List of abbreviations

A History of the County of Huntingdon: Volume 1. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1926.

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'List of abbreviations', in A History of the County of Huntingdon: Volume 1, ed. William Page, Granville Proby, H E Norris( London, 1926), British History Online [accessed 19 October 2024].

'List of abbreviations', in A History of the County of Huntingdon: Volume 1. Edited by William Page, Granville Proby, H E Norris( London, 1926), British History Online, accessed October 19, 2024,

"List of abbreviations". A History of the County of Huntingdon: Volume 1. Ed. William Page, Granville Proby, H E Norris(London, 1926), , British History Online. Web. 19 October 2024.


Abbrev. Plac. (Rec. Com.) Abbreviatio Placitorum (Record Commission)
Acts of P.C. Acts of Privy Council
Add. Additional
Add. Chart. Additional Charters
Admir. Admiralty
Agarde Agarde's Indices
Anct. Corresp. Ancient Correspondence
Anct. D. (P.R.O.) A 2420 Ancient Deeds (PublicRecord Office) A 2420
Antiq. Antiquarian or Antiquaries
App. Appendix
Arch. Archæologia or Archæological
Arch. Cant. Archæologia Cantiana
Archd. Rec. Archdeacon's Records
Archit. Architectural
Assize R. Assize Rolls
Aud. Off. Audit Office
Aug. Off. Augmentation Office
Ayloffe Ayloffe's Calendars
Bed. Bedford
Beds. Bedfordshire
Berks. Berkshire
Bdle. Bundle
B.M. British Museum
Bodl. Lib. Bodley's Library
Boro. Borough
Brev. Reg. Brevia Regia
Brit. Britain, British, Britannia, etc.
Buck. Buckingham
Bucks Buckinghamshire
Cal. Calendar
Camb. Cambridgeshire or Cambridge
Cambr. Cambria, Cambrian, Cambrensis, etc.
Cant. Canterbury
Cap. Chapter
Carl. Carlisle
Cart. Antiq. R. Cartæ Antiquæ Rolls
C.C.C. Camb. Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
Certiorari Bdles. (Rolls Chap.) Certiorari Bundles (Rolls Chapel)
Chan. Enr. Decree R. Chancery Enrolled Decree Rolls
Chan. Proc. Chancery Proceedings
Chant. Cert. Chantry Certificates (or Certificates of Colleges and Chantries)
Chap. Ho. Chapter House
Charity Inq. Charity Inquisitions
Chart. R. 20 Hen. III. pt. i. No. 10 Charter Roll, 20 Henry III. part i. Number 10
Chartul. Chartulary
Chas. Charles
Ches. Cheshire
Chest. Chester
Ch. Gds. (Exch. K.R.). Church Goods (Exchequer King's Remembrancer)
Chich. Chichester
Chron. Chronicle, Chronica, etc.
Close Close Roll
Co. County
Colch. Colchester
Coll. Collections
Com. Commission
Com. Pleas. Common Pleas
Conf. R. Confirmation Rolls
Co. Plac. County Placita
Cornw. Cornwall
Corp. Corporation
Cott. Cotton or Cottonian
Ct. R. Court Rolls
Ct. of Wards Court of Wards
Cumb. Cumberland
Cur. Reg. Curia Regis
D. and C. Dean and Chapter
De Banc. R. De Banco Rolls
Dec. and Ord. Decrees and Orders
Dep. Keeper's Rep. Deputy Keeper's Reports
Derb. Derbyshire or Derby
Devon Devonshire
Doc. Documents
Dods. MSS. Dodsworth MSS.
Dom. Bk. Domesday Book
Dors. Dorsetshire
Duchy of Lanc. Duchy of Lancaster
Dur. Durham
East. Easter Term
Eccl. Ecclesiastical
Eccl. Com. Ecclesiastical Commission
Edw. Edward
Eliz. Elizabeth
Engl. England or English
Engl. Hist. Rev. English Historical Review
Epis. Reg. Episcopal Registers
Esch. Enr. Accts. EscheatorsEnrolled Accounts
Excerpta e Rot. Fin. (Rec. Com.) Excerpta e Rotulis Finium (Record Commission)
Exch. Dep. Exchequer Depositions
Exch. K.B. Exchequer King's Bench
Exch. K.R. Exchequer King's. Remembrancer
Exch. L.T.R. Exchequer Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer
Exch. of Pleas, Plea R. Exchequer of Pleas, Plea Roll
Exch. of Receipt Exchequer of Receipt
Exch. Spec. Com. Exchequer Special Commissions
Feet of F. Feet of Fines
Feod. Accts. (Ct. of Wards) Feodaries Accounts (Court of Wards)
Feod. Surv. (Ct. of Wards) Feodaries Surveys (Court of Wards)
Feud. Aids Feudal Aids
fol. Folio
Foreign R. Foreign Rolls
Forest Proc. Forest Proceedings
Gen. Genealogical, Genealogica, etc.
Geo. George
Glouc. Gloucestershire or Gloucester
Guild Certif. (Chan.) Ric. II. Guild Certificates (Chancery) Richard II.
Hants Hampshire
Harl. Harley or Harleian
Hen. Henry
Heref. Herefordshire or Hereford
Hertf. Hertford
Herts Hertfordshire
Hil. Hilary Term
Hist. History, Historical, Historian, Historia, etc.
Hist. MSS. Com. Historical MSS. Commission
Hosp. Hospital
Hund. R. Hundred Rolls
Hunt. Huntingdon
Hunts Huntingdonshire
Inq. a.q.d. Inquisitions ad quod damnum
Inq. p.m. Inquisitions post mortem
Inst. Institute or Institution
Invent. Inventory or Inventories
Ips. Ipswich
Itin. Itinerary
Jas. James
Journ. Journal
Lamb. Lib. Lambeth Library
Lanc. Lancashire or Lancaster
L. and P. Hen. VIII. Letters and Papers, Hen. VIII.
Lansd. Lansdowne
Ld. Rev. Rec. Land Revenue Records
Leic. Leicestershire or Leicester
Le Neve's Ind. Le Neve's Indices
Lib. Library
Lich. Lichfield
Linc. Lincolnshire or Lincoln
Lond. London
m. Membrane
Mem. Memorials
Memo. R. Memoranda Rolls
Mich. Michaelmas Term
Midd. Middlesex
Mins. Accts. Ministers' Accounts
Misc. Bks. (Exch. K.R., Exch. T.R. or Aug. Off.) Miscellaneous Book (Exchequer King's Remembrancer, Exchequer Treasury of Receipt or Augmentation Office)
Mon. Monastery, Monasticon
Monm. Monmouth
Mun. Muniments or Munimenta
Mus. Museum
N. and Q. Notes and Queries
Norf. Norfolk
Northampt. Northampton
Northants Northamptonshire
Northumb. Northumberland
Norw. Norwich
Nott. Nottinghamshire or Nottingham
N.S. New Style
Off. Office
Orig. R. Originalia Rolls
Oxf. Oxfordshire or Oxford
p. Page
Palmer's Ind. Palmer's Indices
Pal. of Chest. Palatinate of Chester
Pal. of Dur. Palatinate of Durham
Pal. of Lanc. Palatinate of Lancaster
Par. Parish, Parochial, etc.
Parl. Parliament or Parliamentary
Parl. R. Parliament Rolls
Parl. Surv. Parliamentary Surveys
Partic. for Gts. Particulars for Grants
Pat. Patent Roll or Letters Patent
P.C.C. Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Peterb. Peterborough
Phil. Philip
Pipe R. Pipe Roll
Plea R. Plea Rolls
Pope Nich. Tax. (Rec. Com.) Pope Nicholas' Taxation (Record Commission)
P.R.O. Public Record Office
Proc. Proceedings
Proc. Soc. Antiq. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries
pt. Part
Pub. Publications
R. Roll
Rec. Records
Recov. R. Recovery Rolls
Rentals and Surv. Rentals and Surveys
Rep. Report
Rev. Review
Ric. Richard
Roff. Rochester diocese
Rot. Cur. Reg. Rotuli Curiæ Regis
Rut. Rutland
Sarum Salisbury diocese
Ser. Series
Sess. R. Sessions Rolls
Shrews. Shrewsbury
Shrops Shropshire
Soc. Society
Soc. Antiq. Society of Antiquaries
Somers. Somerset
Somers. Ho. Somerset House
S.P. Dom. State Papers Domestic
Staff. Staffordshire
Star Chamb. Proc. Star Chamber Proceedings
Stat. Statute
Steph. Stephen
Subs. R. Subsidy Rolls
Suff. Suffolk
Surr. Surrey
Suss. Sussex
Surv. of Ch. Livings (Lamb.) or (Chan.) Surveys of Church Livings (Lambeth) or (Chancery)
Topog. Topography or Topographical
Trans. Transactions
Transl. Translation
Treas. Treasury or Treasurer
Trin. Trinity Term
Univ. University
Valor Eccl. (Rec. Com.) Valor Ecclesiasticus (Record Commission)
Vet. Mon. Vetusta Monumenta
V.C.H. Victoria County History
Vic. Victoria
vol. Volume
Warw. Warwickshire or Warwick
Westm. Westminster
Will. William
Wilts Wiltshire
Winton Winchester diocese
Worc. Worcestershire or Worcester
Yorks Yorkshire