Haughton-le-Skerne - Haveringland

A Topographical Dictionary of England. Originally published by S Lewis, London, 1848.

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'Haughton-le-Skerne - Haveringland', A Topographical Dictionary of England, (London, 1848), pp. 444-447. British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-dict/england/pp444-447 [accessed 30 June 2024].

. "Haughton-le-Skerne - Haveringland", in A Topographical Dictionary of England, (London, 1848) 444-447. British History Online, accessed June 30, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-dict/england/pp444-447.

. "Haughton-le-Skerne - Haveringland", A Topographical Dictionary of England, (London, 1848). 444-447. British History Online. Web. 30 June 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/topographical-dict/england/pp444-447.

In this section

Haughton-Le-Skerne (St. Andrew)

HAUGHTON-LE-SKERNE (St. Andrew), a parish, in the union of Darlington, partly in the S. E. division of Darlington ward, and partly in the S. W. division of Stockton ward, S. division of the county of Durham, 1¾ mile (N. E. by E.) from Darlington; containing, with the townships of Great Burdon, Barmpton, Morton-Palms, Whessoe, and Coatham-Mundeville, and the chapelry of Sadberge, 1518 inhabitants, of whom 576 are in the township of Haughton. This parish is situated on the river Skerne, a tributary to the Tees, and comprises 10,215 acres, of which 1903 are within the township; of these latter about 1000 are arable and in cultivation, 839 meadow and pasture, 18 wood and plantations, and the remainder roads and waste. The surface is nearly level, and the scenery, in some parts enriched with wood, is generally of pleasing character; the soil varies from a light gravel to a retentive clay. The village forms one long and spacious street, neatly built, and there are several handsome houses, the residence of opulent families. The Stockton and Darlington railway passes through part of the township for about a mile and a quarter. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £53. 6. 8., and in the patronage of the Bishop of Durham; the tithes have been commuted for £1011. 17. 6.; the glebe comprises 250 acres. The church is an ancient stucture, chiefly in the Norman style of architecture, with a square tower; but it has suffered much from injudicious alterations. There is a chapel of ease at Sadberge. The Wesleyans have a place of worship. Bishop Butler, author of the Analogy, was rector of the parish prior to his elevation to the see of Durham.

Haukswell, or Hauxwell (St. Oswald)

HAUKSWELL, or Hauxwell (St. Oswald), a parish, in the union of Leyburn, wapentake of HangWest, N. riding of York, 5 miles (S.) from Richmond; containing, with the townships of Barden and Garriston, 338 inhabitants, of whom 128 are in the township of East, and 45 in that of West, Haukswell. The parish comprises about 3750 acres, of which 500 or 600 are moorland. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £20. 14. 4½., and in the patronage of Mrs. M. Gale; net income, £295. The church, which is in the Norman style, stands at a distance from the village, and consists of a nave and a narrow choir.

Haulgh, with Tonge.—See Tonge.

HAULGH, with Tonge.—See Tonge.

Hault-Hucknall.—See Ault-Hucknall.

HAULT-HUCKNALL.—See Ault-Hucknall.

Haultwick, or Artic

HAULTWICK, or Artic, a hamlet, partly in the parish of Great Munden, but chiefly in that of Little Munden, union of Ware, hundred of Broadwater, county of Hertford; containing 202 inhabitants.


HAUNTON, a township, in the parish of CliftonCampville, union of Tamworth, N. division of the hundred of Offlow and of the county of Stafford, 4½ miles (N. N. E.) from Tamworth; containing 197 inhabitants. It lies on the road from Harlaston to CliftonCampville, from which latter village it is distant westward about a mile. The river Mease flows on the north.

Hautbois, Great (St. Theobald)

HAUTBOIS, GREAT (St. Thebold), a parish, in the union of Aylsham, hundred of South Erpingham, E. division of Norfolk, 1 mile (N. W. by N.) from Coltishall; containing 162 inhabitants. The parish is bounded on the west by the river Bure, which is navigable from Yarmouth to Aylsham; and comprises 611 acres, whereof 505 are arable, 84 pasture and meadow, and 7 common. The living is a discharged rectory, valued in the king's books at £4. 6. 8., and in the gift of Samuel Bignold, Esq.: the tithes have been commuted for £214, and the glebe comprises 13 acres. The church is in the early English style, with a round tower, and contains a Norman font of curious design. Here was a chantry, founded and endowed by John Parham; and a Maison Dieu, for a master and poor persons, was founded at the head of what was called Hautbois Causeway, for the reception of poor travellers, about the reign of Henry III., by Sir Peter de Alto Bosco, Knt., and dedicated to the Virgin Mary: it was subordinate to the hospital at Horning.

Hautbois, Little (St. Mary)

HAUTBOIS, LITTLE (St. Mary), a parish, in the union of Aylsham, hundred of South Erpingham, E. division of Norfolk, 2 miles (N. W. by N.) from Coltishall; containing 42 inhabitants. The living is a discharged rectory, united to that of Lammas, valued in the king's books at £7. The Hall, an ancient building in the Elizabethan style, has been converted into a farmhouse; and there are no remains of the church.


HAUXLEY, a township, in the parish of Warkworth, union of Alnwick, E. division of Coquetdale ward, N. division of Northumberland, 10½ miles (S. E.) from Alnwick; containing 457 inhabitants, partly fishermen. The township comprises 740 acres, of which two-thirds are arable, and 10 acres plantation; the soil is of very good quality, and the surface is level, with a gentle ascent, whereon the village stands, commanding a beautiful view of the German Ocean, including Coquet Island. On the coast are dangerous reefs of rocks, stretching far into the sea, where many vessels were annually lost, till the erection of a lighthouse on Coquet Island, in 1841, since which wrecks have been comparatively of rare occurrence. The Radcliffe colliery, here, producing an excellent steam-coal, was opened in 1838, at an expense for the "winning," with other charges, of £200,000; it employs about 200 hands, and is worked by Mr. Ladbrooke and partners, lessees of the Countess of Newburgh, who, as lady of the manor, receives a yearly rent of £600. The tithes have been commuted for £34. 4. 3. payable to the vicar, and £104. 12. 7. to the Bishop of Carlisle. At Radcliffe terrace is a place of worship for Wesleyans.

Hauxton (St. Edmund)

HAUXTON (St. Edmund), a parish, in the union of Chesterton, hundred of Thriplow, county of Cambridge, 4½ miles (S. by W.) from Cambridge; containing 313 inhabitants. The living is a discharged vicarage, with that of Newton, valued in the king's books at £6. 16.; patrons and appropriators, Dean and Chapter of Ely. The church is principally in the Norman style.

Havant (St. Faith)

HAVANT (St. Faith), a market-town, parish, and liberty, and the head of a union, in the Fareham and S. divisions of the county of Southampton, 21¼ miles (E. by S.) from Southampton, and 64 (S. W.) from London; containing, with the tythings of Brockhampton and Leigh, 2101 inhabitants. This town, which is situated on the road from Southampton and Fareham to Chichester, is neatly built, and consists principally of one long street, intersected by another at right angles; it is partially paved, and well supplied with water. There are a subscription newsroom and a book club. The manufacture of parchment is carried on to some extent. In 1824 a swing-bridge was erected, at an expense of nearly £12,000, across the channel which connects Langston harbour with that of Chichester, thus affording a communication with Hayling Island, which lies about a mile to the south of Havant; and in 1840, a new quay was constructed on the Portsmouth side of the bridge, which has tended much to the increase of the trade in coal and timber. Vessels of 200 tons' burthen enter Langston harbour with coal, oysters, &c. There is direct railway communication, on the west, with Portsmouth and with Fareham, and on the east with Chichester. The market, granted by King John, and held on Saturday, having become inconsiderable, was made a pitched corn-market in Jan. 1832, since which time it has increased: there are fairs on June 22nd and Oct. 17th. The parish comprises 2742 acres, of which 1000 are waste or common. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £24. 6. 0½., and in the gift of the Bishop of Winchester: the tithes have been commuted for £670, the glebe contains 8 acres. The church is a cruciform structure with a tower rising from the intersection, in the early English style, and was repaired in 1832, at an expense of £900, towards defraying which the bishop contributed £50, and the Incorporated Society £220; the chancel has a handsome groined ceiling, and at the east end a painted window has been put up, the gift of Sir G. T. Staunton: the church contains a brass to one of the rectors, who died in 1413. At Redhill is a district incumbency, in the gift of the Rectors of Havant and Warblington, alternately. There are places of worship for Independents, and a Roman Catholic chapel. The poor law union comprises 6 parishes or places, and, according to the census of 1841, contains 6642 inhabitants.


HAVEN-with-the-Headland, a township, in the parish of Dilwyn, poor law union of Weobley, hundred of Stretford, county of Hereford; containing 171 inhabitants.


HAVEN-BANK, an extra-parochial liberty, locally in the parish of Coningsby, in the union and soke of Horncastle, parts of Lindsey, county of Lincoln; containing 39 inhabitants.


HAVENGORE-MARSH, an extra-parochial liberty, in the union and hundred of Rochford, S. division of Essex, 7 miles (E. by S.) from Rochford; containing 18 inhabitants, and comprising 262 acres of land.


HAVERAH-PARK, an extra-parochial liberty, in the Lower division of the wapentake of Claro, W. riding of York, 8 miles (W. S. W.) from Knaresborough; containing 101 inhabitants. This liberty, which comprises nearly 2000 acres, was anciently a royal chase in the forest of Knaresborough.


HAVERBRACK, a township, in the parish of Beetham, union and ward of Kendal, county of Westmorland, 2 miles (S. S. W.) from Milnthorpe; containing 117 inhabitants. It comprises 602 acres, of which 195 are waste land or common, and includes within its limits Dallam Tower, the elegant seat of George Wilson, Esq. The tithes have been commuted for £58 payable to the impropriator, £3. 10. to Beetham grammar school, and £2. 2. to the vicar.

Havercroft, with Cold Hiendley

HAVERCROFT, with Cold Hiendley, a township, in the parish of Felkirk, wapentake of Staincross, W. riding of York, 6¼ miles (N. E. by N.) from Barnsley; containing 141 inhabitants, of whom 94 are in Havercroft. The township comprises 1334 acres, of which 926 are in the manor of Havercroft, and 408 in Cold Hiendley. It includes a portion of the reservoir of the Barnsley canal, which passes through; the reservoir is situated in a deep valley, and covers about 120 acres. The village of Havercroft is on an eminence, commanding some extensive prospects. The substratum abounds with freestone, which is extensively quarried. Tithe rent-charges have been awarded, of which £19. 14. are payable to the vicar, and £174. 2. 10. to the Archbishop of York.


HAVERGATE-ISLAND, an extra-parochial place, in the union and hundred of Plomesgate, E. division of the county of Suffolk; containing 12 inhabitants, and comprising 260 acres of land.

Haverhill (St. Mary)

HAVERHILL (St. Mary), a market-town and parish, in the union of Risbridge, partly in the hundred of Hinckford, N. division of Essex, but chiefly in the hundred of Risbridge, W. division of Suffolk, 20 miles (S. W.) from Bury St. Edmund's, and 56 (N. N. E.) from London; containing 2451 inhabitants, of whom 2152 are in Suffolk. This place was formerly of greater extent than it is at present: it had a castle, of which the only memorial is preserved in the name of a farm now occupying the site; and tradition reports the existence of a second church, of which there are no traces. The greater part of the town was destroyed by fire in 1665, from the effects of which, though it has recently experienced some improvements, it has not entirely recovered. It is pleasantly situated in a valley, and consists of one spacious street, nearly a mile in length, the eastern extremity being in Essex, and the southern in Suffolk; many of the houses have been rebuilt, and the town is amply supplied with water. The manufacture of fustians, formerly carried on, has been superseded by that of an article called "drabbet," used for loose frocks worn by labourers, and in making which about 500 persons are employed. An extensive ale and porter brewery was established in 1800. In 1813, Mr. Richard Roberts introduced the manufacture of silk; and many hands are engaged in the manufacture of straw-plat. The market is on Friday; and fairs are held on May 12th for cattle and toys, and October 10th for toys only. The powers of the county debt-court of Haverhill, established in 1847, extend over the registration-district of Risbridge, and two adjacent parishes. Constables, aletasters, and other officers, are annually appointed at the court held for the manor. The parish comprises about 2500 acres. The living is a discharged vicarage, valued in the king's books at £6. 5.; patron, Sir G. H. W. Beaumont, Bart.; impropriator, J. Sperling, Esq.: the great tithes have been commuted for £656. 14. 6., and the vicarial for £220. The church is a large ancient structure. There are places of worship for Baptists and Independents; and a national school supported by subscription. Numerous coins have been dug up in the churchyard.


HAVERHOLME-PRIORY, an extra-parochial liberty, in the union of Sleaford, wapentake of Flaxwell, parts of Kesteven, county of Lincoln, 4 miles (N. E.) from Sleaford; containing 22 inhabitants. It consists of an island, formed by the river Slea, and contains about 300 acres. Here was a priory of nuns and canons of the strict order of St. Gilbert of Sempringham, founded in 1139; the revenue, at the Dissolution, was estimated at £88. 5. 5.

Havering-Atte-Bower (St. John the Evangelist)

HAVERING-ATTE-BOWER (St. John the Evangelist), a parish, in the liberty of Havering-AtteBower, union of Romford, S. division of Essex, 3 miles (N.) from Romford; containing 427 inhabitants. This place was held in demesne by the Saxon kings, and was the favourite residence of Edward the Confessor, who built a palace here, which was visited by Henry VIII. and by Queen Elizabeth, and of which there are still some vestiges. The name is derived from a ring given to the Confessor by a pilgrim, according to a legendary tale, the particulars of which are recorded in bassorelievo on a screen which separates the chapel of Edward from the altar in Westminster Abbey. The parish comprises by computation 4290 acres; the scenery is beautiful, and the views embrace the Thames, with the shipping, and considerable portions of Kent and Surrey. The living is a perpetual curacy; net income, £75; patron, Charles Ellis Heaton, Esq. The church, supposed to have been the chapel attached to the ancient palace, was in 1836 thoroughly repaired, at an expense of nearly £500, voluntarily contributed by the inhabitants; a chancel was added, a gallery built, and a vestry formed: the font is very large, and of great antiquity.

Haveringland, or Haverland (St. Peter)

HAVERINGLAND, or Haverland (St. Peter), a parish, in the union of St. Faith, hundred of Eynsford, E. division of Norfolk, 4¼ miles (S. E. by E.) from Reepham; containing 160 inhabitants. Haveringland Hall is a noble mansion, lately erected of Bath stone, in the Corinthian style; the park contains some very fine trees, especially of oak, birch, and Spanish chesnut. The living is a vicarage, now sequestrated, valued in the king's books at £4. 12. 1.; net income, £63; patron and impropriator, Edward Fellowes, Esq. The church, which is picturesquely situated in the park, is in the later English style, and consists of a nave and north aisle, with a circular tower. Here was a chapel dedicated to St. Lawrence, founded by William Gisneto, and afterwards given to the convent of Wymondham, to which it became a cell for a prior and Black canons.