Uppington - Uzmaston

A Topographical Dictionary of Wales. Originally published by S Lewis, London, 1849.

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Samuel Lewis, 'Uppington - Uzmaston', in A Topographical Dictionary of Wales( London, 1849), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-dict/wales/pp414-416 [accessed 28 September 2024].

Samuel Lewis, 'Uppington - Uzmaston', in A Topographical Dictionary of Wales( London, 1849), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-dict/wales/pp414-416.

Samuel Lewis. "Uppington - Uzmaston". A Topographical Dictionary of Wales. (London, 1849), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-dict/wales/pp414-416.

In this section



UPPINGTON, a township, in that part of the parish of Abberbury which is in the Lower division of the hundred of Cawrse, county of Montgomery, North Wales; containing 123 inhabitants. The tithes have been commuted for £55. 3. 6. payable to All Souls' College, Oxford, £6 payable to the vicar of Abberbury, and 12s. 4d. to the parishclerk.


UPTON, a parish, in the hundred of Castlemartin, union and county of Pembroke, South Wales, 3½ miles (N. E.) from Pembroke; containing 12 inhabitants. This parish, which was withdrawn, a few years since, from the hundred of Narberth, and included in that of Castlemartin, is exceedingly small, and inhabited only by one gentleman's family, who are proprietors of the whole. It occupies an elevated site above a creek of Milford Haven, and was formerly distinguished for its castle, which, if not originally built, was anciently occupied, by the family of Maliphant, from whom it passed by marriage to that of Bowen. Upton Castle and its dependencies were subsequently purchased by Mr. Tasker, who devised his estates among his three nieces, one of whom, by marriage, conveyed the castle and a portion of this property to the Rev. William Evans, who is now owner of the parish. The remains of the old castle, incorporated in the buildings of the present mansion, consist principally of the entrance gateway, and the two circular bastions by which it was defended; one of these now forming a projecting window in one of the apartments. The seat occupies a charming situation, and commands picturesque views of the surrounding country, and of the ruins of Carew Castle, washed at their base by the converging estuaries which unite to form this branch of the Haven. Upton is annexed to the rectory of Nash. The church, a small edifice, is supposed to have been built at the same time as the castle, to which it was formerly attached. It contains some ancient monuments, among which is one having a recumbent effigy of a warrior in complete armour, under a richly sculptured canopy of stone: a clenched hand, issuing from the wall, forms a candelabrum for a taper, for the maintenance of which some fund has been probably left by the deceased or his relatives. There are also several mural monuments to more recent proprietors of the estate.


UWCH-AVON, a division, in the parish of Gwyddelwern, union of Corwen, hundred of Edeyrnion, county of Merioneth, in North Wales; comprising the united hamlets of Bôdheulog, Cynwyd Vawr, Cynwyd Vechan, and Persaithydd: the population is included in the return for the parish. The village of Cynwyd, on the road from Corwen to Bala and Dinas-Mowddwy, is situated 2 miles (S. W.) from Corwen. It is noted as the place where a court for the thirteen baronies contained within the comot of Edeyrnion was anciently held, chiefly for the purpose of settling the boundaries of the lords' claims upon the wastes and commons, and for taking cognizance of encroachments; but a disagreement arising among the lords, the records were destroyed, and the court has since been discontinued. The river Trustion runs through this village, about half a mile above which it pours its waters over a precipitous ledge of rocks, upwards of sixty feet high, and forms a pleasing cascade. The first fall rushes through a narrow chasm, about forty feet in perpendicular height, and is received into a basin, measuring at least ten feet in diameter, whence it pursues its course for several yards along a rocky ridge, and then rolls over, in three falls of about twenty feet, into a natural reservoir more capacious than the former. Within a short distance of this, after passing through the dingle and the village, it empties itself into the Dee. There are two flannel manufactories and a corn-mill upon the stream; the cornmill is situated near the bottom of the waterfall, and contributes materially to the picturesque character of the scenery, which, from the rocky declivities being in many places well clothed with wood, is pleasing and attractive. Fairs are held on August 6th and October 21st. A school-room was built at Cynwyd by subscription, in consequence of a bequest of £200 by Hugh Roberts, in 1807, the produce to be applied to the instruction of children. There are places of worship for Baptists, Calvinistic Methodists, and Independents, with a Sunday school held in each of them. Morris Edwards, in 1822, bequeathed £100 for the benefit of the poor of the division, the interest of which is regularly distributed among them at Christmas. Near Tŷ'n-y-Wern is a remarkably fine oak, about ninety feet high, the trunk of which, at the distance of seven feet from the ground, measures twenty feet in girth, and one of its branches thirteen: there is also in the vicinity a very large elm-tree, eleven feet in circumference.


UWCH-COED, a hamlet, in the parish of Penegoes, union and hundred of Machynlleth, county of Montgomery, North Wales, 5 miles (E. by S.) from Machynlleth; containing 403 inhabitants. It forms the upper part of the parish, where the mountains are lofty, and consists of extensive wastes. In Dylivau and Esgair-Galed lead-ore is obtained, and the mines used to afford employment to many families, but are at present only partially worked. The road from Newtown to Machynlleth passes through the hamlet.


UWCH-MYNYDD, a division, in the parish of Gwyddelwern, union of Corwen, hundred of Edeyrnion, county of Merioneth, North Wales; comprising the united hamlets of Bôdgynvaen and Clegir: the population is included in the return for the parish. The small romantic village of Melinwig is situated within its limits. A sum of 36s., arising from a gift by Griffith Roberts, is distributed among the poor at Christmas. Vestiges of a British encampment are traceable on Bettws mountain.

Uwch-Y-Garreg (Uwch-Gareg)

UWCH-Y-GARREG (UWCH-GAREG), a township, in the parish and union of Machynlleth, Lower division of the hundred of Machynlleth, county of Montgomery, North Wales, 6 miles (S. E.) from Machynlleth; containing 372 inhabitants. It comprises the upper portion of the parish, which consists principally of boggy elevations and barren wastes. Moel Vadyn is a conical eminence rising 1864 feet above the level of the sea; the lofty Plinlimmon bounds the township on the south-west, and at its base is a pool called Glâslyn, or "the blue lake." The road from Machynlleth to Llanidloes passes through the township; and a short distance to the right of it, not far from Glâslyn, are some lead-mines, which have been only partially worked, though the ore is said to contain some silver. Nearly half-way to Llanidloes, and about a mile and a half from the road, is a very picturesque waterfall, designated Pistyll Rhaiadr, formed by a stream that here precipitates itself with great force over several rocky ledges, one of which is perpendicular and of considerable height.

Uwch-Y-Graig (Uwch-Graig)

UWCH-Y-GRAIG (UWCH-GRAIG), a hamlet, in the parish of Llanddwywau, union of Dôlgelley, hundred of Ardudwy, county of Merioneth, North Wales; containing 98 inhabitants. It forms the upper part of the parish, consisting chiefly of lofty and extensive mountains; and the road from Dôlgelley to Harlech passes through it. Here are three small lakes, called respectively Irddin, Bodlyn, and Dulyn, of which the two latter are connected; and from these issues a stream that falls into Cardigan bay. Near them, in the plain adjacent, are various remains, comprising cromlechs, carneddau, maen hirion, and cist-vaens; and on the west is a British post, named Craig-y-Dinas, surrounded with rough stones, on the summit of a conical hill. In an opposite direction, on the top of another hill, is Castell Dinas Cortin, encircled with intrenchments, and having an advanced work in front. Towards the northern part of the hamlet is a narrow defile, named Drws Ardudwy, or "the door into Ardudwy," through which a difficult and dangerous road, under impending cliffs, leads from Trawsvynydd to the parochial church.


UZMASTON, a parish, in the union of Haverfordwest, hundred of Dungleddy, and county of Pembroke, South Wales, 1½ mile (S. E.) from Haverfordwest; containing 627 inhabitants. This parish, commonly called "Ismiston," is situated on the Western Cleddy river, and comprises a moderate extent of inclosed and cultivated land; the soil is generally fertile, and the inhabitants are chiefly employed in agriculture. The western part, containing the straggling extremity of a suburb of Haverfordwest, termed Cartlet, is included within the limits of that borough. The parish rates are levied by the ploughland, in the measurement of which ten feet and a half are allowed to each rod. Uzmaston is a perpetual curacy, endowed with £600 royal bounty, and £400 parliamentary grant; net income, £117; patrons and appropriators, the Dean and Chapter of St. David's, whose tithes have been commuted for a rent-charge of £205. The church, dedicated to St. Ismael, is not remarkable for any architectural details. A day and Sunday school is held, in connexion with the Established Church.