A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1658: October (2 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp429-447 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1658: October (2 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp429-447.
"State Papers, 1658: October (2 of 4)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp429-447.
In this section
October (2 of 4)
Mr. Downing to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxi. p. 273.
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Right Honourable,
I am from day to day most extreamly perplexed and troubled with the cries of
poor English people seamen, whose ships are taken and brought into the harbours
of this state, and there the goods unladen and sold; concerning which I yesterday gave
in another memorial to the states general, a copy whereof is herein inclosed. And the
truth is, this is as bad as the worm in the West Indies to the shipping and navigation of
England, and will certainly, in a short time, if not prevented, be the destruction thereof. There are not less than a dozen or 14 English ships now in the harbours of this
state in this condition. Last night I had a conference with the deputies of the states
for 3 hours together upon my memoriall. I told them, that it was a business of very
near concernement to his highness, both in point of honour and interest; that his subjects
ever since the warr with Spain, had bin, and still are, greater sufferers by the havens
and subjects of this state, then during the warr between England and them. That I
had made many complaints, but with very little effect. That it was true, that the
states general had, for the most part, given me seeming promiseing answers; but that no
real effect had followed thereupon; but instead thereof, an addition of farther trouble and
charge to the poore people interested. That the resolutions of the states were always
addressed to their respective admiraltyes, who have never in any one case done the English
any right, but put them off with storyes; yea, upon several occasions, could hardly
be induced to take any cognizance of the matters, saying that they had their instructions from the said superiors with the states general, and not from the states general, and therefore that they very well knew what they had to do; but that I would
acknowledge, that in two or three cases in the province of Holland, wherein the states of
Holland did please to take cognizance of the matter, and give order, not to the admiraltyes, but to the burgomasters of the respective townes, to examine the matters complained of, and do right, that in those cases restitution had been made to the persons
interested; but otherwise nothing had come of all the complaints made in this kind, but
farther trouble and charge to the persons injured. That being pressed by the deputies of
the states, that the treaty marine might be dispatched, and that that would regulate all theis
things, I answered them, that what I desired was noe more than what was already his
highness his due by the treaty already made; for that by the 26 article his highness subjects are to enjoy the benefitt, not only of the articles of the said treaty, and of common
right, or jus gentium, but that it was against common known right, or jus gentium, that
the private men of warr, enemies to England, should unlade or dispose of the shipping
and goods of Englishmen in the havens of this state, not having bin before condemned
in some lawfull court of admiralty authorized thereunto; and that it was against the 7th
article of the said treaty, to relieve, or suffer to be relieved, the enemies of each other with
men, victuals, &c. by sea or land; and that by the law of nations theis private men of
warr ought only to enter their harbours in case of necessity, and to abide there no longer
than necessary; but on the contrary, that theis private men of warr, their constant abode
was in the havens of this state, and that they were there constantly victualled and fitted out,
and supplyed with all manner of necessaryes; that it was their constant trade to sayle
out from thence, and bring in thither their prizes. That whereas in Argiers, if a merchant ship goe out from thence, which came thither to trade, that no man of warr shall be
suffered to go out of 24 hours after that; heere theis Spanish men of war being permitted
to abide at all times in their havens, have their spies and correspondents in all townes,
that presently upon the going out of any English ship without convoy, theis men of warr
are upon them. I told them farther, that England had formerly had warrs with Spayne,
and yet not put to such a course of complaints in this kinde. And that England and this
country had lived in very good amity and friendship, though without a treaty marine;
and that the honour of England was too deere to his highness, to be forced by such a
practise as this is to the making of new treatyes; but that what he did, must be of his own
free motion and goodness; and that nothing could so much worke upon that, as the religious and real observance of the treaty already made, and of that which is the knowne
and undoubted common right and jus gentium. Besides I told them, that a man might
be a pirate or sea-rover, though he had a commission; witness their late law, making
such pirates as had two commissions; and that for my part, I deemed it to be as true
piracy to sell and dispose ships and goods taken without and before a sentence first had
and obteyned in some lawfull court of admiralty, as to take them without a commission;
for as it was the commission, that authorised them to take them, so it was the sentence of
some court, that gave them a right in them so taken; and if it were the sentence, which
gave them a right in them, then to sell or dispose them before or without such sentence,
must be to sell and dispose what they had noe right in, and consequently sea-robbery or
piracys; and that this was as dangerous a sort of piracy, and much worse than that of
two commissions; and that if the taking of ships were enough to give right, then who
could be free at sea? And that upon this account all private men of warr whatsoever
were obliged by them, who gave them their commission, to bring such prizes as they took
to some lawful court of admiralty thereunto authorized, there to be judged; and therefore,
considering the rigourous prosecution, which is in this country against such as have two
commissions, by whom their own interest is concerned, that it is very hard that not one
of the many offenders in this other kind could be ever obtained to be in any kind punished
or meddled with, notwithstanding the many instances made by me to that effect. That
noe sooner was any English ship taken and brought into the harbours of this state, but
that the master and men were forthwith taken out of hir, and not suffered to come any
more on board, whereby to be able to come to the knowledge, whether any thing was imbezled or taken out of their ships, was very hard, and thereby the proose of such
misdemeanours render'd extreme difficult. Yet that I had obteyned, and did with my
aforesaid memoriall present to the states general clear proofs of what was complained
of my aforesaid memoriall; but that finding the matter referred back again to the
admiralty of Zealand, that I had very little reason to hope any relief would come thereby
to the persons injured. That I had also an attestation of a very able advocate in Zeland,
that he had been many times in such like cases imployed by the English; that for the most
part he could not so farr prevayle with the admiralty as to take any cognizance of the
matters complained of; and that when they did that, it was to as little purpose. I desire that I may have your particular and express orders as to this business, it being of so
very great concernment. I farther told them, that as to their placart of 9 August lately
emitted, that the English found not any benefitt at all thereby; but instead thereof, nothing but farther debates and expences; and that for mine own part, I shall never expect
any redress of this matter until some of those men of warr, that offend in this kinde, be
exemplarily punish'd, to which I saw very little inclination; and besides, that the English
that were brought in hither were in a worse condition than those which were carried
into Flanders, in this respect, that such as were carried into Flanders had the advantage
of pleading before an admiralty, and thereby such goods as were only freighted in English
bottoms, but belonged to other nations, were freed; yea, and many times, that they found
ways and means of recovering such goods as did belong to the English; but here,
whatever was taken, was forthwith, right or wrong, disposed of; and that upon this
accompt no stranger could lade any goods in an English bottome, a benefitt not easily to
be quitted by England. Much more I pressed upon them, which I have forgotten;
and many of them do 90 270 not stick to say that they do hope by this means to 468 169 270
328 426 239 469 379 205 287 477 ruin the English shipping in these seas. 140 64 456
339 59 In 468 141 144 43 16 138 If two or three letters of marke should 63 135 43 361
140 408 379 134 be given out to persons 231 313 108 418 477 426 135 142 412 139
it will remedy all this, but nothing but 267 199 469 244 395 470 244 feare will prevayle, and
when their 155 16 168 358 and 492 468 72 people shall begin to seele 142 319 86 231
312 107 477 50 42 45 the smart, and to see that his highnes 207 477 141 39 45 467 534
takes the matter to heart, you 145 286 477 324 213 151 510 will have them court effectually
for a 141 39 46 48 278 150 156 remedy, and not otherwise. 267 279 207 395 148 115
468 135 502 143 40 and if general Montagu 82 384 109 463 had kept the shipping stopped
149 468 456 142 144 477 122 124 279 by him, which came from Cadis, you had 174
510 319 35 319 the English East Indy ships 362 138 60 40 12 140 151 339 267 456
without 500 418 provisoes.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]
Ther are no commissioners which go with Opdam, but Opdam hath instructions, as matters shall
succeed, so accordingly to treat with the king of Sweden. 500 536. I am
Right Honourable
Your most faithfull humble servant
G. Downing.
Hague, 8br, 18. 58. [N. S.]
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Newes is now come, that the fleet went out yesterday morning. Ch. St. hath for certain advise out of England, that for want of money a parliament 393 12 120 213 362 202 must bee speedily called, 231 141 426 279 70 362 245 82 87 279, and upon this he now builds his chiese hopes. This is a true advise.
Mr. Downing's memoral, touching three English ships brought into Zealand.
Vol. lxi. p. 316.
The underwritten resident of England, &c. having received the resolution of their lordships, the states general of the 27th of September last past, together with a copy of a letter of the admiralty of Zealand, of the 24th of September, wherein it is affirmed, that they could not discover that any merchandizes belonging to the ship Alexander had been taken out of her; the said resident (though well assured of the matter of fact complained of by him in his memorial of the 4th of September) yet, upon the receipt of the said resolution and letter, did forthwith dispatch into Zealand the advocate of the English nation; and doth herewith tender to their lordships the examinations and depositions, which were tendered to the admiralty of Zealand, concerning the unlading and disposing of the tackling and merchandizes of the said ship Alexander.
And further the said resident doth represent, that notwithstanding his memorial of the 18th of September, wherein he made complaint, that the best cable, sails, and other goods, to the value of 500 guilders, were, at Tervere, taken out of a certain English ship, called the Rebeccah of Ipswich, and offered to sale:
And notwithstanding the resolution of their lordships, of the 18th of September, whereby they require the admiralty of Zealand to inform themselves therein, and to proceed according to the placard of the 9th of August last; yet nothing hath been done by the said admiralty thereupon: yea, they would not so much as stop the said ship before Tervere, though earnestly solicited, and desired thereunto, by the master of the said ship, and by the said advocate, who also did shew them the proofs for the making good of what had been complained concerning her; notarial extracts whereof are herewith tendered to their lordships, insomuch, that, on saturday last, the said ship was carried away by the pirate that brought her thither.
The said resident doth also herewith tender a notarial extract of a proof concerning what hath been done to another English ship, called the Mary of Ipswich, now at Flushing; and also before the said admiralty; and yet not so much as a stop of the said ship can be obtained.
And, in a word, from day to day, the pirates of Ostend do enjoy in Zealand greater liberty then in Flanders itself; which cannot but seem the more strange, considering thestrict (to say no more) inquisition and procedure in that place against such men of war, by whom their own proper and particular interest may be touched and concerned; and if full and effectual remedy shall not be forthwith given thereunto; but that these, and suchlike injuries, be done, and suffered to be done, in the havens of this state, to the English against the treaty of peace, and against common right; as it is in vain for the most serene lord protector, his master, to be at that great charge he is at for blocking up Ostend, and other ports of Flanders, so it will be impossible far him to shut his ears against the continual cries and complaints made in this kind by his subjects; their ruined wives and children; of their continual sufferings in the havens, and by the subjects of his friends and allies; but he will be enforced to make use of such ways and means, as are set down in the treaty of peace, for satisfaction in such cases, wherein justice is delayed, and not done, nor satisfaction given; and also which may be able to maintain and preserve the traffick of his subjects, his own honour, and the honour and interest of the subjects of England, Scotland and Ireland, with their dependencies, which was not these many hundred years laid so low, and made so little of, as it is by this practice; concerning which the said resident hath so ost complained to their lordships, the states general, with so little real effect.
Given at the Hague 17 October, 1658. [N. S.]
To this memorial, the same 17th day, the states made the resolution following:
There hath been read in the assembly a certain memorial of the sieur resident Downing, and therewith tendered several pieces concerning three English ships, called the Alexander, the Rebeccah, and the Mary, taken by Spanish men of war, &c.
Whereupon, after deliberation, it was found good, that besides, that a copy of the said memoriall shall be sent, together with the said pieces, letters shall also be writ in very serious terms to the college of the admiralty, residing at Middleburg in Zealand, that the intention and the will of their high mightinesses is absolutely, that touching these three English ships, and others of the like nature, there may be precise and punctual proceedings according to the placart of the 9th of August last: And therefore, that the same ships with their merchandises, in case it appears that they have been unladen in these countries, may be speedily restored to the owners; and that they be required to inform their high mightinesses by a letter, of what shall be therein done and effected, taking notice that their high mightinesses take this matter much to heart. In the mean time it shall be again very seriously recommended to the said sieur resident Downing by the sieurs d'Ommeren and Ripperse, deputies of their high mightinesses, that they shall expect in like manner the equity of the lord protector in the like cases, when any prizes made upon the subjects of this state shall be carried into the ports of England, and unladen there, that such prizes shall likewise be restored to their owners; and especially that the Portugal prize, which against right and reason hath been taken away in England from the men of war of this state, may be speedily restored; and that they make report to this assembly of what they shall have done.
Resolution of the states, the 19th of October, 6 o'clock evening.
After deliberation it was resolved, that there shall be sent speedily a minister to the great duke of Muscovy; and the sieur Ommeren, and other deputies of their high mightinesses, are required to draw up an instruction for the said minister, and to make report thereof.
Resolution of the 21st of October. [N. S.]
After deliberation it was resolved, that the provinces, that had not consented, should declare themselves speedily, touching the making up of the absent officers for the succour of Denmark; as also touching the demand of the captains of French and English companies for the same succour, to increase their companies by 25 as the Dutch are.
Resolution of the 21st of October. [N. S.]
The sieurs Vlooswic, Ben, Roothhost, Lampsius, and Ameronge, deputies of their high mightinesses, returning from the Vlye, made their report of their trouble to make the fleet go to sea, &c. Whereupon, after deliberation their high mightinesses gave them thanks for their pains, trouble, zeale and diligence in that business, and resolved farther, that their whole relation, &c. should be put into the hands of the sieur Huygens, and other deputies of this state; and the said relation shall be sent to the counsellors of the chamber of accounts to be examined and discharged; and the assignation given thereupon shall be paid out of the charges upon the state of war. And whereas, in the said relation it is observed, that the Dutch officers for Denmark demand, in case of increasing their companies, that the state would find those men musquets with double firelocks, the councel of state is desired to give their opinions hereupon; also to command colonel Puchler to choose an auditor and provost upon the wonted wages.
From Nicuport, the Dutch ambassador at London, 18 October. [N. S.]
Vol. lxi. p. 275.
The ministers of Sweden have been very earnest for a final answer of the letter of the king their master, sent by an express to the protector, upon the taking of the castle of Cronenburgh. I am told, the king offers great advantages in the Sound and Baltic-sea to this nation, and that he presseth hard a conclusion of a straighter alliance; and to facilitate the same, the ministers of Sweden had persuaded some principal merchants, who traffick in the Baltic-sea, to sign a petition, wherein they maintain, that it would be of great advantage for the commerce and navigation of this state and nation, that the king of Sweden should be master of the Sound. I spake thereof to some of the council of state, and shewed that the late lord protector had divers times assured me, that he would take no advantages, but jointly with the United Provinces; and that the resident Downing had declared in his name the same to their lordships the states. And although the secretary of state were not yet recovered enough to look after public affairs, yet I wrote him a letter, praying him, that the protector might be informed of the promises made unto him heretofore in this matter; and that he would not treat apart with Sweden, who had so unexpectedly violated the treaty of Denmark made by the mediation of a minister of England; and he sent me answer by the sieur Marfelt, that he had read my letter; and although he was so indisposed in health, that he could not go to council, that he would endeavour that nothing should be done in haste, but that conference should first be had with me, and nothing be done by surprise. The other counsellors of state told me, that the lords Fiennes and Wolsely, who had conference with me the last week, would renew the same to-day or to-morrow. In the mean time I thought fit to demand a private audience touching the affairs of the North, and the treaty marine; and to this purpose I wrote yesterday to the said secretary of state, who answered me, that he would send me his highness's answer suddenly; but in the evening I was told, that there was some disturbance amongst the under officers of the army, who had resolved to present a petition to his highness to give to the lord Fleetwood, heretofore deputy of Ireland, the charge of general of the army, and power to choose all officers in the same. But I now hear, that the business is quashed, and no more mention is made thereof. The 12th I received the letter of their high mightinesses, touching the two prizes of sugar, and I shall prosecute the restitution or reparation of the same according to the intention of their high mightinesses.
Captain Thomas Lilburne to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxi. p. 281.
My Lord,
I have receaved yours, and shall always give you accompt of what things
worthy your lordshipp's taking notice of I shall meet withall. To-morrow is the
funerall of that precious judge Smith solemnized at Edinburgh; he dyed at Innerness
in his circuit. The Lord maike us thankfull for that mercy receaved in Jamica,
that his presence may be with us, that he may delight in us, for his people. I have
intimation from the sessions at Durham, that the address to his highness from that
county is forborne till the next meeting. My lord, really I hold it my duty to informe you, how convenient it will be, that the sherife of that county of Durham be
altred upon severall accompts, and that in order to peace and settlement; not that
I would have any in those times disengaged if possible, but this sherife haith bene in 2
yeares, and we used to have new sheriffs every yeare or 2 yeares at farthest. The time is
now about the 18th instant to nominate new sherifes, by his highnes, since the parliament was disolved good men, was afflicted at the cause thereof, others to ready to
holdforth what single persons would doe with parliaments, and in such a time the sherife caime not to the sessions, nor kept that correspondence with the justices in there
sessions as formerly; and the last assizes was soe negligent, that baron Parker and judge
Newdigate fyned him 100 l. There is maney other things, that indeed I thinke it
may be for the service of his highness, and the good countrey, if the sherifs be chainged
as formerly, which I humbly submitt to your lordshipp's consideration. I am,
Your Lordshipp's
Most faithfull servant,
Tho. Lilburne.
Dalkeith, 11 Oct. 1658.
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxi. p. 293.
My Lord,
I received your lordshippe's of the 5th instant, by which I understand the two
addresses I sent you came safe to your hands; and I thanke you for your favour, in
presenting of them to his highnesse. I am very glad to heare you are uppon recoverie of
your health. I returne you many thankes for the good newes you sent us from Jamaica.
Truly it was very considerable to us att this time. God give us hearts to bee thankfull to
him for itt. For newes heere wee have none. There are noe letters come over yett to any
persons heere to make any disturbance; and I hope as thinges stand, those designs of
Charles Stuart's will be laid aside, and there is little probability of their doing any good
in these parts. I am very glad to heare there is like to bee noe more motion of that businesse
amongst the officers, that you wrote of last. This day I was at the buryall of judge
Smyth. Hee was a very honest man; his death is much lamented by the Scotts as well
as English. It would doe very well to have an English judge in his place, for Scotch
judges are too apt to favour their allies and friends, soe that justice will not bee so well
administred, as if Englishmen were in that place. I thought fitt to acquaint you with his
death, and my opinion concerning it. I remayne
Your Lordshippe's very humble servant,
George Monck.
Dalkeith, 12. October 1658.
Mr. S. Disbrowe, one of the council of Scotland, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxi. p. 295.
My Lord,
I receaved yours of the 5th instant, and returne my humble thankes for the inteligence therein contayned, and desire to blesse the Lord for so great a mercy, in giving
us peace at this time, when the harts of our enemyes was bigg with expectation of new
troubles. I hoped, that wee should have had ann adresse to his highnesse from those in
civill power in this nation, that might have testifyed theyr duty and faithfulnes; but our
Scotch freynds are backward, and except ther was fredom and hartines in it, I never judge
such things significant; but I trust ther is noe feare of any troubles here, if God continue
peace in England.
It hath pleased God to take out of this world judge Smith, one of the commissioners for
administration of justice here, who was buryed this day. I perceave our Scotch judges
will indeavor to have his place filled up by a Scotsman; but I suppose, upon good consideration, it will bee found for his highnes service to keepe the ballance something even
in that court, being the supreame in the nation. Ther is now five Scots judges, and but
three English, only I am theer sometimes, as other occasions will permit; and judge
Goodyear, one of them three, is very sicke, and not like to recover. I intreat your lordship will take thoughts of us, that som able Englishman or men, as occasion shall bee,
may be sent downe to suply. I beleve the councill heer will humbly present their thoughts
heerin to his highnes speedily. Mr. John Harper, that is now at London, and in
whose behalfe I formerly wrote a few lines to your lordship, may posibly looke after this
place, which constraynes me to informe, that since hee went from hence, I have bin told
by honest men, that hee did not carey it fayrely in his trust, as trustee for the state in
the confiscated lands of Scotland. And though since his being there hee hath desired
mee more then once, to recomend him to your lordship for som imployment; but I have
writt to him in playnes, that I could neyther writte nor speake for him, untill he had
cleared himselfe of som miscarredges, that are come to light since his going from hence.
This I thought but my duty to communicate to your lordship, and humbly and hartilly
subscribe myselfe
Your Lordship's most faythfull and humble servant,
Sa. Disbrowe.
The 12th October, 58.
Captain Langley begs your lordship will remember him as opertunity presents.
Captain Thomas Lilburne to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxi. p. 284.
My Lord,
This day I was at the funerall of judge Smith, and observed amoung some, that there
is a kind of whispering, as though there might be some proposals, or such a thing
intended, as to have a generall besides his highness to give commissions. Indeed I thinke
that cannot be by the petition and advise, because that is appropriated to the cheife
majestrate, that I am not much afraid, that such wisperings should arise upon any
ground above. If such a thing be, I hope the Lord will prevent it. In my humble
thoughts, if that come to pass, I forese what almost the issue will be. The Lord give
his highness courage and counsell to consider well upon that. There was somewhat of
this nature, when the petition was signed at Edinburgh, but I can thinke nothing of it;
for surely his highness will consider well. I am soe unwilling to writt any thing against
aney, that it troubles me to acquaint you with my thoughts; only I am soe settled upon
this government, that I am ready to part with any thing for the maintaining of it, maiks
me speake more than I would. There is one lutennant-collonel Mason, that I advise you
to take heed of. My lord generall in this countrey is soe diligent and cairefull, that not a
man but he is ether ingaged to him, or daire not appeare. What I can observe, there is
not maney for starting things of that nature, and, I hope, all very faithfull, I meane the
officers. Were I fitt to advise, my lord, take caire things of that nature be allayed and
supprest before a parliament. And the Lord direct his highness and those that's about
him, to taike speciall care in bringing in counsellors, that God may have the glory, his
highnesse may be established, and all his people may continue to injoy peace and quietness
in all godliness and honesty; and I am perswaded the more power in his highness with
his councell in the intervalls of parliament, and in his highness and parliament when they
sitt, will enable his highness to prevent disorder, and protect his people. God in mercy
direct him to have a caire of that power God hath putt into his hands, is the prayers of
Your Lordshipp's most faithful servant,
Tho. Lilburne.
Edinburgh, 12th October, 1658.
My Lord, it were to much boldness to know if you receaved this.
General Fleetwood to H. Cromwell, lord lieutenant of Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
Deare Brother,
Ther having bine some late discourses amongst officers of the army, I presume to give
a breife account thereof.
It seemes severall officers had a meeting, wheare was offered a peticion, which being
reade, they resolved not to proceade therin, without first acquainting the generall officers;
and accordingly some of them cam to us, with whom we discoursed, labouring to satisfye
them in the things which they desired; the perticulers of which wer 3: that they might
have a commander in cheife under his highnes: that no officer might be put out of his
imployment without a tryall, according to the lawes martiall: that the commander in
cheife might have power to give commissions to all inferior officers: all of which we thought
to wait upon his highnes in, and appointed the councell of officers to meet upon the fryday following. His highnes having bine pleased to give satisfaction to us in the substance
of what is desired, reserving the power of commissions to himselfe, we did acquaint the
officers with the same, who departed with much satisfaction, and I hope will be carefull
of giving the least umbrage or colour of doing any thing, which may give offence. The
army have a great desire, that the good old spirit may still be kept alive to carry on this
worke by, wherin his highnes hath declared himselfe very fully, which hath given very
great satisfaction; and the Lord keeping that fresh upon our hearts, to mak thos, who
have acquaintance with the Lord, and otherwise sutably qualifyed, the men of our choyce,
as instruments to cary on this worke by, we shall have a blessing. The union of the
armyes will be a great advantage to his highnes affayres, wherin I have and shall be, I
hope, faithfully carefull to discharge my duty; and however by some I may be render'd,
yet condemn nothing in me, I begge you, without first being heard, and then I shall, I
hope, satisfy you, as to give no other occasion then to be estemed as
Your most affectionate brother and humble servant.
October 12. [1658.]
Dr. Tho. Clarges to Henry Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
May it please your Excelency,
On fryday last many of the officers mett at St. Jameeses to debate a very bold petition, which his highnes had before heard on, and somewhat passionately resented
I presume your excelency has the perticulars from better hands, which makes me forbeare
a repetition of them; only l'le assure your lordship, such actions are not beyond Twede.
I heare my lord Desbrowe and colonel Berry were two of the chiefest, that favour'd the
bussines: and I hope they had no ill intentions in what they did, but I cannot but say it
was ill-timed. My devotion to your excelency and your family makes me somewhat free
in my opinion; but I shall not dispaire of your excelencie's pardon, because I have no
end but duty to both in all my endeavours. The Duch fleet went away but on thirdsday
last towards Copenhagen; and I am privately told, (though I dare not affirme it) that wee
have sent some ships after them. The Muscovites have invaded the Polonish territories,
and taken Remdan, which makes the king of Poland take new measures; but it is not certainly knowne, whither this diversion hath made him rise from before Thoren. The
French have struck so great a terror to the inhabitants of Flanders, that they are ready
to deliver up their townes into their hands. Cambray and Valenciennes, with some other
places, have sent commissioners to Peronne, to desire a neutrallity, and to preserve commerce, which is graunted by the king of France.
From Madrid it is writ, that the Catallonians are not without much difficulty brought to armes to repulse the Portugueses, whoe continue the seidge of Badejox with much resolution.
The king of Spaine hath lately sent propositions to the duke Charles of Lorraine for his
liberty, at the instances of the emperour, whoe intends to make him generalissimo of his
forces; but I doe not heare what effect they have. The king of France is goeing to Marseilles to quiet some troubles in those parts, and hath desired the duke of Savoy to meet
him with the duchesse his mother at Agrenoble. This is all the forreigne newes I have
to communicate to your excelency, nor litle of domestique, only the French ambassidor
is shortly to have audience to condole and congratulate his highnes. I am,
May it please your Excelency,
Your excelencye's most humble servant,
Tho. Clarges.
London, October the 12th, 1658.
Lord Fauconberg to H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
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My Lord,
Your sister is weeping so extreamly by me, that I can scarce tell you in plaine
English, I am going 80 miles out of towne to-morrow for some days, and so, if Z
proceed at this rate, 11 8 5 41 39 16 21 34 37 3 41 11, into the north, from whence
your lordshipp can expect no other service then my prayers. I have informed Petty all
at large. 47 5 23 25 3 39 255 35 17 11. H. h. had a fine game to pay a week since, 5 24 11
39 26 33 24 3 49 5 45 13 11 20 06 19 29 9 11 it he had had faithful councill 5 8
10 3 21 41 14 2 38 23 7 26 40 29 9 11 25 and I think there is yet some remedy 14
13 35 11 21 34 49 11 41 36 26 24 11 37 11 22 13 8 47; but alas ! 41 5 23 3 36
wee want many of us eyther wit 22 5 27 49 26 12 38 36 11 49 39 16 13 35 45 19 41
or courage. 28 35 9 26 38 37 5 15 13.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]
A is generally revil'd, 29 13 35 5 23 25 47 37 11 40 19 23 8, as most ungodly and antichristian; 17 26 6 25 49 5 27 6 5 29 39 19 7 16 35 21 34 39 19 5 29; 2 40 God be thank you are pretty 16 3 29 18 39 49 26 40 5 35 13 33 35 11 41 39 49 safe. 3 12 11.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]
B. will be throwne out of the windowe, 26 45 27 13 28 40 39 28 10 41 14 11 45 19 if he stay; 43 13 21 12 16 11 34 41 3 49; yet flyes not 10 25 47 13 34 27 26 41 uppon that account; 39 16 5 41 3 9 7 26 38 27 39; for if he had orders, 10 16 13 14 5 8 26 37 6 13 35 34, he has a regiment of 5 1 37 11 17 19 24 13 27 39 28 10 14 honeest fellowes in towne, 13 25 23 28 43 11 36 21 27 39 28 43 27 13, would guard the best of them to the 8 41 13 11 4 13 34 41 28 10 41 14 13 24 tower. 26 41 14 13 39 26 43 13 35. But I feare, the master of that place is not 33 23 5 7 13 19 36 29 right. 39 37 19 17 14 41. I yet trust, that God will in mercy looke upon us, and deliver this nation from those, that, I feare, under the notion of godlinesse are indeed serving lusts of there own. I shall never cease to pray, that the Lord of hosts would direct your excellency.
October the 12. 1658.
Mr. William Bedford to secretary Thurloe.
May it please your Honor,
Haveing sett on foote an humble addresse to his highnesse in our country, which I
doubt not but will bee signed by the generallity, I have taken the boldnesse to send
you a coppy of it here inclosed. It was at our generall quarter sessions agreed unto by the
whole bench: wee sent to the corporation to joyne with us, or to send by themselves,
which they resolve to doe. Captain Wagstaffe, myselfe, and another gentleman, are to present it about the begining of the tearme, hopeing by that to get our copyes returned from
all parts of the country. I finde the country generally very well satisfied in his late highnesse's disposall, and noe regrett towards the old family. The cavaleeres with us very
quiett, and much dasht att his highnesses peaceable entrance, and does not seeme to have the
least hopes. They were much afraid, least they should have beene secured agayne. Sir,
I humbly beg your pardon for this boldnesse. I shall pray the Lord to perfect his mercy
in your recovery, and remayne
Henloe, [in Bedfordshire]
Your Honor's most faithfull servant.
W. Bedford.
12th October, 1658.
Sir, if it bee not too much confidence in me to put you to such a trouble, I beg of you, that if others, who stood in such a relation of office as I did, bee put in the list of mourners att the funerall of his late highnesse, you would remember me as an old servant and officer.
H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.
October 13, 1658.
I understand by your last, you are speeding away my comission. I doe long to
see the messenger heere, not that I am fonde of a gay title, but because you promised
you would then write at large; for, to say the truth, I am more in the darke as to all your
affaires in England, then ever I was wont to bee, which I must wholly impute to your late
indisposition, haveing for 3 or 4 packetts together received nothing from you but letters
of course. I hope by this time your condition is such, as to admitt access of persons about
busines; and that you have heard from my lord Russel, or som other hand, how much it
would conduce to my satisfaction, if I might have the advantage, though it were but a
week's conference with yourself and the rest of my freinds, that I might the more confidently goe on in my duty, and not bee put to the hazard of steering by conjecture. I need
not enforce it by considerations of my longe absence, which makes me a stranger to the
very persons of my neerest relations, nor with the variety of difficulties, which have not
onely much impaired my health, but put mee under such disquiett of minde, as is allmost
insupportable without some relaxation. A word to you is sufficient. Things heere are in so
great a calme, that I can never better bee spared; and if they shall verge towards any
alteration, I may bee soon here again. As in all other matters, so in this especially, I
rely much upon you, whom I have alwayes esteemed as my best freind, assureing you,
that I am
Your most affectionate freind, and most faithfull servant,
H. Cromwell.
Sir Thomas Bendyshe, embassador at Constantinople, to secretary Thurloe.
Before I received your recomendation of collonell Holdip, of Aprill the 20th last
past, I had done what was requisite, at least what possibly was here to be done, for his
establishment in the Morea. However, though I have thus prevented your commands to
act for him, yet shall I comfort myselfe in having done what you pleased to command, and
take your letters as an approbation of what I have acted, whereof I question not but his
first advices have or will so freely assure you, as to leave that a work needlesse for mee to
doe; yet shall further assure you, that so ost as I shall have oppertunities (which I shall
diligently watch for) further to serve him, or he any need of me, (wherewith I doubt not
but hee will acquaint me) he shall soone finde how greate force your comands have uppon me;
As for the gentleman's owne worth, (which none shall more forwardly encourage than myself) that hath binne so well knowne to mee, as I could not uppon first news of his
designe, but think him much misplaced, whilst in an employment of so known danger and
trouble, and of so scrambling, so uncertain profitt as that consulship, even in better times
was, much more now, when the empire being as 'twere in a scuffle, the licentiousness of
commander and soldiers abroade (from whence comes the mischeife the Morea usually feeles)
is too headstrong to bee controuled by course of justice here, where those, who are placed
to do it, are so restrained and limitted, as that they dare not determine in any case extraordinary, at least without first consulting the vizir, whom this sumer's expedition against
Transylvania hath kept at too great a distance, and this winter's engagement likely to
keepe too busie in Asia, to attend the cryes for justice here; the bassa of Aleppo still
keeping the fielde, notwithstanding all edicts and threats, and against whom the vizir is
preparing. Meane while (besides the forementioned inconveniencies to us) by this means
our intercourse with Aleppo is so interrupted, as that we have not hearde from thence of
divers months, which makes me even hopeles (to my no small affliction of mind I say it)
of satisfying (in any reasonable tyme at least) his highnesse expectation of Arab horses,
these armyes, that especially of the bassa of Aleppo, having swept those places of best
breeds, and would undoubtedly intercept (his forces lying in the way) such as should be
sent from thence, if any were there in readiness, which the great meanes and importunities
I have used make me believe there may. This want (whereat I can't but blush) and that
of usuall intelligence, caused by the sicknesse, (which, raging in the city, drave me into the
country, and pursued mee so close, as to cutt off 4 of my family, and make friends stand
as strangers afarre off) is the reason, why by this opportunity I dared not make immediate
tender of my humble duty and service to his highnesse, which I earnestly crave you, Sir,
would please to undertake, and so to excuse mee, as that I may not goe less in his highnesse
good opinion; by which favour you will for ever make my best service a due debt to
you, and mee,
Your very humble servant,
Tho. Bendyshe.
Pera di Constantinople, October 14. 1658.
From Boreel, the Dutch embassador in France.
Paris, 25. October, 1658. [N. S.]
I had yesterday audience of the king, queen, and cardinal, as well to compliment about the congratulations, as the condolings of this time, as principally to propose and recommend, according to the resolution of their high mightinesses, the accommodating of the new war of the kings of the north; and that the treaties may be religiously observed. 2dly, that it would please their majesties, and his eminence, to endeavour by their great power with the king and queen of Portugal, that they would give a reasonable satisfaction to your high mightinesses in their demands, both for the restoring of the lands, isles, cityes and places in Africa and America, which have been unjustly taken from them, and usurped till now; as also for the millions of injuries and losses suffered by them. I there made use of the reasons in my instructions, and what might serve for the same; whereupon their majesties and the cardinal, who discoursed a little thereon, answered me very well by promises, whereof I hope the effects for the welfare of the United Provinces: after which I took my leave, because of the voyage the court is taking, to which the cardinal answered me, that the court will be back again about the tenth of December.
The English embassador, governor of Dunkirk, is here treating about some business, before the court goes hence; and tells me, that he goes presently after to Dunkirk with 200 horse, that wait for him at Abbeville. In Normandy there are yet some diffensions, which the court endeavours to suppress by force, or to accommodate friendly. On the 23d, went hence towards Burgundy 14 companies of guards. The court will have above one hundred coaches, besides the coaches of the nobility, &c.
At the council at Whitehall.
Friday the 15th of October, 1658.
Ordered, that it be offered to his highness, as the advice of the council, that his highness will please to write his letter to the king of Sweden, taking notice therein of the intimacy of affection, that was betwixt his father his late highness and the said king, as also of the good affection his highness bears and continues to that crown; and that, although his highness, being newly come to his government, finds not himself in a condition to give a present answer to some particular desires, which are insisted upon by his public ministers here, yet his highness is desirous to proceed in the treaty begun in his father's life-time; and to enter into nearer terms of friendship and alliance; and when he shall more fully understand the particular state of affairs, shall be very ready to do what shall be for the good and interest of both states, or to the purpose hereof, in such terms as his highness shall in his wisdom think fitt.
Mr. Downing, the resident in Holland, to secretary Thurloe.
Hague, October 25. 1658.
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Right Honourable,
This weeke arrived here a French gentleman called Mr. Akakey, who came from
Moscovye, whether he had bin sent by the king of France as envoye, to mediate a
peace betweene the king of Sweden and grand duke of Muscovy. He came by sea to
Copenhagen, and came out of Copenhagen upon saturday was a sennight; and faith, that
Copenhagen was then in a condition able to defend itself for a long time; for that the sea
was open to them, the king of Sweden haveing drawne all his men of warr from thence
to Croningberg, but continues to attacque the town by land with what force he hath,
being, as he faith, about 8000 men, and a battery of 44 greate peices of ordnance. He
faith farther, that the king of Sweden's fleete at his comeing away consisted of 38 men of
warr and 12 fire-ships; and that he expected dayly seaven more, which were very great
ones, and lay ready at Borneholme, expecting the first puss of faire winde, but that he
wants seamen; and that for the helping thereof he had put 2000 foot on board his ships;
and also hath placed greate guns with all possible advantage, both at Elsinore and Elsingburg on both sides of the Sound, and is resolved in that place to sight the Holland fleete;
and the report is, that he will in person be in the fleet, though others thinke, that will
hardly be suffered by those that are about him. He mett Opdam with the Dutch fleete
upon saturday night last, not above 12 leagues from the Texell, and with a contrary great
winde; and yesterday and to-day the windes have heere been southardly, which is as
contrary to them, if they have gotten the cape, as the northwardly windes were before.
There came with him to the Texell a Swedish gentleman, who, as soone as he arrived,
hired a vessell, in which he went for England to condole and congratulate with his highness on the behalf of the king of Swedes, and also to demand, that his highness would
positively declare himself for him, in case of this state's assisting the Dane against him. I
finde that this French gentleman is angry with 104 145 358 372 346 205 53 441 500
the king of Sweden. Hee says 61, that the reason why the duke of Muscovy 524 254 152 168
did not sooner send passeports to 217 140 431 133 147 140 477 Mr. Bradshaw was,
319 158 488 because that the king of Sw. had given him notice, that he would
have no mediatour. 323 395 379 267 13 477 134 141. He faith moreover, that the
warr of Poland doth noe good to France, but onely gives the h. of Aust. oppertunity of
rooting in Poland, 339 55 339 553, which otherwise of itself is extreamly dissaffected to them;
and farther, that that this warre is against the interest of France and England, 147 408 549 207 547,
whereas they had hoped that hee 467 324 would have engaged against the house of Austria;
468 544; and yet, saith he, the king of Sweden expects alwayes when pressed, 170 287 492
123 134 287 142 279 to be assisted by the king of France, 239 542, or else that hee will
joyne with the house of Austria; 544; yet notwithstanding this, I finde dayly, that the Fr. em.
gives very good words to 37 142 477 Mr. Applebome; 241 412; but I see plainly, that
at the heart 61 42 213 150 they are angry with him. 500 326. By the last I sent you a list
of the Dutch fleete, and I have heerein inclosed to you a copy of that list, which is brought
to the states by the commissioners, which were at the Vlye with the fleete. I had forgott
to tell you, that the above-mentioned French gentleman said, that the king of Sweden was
in dayly expectation of 4000 foote out of Sweden.
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The Spanish ambassador heere doth as much of rather more for the k. of D. then the ministers of Denm. and greate is the joy for the getting out of the fleete, and no manner of doubt made of the enterprize, and 4000 more are in a list to be sent as occasion shall require; and haveinge once set foote on ground, nothing will be wanting for the mainteyning thereof, that can possibly be done; and the states generall have again, upon a conference with the ministers of k. of D. and el. of Br. renewed their resolution, that admirall Opdam doe put the succours, which he hath with him, into Copenhagen, and that against whatever opposition may be made by Swedes or others; and it hath bin moved in the states gen. that when the succours shall be put into Copenhagen, their fleete 131 48 358 289 may block up by sea anie place, which the elector of Brand. shall 355 251 493 543 141 319 82 21 block up by land; 522 239 355 106 33, and the meaning is, Fredericks 263 41 27 77 ode 112 263 in the first place, but that is not yet agreed unto; but things of this nature comonly come by peeces, and one after another: and you will perceive by the inclosed, that the states have resolved to send an ambassadour into Muscovy, and well leave no stone unturned against the king of 390 154 106 149 152 133 107 279 16 310 469 Sweden. and will be most insupportably insolent 123 416 463 23 362 339 459 358 109 it this designe succeede, and alreadie they 390 144 157 31 251 279 207 199 134 42 16 take of forcing the king of Sweden. 305 29 339 37 468 536, not only to qutt what he got in the last, 314 148 151 339 468 356, but also in the former warr with the king of Den. and I doe not beleve, that they will so easily quitt their hold in that Zeeland, 133 328 83 35 339 467 as king James did in this Zeeland; 268 339 469 558; but probably enough among other things for more sureness they will expect to keep Crommgberg castle 350 284 26 443 for the king of Denmark, 59 250 358 305 468 537, as they doe divers places for the elector of Brandenburg 805 468 543 to this day; and this will not be good for England. 547 The commissioners are all returned hither from the Flye, 106 279 325 468 134 306 468 49 362 45, and none gon with Opdam, who, when the st. gen. were in fear, that Copenhagen might be taken 319 311 109 381 59 65 149 231 464 108, had 123 private instructions from de Witt; 161 67 148; but since that feare 44 213 is over, this hath bin the reason of the renewing of their former order as above-mentioned; and now Opdam hath no instructions, neither from the st. g. nor from de Witt, to treate with the k. of Sweden 219 500 536 upon any account whatsoever; and this you may beleeve: and for instructions given by the st. gen. I hope I can pierce into them; 339 477 468 102; but such as are from time to time given by de Witt, this I cannot be assured of; 247 395 150 231 217 144 152 131 279 408; and this is the constant custome upon all accidents 263 106 149 142 so to doe, and the states general do owne them or not, as the matter succeeds; 217 468 371 148 145 286 142 155 28 251 279 138; and they do say, that this ayde to the k. of Denmark 263 477 537 cannot be construed as a breach with the k. of Swed. 500 536; but when the business is over, the construction will be made by both sides, according to the condition they shall then finde themselves in. In the mean time, not only no commissioners go with the fleete. but the states general have recalled 323 134 278 199 358 44 Mr. Maesdam their ambassadour to the k. of Sweden 287 141 449 416 477 468 536; and alsoe the states of Holland have resolved that ships 115 85 156 279 467 395 412 408 468 72 do go into anie harbours of the king of Sweden. 319 135 241 135 142 408 468 536, but only into the harbours of the k. o Denmark to trade 477 151 437 263; and you will perceive by an inclosed, that the ministers of Denmark have desied the states general to send an ambassadour to Copenhagen, to whose actings there the lord protector 449 416 477 254 246 109 319 311 105 477 468 141 42 189 330 58 142 468 133 534 had need have a verie strict eye. 144 151 441 29 148 39 172 44. There are several merchants, that had already made an overture to the king of Sweden, to give him a million of rix-dollars for the tolls of the Sound for one year; whereas it's said, that the king of Denmarke never made 3000 gilders of it. Heere are two deputies from the the states of Flanders, 142 408 50 now in the Hague, 135 142 397 339 468 319 318 44, who doe sollicite for succour of men and money. 156 29 254 135 144 408 380 207 384 293 207. Such of the states as are affectioned to Spaine do give them hopes, that when this 468 101 328 426 142 467 492 469 business of Denmark is over, they info shall be 156 286 468 171 199 459 144 319 83 231 relieved; 362 44 153 279; and this is certain, that the states gen amb. and the emperour's, and the king of Poland's envoy, are most busy 207 538 43 107 154 115 169 213 42 385 242 144 172 perpetually toge ? 147 154 199 362 477 311 468 136; but I doe not finde yet anie product thereof brought to the stat. k. The French gentleman abovementioned saith, that the peace between the king of Sweden and king of Poland is in a great forwardness by the last overture made by the king of Sweden, wherein he proffers to accept of 3 millions, as an equivalent for the restitution of Prussen, and this to be paid, as is exprest in the enclosed; and if this overture had been made before the new rupture with Denmarke, he saith, that that peace had undoubtedly bin suddenly concluded; but he beleeves, that the imperialists will now doe their utmost, and possibly be able to stave the king of Poland off from a peace upon the generall account; and indeed all the king of Sweden's enemies doe now seeme to slight these overtures from him, which before his reentry into Zeeland they would have bin most heartily glad of. Upon perusall of the treaty betweene lord p. and k. Portug. I finde in the eleventh article, that the subject of k. Por. nor k. Port. himself, ought to nire any ships of 206 456 142 408 any other nation, if there be in his harbours ships enough of England; 241 134 141 456 142 43 395 155 57 64 408 547; and the ambassadour of Portugal, in his last proposition, 137 408 551 339 327 356 120 443 431 142 71 475 412 322 hath prefered, that every yeare that twenty ships of Holland shall [hired] by the king of 161 43 108 475 456 141 403 557 142 319 82 231 325 136 279 239 Portugal 541, as you may perceive in the copy thereof, which I lately sent you; whereupon I have answered to the sayd ambassador, that this 450 36 l6 89 287 I44 489 416 467 469 is direct contrary to treatie between the protector and the 437 441 477 479 231 149 l6l 43 45 108 king of Portugal. 541. He was sorry, that he had not knowne it sooner; yet faith, that is in his instructions, 327 343, which he much wonders at; but that he will do his endeavour to remedy it, by offering some equivalent for it. If I had had the 38 319 32 468 treaty that post, your letter mentioned its being to be sent, it had come time enough to have prevented this, which may now cause much trouble; and not comeing till the post after, it came 3 or 4 days too late: and it is a thing of very great importance to England. The said ambassador hath had much discourse with de Witt, 319 38 102 156 29 57 267 143 254 156 135 140 500 263 502 147, who tells him, that there is noe hopes 122 287, that the rest of the provinces will be content to a peace with the king of Portugal 44 107 146 477 14 427 500 541, unless that the lands in Brazelle hee restored; 339 23 437 174 43 41 358 231 134 287 477 137 279; nor will Holland engage in it, 311 339 72 l50 unless instead of the lands of the king of Port. will give them five millions. 102 302 155 41 381 86 362 412 140, and this to be payed in ten years 466 110 177 40 213 144; and that they my enjoye 171 377 43 106 70 117 169 in all things the same conditions in point of trade 143 339 148 408 136 437 263 500 547. I told him, that by the treatie with the l. pr. severall priviledges are granted to England; and that to give the same to any other, will be to break this 42 197 treaty; and I desired him to consider the 26th article, wherein it is agreed, that noe such thing shall be done by any following treaty. The is resolved forthwith to dispatch an express to the k of Port, with this above-mentioned accompt; and I think it would be most fitt that the l. p. doe also forth with write into Portugall, to warne Portugal, that noething be granted to the states gen 231 57 437 108 147 279 477 535 in prejudice of the treaty with the lord prot. 408 468 479 500 534; and to complaine that the ambassador here had given 468 202 227 141 449 416 324 136 319 313 108 to him in his instruction, 327 343 to offer to the st. gen. to hire twenty ships every yeare of this country, contrary to the treate 40 153 45 441 173 44 213 408 469 254 155 with the lord protector; 254 108 150 437 441 477 468 479 500 534; and I doe thinke this very necessary for the prevention of other inconveniencies, which otherwise may follow. The truth is, the st. g. doe see, that they can have peare when they will with ths king of Portugal; and that in the mean while their subjects have their trade 21 72 278 150 144 323 468 72 136 150 437 in Portugall 551, and also that they are not incomodated by any private men of warr with Portugall commissions 500 551 254 89 100 346 143 345 143; and this makes them slight the king of Portugall. 468 541. It being a warr without a warning, de Witt 339 55 263 502 151 being asked whether in case that of king of Portugall should do what they desired, that he 263 144 72 136 279 467 324 would assure them of a peace, he 427 324 replyed, No; but that he would assure him, that without this no peace can 427 247 231 294 122 bee expected. And I thought it my duty to give you this accompt at large of this businesse, that so you may betimes take order accordingly. I finde the French ambassador exceedingly troubled at the hanging of the French gentlemen in Zeeland, and the rather for the hopes, that was given him, of saveing them; and in the meane time, order 476 was forthwith dispatched into Zeeland, 63 500 267 142 120 219 29 65 279 339 477 558 477 to execute them. 466 468 103. Some of them were of very neare kin to some very greate men in France; and I saw a letter from the queene of France to the ambassador, wherein she enjoyned him to doe his utmost for the saveing of them. In my last I sent you a memoriall, wherein I complained to the states of severall English ships brought into Zeeland, and there unladen by Ostenders; and I also then gave you an accompt of the conference, which I had had with the deputies of the states thereupon, at which conference they also pressed me about the Portugall prises; to which I answered them, that they were not meddled with by his highnes, but stopt by arreast of the law, according to the 5th article of the treaty of peace betweene his highnesse and this state. And moreover, I told them, that his highness subjects had very little encouragement to come and sue for their sugars in this country; for that I had lately an accompr of some prosses, that had bin made of that kinde at Amsterdam, wherein after full proofe made, that the sugers belonged to the English, they were yet notwithstanding adjudged prise upon the sole accompt of being laden in Portugall ships; and therefore to what end should the English apply hither for releife in that kinde? They also complained to me, that captain Baskitt, who was lately before the Brill, had there received on board of him foure Englishmen, which had taken service in their fleete, and refused to deliver them; to which I answered, that by the law of England noe English marriners could take service under any foreigne prince or state, without leave first obtained; but that if this did not content them, that I should write to England to have the men first punished for runing away, and then afterwards for taking their money without leave first had; but I have since heard noe farther of them about this matter. The princesse dowager 251 140 270 483 311 133 hath lately in severall companies spoken most highly in comendation of 350 108 Cn. Stewart. 61 362 339 254 102 103 282 220 408 572. I have this day received the two following letters given to mee by Tom Howard. 58 361 142 313 108 477 379 239 477 90 328 483 136 34 This is the dullest place I ever saw; all heere thinke of 355 251 71 40 153 286 141 14 161 199 324 135 148 325 107 78 nothing but villtts, and getting 151 monie; and yet I must tell you, that we talk of nothing 207 170 289 72 386 466 83 510 467 161 42 463 82 75 408 295 470 but invading England: signed Brunckett, who 547 142 71 57 108 279 is most gracious with the duke of York, Bruxels, the seaventeenth 475 116 524 500 573 585 468 141 43 155 45 110 instant. 40 106 145 60 339 139 146 205 151.
The following letter is from Taffe to Tom Howard, and from Bruxeus, 51 44 477 146 411 328
487 36 207 306 585, dated the sixteenth instant. Yours of the eleventh 39 105 151 66 339
143 463 110 151 511 143 408 468 45 358 I received, 106 145 66 73 123 278 40
68 154 279 and in a word, let me tell you, that if the king's friends or 510 467 12 51 468 352
144 46 441 282 238 416 283 enemies in England give not occasion for such 305 142 155 29
a difference as may give the king ground to go and joyn 313 468 352 59 443 156 109 37 477
314 207 72 116 171 with some party, our stay here will be long, there being no 172 324 137
503 231 366 468 136 231 339 55 395 appearance of a possibility of 144 33472 362 475
408 procureing any such assistance hence, and 144 157 30 64 217 141 246 463 108 251 63
42 109 251 207 381 58 might either encourage anie friends 339 253 437 311 206 50 441
to joine with us, or to defend ourselves against: howsoever 263 51 282 116 155 137 140 42 86
157 287 manie are of opinion, that it is impossible for the 408 414 71 393 412 467 72 148 139
338 431 144 143 334 358 305 468 present government in England 146 314 155 286 108 379
109 149 339 to subsist, yet that there must bee blowes to subvert it; 289 467 468 137 386 231 21
365 161 287 477 138 152 but there must bee an 71 150 244 468 134 386 231 205
oppertunity for the 148 trying our fortunes, and all yet seeme quiet amongst them. 287 207 199 171 289
142 43 44 102 28 129 154 72 289 The king is removed to a new house, 135 43 384 155 279
where his domesticks serve in 496 327 270 379 142 149 335 340 144 140 286 152 339
468 72 135 their several capacities, and as much form used as 16 252 475 287 207 217 156
30 63 305 103 524 279 217 formerly in Whitehall, 339 161 325 466 319 84, which
look 362 like instructing everie bodie, what their dutys are, 339 56 42 155 45 441 241 267 491
468 72 135 274 142 213 before they come thither, which I hope 325 468 131 493 72 328
131 493 will soon, else our misery will be 117 156 137 381 142 286 173 503 231 58
greater than ever. 286 468 110 42 165 286. Wee have bin this last weeke filled with
reports from England, and which are also written out of Flanders, as that the judges
have refused to sit; and that the term is putt of; and that the army is not paid; and that
a parliament must be forthwith called for the finding of money; and that the officers of
the army have had severall meetings against the minde of his highness; and they are there
formeing and frameing of such things, as they will have done: yea, a great part of this
is printed in the publique gazetts of Brussells; and greater hopes are raised from theis
things and such-like stories, then from any forreine matters whatsoever. I am sorry to
find by yours, that there is so much ground 467 468 136 346 459 90 155 26 61 54 416 154 108
for what related to the armie. 466 38 477 468 214. I pray that you will be pleased to
settle the 150 l. per annum for the mayntenance of the two English preachers at the
Hague; else this congregation must fall for want of mayntenance; and I have assured
them, they shall have it. I pray, that this last quarter may be payd to some person,
which you shall think fitt, at London, for that purpose; and then I shall take care
for its return hither; and although Mr. Beaumont be only as yet settled, yet others are
gott, that must be payd, till another be heere settled. I am,
Right Honorable,
Your most faithfull humble servant,
G. Downing.
Tom Howard asks a thousand pounds 287 17 474 431 152 104 32 138 426 132 205 per annum. Pray let me have your order, what you will have me do. My paper is spent.
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
My Lord,
I wrote to you formerlie my opinion concerning the placing of a judge in judge
Smythe's place. Truly I thinke it would bee best to have an English judge; but in
case his highnesse councell should thinke fitt nott chuse an Englishman, but a Scotchman, I told you, that Sir John Cheifly would be the fittest man. But since I am in
formed, that though hee bee a very honest man, and a man of good naturall parts, yet
he hath not bin soe well versed in the law, as to dispatch the businesse of the outer court,
which is the cheif businesse of the judges here; yett I doe not finde him soe fitt now, as I
thought he was before; and to comend unto you a Scotch advocate, in case he have it not,
I know not how to doe it, they being in the nature of councellors, and are so used to take
money, that I doubt they may be corrupted; but truly I think it would be best for the
English interest to have an Englishman. Judge Goodere is likewise very weake, and I
doubt, if hee does recover, he will not bee able to dispatch any businesse as a judge till
summer next. I thought fitt to give you this trouble, least Sir John Cheisly should gett
the place, being not soe fitt for it as I could wish; and I know likewise hee hath made
very great friends to my lord Fleetwood about itt. You wrote to mee once about one
George Oliphant. I tooke some of that name formerly, but now I thinke I have the right
man; and if you have any thinge against him, I shall keepe him in prison, till I heare from
you. He is a schollar and an ingenious man. I heare the Dutch fleete went on thursday
was sennight towards the Sound; and that the king of Sweden resolved tenn days agoe to
give a general assault to Copenhagen. This newes is brought by a shippe, that is come
newly from the Sound, and I think is the latest you have had from those parts. All things
are quiett heere, which is all at present from
Your Lordshipp's very humble servant,
George Monck.
Dalkeith, 16th October, 1658.
Colonel Daniell to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lxi. p. 321.
May it please your Lordship,
By comande from my lord generall Moncke, I have herewith sente to your honour the
publique addresse, signed by all the commission-officers of my regiment, which had
sooner arrived, but that severall companyes disposed farre distante into Heighlande castles
hinder the spedie subscription.
I thinke I can with reallity affirme to your lordship, that we are of one resolution for his highnesse service; and though with much sadninge to our spiritts, wee beare our share in the nation's great affliction, by the death of our worthy and renowned protector; yet I hope our faithfull indeavours shall be so conjoyn'd with the rest of his highness's army, that the publique enemyes shall gayne noe advantage against the honest intereste of the commonwealth.
I will not trouble your lordship further, but remayne
Your Lordship's most humble servant,
William Daniell.
St. Johnston, October 18. 1658.
Intelligence sent from Holland by Mr. Downing.
28th October, 1658. Resolution touching 3 English ships in Zeland, &c.
Vol. lxi. p. 323.
A letter being received from the college of the admiralty of Zeland, dated at Middelburg the 23d instant, containing an answer to a letter of their high mightinesses of the 17th instant, and information touching what the sieur resident Downing had complained about 3 English ships taken by the Ostenders, and carried into Zeland; the ship called the Alexander had been arrested by her owner, and so that the business hath been in suit, that according to the placarts of their high mightinesses, and the orders of the state, speedy justice might be administred; besides, that they had caused to be arrested all the Spanish private men of war, that were to be found with any prizes within their jurisdiction, to the end they might inform themselves, if there had been the least unlading of the merchandizes; if so, that they would not fail speedily to execute the placart of their high mightinesses, and immediately restore the ships and merchandizes to their owners. Whereupon, after deliberation, it hath been found good, that the said letter shall be by the agent de Heide communicated to the said sieur resident Downing for information to him.
The admiralty's letter above-mentioned.
We have received the resolution of their high mightinesses of the 17th instant, and therewith a copy of a memorial of the sieur resident Downing, with many papers concerning three English ships, taken by the Spanish men of war, and brought into places under our jurisdiction. Whereupon your high mightinesses may be pleased to know, that the ship called the Alexander hath been arrested by her owner, and so the business put in suit, that according to the placarts of your high mightinesses speedy justice may be administred. We have also arrested all the Spanish men of war, which are to be found with any prizes within the havens of our jurisdiction, to the end that there may be exact inquiry, if there hath been the least unlading of the merchandizes; in which case we will not fail to execute speedily the placart of your high mightinesses, and to cause immediate restitution of the ships and goods to their owners.