to Henry son of William de Lea in exchange for land in English Lea and a sum of money. The remainders were to William and Thomas, brothers of Henry; Add. MS. 32106, no. 890. In 1301 the said Henry granted his manor of Ashton to William his father, and William deputed his brother Henry de Lea to receive it accordingly; ibid. no. 897, 587. Another agreement describes the estate transferred by Richard de Ashton to Henry de Lea as two parts and the third of a third part, with the reversion of a third of two parts held in dower by Adam de 'Hoyton' (Hoghton) and Avice his wife; Dods. MS. cxlii, fol. 30b It appears that Avice was the widow of Roger de Ashton; De Banco R. 316, m. 466.
  • 44. The Hoghton charters have been given in the preceding note. The proportions held by the different lords seem to have varied. In 1324 Richard de Hoghton held a moiety of Ashton by the service of 5s.} while Lawrence Travers and William Lawrence (in right of their wives) held the other moiety by 5s. also; Dods. MSS. cxxxi, fol. 39b. In 1346, however, some readjustment had taken place, and while Sir Adam de Hoghton held a moiety of the manor (by the twelfth part of a knight's fee) he paid only 3s. 9d.; Edmund de Haydock, Thomas Travers and William Lawrence held a plough-land in socage by rents of 2s. 6d., 3s. 4d. and 5d. respectively; Surv. of 1346 (Chet. Soc.), 46–8. Thus the 10s. rent was contributed by four partners, three of whom held the ' ploughland' in socage while the other held a 'moiety of the manor' by knight's service. At the same time Lea was stated to be two plough-lands instead of one. Cottam seems to have been regarded as held of the lords of Ashton, so that Haydock contributed 1s. 3d. for the Hoghton moiety and 1s. 3d. for that held of Lawrence and Travers. In 1354 William Lawrence held a fourth part of the manor; Final Conc. ii, 141. In 1356 Sir Adam de Hoghton claimed his part of the manor, alleging that John son of Thomas Travers of Tulketh, Alice widow of William Lawrence and Thomas son of Geoffrey de Hackinsall had occupied parts of it; Assize R. 441, m. 4 d. The extent made in 1445–6 shows a distribution of the lordship like that of 1346; Duchy of Lanc. Knights' Fees, bdle. 2, no. 20. Roger Travers of Nateby had the fourth part of the manor in 1403; Kuerden MSS. iv, G 2b. In 1301 various agreements were made by the partners in the vill. Robert de Haydock released to William de Lea, Henry his son and Richard de Ashton all right to their homage and services; Add. MS. 32106, no. 474. William de Lea conceded a moiety of the manor to Robert de Haydock, viz. that moiety which Richard son of Roger de Ashton had given to Henry son of William de Lea; ibid. no. 509. A partition of the manor-house seems to have accompanied these agreements; the chamber to the east was given to Richard de Ashton, the whole of the hall to Robert de Haydock and the chamber to the west to William de Lea; ibid. no. 507. Robert de Haydock was probably acting as trustee for his nieces. In 1324 an agreement was made between Sir Richard de Hoghton, William Lawrence and Alice his wife on one side and Lawrence Travers and Aline his wife on the other; ibid. no. 759. Another agreement was made in 1330 between Sir Richard de Hoghton on the one side and Lawrence Travers and William Lawrence on the other as to the partition of certain meadows previously held by Avice de Howick; Dods. MSS. cxlii, fol. 30.
  • 45. The Hoghton family continued to acquire fresh portions of Ashton. In 1329 William son of Richard del Greaves released all title in his father's lands to Sir Richard de Hoghton; Add. MS. 32106, no. 450. Robert the Graveson of Ashton in 1348 transferred his lands (formerly Ralph the Tailor's) to Sir Adam de Hoghton; ibid. no. 479. Four years later Cecily widow of Thomas de Hambleton and Thomas son of Henry son of John de Sidgreaves sold to Sir Adam lands which had belonged to Cecily's father; ibid. no. 480–1. She was daughter of Henry del Greaves, and her land lay in Dawfield in the hamlet of Greaves in the vill of Ashton; ibid. no. 484, 61. John son of Gilbert son of Adam de Ashton in 1370 released to Sir Adam de Hoghton all claim on the inheritance of Roger de Ashton; ibid. no. 477. Sir Richard Hoghton in 1422 held a moiety of the manor of Ashton by the twelfth part of a knight's fee and 3s. 9d. rent; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Chet. Soc), i, 145. In 1580 Thomas Hoghton's tenement in Ashton next Preston and Greaves was said to be held of the queen as of her Duchy of Lancaster by the third part of a fourth part of a knight's fee; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. xiv, no. 26. The remainder of the manor of Ashton seems to have been acquired by 1595, when 'the manor' is named among the Hoghton estates; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 57, m. 178. Sir Richard Hoghton died in 1630 holding the manors of Lea and Ashton of the king by the third part of a knight's fee; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. xxvii, no. 13. The manors of Lea and Ashton appear together in later Hoghton settlements, e.g. Pal. of Lanc. Plea R. 554, m. 12.
  • 46. The origin of the Haydock interest is not known. In 1285 Joan widow of John son of Henry de Haydock claimed dower in various lands against Henry de Haydock in Stainall and against Henry son of Henry de Haydock in Cottam, Ingol and Ashton; De Banco R. 59, m. 3; 64, m. 122. In 1292 inquiry was made as to whether Robert and Henry sons of Henry de Haydock had disseised Paulin de Preston of land, aldergrove and marsh in Ashton, but plaintiff was nonsuited; Assize R. 408, m. 49 d. It thus appears that Henry de Haydock the father had part of Ashton, and that he had three sons, John, Robert and Henry, of whom John died before him. Henry was dead in 1290, when his widow Alice claimed dower inRibbleton, Stainall, Haydock (against Hugh son of Richard de Haydock) and Ravensmeols; De Banco R. 86, m. 174. In 1338 Adam son of Richard de Hoghton claimed a third part of the manor of Ashton as heir of Henry son of William de Lea. The holders were William Lawrence, Alice his wife, Lawrence Travers and Aline his wife, Alice and Aline being daughters of John brother of Robert de Haydock, whose right, it was alleged, was derived from a grant by William de Lea; De Banco R. 316, m. 466; 333, m. 374 d. Two years later Alan de Marhalgh, in right of his wife Isabel, claimed a fourth part of the manor of Ashton against Lawrence and Travers; ibid. 321, m. 199 d. The suit was continued in 1345, Isabel being described as daughter of Adam son of Roger de Ashton; ibid. 342, m. 250; 345, m. 21; 350, m. 20. An agreement of 1339 represents Sir Richard and Sir Adam de Hoghton as recovering three parts of the manor from Alan de Marhalgh and Isabel his wife, while claims were put in by Lawrence, Travers and Haydock; Final Conc. ii, 112.
  • 47. William Travers' messuages, &c, in Ashton were in 1524 held of the king as of his Duchy of Lancaster in socage by a rent of 3s. 8d. yearly; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. v, no. 62. In 1559 the service was said to be 8d. only; ibid, xi, no. 68. In 1625 the manor of Ashton, with lands in Ashton, Ingol, Clayton and Leyland, and a free fishery in the Ribble, were sold to Hugh Rigby by William Travers, Richard Travers and William Werden; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 107, no. 32.
  • 48. The fourth part of the manor of Ashton was held by William Lawrence in 1354; Dep. Keeper's Rep. xxxii, App. 331. As shown above, it appears again in 1445–6; but Robert Lawrence of Ribbleton, who died in 1524, had no lands in Ashton.
  • 49. Mabel daughter of Adam de Ashton gave her sister Avice a messuage, &c., in Ashton in 1351. In 1404 a third part of the manor was claimed by John de Walton and Agnes his wife (for her life) against Henry de Preston, Maud his wife, Robert Paslew and Alice his wife. Later the Waltons are found holding in Ashton; Kuerden MSS. ii, fol. 224–7. Richard Walton held lands in Ashton of Queen Elizabeth; the tenure of his successors is not recorded; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. xiii, no. 26, &c. Henry Walton was vouchee of the manor of Ashton in 1721; Pal. of Lanc. Plea R. 515, m. 7.
  • 50. Stephen Count of Boulogne, afterwards king, in 1123 gave Tulketh to the Abbot of Savigny to found an abbey of his order there; Simeon of Dur. Opera. (Rolls Ser.), ii, 267. The monks resigned it in 1127 on going to Furness.
  • 51. It became the manor-house of the Travers family for their part of the manor of Ashton; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. xi, no. 68; xii, no. 22. Thomas Preston in 1577 demised the capital messuage called Tulketh in Ashton, lately in the tenure of Richard Travers, deceased; Kuerden MSS. ii, fol. 239b. It is stated that Tulketh was subsequently held by Werden, Rawstorne, Hesketh (1687 to 1836), Bray, Johnson, and Thompson (1876); Fishwick, Preston, 266. It appears that in 1750 there was a sale or mortgage of Tulketh Hall by Stanley Werden of Tulketh Hall and Ashton Werden of Accrington, clerk, his son and heir; Piccope MSS. (Chet. Lib.), iii, 360, from R. 23 of Geo. II at Preston.
  • 52. Roger son of William son of Master William de Preston in 1324–5 claimed 3 acres in Tulketh against John son of Ellis de Entwisle; De Banco R. 256, m. 9 d.
  • 53. Adam de Lea gave the canons 8 acres in 'the vill of Tulcheth,' adjoining the Preston boundary, with all liberties, &c, of the vill appurtenant; Cockersand Chartul. i, 215. Alice daughter of William son of Arthur [de Ashton] in her widowhood gave land in Tulketh, with a moiety of her wood in Ashton; ibid. From the bounds recited it appears that Tulketh touched the Ribble; other points named are the six Ashheys, the Foxholegreave and Clakerkelde.
  • 54. Robert son of Bernard's gifts to the hospital included an oxgang in Ashton; Kuerden MSS. v, fol. 82.
  • 55. The extent of 1346 merely says that divers tenants had lands there, paying 21d.; Adam de Preston held 30 acres for life at a rent of 40s.; Add. MS. 32103, fol. 148b. In 1246 Avice de Ingol and her husband Baldwin de Preston held certain lands during the minority of John son of William de Yealand, and Gilbert de Ingol was sued by John de la Lea; Assize R. 404, m. 4d., 5, 10. Aldred de Ingol gave Adam de Hoghton his part of Sperlet within the bounds of Ingol; Add. MS. 32106, no. 387. Henry Mason purchased a messuage from Thomas Hoghton and Anne his wife in 1588; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 50, m. 64. Robert France of Fulwood in 1632 held land in Ingol as of the manor of Lea of Sir Gilbert Hoghton; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. xxix, no. 51. Leyland of Morleys held land in Ingol as part of the Broughton estate; ibid, xi, no. 20.
  • 56. Farrer, Lancs. Pipe R. 334. The land seems to have been within Ingol, but one plat touched the old Kirkgate (of Preston). The seal of the charter bore the legend 'sigillv. walteri. de. ingool.'
  • 57. Duchy of Lanc. Anct. D. (P.R.O.), L2911; Great Coucher, i, fol. 61, no. 11.
  • 58. Ibid, ii, fol. 388, no. 5. Leases of land in Ingol by the Dukes of Lancaster are recorded in 1360 and later; Dep. Keeper's Rep. xxxii, App. 342: xl, App. 525, 528.
  • 59. Duchy of Lanc. Plead. Eliz. lxxii, H 13. A claim by Edward Tyldesley to land called Wilcock Acre was investigated in 1579. Charters by Maud widow of Thomas de Hutton, Geoffrey de Cottam to John his son, and John Cottam (1464) to William Leyland were produced; Duchy of Lanc. Special Com. 279.
  • 60. Pal. of Lanc. Plea R. 205, m. 4. There is a reference to it in the time of Elizabeth (Lancs. and Ches. Rec. [Rec. Soc], ii, 254, 272), and in 1624–5 land in Ingol, Fulshaw Moor and Cottam Moss was granted out by the Crown; Pat. 22 Jas. I, pt xvii.
  • 61. Two oxgangs of land in Ashton, viz. the land by Fulesyke, and a fourth part of the service of Ingol; Add. MS. 32106, no. 383. A rent of 6d. was to be paid.
  • 62. Two oxgangs of land in Ashton, viz. Cottam and the land by Fulesyke, and a fourth part of the service of Ingol, as before, for which a pair of gloves was to be rendered; Kuerden MSS. iv, C 25.
  • 63. Dods. MSS. cxlix, fol. 50b. The rent was to be half a pound of cummin.
  • 64. William de Vernon, 'then sheriff,' attested it; P.R.O. List, 72. The same Roger son of Richard de Singleton enfeoffed Herbert the White, who had married Avice daughter of Henry de Lea, of the fourth part of an oxgang of land in Cottam (being the eighth part of the vill of Cottam which Roger held in demesne), and an eighth part of an oxgang in the same place, at a rent of 3s.; Kuerden, loc. cit. A mill on the Savock and a fishery in the Ribble are named. Alice widow of Alan de Singleton in 1246 sued Robert the Tailor for dower in half an oxgang of land in Cottam, while Robert claimed turbary against John de Lea and others; Assize R. 404, m. 14 d., 14.
  • 65. The estate may have been acquired by purchase. Michael son of Herbert (perhaps the Herbert named above) released his lands in Cottam to Henry de Haydock; Geoffrey son of Richard de Cottam, Robert son of Robert the Corviser and Alice daughter of John de Dewsbury granted lands to the same Henry; while Adam son of Alan the Miller granted land to Henry son of Henry de Haydock. See Kuerden, loc. cit.
  • 66. Ibid.; the date may be about 1270. For the land in Cottam the younger Henry was to render 2s. 6d., for that in Ingol 1s. 6d. and 1d. for the light of St. Cuthbert of Clifton (sic), for that in Ashton 7d. In 1284 Henry son of Henry de Haydock recovered against his father a messuage and 1 oxgang of land in Cottam, 14 acres in Ashton and a messuage and 30 acres in Ingol; Assize R. 1265, m. 4 d. In 1292 Alice and Aline daughters of John (elder) son of Henry de Haydock claimed messuages and land in Cottam against Henry son of Henry de Haydock and others. The plaintiffs were under age. The jury found that Henry the father enfeoffed Henry the son of the tenement in dispute and put him in full seisin. Afterwards his father disseised him, but he recovered the tenements by assize of novel disseisin (viz. the suit above referred to) and demised them to his father for a term of five years; the father, five yean before his death, rendered them to Henry his son. There was therefore a verdict for Henry; Assize R. 408, m. 20 d. Henry son of Henry de Haydock in 1295 granted land in Ashton to Richard son of Roger de Ashton; Kuerden MSS. iv, A 6. An inquiry into the character of Richard de Cottam, clerk, who had been arrested for the death of William le Paumere, was made in 1293. He proved his innocence and was reported to be 'of honest and good conversation'; Lancs. Inq. and Extents, i, 280.
  • 67. In 1308–9 William son of Gilbert de Ashton claimed a tenement in Cottam against Ellen widow of Henry de Haydock; Assize R. 423, m. 2d. Edmund de Haydock succeeded, but his parentage does not appear; he occurs as attesting deeds, &c, from 1317 to 1352. He secured recognition as a partner in the manor of Ashton, as appears by the extent of 1346 (note 44 above). Robert son of Robert de Cottam granted a toft to Robert his son, who married Edith daughter of Gilbert de Ashton; and in 1317–18 Edusa widow of Robert son of Robert the Corviser released to Edmund de Haydock all right in certain land; Kuerden MSS. iv, C25. In 1348 Edmund obtained a licence for his oratory in the manor of Cottam from the Archdeacon of Richmond; ibid. Richard de Haydock attested a charter in 1359; Add. MS. 32106, no. 461. Sir Richard de Hoghton in 1388 acquired land in English Lea from John de Haydock of Cottam and Margaret his wife; Final Conc. iii, 32. John de Haydock was a burgess at the guilds of 1397 and 1415; Preston Guild R. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), 5, 8. Edmund son or John de Haydock also appeared in 1397 i ibid. 3. John was living in 1419; Add. MS. 32106, no. 549. In 1422 Martin V granted a dispensation for the marriage of Gilbert Haydock with Isabel daughter of William Hoghton, they being related in the fourth degree; Towneley MS. HH, no. 938. Gilbert was living in 1459, when he and his sons, Richard, William and Henry, were in the guild; Preston Guild R. 12. Gilbert's widow (here called Elizabeth) took the mantle and ring on 10 Feb. 1466–7; HH, no. 977. His son Richard was dead in 1475, when Isabel Haydock, widow, was distrained to answer to William Haydock for waste, &c., in lands in Cottam and Ingol assigned to her for life by Richard Haydock, father of William; Pal. of Lanc. Writs Proton. 15 Edw. IV. William Haydock died in 1494, leaving a son and heir Gilbert, about fifteen years of age; his tenement in Cottam and Ingol was stated to be held of the king as duke by the seventh part of a knight's fee; Duchy Plead. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 8. The heir's wardship was granted to Cuthbert Clifton; Kuerden MSS. iv, C 21. In the latter part of the 15th century the family of Haydock of Heysandforth in Burnley branched off from that seated at Cottam.
  • 68. Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. v, no. 56. Eleanor was widow of Richard Haydock, and the heir was Gilbert son of William son of the said Richard. In 1529 William Clifton of Westby granted Gilbert Haydock of Cottam and his son Richard two-thirds of the tithe corn of Warton in Kirkham; Huntroyde D., Ci. In 1542 Gilbert Haydock and his sons Henry, Cuthbert, Richard and Edmund were in the Preston guild; also Ewan and Richard sons of William Haydock, which William was (according to the pedigree of 1613) the son of Gilbert; Preston Guild R. 18. In 1562 Ewan Haydock and his sons William, Richard, Ewan and George entered, as also John son of Ewan's uncle Henry; ibid. 26–7.
  • 69. Visit. (Chet. Soc), 108. The descent is thus given: Gilbert -s. Richard -s. William -s. Gilbert -s. William -s. Ewan -s. William (living 1613) -s. Ewan (aged thirty); there were two other sons and five daughters.
  • 70. Towneley MS. C8, 13 (Chet. Lib.), 529. The heirs were William's four daughters—Elizabeth Cartmel, Bridget Hothersall, Mary Hayhurst and Katherine Wall—all of full age, and his grandson Robert Adamson son of another daughter Ellen. The inquisition recites a settlement made shortly before William's death, by which Robert Haydock of Whittingham, elder son of Cuthbert Haydock, was made heir, but a portion was assigned to the Adamsons. There were several Cuthberts, as appears by the Preston Guild R. The father of the new owner of Cottam seems to have been a son of Henry, one of the younger sons of Gilbert Haydock (1529–42); information of Mr. J. Gillow.
  • 71. Gillow, Bibl. Dict. of Engl. Cath. iii, 230–1. 'His body, for some unknown reason, was allowed to continue suspended on the gibbet entire, and ultimately was secured and secretly removed by his nephew and namesake to Cottam Hall. In Lancashire he was generally looked upon as a martyr, and his remains were treated with the greatest veneration by the Haydock family.'
  • 72. Ibid, iii, 202–4. The government had tried to arrest him, but he had managed to keep free. There is a reference to him as a fugitive beyond the seas without licence in Lancs. and Ches. Rec. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), ii, 342.
  • 73. Gillow, op. cit. iii, 205–11. He was executed for being ordained priest beyond the seas and for conspiring to effect the queen's death. There was no evidence of the latter part of the charge, of which Haydock asserted his innocence. The judge who condemned him was Sir William Fleetwood, the Recorder of London. See also Challoner, Missionary Priests, no. 23; Foley, Rec. S. J., vi, 136. The cause of his beatification was allowed to be introduced at Rome in 1886; Pollen, Acts of Martyrs, 379.
  • 74. Gillow, op. cit. iii, 221–5. See Foley, op. cit. vi, 130, 518 (will), 739; Misc. (Cath. Rec. Soc), ii, 132; Dict. Nat. Biog.
  • 75. Gillow, op. cit. iii, 223. A sister Aloysia suffered imprisonment for religion. In 1600 a licence was granted to William Haydock, 'popish recusant,' allowing him to go to London; Huntroyde D., C 2. In 1604 Sir Richard Hoghton referred to a dispute with his uncle William Haydock of Cottam (son of Ewan); ibid. C 3. A grant of the sequestered lands of William Haydock of Cottam, recusant, was made by the Crown in 1607; Pat. 5 Jas. I, pt. i.
  • 76. In 1648 Robert Haydock and Cuthbert his second son and heir-apparent made a settlement of Cottam Hall and lands in Cottam, Ingol, Ashton, French Lea, &c.; and at the same time William Haydock of Eaves, in Woodplumpton, granted that messuage to Cuthbert Haydock of Cottam; Huntroyde D., C 5, 4. Robert Haydock had a brother Richard of Fulwood; ibid. C 6. Cuthbert Haydock seems to have succeeded by 1660 and William Haydock by 1676; ibid. C 9, 11, 12. In 1673, however, William Haydock secured the third part of the manor of Cottam, water-mill, maltingmill, &c., from Christopher Harris and Margery his wife; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 190, m. 99. In 1698 William Haydock of Cottam, the elder, and William his son and heir mortgaged the estate to Nicholas Starkie; Huntroyde D., C 15.
  • 77. Gillow, Haydock Papers, 45–6.
  • 78. Ibid.; it is stated that the last William Haydock, whose brothers were priests, had settled the manor on his sister Dorothy, who married George son of John Shuttleworth of Hodsock Park, Notts. George Haydock, cousin of William, in 1730 conveyed his interest in the manor to George Farington of Worden, in trust for Henry son of Valentine Farington of Preston. The Faringtons sold the manor, or their part of it, about the end of the 18th century. There is a reference to William Haydock in Lancs. and Ches. Rec. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 171. By his will of 1713 William Haydock of Cottam gave the manor to trustees for the use of his three sisters—Mary wife of Thomas Finch, Dorothy wife of George Shuttleworth and Elizabeth wife of Hugh Barton. In a fine regarding the manor of Cottam in 1717 the following were concerned: John Shuttleworth, Robert Hudson, Mary his wife, George Shuttleworth, William Haydock, William Rawstorne and Valentine Farington; Pal. of Lanc. Plea R. 504, m. 8. The deed by George Haydock in 1730 recites that William Haydock had agreed to sell the manor of Cottam, and that in 1716 Valentine Farington agreed to purchase; Piccope MSS. (Chet. Lib.), iii, 258, from R. 7 of Geo. II at Preston. Later still (1756–7) in a fine regarding the manor the deforciants were William Gardner, Elizabeth his wife, Nicholas Starkie and Sarah his wife; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 356, m. 34. Elizabeth and Sarah were the daughters and heirs of Valentine Farington. From deeds at Huntroyde it appears that Le Gendre Starkie sold his moiety between 1769 and 1791; information of Mr. H. Ince Anderton.
  • 79. For pedigrees see Chron. of St. Monica's, Louvain, ii (end); Fishwick, Preston, 272–3.
  • 80. Gillow, Bibl.Dict. iii, 226–30. He was born in 1772 and died in Preston in 1859.
  • 81. Ibid, iii, 211–21; Dict. Nat. Biog. Another brother, James Haydock, priest, served the mission at Lea, and died of a fever caught while attending the sick in 1809; Gillow, op. cit. 221. The same editor's Haydock Papers is mainly occupied with this family.
  • 82. Geoffrey de Cottam was bound to Henry de Haydock to pay half a pound of cummin and 15d. to the chief lords in Henry's place; Kuerden MSS. iv, C 25. John son of Geoffrey de Cottam, Avice his wife and John son of Richard de Cottam were in 1323–4 engaged in disputes with the lords of Ashton; Assize R. 425, m. 2. A little later the same John son of Geoffrey claimed land in Ashton against William de Ingolhead, Christiana his wife and Thomas his son; ibid. R. 426, m. 8 d. See also De Banco R. 323, m. 32. One John de Cottam had had a dispute as to his inheritance with Richard de Cottam in 1306; Assize R. 420, m. 8. Margery widow of Henry de Cottam was plaintiff in 1348; De Banco R. 355, m. 202. In 1446 John Cottam claimed the manor against Gilbert Haydock, alleging that Geoffrey de Cottam had given it to his son Richard and his heirs by Margaret his wife, the pedigree being: Geoffrey -s. Richard -s. John -s. Robert -s. Edmund -s. John (plaintiff); Pal. of Lanc. Plea R. 9, m. 10b. John son of Richard de Cottam was claiming a messuage, &c, in Ashton in 1344; De Banco R. 340, m. 430; 347, m. 15 d.
  • 83. Roger son of Richard son of Uctred de Singleton was the benefactor, granting a half acre in Briary Furlong in his demesne and other parcels, Sandibutts being named; Cockersand Chartul. i, 225.
  • 84. Roger de Singleton was the grantor; Lines. Chart. (Bodl. Lib.), Ai, no. 6*.
  • 85. This was the case in Lea for lands held by John Singleton (Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. vi, no. 32; viii, no. 9); George Browne (ibid, xi, no. 4; xiv, no. 42; xviii, no. 23); James Holme, who also held in Chipping (Towneley MS. C 8, 13 [Chet. Lib.], 507); William Helme (Lancs. Inq.p.m. [Rec. Soc.], i, 213); and in Ashton by James Stopford of Ulnes Walton (ibid, i, 169; ii, 72). George Buller of Singleton held a tenement in Lea of Sir Richard Hoghton by a rent of 5s. 8d. and by suit at the baron's court of the manor of Lea; he died in 1595, leaving a son William, about seven years old; ibid, iii, 317. Henry Catterall in 1610, in right of his late wife Elizabeth Lubley, held a messuage and lands in Lea and Cottam of Sir Richard Hoghton by a rent of 9d. Thomas, his son and heir, was aged thirty-four; ibid, i, 212. William Critchlow died in 1637 holding a messuage and land in Lea of Sir Gilbert Hoghton, and other lands, &c., in Whittingham and Preston. He left a widow named Grace and a son and heir William, about ten years of age; Towneley MS. C 8, 13 (Chet. Lib.), 252. Henry Gregson died in 1631 holding land in English Lea and Whittingham of Sir Gilbert Hoghton, and leaving a son Robert, who came of age in Dec. 1633; ibid. 465. James Wharles died in 1626 also holding land in English Lea of Sir Gilbert. His son Alexander was thirty years old; ibid. 1295. Evan Browne held land in French Lea of Henry VIII; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. vii, no. 24. John Fleetwood of Penwortham held land in Ashton of Queen Elizabeth; ibid, xiii, no. 26; xv, no. 34 (St. Mary Magdalene's lands). In other cases—Clifton, Hesketh, &c. —the tenure is not stated. The following suits may be mentioned: Alice widow of William Pickard claimed land in English Lea in 1309–10 against John son of William de Charnock; De Banco R. 179, m. 164 d. In 1331 Alice widow of William de Charnock gave an acre in Eastley Field and the Foles to Henry son of William Charnock of Lea; Harl. MS. 2042, fol. 171. Thomas son of Robert the Mercer of Sidgreaves v. Robert son of Robert Franceys, as to tenements in French Lea and Ashton; Duchy of Lanc. Assize R. 2, m. ii. Adam de Catterall of Longton v. John de Cottam, &c., in Ashton; ibid. 3, m. vii d. John del Milne of Cottam v. Thomas son of Walter del Hall of Ashton; ibid. 5, m. 26. Nicholas son of Adam de Singleton and Cecily his wife (daughter of Edmund de Horwich) in 1371 claimed dower in burgages, lands and horse mill in Ashton and Preston against William de Singleton; De Banco R. 443, m. 91. Roger Elston v. William Denby alias Cardmaker and Margaret hit wife, daughter of William Soperson, in French Lea and Ashton; Final Conc. iii, 113. Edward Blackburne in 1450–1 had lands in English Lea, French Lea and Preston, which seven years later he gave to the mayor and burgesses of Preston; Kuerden MSS. iv, P 120.
  • 86. The following were recusants: Margery Melling of Lea, widow; Elizabeth Wharles, widow, of Ashton; Col. Com. for Comp. v, 3185–7. Gabriel Short of Lea, suspected, was summoned before the committee and refusing to abjure his religion had two-thirds of his tenement sequestered; ibid, i, 656. John Bispham of Ashton had had twothirds of his estate sequestered for recusancy; after his death his daughter Elizabeth Bispham in 1654 prayed to be allowed to contract for it; Royalist Comp. Papers (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 183. Richard Gregson and John Harrison, recusants, made similar petitions in respect of the two-thirds of their estatet in Ashton; ibid, iii, 128, 164. William Hollinhead of Ingol and John Hodgkinson of Cottam did likewise; ibid, iii, 251, 231.
  • 87. At Lea: Lawrence and William Johnson, Thomas Hankinson (Mason House), Thomas Hankinson the younger (Lea Town), William and Thomas Helme, and Wiiliam Fidler; Estcourt and Payne, Eng. Cath. Nonjurors, 93, 106, 139. At Ashton: William Bolton, Elizabeth widow of Oswald Eaves, Margaret Porter, John and William Browne, Joseph Miller; ibid. 92, 101, 102, 138. At Cottam Roger Higginson, James Holme and John Simpson; ibid. 93, 138–9.
  • 88. An abstract of the pleadings is given in Fishwick, Preston, 87. 'It appears that from time immemorial "stakes and piles" were placed in the bed of the river for the fishermen to hang their nets upon, and it was customary before the commencement of the fishing season for the fishermen of Penwortham and [those of] Ashton and Lea to draw lots for priority, and having settled this the river was fished "right across" from bank to bank by the men from the two manors alternately from sunrise to sunset. The season began about Candlemas and closed about Michaelmas.'
  • 89. J. P. Earwaker, Lancs. Pedigree Can, 1887. The landed estates lay in Warrington, Lea, Whittle, Brindle, Clayton, &c.; there was personal estate of about £100,000 value. The evidence at the triali showed that the registers at Preston, Kirkham, Poulton and Lytham had been tampered with, as also the official transcripts at Chester; 'had the court rolls of the manor of Lea near Preston not been preserved there is only too much reason to believe that the ingenuity of the forgers would have been rewarded before their forgeries could have been exposed . . . These court rolls were kept in private hands, and so were out of the reach of the forgers, even if they had known how important they really were.'
  • 90. End. Char. Rep. for Preston.
  • 91. See, e.g., the account of Thomas Hoghton of Hoghton. Alexander Hoghton was reported as contumacious in 1586; Baines, Lancs. (ed. 1868), i, 180. Mrs. Hoghton of Lea was reported to keep a 'Papist' schoolmaster; Fishwick, Preston, 264. Mass was. said at Tulketh in 1607 and confirmation given there in 1687; ibid. The Eyves family resided at Ashton; Gillow, Bibl. Dict. of Engl. Cath. iii, 288.
  • 92. See Woodplumpton.