Hundred of South Greenhoe: Little-Pagrave

An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 6. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1807.

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Francis Blomefield, 'Hundred of South Greenhoe: Little-Pagrave', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 6( London, 1807), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

Francis Blomefield, 'Hundred of South Greenhoe: Little-Pagrave', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 6( London, 1807), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

Francis Blomefield. "Hundred of South Greenhoe: Little-Pagrave". An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 6. (London, 1807), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.

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Hath been for many ages in the family, who took their name from this lordship and seat of theirs, to which one of the family built a Chapel, (fn. 1) and fixed the tithes of his manor to it, so that it became parochial, and was a long time independent of Sporle, till the prior there obtained its advowson, and got it consolidated to Sporle; though the first joint presentation that I have seen was in 1581. It is valued with Sporle, in the King's Books, and so pays no visitatorial procurations; but the Archdeacon's Revision in 1630, says that Palgrave-Parva pays 12d. synodals to the Bishop, and 12d. procurations to the archdeacon, and that it belonged to Sporle priory; the whole village, though it retains its name separate, is included in Sporle; the chapel hath been many years dilapidated, but its site is well known.

The Lete of Pagrave-Parva is in the lord of the hundred: lete fee is 4d. per annum.

Strange's, or Pagrave-Parva Manor,

William Earl Warren held in the Conqueror's time land here, which St. Ricarius holds of him, namely a carucate of the fee of Fedric held by a freeman, in King Edward's time; it was always 1 carucate and half in domain, then valued at 20s. at the survey at 25s. (fn. 2)

This lordship has been in the family of the Pagraves (who took their name from it (fn. 3) ) for many centuries; in the reign of Henry II. John, son of Thomas de Pagrave, gave to the monks of Casleacre a rent of 4d. per annum; and in the 24th of Henry III. a fine was levied between Robert son of William de Pagrave and Mary his wife, querents, and William de Pagrave, defendant, of a carucate of land in Pagrave, granted to William for life, remainder to Robert and his heirs begotten of the said Mary. In the 41st also of the said King, a fine was levied between Robert de Pagrave, querent, and William, tenent of one messuage, one carucate of land, and 15s. per annum rent in Pagrave, granted to Robert, who granted to William an annuity of 9 marks. (fn. 4) In the 38th of Henry VI. a fine was levied between John Pagrave, junior and Margaret his wife, querents, and John Pagrave, senior, and Ann his wife, defendants, of the manor of Pagrave, and a fold course in Pagrave-Magna and Parva, settled on John and Margaret in tail; and it appears by the will of Henry Pagrave, who died in 1527, that his wife was jointered in this manor. In 1571, John Pagrave was lord, and Sir Augustine Pagrave, Bart. died seized of it; about the year 1731, the whole manor was purchased in, and there were no outrents but 36s. 8d. payable yearly to the sheriff of Norfolk; at Sir Richard's death, it was ordered by decree in Chancery, to be sold by his heirs, with the manor of Norwood Barningham; (fn. 5) and

The heirs of Sir Richard are the 4 daughters of Samuel Smith, late of Colkirk, Esq. deceased, his mother being Uritha Palgrave, daughter of Sir John Palgrave, grandfather of Sir Richard, and father of Sir Austin, viz.

1, Catherine, married to Thomas Bendish, Esq. of Yarmouth, who is dead, with issue.

2, Uritha, married to Offley of Derbyshire, Esq. she being dead, John Offley, Esq. is her son and heir.

3, Theodosia, who married Samuel Sparrow of Lavenham in Suffolk, Gent. who is dead, but she survives.

4, Lucy, married 1st to Pett of Dedenham in Suffolk, Gent. and after to Jonas Rolf of Lyn, Gent.; she is dead, but John Pett her son is now living.


  • 1. The chapel of St. John Baptist in Pagrave, which belonged to Bury abbey, is not this, as some have thought, but was at Palgrave in Suffolk.
  • 2. Terr. Willi. de Warren in Pagrava tenuit Scs. Ricarius i. car. tre. de feodo Fedrici qua. tenuit quid. lib. ho. T. R. E. tunc iiii. villani et semp. mo ii. bord. semper in dommio i. car. et semper inter omnes dim. car. tunc valuit 20s. modo xxv. sol. (Doms. fo. 96.)
  • 3. Regr. Castleacre, fol. 23, 24. Several of the Pagraves, and William Murdac, gave lands here to the abbey of Castleacre, about this time.
  • 4. Regr. Hayward Norw. p. 32.
  • 5. Under this town, the seat of the Pagraves, will be a larger account of that ancient family.