Happing Hundred: Ingham

An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 9. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1808.

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Francis Blomefield, 'Happing Hundred: Ingham', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 9( London, 1808), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-hist-norfolk/vol9/pp316-327 [accessed 29 September 2024].

Francis Blomefield, 'Happing Hundred: Ingham', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 9( London, 1808), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-hist-norfolk/vol9/pp316-327.

Francis Blomefield. "Happing Hundred: Ingham". An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 9. (London, 1808), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-hist-norfolk/vol9/pp316-327.

In this section


In this town, which takes its name as seated in the meadow, 4 freemen held in King Edward's time 12 acres and half a carucate, and of these the King and the Earl had the soc, and was then valued at 40s. but at the survey, when Alan Earl of Richmond was lord of this and many other tenures here, by the grant of the Conqueror, it was valued at 9l. per ann.

Edric, also, the man of Edric de Laxfeld, held in the days of King Edward, 3 carucates of land, 9 villains, 14 borderers, 4 servi, and there were 2 carucates in demean, with 2 carucates and a half of the tenants, and 24 acres of meadow, 2 runci, 6 cows, &c. and 350 sheep, with 44 goats, and 7 socmen had 35 acres, and a carucate and a half of meadow. Edric, also, the man of Edric aforesaid, held then a carucate of land, to which there belonged 3 villains, 6 borderers, with a carucate in demean, &c. and 4 acres of meadow, 7 breeding mares, 6 cows, &c. with 60 goats, and there were 16 freemen under Edric's protection only, who held a carucate and 20 acres of land, also 2 borderers, with 3 carucates. This manor of Edric, was valued at 12s. and that of the freemen at 12s. and they were in all 11 furlongs long and 7 broad, whoever may possess them, and paid 11d. q. gelt. (fn. 1)

The first tenure, or lordship abovementioned, held by the four freemen, was at the survey claimed, together with a lordship in Stalham, (as appears there,) by Robert Malet, but the Earl Alan held all the aforesaid tenure of the Conqueror in capite.

A family that took their name from this town, was very early enfeoffed thereof. Oliver de Ingham was living in 1183. John de Ingham was lord in the reign of Richard I. and in the seventh of King John, Robert de Tateshale gave 100l. to have the custody of all the lands of John de Ingham deceased, with the marriage of his heir, as freely as John held it when he died.

John de Ingham, heir of John, married Albreda, daughter and coheir of William Waleran, a great baron, in Wiltshire: she after marrid William Botterell, who gave to the King, 2 horses for the great saddle, and a Norway goshaw, for license to marry her: by her first husband, she had Oliver de Ingham, to whom she gave the manor of Codeford, in Wiltshire, in the 51st of Henry III. In the 52d of that King, he had all forfeitures in his lete, as lord of this town, and in the 54th was found heir to Albreda: and Walter de Ingham was living in the 19th of Henry III.

In the 9th of Edward I. Sir Oliver was summoned among other barons to attend the King in his expedition into Wales; he died soon after, (fn. 2) and was found to hold this manor of the Lord Tateshale by one fee, to have free warren, the assise, and was lord also of West Dean, in Wiltshire, and John was his son and heir, by Elizabeth his wife, who was living in the 20th of Edward I. In the 22d of that King he was summoned to attend the King into Gascoigne, and in the 26th into Scotland; and in the said year Alan Havell released to him (being then a knight) all right which he had in an annual payment of 2 robes and a saddle for his life, and all pensions, rents, and debts in one robe, for his Esq. and 2 robes, for 2 boys yearly, and all debts from the beginning of the world to the feast of St. Catharine, in this year; Alan surrendering to him all the writings which he had given Alan, concerning the estate which he had of John, in Ludham, Catfeld, Heyham, &c. dated at Gaunt in Flanders, on the feast of St. Catharine; witnesses, Sir John de Boutetourt, Sir Robert de Scales, Sir Walter de Gloucester, Sir Robert de Hausted, Sir Ralph de Noioun, Walter de Walcote, Adam de Catfeld, &c.

In the 34th of the said King, Sir John and Reginald, son of William de St. Martin, had a grant of the King, for livery of the manor of Steeple Langford, and the 3d part of East Greenstede manor, in Wiltshire, Sir Oliver Ingham, and William de St. Martin, had long before petitioned the King, for the same, they being the manors of John de Monmouth, son and heir of Cecilia, who was hanged about the 10th of the said reign, for killing Adam de Gilbert, a chaplain, and the King had remitted the affair to the justices in parliament, and was not determined till at this time; this I presume was part of the barony of Waleran. Sir John died in or about the 3d of Edward II. and held this lordship, valued at 18l. per ann. by one fee, of the barony of Tateshale, the manor of Waxham, by one, of the Earl of Norfolk, valued at 17l. and a manor, or messuage, with lands at Streston in Norfolk, at 4l. 6s. per ann. this last being given to his father, Sir Oliver by Roger de Evereaux, and Oliver was his son and heir, aged 40, prebably by the Lady Mercy his wife, who was returned to be Lady of this manor in the 9th of Edward II. and was living in 1316, and 1328.

In the 7th of Edward II. Oliver, son and heir of Sir John Ingham, paid 50l. relief for a moiety of the barony of Walleran, (the other moiety being in Sir Reginald de St. Martin) and in right of this he was lord of West Dean, &c. in Wiltshire: Holinshed calls him a young, lusty, valiant knight, in great esteem with King Edward. II.

Sir Oliver was also governor of Ellesmore castle, in Shropshire, and summoned to parliament in the 1st, 6th, and 14th of Edward III. and governour of Marlborough castle, and that of the Devizes, in the 14th of that King, and in the following year custos of Chester, constable of Burdeaux, in France, governour of Guilford castle; in the 17th of that King, justice of Chester, and had the King's writ directed to him, dated November 14, at Nottingham, to levy a hue and cry, and if possible to arrest Roger Mortimer, of Wygmore, the King's enemy; (fn. 3) in the 19th of the said reign, he was seneschal of Gascoign, and lord warden of the marches of Guien; he raised a great army, and recovered the county of Agnois from the French. He was also seneschal of Aquitain, in the said reign, which King Edward III. confirmed to him, with an addition of 500 marks sterling, and after, of 77 sacks of wool and a half, out of the King's wool in Hampshire, was summoned to parliament among the barons in the first year, &c. of King Edward III. and in his 3d year, had a grant in fee of all the lands which were Sir Thomas Rosceline's, attainted, and a pardon for all offences, &c.; in the same year, he appears to be lord of Daventry, in Northamptonshire; in the 5th of that King, he settled on John his son, and Catharine his wife, on their marriage, the manor of Sterston, and their heirs, who dying without issue about the 12th of that King, the said Catharine took the veil, and was a nun, and in the following year Sir John de Thorp, Knt. granted to the abbess of the nuns of Clare, in the Minories, at London, and her successours, an annuity of 20 marks out of his lands in Congham, Norfolk, and the said sum out of his lands at Combes and Helmingham, in Suffolk, as did Thomas de Martham 20 marks annuity out of his lands at Martham, Horsey, Repps and Bastwick in Norfolk, during the life of the said Catharine, then a nun in that convent.

Sir Oliver died on Thursday before the purification of the blessed Virgin, in the 17th of Edward III. and had, by the Lady Elizabeth his wife, daughter of the Lord Zouch, 2 daughters, Elizabeth and Joan.

He held this lordship by the 3d part of a fee, of the honour of Rysing. John, son of Robert de Ingham, was living about the said time, and seems to be related to Sir Oliver.

In the 14th of Edward III. Roger de Hempsted, parson of the portion of Shotford, in the church of Mendham, as trustee, conveyed to the said John, and Margaret his wife, 61 acres of land, 4 messuages, &c. in this town, Stalham and Bramsted, on whom they were settled in tail.

Elizabeth, the eldest daughter of Sir Oliver, died before him, and left, by Sir John de Curson her husband, Mary, a daughter, and heiress to her grandfather, aged at his death, 9 years. And in the 18th of Edward III. she had a moiety of the manor of West Dene, in Wiltshire, and all other the manors, &c. of her grandfather; the King granted the marriage of her to John de Cobham, his valet, and she married Stephen de Tumby, and dying s. p. in the 23d of the said King, Joan her aunt, came to her inheritance; and in the 18th of that King, Roger le Strange and Joan his wife, held a moiety.

Joan, the youngest daughter, married first, Lord Roger le Strange of Knockyn, and, after, Sir Miles Stapleton, Knt. of the Garter.

In the great Roll of the pipe, of the 28th of Edward III. under ths title of Norfolk, it is said that Joan, the wife of Roger le Strange, aunt and heir of Mary, who was the wife, deceased, of Stephen de Tumby, ought to answer for her relief of all the lands held by the said Mary her cousin, in capite, but ought not to be summoned by the King's writ, the King considering the good services done to him, as well by Sir Oliver de Ingham whilst he lived, as by Sir Miles Stapleton, who married the said Joan, and for that the said Sir Miles and Joan, released the King of all debts which he owed Sir Oliver, who pardoned Sir Miles and his wife, for all debts and accounts which Sir Oliver owed to him at his death, or owing by Sir Miles and Joan, of wool, silver vessels, sums of moneys, or money impressed to them from the wardrobe, the King's chamber, or otherwise, and all arrearges of accounts whatsoever: also the two marks that they owed for the aid granted in the 20th of his reign, on the making his eldest son a knight, for 2 parts of a fee in Hampworth in Berkshire.

Sir Miles was son of Sir Gilbert Stapleton, Knt. by Maud his wife, daughter and coheir of Sir Brian Fitz-Alan, a great baron, lord of Bedal in Yorkshire, who bore or and gules, barry of eight, in whose right he and his posterity were lords of Bedal, as is here set forth.

Stapleton's Pedigree.

(a) Sir Miles had license to found a chantry for one priest in the church of North Morton in Berkshire, in the 23d of Edward III. May 14, and to settle 22 acres of land on it.

In the 14th of that King, he and Joan his wife settled by fine, the manor of Ingham and the advowson on themselves in tail, remainder to John, son of Sir Miles, by his first lady, Isolda, which John seems to have died s. p.

In the 26th of that reign, he and his lady granted to Sir Edmund Thorp, their right in a messuage in Nether Conesford-street in Norwich, and their right in the advowson of the church of Fresingfeld in Suffolk, on St. John Baptist's day. His seal was argent, a lion rampant. sable; his lady's seal was the arms of Le Strange, two lions passant, impaling Ingham, and on the edge or verge of this shield, were three coats or shields in a triangle, checque, on a fess, three crescents; and by the same deed Sir Edmund had power to take down and carry away the building about the moat in the manor of Horham in Suffolk.

In the 28th of that King it appears that he was lord of Cotherstone and Askham in Yorkshire; was Knight of the Garter, one of the founders, and in the wars of France with King Edward III. from his 16th to the 38th year of his reign, and died in the said year, on Wednesday befor the feast of St. Nicholas; and the custody of his lands was granted on February 21, ao. 39, to the Queen, who, on May 12 following, granted them to Sir Brian Stapleton and Sir Roger de Bois.

At this time were living Sir Brian Stapleton of Hathesey, and Sir Brian Stapleton of Carleton, (as I take it,) in Yorkshire, both relations of the aforesaid Sir Miles; Sir Brian, probably, being his brother, famous for military services, being governor of Calais in the reign of King Edward II. and a commissioner to treat of a peace between that King and the King of France.

(b) Sir Miles Stapleton and the Lady Joan convey in the 32d of Edward III. the lordship of Horbling in Lincolnshire, which she held in jointure to Sir Alexander Aunsel.

Sir Miles died in the 5th of Henry V. lord of Waxham, Horsey, Thursk in Yorkshire, and Weybread in Suffolk: his badge was an owl with wings expanded, and crowned.

(c) Sir Brian Stapleton, son of Sir Miles and Ela his wife, daughter of Sir Edmund Ufford, by Eva his wife, daughter of Sir John Pierpoint, in the 3d of Henry VI. granted to feoffees all his right in the manor of Baynton Westhall, in Yorkshire, late his brother Edmund's, (which Edm. died in 1417,) sheriff of Norfolk in 1424, aged 40 at his father's death; by his testament, dated April 5, 1438, and proved on August 5, he orders a priest to sing for him and Cecilia his wife, in the chapel of his son, where he keepeth his household; (fn. 4) gives to Brian Stapleton, his younger son, and Isabel his wife, 20l. per ann. to be paid by Miles his son and heir, out of the manor of Cotherston in Yorkshire; money to the repairs of several churches; legac es to the friars of the 4 orders at Nowich.

His will is dated May 4, in the said year, whereby he gives to Miles his son, all his household stuff, &c. at Ingham, with all his swans, and cygnets of the new and old mark: he had a daughter Ann, married to Thomas Heath, Esq. of Hengrave in Suffolk.

Sir Miles died lord of Codeford, and Longford in Wiltshire, Bekar, in Lincolnshire, and Stow Qui in Cambridgeshire.

(d) Sir Miles was son of Sir Brian Stapleton; in 1428 he was a commissioner to look after the beacons of Norfolk; in 1457 conveyed the manor of South Cove in Suffolk, to William Calthorp, Esq. who married Elizabeth his daughter, which lordship he bought of Ralph Estley, Esq. and Julian his wife; and in the first of Edward IV. that of Kessingland in Suffolk, on his brother Brian, and was knight of the shire in parliament in the 28th of Henry VI. and at his death, September 30, 1466, left 2 daughters and coheirs, by Catharine, his 2d wife, Elizabeth and Joan: by his last will, he devised all his goods, chattels, and moveables, to be dispensed to pious uses, and all his manors to his feoffees, Thomas Betts, Humphrey Forster, John Heydon, John Fyncham, &c. for 4 years, to raise money for almes-deeds, for his soul's health; and by his testament in 1444, wherein he styles himself Miles Stapleton, Esq. of Ingham, he gives legacies to this priory, this church, and that of Waxham, to the Friars-preachers of Yarmouth, and Norwich, &c. appoints the Lady Catharine, his wife, Lady Ela Brewes, John Fastolf, Edmund Clere of Stokesby, Esq. Symon Gunnore, &c. executors; Thomas Bishop of Norwich, and William Earl of Suffolk, supervisors: proved December 21, 1466, by William Pykenham, LL. D. commissary of Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury, having bona notabilia; he died seized of this lordship, and those of Horsey, Waxham, Lammas, and Sterston in Norfolk; Weybread in Suffolk; Bedal, Cotherston, and Askham, Brian in Yorkshire.

Catharine, his widow, remarried Sir Richard Harcourt of Ellenhale in Staffordshire; and, on January 2, in the 7th of Edward IV. Sir Richard, and Dame Catharine his wife, received of Sir William Calthorp of Burnham Thorp, 80l. sterling in full for the farm of the manor of Ingham, for 2 years, due at St. Michaelmas last past.

Sir Rich. was father of Chris. Harcourt, Esq. by Edith his first wife, who married Joane, the youngest daughter and coheir of Sir Miles Stapleton; (fn. 5) but having interest in this lordship, I return to Sir William Calthorp, and Elizabeth his wife, the eldest daughter and coheir, who, on the death of Sir William, married Sir John Fortescue, lord chief justice of England, who was living here with his lady, Elizabeth, in the 22d of Henry VII. in great hospitality, as appears from his steward's account, John Glavyn, whose fee was 13s. 4d. per ann.

His expenses for 100 salt fish, called ling, were 61s.;—for 200 salt fish, 66s 8d.;—8 cades of red herrings, 28s.;—8 barrels of white herrings, 53s. 4d.;—malting of barley, charged at 6d. per quarter, and the carriage of it to Sir John's city-house, at Norwich, was at 2d. per quarter from Ingham (this was the house of the late Sir William Calthorp's, in St. Martin's, by the palace.);—Paid for a mare to ride to London, 20d.;—for grinding a quarter of wheat, 3d.;—wheat then 4s. 8d. per quarter.—To a chandler for making candels, 4d. a day;— paid tithe of Sir John's garden, 2s. 6d.

On the death of Sir John she married to Sir Edward Howard, lord admiral, and brother to the Duke of Norfolk, rather before Fortescue; Sir Edward was her husband in 17th of Henry VII.; she died in the last year of the said King.

Sir Francis Calthorp, son of Elizabeth, daughter and coheir of Sir Miles, and 2d wife of Sir William Calthorp, inherited this lordship, which Sir William died in 1494, and was buried in the priory of Carmes at Norwich, by his wife. Sir Francis had 2 wives, the first was Elizabeth, daughter of John Windham of Crownthorp, by whom he had no issue; his 2d wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Ralph Berney, Esq. of Gunton, in Norfolk, by whom he had William Calthorp, Esq. &c.

Calthorp's Pedigree.

William Calthorp, Esq. sold it to Sir Thomas Woodhouse of Waxham; Sir William Woodhouse possessed it after Sir Thomas his brother; and Sir Henry, son of Sir William, sold it to Sir Nicholas Bacon in 1583.

After this it came to the Johnsons; William Johnson of Catton in Norfolk, Gent. by his last will, dated August 9, 1636, gave it to his son, William Johnson, which will was proved in 1641: he was son of William Johnson Esq. alderman of Norwich, and married Hester, daughter of Francis Smalpiece, Esq. alderman and mayor of Norwich.

William Johnson, and Mary his wife, were living in 1658, and he was lord likewise.

The abbot of Holm had an interest herein in the time of the Con fessor, 30 acres of land, and half a carucate, and an acre of meadow, valued at 6s. 8d.; (fn. 6) and the abbot had a lordship in the 3d of Henry IV. On the exchange of lands with King Henry VIII. and the Bishop of Norwich, this was granted to that see, and is now held by the Bishop with the priory grange, &c.

The tenths were 3l. 14s. Deducted 14s.

The Church is dedicated to the Holy Trinity; it was anciently a rectory, valued at 26 marks in the reign of Edward I. when the rector had a manse, and 30 acres of land, and paid Peter-pence, 12d.

The abbot of St. Bennet had a portion of tithe valued at one mark.


Reginald le Gross occurs rector in the 14th of Edward I.

1302, Fulk de Kerdeston, instituted, presented by Sir John Ingham.

1349, William de Bruggs, by Sir Roger Straunge.

1360, John de Baynton, by Sir Miles Stapleton of Bedale.

On June 12, in the said year, Thomas Percy Bishop of Norwich (on the petition of Sir Miles Stapilton, lord of the town, and patron of the church, who had rebuilt it, and founded a college of the religious order of the Holy Trinity and St. Victor, for the redemption of captives, and enlarged it with its church, and a tower for bells appropriated it thereto, Robert Marleburgh being appointed the first prior, and John Pevesey sacrist, who was to have the cure of the parishioners, with ordinances and statutes, a pension being reserved of 10s. per ann. to the Bishop: it consisted of a prior, sacrist, and 6 canons.

At its dissolution it was granted to Sir William Woodhouse of Waxham; and Bishop Rugg aliened the priory of Hickling, with revenues belonging to his see in Horsey, Palling, &c. and their appropriated rectories, for Ingham priory grange, lands, and rectory, and the rectory of Walcote, to Sir Thomas Woodhouse.

It was valued at 61l. 9s. 7d. ob. q. as Dugdale; at 74l. 2s. 7d. ob. as Speed.

The church is served by a stipendiary curate, nominated by the Bishop. In 1603 here were 140 communicants.

At the west end of the steeple are the arms of Stapleton, impaling de la Pole, and those of Ingham; and there are 5 bells; part of the church is leaded, and part tiled, the chancel leaded; over the south porch is a room, and in the south isle is the chapel of St. Mary.

It consists of a nave, a north and south isle, all formerly covered with lead, and the tower is beautiful.

In the chancel or choir lie many gravestones curiously ornamented, formerly for the family of Stapleton, &c. but have suffered much through length of time, and for want of the chancel's being well covered.

Under an arch on the north side, lies the effigies of Sir Oliver Ingham, in complete armour, on a mattress, with his gilt spurs, and a garter on his leg, as knight of that order, beholding (as Weaver says (fn. 7) ) the sun, moon and stars, all very lively set forth in metal; at his feet a lion couchant, his helmet supported by 2 angels; his arms, per pale, or and vert, a cross moline, gules; crest, an owl with wings expanded, and crowned; also 24 mourners about his monument, and on the side of it,

Mounsier Olvier de Ingham gist icy, et Dame Elizabeth, sa compagne, que luy Dieux de les almes eit mercy.

On the pavement of the chancel a pourtraiture of a knight in complete armour, and his lady on the right hand, in brass; round the grave-stone,

Priez pour les almes Monseur Miles de Stapleton, et dame Johanne, sa femme, fille de Monseur Olvier de Ingham, fondeurs de ceste mayson, que Dieu de leur almes eit pitee.

On it the arms of Stapleton, and of Ingham.

On a grave-stone, the pourtraitures in brass of a knight in armour and his lady, with this epitaph,

Icy gist Monseur Miles de Stapleton fils al foundeur de ceste Meson, et dame Ela sa compagne, auxi Dieu de leurs olmes et mercy.

On it remains the arms of Stapleton, impaling Ufford, sable, a cross ingrailed or, a fillet over all, argent.

On another, a knight and his lady, as before,

Hic jacet Dn's Brianus Stapleton, fil D'ni Milonis Stapleton, filij fundatoris qui obt. 29 die mensis Augusti, anno quadringentesimo, - - - - - - - - - -, et D'na Cecilia, filia D'ni. Bardolf, uxor ejusd. D'ni. Briani qui obt. 29°. die Septembris Ao D'ni 1432, quor. a'iab; p' pitietur Deus.

On it remains Stapleton, impaling Ufford as above—Lord Bardolf, azure, three cinquefoils, pierced, or, impaling barry of six a bend over all, Lord Poynings, as I take it—Stapleton, impaling Bardolf.

On a like stone, the pourtraiture of a knight and his two wives:

Orate p. a'ia D'ni Milonis Stapleton, militis, filij D'ni Briani Stapleton, filij D'ni Milonis Stapleton, filii D'ni Milonis Stapleton, mil. fundatoris ecclie hujus qui obt. 1, die Octob. Ao. D'ni 1466, et p. a'i'ab; D'ne Catherine, filie D'ni Thomœ Poole, fil. Michaelis nup. comitis Suff. et Eliz. filie D'ni Simonis Felbrigg, mil. consortium primi p'missi D'ni Milonis.

On it were Stapleton, impaling Delapole, azure, on a fess, between three leopards faces, or, a mullet, sable—Stapleton, impaling, or, a lion salient, gules, Felbrig—Stapleton and Ufford,—Stapleton and Bardolf.

On a gravestone, with the portraiture of a lady in brass,

Icy gist Jone, jadis femme a Mounseur John Plays, fille a Mounseur Miles de Stapleton que amourout le second jour de Septemb. l'an de grace n're S. Jesu Cryst, mil. trecent. huictante cinq. de quel alme Dieu eit mercy.

On this were the arms of Plays, per pale, or and gules, a lion passant, in fess, argent, impaling two bends,- - - - - -, the rest reaved.

On another, a lady in brass, the epitaph reaved, with the arms of Ufford, as above impaling, - - - - -, azure, a chief, checque, or and gules, Perpoint: also Stapleton, impaling Ufford; this shows it to be in memory of the Lady Ela, daughter of Sir Edmund Ufford, &c.

On another, with a brass plate,

Hic jacet D'ns Rogerus Boys miles cuj. obitus fuit 25 die mensis Febr. Ao. D'ni. 1421: at the entrance of the choir, also, John Boys, Esq.

Also on one,

Hic jacet venerabilis Edmund. Stapleton, armiger, quonda' camerarius serenissimi principis Johs. Ducis Norf. et filius Milonis Stapleton fil. fundator. hujus domus, qui obt. 1462, et D'na Matilda, consors ejus. uxor quondam, Hugonis Fastolf. mil. que obt. Ao. 1435.

On this remained Stapleton, impaling Ufford—quarterly, argent, four bends, gules, in the 1st and 4th Talbot, in the 2d and 3d Clifton.

Also one with a brass plate,

Preces fundite p' a'ia Dne Elizabethe Calthorp, nup. D'ni Francisci Calthorp, consortis, que obt. 1536, July 23; with the arms of Calthorp, impaled between his two wives, Windham, and Berney; this being in memory of his first wife.

At the east of the church, just by the rood loft, is a tomb raised, on which was the effigies of a knight in complete armour of alabaster; under his head was the head and body of a Saracen, coupè; at his feet an hound, and this inscription about it,

Monsieur Roger de Boys gist icy, et Dame Margarete sa femme. auxi vous. qui passer icy priez Dieu de leur almes eit mercy. Elle morout l'an n'tre Seigneur mill. trecent et quinisieme et il morout l'an de dit nostre Seignieur, 1300.

On the tomb were these arms, argent, two bars, and a canton, gules; over all a fillet, sable, Boys—Argent, a bend ingrailed azure, and a chief, gules—Cromwell, impaling, Bois—Bois, impaling, azure, three cranes, or, beaked, &c. gules, Boys, impaling Stapleton;—Boys, impaling Gimmingham, argent, three mascles between two bendlets, sable— - - - - -, quarterly, (fn. 8) or and sable, a bend, gules, impaling Gimmingham, argent, three greyhounds currant, in pale sable, collared, or—Whigmore, impaling Boys.

John Bradle, Esq. buried by the north door of the church, 1431.

In the body of the church a grave-stone, and a knight and his lady, the arms reaved.

Hic miles gratus, Thomas Saukvile vocatus, Ponitur et digna sibi conjux Anna benigna; Augusti pr. idus, M. C. quater, L. q. secundo, Hunc Christus Dominus fecit valedicere mundo.

Hec cum Clementer uit anno post venirente Illorum funus absolvat trinus et unus.

Also one,

In memory of William Johnson, Esq; lord of the manor of Ingham, only son and heir of William Johnson, Esq; citizen and alderman of Norwich, he took to wife, Hester, eldest daughter of Franc. Smalpiece, Esq; citizen, alderman, and mayor of the said city, by whom he had 3 sons, and 10 daughters, whereof survived 2 sons, and 7 daughters, viz. William, and Robert; and Ann, who married Robert Fitchbourn, Esq; of London; Hester, Mary, Frances, Rose, Elizabeth, and Sarah; he departed this life, Jan. 2, 1640, œtat. 41.

John de Saxham was buried in the chapel of St. Mary, of this church in 1384; he gave the manor of West-hall, in Cley, by Swaffham, an I the patronage of the church of All-Saints, to this priory, and the convent was to find a chaplain in their convent, to pray for him, and his ancestors and successours.

A grave-stone, in the middle isle,

In memory of William Johnson, Esq; and Hester his wife, he died Janu 2, 1640, aged 41: with the arms of Johnson,—gules, on a saltire, argent, three crosses moline, of the first impaling, sable, a chevron ingrailed, between three cinquefoils, argent, Smalpiece.

The Priory, or College Manor

Of Ingham, was founded by Sir Miles Stapleton, and the Lady Joan his wife, daughter and coheir of Sir Oliver de Ingham, in the 34th of King Edward III. dedicated to St. Mary and the Holy Trinity, for redemption of captives taken by the Turks, (an order of friars, called Mattarins and Trinitarians founded by John de Matta, and Felix de Valois, in 1200,) confirmed by Pope Innocent III. who gave them leave to wear white robes, with a cross, red and blue, on their breasts, appointing all their possessions to be divided into three parts,—one part for their own subsistence, another for the relief of the poor, and the 3d for the redemption of captives, according to the rule of St. Victor; this house is said to have been the chief of this order, that is in respect of value. I meet with but 3 others in England; Thelesford in Warwickshire, Mottinden in Kent; and Knaresburgh in Yorkshire, all founded before this of Ingham.—Brother Richard of the house of Mottinden was provincial of the order in England.

All their churches were dedicated to the Trinity.

This priory to consist of a prior, minister, or custos, who had the care of the college, a sacrist, who had care of the parishioners, and to officiate for them; the church appropriated to the college. Richard Marleburgh was the first prior, and John de Pevesey the first sacrist, and there were 4 more brethren. They were to officiate and pray for the souls of King Edward III. Sir Miles Stapleton, and the Lady Joan, the founders; Sir Briant Stapleton, and the Lady Alice his wife, Sir Miles Stapleton de Hathesey, in Yorkshire; John de Boys, and Roger de Boys, his brother, Mr. Laur. de Thornhill, clerk William de Hemelesey, and Catharine his wife, and Reginald de Eccles, then living, and for the souls of Sir Gilbert de Stapleton, and the Lady Agnes, father and mother of Sir Miles, the founder, Sir Oliver de Ingham and the Lady Elizabeth; Sir Nicholas de Stapleton, and the Lady Catharine Boys, deceased; and on the 2d of July, in the aforesaid year, 1360, Thomas Bishop of Norwich appropriated to them this church; but at this time there appears to have been but a custos, and 2 chaplains or brethren.

In the 36th of the said King, they had a patent to enlarge their house; Sir Roger Boys, in the 2d of Richard II. &c. aliened a messuage, 84 acres of land, 2 of meadow, and one of pasture, in Worsted and Scothow.

John de Saxham, by his will in 1384, gives his lordship of CockleyCley, in Norfolk, with the advowson of the church of All-Saints, and lands and tenements in Treston, and Saxham Parva, and in the 16th of Richard II. Thomas Moor, &c. aliened the said manor, of Cley, with 8 messuages, 221 acres of land, 22 of meadow, 4 of moor, and the rent of 11s. 11d. in Ingham, Walcote, Worstede, Hickling, Catfield, Horsey, and the church of Walcote, and lands in Beacham Well, and Barton.

In the 2d of Henry IV. a patent was granted for lands in this town, Stalham, Walcote, and in the following year, for the church of Walcote.

Elizabeth Atte Fenn, and John de Northgate, gave lands in Westwick, and Worstede, and Robert Stutvile, capellane, left them by will, 6l. in 1481. Robert Smith, of Cley, gave 12 acres and an half to keep a mind-day for the souls of his father, mother, and himself and wife, on the vigil of St. Peter ad vincula, in the church of Cley St. Peter's, by Swaffham.

In the 27th of Henry VIII. 17l. per ann. was paid by Edward Garrard, to the prior for their lands in Ingham, Hickling, Stalham, Sutton, &c. the services and rents of Stalham-hall, &c. being excepted, and 20 comb of wheat, yearly by the tenant, who farmed their grange here, and the prior paid, 3d. per ann. to the sheriffs turn, 5s. 4d. to Sir Thomas Tindale's manor, and 13s. 4d. to the bailiff of Ingham manor, for their grange.—Their cloister joined to the north side of the church.


Richard Marleburgh was appointed the first prior, 1360, and was living in 1373; and John de Pevesey was sacrist.

1383, John de Trowes, admitted prior.

1429, Thomas Neteshead.

John Blakeney, occurs prior, 1439.

John Norwich in 1447.

1476, Thomas Ranworth.

Thomas Catfield, alias Godrede, occurs 1492, and in 1520.

John Say in 1534, and the last prior. He with Robert Barham, and four other brethren, subscribed to the Pope's supremacy August 5, 1534, and the prior with Christopher Brumstede, were found by the commissioners guilty of incontinency.

The seal of the priory was oblong, of red wax, the impress was the figure of the Trinity in an arch, under that a lion rampant, the arms of the founder.


  • 1. Terre Alani Comitis.—In Hincham, iiii lib. hoes xii ac. Rex et Com. soca. semp. dim. car. totu hoc val. T. R. E. xl sol. et p. simil. mo. viiii lib. — In eade tenuit Edric. ho' Edrici de Laxefelda, T.R.E. iii car. tre. semp. ix vill. et xiiii bord. tnc. iiii ser. mo. ii sep. ii car. in d'nio. tnc. ii car. et dim. hom. mo. ii silva lx por. xxiiii ac pti. tnc. ii r. mo. i et vi an. et vii por. et ccclov. et xliiii cap. et vii soc. xxxv ac. sep i car. et dim. ac. pti.-Hincham ten. Edric. ho. E. de Laxefelda, i car. tre. tnc. iii vill. p' et mo. ii sep. vi bor. et i car. in d'nio. silva vi porc. et iiii ac. pti et vii eque salvatice. et vi an. et xii porc. et lx cap. et xvi lib. ho's com'datione, tantu' i car. tre et xx ac. sep. ii bord. et iii car. tnc. val. maner. xii sol. et lib. hoes. xii sol. et mo. similit. et ht. xi qr. in long. et vii in lat. quicq; ibi teneat, et xid. et i ferding de gelt.
  • 2. Sir Oliver buried in 1291, in the priory of the Carmes at Norwich.
  • 3. Smollet says that this Sir Oliver was one of the chief partizans and councellors of Earl Mortimer, and taken prisoner at Nottingham, and sent to the Tower, when Mortimer was taken; but this must be a great mistake.—Smollet's Hist. Ao. 1330.
  • 4. Reg. Doke, Norw. fol. 53.
  • 5. Joan, after the death of Christopher Harcourt, married Sir John Hudleston of Millum castle in Cumberland, and occurs his wife in the 4th of Henry VII.
  • 6. Terra S'ci. Benedicti de Hulmo— In Hinchham xxx ac. t're. tenet. sep. S'ci. b. sep. dim. car. et i ac. p'ti val. vi sol. et viiid.
  • 7. Fun. Monuments, p. 817.
  • 8. Likely Fastolf impaling Gimmingham.