A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1658: December (3 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp566-577 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1658: December (3 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp566-577.
"State Papers, 1658: December (3 of 4)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp566-577.
In this section
December (3 of 4)
Mr. R. Browne to secretary Thurloe.
Argeire, 16th December, 1658.
Vol. lxii. p. 582.
Right Honourable,
Sir, by this convayance, the bassa and divan having wrote his highness (concerninge
the Angell's businesse) which goes here inclosed, together with the transelate, to which
your honour may please to be refered. These people are very ernest to have justice done
them, but care for doinge none themselves; witnesse their unjust detention of severall
Englishmen passengers uppon foreign shippes to the number of six in all, and six more,
whoe escaped drowneinge out of an English shippe cast away upon the island of
Corsica, bound from Tunis to Leghorne; soe the country people refuseinge to give
them pratique, they were forced to make quarenteen under a tent they made on the
sea-side, from whence they were taken (together with theire guards) by a sattee of this
place, and brought hither. I went and demanded them, but was able to procure noe
other answere but this, that we had sold several Turkes to the Venetians; and till they
were brought againe, I might save this trouble. I told them it was my deuty to demand
them; and if they pleased to release them, well; if not, must acquaint his highness with
their answere. They said, I did very well, and had theire answere.
It's some monthes, that I have perceived theire treatment of us has beene farre different from what it was wont to be; and now, since my consinement, an Englishman is not able to passe the streetes without beinge affronted, nor our servants goe about our necessary affairs without beinge abused; and they sticke not to tell us to our faces, that Englishmen are not as they were; and this not from the meanest sorte neither.
Your speedy answer to theire letters, together with your orders how to proceed for the future, will be very requisite, least they give order for to search our shippes, e'er they have any notice of what has passed, and soe betray them under the notion of peace.
Thus haveinge given your honour an account of our condition as succinctly as I could, continuew to subscribe myselfe
Your Lordship's most humble servant,
Rob. Browne.
Inclosed in the preceding.
To the strong and great Christian prince of England. After many recommendations you may please to take notice, that formerly divers of your commanders, captains, and counsellors have, from time to time, made peace with us; and we have agreed with them upon their words and religion, and what past betwixt us is confirmed; and upon our religion we will observe it and more; for here we have been very courteous to your ships, and when 5, 10, or 20 of them have come into our harbours from sea, we have given them provision, protection, and whatsoever they had occasion of. And divers times our ships at sea, meeting with yours, find in them Frenchmen, Spaniards, Genoeses, Portugueses, with their goods and estates, bound for their several ports, as France, Spain, Genoa, Portugal, &c. which are our enemies; and more than this, we find Spaniards, Italians, Flemings, and other of our enemies ships at sea, carrying in them 2 or 3 English, purposely that if meeting with us, those English shall shew English colours, say their ship and goods are of England, and so deceive us. As also divers times your own ships betray us, which carrying our people or merchants to the Levant, Venetians, Genoeses, or Leghorneses, and deliver us into their hands, to be made slaves of. Upon this, time after time, we have demanded your consul of this place the reason of these things, who answers us sometimes, he knows nothing of it; other times he will write, and inform you of it: but henceforward we will require them at his hands; for we know no reason, why the English should do these actions; and so he hath made us stay, in hopes that these were only false reports. But in your year 1068, in the first spring, the great Turk, comander of those seas, sent to Smyrna his chiauses, and divers great men, in the time of his fleet going to sea, who arriving at Smyrna found four sail of ships. The chiaus of our beloved king and divers merchants met with the captains, and asked them whither they were bound, who answered, they were going towards England. So our people were very glad, and agreed for freight of themselves and goods; and they went to sea 4 ships in company bound for your westward. They had no sooner past the Arches but they met with four sail Venetians, and saluted one another with their guns; and hoisting out their boats, went aboard one another; and afterwards they gave the chiaus and our merchants 150 incirca into the Venetians boats; and we are certain they are made slaves of. But their states and goods remained still in the English ships, who afterwards divided the prey with them; which cheats and knavery we know you did not approve of; so that after these letters shall arrive to your hands, please to let the captain, that did this treachery, be brought to justice, and to let the relief be sent to our Musselmen and Great Turk's chiauses, wheresoever they be; and if you be not speedy in it, we are afraid of our king's anger; and according to the ancient custom, we will search what ships of yours we find at sea, and we will accordingly take out whatsoever of our enemies goods or persons we find in them; so that whatsoever Spaniards, Leghorneses, or any of their goods at first we light upon, we shall make prize of; and then do not blame us, because we cannot abandon our beloved king's chiaus, and our brethren the Musselmen, and so please to take notice. We cannot believe our peace should be understood a good peace with so much treachery and falshood; nor can we imagine, that you their great king should approve of it: wherefore be pleased to be speedy in the remedy hereof; and God prosper you.
Consul Maynard to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxii. p. 560.
This is a duplicate: the first wente by way of Oporto. Wee are now at the 16/26. December; but noe alteration in these parts since the above said. On the 15/25. this instant, was
the general assize of the inquisition: there came out aboute a hundred prisoners, in all about
ninety of them accused for Judaism, eight for sodomy, and one for heresie, which was
eatinge flesh on a fryday, with some Inglish and Dutch seamen. Of the 90 accused for
Judaism thirty-fower came out with yellow coates, having consess'd themselves guilty;
twenty-seaven came forth with coates painted with flames of syer, who likewise acknowledged themselves guilty, but it was but little before they came out; and for their obstinatenesse came (as is usual) with that distinction: Six came oute with flaminge coates,
with thire owne pictures hanginge on their brests, five men, one woman: for these there
was noe mercy, but were burnt the day they came out of prison, for denyinge themselves
to be guilty of Judaisme, notwithstanding it was proved by several withnesses, they were
culpable of these followinge crymes: firste, They denied to eate swyns flesh, rabett, and
fish with seales. 2d, They had kept the feaste of the Passover and other Jewish feasts:
next, they had kept holey the Jewish sabath, and fasted several days in the yeare, untill
the starrs appeared at night; and laste of all, which methoughte was soe ridiculous to be
published, they were accused for boylinge onions in oyle, and washing their sallads in
vinegar. When they were at the place of execution, they all professed they died Christians, and hoped to be saved by the merrits of Jesus Christ, sayeinge they did rejoyce the
hower was come, in which they should be for ever freed from the tortures and torments of
the inquisition. They were all of them people of greate estates, which is supposed was
theire greatest cryme, for which they dyed.
Mr. John Durie to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxii. p. 620.
Right Honorable,
In obedience to your command concerning the baptizing of the Turkish chious; I
humbly offer to your consideration, that it may be performed after this manner:
That seing the providence of God hath directed him to be owned as a Christian by us,
and that he is not only endued with competent knowledge, but conscientiously moved
and zealously inclined to walke answerable to the holy prosession, and hath given hitherto
very evident manifestations of his sinceritie in his walking, to all that converse with him,
and more particularly unto myself; I humbly conceive, that it will be very suitable unto
his highness eminent piety and Christian charity, and a thing very commendable amongst
all, that shall heare of it, if his highness would be pleased to countenance and owne him,
in the act of his reception into the visible societie of Christians, and to that effect to give
him his name Richard, to appoint him some persons of honour, who can speake French, to
be present at his baptizing, who may, as witnesses of the act, make a report thereof unto his
highness, and then to admit the chious into his presence, that he may expresse his thankfulnes unto his highness for the favour received, not only in the confirmation of his pension,
which he got from his late highness of blessed memorie, but in the countenancing at his
baptisme, which I do believe he will esteeme as great, if not a greater favour, than his outward maintenance.
As for the manner of performing the act, he is very desirous, that it may be as public as with ordinarie convenience it may be; for his desire is, that it may appeare to all, that he rejoyces and glories in the profession of the name of Christ as his Saviour; and that he is not ashamed to renounce publickly the name of Mahomet; and that having beene a person of public qualitie heretofore in his owne countrie, the thing may be knowen to his countriemen, which to me is a testimonie of the uprightnes of his former life and conversation amongst them; for, if he had beene under any guilt or crime in his countrie, he would not be so free as he seemes to be, to have the change of his religion made knowen unto them.
If his highness is pleased to command me to performe the act, as being fully acquainted with him, and fully perswaded of his capacitie and uprightnes in the knowledge and practice of Christianitie; I shall be ready to doe it in some public place at a time of church meeting. The place where it may bee done, if none other be found more fit, may bee the Covent-Garden, and on a Lord's day, either in the morning or in the afternoone, when a sermon of the nature and use of Christian baptisme hath been preached.
Before the water be poured upon his head, or his head dipped in the water, (which may bee done in a great vessel) he should make a consession of his faith, and answer to such questions as shall bee proposed unto him concerning the motives, which have induced him to joyne himself to Christ, to renounce the Mahumetan religion, and concerning the resolution, which he hath taken to walke conscionably in the way of Christianitie; and upon his answer to these questions, he should be baptized in the name of the the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, by vertue of Christ's commandement; and therewith it should be declared unto him, that he is now thereby sealed up to belong to Jesus Christ in the covenant of grace, and received as a visible member of his mystical bodie, in the Catholick church, and communion of saints, to become partaker of all the privilegdes of the household of the faith. This being done, the congregation should be exhorted to embrace him in their hearts as a fellow member of the bodie of Chirst; and to joyne in prayer to God for him, to inable him to walke worthy of the heavenly calling.
And the meeting being dissolved, such as shall appeare as witnesses to make a report unto his highness, should give him their hands, and welcome him into the societie of Christians; and then the rest of his acquaintance, who should be invited also to be present, should doe the like, that he may be encouraged in the way, wherin God hath sette him, by that outward testimonie of their love and fellowship in Christianitie with him.
And this I humbly conceive should bee done with all convenient speed; because Satan is very busie to divert him from seeking to bee baptized (whom, neverthelesse, he doth resist very stoutly) partly by terrours and threatenings, partly by persuasions and promises; appearing very oft in the visible shape of a man to him, sometimes in the habit of a Jesuit, sometimes in other appearances of persons, with whom he is acquainted; which at first was a heavie tryal unto him, but now of late is not so terrible; for God hath given him strenth not to be afraid at his appearance any more.
This I humbly submit unto consideration; and, taking my leave, rest,
James-house, this 16th of
December, 1658.
Your Honour's most humble servant in Christ,
John Durie.
Mr. Downing, resident in Holland, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxii. p. 598.
Right Honourable,
I perceive by yours, which came by the post yesterday, being of the 10/20. instant,
that the post, which should have that week arrived, was not then come: in my letter, by
which I gave you an account of the debarking of the 4000 men, which were to have gone
for the Sound; as also I therein inclosed to you the resolution of the states general, concerning the English ships taken in the road of Bantam, wherein I also gave you an account
what news I had from colonel Sydney, which
he sum says was very true resolution of Ch. Stuart;
and I did suppose to have had your positive answer by this post, whether you will
make use of him at least for some months; but he will no I suppose, take less than a thousand
James by the year. 105 474 431 153 105 33 138 239 468 169 40 213. The truth is,
he is a person of condition; 140 412 408 254 106 267 475 412; and I am not willing
to engage in this business without your positive order, which I hope the next post will
bring; and till then I will keep him here.
The 22d instant I wrote to you by captain Lilburne commander of the frigate, that brought me the last express from you; and I have very little to add thereunto, save only, that upon tuesday last, conforming to what I had written to you, the French ambassador and myself had a conference with the deputies of the states general, wherein they declared to us, that although the states had resolved to send their extraordinary ministers to the king of Sweden, yet considering the present posture of affairs between that king and them, and what had befallen the ministers of the elector of Brandenburg, that they did judge it necessary to have some assurance of their ministers being received before their departure hence. To which we answered, that if what we had already declared in our memorials were not judged sufficient, we could add nothing thereunto, but that we would write to our masters, to let them know what they were pleased to say to us, and to return them their answer. The French ambassador added, that Mr. Agathya being now at this time here, and ready to pass hence to the king of Sweden, with orders from the court of France, that he would write by him to Mr. Treslon, to press the king of Sweden, to declare himself in this point, whether he will be content to admit the ministers of this state as mediators. I did not think fit for my own part to declare so much; yet I have written to Sir Philip Meadows, and inclosed to him copies of the French ambassador's and my memorials concerning this business, and of the answers of the states given to us, giving him also an account of this conference, and what the states desired; but I have not heard from him since his last entring into Zeeland.
The admiralties of Amsterdam are heaping together great quantities of materials for building more men of war; and they talk high there of building 30 sail of new frigates; but as yet there's no resolution taken by the states for that effect: but as matters go between this and the next assembly of the states of Holland, so accordingly will this matter be; and I thought it my duty to give you notice of the first beginings of any thing in this kind. There was a report, which was spread very strongly in Amsterdam the last week, that the soldiery at London have taken the body of his highness out of his grave, declaring they would keep it till they were satisfied their arrears; and this was affirmed by one, who said he was then at London, and saw it.
The order for debarqeuing the 4000 men was to this purpose, and with this clause: That yet they should keep themselves in readiness upon call; but yet such a number of men cannot be sent away without a considerable time and ado. I pray be pleased to send me a copy of lord Nieuport's memorial, wherein he desired the stopping of Ascue, 259 40, &c. according to the 7th article of the treaty of peace: there are some of Zeeland, that do earnesty desire it; for that Nieuport denies it; 287 71 146; and I know it may be of very good use, when these matters shall come in debate.
The old princess dowager 441 105 251 135 270 383 311 132 spoke lately, in conserence with some persons of quality, with very great esteem of Nieuport; 408 527; whereas shee 324 was wont, upon all occasions, to do the contrary in a very invective manner. The resident of Denmark coming the other day to see me, we had much discourse about their affairs. He is full of apprehensions, that his highness will press that peace upon the foot of the treaty of Rochfield, than which, said he, no warr can be worse for his master. And among other things he told me, that he had received a letter from their resident at London, wherein he gave him an account at large of the interment of his late highness, and how that himself with other residents were put to go after the barons (a thing, he said, not usual to residents of crowned princes); and that thereupon he had retired with the residents of Venice and Florence. He shewed me also a large letter written about this matter to the king of Denmark; and in fine desiring, that seeing he could not enjoy the respects, which were due to his quality, that he would be pleased to revoke him, and send some other in his place, whose person might be more acceptable.
Colonel Sidney 81 140 336 390 169 beleeves, that this calling of a parliament in 408 16 England 213 362 202 43 107 148 339 547 may somewhat retard the forementioned resolution of Charles Steward. 412 408 572 703.
The thaw continues still, and hath continued these eight days; but yet notwithstanding, the people are running upon the ice; and ships cannot yet go to sea from Amsterdam.
The ministers of Brandenburg do highly publish, that the 17th of this month the troops under the command of their master have made themselves masters of Alsen and Sunderberg, the Swedes having quitted them, and retreated in 6 ships. They say, they have taken 1000 horses, but only 30 prisoners; and that the Danish vice-admiral Breda was killed in this encounter. Thorn yet holds out. You will perceive by the inclosed from Paris, that there is a Holland ship taken by an English ship, and carried to Toulon, and there sold; and, speaking this morning with de Witt, I find that I shall have a complaint made to me about it, upon the account of the goods having been unladen and sold before and without any sentence of any court of admiralty. I had a letter from Amsterdam written to one of my company, wherein the owners themselves say, that the ship came from the Spanish West-Indies, and was unlading in Spain; which, if the goods had belonged to the Hollanders, could not well have been; but by the same letter I find, that the ship is very rich, having four last of silver on board her, besides other quantities of very rich merchandizes to a very great value. Men do much wonder here, that England should so strongly and resolutely back the king of Sweden. They say, that assuredly the said king must have granted to his highness's subjects some very great privileges in point of traffick; and it's much talked of, that Croningburg castle shall be put into his highness's hands. I pray your thoughts upon Dr. Zas's commission, that it may be dispatched and sent me; and am,
Right Honourable,
Your most faithful humble servant,
G. Downing.
Hague, Dec. 27th, 1658. N. S.
The English resident in Holland, to the states general.
Vol. lxii. p. 507.
The underwritten resident of England, &c. represents to the states general of the United Provinces, that having received their resolution of the 2d of November last past, in answer to his memorial of the same date concerning the ships Society, and the Love and Friendship, taken by private men of war of Ostend, and carried to Delssiel in the province of Groninguen, the masters of the said ships did thereupon repair to the admiralty of Harlinguen, not doubting but to obtain a ready restitution of their ships and goods; but instead thereof, after most clear and evident proof, that 550 planks and 800 barrel-staves had been taken out of the said ship Society, the said admiralty gave leave to the Ostender to carry her away to sea again. And as to the Love and Friendship, the master thereof hath receiv'd from the said admiralty for answer, that if he hath any thing to pretend, he may proceed in the ordinary way of justice; which answer seems very strange to him the said resident, who doth suppose the admiralties to be the ordinary and proper judges appointed by the placarts of their lordships the states general for matters of this kind, and that this matter was not then to begin to be pleaded, but had for many months been depending in process before them, and the charges of this process had much surmounted the sum, for which the said master could have redeemed her with her lading from the said Ostender; and the matter of fact complained of had been proved before them by the consession of the parties themselves, that had bought the said ship and goods; and this after, and contrary to publick warning given them; and that one sentence had been already given by the said admiralty in the case, and an appeal from the said sentence; and complaint thereon made by him the said resident in his above-mentioned memorial, and a resolution taken thereupon of the same date by their lordships the states general to the said admiralty; so that nothing but a full and final sentence, in favour of the proprietors of the said ship, was to have been or could have been expected from them.
And seeing that it hath pleased their lordships so far to take to heart the very great and daily sufferings of the subjects of his master in this kind in these provinces, as to publish their placarts for the prevention thereof for the future, and redress of what is past, the benefit whereof the subjects of his master have since received upon divers occasions, in the provinces of Holland and Zeland; the said resident doth expect, that their lordships will make such reflections upon this matter, as that the same justice may be done in the provinces of Frise and Groninguen, notwithstanding whatever may be the particular interest or influence of any person or persons concerned in this matter, as having bought the said ship and goods.
And the said resident doth further represent, that the fore-mentioned Ostender having put to sea with the ship Society from Delssiel, by the leave and permission of the admiralty of Harlinguen aforesaid, took the confidence (having found so great favour and indulgence there) to come in with her to Saerdam in North Holland, and there unladed her; which being discovered, and complaint thereof made to the admiralty of North Holland, they forthwith, with much readiness, made seizure of her and her lading.
And the said resident doth earnestly demand, that it would please their lordships to take such order, that the said ships and ladings may be forthwith really and effectually restored their said masters; and that little which is left them for their maintenance with their families, will not be consumed in a further fruitless and tedious attendance.
Given at the Hague, the 26th of December, 1658. [N. S.]
The states resolution, in answer to the abovewritten memorial.
Vol. lxii. p. 509.
27th December, 1658. [N. S.]
There have been read in the assembly a certain memorial of the Sieur resident Downing, containing his requests, that the two English ships called the Society, and the Love and Friendship, taken heretofore by the private men of war of Ostend, and carried to Delssiel, may be restored to the masters and owners of them, according to the resolution of their high mightinesses of the second of November last; whereupon, after deliberation, it hath been found good, that there be sent to the province of Groninguen the placart of their high mightinesses of the 9th of August last; also a copy of their letter of the 7th of November following, written to the colleges of the admiralties respectively, touching the prizes taken on sea from the allies and neutrals of this state, and carried into these provinces; as also a copy of the said memorial, with order that they will, for what concerns the said ship, according to the zeal of the provinces of Holland and Zeland, cause the business to go on before the ordinary judge in their jurisdiction, according to the tenor of the said placart, as also according to the will and intention of their high mightinesses, contained more at large in the said letter: and, of this resolution a copy shall be sent to the said resident Downing, to serve him for information.
Hague, 27th December, 1658. [N. S.]
Vol. lxii. p. 532.
Prince Maurice of Nassau demanded of the states recruits for the garison of Wesell, whereof he is governor, because the Papist electors, who lately leagued, have a design to attack it. The states intend to send to the king of Sweden, so soon as they shall be assured he will accept mediation from this state. It will be the month of February before they can go hence. The Spanish embassador shall be here next monday. The ministers of Brandenburg have here published, that the 17th instant their master took the isle of Alsen, and the city of Sonderbourg, that the Swedes have lest, and are retreated in 6 Swedish ships. The electoral forces have taken but 30 Swedes with a thousand horse. The Danish vice-admiral Bredal is slain by the Swedes. Colonel Killigrew is returned, and hath put into garison the three thousand men designed for relief of the king of Denmark.
Vol. lxii. p. 521.
Paris, 27th December, 1658. [N. S.]
The secretary of the count de Pegnararda was privately with Monsieur de Lionne at Lyons, till the duke of Savoy was gone; and then he went openly to the cardinal Mazarin: and since he is gone to Milan, he hath discoursed about the place where the plenipotentiaries of both crowns are to meet in Germany, and some other preliminaries for the negotiation of peace, which might be done this winter. It is certain also, that there is some treaty of peace between Spain and England; and, in a few days, we shall see the success of either. There is at court an envoy from Portugal, to pray the king to make a diversion, by sending twelve thousand foot and four thousand horse into Catalonia; and that the king of Portugal will pay them, which the court likes well; but will have the money put into the hands of the king of France's commissioners, and the Portuguese will themselves have the paying of the forces; so that if they continue stiff, nothing is like to be concluded. Cardinal de Retz hath made his peace; he is to continue three years at Rome, to negotiate there for the king, and to enjoy the temporalities of the archbishoprick of Paris. About the end of next month Monsieur de Lionne is to be sent into Spain.
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxii. p. 588.
My Lord,
I received your letter of the 9th instant, by which I understand, that the day for
the assembling of the parliament will bee on the 27th of January. I have soe farre
improved my interest heare for the chusing of parliament-men, such as are honest and wellaffected to the government, that I am sorry your letter came soe late, that I cannot assure
you of those two gentlemen, Mr. Drury and Mr. Eyre, that you wrote for; because wee
had settled our whole businesse before concerning the members of this country, which I
have done already, to prevent the shires and townes from engaging to other people; and
they desire to have most of their own nation at this time; but they shall be such men, that
you may bee assured will be very faithfull to this government; but I shall yett try where
I can get them in, and I shall speake with the old provost of Edenburgh about it. I desire
you will let mee know in your next, to what places those three gentlemen, Mr. Oxborough,
Mr. Waller, and Mr. Stuart, you first recommended, belonge; because it will be necessary the townes should know it, when they returne them to parliament; which is all at
present from
Your Lordship's very humble servant,
Geo. Monck.
Dalkeith, 17. Dec. 1658.
The burgesses of Tewkesbury to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxii. p. 622.
Noble Sir,
We understand, that you are pleased so much to honour this poor corporation as to accept
of our free and unanimous electing youoneof our burgesses in the next parliament,
and to sit a member for this place. Sir, we are so sensible of the greatness of the obligation, that we know not by what expressions sufficiently to demonstrate our acknowledgments; only at present we beseech you to accept of this for an earnest, that whomsoever you
shall think worthy to be your partners, shall have the second election; and our real and
hearty affections to serve and honour you whilst we are, as we shall ever strive to be,
Tewkesbury, 17th Dec. 1658.
Sir, Your most humble and obliged servants,
E. Hatch, Richard Dowdeswell, |
William Willson, John Carver. |
Tho. Clarke, Tho. Jeynes, |
bayliffs. | |
Will. Neast, John Beach, Will. Hatton, |
justices. |
An information of Theo. Aylmer.
Vol. lxii. p. 626.
This informant faith, That John Sawyer, master of the Pope's-head tavern in London, is a person publickly known to be disaffected to the present government, and an abettor and an adherer to Charles Stuart's party.
That during the time of the late plot, in the time of his late highness, there were constantly every day several meetings of persons of note of that party, and there continued till unseasonable times of the night.
That the said Sawyer liveth in a place, where no watch or guard can come to disturb him, having the keys of both the alley gates, within which place he can upon a design lodge two thousand men.
That on the 12th of October last, there being in a riotous manner at his house assembled at one of the clock at night several persons, with weapons, that being demanded to give way to the constables to come and search for suspected persons, he obstinately denied; and when at last entrance was forced by the constable and some soldiers, in a contemptuous manner, (being commanded in the name of his highness to keep the peace) he said to the guard, A turd for you and the power and authority you act by: I defy you all.
These and many other things tending highly to the disturbance of the good peace of this commonwealth will be proved against the said Sawyer by very many persons of very good repute and known integrity.
17. Decemb. 1658.
Theo. Aylmer.
A letter of intelligence.
Brussels, 28. Dec. 1658. [N. S.]
Vol. lxii. p. 520.
Don John goes hence the 20th of January: as he passeth by France, he will visit the king, queen, and cardinal. The marquis of Caracena is to command till a new governor come, which will not be long. Don Stephen de Gamarra stays yet some days, and Don Alonzo de Cardenas is to stay till Caracena return from Antwerp. The king of Great Britain, with his brothers, are at Hoogstraten.
Lord Broghill to secretary Thurloe.
Ballemaloe, 18. Dec. 1658.
Vol. lxii. p. 549.
Deare Sir,
I presume to trouble your packet with this inclosed.
To receive the assurance you are recovered, and to receive that good newse from yourselfe, is a double happyness and obligation; and had you never done any thinge els, I can truly say, your life has bine far from beinge barren to me, that you have loded me from time to time with soe many obligations, that I can honnestly aver, I esteeme myself more your debtor then I am to any man livinge, and never received a disobligation from you, but in that expression; for I feare you must thinke me very unreasonable, if I can in the least degree immagin you to be what you write.
I am indeed much rejoiced to heare his highness thought fit to call a parliament; and that the councill have advised him to it. I cannot say, that wil be our remedy; but I doubt, if that be not, noe thinge wil be. I hoped, that would have bin the first thinge done after his highness's death; and 'tis a mercy, that oportunity beinge lost, this has bin recovered. Possibly 'tis the more cleerly to shew us, from what hand it comes. I wish I could as rationally beleeve, that our wounds wil be closed by this parliament, as that they wil be (humanely) incurable, if this parliament doth not heale them. I shall faithfully and cordially doe what lyes in me, wher I have any interrest in Scotland and Ireland, to have none elected but good and sober men, and none sent but thos, who will conscientiously attend their duty ther. I wish they may not be affronted after chosen, and that their reception at Westminster be not the cause, or at least the pretence of som differences, and therby lay engagements of honnor upon som to doe that, which mere prudence might well declyne: but perhaps I have more feare then reason in this particular. God grant it!
I am not a little troubled your newse is such, that 'tis not to be written in referrence to publicke and private affaries. I bless God, in this nation we are quiet without petitioninge or medlinge with state affaries; and honnest general Monck writes me the like out of Scotland last post; soe that we are sober enough to thinke you halfe mad in England. I beleeve any man, who should offer to disturbe the peace here, will be risen against as a wolse, we are all such perfect contry men, and lovers of that life. When we sowe wheate, we know we shall reape wheate; but you statesmen, when you sowe one sorte of fruit, often reape another: nay I heare some amongst you are like to reape fruit, whose seed you never sowed, neither will any owne the sowinge of it.
Tho' the last parliament I was against major generals, yet now the case is altered, my lord lieutenant haveinge made me a kinde of one in this country; but I decimat noe man, nor make use of any instructions but martiall ones. Therefore if you should be beaten out of the pit, be not affrayd to come amongst us for our names sake; for tho' in England the name of that office was only military, yet it cut deepe upon civills, and was indeed a twoedged sword: ours has a back and an edge, and cuts but one way. I beseech God to cement all your differences; and I beg you to beleeve me perfectly and unalterably,
Deare Sir,
Your most humble, and most
faithfull oblidged servant,
Dr. Benj. Whichcot to lord chief justice St. John.
Vol. lxii. p. 654.
My Lord,
Since your lordship's first letter so farre went out of the way, as to make Scotland the
way from London to Cambridge, whence it is now come to hand, I will suppose also,
that my letter to your lordship in answere to your second might also mistake its way, though
letters goe more certainly from hence to London, than vice versa, because here the carrier of
the day, to whom certenly they are to be delivered, is better known, and from London
hither the carrier is surer then the post, and sometimes also quicker; because sometimes letters
are not left at Royston, and sometimes lie there a while. My lord, I cannot understand but
that all agree in Mr. secretary; yet I am never consident of ought, that is in the hands of a
multitude; yet greater probability and likelihood there cannot be of a thinge, for all pleases,
your lordship's recommendation, and the person recommended: but it cannot be brought to
issue or trial; for noe newes as yet of the writ. The Irish knight, Sir Anthony Morgan,
desistes, since an election is also to be in Ireland; for a second heere is a great uncerteinty.
It is the general sense here, one Gremial, who knowes all our affaires, to joine with master
secretary, and two or three are pretenders; yet all with submission to Mr. secretary, but in
competition with one another. We doe thinke to naturalise Mr. secretary to us, and to make
him of our body, by admitting him by proxy to the degree of master of arts, as by our
university-statute we are enabled to doe, where persons are upon any account stiled honorable, which preceeding, he is pulchrè eligibilis. My lord, I put your lordship to the trouble
of these lines, for your further certioration of your letters received, and my duty persormed
in pursuite of them. Nothing more can be done, till the precipe come from the sheriffe of
the county, to warrant us to proceed to an election; which being once made, I shal soon
certify your lordship. And in the meane while, having presented my humble service, I
commend your lordship to divine protection.
Cambridge, 20. Dec. 1658.
Your Lordship's humbly devoted,
Ben. Whichcot.
The superscription, To the right honourable Oliver St. John, lord cheise justice of the common pleas, and chancellor of the university of Cambridge, at his lodgings, in Lincoln's inne.
General Monck to secretary Thurloc.
Vol. lxii. p. 634.
My Lord,
This afternoone the writs for chusing of commissioners of parliament in Scotland came
to my hands, and we shall make all the expedition we can in the sending of them; and
I have taken care of those five gentlemen you have recommended to mee, and I hope those
places that I have written to, will nott fayle to choose them; and my lord keeper and myself
have indeavoured all we can to gett the best members chosen, that we may: and I doubt not
but those that come from this country will bee such, that will give his highness satisfaction.
And I shall desire you to bee assured of mee, that there is noe friend you have to my power
shall more readily and faithfully serve you than myself; and this I shall desire you to be
confident of, being by your favours I have bin so much obliged; and I shall endeavour in
any thing I am able to expresse myself to bee
Dalkeith,-21. Dec. 1658.
Your most affectionate
humble servant,
George Monck.
In regard of the povertie of this country, I thought fit to acquaint you, that such gentlemen as serve for them in parliament, must not expect any monie for their service there. Wee shall hasten away the members with all the expedition wee can. There will be ten or twelve of them uppon the place.
Mr. S. Disbrowe to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxii. p. 660.
My deare Lord,
In my last, which I dought cannot come seasonably to your hands by reason of the badnes of
travelling, to have any persons named for members of parliament; and the writs being
now arrived here, I can have noe expectation to heare from your lordship seasonably: but hearing
you had wrote to my lord generall for several persons, I went once to him yesterday, and wee
joyned together in severall letters for those persons you were pleased to mention; so that I hope
it shall succeed according to your desire, and I thinke wee shall have a good election generally
for Scotland. I have noe more to trouble your lordship with at present, only to beg answer to
the other parts of my former letter, so soone as your conveniency will permit. I am ever
Your Lordship's
most affectionately ingaged
humble servant,
Sa. Disbrowe.
Edinburg, 21. Dec. (58.)
Lord chief justice St. John, to secretary Thurloe.
In the possession of the right honourable Philip ld. Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.
I thanke you for the trowble of your letter of soe much news: I am able to make
you noe other returne. On satturday I received the inclosed, whereby it appeares, that
my first letter miscarried. I know not what to advise uppon the matter, but verrely beleive,
that the thinge will be done, it being the first and only thing, that I have ever recomended
unto them. The last flood was soe greate heare, as that our medowes weare ten foote in
water. Sir, I rest
Your most affectionate servant,
Ol. St. John.
21. Decemb. 1658.
Sir, Last weeke the ranger of our forrest, Mr. Bellamy, died; and if my lord Cleypole could be perswaded to dispose it to my sonn, he shall have such an acknowledgment, as that he shall be no looser: my wife is much trowbled, that her sonn should loose his hopes; and returnes her harty thankes for your favour and trowble.
Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.
In the possession of the right honourable the earl of Shelburn.
May it please your Excellencie,
Wee are all in a great calme here: all men, who usually give us occasion of some
busines or other, are gone into the countrye about the elections, concerninge which
there are (as I heare) as great striving as ever was in England, every party layeinge their
stresse of what they designe upon the opportunityes they hope for at this tyme. Wee
heare nothinge yet, how matters are like to goe in the countrye: it is good to comit ourselves and all our concernments unto God.
I cannot undertake much for either things or persons here; yet soe farre as I can observe, matters seeme to enclyne towards a better understandinge: but my hopes are soe younge, that I will delay till the next to speake more of this subject, and wheither I take these dispositions to arise from want of opportunity, or from any reall satisfaction. Wee have yet nothinge from the Sound: things stand there, for ought wee knowe, as they did by the last. I humbly subscribe myself
Your Excellencie's
most humble, faithfull,
and obedient servant,
J. Thurloe.
Whitehall, 21. Dec. 1658.
I have received nothinge from your excellency for some weekes past.
Mr. Thomas Talbott to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxii. p. 640.
Right honourable,
I take the boldness for to state the case, as it standeth between Mr. Vaughan and the
office, concerning your busines of the postage. In the first place, he hath gotten into
his hands of your moneys 362 l. 12 s. 2 d. and of the money from the counsell moore than
your honour did by your commission allow him, 250 l. and saith, that your honour hath
nothing to doe with that money; and hath used all the wayes by letters, that he could, for to
hinder the postmasters, that they should not account with your casheare and me, and payd
in their money to your cashier; which made most of them for to refuse to accompt and
pay in their money to your cashier; and two of them, being of his kindred, are run away
with 60 l. and upwards of your honour's money. And according to my orders from your
deputies, I turned them out, and placed honest men in their places: and afterwards, on
purpose for to interrupt the business, he, contrary to the knowledge of any in the office,
altered the label, and caused the male to be sent to his cousin the former postmaster
again. Two or three times he did this, to your farther loss of 3 l. more, and caused the
said former postmaster to sue the new postmaster upon an action of 1000 l. and seeing
that he could not abide any longer, is fled into England; and there is four more turned
out, for refusing to accompt and pay their money to your cashier: and them I sue; and
he perswades them to stand out, as they have done to their great cost and charge; whereof
now some of them submit. He made all the postmasters for to refuse to accompt and
pay in their moneys, until your deputies were forced for to write to every individual postmaster twice; and so after these letters they now conform. Some of the postmasters sent
me Mr. Vaughan's letters, sorbidding them to accompt with Ed. Billing and myself;
which letters I sent up to your deputies, that they might see, that it was time to write, or
else we should have had a general disturbance in your business, which is settled now in a
good order. But as for Mr. Vaughan, he will not own your deputies orders for to be of
any validity, but saith, that his commission is as good as theirs; and for want of your
honour's commission to Ed. Billing and myself, he hath sued us in two several actions, of
1000 l. a-piece; and against me he hath declared, a copy whereof I send to your honour.
And as for the business, which is referred to Dr. Dudley Loftus, and Arthur Ansloee esq;
they have had several meetings, and they writ a letter to your honour concerning the
counsell's money, which Mr. Vaughan had received, more than his commission gave him
power. They did forbear to proceed, until they had received an answer of their letter
from your honour's deputies; and now of late they forbear, because he is in prison for
debt, and he telleth his creditors, that there is due to him out of the office 300 l. when he
hath gotten into his hands of your honour's money far more than his sallary of 200 l. a
year cometh to, if that you did allow of to him. The commissioners told him, that they
thought it was not your honour's intention for to allow him his sallary of 200 l. a year,
and the counsell's money, more than your honour allowed him both by your commission. I
have charged him with nothing; but I shall be able for to prove, that he hath refused to
let one of your clercks have a chamber, when he hath three more than he useth, or is furnished; but taketh in a man and his wife, which are strangers. I suppose that is not
your honour's will for to suffer this; for he and his wife live at his farm eight miles off,
and he cometh to town once or twice a week, and hath none but a man here, and keepeth
five rooms and a cellar in his hands. All this he does in a malitious way, until your honour's
pleasure be further known. I am sure, that I have saved your honour 400 l. a year, and
have composed your post-roads in a better way, and drawn many branches into the several
roads, with small charge; and I am a settling of more into the county of Mayo. Your
honour's acte is very lame as to Ireland; for here is a great abuse by shipping, in bringing
over and carrying back of a world of letters; and by private foot-posts, which hinders the
office 500 l. a year. Your honour will see, that as Ireland plants, your office will grow
every year better. I have many more things for to acquaint your honour withal; but I
sear that I have been too troublesome. I humbly beg your honour's favour, and am
Your Honour's
most humble and faithful servant,
Tho. Talbott.
Dublin, this 22d of Dec. 1658.
County of the city of Dublin.
Vol. lxii. p. 644.
Evan Vaughan, by George Lambert his attorney, complaineth against Thomas Tallbot gent. in the custody of the marshal of the marshalsea of this court, being of a plea of trespass on the case, &c. For that, whereas the letter-office, otherwise called the post-office, is, and from the time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary, is an antient office; and that John Thurloe esq; principal secretary of estate to his late highness Oliver lord protector of the commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the dominions and territories thereunto belonging, was lawfully seized of the said office, and of all the vades, fees, perquisites, and profits thereunto belonging, as of his freehold, to continue for and during his natural life; the said office to be exercised, and the said vades, fees, profits, and perquisites thereof to be received by himself, or by his sufficient deputy or deputies in that behalf in the said dominions and territories, or in any or either of them: and the said John Thurloe being so seized of the said office on the seven and twentieth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and fifty-six, at the city of Dublin, in the parish of St. Michael the archangel, in the ward of St. Michael, in the county of the said city; and within the jurisdiction of this court, did lawfully constitute and appoint the said Evan Vaughan his lawful deputy, to exercise the said office in and throughout the whole dominion of Ireland, and to take up, receive, and levy all the veodes, fees, profits, and perquisites to the said office belonging, in the said dominion, to the use of the said John Thurloe, his executors, administrators, and assigns, upon accompt therefore and thereout to be given to the said John Thurloe, his executors, administrators, or assigns, by the said Evan Vaughan, when the said Evan Vaughan should be thereunto required; deducting and saving thereout unto the said Evan Vaughan the annual sum of 200 l. sterling, for the said Evan Vaughan's yearly salary for exercising the said office; by force of which deputation the said seven and twentieth day of June, 1656, above-said, at the said city of Dublin aforesaid, in the parish, ward, and county aforesaid, and within the jurisdiction aforesaid, the said Evan Vaughan did enter into and become possessed of the said office, with the appurtenances, upon accompt as aforesaid, deducting unto him the said Evan the yearly salary aforesaid: all which notwithstanding the said Thomas Talbot being not ignorant of, but well knowing the premises, crastily, cunningly, and subtly intending and endeavouring to defraud and deceive the said John Thurloe of the vades, fees, profits, and perquisites of the said office, and altogether to disable and debar the said Evan Vaughan from accompting with the said John Thurloe for the same, and to defeat and defraud the said Evan from the said salary; he the said Thomas Talbot, the thirtieth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred fifty-six aforesaid, at the city of Dublin, in the parish, ward, and county aforesaid, and within the jurisdiction aforesaid, of his own wrong, and without any colour of right, from the said thirtieth day of December in the year aforesaid, hath taken and received, and to his own use converted, all the vades, fees, profits, and perquisites of the said office in the dominion of Ireland aforesaid, and yet doth take, receive, and to his own use convert, the vades, fees, profits, and perquisites of the said office; whereby the said Evan Vaughan, tho' often thereunto required by the said John Thurloe, is not able to render any accompt of the said vades, fees, profits, and perquisites to the said John Thurloe as aforesaid, and whereby the said Evan Vaughan is deseated of the said yearly salary of 200 l. sterling, from the said twenty-seventh day of June, in the year of our Lord 1656 aforesaid, hitherto; all which the said Evan Vaughan is ready to verify, &c. with that, that the said John Thurloe is yet living, and in full life, at Dublin aforesaid, in the parish, ward, and county aforesaid, within the jurisdiction aforesaid, Whereupon he saith, that he is the worse, and hath damage, to the value of 1000 l. sterling; and thereof he bringeth suit, &c.
Pledges of prosecution,
John Doe.
Richard Roe.
Lambert per quer.
R. Rich.