State Papers, 1657: November (4 of 5)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1657: November (4 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1657: November (4 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1657: November (4 of 5)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

November (4 of 5)

A letter of intelligence.

Bruges, this 3d December [N.S. 1657.]

Vol. lv. p. 367.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]

I Wryt to you in my last the relation of your business heere; it's now just as it was, onely the g r e a t p reparation making so r t h e at a c k o f M a r d y k. Don John assured the c o n t r i e, that he e will regayne Mardyck; upon which s c o r e they p r o m i s e d h i m c o n s i d e r ab l e s u m. I am confident, the hoors will get the best share o f i t, How I believe he miatake. ever, l e t M a r d y k and B u r b u r g h b e ec a r s u l l; there is f i v e t h o u s a n d p e a s a n t s app o o t e d f o r t o w o r k b e e f o r e M a r d y k. Don John is not as y e t r e t u r n e d t o D u n k i r k. D. Yorke i s l t i l l t h e r e. Ch. Stuart i s n o t r e m co v e d s r o m h e n c y e t. All the s e c r e t h e e r f o r t n e pr e s e n t, i s o f s o r c e s c o m i n g o u t o f S p a i n t and G e r m a n y, and without doubt f o r E n g l a n d and S c o t l a n d, b e f o r e E a s t e r. The n e o e s y el t e r n i g h t w a e, that C on u è w a d e a d, but afterwards c o n t r a d i c t e d; but very sick hee is. There is thirtie t h o u s a n d p a i l i l j do s p r e p a r e i n g h e a r e. The conrr inputs don John l o t o t t, that hee m u s t h a z a r d the w h o l e f o r c e s o f F l a n d e r s, to r e g a y n e A l a r d yk; they count the c o n t r i e l o s t w i t h o u t i t. If the F r e n c h e h e d p layed ther part, you had had Dunkirk and N e w p o r t er n o w. I shall not trouble you further at present, but that I am,

Your most devoted and humble servant,
B. M.

Wee have litle newes heer; the report is, that the Sweds has beaten the Deanes. When you think sit to comand mee with any service, you may direct your's heer, or as formerly.

The superscription.

For mr. Robert Richardson, marchant in West-Chester;
to be lest with mr. William Rowe, in the admiraltie-& at Whyt-Hall, in London.

Sir T. Tyrrill to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxi. p. 420.

Haveinge been longe sicke in Ireland, and not yet perfectly recovered, I finde myselfe not able to give that attendance to my businesse as I should doe; and therefore I have made bold to prevent you with this inclosed, which is the sum of my desiers, his highness beeinge allready acquainted with itt, and hath been graciously pleased to promise a speedy performance of itt. Sir, I shall not upon my own score presume to give you this trouble; but if for the memorie of your old friend, my lord primate, you will be pleased to give itt your farderance, I shall not doute of a good success; which for ever will oblige mee to bee

Your honor's most humble servantt,
Tim. Tyrrill.

London, Decemb. [1657.]

Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, lord-deputy of Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

My lord,
These 3 last weekes have brought noe letters from Ireland, which wee knowe not what to attribute the cause thereof unto, unlesse it bee to the wyndes, which have beene of late very much easterlye. This day senight major Walters and a messenger were dispatcht away, with commissions and instructions for the deputy and counsell of Ireland; which I hope are safely arrived with you. This weeke hath in a great part beene taken up in solemnizeinge the marriage of my lady Mary with my lord Fauconbridge. They were marryed at Hampton-court, upon thursday. He is a person of very great parts and sobrietye, and I hope his highness and his family will have comfort in hym. The greatest newes here is, the endeavours, that the old cavalier enemye use to raise a new warre; the designe whereof is layeinge through all the land. Their agents are dispersed up and downe for that purpose, the names whereof wee knowe, and some of the chiefe persons they depend uppon for this enterprize, and some of the places they intend to begin at; for soe farre they have advanced. Two thinges they doe expect, before they are willinge to breake out: one is the assassination of his highnesse, (which I trust the Lord will disappoint them in, as he hath many tymes done hitherto.) Secondly, some force from beyond the seas; and it is not above 2 or 3000 foot, that they doe desire for their encouradgment to be landed in some place of strength; and that number their kinge doth now promise them to be over within a month or six weekes. But this part I doe not soe much beleeve, because I doe not see, how he can transport them, nor thinke he can have any place of strength here to come into. I know he hath beene longe truckeinge for one, and offeringe great sumes of money to those, who have the charge of some of our sea-ports; but (as I beleeve) in vaine, and to noe purpose.

I have enquired into what designes they have uppon Ireland; and although I finde in the generall they have their correspondencyes there, and some good hopes there, yet I doe not understand the perticulers of their designe; it's possible I may afterwards. In the meane tyme, as all the care is takeing here to prevent their designes in England, by placeinge the forces in proper station, soe I beleeve your excellencie will give the same directions in Ireland; which is all I am able to say upon this subject, at this tyme.

Since my last wee have had noe great newes from abroad. The Swedes successe at Fredericksode hath given hym some new reputation. I doe not heare for certeyne, that he hath proceded further yet. It's true, the merchants, who trade into those seas, say, that since his last successe he hath taken another island, called Funen-Zea; that is, entred into the island of Zealand, where Elsinore stands: but wee give noe creditt to this newes, nor shall, 'till the post comes upon thursday next. I shall not give your excellencye further trouble at this tyme, save to signe me,

Your excellencye's most humble and obliged faithfull servant,
Jo. Thurloe.

Whitehall, 23 Nov. 1657.

Major-general Jephson to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lv. p. 345.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]

According to my expectation hinted to you in my last, I have receyved from mr. Meadowe the king of Denmark's awnswer to the king of Swede's declaration of his acceptance of his H's. mediation, which I herewith send; in which you will find our former doubts and feares reduc't to certaintyes. The king of Denmark will not treate without including all that border upon the Baltick-sea, especially the king of Poland; and unless hee will breake his articles. (whereof I formerly sent you a copy, which is not altogether impossible) he cannot without the house of Austria, and they not without their allyes &c. and then must H. H. become the mediator for reconcileing the differences between all the Catholique princes in these parts, necessitate the king of Sweden wholely to lay downe his armes, and leave the house of Austria and their adherents in full liberty to assist the king of Spaine against England and Portugall. But this businesse is soe clear in the text, it needes noe comment. The treaty I mentioned in my l a s t betwixt Musc. Poland, and Brand. is rather with the n o b i l i t y of Poland than with the k. of Pol. and it seemes to mee very probable there may b e some difference am o n g n s t them, the G. D. Muse. and Cosaaks with w h o m, 'tis said, Ragotsky is joyned do not force them to leave their private amity to join against a common enemy. The Dutch embassadours are now againe receyved by the king of Swede, and all things seem very fayre betwixt them, as I am informed by an English gentleman that lives with them. I am now returning with all the speed I can to Wismarr, and intend to use the best interest I can make there to gett one offer more of a treatye with the king of Denmark, if hee will yet treat apart, or only in order to the union mentioned in my instructions; and when that is over, one way or another, truly unless you give me new instructions, or the king of Swede should cut me out some work, I hope you will give me your command to come home, which cannot now be done but by land; and therefore you will please to consider, whether I may be of any use in my journey homeward, and which way you will command me to take. Sir, I gave you in my last an account of my expences: I shall not now trouble you with another, though I have been forced to buy many things here. I have received a letter of creditt hither from mr. Nowell, amounting to about 400 l. sterling, which I shall mannage as thristily as I can for my future subsistance. I have now receyved yours of the 13th instant; to the particulars whereof I shall give you my aunswers in order. I shall not fayle punctually to observe his H's. command to the king of Sweden concerning the businesse of Fredericksode. I wonder much at mr. Meadowes's writing to you, that hee hath received no letters from you or me since: truly I know not of any one letter hath miscarried since I came. This progress, is evident, hath been made betwixt us, which I have given you an account of. He first sent me the king of Denmark's acceptance of his H's. mediation. Then I sent him one from the king of Sweden, to which I have received this inclosed aunswer. I assure you, I shall not be wanting eyther in my desyres or indeavours to promote the treaty; and doe heartilly wish I had more reason to bee confident of the successe. I am very sorry to heare wee are likely to be upon such ill terms w i t h Low-Countries, which confirmes me in my former opinion, that nothing would bee more honourable for his H. nor more advantageous to the publick interest, then if H. H. would propose a general treat y betwixt a l the P r o t e s t a n t s; for really, sir, I have told you this treating a p a r t doth but palliate a disease in some members, whereunto every relapse doubles the danger to the whole body. I intend not hereby that the Frarmy or Portugall shall be made e n e m y s, or any other that will b u t s t a n d neuter; though it may be sayed (with as much truth as it ought to be with greif) that religion amongst states is much oftner pretended for their owne interests, then really imbrac't for the honour of God. Yet, meethinks, twere not labour ill spent, to discover any that durst publiquely avow that principle. You r r e a s o n s for not send ing the srigatts in to the Balt. sea, I conceive to be very satisfactorie, which I shall take some opportunity to communicate to the k. of Swed. Sir, my meaning by join ing with Sweden was, that if by the k. of Denmark's obstinacy the power of the Balt sea shall bee devolved to other hands, you would so oblidge the k. of Swed. by as s i s t ing him, that he might putt a part of it in you r hand. The places I mentioned in my letter of the 2d instant, and my opinion of them, according to my best intelligence, which I suppose you had not then received, they were Gottenburg nd F r e d e r i c k s o d e. I assure myself you were not before ignorant of the conveniencies and inconveniencies belonging to them, which I will not presume to judge of. I shall use my best endeavours to restore the el. of Brand. to the k. of Swed. but the care the k. of Den. hath of him and assistance of the stat. gen. makes me somewhat afraid of him. I shall (God willing) give you a speedy account of the king of Swede's inclinations touching mr. Bradshaw's going to Muscoe, and also give him notice thereof by the first opportunity. I received a letter from him just now of the 10th instant, wherein he tells me, he expects speedy admittance to the grand-duke, who, I hear, is now by the advise and assistance of 599 fortifying Archangell. I shall by to-morrow's post write to mr. Bradshaw your commands to me concerning him. I have detained you too long; I feare you will not have patience to read out my letter: I shall therefore conclude, assuring you I most really am

Your truly affectionate and most humble servant,
William Jephson.

Hamburg, 24 Nov. 1657.

Sir Francis Russel to sir John Reynolds, general of the English forces in Flanders.

Vol. lv. p. 347.

Sonne Reynolds,
According to my promise and your desire, I am now at Whitehall, and have sollicited his highnes, my lord Fleetwood, and mr. secretary for your returne. His highnes told me, that you should have leave granted very suddenly; and mr. secretary likewise sayed, that himselfe would wright unto you, to lett you know so much; but his highnes did say, when I wrote unto him about this busynes, that you must not expect to make any long tarrying here from your imployment: however, I am glad, that your freinds have some hopes of seeing you. Your last letter I did receive, and I have tow for your wife, which I intend to send downe unto hir by the post this night. Within these tow or three days I shall return back for Chippenham, for my cheifest busynes here was to fullfill that love, which I owe unto you. As for news, this place affords me but little; all our state-affaires are very private; and to enquire or search them out is not my busynes. I hope all things will goe well; yet tis possible, all our state-doctors are not of one opinion; tis possible, the wiseest of them cannot guesse at the event and issue of things, nor say what will be brought to passe in a short time. His highnes takes the present of your horse very kindly. I doe beleeve his love and respect towards you is very reall: let therefore no darke thoughts overshaddow your mind; keep but all things cleare and honest at home in your owne hart, and that sun will scatter all those mists, that others can cast over your eyes. Expect bad report as well as good to be your portion here below; a wife good man is not much concerned at either. Above all things, remember to make a wise stout warr with all your owne enemys within you; for that warfare concernes you most, and the end of it will be a good happy peace. The Lord blesse and keepe you safe inwardly and outwardly. I have in this sent you a letter from your wife: she will be glad to see you, and ready to goe along with you to any place you shall desire her. I am,

Deare sir, yours in all faithfullnes,
Francis Russell.

Whitehall, Nov. 24, 1657.

General Fleetwood to H. Cromwell, lord-deputy of Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

Deare brother,
I Have not heard any thing from Ireland this 2 or 3 weekes, and we have little of any thing of importance to impart to you. We are now upon the consideration of the lord's house, which will be of great consequence in itself, and of much difficulty wheare to finde sit persons to answer that worke; the good presanse of the Lord is that we are only to wait for and rely upon, that we may have the mercy of a right choyce. I doubt not, but mr. secretary will inform you of the fresh intelligence we receive of new designes from our old enemy, in order to our disturbances, who have layd their buysnes with that confidence, that they think nothing can disapoynt them: but our comfort is, they consider not that the Lord is above them, who can turn all their counsells to foolishnes; and to have our trust in him, is our strength. I think you will doe well to be the more carefull; for no question but the designe is generall, and will concern all parts to be in a readynes. I doubt not of your care in what concerns you. We are in great distress for want of monyes: I beleive it is your case also. We have newes, which I canot be consydent of, that the Sweeds have entered Sealand; which if true, is of great importance. It is strang, how that man is caryed on in his worke; though unlesse it had pleased God of lat to blesse him with some successe, his case is desperat. Excuse me for this abruptnes. I am

Your most affectionate brother and humble servant,
Charles Fleetwood.

Nov. 24, [1657.]

Our men sicken very sast at Dunkirke. Sir John is well.

General Monck to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lv. p. 343.

Honoured Sir,
I Received your letter of the 17 instant, and am glad to hear that soe many of the Dutch fleete are returned. I hope they have noe other designe than doeing the Portugall mischief; they will bee weary of that, unlesse the king of Spaine supply them with some monies for that purpose. I am glad to heare the good successe of the Swedes against the Dane. I am of your opinion, that itt is noe fitt time to sett my lord Lorne att libertie at this present. I have latelie received severall letters from my lord Fleetwood about disbanding some men, and I finde the resolutions above very uncertaine. I must entreat you in your next, you will please to lett mee know, whether there bee any likelyhood of disbanding any forces heere; for truly there must bee some course taken in disbanding some, being they have taken of six thousand pounds a month of our allowance, which will make us goe farther in arreare; and I should thinke, if his highnesse soe thought fitt, the turning of three regiments into two, or two into one, would be the best for his service. I intreate you will please to give mr. Rowe your assistance for getting a commission to judge Ker, one of the commissioners for administration of justice, who hath acted as one of the judges heere in Scotland these twelve months, and hath only an order from the councill heere for it, which the judge thinkes nott safe to doe without a commission from above. For newes heere wee have none. All thinges are quiett and well. Which is all at present from

Your very affectionate humble servant,
George Monck.

Dalkeith, 24th Nov. 1657.

Consul Maynard to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lv. p. 371.

Right honorable,
Since my last by the Centurion frigatt, I had intelligence from Cadiz, that the Spaniard did cease altogether from makinge any preparations by sea: in seaventeen dayes together there was not a man to worke on any of thire shipes, which my authour imputes to the want of money; but since his highnesse's fleet came of that coaste, they make what expedition they possible can to set out twelve gallions and three pataxos or small shipes for the West-India. The admyrall of the twelve gallions carries about 46 gunns; the vice-admyrall aboute 36; all the rest carrie from 28 to 34 pieces of ordnance, unlesse one which carries but 24; the three small shipes are of little force. The admyrall, which is now in Cadiz, carries 80 brasse gunns; the vice-admyrall aboute 70; there are in all in Cadiz, great and small, thirty-eight shipes, of which 19 or 20 carrie thirty gunns and upwards; sower of which are Dunkirkers of forty-four brass gunns, with which they esteem their best men of warr; the rest of the 38 carrie from 14 to 28 gunns. There is a great want of money in Cadiz, and as much lack of men. If these 15 shipps proceed for the Indies, they will sett out no more shipps untill next autume, unless the English fleet go of the coast, then they will shew themselves at sea. There are three shipps dayly expected from the Indies, which come rich, but tis known to none, but the duke of Medina-Celi for what port they will come, whither for Cadiz, or some port in Gallicia, or else stopp at the Canaries. All things are in a quiett condition here, since the retakeing of Moroan. The Portuguese army are all retired to their garrisons; soe nothing will be attempted on the Spaniards untill the spring, when the Portuguese haste to be masters of the field. The king of Portugal goes on preparing his fleet, consisting of twenty sail: the Bon Jesus, which is admyrall, carries 70 gunns; the St. Pedro, vice-admyrall, about 60 peices; the St. Gonsallo, rear-admyrall, 50; the rest carrie from 30 to 40 gunns. They may be ready to sail the end of January: 'tis suppos'd they will attempt some place in Gallicia, to draw back the Spanish forces, which lye entrenched in Portugal on the river Minho.

His highnesse's fleet is now in a readyness to sett saile from this place; the Rainbow, James, Unity, Lamport and Plymouth towards Ingland, the rest for the southwards: the Kent frigatt is not yet come from the bay of Cadiz; her long stay to hinder the rest gives some cause of feare, there is some disaster happened to her by the late storme; but we hope for better newes. Mr. Amory, who was putt in here by generall Blak to make provisions for the fleet, imbarks now on board the Lamport for Ingland, with a fair estate gotten in a twelve-month's time. He was lately married to an Irish gentlewoman, which came to this place with an intent to have lived a monastical life, who goes home with him; so that affair is now very well. I will say no more concerning the sales of some goods, for fear I should be accounted impertinent by your honour.

The news of the takinge 17 faile of the Brazil fleet with six thousand chests of suger, is confirmed were taken by Ruyter's squadron within 30 leagues of the Burlines. Since the late storme there hath been no intelligence, what is become of the Dutch fleet: but 'tis suppos'd, they are not gon off the coast. The queen of Portugall grants letters of reprizall to any that desires them: Collart and another French ship are gone for the coast of France with commissions from the queen to take Hollanders. The French ambassadors did lately express much discontente of these people to me, because of their inconstancy: he findes them extreme sickel in their resolutions, and so will all men that hath to doe with them.

I have not else to trouble your honor withall; so committe you to the protection of the Almightie.

Your honor's most faithfull servant,
Tho. Maynard.

Lisbon, 4 December 1657. [N. S.]

H. Cromwell, lord-deputy of Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.

Dublin, 25th November, 1657.

In the possession of his grand-son William Cromwell esq.

On saturday the 21st instant I received the commission and instructions, &c. wherein the first thing I shall take notice of is, that the powers therein given were not fettered and crippled with unusuall restrictions; which did indeed seem strange, considering the endeavours of some, and did withall speak your care and industry in preventing those inconveniencys on my behalf, for which and your seasonable advice and prayers, I owe you more thanks than I will now go about to express.

I doubt there was some oversight in the commission for administring the oaths; for it seemed to me, that it gave no clear power for swearing my lord-chancellor: however my lord cheif-justice and lord cheif-baron adventured to administer it, wherein I did not think it convenient to interpose.

I must indeed acknowledge, how unfitt I am for this burthen; and it is my mercy, that the Lord doth in these times effect his greatest designs by weak instruments, to the reproach and laying low of all carnal policy and worldly wisdome. It is my hope, that the Lord, who alone hath brought me hither, will not leave me in the wilderness, but will guide me through this labyrinth of my imployment. The God of my father helpe and hold up my head in the evill day, when the powers of the world shall shrinke and shrivell. Indeed I account it the seal of your kindness to caution me, as you did, in this the day of my temptation.

Having perused the commission and instructions, I did the same night, though late, intimate the receit of them to my lord-chancellor, that he and I being appointed by the commission for administration of the oaths, the first movers in the whole work might conferr about calling together the rest. His lordshipp did accordingly meet on monday, and within a few hours after the rest of the councell, upon notice given, mett us also. That afternoon the manner of the whole proceeding was debated and referred to my lord-chancellor, to advise with such persons concerning it as had known the practise of former times, with caution against any more ceremony then decency itselfe required. Among other matters relating to the solemnity my lord chancellor reported, that to conferr knighthood was a necessary part; nevertheless considering the posture of affairs, I was unwilling to put forth that power; but upon further advice, the thing being pressed as necessary, I studied to find out a sit and proper person, and one, against whom was least exception in reference of all partys. At length I pitched upon colonel Thomlison, as being a member of the councell, and one no ways famous for his formall affection to me. I must confess, I had a farther reason, which was to declare to the world, how really willing I was to obliterate the memory of that division conceived to have been among the members of the former councell; and to give this as a publick act of reconciliation even with those, that were most concerned in that breach. Some other petty considerations I had, which I leave your own fancy to guess at. Having thus pitched upon the person, I used means to feel his inclinations as to the acceptance; and I found no more reluctancy than what might be expected, but rather the contrary handsomely dissembled. Whereupon he was knighted; and to shew you, that it was no vain itch, which put me upon the action, I shall be sparing hereafter in conferring those marks of honour. Those, who we thought would have quarelled with these ceremonys, seem at least to approve them, though possibly but for the person's sake.

The long cessation of affairs here hath brought a flood of business upon me. Wherefore I desire your pardon for this brevity; and that you would think the thing (money) that I shall chiefly recommend to your care at this time, to be extream necessary. Indeed, sir, it will be impossible to subsist here without such a supply, as may both clear off the old score, and inable me for the future to uphold the charge, which will remain upon us. It is a great disadvantage unto me to be left in this bankrupt condition, which is like that of an executor to a ruined estate. I have kept Bradly here to bring you an account of our wants.

I hope the Lord will direct you in the additional instructions about tythes, that you be not milled with the specious pretences of any. As soon as we are in our geers, we shall offer what supplement we conceive fit to be made to our instruction.

I am glad his highness consults with mr. Pierrepoint in that weighty affaire of the other house. I shall desire to hear from you, as any thing is done thereupon; for indeed I have no friend near his highness, upon whom I can rely, but your self.

Mr. Goodwin apprehends himself under his highness's displeasure, and lays it much to heart. Indeed I am much troubled for him upon all accounts.

I remain, &c.

Monsieur Fly to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.

Calais, 5 Decemb. 1657.

Vol. lv. p. 373.

My lord,
All goeth well with Mardyke and Bourburgh. There be some small shallops of the enemies equipt for war, which hinder the commerce betwixt Mardike and this city, and which do retreat to Graveling. It is necessary, that a small English frigot be appointed to clear the coasts of them. You may be pleased to give notice of it to the lord admiral.

This is all I have to write to you by this post.

Mons. de Turenne doth wait at Montreuil with great impatience for an answer to his letter, which I sent you by the express.

Mons. le comte de Charost is gone for Paris.

Captain Stoakes to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lv. p. 293.

Right honourable,
My last unto your honour was ult. October, wherein I gave you an account of the peace confirmed (by mr. Nathaniel Luke) with those of Tetuan, and sent you the original thereof signed; as also of the residence of mr. Luke there, and deputed consul for the English nation.

A little before came to me the Fairfax frigot with your honour's letters, signifying his highness's commands; on receipt of which, and in obedience thereunto, I immediately countermanded my former orders for sittting the great ships and some frigots, proceeding towards the dispatch of those then here, thought fit to stay so far as we were able, and sent two frigots to call away capt. Storey in the Hampshire, who with the rest came to us the 9th instant, bringing certain intelligence, that the enemy's preparation there is continued, but goes on slowly, by reason of bad weather, and suppose will be also much retarded by an accident, which lately besel their vice-admiral on the 26th past; who being on the careene took fire, and burnt down to the keel, greatly indangering the whole fleet. We have been kept here much longer than we expected, and likewise prevented of sending home those ships (which are found most unserviceable) so soon as I intended, having not been able to do any considerable work two days in twenty, especially to receive our victuals from the victualling-ships, to carry from one to the other, as we have been forced to do.

On the morrow, or next day at farthest, I intend (God willing) to sail for the bay of Cadiz, where it may be necessary to remain two or three days, and so proceed into the Streights, according to the instructions I have received.

The frigots I keep with me, are the Lime (for my self) Fairfax, Tredagh, Kent, Bristol, Yarmouth, Hampshire, Jersey, Phenix and Guinea, which, I have, with advice of the principal commanders made choice of, as most fit for present service. For the Rainbow we have appointed capt. Smith commander; and for the James capt. Harman, in the room of capt. Young, who I required to exchange, considering capt. Harman's weakness and indisposition for some time past. We have made no other alterations, than the turning over some mariners of the Rainbow to this ship, and from the James to the Tredagh, in lieu of such as are sick and unable. The ships I now send home are commanded by vice-admiral Pool, who hath (ever since general Blake went from us) by his order kept a flag on the fore-top-mast head, and assisted as my second: in which respect I make bold humbly to recommend him to your highness for some consideration as shall be thought fit. As for affairs of this country, I am able to inform you little. The Dutch are departed the coast, having taken (as I am advised) seventeen ships of the Portugal Brazil fleet; but whether they met with them we hear not: if for Holland (arriving safe) I believe they will scarcely value the loss the Dutch have sustained in their own ships by the bad weather, which hath been such for six weeks, as all affirm the like was never heard before. Sir, having not else to trouble your honour at present, I humbly subscribe my self

Your honour's most humble servant,
John Stoakes.

On board the Lyme, in the bay
of Wyers, 25 Novemb. 1657.

An intercepted letter.

London, Nov. 25, 1657.

Vol. lv. p. 351.

Deare Phill.
I Recieved yours of 20th instant on munday last, with the inclosed to Dicke Buckw. and James Godwin, and have now concluded all my letters; but he doth not goe from hence till munday next by permission from capt. Bugby, who will sayle on tusday following. I have given James a great charge to deliver your letters, and retourne account to me of it.

Capt. Bagaly is nott yett com, that I know. I have told your daughter of your token; and she returnes you hearty thanks, and is fully resolved for the voyage.

I have once more sett mr. Farmer and coll. Read upon coll. Moris, in hopes he will send me somthing for my paynes; if not, I have lost my labour. I have sent Dicke Buckw. a letter of attorney, in hopes he may gett my legacy, and the remayner from John Cook, and have putt him in mind of yours.

The newes betweene us and the Dutch doth not hold as to the taking of our frigatts; but it is like this next sommer there may be action as formerly.

James Godwin, mrs. Graves, and your daughters, now with me, drinke your health, and present their service; and so doth he, that is

Your most affectionate brother,
Hen. Salfeild.

The superscription,
To my worthy friend capt. Phillip Carpenter, att mr. Thomas Walls in Prescott, Lancashire.

H. Cromwell, lord-deputy of Ireland, to general Fleetwood.

Dublin, 25 Novemb. 1657.

In the possession of William Cromwell esq.

Dear brother,
I Received yours of the 18th instant. What you write therein concerning the want of money in England frights me; and I hope you will be in the same manner sensible of our arrear here, which is 8 months; and withall be pleased to remember, that your self left me in this condition: wherefore I hope you will be instrumental to relieve us. The burthen now lying wholly upon me, makes me thus importunate.

I shall with all diligence and faithfullness observe your directions for lessening the charge of the army; but I know no other way, how to do it, but that which I have so often propounded. However, whatsoever commands I shall receive from England, I shall willingly submitt unto them. I desire, whatever they be, to hasten them, and to take care withall, that money may be sent for the paying of those, who are to be disbanded, without which it will be impossible to do any thing in that affair.

Yesterday we took our oaths; and upon serious advice for knighting somebody, I pitched upon colonel Thomlinson, as one, with whom I desire to have a better correspondence, as well upon account of his old kindness for me, as his owne worthiness. This day we met, in order to our further proceedings. Here will be no subsisting without clearing of the old score, and settling a future provision. As my burthens and temptations are encreased, so I stand the more in need of your earnest prayers to the Lord for mee, who am

Your most affectionate brother, and humble servant,
H. Cromwell.

I must, to my great trouble, beg my sister's excuse this once more, being extremely encumbred at this juncture. I desire you to present my most humble service to her.

General Monck to scout-master-general Downing.

In the possession of the right hon. Philip, lord Hardwicke, lord high-chancellor of Great Britain.

I Am informed, that one cornet George Denham is recommended to his highnesse to bee a a lieutenant in col. Lilburne's regiment; and hee being one, who is a favourer of the Quakers, and though hee denies at present, that hee is one himself, yett was very instrumentall in making capt. Watkinson one, I desire you will speake to his highnesse about him, that you may prevent him from being preferred. There is one cornett Skipper, who is cornett to major Smythson, who is a very honesl stout man; and my lord may doe very well to preferr him. Which is all at present from

Your loving friend and servant;
George Monck.

Dalkeith, 26th Nov. 1657.

Cornett Denham is not yett come to the regiment.

For the hon. scout-master-general Downing, at his house in Axe-yard in King-street, Westminster.

Mr. Bradshaw to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lv. p. 354.

Right Honorable,
Since my last of the 10th instant, I have received your honor's letter of the 30th, which now signifies the reason, why such men as I desired were not sent me. I hartilly wish I had knowne it sooner, for then I might probably have used some meanes of furnishinge my selfe at least with a minister and a phisitian, of whom I shall stand in soe much need, if I proceede for Musco; being your honor in all your late letters expresses how necessarie it is, that I proceede, if the great duke sende for me; and how considerable it may be for the publick good and advance of the Protestant cause; and alsoe, that you savourably promisse effectually to order me necessary supplyes there, I am resolved, with the blessinge of God, to undertake the journey (if the answer, when it comes, invite me to it) with such company and accommodation as I can get, waitinge on the Allmightie to supply the rest, whoe is able (though my discouragements are many) to issue the negotiation with comfort. I have, in order thereunto, taken in such servants as this country affourds, in the roome of those that have left me; and from Hamburgh I hope to get a phisitian, without which my servants are very unwillinge to goe. Nothinge shall be wantinge on my part; and doubtlesse if the worke be of God, he will succeede it, whose goodnesse I have largely experienced, since I entered upon this service.

As yet the answer is not comme from the great duke, or his chancellor, and I much admire thereat, beinge now about ten weekes since I sent up the rectifyed credentialls. The duke of Courland, and several gentlemen of this countrey, that knowe it well, assure me, that it might have comme in lesse than half this tyme, had they pleased. I know not what to thinke, except (as I writ your honour at first) the chancellor, whoe I heare is noe freind to the mediation, should except again against the title, because not such as he prescribed. If they should not answer at all, it would reflect much upon his highnesse, I haveing waited here so long for the answer. Yet to leave them without excuse, I will stay out three months compleat, and then retire if it come not, that I expose not the honor of my master by an unreasonable attendance.

The duke of Courland hath said lately (though not to me) that he is assured, that now the Muscovite, Pole, Austrian and Dane are firmly consederated: and truly I doubt your honor will find, that the Austrian hath soe oblidged them all, that noe peace will take but a generall: yet methinks the king of Denmark's present condition should induce him to peace with the king of Sweden, if now that prince hould him not too hard to it. No doubt, but that the states-general have a hand in all this; and I wish there be not designes in their ambassador's returneinge. Its here plainly given forth by their owne merchants, that they will not desert the Spaniards; and they speak lostily as to a sudden breach with England. We have nothing here worth your honor's notice, save only, that grave Magnus is come to Peruow, about 10 leagues from Riga, and hath putt lately 400 foote into that cittie, where they want nothing, as they have writt me lately from thence. As yet the Muscoviters joyne not with Gunsephskie against them. The seedge notwith standing is continued by him and his Lithuaners, but at a great distance, and he louseth daily by their sallies; so as its thought his owne defects, with extremity of the winter, will force him to raise the seige ere long. From Dantzick they write, that the king of Hungary hath sett forth a manifesto of the reasons of his warre with the Swede, and that he hath 10000 more on the borders of Silesia ready to joyne with the Poles: but the truth of these things your honor will best have from Hamburgh, and the places of action. I shall not therefore ad, but professe my selfe

Your honor's verie humble servant,
Rich. Bradshaw.

Grobine-castle in Courland,
27 Nov. 1657. st. vet.

I hoped this last letter from your honor would have inclosed a copie of mr. Townley's submission, and of the senate of Hamburgh's letter. I pray they be sent per next, and not longer forgott.

Mr. Longland, agent at Leghorn, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lv. p. 375.

Right honorable,
This wiek the French men of war, that brouht the cardinal hether, has taken a couple of shipps both laden in this port by Spayn, the one a Hamburgher, and the other a Genowes, which wil be a great loss to the inhabitants of this place. 'Tis advised from Millan, that the French hav in that state had some defeat by a party of horse. A shipp latly arryved here from Ingland, brouht four, cald Quakers; two ar gone for Egipt, and thence to Jerusalem, the other two intend for Smirna and Constantinople. At ther coming here ashore, the governor would permit them to stay ashore not abov three dayes, and this by the great duke's order. 'Tis advysed, that next month the Majorkin men of war will be abroad, in all eight shipps. I hope the desyned frigatts wil be here by that tyme to secure our merchants ships, and destroy the Spanyard.

I hav this day writt to your honor a few lynes to be delivered to you by mr. Edward Goodwin, with som propositions to open a new trade in the Est-India company's libertyes, which they never did, nor never wil look into; wherein I humbly beg your honor's favour so to recommend the bisnes, that I may get a pattent for such a trade for a ten yeares. Which wil obliege,

Right honorable,
Your faithfull servant,
Charles Longland.

Leghorn, 7 Dec. 1657. [N. S.]

Boreel, the Dutch embassador in France, to Ruysch.

Vol. lv. p. 379.

My lord,
By the last post I advised their H. and M. L. about what affairs I was now insisting here at court; amongst the rest, to have a confirmation of his majesty now reigning of the declaration of king Lewis XIII. granted the 24th of February 1635; whereby then (after the treaty was concluded) was declared, that their H. and M. L. subjects, and the inhabitants of the United Netherlands, shall be henceforward used and treated in all things as to the taxes and imposts just as the native Frenchmen. I am now promised fair shortly to obtain that confirmation, upon which wholly dependeth the Droitd' abord in Normandy of herrings and dried fish imported into that province by the Netherlanders; so that I conceive it best not to speak of this Droit d'abord, 'till I have got the said confirmation effected.

W. Boreell.

Paris, 7 Decemb. 1657.