State Papers, 1658: July (1 of 7)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1658: July (1 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1658: July (1 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1658: July (1 of 7)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

July (1 of 7)

Barkstead, lieutenant of the Tower, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 9.

Right Honourable,
I spent a good part of the last night in examining of Mallory according to your direction. The inclosed is a true copy of his examination. That under his hand is soe interlyned, by reason of his unsteady answearings, I send not, but keepe it by mee. I tooke much paynes to make farther discovery from him, but he often affirmed he knowes no more. Not more, but that I am,

Your very affectionate friend and hearty servant,
Jo. Barkstead.

Tower, July primo, 1058.

The two papers are returned.


July 1st. 1658.

Vol. lix. p. 202.

The king of Scotts is now at Oxcon, in the king of Spain's power, and the princessroyall with him; and there they doe intend to stay, untill the duke of Yorke and duke of Glocester come to them. Now the messenger is come back from Franckfort, and he hath brought word, that the king of Scotts may come if he please, it being a free state; but they seare, as the case stands with them, they shall be able to doe very little for him; but it is so resolved by himself and councill, that he shall goe with all speede. There hath bin a greate falling out betweene the chancellor and the duke of Glocester, because he might not goe along with his brother. There is but two lords to goe along with him; th'one my lord Ormond; the other is my lord Gerrard. In his bed-chamber goes Thomas Killigrew, and Daniel O Nele, and one of the squires, whose name is Armorer, and all the rest are ordinary servants. The chancellor stayes behinde to drive on the greate worke, which is resolved on so soone as the Spaniards army comes to the field. And the Spaniard hath promised Charles Stuart 5000 foote, and arms for them. This is resolved by both the councils. And it is further resolved, that those, who are on this side the sea that are safe, shall be imployed again, so soone as the noise is over more. They are much troubled to heare, that one capt. Francis Withrington is now taken prisoner at London. It is that Withrington, I told your honour formerly of; he knowes where Mr. Cooper is to be found, as also capt. Palding, who was one of those who killed coll. Rainsborrow. He also can tell where to find Mr. Holder, who was secretary to Sir Marmaduke Langdale, who was sent to the North. Haveing this Witherington, you have all theis people, if he please to confess. There is one, who is a very active man, whose name is Arthur Hascott; he hath bin a major always for the king; he is about thirty yeares, hath browne haire, and hath had a greate hurt on his face; he wares thereon always a round black patch; he is generally knowne in Kent, and is to be found at the house of Sir Edward Payton.

There is another, who hath bin long acting there; he is about forty yeares, and is grey haired; he is marryed to the sister of Sir John Boyce, and is there to be found. He hath gotten much money, and sent over for the King. This, Sir John Boyce is he, who was governor of Dunington-castle; and I doe beleeve you will finde he hath a greate hand in this business; major Bosken hath bin long imploy'd in those parts. There is one, who lyes in Covent-garden; his name is Roscarock; he is trusted by the gentlemen of the West; he and these people of the West have dayly letters pass betweene them. The man hath not bin employed in the last plot, but in the other he was. He hath bin a collonell for the king, and is well knowne all over Covent-garden, and is dayly at John Chace's an apothecaryes in Russel-street, the next door to the Dolphin. And there is one John Seymor likewise imployed, and hath a brother one coll. Seymor in the West. This John Seymor hath sent over formerly much money, and he is of this and the other plott. He is a young man of about twenty-six yeares, hath black haire, and lyes always in Covent-garden. Now you must be very wary of the lord Lovelace, or else he will doe you much mischief, for he is in greate kindness with the king; therefore pray slip not this.

The chancellor is ordered to lye at Breda, when the king is gone for Franckfort, and secretary Nicholas to come to the Hague, and continue there.

The messenger, that brought the word to the king of Scotts from Franckfort, reported, that the same day he came from Franckfort, the king of Hungary moved in the assembly, that it might be ordered, that the army might be ordered to be true to all the princes of the Empire, provided the said princes would be sworne to be true to the emperor.

The vessel St. John of Bruges, which brought old Crisp into England, is now come to Flushing, aud lyes ready to goe out to sea againe, and is commanded by one captain Udbert. There lye two gentlemen at Rotterdam, whose names are Colt, who came lately out of Kent, and were of this last busines.

Charles Stuart went away in all haste. The second day he came to Sevenburgh being monday the 23d June to Oxon, as they said, by an order, which was procured by resident Downing, and were very much enraged; insomuch that the princess-royall was once resolved not to come to the Hague again this yeare, but her minde altered since, so that she came this night. The marquiss of Ormond came to the Hague with the princess-royall, where he now is.

Mrs. Phillips hath bin theis tenn days at the Hague, and she is gone for England in the same fleete from Rotterdam, in which went the hamper, which I sent to Mr. Lucas Lucy.

One Mr. Shaw of Antwerp is imployed to procure money for Charles Stuart for his journey for Franckforte, and doth much busines for Charles Stuart.

The bishop of Mackland hath undertaken to raise and pay a very considerable number of foote.

Several resolutions of the States-General.

8 July [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 15.

The ambassador of France having communicated it to the assembly, and after there being read two writings, to wit, the copy of the proposition, which was made to the king of France by the envoys of the electors of Mentz and Cologne, for procuring a peace between France and Spain; also the copy of the answer of the said king to the said proposition, it is said and resolved after deliberation, that the agent de Heyde shall in their lordships names go and thank the said ambassador.

Moreover after deliberation it is resolved, that the provinces shall be exhorted to declare speedily for redressing the militia of this state.

In the assembly hath been read the letter that hath been writ to the elector of Cologne in favour of those of the reformed religion in his archbishoprick; and thereupon order'd, that the agent de Heyde shall in person present it to the said elector, so soon as he shall be returned from Francfort to Bonne, or elsewhere in those parts, and by his good offices and endeavours second their lordships good intentions.

9 July.

A letter from ambassador Boreel at Paris, dated the fifth instant, desiring to know the good intentions of the States-General, how he shall behave himself about the declaration made by the Venetian ambassador Justinian, touching the renewing of the alliance between Venice and this state; whereupon it was resolved, that the provinces should be desired to declare themselves herein to-morrow.

11 July.

There hath been read a memorial of the consul of the French nation here, supplicating that the captain, who hath transported hither the ambassador of Portugal, may be permitted to sell the salt wherewith he is laden; also a letter from the college of the admiralty of Zealand, writ at Middleburgh the 8th of this month about the same business. After deliberation the deputies of the States of Holland have deferred the matter to communicate the same to their principals.

Moreover, in the same assembly, was read the petition of the nobility of Falkenburg in the country beyond the Maese, complaining, that the officers hinder them in the tax of aydes, which they make amongst themselves. Whereupon, after deliberation, it is resolved, that the said petition shall be sent to the commissioners of the States General at Maestricht, to inform themselves with the deputies of the council of state, and to make report thereof.

Major-general Morgan to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 1.

Right Honourable,
I acquainted you in my last of the surrendrie of Dirkesmew to marshall Thureine. Yesterday one of his highnes regiments marched with me, a French regiment of foote, and some of these horse, had a redoubt surrendred to them within a myle of Newport. All the enemies foote, which consisted of 800 and no more, with marques de Curasceine, and the titular duke of York, threw themselves yesterday into Newport; but wheather those persons will continue there, or wee shall beleaguer that place, is not as yett knowne. Marshall Thureine is verie desyrous, that some shippinge should continue neare Ostend and Newport, while this armie is upon the sea-coast. I do assure your honor, Flanders is sorely shaken with this year's service. The messinger beinge ready to be gone, I have no time to inlarge; but, that I am,

Right Honourable,
Your verie humble servant,
Tho. Morgan.

Campe, nigh Dirkesmew.
11 July, 1658. Stilo Novo.

Lockhart to secretary Thurloe.

Dunkerke, July 1/11. 1658.

Vol. lx. p. 5.

May it please your Lordshipp,
Having been neecessitated to lett blood by reason of some indisposition, I shall not trouble your lordshipp with much by this. I shall only tell your lordshipp, that Mr. Peters is arryved, and hath acquainted me with some things, that he sayeth your lordshipp hath been fully acquainted with; to the carrying on of which I shall surely contribute my share; and shall pray that his proposalls may prosper and be acceptable to all good men. Their is one comisary Mandossi hath been heare; his pretence was to make up some account with the bakers and apothecaryes of this towne, for what they furnished during the seige: he told me had some thing to say to me from the marquisse of Caracene, and after many compliments from the marquisse, he told me, that the said marquisse thought the warr between England and Spayne, was an unhappy warr; and could with these differences had never been betwixt two nations, that had continued in so long a friendship; and after he had extolled the advantages, that might accrew to England from a peace with Spayne, and had much slighted the alliance betwixt England and France, he had a very foolish conclusion; which was, he desyered to know, if I had any thing to offer to his highness Don John, or his excellence of Caracene, that favoured of peace, or at least of a treaty, which might open the way to a peace, or a cessation. I treatted him as civilly as I cowld. The substance of what I sayd was, that my master's affairs was by the blessing of God in so good a posture, as he needed not to be the first suer for peace with any of his enemies; and tho' the Spaniards had callumniatt him as one, who could not heare of peace, and was the great disturber of the quyett of Christendome; yett when their should be a faire occasione for treatting of peace conjointly with his allies, I hoped they should find him more inclineable to peace upon just and reasonable terms, then they had represented him to be at Franckfort. He had little to say in returne to me, and finding of a vollage talkative humour, I gave him a handsom intertainment, and dismissed him after I had him twice or thrice axd him, if he had nothing else to say to me from the persons he had named. Marquis de Caracene hath been so civill as to send me coll. John's upon my parolle to return him to him, so soone as he shall be pleased to call for him. My lord, our soldiers at Mardick and the Fortroyall have no bedds, and there is greatt scarfity of them heare: if 800 or 1000 bedds could be sent, it would be a great accomodation to our soldiers, of whom a great many sicken dayly; besyde, when the horse com, I shall have no bedds for them; and they at first coming will think it, I feare, a little strange to be without them. I have sent your lordshipp a list of such things, as the gentleman of the ordnance wanteth at present. I pray the commissioners of the Tower may be ordered to send them. The hand-granades are not yet arrived; I could wish they were heare; and that at least ten thousand more were provided. I beg pardon for this rude scrible, and am,

My Lord,
Your most humble servant,
Will. Lockhart.

Lockhart to secretary Thurloe.

Dunkerke, July 1/11. 1658.

Vol. lx. p. 3.

My Lord,
The bearer hereof, Mrs. Ward, widow of a captain, that behaved himself worthily even to the losse of his life in these parts, will without any recommendation from me become a laudable object of your lordshipp's favourable respect and charity. I was only writing to give her this for an introduction, being well assured that your lordshipp will of yourself find motives enough to pitty, and way to relieve persons in her condition. I know not her aimes; but if they be modest and moderate, as I presume they will, I shall beg of your lordshipp to move something in her behalf, that may be an encouragement to other married officers amongst us: but I referr this and all other things, and myself to your lordshipp's own goodnesse and judgment, as being entirely,

My Lord,
Your Lordshipp's

Most humble and most obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.

Dunkerke the 11. of July 1658. [N. S.]

General Monck to secretary Thurloe.

In the possession of the rt. hon. Philip, lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.

My Lord,
I Thanke you for the good newes you sent mee of the surrendring of Bergen; by which I perceive the governor made good conditions for himself, though ill for his men. As concerning what Scotchmen you are like to have from hence, I wrote you in my last letter, that heere are none this year like to be had; being col. Raterfort, and the lord Douglas had formerly above 1000 men; and Sir Herbert Leafford is now raysing of men for col. Cooke. The next yeare wee shall bee able to gett you some, butt this yeare I doubt wee shall nott, though they are very unwilling to goe under Englishmen, or under officers they doe not know; butt the next yeare, if you please, I shall see what may bee done; for this yeare I am sure itt will nott bee worth the paines.

As concerning Bilton's and Drywood's businesse, wee can finde noe more monies that is due to the state, then what was due uppon Mr. Bilton's account; only after Bilton was discharged of his imployment, we finde Drywood delivered him 700 l. which was acknowledged by the letters, and himself to the auditor generall. Soe wee have secured him heere likewise, and truly wee finde hee has bin accessorie to Mr. Bilton's knavery, and wee hope by the meanes of his imprisonment, wee shall make him consesse somethinge, if wee cannot gett the 700 l. which as yett wee see noe probability of, unlesse wee gett itt out of his land in Ireland. Hee complaines hee has noe monie to live uppon. Hee had some few goods heere, which being of noe concernment to the state, wee have given him to supply him for his present subsistance. Sir, I make bold to putt you in minde of our new commission for the councill heere, our old being out of date. For newes, we have none at all, only all thinges are quiett and well, which is all att present from

Your Lordshipp's

Most humble servant,
George Monck.

Dalkieth. 1 July, 1658.

Major-general Jephson to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 20.

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In my last of the 27th of June I gave you notice of my arrivall at Flensburg, upon saturnsday the 25th at night. Upon mooneday morning having gotten some intimation, that the king would take it better, if I came to the court according to my former freedome, without asking a publique audience, I went thither, and was presently brought into his chamber; where, as I conjectured, I found him very busy with his admirall Wrangle, which made mee resolve to bee as little tedious to him as I could. I did therefore at that time only renew some expressions of his highnesse's kindnesse, and acquaint him with his absolute commaund to mee, not to leave these parts, untill I had againe saluted him in my master's name, and presented him, a person to succeed mee in my employment. I did then according to your commands congratulate his successes in Denmark, especially upon that point, that that warre (whereof his highness had so much apprehended the ill consequences) was, by the king's soe greate moderation amidst such vast successes, soe happilye concluded, in a peace and good correspondence betwixt the two crownes. I tooke occasion upon what I then saw, and had formerly heard of the king's multitude of businesse to desyre, that he would appoint some person, or persons, with whom I might treate upon some propositions, which I had to make from his highnesse. His majesty returned mee very many handsome expressions of kindnesse and joy for his highnesse's successes in Flanders. Hee gave mee alsoe the reasons of his denying audience to the elector of Brandeburgh's embassadours to the same effect, which I have written in my last letter, prosessing still his desyre of makeing peace with the elector, if hee will treate with him apart, and leave the king of Poland to doe the like, with whom he seemes alsoe to desyre peace; though, as farr as I can observe, I find little inclination eyther in him, or his counsell, to quit their interest in Prussia. This I very much ground upon the landing of 3 thousand Swedes neare Dantzicke, and fortyfying thereupon the Peninsulla, cald Nerung, a place where they have found meanes to land, without coming neare the Pillawe or Dantzicke. Hee told mee at last, that hee would presently appoint some persons to treate with mee, which hee accordingly did; and sent to mee count Slippenbacke, and his secretarye Phillipson. To them I declared, that his highnesse did a little wonder, that in all the time of my being here, noe proposition had beene made mee, in order to a stricter allyance. This they excused, first, that it was the usuall course, when any publique minister was sent to another prince, that the propositions should proceed from him; and that therefore the king had expected them from mee, as his ministers had earnestly prest the same in England. To this I annswered, that I had, according to my master's commannd, freely made offer of his friendship to the king of Sweden, and signifyed his desire of a stricter conjunction of armes, and counsells; but that, having nothing to demaund of his majesty in the behalfe of England, his highnesse might reasonably expect, that the conditions should be proposed to him, if his assistance were disired. As to what had beene proposed by his ministers in England; I told them freely acording to your command, that although they had proposed thinges almost impossible, yett had they made noe overture of any reciprocall advantadges for his highnesse's interest, without which, noe state did ever ingage itselfe in a daungerous and chargeable warre: nor was it possible for his highnesse to persuade the commonwealth to such an undertaking, without beeing able to hold forth som probabilitye of publique benefit. To this they urged the interest of the protestant religion in these parts, the benefit we should receyve by diverting the house of Austria; and added the examples of the French king to Gustavus in the former warres, and that of England to the last king of Denmarke. To this I shortly answered, that these examples are nothing paralell to the present case; that for that of religion, since the protestant princes of Germanye did not thinke it fit to joyne themselves to the king of Swede upon that account, that alone could not be thought a sufficient motive to engage his highnes so to doe. That for that of the house of Austria, wee did not now, (blessed be God) thinke ourselves in much daunger from thence; but if wee were, there was as yet noe assurance given, but that the king of Swede might make peace with them the next day after he had receyved all the assistances desyred. I fayled not to put them in mind of many reall and considerable tokens of friendship, which his highnesse had manifested to the king of Swede, since his last warres; all which they could not denye: but they have still one blocke to lay in my way, which I cannot handsomely step over, which is the 30000 l. which they confidentlye say, was promised without any conditions; which if it were, I must confesse I think it a very great scandall to us, that it should be said, that the state of England should be forced for soe inconsiderable a summe (though it were to bee throwne into the sea) to sayle in a promise made to a publique minister. There past little more between us at that meeting, only that upon some discourse mentioned by them of some in j u r i e s they apprehended m i g h t b e attempted against them, by the Stat. Gen. in the Balt. sea, wished them to consider what advantages they would bring to England, eyther by way of trade or otherwise, to ayde them at sea in cases, or what means might bee thought on to oblidge the St. Gen. to join with us in this league against the common e n e m y, to all which they promised to give me the king's speedy answer. On thursday following I went again to the king, and as modestly as I could, I urged him to dispatch mee, and tooke occasion to make the last proposition to him, which I have in commaund; which is, that he would give some intimations to the protect or of his designs this campaigne, 52 36 42 30, wherein hee told mee hee would give the protector 366 satisfaction; but, that hee was then very busy, and was goeing the next day to see his queene and father-in-law, where he would not stay above two or three dayes; therefore must desyre mee to goe with him to Keele, which was not farre out of my way to Hamburgh, from whence hee would speedilye dispatch mee. In pursuance of his commaunds I am come to Sleswicke, where I conclude my letter, for the former part was written at Flensburgh. Sir Phillip Meadow is not yett come, which I a little wonder at, but I hope I shall meete him at Keele. Here are four commissioners from the electorall colledge, whom I observe to bee very busy with the king; and very well receyved by him. I cannot learn particularly what they have done in their businesse, but their designe in generall is to accommodate things soe with the king of Swede, that they may prevent his disturbing the peace of the empire, wherein without doubt they endeavour to include the 50 6 28 29 444 interest of K. Hung. I may probably give you some conjecture in my next, what successe they are like to have. I gave you notice in my last of the departure the elector of Brandenburgh's embassadours, whereof count Slippenback hath given mee all the transactions, which are too long to send you, and have little in them, but a demonstration of what I wrote you in my last letter, but I shall send Mr. Downing the substance of it; for I heare the elector's resident is strongly pressing at the Hague for assistance for the towne of Dantzick, against the king of Swede; under which pretence, much more may be done. How you are to comport yourselfe in that affaire, I know not how to advise, untill I see what the king will awnswer to my last proposalls. The king, I heare, goes on mooneday or tuesday to Keele, where I shall presse hard for my dispatch; and hope shortly to bee soe happy to kisse your hands at London, and to assure you, that I most really am,

Your most faithfull and affectionate humble servant,
Will. Jephson.

Sleswicke 3 July, 1658.

Extract out of the secret resolutions of the lord's States Generall, of the United Provinces.

The lord Stavenisse was president.

Veneris the 12th of July, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 17.

There being once more produced in the assembly the present condition of affairs in Europe, and especially in the eastern and northern parts, after deliberation had, it is resolved and understood, that before any thing further can be finally resolved on, advice and advertisement shall be expected from the lord Van Maesdam, ambassador extraordinary of this state with the king of Sweden, what he shall have effected in pursuance of foregoing of iterative orders of their high and mighty lords; and especially of their resolution of the 29th of March last, concerning the final conclusion of the treaty concluded at Elbing in Prussia, on the 11th of September 1656, between the lords commissioners of the said king on the one side, and the extraordinary ambassadors of this state on the other; yet withal there shall be once more writ to the said lord ambassador, that he do labour there with all earnestness and diligence, and that in a short time he do get to know the final intention of the king of Sweden about it, and that he doth forthwith signify the same to their high and mighty lords.

Likewise in pursuance of the high and mighty lords resolutions of the first of the last month, as well by the king of France, as by the lord protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland, without any loss of time, such good offices therein expressed shall be performed and effected; and to that end the lord ambassador Nieuport is desired to take his journey without any further delay; and the colledge of the admiralty at Rotterdam is hereby ordered to provide him a ship forthwith, to transport him into England; and the said lord ambassador Nieuport is once more and iteratively ordered, above all to propose and declare with all earnestness the intention of their high and mighty lordships to the lord protector, comprehended in their said resolution of the first of June last; as also to know in a short time his inward mind and resolution, and also to come and make report thereof in person to their high and mighty lordships, in regard this state is highly concerned therein, by reason of the present constitution of times. And that the said lord protector may with the more confidence communicate his intention about it to their high and mighty lordships, there shall be laboured and endeavoured in the mean time with all earnestness and diligence, to put and maintain the military power of this state, both by sea and land, in a considerable posture.

Mr. Downing, resident in Holland, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 134.

Honourable Sir,
The post from England, which usually hath come in upon wednesday, came not in till late this morning; so that it wil be impossible for me to give you any greate accompt concerning the ship called the Postillion, taken at Bantham in the East Indyes; concerning which, I received this morning a pacquet from you. As soone as it came to my hands, I sent forthwith to Monsieur DeWitte to have conferred with him about it, but he was gone to the assembly of the States of Holland. I sent also to Monsieur Neuport, and found him just ready to goe also thither, and have at large lett him know how the matter is, and his highness his sense thereupon; he hath promised this morning to speake with Monsieur De Witt about it. I shall neglect noe time or meanes, but can do noe more in it this day, lest I neglect my letters to you, and the rather for that the French ambassador and the Brandenburgh resident have sent to desire, that they may come to me to syeak with me. Wee are full of an infinite number of discourses concerning Flaunders, where the English are become very terrible; and it is the worke of the ecclesiastiques in print, and by all other meanes, to animate the people there against them upon the accompt of religion, as persons that have committed a thousand sorts of sacrilidges, as they call them, in Dunkirke, and which give noe manner of libertye or tolleration to their religion there; thereby to render more difficult any further progress which his highness might make in Flanders. There is a most strange dread upon the people of those countreyes; the townes of Holland and Zealand are full of such as are fled out of those parts, who do not thinke themselves safe, noe, not in the strongest holes of Flanders; and all manner of meanes is used to incite this country, telling them what must necessarily befall them, if England and France gaine Flanders; yea we have draughts of treatyes, which pass from hand to hand, wherein the United Provinces are also shared between the English and French; and amongst the rest England is to have Zeeland, and France Holland; and yesterday the winde having bin good, and noe heerings comeing in, the report was carryed throughout towne and country, that the English friggats, which were upon the coast (being of those which generall Mountague lest) had demanded of all the fishermen the tenth herring, and had thereupon stopt all the fishermen; but it is a meere forged story: and so I this day told Monsieur Nieuport, withal hinting to him, that they would do well to consider what neede they have to looke about them, when as the Spanish party are so strong among them, for the spreading and ready receiving of such reports, being to be accompted among the many other symptomes, which there are thereof. There was also a most strong report at Flushing, that some English had privately sounded that harbour; and in fine there is noe two houses without some such kinde of story.

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By my last I gave you an accompt that I had sent you an 100 bottles more of S p a w Water by captain Basket, who I doubt not will take care for the speedy delivery thereof. I sent one with it from hence to Rotterdam, and he there delivered it to captain Baskit, who promised that he would keepe it in his owne cabin, and either carry it himself to London, or deliver it to such other person as generall Montague should appoint to carry it from the Downes for London. I also therewith sent another hundred bottles to my lord Fleetwood, which he wrote to me for, and I shall send you the other 6 dossen, which you now write for, by captain Baskitt. I alsoe sent a pacquet to yourself, which I hope is come safe to your hands, there being in it severall things of importance. The octroy, which I therein sent you, greate adoe is made about it, as a thing, by which the king of Spain, and persons that carry it on, hope for greater matters. The Portugall ambassador was this weeke (incognito) in towne, and lodged two nights at the French ambassadors house, where I dined with him; and wee went abroade together in the afternoone incognito alsoe. He seems to be a man of understanding: he tells me, that they hope to have this yeare their army in two boddyes in the field, and to doe something considerable against the Spaniard. I hope by the next I shall receive your instructions, how to comport myself in that business. Just now the Brandenburghish resident hath bin with me; his busines was to give me an accompt, that their ambassadors had bin at Flosewick, where the king of Sweden is; that they had demanded audience of him; that the king of Sweden gave them for answer, that he could not give them audience, unless in the first place they would declare, that their master would joyne with him; or at least, that he would quitt all alliances made against him, and declare himself neuter. That the answer of their ambassadors was, that what they had in charge must be spoken to the king onely; and that they had noe preliminary to that: and therefore pressed earnestly for audience, which being still denyed, after four days stay they departed early in the morning towards Berling (where as you will finde by an inclosed) the queene of Poland now is. The resident tells me also, that the king of Sweden's ministers do declare flatly, that they will keepe Pruissen, and accept of no somme of money in lieu of it, though, as he said, the French ambassador doth his utmost to incline him thereunto; but that the king of Sweden being now strong will stand upon his owne leggs, and not part with that country, though thereby the peace might be made with Poland; but that he will treate with the house of Austria, and if they will be a meanes of his obteyning Pruissen, that he will make peace with them: this is the substance of what the Brandenburgish resident did communicate to me. Monsieur Appleboom tells me, that his master hath now 28 thousand horse, and 12 thousand foote; and that he attends the comeing of 26 brigades of foote more out of Sweden, each brigade to consist of 500 men. The English ministers at this towne praying continually in their assembly for Charles Stuart, I have acqnainted Monsieur Bevering and Monsieur De Witt therewith, and they have promised me to take order about it. I have represented the thing to them according to its weight, and I hope to bring it to a good effect: and to do somewhat more in that busines, both for the good of the English heere, and his highness interest.

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Upon wendesday last, De Witt gave mee a visite: 308 154 41 379 15 156 346 72 466 he pressed me earnestly about the Portugall prises. I told him, that that busines was in the ordinary course of law, and there must receive its determination, and that he might be sure that right would be done, and a due consideration had of the treaty between his highness and this state; and withall letting him know, that the English had many kindes of businesses other then that to complain of, if one would desire to rake up complaints. He pressed me about the busines of the Baltick sea; 475 26 350 140 41 12 and, in fine, according to what you gave me order, I told him, that if St. Gen. would give 1. protect. satisfaction concerning K. of Spain, that then they needed not doubt of satisfaction; also as to that particular he pressed me much about signing an act; 108 339 56 205 189, of which I have so often made mention; to which I made him answer, that my lord Nieupoort being speedily to goe for England, and the busines of the marine treaty and other matters being to be agitated in England, and consequently that place now being to be the stage of busines, I thought it would be best to remitt all things of that nature to his arrivall there. In discourse, among other things, he told me, that when the messenger of this state came to Sevenburg to Charles Stuart, to lett him know, that he must not stay there, Charles Stuart made answer, that had he knowne that place had bin under their power, he would not have come thither; but withall added, that he looked upon this as a very poore answer from such a person. In fine, he most earnestly pressed, that as a particular favour to him, I would procure a pass for Monsieur Hemphlit and his lady, with their servants, to goe for England about their private occasions; adding, that he had particular obligations to Mons. Hemphlit, and would take the granting thereof as a particular obligation put by his highness upon himself. I told him the objection, which lay against it, particularly in relation to Oneale. 390 199 42. He said, that he should engage in what manner his highness should thinke fitt, never to do the like for the future, nor to do any thing to the prejudice of his highness. He m f l it was De W i t s in te l li ge n c er: he came to give me a visite yesterday, and I sound ed him a little at a distance. There is an envoye comeing hither from the king of Poland, and another from the greate duke of Muscovye, and third whose name is Friquet from the king of Hungary, who is a very dangerous man; and by the letters of the 5 instant from Franckford (of undoubted credit) it is advised, that the Austrians were endeavouring, might and maine, in the revising of the Imperiall capitulation (which they were then about) to take out the words (confederates and allyes of the king of France) whereby they might be at liberty to act against them in Flanders and elsewhere, and within a day or two itt would probably appeare what would be done therein. Heere is a report, as if the election were put off for a month, which hath probability enough in it; but I see noe authentique letters thereof. The French ambassador hath bin with me; he is very much affected with the busines of Poland, and thinks that his highness would doe well to doe his utmost therein, and that otherwise he would finde himself in very great difficultyes. He doubts not but a peace may be made, if the king of Sweden will be contented to quit Prussia, and accept of a reasonable sum of money in satisfaction for it; but otherwise hee sees noe probability thereof, and that the Poles will rather engage to choose the second son of the duke of Muscovie for their next king (which is a thing at a distance, and may be altered by many accidents) then to part with so considerable a present certainty at Prussia, and that thereby the king of Sweden may come to have the Muscovites, Austrians, and Poles, and probably also this state upon him, upon the accompt of Prussia and Dantzick. He also earnestly desired me, that, for his sake, I would write earnestly for a pass for Mons. de Hemphlet, saying, that the cardinal was particularly obliged to him, and much to his friend. I have not promised any thing on Monsieur Hemphlet's behalf, further then that I would let his highness know, what instance was made to me for him, and give them an accompt of his answer. Hemphlet 48 81 289 hath the disposall of the prince of Orange his purse 416 205 311 327 124 152 136 144, and is he alone, that can controul the princess royall, 468 570; and possibly this kindness may engage him, 142 377 44 109 308 311 326, and thereby in this you prove a very good service. This morning my lord Nieuport told me, that the States of Holland have ordered him to be gone forthwith for England; but I believe it will be neare this month before you see him. De Witt 150 hath made report to the States of Holland 142 508 557 concerning the busines of the Baltick-sea; 475 29 350 142 43 15; but as yet they are not come to any resolution about that busines. Opdam hath made a report, that the shipps 143 cannot be ready under neare 6 weekes, the geting of men is the greatest difficulty. You shall have an accompt from time to time, how that busines goes on, and of his instructions. I shall endeavour as much as may be to remove the jealousies 12 365 524 168 287 of St. Gen. l. protect. progress in Flanders; 287 339 47 455 106 34 266 140, but its a hard worke to make them beleeve, that it can be good for them that the l. protector, who is so strong at sea, 107 55 219 138 45 17, should have such a port so ne er the m. Sir John Marlow his son, was againe yesterday with me, and I told him what his father must expect; so he is gone, and I expect some time the next weeke a final answer. I wonder very much that you receive noe more letters out of Flanders. 52 86 207 286 141. I am sure there come every post letters directed to Timo the us Cruzo, I must write to them; 477 498 102; for they would none of them by no means consent to that, but as they came to me, 379, I shall be able to take further order in it.

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There are very many, that have spoke to me of the greate cousiderableness and seasableness of attempting Blankenburg and Damme, 20 355 108 350 107 242 134 55 207 260 89 90 44, and that thereby many other more considerable places must necessarily fall. It is worth considering of. Bruges, Ghent, and Ostend 324 108 147 207 115 141 148 282 must fail therewith. No more at present, but that I am,

Honourable Sir,
Your most faythfull humble servant,
G. Downing.

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Hague 12 July, 1658.

Here is much adoe, that the Portugall ambassador stayes so long at Rotterdam before his comeing: he told me, that his intention was to make his entry upon monday next. I shall incourage him that writes to you by the address of Foard. I am sure he is honest, and he hath gained a clerk of Don Alonzo, 80 408 272 199 412 459, who offers to give an account 258 of what he can know that comes to Alonzo 477 199 412 459: whether shall I 414 107 enterteyne him? 339 326: truly I thinke it may do good, and possibly make way for something further. It is said, that all the English are marched out of Mardike, and that the French are marched into it, which is much wondered at those two places, being looked upon as inseparable.

I pray do me the favour every post to let me know how many packets you receive every post from me.

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This week comes to you two packets. The French ambassador hath earnestly desired of me a picture of his highness, and that he will take it as a very noble favour from his highness. If you had one from Cooper for Beverning, another also might be had for him. Truly it's worth the cost, which is little. He is a person of great quality, count De Thou, allyed to the best families in France. I pray, that it might come with Beverning; he would have me promise it, which I have done.

Surely it might be of great good to settle a good minister or two in Dunkirke, to preach constantly in Dutch; possibly one might be had from hence.

A letter of intelligence.

Bruges le 13 Juillet, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 24.

Apres que les Francois ont pris Lyuken et Winoxberg, les Espagnols ont abandonné Veurne et Dixmuyde, lesquels sont aussi rendus aut Francois. Depuis Mons. de Turenne s'a campé au long de la riviere d'Yser entre Neiupoort et Ipres, s'y ayant emparez des quelques petits forts et redoutes des Espagnols sur ladite riveire jusques au fort de Midledam (lequel est environ une mile d'Angleterre de Nieupoort) ou estoit le marquis de Caracena et le duc d'Yorke avec environ 2000 d'infantrie et 1500 cavallerie, lesquels apres quelques escharmouches sont force par Mons. de Turenne de se retirer dans Neiuport, avoient laissé environ 150 hommes dedans ledit fort de Midledam, lesquels apres une petite attacque son rendu ensemble ledit fort. Le marquis de Caracena apres sa retraite et la perte dudit fort fait ouvrir toutes les escluses d'environ de Neiupoort, et fait entrer les eaux de la mer inundant ainsi toutes les pays d'alentour pour empecher les approches. Toutes les grands en generaux disent d'estre bien aise, que les Francois ont assiege Neiuport, disant (pource que les eaux y ont environné la place) ils y perderont toute la saison de l'esté sans rien effectuer, ayant eu grand peur, qu'ils avoient premierment attacqué cette ville on Damme, en quel cas toutes les autres villes des West de Flandres eussent esté perdus. Depuis la perte de Duynkerke, Luyken, Winoxberg, Veurne, et Dixmuyde, a esté une assemblée icy de toutes les generaux tant Espagnols que Condees (les Estats etans aussi assemble icy) pour considerer les occurrences du temps present, ou apres plusieurs propositions et deliberations on a pris le conclusion suivant; que premierement devant tout on quitteroit et abandonneroit tout-a-fait et entierement la campagne, et qu'on se retireroit avec artillerie, pontons, canon et baggage dedans et environ cette ville et Damme, et qu'on feroit de l'infantrie et cavaillerie, qu'on avoit encore plusieurs petits corps, et de les mettre dedans ou devant et d'alentour telles places, dont on craint une siege, et les faire fortisier devant les dits places pour en cas de besoign et necessité se retirer dedans, et les defendre aux derniers extremitéz, obligeant et engageant les commandeurs desdits petits corps, ensemble les gouverneurs desdits places, d'en respondre en leurs propres personnes. En consormité de cette resolution le prince de Condé et Marche dedans Ostend et ses troupes se fortifient la devant pour en cas de necessité se pouvoir retirer la dedans, le marquis de Caracena environ Nieupoort a Middledam, lequel (avec de duc d'Yorke) a desja perdu son quartier et ledit fort, et fait sa retraicte dedans Nieupoort, comme j'ay dit cydevant. Hier sont arrivez icy quelques blessez de la garde dudit marquis de Caracena, lesquels m'ont raconté ledit rencontre, disant que ledit marquis a esté en grand danger de estre prisonier: don Jean d'Autriche et don Estienne de Gammara icy et a Damme, auquel Damme ledit don Jean a esté hier pour y visiter les fortifications, lesquels sont de meilleur façon, qu'on peut desirer, mais en mauvais ordre, n'estans pas bien entretenu; pourquoy on y travaille fort pour le reparer et remettre en bonne posture. Le prince de Ligne est envoyé vers Ypres avec environ 1500 chevaux, et quelque 2 ou 300 d'infanterie don Jean Ferdinand Salis a Cambrey, don Caffa a Armentiers, don Carlo Campia a Gravelines, le prince de Conde est envoyé avec une partie des forces dudit prince (estant ensemble tant d'infanterie que de la cavaillerie environ 2500 hommes) pour prendre gard aux desseins de marshal de la Ferté lesquel seroit marché avec environ de 8000 (dont la plus part seroit de la cavaillerie) vers les quartiers de Haynaut; et parmy son armée seroit le duc de Wertemburg (lequel a servi autrefois le roy d'Espagne en ce pays, comme aussi encore la campagne derniere) avec un regement de 2000 de cavaillerie, lesquels sont bien cognus icy et respectez d'estre de valeureuz soldatz et par consequent fort redoutés icy. Toute la baggage de l' armée Espagnol et Condeez sont retirez a Moerkirke et Maldegem entre Sluys, Damme, et Aerdemburg dedans le pays, lequel a donné des contributions aux Estats Generaux, durant la guerre desdits Estats contre l'Espagne, estirnant ces quartiers les plus asseureez, ayant ladite baggage pour guarde trois regiments de la cavaillerie Espagnole, lesquels ne sont plus fort que d'environ 250 cheveaux, dont la plus part court tourjours a ravager et voller, non obstant jamais je n'a veu telle quantité et abundance de baggage, don Jean en ayant luy mesme plus que 200 cheveaux et d'environ 1000 cheveaux, et 100 mulets excepté et hormis toutes les baggages des autres princes grands, et collonels, leur artillerie consiste en 33 pieces de cannon, dont on a retiré 25 sur la marche de cette ville, viz.

Cannon de bronze.
4 pieces tirant boulets de 24 livres.
1 piece de 18 liv.
2 pieces de 6 liv.
3 pieces de 8 liv.
2 pieces de 12 liv.
Cannon de ser
1 piece de 18 livres.
12 pieces de 12 liv.
Les autres 8 pieces sont de bronze, viz.
6 pieces de 18 livres.
2 pieces de 12 liv.
Ensemble 33 pieces du cannon.

Lesdits derniers 8 pieces de cannon sont retirez aussi, ensemble les pontons de l'armeé. Dedans ledite pays des contribations des Hollandois a une place appellé Steenbrugg une demie mile de cette ville, aux chemin vers Gand: voila toute la constitution et resolution des Espagnols et Condeéz, et comment ils sont constraint de se gouverner cette armeé, n' ayant ny argent ni force pour se mettre en campaigne; pourquoy on a fort aisement a conjecturer, que las Anglois et Francois seront toutes leurs conquestes a souhait, et pour faire executer beaucoup des deffeins en un coup. Damme ou cette ville doit estre attacqué, lesquels sans doute seroieut forcé a se rendre en peu des jours; en quel cas tout la reste des villes et places du quartiers de west falloit suivre necessairement. Outre cela il y un mescontentment general de tous et principalement contre Don Jean, mesme des soldats. Il passa lundy dernier (quand il arriva icy) par quelques de ses trouppes, disant en passant (quand on les salua) courage, courage, messieurs, nous nous en vengerons bientost de l'enemic; surquoy ils commencerent a crier presque tous, argent, argent, argent, nous ne voulons plus combatre sans argent: ce que lui donna un grand espouvantement, lequel a esté fort augmenté, pour ce qu'on luy refusa l'entre de catte villa, les bourgois a la porte le resistant bien deux heures, jusques a ce que les magistrates les appaiserent par douceur, cependant les bourgois (estants menacez par quelques uns de sa suite avec les pistolets aux mains) crierent, Va han poltrons, montre vos pistolets a l'ennemie, qui vos suie, et tirerent plusieurs coups des mousquets sur eux, et ont tué la trompette de Don Jean, un de sa garde, et un de ses archers ou halleberdiers. On dit qu'il ne se sie plus icy, et qu'il partira demain vers Brusselles. J'ay descouvert, que le comte de Marcin general du prince de Conde, a des correspondencés exactes, precises, et estroites avec quelqu'un aupres le Mareschal de la Ferté, et en ay telles informations veritables, que je suis bien asseuré de cela, et il a tres certain, que ledit Marcin a de jour a autre, et continuellement la cognoissance des desseins dudit mar: de la Ferté tousjours devant que le dit la Ferté se mouve pour mettre quelque dessein en execution, et pour en scavoir la verité, premier gard doresenavant. Quand jamais la Ferte marche, vous verres que toujours Marcin marchera contre lui, et souventesors on trouvera, que Marcin marchera devant que la Ferté se mouve tellement, que Marcin a par tout occupé la post on la passage, on la Ferté a l'intention pour effectuer quelque dessein, tellement que la Ferté toujours vient trop tard pour faire bien reussir son dessein, ce que deja est arrivé cette campagne quelque sois, et peut estre que la suitte nous le monstrera encore plus clair. Icy et par tous ces quartiers alentour a courru un bruit que la roy de France seroit mort, et presque toute le monde le croit icy, dont on espere d'avoir quelques changements du desseins de les ennemis de ce pais. Mais je suis bien asseuré, qu'il n'y a en nul autre asseurance de cela, que seulement don Carolo campe a escrit de Gravelines, qu'il estoit tres certain, que le roy estoit fort malade, et qu'on l'eust fait tirer du sang trois sois, et qu'il y avoit un bruit, qu'il seroit mort. Charles Stuart est retourné depuis trois on quatre jours à Brusselles: le due d'Yorke est dedans Neiuport avec le marquis de Caracena, et le duc de Glocester est ici a la cour de don Jean. Tous les matelots (mentionez en quelques de mes precedentes) leveez à Anvers pour estre imployez sur la mer, sont tous suiez par manquement de l'argent. N'ayant pas d'avantage pour present demeurera a jamais

Vostre serviteur.