A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1657: August (5 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol6/pp481-492 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1657: August (5 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol6/pp481-492.
"State Papers, 1657: August (5 of 5)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol6/pp481-492.
In this section
August (5 of 5)
Admiral Opdam to the states-general.
Vol. liii. p. 255.
H. and M. lords,
My lords, after that on the 2d instant the wind had for several times ran round the
compass, it came to continue towards night north-east; whereupon the commissioners the next morning at break of day came on board, to muster the ships, with an
intention, that being done, that I should put to sea: but it grew very calm, and the wind
turned to the south-west, so that it was not thought fit to weigh anchor. Against night the
wind blew north-west, but very little wind. This morning the wind being north-north-east
I weighed anchor at six of the clock; but it growing calm, and somewhat contrary, we
were forced at eleven of the clock to let fall our anchors before Gorée, hoping, that to
morrow morning early it will be favourable unto us to get out to sea, and to be able to
execute your H. and M. L. commands, whereof we shall not be defective in the least.
J. van Wassanaer.
Achim, 4 Sept. 1657. [N. S.] in our ship
the Concord, lying at anchor before Gorée.
Charost, governor of Calais, to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.
Calais, 4 Sept. 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. liii. p. 253.
My lord,
You will have understood by my last the good success we have had at Ardres, and
the taking of St. Venant, and that our armies will undertake something else shortly;
but the enemy having so very much strengthned their frontier places upon the sea, it is
not likely that we can assault them this year. I am afraid, we have not been altogether
successful before Alexandria: they write me from Paris, that the siege is raised. We
shall know shortly what hath happened.
All the provisions are landed.
H. Cromwel, major-general of the army in Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. liii. p. 258.
The council before the expiration of their commission dissolved themselves; where fore I have noe business at Dublin in this capacitie; and doe therefore think fitt to employ the leisure of this interregnum to a more nice inspection and visitation of our forces in severall places about the countrey; that being more especially my business at all times, and moste necessary to this time, when other authoritie hath failed. I feare the world thinkes, that this interregnum is caused upon my account, that is, by your irresolution and hæsitation in England concerning the chief trust here, in whose hands to place it. If waveing mee would make that settlement more cleare, it were better to take it, then that the concernments both of the publique, and others, should sleep thus, and people bee kept in this wonder and amazment, and this anxious search into the causes of this odd way of proceeding.
If col. Cooper has spoken any good of me, I must thanke him for it, as for a courtesie, which I deserve not; and thanke you for putting me in mind of it. If my brother thinkes the command in Scotland a bettering of his condition in any sence, I thinke, that motion ought to be persued; beside, there may bee much other good in it.
Allthough for the above reasons I shall bee for some time absent from Dublin, yet I shall be always so much in the way, as in a few hours to receive any command which you shall send.
Yours, &c.
H. C.
Killkeny, Aug. 25, 1657.
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. liii. p. 261.
Honored Sir,
I Received your's of the 18th instant, and have made bold to send unto you a letter,
which the councell wrote to his highnesse concerning sir Alexander Inglis; by which you
will perceive the whole businesse, and our desires; to which if you please to afford your
helping hand to get granted, you will very much oblige the councill here. Truly the poor
man, mr. Henderson, who is comissarie in Perthshire, which is the most considerable shire
of the three, which sir Alexander hath gotten a patent for, who, according to the lawes of
the country, haveing it so firm, as during his good behasour, under the privie-seale: he
is a man that hath done us service, that hath it, and is a religious honest man, and hath
ten children, that if hee bee putt out, I know not how hee will bee able to subsist; and
sir Alexander hath in places, and the parke of Edingburgh 300 l. a yeere for loosing but of
one croppe of corne, which his highnesse perswaded him to sowe; which to his owne particular I am perswaded never cost him 300 l. if it were examined: but I shall humbly submit it to his highnesse to doe therein as hee shall think fitt. I think sir Alexander being so
well provided, may better stay for another convenient place then the honest man that is
now in itt. Scout-master-general Downing can acquaint you both of the abilities and honesty of the man, and what service he hath done for us. For some other commissaries
places which were granted, the gentleman who had the grant of them from his highnesse,
had been pleased to let an honest man enjoy his place that hee was in; soe I shall not trouble
his highness about that. I am very glad to heare, that the king of Sweden is like to turn
the Dane back to his country again; and I hope the Swedes will turn him out of his country, all but the island of Zealand, this winter. for news here wee have none; assone as
any occurres, you shall be sure to heare. I thank you for the care you were pleased to promise concerning some particulars, that mr. Downing hath acquainted you withall, to desire
your helpe in the dispatch of them; which if you will please to afford, you will ever oblige
Your very faithfull and humble servant,
George Monck.
Dalkeith, 25 Aug. 1657.
Lockhart, embassador in France, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. liii. p. 265.
My lord,
I have this day made an end with mr. Villersell concerning the mony for the provisions.
There is order sent for paying those that have power to receive it 52251 livres in reddy
money: they have all the advantage that can be in the exchange, having 13 livres 8 sols
allowed them for the pound English. I pressed the 200 l. for demorage with all the
earnestness I could; but he told me he could do nothing in it, before I spoke with monsr,
de Tellier, who is for the present at Paris. I did not think it fit to stop the whole payment
for that particular.
My lord count Brienne hath been with me from the queen: she is made believe, that his highness hath banished 24 priests into adesert island. The queen makes it her earnest sute to his highnesse, to give way, that they may come into France, where they shall be received into religious houses, and shall give their oath not to return into England. Her majestie will be very instant for an answer in this particular; and I most humbly begg to know what I shall say to her about it. I have already assured her, that I know nothing of it; and that if any such thing be, their is somewhat else to be said against them then that they are priests.
My lord, I have several times writ about a charge against sir George Cartwright: he hath been in prison neer this three weeks; and the little queen, who is now gone to the Bath, hath cryed, and made the greatest noise about it imaginable, and sayth, there is no other quarrell against him, save that hee was a faithfull servant to her husband. I am,
My lord,
Your most humble and obedient servant,
W. Lockhart.
Perrone, Sept 5, sti. no. 1657.
Resolutions of the states-general.
Jovis, 6th of Sept. 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. liii. p. 267.
After debate had, it is resolved, that the lord embassador Nieuport, having been hitherto embassador extraordinary of this state in England, shall be settled there henceforward in the quality of embassador in ordinary; which shall be made known unto him; and the provinces are desired to declare themselves forthwith what addition shall be made to the allowance of an embassador in ordinary; as also for the increasing of that of the lord embassador Boreel; and the necessary dispatches for this end shall be sent to the lord embassador Nieuport, as soon it is agreed what addition shall be made to his allowance.
Extract out of the register of the resolutions of the lords states-general.
Jovis, the 6th of Sept. 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. liii. p. 269.
Was read in the assembly a certain memorandum of the lord resident Appelboom, desiring, that their H. and M. L. will be pleased, according to the alliance made and guarantied, to assist the king of Sweden: whereupon being debated, it was resolved, that the said memorandum shall be delivered to the lords Huygen, and others their H. and M. L. commissioners for the affairs of Sweden, for to visit, examine, and report the same.
Lieutenant-colonel Brayne to col. Edward d'Oyley.
Cagway, Aug. 27, 1657.
Vol. liii. p. 271.
According to an order given to me by his highness Oliver lord protector of the common-wealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the dominions thereunto belonging, whereby he hath impowered me in case of imminent danger of death, I should appoint a commander in chief both by sea and land. And having sufficient experience of your fidelity, trust, valour and conduct, in pursuance of the aforesaid order I do therefore constitute and appoint you, colonel Edward d'Oyley, commander in chief both by sea and land, according to the purport of his highness's said order, in these parts of America, in as full and ample manner as I myself had the same. In witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seal the day and year above written.
W. Brayne.
Report of mr. Scobell, concerning the account of major-general Kelsey, and captain Hutsell.
Vol. liii. p. 275.
In obedience to your lordship's order of the 27th of August 1657, I have perused the accompt of major-general Thomas Kelsey and capt. Henry Hatsell, to me referred, and find, that by severall warrants from his highness the lord protector, directed to mr. Jessop, to pay to them out of the 6000 l. paid to his hands at the receipt of his highness's exchequer for the use of his highness's forces sent into France under the command of sir John Reynolds, there were paid the several sums following, viz.
Whereof I find, according to the said account, there was paid by major-general Kelsey and capt. Hatsell out of the first 400 l. as followeth:
I find, that according to the said accompt, there was paid out of the said 5000 l. with the 50 l. added, as followeth:
Nieuport, the Dutch embassador in England, to Ruysch.
Vol. liii. p. 293.
My lord,
In pursuance of their H. and M. L. order of the 17th of August, I have exactly informed my self of the contents of the letter of the consul Jacomo Vanden Hove, where
of I received a copy in their H. and M. L. letter, writ in Swill the 2d of July last; and
I am informed by several persons, who are well acquainted with all that pass'd at Dartmouth and in the Downs, that the ship called the Flying Fame, which is called by several the Golden Fame, whereof is master one Matthys of Amsterdam; as soon as the
Spanish passengers were taken out of her, and about 1900 l. sterl. belonging to the said
passengers, was released by general Blake, a certain goldsmith of London understanding,
that the said ship was brought into the Downs, having in her 80,000 l. sterling, made a
journey thither, to see if he could buy any thing of it; but he also affirmeth, that the ship
was releas'd, and only nineteen pounds in silver taken out of her. In the court of admiralty there is no knowledge of any such ship; and the commissioners for prize-goods declared,
that they knew nothing of it. Concerning the order, which the captains of the English
men of war upon the coast of Spain are said to have receiv'd, to assault and take all such
ships as have any fruits or effects of Spaniards in them. I have also used all possible endeavours to penetrate into the same. A certain lord, who is able to know the same, hath
promised to give me an account of it in a few days; and by his discourse I perceive, that
they make a difference between ships from the West-Indies, where he said no other nation
might trade but the Castilians. In my next I hope I shall be able to give their H. and
M. L. a full information upon that subject.
W. Nieuport.
Westminster, 7th September 1657. [N. S.]
Monsieur de Thou, the French embassador in Holland, to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.
Hague, 7th Sept. 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. liii. p. 286.
My lord,
That which I can write you from hence is, that the confidence doth begin to establish here as much as the artifices of the council of Spain will permit us, which let no
opportunity slip to trouble the same. Mons. de Gamarra begun to prepare here for the making of bonfires, &c. for the raising the siege of Alexandria, to which he would have added
the taking of Olivenza; but the taking of St. Venant, and the raising the siege of Ardres
have made him to defer it till another time. I received but yesterday the first news from
our plenipotentiaries at Frankfort, where they had been very honourably received, notwithstanding all the intrigues of the partizans of the house of Austria. They write me word,
that there was only come the elector of Mentz; and that suddenly they expected there
the electors of Treves and Cologne: that the dyet was put off for a month, at the instancé
of the elector of Saxony; and that in the mean time they were debating about the capitulations, which are to be presented to the future emperor; and as I perceive, that they
have order to entertain a close correspondence with me, I will not fail to inform you
what passeth in those parts. I am
Your most humble servant,
P. to Petkum.
Hague, 7th Sept. 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. liii. p. 295.
The fleet of Opdam is gone for Portugal. The heer Appelboom doth still live in his master's dissembling disgrace, which may chance to be augmented in this government by the lord Rosenwinge. Men are are not sorrowsel here for the sickness of the lord protector; and we do very much rejoice here for the agreement of the Pole with Ragotski, and for the loss of his army by the Tartar, notwithstanding the said agreement.
From Boreel, the Dutch embassador at Paris.
In the possession of the right hon. Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.
My lord,
After that the main levée is published in all places, we must expect the execution
and effect thereof. The letters from Marseilles advise, that their H. and M. L.
consul, Daniel Latseur, was to go for Thoulon, to release and take possession of the four Ne
therland ships arrested at Marseilles, and from thence carried for Italy (whereof the viceadmiral de Ruyter hath retaken one;) as also to look after the four Netherlands ships stay'd
at Rochel, and from thence carried by the chancellor Du Parcq for Lisbon and Roses, and
which were now arrived at Thoulon. The greatest difficulty will be, how that these four
last being restored, will get home, in regard they are all four unmounted ships. About
the ship the Red Fox, taken by the French since the 28th of February, and brought into
Thoulon, I have writ twice to the court and the cardinal, to get it only restored without
any legal proceeding in the court of admiralty. And yesterday I received a letter from
the cardinal, wherein his eminence writeth, that he had spoken to the king about it, to
the end he should interpose his authority for the execution of the arrests given by the
council concerning the ship the Golden Fox; and that the earl of Brienne had writ about
it in the name of the king to the lord chancellor of France. I will enquire after it. In
the same letter of the lord cardinal concerning the taxes of foreigners, his eminence writeth in these words; I have ordered mons. l'abbé Fouquet, who departed this morning
for Paris, to tell the lords superintendants, that it is the intention of the king, that the
subjects of the states-general being in this kingdom, shall be exempted from that tax
which is laid upon strangers, which I doubt not but will be observed.
W. Boreel.
Paris, 7th Sept. 1657. [N. S.]
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Vol. liii. p. 291.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
En réponse de l'agreable vostre du 31e/21 Aoust diray, que veritablement vous ne soyez
pas fort éloigné du vray. Il y a dereches arrivé à Amsterdam des navires de Canarie sort riches, passes derriere l'Escosse; & on ne sait à Amsterdam que rire de ce, que Cromwel croit
l'empescher. En effect Amsterdam, avec quatre ou cinq des estats d'Hollande, exerce une facon de superiorité
dans estats d'Hollande, consequement dans les estats generaux, usant certaine direction vulpine de navires de guerre, s'en servent
comme ils veulent, sçachant prendre leur temps, si qu'en effect quelques peu dans Amsterdam &
les estats d'Hollande sont de estats generaux, & de navires de guerre; (car en cela ils constituent à present toute la sorce & le
nerf) ce qu'ils veulent. Et certes ils font toute chose imaginable pour irriter le Swede, &
comme l'on dit, cherchenz le loup; & je ne sçay, s'ils ne sercient sort surprins en le trouvant. Quand on considere bien les lettres du sieur Beuningen, on trouvera, qu'il ne travaille que pour le pur interest de Dennemark, & ce contre toutes les maximes, principes,
& practique de ses maistres, qui n'ont rien plus en recommendation, que la liberté du
commerce: & notez, que les Danois ont fondé toute leur guerre sur ce que les Suedois one
prins un peage sur la rade de Dansigk, & maintenant les Danois ferment tout à-fait toute
navigation vers Suede, & specialement sur Gottenborgh: que les Danois & leur advocat
Beuningen font une raillerie de tout droit, raison, equité, & justice, comme s'il n'avoit
que le seul profit & lucre qui gouverne, justisiant tout ce que les Suedois ont fait, & condemnant leurs propres actions. Je suis,
Vostre très humble serviteur.
7 September 1657. [N. S.]
Lockhart, embassador in France, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. liii. p. 277.
May it please your lordship,
I have endeavoured upon my lord Fleetwood's commaunds, to make an end of a treaty
with the cardinal, on the behalfe of colonel Cooke, for the levy of three thousand souldiers; which will not take effect 'till the next spring (if his highnesse thinkes sitt to spare
soe many men, and his eminency continue his resolution). In the meane time, the businesse may receive either encouragement or disadvantage, as itt may bee most suitable to
the publique interest. I shall ballance my further measures herein, according to such orders
as I shall receive from your lordship; which I shall prosecute with that observance and
sincerity, as may best and most faithfully expresse mee,
May it please your lordship,
Your most humble and most obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.
Peronne, this 7th September 1657. [N. S.]
Lockhart, embassador in France, to secretary Thurloe.
Perronne, 7th Sept. 1557. [N. S.]
Vol. liii. p. 279.
May it please your lordship,
Two dayes agoe I sent an expresse to Abbaville, and from thence to Calais, if he
did not rencountre the post their. My letters then given you are an account of the
ill posture things are in heare, in relation to the main businesse I ame trusted with. They
mentione also some other particulars, and cary all that I intended to say (tho' in great
consusione, because of the haste I was in) save that which relaits to the present state of our
English forces, which I beleeve you will have fully before this can come from the generall,
whose sicknesse hath oblydg'd him to retyre either to Bologne or Calais. They wanted
mony for too long a tyme; it was occasioned partly by misfortune, and partly by the
want of care and activenesse in those the cardinall trusted in that affaire. To my certain
knowledg the mony went from town to town all along the frontier, and still had the ill
luck to misse of a safe convoy to the army. When the court was last at La Ferre, I did
so scold about it, that the cardinal sent 30 of his own guards with as much money as they
could carry for their present reliese; howsoever, the forces endured much hardshipp before
it came, tho' mr. Turein had the kyndnesse to cutt his plate, and give it out by weight to
them, before the money came. Now all their arrears is payed, and mony is in their comisars hands for their subsistance till the 15th of October; and they are payed according to
their rolls of June, tho' their present number if farr short.
I was much afflicted to heare of sir John Reinold's sicknesse, and may assure you he is a persone of extraordinary esteem heare; his good conduct hath abundantly deserved it; and I must rejoyce to tell your lordship, that the taking of St. Venant, and the raising the siege of Ardres, is wholly imputed to the good service and reputation of our English forces, for whom there is so high an esteeme, as is scarsly credible; and if I meet with any personall respect heare, it's as being a servant to his highness, and as believed to be under the happy caracter of your lordship's
Most humble and faithfull servant,
W. Lockhart.
Lockhart, embassador in France, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. liii. p. 282.
May it please your lordship,
Your's of August 17th treats of the ill usage the protestants of France and Piedmont have met with since the amity betwixt England and France hath been established. The particulars complained of are the banishment of their ministers, pulling
downe of their churches, and subversion of almost all their priviledges. My lord, I shall
give you as fathfull an account as I can of all that can make for the justifying or condemning that complaint: for the banishment of ministers, I know of none save one of Montawban, who hath lately withdrawen himself upon this occasion. A poore woman in Montawban, who had her sister a catholick, whyle she lay on her death-bed, her catholick
sister sent for the priests, who did, as themselvs say, receave her renunciation of the protestant religion, and her prosessione of the popish; after which they gave her the sacrament and the extreme unction. When she dyed, the protestants and papists contested for her
interment: the magistrates of the place being catholick, possessed themselves of the corps,
and went about to bury her in their superstitious mode: the protestants assembled, and being
the greatest number, were exhorted by this minister to rescue the corps, which they did
per force, and his enemys alledge he was a principal actor in it. When complaint was
made of the affront done to the magistrates, and the breach of the publick peace, the minister was cited before the counsel at Paris, but deserred his appearance: upon which a
new citation was made; with order to the governour to secure him, in case of his further
contumacy; upon the knowledge of which he did retyre himself. He hath the esteeme
of a very good man, but of somewhat unprompt disposition naturally. That which made
all his frends be against his appearance before the counsell is, because he hath formerly been
a priest; and upon that account is so much maliced, as he would have been in danger of
his lyfe, if upon his jorney he had met with any of the bigots, who its feared also would
have way-laid him. This small spark broke forth into such a flame, as both parties interessed themselves deeply in it, especially the assembly of the clergy, who were not then
dissolved; neverthelesse the cardinal being informed of the business, caused give an arrest
against him, to please the clergy, and gave no order for its execution, to satisfy the protestants. I have not heard any thing of the pulling down of churches; and as for the loss of
privileges, its trew, that an arrest of the counsell (to satisfy the importunity of the
clergy, as its pretended, who could not be gott dissolved without it) all the favors and
priviledges the protestants claimed during the last civill-wars, are taken away, and things
are reduced to the same state they were in at the death of Lewis the 13th, and in the tyme
of the queen's late regency, before the civill-war broke foorth. Nothing as yet hath followed upon that arrest, neither is it verifyed in any parliament. The synod of Languedock
met and declared highly against it (as I take it, I sent your lordship their papers in print
from La Ferre at least two months agoe) in which they command all under their authority
not only not to give obedience to that act, but to oppose the execution of it under the
paine of their highest censures. The cardinall speaking to me in this businesse, said, we
must let them be doing whyle the warr is with words; but we must hinder their coming
to blowes.
My lord, the greatest of all those contestations take their ryse from the edict of Nants, which is pleaded on both syds: the papists alleadge it as it's limited and imbasled by several declarations and explanations in the reign of Lewis the 13th, most, if not all of which were unfavorable for the protestants, who, notwithstanding, were forced to submit to them, by reason of the ill successe they had both at Rochell, and during the whole tym of mr. de Rohan's warr, when they did rather accept of conditions than treat for them. Neverthelesse, the protestants plead their priviledges by the aforesaid edict, according to its greatest latitude, and what they can proove they were in possession of in the reign of Henry the 4th; and urge, that this edict was a full and finall settlement of consent betwixt the whole body of protestants and papists, strenhtned by the interposition of the king's authority, and verified in parliament; so that, say they, it can neither admit of alteration nor diminution, and make it as fundamentall as the salik law, as certainly it ought to be, if major vis could be made subject to reason. This being something of the state of the businesse, which is better and more fully known to your lordship than to me, I am of the humble opinion, that (till it shall please God to doe some great worke for the deliverance of his people here) things will continue much in the same condition as they have been in since the death of Henry the 4th; I mean the edict of Nants will be more or less favorably construed, as the protestants are found more or lesse considerable in the balance of affairs. Having received your lordship's before my last audience, I told his eminence how much my master concerned himself in the wellfare of the protestants, and that it was one of the particulars, wherein he could be most sensibly oblydged; and then complained of the rigour and injustice of the abovesaid arrest, and of the persecution the minister of St. Auban suffered: who said, that arrest as yet had hurt no body; and that upon his highness's consideration, and for other reasons, he would order businesse so, as there should be no just cause of complaint given to theise of France; and that he would still continue his intercession for theise of the Vallies, of whom I shall say nothing now, but shall deferr it till I can inform my self concerning them at Paris. The cardinall also touch'd some particulars, as that of employing for the greatest part protestants in the best charges of the warr, and in severall civill trusts also; and said, that the twelve intendants of the finances being to be reduced to six, two of them are to be protestants: and indeed I dare not say, that I found his eminence very unfavorable in this particular. I shall instance two or three cases: first, a protestant scoolemaster, who had been a priest formerly, was seized upon this winter, cast into prison, condemned by the parliament to have his ears cut off, to be whipped in some of the most publick places in Paris, and then to be sent to the galeys during all his lys; which personal punishment was accompanied with confiscation of his goods, declaration of his marriage null, and his children bastards. The edict of Nants could not save him, for tho' priests are permitted to turn protestants, if they marry, and so break their vow of single lyse, which they say they are oblydged to keep, it being a thing indifferent to marry or not, but no more so after so solemn an oath taken to the contrary; and therefore the edict makes no provision for them in this case, but leaves them to the censure of the civill magistrate. The protestants and papists did very much interest themselves in it, the one for stopping the execution of the sentence, the other for its being executed in all its rigour; the nuntio was imployed by the one, and I had the honor to be so by the other, and prevailed with his eminence in it, and obtained not only his release, but liberty for him to exercise his calling of keeping a scoole at Paris. The poor mane would have writ a letter of thanks to his highness, if I would have suffered him.
Mr. Argier's son's businesse was lykwyse favorably enough judged; for he was by a judgment cleared from murther, tho' he killed a papist upon a flight enoss account, the quarrell beginning for casting of snow-balls: those that wounded him after he had killed the man, were fined, and kept in prison till his perfect recovery. I confess it was but just to do so, but sometyms justice is a favor; and at my first coming over this winter, when I spoke to the cardinall in it, I did not hope to have brought him so faire off. The cardinall at last was so generous as to send him a hansome sum of money, in consideration of the expense of his cure, and his poverty.
I have within this fortnight obtained an abolition for the protestant deputy, that came from Bourdeaux, when they of that place sent to the parliament of England; and at my last audience have hops given me, that when the court returns to Paris, the minister at St. Auban shall be suffered to return. I dare not answer, but that there may be greater injurys done then any I have mentioned; but this is a trew factum of all I can remember hath past since my last comming into France. When I return to Paris, I shall enquire further into the whole of this affair, and in the meane time if these letters mention any particular, I hope your lordship will acquaint me with it. If this discourse have been so tedious, as it needs must be, your lordship's commands for saying what I knew towards the satisfaction of such as might be offended upon the account of theise reports from France, must be the appology of,
May it please your lordship,
Your most humble, faithfull, and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.
Perrone, Sept. 7th, 1657. N. S.
I made bold to recommend monsr. de Moulin's businesse to your lordship yesterday, and humbly beg leave to renew my sute in his behalf by this. A favor shewn to him will oblydge all the protestants in France, and elsewhere, to whose knowledge it shall come.
General Montagu to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. liii. p. 305.
I Have just now received intelligence, that a Flushinger is come into St. Mallowes, who
is said to have 25 tonn of silver in her. I also heare of six shipps more of Hollanders,
that are expected from the Indies with rich Indian commodities, and a good quantitye of silver. Upon this notice (I havinge left two frigatts plyinge in the Narrow when I came
here) I have now sent the Essex to them, with direction to search all Dutch shipps bound
homewards for silver or gold upon Spanish account, intending also as soone as the wind
presents, to be att sea with the rest of the fleete here. I am somewhat doubtfull of what I
doe herein, not well understandinge whether by the treatye it may be done or not; wherefore I begg some directions herein, or approbation of the course I take. I sent a vessell
convoy to Diepe the last weeke, who now at his returne tells mee, he hears, that Opdam
with his fleete is gone for Portugall, on the backe-side of Scotland (how true I know not).
I heare nothing since our people's cominge from Callais of the taking of St. Venant,
which makes mee doubt much of what I writt concerninge it. This is all at present from
Your most humble and faithfull servant,
E. Mountagu.
Naseby in the Downes, August 28th,
1657. Wind at S. S. W.
The protector to general Mountagu, in answer to the preceeding.
Vol. liv. p. 261.
The secretary hath communicated to us your letter of the 28th instant, by which
you acquaint him with the directions you have given for the searching of a Flushinger and other Dutch shippes, which (as you are informed) have bullion and other goods
aboard them belonging to the Spaniard, the declared enemy of this state. There is noe
question to be made, but what you have directed therein is agreeable both to the lawes of
nations and the particular treatyes, which are between this commonwealth and the United
Provinces; and therefore we desire you to continue the said direction, and to require the
captaines to be carefull in doing their duty therein.
Your very loveing freinde,
O. P.
Hampton-court, 30th August 1657.
The protector to Lockhart.
Vol. liv. p. 263.
Wee desire, haveing written to you as wee have, that the designe be Dunkirke rather then Gravelinge; and much more that it be soe, but one of them rather then
Wee shall not be wantinge, at the French charge, to send over two of our old regiments, and 2000 foot more, if need be, if Dunkirke be the designe; believing, that if the army be well intrenched, and La Ferte's foot added to it, wee shall be able to give libertye to the greatest part of the French cavalrie to have an eye to the Spanyard, leaveinge but convenient numbers to stand by the foot. And because this action will probablie divert the Spanyard from assistinge Charles Stewart in any attempt upon us, you may be assured, that if reality may with any reason be expected from the French, wee shall doe all reason on our parts: but if indeed the French be soe false to us, as that they would not have us have any footinge on that syde the water, then I desire, as in our other letter to you, that all thinges may be done, in order to the giveinge us satisfaction, and the draweinge off of our men. And truly, sir, I desire you to take boldnesse and freedom to your selfe in your dealinge with the French on these accounts.
Your loveing freind.
Whitehall, 31 August 1657.
The protector to Lockhart, embassador in France.
Vol. liii. p. 312.; In the handwriting of secretary Thurloe.
I Have seene your last letter to mr. secretary, as alsoe divers others; and although I
have noe doubt either of your ciiigence or ability to serve us in soe great a busines, yet I
am deeply sensible, that the French are very much short with us in ingenuitie and performance.
And that which encreaseth our sence is, the resolution wee had rather to overdoe then to be
behinde hand in any thinge of our treatye. And although wee never were soe foolish to apprehend, that the French and their interests were the same with ours in all things, yet as
to the Spanyard, who hath beene knowne in all ages, to be the most implacable enemie
that France hath, wee never could doubt, before wee made our treatye, that goeinge upon such grounds, wee should have beene fayled as wee are. To talke of giveinge us garrisons, which are inland, as caution for future action; to talke of what wil be done next
campaine, are but parcells of words for children. If they will give us garrisons, let them
give us Callais, Deipe, and Bulloigne; which I thinke they will doe as soone as be honest
to their words, in giveing us any one Spanish garrison upon the coast into our hands. I
positively thinke, which I say to you, they are asrayde wee should have any footinge on
that side, though Spanish. I pray you tell the cardinall from me, that I thinke, if
France desires to mainteyne his ground, much more to get ground upon the Spanyard, the performance of his treatye with us will better doe it then any thinge appears
yet to me of any designe he hath. Though wee cannot soe well pretend to souldiery as
those who are with him, yet wee thinke, that wee being able by sea to strengthen and secure his seidge, and reinforce it as wee please by sea, and the enemye in a capacitye to doe
nothinge to relieve it, that the best time to besiedge that place will be now, especially
if wee consider, that the French horse will be able soe to ruine Flanders, as that noe
succour can be brought to relieve the place; and that the French army and our owne
will have constant reliese, as farr as England and France can give it, without any
manner of impediment, especially consideringe the Dutch are now engaged soe much
to the southward as they are. I desire you to let him knowe, that Englishmen have
had soe good experience of winter-expeditions, that they are confident, that if the
Spanyard shall keepe the field, as he cannot impede this worke, soe neither will he be able
to attaque any thinge towards France with a possibility of retreate. And what doth all
delayes signifie, but the giveinge the Spaniard oppertunitie soe much the more to reinforce
himself, and to the keepinge our men another summer to serve the French without any
colour of a reciprocall, or any advantage to ourselves. And therefore, if this will not be
listened unto, I desire, that thinges may be considered of, to give us satisfaction for the
great expence wee have been at with our navall forces and otherwise; which out of an honorable and honest ayme on our part hath beene done, that we might answere our engagements. And that consideration may be had, how our men may be put into a posture to
be returned to us; which wee hope wee shall employ to a better purpose, then to have them
to continue where they are. I desire wee may know what France faith, and will doe upon this point. Wee shall be ready still, as the Lord shall assist us, to performe what can
be reasonablie expected on our parte. And you may alsoe let the cardinall knowe further,
that our intentions, as they have beene, soe they will be, to doe all the good offices wee
can, to promote the interest thereof. Apprehendinge it is of moment, that this busines
should come to you with speed and suretie, wee have sent it by an expresse.
Your very loveinge freind,
O. P.
Whitehall, 31st Aug. 1657.
To the Venetian Agent.
Antwerp, 8th of Sept. 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. liii. p. 297.
St. Venant being taken, the Spaniards were forced to raise their siege before Ardres, being not strong enough to resist the strength of monsieur Turenne's army, which came to the relief of the said place; since which the Spaniards have reinforced their maritime places in Flanders with men and other necessaries.
The relief of Alexandria in Italy by the Spaniards is confirmed; this will somewhat ballance the ill success they have had this campaign in these parts.
I do heartily rejoyce at the victory of the Venetians obtained against the Turk.
Charost, governor of Calais, to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.
Calais, 8th of Sept. 1657. [N.S.]
Vol. liii. p. 300.
My lord,
Since my last there hath happened nothing of news. Our army is making ready
for the march, and that of La Ferte is ordered to join with monsieur de Turenne.
We shall suddenly see what it will be able to do more this campaign. As for any design
in Flanders this year, I know not what to think of it, the Spaniards having had so much
time to strengthen and fortify their garrison-towns upon the sea-side, as we hear they have
done. I believe our army hath some thoughts of besieging Castelet. As for what hath
happened to us at Alexandria, it is but too true; we cannot be successful every-where.
The king is still at Rennes.
My lord,
Your most humble servant,
Copia literarum regis Daniæ ad regem Poloniæ.
Vol. lv. p. 156.
Serenissime princeps, frater, amice, et confoederate
Gratissimæ nobis inprimis suere literæ serenitatis vestræ, à castris Cracoviensibus proximè elapso mense Augusti ad nos datæ, nobisque à serenitatis vestræ
internuntio domino Morastein exhibitæ; tàm, quod serenitas vestra illis de fœdere nuper
nobiscum inito sanctè & inviolabiter servando, quàm pace vim hostibus nostris in nostri
præjudicium nullatenùs ineunda, nos certiores ac sucuros reddidit. Idem ut de nobis sentiat, & nos neque Gallorum vel Suecorum factionibus, neque uilâ aliâ de causâ à pactis
non ita pridem utrinque placitis discessuros, certò sibi serenitas sua persuadeat, sraternè petimus. Et uti certâ spe nitimur serenitatem vestram juxta tenorem prædictarum suarum
literarum Cracoviâ jam in potestatem suam redactâ Rakecianoque exercitu debellato in
nostri subsidium ac diversionem hostium exercitum bellicosissimorum hominum brevi
in Pomeraniam missurum ita necessarium omninò duximus, cum omnis Suecici belli moles à cervicibus serenitatis vestræ nostri causâ abducta in nostris hæreditariis ducatibus Holsatiæ & Slesvici & provinciis Jutiæ ferro slammâque grassetur, auxiliares has
copias denuò instantissime urgere. Et quanquàm munitiones & fortalitia omnia prædictarum regionum in nostrâ adhuc sint potestate; ac cùm non ita pridem communis hostis noster cum magno conatu fortalitium Friderichs odde, obsideret, ob nostram præsentiam ac
acrem desensionem obsidionem solvere coactus fuerit, nihilominus nobiscum exercitus noster diversionem promissam quantocius desiderat. Serenitati vestræ omnia fausta precamur.
Dabantur in civitate nostrâ Ottoviensi die 10 Sept. an. 1657. [N. S.]
Serenitatis vestræ
Frater, amicus, ac confœderatus charissimus,
Mr. John Aldworth, consul at Marseilles, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. liv. p. 27.
Right honorable,
In complyance to my duty, I have thought good to give your honnor notice, that Ruyter with his squadron of six ships is still at Thollon, wheare hee have discharged all the
gunns that were in the two ships of Thollon taken by him; and for the hulls of the
ships, &c. satisfaction is to bee made by the Hollanders to theire full vallue. The 5 Spanish ships, that are in course in the Levant, have lately taken two ships more of this
place; and a small ship of London they have taken also out off the road of Alexandria, as
this day we have advice: so that att present they are 7 ships in number, and will undoubtedly much prejudice a nation that trades in those seas; and only three of his highnes's frigatts, if they might be spared, would easily destroy them.
By late advice from Smirna, the Venetians and Turks fleets was in sight of each other; and since there is advice from Leghorn, that the Venetians have taken and sunk 48 of the Turk's galleyes; but of that we attend a further confirmation. I have this day advice from Argeers, dated the 25th past, which gives notice of an English ship's arrivall there, who 8 dayes before met one of his highnes frigatts off the bay of Cadiz, the commander of which declared, that general Blake was retireing for England, intending to leave only a squadron of ships in the bay of Cales; and that he had lately made a peace with Sally, where he had cleared all the captives. 18 days past came here the king's general order for the releasement of all Dutch ships and facultyes that was seized on; and that their ships shall pass at sea with the same freedome from the French ships of war, as the Engglish, Venetians, &c. during the space of three months only. The health, praysed be God, is perfect both att Thollon, heare, and all this coast; but att Genoe it still continues so hott, that it's conceived in a very short time it must be quite depopulated. So with the continewall of offer my most humble service, I take leave, and remayne,
Right honorable,
Your honnor's most faithfull servant,
Jo. Aldworth.
Marseille, . . . 1657. [N.S.]