Hundred of Humble-Yard: Keswick

An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 5. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1806.

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Francis Blomefield, 'Hundred of Humble-Yard: Keswick', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 5( London, 1806), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

Francis Blomefield, 'Hundred of Humble-Yard: Keswick', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 5( London, 1806), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

Francis Blomefield. "Hundred of Humble-Yard: Keswick". An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 5. (London, 1806), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.

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Or Case-Wic, i. e. the cottages upon the wic or winding of the river, to which the situation, which is on the river's side, exactly answers. In the Confessor's time this manor was a berewic to Hethill manor, and was owned by Olf, a thane of that King, and by Roger Bigot in the Conqueror's time; it was then 6 furlongs long, and 5 broad, and paid 6d. ob. geld or tax, and Aitard de Vals or de Vaux, held it of Bigod. (fn. 1)

Godric the sewer had a man that held 10 acres here, and the King and the Earl had the whole soc, lete, and superiour jurisdiction. (fn. 2)

It continued in the Vaux family for many ages; Hubert de Vallibus or Vals, was lord, and had an exemption from paying toll in Norwich, for the produce of his demeans here, and of his manor of Surling ham; and in 1220, Jollan de Vaux was lord of both manors, and proved his exemption: there were great contests between him and the Prior and Convent of Norwich, concerning rights of commonage in Eaton; but things being agreed he became a good benefactor to their monasiery, by conarming all right he had in Eaton to the monks, and a watermill in Kesewic called the Old Mill; and Emma, daughter of Bartholomew, son of Will de Hethill, released all her right in the mill, which was first given to the convem by Albert de Novilla or Nevile, subject to pay 10s a year to the monks at Thetford, which Vincent Prior of Thetford released in 1289, and Robert Prior of Alvesborne, and the canons there, released to the monks of Norwich, a rent of 20s. in Kesewic; and in 1286, Ralf de Amodesham and Alice his wife, conveyed to the Prior of Norwich 40s. rent here to be remembered daily in the bed-roll of the church of Norwich; and accordingly the monks of Norwich were taxed for 40s. of temporal rents in this town Sir John de Vaux, Knt. was succeded about 1234, by his son Sir Alex. de Waus, Knt. (fn. 3) who granted to the Norwich monks, joint fishery with him in his stream from Hereford-bridge, and an acre of land there, Roger de Vaus being witness; he confirmed to the Prior and monks of St. Faith at Horsham, 18 acres of land in Casewic, which John Godchep gave them in free alms, and also a portion of tithes out of his demeans, for which that convent was taxed at 6s, 8d. spirituals, and 11s. temporals. In 1265, John de Vaux was lord of this and Boton, and Mary his widow had an interest in it; and in 1295, the manor was settled by a fine, then levied between William son of Herbert de Vaux, and Burga his wife, on the said Mary, for life, remainder to them and their heirs; and in 1296. Petronilla, daughter of Alexander de Vaux, claimed a part of it; and in 1315, the said Burga, her husband William being dead, was lady here, and in 1318 obtained a charter of free-warren to the manor. In 1320, she and John de Vals, her son and heir, as executors of Will. de Vaux, paid 102l. to the King, as the remainder of the account of the said Will. who was the King's receiver for the revenues of his castle and honour of Knaresburgh in Yorkshire. In 1347, John Sparrow of Norwich was lord. In 1349, Sir John Ufford, Knt. and Hugh de Curson, by whom in 1365, this and Vaux's manor in Burgh St. Mary were settled on Will. Clere of Ormesby. In 1390, Diomst Clere had it. In 1445, Rob. Clere, Esq. gave it after the death of Eliz. his wife, to Robert Clere his son, when it was held of Forncet honour. In 1469, Eliz. Clere had it, and in 1523, Sir Robert Clere, Knt. her son. In 1549, Sir Ric. Gresham, Knt. died seized, and Eliz. his relict had it, and after her, Sir John Gresham, their son and heir. In 1563, Isabel Gresham, widow, and in 1577, Sir Tho. Gresham, Knt.; and m 1580, Will. Gresham, Esq. and from that time it hath passed along with the manor of Intwood, and remains with it at this day.

The church was dedicated to All the Saints, (fn. 4) and the rector had a house and 26 acres of glebe; it was valued at 5 marks, and is now valued at 5l. in the King's Books, and pays first-fruits, as consolidated to Intwood, and 10s. yearly tenths; synodals are 18d. procurations, 6s. 8d. Peter-pence 12d. carvage 1d. 0b. the portion of St. Faith at Horsham 5s. and that of the monks of Thetford 5s. There was an image of the Virgin in the church, and in 1505, Rob. Curson was buried before it, and gave a good legacy to repair the church; this village paid 1l. 7s. to every tenth.

Rectors of Kesewick.

Guaidus the priest.

Kalf. Alex. de Vaux, Knt.

1300, Jeffery de Colney. Sir Will. de Vaux, Knt. who presented the three following rectors:

1301, Edmund de Merkeshall.

1303, John de Basingham.

1310, Ric. de Catfield.

1347, Ric. at Church of Swaynesthorp. John Sparwe or Sparrow, citizen of Norwich.

1349, Simon de Bintre. Sir John Ufford, Knt.; he exchanged for St. Margaret Westwick in Norwich. (See vol. iv. p. 257.)

1355, Rob de Kyngton. Sir Rob. de Ufford and Hugh Curson: buried in the chancel in 1383, when Will. Clere of Ormesby gave it to

Tho. Ward of Ridlington, who was buried by him in 1390, and Rob. Vyn of Brunsted, was presented by Dionise Clere; and in 1408, Nic. Hey'et had it; and, in 1422, exchanged it with Roger atte Medewe for Ridlyngton. Oliver Groos, Esq.

1425, Rob. Metton. Nic. Wichingham, resigned.

1434, Simon Clerk. Eliz. Rothenhale; he resigned in 1439, and

Tho. Burgh was presented by Rob. Clere of Ormesby, Esq. in right of Casewick manor, which came to him by inheritance.

1458, Ric Wymond, lapse.

1465, John Wode, lapse.

1469, Brother Aian Aylesham. Eliz. Clere, widow.

1493, Brother John Hevyngham. Rob. Clere, Esq. He died in 1523, and Sir Rob. Clere, Knt. presented his chaplain,

Sir Will. Hunt, who held it united to St. Edmund in Norwich; at whose death in 1525, he presented

Sir Robert Fosdyke, alias Poynter, who was deprived in 1555, and Tho. Warner had it of the gift of Eliz, relict of Sir Ric. Gresham, Knt, at whose death in 1563, Lady Isabell Gresham, widow, gave it to

John Shynkwyn, who had it united to Intwood, and at his death, July 21,

1597, Edw. Munday was presented to this church by Tho. Tirrel, Esq. patron of the turn, who had institution and union to Intwood with Gowthorp chapel; and the 23d of Oct. following, they were con solidated by consent of Will. Gresham, Esq. patron of them all; and this church was immediately pulled down. The steeple is round, and is still standing, being very small, as was the church, which had a nave, chancel, and south porch; the churchyard is ploughed up to the walls; it stands on a hill between Hertford-bridges and Intwood, on the south side of the river, and the ruins are seen at some distance. There are a very few houses besides the hall; the whole village belonging with Intwood, to John Lord Hobart of Blickling.

More east, on the same side of the river, on a promontory, bounded on the south-east by the river Taüs, are seen the ruins of another church, properly enough called


  • 1. Terra Rogeri Bigoti H. Humiliart. Doms. fo. 121. Hethella tenuit Olf Teinus T. R. E. &c. semper i. beruuita Chesewic de i. car. terre tunc ii. vill. post et modo i. semper i. ser. tunc et post i. car. in dnio. mo ii. et iii. acr. prati semper i. mol. et Chesewic habet vi. quar. in longo et v. in lato, et vi.d. et ob. de g. et tenet Aitardus. In Kesewic xiii. libi. homines, quos tenet Aitardus, iiii. sub antec. Godrici. commend. tantum et de v. soca falde, et commend. et v. sub antecess. Rogeri commend. tantum, habent et lx. acr. tunc i. car. et dim. post modo i. et dim. acr. prati in eadem iv. libi. homines, duo commend. tantum et unus sub antecess. Godici similiter et quartus Stigandi similiter et hab. i. car. terre de xxx. acr. istius terre saisitus erat Godricus quando R. foris fecit et due sue mulieres ibi manebant, mo eam tenet Aitardus de Rogero ii. bord. semper ii. car. et vi. acr. prati tunc val. in totum xv. sol. modo. xxv. Rex et Comes de emnibus istis liberis hominibus socam. (Doms. fo. 138.)
  • 2. Terre Godrici Dap.teri. In Keswic i. homo x. acr. et val. xvi.d. Rex et Comes super omnes socam. Ibid. fo. 169.
  • 3. Margery, widow of Sir John de Vaux of Kesewic, Knt. granted to Alexander her so, lands in Trowse, which Alexander released to the chamb rlain of the monks at Norwich, In Henry the Third's time, Will. de Vaux held it at one fee of the hairs of Hubert de Multon, and he of the Earl-Marshal.
  • 4. Will. fil. Ranulfi de Swerdestone abjuravi redidisse hospitali Sce. Marie Magdalene juxta Norwicum et fratribus et sororibus ejusdem, Dco servientibus, totum jus in unâ acrâ, in campo de Chesewic inter terram ecclesie omnium Sanctorum de Chesewic et pontem de Herteford, et terra liberi, et est ex dono Dni. Alexandri de Vallibus Dni. de Chesewic. E Cartâ sans date. Vol. iv. p. 441.