A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1658: April (5 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp88-100 [accessed 15 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1658: April (5 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 15, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp88-100.
"State Papers, 1658: April (5 of 6)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 15 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp88-100.
In this section
April (5 of 6)
The further information of captain Henry Mallory, taken upon oath the 21st day of April, 1658. before major-general William Goffe, and Henry Scobell esqs; two of his highness's justices of the peace for the city of Westminster.
Vol. lviii. p. 353.
The informant saith, that he was once at doctor Hewett's chamber, in Michaelmas term last, when Mr. John Stapley, and the said doctor, were discoursing about the affairs of Charles Stuart; and doth well remember, that the said John Stapley did sign a letter to the said Charles Stuart; which was then written, wherein was inserted, that the said Mr. Stapley did not doubt but he should engage some hundred horse in the county of Sussex, for the said Charles Stuart's service; which letter the said doctor received from the said Stapley, and promised to send it for him to the king, meaning Charles Stuart. The informant further saith, that the said Stapley, about a month or three weeks since, desired the informant to go with him to Offington, to the lady Allford's, where he was to meet with major Smith and Henry Binsted of Chichester, to be informed from them how things were in the West; and that he accordingly went, and that there did meet, at the said lady Allford's, the said Mr. Stapiey, major Smith, Henry Binsted, Marmaduke Wyvell, and this informant; but doth not remember, what in particular was discoursed of at that time, the most of the discourse being between the said Mr. Stapley and Henry Binsted in private; but the informant remembereth, that the said Stapley told him, as they were riding home, that the said Binsted said, the soldiers at Chichester had neither powder nor bullets.
The informant further saith, that about the beginning of March last, captain Antony
Stapley and himself being in the Half-moon-tavern, John Mordaunt esq; being upon the
Exchange, was sent to by the said Stapley; whereupon the said Mordaunt came to them
the said Stapley and this informant. And then the said Stapley presented the informant to him as a gentleman, that was interested in Charles Stuart's design with his
the said Stapley's brother, meaning John Stapley esq; Whereupon the said Mordaunt
demanded of this informant, what readiness the horse, that was to be raised in Sussex,
were in? To which the informant replied, that they were not in so good a forwardness as
he did believe Mr. Stapley had represented to him, but doubted it would fall much short,
which he said the said Mordaunt much wondered at; and told them, that the king,
meaning Charles Stuart, was in a very good posture, and that there was a daily expectation of his coming over with his forces. And then the said Mordaunt desired, that
there might be a meeting, at some convenient place, between himself and Mr. John Stapley,
and such others as he should think fit, of the county of Sussex, that they might confer
together, and understand how the affairs stood in reference to the counties of Sussex and
Surrey, that they might the better assist each other in the intended insurrection; and
accordingly it was agreed, that the meeting should be at Crawley, on the tuesday following; in order whereunto this informant, and the said Antony Stapley, did speak with
Mr. John Stapley, at his house in Patchum, about three or four days after; and it was
then agreed, that the said Mr. John Stapley, and this informant, should meet the said
Mr. Mordaunt, at Crawley, the tuesday following; but in the mean time the said Mr.
John Stapley being sent for to Whitehall, that meeting was prevented. And further this
informant saith not.
Hen. Mallory.
Taken and acknowledged, the 21st
of April, 1658. before us,
W. Goffe,
The further information of John Stapley esq; taken upon oath the 22d day of April, 1658. before major-general William Goffe, and Henry Scobell esq; two of his highness's justices of the peace for the city of Westminster.
Vol. lviii. p. 355.
This informant saith, that John Mordaunt esq; did, about the beginning of September last, in discourse with this informant, tell him, that he was entrusted by the king, meaning Charles Stuart, in the managing of his present design to engage people to appear for him in England, against the said Charles Stuart should be ready to invade these nations with forces from beyond seas, which the said John Mordaunt hath often said would be with about eight thousand men; and that he the said John Mordaunt, Mr. Adam Browne, and Sir Francis Vincent of Surrey, (who, he said, had commissions from Charles Stuart) should, he doubted not, be able to get together a considerable body of horse in that county; and that if those, that were in Sussex, who were willing to engage in this business, should not be able of themselves to rise, he the said Mordaunt, and others in Surrey, would come into Sussex for their assistance. By all which, and other like arguments, he did very often press upon this informant, to encourage him in this unlawful design, wherein he hath been so unhappily engaged.
And this informant further saith, that captain Woodcock of Lewes was several times with the said Mordaunt, when he hath been discoursing with this informant about the matters above-mentioned. And this informant further saith, that about the latter end of Michaelmas term last (as near as he can remember) doctor Hewett meeting this informant at the lady Campion's, the said doctor was very importunate with him to come to his chambers, promising he should meet with one Mr. Trelawney, whom he had often employed to Charles Stuart, and was, as he said, within a few days, to go over again to him the said Charles Stuart, from himself, and others, that were entrusted with his affairs here; and was very earnest with this informant, and captain Henry Mallory, to go with him immediately, which accordingly they did, and met with the said Trelawney at the said doctor's chamber. And the said informant further saith, that the said doctor did then inform him and the said Henry Mallory, that the said Trelawney was very shortly going over to Charles Stuart, and pressed him the informant, that he would sign a letter to the said Charles Stuart, which the said doctor Hewett had prepared; the effect whereof was, that the informant should engage, that he would have three thousand men ready for Charles Stuart's service, whenever he should please to command them; which was so great a number, that he and the said Mallory told him, they could not possibly engage for so many: but the doctor replied, he had been informed by Sir Humphry Bennett, that there would be so many men in Sussex as abovesaid; and pressed the informant earnestly to sign the letter, but he refused; all which, he saith, the said captain Mallory knoweth to be true. And the informant further saith, that the said doctor Hewett, taking him aside into another room, told him, if he did not do this, he would lose himself, and would be thought to deal treacherously with them, or words to that effect: but this informant still refused, saying, he would not engage himself to do impossible things, and to draw foreign forces (upon such a mistaken consideration) into the country: but the said doctor still pressed upon him, saying, he would be forced to write that to Charles Stuart, which would be much to his prejudice, if he did not do something; saying again, that the king (meaning Charles Stuart) would be sensible of his backwardness; and being very suddenly to come over, it might be his ruin: and with many such kind of persuasive and almost threatening arguments he was prevailed upon by the said doctor Hewett to sign a short letter drawn up by the said doctor Hewett to Charles Stuart, wherein this informant did tell him, that he did believe there would be five hundred horse raised in Sussex for his service; which letter was signed and delivered to doctor Hewett, in the presence of the said captain Mallory. This informant further saith, that when he received his commission from Charles Stuart, at East Greensteed, he saw the said doctor Hewett, with his own hands, insert into the blank space of the said commission these following words, Sir John Stapley baronet; which words he the said Hewett said he had orders to put into the said commission; for he said, he had power to put in that title, or any other. And further this informant saith, the said doctor Hewett asked him, in what temper colonel Herbert Morley was in? to which this informant replied, that he thought he was very much discontented, and he did not know but that some of them might have engaged him in this present design; unto which the said Hewett replied, nay, that was contrary to their order; for he said, this man, meaning Charles Stuart, would not give a commission to any, that had been formerly excepted from pardon by his father; which, as this informant remembers, he did not afterwards tell unto doctor Hutchinson, when he was speaking to him of his resolution, to try whether the said colonel Morley would be engaged to join with them in this design.
This informant further saith, that about the middle of December last Mr. Thomas Nutt, being at his house in Lewes, told him, that he knew this informant could not be ignorant of those things, that were now in hand, for the bringing in the king, meaning Charles Stuart; and desired this informant to tell him something of it; whereupon he asked the said Nutt, what he knew of it; unto which he replied, that he did know something of it; and heard by one Mr. Mills, minister of Ason, that many persons were engaged in it; particularly mentioned major Smith: and the said Mills told him, that there were divers gentlemen in the east of Sussex, that were engaged to give their assistance in the business, and that he, for his own part, should be very ready to shew himself, when there should be occasion; and that he was confident his brother-in-law Mr. George Parker, Mr. Foster, Mr. Gildridg, and Mr. Wilson, would do the like. This informant further saith, that about a month since, major Smith of Steyning did desire him and captain Mallory to meet him at the lady Allford's, at Ossington, and that he would send to Henry Binsted of Chichester to meet them there, who should give an account how things were in the west of Sussex, and how the horse, that lie at Chichester, might be surprised; and that accordingly this informant, the said Mallory, the said Smith, the said Binsted, and one Mr. Marmaduke Wyvell, (who lived at the lady Allford's) did meet at the said place, and had conference together about the whole affair that related to Charles Stuart's coming over, and the insurrection thereof: and that the said Binsted told them, that colonel Gunter and himself, with such others of their party as they should gather together in the west, would in a morning betimes, newly after the soldiers were come off from their guard, seize upon their horses and arms; which being done, they should easily master the soldiers, and possess the gates of the city: and some other discourse there was for the seizing of the troop in Lewes, and the arms that should be found in the hands of the inhabitants of that town; the particulars whereof this examinate doth not well remember.
J. Stapley.
Taken and acknowledged, the 22d
of April, 1658. before us,
W. Goffe,
Hen. Scobell.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Vol. lviii. p. 377.
Les ministres des estats generaux en Dennemark ne font que continuellement inciter les estats generaux contre
Dennemark; ce qui procede en partie de la passion de ces ministres, et en partie de la
malice de Denmark, qui ayant si malheureusement guerroyé contre Sweden, voudroit bien planter
aussy partie de sa misere sur ses meilleurs amys: mais comme l'annee passée ils ont tousjours
mal avisé et mal jugé des affaires de Sweden, aussy à present ils jugent mal de estats generaux et
Holland: car (hormis peu) les estats d'Hollande monstrent fort petit appetit à present pour la guerre contre
Sweden, au moins jusques à tant qu'ils le voyent en la presente posture. On a fait si grand
bruit de l'equipage des 48 navires; mais je vous asseure, que hormis Amsterdam ledit equipage ne s'avance rien. Aussy les provinces en effect n'ont encore rien consenty du million
petitionné, et sans cela il n'y a point de moyen de l'entretenir; car le commerce, principalement vers l'Oost, qui est le principal, est fort mortisié. Et plusieurs de Hollande sont bien
plus moderes que Amsteream, qui pour quelque sien particulier interest voudroit engager les
autres; qui se sentent fort peu interessés dans ce commerce. Bref, je pense que Hollande sera fort
chambre mypartie, et ne courra pas si viste, ains au lieu de la peau du lyon se serviront
maintenant de celle du renard; et voudront planter de la jalousie entre Cromwell et France contre
Sweden; mais tous cela ne sont que des practiques pueriles, pour nuire aussy bien à
protecteur, qu' à France. Si Sweden pretend quelque chose du peage au Sond, cela ne prejugera point à
estats generaux, ains à Denmark; car la portion, que se payera à Sweden, ne se payera pas à Denmark; et ainsy
se sera tout un, si estats generaux paye à Sweden, ou à Denmark. Ce n'est qu'une pure avarice et concupiscence de Hollande, qui veulent avoir tout, et ne laisser rien à Cromwell, ou aux autres, comme l'est
asses veu es Indes orientales; mais chaque tour a un retour. Je suis,
le 3. May, 1658. [N. S.]
Vostre tres humble serviteur.
Intelligence sent from Holland by Mr. Downing.
Resolution of the states general, 3. May, 1658. [N. S.]
Vol. lviii. p. 398.
Mr. Huygens, and other deputies of their lordships for the affairs of the company of the East Indies, have reported, that they have (in virtue of their lordships resolution of the 27. March) framed an answer, to give Mr. resident Downing, to the memorial which he presented their lordships the 21st of the said month, with certain attestations touching the damage and wrongs, that the ships and subjects of the commonwealth of England have suffered, in and about the Indies, by the subjects of the United Provinces; which answer hath been read in the assembly. Whereupon, after deliberation, their lordships have thanked the deputies for pains therein, and ordered, that by Mr. Huygens and Mr. Newport it shall be given to Mr. resident Downing.
J. Schulenborch.
Agrees with the originnal, N. Ruych.
Resolution of the states of Holland West-Friesland, 9. May, 1658. [N. S.] touching the dukes of York and Gloucester.
Synde ter vergaderinge bekent gemaccht dat binnen dese provincie aengecomen ende haer jegenwordich alhier in Sgravenhage onthoudende Waeren de hortogen van York ende van Glocester meteenigen van haer gevolg is, naer ovorgaende deliberatie goet gevonden ende verstaen dat deu heere van Heenvliet als surintendant van de Hoffhoudinge vande vrowe princesse royale douariere vanden laetstoverleden heere prince van Oraigne gelast sal Werden, gelyck desolve gelast wert by desen de hochgemelte princesse oyt de naeme ende van Wegen haer Ed. Gr. Mo. bekent to maecken derselver intentie ende resolutie le wesen dat de hochgemelte Heeren Hertogen van York ende van Glocester met alle haer gevolg haer aenstouts wederom vervoegen buyten per ressort ende, gesach van haer Ed. Gr. Mo. ook haer daerinne niet wederomme en begeven doende ropport ende bericht van syn wedervaerm.
Resolution of the states general.
The states general of the United Provinces of the Low Countries, having seen and maturely examined a certain memorial of Mr. Downing, resident of the lord protector of the commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, &c. as also the papers delivered with the same the 21st of March last, containing the complaints of divers English merchants trading in the East-Indies, upon the ill usage, that they say they have received in those parts from ships and officers in the service of the East-India company of this country, have found good to let the said resident know, that the directors of the said East-India company have made up a peace by several authentic pieces, and by the very letters of their agent, Mr. Frederick Skinner, and others residing at Bantam, in behalf of the said English merchants; that the Javan in Bantam (being Moors, and great enemies to the Christians) have persidisidiously and totally broke the peace lately solemnly renewed; and also, that in an hostile manner falling upon the country about Batavia, they have burnt and ruined wholly, by their soldiers, all the houses, sugar-mills, and all the grain in the fields; so that the governor-general, and the counsellors of the said East-India company of this country, have been also constrained to take arms, and to block up this city and river of Bantam with their ships of war, their barges, and other boats; and have used so much civility towards the English merchants then at Bantam, that they did, by an express, sorewarn them of their design before the departure of their ships designed for the blocking, to the end that they might have time to provide themselves against the incommodities of this war, and prevent the danger thereof; offering them to assist them to the utmost of their power, and as far as reason required. And the firm ground of a war (whereunto there was a necessity) being laid, the law and customs of nations are such, that a bare hindrance of the ships of allies to enter into havens block'd up, ought not to be qualified in such odious terms expressed in the foresaid writings. The directors of the said East-India company of this state have also made appear to their lordships, that they of the ship Endymion accuse them wrongfully to have hindered them from lading rice, arrack, and water of Bantam, for their return into England; insomuch as they not only had permission to provide themselves at Batavia, but also of all other necessaries; as also those of the ship called the Care did sufficiently doe. The said directors have also amply shewn, that of what complaint was made to his highness the lord protector in the said papers, that the trees in Pouleron were cut down and spoiled, and the fort blown up, is a calumny found false; for that the governor and council of Banda write expresly, by a letter of April, 1656. that they would there regulate themselves precisely according to the agreements of the commissioners on both sides, and by consequence would deliver the said isle immediately (in the same condition that it was then) to those, that should come to demand the same, according to the advertisement of the said directors. What is mentioned in the said papers is not less repugnant to truth, that is, that the East-India company of this state should have offered 30000 pieces of eight, that they only might have the trade of pepper, and the English excluded; and that they should hinder the ship called the Olivebranch, to go to the Bantam, Sillabar and Indenpour; and that they endeavour to take away the pepper out of the ship called Golden Cock; and finally, that they hinder the English to go to Macassar, because those of the East-India company of this state were in war with those of that kingdom. As for the complaint of what happened to the ship Fellowship at sea, in his return from the East-Indies in April, last year, by a ship of the East-India company of this state, called the Orange, going thither, and that about two hundred leagues south of Cape Bona Speranza, according to the saying of some affairs of the said ship Fellowship, the said directors of the East-India company of this state have informed their lordships, and declared, that it is a thing, which, for their parts, they cannot believe nor accept for a truth, that the said Orange should so use the said Fellowship, as is held forth in the said papers, because he that commanded then the Orange, in all occasions hath carried himself so prudently and discreetly, that none could expect such proceedings and doings from him; and the less, that having been some days before at the said Cape Bona Speranza, there to visit the residents and situation of the East-India company of this state, according to a special commission, he gave a charge, and instructions in writing, to the government and council of this said place, that they should civilly and discreetly use the English ships, that touch there. The said directors have nevertheless assured their lordships, that if the said commander was guilty of the said complaints, that they will be ready to punish him severely for it, according to the exigence of the matter, and the excesses committed by him shall require; declaring moreover, that they would write again to the governor-general, and counsellors of the judges, that they would take care therein, and take such effectual orders, as well by themselves as their officers, that the treaty of peace, union and consederation, made 1654. between the lord protector and this state, in all and every article, may be punctually and specially observed, without doing or suffering the least violation thereof, their lordships not doubting, that the said lord protector considering, accordingly to his great wisdom, the true and veritable relation here made, will conceive, that the complaints of the said English merchants trading in the East-Indies are altogether groundless and false. But if the said English merchants will not rest herewith content, their lordships promise them, that they laying their action, which they pretend to have, in this country, and before the ordinary judge of the said East-India company of this country, according to the 24th article of the said treaty of peace, that good right and justice shall be administered unto them. Given in the assembly of the said states general at the Hague, the 3d of May, 1658.
De Thou the French embassador in Holland, to Bordeaux the French embassador in England.
Hague 3. May, 1658. [N. S.]
Vol. lviii. p. 378.
My Lord,
I Did always believe, that the great doings in Flanders, for some design upon England,
were not altogether without ground; but I also observe, that through the prudence and
conduct of the council of England all the said designs are prevented.
Monsieur de Lombres writes to me from Posna, that he meeteth with many difficulties to get the commissioners together for the peace of Poland, being hindered through the artifices of the house of Austria, with whom the duke of Brandenburgh hath made a treaty, which seemeth to engage him; but as yet it is not rectified; and he seemeth to delay it, and with good reason; for thereby he might draw the war upon his own countries, from which the house of Austria would be as little able to free him, as he did the king of Denmark in this last war. The states of Holland are not yet met; when they do meet, they will resolve about the employment of their fleet, and the sending over the lord embassador Nieuport.
The examination of William Dyke of Faunt in the county of Sussex esquire, taken this 23d day of April, 1658. before William lord Goffe, and Henry Scobell esquire, two of his highness's justices of the peace for the city of Westminster and the liberties thereof.
Vol. lviii. p. 360.
Who saith, that about a month since, this examinate being in Clifford's-inn-walks with captain Antony Stapley, the said Stapley told this examinate, that there was a design for Charles Stuart's coming into England, and propounded to this examinate, whether he would be of that party, or words to that effect; to which this examinate answered, that he did not believe he could come in; and thereupon the said captain Stapley said, that he did know, that Charles Stuart had a great party for him, or words to that purpose, which was the substance of all the discourse that was between them at that time.
And this examinate further saith, that, about a fortnight after this discourse, captain Stapley came to this examinate's house at Faunt on a Saturday at night, and staid there until wednesday, on which same day at night the same captain Stapley told this examinate, that it would not be long until Charles Stuart would attempt to land; and that the said captain Stapley thought the said Charles Stuart had a great party in England, and asked this examinate, what horses he this informant had; who answered, he had two geldings: and he likewise asked him, what arms he had; to which this examinate answered, that he had none. And the said Stapley said, that there were divers persons in the country who were engaged for Charles Stuart, and one person, whom this examinate might guess at, which this examinate did suppose to be his brother, but said he would name no persons. And this informant saith, that on wednesday this examinate went to bring captain Stapley on his way as far as Tunbridge, and there staid to dine together; and he this informant, and captain Stapley, sent a messenger for one Mr. Rivers, who lived about a mile and a half thence, to come over to them, who came accordingly; and captain Stapley taking notice of the horse, upon which the said Mr. Rivers rode, which captain Stapley told this examinate he intended for a charging horse in the intended insurrection; and asked this examinate, whether he thought Mr. Rivers would sell him; and thereupon this examinate asked Mr. Rivers, whether he would part with that horse, and asked his price, who offered him for thirty pounds; and Stapley said, if he would accept of a note under his hand for it, he would give him the price. And this examinate saith, that the said captain Stapley did, in the presence of this examinate, acquaint the said Rivers, that Charles Stuart was shortly to land; and Mr. Rivers was of the same opinion with this examinate, that his attempt would be in vain.
Taken and acknowledged, the 23d
of April, 1658. before us,
Will. Goffe,
Hen. Scobell.
Will. Dyke.
The information of John Mills of Alfreson, in the county of Sussex, clerk, taken the 24th of April, 1658. before William lord Goffe, and Henry Scobell, esquire, two of his highness's justices of the peace for the city of Westminster and liberties thereof.
Vol. lviii. p. 370.
This informant saith, that about two years since, one Henry Bishop, late of Parham, in the county of Sussex, told this informant, (being then at his the said Bishop's house) that there was a design on foot for raising a party for Charles Stuart, and asked this informant whether he would engage in it; to which this informant answered, he would consider of it: after which time this informant, removing his dwelling out of that part of the county, saw him no more in a twelvemonth.
And this informant saith, that major Smith wrote to this informant about a year since, to meet him at Brighthelmsted, which he did accordingly, not knowing of meeting any other person there, but there came thither Mr. Geeres; and then major Smith discoursed concerning a party, that Charles Stuart had raised in Flanders; and that they were modelled into several regiments; and did name the earl of Ormond, and some others, (which this informant doth not now remember) as those who did command them; and did ask, whether this informant thought he could engage any gentlemen in the east part of Sussex and Surry? To which the informant answered, he knew not, because he was but yet a stranger there; but told him, colonel Culpepper lived there, and he did not know but he might engage in it; and he the said Smith thereupon said, he thought colonel Culpepper was engaged already in Kent; and the said Smith said, that for the west part he would endeavour to gain whom he could; which was the effect of the discourse at that time.
And this informant saith, that about Whitsuntide last he met Mr. Geeres casually at Lewes; and the said informant asked him, when he heard of major Smith? who said, not long since, and that he had been in the west; and not long after, this informant met Mr. Hutchinson, who told this informant, that major Smith and he had lately heard from the king, meaning Charles Stuart, that they should procure what parties they could ready; and asked this informant, what he had done; who told him, this informant had not made any mention to any person; but said, that he would try what Mr. Nutt would do, and also Mr. George Parker.
And this informant saith, that one Mr. Corker, who lived at Bourne, meeting this informant at Jeffington, (whither the said Corker sent for this informant to come to meet him) told him, that he had been with Charles Stuart, who had an army, and thought to be in England within a little time, and advised this informant to engage whom he could on the behalf of the said Charles Stuart: to which this informant answered, he had little or no acquaintance in that country, so as he could not tell how to do much in that: and that the informant returning again in the west parts, to the place where he formerly lived, he found major Smith had been there, and had endeavoured to engage some, as one Bransden, and one Booker of Poulsborough, who told this informant as much; and this informant conceives, that Mr. Bishop did engage John Monck of Hurstown; for the said Monck told this informant, that Mr. Bishop had engaged him, which was about six weeks before Christmas last. And this informant saith, that about that time he met Mr. Bishop at Hurstowne, at Mr. Beard's; and walking in the orchard, he inquired of this informant in what forwardness the business were in those parts on the behalf of the king, meaning Charles Stuart; to which this informant giving no answer suitable to his expectation, they had not any further discourse about this business, as this informant remembers. And this informant saith, that about twelve months since this informant acquainted Mr. Nutt with this business, and asked him, whether he would engage and go personally in the force for Charles Stuart, if any rising should be? to which Mr. Nutt replied, he would not; but if they did take away his horses, he could not help that; and that the informant did also, upon occasion of discoursing with Mr. George Parker, asked him the said Parker, whether, if there were a rising for Charles Stuart, he would engage in it; to which he answered, he meant to sleep in a whole skin, if he could. And this informant saith, that having once or twice before spoken with the said Mr. George Parker about this business, received no other answer but as aforesaid, or to that effect. And this informant saith, that if there were any other person engaged thereabouts, it is likely the said Corker did engage them, who was very active in it, and told this informant, that he had been a captain in the north, and was employed to Charles Stuart, and for him.
Taken and acknowledged, the 24th of April, 1658. before us, W. Goffe, Hen. Scobell.
Jo. Mills.
Mr. Claypoole to H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
My Lord,
I was very proud to receave your commands, and shall be at any time, but am unhappy in that I can be no more usefull or serviceable to you. I confesse we are all
under very strickt laws and rules, and yet in great disorder (I may say) both in private
respects and in publique; the reflections and consequences whereof, I am sure, reaches
Ireland, and brings great troubles and burthens upon you, of which I hope I shall ever
have a very great sense and sympathy. Yet we must all confesse, that God hath so
qualified, so prepared, and so calculated, your spiritt and genious for what you have done
and suffered, that I am confident all hath bene advantagious to you, and hath brought
you great honour and reputation (and will ever continue, I hope); for the which should I
not congratulate, and be heartily joyfull, as for the concernes of my owne life, I were
very unworthy to live. My lord, I cannot tell how to mention your kindnesse and favours
to my brothers and sisters, and to myselfe, upon all occasions; for the great store of
obligations that lies upon me, as well on their behalf as allso my owne, I confesse neither I nor they can plead any desert, allthough my poore sister is very good, yet
not so good. I wish my brother Wingfeild hath not too much presumed upon your
goodnesse by his long absence. I think he did wayte uppon some simple affaires (as they
proved) with confidence of my wive's powerfull intercession for him. Should I request
any thing at this time besides your pardon for him, it is, that you would please to reprove
him sometimes, as allso my other brother, who I feare will need it too much. My wise
and myself have strong resolutions to waite upon you and my lady this summer, if their
highnesses will give leave; but I say no more of it now, for fear of frightning you with
the thoughts of such a trouble; I meane not, as to the seeing my wise. My lord, I must
beg my humble service to my lady, (I hope my deare freind still) and must begg your
pardon for my freedome, because I am,
Aprill the 26. 1658.
My Lord,
Your humble servant,
J. Claypoole.
The examination of Raise Croutchen of Midhurst, taken before the commissioners entrusted with the safety of the county of Sussex, taken the 26th day of April, 1658.
Vol. lviii. p. 372.
Who saith, he was at the house of Mr. Matthew Young, at Midhurst, in the county of Sussex, this last winter, about February last past; and saith, the said Mr. Young asked him this examinate, whether he would not take upon him a corporal's employment, and fight again. To whom this examinate said, Yes, he would, if he the said Mr. Young would fight. To that Mr. Young answered, he would fight; and then he this examinate said to the said Mr. Young, If he would go forth and fight, he this examinate would go forth and fight. He further saith, he thought the said Mr. Young, though he spake often to him this examinate of fighting, he did but speak in just; but at the third time saith, the said Mr. Young said he did not speak in jest, but was in earnest; and then the said Mr. Young did shew him this examinate a buss coat, a gentlet, a headpiece, and two cases of pistols, and said he had spoken with several persons to go with him, by name, his brother, Mr. William Young, Thomas Wright, William Tate, and others he would speak to, to go along with him; and saith, the said Mr. Young asked him this examinate, if he had a horse: to whom he this examinate said, he had a horse; and then the said Mr. Young bid him this examinate to provide him a sword, and said he would speak to the two Mr. Goldhams to go along with him the said Mr. Young; and further saith, the said Mr. Matthew Young said he was to be a lieutenant-colonel, and that he would speak to Mr. Francis Lewkno to be his lieutenant, and his brother William Young to be his quarter-master; and saith, the said Mr. Matthew Young said they were to seize on the county troops, and all the other troops that were in the several towns; and saith, these several discourses with the said Mr. Young were one time in the hall of the said Mr. Young's dwelling-house; but saith, the main of their discourse was in the study of the said Mr. Young's house, where the said Mr. Young did shew him this examinate the arms, that are before expressed in this his examination. He further saith, the said Mr. Young said he would speak to Mr. Peter Betsworth, the younger, of Elsted, and to Henry Courtny, Mr. Buckland's man, and to Mr. Young's son, of Ambersham, and to other gentlemen of the county, but did not make mention of their names; and saith, he believes Mr. Matthew Young did bid him this examinate to keep this discourse private; and saith, the said Mr. Young said he would do all this for the king of Scots; and saith, this rising should be just when the king and his forces should land; and that they should hear from the duke of Ormond, who would be, or was at London, when the king would come in.
Taken before us,
Ri. Manning,
Jo. Bartholmew,
C. Duckett.
The examination of George Gawen of Redhill, in the county of Sussex, taken the 26th of April, 1658. before William lord Gosse and Henry Scobell esq; two of his highness's justices of peace for the city of Westminster, and liberty thereof.
Vol. lviii. p. 373.
This examinate saith, that, about Michaelmas last was twelve-months, this examinate came first acquainted with one Baron, by means of Charles Bickerstaf, who brought the said Baron to one Copley's a recusant, at Redhill; and the said Mr. Copley brought the said Baron to this examinate's house; since which time this examinate, and his wife, and Mr. Copley, were at the said Bickerstaf's house, where the said Baron was; but this examinate did not know, that the said Baron was agent for Charles Stuart, nor did he ever communicate the same to this examinate. And this examinate saith, that about February last this examinate coming to Croyden with a tax for the army, whereof this examinate was collector, he met there with the said Baron, who asked this examinate, if he knew how he the said Baron might convey a letter to major Smith, this examinate's tenate: to which this examinate answered, he was to send a man to Dr. Hutchinson for oats, which was not far from major Smith's; and thereupon the said Baron desired this examinate, that his man might carry the same; and thereupon the said Baron delivered to this examinate two letters, one directed to Mr. Hutchinson, and the other to major Smith; and the said Baron being desirous to inclose the letter to Smith in another letter, but wanting paper, the said Baron desired this examinate to inclose the said letter to major Smith in a letter, and to write to him from the said Baron, that his the said Smith's adversaries would come to a trial within three weeks; which letter this examinate did accordingly write, and in it sent the said Baron's letter to major Smith by his this examinate's servant, called John Hokum, who carried the same to Dr. Hutchinson's house, and from thence went with the letter to major Smith, and returned back to Dr. Hutchinson with a letter, as this examinate believeth; and the said Hokum brought back a letter from Smith to this examinate, wherein he wrote, that he the said major Smith could not meet the said Baron, for that here was an order for restraining all persons, who had been of the late king's party, from travelling above five miles from their home; but before this examinate could send word thereof to Baron, he the said Hutchinson came to this examinate's house, and took his letter, which he the said Hutchinson had sent by the said Hokum, and carried it to the said Baron. And this examinate saith, that the said Hutchinson desired his money of the examinate for the oats he had of him; but this examinate having it not then ready, the said Hutchinson said, he would send for it; and this examinant going so far as Croyden with Mr. Lever, his brother-in-law, who was going towards London, Mr. Hutchinson went with them; and alighting together at the Sun, found Baron there; and after some discourse between Baron and Hutchinson, the said Hutchinson desired this examinate to pay five pounds of the money due for the oats unto the said Baron, which this examinate promised to do; and hereupon the said Hutchinson told the said Baron so much in this examinate's hearing; but this examinate doth not know, for what the 5 l. was paid to Baron. And this examinate saith, that, after the said Levet was gone towards London, this examinate staying behind the said Baron, invited this examinate, and the said Hutchinson, to dine with him the said Baron at his house, which they did accordingly, and there met with divers citizens and their wives; and after dinner this examinate departed home. And this examinate saith, that some time before this the said Baron having told this examinate, that he should meet with major Smith shortly after, and this examinate having desired him to let him know when it was, that this examinate might also speak with him about his rent, the said Baron sent a note to this examinate, that he was on a day therein appointed to meet the said Smith at Guilford, and desired this examinate to meet him the said Baron at Letherhed, in the way thither, which this examinate did; and they rode from thence to Guilford, and alighted at the Red Lion there, where, not long after, there came to them the said Smith, and one Francis Mansell, and Binsteed the innkeeper of Chichester, and Mr. Young. And this examinate saith, that the said Smith, Mansell, and Binsteed, went out several times severally with Baron, and talked privately, but did not speak of any business in the presence of this examinate and the said Young, who continued there from two of the clock that day till the next morning; and this examinate saith, that Marmaduke Wyvell about Michaelmas term last came to the house of this examinate, and said, he came from London, and was very inquisitive about Baron, and desired much to speak with him; and the said Wyvell staid two nights at this examinate's house, but did not communicate any business to him. And this examinate saith, that riding to the last assizes for Sussex, two men overtook this examinate, and asked him, whether he did not hear any news; who answered, No; and thereupon they told him, they came from London, and that the city was much discontented with the present government; and that they would block up the Tower, and resolved to make a great business: but this examinate saith, that they being both strangers to him, they had little discourse besides. And this examinate, hurrying to the assizes, met there with Mr. Young; and going to dinner together, Mr. Young asked this examinate, what news he heard; and thereupon this examinate related what those strangers told him on the way.
Taken and acknowledged, this 26th
of April, 1658. before us,
W. Goffe,
Hen. Scobell.
George Gawen.
The examination of Duke Wyvell of Offington, in the county of Sussex, gent. taken this 26th of April, 1658. before William lord Goffe, and Henry Scobell esq; two of his highness's justices of the peace for the city of Westminster and liberty thereof.
Vol. lviii. p. 375.
This examinate saith, he was some times a captain in the late king's army, in Sir Bernard Astley's regiment; and above a year since he being at the house of major Smith at Steaning in Sussex, and asking the said Smith, what news, the said Smith answered, that he hoped they would be better times, or words to that effect; for that the king, meaning Charles Stuart, was getting an army, or promised some forces; and that in the last Michaelmas term this examinate speaking with the said Smith upon the road, as they were going to Mr. Gawen's, he the said Smith spake of a report, that there was to be 3000 men raised in Sussex for Charles Stuart; but said, that if 500 did appear, it would be well. And this informant saith, that coming up towards London in Michaelmas term last, at the George at Croydon, he met with colonel Bishop, Mr. Hutchinson, Hargill Baron, and a minister, whom this examinate knoweth not; and after they parted from that inn, this examinate asked the said Baron, what news? The said Baron answered, there was expected a messenger from the other side of the water, and then he would be able to inform him. And this examinate saith, that he came up to London; and being at one Ireland a taylor's in White-sryars, Sir Humphry Bennett came in there; and this examinate saith, there were no words between them about this business. And this examinate saith, that about a month since the lady Alford having invited major Smith and his wife to dinner, he the said major Smith came thither; and as this examinate believes, major Smith had appointed Mr. John Stapley and capt. Mallory to come thither; and being all together in a room, and the question being asked, what news? Mr. Stapley said, If any thing were to be done (which this examinate understood of a rising) in that county, he should have a messenger from London; and this examinate inquiring, which was the fittest place for their rendezvous, Mr. Stapley answered, that he thought Beedinghill; and this examinate saith, that he promised to come with two horses, one for himself, and another for his man; and said, that his horse was too little for him, but colonel Morley had one that would fit him; but he was doubtful, lest, if he should attempt to buy him, he should be suspected; and that after dinner the said major Smith asked this examinate, whether he would take a troop of horse? to which this examinate answered, that this examinate had particular respect for the earl of Newcastle; and if he came over for the king, (meaning Charles Stuart) he would reserve himself to go to the said earl. And this examinate saith, that on the tuesday following, he this examinate went to Mrs. Middleton's at Hangleton, where Mr. Stapley and capt. Mallory had appointed to meet this examinate; and there hearing, that Mr. Stapley was sent for to London, he this examinate sent for capt. Mallory to inquire the cause of it; and capt. Mallory thereupon told this examinate, that he feared the whole design was discovered.
Taken and acknowledged this 26th of April, 1658. before us, W. Goffe, Hen. Scobell.
Duke Wyvell.
The further examination of the said Wyvell, taken upon oath the 27th of April 1658. before major-general William Goffe, one of his highness's justices, &c.
The informant further saith, that about two months since, being at the house of major Smith in Steyning, the said Smith told this examinate, that he was informed, that the forces, that were to come over with Charles Stuart, were to be commanded by one Marsin, who he said was a brave soldier, and that the prince of Condé was also to come with them; and being asked, from whom else he had heard, that Marsin was to command, the examinate saith, that it hath been since that time the general talk of the country; and that he himself did openly, either at the table, or by the fire, speak of it himself at the house of Mr. Goring of Highdown, in the hearing of the said Mr. Goring, which he saith was occasioned by the discourse, that then was amongst them, of the great army, that Charles Stuart had about Ostend on the coasts of Flanders.
April the 27th, Taken and acknowledged before me, W. Goffe.
Duke Wyvell.
Mr. Hanchett's information against Mr. Clayton.
Vol. lviii. p. 390.
Discoursing with my nephew, he hath assured me, that Clayton knowes the
depth and all the secrettes of this horid designe, and all the parties of consequence
therein engaged; for Clayton tould my nephew, when he was in London last with him,
that he knew the generall agent in this plott, and was with him, from whom he had all
his orders. Heereupon my advice is, that, yf Mr. secretary is not fully satisfied in the
depthe of this discoverie, that my nephew, being allready discovered to that partie, as
mentioned at large in the two paperes lately sent you, that he may appeare face to face
with Clayton before Mr. secretary, soe fully to accuse him upon perticulers, as probablie
may make him conses much more then yet he hath done. This, in my judgment, uppon
hoopes of mercie, may make him acknowledge the truth, which may be much to the
vantage of his highness service.
Sir, yf you have occasion to write any letter to my nephew, Mr. Charles Wheeler, let your man leave it with sonne Charles Hanchett, whoe is a clarke in the registere's office in Chancery-lane, and constantly theere every day; and thus it will come safe and speedily to our hands.
26. Ap. 1658.
Youres, Tho. Hanchett.
Captain H. Smith to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lviii. p. 393.
Right Honourable,
I have enclosed sent you the lists, which were found in Sir Henry Slingsby's chamber.
The bearer, major Waterhouse, will give your honour an account of the whole busyness. I may truly say both for him and capt. Overton, that they have acted the busyness very prudently, and have discovered much affection and faithfullnes to his highnes.
And I am very confident, they will with much freeness hazard their lives to doe his highnes service. Sir, major Waterhouse can informe you, how far Sir Henry Slingsby did
proceede with his lieutenant, who hath not carryed the busynes well; but intend to send
him up to London ere long, and shall then give you a better account; which is all the
trouble I shall give you at this time, but to subscribe myselfe,
Hull, Aprill 27. 58.
Right Honourable, Your humble and faithfull servant, Hen. Smith.
The further information of George Hutchinson, taken upon oath the 27th of April 1658, before major-general William Goffe, one of his highness's justices of the peace for the city of Westminster and the liberty thereof.
Vol. lviii. p. 391.
Further this informant saith, that near three years ago Mr. Henry Bishop brought a gentleman to this informant's house, (then in Cockfield town) and desired this informant, that he might be conveyed over sea; this deponent asking his name, Mr. Bishop told him, he had none; whereupon the deponent answered it was sufficient to him, if he were his friend. The next day Mr. Bishop, the gentleman, and this informant, met at Thomas Greene's house; from which place, being near the sea side, he was conveyed, together with his servant, over sea; but this deponent could never get the name of him from Mr. Bishop; but this informant, and Tho. Green since, upon some circumstances, imagine him to be colonel Saxby; and the said Mr. Bishop told this informant, that he the said Mr. Bishop, Mr. John Weston, and Christopher Gardiner, had a commission from Charles Stuart to treat with the Levelling party, as he called them, in the army, and instanced in lieutenant-general Overton, Ludlow, Okey, major Wildman, who is his great familiar, colonel Mathews, Alured; and said, that they had great influence upon the army; but being demanded by major Smith, and this informant, whether he thought they would drive on Charles Stuart's interest? he answered, he could not tell, he thought so; but we could never get any positive answer, he being too subtle for us to deal with. We were very cautious of him, but do verily believe, if there were any design upon his highness's person, it was from this party; and that this informant thinks, by some words Bishop cast forth, that Syndercome and Saxby were both poisoned by this party; and this informant thinks, they would do as much for him, (if they could get at him) they being very near kin (if not the same with the Jesuited party.) And this informant farther saith, that about Shrovetide was twelve-month Mr. Bishop told him at Hendfield, that the marquis Hartford was to be generalissimo of Charles Stuart's party in England; and that his son-in-law, the earl of Winchelsea, was to be general in Kent; and that the general agent's name was Pile, a surgeon, as he conceives, to the late king; which agent this informant afterwards met in London at an apothecary's shop. And further this informant saith, that he did employ one John Pickering to go to capt. Lyndsey to engage him, and that the said Pickering did engage him, and had the promise of horses from counsellor Faulkner, and Mr. Watson, attorney. And further this informant saith, that he hath had discourse with one Peyto, a minister of Bolney, and one Jude of the same parish, and they seemed glad of it, and promised some assistance in it.
And further this informant saith, he hath seen Bickerstaff two or three times in Baron's company; and Bickerstaff heard their discourse, but replied little; but this informant verily believeth he is engaged, but cannot depose it upon oath; the like he saith for Gawen and Wyvell, having had general discourse of the design with Baron in their hearing. And farther saith, that he did engage one Langridge, an innkeeper in EastGrinstead, who told him, that Mr. Graves was then in the house, and told him, that colonel Moerly was engaged, but of the truth of it this informant doubts.
Also this informant saith, that meeting with Mille, a minister, he told him of one Corker, an agent for the east parts, George Parker, Mr. Graves, Mr. Nutt, two Elsicks, and in general all the eastern gent. were engaged, and one John Monke of Hurston, Mille's nephew; but for Beard, it is probable, that he was engaged to his uncle Mille, but this deponent cannot depose it.
And this deponent hath heard, either from Bishop or Baron, that Sir William Waller, Browne, and Holles were engaged; and also colonel Harley, Sir Robert Harley's eldest son.
Also this informant saith, that Mansell was with them at the conference with Gunter about Shrovetide was twelvemonth, and he then came from Charles Stuart; and he believes he came once since from him about Whitsuntide last, but this deponent never saw him since the first conference.
This informant further saith, that Baron told him, that divers principal citizens had accepted commissions from Charles Stuart, but would name none; and this he did about the beginning of March last.
Taken and acknowledged, this 27th of April, 1658. before me, W. Goffe.
George Hutchinson.
Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
My Lord,
I can only say, that wee are sensible of your condition in Ireland as to your want of
money; but how to supply it for the present, I am not able to say; nor will it be any
releife to you to acquaint your excellencye, that our condition is as badd here, though
that be very true. The clamours, which wee have both from the sea and land, are such,
that they can scarce be borne. At this very instant the councell is in debate of your condition in point of money; and there is not a treasury, which wee have here, but hath
been look'd into, though not with all that successe as was desired. However, the matter
is againe recommitted, with an injunction to the committee to sitt this afternoone, and
to use their utmost endeavours to get some supplye for you, though it be the lesse. One
way to raise money spake of is this, that the quitt-rents of the lands of the adventurers
and souldiers from the 24th of June last be cal'd for, which, in respect that the tax of
Ireland was then brought from 13000 l. per mensem to 9000 l. per mensem, and the consideration, why the quitt-rents were remitted was some yeares, was in respect of the greatnes
of the tax sett for that tyme. How this will relish in Ireland, I knowe not: it is here
thought very cleare and just; and I thinke it were convenient, that your excellencye
would consider it, and write somthinge about it, according as you finde your satisfaction.
But I beleive the reall supplyes must be by parliament, if wee could but hitt upon the
callinge of one, or rather upon the thinges, which are to bee transacted in parliament. If
you aske, what are the difficulties of cominge to those resolutions, I answere, I knowe
none but the feares in some honest men, that they will settle us upon some foundations;
and the doubts of some other, that if those feares still prevayle, and soe disappoint a settlement, that then a parliament will ruine us. These crosse apprehensions keepe things
in a stand, to the prejudice of the publique, whatever it will prove to perticular persons;
and this is the effect of the considerations, which have beene here for some weekes. In
the meane tyme, we have made sure of the cavaliers, haveinge most of them under
strickt guards in the severall countryes, and are resolved never to lett them goe, untill
the nation be secured against them; judging it very unreasonable, that wee should be
alarmed once every year with invasions and insurrections by them. This security from
them must be had in parliament; and I doubt not, but wee are able to state their case
soe to the parliament, that they will doe reason therein. Wee have a very cleare discovery of a most dangerous plott layd by them of a generall riseinge; and they have
enticed many young gentlemen, that were never before of their party. Some examples
of justice will be made by the high court of justice, which I suppose may fitt the next
week. The persons to be tryed are not yet agreed. I thinke Sir Henry Slingsby, doctor
Hewett, Mr. Mordaunt, Sir Humphry Benett, John Russell, &c. may be some of them;
and it's certeyne Sir William Waller was fully engaged. The people in most countyes,
to cleare themselves from the suspicion of this designe, are petitioning his highnes, and
therein to declare their fidelity and readines to serve him.
For forrein newes, there is none of any great consideration. The Swede is not arrived, as wee heare, from Gottenburgh. Untill he returnes into Prussia, noe great action will be in those parts. The Poles and Austrians threaten him much; but they will not venture upon hym, unles they can keepe the elector of Brandenburgh with them, which the Dutch doe endeavour to serve them in, haveinge wholly given themselves over to the interest of Spayne and the Austrian family. The election of an emperor doth not proceed very speedily; but yet little doubt is to be made, but that the kinge of Hungary will carry it. They had first resolved to have agreed the crownes of France and Spayne, before an election had been proceeded to; but it was perceived, that this was a device of France to delay the election, and thereupon that consideration is quitted till after the election.
The French are comeinge into the seild with their army; and although Hesdin is lost to the Spanyard, yet they have resolved to be before Dunkerque by the 10th of May, and hope to make a short worke of it. They will be 10000 foot of their owne, and 6000 English, besides their horse. Wee have alsoe sent them hay for the forrage of their horse, at their charge, which wee beleive the enemye will be in want of; and if the French keepe their day, it will be hard for the enemye to be in the feild soe soone. Mareshall d'Aumont came to Mardyke some dayes since, with 600 fresh men; and upon Friday last he embarqued 1200 French men, and is gone by sea to Oastend, with a design to surprize Oastend, beinge assured, that it will be delivered to him with very little difficulty, haveinge 3 of their burgers on board him as hostages. They came before it on saturday, but wee heare not yet of his successe. Wee judge it a tickelish thinge for a mareshall of France to engage in. Sir William Lockart is now here to settle all thinges about the siege of Dunkirke.
This afternoone the committee mett upon getting money for Ireland. All that yet
can be thought upon is to anticipate 3 months tax for you; I meane soe much as is
assigned for Ireland, that whereas it will not be payed in the ordinary course till 1st Sept.
wee hope to get by the 1st of July. I begge pardon for this longe confused trouble,
which is given you by
Whitehall, 27. Apr. 1658.
Your Excellency's most humble, and faithfull and obedient servant, Jo. Thurloe.
General Fletwood to H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
Deare Brother,
I have not much to wright unto you. The counsell this day have had debate about
your affayres, and have recommitted it this morning to the Irish committee, to consider which way to supply your occasions, being very sensible of the extremity thereof;
and yet that still is answered, Is not England and Scotland in the same condition? That,
which will be done, will be the endeavouring to borrow you a some of money. If we
can get you 30000 l. by borrowing, it will be with the most. The delayes of the parliment's sitting, which must be the way to rayse monyes by, hath disappoynted our occations, that I know not which way we shall turn to supply our navall and land necessary
actions. I am fearfull your condition maks you think we are heare not so mindfull of
you as we ought to be; but I think, if you wer heare yourselfe, ther could not be more
don, considering what an extremity our affayres are reduced unto through wants of that
kinde. Ther is an inclination to secure the arreares upon the fee-farme rente in Irelande;
but nothing will be therein positive without your privity and advise, which I doubt hath
many intricacyes in it, that it will hardly satisfy. You must now rather consult what we
can doe, then what we would doe. The inquiery into the late plott of the cavaliers
hath so much taken up the time of his highnes, that some other affayres have not bine
so forward in the dispatch, as would have bine; but this mercy is very great, and therefore may give us the more quietnes and satisfaction. Informing you of my lord Lockyer's
return, and of other things, will excuse
April 27. [1658.]
Your most affectionate brother and servant.