List of abbreviations and records used

A History of the County of Chester: Volume 5 Part 2, the City of Chester: Culture, Buildings, Institutions. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 2005.

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J S Barrow, J D Herson, A H Lawes, P J Riden, M V J Seaborne, 'List of abbreviations and records used', in A History of the County of Chester: Volume 5 Part 2, the City of Chester: Culture, Buildings, Institutions, ed. A T Thacker, C P Lewis (London, 2005), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

J S Barrow, J D Herson, A H Lawes, P J Riden, M V J Seaborne, 'List of abbreviations and records used', in A History of the County of Chester: Volume 5 Part 2, the City of Chester: Culture, Buildings, Institutions. Edited by A T Thacker, C P Lewis (London, 2005), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

J S Barrow, J D Herson, A H Lawes, P J Riden, M V J Seaborne. "List of abbreviations and records used". A History of the County of Chester: Volume 5 Part 2, the City of Chester: Culture, Buildings, Institutions. Ed. A T Thacker, C P Lewis (London, 2005), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section


A.-S. Anglo-Saxon
Acct(s). Account(s)
Acts of P.C. Acts of the Privy Council of England (H.M.S.O.)
Add. Ch. Additional Charter(s)
Add. MS. Additional Manuscript(s)
Alum. Cantab. to 1751 Alumni Cantabrigienses, Part 1, to 1751, comp. J. Venn and J. A. Venn
Alum. Cantab. 1752–1900 Alumni Cantabrigienses, Part 2, 1752–1900, comp. J. Venn and J. A. Venn
Alum. Oxon. 1500–1714 Alumni Oxonienses, 1500–1714, ed. J. Foster
Ann. Cest. Annales Cestrienses, ed. R. C. Christie (R.S.L.C. xiv)
Ann. Rep. Annual Report
App. Appendix
Arch. Archaeology, -ical
Archit. Architecture, -al
Archives and Records, ed. Kennett Archives and Records of the City of Chester, ed. A. M. Kennett
B.L. British Library
Bk(s). Book(s)
Bldg(s). Building(s)
Blk. Prince's Reg. Register of Edward the Black Prince preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O.)
Bodl. Bodleian Library, Oxford
Boro. Borough
Brit. Britain, British
Burne, Chester Cath. R. V. H. Burne, Chester Cathedral from its Founding by Henry VIII to the Accession of Queen Victoria
Burne, Monks R. V. H. Burne, The Monks of Chester
C.A.S. Chester Archaeological Society
C.C.A.L.S. Cheshire and Chester Archives and Local Studies (formerly Cheshire Record Office), Duke Street, Chester
C.H.H. Chester History and Heritage (formerly part of Chester City Record Office), St. Michael's church, Bridge Street Row, Chester
C.J. Journals of the House of Commons
Cal. Calendar
Cal. Chart. R. Calendar of the Charter Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O.)
Cal. Ches. Ct. R. Calendar of County Court, City Court, and Eyre Rolls of Chester, 1259–97, with an Inquest of Military Service, 1288, ed. R. Stewart-Brown (Chetham Soc. n.s. lxxxiv)
Cal. Chester City Cl. Mins. 1603–42. Calendar of Chester City Council Minutes, 1603–42, ed. M. J. Groombridge (R.S.L.C. cvi)
Cal. Close Calendar of the Close Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O.)
Cal. Cttee. for Compounding Calendar of the Proceedings of the Committee for Compounding, &c., 1643–1660, preserved in the State Paper Department of Her Majesty's Public Record Office (H.M.S.O.)
Cal. Fine R. Calendar of the Fine Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O.)
Cal. Inq. Misc. Calendar of Inquisitions Miscellaneous (Chancery) preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O.)
Cal. Inq. p.m. Calendar of Inquisitions post mortem and other analagous documents preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O.)
Cal. Lib. Calendar of the Liberate Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O.)
Cal. Papal Pets. Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers relating to Great Britain and Ireland: Petitions to the Pope (H.M.S.O.)
Cal. Papal Reg. Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers relating to Great Britain and Ireland: Papal Letters (H.M.S.O. and Irish MSS. Com.)
Cal. Pat. Calendar of the Patent Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O.)
Cal. S.P. Dom. Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O.)
Cal. Treas. Bks. Calendar of Treasury Books preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O.)
Cal. Treas. Papers Calendar of Treasury Papers preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office, ed. J. Redington
Cart. Chester Abbey The Chartulary or Register of St. Werburgh's Abbey, Chester, ed. J. Tait (2 vols., Chetham Soc. n.s. lxxix, lxxxii)
cat. catalogue
Cat. Anct. D. A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O.)
Cath. Cathedral
Census printed reports of the decennial Census of Population
Cent. Century, Centuries
Ch. Charter(s) or Church
Charters of A.-N. Earls The Charters of the Anglo-Norman Earls of Chester, c. 1071–1237, ed. G. Barraclough (R.S.L.C. cxxvi)
Ches. Chamb. Accts. Accounts of the Chamberlains and other Officers of the County of Chester, 1301–60, ed. R. Stewart-Brown (R.S.L.C. lix)
Ches. Hist. Cheshire History
Ches. in Pipe R. Cheshire in the Pipe Rolls, 1158–1301, ed. R. Stewart-Brown and M. H. Mills (R.S.L.C. xcii)
Chester Chron. Chester Chronicle [newspaper]
Chester City Cl. Mins. Chester City Council Minutes [printed and bound volumes from 1896]
Chester Customs Accts. Chester Customs Accounts, 1301–1566, ed. K. P. Wilson (R.S.L.C. cxi)
Chrons. Chronicles
Cl. Council
Close R. Close Rolls of the Reign of Henry III preserved in the Public Record Office (H.M.S.O.)
Colln. Collection
Complete Peerage G. E. C[okayne] and others, The Complete Peerage (2nd edn. 1910–98)
Ct. R. Court Roll
Cttee. Committee
D.K.R. Reports of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records
D.N.B. Dictionary of National Biography
Diary of Henry Prescott The Diary of Henry Prescott, LL.B., Deputy Registrar of Chester Diocese, ed. J. Addy and P. McNiven (3 vols., R.S.L.C. cxxvii, cxxxii, cxxxiii)
Dir. Directory
Domesday Surv. Ches. Domesday Survey of Cheshire, ed. J. Tait (Chetham Soc. n.s. lxxv)
E.E.T.S. Early English Text Society
E.H.R. English Historical Review
Eccl. Ecclesiastical
Econ. H.R. Economic History Review
Eg. Egerton
Eng. England, English
f./ff. folio, -s
Fam. Family
G.E.C. Baronetage G. E. C[okayne], Complete Baronetage
Gastrell, Not. Cest. Notitia Cestriensis, or Historical Notices of the Diocese of Chester, by [Francis] Gastrell [Bishop of Chester], ed. F. R. Raines, i (Chetham Soc. [1st ser.], viii)
Gent. Mag. Gentleman's Magazine
H.C. House of Commons
H.L. House of Lords
Harl. Harleian
Harris, Chester B. E. Harris, Chester (Bartholomew City Guides, 1979)
Hemingway, Hist. Chester J. Hemingway, History of the City of Chester (2 vols., 1831)
Hewitt, Med. Ches. H. J. Hewitt, Medieval Cheshire: A Social and Economic History of Cheshire in the Reigns of the Three Edwards (Chetham Soc. n.s. lxxxviii)
Hist. History, Historical
Hist. Soc. Historical Society
Hughes, Stranger's Handbk. (1856) [1882] T. Hughes, The Stranger's Handbook to Chester ([1st edn.] 1856) [1882 edn.]
Ind. Industry, -ies, -ial
Irel. Ireland
J.C.A.S. Journal of the Chester Archaeological Society (formerly called Journal of the Chester and North Wales Architectural, Archaeological, and Historic Society, and variants)
Jnl. Journal
Johnson, 'Aspects' A. M. Johnson, 'Some Aspects of the Political, Constitutional, Social, and Economic History of the City of Chester, 1550–1662' (Oxf. Univ. D. Phil. thesis, 1971)
Jones, Ch. in Chester D. Jones, The Church in Chester, 1300—1540 (Chetham Soc. 3rd ser. vii)
King's Vale Royal The Vale-Royall of England, Or, the County Palatine of Chester Illustrated (publ. D. King, 1656; facsimile reprint 1972): [i]=[W. Smith], The Vale-Royall of England; [ii] = [W. Webb], A Description of the City and County Palatine of Chester, [iii] = [S. Lee], Chronicon Cestrense
King's Works The History of the King's Works, ed. H. M. Colvin
L. & P. Hen. VIII Letters & Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry VIII, preserved in the Public Record Office, the British Museum, and elsewhere in England (H.M.S.O.)
L.J. Journals of the House of Lords
Plan of Chester A. de Lavaux, Plan of the City and Castle of Chester [1745]
List of Clergy, 1541–2 A List of Clergy for Eleven Deaneries of the Diocese of Chester, 1541–2, ed. W. F. Irvine (R.S.L.C. xxxiii)
Lond. London
Lond. Gaz. London Gazette
Lucian, De Laude Cestrie Liber Luciani de Laude Cestrie, ed. M. V. Taylor (R.S.L.C. lxiv)
Lysons, Ches. D. and S. Lysons, Magna Britannia: Cheshire
m./mm. membrane, -s
Mins. Minutes
Morris, Chester R. H. Morris, Chester in the Plantagenet and Tudor Reigns
Morris, Siege of Chester R. H. Morris, The Siege of Chester, 1643—6, ed. P. H. Lawson [also published in J.C.A.S. xxv]
MS. Manuscript
n.s. new series
O. E.D. Oxford English Dictionary
O.S. Ordnance Survey
o.s. old series
orig. ser. original series
Ormerod, Hist. Ches. G. Ormerod, The History of the County Palatine and City of Chester, revised and enlarged edn. by T. Helsby (1882)
Oxf. Oxford
P. & G. Dir. Chester Phillipson and Golder, Directory for Chester and its Immediate Neighbourhood [various edns.]
P.N. Ches. The Place-Names of Cheshire, ed. J. McN. Dodgson (English Place-Name Society)
P.R.O. Public Record Office, Kew
Par. Parish
Parl. Parliament, -ary
pers. comm. personal comment
Pevsner, Ches. N. Pevsner and E. Hubbard, The Buildings of England: Cheshire
Proc. Proceedings
Q. Sess. Quarter Sessions
R.O. Record Office
R.S.L.C. Record Society of Lancashire and Cheshire
Rec. Ser. Record Series
Red Bk. Exch. The Red Book of the Exchequer, ed. H. Hall
REED: Chester Records of Early English Drama: Chester, ed. L. M. Clopper
Reg. Register(s)
Rep. Report
31st Rep. Com. Char. Thirty-first Report of the Commissioners Appointed to Enquire Concerning Charities, H.C. 103 (1837–8), xxiv
Rep. Com. Mun. Corp. Reports from Commission on Municipal Corporations in England and Wales, H.C. 116 (1835), xxvi
Rev. Review
rot./rott. rotulet, -s
s.n. under the name
s.v./s.vv. under the word/words
Sel. Cases in K.B. Select Cases in the Court of King's Bench, ed. G. O. Sayles (7 vols., Selden Soc.)
Sel. R. Chester City Cts. Selected Rolls of the Chester City Courts, Late 13th and Early 14th Centuries, ed. A. Hopkins (Chetham Soc. 3rd ser. ii)
ser. series
Sheaf The Cheshire Sheaf [preceded by series number, followed by volume number within the series]
Soc. Society
sqq. and following pages
T.H.S.L.C. Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire
T.L.C.A.S. Transactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society
TS. Typescript
Univ. University
V.C.H. Victoria County History
Valor Eccl. Valor Ecclesiasticus, tempore Henr. VIII (Record Commission)


Public Record Office

(since 2003 The National Archives)

C 53 Charter Rolls
C 54 Close Rolls
C 66 Patent Rolls
C 143 Inquisitions ad quod damnum
C 145 Miscellaneous Inquisitions
Palatinate of Chester
CHES 2 Exchequer of Chester: Enrolments
CHES 3 Exchequer of Chester: Various Inquisitions
CHES 11 Exchequer of Chester: Exhibits
CHES 16 Exchequer of Chester: Pleadings (Paper)
CHES 19 Sheriffs' Tourn Rolls and Files
CHES 25 Chester County Court: Indictment Rolls and Files
CHES 29 Chester County Court: Plea Rolls
CHES 31 Final Concords and Recoveries Files
CHES 38 Miscellanea
Exchequer, Treasury of the Receipt
E 36 Miscellaneous Books
Exchequer, King's Remembrancer
E 101 Accounts, Various
E 134 Depositions taken by Commission
E 210 Ancient Deeds, Series D
E 214 Modern Deeds, Series D
Exchequer, Court of Augmentations
E 301 Certificates of Colleges, Chantries, and Similar Foundations
E 315 Miscellaneous Books
E 326 Ancient Deeds, Series B
Exchequer, Trustees for Crown Lands and Fee Farm Rents
E 317 Parliamentary Surveys
Exchequer, Pipe Office
E 367 Particulars, Warrants, and Transcripts for Crown Leases
Home Office
HO 129 Ecclesiastical Census Returns, 1851
Court of Common Pleas and King's Bench
KB 26 Curia Regis Rolls (Early Plea Rolls)
Auditors of Land Revenue
LR 1 Enrolment Books
LR 3 Court Rolls and Other Manorial Documents from Crown Manors
Royal Mint
MINT 1 Record Book
Maps and Plans
MPH Maps and Plans formerly among War Office Records
MR 1 Maps and Plans extracted from Various Series of Records
Privy Council
PC 2 Registers
Prerogative Court of Canterbury
PROB 11 Will Registers
Railway Companies
RAIL 110 Cheshire Lines Committee
RAIL 114 Chester Joint Station Committee
RAIL 404 London and North Western and Great Western Joint Committee
General Register Office
RG 4 Non-Parochial Registers of Births, Marriages, and Deaths
Special Collections
SC 6 Ministers' and Receivers' Accounts
SC 12 Rentals and Surveys, Portfolios
Secretaries of State
SP 12 State Papers Domestic, Elizabeth I
SP 29 State Papers Domestic, Charles II
SP 44 State Papers Domestic, Entry Books
Legal Records Relating to Wales
WALE 29 Palatinate of Chester: Ancient Deeds, Series F
War Office
WO 55 Ordnance Office: Miscellaneous Entry Books and Papers

Cheshire and Chester Archives and Local Studies

County and Diocesan Records

Estate, Family, and Personal Papers
DBE J. H. E. Bennett (antiquary)
DCC Dr. William Cowper (antiquary)
DCH Cholmondeley of Cholmondeley
DDX Miscellaneous
DLB Lee, Bygott, and Eccleston (solicitors)
DVE Vernon of Kinderton
Diocesan Records
EDA Administration
EDB Bishop's Transcripts
EDC Consistory Court
EDD Dean and Chapter
EDE Episcopal Estates
EDP Parish Bundles
EDT Tithe
EDV Visitation
Church Commissioners
EEB Bishopric of Chester
Public Records
NVA Inland Revenue District Valuer
Parish Records
P 1 Chester Holy Trinity
P 15 Chester St. Bridget
P 16 Chester St. Martin
P 17 Chester Christ Church
P 20 Chester St. Mary
P 29 Chester St. Oswald
P 32 Backford
P 51 Chester St. John
P 63 Chester St. Peter
P 64 Chester St. Olave
P 65 Chester St. Michael
P 98 Lache cum Saltney
P 161 Hoole
P 162 Chester St. Paul
P 176 Upton by Chester
Quarter Sessions
QAB Buildings and Gaols
QAM Committee Minutes
QJB Sessions Books
QJF Sessions Files
Subject Files
SF Subject Files
Wills and Probate Records
WS Supra Series

Chester City Records

ZAB Assembly Books
ZAC Assembly Committees
ZAF Assembly Files
City Council
ZCA Boundary Reports
ZCB Council Minute Books
ZCCB Committee Minute Books
ZCCF Committee Files
ZCH Charters
ZCHB Cartularies
ZCHC Charities
ZCHD Corporation Deeds
ZCL Corporation Lawsuits
ZCLA Acts of Parliament
ZCX Council Manuscripts
Private Records
ZCR 3 St. Michael's Parish: William Jones's Almshouses
ZCR 15 Chester Deeds
ZCR 16 Chester Waterworks Co.
ZCR 24 Lowe Family (silversmiths)
ZCR 36 Blue Coat School
ZCR 55 Chester Methodist Circuit
ZCR 56 Miscellaneous
ZCR 60 Thomas Hughes (antiquary)
ZCR 62 Dr. J. C. Bridge (papers about music festivals)
ZCR 63 J. P. Earwaker (antiquary)
ZCR 78 George Street Primitive Methodist Church
ZCR 94 Chester Primitive Methodist Circuits
ZCR 102 St. John's Parish (MS. map)
ZCR 111 George Street Primitive Methodist Church
ZCR 119 Frank Simpson (antiquary)
ZCR 131 Chester and District Skin Dispensary
ZCR 137 Chester United Gas Co.
ZCR 145 Chester Literary and Philosophical Society (ZCR 145/1–14) and Water Tower Museum (ZCR 145/15–43)
ZCR 151 Queen Street Congregational Church
ZCR 158 Great Boughton Congregational Church
ZCR 163 Chester Literary and Philosophical Society
ZCR 167 Blacon Congregational Church
ZCR 193 St. Michael's Parish: William Jones's Almshouses
ZCR 222 St. Andrew's United Reformed (formerly Presbyterian) Church
ZCR 225 Hoole Congregational Church
ZCR 234 Pipers Ash Methodist Church
ZCR 238 Hamilton Street Methodist Church
ZCR 241 Cheshire County Mental Hospital
ZCR 242 Chester Football Club Ltd.
ZCR 269 Chester Infirmary (printed correspondence of Dr. Cumming)
ZCR 270 Chester Methodist Circuit
ZCR 276 United Methodist Church (formerly Methodist New Connexion)
ZCR 286 Queen Street Welsh Methodist Church
ZCR 300 Chester Waterworks Co.
ZCR 366 J. H. Taylor and Sons (boat builders)
ZCR 372 Chester Race Course Committee (printed poster)
ZCR 419 Royal Chester Rowing Club
ZCR 466 Hurleston Family
ZCR 469 Aldersey Family
ZCR 498 Deeds (house in Stanley Place)
ZCR 517 Chester Ladies Hockey Club
ZCR 536 Chester Municipal Charities
ZCR 542 Chester Mechanics' Institution
ZCR 546 Jack Douglas (personal papers)
ZCR 572 Chester Evangelical Free Church Council
ZCR 575 Blacon Townswomen's Guild History Project
ZCR 599 Owen Jones Charity
ZCR 600 Chester Municipal Charities (printed report)
ZCR 662 Hoole Baptist Church
ZCR 712 Chester Municipal Charities
ZCR 745 William Vernon and Sons Ltd. (builders and contractors)
ZCR 750 Drawers of Dee (craft guild)
ZCR 758 R. L. Astrella (photographs, 1944)
ZCR 842 Chester Sports and Leisure Association
ZCR 856 Upton Mental Hospital
Accumulations of Deeds and Papers
ZD/BC Snow Family
ZD/DNA Chester District Nursing Association
ZD/HT Henry Taylor (antiquary)
ZD/JWW Jolliffe, Wickham, and Wood (solicitors)
ZG/HS W. R. Hornby Steer (papers of Harrison family of Chester)
ZG/Mc Various
Council Departments
ZDE Education
ZDES Education: School Records
ZDF Fire Service
ZDH Health
ZDPO Police
ZDPU Publicity
ZDS Surveyor
ZDT Town Clerk
ZG Guild Records
ZHC Chester City Hospital
ZHI Chester Royal Infirmary
ZHW Countess of Chester Hospital and predecessors
ZMB Mayors' Books
ZMCP Mayors' Company Papers
ZMF Mayors' Files
ZMFR Freemen's Rolls and Registers
ZMIP Inner Pentice Files
ZML Mayors' Letters
ZMMP Mayors' Military Papers
ZMP Proclamations
ZMPM Portmote Court Minute Book
ZMR Portmote Court Rolls
ZMSR General Court Rolls (Portmote and Pentice)
ZMUB Account Books
ZMUR Account Roll
ZQCI Inquests
ZQCR Court Rolls
Quarter Sessions
ZQAG Gaol and House of Correction
ZQAR River Dee
ZQJC Commissions of the Peace
ZQRL Licensed Victuallers
ZQRP Deposited Plans
ZQSE Examinations and Depositions
Petty Sessions
ZQPA Minute Books
ZQSF Quarter Sessions Files
ZSB Sheriffs' Books
ZSBC Sheriffs' Court Books (Pentice Court)
ZSBO Sheriffs' Bonds: Officers
ZSBT Toll Books
ZSFE Execution Orders
ZSIG Gaol Indentures
ZSPR Passage Court Rolls
ZSR Pentice Court Rolls
ZCAS Assessments: Subsidies, Aids, and Taxes
ZTAB Account Books
ZTAR Account Rolls and Rentals
ZTAV Vouchers
Town Clerk
ZTCC Papers Relating to Corporation Business
Statutory and Local Authorities
ZTRB Dee Bridge Commissioners
ZTRH Hoole Urban District Council
ZTRI Police (Improvement) Commissioners
ZTRU Chester Poor Law Union
Other Records
Cowper Collectanea Devana of Dr. William
MSS. Cowper