Townships: Hapton

A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 6. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1911.

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'Townships: Hapton', in A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 6, ed. William Farrer, J Brownbill( London, 1911), British History Online [accessed 20 September 2024].

'Townships: Hapton', in A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 6. Edited by William Farrer, J Brownbill( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed September 20, 2024,

"Townships: Hapton". A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 6. Ed. William Farrer, J Brownbill(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 20 September 2024.

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Upton, 1241; Hapton, 1280 and usually.

This large township, with an area of 4,007½ acres, (fn. 1) extends from the Calder southwards to the Forest of Rossendale. At its southern end is the hill called Hameldon or Hambledon, the summits of which attain 1,305 ft. and 1,343 ft. above the sea. Between these summits rises a brook which flows north through a wooded clough till it reaches the eastern boundary, along which it continues its course as Shaw Brook till it joins the Lodge and so runs into the Calder. Near the western boundary a similar rivulet, known as Castle Clough Brook, runs north to join the Calder at Eaves Barn. A site called the Castle stands near the brook, to the west of which is one of the old hamlets, Shuttleworth. The position of Birtwisle, another ancient hamlet, seems to be lost, but was probably in the south-east of the township.

Padiham Green, at the north end, has become, as its name indicates, practically part of Padiham, to which it has since 1894 been joined. (fn. 2) Lane Side and Stone Moor are to the south of it. Part of Hapton was added to Dunnockshaw. (fn. 3) The modern village of Hapton stands near the centre of the township on the canal; about a mile south is the hamlet called Lane Ends. In the south-east corner are Nutshaw and Clow Bridge; also a reservoir of the Bury Waterworks. In 1901 the reduced township had a population numbering 1,678; the portion added to Padiham had 1,838 inhabitants, and that to Dunnockshaw 354, so that the population of the old township was 3,870 in all.

One principal road is that leading across the centre of the township north-east from Accrington to Burnley; it passes through Lanc Ends, from which point the other chief road goes north through Hapton village and Padiham Green to Padiham, crossing the Lodge at Green Bridge. The Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company's line from Accrington to Burnley crosses the township and has a station at Hapton; the loop line through Great Harwood crosses the north of the township, where there is a station called Padiham, and after passing through Padiham township joins the former line near the boundary. The Leeds and Liverpool Canal, abovementioned, crosses the centre of the township from east to west, passing through the village.

The soil is light, overlying clay; the land is mostly in grass. There are cotton factories, calico printing works and chemical works; stone is quarried on Hambledon, bricks are made, and there is also a coal mine.

Henry Ashworth of Birtwisle in Hapton, born in 1794 of Quaker parentage, distinguished himself as an opponent of the Corn Laws. He wrote Recollections of Richard Cobden and other works, and died in 1880. (fn. 4)


From the account of Wiswell it will have been gathered that HAPTON and Wiswell were together held of the lord of Clitheroe by the service of the fourth part of a knight's fee. Hapton was in all assessed as a ploughland and a half. The holder William de Arches about the end of the 12th century gave Wiswell to Henry de Blackburn, (fn. 5) but retained Hapton, which was held by Reyner de Arches in 1242. (fn. 6) It belonged to the dower of the Countess of Lincoln, and its value to her was said to be 22s. 2d. (fn. 7) The manor passed to the family of Alta Ripa alias De Hautrive, de Hautrey or Dautrey, and in 1302 Thomas de Hautrey held Hapton of the Earl of Lincoln by the third part of a knight's fee. (fn. 8) Soon afterwards Gilbert de la Legh purchased it from Thomas de Hautrey. (fn. 9) This alienation was not sanctioned by the superior lord, Henry de Lacy, who thereupon declared the manor forfeit and gave it to Edmund Talbot of Bashall. (fn. 10) In 1304 the king granted the new lord a charter of free warren in his demesne lands of Hapton, (fn. 11) and in 1311 the heir of Sir Edmund Talbot was stated to hold 1 plough-land in Hapton by the eighth part of a knight's fee, 13d. rent, and suit to the court of Clitheroe. (fn. 12)

Lacy. Or a lion rampant purpure.

Talbot of Bashall. Argent three lions salient purpure.

Dower from the manor was in 1325 allowed to Margaret widow of Thomas de Hautrey, (fn. 13) but the Talbots continued in possession till 1328, (fn. 14) when John son of Edmund Talbot sold his right to Gilbert de la Legh. (fn. 15) Gilbert's son John married one of the co-heirs of Towneley, and had two sons Gilbert (without issue) and Richard. The latter and his issue succeeded to the whole inheritance of Hapton and Towneley, and having adopted Towneley as his surname, the story of his family is more properly related under that manor. (fn. 16)

The old residences of the lords of the manor are denoted by Hapton Castle and Hapton Tower. (fn. 17) The chief incident of the Towneley tenure was the imparking of a large part of the township in 1514. (fn. 18) The services of the park-keeper were in dispute in 1546 and later. (fn. 19) A survey of the manor made about 1645 states that the number of acres within the manor was 1,857; the rents amounted to £218 10s. 1d., besides fines and foregifts; when a tenant died double rent was paid to the lord as relief; the lord had the right to keep a court baron twice a year, but no courts had been held for forty years. (fn. 20)

In 1632 Christopher Towneley of Hapton compounded for the two-thirds of his estates liable to sequestration for recusancy by an annual fine of £20, and Jane Towneley by one of £63 6s. 8d. (fn. 21) Jane was the widow of Richard Towneley of Towneley, and Christopher one of her sons. He is noteworthy as the transcriber of the numerous volumes of deeds to which later historians have been greatly indebted; he afterwards lived at Carr Hall and Moorhiles, and was buried at Burnley in 1674. (fn. 22)

Towneley of Towneley and Hapton. Argent a fesse sable, in chief three mullets of the second.

Bertie, Earl of Abingdon. Argent three battering-rams barways in pale proper headed and garnished azure.

The present lord of the manor is the seventh Earl of Abingdon, in right of his first wife Caroline Louisa, eldest daughter and co-heir of Charles Towneley. No courts are held.

BIRTWISLE (fn. 23) was assessed separately as half a plough-land, and held in socage of the lord of Clitheroe by a rent of 4s. Robert de Lacy, who died in 1193, granted it to Eudo de Lungvilers at that rent, the forest and wild beasts therein being reserved to the grantor. (fn. 24) In 1209 Reyner son of Ralph claimed the 4 oxgangs of land in Birtwisle against Eudo, who allowed him 3 oxgangs on the east side at a rent of 6s., reserving to himself the oxgang on the west; 20 acres formerly held by Thomas son of Gospatrick were allowed to Eudo, who gave Reyner an equal amount of land in his western oxgang. (fn. 25) Before the end of the 13th century the manor was acquired by John de Lacy of Cromwellbottom, (fn. 26) whose descendant Henry in 1356 sold it to Gilbert de la Legh. (fn. 27) Gilbert, as above related, inherited the principal manor of Hapton, and from that time Hapton and Birtwisle were held together. (fn. 28) Ultimately the latter was lost sight of. (fn. 29)

The family of Birtwisle probably descended from the Reyner of 1209. In 1253–4 John son of Reyner son of Ralph called upon John son of Eudo de Lungvilers to observe the conditions of the fine of 1209. (fn. 30) John de Birtwisle, possibly the same, claimed land in Birtwisle against Henry de Lacy Earl of Lincoln, whose defence was that Birtwisle was neither town nor borough, but only a hamlet in Hapton, which the plaintiff could not gainsay. (fn. 31) It is not possible to trace the various branches clearly. One part of the estate was sold to John de Towneley in 1394 by Nicholas de Kighley and Joan his wife, she being a daughter of Adam son of Gilbert de Birtwisle. (fn. 32) Adam de Birtwisle had in 1353 claimed an oxgang of land in Hapton against Henry son of John de Lacy. (fn. 33) In 1397–8 the feoffees regranted to John de Towneley various manors, &c., including that part of the manor of Birtwisle which had belonged to Adam de Birtwisle and that part which had belonged to Henry de Lacy. (fn. 34) Nicholas Towneley and Richard Birtwisle were landowners in Hapton in 1524. (fn. 35)

Birtwisle of Huncoat. Sable a cheveron ermine between three weasels passant argent.

Reyner de Birtwisle gave to the church of Whalley 3 acres in Birtwisle on the east side of the culture called Old Tunstead and another half acre. (fn. 36)

Another family of Birtwisle is more closely connected with Huncoat. John Birtwisle of Huncoat died in 1617 holding a messuage in Hapton of Richard Towneley in socage by a rent of 3s. (fn. 37)

SHUTTLEWORTH, (fn. 38) another ancient portion of Hapton described as a manor, gave a surname to a family still seated in the neighbourhood. Henry de Shuttleworth died before 1325 holding lands in Shuttleworth of John son and heir of Edmund Talbot by a rent of 4s. and six barbed arrows. John his son and heir was twenty-two years of age. (fn. 39) Another Henry died a little later, in 1329, holding a messuage and land in Shuttleworth of John de Thornhill by a rent of 4s. yearly; his heir was a son Henry, thirty years old. (fn. 40) At that time therefore, unless there is some mistake in the record, Shuttleworth was divided into two almost equal estates. (fn. 41) These may have been reunited later, but in 1384–5 the 'manor' was held by Richard son of Henry de Shuttleworth. (fn. 42) The principal estate here passed to Legh (fn. 43) and Talbot, (fn. 44) and by co-heiresses to Ashton of Chadderton and Shakerley. (fn. 45) The estate was purchased by the Starkies in 1734 and is now the property of Mr. E. A. Le Gendre Starkie of Huntroyde. (fn. 46)

SHUTTLEWORTH HALL, now a farm-house, stands on high ground at the north-west end of the township and is a picturesque H-shaped 17th-century building of two stories, with mullioned and transomed windows and stone slated roofs. The walls are of coursed rubble masonry with dressed quoins and the end gables are quite plain without coping. There is a smaller coped gable over the porch, which goes up the full height of the house in the angle formed by the middle and east wings. The two end gables have each an attic window of three lights, the middle one of which is raised, the heads of the side lights being curved inwards, forming a species of ogee arch with flat top, a characteristic of many of the gable windows in houses in the district of Worsthorne. The building has been a good deal restored and some of the windows are new, but it retains all its original external characteristics. The windows in the end wings are of six lights and those in the middle wing on both floors of eight lights, all with hood moulds. The upper part of the porch slightly projects and the outer doorway has a flat four-centred arched opening with moulded jambs and head. The porch is open with a stone seat on either side, and the inner door is the original nail-studded one of oak with ornamental iron hinges. Over the outer doorway is a lead panel, probably belonging to a former spout head, with the date 1639. The interior is modernized. The front of the house faces south and looks on to a garden extending its full length of 75 ft. and about 50 ft. wide in front of the end wings, inclosed by a stone wall with moulded coping and entered in the middle under a segmental-headed gateway with picturesque stepped gable over. The arch and jambs have been rebuilt, but the wall and gable, which is surmounted by a ball ornament, are original. Worked on to the coping of the east return of the fence wall is the octagonal shaft of a small sundial bearing the initials C. H., the plate of which has disappeared.

Bradley (fn. 47) was divided chiefly between the families of Towneley (fn. 48) and Habergham. (fn. 49) Lawrence Habergham died in 1615 holding two messuages in Bradley of Richard Towneley in socage by a rent of 16s. 4d. (fn. 50) Collinhouse, (fn. 51) Reedley (fn. 52) and Bentley (fn. 53) are also mentioned in the deeds. Arbitrations concerning Bullock Ees were made in 1584 and 1621. (fn. 54)

The GREEN in Hapton, now Padiham Green, was granted by William de Arches to Thomas the Clerk of Altham under the name of Kagildegrene at a free rent of 3s. 6d. (fn. 55) Roger son of Thomas de Altham gave the same to Thomas his son, (fn. 56) who appears to have adopted Green as his surname. In 1304 Thomas de la Green gave Cagildegrene in Hapton to his son Roger, together with the homage of his brother Henry. (fn. 57) John de Hautrey and Maud his wife had given land in Hapton to their servant Roger, probably the same person. (fn. 58) In 1334 Thomas de Simonstone complained that Gilbert de la Legh had made a wrongful distraint in 1328. He said that one Thomas atte Green had held a messuage and land of Thomas de Hautrey, then lord of Hapton, by a rent of 3s. Hautrey gave the manor to Legh, who was disseised by Edmund Talbot, after which Green appears to have been compelled to pay 10s. rent. He gave his holding to John de Huncoat, whose son Richard gave to plaintiff. Then Gilbert recovered the manor, and, not being content with the old 3s. rent, required 10s. to be paid and seized upon goods till his demand was satisfied. (fn. 59) The Greens (fn. 60) were in the 15th century (fn. 61) succeeded by a family named Ryley, who continued there for about 200 years (fn. 62); the estate was then sold to the Starkies of Huntroyde. (fn. 63)

A few other holders occur in the records. (fn. 64)

The bounds of Hapton, Huncoat and Henheads were surveyed in 1597. (fn. 65)

There were seventy-eight hearths liable to be taxed in 1666. The largest house was that of—Ashton with twelve hearths; another house had five and three had three. (fn. 66)

Charles Towneley paid over three-fourths of the land tax in 1787; Le Gendre Starkie paid about half the remainder. (fn. 67)

For the Church of England service is held in the schoolroom at Hapton and also in the unfinished church of SS. Ann and Elizabeth, Padiham Green, 1873, by one of the clergy of the church at Padiham. The schoolroom at Clow Bridge is served from Goodshaw.

The Wesleyan Methodists have a chapel at Hapton village.

In 1626 William Eaves and seven other convicted recusants were recorded in Hapton. (fn. 68) The schoolchapel of St. John the Baptist was built at Padiham Green for the local Roman Catholics (fn. 69) in 1863, and was for some years served from Burnley. The present church was built in 1881.


  • 1. The area of the reduced township in 1901 was 3,577 acres, including 30 of inland water.
  • 2. Local Govt. Bd. Order 31617.
  • 3. Ibid. 32056.
  • 4. Dict. Nat. Biog.
  • 5. Final Conc. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 27, showing that William de Arches was dead in 1207, and citing a charter of liberties to him granted by Robert de Lacy, who died in 1193. A charter by William de Arches is cited below.
  • 6. Lancs. Inq. and Extents (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 150. The name is printed Reyner in Testa de Nevill, 399, but Roger on p. 397. Reyner de Arches occurs in 1246 and John son of Reyner in 1254 in pleadings hereafter cited.
  • 7. Lancs. Inq. and Extents, i, 157.
  • 8. Ibid. 318; there is nothing to account for the increase of service recorded. From Whitaker's Craven (ed. Morant, 562, 576) it appears that William de Arches, living in the time of King John, had sons William (s.p.), Peter and Reyner, and that Reyner had two daughters, Beatrice wife of Reginald (Reyner) de Knoll and Maud wife of John de Alta Ripa (Dautrey or De Hautrey). In 1264–5 an agreement was made for the division of the inheritance of Reyner de Arches between Ellis son of Ellis de Knoll and Hawise his wife on one side and John Dautrey and Maud his wife on the other; by it the latter pair were to have Hapton and a moiety or alternate right to the church of Arncliffe; ibid. 577. In 1280 Ellis son of Richard de Cassinghurst claimed 18 acres in Hapton against John son of Godfrey de 'Autrie' and Maud his wife, which were claimed also by Richard son of Roger de Bradley; De Banco R. 36, m. 76; 44, m. 31. Not long afterwards, in 1284, John de Shuttleworth claimed a moiety of the mill in Hapton against Thomas Dautrey, Ellis de Knoll and Hawise his wife; ibid. 51, m. 38; 61, m. 19 d. Thomas son of Adam le Meger of Hapton claimed against the same three an estate of two messuages and 2 oxgangs of land in Hapton; ibid. 57, m. 38 d. Thomas Dautrey was, perhaps, the brother of John, for Thomas son of Godfrey occurs in 1279; Whitaker, Craven, 223. From a deed cited below it appears that Maud de Arches married secondly Adam de Buckden.
  • 9. As Thomas de Alta Ripa, lord of Carlton in Craven, he in Feb. 1303–4 gave the manor of Hapton, his lands in Craven and the advowson of Arncliffe being expressly excepted, to Gilbert de la Legh; Harl. MS. 2077, fol. 281; Towneley MS. C 8, 13 (Chet. Lib.), A 42. The purchaser is also called Gilbert Atte Lye of Cliviger; Coram Rege R. 297, m. 26 d. Gilbert de la Legh and John his son attested a local deed in 1310–11; Towneley MS. C 8, 13, S 112.
  • 10. Lancs. Inq. and Extents, ii, 219; Towneley MS. GG, no. 3097.
  • 11. Charter R. 97 (32 Edw. I), m. 2, no. 31.
  • 12. Lancs. Inq. and Extents, ii, 10. Edmund Talbot had been killed in Sept. 1310, for Adam de Clitheroe in 1323–4 pleaded a pardon for the deed (or his share in it); the pardon had been granted for Adam's services to the king in Scotland; Coram Rege R. 254, m. 45 d., Rex. The heir was a son John, still under age and in ward to the king in 1325; Lancs. Inq. and Extents, ii, 220.
  • 13. Ibid. 219; Thomas had died in Nov. 1324. The manor was said to be held by the fourth part of a knight's fee.
  • 14. In 1322 John Talbot, then about eighteen, was said to hold Hapton by the third part of a knight's fee; ibid. 134. One-third of the manor was held as dower by the wife of Edmund Talbot; the other two-thirds was let to Adam del Clough at a rent of 10 marks; ibid. 143, 202.
  • 15. Towneley MS. C 8, 13, T 102. In 1330 John de Dinelay and Isabel his wife (as her dower) claimed a third of twothirds of the manor of Hapton against Gilbert; De Banco R. 282, m. 277. Isabel was the widow of John Talbot; she and her second husband in 1338 augmented their claim to a third part of the manor, Edmund Talbot's widow having probably died; ibid. 313, m. 314 d. The defendant, Gilbert son of John de la Legh, called John son and heir of Gilbert de la Legh (i.e. his father) to warrant him; ibid. 316, m. 425. Thomas son of Robert Dautrey in 1333 claimed two mills and 60 acres in Hapton against Gilbert de la Legh; ibid. 296, m. 191.
  • 16. Whitaker, Whalley, ii, 190 (pedigree); also the account of Towneley. Gilbert de la Legh was living in 1336, when he granted the manor of Hapton to (his grandson) Gilbert son of John de la Legh; Towneley MS. C 8, 13, L 159. Gilbert son of John de la Legh in 1344 gave to feoffees the manor of Hapton, and in the same year the feoffees regranted it to him and his wife Alice. The following homagers are named: John de Shuttleworth, Henry del Green, John de Habergham, Adam de Aspden, William son of Richard de Birtwisle and Nicholas son of William de Hayleighs; ibid. L 193, D 32. Other feoffments of 1344 show that the manor of Hapton was held by Gilbert son of John and Alice his wife for the life of Katherine daughter of Richard de Balderston, with remainder to John son of Gilbert de Legh and Cecily his wife, daughter of Richard de Towneley; Towneley MS. C 8, 8 (Chet. Lib.), Edw. III, no. 29, 30. In 1349 Gilbert de la Legh and the heir of John de Catterall held the vill of Hapton in demesne and service for the third part of a knight's fee; Lansdowne Feodary in Baines, Lancs. (ed. 1870), ii, 693. Gilbert was in 1380 found to hold the manor of Hapton of the Duke of Lancaster by knight's service and 12d. rent; Inq. p.m. 4 Ric. II, no. 87. He died before 1388, when his widow Alice died in possession, having had no issue by her husband. The heir was John son of Richard de Towneley, brother of Gilbert, who was thirty-eight years old; Inq. p.m. 11 Ric. II, no. 33. The later inquisitions usually record the tenure of Hapton as of the Duke of Lancaster by knight's service, sometimes adding 12d. rent; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Chet. Soc.), i, 157, 160; ii, 59, &c. It was called the moiety of the fourth part of a fee in 1445–6; Duchy of Lanc. Knights' Fees, bdle. 2, no. 20.
  • 17. The sites are known; Whitaker, Whalley, ii, 64. No 'castle' is named in the charters.
  • 18. Ibid.; Duchy of Lanc. Misc. Bks. xxii, 36.
  • 19. Ducatus Lanc. (Rec. Com.), ii, 94, 314. For the park and pasturage see ibid. iii, 178, 193.
  • 20. Whitaker, op. cit. ii, 65.
  • 21. Trans. Hist. Soc. (new ser.), xxiv, 176, 178.
  • 22. Whitaker, op. cit. ii, 545. Many of his volumes of transcripts are now in the British Museum, others in the Chetham Library, while many are owned by W. Farrer and other private persons. It is believed that some still belong to the representatives of the Towneley family. See Hist. MSS. Com. Rep. iv, App. 408–10.
  • 23. Bridestwisel, 1209; Briddestwysil, 1258; Bridhistuwisil, 1292.
  • 24. Kuerden fol. MS. p. 230. In 1258 Birtwisle rendered 4s. a year to Edmund de Lacy; Lancs. Inq. and Extents, i, 217.
  • 25. Final Conc. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 30.
  • 26. The evidence is scanty, but the following grants are known: Adam de Buckden and Maud de Arches his wife granted to John de Lacy the service which William de Arches ought to do for the land he held of them in Hapton; Duchy of Lanc. Misc. cxxx, fol. 20 d. Alan de Pennington son and heir of Thomas gave to the same John all the land he inherited in Birtwisle after the death of his father and mother (Agnes), which land had been demised to Peter de Chester for his life. A rent of 1d. was to be paid; Kuerden fol. MS. p. 233. Henry de Lacy of Cromwellbottom in 1311 held the hamlet of Birtwisle of the lord of Clitheroe as half a plough-land by a rent of 4s. and suit of court; Lancs. Inq. and Extents, ii, 10.
  • 27. Kuerden fol. MS. p. 230; Towneley MS. C 8, 13, L 152. The date is erroneously given by Whitaker. Joan widow of Henry de Lacy of Cromwellbottom in 1361 gave her dower lands in Birtwisle to Gilbert de la Legh at 25s. rent; ibid. L 150. John son of Thomas de Lacy had land in Birtwisle in 1363; ibid. L 151. In 1369 Gilbert de la Legh and Alice his wife had various lands in Birtwisle settled on them together with the reversion of the dower of Joan widow of Henry de Lacy; ibid. B 257, 264.
  • 28. The tenure in socage (by a rent of 4s.) is recorded in the Towneley inquisitions: e.g. Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Chet. Soc.), i, 154; ii, 164. Lassland in Birtwisle is named in 1401; ibid. i, 160. In 1474 Richard Towneley granted to his brothers Lawrence and Nicholas (for life) lands called Welsell in Hapton and Nutshaw in Birtwisle; C 8, 13, T 83, 85.
  • 29. It is named in recoveries, &c., as late as 1760; Pal. of Lanc. Plea R. 495, m. 5; 592, m. 57.
  • 30. Curia Reg. R. 154, m. 17.
  • 31. Assize R. 408 (1292), m. 59.
  • 32. Gilbert de Birtwisle and Adam his son attested a charter in 1323; C 8, 13, H 240. Gilbert son of Gilbert de Birtwisle in 1331 gave to Adam his brother for forty years certain lands in the hamlet of Birtwisle in the vill of Hapton which had belonged to Henry son of Adam son of Ralph de Birtwisle; ibid. B 267. Adam de Birtwisle in 1354 settled certain lands with remainders to Nicholas son of Sir Richard de Kighley and Joan his wife, the daughter of Adam, and to Richard de Towneley; ibid. B 260, R 63. From other deeds it appears that John and Nicholas sons of Adam de Birtwisle had lands in 1340 and 1355; ibid. B 268, 262, 269, H 255. There was a dispute in the latter year between Nicholas de Kighley and Joan his wife and Nicholas son of Adam, the latter claiming under a grant from his father prior to that to the Kighleys; Duchy of Lanc. Assize R. 4, m. 17 d. See also Dep. Keeper's Rep. xxxii, App. 332, 334. Adam de Birtwisle was living in 1352; Duchy of Lanc. Assize R. 2, m. 1. In 1390 formal testimony was given that Richard de Shuttleworth had affirmed before his death that Nicholas de Birtwisle was not his son, doubts having been expressed as to the paternity of the said Nicholas; Add. MS. 32108, fol. 305. Nicholas de Kighley gave lands in Birtwisle to Gilbert de la Legh and Alice his wife in 1379–80; C 8, 13, K 11. As stated in the text Nicholas and Joan his wife sold to John de Towneley in 1394, and the sale was confirmed by Gilbert, John and William sons of Nicholas; ibid. K 9, 10. There was in 1395 a fine to conclude the sale, in which the estate was called the manor of Birtwisle, except the land, &c., called Gibland del Hall, i.e. Gilbert del Hall's land; Final Conc. iii, 45.
  • 33. Assize R. 435, m. 6 d.
  • 34. Towneley MS. C 8, 13, R 60. In 1444–5 John son of Richard Towneley granted to his father and others lands in Birtwisle which he had had with Isabel daughter of Nicholas Boteler; ibid. T 71.
  • 35. Lay Subs. Lancs. bdle. 130, no. 82. Oliver Birtwisle is named in 1543; ibid. no. 125.
  • 36. Whalley Couch. (Chet. Soc.), i, 321.
  • 37. Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), ii, 101.
  • 38. Sutliswrthe, 1293; Shuttellesworth, 1323.
  • 39. Lancs. Inq. and Extents, ii, 220. John had paid relief for lands in Simonstone in 1324; ibid. 186. There were 16 acres of arable land worth 4d. each, 4 acres of meadow also worth 4d., and 24 acres of waste, 2d. each. A Henry de Shuttleworth attested a Hapton deed in 1304; Huntroyde D, H 8. Henry de Shuttleworth and John his son attested another; ibid. H 9. John son of Richard de Hey in 1333 granted a release of right in the Totehill with Shuttleworth in Hapton; Towneley MS. C 8, 13, H 265.
  • 40. Lancs. Inq. and Extents, ii, 232.
  • 41. John de Shuttleworth contributed to the subsidy in 1332; Exch. Lay Subs. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), 76. From notes of deeds printed in Whitaker, Whalley, ii, 66–7, it appears that John and Richard de Shuttleworth held land in Hapton of John de la Legh in 1339. In 1342 Richard son of Agnes de Thelwall gave Richard son of Henry de Shuttleworth land called Fennyfolds in Hapton, with remainders to Richard's brothers Henry and John; C 8, 13, T 111. In 1349–50 Roger son of Adam de Happay confirmed to Richard son of Henry de Shuttleworth various lands; ibid. N 22–3. Gilbert de la Legh claimed a messuage in Hapton in 1350 against Richard de Shuttleworth, John son of William del Eghes and Amabel widow of William and John del Green; Assize R. 1444, m. 2 d. It appeared that one Amabel was daughter of Nicholas de Fennyfold and had issue Adam (bastard), William (s.p.), Alice and Amabel (defendant). Alice had a son Roger, who was out of the country and knew nothing of his inheritance from his grandmother, but Amabel claimed for him and herself. Her own moiety she sold to Richard de Shuttleworth; Duchy of Lanc. Assize R. 1, m. viii. John son of William del Eghes gave a release of lands in Fennyfold, formerly Adam del Green's, in 1357; C 8, 13, E 20. In 1369 there occur John de Shuttleworth and Richard his brother; Add. MS. 32104, fol. 290. From feoffments of lands in Hapton and Huncoat in 1373–4 it appears that Henry son of Henry de Shuttleworth (then living) had sons John (called 'the elder'), Thomas, Ughtred, Robert and William; and sisters Alice and Margaret; ibid. fol. 247; C 8, 13, S 94, 95.
  • 42. Richard de Shuttleworth had land in Birtwisle in 1369; ibid. W 120. In 1380–1 the feoffees regranted to Richard de Shuttleworth and Joan his wife Fennyfolds, with remainders to Emot daughter of Alice de Berewinde, to Isabel daughter of John de Birtwisle, to Thomas son of Richard de Birtwisle, &c.; ibid. C 105–6. Four years later Richard son of Henry de Shuttleworth gave to feoffees the manor of Shuttleworth in Hapton; ibid. S 97. In the same year he gave a messuage in Adreancroft to John del Hey (? Ley or Legh) at a rent of 18d.; ibid. S 114. Richard was dead in 1390; Add. MS. 32108, fol. 305. In 1398 John son of Henry de Shuttleworth gave land to John son of John del Legh (or John del Hey); Kuerden MSS. iv, B 10b; GG, no. 534.
  • 43. In 1411 Isabel widow of John del Legh of Shuttleworth gave to feoffees lands in Hapton, Huncoat and Birtwisle; C 8, 13, L 166. Isabel was daughter of Richard, as appears below. In 1422–3 they regranted the same, in default of issue to Isabel, to the issue of Henry de Shuttleworth, and then to that of his brother John; ibid. S 172. In 1430 the brothers John, Gilbert and Lawrence del Legh granted to their mother Isabel widow of John del Legh of Shuttleworth the manor of Shuttleworth, with lands, rents, &c., in Hapton and Birtwisle which had belonged to her father Richard de Shuttleworth, Fennyfolds and some other parcels being excepted; Add. MS. 32104, fol. 114, no. 493. Thomas son and heir of John Legh in 1451–2 made a feoffment of the manor of Shuttleworth, of which the bounds are given: Orborowlache, Hapton Clough, Greenboothstead, the Calder, Woodiraw, Mithelme, Shortdean, &c.; C 8, 13, L 176, 195.
  • 44. This step is not clear. There were disputes as to the estate between William Talbot and Alice his wife on the one side and Nicholas son of Thomas Legh on the other, and in 1464 they were settled by arbitration, the whole inheritance of Isabel formerly wife of John Legh being assigned to Alice; Raines D. (Chet. Lib.). There was a recovery of the manor in 1482 against William and Alice Talbot; Final Conc. iii, 139. In Sept. 1484 the capital messuage called the Hall of Shuttleworth, a close called Birtwisle, and other lands, &c., were settled on Alice wife of William Talbot, with remainders to Lettice wife of Nicholas Townley, and in default to Isabel wife of Robert Shakerley, Lettice and Isabel being the daughters and co-heirs of Alice; Towneley MS. GG, no. 3126; C 8, 13, L 182. Shuttleworth Mill, Herberlaw and the merestone in Herberlache are named; cf. Orborowlache above. It appears that Lettice's first husband was John son and heir of Edmund Ashton of Chadderton, by whom she had a son Edmund; Whitaker, Whalley, ii, 67. In 1444 John Ashton remitted his court in a suit between John Langley and others v. William Talbot and Alice his wife respecting the manor of Shuttleworth and various lands which were held of the said John Ashton; Pal. of Lanc. Chan. Misc. bdle. 1, file 10.
  • 45. In 1509–10 Thomas son of Robert Shakerley (later called 'of Standish') released to Thomas son of Christopher Lister of Midhope the land called Fennyfolds in Hapton; C 8, 13, S 86–7, T 69. This was sold to Miles Clayton in 1544; Add. MS. 32104, fol. 110b, 112b. The Clayton holding was sold to John Towneley in 1586; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 37, m. 60; 43, m. 79; 48, m. 17, 209. The manor of Robert Shakerley called Shuttleworth Hall is named in 1536; Pal. of Lanc. Writs of Assize, bdle. 17. In 1538 Robert Shakerley of Shuttleworth granted to Edmund Ashton certain parts of the demesne lands; Raines D. (Chet. Lib.). James Ashton of Chadderton died in 1549 holding ten messuages, &c., in Shuttleworth of the heir of Sir John Towneley by a rent of 9s. and five broad arrow-heads; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. ix, no. 29. Similar tenures were recorded after the death of Edmund Ashton in 1584 and James Ashton in 1612; ibid. xiv, no. 66; xx, no. 10. Edmund (son of James son of Edmund) Ashton had a dispute in 1557–8 with Alexander Radcliffe and Frances his wife (widow of Sir Richard Towneley) respecting Birtwisle Field, formerly held by Nicholas Towneley; Ducatus Lanc. (Rec. Com.), ii, 166, 194. In 1645 the owner of High Shuttleworth was said to pay the lord five broad arrow-heads and 10s. 8d. rent; Whitaker, op. cit. ii, 65.
  • 46. Information of Mr. Howsin.
  • 47. Richard son of Roger de Bradley occurs in 1279; De Banco R. 31, m. 27.
  • 48. To this part of Bradley seems to belong the grant of land there by Roger son of Thomas the Clerk of Altham to his son Thomas; he had had the same by gift of Adam son of Adam de Bradley; Towneley MS. C 8, 13, C 126. The Altham family occurs again, for William de Arches gave land in Hapton at 3s. rent to Adam son of William de Altham, Bradley Brook being in one place the boundary; and John son of Simon de Altham in 1330 gave a messuage in Hapton received from Henry son of Adam del Yate to Gilbert de la Legh; ibid. A 43, 44, Y 3. In 1316 John de Huncoat gave land in Huncoat to William de Birtwisle in exchange for some in Bradley; ibid. B 266; Towneley MS. DD, no. 563. Alice widow of John de Huncoats released her dower in Bradley in 1323 to her son Richard for an annuity of 2s.; C 8, 13, H 240. In 1326 Richard son of John de Huncoat gave land in Bradley to Thomas son of Richard de Simonstone; ibid. H 241. This Thomas in 1341 gave all his lands in Hapton to Richard del Yate and Joan his wife, daughter of Simon del Goodshaw; ibid. S 90, 92. Next year Joan as widow of Richard gave her land in Hapton to Gilbert de la Legh and Alice his wife; ibid. Y 2. Then in 1343 Henry son of Thomas son of Richard de Simonstone released to Gilbert and Alice all his right in Bradley, which had been granted to them by the said Joan; ibid. S 91. A messuage, &c., called Bradley in Hapton was included among the possessions of Richard Towneley in 1454; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Chet. Soc.), ii, 59.
  • 49. The charters are in Add. MS. 32104, no. 1180, &c., but they do not show a clear descent. Geoffrey de Habergham obtained Bradley from Adam son of Robert de Holden in exchange for other land; no. 1192. Richard son of Roger de Bradley gave his land in Bradley to John son of Sir Godfrey de Hautrey, who, with the consent of Maud his wife, afterwards gave it to Richard son of Ellis de Stansfield; no. 1212, 1206. The grantee may be the Richard son of Ellis de Bradley who in 1304 gave Bradley and a rent of 2s. 2d. from Ellis de Brownbirches' land to a feoffee who in 1322 gave the tenement to John son of Henry de Birtwisle and Amiria his wife; no. 1305, 1210, 1304, 1207. Adam de Bradley gave land called Furfelt to his daughter Avice at a rent of 12d.; no. 1200. Thomas del Green gave land in Bradley in Hapton in 1306 to Robert son of Henry de Wilpshire; it had formerly belonged to the grantor's brother Adam; C 8, 13, G 54. Robert gave the same to William son of John de Birtwisle; ibid. W 126, S 112. Thomas del Green also gave his son Roger a rent of 6d. from the tenement formerly Robert de Bradley's; no. 1181. Roger had a son Henry; C 8, 13, G 58. Henry del Green in 1341 released to Richard del Yate and Joan his wife all claim to Thomas de Simonstone's land in Hapton; ibid. G 55. In 1350 he gave Sliderforth in Hapton to Gilbert de la Legh and Alice his wife; ibid. G 52. In 1369 Gilbert de la Legh relinquished his claim to Sliderforth to Habergham trustees; Add. MS. 32104, no. 1186. The Stansfield family occurs later at Hapton; Pal. of Lanc. Plea R. 7, m. 1; 8, m. 21.
  • 50. Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), ii, 21, 103.
  • 51. It was part of the Towneley estate; some deeds between 1536 and 1566 are in Add. MS. 32104, fol. 111, no. 479–86. See also Pal. of Lanc. Plea R. 176, m. 2. An earlier deed is one dated 1459–60, by which Peter son and heir of Richard and Margery Spenser of Botdean by Worsthorne granted Collinhouse, &c., in Hapton to John Towneley; C 8, 13, S 128.
  • 52. It belonged to the Smiths of Burnley in 1459–61, and in 1525 was given by Lawrence Smith to Richard Birtwisle, DD, no. 553–4, 548. Richard Birtwisle at once exchanged it for other land given by Sir John Towneley; C 8, 13, B 270. In 1462 testimony was recorded as to a death-bed declaration by Robert Smith of Burnley that he had made no bargain concerning Reedley in Hapton with Robert Lowde of Chaigley; RR, no. 53. The above Lawrence Smith had a rent of 3s. from Reedley in 1539; DD, no. 557.
  • 53. In 1334 Gilbert de la Legh granted to Thomas de Simonstone five wagonloads of wood from the wood of Bentley in Hapton; C 8, 13, L 170. In 1678–9 there were disputes concerning a messuage in Hapton, lately Robert Charnock's, and waste called Bentley Wood Green; Exch. Dep. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), 56.
  • 54. Add. MS. 32104, fol. 108b, no. 472. Bullock Ees on the south side of the Calder belonged to the Towneleys. The dispute was as to the construction of flood-gates and the boundary fences between it and a close of land called 'Ollodweele' in Padiham. By the later arbitration it was allowed that Richard Towneley and Edmund Ashton might make a flood-gate over the Calder.
  • 55. Huntroyde D. H 6. The bounds name the Calder, Bradley beck, Smallshaw beck, Greenlache usque Haysia, and Kagildesyke. Geoffrey Dean of Whalley attested the grant. Thomas the Clerk of Altham was living in 1246; Assize R. 404, m. 8. John son of Henry de Hewode had had land from him in marriage with Avice, and gave the same to Reyner de Arches; ibid. m. 5 d.
  • 56. Huntroyde D. H 7. Henry, another son of the grantor, is named. The seal shows a cross fleury, with legend's Roger. F' Thome.
  • 57. Ibid. H 8. The seal, bearing a crescent with star above it, has the legend s. Thom. D' La. Gren.
  • 58. Ibid. H 9. From charters already cited it appears that the Greens' land extended into Bradley. They show that a Thomas del Green (1304) had a son Roger (1311), whose son was Henry (1346–54).
  • 59. Coram Rege R. 297, m. 26 d. Some of the charters have been given already in the account of Bradley, to which part of the township the dispute referred.
  • 60. Little is known of their tenure. In 1336 John de Whalley complained that Agnes del Green, Thomas and Nicholas del Green and others had taken his goods at Hapton; De Banco R. 305, m. 41 d. In 1343 it was presented that Richard and Henry de Shuttleworth had beaten and wounded Henry del Green, Katherine his wife and Robert de Whalley at Hapton Green; Assize R. 430, m. 25.
  • 61. Henry del Green appears to have left three daughters as co-heirs, for Joan widow of John Parker of Alkincoats and daughter and co-heir of Henry Green of Hapton in 1417 released to Sir Richard Radcliffe the third part of four messuages, &c.; Huntroyde D. H 22. The marriage had probably taken place by 1371, when John son of John the Parker of Alkincoats and John de Birtwisle, chaplain, claimed 20 acres, &c., in Hapton against John son of Richard the Parker of Alkincoats; De Banco R. 444, m. 173. Another portion of the estate may be the 18 acres, &c., obtained in 1380 by Robert de Altham and Emma his wife against William Turpin and Margery his wife; Final Conc. iii, 10. Richard Radcliffe of Winmarleigh in 1477 held a messuage, &c., in Hapton of Richard Towneley in socage by a rent of ½d.; Lanc. Inq. p.m. (Chet. Soc.), ii, 103. Richard Radcliffe held similarly in 1500; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. iii, no. 75. The estate occurs in later inquisitions.
  • 62. In 1424 the feoffees restored to Emota widow of Thomas Ryley of the Green within the vill of Hapton all lands, with remainders to Henry and John the sons of Emota, and to her right heirs; Huntroyde D. H 24. Emota may be the Emma de Altham of 1380; in 1437 there were disputes between Emma widow of Thomas Ryley and James Altham; ibid. H 30. An arbitration award in 1444 shows that Henry Ryley of the Green had refused to marry Emot dau. of Henry Shuttleworth; a divorce must be procured and payment made; Towneley MS. C 8, 13, S 117. Thomas son and heir of Henry Ryley of the Green is named in 1521; Huntroyde D. H 43. Thomas Ryley in 1547 gave his son Henry, who married Elizabeth daughter of James Catterall, a messuage in Hapton called Over Green, &c.; ibid. H 60, 62. John son of Henry son of Thomas Ryley in 1580 gave his uncle Thomas Ryley lands in Hapton, viz. Lower Green, Over Green alias Gayle Green or Fennyfold, &c.; ibid. H 73. Thomas Ryley of the Green in 1604 granted lands to feoffees with remainders to his sons Thomas, Henry, Hugh and Vincent; ibid. H 79. There is a short pedigree, not pertaining to the visitation, in Visit. of 1567 (Chet. Soc.), 125. It shows Henry Ryley —s. Thomas —s. Thomas and three other sons. In the fines John Ryley occurs in 1578–9, John and Thomas in 1581, Thomas and Hugh in 1591; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 40, m. 84; 41, m. 66; 43, m. 161; 52, m. 180; 53, m. 72. Thomas Ryley of the Green in 1631 paid £10 as fine on refusing knighthood; Misc. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 217.
  • 63. It was purchased from John Ryley in 1657, and appears among the Starkie estates in deeds of 1688–98; information of Mr. Howsin and Huntroyde D.
  • 64. Pollard was a surname of old standing. William son of John Pollard, yeoman, is named in 1449; Pal. of Lanc. Plea R. 12, m. 29 b. George Pollard of Hapton in 1631 paid £10 on declining knighthood; Misc. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 217. Lawrence Shuttleworth, B.D., of Gawthorpe, died in 1608 holding an acre in Hapton of the king in socage; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 109.
  • 65. Duchy of Lanc. Special Com. 554, 572.
  • 66. Lay Subs. Lancs. bdle. 250, no. 9.
  • 67. Land tax returns at Preston.
  • 68. Lay Subs. Lancs. bdle. 131, no. 317. Wilkinson, Townley, Frane and Rawcliffe were convicted recusants c. 1670; Misc. (Cath. Rec. Soc.), v, 144.
  • 69. Only fourteen 'Papists' were known in Padiham chapelry in 1767; Trans. Hist. Soc. (new ser.), xviii, 216.