Hundred of Henstede: Trowse and Newton

An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 5. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1806.

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Francis Blomefield, 'Hundred of Henstede: Trowse and Newton', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 5( London, 1806), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

Francis Blomefield, 'Hundred of Henstede: Trowse and Newton', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 5( London, 1806), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

Francis Blomefield. "Hundred of Henstede: Trowse and Newton". An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 5. (London, 1806), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.

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Now called Trowse with Newton, the latter being a hamlet to the former, though originally it was the contrary; Newton being the principal part or manor, and Trowse an appendage to it; (fn. 1) Bishop Stigand owned all Newton, and about half Trowse, and a free-woman held them of him; at the Conquest, Godric seized it, but could not keep it, for upon her appeal to the Conqueror himself, she had it restored for life; it contained three furlongs in length, and four in breadth, and paid 8d. gelt, towards every 20s. raised-upon the hundred. There never was a parish church at Newton, but the inhabitants always went to Trowse; after her death, Godric had it, and Ralf Fitz-Godric gave it with the advowson of Trowse, to the monks of Norwich, which gift King Henry II. confirmed. In 1285, the jury presented, that the bailiff of the King's hundred of Henstede always held his hundred court at Trowse, till within these 13 years past, when he was inhibited so doing by the Prior of Norwich, lord there, under pain of excommunication; and it being found to be one of the Prior's manors, enjoying the privileges of the church, and that this was no damage to the Crown nor country, the inhibition was confirmed. In 1428, the Prior was taxed for his temporals here at 10l. 8s. 10d. ob. At the Dissolution, Trowse and Trowse-Newton manor, with the impropriate rectory and advowson of the vicarage, were conveyed to the dean and chapter of Norwich, (fn. 2) who are now lords, impropriators, and patrons of the vicarage. (fn. 3)

Trowse-Newton-Hall is an ancient building, erected by the Priors of Norwich, whose country seat it was; it had a chapel and all offices convenient: in in 1335, King Edward III. and Phillipa his Queen, lodged there, as at p. 540, 612, vol. iii. It continued as a retirement for the deans, long after the Dissolution, but being now leased out, is inhabited by a farmer only.

That part of Trowse on the Norwich side of the river is called Trowse-Milgate, of which you may see a full account, in vol. iii. p. 168, 197, 380; vol. iv. p. 524.

Rokele's Manor

In Trowse, extended into a great number of the adjacent vills, but though it was so very considerable at that time, the several parts have been sold off or manumised, so that Sir Randall Ward, Bart. is the only remaining copyhold tenant of the manor; which Anscot had at the Confessor's, and Ranulf or Ralf at the Conqueror's survey, who held it of Roger Bigot, (fn. 4) and it hath been held always of the Norfolk family, as of Forncet manor. William Curcun was lord here, and gave it with his daughter Alice, to Ric. de Rupibus, Rupella, Rock, or Rokele, who had Richard and Reginald; (fn. 5) but they dying without issue, Will. Rokele their brother succeeded; in 1268, Thomas Rokele was lord, and in 1286, Henry Rokele, who the next year conveyed it to Ric. de la Rokele, who was lord in 1306; in 1390, it was owned by John Rokele or at Hyl, citizen of Norwich, who then conveyed to Sir Miles Stapleton, Knt. Sir Roger de Boys, Knt. Richard de Cratefield, master of Norton-Soupecorse college, and William de Claxton, this manor; with 20 acres of demeans called Trowse-Hilles, 35s. quitrents, one capon, and one pound of cinamon, with liberty of holding a court every three weeks in Trowse, with the suit of all the tenants belonging to this manor, in Witlingham, Trowse cum Newton, Bixley, Kirkebydon, Bramerton, Taseburgh, Brakendale, Rokelond, Carleton Juxta, Langley, Surlingham, and Amringhall. In 1357, Will. at Hyl and Jeffery Vernon, (fn. 6) granted other lands, &c. which were joined to these manors, to William de Blickling, Barth. del Appelyard, and John de Causton. It after belonged to John Potter, then to John de Witton; and about 1403, John de Barney and Will. de Catton had it; and after that, Edmund Caily of Trowse, Gent. who infeoffed Sir John Clifton, Knt. John at Chirche, Esq. Andrew Syre of Surlingham, Richard Rede of Oxburgh, Edmund Fairbed of Trowse, and William Narford of Bixley; it had been then in trustees hands, for they had it of the feoffment of John Hempstede, citizen of Norwich, Roger Prat, clerk, Will. Ymmis, and Thomas Wild. In 1438, Robert Howlyn, clerk, conveyed it to Sir John Clifton, Knt. John Windham, Esq. and Will. Gladine of Norwich, notary publick, with all the fisheries, swanmarks, &c.; (fn. 7) and in 1445, they released it to Clifton. In 1491, it belonged to John Blake, who lies buried in the chancel, with this on a brass plate,

Orate pro anima Johannis Blake, qui obiit riiio die mensis Marcii A. D. M. cccclrrrri. cuius anime propicietur Deus.

Under it was a shield parted per chevron in chief two cinquefoils pierced, in base a batt.

It was, after this, settled on the master and brethren of St. Giles's hospital in Norwich, and by them tied to find Bishop Goldwell's chaplains, as at p. 178, vol. iv.; and in 1582, was leased out, as at p. 389, vol. iv.; for its value, &c. see vol. iv. p. 395. It now belongs to St. Giles's hospital, to which the mayor and aldermen of the city of Norwich, are perpetual trustees.

The church is 27 yards long, and 8 broad; it hath a square tower about 16 yards high, in which are three bells; the church and chancel are both leaded; there is also a south porch; and the vicarage-house and yards join to the south side of the churchyard.

At the outside of the east gable of the chancel, on a stone under a niche, in which an image formerly stood, is this,

It seems he built the chancel, and placed the image of St. Andrew the Apostle (to whom the church is dedicated) in it, in view of all the passengers in the high-way, which goes under the churchyard wall; in 1280, he leaded it and glazed it at a great expense.

In the chancel, Prudence Wife of Rich. Brooke, Daughter of Daniel Palmer and Mary his Wife, died Oct. 1658. Prudence their Daughter, 1648.

Hunton, sab. a chevron, erm. between three talbots passant arg.

Hannah the dearly beloved Wife of John Hunton, 9 Dec. 1707.

Hic jacet Johannes Hunton Generosus, ob. 28 Maij. A. D. 1714, æt. 57.

Dallison, arg. on a pile ingrailed az. three crescents of the field, impaling

Tuthill, or, on a chevron az. three crescents arg. granted to one of that name at Saxlingham.

Here lyeth the loving Wyef of Rog. Dalyson, Sonne and Heire apparant to William Dalyson of Lawghton in the County of Lincoln, Esquier, and Daughter and Heir to William Tuthill of Newton, Gentleman, and Elizabeth his Wief, who ending her Lief in the Yeare of our Lorde God 1585, the 27 Day of Sept. and in the 19th Year of her Age, hath left here her body in the Earth, the Memory of her Name upon the Earth, and her blessed Spirit above the Earth, and earthly Power.

Suckling impales two bars. Margaret Relict of Rob. Suckling of Woodton, Esq. Jan. 22, 1700.

Suckling quarters Aldrich.

Carolus Svckling de Bracondale Generosus, Caroli Sucklinge de Woodton, Filius natù Minor, Communi peste obijt 15 Julij fatali Anno 1666. Maria Uxor ejus è Generosâ Aldrichiorum de Mangreen Familiâ, Hæres unica Relicta, per Annos fermè quinque lentâ Tabe languida, charum secuta est virum 18° Aprilis Ao 1671.

Utriusque optimè merentium Memoriæ Quatuor Filiæ Superstites piè posuere.

Eliz. Wife of Tho. Clypwell of Trowse Newton, 20 Aug. 1708, æt. 76.

Francis Barber, June 25, 1701, æt. 85.

John, third Son of John Knyvet Esq. and Lucy his Wife, ob. 15 Jan. 1685. (See p. 160.)

Thomason, on a bend three birds, each with a trefoil in their mouths.

Henricus Thomason Generosus, Filius Georgij Thomason Mercaloris Londinensis fraterque Charissimus, Georgij Thomason hujus Ecclesie Vicarij, hanc mortalem deposuit vitam 12 Die Mensis Maij Ao Æt. 34, annoque Dni. 1677.

The following inscriptions on brass plates are now lost:

Orate pro anima Alicie Payn, quondam Uroris Rici, Lynsted que obiit I die Augusti, A. D. Mccccciio cuius anime propicietur Deus.

Here lyeth the Body of William Tuthill Gent. who ended this Life the 28 Day of March, in the Year of our Lord 1591; he was born in Saxlingham, and married the Daughter of Mr. Woolsey of Norwich, by whom he had Issue only one Daughter, who married to Roger Dallyson of Laughton in the County of Lincoln, Esq. (fn. 8)

Arms of Tuthill and Woolsey, or, on a chevron between three woolpacks az. three garbs of the field.

Orate pro anima Ricardi Londe, quondam Uicarii istius Eccle- sie qui obiit rro die Augusti A. D. Mcccccvio cuius anime propi- cietur Deus Amen.

There is a tomb in the yard for John Youngs, 9 Jan. 1721, 84. And Anne and Hester his two Wives, Hester died July 1676, and Anne Feb. 1703, Sarah their Daughter 1705.

For Trowse river and bridge, see vol. iii. p. 3, 143, 7, 53, 71, 426, 42.

Concerning an insurrection here in 1569, see vol. i. p. 334, pedigree.

In 1239, Walter Fitz-Bernard settled on Carrow prioress, 3l. per annum rents in Trowse and Newton.

The church was appropriated to Norwich Prior and monks in 1205, by John de Grey Bishop of Norwich, at the death of Master Simon de Plumpstede, the last rector, to the office of the sacrist, a pension of two pieces of gold (duorum aureorum) being reserved to the celerer; and the Prior was taxed for his spirituals at 12 marks. There was a vicarage endowed, which was always presented to by the priors; (fn. 9) and its advowson belongs now to the dean and chapter and is one of their peculiars, (fn. 10) pays no synodals nor procurations to the Archdeacon of Norfolk, nor first-fruits; it stands thus in the King's Books, 5l. Trowse vicaria. 10s. yearly tenths.

So that being undischarged, it is not capable of augmentation; it pays 15d. procurations to the Bishop at his visitation, and the town paid 40s. clear to each tenth.

Here was a gild of St. Andrew, to which John Stone, who was buried at the porch door in 1507, was a benefactor; as also to our Lady's image in the church, and to the light burning in the bason before the rood-loft. In 1553, John Debney was buried here.

In 1323, Thomas Edithorp was vicar. In 1412, John Gorleston. In 1669, 26 Aug. died Mr. Drury, vicar of Trowse. In 1603, Tho. Cauforth, vicar, returned answer, that there were 170 communicants here. Dean Prideaux had it, see vol. iii. p. 628.

The Rev. Mr. John Kirby is the present vicar, who hath Stoke-holyCross also.


  • 1. Newotona tenuit i. libera femina sub Stigando pro i. car. terre semper viii. villan. et viij. bord. semper i. car. in dom. tunc iiii. car. hom. post i. et dim. modo ii. car. hom. et xl. acr. prati modo x. anim. tunc ii. porc. modo iii. et v. ov. In Trus vi. soc. pertinentes isti manerio de lvi. acr. terre et ii. bord. et v. acr. prati, et i. mol. semper i. car. et dim. tunc valuit totum xx. sol. post et modo xxx. hoc manerium fuit ad censum in ministerium Godrici pro xxx. sol. Sed Godricus non habuit eos, quia revocat ipsa Regem ad defensorem, habet iii. quar. in longo et iiii. quar. in lato, et viiid. de gelto.
  • 2. 1601, John Suckling, Esq. sued Joan Suckling, widow, and Thomas and Christopher Suckling, touching the lease of this manor, now in possession of Peter Gleane, Gent. by virtue of another lease, it was in jointure to Colonel Suckling's widow, of Wotton, in 1693.
  • 3. There were divers lands, rents, and services, added to this manor, of divers gifts, as by John son of John de Hemenhale, Robert de Hemenhale and Kat. his wife, Thomas Vincent, Amabil, widow of Andrew le Porter, all before 1280, Will. Butt of Norwich in 1305, Henry Trewboy in 1339, and in 1392, by Rob. Thugarton.
  • 4. Terra Rogeri Bigoti, Doms. fo. 132. Heinestede H. In Treus i. liber homo Anscot commendat. T. R. E. xl. acr. terre et iii. bord. hoc tenet idem (sc. Ranulfus) et i. lib. homo dim. sub eo iiii. acr. prati. Terra Regis. fo. 9. In Framingaham et in Treussa tenent duo Burgenses Norwici xii. acr. terre, semper val. ii. sol.
  • 5. See Bixley, p. 448, 9. Witlingham, p. 456.
  • 6. Vernon's seal hath a shield of barry of eight, a bend: crest, a man's head between two wings. S. Galfridi Vernoni.
  • 7. See vol. iv. p. 389.
  • 8. See vol. iii. p. 602.
  • 9. See vol. iv. p. 75, 558.
  • 10. Trous. Appropriata est ecclesia sive rectoria Priori et conventui Sancte Trmitatis in ecclesia cathedrali Norwic. Decanus et capitulum dicte ecclesie cathedralis patroni vicariè. Fulco Roberts, clicus: S. T. B. vicarius ibidem, retinet etiam prebend. in ecclesiâ cathedrali predicta et rectoriam Sancte Clementis in Norwico. Estimatur 5l. decima 10s. procuratio epi. 15d. non solvit synodalia nec procuraciones archidiacono Norfolciæ, non visitatur ab Archidiacono Norfolcie, neque subdita est illa ecclesia aut parochiani ejusdem eidem, sed peculiaris est jurisdictio dicte ecclesie cathedralis. Revisio Archidiac. Norf. Ao 1630.