Holt hundred: Bathele or Bale

An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 9. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1808.

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Francis Blomefield, 'Holt hundred: Bathele or Bale', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 9( London, 1808), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-hist-norfolk/vol9/pp356-358 [accessed 29 September 2024].

Francis Blomefield, 'Holt hundred: Bathele or Bale', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 9( London, 1808), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-hist-norfolk/vol9/pp356-358.

Francis Blomefield. "Holt hundred: Bathele or Bale". An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 9. (London, 1808), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-hist-norfolk/vol9/pp356-358.

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The chief lordship was in the Crown, as a beruite to the royal manor of Fakenham: in King Edward's reign a freeman held it under that King, with 2 carucates of land, 10 borderers, 2 servi, 2 carucates in demean, at the survey but one, and one carucate of the tenants, with 4 acres of meadow, and 2 socmen with 20 acres of land half a carucate and an acre of meadow, valued at 20s. and was one leuca long, and half a one broad, and paid 6½d. gelt. (fn. 1)

In the 9th of King John, Otewic de Clipesthorp, and Agnes his wife, conveyed all their lands, services, and customs of the inheritance of theirs, to Robert Burnel; and in the beginning of Henry III. the said Robert was found to be lord, being the King's demeans, and paying 10l. per ann. to Fakenham manor.

On the death of Robert Burnel his two daughters and coheirs inherited it.

Hengham's Manor.

Andrew de Hengham had one moiety in right of Amabilia his wife, one of the said daughters and coheirs; and in 1250, Henry de Hingham had a charter of free warren here and in Shropham.

Sir Roger de Fraxino, or Atte Ashe, died seized of it in the first of Edward II. as a member of Fakenham manor, performing suit of court there every 3 weeks, and by the service or payment of 100s. per ann. Lucia, his daughter and heir, married Sir Robert Baynard, son of Robt. Baynard of Whetacre, who was found to die seized of it in the 4th of Ed. III. with a capital messuage and lete; and in the 16th of the said King, Sir Edmund de Thorp was lord, in right of Joan his wife, sister and heir of Thomas, son of Sir Robert Baynard.

Thomas Thorp, Esq. a younger son of Sir Edmund, presented to the church of Bathely, as lord, in 1411; and Amicia, widow of Robert Thorp, in 1447;—united to Noion's manor.

Nugun's, or Noion's Manor.

Joan, daughter and coheir of Robert Burnell, married Richard de Nugun, who was lord in her right. On a division of the estate, Sir Ralph, his son, presented in right of this moiety to this church, in 1313, as did Sir John de Noiun, son of Sir Ralph, and Alice his wife, in 1339, by his attorney. Sir William de Wichingham presented in 1380, and Robert Norwich, and John Lynford, in 1420.

Ralph Noiun had two daughters; Helewise, married to John Norton, and Cecilia, to Ralph de Dalling.

Thomas Digby, Gent. was lord and patron in 1572, and Richard Godfrey in the 35th of Queen Elizabeth. R. Godfrey of Hindringham was lord in the 8th of James I. and had the lete, the fee being 10s. and Richard Hindringham was lord in 1669; that Godfrey sold the estate from the manor.

Isaac le Heup, Esq. was lord and patron in 1740; and on his death it came to his 2 daughters and coheirs Elizabeth and Mary.

Alan Earl of Richmond had also a little lordship, which a freeman of King Harold possessed, containing half a carucate of land, with one borderer, &c. valued at 3s. per ann. (fn. 2)

Thomas, son of Gilbert de Hindringham, in the 10th of Edward I. held in Bathele, Brunham, and Sharnton, the moiety of a fee, valued at 4 marks per ann. and paid 5s. castleguard at Richmond.

Afterwards the Wilbys were lords of it. In the reign of Henry IV. Thomas Wilby had the manor of Wilby's in this town and Field-Dalling, in the 6th of Henry VIII. and William was found to be his son and heir; as in Field-Dalling.

The tenths were 2l. 12s. Deducted 6s. 8d.

The Church is a rectory, dedicated to All-Saints. The old valor was 16 marks. Peter-pence, 6d. the present valor 10l. 13s. 4d.

The nave is covered with lead, the chancel with tiles, and has a square tower and 4 bells.


In 1303, Vincent de Norton instituted, presented by Sir Ralph de Nugun, Knt.

1323, Henry de Wodenorton, by Sir Robert Baynard.

1339, Roger de Norton, by Sir John de Noioun's attorney.

1354, Edmund or Adam de Redgrave.

1380, William Clarke, by Sir William de Wichingham.

1392, Henry Sturdy, by Sir Edmund de Thorp, hac vice.

1393, John Austin, by Sir William de Wichingham, hac vice.

1411, John Gibbs, by Thomas Thorp, hac vice.

1420, Thomas Ludham, by Robert Norwich and John Lynford.

John Savage, rector.

1447, John Kentyng, by Amicia, late wife of Robert Thorp of Brockdish.

James Armestead was rector; and John Charter, rector, succeeded him about 1600.

William Cockram, rector, compounded for first fruits in 1615.

Robert Chapman, rector, compounded in 1639.

Thomas Simpson occurs rector in 1743.

1750, Samuel Alston, by William Alston, clerk.

1758, Cuthbt. Sewell, by Elizabeth Lloyd, widow.

In this town was also a chapel dedicated to St. Botolph, in 1421. Richard Brown, gave by will, in 1510, 13s. 4d. to the repair of it.

Here was also a remarkable great oak, so large and hollow, that 10 or 12 men might stand upright in it, not far from the west end of the church.


  • 1. Terra Regis—Bathele, i lib. ho. de ii car t're. sep. x bor. tnc. ii ser. mo null. tnc. ii car. in d'nio. mo. i sep. ho'um. i car. silva ad xxx por. iiii ac. p'ti et ii soc. de xx ac. t're. dim. car. i ac. p'ti. semp. val. xx sol. et hab. i leu. in long. et dim. in lat. et vid. et obolu. in gelt.
  • 2. Terre Alani Comitis—In Bathele, i lib. ho. de dim. car. t're. Haroldi et i bord sep. dim. car. semp. val. iii sol. et tenet idem.