Clackclose Hundred and Half: Holme

An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 7. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1807.

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Francis Blomefield, 'Clackclose Hundred and Half: Holme', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 7( London, 1807), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

Francis Blomefield, 'Clackclose Hundred and Half: Holme', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 7( London, 1807), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

Francis Blomefield. "Clackclose Hundred and Half: Holme". An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 7. (London, 1807), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.

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Is an hamlet belonging to Rungton, and to the lordship of the abbot of Bury, and takes its name from its low and moist situation. The rector had here 80 acres of land, here was baptism and burial, and was valued with Rungton.

Cassandra de Holme appears to have lands here in the 12th of Henry III. and the Lady Isabella, formerly wife of Sir James Maskerall, Knt. quitclaimed her right in a messuage in the town of Rungton, in a hamlet called the Holme, to Sir Philiph de Eya by deed sans date. (fn. 1)


Took its name from a family so called, and was probably possessed before that by the family of De Holme; Odo, son of Leverick de Holme-Rungton, St. Edmund's, by deed sans date, gave lands here to John de Tifteshale, son of Jeffrey, performing homages and certain services: witnesses, Herlewin de Russell, &c. it was after this possessed by the Trussbutts, &c. In the 2d of Henry VI. Henry Warner of Watlington and Alice his wife, conveyed to Laurence Trussbut of Shouldham, a messuage, 41 acres, and 14s. rent, in this town, Thorpeland, Wallington, &c.

The Trussbuts were an ancient family, and bore gyrony of eight, azure and ermin.—Richard Trussbut was living in the reign of Henry III. and John his son lived at Shouldham in that of Edward I. Richard, his son, occurs in the 3d year of Edward II. and by Catherine his wife, daughter of Walter son of William Marshal of Tyrington, had John and Nicholas. John was captain of the hobelers in the Scotch wars, Ann. 16 Edward III. Nicholas, his brother, by Isabel his wife, was father of Laurence, who was living Ann. 17 Richard II. and 4 of Henry VI. and married Alice, daughter of John de Fincham.

Thomas Trussbut, Esq. his son and heir, by his will, dated December 31, 1451, was buried in the church of Rungton-Holme, St. James's, by his father; to his son John and the heirs of his body, he gives this lordship of Tittilsale in Holme, with all his lands, foldcourses, &c. in Wallington, Thorpland, Watlington, Totenhill, Stow, Fincham, &c. (fn. 2) — To William, his son, and his heirs, all his lands in Shouldham and Marham, not entailed by his father Laurence; makes Alice, his wife, John, his son, and John Fincham, executors.

John Trussbut, Esq. son and heir of Thomas, left by Elizabeth his wife, (who survived him, and married Nicholas Gyrlington,) Jane, a daughter and heir, who by marriage brought this lordship to Thomas Colt, Esq. of Greys-Hall in Cavendish, Suffolk, (fn. 3) (son of Thomas Colt, Esq. of Carlisle,) who was chancellor of the Exchequer, one of the privy council to King Edward IV. and dying about the 12th of that King, was buried at Cavendish; his widow Jane remarried to Sir William Parr, and dying on Monday before the feast of St. Laurence, Anno 13 of the said King, left John Colt, Esq. of New-Hall in Essex, her son and heir, in ward to Sir William, who in the first of Henry VII. had livery of this manor; married, first, Jane, daughter of Sir John Elrington of Middlesex, and 2dly, Mary, daughter of Sir John Alne, by whom he had Sir George Colt, who took to wife Elizabeth, daughter of John Coninsby, of North Mins in Hertfordshire, and was father of Sir George, who married Margaret, daughter of William Pooley, Esq. of Boxstead in Suffolk, and had by her Sir Henry Colt, who by Bridget, his wife, daughter of Sir William Kingsmill of Hampshire, had George Colt, Esq. his son and heir, who married Elizabeth, daughter and coheir of John Dutton, Esq. of Gloucestershire. This George, in the 20th of Elizabeth, conveyed it to Thomas Shouldham, Esq. from whom it came to Judge Gawdy: in the 9th of James I. Richard Godbould, of Fincham, was a trustee for it, and afterwards came to the Botelers.—Boteler, Esq. sold it to James Vernon, Esq. commissioner of the excise, (brother to Admiral Vernon,) who was lord in 1750.

Colt bore argent, a fess between three colts current, sable.

Trussbutt. (fn. 4)

Nicholas Trussbut witness to a Latin deed of Nicholas de Acra, son of Alice de Ver, of land in Exning, Suffolk sans date, with Sir Robert de Hastings William de Yselham, Ad. le Flemeg, Nicholas Trussbut, Henry le Compeigne, &c. Sir John de St. Amand's land mentioned in the deed. (fn. 5)

Pedigree Of The Trussbutts.

Richard Trussbutt (b), occurs in the 7th of Edward III.

John Trussbutt, captain of the hobelars in the Scotch wars, Anno 16 Edward III.

In the 2d year of Henry VI. a fine was levied between Laurence Trussbut (d) of Shouldham, querent, Henry Warner of Watlington, and Alice his wife, deforcients, of one messnage, 41 acres of land, 14s. rent in Watlington, Rungton-Holme, Wallington, Thorpland, &c. conveyed to Laurence and his heirs. Fin. L. 1 N. 5.

Thomas Trussbut (e) of Rungton-Holme, Esq. by his will dated the last day of December, 1451, desires to be buried in the church of St. James of Holme-Rungton, by the grave of his father, Laurence; his son John and his heirs to have the manor of Tytelsale-Hall in Holme, and his manor of Shingham; his son William, to have his lands and tenements in Shouldham; to Alice his daughter, 100 marks; to Agnes his daughter, 40l. to Alianor his daughter, if a nun, 10l. but if she marry, 40l. Alice his wife, John his son, and John Fincham, executors. His son Hugh, when at age, to have his lands, &c. in Sechithe, Westwynche, &c. proved November 6, 1452. Regist. Aleyn. Norw. in Archiv. Regist. Norw. p. 2. fol. 163.

John Trussbutt (f) died in or before the 30th of Henry VI. in that year, Elizabeth, his widow, occurs wife of Nicholas Gyrlyngton.

Thomas Colt, Esq. (g), who married Jane, daughter and heir of Trussbut, was a great favourite of King Edward IV. and one of his council, son of Thomas Colt of Carlisle; he died in or about the 13th of that King, and his widow Jane was soon after married to Sir William Parr, with whom she lived but a few months, dying on Monday before the feast of St. Laurence, in the 13th of Edward IV. and left John, her son and heir, in ward to Sir William, who in the first of Henry VII. had livery of the lordship of Titleshale in Holme, &c. Thomas Colt was of Greys-Hall, in Cavendish, in Suffolk.

In the church of Cavendish was to be seen the arms of this George (h), argent, a fess between three colts currant, sable, impaling Mac Williams, p. bend, gules and argent, three roses in bend counterchanged, quartering in the 2d quarter, a bend cottised, English; in the 3d, a chevron between three . . . . ., Gastenthorp, and in the 4th, Mac Williams.

William Trussbut of Erpingham, in Norfolk, a juror on an inquisition taken 19 Edward I.

The chapel of Holme is dedicated to St. James, and is an old building, having a nave and a chancel built of rag stone, and covered with reed; at the east end of the nave, which is about 52 feet in length, lies a marble grave-stone, but the brasses are all reaved, probably in memory of Laurence Trussbut, Esq.; at the west end is a four-square tower, the lower part of rag stone, and quoins of free stone, the upper part (where it has decayed) is of brick and embattled, in which hang three bells. The chancel is separated from the nave by an old screen, and is about 24 feet in length, and 15 in breadth; on the pavement, near the north wall lies a marble grave-stone, with this shield (Plate. I Fig. 16.) quarterly, argent, a cross patonce, azure, between, four stars pierced, gules, in the first and 4th. - - - Webb. . . . . . . . three pallets . . . . . in a bordure . . . . . . eight roundles, in the 2d and 3d quarter. . . . .

Here under lieth interred the body of Lloyd Webb, son of Thomas Webb, Esq; and Elizabeth his wife, who departed his life the 30th day of April Anno Salutis, 1712. Ætatis suæ 16.

A little higher on the said pavement, a marble stone with this shield (Plate I. Fig. 7.), &c.—argent, a lion rampant, reguardant sable, armed gules, Jenkin, impaling ermine on a chevron engrailed sable, three cinquefoils, argent, Hatfield:

Sub hoc marmore, jacent reliquiœ Sasannœ Henricj Jenkin Rectoris hujus ecclesiœ Uxoris dilectissimœ. Sed pars ejus multo optima, Certè in gremio Dni. reposita est Hujus interim dicta, factaq; Laudatissima memorare, Marite lugenti volupe est; Sed prohibent lacrimœ. Quàm verè pia, sine ulla pietatis affectione, Quàm pauperum amans Cœterisq; virtutibus erat ornatissima, Prœ dolore mitto dicere, sed revelabit Deus Familiam ejus si inquiris lector, Haud ea magna est, Sed honesta, sed virtutibus nobilitata, Filia sc' erat natu maxima Dno. Gulielmi Hatfield, Insignis sane probitate viri; Senatoris olim Lennensis Ac mercatoris haud quotidiani. Obiit An. Dni. 1713 Jan. 7. Ætatis suœ 46. Quin et in hoc tumulo conditi sunt Henricus filius, duœq; filiolœ, Quarum utraq; (alia post aliam) Saraœ nomine nominata est.

In a small square marble stone near the middle of the area:

R. I S.T.P Obt. Apr. 7. Æt. 70. S. 1. Nov. 17. R. I. Decr. 22. Infantes Utriq; tenelli, 1727.

Against the south wall is a little mural monument of stone, ornamented with cherubims, and the arms of Jenkin as before, and on a black marble tablet in the centre, in letters of gold;

S. M. Rev'di admodùm Roberti Jenkin S'tœ Theolog. pro Dnâ. Margarettâ In academiâ Cantabrigiensi, Professoris; Omni laude dignissimi Et collegii Divi Johannis Evangelistœ, Prœfectii, Vigilantissimi, spectatissimi; Qui doctrinœ, pietatis, religionis Ornamentum fuil illustre; Exemplar venerabile, Vindex fidelissimus. Et usq; vixit Monumentum perpetuum. Obt. 7mo. Die Aprilis, Ano. Dni. 1727. Æt. 70.

This, as has been observed, is a chapel in the parish of Rungton, but had anciently the privilege of burial and baptism. The image of St. Christopher in this chapel, is mentioned in the will of Simon Parch, alias Tyler, in 1442. (fn. 6)

Laurence Trussbutt, father of Thomas Trussbutt, Esq. was here buried, as appears from the will of the said Thomas, dated in 1451, (fn. 7) near the tomb of his father Laurence. The said Thomas gives a legacy to the light super le Rowell, appoints his anniversary to be kept on Monday in Easter week, and mentions a chapel in his own house at Rungton-Holme.

Roger Lane, rector of Rungton, buried here, 1488.

On the 3d of June, 1631, I find John Pollock instituted to this chapel, (fn. 8) or church, on the death of Joseph Allison, rector of Rungton, and presented by Robert Earl of Warwick; and on the 31st of May in the said year, Thomas Eales was instituted rector of Rungton, but I find only this single institution.


  • 1. Fin. 12 Hen. 3. L. 2. N. 78.
  • 2. Reg. Aleyn Norw. pt. 2. f. 163.
  • 3. Nicholas Gyrlington seems to have been nearly related to Thomas Colt, his father marrying a daughter of— Gyrlington.
  • 4. The Trussbuts were a family of good account. Agatha Trussbut was wife William de Albiney Earl of Sussex, and Lord of Rising castle: she paid King John, at Lynn, in his chamber, an 100 marks of silver, a (fine for his being in arms with the rebellious barons,) on Tuesday after the feast of St. Denn's, in the 18th year of that King. Teste Rege ap. Lenn, 11 Oct. This was but 8 days before the King's death.
  • 5. In the 10th of Edward I. John Trussbut levied a fine, to Benedict, prior of Shouldham, of the advowson of the church of Shouldham, All-Saints, Fin. L. 2. N. 129.
  • 6. Regr. Doke, p. 214.
  • 7. Regr. Aleyn. p. 163.
  • 8. Lib. Inst. 1631.