A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1658: June (3 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp180-189 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1658: June (3 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp180-189.
"State Papers, 1658: June (3 of 6)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol7/pp180-189.
In this section
June (3 of 6)
General Montagu to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lix. p. 164.
My Lord,
I Hope you have received 2 or 3 letters of myne before this, to certifye you of takinge of
this place, which truly is a very gallant towne, I suppose as good and better than
Hull; and very well fortified; only the works are large, and will I doubt at least require
4000 men to keepe it, the inhabitants being not to be trusted by you. Likewise I beleeve it
will aske some chardge to make the workes more secure for us; for the breaches upon the approaches must be repaired. The Royall-fort betweene that and Wynoxburgen, which is not
half finished, must I conceive be considered either to be slighted or repaired; and I thinke
the last were as little chardge, and very usefull to hinder an armye for sitting downe to
beseidge Dunquerque. Something would be done also at Fort Lion, and at the pier head;
and also the providinge it with stores and provisions for the garrison and shippinge, and
other matters, deserves speedy and effectuall consideration, which I doubt not but you will
take; for if this place have noe other use then to take a chardge of soe greate a
constant guard of shipps to attend it, and the advantage of fittinge out small vessels
from hence, together with the creatinge of piracyee hence, it is worth the chardge to
have it secured unto you. I was yesterday all day in Dunquerque to understand the
resolves of court of the disposinge their armye, and to know of my lord Lockhart
what shipps he stood in need of here now; and at night my lord Lockhart did communicate with mee the resolves of the court to beseidge Bergen, though himself pressed
for Gravelin, and others for Hesdin; which resolution (if it hold) will give good opportunitye for a peaceable perfectinge the Royall-fort before-mentioned. And you
see, that it setts this fleete wholly at libertye (6 small vessels only excepted, which I
leave to my lord embassador's command, for convoyes about Calais, for the armyes
provisions, and correspondence, and convoy from hence to England) which within a
few weeks may (I suppose) be lessened also. My instructions are at an end also; and
I know not how to proceede in any service, untill you shall please to furnish mee
with new, which I shall expect as soone as possibly may be, intendinge (with Gods
blessing) to sayle with the next opportunitye into the Downes, and there hope to meet
them. In the meane tyme the best way I could take, I thought to be, to send about
halfe a dozen of the soulest fregatts to cleane, that they may be fitt for what service
may be commanded; and beinge told by the cardinall on monday last (when I waited
on the kinge and him) that he was certainely informed, that the shipps of Sebastians
were parted out from thence, and came on the back of Scotland, bound for Flushing
or Ostend, (according to their former intelligence) I meane to send 6 or 7 frigates more
to those that are alreadye upon the station, and direct them to divide into two squadrons;
the one to waite theire entrance into the Wiellinges, (which respects both Ostend and Flushing)
and the other to ply at sea over-against the Texell or Schivelinge, soe as they may probably
hope to meet them, if they goe for the Mase. I have had and have a great desire to goe
into those seas with this shipp and about 20 of those in my list, she being cleane and able to
sayle as well as any fregate in the fleete; and soe I might answer this service, or any thinge
else from the Northward; but it becomes me not to moove until the consequences be considered above, and I directed to it, which if it be thought fitt, I shall hope to sayle at an hour's
warninge out of the Downes to them. The sea is safe and bold all to the northward of these
Flemish bankes. This is all at present from,
My Lord,
Your most faithfull
and humble servant,
E. Montagu.
June 17. 1658.
Nasebye in Dunkerke road.
There is a new shipp in Dunkerke-key, a handsome frigat, that will carry about forty gunns; there is some question about her, whether the belongs to us or the French, or upon private account; but surely she is a utensill of warr within the trayte.
Mr. Downing, the resident in Holland, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lix. p. 171.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]
Honourable Sir,
Wednesday was a sennight I caused to be shipped on board a boyer of Rotterdam, bound for London, whereof John Waterson is master, four dozen of bottles
of Spaw water in a hamper, which is ordered
to Mr. Lucas Lucy. Onely one party was by me imployed in the thing, who is very
trusty, and yet withall knowes nothing but that they are for the party, to whome they are
directed; and for that end, for the better avoyding any the least suspicion, I caused him
to write with them a letter to Mr. Lucy, letting him know, that I had sent him such
a thing in such a vessel; so that you must looke after them, for that, upon the recept of
the letter, he will thinke them to be for himself. I shall send you more, if you please.
They are filled and sealed by a sworn officer, 279 239 12 141 160 416 390 408 302 25 286
as I am informed, and so sent hither, where they are made use of by all withoutt doubt.
I have seriously spoken with De Witt 68 147 about that, which was written in your last
concerning two of the states of Holland 141 463 466 141 408 557 haveing bin in conference
with Don John. He positively denyes it, yet withal did confess to me, that it was a greate truth,
that they did not like lord protector's progress in Fanders, 141 339 47 355 107 34 286 144
but could be glad, that his armes were rather imployed at a greater distance.
Thus much he plainly told me; and I have since conferred with French embassador about it; and he
is of opinion, that such a thing cannot be without some previous resolution both of the
states generall, and also of the states of Holland, one whereof at least could very hardly
have escaped both our knowledges; but the states of Holland being to meete the 3. July,
wee are both resolved to use all possible care and circumspection in gaining true and timely
knowledge of what shall pass there; and it will be most necessary for your affaires, that
wee so doe, for that all resolutions and counsells of that kinde must begin there, and I
hope you shall not fayle of a good, true, and timely accompt. I have sent you by this
post a coppy of the letter for the convocation of the said states, as also a minute of the
points they are called upon; and one of them I have at large sent, it seeming a very
strange one, (to wit) for the compelling of the other provinces to pay their arreareages or
proportion of the moneyes paid to England and Denmark. I beleeve you will finde upon
further inquiry, that the persons above hinted at to be of the stat. gen were noe other then
some of Amsterdam, who were sent to treate about the authority 26 147 443 170 to trade in the
West-Indies, 468 161 287 151 339 267 287, one whereof returned out of Flanders
418 408 50 355 107 36 286 142 noe longer agoe then the last weeke; and a freind
of mine spoke with him in this towne, as he was upon his returne; and he is a principal
man of Amsterdam; 199 372. 408 566; and I am confident this is the truth of the business.
As Sir John Marlow 71 112 62 105 371 134 369 will doe nothing underhand, he will in
the first place have an hundred pounds 107 35 141, and a pass 217 141 43; for his
intention is to come wholly of from Ch. Stew. or otherwise not to doe any thing in the least:
he is a nottable man, and indeede did all for Ch. Stew. at Newcastle; 250 358; so it lyes
before you what you thinke fitt to doe therein, according as you judge for your service.
I shall not one hare's breadth goe beyond your orders; but as for collonell Moor 416 I
have but meane thoughts of him and his business, upon the reasons hinted in mine of
this day fortnight to you; yet, upon what I received in your last, I shall againe write
to him. I doe extreamly wonder, that you receive noe letters out of Flanders; 52 355 109
263 136 144; sure I am, that Vander Hide doth write 263 270 148 64 160 441 466 by
the names of Johnson and Fourd; 64 108 141 412 207 304. 213 35; and that Mr. De Degret
by the name of Timothy Usc-tozo, 142 403 475 384 463 524 27 477 174 118, and col.
Palmer by the name of Gabriel Thomson, 239 468 388 408 408 20 441 43 84 151 328 101
142 412, and Gardiner 267 390 136 by the name of Plampin, 355 102 124 339, whose
alone it seems you have received; but unless he give you better contentment, I shall have
no more to do with him. There are now at this time about 13 or 14 sayle of English
shipping att the Brill laden for England, most whereof have staid above a month for
convoy, and doe make very sad complaints to me, and that they must be inforced, many
of them, who are laden with corne, to take out their corne againe, to the utter overthrow of their voyage; and without a convoy they dare not stirr, their harbours haveing
in them at this time, and indeed never want, Flanders men of war as have come upon
this coast, to convoy the English shipping for England, when I have understood there
hath been a considerable number of them, to the great content of the English merchants;
and upon this occasion I did give the like order for the captaine of the Bradford frigatt
(who was before the Brill, and had nothing else to doe) to convey his fleete away; but he
would not doe it, but instead thereof gave ill words, which I am sure is not for your service, nor fitt to be suffered. Indeed, unless (as I formerly wrote) a man of warr be
sent once in 14 or 20 days at farthest before the Brill to see what ships are ready for England, it must certainly in a very little time come to pass, that not a tunn of goods shall
either be brought from England unto this country, or be carried out of this country into
England, save only in Dutch bottomes, to the totall ruine of the English shipping and
seamen; which is a thing that I am very greatly assiicted at, and the more for that I am
sure it may very easily be remydyed, especially at this time, when there are so many
men of war so near at hand. I have written to captain Baskitt, who came before
Scheevling with a letter to me from general Montague, if he can without loss of time,
to gett them out of the Brill, and convoy them for Dunkerke, that so they may thence
gett convoy for England; but I doubt whether he will be able to stay for them; and
the poor masters, who are now 15 or 16 in number, doe make most sad complaints to
me, their corn, which is on board, being in danger to be spoyled. If you please to
give order, that a man of war may come, as above hinted, once in 14 or 20 dayes; and
for the better ordering of the business, that they may give me notice of their arrivall,
whereby I shall also have opportunity of dispatches to you upon extraordinary occasions,
which may sometimes be of great concernment; as also in regard that there comes sometimes accidentally, upon severall occasions of convoyes, men of war to their ports, that
they also may give me notice of their arrivall, and that I may have power from his highness and councill to order them to convoy English merchants ships, as also to carry any
dispatches to yourself, or for the coast of Flanders, upon emergent occasions; this will
doe the business, and I hope I should manage that trust with what prudence and discretion I could: butt if the men of warr should come up in the Brill to convoy merchants,
without any such directions from me, there would be continuall fallings out among the
merchants, and perpetuall disorder, the particulars whereof would be too large to putt in
this paper. I am greatly affraid, least England should come to want seamen; and it's
that which makes me so zealous in this busines; for tradeing and seamen are gotten and
lost by degrees.
My lord Shannon, one of my lord Broghill's brothers, hath earnestly prest me for a pass for two horses for a friend of his, who is going to serve the elector of Brandenburgh. I have written by him, whome he hath imployed about it, a letter to yourself, and desire that you will be pleased to let him have it, and am,
Honorable Sir,
Your most faithfull humble servant,
G. Downing.
Hague, 28th June,
1658. [N. S.]
The inclosed will give your lady an account how my wife is at present, with my most humble thanks for hers, and your remembrance of her. I have herein inclosed a letter of the duke of York's, and another of colonel Leyghton's. Pray let me know every week, how many packets you receive from me, lest any miscarry.
A letter of intelligence from Blanck Marshall.
Antwerp, this 28 June, 1658. [N. S.]
Vol. lix. p. 173.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]
I have recived that comiditie, and came hither to have sould it; but Ch. Stew being
35 gon 27 28 56 53 this last week to meet his sister 40 to 48 19 20 79 31 37 74 75
38 76 80 21 69 towards Bredr, 22 142, and promised to returne speedily; if hee come
not in a day or two, I beleive hee takes his journey for Germany 73 33 39 74 35 57 82 71 54
21 94 23 58 7 29 22 69 49 455 95 or Spain. 74 61 5 36 52 18. I see very small
comfort for him or his heer, 71 34 38 73 318 19 72, notwithstanding those that were
20 78 33 I 79 87 21 2 72 in the last plot in England ar dayly coming over 30 44 5 53 16
4 69 15 5 96 47 96 11 57 51 38 54 58 83 22 70, and by the way of Calais. 59 24
12 2 45 35 74. There is one Sir John Mancy, 70 60 92 55 48 3 52 19 94, that lives
37 8 73 in Kent 20 53 77, who intends not to stir 78 33 71, who was was deep as any
64 1 73 2 52 95; nay, most of that people in England has 19 39 53 20 54. 30 44 3.
55 14 31 4 15 a hand in it 16 35 53 36 78. I have bin now eight dayes with three
of those marchants, and doe intend to stryke a bargaine for more of those commodities
above-mentioned: they are making great preparations 5 70 1 77 37 56 73 to
recruit their army. 71 21 13 72 54 78 22 79 31 18 69 2 70 48 94. Ch. Stew. his troops are most destroyed,
64 75 3 72 49 59 76 80 17 19 73 77 69 60 96 20 14, but D. York and D. Glocester
are in the fields: 21 22 44 16 74: if well followed, Forne. Berg, 57 88 18 17 23 57 59 52
19 9 70 27 and Graveling 38 54 29 will follow Dunkirk 47 59 86 14 81 55
40 39 72 41, which we near is taken 20 21 69 35 76 80 4 42 22 52: the perticullars
ar nott yet heer. I am now going with these merchants to Brussels, wher I hope to make
some profitt, and then will follow your last order to wait upon D. of York; 52 106; but
truly it's impossible I can give you so good an accompt ther, as I did give you formerly;
however, I am ready to obey; but I begg I may not be forced to goe on foot.
57 80. That which you sent me last has 51 19 44 5 74 78 3 20 75 hardly paid I
my debts; 48 94 i6 21 6 79 76; but if it bee your pleasure in any way, I will obey. I
humbly beg pardon for my last omission; for I was then at sea. I hope by the next to
send you more of that comodite. In the interim, I beg pardon for this boldness, and
Your most humble servant,
Margaret Smith.
Sir, if you please to let me receive your commands, pray direct them to III.
Leeds borough. The examination of Thomas Norton, servant of James Craven, of Leeds Milhill, clothworker,
taken the nineteenth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred fifty-eight, before Francis Allanson esq; alderman of the said borough, John Thoresby and Marmaduke Hicke gentlemen, justices of the peace within the said borough, by virtue of an order to them directed from the right honourable his. highness's council, &c.
Vol. lx. p. 56.
Who being examined, how he came by one paper of dangerous consequence, inciting the apprentices and jonrneymen of Leeds to a rising, and expulsion of the officers of excise out of the town of Leeds, faith and consesseth, he had it from one Nicolas Palmer, his fellow-servant; and faith, that one Henry Collingwood, servant of Robert Goulding, of Leeds Milhill aforesaid, brought it to their house, and the said Henry Goulding bid them send it to another shop presently; whereupon he carried the same to William Whitby's of the Milhill, and gave it to Thomas Wade, one of his servants; but who was the author and contriver thereof, he knows not.
His mark.[+]
Thomas Norton.
The examination of Henry Collingwood, servant to Robert Goulding of Leeds Milhill, taken as abovesaid, aged eighteen years.
Who saith, that the nineteenth day of May last one John Browne, servant to Richard Kirk, of Leeds Milhill, brought a paper to his master's house, and delivered it to this examinate, but told him not what was in it, neither could this exnminate read it, and bid him and his fellow-servants carry it to another shop presently; whereupon he carried the same to James Craven's, and delivered it to his men with the like charge, to carry it to the next shop; but who writ the said note, or were authors or contrivers thereof, or ringleaders herein, he know not.
Henry Collingwood.
The examination of John Brown, servant to Richard Kirke of Leeds Milhill, clothworker, taken as abovesaid, aged sixteen years, or thereabouts.
Who saith, that upon Wednesday the nineteenth day of June last, young Christopher Skaife's servant brought the paper above-mentioned to his master's shop, and delivered it to this examinate and his fellow-servants, and wish'd him and his fellow-servants to carry it to the next shop presently; but who was the author or contriver of that paper, or were ringleaders in that design, this examinate knows not, neither hath heard; but this examinate carried it presently to one Robert Goulding's.
His mark.[+]
John Browne.
The examination of William Watson, servant to Christopher Skaife younger, of Leeds Milhill, taken as aforesaid, aged fourteen years, or thereabouts.
Who faith, that upon wednesday last one Thomas Dillworth, servant to Joseph Dillworth, of Leeds Milhill, brought the paper above-mentioned to this examinate's master's house, and gave it to his fellow-servants to carry away presently to another shop; which paper this examinate carried to Richard Kirk's, and delivered it to his servants and apprentices to carry away forthwith; but who were the authors and contrivers thereof, or ringleaders in that design, this informant knows nor, neither hath heard.
His mark. [+]
William Watson.
The examination of Thomas Dillworth, apprentice to Joseph Dillworth, aged sixteen years, taken as abovesaid.
Who saith, upon the nineteenth day of May last Thomas Borwick, servant to one Christopher Hobson, brought the said paper to his master's house, and delivered it to his fellow-servants, who caused this informant to carry the same to Christopher Skaise's, who accordingly did, and delivered it to his servants and apprentices to carry to the next shop; but who were the authors or contrivers thereof, or were ringleaders in that design, this examinate knows not, neither hath heard from any.
Thomas Dillworth.
The examination of Christopher Hobson, apprentice to Thomas Borwick, taken as abovesaid.
Who saith, that upon the nineteenth day of May last, one Robert Ramsden, apprentice to Robert Hickson, brought the paper above-mentioned to his master's house; whereupon this examinate (as he was appointed by the rest of the fellow-servants) carried the same to Joseph Dillwood's, and delivered it to the servants there to send away; but who writ the said paper, were contrivers thereof, or were ringleaders in that design against the excisemen, this examinate knows not, neither hath heard from any.
Christoph. Hobson.
The examination of Robert Ramsden, apprentice to Robert Hickson, of Leeds, clothworker.
Who saith, that upon the said nineteenth day of May last a certain boy (whose name he knows not) came with the paper above-mentioned to his master's house, and delivered the same to Benjamin Borroughs and Thomas Edge, (two of his fellow-servants, as they told him) who appointed this examinate to carry it to Thomas Borwick's house, which he accordingly did, and delivered it to one of the journey-men there, to carry it to the next shop; but who was master of the said boy, he knows not, neither who were authors or contrivers of it, or ringleaders in that design against the excisemen.
And being further examined the sixth day of July, 1658. before the said Mr. alderman Thomas Harrison esq; high sheriff of the county of York, major Owen Cambridge, William Adams, George Byard, John Stanhope and Joshua Horton esqrs; John Thoresby and Martin Iles gentlemen, saith, that he now well remembreth, that one Francis Brigg's man, whose surname is Mounteyne, but knows not his christian name, (as Benjamin Borroughs told him) brought to his said master's shop, and delivered it to Thomas Edge and Benjamin Borroughs, his fellow-servants; and afterwards the said Borroughs read it, who appointed this examinate to carry the same to Thomas Borwick's house as abovesaid.
Robert Ramsden.
By order from the gentlemen before-named.
Signed by John Lunde, town-clerk for the borough aforesaid.
Col. Lockhart to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. lix. p. 185.
May it please your Lordshipp,
The coppy of that act I syned at my relieving of this towne was forgott to be inclosed
in my last: I send it by this, as also the articles with the garrison, and with the towne.
The conditions given to the towne are large, and all obligations are reciprocall betwixt
his majestie and the towne, as betwixt prince and subject, without any mention of his
highness or the state of England. I was desyred to signe the articles granted to the towne;
and his majestie, by any particular treatty with a towne, could give away nothing of my
master's right. At last the card. quitt all pretences, that can be bottomed upon their mock
articles with the towne; and acknowledged, that his highness had the only tytle to all
that can be claimed of jurisdictione over the towne as prince and soveraign, and that he
alone hath right to all the powers, proffits, and emoluments, that were dew to any of their
former princes. The treatty with France, upon which I grownd his highness right to this
place, reserves to the inhabitants of it the injoyment of their propriety, the liberty of their
conscience, and the administratione of justice, according to their usuall laws and customs,
in all matters of difference between man and man. This is all his highness is bound to by
his treatty with France; which being just in itself, I make it my studdy, that all their
priviledges of this nature be inviolably preserved; and in so doing, give full satisfaction
both to the magistrate and inhabitants. I send your lordship herewith ane inventarie of
what I found scattered, and have now gathered, to the stores. I have, besyds what is
mentioned in the inventarie, some rye and oats, that was conceal'd, but no considerable
quantity of either; as also some biscuitt, which by computatione will amount to at least
12000 weight, which I distribute to the garrisone for their present subsistance. I have
bought some cheese, butter, and bacon, (which I give out with the biscuitt) from particular
merchants. I shall give your lordshipp ane account of the quantity and pryces by the
next, and must draw bills upon Mr. Frost for the payment of it. I intrust one captain
Johnsone (who hath commissione from his highnes to be commissary for the provisions) with
the buying and distributing of it, and ame carefull to be satisfied, that the pryces of the
provisions are reasonable, before I give him leave to close any bargaine. The summ expended upon provisions will not be considerable, and yett with the helps I have fownd
here, I think I shall be able to give the garrison subsistance for three weeks or a month.
I have upon my hand at least 700 wounded and sick men, the greatest part whereof belong
to the four regiments, that are in the field. I erect eight hospitals for them, which is one
for every regiment. To each of the hospitals I appoint a suttler, to give them their allowance, and a convenient number of women to wait upon them. My last told your lordshipp I had contracted with the nuns for furnishing and attending the wounded and sick;
but finding them not able to perform their promise, I was forced to retreat my bargaine,
and take the above-mentioned cowrse. I shall, as soon as I can have so much spare tyme,
send your lordshipp a list of such persons as I imploy abowt the businesse of the garrison,
and the nature of their respective imployments: they are many, and yett a great many
more will be necessary; for I have had no regard to the bene esse of things, but have
restricted myself to so small a number, as they cannot be able to carry on their work long
without assistance. I have given order to the magistrates of this place to prepare a full
and cleare account of all things, that concerne their government, justice, and publick revenue, a coppy whereof I shall transmitt to your lordshipp. I conceive, when it shall
please God to reduce things heare to any settlement, the revenues of this place will not
be inconsiderable; and if (as I hope it may be e'er long) contributione can be raised sufficient for the subsistence of this garrison, his highness will find, that his conquest here will
not only be honourable, but proffitable. I must entreatt your lordshipp to hasten over
provisions for the garrisone, as also recruittes. Some of my countrymen will not doe
amisse, provyded they be not kep'd in a body, but distributed amongst the several companies. It's possible the giving out they are to serve under me may be some incouragment
to them to come the more willingly. We shall need a great many pallisados heare of
all syses; the more of them be of the biggest fort, will be an advantage to owr out-works.
I am not in any present straitt for any amunitione of warr, except it be powther, muskettball, and hand-granado-shells. I am promised 300 barrel of powther from the fleet, a
150 whereof is already come into this harbour. I demanded no match from them, but
should have had double proportion of musquett-ball, of which, by the account I had the
day, it appears they have not much to spare; and theirfor I must begg, that your lordshipp may order the sending over a good proportione of musquett-ball, and as much
powther, as may make owr magazine amount to at least 700 barrell, and small-shott or
musquett-ball conforme. So soon as that is once lodged, I shall not diminish any thing
from the store, but shall endeavor to furnish the garrisone for what they will have occasione to consume dayly out of a powther-mill, which I have putt in order hear for that
end. The seege of Bergh goes on well; those of owr regiments, that are imployed their,
give the enemy no cause to beleeve they are rebutted. I think the towne will not hold
out above four or five dayes: they expresse little or no courage in their defence; and
the enemie is under as great a consternation as hath been knowne: they do not intend, for
any thing I can learne, to dispute Furn. I am of the opinion the French will gett it for
the axing, I mean if they once surrounde it. They make great preparations for the defence
of Newport, and are a fortifying its channell. The neighbourhood of the French army, as
it is advantagius to me upon some account, it's troublesome upon other accounts; but I
hope in few dayes to see an end putt to all our consusions and disorders. As I am writting this, Mr. Simball arryves with your lordshipp's of the 18th. The provisions, that are
on their way, and the dispatch, that is used in sending over money, and some horse, gives
us new testimonies of his highness goodness to us, and of your lordshipp's care of us. I
pray that their may be at least 300 horse sent. It's the minimum quod sit, and their
must be some provisione of hay made for them, especially against winter. I shall get
them to shift for grass in the summer: tho' all about us be eaten up, yett the season of
the yeare will recover it, so as to be pasture good enuff; but I expect little or no hay.
As for pallisados, I shall at present only desier 2000 of a reasonable syse, and about a
month hence I shall need a greatt many to be imployed about the Fort-royall; but if yowr
lordshipp will give timely order to cawse provyde them out of the woods, the load of
them I think showld not need to stand you much more then that of billett, since I know
there is a greatt deale of billett-wood bigg enuss for that use, and it is but to keep it at
10 or 11 foot length. I shall henceforth renew my correspondence with Mr. Downing,
but really I have not had tyme to wrytt to him hitherto. Poor Mr. Swift continues to
be very ill, and I have no help, being forced to sitt up and wrytt many times, when all
others go to take their rest. I am preparing two proclamations, one relaiting to the soldiers, and ane other to the inhabitants of this garrisone: your lordshipp shall have coppyes
of them by the next. His eminence of late hath been a little more humorus, then he
hath been accustomed to be; and yet, I thank God for it, I alwayes appease him, before
we part; but every one heare makes it his businesse to fill his head with a thowsand false
storyes of us, and accuse us of what wee never intended, nor so much as thought of
amongst us; and the close of all is, that now wee are possessed of Dunkerk, wee value
the French no more; and that all our faire promises will evaporate into smoke, when, the
Lord knowes, if it were not, that I would not give the world so badd a character of us
as to think, that, upon our having Dunkerke, we are become haughty and prowd, it were
impossible for me to bear the insolences I doe; and I have told the cardinal freely, my
patience is wearied out: but I begg yowr lordshipp may not take any publick notice of
this; for I doubt not but, through the goodness of God, I shall be able to wrestle thorough
all difficulties. My lord, it will be necessary to send over good store of oats for the horsemen, as also some carpenters and gunners from the Tower. Wee shall serve ourselves with
soldiers for mattroses, and shall put his highness to as little needlesse expence as is possible.
I must end heare abruptly, being necessitated to go about some businesse, that requyres my
presence. I am,
May it please your Lordshipp,
Your most humble, faithfull and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.
Dunkerke, June 30/20. 1658.
The enemie hath sent two drummers to me from Newport concerning coll. Johns, whom I own as a captaine in my regiment; the other from the pretended duke of York's regiment, concerning a prisoner of theirs, who is heare: both their messages to me were civill enuff, and my answers have been the same. I shall not deliver Mr. Turenn's letter, till I heare from your lordshipp; and if you doe not send me a new one with the tytle changed, and celsitudo in place of excellency, and direct it to the prince of Turenne, the delivery of it will rather disoblydge then oblydge.
By his excellencie the lord Lockhart, embassador from his most serene highnes the lord protector of England, &c. to his majestie of France, and general of his said highness's forces in Flanders.
Vol. lix. p. 193.
Since government and good order is the only foundation, whereupon all bodies politic stand firm and sure, but most especially to be observed in garisons, which, if once slackened and corrupted, draw ruin and dissolution not only upon themselves, but upon those cities and people, for whose benefit and tranquillity they were intended; this consideration hath made me the more sensible of, and the more diligent to remove those several abuses, which, I am informed, are committed by the soldiers under my command in this garison. But because I would not have any officer or soldier surprised with punishment for an offence before public prohibition thereof, I have therefore thought fit to declare, that a severe course shall be taken, according to the articles of war, against every man whatsoever, whether officer or soldier, who shall exact any thing unduly from his landlord, or shall demand any thing but lodging and beds, or shall wrong his landlord, his wife, or any of his family, by striking their persons, or burning and spoiling their goods, or the like:
Who shall offer any injury or abuse to the ecclesiastics, or Romish churchmen, of what order soever, or condition, in the streets, in their houses, convents, or churches:
Who shall be found off his guards, from the time of his entring thereupon, till he be relieved; or shall be seen in the streets without his sword, whether he be upon the guard or not.
For all such foresaid offences, condign punishment shall be strictly inflicted upon every man, without favour or forbearance.
And further, I do require, that all soldiers keep their arms in a secure place in their quarters, under their own lock and key; and that the officers commanding every company take special notice what arms are unfixed, and cause the armourers of every respective regiment to six them:
That no soldier go out of the gates, without leave of his officer: That no man whatsoever pass over the works or palisadoes, but at the ordinary gates:
That no soldier be out of his quarters after the beating of the tatoo, or at undue hours:
That no officer or soldier do any wrong, or commit any spoil upon gardens, fruittrees, herbs, or any other things growing therein. The field-officers of each regiment, and the captains of respective companies, are to take notice of the offenders in each particular, and to secure them, till they be brought to exemplary punishment, according to the articles of war.
Lastly, in respect of that gratitude they owe to Almighty God for mercies already received, that we become more capable of further blessings, I doe absolutely and universally forbid all ungodliness, swearing, profaneness, blaspheming, drunkenness, debauchery, or whatsoever carriage of ill favour and example; which, that they may not provoke the wrath of God upon us all, shall be most severely punished in every particular offender.
William Lockhart.
General Montagu to secretary Thurloe.
My Lord,
Yours of the 18th instant I had this morninge. I hope you have been longe since
informed about all necessarye particulars here. The army hath beene sate downe
before Bergen this 3 or 4 dayes; and the French gentlemen confidently say, that within
soe many more they will have the towne. If that proove soe, then I conceive, that Gravelin is perfectly beseidged by land at distance, the French havinge from Dunkirke by
Bergen, Linck, Bourborch, Ardres, to Calis, all the passes, that any thinge cann come to
them by; and though my lord embassador seemed not to lay much weight upon havinge
ships before Gravelin, since the French did not meane to attaque it, yet the case being
as above, I thought it not amiss to keep 2 or 3 shipps before it, to blocke it up by
sea, (as well as they can) untill other service makes it needfull for mee to remove them.
This morninge I had a letter from Mr. Downinge, which hath little news considerable in
it, and such as doubtless he hath given you before. I am now dispatchinge a vessel to him,
with letters from myselfe, and (I thinke) the embassador too.
His eminence cardinall Mazarin did mee the greate grace, on friday in the afternoone, to come on board this ship; and the marshall Villeroy, and another marshall, and divers greate persons, and my lord embassador also.
Yesterday the Dartmouth came in hither from Flushinge, and the captaine acquainted mee, that he had a person on board, that pretended to be sent from one Sir Robert Welch, who is now a prisoner at Bruxells, upon suspicion of giving an intelligence to England; and pretends to have letters to my lord Broghill, or in his absence to the lieutenant of the Tower. I beinge willinge to use him civilly because of his expressions, to whom he goes, have desired him, for his better passage to London, to goe into the Speaker, who is bound for Woolwidge, and will land him neere London: and give you this advertisement, that if you have a mind to search further into him, or his businesse, or papers, that you may have readye about Gravesend to goe aboard the Speaker, as the comes by, and give you satisfaction. I have noe more at present, but subscribe,
My Lord,
Your lordshipp's most faithfull humble servant,
E. Montagu.
Abord the Nasebye before Dunkerke, June 20. 1658.
Major-general Jephson to secretary Thurloe.
Upon the newes of the king of Suedes arrivall Fraderick's-Oade, I came thus
farre in my way towards him upon fryday last, whereof. I have given Sir Philip
Meadowe notice to Hamburgh. The cause of my stay here thus long is to expect the
returne of a messenger, whom I sent directly away to the king, upon the first notice of his
landing, to bee informed, where he would be pleased first to give me audience; for 'tis
supposed hee may not bee willing to be interrupted with businesse at Gottorp. Soe
soone as my messenger shall return, (which I expect will be this night) I will give Sir
Phillip Meadowe notice of my resolutions, and appoint some certaine place for our meeting. Since I came hither, I have received yours of the 11th instant, whereby I find your
favour and care in providing mee a ship to bee ready for mee at Hamburgh; for which
I returne you my humble thanks; and doe hope by God's assistance to be there ready to
take shipping about 14 dayes hence. I am very much joy'd to heare the good successe
of our armye in Flanders. I yesterday receyved an awnswer in writting (whereof I here
send you a copy) from Berlin to the propositions, which I there gave in to the elector's
commissioners, which I am now very glad that I did desire; for it seems to mee to differ
farr from the discourse, that was us'd to mee there. For first, the necessitye of the elector's
conjunction with the king of Poland is much more positively afferted in this paper, then it
was to mee there; where it was only founded upon a punctilio of the elector's honour in
relation to his last agreement with Poland; but, in this it's grounded upon the unseparable
interests of these two princes. Next, whereas the last paragraph onlye mentions the conservation of the treaty of Munster (in generall termes) in the behalf of the king of France,
it was positively promised mee, that the elector should give punctuall order to his embassador, that hee should insist, that these words should be inserted into the capitulation; that
the house of Austria might not send any relief to the kinge of Spaine, into France or Flanders, under pretence of sending succours against the English. As to the second head, an
awnswer is given quite besides the intention of the proposition; in which there is noe mention of a Protestant emperour, much lesse any thought to invite the elector to sett himselfe
single to oppose a legall election of an emperour by the major part of the electors. In my
next I hope to bee able to give you some account of the king's intentions, though beeing
now to go out of the ordinary post-roade, I have reason to doubt my letters may hardly
come to your hands by the next post, though I shall endeavour it; and in the meane time
humbly take leave, and remaine,
Your most faythfull, and affectionate
humble servant,
Will. Jephson.
Lubeck, 21st June, 1658.
Captain Stoakes to secretary Thurloe.
Vol.lix.p. 183.
Right Honourable,
By the last post, I acquainted you, how necessary it were, (if it be his highness pleasure
to continue me abroad) that forthwith another supply of victualls, with powder, small
cordage, and all forts of stores, be forthwith provided under the convoy of three or fower
frigatts, that soe as many more of these with mee, disabled by their long being abroad,
may be sent home, and take under their convoy such ships as shall offer.
Fower days a oe came to me the Tredagh, and those frigats sent out with him, who in the road of Valentia burnt a Spanish ship of six and thirty gunns, fitting out for a man of warr, and took two Fleming laden with corne, the best part of which they had delivered; however question not but shall make six or seaven thousand pieces of eight, which will be some helpe towards the payment of short allowance, of which there is due to the men some months in generall Blake's tyme, and all my owne. From Tituan have advise, that the gallions departed the 16th of May; the which I intimate unto your honour, that if this party with mee be but well supplyed with victualls about the month of December, in which tyme they will undoubtedly retourn, I might be able to wait on them. In three or sower dayes hope to take in my victualls, and be able to sayle to Leghorne, from whence I shall dispatch the Tredagh, Yarmouth and Jersey, for England, in convoy of such merchant-ships as doe there offer. Myselfe, Torrington, Taunton, Dover, Guiney and Prize, shall goe downe as far as Tripoli, to see what I can doe, as to a peace with these people. The Farfax, Kent, Bristoll, Phœnix and Hampshire doe leave to assist the French, according to his highnesse commande. I have noe certainty, when they will be ready, nor whether they goe. Rossas in Cattalonia is besieged by the Spaniard. Blessed be God for the good success of our army in Flanders! Such another will much abate the pride of the Spaniard, and put an end to the vain hopes of Charles Stewart, and that party; which that God will grant, is the prayer of
Lyme, in Marseilia-bay,
21st of June, 1658.
Your Honour's humble servant,
Jo. Stoakes.