A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1658: June (5 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp204-211 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1658: June (5 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp204-211.
"State Papers, 1658: June (5 of 6)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp204-211.
In this section
June (5 of 6)
Commissioner Pells to the States General.
Dantzick, 6 July 1658. [N. S.]
Vol. lix. p. 241.
H. and M. Lords,
My lords, in my last of the 3d instant I advised, that general Charnitzky at this conjuncture of time was come with a good number of Poles for the service of this city,
and the preventing and damnifying of the Swedish designs against the same. Since that time,
yesterday a burgomaster with some commissioners of the council of war went from hence
to the said general, who is incamped at Dirschau; where they resolved to follow the orders
of his majesty of Poland, for the frustrating of the said Swedish design: and to that end,
they sent from hence much ammunition; and likewise that the Sweedes might not gain any
intelligence of their proceedings here, yesterday and to day they kept the gates of the
city on that side close shut, and would not suffer the post to pass towards Elbing or
Here in the old citty is held a general assembly of the States of the country, to nominate commissioners to be sent to the Rixday at Warsaw.
Intelligence sent by Mr. Downing, resident in Holland.
Copenhagen, 6 July, 1658. [N. S.]
Vol. lix. p. 240.
Since my last some little differences with the Swedish ambassadors have been decided; but as for the exclusion of foreign ships of war out of the Sound, and the restitution of forty ships, and goods, which were taken from the Swedes at Guinea, they are still upon the same terms; yet the resident of Sweden yesterday told a stranger, that all was agreed. There is beside a dispute about a ship, taken from the Swede, before the late war, and brought hither by virtue of a commission from Poland. The ambassadors of Sweden have lately proposed to the king of Denmark, that he should oblige himself to raise no soldiers, that might give cause of jealousy to the Swede; but it is not so much insisted upon this last and upon the two former points. They say still, that the army shall stay here till they have received satisfaction, which they make good; for their troops move not as yet, although that general Guldenleew, to take away all pretences, went hence 6 dayes ago to supply the want of 2000 horse agreed on to the Swede by the treaty, concerning which the ambassadors yesterday presented a letter to the king here from their master, wherein in a courteous way he complains, that this court by delaying the fulfilling of the treaty, forced him to continue with the troops in this kingdom, to the great damage of the subjects of this crown, and the prejudice of his own affairs. The French ambassador took his leave 3 days ago, but yet he stays, hoping that his endeavours here to agree the Swede and Dane may be more expedient and fruitful. As for the States General it is to be feared, that the continual complaints of the intolerable oppression of the Swedish troops may give the king of Denmark too much excuse to the said States, if he should consent to the exclusion of the men of war out of the Baltic sea, or any thing else that he shall exact at this time. The envoy of this crown yesterday returned from Muscovy hath made his report, he hath been honourably received by the grand duke, who seems to be willing to agree with Poland, and continue the war with Sweden, notwithstanding the treaty that he will begin with Sweden to hasten the king of Poland to give him satisfaction.
Dantzick, 3 July. The Swedes have landed at the Nering 9 or 1000 men raised in Denmark and Norway, with ammunition, and shipp'd 3 or 400 Polanders, wherein they would not so well confide, to be transported elsewhere. Five of their ships lie still in the rode without disturbing the traffick, but only in taking sorbidden commodities, as they have already done from some ships of Lubeck and other places. They say shortly they shall with more ships quite block up the town. The king of Poland hath by a letter expressed his discontent, that this town hath not hindered the landing of the Swedes, as they might have done with a little more money and diligence if they would have employed it. The Nering is almost abandoned, and cannot be able to maintain any troops.
This town sends their deputyes to the dyet of Warsaw, which begins the 10th instant, to shew the charges they have already been at, and the impossibility of furnishing what it continually demanded for Poland. News is come, that general Czarnetsky is not far off with four or five men to assist this town, and break the Swedes designs. Some Swedish troops are quartered on the other side the Wissel, between the Hoff and Dirsaw, with intention to pass the river; but the Brandenburghers and the soldiers of this town are quartered over against them, to hinder their passage; and they ost shoot one at another.
Intelligence sent by resident Downing, July 6. 1658. [N. S.]
Copy of a letter from Amsterdam.
Vol. lxiv. p. 247.
About some time past one abbot Volherts, Peter Ruttens, and divers others, seconded
by one Crook a lawyer, got a grant from the king of Spain, sealed with a seal of
gold, weighing two pounds, which have cost them much pains and money, for the two
aforesaid disbursed 5000 l. sterling. They assemble every day in the Heere Logement
dere, where they pay 30 l. sterling for a chamber, and 60 l. to one that waits on the assembly. They had great difficulty to get the same money tolerated by the states general;
but the ambassador of Spain having obliged himself, that he would obtain it of the states,
they doubt not of the success. The king of Spain will get thereby 20 millions English.
Finally, the company is well satisfied, notwithstanding the great charges already made,
and to be made: they say their advocate hath already got 12000 livres. They will raise
the ducatoons to 3 livres 10 sols, and the Brabant shillings to 8 sols.
Amsterdam, 6 July.
The elector of Brandenburg repairs the fortifications of Muide, fearing a seige from the Swede: he hath given letters of mart against the Swede, but that is hardly believed. The Spanish fleet is gone from Cales the 11th of June. The king of Swede hath offered to the states the restitution of the money they lent to the count of Embden, that as er he may put a garrison into Embden. Prince William of Nassau, under pretence of appeasing some troubles in Friseland, was gone to visit the fortifications of Embden, and the places thereabouts.
John Tilly, John Tirry, and John De Wit, are partners in some treaty made with the king of Spain touching the paying of his army in Flanders; yet enjoy the favours of the lord protector to traffick in the Barbadoes, and other isles, although they are so much affected for Spain, and not at all to his highness.
A merchant ship belonging to the said John De Wit, going with his highness free pass to the Barbadoes, was taken by an English frigate, and carried to Jamaica, and there sold, which he now petitions to have restored.
Resolution of the states general, 1st July 1658.
Upon a letter and petition from the burgo-master and counsellors of Rotterdam, in favour of Jane Meyn, widow of Robert Meyn, to have an order for the releasing her ship called the Black Eagle, with the lading of barley and sheep-skins, coming from Leith in Scotland, taken near the Texel by Dirck Frunestapel of Nieuport in Flanders, with a commission from the king of Spain, and carryed to Sluys in Flanders; after deliberation, it was resolved, that the said letter should be sent to the said governors and magistrates of the said town to inform themselves thereof exactly, and to make report thereof, and to keep the ship and goods from sale or imbezling till farther order; also that a letter be wrote to Ostend to set at liberty the master and mariners without any charges.
Lockhart to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lix. p. 248.
May it please your Lordshipp,
This gentleman Mr. Fuller his comming away from me depryves me at the same
time of a chappelaine and a frend. His father calls him back, and I cannot in justice
detaine him. His deserts are so great, that it would be lesse justice in me to lett him goe
without a faire character; and therefore I humbly beseech your lordshipp to looke upon
him as a person abundantly qualified with good nature, excellent parts, great improvements, and I shall add, as that which adornes all, of a pious and sober frame of spiritt.
I say not this to urge any thing for him; for he hath no desyers, save such as are submissive to, and followers of, providence. The losse of him makes me bold, as it gives
me the occasione to putt your lordshipp in mynd, how necessary it is to have men of extraordinary talents in this place, who by ther conversatione, doctrine, and learning too, may
be able to prevaile against adversaries, that victorie may not only be obtained over their
persons here, but also over their errors. He will mynd your lordshipp more fully of
this; and I know your lordshipp's care and zeale will prevent all, that I can either say or
desyer upon this subject, and therefore I forbear to trouble your lordshipp further in it;
and am
Dunkerk, July 6. N. S. 1658.
May it please your Lordshipp,
Your most humble, faithfull, and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.
Lockhart to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lix. p. 249.
May it please your Lordshipp,
I dispatched my brother yesternight, and stayed him so little, as I beleeve, by any
account he can give of his having been here, he will hardly be able to perswade any
body he hath been in the place. My lord, I fownd by that I had the honor to receive
from his highness, that he is apprehensive the Catholick Roman religione meets with too
much cowntenance, and the Protestant with too little. I know that those, who looke
upon things at a distance, may have reason to give his highness such informations, and
may mean honestly and zealously in their so doing; but I shall not trouble your lordshipp with a repetitione of any thing I said in my last to his highness, in which I laid the
state of things plainly before him, and did conceale nothing, that I know, either of my
actions or resolutions, since the delivery of this place into my hands. And if I have not
answered his highness thoughts as to either of them, I begg that his pleasure may be made
knowne to me, and your lordshipp shall find, that tho' I have not the facultie of walking
so cawtiously as I should, when I have no rule prescrybed me, that I shall follow the rules
and instructions I receive with as exact ane obedience as is possible for me.
The enemie quitt Furn yesternight; they are now at Newport, and, for any thing I can learn, their disorders doe rather encrease than diminish, which makes the French so high, as no proposition for carrying on the warr jointly will be heard. Some two months hence they will be sensible of their own weaknesse, and will find, that what they get so easily now, will not be so easily maintained without his highnesse assistance; and then their ear will be open to all reasonable overtures. Mr. Turenne will advance with his army into the enemies countrie, and will give jealousie to as many places as he can. The name of the place he intends to seege is kept as a great secrett. It cannot be Newport, nor any other sea-port; for if their intentions had been that way, they wowld have declared them, that his highness might have been advertised to assist them with the fleete; and I doe not see, that they are in any capacity to make a considerable land seege, by reason they have neither that train of artillery nor amunitione, which is necessary for such an undertaking.
My lord, I have this day mustered the forces here, and have done it with all the exactnesse possible. Their provisions shall be given out according to their rolles; and I find, that I have abated of what their French rolls were, at least a 100 of every regiment, and of some more. I have also sent away by this tyde betwixt 2 and 300 sick and wounded. I have ordered them to go to Deale and Sandwitch, fearing that Dover may be already too full. And haveing occasione this day, upon the account of muster, to putt the whole garrisone under arms, I took that opportunity to disarme all the bourgoise, and other inhabitants of this towne, and have done it without clamour or noise, and, I believe, without greatt dissatisfaction. I have also got in this day a list of all the inhabitants, that are at present in this towne, and have sent your lordshipp a coppy of it. I have ordered a list to be broght me of all, that absented themselves: so soone as it comes in, your lordshipp shall lykewyse have a coppy of it. The magistrates, and four companies or cantons of the towne, are willing to take the oath of alledgance, but I will not administer it, till I have a coppy of that forme yowr lordshipp shall think most propper. I have cawsed take downe all the little images of Nostre Dame that were at all the ports, and in their stedd shall put up his highness's armes; only I could wish, that a pattern or moddell to make all the rest by were lykewise sent me, together with some motto or inscription. I intend to-morrow to emitt ane order, requyring all such as have concealed armes or amunitione, to bring them in within 24 howers, under the paine of having their goods confiscatt, their persons punished, and themselves and families banished the towne. I intend that search shall be made in private howses, but that no convents shall be meddled with till 8 or 10 dayes passe, and all the noise of it be over; and then I think I shall find some, if not a great many, of the priests guilty; and such shall find no quarter.
There hath not a day past, wherein I have not made some good stepp towards a full and plenary settlement of things. I have putt the customs and excyse in reasonable good posture, and have appointed one Mr. de Vall, recommended to me by Mr. Noell, to be checque and supervisor; he is an ingenious and industrious man, and I have nothing to except against his being constantly imployed, save that he is a merchant, and even at present drives a considerable trade. If your lordshipp will think fitt to alter him, and send some honest able man, I am informed the place will be worth a good man's pains. I have writt a line to his highness and your lordshipp, with one capt. Fleur, who is a very deserving man: he sayth, that, with a little help, he will rayse a troope of horse for me. I begg he may be favourably heard; and if his highness think not fitt to employ him, I pray that one of the troopes may beare my name. I shall take nothing from the officer, that commands it; for so long as I have the honour to serve his highness in the capacity I am in, I shall never take sixpence as a soldier. I could wish, that some discreet man, who were a good trumpett, were sent over to me. I will have often occasione to send one to the enemie; and I have nobody to send now butt a drumm, which is not hansome. I am not very well, and much wearied owt this day; so that I must take leave, after I have given your lordshipp the assurances of my being,
May it please your Lordshipp,
Your most humble, fathfull, and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.
Dunkerk, July 6th 1658. N. S.
My lord, poor Mr. Swist is dead: I feare he hath not left his wyfe very rich. I have desyred my wyfe to importune your lordshipp in her behalf, and I begg she may be favourably heard. I shall entertaine Mrs. Swift in my family, till she can be better provyded for; and I hope his highness will extend his charity towards her, since her husband died in his service; and tho' their might be abler men then he, I ame confident their was not a more faithfull trew harted man living. I have taken one Mr. Cooke in his roome, who is a very ingenious, and, as I hope, honest man, tho' I have ever observed that rule, that my secretary cowld not doe my master nor me any considerable injury, tho' he showld designe it. I writt to your lordshipp concerning a vessel, that is in this harbour. I am much pressed about her by those, that pretend themselves to be interresses. The hull I thought had been old, because she wanted masts and yards; but it seems she hath never been at sea, and is not yett compleated. I received, by the gentleman I sent to court to enqwyer after the king's health, a very civill letter from the cardinal. He speaks nothing as yett of his comming into these quarters. I apprehend, that, till the king be in perfect health, wee shall not see him here, nor be able to doe any thing in settling the contributione. Before the card. went, he gave ma. general Morgan 200 Lewises, and hath promised him the lyke summ yearly, as additionall to his pay. He told me he wowld axe leave from his highness, to make me a present: I answered, to give way to that wowld be worse then to begg it; and that, so long as I served his highness, I durst take no gifts.
Lockhart to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lx. p. 45.
May it please your Lordshipp,
The cardinall sent count Morrett to me this morning, and by him a very melancolly
letter concerning the king's indispositione. He hath lett me also know, that he is
reddy to deliver Mardick to me, which hath oblidged me to recall another regiment
from the army, not being able to garrison it from this; and when I have sent that regiment, they will not be able to keep more then the fort, as it was, when it was taken
from the Spanyards; for by the stay of the court at Mardick, and the season of the year,
which is dry, and occasioneth the blowing of the sands, all the works made this winter
are filled up, and levelled with the sand. It's trew, the greattest part of the pallisados
stand; but the out-works are so vast, and so little in defence, as it will require more men
to man them then to keep Dunkirk; and besyds, the putting of these out-workes in defence
will stand a world of mony, and the keeping of them up will be the making of them
new once every yeare; for no worke, that is made of sand, can stand above six or eight
months, except they be covered with stone or sodd, of which there is little that's good
to be had thereabout. If his highness have not alreddy resolved upon the fittest means
for keeping of the Splinter, which certainly is a harbour not to be neglected, I could
offer it to him as my humble oppinion, that the best way for his so doeing is to build on
the banck of the Splinter, which is oppositt to the woodden fort, a fort of stone capable of
a dozen of gunns, and a lesser one, where the woodden fort is capable of five or six gunns.
These two sorts will be kept at lesse charge then a frigott of 24 gunns, and will secure
the Splinter better then Mardick can do, tho' it were made as strong as art can make it.
I know it may be objected, that the building of theise two sorts will cost a great deal of
money; to which it may be answered, that the expence of the garisone of Mardick will
stand his highness in more in two years, then what will need to be expended on the two
forementioned forts. His highness promised he would send over one Toossine, ane ingeniere. I have need of one; I am forc't to use in some one Jurbiere, who waited upon my
lord Faconberge in his journey to Callais, and pretends to be well known to your lordship.
I am not well satisfied either with his humor or ability; and if your lordship hath not a particular kindnesse for him, I shall discharge him, and doe as well as I can myself, till a more
able ingeneer is sent over. I have not disposed of the towne major's place, though it be
at present reasonably well discharged; but it is a place of that trust and importance, as I
shall begg, that his highness or your lordship may appoint one; and I must also make it my
humble sute, that some honest and confident person may be sent over, who may be entrusted
with the collection of his highness revenew heare, and with the contribution. When it shall
be settled, it will be fit, that he give good cautione at London for his fidelity; for in a
little time the profitts of this place, by revenew and contribution, will amount to a very
considerable summe yearly. My last told your lordshipp, that I imployed one captaine
de Vall of Dover: he was recommended by Mr. Noell. If it should be thought fit to
continue him, he must be ordered to forbeare all trading upon the account of a merchant.
I found one captaine Johnson commissionated commissary for the store of provision:
I find him a fathfull and diligent man as to all appearance; and theirfore shall pray, that
he may be continued. I have appointed till further order a commissary for the magazines
of amunition: he hath also been very diligent, and has, by his industrie, gathered together at least the valew of 500 l. worth of powther, shotte, tooles, and other instruments
of warr, that were scattered in the French camp, and hid in several corners of this place.
Count Morrett informed me this day, that the cardinal is advised of a plott the Spanyards have to seduce and withdraw the ecclesiasticks from this place; and therefore conjured me to engage them to stay by all good usuage and faire promises. I gave him a civill answer, tho' I shall pray, that the Spanish plotts in so farr may prosper; and as far as hansomely I can, I shall cooperatt with them.
I had a trumpet this day from marquis de Carracene, and am putt in hopes, that coll. Johnes shall be sent heare within two or three days upon his parolle, till his exchange can be agreed upon. It's possible poore coll. Drummond may live: if it please God he doe, I must beg, that his highness may let him have some charge heare. I shall send over the muster-rolls of the four regiments, and shall muster that regiment, that comes from the army, so soone as they arryve at Mardick. I have appoynted a committee of the chiefe officers in the foure regiments here to visitt the Fort-royall, and to agree upon a constant course for carrying on the works their. I imploy 200 men dayly at the reparatione of the works of this place; and tho' I say in the beginning of my letter, that the regiment, that goes to Mardicke, will not be able to maintaine the out-works of that place; yet I am resolved to assist them with 200 commanded men from this garrison, who (since the enemie are in the badd posture they are in) may be able to keep the whole works, till I be able to receive his highness pleasure concerning them. If the fort of Mardick be reduced to its old limitts, the pallisados their will be usefull at the Fort-royall. I pray that the provisions and the mony may be hastned over; and having of late been very troblesome to your lordship by my tedious scribbles, I shall henceforth endeavor to be a better husband of your lordship's tyme, and shall not importune your lordship, but when their is extraordinary cause for it. I am,
May it please your Lordship,
Your most humble, fathfull and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.
Dunkirke, July 6th, sti. no. 1658.
I must remember your lordshipp of what I said in my former concerning the forme of an oath of alledgance, and a commission to administer it; as also I must beg your pleasure concerning a deputation from this place to his highness, of which I writt in one of my former. His majestie's sicknesse putts a stopp to all things heare. I beleeve the army will not make any considerable attempt. It's possible the enemie may take courage upon it, and theirfore no tyme must be lost in sending over all things necessary for the defence of this place.
Lockhart to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lix. p. 166.
My Lord,
There is a letter come to my hands, directed to my brother at Dunkerke, which I
thought fit to open; and now I have perused it, and seen the effect of it, I thought
it no lesse fit to give your lordshipp the trouble of reading it, which I have here sent
along with this. You see how bluntly (but I hope it will likewise appear, how honestly)
I deal with your lordshipp, in offering these impertinences to your consideration. I know
not the person concerned at all; but if your lordshipp approve him, and be desirous he
should be employed in the way he aymes at, I have but to receive your commands,
which shall be punctually obeyed: or if either in this, or any other charge here, you
will be pleased to recommend any other person, I shall readily comply with your lordshipp's directions. I look only at my master's honour and service, whereof I know you
to be the most competent judge; and therefore in this, and all things else, a word from
you shall be a law to,
My Lord,
Your lordshipp's most humble
and most obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.
Dunkerke, the 6th of July, 1658. [N. S.]
General Montagu to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lix. p. 246.
My Lord,
This morninge, about five a clocke (through God's mercy) I came safe to an anchor
in this roade, and the Richard and Swift-sure in my company. The wind presentinge
faire, I was loath to loose the opportunity of withdrawinge these great shipps from amonge
the sands they were encompassed with on the coast; and though I had not tyme to see
my lord Lockhart, yet I took leave of him by letter, desiringe to know, if he had any
other service for mee, or the fleete (I havinge before spared him 300 barrels of powder,
and a proportion of shott and spikes, and such thinges are verie useful at Dunkirke, and
ordered shipps to attend his orders both at Dunkirke, Gravelin and Calais). It shall
be noe unnecessary digression here to tell you of the prudent, skilfull, and most laborious
and industrious deportment of the embassador in the service of his highness yonder with
very much advantage thereunto, and to the satisfaction and love of the forces under him;
and truly havinge beene an eye-witness thereof, I should be very unjust to him, if I should
not put my testimonie thereunto. In his letter to mee he seemed to make it very requisite
for mee to take my leave of the king, whom he said (if his health served him) would returne to Mardyke within three or four dayes; but consideringe the kinge went sick from
Mardyke, and I thought would take care of his body not to come out againe, till he were
perfectly well, and Bergen beinge taken, whither I thought he would rather goe then to
Mardyke, (if he did returne) Calais also being just in my way home, I sent in my boate
to the governor, to know if it were a convenient opportunitye for to present myselfe
before the kinge, queene, and cardinall, to receive their commands, before I returned,
who, by the cardinall's direction, invitted mee ashoare; and accordingly I went on thursday, and dined with the governor, and after had the favor to waite upon the queene and
duke of Anjou, who used mee with great respect and civilitye, and great expressions of
affection for his highnesse, the cardinall beinge also present; and when the queene retired,
kept with mee, and discoursed, and shewed mee extraordinary favor; and when his eminence had dined, I went to his owne palace to give him a particular visite, who still continued, or rather encreased, his respect towards mee; had mee into his bed-chamber in
private; and after expressions of his greate affection for my master, and wonderfull kind
esteeme of the extraordinary entertainment the duke of Crequi, and his nephew, had here,
for which he desired my assistance to helpe to make his returne of thanks to his highnesse,
he told me, that the kinge was ill d'une fievre redoublée (that was his expression, which
I well know not what it meanes); and though he hoped there was noe danger, yet it was
of greate importance, (because of possibilityes) that wee had correspondence about it; and
that he would take care I should be still advertised how it fared with the kinge, that
his highness might be advertised thereof; and yesterday, since I was under sayle for this
place, I had a letter from the governor of Calais, that tells mee with greate joy, that
the kinge sound himselfe much amended. The cardinall was pleased to make a proposition to mee, which I told him, if he desired, I would acquaint my master therewith, the
which he prayed mee to doe: it was, that he had intelligence of above 20 ships of the
Spaniards now goinge out of Cartagena, to convoy out there India fleete, and bringe
others home from the Canaries (if I remember well); and he said, that the kinge of France
had 10 or 12 ships of good force about Marseilles or Toulon; and that, if you would
appoint as many others, they should joyne together, and make one fleete, to hinder the
Spaniard from goinge out. If you thinke this to be embraced, you may instruct somebodye to goe to the cardinall, and agree speedily about it; but if you will give me leave
to offer a little of my opinion, I suppose, whether such a thinge cann be effected tymely
for the particular occasion or not, yett it is a good hint to treate about keepinge a conjoyned fleete in those seas, where wee must always have one, or lose the Streights trade,
or suffer the Spaniards wealth to come in at ease. And if you had not only the French,
but the Portugall also joined with you in a fleete in those seas, I thinke it would be much
to your advantage, and very sorelye prejudiciall to the Spaniard.
I have received more letters from capt. Stokes, which complaine much of the discontent (though not mutinous) of the shipps with him, that have beene out very longe; saies, that he is not wearye to serve his highnesse; but if the shipps with him might be exchanged, and sometymes fresh shipps goe for that service, it might be carried on with much more chearfullnesse. To ease your further trouble, I shall here subscribe,
My Lord,
Your lordshipp's most faithfull and humble servant,
E. Montagu.
June 26. 1658. Nasebye in the Downes.
I was much enquired of by the French of best quality, whether monsieur Montpouillan had favor shewed him in England, or the cause why it was not. I told them I could not tell, but I thought somethinge was done in respect unto him.
Major general Jephson to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lix. p. 254.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]
I have not much to trouble you withall this weeke, save some little intelligence
which I have gained since my comming hither, which was but the last night; nevertheless I got an opportunitye to speake with count Slippenback, of whose interest in the
king's counsells and affection, I have formerly given you notice. The chiefe reason, which
made me soe earnest to speake with him soe late at night, was, that I might be able to give
you some account of the soe suddaine departure of the elector of Brandenburgh's embassadours
from this court, which hee told mee was upon this occasion: The king desired to know
their power, whether they were fully authoriz'd to conclude a peace with him in the behalfe
of their master; and desired, that if they thought not fitt to shew their power to him,
or some of his councill, it might (at least) bee done to some indifferent persons, proposing
the ministers of some of the princes of the empire, which were here present. This they
did not accept of; whereupon the king sent them word, that hee had now reason to beleeve
what hee had formerlye heard, that their commission was only to propose the elector of
Brandenburgh's mediation for a peace betwixt him and the K. of Poland, which I hear
the king of Suede tooke in great indignation, and sent them word, that hee very much
wondered, how their master could believe, that hee would accept of him for a mediator,
who had made himselfe a party, not only by a treatye, but by sending part of his forces
to joyne against him in Prussia; but that if the elector had a desire to treate with him,
particularlye for the re-establishment of a good correspondence betwixt them two, hee was
ready to accept it. Hereupon they left this place, much discontented. Some say they
intend to goe noe farther than Hamburgh, there to expect a farther power: others thinke
that el. of Brand. is so e n g a g e d to k.of Poland, and h. of Austria, (with whom I
heare certaynlye that he hath r a t i f i e d a strict a l l i a
n c e since my being there) that this is no other than he e x p e c t
e d and desired. For my owne part, I am still of my old opinion, that no thing
will make them f r i e n d s b u t the approach of the Swed.army to
his c o u n t r y, which I doe still both hope and believe will bring it to
passe. I doe not beleeve you will heare of any greate store of action in these parts, before
the corne bee ripe; for the country people run all away from their houses upon the approach of an armye, and at this time of the yeare leave nothing behind them; so that
I conceyve it impossible for an army to goe through with any considerable designe, untill
there bee sufficient provision in the field both for bread and provinder. Sir Phillip Meadowe is not yett come hither, but I expect him every houre. I hope to-morrow to have
audience, and shall doe the best I can in the particulars committed to my charge by your
letters, whereof I hope to give you some account by my next from some place inclining
towards England. If I find not a ship at my return to Hamburgh, (which I am confident
will bee the next weeke) you will heare of mee goeing towards Holland, which I shall
bee very sorry for, both for mine owne losse of time, and your charge. In the meane
time, I shall only kisse your hands, and remaine
Flensburgh, 27th June, 1658.
Your faythfull and affectionate humble servant,
W. Jephson.
General Montagu to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lix. p. 251.
My lord,
This eveninge I have received a letter from the Splinter, advertisinge mee, that Furne
is surrendred to the French, and that on friday last they layd seidge to Newport.
Here are come 300 men wounded and sicke from Dunkerke, which I have disposed to
Sandwich (most of them) to be looked after. I thought requisite to trouble you with
this little advice; and not having more, subscribe,
My lord,
Your lordshipp's most faithfull and humble servant,
E. Montagu.
Aboard the Nasebye in the Downes, June 27. 1658. 6 a clocke in the eveninge.
Secretary Thurloe to Henry Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
May it please your Excellencye,
His highnesse hath writt a letter to your excellencye and the councell, touchinge colonell
Clerke's arreares, which he directs to be satisfied out of lands in Ireland. The reason
and justice whereof appeares by what his highnesse is pleased to expresse in the letter
itself, soe that I need not trouble your excellencye with any thinge of that kinde; only I
am bould to recommend hym to your favour in two thinges; first, as to the dispatch of
his buissinesse; and secondlye and chiefely, as to the place, where the lands should be sett
out, which he will by his agents applye to your excellencye about, that beinge the thinge,
which is likelye to make this graunt of his highnesse to hym to be nothinge or somethinge.
And therefore I would humblie begge of your excellencye to graunt hym his desires therein,
verily beleevinge, that he will desire nothinge but what is fitt and reasonable to be done.
And I am the more bould to be earnest with your excellencye in this particuler, because
I knowe, that my brother colonel Ewer was noe gainer by the wars, and lest a much lesse
estate behinde hym, then the world possiblie may thinke; and though he was my brother,
yet I may say without immodestie, that few officers of his quality, and who had done the
service, which he had, and that died in the service, but had some testimony from the
state given to their children after their death: but truly neither he nor his have yet had the
arreares due to them; and now I knowe they will come with great disadvantage after the
disposition of soe much land, if some favour be not affourded. Besides, truly colonel Clerke
is soe usefull a man here, that much is due to him upon that account, and I knowe his
highnesse intends him a respect herein; but wee all doe depend upon your excellencye's
favour, whereby you will oblige a whole familye. I remeyne
Your Excellency's most humble, faithfull,
and obliged servant,
Jo. Thurloe.
28. June, 1658.
His highnes letter to the councell was first drawne, directeinge, that colonel Clerke should have his land set out to him in such place as he should choose; but a clause was afterwards omitted by me, chooseinge rather to leave it to your excellency, being confident, that by your favour it would be all one to him, which I humblie entreate on his behalfe.