State Papers, 1657: September (2 of 4)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1657: September (2 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1657: September (2 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1657: September (2 of 4)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

September (2 of 4)

General Mountagu to secretary Thurloe.


My last unto you was in greate a hast. Since that, I have called the commanders on board mee, who are of opinion (as the season of the yeare now is) that it is very unsafe for any of the 1st or 2d rate shipps to ride neere Dunkirke, or to keepe the sea loose neere the Flemish bankes; but soe many as wee have of the 3d and 4th, and under those rates, wee are sendinge away with all possible speed, furnishinge them with a moenth's provision. If the service before Dunkirke last longer, the commissioners of the admiraltye will doe well to have an eye in tyme to the supplye of their provision. I am thinkinge to advise, whether the London may not be adventured that way, and to remoove myselfe into her; or if the Fairfax be readye, I had rather bee in her: but I forbeare to resolve in this, untill I receive directions from you, which I begg with the first opportunity. Sir John Reynolds writes to mee for other thinges, the account whereoff is best given to you by sendinge his letter; the which I doe, but desire you would returne it mee againe. I have noe more to add, but presume our condition is perfectly knowne to the commissioners of the admiraltye, with whom you may advise about it: and thus I remaine

E. Mountagu.

Aboard the Nasebye, Sept. 7. 1657.
in the eveninge, wind at south-west.

I have not sent the fregates to Woolwich and Chatham, nor to other ports, as I wrott word to the commissioners of the admiraltye; but prepare the enclosed list to saile immediately for Dunkirke.

A list of the ships appointed for Dunkirk.

Vol. liv. p. 201. In the hand writing of general Montagu.

3d rates. Glocester.
Essex when she comes in.
4th rates. Adventrure.
Gr. President.
5th rate. Dartmouth.
6th rate. Cornelian.
5th rate. Pembrooke, sent for to come into Dunkirk.
5th rate. Nightingale,
6th rate. Arcada,
6th rate. Drake, cominge out from Dover, and to follow thither.
6th rate. Bramble,
4th rate. Assureance, at Dover, and cominge alreadye.
5th rate. Mermaid,
6th rate. Cheriton,
6th rate. Merlyn,
6th rate. Rose,
6th rate. Hart,
6th rate. Swallow,
6th rate. Red Horse, at Dover, and cominge forth.
6th rate. Raven,

Col. Jephson to secretary Thurloe.


I Gave an account the 3d instant, that I was going aboard at Margett. It hath pleas'd God to blesse mee with a very good passadge hither, where I am now arrived the very night that the post is going away; soe immediatly after my sea-voyadge I assure myselfe you will pardon mee, if this contayne little more then the notice of my beeing here. The king of Sueden is, as I am informed, gone after the king of Denmarke to Uteland, a place in the confines of Denmarke this way, where he hath made a fortification (which hee calls by his own name, Frederick's-Eue-eye) wherein hee keepes his armye, which he can eyther relieve by sea, or remove farther into Denmarke, as hee pleaseth. But I am told the king of Sueden will speedilye returne this way, in order to a meeting with the marquesse of Brandenbergh about Frankford. If I mistake in my intelligence on this suddaine (though I thinke I doe not) I shall not doubt of your pardon: by the next I hope I shall be able to speake a little more positivelye, and give you some little account of my proceedinges. At present, sir, noe more, but that I am

Your most humble and faythfull servant,
W. Jephson.

Hamburgh, 8th Sept. 1657.

Col. Jephson to the king of Dennemark's secretary.

Vol. lv. p. 152.

Estant employé de la part de son altesse, monseigneur le protecteur d'Angleterre, Escosse, &; Irlande, pour des affaires en Allemagne, estant dans une des navires de guerre de son altesse, j'ay rencontré une navire de guerre du roy de Dennemark, à l'emboucheure de la riviere d'Elbe, laquelle nous salüasmes courtoisement, &; reçûmes la mesme civilité; mais passant auprès de Lugstadt, qui apartient à sa majesté, de laquelle j'entends que vous estes gouverneur, &; selon la civilité accoustumé de la mer, &; l'amitié entre les deux estats, nous salüames le chasteau de cinq pieces des canons, &; sur le premier advertisment du chasteau abbaissames nos voiles; ce que vrayment n'estoit pas raisonnable que j'eusse permis, puisque j'entends, que la riviere d'Elbe est une source libre. Neantmoins, après avoir rendu ce civilité, &; procedant en nostre chemin (croyant que le roy de Dennemark donneroit la liberté, qui est ordinaire pour tout le monde, pour rehausser nos voiles, &; de joüir de la commodité du vent &; de l'eau) nous reçeusmes un coup de canon d'un de vos navires, qui n'eust point esié de si près, s'il n'y eust point eu un peu trop d'indifference (pour le moins) à nous faire du mal.

Monsieur, ce n'estoit point la crainte du dommage, que nous eussions pû reçevoir, qui m'a empesché de tirer incontinent raison de l'affront, que mon maistre a reçû en cette affaire, mais le desir, que j'ay (&; suis resolu de continuer) de conservir la paix entre nos nations, m'a plustost incliné à vous faire cet addresse, pour demander (en cette façon aimable) satisfaction à l'honneur de mon maistre; ce que j'espere vous donnerez plustost, que de me donner la peine de luy representer cette affaire. Je prie, que ces procedures ne soyent point entre nous pour l'avenir. Attendant vostre response par ce messenger, je desire d'avoir tousjours subject de m'advoüer

Vostre amy &; serviteur.

Puisque j'ay eu cette occasion de vous escrire, &; que par là vous entendez, que je suis icy comme ministre publique de son altesse, j'espere, que vous donnerez ordre, qu'en fortant de la ville, ou pour mes affaires, ou pour mon plaisir, je ne sois point nullement interrompu de vos soldats.

The king of Denmark's secretary of state to col. Jephson.

Vol. lv. p. 154.

J'ay reçû la vostre, qui m'a de premier abord causé un extrême contentment, tant pour vostre heureux arrivé à Hamburg, que l'honorable employ, dont son altesse monseigneur le protecteur vous a honoré, touchant quelques affaires d'importance en Allemagne, esperant qu'elles pourront apporter quelque calme aux troubles d'a present. Je vous en souhaitte le reussissement avec toute forte des prosperitez &; contentments. Mais au reste, j'ay receu un extréme deplaisir de l'incivilité, que vous avez receu sur la riviere d'Elbe par un trait de canon; &; vous asseure, que ce a esté à mon desceu, &; sans aucun commandement; vous protestant, que si par une diligente inquisition, que j'en seray, je viens à en discouvrir l'autheur, je le chastieray de la sorte, que vous n'en aurez pas seulement toute sorte de satisfaction, mais en pourrez tirer une consequence très-evidente, que nous ne desirons rien plus que de maintenir la paix &; l'amitié entre ces deux nations. Que s'il vous plaist nous designer le lieu, où cette insolence a esté commise, cela me servira à en pouvoir saire une plus exacte inquisition.

Jaçoit que la qualité &; charge de personne publique vous rende l'entrée &; le passage de tous lieux libre &; asseuré, sans que ny les soldats ny aucun subject de sa majesté de Dennemark vous donne aucun obstacle ou incommodité, si est ce au surplus, que pour vostre contentement on mettra ordre exprès, que vous puissiez aller &; venir librement, &; sans aucun empeschement par tout, où l'importance, ou necessité de vos affaires, ou vostre bon plaisir vous appellera.

Par ainsy on fera en sorte, que les navires Anglois en passant &; repassant soyent receuillis avec civilité reciproque, &; tant de courtoisie, qu'il n'y aura d'orénavant aucun sujet de plaintes. Voicy en quoy j'employeray toutes mes forces, &; chercheray par tout le moyen de vous temoigner, que je suis,

Vostre amy &; serviteur,
Jacob de Warkk.

General Monck to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. liv. p. 77.

Honored sir,
I Returne you many thankes for the care that you were pleased to take of the councill's letter concerning sir Alexander Inglis's business. Henderson has executed the place these two yeares past, and is very able for itt: wee never had the least complaint of any of his actions: hee is a very honest man, and one that deserves itt very well; was recommended by his highnesse's speciall order, and has itt confirmed under the seall heere dureing his good behaviour; soe, that by the lawes of this countrey, hee cannott be putt out. Now the councill's request of his highnesse is, that hee may continue in his place, unlesse sir Alexander Inglis can prove any thing against him, wherein he hath misbehaved himself. For newes here wee have little, onely there are some stragling fellowes come over lately, the most of them from the king of Sweden's army. I have secured those, that I did suspect; and truly I cannott heare yett there are letters come to this country to any men, to encourage them to any riseing: as soone as there does, I hope, I shall bee diligent in securing those, that shall have any letters written to them, or who give any encouragement to them; onely I doubt there is somethinge in itt, being the ministers begin to pray for Charles Stuart (as I heare); butt I shall soone take a course with them. I understand the Portugall ambassador is come to London; and I make noe question, but hee will bee desireing some favour from my lord protector. There is a castle in the Straight's mouth, which the Portugalls have, called Tanger, on Barbary side, which if they would parte withall, itt would bee very usefull to us; and they make litle use of itt, unlesse itt bee for getting of Blackamores, for whence his highness may give them leave to trade for. An hundred men will keep the castle, and half a dozen frigotts there would stoppe the whole trade in the Straights to such as shall bee enemies to us. I remayne

Your very affectionate humble servant,
George Monck.

Dalkeith, 8th Sept. 1657.

H. Cromwell, major-general of the army in Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. liv. p. 89.

I Am returned hither, from whence my long absence, the retirement of moste of the late councill, and the general stand in affaires here, together with some indisposition of my owne body, will lessen your trouble of my letters this weeke, wherein I should have given you (and perhaps H. H. allso) some accompt of the cashiering one lieutenant-colonell Brayfield. In brief, the man was allwayes taken notice of as a busie and a turbulent person, kept correspondence with all others of the like temper; a promoter of seditious papers, and who laboured to revive and justifie that letter of colonell Hewson's, &;c. which I had publiquely declared against, allwayes takeing too great a liberty in censureing the government and governors of these nations. This gentleman, amongst other of his excursions this way, compares in his frequent and familiar discourses the present times to those of David and Absalom; insinuates, that H. H. liked well the letter, which I discountenanced, and consequently, that I (as Absalom) being otherwise affected, was now draweing and stealeing away the hearts of the people, &;c. This was proved by wittnesses without exception, at a court of the best reputation for number, quallitie, and temper (as being composed of all parties) that hath been knowne, called not onely by advice of several chief officers, but at his owne instance likewise. This is the substance of that business: possibly you will heare it otherwise represented; which if it bee, and that you judge it necessary, I can with ease send you a more full and authentick narration of all the passages relateing to this matter. Though the government stand still, yet the charge of it goes forward, and that so fast, as will set our treasury verry much backward. I understand by my brother Fleetwood, you are rather for reduceing the private souldiers than officers, and by bringeing each company to 70, and troope to 50, to abate the present charge. This may doe well in England, where, when you have dispersed the private souldiers, you can easily raise others in their room, upon occasion; but in Ireland it is not so, for the disbandeing of them is the cleare loss of so many men's bodyes; whereas the reducement of officers has no such operation, they being sufficiently tyed by their lands, to attend the defence and preservation of them and themselves.

As for the councill, in plaine English, it is lookt upon (and even by the vulgar too) since the last petition, as a meere faction of three against three: for the mendeing whereof, since it must not bee done by weakening one side, it may bee by strengthning the other. Those, who are best inclined to settlement and sober things, are allmost superannuated; and as for my good friend mr. Bary, he must have some time to acquaint himself with affaires here; so that manifestly the other side is both more able and active, and some of them maliciously vigillant to drive on the interest of their partye. Wheresore, if one or twoe bee added, who may bee sober in their principles, well experienced in affaires, and perticulerly in the worke of debates, conceiveing and wordeing of orders, and the method of business, but chiefly such as can take paines to observe and search into matters, being withall well affected to H. H. person, I hope the publique worke would goe forward without those lamentable rubbs and interruptions, which it has hitherto groaned under. I thinke Scawen a fitt person, unless you can finde a better. If any adition bee made, your speciall care will bee needfull; for if the least error bee committed now when the scales are even, the sober interest will certeynly be weighed downe.

If those who loved mee had been able and circumspective enough, I am apt to thinke my lord chancellor had never warpt so much, unless his ambition bee, as som say, to bee chief of som partie or other, for he is civill, and I thinke in himself a good-natured gentleman: he hath made much apologie for his not signeing the late petition, &;c. I met my lord Broghill at Clonmell, who, I thanke him, gave mee a large relation of severall particulers in England; by all which I was glad to understand, that the best men are inclineable to settlement. I returned him as well as I could the state of affaires here, but advised him to informe himself of others: hee intends this week to bee in Dublin.

I most heartily rejoyce, that the Lord is returned to bee gracious to my deare brother, and that his sadd disaster is in so hopefull a way of recovery. This dispensation at this juncture should awaken us to apply our hearts to see the minde of the Lord herein. My prayers shall not bee wanteing for him. Colonell Cooper and colonell Sankey are arrived: as for the former, I shall follow your directions; but as for the other, I have been so bitten by him, that I must treat him with care and circumspection. I remaine

Your affectionate friend and faithfull servant,
H. Cromwell.

Dublin, Sept. 9. 1657.

Sir Anthony-Ashley Cooper to H. Cromwell, major-general of the army in Ireland.

September 10, 1657.

In the possession of the right honorable the earl of Shelburn.

My lord and father,
I heare from my brother Moore, that your lordship blames me for not answering a letter of yours about some business: I really profess I received none such, or else you mought have ben assured of an answere; for there is noe person in the world more desires to retain your lordship's affection and good opinion. You have many love his highness sonne; but I love Henry Cromwell, were he naked, without all those glorious additions and titles, which however I pray may continew and be encreased on you.

My lord, I must yett this once trouble you in the behalfe of my lord Moore, for whome you have already donne soe great favors: he has now prepared his business fitt for your last act of perfecting your goodness to him, his highness having referred it wholly to your lordship and the councell there. 'Tis not possible he should pay any way but in land untill his act pass, and he have time for sale; besides, the land he offers lyes soe about Dublin, that it cannot but be convenient for the state. If it be as they informe, I wish it in your lordship's particular possession on any pretence; and there will be enough officious to gett it confirmed yours: but that only is a fancy of my owne on the sudden. My request for myselfe is, that you love me, and ever believe there is noe manner of expression enough to tell you, how really cordiall, and inchangeably I am,

My lord,
Your excellencye's most devoted humble servant,
and dutifull sonne,
Ant. Ashley Cooper.

Extract out of the register of the resolutions of the H. and M. lords states-general of the United-Netherlands.

Jovis, the 20th of Sept. 1667. [N. S.]

In the possession of the right hon. Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high-chancellor of Great Britain.

The lord Huygens and others their H. and M. L. commissioners for the affairs of France have reported, that their lordships had performed by the lord embassador De Thou the offices comprehended in their H. and M. L. resolution of the 7th and 17th instant, and consequently had sounded him, whether he had received order to enter in a conference for the making of a common alliance and marine-treaty; as also, whether his lordship had received an answer concerning the compensation of charges and damages mentioned more at large in their H. and M. L. resolution of the 17th of August last; as also whether further publication had been made in France, that the subjects of this state, by form of interim shall enjoy the treaty of the Hans-towns, 'till it there shall be otherwise ordered, without that the same be restrained to the time of three months, as formerly done; and lastly, that their lordships had given thanks to the said lord embassador, for the good offices done by him, for a provisional taking away of the strangers tax in France, with a request, that his lordship will be pleased to continue his further good offices, 'till such a time, that the said provisional order be had; and that it may be agreed and resolved upon for the future.

That the said lord embassador had answered the first point concerning the said alliance and marine-treaty; that he was yet expecting orders concerning the same; that he did not doubt, but the required publication concerning the said interim was already made; and that he would write about it to that end: that he had also undertaken to use further endeavours, to the end the said provisional order for the abolishing of the strangers tax in France might be had, and that the same should be decreed so for the future. Whereupon being debated, it is resolved, to give the said lords commissioners thanks for their trouble; and that a letter be writ to the lord embassador Boreel, that he do dispatch and finish the said business concerning compensation of charges and damages with the lord chancellor and the council of his majesty.

The Swedish envoy to the protector.

Vol. liv. p. 99.

The high and mighty prince Charles Gustave, king hereditary of the Swedes, Goths and Vandals, great prince of Finland, duke of Esthonia, Carelia, Bremen, Verden, Stetin, Pomerania, Cassubia and Vandalia, prince of Rugia, lord of Ingria and Wismar, as also count-palatine of the Rhine, duke of Bavaria, Gulick, Cleve, Bergen, &;c. our most gracious king and master, presenting unto your most serene highness, protector of the commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland, his most friendly salutation, and all offices of mutual affection, together with his most enlarged wishes and apprecations of all manner of prosperity: He cannot but greatly rejoice, and doth count it among the chiefest felicities of his age, to have a prince contemporary unto himself of such heroick endowments, as by the glorious same of his abilities for peace and war, drawsall the world into a just admiration of him. Besides the great interest of affairs between both nations, and the various mutualities and obligations thence arising, and whom he finds with that praise-worthy emulation so chearfully and couragiously carried on still to whatsoever the common cause and exigency doth require; for hence indeed it is apparent, that God made special choice of these two nations, to become and prove the shepherds and foster-fathers of his oppressed militant church against their great insulting enemies, when as the rest, and no less interested parties, either take no care at all of the sad estate thereof, or even themselves do impiously rise up against the same, basely thus deserting and betraying the common cause. And therefore his royal majesty highly commendeth that tender sympathy in your most serene highness, and shall never cease to co-operare with the same, according to his constant practice hitherto: and in pursuance thereof, he doth not only in most solemn manner by us repeat, ratify, and gratefully approve of whatsoever his majesty hitherto transacted, stipulated, and promised here by his respective embassadors and publick ministers, but also, since by God's permission the common enemy both of us and the gospel of truth, proceeded to that height of insolency and impiety, that breaking the bounds of both divine and human laws, they now, if ever most maliciously conspired to the utter ruin and subversion of his majesty, and all Christendom together, having actually entered far and near into a most sacrilegious conjuration, even with barbarous nations, yea and with some unfaithful professors of our own religion; insomuch that without a gracious regard from heaven, they might e'er this have easily prevailed, and compassed their mischievous design, so strongly laid in heaven's defiance, as we shall have occasion to shew more at large hereafter. Behold his royal majesty, neglecting his own, instantly ready, and on the wing to succour the common danger; presenting himself upon the call, and reaching forth his hand to plight the so much desired confederacy; especially having now so just a cause to strike up that nearer and stricter alliance, which your most serene highness formerly propounded, and insisted upon, for the publick interest, which indeed his majesty would gladly have sooner performed, if for the publick faith and oath's sake, whereof all good men have reason to be tender, it had been lawful for him to engage; but now he is beholding to the enemies themselves for the advantage of dispensing his majesty from that oath, by being themselves the first that break it: and therefore he stands resolved hence-forward with equal endeavours to concur and co-operate with your most serene highness, that neither the publick weal of Christendom, nor the private of both engaged nations, may be further endangered or endamaged.

This is all the drist and intent of our labour, and shall be: and for this very end and purpose hath his royal majesty sent us with full power and commission unto your most serene highness the most glorious protector of these nations, whose faith and zeal for the common cause he is so fully assured of, and so highly always commended the same, to make now at this present opportunity an happy dispatch and firm conclusion of that great, and by all the oppressed world so greatly desired and variously hitherto endeavoured good design, which we most heartily wish and pray may prove every way blessed and successfully effectual to both the principal undertakers, and all good Christian people besides, whose longing expectations still are, and have been, to see the liberties of both their consciences and estates effectually vindicated once from the tyranous yoak of their oppressors. May it please therefore your most serene highness, according to your wonted affection to the publick cause and interest, graciously and readily to hear us about this important affair, and by that most singular ability of judgment whereby you are become famous all the world over, so to dispose and order the business, that the most righteous aim of both sides, and the full drist and scope of the publick good, may be attained with all possible speed, and without any further loss of time and opportunity. In regard whereof, we here most humbly present unto your most serene highness our letters of credence, and therewithal (to gain what time we may) the copy of our plenipotentiary commission, commending our most devoted selves and services most submissively unto your highness's favour.

Indorsed by secretary Thurloe. Swedish paper delivered to his highness by lord G. F. [Geo. Fleetwood] and the envoy extraordinary, 10th September, 1657.

General Montagu to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. liv. p. 93.

Your's of the 8th instant I have received, and am usinge all possible dilligence to comply with the contents thereof. The London being here upon the place, and not drawinge above 10 inches more water then a 3d rate, I am remoovinge into her, and hope to sett sayle to morrow (if God send sittinge weather). For the gunns and ammunition desired, I cary what I can possibly, supposinge the occasion to be hastye; but it were exceeding necessarye, that some greate battering gunns and morter-pieces were sent from London to us with all expedition. I carrye 4 demi-cannon out of this ship of 5900 lb. weight, and two whole cannon of 5600 lb. weight, and one cannon of 7 (ten foote in length) out of the Resolution, which I want carriages for; but shall advertise them in France, to have carriages readye for them if they cann, and endeavor to know more particularly their wants and desires, and supply them, or send you notice. The enclosed I received just now from France (which also I desire to have sent mee againe). Nothing more presents to trouble you with; wherefore I subscribe

Your most humble and faithfull servant,
E. Montagu.

Sept, 10th, 1657. Aboard the Nasebye in the Downes.

Mr. P. Meadowe to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. liv. p. 103.

Right honorable,
My last to your honor was from Dover on thursday the 3d of September, which day I went aboard the Assistance frigat in Dover-road, and on wednesday following arrived safe with al my company at Elsenore. That evening I wrot to the governor of the castle, signifying my arrival, and the next morning went ashoar. As we passed the Sound to come to an anchor, we were saluted from the castle, and so was my boat the next day; but since that the governor has neither himself, nor any gentleman from him, welcomed me at my lodging, albeit I first complimented him, which is short of the civility of the southern countrys. This day I dispatched Ewens, attended by some others, to Copenhagen, with letters to 4 of the senators residing there, giveing them notice of my arrivall, and requesting them to signifie the same to his majesty, as also to grant me a passport, and to furnish me with a guide, and other necessarys for such a journey, for that I minded to go directly to his majestie with expedition, according to the exigency of my business, which will be mr. Ewers his just excuse, that he writes not to your honor by this conveyance, the captain of the ship being ready to set saile. I have already wrote to col. Jephson at Hamburgh to begin our correspondence there. For newes I can only present you with general reports; as that the king of Poland is entered Prussia; the king of Sweden about Kolding in Jutland; the king of Denmark at Odensea in Fuenenisland; the armies on Schonen side near each other; so that several horse were transported hence to Elsengburgh, some of which I saw at my landing. By my next I hope your honor shall find, that I am enter'd upon my business. In the mean time I take my leave, and remain

Your honor's most humble and most faithfull servant,
Ph. Meadowe.

Elsenore, Sept. 11, Eng. style, 1675.

I had no sooner finished my letter, but in comes to me the governor of the castle with a great deal of complement, excusing his no sooner visiting me, as conceiveing me under some indisposition from my long voyage at sea.

A letter of intelligence to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. liv. p. 105.

Right honorable,
Though the returns I had from your honor did no wayes answer either my exspectations, or termes of stipulation, yet my inclinations to the interest of his highnesse and the state are so fixed, that I am still desirous to communicate to you any thing I conceive may be usefull for you to know. I had occasion to be in Amsterdam on satturday last, where I had certain intelligence, that four hundreth thousand ryxdollars were carried on board of a ship of warr upon friday and saturday nights, betwixt one and two a clock at night, with all possible secrefie, to be transported into Denmark. Levyes are likewise here on foot for the Danish service; most of the officers are papists. O Sulivan, an Irishman, formerly under the Spaniard, levyes a regiment of foot; his officers (so many as I know of them) are his brother, capt. Canus, capt. White, a Scottishman's son of Amsterdam, and capt. Gayner, an Irishman. They levye underhand, not publickly. Thirty good ships belonging to this state are lost by tempest in Greenland. The Dane never forces the Swede. This is all that can be said at present by him, who will be knowne to mr. Doreslaus under the name of,

Right honourable,
Your honor's most humble servant,
John Somer.

Leyden, 21st Sept. 1657. [N. S.]

De Thou, the French embassador in Holland, to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.

In the prossession of the right honourable Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high-chancellor of Great Britain.

My lord,
I Receiv'd the letter, which your lordship was pleased to write to me at your return out of the country; and I cannot say, but I must a little eavy the liberty, which you took to go and recreate your self, which I cannot yet meet withal here; and the abode, which our king is about to make at Metz with the whole court for some time, will oblige us to be the more assiduous here, because there will be occasion for it to write twice a week. Monsieur the mareschal duke of Gramont writ to me from Frankfort, that affairs are there in a reasonable good condition; and that nothing is forgot on the behalf of the court to effect the design of the common business. There is a gazette printed at Brussels, not only false, but injurious against my person. They do seem thereby to be very angry. Monsieur de Gramont at Frankfort doth hope, he shall not lose the occasion of establishing of our profession. I am glad to find the correspondency is so very much renewed between your lordship and the lord Nieuport; and the more, in regard I believe he will not stir up his superiors to take resolutions contrary to our present interests.

I forgot to tell you of the death of the lord embassador d'Avaugour at Lubeck on the 1st instant. I am sorry for him; his majesty hath lost a faithful and an able servant and minister, and I a good friend.

Charisius to Petkum.

In the possession of the right hon. Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high-chancellor of Great Britain.

I Receiv'd your's just now. I have been so busy all this day in visiting several of the states of Holland, that I have had no time to do any thing else. Monsieur Rosenwinge is also so busy in pursuing the business, which is most necessary unto us, as you may well judge, so that he hath no time to write to you. I believe, that the proper interests of this state will invite the states of Holland to take some resolution about it in this assembly. I believe you have heard, how that the king of Sweden laid siege with his whole army to the fort of Fredericksodd, and valiantly plaid and batter'd the same in three places with his ordnance; but the presence of our king within it, with 4000 foot and 2000 horse, did so encourage the besieged, that the king of Sweden was forced to raise the siege.

Your humble servant, Charisius.

A letter of intelligence from the Hague.

Vol. liv. p. 107.

Messieurs de Hollande, comme j'entens, ont a present soin pour faire en sorte, que la paix se fare en la mer Baltique. Le sieur Beuningen, qui cy devant a soufflé ce feu, &; a fait a croire la force invincible des Danois, a present tache de faire a croire, que le Dennemarc est bien bas, voire que le roy court grand peril, ce qui est pour rire; car on sait bien, que l'avantage n'est pas si notable, ains que le roy de Suede ne tient pas encore une forteresse dans Holstein, la ou au contraire les Danois tiennont encore Bremervorde dans le païs de Bremen, &; en font grand mal. L'on parle, que le roy de Dennemarc fait difficulté d'admettre a la mediation les ambassadeurs, qui viennent de Prusse, les tenant trop Suedois; mais c'est pour prævenir le roy de Suede en sa plainte, qu'il aura contre le sieur Beuningen d'avoir suscité le Dennemarc (&; les Danois le disent asses) contre la Suede. Et l'on dit, que la Hollande rappellera le sieur Beuningen pour tel effect, afin d'oster cette matiere de plainte; &; apparement on y renvoyera le sieur Slingerlandt. L'on parle aussy en Hollande de ratifier le traité d'Elbing, &; de rappeller les troupes de Dantsic. De tout cela on verra bientost plus clair je suis,

Monsieur, vostre tres-humble serviteur.

Le 21e Sept. 1657. [N. S.]

A mr. mr. Walter Jones, merchand, neer London-ston, London.

Mareschal Turenne to the protector.

Vol. liv. p. 109.

J'Envoie mons. Talon, entendant dans l'armée du roy, pour l'informer serenissime altesse monsieur le protecteur de l'estat des affaires en ce païs icy. Je le supplie tres humblement, d'ajouster une creance entiere à ce qu'il luy dira.


Au camp ce 21e Sept. 1657. [N. S.]

Pour S. A. monsieur le protecteur.

From Boreel, the Dutch embassador at Paris.

In the possession of the right hon. Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high-chancellor of Great Britain.

My lord,
One Courtin, in the service of the king of Sweden, is sent hither by that king to this court, to move with all the reasons of alliance, &;c. for the furnishing of his said majesty with a good sum of money in this necessitous time. He the said Courtin has been to speak with the cardinal at Rhetel about it, but was deferr'd upon some slender account, and is ordered to stay at Paris till the court return hither.

From Malaga cometh news, that the lord vice-admiral De Ruyter hath taken some Turkish pirates of Barbary; but the number of the prizes is not certain; some say three, others eight.

The Spanish ships of war of Naples and Sicily have brought into Messina four French ships coming from Alexandretta in Alexandria, and one French private man of war, and a rich English ship.

Wonderful means are thought on here for the finding of money, which brings in great sums into the king's coffers.

Paris, 21 Sept. 1657. [N. S.]

W. Boreel.

From Nieuport, the Dutch embassador in England.

In the possession of the right hon. Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high-chancellor of Great Britain.

My lord,
This afternoon the lords Wolseley, Jones, and Thurloe came to me and told me, that they were ordered to resume with me the conferences about the marine-treaty, about which several debates had been held in several conferences; and therefore they hoped, that the reasons, which were proposed unto me in the last conference on their parts, had found such weight with their H. and M. L. that I should not at present much longer insist upon the two articles, being the 9th and 11th in the project, which I in a conference had read to the commissioners in November last, and since had put them into a paper by themselves in February last as secret articles, concerning the visitation of ships, which are convoyed under the flag of the state. I answered, that I upon the 20th of February last had delivered to the secretary of state a draught in such a form, taken out of both sides exchanged papers, that I thought their lordships would have no longer delay'd the signing the said treaty; and that I had added such pregnant reasons and motives concerning the two said articles, put as secret in a paper by themselves, that I did not doubt, but that their lordships would have thought good thereupon to have sign'd the said treaty; and that I did expect to have seen the same done accordingly; but that as yet no answer had been given on their side unto it; only, that the lord secretary of state, when I insisted to his lordship about it, he at every time desired me to have patience for a while, till such time the great domestick affairs in respect of the government should be established by the parliament. The said secretary of state replied, that it was very true, that I had deliver'd such papers, but that they had considered, that I had only altered the manner, and not the business itself; that the same could not be kept secret, when the admirals and officers by sea on both sides must know the same; and that it must of necessity be made known unto others, being a part of the treaty, and in their regard the most considerable, by reason, that the security of this state did sufficiently depend upon it, especially during the war with Spain. I acquainted their lordships, that of old all kings and states had made a difference between particular ships sailing upon their risques and adventures, and between ships of the state, and those which pass the sea under the flag and their protection. That their H. and M. L. were of an opinion, that it doth strengthen the security of this state, that the ships of the state and officers should be responsible, as it were, for the ships sailing under their convoy; and that, which I had proposed in my last memorandum concerning the same on behalf of their H. and M. L. was no new thing, but that the same had been most commonly proposed in all the treaties since the year 1651 in that manner, that without regulating the same according to the said articles, the troubles at sea, whereof I had so often complained, could not be removed and prevented; and I alledged several examples. Upon which now one, then the other of the said three lords replied, and did very much insist, that it could not consist with their security, that they could not, nor ought to trust so much to particular captains at sea; that it would be an introduction and an encouragement to disaffected persons to assist their enemy; and urged especially, that in no former treaties any such articles were found; and that their H. and M. L. had no reason to desire now any such novelty. I said, that the practice on this side, in regard of searching and visiting of ships without difference, was a new thing, and that the state and the inhabitants of the United. Netherlands feeling the trouble and inconveniency of it, had reason to insist, that it may be rectified by a good regulation. Finally, after we had exchanged much discourse, I earnestly desired, that they would be pleased to communicate unto me their mind in writing, as I had faithfully communicated to their lordships the utmost order of their H. and M. L. given me in charge, which the said lords promised to do upon all the undecided, and yet differing points.

The lord Rysenborgh, extraordinary envoy of Sweden, hath not signified to me in the least of his arrival, neither before nor since his audience; and, as I am informed by those, who think to know it, the lord protector hath granted, that 2000 men shall be taken out of the standing militia here to be employed in the service of the king of Sweden under the lieutenant-general Fleetwood; and it is said he is to raise 2000 men more; but of this I have no certainty.

Westminster, 21 Sept. 1657. [N. S.]

W. Nieuport.

The post-master to mons. Regnier.

Calais, 22d Sept. 1657. [N. S.]

Vol. liv. p. 111.

The French army is something near us, and its thought will have a bout with Dunkirk, altho' it be something late in the year to begin to form such a siege. Farewel.

Your loving brother,
Hen. Booth.

Dell Becque, post-master at Calais, to monsieur Blancart, a merchant.

Calais, 22d Sept. 1657. [N. S.]

Vol. liv. p. 121.

In my last I told you, that our army was marching for Dunkirk; and 'tis believed, that they will be this day got before Mardyke. The army of mons. De Turenne is at Wat; that of mons. La Ferte at Bourbourque. I believe we shall be very much drained for provisions, by having the armies so near us. Just now cometh news, that our men are before Mardyke.

Colonel D'oyley to the protector.

Vol. liv. p. 117.

May it please your highnes,
The second of this moneth of September, your lieutenant-general Brayne died, and before his death delivered to his secretary a paper to be given to me after his death, a coppy whereof I have sent inclosed to mr. secretary. In obedience whereunto, I have taken upon me, tho' with much unwillingnes, the burthen of the command of your highnes forces here both by land and sea, a burthen indeed too heavy for me to beare. I must confess my confidence failes me, and I should think my self verry unhappy, if I should live so long, that my countrey should receive dishonour, or the cause prejudiced through my weaknes and inabillity; besides your highnes is not to be told how difficult it is to comand an army without pay; and I tremble to think of the discontents I am to struggle withall, till the return of your highnes commands; though I bless God I have the advantage of the affection of the people here, beyond any that yet ever commanded, and a spirit of my own not to sink under the weight of unreasonable discontents, when I do my endeavour to preserve them under my charge. I now humbly begg your highnes speedy dismiss of this charge, for I am not able to go through with it, and your licence to return home; faithfully promiseing, after I have settled some business, which my long absence hath discomposed, to serve your highnes in any part of the world, or, if your highnes will be so severe with me, to return hither. And forasmuch as I believe your highnes will not easily or quickly be furnished with one to command in my room, I humbly offer, that colonel Barrington, who is allied to your highnes, a man of known integrity, competent abilities, and sufficient experience in this place, may command in my room. He hath a great mind to continue in this place, and his genius much inclined to the way of plantation. I have sent the condition and state we are in, and our wants, to the committee for Jamaica, being affraid to give your highnes any further trouble than by begging pardon for this, and subscribeing my self

Your most obedient subject and servant,
Edw. D'oyley.

Cagway in Jamaica, the 12th of Sept. 1657.

Colonel D'oyley to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. liv. p. 118.

I Being commander in chiefe here, as the inclosed will informe you, thought it my duty to present my respects to you: but knowing, that the general business of the nation lyes much part upon your shoulders, and will not give you leave to think of our particular affaires of Jamaica, and there being a committee selected for that business, to whom at large I have written our present condition and wants, I have forborn to give you any further trouble then the begging of your continuance or wonted favour and assistance to your humble servants here, and your good oppinion, that I am

Your faithfull servant,
Edw. D'oyley.

Cagway, the 12th Sept. 1657.

Col. d'Oyley to the lord deputy Fleetwood.

Vol. liv. p. 125.

My lord,
It having pleased God the second of this present month of September, to take away lieutenant-general Brayne, our commander in chiefe, who before his death appointed me a commander in chiefe, both by land and sea, in his place; which I would have refused to have accepted off, if I could have quitted myself with any honour and faithfullness my countrey, but I am now resolved to go through with, 'till I receive further orders from his highness, or a discharge from him; which I humbly desire your lordshipp by theis to effect for me. Your lordship may remember, that tho' I troubled you the last year for a continuance of the chiefe-command here, yet it was limited to a year, and no more; which being expired, I again desire your lordshipp to procure me a writt of ease. Honors and riches are not the things I aim at; I bless God I have a soul much above them. A good name and a competent livelyhood is all I desire upon earth, and eternal life in heaven. And of statesmen and great commanders, I fear few there be, that will find it. I am now in the fortieth year of my life, and my gray hairs tell me, that I have here no abideing place. Wherefore, haveing seen much of affliction in this place, and of God's providence, I desire some rest, to contemplate upon the riches of his goodness, and to sequester myself from this tempestuous and troublesome world. Pray, my lord, decline your greatness, command your secretary to give me an answer; for though were I disrobed of all my titles of honor and great command, yet you know I am a gentleman, a faithfull friend to my country, and

Your lordship's most obliged servant,
Edw. D'Oyley.

Cagway, the 12th Sept. 1657.

Col. Jephson to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. liv. p. 137.

I Gave you notice by the last tuesdaye's post of my arrivall here that evening. I shall now goe on to give an account of what hath past since, in order to my negotiation. The day after my arrivall I received a visit from the king of Sweden's resident in this cittye, in which there past little betwixt us but civilitye, only his undertaking to conveygh mee a letter to his majesty, wherein I gave notice of my being sent hither from his highnesse, and my desyre of speedy wayting upon his majestye, when hee should please to prescribe the place and meanes for my comming to him; to which I have as yett received no answer, but expect it daylye. Thursday (the day following) I was visited by two of the senate of the cittye, by order of the burgomaster and the rest, and presented with a good proportion of provisions, which I could doe noe lesse than leave to the disposall of the English companye, who have hitherto treated mee with more than ordinarye civilitie in their owne house; for which I humbly desyre they may, as you see convenient, receive thanks from H. H. to whom the civilitie is intended. Upon fryday I went to wayte upon the Swedish resident, and then I began to fall into some discourse with him concerning his master's inclination to a peace with the Dane, which I find him very confident that the king will readily accept upon honourable tearmes, but seemes sure hee will not at all scruple to submitt his interest to his highnesse's mediation. I likewise indeavoured to inform myselfe of the kinge of Sweden's proceedinges and intentions, in relation to the election of the emperour, telling him, that my directions were to treat with his majestie and his ministers with all manner of freedome, to the end we might, as farre as was possible, promote each other's interests, or rather bring them to be one and the same thing. Hee as freely told mee, that his master did interesse himselfe in that businesse; that both himselfe and the French did use their indeavours to sett up the duke of Bavaria, and if possible to defeate the house of Austria. This I conceive not to bee out of any greate affection to the duke's person, who (as farre as I can understand) is a more fierce Jesuitted Papist then the king of Hungarie, or any positive present advantadge; but as thinking it may produce a considerable distraction amongst themselves, and that it may prove a very good step to future advantadges, if it did but once appeare to the world, that the Austrian family had noe right to claime the empire by inheritance. Sir, I send you here inclosed the copyes of two letters, which past betwixt me and the governour of Lugstadt, upon occasion of the accident therein mentioned: I send them to you the rather, because (although the inclination of any particular person be noe demonstation of the king of Denmarke's intention, in order to a peace, yet) I conceyve one may from thence frame some probabilitie, that the overture of a peace may not bee unwellcome to the Dane, or at least, that he may bee a little shye of the provoking his highnesse by refuseing his mediation. But I have another information, which (if it bee true) gives mee greate cause to bee of another oppinion, which is, that the king of Denmark is engadged in a league defensive and offensive unto the kings of Poland and Hungary, that hee can make noe peace without their consent. This I doe too much suspect, but cannot report as a thing I confidently believe; for a man cannot have a report in this towne relateing to the interest of Swede and Denmarke from indifferent persons; for really, sir, the very English here are as perfectly divided in that particular, and allmost as violently as they were in London betwixt king and parliament, and perhaps much upon thesame score. The three bishops-electors of Collen, Ments, and Tryers, have raysed a considerable armye, and put it under the command of the duke of Newburgh, with which they have besiedg'd Munster, and intend (as 'tis sayd) to force that, and some other townes within their jurisdiction, to some homadges, which they refuse to give them, pretending them not to be due. This army gives the elector of Brandenburgh much suspicion, that it may be by the duke of Newburgh made use of to injure him in some rights of his, which are in dispute betwixt him and the duke. Sir, I have in my passadge enquired after, and observed as well as I could, the state of the country of Breme, and find there is on this river of Elve noe towne or considerable fortification, that lyes soe near the river, as that it is to bee relieved by sea. Staade is the next, which yet lyes a mile in the land up a very small river; and any ship, that goes neare it, must passe by the king of Denmarke's fort at Lugstadt. I heare there are some ports fortifyed on the other side upon the river Wessell, but of the particulars I am not fully informed. If I be too tedious, or trouble you with impertinent intelligences, not worth your reading, chide mee, and I will mend. I dare not write to H. H. untill I have seene his majesty. In the meane time oblidge mee, to present my most humble duty to H. H. and honour mee with the esteeme (which I shall indeavour to meritt) of,

Your most faythfull and affectionate humble servant,
Will. Jephson.

Hamburgh, 14th Sept. 1657.

A letter of intelligence.

Vol. liv. p. 129.

I Wrote to you from this place on the 21/10 of this month; since that time there hath happen'd much worth your knoledge. The Holland's ambassadors had audience of the king of Sweden at Flensborg; the conference dured, as I have been told, two howres, for the ill useing of his resident Apelbom in the Hage, for their Gambolioes at Dantzick with their fleet last yeare, and continuation of their militia still there. He pretended further, that they are the cause of the Danish warr; and, in a word, whilest they pretend friendship in publick, they privately traverse all their designes. That as for the treaty at Elbing, it was in vain to think of any elucidation of it whilst they thus acted. And as for their mediation betwixt him and the Dane, 'twas too late, the dye being already thrown. And lastly, that he could treat no further with them, 'till he had reparation for the affront don to his resident, who is ordered to be gon in six weeks, for his instancing of particular men in the states. The ambassadors return'd there again last friday, haveing been well treated at Gottorp by the duke, in their way thither; and 'tis believed they will not stir home, 'till they have further ordres and instructions from the Hague. The king passed over our fare, halfe a mile from this town, with only two cornetts of horse, and is gon to Wismar; the rest of his troopes returned to the army under Wrangell, who is intrenched a mile or two from Fredericksoode, about 5000 strong; the rest are dispersed into the several quarters of Jutland and Holstein, where they pretend to winter. All the garrisons the Danes have lye in Gluckstadt, Krempen, and Rensburg, very strong places. The army is most of it in Frederickstadt, where the king comes often; the rest lyes in Funen. The king of Sweades told Wrangell, when he left him, that in a month's time he would give him a visit by water. Whatever he undertakes, his men look upon as more than half don, and both think all things possible to them. The Sweade chooses Wismar as the tender of his affaires; from thence he can have an eye upon the proceedings at Frankfort, be near his army in Holsteyn, countenance his fleet, and possibly venter his own person in a fair fight, which he hath very lately laughingly said. Some think he may go into Sweden, to shew himself to his people there, who much desire it. He longs for Wurts his troopes, who are in their way to Pomerania since his surrender of Cracow; so, that if the Poles will make a descent into Prussia and Pomerania, he may form a body there to oppress them. You will hence hear of the defeat of the Dantzickers, which was considerable; they left 7 pieces of cannon, 3 or 400 men, and all their baggage. We expect suddenly to hear of a sea-fight betwixt the Dane and Swede; the Danish fleet, I have been in it, consists of 23 brave men of war. The enemy, we believe, hath at least thirty, besides some fireships, and 4000 foot or land-soldiers. Our magistrates here did very mannerly refuse the king's baggage yesterday to pass through this town, and forced them already at the ports to goe about. Write certainly to me, whether this be come safe to you or no; and whether I shall have those things or no, which I so long since wrote for to you. I remayne

Your very loving friend,
C. Newcombe.

Lubeck, 24th Sept. 1657. [N. S.]