State Papers, 1658: August (4 of 4)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1658: August (4 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1658: August (4 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1658: August (4 of 4)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

August (4 of 4)

Mr. Downing to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 449.

Honourable Sir,
Upon monday last I wrote to you by the way of Amsterdam, and upon tuesday by the way of Roterdam, wherein I gave you a short account of the king of Sweden entring into Zeland, thinking it my duty to omitt no possible way of giving you notice of so important and unexpected a newes, with the which I had an expresse from Schiveling, but that those small vessels would not adventure to sea, the winde being contrary. Thursday last I wrote to you at large, by capt. Wright commander of the Fame frigott, and did desire him therewith to make all possible haste, not being assured whither the king of Sweden, or Sir Philip Meadowes, had given you notice of what had past; and on friday I wrote to you by the post, since which time Monsieur Beuningen, late ambassador at Copenhagen, is arrived here, who sayth, that when he was just ready to set sayle from Copenhagen, newes came thither of the king of Sweden's being landed, and that the king of Denmark was extreamly amazed thereat, but withall resolved to abide all extremities, and not to quitt Copenhagen; and that this invasion of the king of Sweden had made them all in Copenhagen unanimous as one man, but that the place is not strong. He sayth moreover, that some dayes before the king of Sweden's landing, a letter was brought to the king of Denmark, he knew not how, nor was it signed, but the substance thereof was to lett the king of Denmark know, that if he did desire to save his own life and the life of his queene and sonne, that he should doe well forthwith to retire into Norway; that upon receipt hererof the king produced the said letter in his councell with these words, that if any one had a mind to kill him, they might, for that he was resolved not to quit Copenhagen; but he had not any manner of thoughts of any invasion. Since the arrivall of Mr. Beuningen, are come letters to the state from their minister at Elsenor, of the 22d instant, wherein he writes, that the king of Sweden was come before Copenhagen, and had begun to break earth; that they within the towne were resolved to hazard all extremities; that the castle of Kronenburg was in good order, strong, and well provided; and for the towne of Elsenor, that they were resolved to sett fire on it, in case of the Swedes approach; that the king of Sweden's fleet consisting of 19 men of warre was before Copenhagen, and that there were thirteen ships more then coming, which he supposed might be men of warre, but was not certain. Monsieur Appleboom hath not yet one word from the king of Sweden, nor is there yet any manisesto come declaring the reasons of his attempt, which what advantage it gives to the enemies of the king of Sweden is easy to conjecture, and Mr. Applebom knows not what to say or doe, or what to desire of any friend in any kind, in relation to this business. The states of Holland have resolved to assist the king of Denmarke according to their treaty with him, to witt, with 6000 soot, which by the said treaty they are obliged to deliver upon the place; and this resolution hath bin tendered by the states of Holland in the states general; but is not there as yet accorded to by the rest of the provinces, the members declaring, that they must expect orders from their principalls. In the meane while the preparations goe on, orders are given to gett out to the harbour's mouth all the men of warre that are ready, or near ready; and they do count upon 18 or 19 sayle of men of warre, which they can have in a few days ready, besides 3 or 4, which usually are employed in convoves; and the admiralty of Amsterdam undertakes to furnish 13 sayle more. All this is built upon; but whether the effect will answer the designe, in a few dayes I shall be able to give you an accompt. Divers of the townes of Holland were become very desirous, that matters might have been accomodated between the king of Swede and this state; but this attempt hath changed the face of all things here. If this state and the king of Sweden had been accorded, the elector of Brandenburg must have fallen in, for that this state hath garrisons in several of his principall townes; and indeed even this resolution of the states of Holland might have been hindred at least for a considerable time, if the king of Swede had but done soe much as but written one word or two to Mr. Appleboom, declaring the grounds of this his undertaking; or onely saying, that he had good grounds, and that he would declare them. But as the busines stands, though all this preparation is here makeing, he speaks not a word in defence of his master, though the consequences of what is now doeing may be very greate; and I can assure you, that the ministers of the emperor, Poland, Brandenburg, and all their friends, doe keep holyday at this busines; and the king of Sweden declaring nothing, they make bold to declare sufficiently against him. I beg I may have orders as soon as it is possible. I have thought it my daty not to omit writing thus much by this occasion of this expresse, which I heard was goeing to my lord Newport. I shall only add, that I am,
Honourable Sir,
Your most faithfull humble servant,
G. Downing.

Hague, 2 Sept. 1658. [N. S.]

A letter of intelligence from Bruges.

111 this 2 Sept. stilo novo. 1658.

Vol. lx. p. 451.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

Yesterday I c a m e f r o m N e w p o r t, where w e e haf that upon thursday last Gravl in was yeelded, the conditions w eyet know not; all the force that wil be ther wil hardly make twentiefive hundered, which will not manage halfe the out workes. D. of York i s still there L. Newburg betweene D.ofY. his l odging and his owne at night, met with capt in Arin, one of his owne captins, who lay wai t for him, was stobed most desperat ly in the head and neck; his b u f e c o t s a v e d his body. It is thought hee will notrec over it, wear it not for Sir Richard Mali v r i e h e had killed him out. He is fle d to the Frenc; a day or two before captine Arms trong was killed at a dewell, 117, and his crew ar gon Bred a. C. Ste. intends to con tinue a while at Hogan strat; but will suffer none of the dewellars to comneerhi m. Hyde is for the most in Breda; and Ormond stud ying new plots. 114 is sick in G e n d t, and hes not been this long tyme neither with C. St. nor D.John. I fynd Olac much offended with D. John, and generally the wh ole contrie; ther is great reason for it, D. John was yes ternight exspected heere, but will not bee welcom. They are uracading all the st ree ts heere, but they will suffer no soldiers to comi n; neither is there any but the townsmen. Wee have it heere, that D.John hed bin defeated since he went f rom henc. If the English and Frenc bee in condition to lay downe before I peror Ne wport, they will cary it; for I perceive theise peop le have lost their courage. I will not trouble you further at present, but humbly begs your advice wher I er: upon my word I have alwayes told you truth. I beg pardon for this boldnesse. I rest,
Your most obedient servant,
Margaret Smith.

Emperor Leopold to the states general.

Lectum den 3 Sept. 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 456.

Leopoldus divina favente clementia electus Romanorum imperator semper Augustus, ac Germaniæ, Bohemiæ, Hungariæ, Dalmatiæ, Croatiæ, Sclavoniæ, &c. rex, archidux Austriæ, dux Burgundiæ, Stiriæ, Carinthiæ, Carniolæ, et Virtembergæ, comes Tyrolis, elect. charissimis amicis nostris generalibus fæderati Belgii statibus, salutem et benevolentiam nostram Cæfaream. Amici charissimi, mittimus ad vos honorabilem consiliarium nostrum et sacri imperii fidelem dilectum Johannem Triquetium, ut de nostro amicitiæ et bonæ vicinitatis studio certos vos reddat, prout ex vivo ejusdem consiliarii nostri sermone percipietis, cui plenam in hoc fidem habere cupimus. Vobiscum benevolentiam nostram Cæsaream offerinus. Dabantur in civitate nostrâ imperiali Francofurti die 3 Augustii 1658, regnorum nostrorum Romani primo, Hungariæ quarto, Bohemiæ vero secundo.

Ferdinandus comes Curtius,
Vester bonus amicus Leopoldus.

J. Walderode.

Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell lord deputy of Ireland.

In the possession of the rt. hon. the earl of Shelburn.

My Lord,
His highnesse continueinge ill hath given a stopp to all business: he was soe well upon friday, that wee hoped the worst of his sicknesse was over; but it pleased God, that upon saterday morneinge he fell into a fitt of an ague, and by its course ever since, it ap peares to be a tertian. The fitts were longe and somewhat sharpe; but yet the last was not soe badd as the former. This beinge the intervall day, he came from Hampton court hither, all the doctors judgeinge this to be much the better place, besides the advantage, which the change of aire usually gives for the recovery out of agues. And although it be an ill tyme of the yeare to have an ague in, yet it beinge a tertian, and his highnesse beinge pretty well in the intervalls, the doctors doe not conceive there is any danger as to his life. However your excellency will easiely ymagine, how much trouble wee are all under here; and though it shall please the Lord to recover him againe, yet certeinely considering the tyme that this visitation is in, and other circumstances relateing thereunto, it cannot but greatly affect us all towards God, and make us deepely sensible, how much our dependance is upon him, in whose hands is the life and breath of this his old servant; and if he should take him away from amongst us, how terrible a blow it would be to all the good people of the land; and that therefore wee should be carefull, how wee walke towards God, least wee provoke him to depart from us, and bringe upon us this great evil. The people of God here pray much for his recovery, and I hope those in Ireland will doe the same; and to have his life spared and his health restored by prayer, is a great addition to the mercy. I will not trouble your excellency with any thinge now: I have noe heart to doe it, untill it please God to heare prayer in this matter; nor indeed is there any great matter of newes, but what is in print. I rest,
Your Excellencye's
Most obedient and humble servant,
Jo. Thurloe.

His highnes is just now enteringe into his sitt; I beseech the Lord to be favourable to him in it.

24 Aug. 1658.

General Fleetwood to H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland.

In the possession of the rt. hon. the earl of Shelburn.

Dear Brother,
I Gave you in my last an account of his highnes hopefull recovery; but the lord was pleased upon thursday last to let his distemper return, and hade a very sore second fite upon saturday, whic is now turned into a tertian ague. This last sitt was yeasterday, but not so great as the former sitt, and did rest the last night very well, and is in a hopefull way. The physitians advise his highnes coming to London, which is done this day, and to remaine at Whitehall for some time. Jameses-howse is conceived much better ayre then Whitehall, and is preparing for his highnesse's reception; but if the Lord please to remove the presant distemper suddenly, it will be endeavord to get his highness into some fresh ayre, wheare he may have the liberty to use recreation. This dispensation hath indead that in it, which ought exceedingly to awaken us, and to be earnest with the Lord, that we may search for what he thus reproves. Ther is none but are deeply concerned in this, that have a true love to this blessed cause: for the further carying on of the same, the Lord will bring him forth with more vigour, life, and zeale. His highnes hath hade very great discoveryes of the Lord to him in his sicknes, and hath had some assurances of his being restored, and made further serviceable in this worke: this latter is secretly kept, and therfor I shall desire it may not goe further then your own breast; but I think ther is that in this experience, that may truly be worthy of your further knowledg. The counsell have reade your letter, and are at presant in no condicion to answer the contents thereof by any additionall supply, then what is already ordered; the letter is referred to a committee: what we can doe, you may be assured of: in perticuler wherein I can serve you, I hope you will beleive there is none more ready then
Your most affectionate brother, and humble servant.

August 24. [1658.]

Dr. Thomas Clarges to H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland.

In the possession of the rt. hon. the earl of Shelburn.

May it please your Excelency,
Since the takeing of Gravelin, cardinall Mazarine is gone towards Paris; which makes many beleive, the French army will attempt litle more this campaigne, though others think they will not loose the occasion of persueing their prosperous fortune. Neuport or Ipre are the next places in expectation to be beseidged; and the first of them has bin for some weeks streightned by marshall Thurene. The prince of Conde and Marcin have got together a good body of horse, and are upon some designe, which will be discovered by the next. The calling of a parliament has bin lately delayed by reason of his highnes sicknes; but his recovery, which is in a good measure advanced, will draw on considerations about it. His highnes is this day come from Hampton-court to Whitehall, and the soldiers are to remove from St. Jameses, which is to be præpared for his residence; because Whitehall's scituation is too neere the water. The late disturbance of the minesters in Scotland was only from the Presbitery of Jaddard, who scrupled at the toleration of religion held forth in the petition and advice; but things will be well quieted quickly there, where a servant of your excelency is vigilant and carefull in all occasions. I am,
May it please your Excelency,
Your Excelencie's
Most humble servant,
Thomas Clarges.

London, this 24th August, 1658.

General Monck to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 457.

My Lord,
I Have received your letter, by which I understand collonell Ker is at London. Truely I condemne collonell Ker more than any other man for that testimony of the presbyterry of Jedburgh, and I shall testifie it to his face, if ever he comes hither; and he had the least reason of any man in Scotland to doe it, being in the condition of a prisoner, and so much oblidged to his highness: and this action of his was not according to promise. I had a good opinion of him before; but hereafter I shall look upon him as hee is, as a factious man, and one that is not willing to live peaceablie, unlesse things bee ordered according to his minde. I thank you for the good newes you wrote me of his highnesse recovery from sicknesse: I pray God continue itt, and preserve him from all dangers, which shall bee my daily prayers to the Almightie for him; which is all at present from him, who is
Your Lordshippes
Very humble servant,
George Monck.

Dalkeith, 24 Aug. 1658.

Monsieur Fly to Bourdeaux, the French ambassador in England.

Calais, the 4th of September, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 463.

My Lord,
Our last post being staid by those of Hesdin, it arrived here but on sunday, which was the day that his eminence went from hence. He is to lye this night at Abbeville.

The army is gone from Graveling, and is joyned with that Monsieur De Turenne, which we beleive to be at Furnes or Ipre. Monsieur le Marshall de la Ferté is gone with his eminence. There is a report, that Newport will be besieged; a few days will let us know the design. His eminence hath left orders for the repairing and finishing of the workes of Graveling; it is not yet known who shall be governor thereof.

Sir Tho. Bendyshe, embassador at Constantinople, to the protector.

Vol. lx. p. 467.

I Hope the good lucke of such phisitians, who are entertained not so much for their greate skill as theire much diligence in visits and attendance, that although my advises bee not very considerable, or much weighty, yet for the frequency of them, they may be acceptable unto your highness, whom my last of July the 24th humbly acquainted with the proceedings of the discontented bassa of Aleppo on Asia side, wherein he seemes to be confirmed, and hardned rather than to bee any whitt taken of by faire meanes, or checked by foule; so that the profered command of Babilon perswades him not to backe, or threats fright him, and therefore are preparations made to force him. The grand signor, who still continueth at Adrianople, as hee thinketh himselfe most secure, having issued his comands to the newly made bassa of Aleppo, Damasco, and of other places therebouts, to arme against him on the reere, whilst forces are sent from hence, which passed over some few dayes since Scutary on Asia side, to oppose his advance, proclaiming mean while him and his adherents rebells, and (which sounds with them more odiously) Gowers, the usual reproache for Christians, and theire title to wives and all possessions forfeited, the smart of which censures some considerable persons here, sautors of Hassan, have lately felt; but he it seemes is too sturdy to give ground; upon the noyse whereof thinking hee hath reason, justice, and strength enough on his side to bear him out, and endeavours to convince the world sufficiently thereof, by scattering his manifesto's, by erecting formall judicatories, by creating all officers both for theire religion and state, and exercising an absolutenes over his numerous followers. And the truth is, his greatnes is such, and the danger thereby, is as thought, only controulable by the Vizier himselfe, who therfore (as is the generall discourse) is upon an accommodation, (which I hope some considerations not long since offered and urged by mee upon the vizier will somewhat facilitate) with the Transilvanian; and tis not improbable, but that hee may make a hasty (though slight) cure in those parts, the better to apply himselfe to the more dangerous disease of the bowells. Howe're I am not without my suspicions, that these reports may bee artifice to affright Hassan, and dishearten such as incline to him; but my affection for that good prince, and that people, make me almost beleive the best. If this hitts well, the French ambassador's release (who with his sonne is still continued prisoner at Adrianople) may be hastened; and I have hope (if he succeeds) those longed for Arabian horses for your highnesse's service will be sent, which by reason of those commotions, as wee conceive, can scarcely be purchased, at least not securely sent. I have scarce confidence to mention them, whilst having so little assurance of them, but rather than be suspected of the least negligence, I will confesse a disability.

The sicknesse, which seems to rage and hath affrighted mee even at my gate, makes mee with God's good protection seeke my security in the country, but not so farre off, but I shall bee at hand to discharge that trust, which your clemency has imposed uppon,
Pera di Constantinople, August Sir,
Your Highness's
faithfull servant and most obedient subject,
Tho. Bendyshe.

the 25th, 1658.

Col. Howard to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 465.

Right Honourable,
Since I sent the addresse from the grand jurors of this county, I received the inclosed from those of Northumberland; and I finde generally in these partes the people desirious of a settlement. And these, who have bin against such a one, as you and I think to be the best, are now very willing to submit. I have nothing else, but that I am,
Your faithfull and humble servant,

Naward, this 25th of August, 1658.

A letter of intelligence from the Hague.

Samedy le 31 d'Aoust. 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 428.

Le sieur Beuningen est revenu icy, ne sachant rien du seige, en estant parti un peu devant: il aura dit, que Copenhagen est sans danger et bien pourveu. Aujour d'huy est fort harangué de par la Hollande (en corps estant dans les estats generaux) de la neccessité d'assister le Dennemarcke, tant en vertu des traites, que par raisons d'estat. Ils ont proposé d'aggrandir chaque campagnie de 25 hommes; d'envoyera vers le Dennemarck un secours de six mille hommes, ou moins de 4000, qu'on envoyera 20 mille rixdollars en argent, et 10 mille en necessites vers les villes de Luckstadt et Crempe, pour les conserver: la Hollande l'avancera.

Dans le Bocht sont six navires; dans le canal six; sous de Witt sont quatre: en Frise trois; en tout 19. Ceux la sont tous mandes a venir icy: en leur place iront du petit vaertuych. De Ruyter avec sa flotte ne bougera pas.

Vers chaque province ira un deputé pour recommender cecy.

La Frise, secundé de Groningue, ont parlé d'un mareschall de camp, mais les autres provinces n'ont rien dit.

Dimanche le 1 Sept.

Sur une lettre du resident le Maire du 22 Aug. de Croneburg fust a ce matin assemblée, ou le sieur Beuningen de meme fit rapport summaire, que le roy auroit dit: j'ai desja perdu la moitie de mon royaume et ma reputation; je ne veu pas me retirer; ains conserver Coppenhagen ou mourir. Il dit, que le garrison estoit de 2400 hommes, 3000 bourgeois, 1400 chevaux, dont toutesois partie servit seclu par les Swedois. Il dit que dans la ville il y avoit ou auroit faute de vivres.

La force Swedoise estoit 10 mille hommes par terre, et 40 navaires par mer. On cannon noit desja la ville, et Croneburch aussiy.

Elseneur estoit sommée de fournir 307500 livres de pain, tant de tonne de biere, tant de sel, sous de piene de brusler la ville.

L'on acheva la resolution de samedy, mais tout cela n'est que deliberation: car il faut que les provinces consentent. Au soir on besoigna avec le conseil d'estat sur les patentes, pour trouver au moins 60 campaignies; mais le sieur Beverning dit, que dans Coppenhagen estant disette de vivres, il estoit a craindre, que ces 6000 hommes acheveroient Coppenhagen; nuiroient plus, qu'il ne profiteroient; qu'il failloit parler avec les ministres de Dennemarck; s'ils n'aimoient mieux les secours en argent: item de envoyer plus tost 1500 hommes comme dans Dansigk.

Lundy le 2 ditto.

L'on a ce matin mis sur le papier 38 compaignies pour estre envoyes contre la Swede. Le colonel Pichler en sera chef; sous quatre lieutenants colonels Erentrieter, Mansart, Armanvilliers, et Vane. Et quatre majeurs, Nylant, van Santen, des Ombres, Askyn. L'assembleé des estats de Hollande est separée, pour revenir de demain en huit jours.

Mardy le 3 ditto.

La lettre credentiale de S. M. imp. est leüe, et le titre charissimi amici trouve suffisant; et sur cela accordée l'audience pour demain.

Il y a eu un memoire ou papier de l'ablegat de Poloigne, contenant un plus expresse deduction d'un project d'une alliance pour la defension de la mer Baltique et de commerce.

Le resident de Denemarck par memoire a requis, qu'il plaise a cest estat d'envoyer copie de la resolution de samedy passé a l'electeur de Brandeburch, pour l'encourager au secours de Denemarck: ce qu'on n'a pas trouvé a propos de faire.

Ceux de Hollande et Zelande ont proposé a ce que au roy de Swede soit escrit touchant les navires, qu'il detient au Sont, le requerant de les relascher.

Mecredy le 4 ditto.

Le sieur ablegat de l'empereur a eu audience, conduit par les sieur de Crommon et Renswoode; ayant achevé de proposer en Latin, le sieur president luy a respondu en Flammande, le tout en compliments.

Il a esté requis de baller sa proposition par escrit: il a respondu, qu'il le fera par occasion.

Il y a eu des deputes de l'admiraulté de Amsterdam et Rotterdam; ils esperent de mettre ensemble 30 navires, et est conclu et resolu, que les 38 campaignies auront leur patentes pour se rendre au plustost sur l'isle de Schelling, et l'on levera des flutes pour leur transport.

Le resident Downing aura faite pleinte de certaines 2 navires, qui sont arrestés quelque part.

Il y aura aussy eu un memoire du resident Appleboom, contenant declaration generale de la bonne intention de la bonne correspondence entre le roy et cest estat.

Jeudy le 5 ditto.

Il y a eu beaucup de contestation contre ceux de Zeelande, qui non seulement sont difficulté de faire l'ulterieur equipage, si on ne leur sournit pas l'argent, mais encore aussy ne veulent point la revocation de Cornelis Everts, qui commande dans la Bocht, disant que le petit Vaertuych, qu'on veut envoyer en la place de cest esquadre, ne suffit pas pour brider et empescher les depredations; ains qu'il faut des grands navires.

La Hollande aussy fait difficulté de avancer les 30000 ryxdolers pour proviander les forteresses de Holsteyn; mais toutefois est resolu de passer outre; a continuer la besoigne præparatoire en attendant les resolutions des provinces. Le prince Guilliaume sera allé en personne de Turnhout vers a Frise et Groningue.

Bref, en attendant l'on ne perd point de temps pour donner maturité a la besoigne et la forme de l'exploit.

Vendredy le 6 ditto.

Aujourd'huy l'ambassadeur de France, aussy bien que le resident d'Angletterre, ont offert leur mediation pour accommoder la guerre entre cest estat et le Portugal.

Le resident de Dennemarck a requis, que provisionellement l'on veuille envoyer les douze navires, qui sont prests, vers Dennemarck, pour harasser les Suedois; mais l'on ne la pas trouvé bon, ains y aller avec un force suffisante.

Le dit sieur resident aussy a refuté par un memoire celuy du resident de Swede.

Le fils du sieur Boreel a bien eu audience, mais n'a rien dit que choses generales, de l'huile de baleine, des taxes estrangeres, mais a demandé des commissiares. Poar encore son voyage n'a signifié pas grand chose.

Mr. Downing to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 470.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

Honourable Sir,
Findeing by your last, that the Holland's post was not come in, I am in greate paine for all the letters, which I have written since, the winde still haveing bin heare Westwardly; and this fall out unhappily to keepe from you the knowledge of so unexpected a newes, as I believe the Swedes having re-entred Zeeland, and having besieged Copenhagen, is unto you; whereof I gave you an account by two letters upon tuesday was a se'night, the one by the way of Amsterdam, and the other by the way of Rotterdam; and yesterday was a se'night, by an express by captain Wright, commander of the Fame frigot; and this day se'night by the post; and upon monday last by an express, which was sent from the states to the lord Nieuport, I gave you an account, that the states of Holland had resolved, in pursuance of their treaty with the king of Denmark, to send a considerable fleete with 6000 men for Copenhagen; in pursuance whereof all imaginable expedition is made: but their ships were many of them abroad upon the coast, and in the channell; and they were forced to stay the recalling of them home: and it's generally believed, that Copenhagen will be surrendred, and taken by force, before supply can come. I have herein inclosed to you, copyes of all the resolutions of the states, that have been taken in this particular, to which I refer. Admirall Opdam tells me, that he is makinge all possible hast to make himself ready to goe in person with this fleete; and he regrets much the absence of De Ruyther with that brave fleete, as he sayth it is a very brave fleete, consisting of 22 sayle of men of warre, a list whereof I sent you 2 or 3 months agoe; and young Tromp is at the bottom of the Streights with two men of warre, which is all to the Southward and Westward, farther than the Channel; out of which all are by galliots sent for to come home for this expedition to the Sound; and you shall not fayle of a speedy and exact list of them. No man almost dares now name a Swede at Amsterdam, except with indignation. I have also herein inclosed to you a copy of a letter, which I received thence this morning. I have herein inclosed a memoriall, which I have presented to the states generall the other day, concerning two ships brought into the harbours of this state by Flanders men of warre; and I finde that this memoriall hath extremely nettled them; yet I thought in duty I owe to his highness's service, I could not say less, having before made so many complaints of that kinde, and with so little fruit; and I pray, that upon the receipt of this memoriall I may have some particular directions from you about such like buisnesses. I have also herein inclosed to you copies of memorialls presented by the French ambassador and myself, concerning the present treaty with Portugal. The president of the states generall told me this morning, that the states had received a letter from Hamburgh, wherein it was written, that there was newes come from Lubeck to Hamburgh, that the Swedes had made two attacques upon Copenhagen, but had been repulsed; and that this newes should be come to Lubeck by an English ship, which had bin stopt among others by the Swede, but had privately made her escape from out of their fleete. The Portugal ambassador desired earnestly, that I would shew him a copy of the treaty between England and his master, for that he had none by him, and was affraid least some error might slip him for want thereof; and in particular, in relation to the trade of Brasile. I pray therefore, that for the prevention of any thing of that kind, I may have that treaty, and the treaty with France, and Sweden, and Denmark; and if you please to send them to my servant John Hawley at major Greenleif's house in Axe-yard, King-street, he will take care to convoy them to me; and that I may have also a copie of the particulars of the treaty marine lately offered to you by my lord Neiuport, as also that I may have orders from you in relation to ld. prot. his gu ar ra n ty of the present treaty betweene K.of Portugal and stat. gen. the Portugal ambassador having already desired it; and that he will be very loath to come to any conclusion without he shall have it; and he will be much more scrupulous in it, seeing what is fallen out betweene K. of Sw. and K. of D. When you shall have received my pacquet by captain Wright, I doubt not but I shall have your directions in relation to Ch. St. and D. of Yor. there letter s to T om Ho wa r d. I have herein inclosed to you a printed paper come from Franckfort, concerning the business betweene the Swede and the Dane, which I thought it might not be amiss to send, there being not as yet any manifesto come out from the king of Sweden, nor one word to Monsieur Appleboom, since this new attaque. Friquet, the emperour's envoy, had his audience the other day. The title which the emperor in the credentials gave the states was, charissimi amici; but the said Friquet gave not in writing any copy of what they said, nor hath he notifyed his arrivall to me, nor to the French ambassador, nor Mr. Appleboom. I have herein inclosed to you a memorial of the envoye of Poland, whereby you will perceive what cloudes are gathering hereabouts, upon the account of this new enterprize of the king of Sweden's, which hath already made so strange and suddaine a change hereabouts, and is like daily to make more, when as things were in appearance like to have come to a suddaine closure, between his and this state. And this is plaine, that when K. of Swed. ma s t er of Denm. it will be thereby clearly in his choice to make peace or warre with K. of Poland and the emperor. I have this day given notice to the president of the states generall, that Ch. Stuart hath been at Hounslerdike, and continues yet within their territories. I have herein inclosed what news I have from his court. The companyes, which are to goe for Copenhagen, have all orders to goe with all expedition to the randezvous at the Texell, among which are to be six English and six French companyes. I pray, that you will be pleased to think of settling the allowances of 150 l. per yeare for the English ministers here, so as that the first quarter may be paid at Michaelmas, else I shall be quite at a losse in that businesse, which I hope may be of very great good; and am
Honourable Sir,
Your most faithfull and humble servant,
G. Downing.

Hague, Sept. 6, 1658. [N. S.]

Since the writing heerof, I have given notice to the states generall, that Ch. Stuart now at Teeling, and intends to lye there this night; whereupon they have at last ordered the deputyes of Holland to take care, that the treaty be observed, which is as good as nothing. If they would, they might take him.

Many of the states generall are now going to Skeeveling, to see some experiments of fire-workes, which are to be sent for Denmarke.

Intelligence sent by resident Downing.

Vol. lxi. p. 35.

There are now at Flushing one Slingsby, who commanded the great fort of Bristol, when it was taken; he is a little man, black haire halfe turned gray, hath pockholes in his face, and is one of the captains in the regiment of guards to Charles Stuart. Captain Brawton also is there, who is a little man, with long black haire, going a little lame with one leg; he was formerly sent over a messenger in the former plott, but went by the name of Padden, and was taken at Dover with Daniel Oneale, but made his escape. Also Lawrence Ball, a tall young man, pockholes in his face, and light brown hair. There is also collonel Phillips, a fair-haired man, pretty gross, and his face full of pockholes. I beleeve he is only there to send Brawton away; but the others will go for England by the next passage, and are dangerous persons. Collonel Stephens is now at Antwerp, and will slip to England very suddainly.

Charles Stuart was at Hounslerdike yesterday very privately, and this morning he goes to Sir William Frogmorton's, wide of Madstrickt; from thence to Mynheere Swiliston's, near Utrecht, onely to take his pleasure; he hath noe-body with him but the lord Gerrard Armorer, and one who lookes to his cloathes, and the lord Ormond.

Here is now in town collonel Hurry, the chancellor's two sons, collonel Dorsey and the lord Norris.

At Amsterdam, the lord Balcarrcs, generall Middleton, lord Culpeper, who is newly come from Charles Stuart. The princess royal resolves to be heere on monday next. Sir Marmaduke Langdale is still at Brussells. The chancellor keepes house now at Breda. secretary Nicolas hath taken a house in Brussels. Charles Stuart will receive a greate sum of money from the Spaniard after Michaelmas, and hath already orders for it.

The lord Newburgh, who was imployed with Middleton for the business of Scotland, is now dying, having been set upon by two Irishmen, and dangerously cutt and wounded in the head, face and belly. Sir Richard Maliverer, who was with him, is also hurt, and lyeth very ill. Sir John Mince, who was imployed for the sea affaires, is gone to Nimeguen. And so they are all disperst up and down. They are in great feare, that the protector should be crowned; for then they give all for lost. Just now I am informed, that Charles Stuart went the last night with the princess royal to Teeling, where they intend to stay all this day, being the 6th of September, and to morrow the princess royal intends to returne back to Hownslerdike, and Charles Stuart onwards his said intended journey.

The king of Sweden to the states general.

Vol. lx. p. 481.

Nos Carolus, &c.

High and mighty good friends and confederates, the castle of Cronenburg being happily reduced into our hands, the resident in Denmark, the noble and sincerely beloved Le Mair, came unto us, signifying, that he was resolved to goe into Holland to receive new orders, after this change of affairs, desiring of us a passport for his more securely voyaging: wee granting, indeed, his petition should have been glad to have seen, that he would here have waited for orders from his principals, that by his stay in these parts, if perchance any thing had fell out in the traffick of the subjects of the United Provinces by our officers, which should be worthy of our knowledge, care, or remedy, he might be at hand to speake and confer about them; for it would concerne the sincere desire of our friendship, which we shall ever be ready to maintain, as more largely we have expressed in former letters, if so be that in the Danish affairs, or in the business of any other our enemies, you shall no way meddle, but carry yourselves towards us, as the antient and profitable alliance between our predecessors and your common wealth doth require. That for a little time without any damage we detained some Dutch ships, you will not judge or interpret amiss: that is ordinary not only in all nations, but amongst you chiefly in such occasions; and not only your ships, but the ships of other nations, and those of our own subjects underwent the same stop during the hot attack. As we are resolved to maintain sincere amity with your republic, if you by a mutual correspondence will favour the same, and as we know well enough, that you have a special and particular care of the liberty of navigation and commerce, we will earnestly endeavour with you, that you may plainly understand, that we will not be behind you in promoting the same, nor any other in manifesting good will towards the subjects of the United Provinces, with which we heartily recommend you to divine protection.

Your good friend and confederate,
Charles Gustavus.

Given at Elsenore, 8 Sept. 1651.

Mr. Downing's memorial for an English ship brought in by an Ostender.

7 Sept. 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lxi. p. 49.

The under-written resident of England, &c. being certainly informed, that a certain English ship, called the Richard and Susan of Dover, whereof one Christopher Dawson was master, coming from London, and bound for Rotterdam, was taken on wednesday last, being the 4th instant, by one Cornelius Bornler of Ostend, and brought into Goree, where the said ship, together with the said man of war now are; and being farther certainly informed, that the said pirate hath unladen and taken out of the said ship moneys and goods, to the value of above 100 l. sterling, contrary to the law and practice of all nations, the present peace between his most serene highness and this state, and their own late placart; the said resident doth therefore earnestly require, that forthwith without any manner of delay, the said ship might be restored to the proprietors thereof, together with the goods and money taken out of her; and that the said pirate may be exemplarily punished, whereby it may at last effectually appear, that their lordships will not suffer these manifest and daily injuries to be done to the subjects of his master in their havens. And if it shall please their lordships forthwith to dispatch their orders for the seizing and securing of the said pirate, with his ship of war, it will be impossible for them, as the winds now are, to escape their hands. Given at the Hague this 7th of Sept. 1658.

G. D.

Mr. Downing's memorial against receiving rebells, &c. into this state.

10th September.

The under-written resident of England, &c. having considered the ninth and eleventh articles of the treaty of peace, made between his most serene highness of England and the United Provinces, wherein it is expresly accorded, that the rebels and declared enemies of the common-wealth of England, shall not be received into the jurisdiction of the United Provinces, nor any aid, counsel, lodging, or entertainment, be yielded unto them; and that notwithstanding Charles Stuart with the earl of Ormond, and others of his train, hath been lately at Bosch, Heusden, Suilleston, and other principal places, and towns of the United Provinces, and that Sir Edward Hyde resides now at Breda, where he hath also made his abode for some time; that the lord Taafe, and O Neale, with divers other rebels of the common-wealth of England, are now in the Hague: the said resident finds himself obliged to give notice thereof to their lordships, with desire, that the said treaty in this regard may be observed, and such order taken, that the like may be prevented for the future. Given at the Hague, the 10th of Sept. 1658.

Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland.

In the possession of the rt. hon. the earl of Shelburn.

My Lord,
Doctor Worth beinge upon his returne to Ireland, I was not willinge to omit that opportunitye to present to your excellency my most humble service; and to give you an account of his highnes present condition. His fitt upon tuesday night was somewhat more favourable then the former; and the good intervall, which he had after it, gave us good hopes, that his ague was very much upon the decreasinge; espetially the fitt, which he is now in, beginninge very favourablye, the cold part of it slippinge over without any observation. But truely the hot fitt hath beene very long and terrible; insoemuch, that the doctors feare he will scarce get through it. However, he is now fallen into a breathinge sweate, which we hope he will come well out of. I knowe, my lord, how much I shall trouble, greive, and afflict your lordship by this newes; but truly consideringe the station you are in, I durst not omitt to lett your excellency knowe, that his last fitt hath rendered his highnes condition very dangerous; and I doubt our feares are more then our hopes. How wee are all like to be left as to outward appearance, I need not mention. I write of it with great perturbation, yea and perplexity of mind; only wee have a sure refuge to flye to, who hath not yet failed us; and I trust he will appeare in this tyme of our need. To-morrow is set apart for prayer by divers ministers and Christians, on the behalse of his highnes; and wee hope the Lord will heare us, and grant the petitions wee are to desire of him. I have not writt thus planely to any person but your excellency, and I thought it necessary to doe it towards you, that your excellency may be in the best posture in all events, and may have your heart exercised towards God, accordinge to the importance of the buissines, which is the greatest that ever this nation saw. Doctor Worth's application for his owne particular was in an ill tyme, his highnes havinge beene sick ever since he first moved it; but I shall not omit to serve him, if the Lord affordes the opportunity. The kinge of Sweden hath againe invaded the Dane, and very probablye hath Copenhagen by this tyme.

Your Excellency's
Most obedient and humble servant,
Jo. Thurloe.

Whitehal, 27 Aug.
2 in the morninge, [1658.]

Sir John Copleston to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 482.

I Heare from my lord Fleetwood, that a shippe is ready at Weymouth for the transporting the men I have now raised. The men will be there next monday, and I hope the day following to ship them. I sent a man away yesterday to see what or whither any provisions were on board for the men: if I am to provide them, it will be at least a day's stoppe to me. I have (but truly with much difficulty) taken uppe of the collectors of the excise and customes here 200 l. and according to your order charged the same on you. I have promised, that you will make ready payment, which I begge you to doe. I doubt this sume will scarce suffice, especially if the provisions, which according to your allowance, is four pence for each, are to be paid for by me. I am sure, the last men I raised as well as these, hath been not only very troublesome but chargeable to me. But if I may be serviceable in any measure to the carrying on so good an interest, I shall be ready, not onely to lay out what I have, but my life also in it. I will hasten away these men, what possibly I can, and ever be,
Your most faithfull and humble servant,
John Copleston.

August 28. 1658.

General Monck to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 299.

My Lord,
I Received your lordshippes letter of the 27th of July, and as concerning the men that are to go out of the regiments heere for Flanders, upon the first letter you wrote to me, I gave out orders presently upon itt, being the regiments lie at soe great a distance, and there being expressed three or fower hundred men, I made bold to take the lesser number, being I thought itt would be lesse for his highnesse service heere; which orders were sent out before his highnesse letter came for sending of 400; and truly I believe some of the regiments will not be recruited these three years; and besides it takes up a great deale of money from the captaines; and they being nine months pay behind, and like to be more, it will half breake them to keepe those men they entertaine till they come into pay; besides those men wee gott in their roomes will not bee half soe serviceable as those men wee have already, being they are used to the ayre of the countrey, and to hard marches; but I hope his highnesse will not take it ill that I have not sent the full 400 att present; these 300 men will be shipt by the 26th of this moenth, and the shippes sett sayle if the winde be faire. I could hartily wish wee had received his highnesse commands concerning the presbytery of Jedburgh, for to-morrow is the day they come before us; by the lawes of this countrey itt is treason to declare against an act of parliament, which I think these men are sensible of now, though they did not consider itt before. For other newes wee have none; this is all at present from
Your Lordshippes
Most humble servant,
George Monck.

Edin. 3 Aug. 1658.

Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland.

In the possession of the rt. hon. the earl of Shelburn.

May it please your Excellencye,
I Gave you some account by Doctor Worth of his highness condition, as it then was; but least he should delay his journey, or miscarry in it, I thought it necessary to send this expresse, to the end your excellencye may fully understand how it is with his highnesse. This is the 13th day since his ague took him, haveinge beene sicke a fortnight before of a generall distemper of body. It continued a good while to be a tertian ague, and the burninge fitts very violent. Upon saterday it fell to a double tertian, haveinge 2 fitts in 24 houres, one upon the heeles of another, which doe extreamely weaken hym, and endaunger his life. And trulye since saterday morninge he hath scarce beene perfectly out of his fitts. The doctors are yet hopefull, that he may struggle through it, though their hopes are mingled with much feare. But truly wee have cause to put our hope in the lord, and to expect mercy from hym in this case, he haveinge stirred up the saints to pray for hym in all places. Never was there a greater stocke of prayers goinge for any man then is now goeing for hym; and truly there is a generall consternation upon the spirits of all men, good and bad, feareinge what may be the event of it, should it please God to take his highnesse at this tyme: and God havinge prepared the heart to pray, I trust he will enclyne his eare to heare. And that which is some ground of hope is, that the Lord, as in some former occasions, hath given to himselfe a perticuler assurance, that he shall yet live to serve hym, and to carry on the worke he hath put into his hands.

I doe not yet finde, that there are any great stirringes yet upon this occasion; though the cavaliers doe begin to listen after it, and hope their day is comeinge, or indeed come, if his highnes dye. And truly, my lord, wee have cause to feare, that it may goe very ill with us, if the Lord should take away his highnes in this conjuncture; not that I thinke Charles Stewart's interest is soe great, or his partie soe powerfull in themselves; but I fear our owne divisions, which may be great enough, if his highnesse should not settle and six his successor before he dyes, which truely I beleeve he hath not yet done. He did by himselfe declare one in a paper before he was installed by the parliament, and sealed it up in the forme of a letter, directing it to me, but kept both the name of the person and the paper to himselfe. After he fell sicke at Hampton Court, he sent Mr. John Barrington to London for it, tellinge hym it lay upon his study table at Whitehall; but it was not to be found there, nor elsewhere, though it hath beene very narrowly looked for. And in this condition matters stand, his highnesse haveinge beene too ill to be troubled with a buissines of this importance. This day he hath had some discourse about it, but his illnes disenabled hym to conclude it fully; and if it should please the Lord not to give hym tyme to settle his succession before his death, the judgment would be the soarer, and our condition the more dangerous; but I trust he will have compassion on us, and not leave us as a prey to our enemies, or to one another. All persons here are very reserved as to what they will doe, in case his highness should not declare his successor before he dyes, not beinge willinge to enterteyne any discourse of it, either because it is a matter too greivous to be thought of, or because they would not discover any oppinion, which might crosse his highnesse thoughts in his life tyme. And this, my lord, is the whole account I am able to give your lordship of this sadd buissines, which I am sure will occasion much trouble and sorrow to you; but I could not omit my duty, judgeinge it absolutely necessary, that your excellency should understand all that passes or falls out upon this subject, that you may the better knowe, how to direct your prayers and counsells, and stirre up others alsoe to pray for his highnesse and 3 nations in this day of distresse. And as any thinge further occurrs (which I beseech the Lord may be for good) I shall suddeinly dispatch it away to you, and be ready to answere such commands, as your excellency shall lay upon me, beinge,
Your Excellencye's
Most humble, faithfull, and obedient servant,
Jo. Thurloe.

Whitehall, 30 Aug. 1658.

9 o'clock at night.

The kinge of Sweden and the kinge of Dennemark are againe in open hostility; the kinge of Sweden landed an army upon his island of Zealand, and is like to possesse himselfe of his capitall citty, Copenhaghen, and the Sound. The cause of this new quarrell I cannot now acquaint your excellencye, beinge not informed myselfe.

That about the succession is an absolute secret: I beseech your excellencye keepe it soe.

Lord Fauconberg to H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

My Lord,
'Tis with unexpresable greif I now 11 34 3 2 23 11 15 35 11 19 10 19 27 26 43 15 19 give 11 your lordshipp the sad account of 3 6 3 7 7 26 38 27 39 26 10 H. H. condition, which all the physitians 26 27, 43 14 19 7 14 3 23 39 14 11 31 14 47 34 19 39 19 3 27 34 have 3 38 11 for some dayes judgd dangerous, 6 6 3 27 15 11 35 26 38 34, and now more then ever. Tho' his 14 11 27 11 38 11 35. 39 14 26 14 19 34 lots 26 34 34 must needs carry weight 47 43 11 19 15 14 39 ynough in itselfe, 47 yet 39 the consideration of the miserable posture 34 11 35 3 2 23 11 31 26 34 39 38 35 11 hee leivs these nations in 3 38 34 39 14 11 34 11 27 3 39 19 26 27 34 19 27 is stupendious. 39 38 31 11 27 6 19 26 38 34. My lord, I hold it my duty to 26 acquaint you how wee stand at prient; 38 14 26 43 43 11 11 34 39 3 27 6 3 39 31 35 11 34 11 27 39; and then leave the further 11 39 14 11 10 38 35 39 14 11 35 31 proceed of things to God's direction, 39 14 19 27 15 34 39 26 15 26 6 34 6 19 35 11 7 39 19 26 27, and your lordship's wisdome. 23 26 35 6 34 14 19 31 34 43 19 34 6 26 22 11.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

A successor 7 7 11 34 34 26 35 there is none named, 11 27 3 22 11 6, that I can 3 27 learn. 11 3 35 27. T. has seem'd to be resolved to press 23 38 6 39 26 31 35 11 34 34 him in his intervals to such 19 34 19 27 39 11 35 38 3 23 34 39 26 34 38 7 14 a nomination: but whether out 39 19 26 27: 2 38 39 43 14 11 39 14 11 35 26 38 39 of apprehensions to displease 14 11 27 34 19 26 27 34 39 26 6 19 34 31 23 11 3 34 11 him, it recovering, or others 11 7 26 38 11 35 19 27 15, 26 35 26 39 14 11 35 34 hereafter, if it should not succeed, 35, 19 10 19 39 34 14 36 38 23 6 27 26 39 34 38 77 11 11 6, hee has not yet done it, 34 27 26 39 47 11 39 6 26 27 11 19 39, 27 26 nor doe I beleive wil. 2 11 23 11 19 38 11 43 19 23.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

Wee have had one general meeting 3 6 26 27 11 15 11 27 11 35 3 23 22 11 11 39 19 27 15 of the officers, and are to 10 10 19 7 11 35 34, 3 27 6 3 35 11 39 26 14 have another to-day. 26 39 14 11 35 39 26 6 3 47. At the last 14 11 23 3 34 39 W. and 27 6 Berry onely praid very notionally 35 3 19 6 38 11 35 47 27 26 39 19 26 27 3 23 23 47 both, and in generals, onely 19 27 15 11 27 11 35 3 23 34, 26 27 11 23 47 begging of God to goe on to owne 10 15 26 6 39 26 15 26 11 26 27 39 26 26 43 27 11 his people, and to keep up their 23 11, 3 26 6 39 26 18 11 11 31 38 31 39 14 11 19 35 harts to doe his work. 39 26 6 26 11 14 19 34 43 26 35 18.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

Honest 26 27 11 34 39 Ingolsby and 27 6 B. 43 were the onely 39 14 11 26 27 11 23 47 persons not summoned to this 27 26 39 34 38 22 22 26 27 6 39 26 39 14 19 34 meeting; by which you may guess 2 47 43 14 19 7 14 47 26 38 22 3 47 15 38 11 34 34 at something. 26 22 39 14 19 27 15.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

Last night I acquainted 15 14 39 19 3 7 30 38 3 19 27 39 11 6 Dr. Petty with 19 39 14 the wnow state of our affairs 23 11 34 39 3 39 11 26 10 26 38 35 3 10 10 3 19 35 34, the principles and interests 19 27 7 19 31 23 11 34 3 27 6 19 27 39 11 35 11 34 39 34 of every individual, which 47 19 27 6 19 38 19 6 38 3 23 43 14 19 7 14 I think I now understand indifferent 26 43 38 27 6 11 35 34 39 3 27 6 19 27 6 19 10 10 11 35 11 27 39 well with my owne opinion 14 22 47 26 43 27 11 26 31 19 27 19 26 27 what's to be done: 34 39 26 2 11 6 26 27 11: to his letter 19 34 23 11 39 39 11 35 I must refer you 39 35 11 10 11 35 47 26 38.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

The officers met again to-day 7 11 35 34 22 11 39 3 15 3 19 27 39 26 6 3 47, but nothing debated by them; 19 27 15 6 11 2 3 39 11 6 2 47 39 14 11 22 the 14 11 whole time they spent in praier 22 11 39 14 11 47 34 31 11 27 39 19 27 31 35 3 19 11 35. As my thing matter fels 14 19 27 15 22 3 39 11 35 19 3 23 10 3 23 34 out, 38 39, your lordshipp shall be sure to heare from
Your servant,

Monday, August 30th, 1658.


Tuesday, August 31.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

Z. is now beyond al possibillity 11 47 26 27 6 3 23 31 29 34 34 19 2 19 23 23 19 39 47 of recovery. 11 7 26 38 11 35 47.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

I long to heare from 36 26 14 11 3 35 11 10 35 26 22 A. what his 3 39 14 19 34 intentions are; if I may know, 19 26 27 34 3 35 11; 19 10 19 22 3 47 18 27 26 43, Ple make the game here is tarre 14 11 15 3 22 11 14 11 35 11 3 34 10 3 19 35 11 as may be; and if I may have commission 10 19 22 3 47 14 3 38 11 7 26 22 22 19 34 34 19 26 27 from 35 26 22 A. I can make sure of lord 11 34 38 35 11 26 10 23 26 35 6 Lockart and those with him. 27 6 39 14 26 34 11 43 19 39 14 19 22.

Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

May it please your Excelency,
I Did by doctor Worth upon friday, and by an expresse yesterday, certifie your excellencye of his highnesse condition; since which thinges with him remeyne much as they did, if he doth not declyne more and more. Wee are willinge to hope the best; but did, if he doth not declyne more and more. Wee are willinge to hope the best; but truly he is in great daunger, and he is soe weake for the present, that he is capable of doeinge nothinge respectinge to the publique, that, for aught I see, things are like to be at his H. death (in case that evill day should now come upon us) as my last mentioned. It will be to noe purpose to agravate to your lordship the ill condition of things, it beinge our duty to look up to God, and eye hym; and that, my lord, I trust your lordship will doe, and, in the midst of your owne thoughts, to encourage yourselfe in the Lord your God. I will not trouble your lordship further, but rest
Your Excelencye's
Most humble and most obedient servant,
Jo. Thurloe.

Whitehall, 31. Aug. 1658.

General Fleetwood to Henry Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

Deare Brother,
The Lord's hand hath bine very sorely upon us in the continuance of his highnes under a very great distemper, called an ague, but mostly his heate gave us the sadde aprehension of danger he was under; and truly litle hopes as to men was, but the Lord is pleased to give some litle reviving this evening. After sew slumbering sleepes, his pulse better, his water good all this day, till now at night ther hath bine very great feares, what the wombe of to-morrow might have brought forth.

The hearts of good people have exceedingly bine drawn forth with more sense of this presant dispensation, then hath bine known thes severall yeares; which surly is an argument for good; and his highnes himselfe hath hade great assurances of his recovery, which, I doe think, hath much in it. The dispensation hath lowdly called unto us to be awakened from our security. It is for such we are thus rebuked. The Lord give us hearts to know every one the evill of our hearts and wayes, that we may turn at his reproose. I know ther will be many letters com of his highnes condition; but I am just com out of his chamber, wheare both physitians and relations wer much revived at the refreshment, which hath now bine given. This we may say, that his return will be, if the Lord restore him, as life from the deade, and as great a return of prayer as hath bine in a case of this nature known a long time. The Lord give us hearts sutably to be affected to what this providence calls for; which that we may, is the desire of him, who is
Your most affectionat brother, and humble servant,
Cha. Fleetwood.

August 31. [1658.]

Mr. Morland to secretary Thurloe.


My Lord,
Though the favours, which I have alreadie received from your lordship, are ten thousand times beyond whatever I deserved, and for which I am, and shall be always bound to pray for your honour's prosperity, and all that belong to you, yet your honour having been pleased to expresse your good intentions towards mee, and good acceptances of my poor services at the same time, when you gave mee the moyety of Mr. Needham's news-booke, and that in case I could finde any other thing of greater certeinty, you would be my freind in obtaining it for mee, I am encouraged to become an humble petitioner to your honour, to improve your powerfull influence in the procureing for mee the office of clerk of the pells in the exchequer, which is vacant since yesterday, by the death of Dennis Bond, assuring you, that such an encouragement as this should have no other effect then to oblige mee to double my diligence, and to lay out my time, and all the opportunities God shall give mee, during my life, in giving you constant testimonies, how sincerly I am
Your Honour's
Most humble and faithfull servant,
S. Morland.

31. August, 1658.

If your lordship find any inconveniency or unreasonablenesse in this my bold request, I shall for ever desist; but if otherwise, I most humbly beg your honour to give directions about a warrant, which will declare the disposition of it, and put an end to all the suits of others for the same thing.

From Mr. Kingstonn.

In the possession of Joseph Radcliffe, of the Inner Temple, esq;

You will remember, that an Irish priest, 19 11 7 20 21 named Mr. Spens 7 15 20 feild, when you left Brusselles to goe to Breda, 7 121, met you; and being desirous to speake with you, your hast was so great, as you only let him know, that you exspected to returne speedely; but your occasions having kept you absent longer then he could stay in them parts, he desires you should understand by my conveighance, what he then meant to have said to you.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

You have taken notice last summer, and the Lent before, of privat meetings, where the priest Rely, Tom. Talbott, collonel Rely, collonel Briel, and Bodkin, 15, 43 70 6 12 228, were the chief heads, and sometimes they cal'd upon many others, upon pretence of nominating agents, and providing for the affaires of Irish Cathonqurs; and indeed that was the part of the designe, which was visible and made knowne to all those, who assisted at those conventicles; but, under this coloure, there was a traiterous plott sett on sott by Bodkin, 12 228, for his coming out of England about Christmas last as a broker of some treaty between Cromwell and the k. of Spaine, showed papers he had upon that subject to the k. of England, pretending out of abundance of duty, that he meant to proceed no further therein, then as he receaved orders from him. This blindation both secured him from the suspicion, which perhaps might be had of him in our court, and got him access to Don Alonso, 16 15 385, (for whom, if you please, let 63 stand in the cypher) who of all men hath alwayes had his eares most open to such tideings. Thus being cherish'd, and getting money, he drives on the reall designe intrusted with him by Cromwell, which was to induce the Irish to quitt the service of the king, and the k. of Spaine, and either come into France, or come with Cromwell's forces, upon promise that doing soe, and becoming his liege menn, they should be admitted into Ireland, have large proportions of land sett out to them, should not be disturb'd in their religion, and that none should be trusted more then they; adding a reason deduced from his owne intrest, because was it said in his behalf, the Irish had been always opprest by the kings of England; 161; and that both out of aversion to them and theirs, and by occasion of the benefitt they were to receave by him, it might be well presumed, they would be faithfull to him. The particulars of what is concluded in this, he knowes not; but hopes to understand it; but he knowes, that the primat T. Talbot, and the Marchand, are gone into England; and he beleaves, they will not be scrupulous to do any thing they shall be directed in favour of Cromwell. Bodkin 223 tould all this designe to Mr. Spensfeild, 15 20 177, with whom he was very intimat, because P. Rely assur'd him, that he would drawe him to be of his party; but no man execrats this plott more then this gentleman; and to the astonishment of 70 Bodkin, 228, tould him, if he did not desist, he would cause him to be made prisoner. However, hearing him speake of collonel Cusake, 12 7, as being willing likewise to impart the matter to him, he grew more calme, considering he might by that means have another witness of the designe; and Bodkin 12 228 having entreated him to send for the collonel, that they there might conferr of it, he agreed thereunto, and posted a letter for him, that when he came to towne, he should keep himself secrett, untill he spake with him; which he did accordingly. And Mr. Spensfeild 15 20 177 having related the cause for which he sent for him, he scars could containe collonel from seeking out Bodkin 12 228 to beat him; but being perswaded to hear him out patiently, Bodkin 12 228 tould over the same story to him, that he had donn to the other. At length the collonel, who could hould no longer, asked Bodkin 12 228, what he had observed in him, that should make him thinke, he would be wrought upon to be disloyall and treacherous to the prince he served; and tould him, he would there forbear beating him, because it was in his own chamber; but he would not spare him, if he heard any more of it. Immediately after, the collonel and Mr. Spensfeild 15 20 177 agreed, that the later should informe you of all, which he then intended to doe, when you could not be at leisure to heere him. And because you may with more assurance give credit to what he sayes, and be informed more at large, he sends the enclosed to the collonel, who, when you thinke fitt to call upon him, will attest the same, though Mr. Spensfeild 15 20 177 earnestly desires, in the name of them both, that no mention be made of them; which I have promis'd him. And in the case of Mr. Spensfeild 15 20 177, it is absolutely necessary secreasi should be us'd; for such a way of correspondenc is establisht between him and me, as may be usefull. God keep The caracter of the enclosed is knowen to the collonel, however it be subscrib'd. Direct in it is meant for detect.

The superscription,
For Mr. James Sidenham.

September the 6. 1658.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

After I had made up my former, advertisement was given me from such a hand as I give credit to, that Cromwell hath by Lockhart desir'd the cardinall to find a way, that the pope doe but continue indifferent in the matter now agitated, and he will so order the business, that the catholiques shall have full liberty; 19 21 25; and that Mazarin hath alreddy sent to two cardinalls to mediat the matter; and for the greater luster, intends that Savoy 418 25 should likewise mediat in it. This Savoy's 418 25 2 embassedor tould a gentleman of quality this day, as having it from the cardinall's owne mouth.

The superscription,
For Mr. James Sidenham.

Noble Cossen,
I HAVE written to you hence formerly, but could gett noe answer to any my letters I directed to Brussels. The primat, Thom. Talbott and Bodkin are safely arrived in England; and (if not tymely prevented) will doe us and ours noe good. I shall attend their motions, and will direct their intentions as much as in me lieth. Adress yourself to my lord of Ormond, whom I had not the happiness to see before my parting thence. He will give you farther directions. I shall part hence after 20 dayes at farthest. You will direct your letters for me in London, at Mr. Prior's; but writt nothing unto me untill you receave mine thence. I commend my service to your vertuos lady, and shall ever remaine,
Your faithfull servant,
Josephus de Strange.

Paris, 6. September, 1658. [N. S.]