Townships: Mitton, Henthorn and Coldcoats

A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 6. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1911.

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'Townships: Mitton, Henthorn and Coldcoats', in A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 6, ed. William Farrer, J Brownbill( London, 1911), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Townships: Mitton, Henthorn and Coldcoats', in A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 6. Edited by William Farrer, J Brownbill( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Townships: Mitton, Henthorn and Coldcoats". A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 6. Ed. William Farrer, J Brownbill(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

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Mitton, 1241. Hennethyrn, 1258; Hennethorn, 1311. Caldecotes, 1241.

Little Mitton and Henthorn occupy the southern and northern parts of a strip of land sloping down to the Ribble, which forms the western boundary, and receives the Calder at the southern boundary. On the other side of the Ribble, in Yorkshire, is Mitton proper, or Great Mitton. Coldcoats is a detached portion of the township lying to the east on the slopes of Pendle. The total area is 873½ acres, (fn. 1) and in 1901 the population was 86.

There is a road from Whalley through Little Mitton, crossing the Ribble by a bridge just below Great Mitton Church. A road from Whalley to Pendleton along the side of the hill passes through Coldcoats. There is a footpath from Little Mitton to Clitheroe.

There is a parish meeting.

The soil is clay, overlying gravel; the land is chiefly in pasture.

The picturesque scenery of the Ribble and Hodder attracts visitors to the district, and these rivers afford some fishing.


The manor of LITTLE MITTON was held of the lord of Clitheroe by knight's service. There are traces of a family bearing the local name, (fn. 2) but in 1242 John de Pontchardon held the twelfth part of a knight's fee there; the place belonged to the dower of the Countess of Lincoln. (fn. 3) He granted 3 oxgangs of land in Little Mitton to Margaret daughter of William son of Orme at a rent of 12s. (fn. 4) He was followed by Richard de Pontchardon his son, (fn. 5) who married Beatrice daughter of Adam de Blackburn, (fn. 6) and in 1283 claimed a messuage and an oxgang of land in the township tenanted by Richard the clerk of Rimington and Margery his wife. (fn. 7) In 1309 he granted the manor of Little Mitton to Adam de Catterall and Lora his wife, the grantor's daughter; a rent of 10 marks was during his life to be paid to him at Welwyn in Hertfordshire. (fn. 8) This was confirmed by a similar grant in 1313. (fn. 9)

In 1311 Alan de Catterall was recorded as holding one plough-land in Little Mitton by the eighth part of a knight's fee and 10d. rent (fn. 10); at his death, in or before 1322, he was found to hold a capital messuage, &c., by the twelfth part of a fee and 2s. rent, (fn. 11) and in the same year his widow Loretta was said to hold the plough-land by the eighth part of a fee. (fn. 12) Alan de Catterall and Lora his wife in 1315–16 acquired an oxgang of land in Little Mitton from Alice daughter of Margery de Mitton, (fn. 13) but the most noteworthy incident of their time was a dispute with the Abbot of Whalley as to the tenure of Whalley Field (fn. 14); this contest was continued or renewed as late as 1338 between the abbot and Lora as widow. (fn. 15) There is little to show the connexion between the Catterall family (fn. 16) and this manor, (fn. 17) but their successors the Shireburnes were described as 'of Little Mitton,' (fn. 18) and probably made it their chief residence.

Little Mitton was, like Catterall, purchased about 1665 by Alexander Holt, of the Gristlehurst family, and descended to the Beaumonts of Whitley Beaumont, in Yorkshire. (fn. 19) About 1840 it was purchased by John Aspinall of Standen, and Col. Ralph John Aspinall is the present lord of the manor.

Little Mitton Hall stands on an elevated site close to the left bank of the Ribble, half a mile above its junction with the Hodder. The situation is one of much beauty, the view from the house westward across the stream being extremely picturesque, but of this no advantage was taken by the original builders, who erected the building facing eastward, overlooking what was then marshland. The house belongs to the end of the 15th or beginning of the 16th century, and follows the H-type of plan of that period with a central great hall and north and south projecting wings. The interior of the great hall preserves most of its original characteristic features, but the rest of the house has been so much rebuilt and modernized as to have lost almost all its antiquarian or architectural interest. At the beginning of the last century the upper part of the walls was of timber, (fn. 20) but this has entirely disappeared. A great portion of the house was rebuilt about 1844, after its purchase by John Aspinall, and extensive additions were made, including a new wing on the north-west Thirty years later, soon after 1874, further alterations and additions were made by the tenant, who rearranged the rooms in the south wing, through which a passage was formed to a conservatory, and beyond this again a new detached two-story wing containing a billiardroom was erected. The north wing was lengthened on its east side by the addition of a large bay window, the great hall was restored, the recently erected northwest wing was enlarged and a story added, and a terrace with stone balustrade and steps was formed on the west side commanding the view down the valley.

The house is of two stories with attics in the end gables, the walls being mostly covered with yellow rough-cast, some portions, however, including the gables of the south wing, being faced with coursed rubble. The mullioned windows, with two exceptions, are all new, and the roofs are covered with green slates. Externally the building is without architectural interest, but the back elevation, with its gables, central chimney stack and terrace balustrade, is picturesque by reason of its situation when seen from the low ground by the river, though somewhat spoiled by the modern three-story north-west wing which dwarfs it on that side.

The great hall, including the screens, is 40 ft. long by 23 ft. 6 in. wide, and has an open timbered roof 18 ft. high to the wall plate. The arrangement is similar to that which formerly obtained at Samlesbury, the south end being occupied by a square recess for the dais with a doorway on either side and the north end by the screens. In the south-east corner is a square bay and the fireplace is in the middle of the west wall. The roof has been considerably restored, but the original moulded wall-posts and principals remain in excellent preservation, dividing it into six bays, the two end ones being over the dais and screens respectively. The two end and the middle principals have moulded tie-beams and moulded caps to the wall-posts 12 ft. above the floor, from which height the post is carried up the wall to the underside of the beam with shaped pieces having carved spandrels on either side. Above the tie-beam the trusses appear to be modern, the king-post, if one ever existed, having given place to a series of straight cross braces running parallel with the line of the roof. The two intermediate principals have a simple collar high up with shaped pieces below. At the north end the spurs of the screen stood 3 ft. 3 in. from the walls at each side with a wide opening, the angle posts, deeply moulded with rounds and hollows, being 1 ft. 9 in. square. Originally there may have been a movable screen in the opening as at Rufford and Samlesbury, but if so it has completely disappeared. The gallery may have been added in the middle of the 16th century, when the present screen between the posts was inserted. This screen, which is 8 ft. high and has a central doorway 4 ft. 6 in. wide, is richly carved, five panels on each side of the opening having male and female heads in medallions, possibly intended for portraits, and in others are the initials T.D.H. (fn. 21) The original doorway at the east end of the passage is now built up, and a later door with two-storied porch made within the hall proper at the north end. The other end of the passage-way is now occupied by the principal staircase, which effectually blocks up the first two of the old doors in the north wall, which led originally to the butteries or other offices. There are four openings in all in the end wall, the other two of which are still in use, one to the kitchen passage and the other to the modern dining-room. The whole of the north wall of the hall retains its ancient timber construction, the lower part filled in with ornamental quatrefoils and the upper with diagonal bracings.

The gallery has been continued down the east side of the hall and across the south end over the dais at a later time. It is 8 ft. above the floor, and the front is of comparatively recent date, if not wholly restored, having long turned Jacobean balusters. The original dais recess now forms part of the room without distinction, and from it three modern doors lead into the south wing, one of which, however, by the later alterations, has been rendered unnecessary and has consequently been blocked up. That on the east side of the recess led originally into the morning-room through a small vestibule, but this is now formed into a cupboard, and the morning-room is entered from the passage, which has been taken from it on the north side. The hall is lit on the east by two modern twolight windows under the gallery and a four-light window to the bay, with two low mullioned windows of three lights each above. These windows, which were opened out after 1874, probably belong to a 16thcentury refacing of the hall in stone, and are the only ancient windows remaining in the house, though the mullions of one of them have been renewed. On the west side are two windows, one on either side of the fireplace, high up in the wall. The fireplace was opened out after 1874, having previously been covered over with panelling, and is of stone, the opening being 12 ft. 6 in. wide and 3 ft. 6 in. deep under a four-centred arch 7 ft. high. The hall has been much restored with modern panelling and the roof has been boarded.

The dining-room in the north wing has a panelled dado made out of oak from the old parish church at Bolton-le-Moors, pulled down in 1866, and the door of the morning-room was the vestry door of the church of All Hallows, Bread Street, London, taken down in 1876. The upper rooms are of no particular interest, except the bedroom over the dining-room, which contains some 18th-century panelling of good and simple design.

HENTHORN, assessed as one plough-land, was held in thegnage by a rent of 6s. (fn. 22) by a family using the local surname. In 1274 Margery widow of Adam de Henthorn claimed dower there against Peter de Chester, rector of Whalley, and he called Henry the son of Adam to warrant him. (fn. 23) Others of the name are mentioned. In 1276 Jordan son of Richard de Henthorn held a messuage in Henthorn of the Earl of Lincoln, and wished to alienate it. Richard's mother Agnes held part in dower, and he had granted it to his daughter Agnes and her husband Ellis. Henthorn was described as a hamlet of Mitton. (fn. 24) The assign of Alice daughter of Jordan de Henthorn in 1295 claimed a messuage and land of Adam son of Master Henry de Clayton. (fn. 25)

Henry de Henthorn in 1311 held half a ploughland of the Earl of Lincoln in thegnage by 3s. rent, and his son Henry held the other half by the same tenure. (fn. 26) The father died in or before 1324, when Henry paid relief on succeeding. (fn. 27) Henry son of Henry de Henthorn was one of the defendants to a claim in 1338 made by Margaret wife of Roger le Mazon against John de Henthorn, tailor, and others concerning a messuage in Henthorn. (fn. 28) In 1343 and later Roger Martel of Walton and Margaret his wife claimed two messuages in Little Mitton against Henry de Henthorn and another against John son of William de Clitheroe and Isabel his wife. Margaret was the daughter of Adam son of Agnes daughter of Richard de Henthorn, which Agnes, as above stated, had married Ellis de Colthurst. (fn. 29)

Shortly afterwards, perhaps by marriage, Henthorn passed to Lawrence de Bailey and Alice his wife, who in 1360 made a settlement of their messuages, &c., there. (fn. 30) The estate passed by their daughter Alice's marriage to her son John Standen. (fn. 31) His heir was a daughter Alice, who married John Whitaker and had a son James, (fn. 32) who died in 1500 holding the moiety of two messuages, &c., in Little Mitton and Clitheroe of the king in chief by knight's service and the rent of 3s. His son and heir Henry was of full age in 1508. (fn. 33) Henry Whitaker contributed for his lands to the subsidy of 1524. (fn. 34) He died in or before 1531 holding the same estate; the next in blood was James Whitaker, clerk, but the kinship is not recorded. (fn. 35) Henthorn passed to Nicholas Whitaker, who died in 1551 holding it by the fortieth part of a knight's fee and 10d. rent; he also held messuages in Clitheroe in free burgage. His son John was eighteen years of age. (fn. 36) A similar record was made after the death of John Whitaker in 1585; his heir was his son James, aged twelve. (fn. 37)

Whitaker. Sable three mascles argent.

The James who died in 1500 had by Felicia Grimshaw two daughters, Lettice and Sibyl, who married respectively John Nowell and Thomas Holden. In 1496 the other moiety of Henthorn was assigned to them, (fn. 38) and its descent can be traced, at least in part, for some time. (fn. 39) Part was acquired by Robert Shireburne, and became merged in his Little Mitton estate. (fn. 40) Another part seems to have been joined to Coldcoats. Robert Leigh held a part in 1614. (fn. 41)

A few other holdings in the main portion of the township are recorded. (fn. 42)

COLDCOATS, originally a part of Great Pendleton, (fn. 43) which it adjoins, has long been included with Little Mitton and Henthorn. (fn. 44) Roger de Lacy confirmed 4 oxgangs of land in Coldcoats to Geoffrey son of Robert Dean of Whalley, which Geoffrey had received in free marriage. Lands in Towneley and elsewhere were included in the grant. The feeding of Geoffrey's hunting dogs was the reason for the gift. (fn. 45) It is obvious that these lands were not granted to Geoffrey as dean, and they were alienated by his descendant Roger, a later dean. (fn. 46) The whole was held of the Lacys as the tenth part of a knight's fee. (fn. 47) Coldcoats was occupied by a family which used the local name, (fn. 48) and in 1363 Richard de Coldcoats gave to Whalley Abbey all his lands there, with the licence of Gilbert de la Legh, the superior lord. (fn. 49)

At the suppression of the abbey there were three tenants in Coldcoats, paying £4 6s. 2d. in all. (fn. 50) It was sold by the Crown in 1542 to Robert Holt, (fn. 51) and shortly afterwards Anthony Watson is found in possession. (fn. 52) He died in 1568 holding a capital messuage in Little Mitton, called Coldcoats, of the queen by knight's service and 8d. rent; also other messuages and lands in Wiswell and Downham. (fn. 53) His heir was a son Thomas, then aged twenty-eight, who died in 1579 holding the same estate and leaving a son and heir Anthony, aged twenty-one. (fn. 54) Shortly afterwards, in 1586, Anthony Watson and Dorothy his wife sold their estate in Coldcoats and Henthorn to Robert Walmesley. (fn. 55) The new owner died in 1612, when his son Thomas, aged ten, was found to be his heir; the tenure was recorded as before. (fn. 56) Thomas Walmesley was still living in 1664, when a pedigree was recorded. (fn. 57) His descendants retained it till the middle of the 18th century, when it was purchased by Piers Starkie of Huntroyde. (fn. 58) It is still part of the Huntroyde estates.

Walmesley. Gules on a chief ermine two hurts.

The house (fn. 59) stood high on the right of the road from Wiswell. From what remained in 1883 of the east and west wings it appeared to date from the middle of the 16th century and was evidently E-shaped in plan. It faced north but was sheltered by a large and substantially built outbuilding. Externally the house presented the customary central portion connecting two gabled wings, but all the middle part had then disappeared, leaving the wings isolated. The west wing was used as a farm-house and the eastern wing as part of the farm buildings. Most of the original windows were bricked up, but the labels and jambs remained. A stone in the kitchen bore the initials I.W. and another built into the walls of an out-house R.W.

There were only twenty-two hearths liable to the hearth tax in 1666, and of them Alexander Holt's house accounted for half and Thomas Walmesley's for five more. (fn. 60)

In 1788 the chief landowners were Beaumont, Starkie and Shuttleworth. (fn. 61)


  • 1. Composed thus: Little Mitton, 507 acres; Henthorn, 204½ Coldcoats, 162. The Census Rep. 1901 gives the township 875 acres, including 30 of inland water.
  • 2. They were, perhaps, minor freeholders. Robert son of Henry de Little Mitton was plaintiff in 1278 against Roger de Whalley respecting half an oxgang of land; De Banco R. 27, m. 54 d. Roger son of Henry de Whalley gave an oxgang of land in Little Mitton to Adam son of Stephen de Little Mitton; Dods. MSS. xci, fol. 159. Among the witnesses were Sir Robert de Chester and Sir Ralph de Mitton. In 1404 Richard Mitton granted all his lands in Little Mitton to Robert son of Henry Shuttleworth; ibid. cxxxix, fol. 141b. He made a similar grant to Richard Catterall; Towneley MS. DD, no. 18. Robert Shuttleworth cousin and heir of the above Robert in 1468 released his claim in Little Mitton to Richard Catterall; Dods. MSS. xci, fol. 159b.
  • 3. Lancs. Inq. and Extents (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 150, 148.
  • 4. Towneley MSS. DD, no. 17.
  • 5. In 1278 Adam son of Stephen de Mitton made a claim for land in Little Mitton against John de Pontchardon; Assize R. 1238, m. 35. The claim was continued in 1288 against Richard de Pontchardon son of John and others; Richard was lord of the whole town; ibid. 1277, m. 32a.
  • 6. Whalley Couch. (Chet. Soc.), iv, 964–5.
  • 7. De Banco R. 48, m. 32; Final Conc. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 161. Richard de Pontchardon obtained in all 3 oxgangs of land in Little Mitton from Roger de Whalley. One of them was held in demesne and the others in service by rents of 4s. each by Adam son of Stephen and by Richard de Rimington and Margaret his wife. A rent of 12s. was due to the chief lord and ½d. to the grantor; DD, no. 33. Alice widow of Roger de Whalley released her right in 1 oxgang in 1293; ibid. no. 34.
  • 8. Dods. MSS. xci, fol. 159. The seal shows a quarterly coat of arms debruised by a bend sinister; the legend is s. RICARDI DE PONTCARDON. The charter appears to be the same as that given at length in Towneley MS. DD, no. 1, the witnesses being the same though the date is at Lancaster in 1313. But DD, no. 2, is a grant by Richard to Alan and Lora in 1309 of all his goods and chattels in the manor of Little Mitton on the day they should take possession according to the charter they had from him.
  • 9. See last note.
  • 10. Lancs. Inq. and Extents, ii, 13.
  • 11. Ibid. 141.
  • 12. Ibid. 134.
  • 13. Dods. MSS. xci, fol. 159.
  • 14. In 1313 Alan de Catterall complained that the abbot had seized certain of his cattle at 'Whalley Field' in Little Mitton. The abbot replied that he seized them in Whalley, they having come into his land; De Banco R. 198, m. 93. At the same time Roesia de Whalley complained that Alan had seized her cattle in 'Whalley Field,' Alan replying that this field was partly in Whalley and partly in Little Mitton and he took the cattle in his part; ibid. m. 199. The suit was continued later as to whether 24 acres of land belonged to the church of Whalley or was a lay fee; ibid. 207, m. 307.
  • 15. Ibid. 316, m. 372.
  • 16. Their descent is given in the account of Catterall in Garstang.
  • 17. Richard de Catterall in 1352 prosecuted various persons for breaking his inclosures at Little Mitton; Duchy of Lanc. Assize R. 2, m. viij. In 1355 and 1361 he was recorded as holding the twelfth part of a knight's fee in Little Mitton; Feudal Aids, iii, 87; Inq. p.m. 35 Edw. III (1st nos.), no. 122. Adam de Catterall in 1397 held the manor of Little Mitton of the Duke of Lancaster by rendering 9d. for castle ward; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Chet. Soc.), i, 66. Richard Catterall held the twelfth part of a fee in 1445–6; Duchy of Lanc. Knights' Fees, bdle. 2, no. 20. Ralph son and heir of Richard Catterall in 1481 granted a lease of Little Mitton to Henry and John Henthorn; Towneley MS. DD, no. 36. Richard Catterall, apparently the father, died in 1487 holding the manor of Little Mitton, with messuages and lands there, of the king as of his duchy by knight's service; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. ii, no. 12. Ralph Catterall died in 1515 holding in Little Mitton by the twelfth part of a knight's fee and 10d. rent, but his son John Catterall in 1517 held by the twenty-fourth part of a knight's fee and 10d.; ibid, iv, no. 62, 4. Thomas Catterall, the last of the male line, died in 1579 holding the manor of Little Mitton of the queen as of her duchy by the twenty-fourth part of a knight's fee; ibid. xiv, no. 4. It had been given to Robert Shireburne in 1561, together with Catterall. His wife Dorothy, one of Thomas Catterall's daughters and co-heirs, died in 1620 as Dorothy Whipp, widow. The manor of Little Mitton was then stated to be held by the thirtieth part of a knight's fee; Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), ii, 230. Her son Thomas in 1636 was found to have held the whole estate in Mitton and Catterall by the fortieth part of a knight's fee; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. xxix, no. 43. Ralph Catterall (d. 1515) has a memorial brass in Whalley Church; Whitaker, Whalley, ii, 9.
  • 18. Misc. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 217; Dugdale, Visit. (Chet. Soc.), 267. The Subsidy Roll of 1626 records Thomas and Robert Shireburne and five other convicted recusants at Little Mitton. Thomas Walmsley was the other landowner named; Lay Subs. Lancs. bdle. 131, no. 317. Some Little Mitton deeds (1653, &c.) are in Piccope MSS. (Chet. Lib.), iii, 316.
  • 19. See the pedigree in Whitaker, op. cit. ii, 24. The following is the outline:—Alexander Holt -s. Robert, d.v.p. -s. Alexander -s. William, d. 1737 -da. Elizabeth, d. 1791, marr. Richard Beaumont -son Richard Henry, d. 1810 -bro. John, d. 1831, who was succeeded by Richard Henry (d. 1857) son of John's illegitimate son Dr. Charles Richard Beaumont, who died in 1813. The following fines are recorded:— 1686: William Daniel v. Robert Holt, the manors of Little Mitton and Catterall, &c.; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 216, m. 27. 1710: Thomas Winckley v. Alexander, Edward and William Holt, the same; ibid. bdle. 264, m. 83. 1760: Thomas Beaumont v. Richard Beaumont and Elizabeth his wife, the manor of Little Mitton, &c.; ibid. bdle. 342, m. 51.
  • 20. Whitaker, Whalley (ed. 3, 1818), 256.
  • 21. If these are the initials of Sir Thomas Holt and Dorothy (Longford) his wife, as usually stated, it would seem to indicate that the screen, or at any rate the panels, had been brought from Gristlehurst by the Holts after 1665. Sir Thomas Holt of Gristlehurst died in 1562, which would place the date of the screen about the middle of the 16th century.
  • 22. Edmund de Lacy in 1258 had a rent of 6s. from Henthorn; Lancs. Inq. and Extents, i, 217.
  • 23. De Banco R. 7, m. 38 d.; Coram Rege R. 12, m. 82. In 1283 Cecily widow of Adam de Henthorn and then wife of Robert de Doune claimed the third part of a messuage in Clitheroe against Henry de Henthorn in virtue of a grant from her former husband; De Banco R. 50, m. 24 d.
  • 24. Assize R. 405, m. 4; 1235, m. 12.
  • 25. De Banco R. 109, m. 34.
  • 26. Lancs. Inq. and Extents, ii, 13.
  • 27. Ibid. 186.
  • 28. Assize R. 1425, m. 3; Katherine widow of Henry de Henthorn was also a defendant. The plaintiff's claim was allowed.
  • 29. De Banco R. 336, m. 418 d.; 340, m. 257 (ped.); 349, m. 145.
  • 30. Final Conc. ii, 167.
  • 31. In 1392 John son of Henry son of John de Standen and Margaret his wife obtained a messuage, &c., in Little Mitton from Henry son of John de Standen and Alice his wife, it being Alice's property; ibid. iii, 40.
  • 32. In 1499 Thomas Holden and Sibyl his wife and Lettice Nowell widow were ordered to render a messuage, &c., in Little Mitton to James Whitaker, who alleged the following pedigree: Lawrence Bailey married Alice -d. Alice -s. John -d. Alice -s. James Whitaker, plaintiff; Pal. of Lanc. Writs Proton. 14 Hen. VII. James Whitaker's parentage is indicated by a fine of 1441, by which John Whitaker and Alice his wife settled a moiety of messuages in Little Mitton and Clitheroe. It was to descend to the issue of James Whitaker by Felicia daughter of Geoffrey Grimshaw, and in default to James's brothers Christopher and Thomas, and to Alice's right heirs; Final Conc. iii, 108. In a pardon of 1479 James Whitaker is styled as of Henthorn otherwise of Padiham, showing his connexion with the High Whitakers family; Add. MS. 32108, no. 1446.
  • 33. Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. iii, no. 20.
  • 34. Lay Subs. Lancs. bdle. 130, no. 82.
  • 35. Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. vi, no. 21; held of the king as duke. A settlement was made in 1525; Pal. of Lanc. Plea R. 137, m. 2 d. From a writ of 1538 it appears that James Whitaker (then dead) was brother of Henry, and that by an earlier settlement the estate was the right of Nicholas Whitaker; Pal. of Lanc. Writs Proton. 30 Hen. VIII. James Whitaker was plaintiff in 1526–35; Ducatus Lanc. (Rec. Com.), i, 133, 153.
  • 36. Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. ix, no. 12; the ancestry of Nicholas is not stated. His wife Margaret was still living in 1585, as appears by the next inquisition.
  • 37. Ibid. xiv, no. 68; John married Elizabeth daughter of John Baskerfield.
  • 38. Towneley MS. DD, no. 430. In 1484 Thomas Holden, Sibyl his wife, John Nowell and Lettice his wife, claimed a tenement in Henthorn against James Whitaker and John Mitton; Pal. of Lanc. Plea R. 61, m. 16. Felicia was the heir of Geoffrey Grimshaw and Margaret his wife and had an estate in Little Mitton in right of her mother; Dods. MSS. cxxxix, fol. 141b. The division into moieties may therefore go back to an earlier time, Margaret being one of the heirs of the Bailey or Henthorn family.
  • 39. Roger Nowell died in 1507 holding the moiety of a moiety of two messuages, &c., in Little Mitton of the king by knight's service and 18d. rent. He had married Elizabeth, and left daughters Grace and Anne, aged six and four respectively. The other moiety of this moiety was held by Thomas Holden (who had survived his wife Sibyl), with reversion to his son James; the tenure was the same—by knight's service and 18d. rent; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. iii, no. 22. From a note by Dodsworth it appears that Grace married Richard Dodgson and left a son Roger, while Anne married John Leyburne and had a son John; Dods. MSS. xci, fol. 160. Roger Dodgson died in 1594 holding a messuage in Henthorn of the queen by the twohundredth part of a knight's fee and 9d. rent. His brother Richard had died in 1592, and the heir was Richard's son John, aged fifteen; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. xvi, no. 5, 17. James Holden in 1531 gave lands in various places, including Henthorn, to his son Thomas, who married Elizabeth daughter and heir of John Harwood; Towneley MS. DD, no. 428. These were perhaps the Holdens of Coohill in Witton; Abram, Blackburn, 760.
  • 40. Robert Shireburne in 1563 purchased a toft, &c., from Evan Holden and Agnes his wife; Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 25, m. 158. He gave land called Henthorn Ees in Little Mitton to Thomas Catterall and Margaret his wife for life; it was held of the queen by knight's service; Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. xiii, no. 10.
  • 41. Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), ii, 104; a messuage, &c. held of the king by knight's service. Roger Leigh, the son and heir, was forty-eight years old in 1618.
  • 42. Roger de Whalley, already mentioned, in 1259 secured an oxgang of land and 8s. rent in Little Mitton from Henry son of Margery and Margaret his wife. He had paid 20 marks to them; Final Conc. i, 132. John son of Richard de Morley had land in Henthorn in 1324–5; Towneley MS. DD, no. 1184. James Marsden died in 1633 holding messuages in Mitton of Richard Standish; Towneley MS. C 8, 13 (Chet. Lib.), 860. This may have been Great Mitton.
  • 43. It is so described in the charter of 1363. In the time of James I the tenants of Coldcoats claimed common of pasture and turbary in Pendleton waste, and some allowance seems to have been made to Thomas Walmesley; Lancs. and Ches. Rec. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), ii, 276–7.
  • 44. Coldcoats is called a hamlet of Little Mitton in 1537; Whalley Couch. (Chet. Soc.), iv, 1217.
  • 45. Charter in Kuerden, fol. MS. 233; quoted by Whitaker, Whalley, ii, 189.
  • 46. Ibid. 27.
  • 47. The tenth part of a knight's fee in Coldcoats, Towneley and Snodsworth was held by Henry Gedleng in 1242 as part of the dower of the Countess of Lincoln; Lancs. Inq. and Extents, i, 148, 150.
  • 48. William de Coldcoats occurs in 1258; ibid. 213; Whalley Couch. ii, 962. Hugh de Coldcotes appears also; ibid. 959. Richard son of Hugh de Coldcoats and Joan his wife in 1321 settled their messuage and lands in Great Pendleton by the agency of Robert son of Robert de la Crosse of Lathom, various remainders being given; ibid. iv, 1137; Final Conc. ii, 40. The deed is headed 'of Coldcoats.' The lordship at that time was in the Towneley heiresses; Lancs. Inq. and Extents, ii, 134. Richard de Coldcoats was tenant in 1330 (Final Conc. ii, 75), but died soon afterwards, his widow Joan being plaintiff in 1334; Assize R. 1417, m. 6; 1425, m. 6 d.
  • 49. Whitaker, op. cit. ii, 27. Inquiry was made on behalf of the king in 1362 concerning two messuages, 66 acres of land, &c., in Great Pendleton held of Gilbert de la Legh as of his manor of Towneley by knight's service and 6d. rent. It was found not to be to the king's hurt to allow the same to be alienated to Whalley; Inq. p.m. 36 Edw. III, pt. ii (2nd nos.), no. 45. Another inquiry stated that the abbot had acquired Coldcoats in 1358 without licence; Chan. Inq. p.m. 47 Edw. III, no. 43. See also Coram Rege R. 460, m. 25; Memo. R. (L.T.R.), 142, m. 5; Co. Plac. no. 30, of 48 Edw. III. Coldcoats seems to be the estate in Great Pendleton which was in 1357 granted to trustees (perhaps for the monks) by Nicholas del Bruch and Margaret his wife. Agnes daughter of John Nowell put in her claim; Final Conc. ii, 154.
  • 50. Whalley Couch. iv, 1217; the tenants were Giles Grove, William Dawson and Giles Hammond.
  • 51. Pat. 33 Hen. VIII, pt. vi. A later grant by the Crown is recorded. In 1585 to Walter Spendlow and another 46 acres in Coldcoats within Little Mitton; Pat. 27 Eliz. pt. vi. Messuages and lands in Coldcoats, Little Mitton and Henthorn were in 1591 granted to David and Katherine Smith; ibid. 33 Eliz. pt. viii.
  • 52. Anthony Watson first appears in the Court Rolls in connexion with Worston in 1538; Farrer, Clitheroe Ct. R. i, 117. He acquired lands in Pendleton in 1545; ibid. 144. He claimed exemption from tolls at Middleham in 1547; Ducatus Lanc. (Rec. Com.), i, 231.
  • 53. Duchy of Lanc. Inq. p.m. xiii, no. 36.
  • 54. Ibid. xiv, no. 28.
  • 55. Pal. of Lanc. Feet of F. bdle. 48, m. 242. The purchaser was a brother of Sir Thomas Walmesley of Dunkenhalgh.
  • 56. Lancs. Inq. p.m. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 218–23. He left a widow Isabel. His son Thomas married Elizabeth daughter and heir of Richard Grimshaw of Moor Hills in Pendle. Thomas Walmesley in 1631 compounded for having refused knighthood; Misc. (Rec. Soc. Lancs. and Ches.), i, 217.
  • 57. Dugdale, Visit. (Chet. Soc.), 326; it shows Thomas, aged sixty-three, -s. Robert -s. Thomas. Thomas Walmesley of Coldcoats married Helen Crook of Coppull at Chorley in 1686; Reg.
  • 58. Whitaker, op. cit. ii, 27.
  • 59. a There is a description of the house as it was in 1883 in the Trans. Burnley Lit. and Scient. Club, iii, 122–3.
  • 60. Lay Subs. Lancs. bdle. 250, no. 9.
  • 61. Land tax returns at Preston.