State Papers, 1658: October (4 of 4)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1658: October (4 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1658: October (4 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1658: October (4 of 4)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

October (4 of 4)

General Monck to secretary Thurloe.


My Lord,
I am very glad to heare, that you are uppon the way of recovery. I should have oftner troubled you with my letters, had you bin in a condition for businesse; but my brother Clarges tells me, that you expect an answer of some businesse you wrote to me about. I have written answers to all your letters, and still do punctuallie, as they come to mee; but if there be any thing of concernment, that you have written to me about, and have nott an answer, the letter is miscarried; but if you please to lett me know what it is, I shall give you an answer. For newes we have none; all things are quiett and well. Soe desireing the Almighty God to send you health, I take leave, and remayne

Your Lordshippe's
Most humble servant,
George Monck.

Dalkeith, 26. October, 1658.

Lord Fauconberg to H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

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My Lord,
Things are still at a stand, have 35 13 34 39 21 25 5 39 3 36 39 3 27 8 14 5 38 13 a shew of quiet; 45 28 10 30 38 21 13 39; but in truth any 7 41 35 40 39 14 5 27 49 thing rather. 27 15 35 5 39 14 13 37.

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The councel doe just nothing, 9 11 23 6 28 11 21 38 34 41 27 26 41 16 21 29 15, think not eyther how to recon- 41 11 49 39 16 11 37 16 26 45 41 26 35 13 7 28 27 cile things, 11 41 16 19 29 15 34, or quell the height 11 25 39 16 11 14 13 19 17 16 of sticklers in time, 41 21 7 18 25 11 35 34 21 29 41 19 24 11, whome 26 22 13 28 onely our negligence makes 35 29 11 17 23 21 15 13 27 9 11 22 5 18 11 36 7 28 considerable. 6 11 35 5 4 23 13.

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If these be let alone, 34 11 2 13 25 11 41 5 23 28 27 11, wel dis- 25 6 19 36 33 posed people will at length ga- 33 23 13 45 21 23 5 41 23 13 27 17 39 16 17 5 39 ther to them, 41 28 41 14 11 22, if for nothing 26 37 27 26 41 16 19 29 15 11 23 else, 13, yet to make their owne peace; 18 11 41 14 13 21 34 28 43 29 11 31 13 3 9 11; and when once in. 11 27 26 29 7 11 21 27, not to be reco- 39 28 4 11 37 11 7 26 ver'd againe. 8 5 15 3 21 27 13.

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I am absolutely of opinion, 23 40 39 11 25 49 26 12 28 31 21 27 21 26 29, A must not venture over, 26 41 38 13 27 39 40 37 11 26 40 11 35, and so is Mr. Pierpoint. 11 37 33 26 19 29 41. God Almighty dyrect you.

Your Excellency's true servant,

Octob. 26. [1658.]

General Fleetwood to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

Deare Brother,
You are pleased by your last to expresse your desires of coming into England, and that it lay in my power to remove any obstruction, which might stande in the way therunto. I know not what that may meane. I hope you doe not think ther is any thing but the publicke occations, which detaines you; neither doe I think them to be so pressing, as to necessitate your longe absence from the neare and deare relations you desire to see; but the great designes and endeavours of our old enemy to put things into blood, and to embroyle thes nations in troubles, is a thing, which hath bine in exception against you presant coming, especially considering, when the parliament comes, how many humours will then be working, whearin Ireland will be concerned, as well as the other two nations; and that which is sayde besids is this, that it's very doubtfull, what condicion you can put Ireland in, when you are absent, to preserve its peace and security from attempts abroad or at home, this being fit to know your judgment, befor any thing be concluded heare. We are under much difficulty as to the buysness of the Sound, the Sweade being assaulted by the Dutch at sea, and the Brandenburgers, Poles, and Austrian forces. The difficulty with us is the Hollanders interposing on the Danes behalfe. How farre we shall be engaged in that affayre, wherin they mak themselves a party, maks it hard to us. But I hope the Lord will direct; for I am sure England is deeply concerned in that buysnes: so is the whole Protestant party; for if thos Popish princes get the power of the Balticke sea on on side, and the Dutch the Sound, I feare what the issue may be. It's very desirable wee and the Dutch showld keep freinds; but I would be loath they showld be befor-hande with us in getting possession of the Sound. I am

Oct. 26. [1658.]

Your most affectionate brother, and humble servant.

Mr. S. Disbrowe, one of the council of Scotland, to the protector Richard.

Vol. lxi.p.392.

May it please your Highness,
Intimation hath been lately given to your highnes councell heere by their agent at London, that some persons of this nation are petitioning your highness, that they may be appointed and added to those already commissionated to be comissaryes of Edinburgh; and therefore your highnesse councill heere hould it their dutyes, humbly to acquaint your highnes, that although before the English authority took place heere, there were sowre comissaryes of Edinburgh, they being advocats or country gentlemen, some of whome attending that service in their turnes, it became the more easie unto them; which sowre comissaryes had three of them the yearly sallary of 500 markes Scots apeece, and the eldest comissary 600 markes Scots, which (if it had been so settled before) must have been paid out of your highnes exchequer here, for those officers, besides the other profitts belonging thereunto. Your highnesse councill here, uppon their first settling of the inferior judicatures in this nation, considered therein the ease of the publique charge throughout, and (upon that consideration) sound cause to appoint only two comissaryes of Edinburgh and Haddingtonshire, and appointed one (for the ease of the people) in the shire of Linlithgow, which shire did formerly belong to the comissariat of Edinburgh, which two persons are sound by experience sufficient for that judicature, to whom noe sallaryes being continued, theire sees and profitts, though small and inconsiderable, might the better support them in the service, when noe more were to share therein; and accordingly your highnes said councell did give commission to two honest and able gentlemen, to wit, John Nisbett and Godfrey Rodes, esqrs. to be comissaryes of Edinburgh, who have for above three years past faithfully discharged their trusts therein with good satisfaction to your highnes councell and the people heere, as it is not doubted they will continue to doe. In regard whereof your highnes said councill in all humillity conceive, and offerr to your highness, that there is no need of more or other persons to join in that judicature, and that any addition therein would bee chargeable to the state, and perhaps tending to the renewing of sallaryes to the whole number, because of the smallnesse of the sees accrueing to those offices, which could not in any sort answer the burden and quallity of those officers, in case there should be any greater number of them. All which, by appointment of your highnes councell heere, is humbly represented to your highnes by

Your Highnes
Most humble and most faithfull servant,
Sa. Disbrowe.

Hallyroode-house the 28th day of October, 1658.

A letter of intelligence from the Hague.

Vol.lxi. p.389.

Samedy passée l'on a arresté & finalement resolu d'envoyer encore 40 compagnies d'infanterie vers Dennemarc, ou bien au secours de ce roy, sans toutesois avoir nommé le jour pour le rendevous.

Aussy l'Overyssel alors president n'a pas voulu conclure en cela: la Frise y a consenty, & Pa conclu, à condition qu'au lieu des envoyées l'on leur donne d'autres compagnies pour leur renfort. Le resident d'Angleterre a exhibé un memoire fort pleintive, ou plustot comminatoire, touchant les torts, qu'il dit qu'on fait aux navires Anglois, et que les admirautés ne sont pas droit, & que cela ne peut plus subsister avec le paix: item, qu'il ne voudra plus avoir affaire avec les admirautés; ains qu'il desire, que les estats generaux veuillent mettre ordre aux mêmes.

L'on a deliberé long temps sur le dit memoire du resident d'Angleterre, & la Hollande a fort mal prins le dit memoire, & les aigres expressions dans iceluy point convenables à l'amitié & bonne correspondence, & qui designent, que le dit resident n'entend pas, ou ne veut pas entendre, la forme de regime icy. L'Hollande specialement aura dit, que cest estat ne veut ny ne doit donner la moindre occasion à une rupture; mais si on ne s'en peut pas passer, l'Hollande monstrera autant de courage contre l'Angleterre, qu' aucune autre province. Mais estant embarassée, qu'on doit un peu patir ou dissimuler, & on luy remonstrera par deputés, qu'il veuille avoir egard àla façon du regne, & qu'il faut laisser agir les admirautés.

L'on aura resolu de donner une response aux ministres de Brandeburg sur leurs divers memoires, qui toutesois fera generale: le col. Pichler a laissé le gouvernement du fort de Schenk en main du capitaine Hettinga Frison, comme plus vieil capitaine. Mais la Geldre l'ayant donné au capitaine Bemmel, Hettinga en a fait pleinte aux estats generaux, qui provisionellement maintiennent Hettinga. L'estat n'a nulles nouvelles de Dennemarc, ny de la flotte, ny s'il y a eu attaqué en bataille. Mais de Middelbourgh vient advis, qu'en Zeland seroit arrivé une galliotte, (autres disent un navire de Lubeck) disant, qu'il a veu les flottes ensemble en combat; & qu'il les a ouy combattant, & les cannonades, sans autres particularités. Mais delà on conclude, qu' indubitablement on aura des particularités dans ou jour ou deux.

La response à donner aux ministres de Brandeburg sera maintenant achevée, mais point encore donnée. En quelle façon tel capitaine Ooms a esté en action avec les Anglois, se voit par la copie adjointe: l'on a resolu de faire de cela contre les pleintes des Anglois.

Les 40 compagnies, qui sont destinées vers Dennemarc, sont partagées à estre mis à Enchuysen, à Horn, à Muyden, à Hardewyck, à Stavoren, & à Harlingen. Et d'autant que les amis du prince Guillaume luy dissuadent fort le voyage & employ vers Dennemarc, il y a apparence, que l'on ne l'offrira pas, car en le luy offrant il ne voudroit pas le refus. Maintenant on deliberera pour l'envoy d'un autre chef.

L'on a resolu de conceder à l'electeur de Brandenburg l'envoy d'une bonne quantité de poudre, dont se passera une obligation à le rendre dans quelques temps. Ce subside l'on trouve plus expedit & prompt, que de promettre de l'argent; car pour de l'argent, il faudroit du consentement des provinces, qui dureroit long temps devant qu'il puisse venir.

L' electeur de Brandenburg aura resolu d'envoyer le sieur Weyman vers Angleterre pour solliciter le protecteur à estre du party de Dennemarc; & derechef cest estat a promis d'envoyer vers le grand ksar de Muscovie pour se faire estre ou demeurer du même party.

L'on a esté eu conference avec le sieur Downing, & on luy a representé la constitution du droit & coustumes de cest estat, que routes choses de la marine se decident par les admirautés, & que ce n'est pas en la puissance des estats generaux de changer cela pour rien, ny pour personne. Sur cela le sieur Downing a donné des parolles plus douces, & n'a pas parlé la language, qu'il avoit tenu dans son memoire; parloit beaucoup du commun interest, d'amitié, & de correspondence, qui devoit estre entre le protecteur & cest estat.

L'on a resolu sur la marine de faire emaner quelque nouveau placart, ou bien une renovation de celuy du huitiême Aoust dernier. Le memoire touchant le navire de Lubeck est mis en mains de l'admirauté de Rotterdam.

L'on consenti d'envoyer soixante officiers en Norveege au fraix & gages de cest estat.

L'ambassadeur d'Espagne a notifié avec estats generaux, qu'il va vers la Brabande pour 15 jours, recommendant une vielle affaire d'un navire prins autrefois par ceux de la compagnie de West-Inde. Le sieur Huygens va le complimenter, & luy souhaiter bon voyage.

L'admiral escrit, qu'il estoit le 29. Octobre sous le Vierboet de Schagen, luy ayant esté impossible jusques alors de monter contre ce courant de l'eau; que le roy de Suede l'attendoit à Croneberch avec 36 navires. L'admiral avec de Witt & les navires de Zelande estoit fort de 35 navires & 6 fluytes.

Le sieur Nieuport a escrit, qu'il desiroit venir icy; mais on a escrit, qu'il ne vienne pas.

On a donné une response ou resolution au sieur Downing sur sa derniere memoire.

On delibere encore sur la façon des 40 compagnies, & sur les 60 officiers, qui seront envoyés vers Norveege. Je reste

Ce 8. de Novembre, [1658. N. S.]

Votre tres-humble serviteur.

Mr. Downing, resident in Holland, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxi. p. 403.

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Right Honourable,
I am heartily sorry, that your indisposition of health continues so long upon you. I hope, that the sickly season of the yeare being over, your health will returne, of which I am sure there is very great neede. I received by this last post a letter from Mr. Moreland, together with the papers concerning the East-Indy ships taken at Bantam; and I shall be most ready to doe my utmost therein, and am very glad, that the councill have resolved upon that way of speaking with the states general 500 468 533 seriously about them, 103, which also accords with what I hinted to you as my simple opinion in my last; and I doubt not, but you will think it necessary to take the same course about the bringing in, selling, and disposing of English shipping heere by these of Flanders before, and without any sentence of any court of admiralty, which is no other than a plaine, downright, and desperate sea robbery. Yesterday the states general desired from me a conferrence with their deputies about my memoriall, which I sent you the last weeke. I told them plainly, that this was a course and practice, that could not be longer suffered by his highness, it being so contrary to comon right, and all good amity, and so destructive to his subjects, a thing never before in this manner practised in any nation; and that his highnes hath not any one instance to make of the like done to him by any other of his friends or allyes; and in fine, that this practise continueing, it's but a half peace, to wit, only between England and the United Provinces, but not between the United Provinces and England, England being bound, and they free, they enjoying perfect peace in all the havens of England, and the English from day to day undone in the havens of the United Provinces. They desired me to explaine that clause of my said memoriall, wherein I had said, that his highness's subjects could not begin any processes with those of Flanders, but singly and solely apply themselves to the states, and not, as in matters meerly private, begin their process before the admiraltyes, or any other courts, and acquiesce in their sentence; but complaint being made to the states, it was for them as they see good to referr the matter to the admiraltyes, or elswhere; against which I had nothing to say, and it being indifferent to us where the examination of the matter were, so it were by their order, and that his highness's subjects not haveing right there done unto them, must returne againe to the states generall, and from them expect reparation; against which they said they had nothing to except. Withall I told them, that the truth was, I had very small reason to be satisfyed with the referring matters of this nature to the admiraltyes; for that notwithstanding the many references made by the states to them, with order, that in case they found the matter of fact, true restitution should be made, yet not any one ship had to this day bin restored by them to the English, although the matter of fact had bin most clearly proved, as may appear from time to time by their owne registers, and particularly in the case complained of in my said memoriall. I have heerein inclosed to you the paper, which they put into my hands, and they gave me many good words; and that they were putting out a new placart, which, they said, they would pass yesterday. I told them, that if this new placart proved of noe purpose, and that his highnes did not in this business found his complaints upon any of their placarts, but upon common right, and the law of nations. In conclusion, they spoke to me again about the two Portugal prises. To which I replyed, that I perceived they were very zealouse in any thing, wherein themselves were concerned; but who should make reparation for the many scores of English shipping brought into their havens by them of Flanders, and there unjustly, and contrary to all right, unladen, sold, and disposed of ? And farther, that what was done to those Portugall prises, was by order of the admiralty, to which all shipping are subject, according to the 19. article of the treaty of peace between England and the United Provinces. And whereas they said, that by the laws heere, in such case as that, the prises ought to have bin suffered to have come hither, and such as had pretended any interest in them, heere to have commenced their processe. I replyed, that by the said 19. article, in each comonwealth processe was to be made according to its owne lawes, and not according to the lawes of the other; and that I made noe doubt, but that they would finde, that the admiralty at London hath in this business proceeded according to the lawes and customes of England; and therefore that they had noe reason of complaint. But that in the case I had soe often complained, and what was done, was done against undoubted knowne common right, which also by the 24. article of the treaty of peace, ought to be enjoyed by us, and against many lawes, placarts, and orders of this state; and this all acknowledged by themselves; and therefore that I did earnestly press them, that at last this piraticall practise may be effectually remeadyed. Not more, but that I am,
Right Honourable,
Your most faythfull humble servant,
G. Downing.

Hague, the 29. October,/8. November, 1658.

I have heerin inclosed the placart above-mentioned.

Lockhart to secretary Thurloe.

Dunkerke, Novem. 8th 1658 N. S.

Vol. lxi. p. 407.

May it please your Lordshipp,
So soone as I past Gravelinge yesterday, I was mett by some of our horse from Dunkerke, who brought me the ill news of their having been a mutiny in the garrison the day before. It was made by the foote; those of my own regiment was rather more then less ingadged then others; they called out to armes, plundred the mercatts and some shopps. The horse mounted immediately upon it, and cleared the streets; so that by them, and some of the foot-officers, amongst whom captain Wisdome in coll. Salmond's rigiment did very honestly and boldly act his part, the business was almost as soone quashed, as it had a beginning; but the souldiers continued still in their ill humours, and some of them talked a little insolently yesterday; but upon my arrivall towards the evening, I found all (save those that were upon guard) in the streets without armes, and was wellcomed by them in their accustomed way of shouting, and in so chearfull and hartie a manner, as I was almost perswaded, that all I had been told was mistake; but having afterward spoake with coll. Alsopp, and some other of the officers, I found all was too trew. I enquyred, what justice had been done, and found the court martiall had mett, examined some witnesses, but forbare to proceed to sentence; which occasioned me to appoint a court martiall this morning, and having exhorted some of the chiefe officers to try them upon the trew article, he that officiated as judge-advocate, brings me word, there are foure of them condemned this morning. I shall see their sentence executed upon some of them, and if I finde any so penitent, as he will ingeniously declare, where the businesse had its ryse, I shall mixe mercy with justice. The pretence of this mutiny was, because their pay was not reddy the very day it was deu; but I am perswaded there is something else at bottom of it, and I hope to finde it out. But, my lord, tho' thorough the Lord's assistance, I shall endeavour to see this offence severly punished, yet I shall never be able to carry on the affaires of this garrison, unless I have a considerable supply of money sent me from England; and indeed the horse, who are sufferers beyond the foot exceedingly, did behave themselves so faithfully, as I must begg, that some speedy course may be taken for their incouradgment. I shall now begin to apply myself to the businesse of contribution, and shall be as active about it as I can; but any money, that can be raised that way, will not answer our present necessities; and therefore I must againe beseech your lordship, so to represent our conditione heare to his highness and councell, as also some money may be sent over; and I hope your lordshipp will perswade yourself, and assure his highness, that if I knew any way in the world how to shift, I would not at so unseasonable a time, when his highness is under so many pressures, importune him for more. The customes of this last month have been scarse worth the collectione; but they make me beleeve, that there will be a more considerable sum raised out of them in the two ensuing months, then in any other 4 months of the yeare. Besyds, I hope to rayse out of the contribution that, which will help the garrison to subsist a part of the winter; so that if I had a somme of money to answer our present necessities, I shall endeavour, that this place be not much more troublesome to his highness till towards the spring.

My lord, I finde a vessell loaden from Croninsburgh and Dantzick brought in here by one captain Welsh, who, by virtew of a commission from the king of Swedden, claims her as his pryse. The business is intricate, and therefore I have ordered her being sent to London, that his highness may at least have the custome of her, and Welsh may justifye his pretensions to her before the admiralty there. Yesterday I receaved orders from the court concerning the winter-quarter of the regiments in the field. Amiens is the place appointed; but I fear Mr. Turenne may stop their march for some time, by reason the enemie begin to think of attempting the recoverie of some of the places they have lost this campagne. I have in this place about 500 of the sick and weake belonging to the regiments in the field. They have nothing to subsist upon, save as I am forced to lend them; and God knoweth how little I neede that additionall burthen. I have oftentymes importuned your lordshipp for bedds, and sent in gowns. The weather now grows so cold heare, as there is trewlie a greater want of theis accomodations, then your lordshipp can imagine. I begg they may be sent over as soone as is possible. The poore sowles at Mardick and fort Oliver have nothing to cover them, nor to lye upon, save a few boards; and the horsemen, and a great many of the foot here, are in the same condition; and I ame unwilling to remember your lordshipp of the great supplies were sent to Mardick last year, when they were very well, and punctually paid by the French besyds. And tho', I bless God for it, I have always had more respect and kyndnesse from the officers and souldiers of this army, then I have merited; yet I feare they will at last think, that either my interest at home is not so good (as justlie it may be) as his was, who comanded before me, or otherwise my care of them, and dilligence for them, is not so great. When I consither how much all heare in generall, and above all myself in particular, are bound to your lordshipp for your care of us, and goodnesse towards us, I could wish I had other matter to entertain you with then these sadd storyes, which I know toucheth your lordshipp's heart as sensibly as they doe that of,
May it please your Lordshipp,
Your most humble, faithfull, and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.

Lord Broghill to secretary Thurloe.


Deare Sir,
I am now newly returned from waitinge on my lord deputy, who I found and left full of thoughts, by reason of some late transactions at London, and your silence thes three last posts. I dare say he is much troubled, that either affaires are such, as that you have noe comfort to write, or your indisposition such, as you have not strength to doe it. I bless God we are all quiet heere, and I hope shall be soe, tho' there are discontented spirits amongst us, as well as in other places, tho' their teeth be not soe longe. God keepe you from divissions, left it might let in the worst of enemyes.

I send this only to inquire after your health, and to beg an accounte of it from any of your servants, if you are not in a condition to acquaint me with it yourselfe; for without compliment it is unfaynedly pretious and considerable unto, Deare Sir,
Your most faithfull and most affectionate humble servant,

Ballemaloe, 29th of October, 58.

I must give you my most humble acknowledgements for your great favour to col. Viliers, who is also huge sensible of it.

Relation of the sea-fight betweene the Swedes and Dutch.

Helsingor, the 29th of October, 1658.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

This day morning about 7 of the clocke, the Holland's fleete, which had layen here dayes, weighed anchor, and the winde blowing pretty hard from north north-west, they steered their course towards the castle, where, about 8 of the clocke, they came almost within cannon-shott, and feareing the reach thereof, they held the coast of Schonen. The foremost of their ships, makeing small sayle, stayed for the rest of the fleete, and being come up to them, divided themselves into sowre squadrons, and haveing a favourable winde, went by the castle, from whence they were first saluted with two pieces of cannon. The Swedish fleete in the meane while endeavoured to gaine upp to them, haveing but halse a winde; whereupon a little after 8 the fight began in good earnest. His excellencie rix-admirall Wrangell was, for the space of halfe an howre, surrounded with six Holland shipps, but defended himselfe so valiantly, that they could not gett advantage of him; but being at last not a little dampnified, hee was forced to leave the ingagement, and bear upp towards the shore. During which action the rest of his majestie's fleete used their best endeavours, and it might easily appear, that, from the very first beginning, the Hollanders intended to avoyde the brunt of this incounter, and to save themselves by flight. It was indeed strange and wonderfull to behold, that when the Swedes strove to board the Hollanders, they presently fled, and gave place. In this dispute two only of the Swedish shipps, the Morning-star and Pellican, commanded by capt. Petter, an Englishman, are lost, one whereof is burnt. The Hollanders have in all lost 9 shipps, viz. Brederoda, which had the admirall Witte Witteson on board; Breda, mounted with 28 gunns, another with 22, and another whereof wee cannot yet tell the name. Their admirall Witte Witteson was boarded by the Swedish admirall Bielkenstern, and, being quite spoyled, is brought upp hither to the brick-house. Two other shipps of theirs lye fast upon the ground of Schonen; one is burnt; one allsoe with a little galliott lyeth on the ground not farr from Weaven. If the winde had proved a little better for us, and not beene soe favourable for the Hollanders to make their escape, they would have had a hard bout of it, and perhaps not many beene saved. God be praised for this gallant victory, which it hath pleased him to give his majestie of Sweden! None of his majesties men of warre being as yet come to shore, and they lyeing at a good distance one from another, it cannot as yet certainely be knowne, what men are lost. The Swedish admirall Girtson Scakelm is wounded in the shoulder with a musquett shott, but without any danger of his life: collonel Ferson is likewise razed with a bullett on the head, but not mortally; and we cannot as yet heare, that any person of quality besides should be lost. It is said, that the Hollanders admirall Opdam hath layen sicke some dayes on shippe board, whether he be alive, or what is become of him, is not yet knowne. The admirall Witte Witteson, being brought on board of the Swedish admirall Bielkenstern dyed there of a shott in the thygh: his shipp sunke this afternoone about three of the clocke, from which 210 prisoners were brought hither, 100 of the same shipp were killed, and sixty maymed. His excellencie the rix-admirall of Sweden hath allready repaired the leakes of his shippe, and lyeth now with the fleete giveing every-where good order for the venturing another blow with the Dutch, and his majestie himselfe is gone towards the Leazure. Although so great a noyse hath beene hitherto made of this Holland fleete, yet wee could see nothing else dureing the engagement of three houres, but that they all strove to save themselves by flight; and whilst the fight lasted, their merchant-men past through the Sownd betweene Weanen and Schonen.

Mr. Downing to secretary Thurloe.

Hague, 9. Octob. 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lxi. p. 405.

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Right Honourable,
The states of Holland not being together, here is very little stirring of moment; nor is there yet at all any newes concerning the fleete, upon which all mens eyes are at present, it being now agreed by all, that the king of Sweden will fight them, having together his whole navall force, (not one ship excepted) and trusting much upon the place, in which he hath scituated himself, and the assistance, which he shall have from the castles of Elsignore and Elsinburg; and there is much talke of this supply yet well into Copenhagen of sending more, and beseidging Croningsburg castle; and that when it shall bee, then it 319 82 231 468 107 71 146 shall bee put into the hand 332 477 468 319 89 32 of the stat. gen. 535, which will not be good 231 317 for England. The stat. gen. have also given an ample answer to the ministers of 142 148 286 142 408 elect. Brand. giveing them great hopes of their 408 460 70 assistance against the king of Sweden 255 14 310 536 by their fleete 71 133 50 358 289, and otherwise; but I shall endeavour to pearce farther into this businesse, and give you a perfect account thereof from time to time.

The last newes from admirall Updam was of the 29th of October, neare Schaeg, wherein he writes, that the king of Sweden did attend his coming at Croningburg with thirty-six men of warr; and that he had newes of his being put to sea the night between the 23d and 24. of the said October.

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I lately gave you an accompt of a marriage 441 15 311 much whispered for C. St. and I have since found out, that when C. St. was at the old princess 84 36 120 441 108 dowager's, 270 483 58 286 141 324 124 he proposed a match between 145 26 65 231 151 162 himself and one 326 144 45 81 46 207 118 390 of her daughters. 260 154 55 62 466 131 138. This is true, and by this meane C. St. hopes, 121 287, if it take effect, to engage 108 308 the stat. gen. and elect. Brand. for him.

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Heere is a talk, as if Mr. Weiman, who came lately hither for the elect. Brand. should go for England. It's probable that you may have further newes by this post concerning the fleete, for that the Hamburgh letters arrive at Amsterdam before the going away of the post for England, but come not hither untill severall houres after it is gone.

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I am informed that C. St. hath bought 155 54 60 a considerable quantity 142 336 44 135 197 128 155 205 of armes, 172 408 213 89 287, and that Sir 70 137 Marmaduke Langdale hath the custody 260 358 322 468 259 and charge of them. 207 25 319 136 311 468 103.

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Oneale is now at the Brill 397 219 468 24 441 82 expecting the first passage for Graves-end; 156 287 282; he hath a little 148 blacke young man that waites 170 117 154 108 56 372 483 upon him that speakes Spanish; 467 142 426 197 287 141 124; and coll. 65 207 254 365 390 85 Stevens 466 155 is in Zeland, attending the 558 219 145 282 339 54 468 return of his wife from 107 408 327 502 46 39 306 England; and that she is to come from 477 Graves-end. 306 53 437 152 287 282. Also Williams that lives 143 467 362 153 287 next door to the pump in 468 120 154 102 124 339 Covent-garden 42 106 151 308 133 263 109, goes by the next passage to Graves-end. 135 14 152 287 282. The Spanish ambassador is this morning gone in the princess royal's yautcht for Flanders, where he is to be at a great councill of warr which is to be held to-morrow. The continuall reports, which come hither of divisions in the army 345 144 339 468 214 give greate discredit to your 131 279 70 466 477 511 192 affayres; 137 287; and it is the universall opinion of all men, that it is one and the same thing for his highness to give to anie his neck, 327 390 28 350 as to give them the power of putting officers into 434 339 58 408 302 29 286 his armie. 477 327 214.

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I should thinke it were not amiss, if you did give a hint to lord Henry and generall 107 441 207 311 390 437 84 384 Monck, 78, but especially the latter, that an addresse 134 287 might be made from the armie in Scotland 254 150 87 207, in which they might addresse to his highnesse, 534, particularly as generall as well as protector. 160 42 85 217 534. Its said my lord Newport will be heere speedily from England; he hath stopped Barker the convoye for Zeland to transport him over. I had heere inclosed the states generall new placart; I wish the poor English may have reall benefitt by it; and am,
Right Honourable,
Your most faithfull humble servant,
G. Downing.

Mr. Downing to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxi. p. 421.

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Right Honourable,
I Have herein inclosed unto you another memoriall, which I have this day presented to the states generall: the truth is, this is a business of that nature, which unless effectually and thorowly remedyed by his highness, wil be the ruine of England; for it will eate out your shipping, and consequently undoe you in point of traffique, and strength. Yea, if the merchants shipping of England be destroyed, though the trade of England should continue, yet being driven in forraine bottomes (which is the necessary consequence of this practise) England is undone; and this is a thing so manifest, that it needes not be explained. I think it very necessary, that you would spend one houre or two upon this business in the councill, seriously weighing it with its consequences; and that thereupon I might have your further orders; and I think it might doe extreame much good; yea, I am it would, if afterwards you all would forthwith have a sollemne and set conference with the 286 Dutch ambassadour 500 533 upon this business, laying it home to him, and in which nothing els to be spoken of; and letting him know, that the protector expects 426 30 147 138 thorow satisfaction for 346 298 30 151 345 305 what is past, and remedie for the future; 44 379 267 305 468 51 155 145 157 133 44; and that at that time nothing else be spoken of, and that this be not only by word of mouth, but a paper put into his hands to this 122 156 148 339 477 327 319 106 33 144 477 469 purpose: 121 431 139 45: and that I may have an accompt thereof, and at the same time mention be made 475 412 231 371 263 of the ships taken at Bantam if the states general 149 202 535 bee put to it 477 71 149 they will do you right, and 55 60 147 207 not 151 otherwise for their business is to ruine England in shipping 456 and trade; 59 207 151 437 263; and if they obteyne theyr end in the former, the latter necessarily followes. Not more at present but that I am,
Right Honourable,
Your most faythfull humble servant,
G. Downing.

Hague, 31 Octo. 1658. 10 Nov. 1658.

Mr. Morland to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxi. p. 474.

May it please your Lordshipp,
The constant experience of your lordshipp's favour towards mee, and the future wellbeing of those that are much dearer to mee then myselfe, embolden mee to make this humble addresse, to acquaint your lordshipp with my present condition, which it may bee is otherwise then you either apprehended or did intend it. My signet fees have hardly amounted this last quarter to above 8 l. and one time with another dos little more then mayntein my writing-clerck and buy parchment. Of my sallary of 150 l. per anuum, I will willingly loose one-third to be freed from the trouble of solliciting and waiting for the rest; and for the moytie of the newes-book profitts, your lordshipp was so favourablie pleased to order mee, to receive of Mr. Needham, hee has so artificially delayed the payment thereof (sometimes pleading poverty, and that your lordshipp lay too hard upon him, contrary to your promise, sometimes promising me fayre and disappoynting mee) that hee is now in arreares with mee at least 280 l. and has lately told mee plainly, that hee will pay mee no more, upon pretext that I have devulged the matter, which has no other ground then this, that about three weeks since I was constrayned to tell one, whome I had disappointed for about 30 l. that Mr. Needhams disappoynting mee of a greater summe, was the onely cause thereof; and hereupon hee gives out threatning and high words against mee. Truly, my lord, these and the like things occasion mee manie a pensive houre. I am ashamed, and its not convenient I should trouble your lordshipp with the manie streights I meet with in my private affayres. My last yeare's settlement has bin trebly expensive to mee; other wayes of getting moneyes, then what your lordshipp has been pleased to bestow upon mee, I have none. For anie indirect meanes, I had rather a thousand times see both my selfe and mine perish, then ever cast an ey after them. As for freinds, truly, my lord, I have so estrainged myselfe from the least intimacy with any man, since you have been pleased to intrust mee, that I hardly know the man, that would bee willing to lend mee 5 l. if I were never in so much want. My lord, I am verie sensible, that I ow all I have, and am, to your lordshipp's mere favour and goodnesse, which is a thousand times more then ever I have deserved, or then any other would have don for mee; and I am most willing to serve you to the utmost of my poor abilities, yea with life and all, had I a fayr call to it. My onely desire is, that I may do it with cherefulnesse; and having nothing to do with, nor any dependance upon disingenuous and unreasonable men for my subsistance, your lordshipp was pleased to deliver mee but lately out of a contest for moneyes (for which I most humbly thank you) and I am verie loath to have a second, but rather humblie beseech you not to let Mr. Needham know of this my addresse further then to call for his accompts your selfe, and to provide for mee, how it shall seem good in your own eyes. I crave nothing but what is your lordshipp's good pleasure to bestow on mee; for indeed, my lord, is it not unknowne to mee, how I am envyed by some for being employed by your lordshipp, hardly thought of by others for my reservednesse, and hated by manie for my faithfulnesse in your lordshipp's service, I have been lately told by one, who I believe wishes mee well, that he wondered how I could possibly, conversing so little with men as I doe, procure so manie enemyes as I have, who are continually watching advantages, and laying snares for mee to out me of your lordshipp's favour, which notwithstanding, next to providence, is my onely refuge, and of which I shall never lett goe my hopes, whilest God gives mee grace to hold fast my integrity, in which I am resolved to live and dy
Your Lordshipp's
Most obedient and most faithfull servant,
S. Morland.

Abbreviat of my accompts with Mr. Needham.

l. s. d.
Mr. Needham receeived between the 22d of May 1656 and the 26th of August 1658, as by Mr. Newcomb the printer's weekly bills 1280 13
The moytie whereof is 635 6 6
Of this Mr. Needham saies he paid my lord Thurlo 300
And hee has paid me at severall times 72
Remaynes in arreares betwen the said 2 terms 267 16 6
Since the 26th of August 1658 he has paid mee some few weekes, for which I have given him acquittances and the rest are in arrears.