State Papers, 1659: March

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1659: March', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1659: March', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1659: March". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

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The Portuguese embassador to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxvii. p. 106.

Despois de se arrestar o nanio por nome Falcao' qui fri travido a Ala de Wight plo capitao' Carlos Bicles; Recebi sua carta do embaxador de S. Mag. de Portugal que assiste na Haya emque me amza qui se havia de fazer hua diligencia sobri hu' pas saperte que dixim se tinla dado ao mestre do dito navio em nome de rey min 'sner'. Eassimem quanto se aclara esti negocio, puo a V. S. m. per m. que sobre adita priza nao se resolva no consello conza alqua, porq' espero anizo do mesmo embassador o qual eu logo savi prizente a V. S. em me eligando. D's g a V.S. m. annoz.

Caza, 10/2. de Mario de 1659.

S. de V.
Francisco Mellio.

H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxiii. p. 205.

At Sir Paul Davis his returne hither forth of England, I found him to acknowledge with much thankfulnes the favours he received there from you uppon my letters to you concerning him; and therefore I must allso acknowledg to you with speciall thankes your frendly lines to mee therein. After my accesse to this government, he petitioned mee concerning the office of clerke to the councell here granted to him for life by letters pattents under the great seale, long before the rebellion in Ireland; and by him enjoyed accordingly for many yeares, which his petition I communicated to the councell; and considering the justnes of his pretensions, his commendable deportment all along in the variety of changes and distractions, hapning from the begining of the rebellion here, and troubles there, his service in England under the parliament for several yeares in that time, and his great sufferings in his estate by the rebells, for his adhereing to the English interest, myself and the councill here have thought fitt, that he should have a lease of 2000 acres of forfeited profitable lands in the countie of Catherlogh, at three-pence an acre yearly, and 500 acres of forfeited profitable lands in the countie of Dublin, at sixpence an acre yearely, for so many yeares as wee are in present authorized to grant such lands, being but 21 yeares. And I consess freely to you, I perswaded him to yeeld to that uppon my promise to him, that that tearme should be enlarged by his highnes to fourscore and nineteene yeares; wherein he was content to acquiesce, though even that bee farr below that, which in this case he had reason to expect.

I therefore send you herein enclosed a draught of a letter to that purpose, prepar'd here for his highnes signature, and that in such a way, as it may not bee drawne into example by others, together with a few lines from myselfe to his highnes in that gentleman's behalf. The reason of inserting in the letter the supernumerary forty acres in each of the twoe coanties, is partly to prevent inconveniencie to the gentleman, if upon any new or more strict admeasurement, the lands should hereafter bee found to contein a few acres more than the former admeasurement, which might in such case endanger the validitie of the grant, if not to holpen by the letter, and partly to give us a latitude of letting him have a few acres more then the just number at first designed for him, if it bee found needfull for his accommodation, which for so small a matter is not worth the insisting on, and cannot bee of any inconvenience to his highnes. And I earnestly desire you to take an opportunitie as to present to his highnes my letters directed to him, so to acquaint him with this of mine to you upon this subject, and to offer to him for his signeing a letter according to the enclosed draught, which I hope he will vouchsafe to signe, it being in divers respects for his honour and advantage of his service. And when you shall have obtained his highnes signature of the letter, you may bee pleased to send it under the signett to mee by the post; wherein as you will performe an act of favour to a worthy and well-deserving person, so you will thereby add much to the many other obligations you lay on mee in your continued respects and freindliness to

Your assured loveing friend and servant,
H. Cromwell.

March 1st, 1658.

Henry Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland, to the protector Richard.

Vol. lxiii. p. 207.

May it please your Highnes,
I humbly crave leave at this time to interpose my mediation to your highnes, in the case of a very well-deserving person, namely Sir Paul Davis knight, of whose commendable deportment all along in the variety of changes and distractions happening from the begining of the rebellion here, and troubles there, I have received full testimony; which concurring with my own particular observation of him during my being here, I finde just cause to value and esteem him as a person of worth, deserving your highnes's favour and encouragement. I have now written to Mr. secretary, who will present to your highnes for your signature a letter concerning that gentleman; and I beseeche you give mee leave to make it my humble suite to you to signe it, seeing it is for the advantage of your service, as in the honour and justice of the act, soe alsoe in this, that others well-affected to your person and government will then see, (for their own encouragement) that Sir Paul Davis, who they know merrits favour and respect, is valued accordingly by your highnes, which I humbly submitt to your highnes's excellent judgment. I remane

Your Highnes's
Most obedient servant,
H. Cromwell.

March 1st, 1658.

To H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

I Am in hopes, that my last had the honour, which I designed it, and kyst that hand, to which my ambition addressed it. All that I have to feare is, whether it be not troublesome to you to converse with canters. If my language and intentions be understood and become intelligible, I have my end. But I have reason to feare, knowing how ill a master I am of the English tongue. The distractions of our family will, I doubt, hardly be composed without suites in law. The sheriffe, with his posse comitatus, may doe much; but it will be, in my opinion, litle lesse then a miracle to see things setle without the mediums of sorce and violence. If we could but once prevaile with the grand ladyes of our house to become sociable towards theyr neighbours, I should begin to thinke, that at least in some time we might doe somethinge; though this will be but a very bare beginning of our maine worke, which chiefely consists in secureing your freind, which is the heyre of the house, the despoyling of whome must unquestionably prove satall to all our concernments. I thinke however, that if my cozin, who came over with me, and some few others might be taken of, though with the present settlement of present annuityes upon them for their lives, we might master our aymes; but at present they are so inflexible, that I cannot but suspect the issue. I hope, Sir, you understood my desines and ends to have my letter of atturney, by which I acted upon your commands, revoked; and that the reasons, upon which I grounded my requests in that perticular, were of sufficient weight to obteyne your allowance, and to prevaile with you to consent to my intentions of travailing, upon those motives, which I therein suggested. I am, Sir, the same thing, which your noble favours have made me; nothing in this world can race out that impression, which you have sixed upon my soule. You shall allwayes governe and steere me as you please: but I abhorre new masters; nor can I lyve under them any more, then I can subsist without the favours of my mistresse. To find the propps of our family distrest and disarm'd by those servants, whome he call'd only for his assistance and support, secrett caballs carryed on to make him no more the master, but only the shaddowe of the master of his howse; to see those men disregarded, whom he called to endeavour his advantage, my his councellors, (whose very professions give them title to serve him) though learned in the lawes, and best versed in the condition of his estate, esteemed of noe creditt and authoritye, and secrett endeavours made to drawe indictments against them meerely for giveing just and conscientious advices to their clyent, is not (seriously) in my power; nor doe I pretend myselfe so much master of my owne passions, as to continue in the same territoryes, where such things are acted. It was from hence I begged that libertye, which I hope by the next post you will assure me you are resolved to grant me, especially being secured, that Cælum, non animum, mutant, qui trans mare currunt; and that I shall never goe so farre as to be out of the reach of your commands, which shall at all times have power both over the life and fortune of,

Your most humbly faithfully devoted servant,
H. H.

London, the first of March, 1658.

If your occasions drawe you to the castle, I pray doe me the favoure as to deliver the inclosed with your owne hands.

The parliament newes stands thus, as I am inform'd: Last thursday, after a debate of 16 howres, the house sitting till 12 of the clock at night, the speedy preparing of a navye to sett out to sea, for the securitye of the commonwelth, and preservation of the commerce and trade thereof in the Baltick sea, was referred to his highnesse, (the councell being allowed no share therein, nor suffer'd to be nam'd in the house) but with a caution of keeping a good correspondency between us and other allyes, and saveing the right of the militia in the parliament. The same day Portman was discharged, and the lifetenant of the Towre (to whome they will not allow the title of lord) checkt for his illegall (as they call'd it) imprisonment. Saturday, yesterday, and this day, in the debate of the other howse. But in this grand affayre, the house is much divided, some being for the old peeres only, some for the new lords only, and others for both together, while the comonwealth partye sett still, resolveing to give theyr vote to the greatest disadvantage of his highnesse. Nothing being yet resolv'd, the further debate hereof is adjourn'd till to-morrowe. This I accidentally glean'd up, and resolve to give it you, though contrary to my naturall inclination, which affects not to meddle with state affaires. Nam quæ supra nos, nibil ad nos, has been my opinion.

Col. Shapcote to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxiii. p. 230.

Right Honourable,
I Am informed by my good friend Mr. Thomas Gorges, that his highnes (uppon your recommendation) hath bine pleased to grant unto me the attorney's place of Ireland. As this obligation from his highnes binds me to study his service, soe your perticular respect unto me in this hath layne uppon me a greater debte then ever I shall be able to pay, unlesse you be pleased to accept the will for the deed. The truth is, I have not words enough to expresse my thankefulnesse. All that I shall begg from you is, that you would imploy me in something, wherein I might shew myselfe your servant. I dare not trouble you with many words, well knowing that you have sewe minutes to cast away; and shall therefore humbly take my leave, remaining

Your Honor's most humble,
and ever obliged servant,
Rob. Shapcote.

Wickloe, 2. March, 1658.

Captain Langley to secretary Thurloe.

Leith, March 3. 1658/9.

Vol. lxiii. p. 234.

My Lord,
Since my last, thinges continuing as at that present; only please to take notis, that since that time here are severall bookes sent downe, one entitled, the Leveller; another, the Good ould cause, and som other, whose names I have not. I question not but that your lordshipp hath hard and seene of them, soe that I shall not need to say any more, then that they are of dangerose consequence as to—and all the partie are extremely taken with them. I can tell you, when need requires, how they come handed heather, and who writes the goaud intelligence out of the house to the A. B. when you think good to make use of it; but I am not willing to commit too much to—it may bee the miscaryinge of a packitt). You litle think, how the newes for passing the vote for recognision of his highnes trubled the A. B. and other of, &c. soe that they are freted to the very galle, and the house of loords ads much to the sorow; yett they hope for a helpe at last, but few can desearne this; for 'tis order by the—that all bee caried plausibly as to the outward. I speak nothing but one sure knowledge: therfore believe mee, the A. B. and those of the vanting crew are your two antagonists, throughout the whole *. But that might have been helped long since, pardon mee. Sir, I could tell you how 'tis sed, that one partie is for the other house to consist of the ould lords, and another of the new; and that the third hering the debats, smiles in silence at you boath: these they title the ould statist, with many such-like passages, which pleaseth very much; and how they will . . you a . . at last. I must not inlarge in these . . . .

Timothy Langley.

Major-general Boteler to captain Peter Backhouse, at Titchmasse in Northamptonshire.

Vol. lxiii. p. 236.

Upon notice given unto mee, that one Mr. Suckley, who is now at Higham labouring the corporation there to bee theire burgesse in this present parliament; and it appeareing, that hee was at Oxford, and soe unqualified for such a trust, as the affidavit here inclosed mentions; I cannot but take soe much knowledge of it, out of the respect I beare my country, and particularly that towne, as to make the electors acquainted with it; and to that purpose desire you to take soe much paines, as to ride over to that towne, and acquaint the mayor and the rest with what is sworn before a master in chancery, concerning this matter, by shewing them the originall affidavitt, and leaving a copie with them, if they desire it; and withall to informe them, that it was the case of one Mr. Jones, his late highnesse atturney in Wales, who being elected for a borough in this parliament, and sitting in the same, was questioned, and immediately removed; and at the same time it was moved in the house, that the borough, which sent him, might bee for ever disabled to send any more burgesses to parliament. And it was likewise the case of one Mr. Villiers of this parliament; and therefore I heartily wish the electors at Higham to bee well advised, what they doe in the like matter before them. And if notwithstanding this they doe proceed to elect that gentleman, it wil be afterwards questioned here, and doubtlesse very much reflect upon themselves, and the partie elected wil bee also lyable to a thousand pounds penaltie, by the petition of advice. I shall add no more, but that I am,

Your very affectionate friend to serve you,
W. Boteler.

London, 4. March, 1658.

Admiral Goodsonn to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lviii. p. 41.

My Lord,
At this instant arrived here the Fagons, captain Paiber commander, by whom received the accompanied paquers, and saith, he received them at Gottenburgh the 23d of February, but was then iced in, and could not presently come out; but by his men, and by the help of two hundred men more, which he had from the governor, cut a way for his ship a mile through the ice, and set sail the first instant; and there were in that port only three of the king of Sweden's ships, which had been plying so long in the Baltic, that with cold and for want of provisions they were almost starved; for the trimming of which ships they were making way at his coming from thence, and will, as he supposeth, be ready by May. And I inquired of him, what other news; who saith, that Gottenburgh being a remote place, hath little to inform; only Greenly, that brought the paquets to him, informed, that he was at Elsenor the 11th February, when the king of Sweden stormed Copenhagen, but was beaten off with the loss of one of his generals, one major-general, four colonels, eight lieutenant-colonels, and about four hundred men killed, and five hundred wounded. From hence little to inform. Here are one-and-twenty ships of your fleet, some of which want men; but here are supernumeraries in others to supply them. They have been endeavouring to get men for the ships behind, but find a slackness in all down officers to that duty, and men flying the press as from an enemy. Not having else remaining

Your Lordship's humble servant,
Will. Goodsonn.

Swiftsure in Ouzely bay, the sixth March, 1658/9.

Lord Fauconberg to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.

In the possession of the right honourable the earl of Shelburn.

My Lord,
The owning the lords house, as now constituted, has long hung doubtfully, but is att last brought to some ripenesse; so that most beleeve this night's debate will make us capable of a regular settlement, or tell us wee must not hope it. I intended your lordship some more particulars, but am surprized with a sodain indisposition, both in head and stomach; and count Broghill has assured mee, your lordship shall have all from his pen, which will be as empty, as matters will beare. I shall therefore now humbly beg your lordship's pardon, and for this post only, promising to be in the future as constant and particular, as health will suffer.

Your Excellency's most dutifull
and obedient servant,

March the 8th, 1658/9.

An intercepted letter of king Charles II.

In the possession of the right honourable Philip ld. Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.

My last to you was of the eleventh of this month; since which I have received yours of the 17th of February, and acknowledge myself much obliged to you for your care concerning my lord Craven's business, whereof I have herein sent you some further instructions in the particulars you desired, which I received from his servant here. We have here the sad news of the great loss the gallant king of Sweden hath had before Copenhagen, which he stormed twice very suriously, but was beaten off with the loss of about 3000 men, besides divers prisoners. Among the dead there were found six general officers; honest Sir William Vavasor was one, and a brother of the earl of Roxborough. The gallant king is resolved to storm it again; but 'tis thought that in the town they are much too strong for him. The Hollanders are providing a fleet of forty ships and 4000 land-men to assist the king of Denmark. I wish the English fleet may arrive at the Sound before the Dutch. The peace between France and Spain is said to be far advanced, the cardinal making it his work to effect it without the interposition of any foreign princes or states. The French, I hear, have no great kindness for the commonwealth of England, which hath contributed so effectually to their great successes in Flanders. Don John is at Paris, tho' incognito, but much caressed there by the queen regent and the cardinal. I hope the parliament will settle all differences so in England, as the French may have cause to repent their ingratitude to our nation, whom they have so much despised. I shall be glad to hear of your health; as being

Your assured faithful friend to serve you,
Rob. Dovey.

18. March, 1659. [N. S.]

The superscription was,
To Mr. Goston, in a cover to the right honourable the lady Elizabeth Cary, at the earl of Monmouth's house, Lincoln's-inn-fields, London.

[This letter comes from Ch. Stuart, from Brussels, by the way of Paris. It had his seal upon it.]

To H. Cromwell lord lieutenant of Ireland.

In the possession ofthe right honourable the earl of Shelburn.

By my last, which was delivered unto you by the same hand, from whome you will receave this, you will easily, I hope, discerne what opinion I have of my master's present condition, and of the affayres of our divided famuly. Whether I shall be found to err in my judgment, or not, time will shew: but neverthelesse I esteeme it allways more ingenuous in me to hazard my reputation in that point, then to fayle in my integrity to you, from whom I will not, ought not, to conceale my most inward apprehensions. Hereafter you will receave advices from much better judgments then mine is ever like to prove; yett untill I receave your countermands, I must still looke upon myselfe as engaged to informe you of what occurs; in which I shall be the more confident, since that I doe herein obey your commandes, who will, I hope, preferre the reallitye of my intention before the defects, which shall at any time be discovered in my informations.

Our quarrells are, in my apprehension, so farre from decreasing, that they dayly augment; nor is there (in my opinion) any greate hopes of uniting, since I doe not finde many persons amongst those, who are employed, but such as are byaffed with selfe-ends and private interests. They comport themselves generally like souldiers, who have entered and mastered a towne upon storme; everye one seekes to lay hold on what is best for his owne purpose, without any regard to the commandes or advantages of the prince, whom they serve, or of the common equity, which Christians owe unto others upon the generall command, Dilige proximum tuum sicut teipsum. But though every perticular lookes like a subdivision under the grand leaders of theyr faction, (for we may be allowed to applye the worde faction to private as well as publicke schismes) yet are we not without those persons, who in the maine are masters of theyr partyes; from whence it is, that the litle concernments of our private famulye runne parallell with those greater of publicke nations, which are torne in peeces by the grandees, that become heades of the malecontent, by whose names they hope to master theyr owne designes. Nor would the same policy, which is made use of by prudent princes in affayres of that nature, be lesse advantagious to our master, then they have beene to the greatest states, if he would please to serve himselfe of them by a timely application. I have never observed in the litle time, wherein I have knowne the world, that any age hath produced publicke persons, who might not by preferment be taken of from the highest interests, to which theyr humours had espoused them. And why may not our master doe his worke by the same mediums? Every man proposeth aliquod bonum to himselfe (either reall or in appearance) as the grand ends of his engagements; and if he may have as much or more offered unto him without hazard, as he seekes after by dangerous adventures, prudence will direct him to the more secure. I could heartily wish, that this way were speedily put in practise by the master of our famuly; and the rather, for they apprehend it generally to be the wishes even of the greatest sticklers, who doubtlesse would be as glad to be taken of from being our enemyes, as we would be to have them our friends. And if some diligence were used to search out every one's perticular ayme, would not (I am confident) be out of the power of our master to accommodate everye one in theyr owne designe; and by this (which is the only certaine) way to cutt of the head of everye partye, and leave them as helpelesse and as litle capable of doeing mischeife, as trunkes or bruites. You are (I suppose) from my last confirmed, how eminent a leader my cozin Arthur is now become, then whome noe one is more esteemed by those, to whom he hath united himselfe. But hath not he his beloved ayme? Certainely you cannot be ignorant of his pretentions, to which he presumes his father and himselfe intituled both in justice and equitie, both in lawe and conscience, though they have beene out of possession twenty yeares. I will not take upon me to judge of his right; but this I dare presume to tell you, (and that purely to yourselfe) that were he put into the possession of what he claymes, it might be more then an ordinarye advantage to my master, and consequently to yourselfe; for if the trustees will be no otherwise satisfyed, then by altering the present setlement of our master's estate, (which I have some reason to feare is the designe they drive at) then must all stewards and councellours be displac't, and new ones put in theyr roome; of which number I question not but the credit and authority, which my cozin has amongst the trustees, will make him one. And whether in this case it were not prudentiall to secure him on our partye, I leave it to you to judge. And against this I know nothing occurs to me by way of objection, save only, that it would be a disobligation to the present possessour. But whether the advancement of persons considerable would not be more for our purpose then the best advantages which wee can expect from that person, who is in that capacity now made use of, your better judgment can determine; to which he submitts all his apprehensions, who is in the best wishes of his soule,

Your most faithfull servant,
T. N.

London, 8. March, 1658.

Dr. Tho. Clarges to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.

In the possession of the right honourable the earl of Shelburn.

May it please your Excellency,
I am very doubtfull, whither I shall be able this evening to tell your excellency, wee have decided a great question wee have been in debate of ever since wednesday last, which was, whither this house shall transact with the other house as a house of parliament. Yesterday wee sate from eight in the morning till one this morning; and this day wee have bin together since two in the afternoone, and it is now past eight at night; and all that is done, in order to a resolution in this great affaire, is the carrieing an addition to the question in the affirmative, viz. saveing to such of the old lords their rights, as shall be duly summoned to that house. I know not if I give your excelency the very words of the vote, but I am certaine the sense is so.

And now as the maine question is putting, the house is moved to command the Scotch and Irish members to withdraw, which has now ingaged them in a sharp debate, and given me thereby opportunity to doe this duty to your excelency. From Copenhaugen our agent writes, that the Suedes were repulsed at a generall assault, and they have had six hundred of their men killed, and eight hundred wounded; and amongst others colonel Vavasor is killed. I am,

May it please your Excelency,
Your Excelencye's most humble servant,
Tho. Clarges.

London, this 8th of March, 1658.

Just as I was sealing my letter, by the indisposition of the speaker, the debate is adjourned till to-morrow at ten in the morning; and before the adjournment, the debates about Scotch and Irish members was declined.

Mr. S. Bathurst to secretary Thurloe.

Dublin, the 9th March, 1658/9.

Vol. lxiii. p. 246.

My Lord,
On the 23d February, I troubled you with the account of my safe arrivall, for which God be praised! This is, my lord, the messenger of noe good newes, as by the inclosed paper will appear. Colonel Temple was much a sufferer in that surprize, loosing most of his owne, and the things he bought for major-general Jephson's lady, being there also in person, but concealed under the name of her gentleman of the horse. The English maile arrived here on the seventh instant about three in the afternoon; but my lord lieutenant seemed to be much wanting of a letter from your lordship, and enquired after your good health. I thought it my duty to acquaint your lordship thus much, as being

Your Lordship's most faithful,
and most obliged obedient servant,
Sam. Bathurst.

I doe give weekly a perticular account to Mr. Noell and Mr. Clerke, of your lordship's affaires in the post-office here.

Inclosed in the proceding.

Vol. lxiii. p. 248.

On the 4th of March, about eleven at noone, a small vessel of nine guns, and about eighty men, approched the head of Hoath, (a neck of land about six miles from Dublin) where she did meet seven small ships coming from Chester to that city, and not farre from it tooke them all; amongst which were Philpot, Johnson, and Ball of Chester (Ryder being a little before got in safe); but the pyrat had noe sooner possession of the said ships, but he convayed the owners or masters thereof on shoare, and told them, that unlesse they did, without any excuse, bring them 435 l. on ship-board the next day by two of the clocke, they would sincke all the said ships and passengers, (being in all, with the seamen, about eighty persons) whom in the meane time they striped, and also pillaged all the ships, taking out what they thought fit in their own ship, and throughing many things into the sea, except grosse goods, and that remained still on board. At the time appointed, the money was carryed, but such prudent care taken by my lord lieutenant, that, if possible, the ships might be delivered, and the same remaine unpaid, which succeeded accordingly; for at the same instant, that they should have bine fetching the money, the Paradox, captain Cowes, and the Harpe, captain Glover, appeared with their frigotts, which put the pyrat in such a freight, that he cut his cables, and got to sea as fast as he could. In the pursuite there was some guns discharged, but it's conceived they did little execution: the pyrat, being a nimble sailer, did out-run them; and the night approaching, they lost sight of her, and left her sailing towards the South-sea, conceiving, that shee was hasting towards Bisca with her purchase: the captain thereof was called Alexandrio Biscano. The pilot was knowne to be one Willmot, who hath bine formerly in Dublin prison: he hath but one hand. Four of the pyratt's men, who came to fetch the money, are now in prison here.

Dublin, 9. March, 165 8/9;.

Steele, lord chancellor of Ireland to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxiii. p. 249.

Honourable Sir,
The sence of my respect and duty became lately my monitor to put mee in mynde of the intervalle, that had pass't, since I gave you the like interruption as now; and howbeit, if I had been willing to have further declyned the being myne owne remembrancer therin, I never could have had a fairer plea, then in this season of your most important affayres, yet I was not willing, that any thing, after so great a silence, should hinder the present tender of my acknowledgments. Wee, that are by our imployments related to this place, do desire and hope, that in the great concernments of parliament, wherever a just occasion is offred, Ireland will in its due place be still remembred, it being generally their great trouble heere, than their remotenes and the difficulty of accesse hither more then to Scotland, should not be an argument of enjoying rather greater then lesse immunities then that doth. I wishe, with due reservations, that may be safe and fitt for both, by means of this parliament, that that which was the motto of those two, and hath since by their union got the start, may be sayd of these, in the accomplishing of a well-grounded union, viz. Cuncti gens una sumus: sic simus in avum. It is not fitt for mee to reiterate what hath formerly been any wife from hence represented to you, nor yet anticipate what may shortly bee further done upon a publique accompt. The worst late news from hence is, that a Spanish pyrate, th'other day, seiz'd upon seven or eight vessels, that came laden from Chester towards this place: two little frigotts we had heere made after him, caused the freedome of the vessells and passengers, but the best of their goods were gott on board the pyrate, who after some shott passt betweene ours and his, by the night and an high wynde, made a shift, wee feare, to escape, one of our frigotts being come backe, but not the other as yett. I beleeve somewhat will be revived, as to former desires, for prevention of the like abuses, which if not done, will much retarde the planting of this nation, and bee a discouragement to those imployed about the revenue arising from a free trade; but I remember your affayres, and how little I can contribute therunto by any thing from hence; and therfore only adde, that I am, Sir,

Your most humble and faythfull servant,
W. Steele.

Dublin, March 9. 175 8/9;.

Dr. H. Jones to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxiii. p. 257.

Right honourable,
I HAVE not for some time troubled you in this kinde; for I accoumpt letters without matter of importance, a trouble to you, and to your serious affaires, of which kind also is this now from me; but that I continue, and shall be on all occasions, vigilant in what concerneth the principall.

As for our condition heere at present, it is (I blesse God) generally composed to a setlement, and that without so much as a suspicion of feare, nothing appeareing probable for a disturbance in any kinde: this, I meane, as to the apprehensions of many; and moste yet have no cause of watchfullnes, notwithstanding, considering the dayly comeings over of the Popish clergie out of Flanders, &c. now more than ordinarily, into several partes of this nation, particularly of some more eminent, whom I knowe to be active and acting persons, and who have passed to and fro between Flanders and Ireland twice, some thrice, in a short time, some advice also we have had of tamprings with the people, in way of preparation, and persons named; some of them also . . . . . . . of ourselves; but so little appeareing (as was said) of probability of troubles, I finde such relations to be litle valued, although not (in my judgment) to be altogether neglected; especially if there be any thing reall in what those emissaries insense into the people, of a breach with the Dutch, if not a conjunction of France and Spaine, whereof they speake more then hopefully: notwithstanding all which, the Irish are generally soe quiet, and certainly without greate assurances of powerfull assistance from abroade, they will not readily and rashly attempt what they are stirred up unto, although (I doubt not but) the motion, and hopes of change, may be well pleasing to them.

Of the Irish in Conaught there is now a meeting, by allowance of his excellency the lord lieutenant, on theire desire to that purpose, for representing (they say) theire condition to his highnes and to his parliament. They have already concluded, 1. On an acknowledgment to his excellency of that high favour and respect, given them by his lordship, in the liberty of that meeting. 2. They are prepareing an addresse to his highnes of the same nature as those from other places and persons in the three nations. 3. They are drawing up a remonstrance of theire grievances, amongst which are, 1. The oath of abjuration, grievous in itself, as imposeing on their consciences, not yet satisfied, and grievous as to theire estates; this takeing from them two parts of theire estates, and that toties quoties, according to reiterated presentments for newsances, and that after that cutting short of their estates in theire transplanting into Conaught, so as in a short time all will be reduced into nothing. 2. The penalties on the act for the sabbath, in theire not frequenting the Protestant churches. 3. Oppression in the assessments of them (they say) above any, and that to the consumeing what is remaineing of theire fortunes. 4. They represent the non-performance of articles of warre, of which instances are given. 5. That they have not the benefit of the lawes, particularly of the act for their settlement in Conaught, theire estates being disposed otherwaies in the other provinces, and none given in Conaught to very many of them, notwithstanding their decrees for it, with many other passages of that kinde. 6. That they are prosecuted legally in the courts of justice in Dublin, and for non-appearance they are sued to outlawries and rebellion, they not being permitted in the mean time to leave Conaught, (as they pretend) and being by an act subject to banishment, if attempting it without licence. This is what is yet come to my hand of that busines, which I give your honour for a previous consideration of it, and that thereby you may judge something of the condition of a people under such resentments, and how farre impressions may be probably heere made by such as make theire advantage of it, in order to a disturbance, as their shall be occasion. So I humbly take leave, and remaine

Your Honour's
Moste faithfull and reall servant,
Hen. Jones.

Dublin, March 15. 1658.

To John Baldwyn esq; at his house in the Tower of London.

Vol. lxiii. p. 261.

Although this come to you not subscribed, the contents are honest and of moment. One is premised, that you should not reject it, before you have perused the papers inclosed, which are to informe you concerning one Mr. Ralph Suckley, who sits in parliament as a member chosen for the town of Higham Ferns, in the county of Northampton; and that it is conceived, according to the rules for qualification of members of parliament, mentioned in the petitions and advice, hee is rendered incapeable of the trust reposed in him. And the instance of the incapacity will appeare to you in the coppy of the affidavit inclosed, made by one Mr. Tho. Searle, an officer in the court for probate of wills, attending in the office in Warwicke lane, London. The affidavit is filed and entred in the court of chancery, attested by the officer there, and is its . . . . deposeinge, when called will justify his act . . . . the letter inclosed (intended to prevent future inconveniencies) written by major-generall Boteler to captain Backhouse, wherein the affidavit was inclosed, by reason that the captain was not uppon the place, and for that the election of Mr. Suckley was a day or two, before it could be speeded thither, availed not; and soe was by his friend, to whom the contents of it were imparted, opened, and is herewith sent you for further information.

And thus it happens, that you are hereby desired by your friend, who is assured, that you love your country, and regard the articles in the premisses specified in the humble and additional petitions and advice, (if you please) to communicate this affaire to your countreyman col. Biscoe, that by your meanes the sense of the house or comity of priviledges (by sumoninge the deponent, or otherwise) may be knowne in this case, which is conceived to be very materiall in the opinion of him, that hath never received damage or profit by Mr. Suckley, and is a lover of peace and peace-makers, and hearkens after the effect hereof, and is,

Your true friend and servant.

The 17th of March, 1658.

General Monck to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxiii. p. 263.

My Lord,
I AM desired by the bearer hereof, commissary Rosse, to write two or three lines to you in his behalf, that you will bee pleased to afford him any lawfull favour you may in dispatching of any businesse shall come in your way, whereby you may doe him a courtesie. Hee is one, that hath bin very faithfull to the English interest, and has done us very good service, and I know no recompence he hath had for itt, and I could never fasten any monie uppon him. Hee is now a member of this parliament, and I am confident hath carried himselfe as an honest man. I am loath to trouble you with thinges of this nature, but for such persons, as have carried themselves soe well towards our interest. I must crave your pardon for this, and remayne

Your Lordshippe's very humble servant,
George Monck.

Dalkeith, 17. Mar. 165 8/9;.

The protector to general Montagu.

Vol. xlviii. p. 227.

My Lord,
By your instructions you are to demand the flagge of such foreign ships of war as you shall rencounter in the British seas, upon which some doubt hath been, how far the British seas extend. But not being willing to determine that in our instructions, we rather put in general terms the British seas only. We judge there is no question of all the sea on the side of the Shagenriffe: on the other side you had need be tender, and to avoid all disputes of this nature, if it be possible, because war and peace depends on it.

Your loving friend.

Whitehall, 18. March, 165 8/9;.

The Portuguese embassador to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxvii. p. 303.

Sexta frira passado temarao' a querer prinder ao capitao Carlos de Bils, q'o hi per patente de S. rey men signer pedi logo hua' andumia à N. S. para representar a insilincia, comq' algus particulares induzidoz piroutros fazimestes excessos tanto contra o que se deve aos vassalos de sa mayestade de el rey mon seignor, co sermio de S. A. como V. S. me fez favor mandar dezir que sabado sequinte me daria audiencia, tem passado sabado, e sequinda ce stamos em terca sim me dar avizo o que queto reprezentar a V. S. hi que me faca favor di me mandar hua' ordim paraque nao si entenda, como dito capitao nim o mo listem, salvo por ordim do consilio que tira' mais respecto, que as justicas ci dinarias etambem, que V. S. se sirva de me mandar responder ao particular da quirxa, que sobre o mesmo capitao reprizentis a V. S. tocante a perde do sinnavioIsto hi o que queria sirvasse V. S. de me fazer o favor dime deferir ou darme hora para me oum. Dios guarde a V. S. multoz anoz. Casa em Wildstrede, 29 de Marco de anno 1659.

Servidor de V. S.

Francisco Mellio.

An intercepted letter.

Vol. lxiii. p. 266.

Yesterday in the morninge I went up to Hen. Nicolls, and desired him to shew me the place where he saw the things mentioned in his letter; and he came alonge with mee to the place, and told me all the circumstances of it; soe that I take it for absolute truth. When I came to his hous, there was a friende of his and ours come from Stritton, that told me, that som of the Lavalers in those parts hath two or three musquetts a-peice in their houses, and that he did offer to buye one or two of them; and they say, they must dress them up, for there will bee occasion for them this summer. Wee are to have a greate cockinge the next or the other weeke in Pontesbury, if it bee not prevented. I pray you, send this letter with your owne hands to the high sheriffe by the post, and see that it bee safe delivered to him. Inclose it in one of yours, if you can with conveniency. If it be not directed right, alter it. Perswade Mr. Gilbert from me speedily, that the sight of those things is an absolute undoubted truth, I having seene the place, and examined circumstances. This is all from

Your affectionate friende,
Jon. Stanyforth.

Pontesbury, March 20. 58.

See the post packe up this letter.

The superscription,
To his loving friende captain Butterys, at his house in the Savoy.

Capt. Langley to secretary Thurloe.

Leith, March 20. 165 8/9;.

Vol. lxiii. p. 267.

My Lord,
By this time I suppose your honour playnely disearnes the back-game, that I mentione formerly was intended to be played. As to the—I will assure you all your proseedings are knowne and noted here to a hares breadth: nay all your preceiptions and contrivances of the — are made knowne here to their friends; and I believe gett more breath by travelling such long jurneys, and for returnes carrie with them exhortation or dehortations, as the business is relished. I know not whether the paper be got and brought to my lord's hand as yett, as I tould you was promised in my last to be done. Much rejoyceing amongst — that the second business or question receives so many obstructions; but since that the A. B. are somthing amused, having received a hint of som intended designe to lay them (or most of them) aside. The fere of this makes many of them leade well by the brydle; they now seeming to condesend to those things, that they have bee much averse to; but yett for all that they rejoyce two, when they desearne but the least hopes of a turne to the ould — or somthing like a leaviling business, making only a politique use of all other things, like to the unriteose mamon, that they may bee received into lasting habitations, if all designes faile them. In a word, Sir, I wish that you may never hav ocation to find, that here is two many cloase-mouthed ones, that resolve never to show there teeth till they can bit, as they say: but in the meane time it would be a good prevention to file them down to the gumms. As to other newes, we had that my lord protector had an express, that Copenhagen was taken; but here is not of it since, though it was writ soe by one of the A. B. Yett since wee here by letters from Yorke, that it should bee taken; and som say a Duch ship hath brought such newes into the—here, but I know not how to credit divers; only I can tell you, that the Duch starves all the sea-towns, destroyes our numbers of sea-men; that where there was or would bee a thousand, there is not now an hundred: they carrie out all our mony which they dayly receive And too many sarve our enymise for want of imployment. My lord Disborow knowes much of this, to whom I desire to present my cordiall love and most humble sarvis, praying your honour to lett him vew these lines, if you have opertunity; and the next I shall direct to him, to prevent too frequent directions to your lordshipp. But I am too long: I crave your honour's pardon, and shall only conclud myself

Your Lordshipp's most humble
and obleidged sarvant,
Timothie Langley.

H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxiii. p. 271.

I HAVE too often troubled you with recomending friends to beneficiall favours from his highnesse, although the persons so recommended have been of such meritt, as may enable us to give an accompt, even why wee diminish the standing revenue to gratify them; yett I have not till now mett with an opportunity to present unto you a person, who will oblige himself (and who is worth the obliging) at his own charge, and by augmenting his highnes present revenue. Sir Maurice Eustace, an eminent lawyer, hath a lease of 99 years, of certain lands, called Irish-town, Much-house, and Gerald's-town, allowed him by the court of claymes, at the yearly rent of ten pounds. He is willing to encrease his rent unto twelve, soe he may have the fee-term thereof. The proposition is soe faire, that I should but disparage it to say more on its behalfe. Wherefore I desire you to get his highness signature to the inclosed draught of a letter to that purpose. I am beholding to this gentleman, and doe owe him a kindnesse. I wish other men would be so ingenious and modest, as to contrive their gratifications in wayes like this. No more trouble at present from

Your very affectionate
and faithfull servant,
H. Cromwell.

Dublin, 21. March, 165 8/9;.

Sir, I desire your favour to this person, the thing being easie, and as I hope, may be to good purpose.

H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxiii. p. 273.

It is no wonder, that magni conatus should nibil agere, where there are so many actors one against another, what is done being onely the act of that little difference of power, whereby the predominant party exceeds the others. My opinion is, that any extreame is more tolerable then returning to Ch. St. Other disasters are temporary, and may bee mended; those not. I know you are of the same opinion. A good price was paied the Hollanders for barreing that interest. Sir An. Morgan tells mee of your care to have the best advice in Lill's busines; which indeed is influentiall upon the government of our army; mutineers now craveing to be tryed at common law, and intend to bring actions battery against their officers, that correct them. I have little to say from hence, things being well enough here as yet: wee must wait as well as the rest of our neighbours for money. I pray God direct all things for the best. I remaine

Your very affectionate and faithfull servant,
H. Cromwell.

March 21. 1658.

Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.

In the possession of the right honourable the earl of Shelburn.

May it please your Excellencye,
Since my last I have had the advise of doctor Walker and doctor Turnour, touchinge the souldier, who is condemned by the court martiall; and they are both of oppinion, that it is not safe to execute hym, but that it is much better to deliver hym over to be tryed by lawe. I beleive Sir Antony Morgan will have further advise about it, both of common lawyers and civilians; but I thought it necessary to give your excellency this information in the meane tyme, beinge a matter (as I conceive) of very great consequence.

The parlament hath made one step touchinge the Scotch and Irish members. The last night they voted, that the members returned from Scotland shall continue to sitt in the present parlament; and this morneinge wee enter'd upon the debate of the Irish members, and have proceeded soe farre as to voet, that it shall be noe part of the question, wheither they be legally returned. This difficulty grew upon this; some would have the house goe upon the meere right and lawe in the determination of this question; others would have it a mixt consideration, takeinge in lawe, equity, and prudence: & si non singula prosunt, juncta juvant. Soe that wee hope this of Ireland will have as good fortune as those of Scotland. When this is over, wee shall then returne to our great question of transactinge with the other house. The greatest objection to it is the 1,300,000 l. which cannot be lessened but by consent of the other house. And that they will never give their consent to, because it must take away their pay, most of the house beinge officers. But all is done, which may be, to give satisfaction in that. It is a miracle of mercy, that wee are yet in peace, consideringe what the debates are, and what underhand workeinge there is to disaffect the officers of the army: but for ought I can perceive, they remeyne pretty staunch, though they are in great want of pay, for which noe provision is at all made, nor doe I see that wee are likelye to have any yet.

General Mountagu is at sea with a good fleet, waytinge for a wynde to goe to the Sound; and if it please God to give hym weather, he will be there before the Dutch; and if that be, there are great hopes, that a good peace may be made betweene the Dane and the Swede. There are great discourses of a peace betweene the French and the Spanyards, insoemuch that it is scarce doubted, but that the peace is concluded; and I have this day received a letter from Flanders, assureinge it. But I have it from good hands from Paris, that it is as good as broken of, and that the cardinall is puttinge forth a declaration to shew the grounds of it, and is prepareinge for the next campania very vigorously. I am

Your Excellencye's most humble
and faithfull servant,
Jo. Thurloe.

Whitehall, 22. March, 1658.

A list of the fleete with generall Montague.

Vol. lviii. p. 125.

Men. Guns.
Naseby 600 80
Swissure 350 64
London 460 64
Dunbar 400 64
Triumph 350 64
Rainebowe 350 54
Plymouth 260 54
Gloucester 260 60
Speaker 260 58
Bridgwater 260 58
Newbery 260 58
Tredagh 260 58
Torrington 260 56
Essex 250 50
Worcester 240 50
Lyon 220 52
Indian 220 50
Leopard 220 50
Newcastle 180 44
Winsby 180 46
Preston 170 42
Rubye 170 42
Centurion 170 44
Great Charity 170 46
Namptwich 160 40
Jersey 160 40
Maidstone, already in the Sound 160 40
Portsmouth 160 40
Reserve 160 40
Assistance 160 40
Advice 160 40
Elizabeth 160 41
Adventure 150 36
Elias 150 38
Successe 140 38
Assurance 140 34
Expedition 130 32
Baseing 110 26
Forrester 110 26
Bradford 110 28
Wexford, fire-ship 110 8
Vulture fireships 20 8
Cornelion 16 6
Hind 40 8
Swallowe ketches 40 8
8920 men.

Seven ketches over and above to attend this fleet, being hired for that purpose.

Ships. Men. Guns.
Nazeby 600 70
Resolution 600 80
Swiftsure 350 54
George 320 54
Andrew 320 54
James 350 56
Unicorn 300 52
Rainebowe 300 52
Fairefax 260 50
Lyme 260 50
Speaker 260 50
Newbery 260 50
Lamport 260 50
Plymouth 260 50
Bridgwater 260 50
Tredagh 260 50
Worcester 240 46
Entrance 210 42
Essex 260 46
Colchester 280 54
Torrington 280 54
Bristol 180 40
Newcastle 180 40
Winsby 180 40
Kentish 170 38
Centurion 170 38
Dragon 150 34
Phenix 160 34
Portland 160 36
Lawrell 160 38
Dover 160 36
Reserve 160 36
Advice 160 36
Jersey 160 36
Taunton 160 36
Foresight 160 36
Maidstone 160 36
Ruby 160 36
Diamond 160 36
Namptwich 160 36
Hampshire 160 34
Portsmouth 150 34
Tiger 150 34
Elizabeth 150 34
Assurance 130 30
Amitie 130 30
Providence 120 28
Guinny 120 28
Mermaid 110 22
Pembroke 110 22
Pearl 110 22
Basing 110 26
Portsmouth 110 22
Oxford 110 22
Cherriton 110 22
Sparrow 70 14
Norwich 110 22
Merlyn 60 12
Truelove 60 12
Norsuch-ketch 40 8
Totall of the men borne in the 60 ships above-mentioned, 11,820 men.

Which being reckoned at 4 l. each man per mensem, comes to, for 6 months, 283,680 l.

Memorand' In this computation nothing is included relating to gunners stores.

Lord Fauconberg to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

My Lord,
The last post I gave your lordshipp a true account, how wee then stood. We are advanced very little since. The debate concerning the Scotch members came not to a result till last night: it was carried by many voyces, they should sit with the English this parliament. The Irish, it's conceived, will be this daye's work; but how many more, he must be a very wise man can tell. The bill my last mentioned, brought into the other house, tho' twice read, proceeds no farther. It is confest by all, their never was a freer parliament. If they settle us, the mouths of our bosome enemies will be stopped. 'Tis apparent, how hard they stickle to impeade all; but I hope, God will disapoint all such councells. I am,

My Lord,
Your Excellency's most faithfull
and obedient servant,

March the 22d, [165 8/9;.]

At the council at Whitehall.

Tuesday, 22. March, 1658.

Vol. lxiii. p. 275.

Whereas his highness and the council have been informed, that divers ships of war in the river of Thames, and other ports of this nation, are preparing to be set forth under the command of diverse persons, subjects of this commonwealth, pretended to be imployed in the service of foreign princes and states, without leave of his highness, or the council; which may be prejudicial to this commonwealth: Ordered by his highness the lord protector and the council, that the commissioners of the customs be and are hereby required and authorized to make inquiry after, and lay an embargo of all such ships in the river of Thames, or elsewhere within the ports of this commonwealth, until his highness and the council shall be satisfied concerning the service, wherein such ships are intended to be imploy'd, and give licence therein.

Hen. Scobell,
Clerk of the council.

At the council of Whitehall.

Tuesday, 22. March, 1658.

Vol. lxiii. p. 277.

Ordered, that it be offered to his highness as the advice of the council, to recommend in the best manner the common cause of the churches and Protestants in Poland to the king of Sweden, that in any treaty of peace between him and the king of Poland, the said Protestants and their liberties in their own country may be included and secured, and as good terms made for them as may become a Protestant prince.

Hen. Scobell,
Clerk of the council.

General Monck to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxiii. p. 279.

My Lord,
I AM sorry to heare your debates are soe longe, and your businesse goes soe slowlie on. I pray God unite your hearts, soe that you may settle things, that may be for his glory, and the peace of the nations. I much wonder they should question the Scotch commissioners to sitt in parliament, being the country is united to England. I am sorry to heare, that any of the Scotch officers should be acting to divide and distract you. I could wish you had written to mee the names of them. I heard of coll. Ashfeild and my lieutenant-colonell; and if there be any more, I shall desire to heare their names, and I shall write to them. If they were heere, these two could signifie but a little, as little as any two officers in Scotland; but I could wish his highnesse would command them away to their commands, which I thinke would bee the best course. As to what they are pleased to say, that the rest of the forces in Scotland are of their opinions, I assure you, that they are much deceived; for there are no forces can be quieter then these are, and shall bee satisfied with any thinge his highnesse and parliament shall settle. And thus much you may be confident of from

Your Lordship's
very humble servant,
George Monck.

Leith, 22. Mar. 165 8/9;.

Dr. Philip Carteret to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

May it please your Excellencye,
As your favour to me was at first without desert, soe the continuation thereof hath exceeded my expressions. I had experience of it in my father's troubles, and much more in my owne. My lord, I should be a most ungratefull person, if I should ever forgett your goodnesse in not onely protecting, but alsoe countenanceing me, when I was like to be oppressed; and the late favour I have received from his highnesse in being appointed to serve him in England, I must owne to be the fruite of your excellencie's letter on my behalfe to Mr. secretary. It is my griefe, that I have nothing to returne, but the poore man's part, my humble thankes and acknowledgements of your great favours, humbly begging of your excellencie, that I may still be retained in your thoughts, and honoured with the title of

Your Excellencie's most humble and faithfull servant,
Ph. Carteret.

March 23d, 58.

Colonel Barkstead to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxvii. p. 275.

Right Honorable,
In obedience to your commands, I have here inclosed sent you the copies of the warrant of commitment, and the other for the delivery to Mr. Noell for transportation, neither of which being under your hand, col. Gardiner, Rowland Thomas, Somersett Fox, Frauncis Fox, Thomas Saunders, were delivered on board the ship Edward and John of London the last of May, 1655. Colonel Grey and Mr. Jackson being then sicke, were not sent, and afterwards were released by his late highness warrants. Not more, but that I am,

Right Honourable,
Your honour's most affectionate friend, and hearty servant,
J. Barkstead.

Tower, 25. March, 1659.

Fines upon compositions for delinquencys receyved to the use of the commonwealth from the 20th of April, 1653, exclusive, to the 25th of March, 1659, inclusive, viz.

Vol. lxvii. p. 273.

By Richard Wareing and Michael Herring, esqrs. late treasurers at Goldsmiths-hall to the 27th of May, 1653, inclusive 1799 13 04
By John Leech and Richard Sherwyn succeeding treasurers there, to the 13th of January, 1654, viz. 45101 10 7
Upon compositions not in pursuance of the additional act for sale 24302 2 6 ½
Upon compositions according to that act 20799 8 0 ½
Into the receipts of Exchequer 15876 16 6
Sum totall 62778 00 5

Dr. Thomas Clarges to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

May it please your Excellency,
Since my last my lord Broghill and some other of your excellencie's friends have had a more serious consultation concerning Lyll, of which his lordship promises me to give your excelency intimation. On fryday last Sir Jerome Zanchey brought a charge into the house of bribery and breach of trust against doctor Petty, to which he set his hand; and amongst other expressions he told us, he knew so well the danger of bringing in a charge of that nature against a member of parliament, that he would not have done it, but in confidence to make it good. Many of the long robe were against the receiving of it, till it was digested into perticulars (for the charge was generall); but at last it was resolved, he should be summoned to attend the house that day month; and I believe Sir Jerome finds the sense of the house so much inclines to perticularizing his charge, that he is gone post to Ireland, to inable him to doe it; and yesterday morning he began his journey. I humbly beseech your excellency's pardon for incloseing a few lines to the doctor in this letter, which the extraordinaryness of the occasion makes me not to doubt of. The speech Sir Jerome made, before he delivered his charge, made the busines seeme very great; but when the thing itself was read, it gave but little impression. Mr. Ansly told us, the doctor had bin used to things of this nature; but never yet upon any examination could any thing be fastened on him; and he doubted not, but he would well acquitt himself of this.

Yesterday wee passed a question, that had bin many dayes before the subject of our debates; which was, that this house will transact with the members of the other house as an house of parliament during this present parliament; and that it is not intended heereby to exclude such peers, as have bin faithfull to the parliament, from their priviledge of being duly summoned to be members of that house. At the passing of this vote the affirmatives were 198, and the negatives 125, in which number (to the wonder of many) the knight for Kildare was a negative, and a loud one. This day a bill was brought in, intituled, An act for taking away all lawes, statutes and ordinances concerning excise, and new impost of blank years, and concerning customes, tonage, and poundage, after blank months, after the death of his highness the lord protector. It was read the first time this day, and ordered to be read againe a second time on Thirdsday next.

As I was sealing my letter, the speaker sent the letter of summons of doctor Petty to me, and desired for the better security of it, that I would inclose it in your excelencye's packett. I have nothing more at this time, but am,

May it please your Excelency,
Your excelencye's most humble servant,
Tho. Clarges.

London, this 29th of
March, 1659.

Mr. Samuel Bathurst to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxiii. p. 305.

My Lord,
Notwithstanding what I did write in my former letter, I cannot but look upon it as my duty to give you an account of the most material proceedings in the affaires of your letter-office here. I have taken such accounts from the severall persons acting therein at my arrivall, as they could give, but have not yet perfected the same with them. On the 25th instant I began to put the office into such a method as I thought fit by virtue of the power your honour was pleased to intrust me with, att which time all persons did desist; but immediately those belonging thereunto were againe admitted, save only I thought fitt to suspend my resolutions as to Mr. Vaughan and captain Talbot, (they being either most obnoxious, or least usefull, and under the greatest sallerys) untill I doe understand the further pleasure of your lordship or your deputye generall in England, to whom I have weekly given a perticular account of all passages, and by whose consent and approbation I am soe soone, as conveniently I can, sending the Munster maile 2 or 3 times a weeke, in hopes it will be to the better advancement of the affaire, and give greater content to the nation.

Your Lordship's most obedient servant,
Sam. Bathurst.

From your letter-office, Dublin,
30. March, 1659.

My lord lieutenant hath bine for 10 dayes about 20 miles of, taking his pleasure; and is expected here againe this weeke.