Eynford Hundred: Kerdeston or Cardeston, cum Reepham

An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 8. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1808.

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Francis Blomefield, 'Eynford Hundred: Kerdeston or Cardeston, cum Reepham', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 8( London, 1808), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-hist-norfolk/vol8/pp241-244 [accessed 28 September 2024].

Francis Blomefield, 'Eynford Hundred: Kerdeston or Cardeston, cum Reepham', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 8( London, 1808), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-hist-norfolk/vol8/pp241-244.

Francis Blomefield. "Eynford Hundred: Kerdeston or Cardeston, cum Reepham". An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 8. (London, 1808), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-hist-norfolk/vol8/pp241-244.

In this section


Burgolion's Manor.

William Earl Warren had a lordship here, of which Godwina freeman, was deprived, (this was Earl Goodwin father of King Harold,) on whose death the Conqueror seized it, and Ralph held it at the survey, under the Earl Warren; it consisted of 2 carucates of land with 16 villains, 20 borderers, and 2 servi, 2 carucates in demean, 3 carucates among the tenants, and 8 acres of meadow, paunage for 40 swine, 2 runci, 4 cows, &c. 60 sheep, 24 goats, and a moiety of a church endowed with 7 acres. One socman had 5 acres of land, and a freeman 30 and an half, and a priest 7 acres; among these there was one carucate valued at 5l. and one freeman was added to this manor, in the time of William the Conqueror, with 45 acres of land, and 6 borderers; there were always among them and the tenants, a carucate and half, and an acre and an half of meadow, a fourth part of a mill, valued at 20s. the whole is by an exchange of two manors at Lewes; this lordship was one leuca long, and half a one in breadth, and paid 15d. gelt whoever possessed it. (fn. 1)

This lordship was held by the family of Burgulion; William de Burgulion died lord in the 3d of Edward I. Of this family see in Snoring Magna. On the death of Sir Hugh le Burgulion, about the 23d of Edward III. Sir Ralph Shelton of Shelton in Norfolk was found his cousin and heir, and John, son and heir of Sir John Shelton, who died December 21, in the 31st of Henry VIII. had livery of it.

Catherine, widow of Edmund Lomner, Esq. had her first court in the 5th and 6th of Philip and Mary.

It was after in the Pastons, and William Earl of Yarmouth was lord.

Calthorp's Manor.

Sir William de Calthorp, and Ela his wife, had land conveyed to them in the 15th of Edward I. by William de Kerdeston, and held a lordship here; in the 3d of Henry IV. Sir William Calthorp was found to hold the 3d part of a fee of Sir Ralph Shelton, and he of the dutchy of Lancaster; from the Calthorps it came by marriage to the Parkers.

Robert Geare, of Baugh in Yorkshire, Gent. and Thomas Corbet of London, Gent. were lords of Kerdeston-Repham manor, in the 12th of James I. and Edward Hayward, Esq. son of Richard Hayward of Kerdeston, was lord in the 24th of Charles I. and succeeded by William his brother: his 2 sons, Francis and Daniel, died s. p. and Rebecca, their sister and coheir, married Francis Anyson, attorney, of Norwich, and lord; Elizabeth her sister married Daniel Westhall.

Anyson left three daughters and coheirs; Hannah, wife of Thomas St. John of Tudenham, Gent. — Sarah, unmarried in 1698, and Rebecca, wife of — Nawle, attorney, of Norwich.

Kerdeston Manor.

Another lordship in this town was in Ralph Lord Bainard; of this, Tord, a freeman, was deprived at the conquest, and Jeffrey Bainard held it under Ralph at the survey; 2 carucates of land belonged to it, 30 villains and 14 borderers, with 2 servi; there were 2 carucates in demean, 4 among the tenants, and 5 acres of meadow, &c. 50 sheep, 60 goats, 2 skeps of bees, and 3 socmen, &c. had 25 acres of land, &c. valued at 4l. and 5s.; to this manor there belonged tenants in Refham, and are valued there. (fn. 2)

The family of Kerdeston was early enfeoffed of this lordship; (fn. 3) Rose de Kerdeston held it by one fee and an half of the barony of Bainard, and William de Kerdeston in the 26th of Henry III. in the 43d of Henry III. John de Eschalers, and Alice his wife, conveyed by fine to Fulk de Kerdeston, one carucate of land here, and in Refham.

John de Kerdeston was living in King Henry the Third's reign; and in the 15th of Edward I. William de Kerdeston claimed free warren in his demean lands. Roger de Kerdeston died in the 11th of Edward III. and William was found to be his son and heir, aged 30; he was a knight, and died about the 35th of Edward III. and William was his son and heir, by Joan de Brews, (daughter of Edmund Bacon, Esq.) his first wife, by Margery he had a daughter Maud, who was the wife of John Burgherst, father of Sir John Burgherst, lord of Ewelme in Oxfordshire.

In the 3d of Henry IV. Sir Leonard de Kerdeston held half a fee of the barony of Baynard, and 2 parts of the 3d part of a fee of William de Clopton, of the dutchy of Lancaster.

Sir Thomas Kerdeston, lord, and Elizabeth his wife, were living in the 4th and in the 14th of Henry VI. when William de la Pole Earl of Suffolk, and Alice his wife, daughter and heir of Thomas Chaucer, Esq. son of the famous poet of that age, (and late relict of Sir John Phelip,) released to Sir Thomas, all their right in this manor, (formerly Sir William Kerdeston's, son and heir of Sir Roger;) it is to be observed, that Chaucer married Maud, daughter and coheir of Sir John Burgherst abovementioned. Sir Thomas gave 300 marks to the Augustine friars of Norwich, to find three of their friars to celebrate for his soul, and of Elizabeth, and Philippa his wife, daughter of Sir John Trussell, Knt. in 1448. (fn. 4)

In the 20th of Henry VI. this lordship was settled on William Marquis of Suffolk, and Alice his wife; Sir Thomas Kerdeston left a daughter and heir, Elizabeth, married to Sir Terry Robsert, but I do not find she had an interest herein; John Delapole Duke of Suffolk, and Edmund his son, (as heirs of William Duke of Suffolk,) enjoying it, for in the 22d of Henry VII. Sir John Peche had a grant from that King of this lordship of Kerdeston, valued at 24 per ann. (on June 5,) parcel of the lands of Edmund de la Pole Earl of Suffolk.

Sir Robert Drury, Sir John Haydon, &c. petitioned King Henry VIII. for this manor, in the behalf of Margaret de la Pole, widow of Edmund Earl of Suffolk, granted away after the death of John de la Pole and Edmund Earl of Suffolk, by King Henry VII. and King Henry VIII. which was after the 30th of April, in the 5th of Henry VIII. when the said Edmund was executed. In the 33d of Henry VIII. Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolk possessed it; and on December 11, in the 38th of the said King, it was granted to the dean and chapter of Christ church in Oxford, late (as it is said) Sir Richard Southwell's; Sir Richard had a grant of it, May 5, ao. 37 of Henry VIII. with other lordships, and on an exchange conveyed it to the Crown in the 38th of that King.

Sir James Boleyn of Blickling had also some interest here, granted to him by King Henry VIII. on March 22, in his 31st year, and had license in the 1st of Queen Mary, to alienate it to Edmund Lomner and Sir Thomas Paine; in Sir James's grant, the 2 manors of Kerdeston and Refham are mentioned; and in the 2d of Edward VI. Sir James manumised two villains for 8l.

On August 22d Queen Elizabeth, in her 28th year, granted to Ambrose Willoughby, Esq. the site of Kerdeston manor, with lands; it was after in the Crown with the patronage of the church.

In the 14th of Edward I. Roger de Winton owed 11l. 10s. in arrears, for a certain serjeanty of the tenements, which Thomas Cordebeef held in this town, &c. rented at 30s. per ann. (fn. 5)

William de Kerdeston aliened, in the 4th of Richard II. lands here to the priory of Redingfeld in Suffolk.

William de Bellomonte, with the consent of Joan his wife, granted 3s. rent to the priory of Castleacre, and afterwards 2s. per ann. out of a tenement, for the soul of the said Joan.

The tenths were 7l. Deducted 36s. 8d.


  • 1. T're Willi de Warrenna—Kerdestuna ten. Godwinus i lib. ho T. R. E. mo id. R. ii car. t're. sep. xvi. vill. et xx bor. tc. ii s. sep. ii car. in d'nio. ct iii car. ho'u' et viii ac. p'ti. silv. xl por. tc. ii. r. mo. null. tc. iiii an. mo. vi tc. xl por. mo. vii et mo. lx ov. et xxiiii cap. et dim. ec i e vi ac. et i soc. v ac. t're. et i lib. ho. xxx ac. t're. et dim. i p'sbitr. vii ac. t're sep. int. om's i car. ep. val. c sol. et i lib. ho. addit. huic manerio T. R. W. xlv ac. t're. et vi bor. sep. int. se et ho'es. car. et dim. et i ac. et dim. p'ti silv. x por. et quart. part. uni. mol. et val. xx sol. et hoc totu' e. p. escang. de ii ab; maneriis de Leg's. et ht. i leug. in longo, et dim. in lato, et reddit xvd. in geltu' Regis, q'icq; ibi teneat.
  • 2. Terre Radi. Bainardi—In Kerdestuna ten. Tord p. man. i lib. ho. t.r.e. ii car. t're modo tenet Gaosfrid. Bainard tc et p. xxx vill. et mo. xvi. et mo. xiv bor. tc. et p. ii s. mo. i sep. ii car. in d'nio. tc. et p. iiii car. ho'um. mo. iii et v ac. p'ti. silv. xx. por. ii r. mo. iiii tc. iiii an. mo. x sep. xl por. mo. 1. ov. tc. lx cap. mo. xxviii et ii vasa apu' et iii soc dim. xxv ac t're. sep. dim. car. sep. ral. iiii lib. et v sol. huic t're jacent ho'es. in Refham et s't. app'tiati cu'ipsa t'ra et ht. Refham, &c.
  • 3. Testa de Nevil.
  • 4. Sir Thomas also gave in 1448, a silver cross, and 2 silver d shes, and thus engraved; Orate p. a'i'ab. Tho. Kerdeston, Militis, et Philippæ uxoris sue filie Johs. Trussel, Militis.
  • 5. Rot. Pip.