State Papers, 1659: April (2 of 2)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1659: April (2 of 2)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1659: April (2 of 2)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1659: April (2 of 2)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

April (2 of 2)

Captain Stoakes to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxiv. p. 9.

Right Honourable,
Although your weighty and great employment will not give leave to acknowledge the receipt of mine, I conceive it is my obligation to give you an account of my proceeding, that so that part of it, that may be worth his highness's knowledge, may be imparted to him, even where my last ended, which was from the island of Aryes, from which port bending my course Westward, in five days made Cape Martin, from which place keeping the Spanish coast aboard, I plied to the Streights-mouth; in all which way, met with nothing but four small boats, which the men ran on shore, and left. On the sixteenth of February, I met in the Streights-mouth with the Taunton, returned from Argeir with the copy of their peremptory letter written his highness, about the Turks taken in the Angel, by which I judged it unnecessary to act any further with them, until I know his highness's answer to their letter, and what he should command me therein. So from thence I proceeded unto Cadiz, with no little hope to have met with the galleons, or any part of them, that I might have taken something to answer his great charge in this squadron, dispatching the Malaga to Tetuan to the consul, to provide me one hundred and fifty head of cattle, and twenty thousand of bread, which he did, and enabled me to keep that station twenty-seven days; in all which time met with nothing, but understood the little hopes of galleons until April. The duke of Modena Celi, captain-general of Andalusia, being in no small care upon our appearance, procured young Tromp to come out and see who we were, and how many. I very well knew on what errand he came, and returned him no great gainer by the voyage. My victuals not permitting my longer stay, I went for Tetuan, and took in what was provided for me, and departed thence; and the seventeenth of March stood close into Malagaroad, to discover what men of war were there. Finding but one, and he close aboard the shore, by which it was judged, if we should attempt him, might, in all probability, receive more damage than his destruction might import, we stood away to the Eastward, where we met with a boat of fifteen hundred searnes of fruit, out of which we took out seven hundred fearnes; but a storm arose, we lost the rest and boat, having much ado to save our people. The storm separated us during two days. The Taunton being still with me, we still plied to the Eastward, and after four days the Fairfax came to me, finding me in chace of three ships, which proved English. I spared them the Taunton to secure them through the Streights-mouth; there lying at Gibraltar two Majorcans, the one of thirty, and the other of twenty-two guns, who see all that pass by that side; and they of Ceuta, on the other, advise them either by smoak or firing of guns, who passeth, and how many, as I experimented at my passing in and out; otherwise had given your honour a better account of them, than now I do. And indeed, all our diligence is rendered fruitless by their watch-towers and vigilancy in them. Off Cape-pall, myself and Fairfax met the commander John Omes, being he that bassled captain Whetston of his prize: he had eight ships in his convoy, whom we searched on, richly laden from Leghorn to Cadiz, but all the goods in Dutch, Florentines, and Genoese names; nor can we expect other, or hope for prize, but what is navigated by Spaniards themselves. Two days after met four more, laden from Majorca with oil for their own accounts. The next day being close on board that island, five Moors, slaves to the Spaniards, came off to us in a small boat.

The next day met with a settee, bound into Majorca from Barcelona, with fifty-two Spaniards upon her, and empty cask to load oil. Before were masters of her, carried her masts by the board; but made a shift to tow her hither, being unwilling to lose any thing, that may make money, be it never so little. As the noise of the guns shot at the settee, came to leeward to us, the Phœnix, Tyger, Dover, and Malaga, being but a little a-head plying hither. In the settee, found a letter of the marquis of Mortarra, being governor of all the province of Catalonia. It is directed to the vice-king of Sardinia, and seems to me worth your honour's perusing; so I have sent you both original and translation. The different face, wherewith I am treated now from my last, makes me jealous these people have already embraced the Spanish interest, and do seek occasions to weary us off their port, having not only embarqued a good part of the Santa Maria's goods for tenths of what I sold last year at Marseilles, at which time they never demanded any thing: they have likewise seized the boat and goods, I took off the isles of Aries, in which some that have been perishable, have been thrown away, and not a penny suffered to be made of them; and this is now near four months time, and no redress, nor so much as hopes of any. This hath put me to a great plunge for money, and the rather, because the credit the commissioners of the admiralty have given me, proves useless, by the reason of the difficulty found in recovering my bills, which are unpaid to this day. I have in a former sent your honour a copy of a proclamation, the lieutenant of the admiralty proclaimed in the time I lay sick ashore; the substance of which was, that I should depart the harbour, and not sell any prize goods here. This was remedied by the king, upon my dispatch to the cardinal, and the party had a check for his pains; but it seemes, so slightly, that he hath been emboldened to give us further trouble, to the infinite disreputation of his highness and his servants, that so petty a fellow shall dare to injure him, and that without redress. A copy of the order, by which he acts, goes enclosed. If there be not a way thought of to procure a port in this seas of our own, the squadron will not be very secure, our interest being so small in these people. I shall have little quiet, whilst I am under command of their guns. Inclosed goeth an original and translate of a paper making appear, what I have often intimated to your honour, viz. that all our friends in amity lend their names to the Spaniard, to protect that little trade they have, and keep it from falling into our hands; so that there is little hope of getting any thing to help charge. Being all at present worth your honour's notice, I subscribe,

Your Honour's most
humble servantt,
John Stoakes.

On board the Lyme, in Toullon,
the 12th April, 1659.

Nieuport, the Dutch embassador, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxiv. p. 83.

Right Honorable,
I have received some letters from the lords my superiors, and doe finde myselfe thereby obliged to beseech your honour, that I may have the happines to confer with your honour before the lords of the council doe sitt to-morrow, iff itt be possible, or els before the sendinge over off my letters with the post on fryday next, remayninge,

My Lord,
Your honor's most humble, and
most affectionate servant,
Wil. Nieupoort.

In Westminster, the 13th of
April, 1659. St. Ang.

Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

May it please your Excellencye,
I am not wise enough to understand the present condition of our affaires here. Wee spend much tyme in great matters, but very little progresse therein. Some steps are taken towards a comunication with the other house, but they are very imperfect ones, and such as are not, for ought I see, likelye to bringe us together: yet some tyme of late ath been spent upon consideration of the publique revennew, and of the present debt the nation is in, which is great. And I beleeve your excellencye findes in your affaires of Ireland very great need to have some part of the debt payed, which I thinke there is no great inclynation to, untill a very considerable retrenchment be made in the yearly charge. It is thought here, that Ireland may be made to bear its owne burden; and that the 8000 l. per mensem may after a little tyme be withdrawen, especially if the soldiers arreares could be satisfied in the first place; but your excellencye is the best judge, what is practicable in this case. I suppose your excellency will have an account from the souldiers of Ireland of the addresse lately presented to his highnes by the army, in respect that the addresse was signed by most of the officers of the Irish army. It is here variouslye interpreted, and very great effects are expected from it, and from the further meeting of the officers of the army, who, upon thursday next, intend further conferences amongst themselves. These tymes, and the affaires transacted in them, give motion to all sorts of humours in the nation; but I trust God will give a good issue to all. The great thinge, which at present enterteynes all the world, is the peace betweene France and Spayne. It is sayd and beleeved almost every-where, that it is concluded; but I am sure, that it is not true: but yet it's certeyne, it is in very great forwardnes, and more then probable, that it will be soone finished.

There are three points, wherein the treatye cheifly consists: 1. The restitution of the conquests, which is upon the matter agreed. France is to restore all they have in Flanders, Itally, and Catalonia, sans Rousilion and its dependants, and Arras, Thionville. The 2d is the restauration of the duke of Lorraine and his countryes, except Verdune, Thou, Stenny, and the dutchy of Barre with the slightinge of the citadell of Nancy. The 3d is, the concernment of the prince of Condé. France offers, that he returne home, and have all his possessions and estates, but not to be admitted into his ymployment as governor of Guyenne, grand maistre d' hostell, &c. The two former are upon the matter agreed. The 3d doth yet sticke; but Spayne sayth, that if the prince will not accept these conditions, they will quitt hym. As for Portugall, the French will not stand upon that; only they will mediate a peace betweene them.

I had a letter from general Montagu of the 3d instant dated from the coast of Jutland, or but 40 leagues from the Sound. I rest

Your Excellency's
Most humble and obedient servant,
Jo. Thurloe.

13. April, 1659.

General Monck to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxiv. p. 93.

My Lord,
I formerlie made bold to write to you concerning the governor of Berwick, that you would be pleased to afford him your favour in some businesse he hath to doe with his highnesse; and I shall take itt as a speciall favour, if you please to give him a dispatch in his businesse, being I thinke it very needfull he was at his garrison. And likewise I have another request to you, that you would acquaint his highnesse, that such judges as belong to Scotland, that are in the parliament, whereof there is my lord Warestonne of the other house, and judge Swintoune, and judge Lawrence, of the house of commons, may be heere against the beginning of June; for then their sessions (which wee call terme in England) begins, and lasts fower monthes; and the people will suffer much in their law businesse, and cry out for want of itt. I thought fitt to give you notice of itt, that timely care may bee taken of that particular. I heare, that there is one or two, that lie ready in Holland with commissions from Charles Stuart to come into this country: one of their names is Hamilton; but whether they lie there till such time as we disagree among ourselves, or whether they intend to come speedily over with them, I knowe nott; butt this I heare from good hands: which is all at present from him, who is

Your Lordship's
Very humble servant,
George Monck.

Eden. 14. April, 1659.

Monsieur Schlezer to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxiv. p. 47.

Honoratissime Domine,
Qua reverentia hactenus congressu vestro usus sum, qua gratitudine benevolentiæ ac favoris vestri signa agnovi, qua observantia et insignes animi vestri dotes, et illam incomparabilem in explicandis gravissimis, quæ nationem hanc urgent, negotiis dexteritatem, et nunquam satis laudatam sidem erga immortalis memoriæ principem successoremque ejus, admirabundus colui; ea jam siducia in summæ mutationis rerum mearum articulo constitutus, patrocinium vestrum quam officiossime ac quam enixissime imploro. Manisestum enim erit dominationi vestræ, tam ex literis meis ad serenissimum ac celsissimum dominum protectorem directis, quam ex deductione seu narratione causæ meæ iisdem adjunctæ, quam prægnantibus rationibus, quam inevitabili necessitate adductus, terras hasce invitus plane mœstusque, spe tamen honoratioris reditus, linquam; simulque muneri isti, quod a serenissimo domino electore Brandenburgico impositum mihi suit, renunciem, petiturus, dum vobis gravis molestusque esse nolo, protectionem tutelamque principis amici fœderatique vestri, quam contra inimicos oppressoresque meos apud dominum meum clementissimum gratiosissimumque, sed malorum artibus hac in re circumventum invenire nequivi. Ab honoratissima igitur dominatione vestra illud submissis precibus contendo, ut et causam meam quam æquissime cognoscere, et celsitudini suæ serenissimæ augustisque concilijs tam parlamenti, si ita visum fuerit, quam privato, eam favorabiliter exponere, eoque totum illud negotium perducere velit, ut rebus meis afflictis firmum stabileque præsidium apud vos paratum sit, ac famæ, fortunæ, vitæque meæ quam efficacissime consulatur. Illud vero tum demum sieri posse existimo, si quæ nomine principis mei hic contraxi debita publica, &c. meque ipsum eorum causa minime teneri solemniter declaretur; si id, quod incolarum vestrorum in hoc negotio interest, oratoribus ministrisque vestris exteris in oris versantibus, ac ad tractatus pacis capessendos accinctis serio commendetur: si ipsemet eorum curæ ac sidei committatur, quo data occasione opera ac auxilio eorum uti queam: si reversuro accessum commorationemque ac recessum salvum liberumque absque ullius molestatione petiturum documento aliquo certus reddar: sique, quicunque tandem rerum mearum status futurus sit, vestra bonorumque omnium optima de me opinione, nec non ingrata mei recordatione frui contingat. Quod superest, Deum ter optimum maximum veneror, ut consilia actionesque serenissimæ celsitudinis fuæ reipublicæque hujus fortunare, ac ad communem optatamque Christiani orbis pacem ac unionem dirigere, teque fidelem magnumque maximi principis florentissimæ regionis ministrum integris animi, corporis viribus ac divina virtute corroboratum quam diutissime conservare dignetur.

Honoratissimæ Dominationis Vestræ,
Observantissimus ac deditissimus cliens,
Joannes Fridericus Schlezer.

Westmonasterij, die 19.
April. anno 1659.

Nieuport, the Dutch embassador, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxiv. p. 113.

Right Honourable,
I hope your honour hath communicated on thursday last the 14th of this instant my papers to his most serene highness and the council, concerning the ship the Maria, brought up at Toolon, and the three ships having ballast only, which have been detained ever since the month of January last past; and in the latter end of March brought up by the Lamport frigate, captain Coppin commander, at Plymouth and Portsmouth; which ships having at least four or five and twenty men every one, and their victuals being all spent, by reason that they have had aboard many men out of the frigats, which did seize them, and wanting moneys, as well as wares or merchandizes, are utterly undone.

The poor men, whose ships have been taken by captain Robert Bowden and Cornelius Swart, pretending to have Swedish commissions, are also greatly afflicted; which necessitateth me to beseech your honour, that favourable resolutions may be taken by his most serene highness and the council; and that the poor men may have restitution of the said ships and goods, with just and reasonable satisfaction for the damages. The said proceedings are so directly contrary to the late treaty of peace, and to law and reason, that I hope, that his highness and the council will be sensible thereof, and order effectually, that the said unjust proceedings may be rectified; which is heartily wished for the mutual welfare of all honest men in both states and nations, by

Your Honour's
Most humble and most affectionate servant,
Will. Nieuport.

Westminster, the 19th of April, St. Ang. 1659.

Dr. Thomas Clarges, to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

May it please your Excellency,
This last weeke our consultations in parliament were for the most part preparatory to matters of accounts, and ended in a resolution to meet yesterday in a grand committee to consider of our debts, and the present necessities of the armies, and the ways of retrenching the charge of the commonwealth, and improving the revenues thereof. But before this resolution was put in execution, a motion was made concerning the meetings of the officers of the armyes in a generall counsell, whereby it was said some umbrage was put upon the parliament. And after a long and serious debate it was voted, that during the sitting of the parliament there shall be no generall councill or meeting of the officers of the army without the direction, leave, and authority of his highness the lord protector and both houses of parliament. And after this it was resolv'd, that no person shall have or continue in any command or trust in any of the armies or navies of England, Scotland, or Ireland, or any the dominions or territories thereto belonging, who shall refuse to subscribe, that he will not disturbe nor interrupt the free meetings in parliament of any the members of either house of parliament, or their freedome in their debates and counsells; and to these votes it was resolved, that Mr. Stevens should desire the concurrence of the other house, which he did this day, and carried them up with a returne, that they would send answere by messengers of their owne. I am told, the other house was in a great consternation upon receipt of these resolutions of ours, and were so high, as many moved to lay them aside, and it was carried but by one voice in the contrary, which I somewhat admire; for without doubt, if they disagree with us in these, a farther transaction may be doubtfull. I must not forget to acquaint your excelency, that after wee had pass'd the before-mentioned vote, wee order'd to take speedily into consideration the arrears of the armies and navies, and how they may be discharged; and apointed Mr. atorney generall and sargeant Maynard to bring in an act of indemnity to such as have acted in the service of the commonwealth. Wee likewise taking notice of a more then usuall confluence of cavallier and dissaffected persons to this citty, nominated a committee to bring in a declaration for their removeing twenty miles from London, which was this day brought in and pass'd; but being upon some necessary occasions absent, I cannot give your excellency any particular accompt of the wording it. Doctor Petty this day fate in the house, and upon thursday next he intends to give a generall answere to the charge against him. I have made many of our stediest men favourable in their opinions of him, and am not much diffident of our good successe, to which all the endeavours shall be contributed of,

May it please your Excelency,
Your excelencie's most humble, and
most obliged servant,
Tho. Clarges.

Yesterday his highness sent for all the officers of the army, and comanded them to their severall charges, to which I hope they will give a ready obedience; but to-morrow was a day they had formerly apointed to meet, and some suspect they will, notwithstanding his highness commands or our votes; but I hope and beleive the contrary.

Mr. John Barwick to Sir Edward Hyde.

London, April 19. 1659. late at night.

In the possession of Joseph Radcliffe, of the Inner Temple, esq;

I hope this will find a safe passage, as your lordship's of the 4. instant, did, which I have received, and which at first did not a litle trouble me, when I saw such a great difference in the account between mee and the person intrusted in that business. And yet, upon better consideration, I conceive the difference will be easie to reconcile; and that what he gives in upon account, is all that can be charged upon him. For though I delivered to Mr. Gregson 635 l. upon the first account, and 500 l. upon the later, (deducting only what it fell short in telling, whereof I gave his M. some accompt in my former letters) yet there must not so much be charged upon the accountant there by 200 l. because Mr. Shaw received 100 l. of this, before ever he had any thing to doe with it, and Mr. Thornton received another 100 l. here, which he returned by another person, as he tells me, and whereof his M. hath allready acknowledged the receipt. For the rest, wherein the accomptant's reckoning falls short of what your lordship charges upon him as from my account, it was caused by the want of money in the baggs upon telling, and other incident charges given in by Mr. Gregson per bill, whereof I sent your lordship a true copy in my last, and which I hope will farther clear the reckoning to be according to this account I now give of it. The accomptant's brother tells me, the rest of the money is payd in, (and I hope it is so) as far as the accomptant hath received it, and that I hope is all but the unfortunat 200 l. for as for the other 100 l. which he feared, Mr. Gregson tells me from his own letter, that he believes it is received. For the desperat 200 l. I doe verily beleive the hazzard could not be foreseen in morall probability; for I take Mr. Gregson still to be a very honest and prudent man. I did from the begining and doe still leave the managery of such things wholy to himself; and particularly I have referred it to him either to compound, (as the rest of the creditors doe) or to stand to the hazzard of recovering the whole hereafter, in case he hath (as some doe) broke out of designe. For as I must confess my ignorance in such things, so, if I were never so skillfull, I conceive it would not be prudence for me to be seen in the least in such a matter. For the third parcell mentioned in my last, I hope the bills are come for the former money; and for the later, Mr. Gr. tells me, he could get no bills for it this week, which he durst trust, unless it had been from the same persons, who returned the last, which also would have been somewhat hazzardous; but he doubts not but by the next post he shall send such bills for the remainder as may be relyed upon. For any particular instructions given by me to the accomptant, I must disclaim them, excepting only to receive the money, and pay it, which I never intended to stand in opposition to any command he should receive there, whereof I am and ever shall be most tender, as in duty I ought: and accordingly this last time I have expresly referred him to his M.'s command and order, as I think I mentioned in my last. For my sick friend, he is so well recovered, as to take his journey this day towards his own country, by his physician's advice, for aire and exercise, but cheifly in order to his owne business there. He presents his humble service to your lordship, as possibly you will perceive by another person. The friend I hinted in my last could not then come, but I hope will now. His memory will much ease my pen and your lordship's patience in poynt of newes. Yet somthing I shall here inclose at all peradventures; for I see this paper will not hold it. I beseech your lordship excuse this prolixity in him, who much honours you, though he never had the happiness to see you, and will ever endeavour to approve himself,

My Lord,
Your lordship's most humble servant.

From colonel Bamfylde.

Vol. xli. p. 808.

My Lord,
I Spoke both yesterday and on saturday with the gentileman, whoe trusts me in his communications with your lordship's, whoe I finde very apprehensive of, and solicitous for the preventing those dangers, which he thinkes may arise to the nation, my lord protector, and themselves, from the present state of affayers. In the first place, on saturday he protested solemnly, (upon my saying something, which led him to it) that as he could not answer for other, yet for himselfe he knew nothing before-hand of the debates or transactions of the army: that neither immediately nor mediately he had the least communication with any of them. If any els had, they did not trust him with it. However, that upon the tearmes he stands at present of treaty with your lordship, he thinkes it just and necessary to let you know, that as he does not wish, that the army should impose lawes upon my lord protector and the parliament, so he is very sorry to see such rough expedients resorted to, as may endanger the dividing of that power, which he considers as the sole bullwarke and defence of his highness and his frends, and of the commonwealth. Touching the votes, which passed yesterday in the house, though he opposed them, for his owne as well as the publique safety, in this common tyme of danger, yet he dreads the consequence of them. If they are obeyed, he fears the presbyterians will thereby be raysed to that height, as to impose theire owne lawes upon all: if they are disobeyed, 'twill endanger the dividing of the army (which some to violent persons on both sides labour at) and the ruine of the nation; that, to prevent it, he wishes your lordship would thinke of some speedy expedient to sweeten your yesterdaye's votes, before discontents grow too high. The way he thinks for it, is to fall upon the imediate settlements of your militia, which he thinkes will be best in my lord protector and the parliament; that there be noe general; that my lord protector comissionate them with the consent of parliament; that in the intervalls of parliament, his highness may doe it with the consent of his councill, if any charges fall voyde: that if you thinke this a good expedient, and please to let him know it by mee, he will prepare to advance it what he can. In the next place, he wishes, for the common peace and safety, that you would think of a speedy way of bringing in such moderate expedients for the settlement of the government, as may be satisfactory to honest and moderate men on both sides, to which he will contribute all he can in his sphere, that things may not lye thus loose and open, to much exposed to all sorts of danger: that if you designe the cementing of the presbyterians and commonwealth party, that they may be a little taken off from that violence, which upon all occasions they may make appear to the exasperation of the other. He says, that about 3 or 4 days one told him, (I suppose it might be lieutenant-general Ludlowe, though he named him not) that my lords Fleetwood and Desbrowe had spoken very honorably of your lordship; and that he is very sorry to see you soe neer a division at the present. Thus much I thinke I had leave to acquaint you with from him: divers other things passed, of which good use may be made, if I could have your honour to speake with you. I told your lordship concerning the listing of some of the levelling party; I am confident is true. I have put one to get in amongst some of them in Southwark, to discover what he can; and I shall give you an account thereof. Cockayne reports, that the army designes to drawe up a charge agaynst your lordship, lord Jones, and some others; and that your party intends to drawe up one agaynst my lord Fleetwood and Desborowe, and others of the army: that there were designes to adjourne the parliament into the citty, which he says is put into a good posture. That they care not for your army, and wayte only comands from my lord protector. I thought theise reports soe foolish and dangerous, that I a little reproved him for publishing them soe much as he does. If your lordship really desires my going into Flanders, this is throughly critical tyme to lay the foundation for that designe, in which I am confident you may doe what you will. There needs not much more deliberation thereon than what has been had. I wish you would be pleased to think of something to bee sayd to Mr. S. whoe said 2 things more to mee, that I would acquaint you with, but not in this way. I shall say noe more for the present, but that I am,

My Lord,
Your Lordship's most humble, and
most obedient servant,
J. B.

Tuesd. mor.

Colonel Bamfylde to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxii. p. 710.

My Lord,
The haste I perceaved your lordship in the last night caused mee to omitt some things, which upon recollection of myselfe I have thought requisite to give you this further account of: that there are new tamperings with some of the inferiour officers of the army; that those, whoe contrive them, have hopes of the success to the ends they drive at, either to hinder theyr concurrence in the dissolution of the parliament, which is suspected, in case the question shall be carryed agaynst the present house of lords; or to rayse disorders amongst them, if it should be broaken up. They speak of some conferences your lordship has not long since had with some of the chiefe officers of the army, the place where, the persons present, the matters in debate, together with the resulte of all they pretend to be acquainted with. If it be true, some have not been soe faithful or secret as they are believed. It is likewise sayd, that your lordship and my lord Desbrowe have made propositions to Sir Arthur Haslerig and Sir Henry Vane to bring them over; but fruitlesly.

My lord Lambert, they say, endeavours to heighten the commonwealth party against the present government; vindicates himselfe, touching his past actings for the late lord protector, by his being animated against divers of the principal persons of the long parliament, by the instigation of his late highness, whoe, he sayes, privately perswaded Sir Henry Vane and Sir Arthur Haslerig against his being sent into Ireland with convenient powers for the charge of lord deputy, both upon religious and prudent pretences; and that as soone as he had underhand crossed him in that employment, he was the first, whoe exasperated him agaynst those persons, telling him, that not any thing troubled him more than to see honest John Lambert soe ungratefully treated; with many other expressions to this purpose. I had this from a good hand, and that he makes great professions of syncerity to the party he now acts with; has had private conferences with some of the chiefe of them, labouring to bring them on, whoe need noe spurs in theyr present expedition. Your lordship, whoe knowes how entyrely lost I am allready, will, I am sure, have to much charity to expose me further, by letting this come to their ears, whoe will easily judg at the author. I may arive at a more particular knowledg of things of this nature. My letters out of Germany say, that the confederate princes have an army drawne together of 19000 fighting men, to oppose the arch-duke of Inspurg's march into Flanders; that marshal La Ferté is to joyne his troopes with them to that purpose; and that in case of extremity, that those troops cannot pass, it is believed, that the Austrian army in Holstein under Montecuculi will have order to march through Westphalia, and soe through part of the state of Holland's dominions into Flanders. The electors of Mentz and Collogne have written positively to the emperour, that it is against the constitutions of the empire, that the diet of deputation should bee translated to any other place from Franckfort; and that considering the present danger, which threatens the peace of the empire, it cannot be suspended, they being resolved to continue it for the tranquility of the empire. The elector Palatine was desired to subscribe it; which he excused, writing a particular letter to the emperor in calmer language then it seems that was drawne up in. He intends to keep himselfe neuter, if he can. These are the chief heads of my letters, which have many more particulars, are longe, and in French; but if your lordship please to command them, I shall send them, being with great sidelity and respect,

My Lord,
Your lordship's most humble, and
most obedient servant,
Jo. B.

Tewsday night.

Colonel Bamfylde to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxii. p. 656.

My Lord,
'Tis to save your lordship's trouble, and not my owne, that I choose rather to write then wayte upon you, unless very important reasons require it. After I had sent my letter to you the last night, young Mr. S. came to my lodgings, told mee he had ernestly importuned his father to fall into my lord protector's interests, whome he found much shaken betwixt the desires of putting himselfe into a capacity to advantage himselfe and children, and how to doe it with the conservation of his owne honour, which he thinkes cannot consist with an abrupt relinquishing of his friends and party, or with the entyre abandoning of his former principles. The son tells mee what I had heard before from other hands, that your lordship, and some other of the councell, have lately had a meeting with the principal officers of the army; and that you there proposed their desiring my lord protector's takeing upon him the generalship of the army, the dissolving of the parliament, and the setling a course for the raysing of monyes, for the paying the armye's arears, and for theyr future support: that my lord Whaly, my lord Goff, and some others, were for it; but my lord Fleetwood, and my lord Desbrow agaynst it, as an expedient to full of hazard, and not to be resorted to, saveing in the last and greatest extremity. Many wish it as a means to render my lord protector's government insupportable, and irreconcilable with the commonwealth party, if not soe with future parliaments, since they conclude, if you cannot agree with this, that 'tis most unlikely, that you ever should with any, upon the principles you now goe; and that you will be constrained, either to vary from them, or to governe arbitrarily and entyrely by the power of the army, which they thinke can never laste longe in this nation. I only tell you, what I hear from others, not as it is my owne sense. The odium of this is endeavoured to be fixed on your lordship, and my lord Fines. If you are wronged in it, I know your wisdome sufficient to finde out some expedient to vindicate yourselfe in such a manner, as I may not be thought your informer; whoe I desire you not to consider any longer, then you finde mee ingenious and syncere towards you; and whilst I observe these rules, I know your lordship has too much candour and good nature to let mee be hurt by my endeavours to serve you. Mr. S. says, my lord Desbrow sent to have a meeting with him, and I beleive upon deliberation he is not satisfied with himselfe for declining it. He seemes resolute not to recede from what he delivered touching the other house; first, because it is his sense, to which you know he is something pertinacious; next by reason, that he has declared himself; but if that were carryed once in the affirmative against his judgment, I perswade myselfe he might in other things be taken off from the triumvirate, though the other twoe have still great influence upon him. He pretends himselfe to have been much exasperated by some of my lord protector's party, threatning in the house the parliament should be dissolved, and major-generalls re-established. He named some of them to mee, and that one tolde him in the house, that the grounde of his opposition was, because he was not secretary of state. I confess it did not looke like a very wife expression, if they had any designe to gayne him. I thinke there may be wayes thought on to remove the rest of his scruples, if the debate concerning the lords house were over. If your lordship would bee more clearly enlightned touching any of these particulars, I shall wayte on you, when you please to command me; or if what I have written bee sufficient, I shall discourse further with him, if you approve it; soe you will please only to write mee word, that you would have me doe what I have written, I mean in soe many words, without mentioning either person or particulars. I finde my lord Lambert labours to serve theise warme people to the greatest height. What his end may bee in it, I can better conjecture, than others devine, who know not soe much as I doe concerning him. Young S. told me of another particular, which I thought very important; but I cannot call it to mind, till I speake with him agayne. I am,

My Lord,
Your lordship's moste humble, moste faithful,
and moste obedient servant,
J. B.

Wednesday night.

Mr. John Barwick to Sir Edward Hyde.

In the possession of Joseph Radcliffe, of the Inner Temple, Esq;

By some letters I have seen out of these parts, I perceive it is the opinion of some there, that the protector hath done his work in getting the other house to pass the vote of the commons. But by experience he finds it otherwise for the present; for the other house is another clogg upon him, and such a one, as we conceive hath incouraged the army to their late interposition into the affaires of state, wherein they durst not so well have medled, if they had been obnoxious to the power of one house alone, who in some heat might in an hower's time have voted them all out of their commissions; whereas now it must pass two houses, and in the later find 22 great officers of the army beside other favourers, though I doe not say, that all of them approve what the councell of officers have done. What that was, will appear by their petition, though hee, that reads it without the commentary of their actions, will not perfectly understand it. For though it pretends as faire to the Whitehall party as the commonwealth's men, yet it now appeares the petitioners more favour the later. I suppose the meaning of it was to be a foundation of some endeavours to give lawes to both parties, but to favour that the more, which favoured their proceedings, and by them to quash the opposition of the rest. The method of this was, by forming a thing they call an attestation (in the nature of a new covenant or ingagement) to justify the murder of the king, the disinherishon of his posterity, and all things passed since 48. But they had a speciall ey upon kingship, as they called it, under which the Whitehall party did believe they would containe all monarchicall power, which made them the more vigilant and jealous over them. And this is the day the army officers appoynted to meet, and signe this attestation. To prevent which, the commons on monday did more work than all the time since their first convention. For having shutt themselves in, and even their own members out, that were not then within, they proceeded to these votes: 1. That the officers hereafter shall have have no meetings without the approbation or command of the protector, and both houses: 2. That no person shall have or continue in any command or trust in any of the armies or navies of England, Scotland, and Ireland, that shall refuse to subscribe, that he will not disturb or interrupt the free meetings in part, or any of the members of either house, nor their freedom in their debates and councells: 3. That these votes be sent to the other house for their concurrence: 4. That it be referred to a committee to consider of a way for raysing money to pay the armie: 5. They referred it to serjeant Maynard, the attorney and sollicitor generall, to bring in a bill for securing the protector and parliament against those, who have formerly been in armes for the king; which I hear was done yesterday; but how farr it extends, I have not yet had the opportunity to enquire. I know not but I may have forgot something they ordered for the indemnity of the soldiery; for the bearer hastens me.

Notwithstanding all this, I hear from a good hand, the officers intend to meet this day, as they had appoynted, and to proceed as they see cause; and the thing they will chiefly insist upon will be the pay of the army, for that will have the best influence upon the common soldiers. I am told, the regiment, that was Pride's, have in a short remonstrance (now printed) declared for the councell of officers; but I have not seen it; and it is very likely the same method will be pursued by others. But yet on saturday last those officers, that are of the protector's party, were with him, and have promised him to live and dye with him, viz. Howard, Faulconbridge, Ingolsby, Gough, &c. I know not their number. The same night they were in some fear at Whitehall to have the protector's person ceased on by the other party; and accordingly were vigilant, had strong guards, and new provision of amunition. The city also think it necessary to look to themselves in this conjuncture. On monday the common counsell sate, and yesterday the officers of the militia. I suppose the former was but only to quicken the latter; and what the later have resolved, I cannot yet learn. The parliament have an eye upon the city as the securest place to sit in, if this storm continues; and perhaps the army may be as willing it should be so as the citizens, that they may have such a fatt enemy to deal with; but however, they have sent a horse-guard to St. Paule's church again these 4 or 5 dayes, which was formerly withdrawn, and only a foot-guard kept there. What all this will produce, we cannot yet foresee; but the disease is just upon the crisis, and I hope God will turn all things to the best.

We have no newes at all from our fleet, since they set sayle for the Zound. The merchants complayn still, not without cause, the Spanish warr has a very great influence upon most of them. They have lost above 1200 shipps since the warr began, and yet we bragg of our prizes. The publick debts amount to about 2 millions and a half, and no way is yet thought on for payment besides those formerly on foot, which come short of the ordinary expences by a very great sum, as they tell us. And the excise is petitioned against in severall particulars by severall trades, and would be by more, if their petitions could be heard.

April 20. 1659.

Indorsed, For M. L. C.

Mons. Schlezer to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxiv. p. 61.

Honoratissime Domine,
Consultius mihi visum est narrationem statûs causæ meæ hisce quam illis ad celsissimum dominum protectorem jungere, ac dominationi vestræ eam primitus exhibere, simulque sapientiæ ejus permittere, quid de rebus illis censendum sit, quas pro innato quasi affectu meo erga rempublicam vestram celare ipsi nolui. Ac primo quidem sese offert non obscura principum in Germania consæderatorum inclinatio cum serenissima celsitudine sua consilia propius conferendi. Quam cum ex literis consiliarii cujusdam ante menses aliquot percepissem, studiose hactenus illam fovi, eoque mihi perduxisse visus sum, ut si celsitudini fuæ grata ea acceptaque sit, (quemadmodum honori ipsius nequaquam eam officere, nulloque quod sciam oneri futuram arbitror) fortassis usui aliquo ea in re esse possim. Deinde civitas quædam libera imperialis maritima, ac non levis hoc rerum statu momenti prudenti confilio mota, cum civibus mercatoribusque vestris se sociare cupit, eoque nomine a me petit, ut quem animorum sensum hic deprehendam, indicare velim. In proclivi autem nationi huic fore existimo pedem ibi haud minus feliciter quam ullibi eo in terrarum tractu figere; adeoque etiam illud dominationi vestræ proponere debui, ex levissimo nutu, quem per dominum Hartliebium juniorem (cum quo aliquando de negotio hoc sermonem habui) mihi dabit, vel rejecturus mentionem ejus, adeoque utriusque, vel ea actione, quæ dominationi vestræ injungere mihi libuerit, solita modestia mea per eundem additurus alia, quæ ut serena fronte accipiat, cumprimis opto,

Honoratissimæ Dominationis vestræ
obsequentissimus cliens,
J. F. Schlezer.

Die 20. April. 1659.

The Portuguese embassador to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxiv. p. 77.

Honti sui buscar a V. S. no tempo e hora que V. S. havia assinado a Joño Millis de Maudo, mas nao' achando a V. S. em caza me parecen fazer le prezente, que o que queria hora o despacho dista petieao, paraque o capitao Carles de Bils, qui o hi de su magestade el rey mio sennor prisator liberdade e responder a tudo o que falia on verdadinamente sesse impuzer, isto mesmo pedi qua a V. S. per escrito e por marvell agora a terno a pedir a V. S. ena justua desla peticao', eno faver de V. S. seguio todo o bom dispacho. Tambem lombro a V. S. qui ha mais de dens mezes, que V. S. mitem promitido hua audiencia de S. A. que como tiver lugar di me quirer honnor sera para mim de grande homas a particular se V. S. ma fizer demedar m. las occazioes de sen servico. Dios guarde a V. S. multos annos. Londres, e Abril 21. de 1659.

Francisco Mello.

To his most serene highness Richard lord protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the territories thereto belonging;

The humble petition of Charles de Bils, a captain in the service of his majesty the king of Portugal,

Vol. lxiv. p. 75.

Most humbly sheweth,
That your petitioner is a native of France, but a subject to his majesty, from whom he is commissionated a man of war against the king of Spain and those of the United Provinces. And having by virtue of his said commission taken a Dutch ship, was necessitated, by reason of contrary wind, and want of victuals, to come into the Isle of Wight, in your highness's dominions. His said prize, person, and man of war was there arrested by order of the lord embassador Nieuport, by virtue of a warrant out of your highness's court of admiralty; to which your petitioner made his appearance by way of defence. But the said embassador, finding your petitioner's commission legally granted, did desist from his proceedings there, by divers opprobrious memorials did complain and seek remedy from your highness and council, and in the interim procured several arrests against your petitioner in great sums; and likewise inticed others to imprison him, knowing your petitioner to be a stranger, and not to be bailed, thereby to deprive your petitioner from answering for him self by credible testimonials, to those allegations presented by the said embassador to your highness.

Your petitioner doth therefore most humbly beseech your highness to take his oppressed condition into your charitable consideration, and grant to him your highness's gracious order of protection, that he may attend that honourable committee, to whom the business is referred, to answer to his accusations, and receive such justice as your highness shall graciously think fit.

And your petitioner shall pray, &c.
Carlos De Bils.

The envoy from the Hanse-towns to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxiv. p. 119.

Generosissime & excellentissime Domine,
Postquam a dominis judicibus admiralitatis documenta a Patricio Hayes producta mihi communicata sunt, ad amplissimum senatum Hamburgensem eadem illioo misi, hasque literas ad serenissimum dominum protectorem, illustrissimum concilium, & generosissimam vestram dominationem rursus recepi, quas generosissimæ vestræ dominationi exhibere debui.

Interea tamen, quæ nuper inter nos acta sunt, & quæ de negotio Haiano ex ore generosissimæ vestræ dominationis percepi, prædicto amplissimo senatui die 8. Aprilis per literas notificavi, ad quas propter angustiam temporis respondere nondum potuerunt. Nullus autem dubito, quin inter quatuordecim dies amplissimi senatus responsum & resolutio subsequatur.

Ne autem interea temporis, vel in præ judicium senatus Hamburgensis, vel etiam civitatum Hanseaticarum, ratione domus Stilyardanæ quicquam fiat, generosissimam vestram dominationem pro auctoritate & benevolentia sua istud præcavere velit, quam officiosissime rogo, qui sum

Generossissimæ vestræ Dominationis
obsequentissimus servus,
Johannes Schulte, legatus Hanseaticus &
Hamburgensis ablegatus.

Londini, 22. Aprilis, 1659.

Capt. Richard Cowes to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.

In the possession of the right honourable the earl of Shelburn.

May it please your Excelency,
Pursuant to your order, I convoyed the Bristol fleett in safty within Londy, and arived att Milford the fourteenth of this instant Aprill, where I used such dilligence to victuall and tallow the friggott under my command, that I sett saile from thence the twentieth. And haveing certaine sailes at Kinsale, of which our friggott hath present occasion, I plyed thitherward, and on the 23d in the morning tooke a galleote hoigh of the enemies, comanded by captain Nicolas Johnson, who had his comission from James Steward, and hath this spring greatly anoyed and infested their parts. The said galleot had two guns, and thirty-five men, of which seven are gon in a prize: the rest I have brought in to Kinsale this day; and the governor of the fort hath promised to take care to have them safly garded to Corke prizon. I have reserved the captain and the vessel to present unto your excellency, when it shall please God to bring us to Dublin. I remaine,

My Lord,
Your excellency's most humble servant,
Richard Cowes.

From on bord the Paradox,
in Kinsale harbor, Aprill
the 24th, 1659.

H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxiv. p. 129.

I Should have bin glad to have heard from you the last week; for truly that intelligence wee received toucheinge the councill of officers meetings, and his highnesse's and parliament's proceedings thereon, has begott in us an earnest expectation to heare the issue of it. Indeed I thinke his highness did but what was his duty, and alltogether necessary; but if it take effect, wee may hope for peace and settlement. But I perceive there was then som doubt, whether the army would acquiesce; and if they should not, it were very sad. It is a time, that calls for much prayer and dependance upon God. Pray, Sir, let mee heare from you. I am not well, which is the only cause, why I doe not write so frequently as formerly. The Lord guide all your councils. I remane

Your very affectionate
and humble servant,
H. Cromwell.

April 26. 59.

Lord Craven to secretary Thurloe.

Gravesend, the 27. April, 1659.

Vol. lxiv. p. 133.

My Lord,
I Did not think, that this enclosed should have bin delivered by other hands then my owne: but to my greate misfortune, after I had passed the bridg on teusday morning betweene one and two, the boateman acquainted mee with the sadd tydings of what I found butt to greate effects of att my landing afterwards at Westminster; soe that I did not conceive itt seasonable to give your lordship any interruption by attending you, butt hastened all I could to bee out of the prejudice of the proclamation of his highnesse, though I doe not conceive myself any way comprehended in it; and that verie eevening came to Gravesend, from whence I addresse this to your lordshipp, with hopes, that tho' I had not the advantage to deliver itt you with my owne hands, and personally to waite uppon you; yet that you will consider it and me with the same tendrenes, and continue your faveur towards mee and my interest, according as there may be occasion for it; as you have done hitherto: the which wil be a great consolation to mee, and of infinite advantage to him, who is,

My Lord,
Your lordship's most humble servant,

Lord Broghill to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxiv. p. 139.

Deare Sir,
Haveinge got leave to goe for Ireland, I am this morninge beginninge my journy, my wife haveinge this weeke expected me at the water side. I was twice yesterday, and severall tymes before, to have kissed your hands, which I did to my greate trouble faile of; and I may without compliment say, 'tis none of my left griess, that I must leave this towne without receiveinge the honor of your commands, and payinge you my humble thanks for all your favors; by which I owne myself oblidged in all places, and in all conditions, to be unalterably,

Deare Sir,
Your most affectionate, and
most faithfull humble servant,

29. April, 59.