Hundred of South Erpingham: Ingworth

An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 6. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1807.

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Francis Blomefield, 'Hundred of South Erpingham: Ingworth', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 6( London, 1807), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

Francis Blomefield, 'Hundred of South Erpingham: Ingworth', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 6( London, 1807), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

Francis Blomefield. "Hundred of South Erpingham: Ingworth". An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 6. (London, 1807), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.

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Takes its name from its situation by the low meadows, on the river; the whole belonged to Herold, of whom a freeman held it in the Confessor's time, and it was given to Rainald Fitz Ivo by the Conqueror, it being then ten furlongs long and eight broad, and paid 13d. to the geld, towards every 20s. raised on the hundred. (fn. 1)Tocho de Wintreton held a villein here of Roger Bigot, (fn. 2) which he added to his manor of Hanworth, and was the part which was afterwards a manor by itself here.

And was given to the priory of Hempton near Fakenham-Dam.


Remained in the Crown from the Conqueror's time, after Fitz-Ivo's death, till King Edward I. granted to a family sirnamed of the town, one moiety of the manor and advowson, and Henry de Ingworth had it; and the other moiety to William Baldwyn, son of Thomas Baldwyn of Ingworth, and their heirs.

Henry de Ingworth had 5 sons; Sir William, his eldest, was vicar of Bungey Trinity; he conveyed it to Stephen de Ingworth, his next brother, when it extended into Aylesham, Banningham, Erpingham, Tutington, Blickling, and Colby; and from him, it came to Ralf, the next brother, (fn. 3) who was lord in 1256; he married Seinclia, daughter of William Baldwin aforesaid, who the same year settled 12d. per annum in alms, on Kerbrook hospital, out of a tenement here; they had Henry de Ingworth, who died before them; for in 1267 they were in possession, but at their death their moiety joined to

Baldwyn's, for Aveline, (fn. 4) only daughter of William Baldwyn, married to Nicholas Reppes, and in them the whole centered, and divided again into moieties with their two daughters and heiresses, (fn. 5)

Beatrice, married to Henry de Colby of Colby, and

Alice, to Peter de Brampton.

In 1285 King Edward I. granted to Henry de Colby a charter for freewarren in all his lands here and in Colby; and in 1314 he held it at half a fee of the honour of Clare; in 1315 Henry de Colby and Beatrice his wife held it; and in 1320 had a charter for a Fair here, and freewarren here and in Colby; (fn. 6) he was succeeded by John de Colby his son, who in 1337 settled it on Mariota his wife; in 1342 this John had the other mediety of the advowson and manor. (fn. 7) At the death of Alice, (fn. 8) widow of Peter de Brampton his aunt, which he settled on trustees the year following; and in 1345 the said John held the whole at one fee of Clare honour. In 1348 the feoffees released to him again; in 1351 he was a knight, and he and Mariot were living in 1357; in 1352 Ralf de Colby, brother to Sir John, purchased an estate here, and left it to Sir John in 1364. In 1365 Sir John sold the whole of his estate here, and in Aylesham, Erpingham, Blickling, and Olton, to

George Felbrigge, and his feoffees, after his own decease; he was alive in 1372, and died before 1400, for Sir George was dead, and Robert de Felbrigge his son, then a minor, was in the King's wardship, and from that time it passed from the Felbrigges to the Windhams, and now William Windham of Felbrigge, Esq. is lord and patron. (fn. 9)

The Prior's, alias Hoe's Manor,

Was anciently held by Henry de Hemesby and Robert le Blund, and after, by the Prior of Hempton, at the 4th part of a fee, of the honour of Clare; George Felbrigge farmed it of that monastery, which was taxed for temporals here at 5l. 1s. 6d. At the Dissolution in 1545, King Henry VIII. gave it to Sir William Farmor, Knt. and Catherine his wife, who sold it to Richard Hoe of Scarning, Gent. and Thomas Hoe his son; it then contained 10 messuages, 348 acres of land, &c. and 5l. rents, one pound of cumin seed, and 10 hens, in Ingworth, Erpingham, Colby, Iteringham, Carleton, and Stanfield; about 1560, it was settled on Anne, daughter of Humphry Dove of Wigenhall, wife of Thomas Hoe, Gent. son of Richard Hoe, Esq.; Thomas died in 1570, and left Richard Hoe his son, then 9 years old, who died seized in 1629, and it was afterwards assigned to Roberta, daughter and coheir of Richard Hoe, married to Francis Steward, and had issue, Hoe Steward of Greys-Inn, William, and Francis. In 1663, George Steward sold it to George Nodes, and others, and it is said to be since purchased by the Windhams.


William Rufus gave a mediety of this church to Battle abbey in Sussex, (fn. 10) with the fee that Brithric the rector of it then held, namely the land of one socman in Ailesham manor; but it was not confirmed.

1217, William de Husseborne, rector. John de Ingworth settled 6 acres on this rector for glebe, to him and his successours.

1304, Peter Kenyng. Peter de Brampton and Alice his wife.

1324, Roger son of Philip de Wodenorton. Henry de Colby, and Beatrice his wife.

1339, William de Burgh, rector. The King recovered this mediety.

1349, Ralf Burgeys. The King. He resigned in

1353, to John Aylmere in exchange for Lesingham rectory. (Ditto) who in 1534, changed it for Wylyngham, with

John Smert, (Ditto), who resigned in

1360, to Robert Atteborne. The King, in right of his Crown. He resigned in

1372, to Ralf at Heath. Ditto.

1380, Thomas Dovelith. Ditto.

1408, Sir John Northgate. Ditto. Succeeded by John Thomesson, who resigned in

1416, to Thomas Randolf. Sir Simon de Felbrigge, Knt. who obtained this mediety of the Crown, and got them perpetually united, and in 1426, he presented

John Marshall, as to one rectory.

1437, John Deye, priest. Ditto. He was succeeded by Richard Goneld, who resigned in

1447, to John Elynor. Katherine, relict of Sir Simon Felbrigge, Knt.

1516, Robert Silvester, by lapse, he resigned in

1517, to Robert Fournesson. Sir Thomas Windham.

1628, at Oliver Robinson's death. Thomas Windham of Felbrigge, Esq. gave it to

Mathew Clare, &c. and that family hath presented ever since.

The Rev. Mr. Hogan resigned this, when he took Sparham, and was succeeded by

The Rev. Mr. Allen Aldhouse, the present rector.

King John gave the mediety that remained in the Crown, to John of St. Edmund's Bury, priest, who held it in 1223.

In 1208, an acre and half of land was settled for glebe, on this mediety.

1249, John de Suthwerk, rector. The King.

1256, Henry III. gave it to Roger de Eversham, who held it in 1284.

1299, Walter de Kermington, Edward I.

1302, William son of Bartholomew de Stamford. Ditto.

1305, Ralf son of John de Colby. Henry de Colby his brother, and Beatrice his wife. In

1323, he exchanged it for Thurne rectory, with Sir Reginald le Gros, Alice daughter of Nicholas de Reppes, widow of Peter de Brampton.

1339, Simon de Colby Ditto. He resigned in

1339, to Simon son of Wymer de Aylesham. John son of Henry de Colby.

1349, Nicholas Heylot. Sir John Colby, Knt. He resigned in

1356, to Sir Ralf de Colby. Ditto. He resigned in

1356, to Gregory Attehill. Ditto.

1405, John look, rector.

1407, Sir John Elsy. Sir Miles Stapleton, Knt. Oliver Groos, John Yelverton, and Sir John rector of Felbrigge, Felbrigge's feoffees.

Valuation to the land-tax, 217l.;—county rate to a 300l. levy 5s. 6d.;—old tenths 6s.;— Synodals 8d.;— Bishop's procurations 1s. 3d.;—archdeacon's procurations 4s.

The Rectory is discharged of first-fruits and tenths, and is capable of augmentation; it stands in the King's Book, as a living capable of augmentation:

5l.—Ingworth rectoryclear yearly value 33l.

The Church is dedicated to St. Lawrence, and not to St. Andrew, as some have observed; and there was a Gild of St. Lawrence kept in it. The steeple is round, and hath two bells, on one of which is this, Ego Serbus tuus sum. The south porch, nave and chancel, are thatched; I find no memorials here, besides the arms of Mortimer of Wigmore, Walcote, Felbrigge, and Colby.

In 1507 Thomas Dobbys gave a legacy towards building the parsonage barn, and another to make a new cross. In 1510, Richard Mey of Aylesham gave to the church of Ingworth a meadow lying in Blickling, on the south-west part of the church of Ingworth, abutting on Ingworth-common north, after the death of Agnes his wife, on this condition, "that the chirch reevys shall find the shaftale, that is to say, to them that cume in procession to the aforesaid chirche of Yngworth, on the Monday on the rogacion dayes sufficiently; also I will that he that shall make the sermon that day, shall have of the said medow iiij.d. to pray for my sole and my wyvys." (Regr. Spyltimer, fo. 253.)

Bromhill priory had lands here, and the Abbot of Bury's manor in Aylesham, called Sexton's, extended hither, and the sacrist of that monastery was taxed at 27s. 5d. for the part here, which was added to, by Henry son of Agnes de Ingworth, Richard, another of her sons, William son of Henry de Ingworth, Hugh Dean of Ingworth, William le Mey, Alice daughter of Henry de Ingworth, Robert son of Robert de Ailesham, and others.

John (Nepos, le-Neve, or the nephew, sacerdotis de Ingworth) was the ancestor of the Le Neves of Ingworth and Banningham; John le Neve of Ingworth, in 1267, was a man of fortunes and note; in 1297 Emma his widow lived here, and John their son in 1282, and their posterity increased and dispersed much in these parts.

This town is in the dutchy of Lancaster, and is the head town of the Deanery, which takes its name from it; the Deans of which were all collated by the Bishops of Norwich.

Deans of the Rural Deanery of Ingworth.

1189, Hugh de Ingworth, dean.

1315, Sir Richard de Sutton, the Bishop's chaplain.

1316, Jeffry de Nottingham.

1321, John de Wicheford, priest. In 1324 he exchanged it for Burnham Depedale rectory, with

John le Moigne of Ufford, L. L. D. 1310, Ufford resigned to William Levern.

1345, Bartholomew de Winchestre, priest, who was succeeded by Thomas de Exeter, who resigned in

1375, to John Joldeyn.

1378, John de Roughton.

1407, Alexander Midelford, &c.


  • 1. Terre Rainaldi filij Ivonis, Doms. fo. 227. Sud. Erpincham H. In Inghewurda i. liber homo Heroldi dim. car. terre quos idem tenet, semper vi. bordarij et i. car. in dominio et i. car. hominum et ii. socm. iiii. acr. et ii. acr. prati, silva v. porci et dimid. molendini et xxx. oves, et val. xv. sol. et habet x. quar. in longo. et viii. in lato, et xiiid. de gelto.
  • 2. Terra Rogeri Bigoti, fo. 119. In Ingewrda i. villanus quem tenuit Tocho de Wintretune et hunc addidit antecessor Rogeri huïc manerio, Sc. to Hanworth manor.
  • 3. John and Henry were the 4th and 5th brothers.
  • 4. This Aveline lived to be very old, for in 1300 she was alive, and Beatrice her grandaughter was married to John Knout of West Rudham.
  • 5. Richard son of Nicholas, ob. S. P.
  • 6. Cart. 15 Edw. 2, Number 34.
  • 7. He bare az. a fess dancette between threee escalops or.
  • 8. Alice, widow of Peter de Brampton, settled lands in Ingworth, for two masses to be yearly celebrated for ever, in St. Laurence's church at Ingworth, one on her anniversary for her own soul, and the other for the souls of Nicholas and Aveline de Reppes her father and mother, and Peter de Brampton her husband, on the day of his anniversary, and on the eves and days of the said anniversaries, to cause the bells to be rung, and give a halfpency worth of bread to the poor.
  • 9. See under Felbrigge, it having passed ever since 1400, as that manor did.
  • 10. Mon. Angl. vol. i. fo. 317.