Note on abbreviations

A History of the County of Essex: Volume 10, Lexden Hundred (Part) Including Dedham, Earls Colne and Wivenhoe. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 2001.

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'Note on abbreviations', in A History of the County of Essex: Volume 10, Lexden Hundred (Part) Including Dedham, Earls Colne and Wivenhoe, ed. Janet Cooper (London, 2001), British History Online [accessed 12 March 2025].

'Note on abbreviations', in A History of the County of Essex: Volume 10, Lexden Hundred (Part) Including Dedham, Earls Colne and Wivenhoe. Edited by Janet Cooper (London, 2001), British History Online, accessed March 12, 2025,

"Note on abbreviations". A History of the County of Essex: Volume 10, Lexden Hundred (Part) Including Dedham, Earls Colne and Wivenhoe. Ed. Janet Cooper (London, 2001), British History Online. Web. 12 March 2025.


Among the abbreviations and short titles used are the following:

A.-S. Anglo-Saxon
Abbrev. Plac. (Rec. Com.) Placitorum Abbreviatio, ed. W. J. Illingworth, (Record Commission, 1811)
Abbrev. Rot. Orig. (Rec. Com.) Rotulorum Originalium in Curia Scaccarii Abbreviatio, ed. H. Playford (Record Commission, 1805)
acct. account
Acts & Ords. of Interr. ed. Firth & Rait Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660, ed. C. H. Firth and R. S. Rait (H.M.S.O. 1911)
Acts of P.C. Acts of the Privy Council of England (H.M.S.O. 1890-1964)
Admin. Administrative
Agric. Agriculture/Agricultural
Agric. Hist. Rev. Agricultural History Review
Alum. Cantab. to 1751; 1752-1900 Alumni Cantabrigienses, to 1751; 1752-1900, ed. J. Venn and J. A. Venn (Cambridge, 1922-7, 1940-54)
Alum. Oxon. 1500-1714; 1715-1886 Alumni Oxonienses, 1500-1714; 1715-1886, ed. J. Foster (Oxford 1888-92)
Antiq. Antiquaries
App. Appendix
Arch. Archaeology/Archaeological
Archit. Architecture/Architectural
Axten, 'Hist. Public Transport in Colch. Area' E. G. Axten, 'A History of Public Transport in the Colchester Area', MS. in private possession; photocopy in E.R.O. Colchester
B.L British Library
Bapt. Baptist
bd. board
bdle. bundle
biog. biographical
bk. book
Bk. of Fees The Book of Fees (H.M.S.O. 1920-31)
bldg. building/buildings
bp. bishop
Bodl. Bodleian Library, Oxford
Brit. Britain/British
Burke, Land. Gent. J. Burke and others, Landed Gentry
C.A.G. Bull. Colchester Archaeological Group, Bulletin
C.J. Journals of the House of Commons (H.M.S.O.)
Cal. Calendar
Cal. Assize Rec. Essex, Eliz. I Calendar of Assize Records, Essex Indictments, Elizabeth I, ed. J. S. Cockburn (H.M.S.O. 1978)
Cal. Assize Rec. Essex, Jas. I Calendar of Assize Records, Essex Indictments, James I, ed. J. S. Cockburn (H.M.S.O. 1985)
Cal. Chancery Warrants Calendar of Chancery Warrants Preserved in the Public Record Office 1244-1326 (H.M.S.O. 1927)
Cal. Chart. R. Calendar of the Charter Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O. 1903-27)
Cal. Close Calendar of the Close Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O. 1892-1963)
Cal. Cttee. for Compounding Calendar of the Proceedings of the Committee for Compounding, etc. (H.M.S.O. 1889-92)
Cal. Cttee. for the Advance of Money Calendar of the Committee for the Advance of Money, 1642-56 (H.M.S.O. 1888)
Cal. Doc. in France Calendar of Documents preserved in France (H.M.S.O. 1899)
Cal. Fine R. Calendar of the Fine Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O. 1911-62)
Cal. Inq. Misc. Calendar of Inquisitions Miscellaneous (Chancery) preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O. 1916-68)
Cal. Inq. p.m. Calendar of Inquisitions post mortem preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O. 1904-74)
Cal. Inq. p.m. (Rec. Com.) Calendarium Inquisitionum post mortem sive escaetarum (Record Commission, 1806-28)
Cal. Inq. p.m. Hen. VII Calendar of Inquisitions post mortem, Henry VII (H.M.S.O. 1898-1955)
Cal. Lib. Calendar of the Liberate Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O. 1917-64)
Cal. Mem. R. Calendar of the Memoranda Rolls (Exchequer) preserved in the Public Record Office: Michaelmas 1326-Michaelmas 1327 (H.M.S.O. 1968)
Cal. Papal Reg. Calendar of the Papal Registers: Papal Letters (H.M.S.O. and Irish MSS. Com. 1891-1986)
Cal. Papal Pets. Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers relating to Great Britain and Ireland, Petitions to the Pope, 1342-1419 (H.M.S.O. 1896)
Cal. Pat. Calendar of the Patent Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O. 1891-1982)
Cal. S.P. Dom. Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series (H.M.S.O. 1856-1972)
Cal. Treas. Bks. Calendar of Treasury Books 1660-1718 (H.M.S.O. 1904-57)
Camd., Camd. Soc. Camden Series, Camden Society
Cart. St. John of Jerusalem The Cartulary of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem in England: Secunda Camera, Essex, ed. M. Gervers (Records of Social and Economic History, new series vi)
Cat. Catalogue
Cat. Anct. D. A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O. 1890-1915)
ch. church
Ch. Bells Essex C. Deedes and H. B. Walters, The Church Bells of Essex (1909)
Ch. Plate Essex G. M. Benton, F. W. Galpin, and W. J. Pressey, The Church Plate of Essex (1926)
Char. Charity/Charities
Char. Com. Charity Commission for England and Wales, Haymarket, London
chart. charter/charters
Chelm. Chelmsford
Chelm. Dioc. Yr. Bk. Diocese of Chelmsford, Year Book
Chron. Chronicle
chwdn. churchwarden
Close R. Close Rolls of the Reign of Henry III preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O. 1902-75)
Colch. Colchester
Colch. Cart. Cartularium Monasterii Sancti Johannis Baptiste de Colecestria, ed. S. A. Moore (Roxburghe Club, 2 vols. 1897)
Colch. Gaz. Colchester Gazette
Colch. Expr. Colchester Express
Colch. Mus. Colchester Museums, Resource Centre, 14 Ryegate Road, Colchester
Coll. College
colln. collection/collections
Colne Cart. Cartularium Prioratus de Colne, ed. J. L. Fisher (Essex Archaeological Society, 1946)
Com. Commission, Commissioners
Complete Peerage G. E. C[ockayne] and others, The Complete Peerage (2nd edn. 1910-59)
Compton Census, ed. Whiteman The Compton Census of 1676: a critical edition, ed. Anne Whiteman (British Academy, c. 1986)
Corp. Corporation
ct. court
cttee. committee
Cur. Reg. R. Curia Regis Rolls perserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O. 1922-79)
D.N.B. Dictionary of National Biography
Davids, Nonconf. in Essex T. W. Davids, Annals of Evangelical Nonconformity in Essex from the time of Wycliffe to the Restoration (1863)
Dept. of Env., Buildings List Department of the Environment, 'List of Buildings of Architectural and Historic Importance'
Dict. Dictionary
dioc. diocese/diocesan
Dir. Directory
doc. document/documents
Dugdale, Mon. W. Dugdale, Monasticon Anglicanum, ed. J. Caley and others (6 vols. 1817-30)
E.A.T. Transactions of the Essex Archaeological Society (Essex Archaeology and History from 3rd series iv, 1972)
E.C.C. Essex County Council
E.C.L. Chelm. Essex County Library, Local Studies Collection at Chelmsford Library
E.C.L. Colch. Essex County Library, Local Studies Collection at Colchester Library
E.C.S. Essex County Standard (Essex Standard 1831-92)
E.H.R. English Historical Review
E.J. Essex Journal
E.R. Essex Review
E.R.O. Essex Record Office
E.S.A.H. Essex Society for Archaeology and History (formerly Essex Archaeological Society); Library at Albert Sloman Library, University of Essex
Econ. H.R. Economic History Review
eccl. ecclesiastical
edn. edition
Educ. Education
Educ. Enq. Abstract Abstract of Answers and Returns relative to the State of Education in England, H.C. 62 (1835), xli
Educ. of Poor Digest Digest of Returns to the Select Committee on the Education of the Poor, H.C. 224 (1819), ix (1)
Ekwall, Eng. Place-Names E. Ekwall, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Placenames (4th edition, 1960)
Elem. Elementary
Eng. England/English
enq. enquiry
Essex Map (1777) J. Chapman and P. André, Map of Essex from an actual survey taken in 1772, 1773, and 1774 (1777)
Essex Tel. Essex Telegraph (1858-1908), Essex County Telegraph (1908-1951)
Essex Wills F. G. Emmison, Essex Wills, vols. i-xi (1982-2000)
Eve. Gaz. Evening Gazette
Feet of F. Essex Feet of Fines for Essex (vols. i-iv Essex Archaeological Society, 1899-1964; vols. v-vi ed. F. G. Emmison, 1991-3)
Feud. Aids Inquisitions and Assessments relating to Feudal Aids preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O. 1899-1920)
G.B. Great Britain
Gent. Mag. Gentleman's Magazine
Geol. Surv. Geological Survey
govt. government
Guildhall Guildhall Library, London
H.C. House of Commons
H.L. House of Lords
H.M.S.O. Her (His) Majesty's Stationery Office
Hist. History/Historical
Hist. Essex by Gent. A New and Complete History of Essex by a Gentleman (6 vols. 1769-72)
Hist. MSS. Com. Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts
hund. hundred
inf. information
Intro. Introduction
Inq. Non. (Rec. Com.) Nonarum Inquisitiones in Curia Scaccarii: Temp. Regis Edwardi III (Record Commission, 1807)
Jnl. Journal
L.J. Journals of the House of Lords (H.M.S.O.)
L. & P. Hen. VIII Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry VIII (H.M.S.O 1864-1932)
Lamb. Pal. Libr. Lambeth Palace Library, London
Lond. London
Lond. Gaz. London Gazette
M.I. monumental inscription
man. manor/manorial
Med. Essex Community The Medieval Essex Community: The Lay Subsidy of 1327, ed. J. C. Ward (Essex Record Office, 1983)
Min. Ministry
mins. minutes
Morant, Essex P. Morant, The History and Antiquities of Essex (2 vols. 1768)
mun. muniments
mus. museum
MS./MSS. Manuscript/Manuscripts
n.d. no date
N.M.R. English Heritage, National Monuments Record, Great Western Village, Kemble Drive, Swindon.
n.s. new series
Nat. National
Nat. Soc. Records of the National Society for Promoting Religious Education, Church of England Record Centre, Bermondsey, London
Nat. Soc., Inquiry 1846-7 Results of the Returns made to the General Inquiry made by the National Society, 1846-7 (1849)
Newcourt, Repertorium R. Newcourt, Repertorium Ecclesiasticum Parochiale Londinense (2 vols. 1710)
Nonconf. Nonconformity/Nonconformist
O.E.D. Oxford English Dictionary
O.S. Ordnance Survey
Oxf. Oxford
P.N. Elements A. H. Smith, English Place-name Elements (English Place-name Society, xxv, xxvi, 1956)
P.N. Essex P. H. Reaney, The Place-names of Essex (English Place-name Society, xii, 1935)
P.O. Dir. Essex The Post Office Directory of Essex
P.R.O. Public Record Office
P.R.S. Pipe Roll Society
par. parish
parl. parliamentary/parliament
Pat. R. Patent Rolls of the Reign of Henry III preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O. 1901-3)
Pevsner, Essex N. Pevsner, The Buildings of England, Essex (2nd edn. 1965)
Pipe R. Pipe Rolls
Poor Law Abstract, 1804 Abstract of Returns relative to the Expence and Maintenance of the Poor (printed by order of the House of Commons, 1804)
Poor Law Abstract, 1818 Abstract of Returns to Orders of the House of Commons relative to Assessments for Relief of the Poor, H.C. 82 (1818), xix
priv. print. privately printed
Proc. Proceedings
pt. part
R. Royal
R.C.H.M. Essex Royal Commission on Historical Monuments (England), An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Essex (4 vols. 1916-23)
R.O. Record Office
Rec. Records
Rec. Com. Record Commission
Red Bk. Exch. The Red Book of the Exchequer, ed. H. Hall (Rolls Series, 1896)
Reg. Baldock Registrum Radulphi Baldock, Gilberti Segrave, Ricardi Newport et Stephani Gravesend, episcoporum Londoniensium, A.D. MCCCIVMCCCXXXVIII (Canterbury & York Soc. 1911)
Reg. Regum Anglo-Norm. Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum, ed. H. W. C. Davies and others (1913-69)
Reg. Sudbury Register of Simon Sudbury, ed. R. C. Fowler and C. Jenkins (Canterbury & York Soc. 2 vols. 1927-8)
Rep. Report
32nd Rep. Com. Char. 32nd Report of the Commissioners for inquiring concerning charities, H.C. 108 (1837), xxv
Rolls Ser. Rolls Series
Rot. Chart. (Rec. Com.) Rotuli Chartarum in Turri Londinensi asservati, ed. T. D. Harvey (Record Commission, 1837)
Rot. de Dominabus (Pipe R. Soc.) Rotuli de Dominabus et Pueris et Puellis de xii Comitatibus (Pipe Roll Soc. xxxv)
Rot. de Ob. et Fin. (Rec. Com.) Rotuli de Oblatis et Finibus (Record Commission, 1835)
Rot. Hund. (Rec. Com.) Rotuli Hundredorum temp. Hen. III & Edw. I (Record Commission, 1812-18)
Rot. Litt. Claus. (Rec. Com.) Rotuli Litterarum Clausarum, 1204-27 (Record Commission, 1833-44)
Rot. Litt. Pat. (Rec. Com.) Rotuli Litterarum Patentium 1204-16 (Record Commission, 1835)
Rot. Parl. Rotuli Parliamentorum (H.M.S.O. 1783, 1832)
SMR Sites and Monuments Record (from 2000 Essex Heritage Conservation Record), held in Planning Division of Essex County Council Environmental Services Directorate
S.P.C.K. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, records at Holy Trinity Church, Marylebone Road, London
Sanders, Eng. Baronies I. J. Sanders, English Baronies: a study of their origins and descent, 1086-1327 (1960)
sch. school
Sel. Select
ser. series
Smith, Eccl. Hist. Essex H. Smith, The Ecclesiastical History of Essex under the Long Parliament and Commonwealth (c. 1931)
Suff. Suffolk
Suppl. Supplementary
TS. typescript
Tax. Eccl. (Rec. Com.) Taxatio Ecclesiastica Angliae et Walliae auctoritate P. Nicholai IV circa A.D. 1291 (Record Commission, 1802)
Trans. R.H.S. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society
uncat. uncatalogued
univ. university
V.C.H. Victoria County History
Valor Eccl. (Rec. Com.) Valor Ecclesiasticus temp. Hen. VIII auctoritate regia institutus (Record Commission, 1810-34)
visit. visitation
Visit. Essex The Visitations of Essex, 1552, 1558, 1570, 1612, and 1634, ed. W. C. Metcalfe (Harleian Society, 2 parts, 1878, 1879)
Wright, Essex T. Wright, The History and Topography of the County of Essex (2 vols. 1836)
Youngs, Admin. Units of Eng. F. A. Youngs, Guide to the Local Administrative Units of England, vol. I (Royal Historical Society, Guides and Handbooks no. 10, 1979)