State Papers, 1658: April (2 of 6)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1658: April (2 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1658: April (2 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1658: April (2 of 6)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

April (2 of 6)

Mr. Downing, the English resident in Holland, to vice-admiral Goodson.

Vol. lviii. p. 295.

The king of Sweden is at present giving order for the better fortifying of several places in Schonen, and is shortly expected on the other side of the water. The election at Frankfort is not like to be till after Easter. They are here about a capitulation to bind the emperor that shall be. Mynheer Lambson, one of the states general for Zealand, shewed me on Saturday last the letter, which he had received from his correspondent at Cadiz, wherein he writes him word, that there was lately arrived there a petach from the West Indies, with news, that 500 Spaniards, which had entered the island of Jamaica, are cut off every man by the English. The Muscovites having besieged the fort Jahino with about 4000 men, the governor of Narva, on the 21st of February at 10 at night, marched with horse and foot, and four pieces of cannon, and sell upon the quarter of the Muscovites, killed about 100 of them, released about 200 prisoners, which they had taken of the country, victualled the place, and returned safe back, with very small loss. It is written hither from Flanders, that the Spaniards are stirring, and that they are assembling about Cambray; but it is likely their design may lie lower, and that that is done only to amuse us. If you please hereafter to send your letters to Mr. John Gill the elder at Flushing, they will come safe to my hands. I pray send the inclosed by the first opportunity for England. I am,

Hague, 16. April, 1658. [N. S.]

Your very ready and affectionate servant,
G. Downing.

Lockhart, embassador in France, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lviii. p. 306.

May it please your Lordshipp,
No letters hath come from England by theise two last posts, which gives our enemies here new occasion to spread abroad their lyes. The cowrt will not saile to remoove from this the begining of next weeke, and goe directly to Amiens. I am in some paine concerning Mr. Swift, tho', if he have followed my advyce, in landing either at St. Valleries or Deipp, he can meet with no danger. This being the holy weeke, I had much difficultie to gett any bills of exchange. The whole rest of the levy-money was pay'd into Mr. Wildegoes yesternight. Their is 6000 crownes turned over by him this day, that being all this exchange would afford. The particulars of it, with bills for the remainder, shall come by the next post. By major Willobie, whome I sent expresse to Calais upon monday last, I gave your lordshipp an account of what past at my last audience. I have been all this morning with severall of the cownsell, to adjust some of their arrests and reports, which relaite to a redresse of the grivances of divers English merchants; so that I have no more tyme left me then to subscribe myself,

Paris, April 7/17th, 1658. [N. S.]

May it please your Lordshipp,
Your most humble and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.

Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lviii. p. 300.

I am sorry for your want of strength: the Lord continue it. I hope God will keep you alwayes from doeing any thing as to the secureing of the cavalleers, or raiseing of moneys illegally. 'Tweer better to cross som, or rather not to comply with them, then to put all into a slame. I am glad, that at last Mr. Standish could expound our accompts, which wee thought had been cleare enough before to any, but those that would not see; and our present feare is, that the complement of approveing them is intended for our payment. But on my word that will not doe. Wee have cause to bless God, that the designs about Ostend are so well over. Meethinkes another parliament should, by good lawes, quite kill the remaining venome of the cavalleer. Here came to me Inchiquyne's son, without any thing like pass or permission: he hath been three weekes landed in Munster, converseing there with his father's friends and interest. He is a young man neverthelesse I would not be too secure, seing it would cost nothing to bee secure. Indeed I will not imprison him; but onely bid him not returne without notice given mee. In the mean time lett me have your advice concerning him. I hope there is noe great matter in the thing, yet I think fitt to discourage presumptions of this kinde.

Harry Ingoldesby being made a barronett, has begott an inconvenient alteration in Sir Hardress Waller's famely, which to rectisye I designe, that by a letter from his highnes I may have order to conferr the same title upon Maurice Fenton, Sir William Fenton's son, one whom my lord Broghill verry well knowes, who married Harry Ingoldesby's wive's eldest sister, and that it bee done with speed. My lord Broghill will, I thinke, call upon you for it. Our addresse goes smoothly on; though som dissenters there are, but not upon uniform grounds, but each man upon his own perticular peck and humour; the most considerable of whom is Low, Cooper's major. I desire your advise how to carry it towards them; for I will doe nothing with noise, nor by way of spleen, or heat, nor suddainly, but as things shall offer in due season. This week my lord Broghill has surprised me with an intimation of his intentions to retire into Ireland. That which he presses is the inconsiestancy of his present way of liveing with his distemper of the gout, though I canot see the difference between the means of help for that disease to be had in Ireland above what may bee had in England, should be a sufficient reason for such a change. Hee sayth, that neither the disgust of his owne usage, nor of the present government, hath occasioned these desins, but meerly the interest of his health; that he will stay till the dangers now iminent are over; but in the mean time sent away his famely, and will, if his health permitt, return againe after a year's vacation. I have likewise received letters from generall Monke, propoundeing his being commissery in Ireland. Now, how to interprett all these enigmaes, is the busines. In the first place, I cannot thinke any wise man would place so much upon the difference of gout remedies aforementioned; but I imagine, that either he is not consulted well enough in England, or that such as doe not like him are more, or that his highnes is averse from makeing use of, though not from hearing his advise, or that som present fitt of melancholy has seized him, or that a providence concerning his estate in Ireland, which being the perpetuall concernment of himself and posteritie, he had rather cultivate, then the temporary interest of employments, or that he desires the comissary's place, I conceive may be the reasons of this motion. I have not witt enough to enumerate the hidden causes, which move men to act or say; but wishing him well, I would be glad to finde out the pin that prickes him; and mee thinkes the amity, that has been between us, should have carryed him to bee more open to me, then that I should need thus puzzell myself with untying these knotts, and with winding out the hartes of his intentions. I perceive his resolutions have taken opium from H. H. and therefore, dureing their slumber, I would have you finde out the true causes of this impulse, that wee may both administer such helps as are necessary. I have nothing more, but to tell you I am really

April 7th, 58.

Your most affectionate freind,
and most faithfull servant,
H. Cromwell.

H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland, to the lord Broghill.

In the possession of Will. Cromwell esq.

My dear Lord,
Mr. secretary, I perceive, is not yet quite well, which troubles me; but your lordship has abundantly supplyed his shortness, for which I heartily thank you. I have again and again (as I use to doe) read over your lordship's advices, and would return much in answer to each particular, but shall not; for that all, which needs be said, is wrapt up in this, viz. that I am glad C. sees the condition of his family, enclines to a parliament, hopes he can regulate the army; will not let such as Disb. affront my brother R, that the illegal proposalls of E. Disb. against the cavaliers and for raising money without a parliament, are discouraged. All which put together (as the world now goes) is good news: but I now come to what is worse, and that which amazes me, viz. that your lordship should apprehend so much difference between the air of England and Ireland as to your distemper; or that Ireland should afford more and better exercises and diversions than England; so as that mean difference should be the reason, why your lordship should throw up all, grieve his highness, desert your friend Mr. secr. and Phi. Jones, leaving them alone to tug at all manner of difficulties; I might add, and leave me too, to see with one eye (viz. G. alone) and to want all those other helps your lordship's being with his highness does afford mee.

Methinks, that as Ireland can furnish more of the above particulars, which England cannot; so on the other hand, that England had many other helps, which Ireland has not. Why then should your lordship, in this jealous world, give his highness ground to think you are weary of helping him? Why should you sett all men, both here and in England, a musing, and a framing of dangerous conjectures, what should be the reason? for that the difference of helps for the gout in one place above the other is the true cause, they will never believe, tho' your lordship should swear it.

Do you not think others will creep in during your lordship's absence? And why, now you see his highness so well enclined, should you let him cool? And why do I thus patiently endure your absence, but for the greater end, which I think your lordship may effect in England? and for that I know not what there is in Ireland, which may deserve you? I hoped your lordship had, upon your last conference at Kilkenny, got the mastery over this humour; and that you would not have put me to untye these knotts and hartes, but would have told me more openly the causes of this surprizing impulse. I will deal plainly with your lordship, that your lordship may deal plainly with me. Your lordship calls your life dull. Now, I cannot tell what life is more active, than to be always as your lordship, contriving helps for sudden difficulties and emergencyes. 'Tis the not being enough conversant with these things, which makes a life dull, though perhaps more happy. Wherefore, and for that I find things mend so slowly, I am apt to think your lordship is not enough employed in these matters; and that you may regret the miscarriage of affaires by the intrusion of worse counsels upon his highness, than what I am sure your lordship is able to give him. As for the state of publick affairs, 'tis true' tis bad, but I believe it mends. And why should your lordship, whose courage and faith has been always eminent, now faint in the way, and dye like Moses upon mount Nebo, before you enter into the land of Canaan? My lord, I will not trouble my head any longer to unriddle this mystery. I do indeed expect, by the protestations of freindship, which have past between us, that your lordship may be more plain with me herein; and thus, therefore, break off abruptly as to this matter, till I hear further.

I like your lordship's counsel about speeding away the l. 30000; wherefore let it be executed; half a loaf is better than no bread. Our address here goes on very smoothly, though some humourously, and upon different frivolous reasons, dissent, amongst which is your old friend my captain lieutenant Sheeres, and some others. I with you would advise a word or two, how we ought to carry it towards them, viz. in order to security; for I would hurt no man, otherwise than to tye his hands from hurting the publick. My conscience bears me witness, and I think the world will too, that such men, as I have at any time laid aside, are all like to be advantaged thereby as to their profit; insomuch, as when I myself fall, I wish it may be on as soft a place, as those do, whom I throw down.

My lord Inchequin's son came hither, without any thing by way of pass or permission from any authority whatsoever. I will be as civil as I may be to him, and to all men else. But he shall not return into Munster, till I receive better satisfaction from him, and advice from England what to do, which I pray send me.

Henry Ingoldsby being made a baronet begets an uncooth alteration as to his wife's sister Fenton, who wants no sense of any diminution of her place and merit. I see no reason but honest Maurice Fenton should have the same dignity conferred upon him. Wherefore I do particularly recommend it to your lordship to get a letter of direction from his highness to me for that purpose; which I hope will be easily and of course done. I pray mind it effectually, and send it with speed, that Mrs. Fenten's place do not close up, before she can get into it again. I have written to Mr. secretary to assist you in the thing, as there shall be occasion. I remain

Dublin, 7. April, 5°.

Yours, &c.
H. C.

A letter of information, concerning Mr. Feake, preacher among the Fifth-monarchy-men.

In the possession of the Rt. hon. Philip lord Hard-wicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.

Upon the Lord's-day last, hearing a great voice att the church, near the 3 Cranes in Thames-street, I inquired, who preached. I was told, Mr. Feake, whom I found expounding these words, Heb. the 11th and the 24th, By faith Moses, after,&c. and he observed, that this refusal of his was after he came to yeares of discretion, soe not to be imputed to poor-spirittnesse or narrow principles, (a phrase now much in request) but to the fear of the Lord, and that he would have the Lord to be theyr King and God. 2ly, that Pharoah was the most opulent and richest prince, that then was in the world; soe that nothing but faith could be the cause of his refusall, it being the most probable way to preferment, Pharaoh's daughter having noe other child; with much inlargements and repetition; and to conclude this particular, that preaching of faith was not preaching of treason. But it may be objected, that this is but a singular example, and soe doth not bind, &c. Let us go on, and we shal meet with Gideon, who was a very great general, and God apeared to him in that miraculous way, as is not to be parraled in these our dayes. Let us see what he did, after he had destroyed the enemyes of the Lord and Israel; the army and people desired him to be theyr ruler (observe that the army and people did this); yet this good man, a valiant general, replyed, I wil not rule over you, neither shall my son rule over you; but the Lord shall rule over you. From whence did this proceed? Surely from the Spirit of God. But we are now told, that Gideon was a poor man, and threshed wheat, and hid it from the Midianites, and one that did not understand government; els he never would have refused a kingdome for himself and posterity, &c. with many excursions. Let us proceed to Nehemiah, a courtier and cup-bearer to a great king, and at that time the chief prince that was att Jerusalem. This man was theyr governour for many yeares; yet he eat not the bread of government, and refused the 40 shekels of silver, a very small sume, not to be named with 90000 per mensem, because he feared the Lord. And you may observe, that the magistrate in a free estate, where the fear of the Lord was, never layd tax upon the people; but they, unasked for, gave him what they thought he had need of. Now, from all these 3 valiant and good men, you may observe, that the fear of the Lord was still before theyr eyes, and that they had had noe other designe, but to deliver the people, and make them to be governed by the Lord God, &c. This was the constant method of all God's generalls; and they that tell you otherwise, would doe well to take away our Bible, and give us another; for we Fistmonarchy-men cannot justify the present proceedings out of this Bible; and we must professe, that as long as we believe this to be the word of God, we must allow of noe other goverment, than the goverment of our Lord God, and Jesus Christ.

He concluded his discourse of those words; and told them, that by the providence of God he lately was in the tower of London, and they were 3 jaylers in this towne, the first the common jayler, and he belongs to the ordinary prisons; the second is the gentleman jayler, the secretary of state; and the third, the chief or jayler paramount, the leiftenant of the Tower. I was under the custody of the last and worst; for I could not believe, that any Christian could use one another soe as he useth his prisoners. They are all locked up att night, and the keyes of each prison carried to the chief jayler's chamber; and let the necessityes of a poor and innocent Christian be never soe great, he may perish before any relief can come to him. I inquired, how they learned soe soon these artificial and exquisite wayes of torturing poor Christians. The wayters or under-jaylers told me, that they went according to the old form, that was used by our former kings; and I assure you, that if theyr be any reformation, it tends to severity, &c. But God be thanked I am now at liberty to preach the gospel; and he then made a comparison betweene the angels of the churches of Smyrna, Pergamus, &c. and the gentleman jayler, the cheif jayler, and himself; and sometimes he did suppose the lieftenant of the Tower to be of a Christian church, and himself of another; but it was not like the gospel proceedings, nor ever heard of, that a Christian of one congregation should imprison the decon or bishop of another congregation, (and suffer the poor people under his charge to famish for want of spiritual food) by an order from the gentleman jayler, the secretary of state, that was of noe congregation. This is not according to the practice of the angel of the churches of Smyrna or Pergamus, &c. Sometime he did suppose, that neither the gentleman jayler, nor the cheif jaylor, were of any congregation, but meer infidells, as did appeare by theyr imprisoning of the people of God, for preaching up the goverment of Jesus Christ.

He then pulled out a letter from some imprisoned bretheren, that were taken in seeking of God, on the fist day of the last weeke, in Coleman-street, by the lord mayor and his bretheren the shrifes, with halberts and other warlike weapons, and caryed to severall prisons, only for reading the word of God, as if they had been malesactours. He observed, that Paul found more favour from that good and just heathen, that would not fend him without his accusers with him, it being against the law of God and nations, that any man should be molested in his calling, or imprisoned, unless the cause of his imprisonment was certifyed in the certificate of his comittment; that the major could alleage noe cause, but he hard, that they did use to preach or speake against his highnesse (as they call him); and let him expect to be dayly more preached against, if he employs his instrument to imprison men for only reading the word of God; for the Fist-monarchy-men are resolved to read God's word, and to declare, that the Lord Christ was and is theyr king and governer. The officers, that were imployed, are since very sorry for what they had done, and desired theyr prayers; and he doth verily believe, that many of them wil loose all, rather than be instrumentall in the saints imprisonment; for God daley adds to the church such as shal be saved; that they are 8 of them in owne roome to the damage of theyre health; that he doth not desire the congregation to rise up in armes, to deliver these poor soules, nor to send them money; but pray for them, that God would make up the number of his elect; that divers poor people ware in severall other prisons; and that theyr wife and children knew not what was become of them; and some that came casually to that meeting in Coleman-street, at which words I left him, (before he concluded his discourse) conceiving the wisdom of prevention to be easyer than that of remedy; but that which was most observable was, the vehemence of expression, and the emphasis he set upon divers words and phrases. S. att the present this is as much as now comes to my memory; and I am very confident, that Mr. Feake hath receiv'd no injustice by the relation of,

April the 7th, 1658.

Your humble servant.


Amsterdam, the 18th Aprill, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lviii. p. 307.

Honoured Sir,
I did receive yours without cover; and you need not doubt of any letters coming to my hand, if my name stand on it, except some should take it up, which I seldom have found. For the fleet, I have sent one to the Texell, to see in what posture they were; but these northern winds have kept them from going over the Flats; so that at present there are no more than the commander De Ruyter in the Great Genoese, captain Brocks in the Little Genose, and Jeam. Tedious in ship Amsks, and the commander De Weild in the Leopard, and captain Van Howen in the House of Sweeten. They have about 20 more, that be in the river, but cannot get out, till there be a fresh westerly wind. For what you have about the soldiers going to Flanders, I do believe nothing of it; for I have spoken with a good friend, that came lately out of the fleet, and then your soldiers were most on board ships riding at anchor in the fleet. This being all, I being ready to go a little out of town.

General Monck to secretary Thurloe.

In the possession of the right hon. Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.

Honourable Sir,
In pursuance of the instructions given by his highness to his councill heere, they have laboured to give and send upp an accompt concerning the state of the revenue of his highnes in this country, and how the same may be legally improved; which haveing now humbly offered to his highnes and councill, they have thought fitt to give you perticular intimation thereof; and to acquaint you, that least some things conteyned in those papers should seeme obscure, or bee scrupled above, they have appointed this bearer, Mr. William Purvis, clerke of his highnes exchequer heere, to carry upp those dispatches, and to attend those that shall have them under consideration there, to resolve any doubt, and cleere any thing that may seeme obscure in those papers, which hee is very well able to doe, haveing made it his busines to understand, and being thoroughly knoweing in the affaires of his highnes revenue heere. And they doubt not, but as hee hath already don good service in those affaires, soe hee is able and very willing to doe more, which hath induced the said councill to recomend him to your notice and countenance for his dispatch.

Edinburgh, the 8th of Aprill, 1658.

Signed in the name and by order
of the councill,
George Monck.

Mr. Samuel Disbrowe, one of the council of Scotland, to secretary Thurloe.

In the possession of the right hon. Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.

Right Honourable,
In my last, I gave an accompt of an intention of the councill here, to offer some proposalls to the consideration of his highness and councill, for the just improvement of the revenue belonging to the crowne of Scotland, a copye of which I have (inclosed) presented you with. What is therein contained, I am assured is agreeable to the laws of this nation; and although, I beleve it would hav bin don mor speedily and effectually, had it bin by a comission to the judges of the exchequer, according as it was in all times preceeding 44; yet, considering that this way of tryall will be before the judge ordinary in all civill causes, and so without all exception, I do the rather chuse it: though it be the furthest way about, yet possibly it may prove the nearest way to attayne one end, viz. a legall repossessing of the crowne of its antient patrimony.

The bearer hereof, Mr. William Purveys, is able to answere any doughts may arise herein; as allso to give you any information relating to the said revenew, being much verst therein, and hath done us much service in many respects, which hath brought much odium upon him from his countryemen. If you shall please to spend an hour with him to discourse of any relating to this nation, eyther former or later, concerning persons or thinges, I beleve it will not be time lost. I shall not inlardge, but to subscribe myselfe,

Edinburgh, the 8th Aprill, (58).

Your most ingaged faythfull humble servant,
Sa. Disbrowe.

Secretary Thurloe to Lockhart, embassador in France.

In the possession of Joseph Radcliffe, of the Inner Temple, esq.

I have received yours of the 10th instant, [N. S.] and hoped to have sent an answer to it by Mr. Swyst, whom I intended to have dispatched before now; but the writing over the ratification proves a longer work than it seemed to be. However, I hope he may begin his journey upon monday, and by him I will trouble your excellency with my thoughts upon some parts of your letters, which are of consequence.

I shall observe your directions about sending the hay; it is shipping now, and will be soone at Mardyke, if the wind will give leave; but unless somebody be there, to whom it may be delivered, and who may have authority from the cardinal to give discharge, it will be a confused business and dilatory, which might easily be prevented. The ships are contracted with to attend 8 days for their unlading; and if they stay above that time, they are to have 3 l. a day each ship for demurage, which will be very chargeable. Effectual orders are also given for the recruits, and they will be there in time. Your excellency gives me some hopes in yours, that we shall have the honour and happiness to see you here very shortly; and therefore, I shall defer further discourse about many particulars to that time; and in the mean time I rest,

Whitehall, 8/18. April, 1658.

Yours, &c.

I am sorry to find by yours of the 4/14. received this day, that Hesdin is lost. Major general Morgan writt to me, 3 or 4 days since, that Mr. Fallon assured him, that business was compounded, and that it was delivered to the French.

An intercepted letter of Sir Robert Honeywood to Sir W. Vane.

Hague, 19th April, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lviii. p. 313.

Since my last of this day 8 days there is not any thing of importance, save that, as it is reported by some, that Hesdin is not yet Spanish; so others produce authority to the contrary. Monsieur Somersdyke hath letters, that the Spaniards offered 100000 crowns; and the cardinal was agreed with the lieutenant du roy for 500000 livres; and thereupon the Spaniards in the counterscarp and suburbs were sent away. Letters 2 days old from Brussels say the positive contrary. The last from France tell us, that the cardinal and Lockhart were agreed for this campaign; and that England was to furnish 10000 foot. Whether Ormond hath been in England or no, I cannot rightly inform myself. There are circumstances may persuade me to believe it, tho' his party deny it sincerely. The jealousy raised on Falconberg is of a strange nature, if true. The princess royal, and the French embassador, have a great demesleé, for the having admitted the Spanish to a visit in the interim, that he had asked audience, and was appointed at 6 at night; the Spanish coming without asking, and because the French would have her make an excuse, she faith, she hath done no fault; and so he came not at this time, and forbears to see her. There is a report, that the ships of this place are to transport 4000 Spaniards round about Scotland, either to Goereé or Flushing, to be sent thence in smaller boats for Sluce, and so into the Spanish territory, which I am told the resident of the protector hath complained of this day.

A letter of intelligence from the Hague.

Vol. lviii. p. 309.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content -see page image]

Il pourra bien, que la prochaine fois je seray absent. A la princesse royale revenue de Breda l' ambassadeur de France fit aussy-tost demander l'heure pour la voir, laquelle elle luy donna ou assigna pour les six heures du foir. L'ambassadeur de Spagne, (sans doute ayant sceu cela) pour le prevenir, alla incontinent apres diner, sans demander audience, et sans ceremonie, voir la dite princesse royale: celui de France oyant cela, n'a pas voulu venir la voir, fasché, que la princesse l'a admis devant luy; et desire, que pour satisfaction elle declare, qu' elle tient cette visite de l'Espagnol pour nulle ou pour une nonvisite. La princesse royale recuse cela; et dit, qu'à elle il faut satisfaction, d' autant que l' ambassadeur de France n'a pas gardé l'heure, et l'a ludifié. L' ambassadeur de Spagne a fait le meme chose auparavant chez la princesse douariere, qui pour son indisposition avoit fait excuse d'une visite, que l' ambassadeur de France demandoit; & neantmoins l'ambassadeur de Spagne en meme temps la vint voir sans demander. Le ambassadeur en effect a des certains façons et maximes asses particulieres; car il flatte ou craint merveilleusement les estats d'Hollande; et par ce moyen il affoiblit soymeme ou estats generaux, et ce qui en depend, et se fait mespriser la; ou au contraire le resident de Cromwell se comporte avec une grande equanimité, sans flatter et sans offenser les estats d'Hollande, mais en leur disant avec une genereuse candeur et sincere affection la verité, et comme il convient entre amis; et par ce moyen je sçay de bonne part, que ledit resident de Cromwell est estimé et veneré, et que Cromwell est dans Hollande plus redoute que jamais. Mais de France aussy bien que de son ambassadeur ils se mocquent, et les mesprisent, et à mesure qu'il veut faire ces puntualities contre ceux de Espagne, on le hait. Aussy l'est ridicule, qu'il veut estre si punctuel et çeremonieux environs les dames, veu qu'il va voir presque tous les jours les filles d'un mercier, qui luy chantent et jouvent des instrumens; aussy il ne se tient pas si magnisique en train et livrée, comme celuy de Espagne. Quant à nav. deguer. de les estats gen. pour encore ce n'est pas grande chose, et tout ce qui pourra estre prest, fera pour la mer Mediterranée, et ces endroits purement desensif. Zeland vint de consentir au subside 600000 l. au lieu du million; et avec cette clause, que la flotte ne servira pas contre le Portugall, ny ne sera sur le Doggerssant, comme l'année passé, quand 12 navires furent mis sur le Doggerssant comme pour a voir l'œil fur le Sont. Le dessein de 141 n'est que pour obliger Dantzik à embrasser la neutralité: et elle voudroit l' avoir fait il y a long temps: et au reste les estats d' Hollande ont un tres grand ombrage, que Cromw. Swed. Den. feront une ligue de commerce à l'exclusion de Holland, quoy qu'ils sçavent bien, que Cromwell leur aye promis, qu'il ne stipulera nul avantage de commerce pour soy; mais ils croyent, que tout le monde est comme eux, se mocquants de leur parole. Je suis,

Decem. 19. Avril, 1658. [N. S.]

Vostre tres humble serviteur.

To the lord embassador Nieuport.

Westminster, 19th April, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lviii. p. 311.

On saturday last Sir William Compton, brother of the earl of Northampton, was sent to the Tower. It is said, that several persons, which were engaged in the last design, and thereupon apprehended and examined, to save and free themselves have accused and discovered several others; and that thereupon several great persons of quality are yet to be apprehended.

They write from Mardike, that upon the 10th instant, in the night, monsieur Schomberg, governor of Bourbourgh, with 100 foot soldiers, and strengthened with 50 horse and 400 foot by major-general Morgan from Mardike, fell upon two Spanish redoubts, which the Spaniard had made about Gravelin, and made themselves masters of them, which they afterwards slighted, and brought away those prisoners, that they took in them. The said letters also advise, that the Spaniards are building a fort-royal between Bergen St. Wynox and Dunkirk. The lord protector hath earnestly recommended to all the inhabitants of this nation a collection for the benefit of the exil'd protestants churches out of Poland, and of 20 protestant families driven from the border of Bohemia. Two days since Mr. Nathan Wych being ordered to go president at Suratt for the East-india company here, went from hence for the Downs, where he is to embarke himself, there lying 3 ships of the said company sail-ready, only waiting for a wind.

Secretary Thurloe to Mr. Downing, the English resident in Holland.

I pray uncypher this yourself.

In the possession of the right hon. Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great-Britain.

I see by yours of the 12/2. of April, received this post, that the Dutch are angrye about Portugall prizes; as alsoe, what answere they give to your demaunds of justice upon Van-diest and Thysen; and that they doe in every thinge carrye themselves, as if they sought an occasion of quarrell. As for the prizes, I am sure we have done nothinge yet in that bussines, either against the treaty, or the lawes of nations. The ships were arrested by our owne people, and the question was, wheither the justice of their dema nd should be tryed in the admiraltye court here, or in that of Holland; and our lawyers say, unquestionably here, and offer to defend it; and this is the bottom of this controversy, and there is noe more in it. Their helpinge the Spanyard, as they doe upon all occasions, is of greater consequence by farre; and the answeres they give are worse than the things, which shewes, that they will neither doe right in what is past, nor give hope of redresse for the future. And truly, I hope that their great fleets shall not either make us satisfied with what they doe injuriously towards us, nor extort from us what is unreasonable. They shall, by the next, have the positive answere of his highnesse to the Portugall prizes, which will be just and friendly; and then let them take what measures they please.

Major-general Jephson hath orders in his returne to goe to Berlyn, upon the points you mention; and this day instructions goes by an expresse to Mr. Meadowes to repaire to Bromeburgh; and I desire you to informe yourselfe, how that treaty proceedes, which you will have opportunity to doe from the Polish agent at the Hague, who, I perceive, hath visited you; and it's good to meinteyne a faire correspondence with hym. Mr. Meadowes hath a letter credentiall to the kinge, and orders to offer his highnesse mediation to him betweene him and Sweden. And some doubt hath beene made here, wheither the kinge of Poland may not put some affront upon Meadowes, there haveinge past severall letters betweene him and Charles Stewart, by the name of kinge of Great-Brittaine. It would be well to feele the resident about it; as alsoe, wheither it be likelye, that the mediation will be accepted. There is a very good correspondence betweene France and Poland, and the French ambassador may be of use to you therein; and, as you can understand any thinge certayne, I desire you to comunicate it, not only to me, but to Mr. Meadowes, who, I suppose, is now or will shortly be at Hamborough.

The enclosed letter came by chance to my hand. It was intended for Hide at Brussells. It's probable he, that writes it, may be heard of at the Hague; and that you may finde meanes to understand more of it, and what isle it is he makes mention of. And you may alsoe possiblye learne many other thinges from hym, he beinge one, it seemes, that they correspond with, and his sonne one of their agents here.

I desire you againe to trye the layinge a good correspondence in Flanders. I would give some 1000 l. soe that it were neare and intimate.

I pray informe yourselfe what strength de Ruyter's ships are of, wheither they are bound, and when the rest of their fleet will be ready, and what their number and strength will certeinely be. They say 48 sayle will be all, and that they will be divided into 3 squadrons, one for the Mediterranean, one for the coast of Portugall, and another for the channell. I wonder that none should be designed for the Baltique sea. It is good to cherish a good understandinge with Zealand; and for theire sakes all shall be done, which is possible in your bussines of the prizes.

I pray be a little curious, to knowe what the fleet bound for Spayne carries, both the merchant-men and their convoy.

I know not what to say to you about Neiuport's present. You must doe therein, as you finde it necessary upon the place. It is best to give it him, if he will receive it.

I heare nothinge yet of the lord Opdam's trumpeter, nor of the letter you gave hym to bringe to me.

I doe beleeve our enemyes in Flanders did designe upon Yarmouth; but I thinke they are under some discouragement for the present, and by agreement together have put of their attempt untill September, and soe they have their insurrection here; but however their partye here, those of them that are considerable, shall be all secured, and it is now under consideration what shall be done with that whole partye; for we must not alwayes be at this pass with them. It hath pleased God to give us great light into their affaires and designes, both as to persons and thinges. One doctor Hewett, a great man for them, and one that influenced very much the royall party in the citty by his preachinge at St. Gregorye's, was yesterday sent to the Tower, and the evidence against him is most cleare.

I doe not yet heare of your ladye's goeinge. When shee desires, shee shall not want a ship, nor ought else, that I can furnish her with for her accomodation. I rest

Whitehall, 9th Aprill, 1658.

Your most affectionate friend,
and faithfull servant,
Jo. Thurloe.

Secretary Thurloe to major-general Jephson.

Vol. lviii. p. 315.

I shall be very shortt by this, because I intend to send an expresse to Hamborough, by the convoy of the cloth-ships, which only stayes for a wynde, and by him I shall be more large and particuler; only I shall add this to what I sayd about your goinge to the elector of Brandenburgh, that it is of absolute necessity you goe with what speed it is possible, and in particular to deale with him about the election of the emperor, giving him those reasons, which are very obvious, how dangerous it will be for the protestant interest, for him to give his voice for the kinge of Hungary, and to endeavour to bringe him of from any resolutions of that kinde.

The enemie, by our fleet's lyinge upon the coast of Flanders, is much discouraged in their intended invasion, and by consequence their friends here, in their insurrections, and are now changinge their counsells, as to another tyme. I hope wee shall be able to doe somthinge in the meane time, which may be segnificant towards the preventinge thereof. Wee have noe newes at all. I rest

Whitehall, 9. Apr. 1658.

Your most humble and faithfull servant.

I have received yours of the 30th of March.

Instructions to Philip Meadows, our envoy extraordinary to his majesty of Sweden.

Vol. lviii. p. 385.

We having had experience of your fidelity and sufficiency, as in other affairs, so in the late mediation between Sweden and Denmark; being willing further to manifest the trust which we repose in you, and having recalled you from your late employment so happily concluded, and directed you to come to Hamburgh, where you might attend further pleasure, and the necessary dispatches, have resolved to send you to the king of Sweden, and from thence to the intended treaty at Braunsberg.

1. You are therefore, upon the receipt of these, with your best opportunity, to repair to the king of Sweden, to reside with him in the quality of envoy extraordinary, majorgeneral Jephson being remanded.

2. And being arrived with him, you are to deliver your credentials, and perform the usual offers of civility and nearest correspondence from us, upon the same foundations, and in the same foot-steps, which have been gone upon hitherto; and so from thenceforth to act in your trust, according to the orders, which you shall from time to time receive from hence, and conformably to the emergencies in those parts.

3. And forasmuch as we understand, that there is a treaty of peace between Sweden and Poland, to be held at Braunsberg in Prussia, and moreover, that the French and states general are received, or probably to be so, for mediators therein; you are therefore timely to inform yourself concerning it.

4. And in case that treaty hold, you are then to deliver the other letter to the king of Sweden, which concerns that peace, and not otherwise; and to communicate with him in confidence thereupon, letting him know, that as well his affairs, as those which relate to the common interest of the protestants, moved us thereunto; and that your instructions are to square yourself in this negotiation, according to his advice.

5. Besides these considerations, which we lay much to heart, the interest of commerce and navigation, in reference to this state, would in no case suffer us to let pass so notable a meeting without some of our public ministers there; and we can never interpose therein with greater dignity than in the way of mediation.

6. And to the said purpose you are to let the king of Sweden know also that we will in this mediation manifest ourself a firm, and true, and faithful ally to him. And as to his retaining of Prussia, you are very well to understand the mind of the king of Sweden; and in case you find him fixed thereupon, you shall then endeavour in the treaty, (yet with that circumspection and prudence, that becomes a mediator) that Prussia may be quitted to him by the king of Poland; and to that purpose to endeavour, with all befitting warmness, to incline the ministers of the states general thereunto, who are most likely to oppose it upon the interest of trade, to satisfy them, you may procure such assurance from the king of Sweden in that of trade, in reference to him and that state, as may remove that difficulty.

7. Having obtained the king of Sweden's answer and acceptance of this mediation, you are thence to repair to the king of Poland, proffering the same office to him.

8. But in case you understand, before you come to him, that they will punctiliate with you, denying those respects, which have been formerly rendered to this nation in their ministers, or that you find it so upon the place, you are then to forbear, unless they yield and accommodate themselves.

9. And in case the said mediation be accepted by both the said kings, you are then to repair to Braunsburgh, or any other place, where that treaty shall be; and use your endeayours to accommodate and bring to effect the treaty upon the grounds laid down in these instructions.

10. But in case the king of Poland should not accept our mediation, you are then to advise upon the place, how to behave yourself, whether to be upon the place or not; however, you are to give all the countenance you can to the affairs of Sweden, and to the cementing him with the Protestant interest; and to take care, that nothing be negotiated between the said two kings to the prejudice and disadvantage of this state, either in honour, trade or commerce, but that on the contrary they be provided for.

11. To the marquis of Brandenburgh you are next to address yourself, either in person, or by his ministers, as your business, time, or the place will bear it; and to offer to him all good offices for his interest in this treaty; and you shall use your best endeavours above all things, to reunite the king of Sweden and the elector of Brandenburgh.

12. To the prince of Transylvania, whose ministers will doubtless be there, you are to send our letter, and correspond with his ministers, and with whomsoever else, for his establishment and security.

13. If there be any from the duke of Muscovia, you are to take your measures from the king of Sweden.

14. With the French ministers, and those of the states general, to hold up all good intelligence and correspondence.

15. With those of Dantzick, to move according to the greater interest.

16. And as to the matter of commerce, you are not to be wanting there, to inform yourself therein; and to provide for the same, and the interest of the state therein, as far as you shall have opportunity.

17. One thing you are both with the king of Sweden, if it were needful, and with the king of Poland, to insist especially upon, that is, upon the exclusion of the house of Austria wholly out of this treaty; and joining yourself with those, which are of the same sense in that particular, to make your party as strong as may be, using therein such mediums as are most proper, and least observable, unless you find a public owning thereof to be necessary and most effectual.

18. Concerning all the proceedings of your negotiation herein, and all other occurrences of state incident into your observation, you are to give, from time to time, the most exact account to ourself, or our principal secretary of state, from whom you shall receive our further pleasure.

9th April, 1658.