State Papers, 1658: November (2 of 5)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1658: November (2 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1658: November (2 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1658: November (2 of 5)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

November (2 of 5)

Resolution touching assisting Denmark.

21st November, 1658. [N. S.]


After deliberation, it hath been resolved to require the council of state, that conferring with the ministers of the king of Denmark, they would think how the relief already sent and to be sent may be employed either by sieges or otherwise, to deliver the king and kingdom of Denmark from this oppression, and what instruments and other things will be necessary for the execution thereof, that so the want thereof put not back the designs; taking also the advice of some chief officers here at present. [The deputies of Zeland have not thereto consented, not having any such order.]

Mr. Downing, resident in Holland, to secretary Thurloe.

Hague 22/12. Nov. 1658.


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Right Honorable,
Upon sunday last, Croke the lord Neiuport's secretary arrived here from London, having very narrowly escaped drowning by reason of a most terrible storm, which they met withall at sea. An English catch, whereof one Yates was master, which used to go between London and Rotterdam, which came out in company with him, was cast away neer the coast of Zeeland, and in it was drowned Mr. de Plat, Somersdike's eldest son, and the lady Herbert's eldest son, and all the rest of the company, except one man and a boy, who came on shore on pieces of the wreck, and one of Mr. de Plat's horses, which swome on shore. Croke speak high of the 426 197 287 325 54 61 408 468 267 divisions in the army, 339 468 214, and thereupon extremely vilfies your counsells and affairs; 254 155 106 251 83 144 207; he says that collonel Huson is very discontented, 467 254 365 390 and blows the 160 141 412 346 157 45 441 267 142, 254 108 466 109 151 279 207 22 365 coals. 468 254 199 287.

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The lord Nieuport them a further account of his highness fleet being to go to the Sound, 477 314 477 468 459 153 105 33, which makes a very great noise here. I tell them, 132 73 466 84 468 101, that if it do go, 270 314, which yet is uncertain, that yet it doth not go to make the king of Sweden master 376 468 536 371 140 148 286 408 552 244 477 of Denmark, but to save him from ruine, 339, and to ballance 355 108 251 affairs there, in order to a peace; and that his highness hath reason to look about him, whenas the states gen. are putting 149 339 37 all that part of the world into arms, 34 339 477 213 102 287 207 19 441 107 56 339 and bringing the house of Austria down to the sea side. 336 44; the consequences thereof may be such, as that those, who have the hand in bringing it about, may repent when too late; and also considering, that the st. general have given orders to Opdam 140 477 to seek out the king of Sweden's fleet; 468 536 49 358 289, if occasion were, and attack them, 133, which is an absolute offensive invading the king of Sweden, 339 155 16 267 108 57 468 536, and quite another thing from their sending their succour, 58 468 70 134 142 156 29 254 155 131 which they were engaged to give to the king of Denmark; 308 311 37 477 313 477 468 537; but I am 202 clearly of opinion, that you had need before-hand, as much as may, be sure of what conditions you expect from the king of Sweden; 412 143 510 294 426 30 150 305 536; for when k. of Sw. shall be high again, and the work done, 468 161 416 78 272, possibly his mind 70 108 33 may change also, 58 199 459, espe cially in point of traffic; 437 49 302 130 156 44; and I think it is not but need to tie him sure, 326, as to the h. of Aust. De Ruther's fleet is near ready again to go to sea; but that and the sending of the 4000 men, and the lending of moneys, as I gave you an account in my last, all stand still at present for want of knowledge of what is past in the Sound, which as soon as it shall come, all things are in a readiness to be put inexecution accordingly. In the mean time all men are in great pain, thinking it very strange, that in all this time there is nothing come either to the state or to the ministers of Sweden or Denmark, which can be built upon, though I doubt not but by the letter by the last past, which came from Amsterdam, you were filled with news of the defeat of the Swedes fleet, which also we had here about 3 or 4 hours after the post was gone; but there is no confirmation thereof since: but that to which most credit is now given, is a letter, which Mr. Rosenving, the king of Denmark's deputy here, saith he hath receiv'd from a friend at Hamburg, who writes him word, that he had received a letter from a secretary at Copenhagen, wherein he gives him an account, that they had then news there, that the Swedes and Holland's fleet had fought, and that the vice-admiral of the Hollanders was sunk, and 3 Swedes ships taken, 3 burnt, and 3 sunk; and that they did not doubt, but that Opdam would prosecute the rest of the Swedes fleet, and totally destroy it. But this letter makes no mention either of the succours from hence, or any Swedish ships coming into Copenhagen, as the former news reported. And this is the news, that is here most credited; but 'tis withall said, and by people of credit, that a galliot (which the people on the shore knew to be one of Opdam's galliots) was seen to run upon the Sand of North Holland, and all the men drown'd; and this is render'd as a reason, why there is as yet no more certainty of what is past; but undoubtedly, if the fleets did fight the 8th of this month, (which most men here do believe, though as to the particulars they know not what to say) you will have an account by this post from Amsterdam.

The councill of state here hath demanded a million of livres for the quota of the states of Holland towards the defrayment of this extraordinary charge for the fleets and succours gone and going for the Sound; and a proposal hath been made thereupon in the states of Holland for the said money.

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The lord Nieuport hath written, that he was dispatching one on purpose 267 141 122 219 28 325 109 54 413 512 123 156 135 431 to the 43 477 468 50 358 289 477 155 72 44 fleet to visit de Witt; and that his intention was, that he should directly from thence come hither with that account; 467 184 254 155 107 151, and without peradventure this is that other express hinred at in yours; but he is 148 279 219 330 511 144 244 324 346 not yet arrived here. 289 215 37 324 131.

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Collonel Sidney went yesterday to Breda, with the 42 105 146 171 287 466 135 261 477 22 133 41 260 55 61 500 468 princess royal, and will thence for Bruxelles, and be heer again in 133 12 309 339 about ten days. 261 287.

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Palmer informs me, that 339 305 101 287 379 467 for certain he saw the twenty thousand arms, which are at merchant To. pson's house at Bruxels, 493 213 41 219 379 134 28 319 107 in Sir Marmaduke Langdale's custody, 141 329 219 585 339 138 67 131 371 132 371 273 355 104 53 260 358 139 259 141 477 267, who also lies at this house, and 329 207 takes very great care of them, whereof four thousand are horse arms; and he sayth, that 213 42 328 133 140 213 89 287 207 324 450 145 they are extreme good. 213 40 294 146 103 40 101 317 69 I have given him order to have an ey to their stirring. There 42 171 44 477 468 70 133 142 475 131 441 108 57 468 135 is one Sir Theophilus Kilby, 468 111 120 325 370 144 351 82, who was Langdale's major-general in England, 358 139 371 68 416 311 390 437 82 and who has since served the duke of Florence, 141 286 153 279 468 273 408 49 365 133 42 105 251 who is now at the Bril, to go for England 83 477 314 305 547 306 355 from Langdale: he is an ancient man with short grey 43 105 146 372 500 141 328 133 147 56 437 171 hair, a red face, and long nose, middle stature, and 366 395, 142 44 381 36 358 142 463 149 156 137 45 207 thick. Mistress Stevens came the last post from 287 144 466 153 44 105 138 246 468 356 121 217 143 12 311 306 54 437 Gravesend to Flushing, and is gone to Bruxels; she is also gon over 346 316 477 585 477 572 358 42 346 199 for England. 115 154 286 305 547.

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Sidney 336 390 168 assures me again, that Giles Rawlins is lately gone for 362 106 140 346 England, employed 316 305 547 42 100 120 365 171 279 particularly by the d. of York, as mistrusting d. York his intelligences; 87 362 311 106 25 287; and there hath been debased to send the duke of York before; but Ch. Stew. apprehends 43 244 572 210 121 133 42 63 282 danger in that case, lest he should set up 358 142 149 324 143 328 84 35 138 44 149 522 for himself. 138 43 84 57. I cannot send you a copy of that letter of mine you miss; for it is not possible for me to keep copies of my letters to you, only some notes of the principal things contained in them; but in that was inclosed a paper of newes from 139 Ch. Stew. of which I have no copy, but I hope that letter is since come to your hands.

I pray your thoughts for this last quarter for the ministers heer; and that it may be payd to me, by me to be payd to them, untill that the businesse be settled; unlesse you shall be pleased, that the order speedily be sent to the trustees for tythes, ther will, I doubt, be no mony to be had, and without it I shall have been a meanes of the fall of the English church at the Hague, which would be to me a great trouble and scandall to his hyghnesse, upon whose account I did what I did.

There is now news come by a galliot from admiral Opdam, which brings a letter from him, dated the 2d instant, N. S. wherein he writes to the states, that he was then got as far as the Lap behind Croninburg, and intended forward as soon as the windes would give leave; and this is all the newes that letter brings, but I suppose you will have more by this post from Amsterdam. The inclosed will give you an account of the arrival here of Mr. Luban, embassador of the elector of Brandenburg. I have inclosed heerin to you a copy of the states generals letter to Opdam, as also another copy of the points of deliberation in this assembly of the states of Holland, and of the states generals resolution, to assist the elector of Brandenburg, lest myne by the last post should be miscarryed, which yet I should be very sorry for; and am,

Right Honourable
Your most faithfull humble servant,
G. Downing.

A letter of intelligence.

Hague, 22d Nov. 1658. [N. S.]


This morning here is arrived a galliot from our fleet, with letters of the 2d instant, from our admiral lying then near Cronenburg waiting for a wind to go forward. It is believed, that on the 8th instant there was a sight to the advantage of this state against the Swede. Mr. Dorp or Maesdam, embassador hence to the king of Sweden, is returned hither, but hath not yet made his report. Here is arrived an embassador extraordinary from the elector of Brandenburg, who had audience of the old princess of Orange in behalf of the prince of Anhalt, general to the said elector, to demand for the said general her daughter the lady Henriette d'Orange in marriage; and another embassador from the said prince of Anhalt shall have audience to-morrow of the said princess. The 40 companies of foot, that are to make up the 4000 for the relief of the king of Denmark, are to be the 25th instant at Amsterdam, where colonel Killigrew hath order to receive them; but they are to be commanded either by prince William of Frise or Monsieur de Beverwaert.

Nieuport, the Dutch embassador in England, to the states general.

London, 12/22. November, 1658.


Last monday I received four letters from your high mightinesses, whereby I am charged to the memorials, that I presented his highness touching the last invasion of Denmark by the Swedes, which I send herewith, hoping that I have thereby satisfied the resolutions of their high mightinesses, taken June the first, and September 20th. The 2d letter was touching the consul Van Straten, and captain Ebbersbon at Leghorne. The 3d letter was their high mightinesses placard against strangers bringing in their prizes into the United Provinces, &c. The 4th was, that I should continue here. Having translated the said papers, I presently addressed myself to get the restitution of the sugar prizes here detained against all law; and having written to the sieurs Fiennes, and Wolsely, and Strickland, his highness's commissioners, to confer thereon, I endeavoured also to speak with Mr. Thurloe, with whom at length I had discourse about the affairs of the north and the marine treaty, as also of the 3 ships taken in the road of Bantam. He answered me, that he had declared it to the council; and touching the 3 ships, he asked me, if I had not received papers: I told him I had received some from the state advocate Walker; but not being signed, I had not sent them to your high mightinesses. Then I asked, if the council had taken no resolution upon my memorials. He answered, he knew not, but that he would inform himself. I told him, that if the English had suffered in the Indies, the Dutch had suffered as much at the Barbadoes by admiral Penn; and that I had other things to complain of; and that it was to be feared, that the traders would there continue on both sides; and therefore, it would be necessary at length, to know the sense of the 24th article of the treaty of peace: to which he answered, that he would speak thereof to the commissioners.

I am told to-day, that vice-admiral Goodsonn is gone hence to the Downs; and that he will be ready with 21 ships in two or three days, to sail towards the south.

[There was also another letter of the same date from embassador Nieuport, but had nothing but concerning the Portugal embassador's audience, and other English affairs not worth translating.]

The protector Richard to Henry Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland, and the council of that kingdom.

Vol. lxii. p. 202.

Right trusty and right well-beloved brother and counsellor, and right trusty and well beloved counsellors, we greet you well. Calling to mind the great worth and merit of our trusty and well-beloved William lord Goffe, major-general of the foot in our army, and his many eminent, constant, and faithful services, and with what singular valour and prudence he hath done and performed the same to these nations in time of the late wars and otherwise; and also being made acquainted with the gracious intentions of our most dear and intirely beloved father, his late highness of blessed memory, towards the said William lord Goffe; and to compensate his desert; we are well pleased out of these considerations, and as a mark of our especial grace and favour to the said William lord Goffe, to grant unto him a lease of such of the lands of the late archbishops, bishops, deanes, and deanes and chapters in our realm of Ireland, as will amount to the clear yearly value of 500 pounds, for the term of 500 years. And to this end our will and pleasure is, that (with the advice of our counsel learned in the law in that our said realm) you forthwith cause an effectual grant for us and our successors, of such of the said lands as shall be, de claro, of the said yearly value, to be made and passed unto him the said William lord Goffe, under our great seal of Ireland, to have and to hold unto him, his executors, and assigns, from the day of the making of our letters patents thereof, for the term of five hundred years, under the yearly rent of six shillings eight pence, without impeachment of waste, together with all such royalties, liberties, franchises, and privileges, as the former proprietors, bishops or others, enjoyed, had or used, with or within the same; and that such full and comprehensive words, clauses of non obstante, and other clauses for the best benefit and advantage of the said William lord Goffe be there inserted, as in grants of like nature ought to be. For which these our letters shall be your sufficient warrant and discharge in this behalf. Given under our signet at our palace of Westminster, this 15th of Nov. 1658.

The superscription. +
To our right trusty and right well-beloved brother and counsellor, Henry lord Cromwell, our lieutenant-general and governor-general of our realm of Ireland, and to the rest of our council there.

Mr. Downing, resident in Holland, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxiii. p. 220.

Right Honourable,
I Received yours by the last post, and you will find by mine, which was not then arrived, that I had prevailed with the Portugal embassador for recanting the proffer, which he had made of obliging his master every year to hire 20 sail of the ships of this country, which, I assure you, doth not a little trouble them here, which you will perceive a hint of in their last answer to him.

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That, which most of the provinces drive at, is a restitution of their lands in Brazil. Holland would be content with a sum of money, 500 17 144 155 101 379 408 384 393 207 and a free trade; 45 151 437 263; but finding themselves hereby 239 24 441 36 84 bridled, 468 131 239, and thereby guessing, that the like measure will be meted to 468 them in other things, and that England 207 467 547 will have more privileges 154 41 358 then them, 468 110 468 170, this makes them very angry; 54 441; and they do say, that without this 469 they will not make a peace, 16 427, as I formerly hinted; so that yet notwithstanding what is done for the prevention of the like, or worse, it will be good to remonstrate what is past to the k. of Portugal, and to desire, that hee will take care to give no instructions contrary to the peace made with the protector. 500 534. It's easy preventing what afterwards is hard to be redressed.

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The begining of this week we were full of news of a great fight, which had been between Opdam and the king of Sweden, a particular account whereof you will find in the inclosed; and I need not tell you, what a fit of rejoicing it put all men into here; but that holds not, for by letters come this day we understand, that there was no news of the Holland's fleet arrival in the Sound at that time, when the said fight was said to be; nor do we know, where they are, whereas it is yesterday a month since they sett out of the Flye. The king of Sweden hath strengthened his fleet as much as possible, consisting, with his fire-ships, of about 50 sail, and upon which he hath put very many foot with their officers, even to lieutenant-collonels and majors, and every man attends with impatience the issue; and in the mean while all things possible are doing here, in order to surther attempts upon the Swede. It is said, that sixteen flutes are sent from 108 49 370 71 Amsterdam, to transport the elector of Brandenburg's 477 150 437 106 140 431 136 151 468 forces into Zealand; 143 339 477 588; but I cannot assure you of the certainty hereof, although I have it from hands of credit; but this you will see by the inclosed, that 343 instructions are sent to Opdam to do it; 530 477 270 71 150; as also you will perceive by an inclosed letter from ambassador Isbrants, that the elector of Brandenburg do intend to 543 276 341 477 transport forces into some isles of Denmark; 305 29 287 339 477 460 346 87 287 408 552; so that thereby you may perceive, that lord Nieuport hath abused you in his memorial, 379 384 441 199, which you sent me by this last post, wherein he averrs, that the states general are not making leagues against the king of Sweden; 13 310 468 536; for you will see, that they are already engaged to the elector of Brandenburg, and his forces 287 and the em. 426 peror's 135 140 are all one. Besides, therein you will see their resolution to star 142 475 up the Muscovites; 89 524 254 155 71 466 134; and although by their treaty with the k. Denm. they were obliged to let him have six thousand men, 144 73 167 474 380; yet they were not obliged to any of the rest above-mentioned; so that this is plain 355 339 44 107 21 embroyling 362 107 57 all that part of the world, and all this, against the king of Sweden, and in conclusion more than possibly all this may issue upon the protector and the king of France. I pray keep very secret these papers. 441 142 278 135 289 468 142 122 210 286 140. The patents were yesterday given out for the other 4000 men, which are to be sent to Denmark, who are all to be ready by the 25th of this month at farthest, and are to be sent as shall be most necessary, according to the state of things, upon the issue of the fight between Obdam and the king of Sweden; but in probability a part of them, and as you will also perceive by some of the inclosed, will be sent to Gluckstau; and the states general do insist to have that place put into their hands, 477 323 467 121 355 251 434 339 477 468 as securitie to them for their charges 141 278 153 441 477 305 468 72 131 26 319 134 in assisting the king of Denmark, 346 475 108 56 537, and also Croningberg. 106 53 231 castie, 59 250 358, and thereby will give you the law in the Elve and in the 42 84 155 44 207 Sound; 468 459 155 106 33; all which are things, which do touch the lord protector very near. The states are also sending about fourscore officers into Norway, to train and command the people of that country, and thereby putting them into a capacity of making head against the king of Sweden there, and thereby also possibly get 459 431 138 144 334 362 311 some footing in Norway. 475 110 59 339 395 135 160 45 68 59 66. There are also propositions on foot for the lending great sums of money to the king of Denmark and elector of Brandenburg; for your more particular information wherein I refer you to the inclosed, wherein you have the points, upon which this assembly of the states of Holland is called, wherein are very many material things of great concernment; and therefore I did labour with the more industry to obtain them for you. It will be near tuesday or wednesday next before the said states will be here, and you will perceive, that all possible ways are set down for the getting money, whereby to be able with effect to carry on what is undertaken for the assistance of Denmark. They begin much already to complain at Amsterdam for the decay of trade. They are resolved there to hazard all upon this business; and indeed if it should succeed ill, their trade would fall very low, they sending all their East-India, and West-India, and southward commodities into the Baltick sea, and from thence carrying to the southward and westward all such things as that sea affords, which was wont to employ an incredible number of shipping. So that I need not tell you, that the news, which Nieuport hath sent this post, 141 43 106 150 469 432 408 534 of the protector intending to send a fleet into the Sound, 339 477 468 459 156 110 38 313 gives here a great alarm; 137 45 219 199 213 379; yet this is most undoubtedly to be objected to them, that they are making leagues 213 376 339 58 358 16 318 387 155 393 universal, 144 199, which certainly, as it is what they were no-ways bound 287 241 155 to 34 477 by any treaty with England, so it cannot but in the issue strike deep 157 139 148 against England and France, 310 547 207 549, both in relation to the states general their 443 rooting themselves in those parts, 144 42 85 153 287 339 473 422 144, as also by the turning of the superfluous forces against them, 30 287 14 310 468 103, and by also more than probably giving the emperor footing on 426 443 157 137 304 118 151 339 the sea-coast; 144 41 16 254 217 146; so that, I take it, theis things do wholly change this cause, 58 469 245 524 44, and now it is another kind of a business then 535 states general their meer relieving the king of Denmark, according 58 468 537 185 339 58 477 to their treaty. 479. And if the lord protector send his fleet, 51 358 289, it may be not as at all to meddle 35 358 upon that first account, 140 150 184 258, but upon the latter, and for that end to promote a peace. 466 17 427. This is clear, that the states general having once got footing, do not quit it, as king James 270 395 149 128 153 71 145 73 150 217 352 did Flushing; 287 268 52 370 144 325; and against this I know not what can be said, save that it is very late in the year; but yet 44 213 244 170 289 there are twenty flutes, which are now making ready for the transporting of the 4000 men, which are to go for the Sound; and De Ruyter arrived three days ago in the Texel with 16 sail of men of warr from Portugal, and hath order to stay there, and to be ready at command; and if occasion, it is supposed, that he also shall go for the Sound.

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If such ships of the lord protector as shal go to the Sound, 217 142 319 85 314 477 468 459 156 110 38, and shall be necessitated to action, if they shall fight 468 173 144 319 66 under the states general colours and commission, this 154 136 142 207 254 90 381 139 142 state can say nothing against it; 247 450 395 470 16 310 71 150; for that the king of Swed. is not their declared enemy. 28 355 136 279 42 390 381. But this I should wholly think necessary, that the lord protector (if he have not already) forthwith give notice of his 339 466 intentions to the king of France, and carry him along with him, 59 500 326, and that whatever instructions you send me in this, the French embassador may have 287 468 532 324 137 377 323 the same. This I take to be of very great importance upon many considerations, and that no delay be therein made; and it's best to be both upon the same foot, and at the same time; for that what might have been obtained one day, the change of affairs makes not to be had the next; and many things, wherein you touch the states general, 535, it is good to have the king of France, where it may be had, as in this business I am confident it may; and to this end I have the last night communicated to the French embassador 279 477 532 such papers herein inclosed, as concern this business, 135 109 469 242 143 339 287, together with the lord protector's intentions. 345 140. The king of Sweden hath at this time, as it's said, transported all his forces out of Holstein into Funen, except five regiments of horse, and some few foot, which are left to keep Fredericksode; so that he hath at this time twelve thousand horse in Funen, and Fredericksode is not to be attacked, unless it be first blocked up by sea, which can hardly be done by this state. Prince William's 251 503 friends do advise him 441 282 143 270 17 38 156 346 45 326 not to offer himself 477 go with this force for Denmarke. 552. All this last week it's not imaginable, with what credit it hath been received, that the army were resolved, that they would have a general; and although some were inclined to have Fleetwood, yet that the generality of them were resolved to have Lambert, as the man they could most steadily rely upon on many accounts; and that all the council, except 6, were to be turned out, of which 6, that were to remain, were the lord Fleetwood, general Desbrowe, the lord chamberlain, the lord Strickland; and that it was a measuring cast among them, whether the lord president or the lord Fiennes should stay in; but that they were resolved not to continue them both. The name of the 6 I have not heard; but for yourself, you were the first, that was to be turned out as an evil councellor. And however slight you may make of this report, I can assure you, that it was written hither by divers, 109 325 468 136 239 267 155 286 144, and in particular by Sir Robert Honiwood 444 286 149 331 393 162 117 407 477 to Sir Walter Vane; and that Sir Henry Vane, 390 207 467 140 70 133 63 44 107 441 514 107 42, and also a kinsman of his, was to come into the council, 477 255 339 477 468 254 which he would not write; but that there 395 151 158 443 466 244 467 468 133 488 460 was something in the wind, and Ch. Stuart doth very much build 155 42 441 102 155 29 64 242 therupon, 38 468 137 523, as you may perceive by what follows, given 162 287 313 107 me by collonel Sidney. 390 87 143 336 390 172.

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I can give you no account of ourselves, 408 116 155 136 144 43 85 152 287 244 467 but that we expect when they will fall out in England, and so honest 418 339 547 207 459 328 men come by their goods. I have herein 73 131 317 141 70 323 324 136 339 339 29 inclosed a measure, according to which I desire you to 339 58 477 493 67 263 144 73 137 get me a suit of the best arms. 16 142 156 71 148 408 468 235 213 379 144 140 71 56 Signed Daniel Ellis. 393 44 86 45 83 362 115 146.

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Our expectations of a disturbance in England 412 140 408 15 267 143 151 157 137 227 are great, and we are ready to answer 53 131 39 219 207 161 42 213 43 133 44 15 267 with our persons anie summons 500 116 155 134 122 286 143 412 138 206 144 157 102 thence, which is all the assistance they are 251 493 346 199 468 217 140 346 463 109 251 like to have hence. The duke of York hath a 64 42 106 251 468 573 322 15 135 43 312 regiment of horse granted him by the king of Spain, 108 149 279 326 239 468 545, and an addition of three thousand pounds per annum 155 107 35 142 426 136 205 108 518 477 to his pension, besides the employment of 336 287 468 44 101 122 365 338 43 109 150 maistre de campe general, 133 263 245 90 426 311 390 437 86, which is worth 416 148 six thousand pound a year. 431 155 109 37 16 171 44 213. This that I mention 412 of the duke of York is no publick news; so the 362 350 390 160 142 459 397 468 273 142 duke stays in the king of Spain's service. Signed Taaff. 155 73 251 139 68 55 106 279 463 49 50.

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The princess royal intends to go this next week for Breda, and the duke 273 140 341 intends to be with her there most of this winter, if they go not 502 110 151 286 71 49 468 172 for England. 150 305 547.

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Here is very much talk of the transferring what the king of Spain hath in the Lowcountries to the emperour, and thereby to elude the Imperial capitulation, and so that it shall not be for the future the emperor's assisting the king of Spain, but the king of Spain's assisting the emperour. I hope you have weekly letters out of Flanders, 408 50 355 107 263 he sometimes directing his letters to Forga, 267 133 278 475 109 58 327 361 142 477 305 308, and sometimes to Gabriel Thompson. Sidney 150 328 102 123 142 412 142 171 36 390 171 will not, I fear, be engaged under a thousand pounds 519 474 471 155 36 138 per annum. 205 109 156 103. I shall try, and give you a full account by the next. He was resolved to go to Bruxels, and the dukes intend 314 477 585 207 468 273 143 341 477 to be at Breda 23 133 45 260 most of this winter, 108 147 286, whereby he will 501 have great opportunities, 135 150 156 393 475 287, and the papers, copies 286 142 254 429 287 whereof 408 I sent you, and the bonds you have of him not to 510 323 408 326 395 150 477 return into England, are great ties upon him. 547 213 40 54 133 41 219 475 287 523 326; I shall do nothing without your positive orders. 73 475 155 44 416 263 137.

I pray you order for the ministers stipend heer, which truly is a thing, which neerly concerns you in point of reputation; and if, till the settling of it, you would please to order the payment of this last quarter ending at Michaelmas, and that it might be transmitted to me, it were well.

I pray you will do me the favour to let me have a copy of that paper or book tender'd by doctor Goodwin lately to his highness about church government; and am,
Right Honourable,
Your most faithfull humble servant.

Hague, 9br. 15/25. 58.

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Sidney informs me, 339 305 90 287 379, that for certain Giles Rawlins, 437 160 who killed Ashburnham's son, 84 35 217 62 242 136 108 319 100 141 459 110 is gone within this five days for England from Charles Stuart: 305 547 306 572; also that there is a young fat man gone about the same time, 372 316 182 468 448 476 498 who received his letters here at the Hague from 324 136 219 468 319 318 39 306 Armourer; 157 136 286; and this he saw, but knows not his name. 287 395 150 Armourer was his self in England last winter 138 43 85 51 339 547 356 502 110 upon that plot. 467 124 365 145.

Resolution touching the English East-India company.

25th November, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lxii. p. 219.

There was received in the assembly a certain memorial of the Sieur resident Downing, and at the same time exhibited many several pieces concerning the ship Postillion, and other English ships, taken at the coming out of Bantam by those of the East-India company of these Provinces. Whereupon, after deliberation, it hath been found good, that the said memorial, and the said several pieces, shall be sent to the presidial chamber of the East-India company at Amsterdam, to see and examine the same, and then to send to their high mightinesses, so soon as possible, a pertinent information of all the business, to be made use of as shall be expedient.

From Nieuport, the Dutch embassador at London.

London, 25. of November, [1658. N S.]

Vol. lxii. p. 276.

Since my last came letters from Mr. Meadowes from Elsenor, and from the king of Sweden to his ministers here, concerning the fight in the Sound. After which letters, it was debated at council table touching the Swedes demand; and yesterday I had from good hands, that it was resolved the day before, that the fleet in the Downs, consisting of 21 or 22 ships, commanded by vice-admiral Goodsonn, should go directly for the Sound; and that Sir George Askew should go in a Swedish ship within a day or two, with divers officers, and 300 mariners. The last envoy from Sweden hath taken his leave to be gone with the fleet. The messenger Hinsky goes hence to day in a bark to carry the news of this resolution to the king. Hereof I thought my duty speedily to advertise your high mightinesses.

General Monck to secretary Thurloe.


My Lord,
I Received your lordshippe's of the 9th instant, and am very glad to hear you are soe well recovered. I shall bee very careful to looke after our businesse heere in Scotland, and I hope shall give his highnesse a good account of any of the actinges of the enemy heere, either in the country, or from abroad. I prayse God, wee are all quiett, and well heere. All the newes that wee have from abroad is, that the Swede have defeated the Hollander in the Sound, their admirall slain, their vice-admirall taken, and the rest of their shippes taken or sunke, which, wee are very confident, is true; which (thankes bee to God) is very considerable newes, and good for our interest, as well as advantagious to the Swedes. Which is all att present from

Your Lordshippe's humble servant,
George Monck.

Ed. 15th Novemb. 1658.

Heere is one George Olyphant, that I have apprehended. I shall intreate you to lett mee know, what you have against him. I lighted uppon two or three before; but I believe hee is the person you intend, having taught schoole in England, and was secretary to Montrose in the hills. I shall intreate to heare from you what you have against him; otherwise the man being very poore, I shall sett him at liberty againe.

Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

May it please your Excellency,
There have noe letters come from Ireland the 2 weekes past, which puts us upon some difficultye as to the answere, which your excellency expects concerninge your comeinge over, which truly, my lord, is by all your freinds and servants here since my last, thought a matter of soe great moment, and hath soe great a reference to the publique, as well as to the concernements of your whole family, that it is hard for us to determine, what advise to give you; and what the grounds and reasons of our thoughts are, it is not possible to give you by writeinge, things of that nature beinge rather fitt to be discoursed of, then put in paper; and therefore his highnes is resolved to send over to your excellency a person, who may, by word of mouth, acquaint you with the true state of things here, and debate it with your excellency, wheither your beinge here or there be of most use, advantage, yea let me add, safety, to the present affaires; and may be able to tell your excellency all those considerations, which doe occurr here, both the one way and the other; and havinge done this, the determination will be wholly lest to yourselfe. This I will say now, that I am sure your beinge in the head of soe good an army hath tended very much to our preservation, and render'd designes against the present government the more difficult in the execution. But I will not trouble your excellency further upon this subject, reserveinge myselfe to the expresse, who will acquaint your excellency, how all things stand here, and how much things are changed, since I writt my last. As for the motions in the army, their meetings are not yet ended; and certeinely great dissatisfactions doe remeyne in the mindes of severall of the officers, and it's an impossible thinge to tell, what will be the issue of this buissines. Sometymes the fire seemes to be out; then it kindles againe. Now there are endeavours to procure a remonstrance to his highnes, to assure hym of their honest intentions in all this buissines; but I finde others of the army against this way, and judge, that his highnes needs noe satisfaction in that perticuler, and can distinguish betweene the worke and the end of the worke. What this will end in, I knowe not. In the meane tyme it goes for currant, that some of the ill counsellors must be removed, before any thinge can well goe on; and there is a servant of your excellency's, who is resolved, if he be cast out here, to flye for Ireland, where he hopes he shall finde your excellency to give him protection, there beinge noe place in the world else he can be safe in. The funerall of his late highnes is to be this day senight. When that is over, wee shall begin buissines, if troubles do not begin before; I trust they will not, and then revive the debate of a parlament, and some other things of moment enough to the peace and welfare of these nations. For my parte, I have beene for many weekes a great straunger to all affaires through sicknes; and my heart is ready to breake, when I remember the stroake wee had in the death of your deare father; but I am now about the house, and will doe what I can towards my duty, without much consideringe the daunger, where I finde my way cleare.

The enclosed is an account of a fight betweene the Dutch and kinge of Sweden at sea. I have sent your excellency the very originall letter from Sr. Ph. Meadowes, for want of tyme to transcribe a coppy, humblye beseechinge your excellency to returne it to me by the next. His highnes hath ordered 20 ships to sayle into the Sound, to mediate a peace betwixt those 2 kings, and to secure our owne interest in those parts. I am already weary, although this be all the letters I have writt this night; and therefore will cease alsoe to weary your excellency, beseeching you to continue me in your good oppinion; beinge in all truth

Your Excellency's most obedient, faithfull and humble servant,
J. Thurloe.

Whitehall, 16. Nov. 1658.