Hundred of South Greenhoe: South-Pickenham

An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 6. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1807.

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Francis Blomefield, 'Hundred of South Greenhoe: South-Pickenham', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 6( London, 1807), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

Francis Blomefield, 'Hundred of South Greenhoe: South-Pickenham', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 6( London, 1807), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

Francis Blomefield. "Hundred of South Greenhoe: South-Pickenham". An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 6. (London, 1807), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.

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In Pinkenham, Toli held in the Confessor's time 30 acres; but when the Conqueror came, Ralph Earl of Norfolk had it, and after him Wihenoc; it was half a carucate, one acre of wood, &c. and was in the tenure of Rainald son of Ivo; at the survey the said Wihenoc also invaded other lands, some of which Herlwin, a freeman of Rainald held of him. (fn. 1)

Ribald Lord of Midleham, brother of Alan Earl of Richmond, had 7 freemen who held of him 5 carucates of land, (the town was 10 furlongs in length, and 6 in breadth, and paid 12d. to the gelt) valued in the Confessor's time at 40s. at the survey at 50s. (fn. 2) From Rainald, descended the Earls of Clare, and from Ribald, the Nevilles Lord Latimers, and between them the town was divided and contained two moieties, by the name of Stewkey-Hall.

Latimer's Moiety.

In the 3d of Henry IV. Sir Robert Knolls held this of the Nevilles; and in the reign of Henry VI. John Monketon; lands were leased out by the names of Herveys and Overeys in South Pickenham, in the 9th of Henry VII. by Richard Neville Lord Latimer. On an inquisition taken in the 21st of Henry VIII. it appeared that William Methwold, Esq. died 26th of Oct. in the preceeding year, seized of the manor of Stewkey-Hall, viz. a moiety of the manor of South Pickenham held of the Lord Latimer, paying 10s. 10d. per annum, and another moiety, held of the honour of Clare, paying 6d. per annum, and the manor of Langford, paying 6s. 8d. per annum, a capital messuage in Fouldon of the Lord Latimer, paying 2s. per annum, and John was his son and heir, aged 14. The Methwolds seem to have held lands here, sometime before this, Richard Methwold presented to this rectory in 1496, and styled himself of Langford, Gent.; (fn. 3) and William Methwold, Esq. about the end of Queen Elizabeth, conveyed both moieties to Thomas Bradbury, Gent. and Bradbury to Sir Henry Hobart; from the Hobarts it came again to the Methwolds, William Methwold of Kensington, Esq. presented to the church in 1650; from him it came in 1670 to Sir Thomas Player, Knt. who conveyed it to Anthony Fisher, Esq. who partly built the manor-house, now called the Hall, and his son Anthony sold it to Sir Edward Atkins, Knt. Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, who finished the house, and resided here in the reign of King William, and the Baron's son, Rich. conveyed it to Thomas Chute, Esq. clerk of the Crown in chancery whose son Lennard dying without issue, it came to his brother, Devereux Chute; and on his death, to

Thomas Lobb Chute, son of Thomas Lobb, Esq. by Elizabeth eldest sister of Lennard, who is the present lord and patron.

Clare's Moiety.

This moiety of Stewkey-hall was held by Jeffery de Stivecly, Stivecay, or Stukey, (from whom the lordship took its name.) In the reign of Edward I. of the Earl of Gloucester; and about the 14th of the said King, it descended to William de Heveningham and John de Turtevill; in the said year a fine was levied between them of the advowson of this church, as heirs to their cousin Jeffery, and were by this to present alternately. (fn. 4)

In the 20th of Edward III. William de Hales, Richard son of Richard de Holdich, and Roger de Bodney, held the 4th part of a fee here in demesne of Richard Fitz Simon, and he of the honour of Clare, which John Tortewill formerly held, and the 4th part of a fee of John Harsick, which Heveningham held. In the 29th of the said King, Richard Holdich had free warren in his demesnes land here, and in Didlington, Fouldon and Congham; (fn. 5) and in the 3d of Henry IV. Richard Holdich held the 4th part of a fee of Richard Earl of March, and he of the King, lately held by Richard Fitz Simon; and the 4th part late Harsicks: after this it came to the Reppes, by marriage of Anne daughter of Richard Holdich, for on the 11th of Jan. in the 22d of Hen. VII. Hen. Reppes, Gent. sold to Wil. Eyre, Gent. all his manor or moiety of Stewky-hall; and on an inquisition taken 4th October, in the 31st of Henry VIII. William Methwold was found to be lord, and he joined it to Latimer's moiety, with which it now remains.

At the great survey Ralph de Tony had a Berwic, with two carucates of land in demesne, and 6 socmen; (fn. 6) here was also a church with 17 acres, and a wood, and was built by Edric in the Confessor's time.

This manor was granted by the Tonys to the priory of Westacre of their foundation, and leased out by them to the lords of Stewky Hall, and we find that the church abovementioned, which was dedicated to St. Andrew, was, in the time of Edward I. in the said priory, and the prior had a manse with 3 carucates of land; and from the rolls of the hundred court, it appears that a quitrent was and is paid at this time, out of the lordship of South Pickenham, late the prior of Westacre's, to the lord of the Hundred. (fn. 7)

The Church of South Pickenham is dedicated to All the Saints, and is a single building, having only one isle or nave of flint, &c. in length about 42 feet, and in breadth about 16, with a roof of oak, covered with lead; in a south window is a shield of the Earl Warren; over the arch of a window is a stone pedestal with an angel carved thereon, and here it is likely the Virgin had her station, and an altar dedicated to her; the roof of this nave is much flatter than when first erected, lower than that of the chancel, which makes a very disagreeable prospect; (fn. 8) on the north side of the nave is a porch covered with tiles, on the said side has been a chapel or burial-place of brick, now in ruins, without a roof and overgrown with ivy; Henry Hobart, youngest son of Sir Henry Hobart, Knt. Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, built it, and was there buried 17 November 1638. (fn. 9)

At the west end of the nave is a very antique round tower, and on that an octangular top, raised some centuries after, and on the decay of the other, which was very probably built by Edric the Danish lord. On the summit is a little shaft; in this tower hang three bells. The chancel is divided from the nave by a wooden screen, and is 24 feet in length, and about 18 in breadth, and covered with reed. In the east window are Methelwold's arms with a crescent arg. for difference, impaling quarterly in the 1st and 4th sab. a bend engrailed between six billets arg. for Allington, a family of great antiquity in the county of Cambridge, that flourished at Botlesham and Horsheath; in the 2d and 3d gul. three covered cups arg. for Argenton, of that county, cupbearers to the Kings of England; the heiress of this family was married to the Allingtons.

Against the south wall, within the rails of the communion table, to which there is an ascent of two steps, is a compartment of white marble; on the summit is Fisher, gul. a chevron between three lions passant or, impaling Willis, party per fess gul. and arg. three lions rampant counterchanged, in a bordure ermine, and this epitaph:

Here lieth interr'd the Body of Anthony Fisher, Esq; eldest Son of William Fisher of Wisbeach, in the Isle of Ely and County of Cambridge, Esq; who married Ann the eldest Daughter of Sir Thomas Willys of Fen Dilton in the County of Cambridge Baronet, & had issue of her, 4 Sons, viz. Anthony, John, Thomas and William, and one Daughter Ann. He departed this Life the 3d Day of June 1679, In Spe Beatœ Resurrectionis. Here also lieth the Body of William Fisher Gent. (only brother of Anthony Fisher, Esq;) who died the 21st of May, 1683.

Opposite to this, on the north wall, is another compartment of white marble ornamented with two cherubs, on the summit an urn with a flame of gold, at the foot of the monument, Chute, gul. three swords bar-ways arg. hilted or, impaling Chute. Crest, a dexter arm couped, holding a sword, and on the table is this,

Juxta hoc Marmor requiescit Thomas Lennard Chute, Armiger Luctuosum sævientis Podagræ Exemplar, Non Annis sed doloribus confectus.

Insenuit Juvenis, et ad Cælos Migravit adhuc Viridis.

Vir, Fide, Virtute, Pietate, Constans, Audax, Sincerus.

Dominus non Importunus, amicus Suavissimus, Omnibus facilis. Æquusq; Nulli non charus.

Vixit Filius, Conjux, Frater, pius, Fidelis, amantissimus.

Ingenî dotes, si quis alius unquam Præclaras habuit, nec fastuosas.

Decessit omnibus verè flebilis, Inimicus enim Nemini.

Salutis. MDCCXXII.

Denatus XIo Die Maij Anno Ætatis XXXIII.

Uxorem duxit CATHERINAM filiam Edvardi Chute Armigeri quâ Unicum Suscepit filium, qui X Menses Natus obijt.

On the pavement in the chancel lies a gray marble stone with this shield,

Methwold, impaling Allington, quartering in the second quarter Argenton, in the third, azure, seven martlets or, and a canton ermine. Fitz-Tecle, and in the fourth quarter, parted per fess arg. and sab. a pale counterchanged, on each piece of the 1st, a griffin's head erased, of the 2d, Gardiner, Mary daughter and heir of Sir Richard Gardiner Lord Mayor of London, in the time of Edw. IV. and of Exning in Cambridgeshire, was married 12th of Henry VIII. to Sir Giles Allington. And on a plate of brass is this.

Here lieth William Methwold Gent. the Second Son of William Methwold of Langford, Esq; his Wife was Susanna the Daughter of George Allington of Rushford Esq; by whom he had Issue three Sons and four Daughters, he died the xxix Day of August, Ano Ætatis 56, An (fn. 10) Elizabeth Reginæ 28, et Ano Dni. 1586.

Adjoining to this lies a black marble gravestone thus inscribed,

Sacred to the Memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Dade, late Wife of Thomas Dade, Esq. of Tannington, in the County of Suffolk, and eldest Daughter of John Vere, Gent. of the same County, she departed this Life January 11th, Ao Dni 1611, in the 73d Year of her Age.

Dade, impaling Vere of Suffolk, quarterly gul. and or, four mullets arg. and sometimes four mullets in a bordure counterchanged.

The windows of the chancel have been curiously painted; on the north side are fragments of the Salutation.

There were also in this church, in 1575, the arms of Holdich, az. on a chevron or, three seapies proper, and Hogan's arms; and Crest, a boar's paw arg. holding a lion's leg erazed gul.

In the reign of King Edward I. here were two churches, that of All-Saints valued at 5 marks, and that of St. Andrew, (fn. 10) which were consolidated, the rector had a manse and 34 acres of land, Peterpence 7d. The lady Sibilla de Tourtevill was patroness.


Henry de Boyton occurs rector about 1266, and 1270.

1338, Roger Attebrigge of Salle, presented by Robert son of Wil. Turtevill.

1350, Walter Smyth, res. Rich. de Hales, hac vice.

1350, Henry de Watlyngton. Rich. Holditch.

1374, William Dolman. Ditto.

1401, John Sacombe, res. Ditto. He was rector of Drayton, and exchanged with Dolman.

1416, Robert Eastbourn. Ditto. He was rector of St. Mary atte Strande by Temple-Bar, London, and exchanged with Sacombe. Eastbourn, by will dated 14th March, 1466, desires to be buried in the chancel of South Pickenham All-Saints, gives a missal and one fowdyr of lead to the church.

1466, Simon Paskelew. Ditto.

1475, George Jekkys, ob. John Holdich, Esq.

1479, John Berton. Ditto.

John Baxter. Ditto.

1496, Richard Necl. Rich. Methwold of Lang ford, Gent.

1521, James Beel. Will Methwold, Esq.

1547, William Holtby, ob. (fn. 11) John Clenchwarton, alias Wat son, clerk, on a grant from Sir Christopher Jenny, who had this presentation from Alice, relict of Will. Methwold, Esq.

1570, Robert Hill, ob. Lapse.

1570, George Ryveley, buried here.

Wm. Methwold, rector, in his answer to King James's Queries in 1603, says there were 107 commanicants here.

1605, Wentworth Bradbury, A. M. res. Tho Bradbury, Esq.

1606, Anthony Ringwood, licensed preacher, A. M by George Ringwood, assignee to Thomas Bradbury of Hale, Esq. (fn. 12) He was buried here.

1631, Edmund Cade, (fn. 13) A. M. The King, by lapse; but afterwards it is said, October 15th, 1631, by the Earl of Holland, Chancellor, the Masters, Fellows, &c. of Cambridge. He was educated at Caius College Cambridge.

1654, William Godbed, A. M. Will. Methwold, Esq. He was outed in 1658, but restored at the Restoration, and died rector.

1674, Charles Chadwick, A. M. Sir John Player He was buried here,

1682, Edward Beckham, S. T. B. Ann Fisher widow. He was educated at King's College Cambridge, and rector of Gayton Thorp in Norfolk, and there lies buried within the rails of the communion table, where on a plain stone is this inscription,

In charissimorum Parentum memoria Edwardus Beckham (fn. 14) filius mœrens D. C. H. S. E. Edwardus Beckham S. T. P. Ecclesiarum de Gayton Thorp et de South Pickenham Rector, qui obiit Aprilis die 1, Ano Ætat. 76, Dni' MDCCXIV.

Juxta positæ sunt Exuviæ, Janæ Conjegis dieti Edwardi Dilectissimæ, quæ obiit die post Maritum Quarto An. Æt. LIX. H. M.

1714, Thomas Warren Tho. Lennard Chute, Esq. He was educated at Catherine-Hall in Cambridge, and was afterwards rector of Boxford in Suffolk

1722, Joseph Charles, A. M. on the cession of Warren ob. He was rector of Wacton, and vicar of Swaffham. Ditto.

1736, 8th February, the Rev. Mr. Thomas Pigg, the present rector, holds it united to Watton vicarage, being presented by Tho. Lobbe Chute, Esq. the present patron.

This rectory is valued at 8l. 1s. 5d. ob. in the King's Books, and being of 48l. per annum clear value, is discharged of tenths and firstfruits, and is capable of augmentation. The Bishop's visitatorial synodals are 2s. his annual synodals 1s. 11d. and the Archdeacon's procurations 7s. 7d. ob. and the portion of the prior of Westacre was 26s. 8d. (fn. 15)

The prior of Windham had a portion taxed at 20s. and Coverham abbey in Yorkshire had revenues here taxed at 16s. and the Prior of Conchis at 4s.; and the village paid to each tenth 2l. 16s. 8d.

From the Parish Register.

1590, Edmund Nunne; this Family hath an estate still in this Parish, and John Nunne, Esq; Barrister at Law, had it lately.

1609, Mathias Martyn, Esq. lived here.

1610, "Francisca filia Henrici Bedingfield Mil' et Elizabethæ uxoris 10 Januarij Que quidem nata fuit de die Dominico viz. Tricessimo die Mensis Decembris, Anno predicto inter horam Sextam et Septimam ante Meridiem. Compatr' Robert' Wynde Miles. Ux' Edmundi Munford Militis et Alicia Uxor Thomæ Bradbury Ar'."

1610, Anthon' filius Anthonij Bedingfield et Eliz' Ux' de HolmeHale 5 Feb. "Compatr' Thomas Lovell, Wentworth Bradbury, et Barbara Domina Cutts."

1616, Henricus filius Cordelli Bradburye et Eliz' Uxoris, bapt' 28 Jan. Compatres Henricus Bedingfield miles, Thomas Cotton Armig' et Uxor Wentworthi Bradburye.

1619, Maria filia Anthonij Ringwood Clerici et Marie Uxoris, bapt' 20 Junij, Compatres, Ric. Goodman clericus, Johanna Bodham vidua &c.

Aug. 31, 1634, "Baptizatus est Franciscus filius Mariæ Walker, quæ (ut ipsa ait) ante triennium apud Thirton in agro Norfolciensi, cuidam fidicini Nomine Johanne Botewright Nupta est; sed Is vagabundus, nebulo, et nullius Laris Homuncio existens, postquam Mariam suam Gravidam fecisset, hûc eam parituram misit, quò Infans Natus hujus Parœciæ Impensis aleretur: atq; in hunc modum jam secundò huic Villæ vafrè imposuit.

1636, "Elizabetha filia Jacobi Hunter ex Annâ Uxore ejus in ipsius plateis sub Australi parte magnæ Ulmi, October 9, in Lucem Edita est, et eodem die Sacro baptismate aspersa est.

1637, "Dorothea filiola Magistri Jacobi Hobart, ex dilectissimâ suâ Conjuge Catharinâ Junij 18, Sacro Baptismate Deo sacrata est Eandemq; ad Baptisterium tenuerunt Clarissimæ fæminæ Domina Dorothea, Vidua, Relicta, Honoratissimi Domini Henrici Hobart Capitalis (cum viveret) ad Placita Justiciarij, et domina Mirialis, Uxor Caroli Le Groos Equitis Aurati, et Magister Robertus Edgar Generosus."

1642, Nathaniel Dod, Vir probus et Doctus, S. T. B. et olim unius Magistrorum Collegij Caio-Gonvillensis Cantabrigiâ Socius, Rector Ecclesiæ parochialis de Benington in agro Hertfordiensi, cum Beatrice Barber vi uâ de Snore-Hall in Fordham, in Comitatû Norfolcie, Sacro Con bio, auspicato (ut spero) junctus est, Maij 16. For whom see Chauncy's Antiq. of Hertfordshire, fo. 346.


  • 1. Terre Rainaldi filij Ivonis. H. de Grenehou. Doms. fo. 223. In Pinkenham tenuit idem (sc. Toli) xxx. acr. terre et postquam Rex venit in istam patriam tenuit istam terram Comes Rad. sed unus homo Wihenoc amavit quandam feminam, feminam in illâ terrâ, et duxit eam, et post ten. ille istam terram adfeundum W. sine dono Regis et sine liberatione, et successoribus suis, semper dim. car. et i. bor. ac i. acr. silue et ii. acr. et dim. prati semper val. iii. sol. In Pikenham xv. acr. invasit Wihenoc et val. xvi. d. hoc calumpniatur Radus de Toenio hundr. testatur. In Pichenham i. lib. homo x. acr. hoc invasit Wihenoc et val. xx. d. (fo. 299.)
  • 2. Ter. Alani Comitis. In alt. Pichenham ten. Ribald ix. lib. homines T.R.E. iii. car. mo vii. liberi homines et hab. v. car. et ii. bord. x. acr. prati et habet x. quar. in longo et vi. in lato, et de Gelto redd. xii. d. tunc. val. xl. s. sol mo l. sol. (Domesd. fo. 62.)
  • 3. Will. Hobbart was married to Dorothy Methelwold.
  • 4. Fin. Ed. 1. L. 23. N. 206. Inquis 20 Ed. 3.
  • 5. Cart. 19 E. 3. N. 7. For the Holdiches see Didlington.
  • 6. Terre Regis quam Godricus servat. Doms. fo. 21. In Pichenham ten. i. liber homo lx. acr. T. R. E. et postquam Rex venit in istâ patriâ dedit R. comes preposito hundret et per vice comites Regis tenet ille adhuc eam terram, et val. xvi.d. et in eadem villâ tenet quidam liber xii. acr. alius liber homo tenet iii. acr. de soca Regis. appretiati sunt superius (sc. in Sporle.) Terr. Radulfi de Toenio in Pichenham i. Beruita ii. car. in dnio. tunc et post viii. vill. mo v. mo ii. bor. tunc et post houm. i car. mo dim. et vi. soc. semper 20 acr. habent i. car. silva ad xx. porc. iiii. ac. prati quando rec. invenit ii. r. et xviii. por. et xxvi. oves et mo ecclia. de xvii. acr. silv. ad xii.d.
  • 7. Rot. Hundredi penes D. Hen. Beding field.
  • 8. This church was formerly thatched and of the same height with the chancel; but in 1604, Nov. 10, the whole roof fell down in a violent storm, and then Bishop Jegon granted a faculty to cover it, if they could cover it with lead.
  • 9. Novo sacello ab ipsum et fundato solemni funere inhumatus est. E Regro.
  • 10. St. Andrew's is totally dilapidated, and the Prior of Westacr had it appropriated to him; the church was valued at xxs. and paid Peter-pence 3d. ob. Domsd. Norwici.
  • 11. Dns. Wills. Holtby presbyter non conjugatus, mediocriter doctus, residet, hospitalis, non predicat nec licentiatus, nullum aliud. (Parkeri Certificat.) John Methwold by will, dated 15th December 1st of Edward VI. and proved 1st November 1552, desires to be buried in this church.
  • 12. The Revision in 1630, "Corowell Bradbury generosus, jure hereditario patronus est, sed presentatio dicte ecclesie spectat vigore statuti, ad Universitatem Cantabrigiœ eo quod dic us Bradbury fuit et est Papista, recusans indictatus et convictus, ecclesia de South-Pickenham omnium Sanctorum, ecclesie Sancti Andree, quondam seperalis presentatio, nunc realiter consolidat."
  • 13. Frances, his only daughter, married Edward Goffe, Gent.
  • 14. This Gentleman was Fellow of Oriel College in Oxford.
  • 15. This was a general composition paid by the rector to the prior in lieu of all his tithes here, which he had in right of St. Andrew's church.