Hundred of Henstede: Holveston

An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 5. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1806.

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Francis Blomefield, 'Hundred of Henstede: Holveston', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 5( London, 1806), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

Francis Blomefield, 'Hundred of Henstede: Holveston', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 5( London, 1806), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

Francis Blomefield. "Hundred of Henstede: Holveston". An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 5. (London, 1806), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.

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Commonly called Holston, is in the liberty of the Duke of Norfolk, as a member of Framingham, and takes its name from its situation in a great hollow or hole: at the survey the village was half a mile long and 3 furlongs broad, and paid 8d. geld. The moiety of the town, and the advowson of the church, belonged to Roger Bigot's manor of Framingham; (fn. 1) and the other moiety of the church and town, constituted Holveston, alias Vaux's manor, so called from Ethard de Vaux, lord of it at the Conquest, who held it under Godric, who managed it for the King. (fn. 2) The mediety of Holveston that belonged to Vaux's manor, was consolidated before Norwich Domesday was made, to Burgh-Apeton, and the Earl's mediety was consolidated to Rockland mediety, and the church hath been so totally demolished, that it is now ploughed over: it was about 24 yards long, and stood on the west side of the road leading from Holveston-hall to Yelvertonheath, right between them, on the very pitch of the hill, from which place, the road to the heath is mended with its ruins, which were pulled down in memory of many now living, for that purpose, the road formerly joined to the south-east part of the churchyard, which it doth not now touch by about 50 yards.


Of the Earl's Mediety of Holveston.

1310, Robert de Aylesham. Sir Robert de Rydon, Knt. and Lettice de Wingefield, by grant from Lady Alice de Hannonia Countess of Norfolk in right of her dower, she being beyond sea.

1314, Stephen de Redenhall. Ditto.

1329, Robert de Hardeshull, who resigned in

1330, to John de Catefield, in exchange for Belagh. Thomas de Brotherton Earl of Norfolk.

1331, John de Essex. Ditto.

1352, William Debbe, lapse.

1356, William de Ormesby. Sir Walter Manney, Knt.

In 1358, Thomas Percy Bishop of Norwich, on Ormesby's death, at the request of Sir Walter, perpetually united this mediety to that of Rockland; and Roger Godwine, then rector there, had possession of it Oct. 6, and it was certified that this mediety was valued at two marks only. (fn. 3)

In 1285, Roger le Bygod Earl of Norfolk had view of frankpledge and assize of bread and ale of all his tenants here. But that part of the vill not held by the Norfolk family, as a member of Framlingham, belonging to the ancient family of the Holvestons or Uulvestons, who took their name from the town, of which Sir John de Holveston, Knt. of Norwich, in 1349, was patron of Hardingham, and in 1390, feoffee for the manor and advowson of Flixton in Lothingland, for Sir John Fastolff, Knt. his son William de Uueston of Heverland, Esq. had a daughter Catherine, married in 1420 to Henry Cat, Esq. About 1549, William Halse of Heverland died seized, and left this manor to Margt. Eliz. and Cath. his daughters and heiresses, with those of Heverland, Montjoy, &c. And afterwards Sir Thomas Gawdy of Claxton purchased it, and was lord in 1570, and it continued in that family till it was sold to the Jays; Suckling Jay was lord in 1663, and died in 1677; his son, John Jay, Esq. was lord in 1669, (fn. 4) and at his death made Sir Cha. Tirrell of Heron in Essex, his executor, who sold it to Mr. Marcon. John Marcon, Esq. of Holveston, barrister at law, lord and patron of Edgefield, died in 1723, and Rebecca his relict, daughter of Sir Benjamin Wrench, Knt. and now widow of Colonel Harbord, holds it for life, and Mr. John Marcon, attorney at law in Swaffham, son of Edmund Marcon, late of Forncet, cousin to the said John, is heir in reversion.

In 1323, the Earl of Pembrook, Aymer de Valence, held the mediety of this advowson, as belonging to the fees of the barony of Montchensy, together with his manor of Burgh-Apeton, which this mediety hath always attended, being annexed to that advowson.

The whole village is quite demolished, except the hall, and four or five cottages. It hath a constable by itself, but pays all rates to Hillington.


  • 1. Terre Episcopi Bajocensis. Heinestede Hundr. Domesday. Fo. 60. In Holvestuna, iii. soc. et ii. dim. de xvi. acris terre semper dim. car. (pertinet manerio Rogeri Bigot de Framingham.) Holvestuna, hab at iiii. quar. in longo, iii. in lato, et de gelto 8 den. terra Rogeri Bigoti, de escangio terre Isaac. fo. 112. In Holvestuna iii. lib. hom ejusdem (sc. Ulketel) x. acr. ter. semper arant cum duobus bovibus, appretiati in Framingham.
  • 2. Terre Regis quam Godricus servat. Heinestede, hund. Domesd. fo. 29. In Holvestuna, Aitardus (de Vals or Vaux) similiter habet i. dim. liberum hominem viii. acr. ter. et dim. acr prati, et de vi. hominibus integris, et de sex dimidijs quos Aitardus reclamat ad feudum Epi. Bajocensis, val. T. R. E. x. sol. quando Godricus recepit ministerium xxxvi.s. modo Aitardus habet xiii. sol et viii. den. Terre Godrici Dapiferi. fo. 165. In Holvestuna. iiii. integri liberi homines, et iiii. et dim. Edwini de xl. ac. terre, et iii. acr. prat. et i. bord. semper i. car. et dim. In eadem ii. soc. i. acr. terre.
  • 3. Lib. Institutionum, V. fo. 1.
  • 4. For the Jays, see vol. iv. 315, and in several places mentioned in the indexes. John Jay. Esq. buried in Hillington church 1619, and Lucy Johnston his wife, in St. Andrew's at Norwich in 1647. Jane, youngest daughter of Hen. Jay of Holveston, Esq. married to Sir Edward Nicholas of West-Horsley in Surrey, Knt. in 1669.