Hundred of South Erpingham: Itteringham

An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 6. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1807.

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Francis Blomefield, 'Hundred of South Erpingham: Itteringham', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 6( London, 1807), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

Francis Blomefield, 'Hundred of South Erpingham: Itteringham', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 6( London, 1807), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

Francis Blomefield. "Hundred of South Erpingham: Itteringham". An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 6. (London, 1807), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.

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At the Confessor's survey this town was divided into three parts or manors; Guert, a Dane, held the principal one, then belonging to Mannington, and was valued with it; at the Conqueror's survey it was in his hands, and Godric took care of it for him, one carucate of land, 5 bordarers, 2 carucates, and one acre of meadow, &c. the whole was one leuca long, and half a one broad, and paid 5½d. to the gelt. (fn. 1) After it was conveyed from the Crown, it had the same lords as Mannington, and so passed with it, as is there observed, to the Potts, and from the heirs of the family to the present lord, the honourable Hor. Walpole, Esq.

Herold was lord of the second manor at the first survey, but William Earl Warren at the Conqueror's, a freeman held of Herold 15 acres, there were 3 bordarers, one carucate and one acre of meadow, paunage for 4 swine, the right in half a mill, and was valued at 3s. (fn. 2) In In the reign of Henry II. the Earl Warren enfeoffed the ancestor of the family of Wolterton in this, who had a third part or portion in the advowson of the church, and this part passed (as may be seen in Wolterton) together with their manor there, through many hands, to James Grey, Esq. and from his sisters to the Honourable Horace Walpole, Esq.

Nowers-Hall, or Nether-Hall Manor,

This third part, or manor, belonged to the see of Norwich; William de Beaufo, Bishop, held it at the Conqueror's survey; it was valued together with Blickling, and was probably that part of Herold the King's possessions, as Blickling was, and given by King William, after Herold's death to Bishop Herfast, and after to Bishop Beaufoe in fee and inheritance; (fn. 3) but he gave it to the church and see of Norwich, and was confirmed as a berewic to the see by King Henry, soon after it was granted from Blickling to be held of it, by a quarter of a fee, and in 1284 was found to hold it of Blickling, as part of the barony of that see, and had the assize of bread and beer in it. In 1401 John Pawley held it, and afterwards John Moretoft, whose feoffees presented to the portion of Nowers manor, with St. Nicholas's chapel in 1430, which John descended from Sir Richard Moretoft of Heydon, (see p. 244,) and bore sab. on a mount vert, a buck couchant or, on a chief of the same, a moorcock proper. In 1360, John Moretoft first purchased lands here, his son John was the first of the family, that was lord, and his grandson, John Moretoft the elder of Itteringham, Gent. was buried in the chancel in 1508, and gave Nowers-Hall to John his son, with legacies to Alice his wife, to Thomas his son, and Ann his daughter. John his son died lord, and left it to Eleanor his wife, who married William Jermy of Metfield in Suffolk, and died in 1537, and Agnes, daughter and heir of Edward Jermy, Esq. brought it by marriage to Thomas Paine, of Itteringham, Gent. (fn. 4) who descended from Adam Fitz-Paine of Ireland, a lawyer, who by Mary, daughter and heir of Leonard Fitz-Humphry, had Jeffery Fitz Paine, who came into England, studied the law, and raised fortunes by his profession; by Dionyse daughter and heir of Thomas Fitz Alleyn; he had John Paine of Itteringham, Gent. father of Thomas Paine above mentioned, by Dorothy daughter and heir of Andrew Poole, Gent. which Thomas had by Agnes, daughter, &c. of Jermy, his son and heir Thomas Paine, lord here, who married Elizabeth, 3d daughter and coheir of Sir Edward Boleyn, Knt.

In 1538, Christopher Langdon, Gent. was possessed of it, and in 1548, Thomas Carew, and in the year following Edward Clere, Esq. after this, before the year 1573, it belonged to the Earl of Arundel; Philip Earl of Arundel settled it in 1580, on Ann his Countess, and after it came by attainder to Queen Elizabeth, but in 1598 Ann Countess of Arundel held it by virtue of the settlement, and settled it on her trustees, John Cornwaleis of Soham, &c. It now belongs to Mr. Richard Robins of Itteringham, who had it from his father William, and he had it from his uncle Richard. This manor is held of the Crown by the rent of 3s. 6d. per annum.

There was also a fourth manor after the Conquest in this town, made up of some parts of the other.

The town is in the dutchy of Lancaster, pays 7s. 9d. to every 300l. levy of the county rate, is laid at 473l. 3s. 4d. to the land tax.

The Curch was dedicated to St. Agnes, and after rededicated to the Virgin Mary, the chancel and church is covered with lead, there has been a chapel on the north side, now in ruins; the tower is square and has three bells. On the 2d, Willielmus Eldhous fecit Me, in Onore Trinitatis. On the 3d, Ave Maria, Gratia plena, Dominus Tecum. In the chancel by the altar are two hands supporting an heart, on a label over it, O Bone Jesu, esto Mihi Jesu.

On an old gravestone with a brass plate,

Orate pro animâ Margarete Lomnor filie et heredis Tho. Monceues quondam Domini Manerii de Woddalling, que, obt. penultimo die Novembr. A.D. M.C.C.C.C.C.IIII. et pro quibus orare tenetur, quorum, animabus propitietur Deus.

On another,

Orate pro animâ Willielmi Lomnor de Manyngton qui obt. XXV. die mensis Aprilis. A.D. M.CCCC LXXXI. cujus anime propicietur Deus. Amen. In a window, Lumnor impaling Monwaux.

In the churchyard is an altar monument in memory of Thomas Robins, sen. Gent. who died July 26th, 1726, aged 73, and Mary his wife, May 1st, 1725, aged 65. Another for Thomas Robins, Gent. who died December 10th, 1732, aged 34. And one in memory of Jane Jefferies, relict of Dr. John Jefferies of Netishead in this county, who died January 28th, 1736, aged 57; and of Mary her daughter, widow of Thomas Robins of Itteringham, Gent. late wife of the Rev. Mr. John Fletcher of Trunch, who died March 16th, 1747, aged 45.

In 1504, Margaret, late wife of Edward Paston, Esq. was buried in this church, and ordered her son William to give a legacy to our Lady's gild here.

The rectory had three portions, and on each a rector instituted for many years.

I. Wolterton's Portion, or 3d part.

1301, Tho. de Wolterton, by Alice, widow of Sir Roger de Wolterton.

1308, Tho. de Baconsthorp. Ditto.

1320, John son of Walter de Walcote, by ditto.

1321, John de Atleburgh. Ditto.

1328, Alex. son of Roger de Wollerton and Margaret.

1329, William de Felbrigg, on Alex. resignation. Ditto.

1331, Wm. le Barker, on Felbrigg's resignation. Ditto.

1333, John de Wolterton. Ditto.

1334, Wm. de Repham, on Wolterton's resignation, Ditto.

1349, Wm. Langham, by John de Wolterton, and his feoffees.

1372, Clement Withe, by John de Wolterton, rector of Harpley, &c.

II. Nower's Portion.

1227, Wm. de Boton, by Simon de Nodariis of Nowers

In 1284, Robt. de Noers, and Alice his wife, were patrons.

1304, (fn. 5) John de Saxlingham.

1305, Peter le Curzune by Robt. de Noers of Swanton.

1310, Wm. de Briston, and to the chapel of St. Nicholas annexed, ditto.

1328, Rd. de Sanderingham, a lapse.

1344, John son of Sir Rt. Noers, of Hungri-Swanton, once patron.

1349, Wm. Galeys. John Noers.

1358, Tho. de Lexham. Ditto.

1362, Tho. Cook. Ditto. (fn. 6)

1367, John de Antinham, Sir Tho. de Morieux, sen. Knt. Fulk Monpinzon, rector of Folsham, Wm. Curson, and Hen. Berney.

Wm. Green.

1371, Tho. Aybred, on Wm. Green's resignation.

Wm. Bryde.

1430, Tho. Prentice, on Bryde's death, by Sir Sim. Felbrigge Knt. John Bacon of Lodne, and W. Walkeline, rector of Holt, feoffees of John Moretoft, deceased, in his manor of Nowers.

III. Bintre's Portion.

1275, Rt. de Skeyton, and Cecily his wife, and John de Bintre were then patrons.

1304, James Bacon, by Rt. de Bintre.

1320, John de la Grene, by Sir Ralph de Skeyton, Knt. this turn.

1346, Maud, relict of John de Dallyng, was patroness this turn.

1348, (fn. 6) Nicks. le Weyte, by Sir Edward Warren, Knt.

1349, Elias Herry, by Rt. Whitefoot, rector of Repham St. Mary, John de Berney, and John de Foxle.

Tho. de Heydon.

1356, John Hubert, on an exchange with Heydon, for St. Peter's Woodnorton.

1370, Barth. de Howe, by John de Warren.

1376, John Everard, by John Pavely of Riburgh parish.

In 1431, William Holiday was presented by John Briston, Esq. who had obtained the patronage of the three portions, and got them united into one rectory; but it seems a part was recovered from him, for in the year

1447, John Whittlebury was presented to two portions only, and on his resignation in the same year, (fn. 7)

Robert Midleton was instituted to two portions, John Briston, Esq. presenting him.—Whittlebury was rector of Overstrand, and exchanged with Haliday for the two portions of Itteringham, consolidated.

1476, John at Leed, to the 3d turn, by the Bishop, a lapse.

1516, Thomas Boteler, by lapse, after him, James Mason, who was deprived in 1554, a married priest, as I take it.

1554, John Philipson, by Edm. Lomner, Esq. John Moore, and Wm. Larwood, who had each a turn, and all joined.

1558, Thomas Whitbie, S. T. B. by Edm. Lomnor, Esq. and James Moore, patrons of the first part, or turn of the advowson. John Langdon, Gent. lord of Noweres manor, patron of the 2d, and William Langwood, lord of Bintre manor, patron of 3d part or turn.

1560, Edward at Wood, (on Whitbie's resignation,) he held it with Wolterton, by John Callard, Esq. and Catherine his wife, and James Moore, Gent.

1585, Lawrence Sargenson, A. M. by Wm. Larwood of Matlask, Gent.

1605, William Thackery, by Sir Christopher Heydon, Knt. He held it united to Alby. Thomas Jackson succeeded, when Richard Godfrey, Esq. William Houghton, Esq. and Philip Gay, yeoman, were found each to have a turn.

1674, Richard Burrel, A. M. on Jackson's resignation, by Richard Houghton, Esq. by virtue of a grant of the turn from Alice Grey, widow.

1721, John Rush, by William Baker, who had a grant of the turn from Sir Charles Potts, Bart.; he held it with Baconsthorp rectory.

1751, Ellis Bullimere, who holds it united to Itteringham.

The Honourable Horace Walpole is patron of two turns, and Mr. Robins, of the 3d.

The church stands valued in the King's Books at 5l. 17s. 1d. and being in clear value 37l. is discharged and capable of augmentation, pays 12d. per annum synodals, and 7s. 7d. ob. procurations, and visitatorial procurations to the Bishop 16d. ob.

The sacrist of Bury was charged for temporals here belonging to his manor in Aylesham, at 27s. 7d.

The prior of Hemptone, by Fakenham dam for his, 8s. 3d.

The prior of Westacre for his, at 5s.—Walsingham prior, at 10d.

The master of the hospital of St. Thomas the Martyr at Beck-hall, in Billingford, owned the water-mill here in 1284, and Hugh Tirell of this town granted small rents out of lands here to Giles's hospital Norwich.

Bintre Manor.

In 1275 it belonged to John de Bintre, and Hawise his wife, they purchased one moiety of it of Robert de Skeyton, and Cecily his wife, sister probably of Hawise, and in 1285, he had view of frank pledge, and assize of bread and beer. In 1313, Maud de Bintre had it; she married John de Dallyng, and was his widow in 1346, after this it passed as may be seen in Bintre's portion above.

In 1537, Edmund Lomner, Esq. and Rose his wife, sold the site of the manor of Bintre-hall, 70 acres of demean, and 16s. rent, with the 3d part of the advowson to Robert Clark, but in 1558, William Langwood was lord, after this Robert Houghton of Itteringham, Esq. held it, and after himWilliam Houghton, and then Richard Houghton, about 1674, and now it belongs to Mr. Robins.


  • 1. Terr. Regis quam Godricus servat. In Utrincham i. lib. homo Guert. i. car. terre, semp. v. bordar. et ii. car. et i. acr. prati silva v. porci, in eod. pretio (sc. Mannington) et tota hab. i. leug. in longo, et dim. in lato et v. den. et ob. de gelto. Domesd. fol. 43.
  • 2. Terr. Will. de Warrenna. In Utrincham, i. lib homo Heroldi xv. acr. semp. iii. bordar. i. car. et i. acr. prati, silva iiii. porci, et dim. molendini, et val iii. sol. Domesd. fol. 83.
  • 3. Terr. Will. Epic. Tedfordensis de feodo ejusdem, huic manerio (viz. Blickling) jacent Instrincham ii. socm. semp. lx. acr. terr. et xiiii. bordar. semp. i. car. et dim. et ii. acr. et dim. prati, silva de xviii. porci, et ii. partes alterius, et vii. partes molend. tunc val. xv. sol. mo. xxv.
  • 4. Paine bore argt. a chevron vairy argt. and az. between three lioncels rampant of the second. Jermy argt. a lion rampant gules. Fitz. Humphrey, quarterly argt. and sable in a bordure counterchanged. Fitz Alleyn barry of six or and gul. over all a pale ermine, Poole, per pale, or and azure, two bars wavy, counterchanged.
  • 5. This portion is then said to be every 2 garbs of the partable tithes of the demeans of Robert son of Simon de Noiers in Itteringham.
  • 6. Each portion at this time was taxed et 5 marks.
  • 7. At this time there was a trial between Maude, Dalling, and Sir Edward Warren, and it was determined that they should present by turns.