A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1657: August (2 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol6/pp444-457 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1657: August (2 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol6/pp444-457.
"State Papers, 1657: August (2 of 5)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol6/pp444-457.
In this section
August (2 of 5)
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. liii. p. 65.
Honored Sir,
According to my promise I have sent you heere inclosed an account of the revenue of
Scotland, called his highnesse's propriety and casualtie, sett apart for payment of
the civill-list, and carrying on other publique affaires, and alsoe the annuall disbursement
of the civill-list, and other necessary contingencies for carrying on the affaires of Scotland,
for one yeare since the councill satt, the other nott being expired; which is the exactest
account wee could send. And if this be nott sufficient, if you will please to lett us know
wherin wee are short in the councill's commands in the letter, which miscarried, wee shall
be ready to give you satisfaction with all possible expedition. Which is all att present
Your very affectionate humble servant,
George Monck.
Dalkeith, 6 Aug. 1657.
Inclosed in the preceeding.
Vol. liii. p. 67.
An accompt of that branch of the revenue of Scotland called his highness's property and casualty, as it is collected out of the several rolls and books that for the present could be found in this nation, the most part thereof being at London; through the want whereof it it impossible to draw out any exact and perfect recital of the same, until such time as either the records and rolls be returned, or that longer time produce further knowledge of the same; no part whereof is disposed of by the council here, but by his highness's speciall warrant.
An accompt of the other branches of the revenue of Scotland set apart for payment of the civil-list and carrying on other publick affairs in Scotland, and the same received the last year did amount unto.
Examined by me John Thompson, auditor-general.
The annuall disbursements for payment of the civillists and other necessaries and temporarie contingencies for carrying on the publick affairs in Scotland. All issued upon warrants from the councill here.
The charges of fire and candle for the guards and garrisons in empty houses is not here included.
H. Cromwell, major-general of the army in Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. liii. p. 10
I have not onely beene absent, but so much out of the way, that I have not writ, nor
had matter or means of writeing; but being upon my way, I received such advertisement from Dublin, as necessitates mee to give you account of it. I had notice, that some
too forward frinds, upon some intimation from England (but whether true, false, or mistaken, I know not) that his highness would conferr the government here upon mee (if it
were desired from hime) thought it their duty (as they tearm it) to make such a desire to
H. H. And although the councill were dissolved, it was propounded, that the late members of it should with severall others joyn in that address. These gentlemen impart their
minds to my lord chancellor; hee with much prudence refused it, and with the like candour gave me a speedie account of his so doeing; upon receiveing whereof I forthwith returned him my thankes, desireing him, as also mr. Bury, and the major-general (whoe had
newly left mee) to prevent the further spreading of that business, and the talke of it. I
since heare, that in two dayes space the whole was dispatcht, and gone for England the
same week that the above intimation came, and even before I received my lord chancellor's
newes of it, and much before my direction for stilling it could gett back for Dublin: so
that this headie action being now in this posture, and beyond my reach to remedie, I say
I am necessitated to crave your helpe to suppress the effect of it in England with his H. as
I hope you may; for I perceive, that mr. Bury, more prudent then some others, left the
presenting of it to your discretion; which I was glad to heare, being the onely relief I had
in the case. Wherefore if the rumour of any such thing should come to his H. eare, I desire you would obleig me to assure him, that noe part of this whole proceeding was in the
least with my privitie or consen:, either before or afterwards, being courses, which I extreamly dislike: as this I assure you (as in the presence of the Lord) to be true. Now
although I need give your self no other proose, yet I presum the ensueing arguments, that
such practises are prejudiciall to my own interest, will I hope as well vindicate mee with
those of worldly policy, as the above asseverations may with you: For,
First, I conceive it an inconveniency in generall, that any knott of men should use much freedom and forwardness in soliciting the supreame magistrate in matters more under his own eye and care than theirs, and which concern him more then them; and indeed in any cases, but those of necessitie, and of their own personall affaires.
Secondly, I conceive H. H. will seek his satisfaction touching my fittness for employment from such persons as himself judges fit to inform him, and will not accept or be led by the officious testimonials of others.
Thirdly, It's known, that those, who subscribe such petitions, doe many of them not doe it as they ought; but either out of feare to displease, or in imitation of others, or by way of flattery and ingratiation, not with due judgment and sinceritie. Wherefore I beleive such petitions signifie little with wise men.
Fourthly, I hold it dangerous, espetially at a time of healeing and union, to offer, or promote any ensnareing instance of division or faction.
Fifthly, The former petition (I mean, that which was agitated at my first comeing hither) how little soever I had to doe in it, I account one of the cheif disasters of my life.
Sixthly, I should be unwilling to come to a government by the procuration of those, whoe are like to be under it; for such thinkeing I owe my advancement to them, will perhaps expect unreasonable things from mee in recompence of their kindness.
Seventhly, To make such an address to H. H. upon so small and perhaps uncerteyn ground, and that in so hasty and catcheing a manner, cannot becom any man, much less one in my place; neither would I have it thought the way of negotiation.
Eighthly, Those of the late councill are no competent petitioners in such a matter, forasmuch as it well may be suspected, that they are to gett me made deputy, and by compact, that I ame to preserve them councillors.
Ninthly, The world will hardly be perswaded how much I discourse his business, and consequently must by this clutter peare the guilt of all these absurdities: I might add, that I never received any such content in so much of the government as I have hitherto gone through, as to sett I know not whome to petition on my behalf for more; and how sowly should I give my self the lye, in putting men upon these applications, when I have soe often, and I may say, soe heartily wished for retirement; which, if it could be vouchsased mee without offence, would bee far more wellcome and agreeable to my disposition. Moreover, I know, that H. H. rule is, that those whoe are most unfitt for gouvernment, doe most earnestly seek it, and moste often goe without it. Wherefore it were weakness in mee, to solicite for employment, otherwise then in order to procure my dismiss from what I have, and to my retirement, which it self I would not doe by such masked stratagems: besides the petitioners, as I perceive, are many of them such as wee call here old protestants; who although they bee verry honest and worthy persons, may not be wholly free from som sinister ends, in appeareing forward in these matters. Wherefore when I am put to petition (without boasting bee it spoken) I doubt not, but that besides those old protestants (whose love I doe not contemn) many others perhaps in better esteem would not, as I think, stick to appeare on my behalf. In briese I say, he that knowes all things, knowes I knew not of it till it was past cure, of which againe I begg you to assure H. H. and all others.
I will trouble you at present noe further, but onely to tell you abruptly, that H. H. deales with mee as with a son indeed; that is, as with one, in whom filiall obedience must mak all things swallowe easily well. I hope my patience under, and my contempt of my enemyes machinations, will as a means support my spiritt; and I trust the Lord, whoe has not failed me hithertoe, will enable me to beare more then they can put upon me, who ame
Your very affectionate freind, and humble servant,
H. Cromwell.
Upon finishing the above letter, I received your's from England. I answere thereunto, I shall onely repeate what I have formerly writt, to witt, that 300,000 l. will not serve de suturo, unless you first sett us cleare of our old engagements, which must bee all discharged before wee can enter in any new course; and withall, unless the reducement bee carried on in the method propounded, both as to the civill and military charge. I ame troubled to heare, that the councill's account is not yet come to hand, for I left it readie before I left Dublin.
The examination of Thomas Gardiner, prisoner in the gate-house.
6th of August 1657.
Vol. liii. p. 57.
Saith, he was the son of Jeremy Gardiner, late of Hoxton near London esq. deceased, where this examinant was born.
Saith, he was a captain of foot in the late king's army, under the command of colonel Jervase Hollis; and that twelve months since, he this examinant was in Holland, and made his abode about Flushing and Midleburgh. The cause of his coming hither was (as he saith) only to meet his brother here.
Denies he ever was in Flanders, or did since he left the said king's army, or doth hold any correspondence at all with the party of Charles Stuart, or any of the enemies to his highness or the state.
Saith, he hath since the surrender of Oxford lived for the most part in London, and continued his lodging at one mr. Sedgwick's, a barber near Somerset-house, where he hath a chamber and a trunk in it.
Saith, the end of his coming to Whitehall and Hampton-court was to visit mrs. Gardiner, a kinswoman of his, who serves the lord Richard Cromwell's lady.
Saith, he usually goeth with pistols charged for the security of his person against major David Thomas, who was a major in the late king's army, and bears malice to this examinant.
Saith, he hath an estate in lands in Bow in Essex, of eighty pounds per ann. and compounded for the same upon Oxford articles.
Saith, he asked some, that stood by him, seeing his highness walking at Hamptoncourt, whether his highness was not in danger of walking abroad amongst so much company, and whether he wore a coat of mail, or to that purpose, meaning no ill at all in so speaking.
Tho. Gardiner.
Examination of major Daniel Thomas.
Vol. liii. p. 60.
Where as I was examined by the right honourable mr. secretary Thurloe, concerninge what passages there has beene betwixt me and mr. Thomas Gardner; I doe here avow, that I have not conversed with him either directly or indirectly for the space of 22 months before the date hereof; neither have I sent or receaved any messages from him since that time. In wittness hereof I subscribe my hand the 6th of August 1657.
By mee
Daniel Thomas.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Vol. liii. p. 93.
Samedy, le 11c. Ceux de Frise firent une pleinte contre les excès & exorbitance du
conte d'Oldenborgh, dans le peage sur le Weeser. En quoy les marchands à Amsterdam, item à Haerlem de mesme, avoient fair pleinte; & neantmoins rien n'en a esté produit. Dont il faut presumer, qu'on favorise le conte (comme parent & amy de Dennemark) mesme au prejudice des marchands icy.
Au sieur d'Amerongen estant consenty de retourner de Dennemark, ceux de Frise demandant la mesme permission pour le sieur Viersen.
Ceux de Breemen, soy trouvant en crainte, durant ces guerres & ruptures, ont fait demander le 13 Aoust conseil & assistance de cet estat: la proposition est mis ès mains de commissaires.
Tels la Tour, van Hove, & de Wit, sont nommez pour aller en Portugal & demander satisfaction du roy: ou bien qu'on l'attaquera par la flotte.
Cy-devant aurez oüï de l'interception des lettres du resident Appelboom. On a traîné cela long-temps, pour les traîner du Suedois en Hollandois; ce qu'ensin sera fait, & l'on a eu conference là-dessus; & seroit advisé là-dessus.
L'advis de Hollande sera, qu'on escrira au roy de Sweede, qu'il aye à donner satisfaction sur ce que ledit resident aura escrit faussement & contumelieusement de l'estat; & que cependant on ne recevra plus nul addresse de lui: c'est à dire, on desire, que le roy le rappelle.
Mais il monstre une lettre de la main da roy, par laquelle il s'assure, qu'il a fait ce qui estoit du service de sa majesté, & selon la charge à luy donnée; & qu'il l'asseure, qu'il le maintiendra deuement; & si on luy escrit, qu'il sçaura à respondre comme il saut, tellement qu'il faudra voir comment cela ira.
On dit, qu'en Hollande il y a quelqu'un qu'on voudroit bien beneficier de sa charge; ce qui ne se peut qu'avec remotion dudit Appelboom. En quoy le roy pourroit bien s'accommoder, voyant aussy bien que le roy de France semblablement se plie & s'accommode.
L'evesque de Munster à fait attrapper le syndique de la ville, ainsy qu'il venoit d'icy pour retourner vers ses principaux. Et ledit evesque sait toute sorte de preparatiss pour assieger la ville.
Hier l'ambassadeur de France a eu audience, en rapportant à la lettre du roy & à sa proposition, par laquelle il recommende l'accommodement avec le Portugal, & la mediation entre les couronnes de Sweede & Dennemark.
La rencontre des deux carosses des l'ambassadeurs de France & de Spaigne se voit cy-joint dans un recit apart. Je suis,
Vostre très-humble serviteur.
Ce 17e d'Aoust 1657. [N. S.]
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Vol.liii. p. 95.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
Depuis que le Swede est arrivé de vers Hamburgh, & a repris ce que Dennemark avoit occupé au
païs de Bremen, ceux de amis du prince d'Orange sont comme enragés, & voudroient bien, que le Swede fust en Tapinamboüe. Et cependant le Swede n'a en effect rien gaigné sur Dennemark; ains vient simplement
defendre le sien, contre la notoirement inique & injuste invasion & rupture de Dennemark. Mais
les estats d'Hollande se sont imaginé, que le Dennemark, auroit emporté en un tourne-main tout le païs de Bremen,
voire à voyant desja adjugé la pauvre Dremen mesme audit Dennemark, & après cela la Hamburgh aussy;
car Amsterdam ne peut pas souffrir la subsistence de ces Hans-villes, pourveu que ce soit leur amy Dennemark,
qui les prenne; ne considerant pas, que tel amy peut devenir un jour ennemy: & qu'au
contraire ces Hans-villes, demeurants en leur liberté, soyent les voisins les plus fidéles, que les estats d'Holl.
sçauroient souhaiter. Et ces bons estats d'Hollande ont oublié les grands outrages & extorsions, que leur
a fait le Dennemark cy-devant, & dont la Swede les a delivrés. Mais ils ont à present une si aveugle passion contre Cremwel & Sweden (d'un ombrage mal-fondé) qu'ils ne songent plus au mal,
que Dennemark leur sera à l'avenir, s'il devenoit maistre de ces Hans-villes & de Sweden. Il est très-certain, qu'ils se joindront avec Dennemark, & se rueront ensemble sur Sweden, & par-après croyent,
qu'ils seront de Cromwel tout ce qu'ils veulent, & le redigeront in ordinem, comme à present
ils croyent avoir sait le France: & à cela tendent tous ces traités, & le dernier nommé
d'amplication; & quoyqu'ils ne sont que désensiss, si est ce qu'ils s'en serviront offensivement. Car les estats d'Hollande expliquent & interpretent leurs traités à leur façon & mode. Voilà pourquoy Cromwel devoit se joindre & s'allier avec Sweden à mesme mesure, que les estats d'Hollande s'allient & se
joignent avec 142. Je suis,
Vostre très-humble serviteur.
Ce 17e Aoust 1657. [N. S.]
Extract out of the secret resolutions of the lords general of the United Netherlands.
Veneris, the 17th of August 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. liii. p. 72.
Was once more produced in the assumbly the letter of the king of France, writ at Sedan the 9th instant, and yesterday delivered to their H. and M. L. by the lord embassador de Thou himself in person; containing in effect, that his majesty had given reiterate and express order for the main-levée of all the goods and effects of the inhabitants of these countries above-mentioned, being seized in France, and in such wise without making the interested to pay any salaries, neither by reason of the act of justice exercised against them, or made in their favour, nor for the hire of warehouses where some of their effects were put; and especially also new confirmation, how that all that the said lord embassador hath assured their H. and M. L. shall take place, to be sincerely observed, for which his majesty engageth his royal word; as also the proposition made first by the said lord embassador upon that occasion by word of mouth, and afterwards delivered in writing, consisting in three points concerning the said subject: The second being an offer of the said king for the deciding and accommodating the differences risen between the crown of Portugal on the one side, and this state on the other: And in the third, he the lord embassador desireth, that their H. and M. L. will join their mediation with that of his majesty for the furthering of the extinguishing of the present war broken out between the kings of Sweden and Denmark. Whereupon being debated, it's thought fit and understood, that for as much as concerneth the said letter, and the first point of the said proposition, that by a letter shall be declared to the said king, to be drawn up to that purpose in most civil and courteous expressions, the agreeableness and special contentment, which their H. and M. L. receive by reason of the precise orders, which his majesty hath been to give and order for the said main-levée of the goods and effects of the inhabitants of this nation in his kingdom; and especially, that his majesty doth beforehand confirm, and with significant expressions also under the engagement of his royal word and promise, to cause to be observed all that the said lord embassador de Thou, by his successive memorandums, and especially by that of the 16th of June last, with the good liking of his majesty, doth promise to their H. and M. L. with this addition, that their H. and M. L. do fully rely upon it, expecting the effects thereof; and that on their side they will not sail punctually to perform and observe, also to cause to be performed and observed all what this state hath reciprocally obliged itself unto. Upon the second point of the said proposition, their H. and M. L. do thankfully accept of the mediation prossered undiminished, notwithstanding all former resolutions taken in regard of the said crown of Portugal, and especially that of the 2d instant, relating to them, of the 8th of October 1649, and the 27th of January 1650; as also the instructions for the lord admiral for his expedition to the coasts of the said kingdom, as others already taken, or yet to be taken. To the third point, their H. and M. L. do declare, that they do wholly agree with the peaceable inclination of his majesty, as having often writ to the lords embassadors extraordinary of this state as well in Denmark as in Prussia, and now lately of the 4th instant, that they should use all possible endeavours, and convenient offices with the respective kings of Sweden and Denmark aforesaid, as also with their chief ministers, under sufficient assurance of their H. and M. L. inclination to their majesties, and the peace of their respective kingdoms, to the end their minds may be disposed and prepared to peace, and the laying aside of the war lately burst out between them; also further to dispose their respective majesties to the præliminaria required thereunto; as also to the pitching upon some place and time of meeting to treat about the said peace, and the like, with the usual presentation of their H. and M. L. good and Christian offices about so good and salutary a work; and that they shall now again be ordered to concur and continue therein without intermission, with and toge ther with the ministers of his majesty; to the end, upon the one and the other the desired effects may follow. Moreover it is also resolved, since that the differences between the crown of France and this state, which having depended for some time, are now decided and accommodated in love, through God's blessing, that letters shall be writ to all the associated provinces, countries, towns and members thereof, that they do forthwith release and set at liberty all ships, goods and effects, as also all bills of exchange belonging to the subjects of the said crown, in case any be yet remaining in their power under the seizure, by reason of the said seizure made upon their H. and M. L. orders of the 16th, 17th and 23d of April last. That likewise shall be recalled, as are herewith recalled, the placarts of the 11th of May last, and the 8th instant published, the one containing a strict prohibition to import into this state any wares or manufactures of the growth of France from any province, town or harbour of France; and by the other is prohibited and forbidden all navigation and commerce to France, and the taking of passes from that crown, or from the said lord embassador de Thou residing here; and that consequently a project or draught shall be drawn up and published, whereby the inhabitants of this state shall have notice given them, that they may sail again freely to France, trade and trassick there, and also import into this state any wares or manufactures from thence as formerly. And in the said publication shall be inserted the memorandum of the lord embassador de Thou of the 16th of June aforesaid, and the answer of their H. and M. L. of the 20th of the same month to the same, as also the marine-treaty made in the year 1650, between the king of France and the Hans-towns, containing all in effect the arguments between the lord embassador de Thou and the commissioners of their H. and M. L. as also the said letter of the said king of the 19th instant, as being his majesty's consent upon the said agreement, to be speedily published in all places; and amongst the rest, letters shall be writ to the respective colleges of the admiralties, with request and desire, also order and command to regulate themselves till by provision, and till further order, in regard of the French, according to the articles of the said marine-treaty made between the said king and the Hans-towns; and also to cause all other high and inferior officers at sea, and all other inhabitants of this state, to regulate themselves according to the same, and to maintain, and cause the said articles to be maintained as they ought. And now in the mean time, whilst that the said publication be conformed, dispatched, and published, now presently without resumption shall be writ to the respective colleges of the admiralties, that they each in their jurisdictions will give such order, and use such prudence, that the said inhabitants of this state trading and sailing to France aforesaid, may sail thither free and unmolested with their ships and goods: That likewise advertisement shall be given from time to time of the said consent of their H. and M. L. good intention to all the ministers of this state abroad, to serve for their information; and the lords Huygens, and others their H. and M. L. commissioners for the French affairs, are desired to signify in substance for as much as is necessary to the lord embassador de Thou all what is above mentioned, with the compliment serving thereunto, and by occasion present to his excellence the sooner the better to enter into conference, and without intermission to treat about a treaty of alliance and marine-treaty between his king and this state, according to the order thereof made formerly by their H. and M. L. to the said lord embassador; desiring, that his excellency will at present be pleased to make known the inclination of his majesty about which he undertook to write to the king his master; and also to agree with his excellency, namely, that all the damage and interest by reason of the said seizure sustained as well in France by the great party, and other particulars, as here in this state, in regard of the not delivering of some salt, piecegoods and other commodities in due time, the perishableness of the same, or otherwise whatsoever it may be call'd, as caused by contrary orders and commands of both the said high parties, shall be and remain annulled, as if the same had never happened, without that the subjects of the one at the charge of those of the other, and vice versa, shall pretend, demand or require any thing concerning the same, either at law, or otherwise to prevent thereby all discontent and confusion, which may proceed thereby between the two nations: and the better to cultivate on the contrary the mutual ancient amity, good correspondency and commerce between both parties, and to cause the same to increase and flourish: and of all this they are to make report to this assembly. Extracts of this Resolution are to be sent to the respective colleges of the admiralties, and the lord admiral, to serve for their information.
An intercepted letter of colonel Dolman to mr. Axtell.
Dort, 17th August 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. liii. p. 84.
Dear brother Will,
Hear about the expiration of the ten days, by the instance of the embassador, there
were four more added, within which time there came a letter from the king,
which is judged equal to a ratification, and hath now put an end to our dispute with France.
Our fleet (as I hear) will now be employed to take some reparation for our loss in Brazil,
which is the Portuguese will yield to by treaty, we shall content our selves with that; otherwise, if their West-India fleet fall into our hands, we shall seek to satisfy our selves, and
the Danes retire apace; but as yet we hear not of any blow given.
The states-general to the king of Sweden.
Ex adjunctis residentis vestri Appelbomii litteris, quæ in Daniæ interceptæ & ex Sueciæ idiomate in nostram versæ, nobis transmissæ fuerunt, regia majestatas vestra ad oculum perspiciet, quam injuriosas ignominiasque in nos, universamque rempublicam nostram essuderit calumnias; qua propter officii nostri esse censuimus (utpote quibus nihil antiquius est, quam firmam, ac sinceram amicitiam cum regia majestate vestrâ colere) eidem significare prædictum Appelbomium plane inutilem atque ineptum nobis videri, qui excolendæ isti amicitiæ imposterum adhibeatur, cum illum è contra ejus ingenii atque indolis esse reperiamus, ut illo ministro atque interprete utrinque res in inimitias & dissidia potius irrupturæ esse videantur; quod procul dubio utriusque status incommodo & detrimento accideret, præterquam quod atroces injurias istas, quibus passim in dictis litteris contra proceres hujus reipublicam tanquam mercenarias ac viles animas invehitur, plane ad animum revocamus. Propterea regiam majestatem vestram serio & enixe rogamus, ut prædictum residentem hinc quam primum amovere, eumque ut par est corrigere velit. Nos interea dabimus operam,ut regia majestas vestra nihil in nobis desideret, quod sirmandæ mutuæ amicitiæ sacere videatur. Quibus sinientes Deum opt. max. rogamus, ut regiam majestatem vestram dui servet incolumem.
Hagæ, 17 Augusti 1657. [N. S.]
The states-general to the king of France.
Vol. liii. p. 88.
Dans la lettre, qu'il a pleu à vostre majesté de nous faire l'honneur d'escrire à Sedan, le 9 du courant, & que le sieur de Thou, comte de Meslay, &c. vostre ambassadeur, nous a delivré en nostre assemblée le 16e du mesme mois, nous avons appris
avec beaucoup de contentment, les ordres très-exprès, qu'il a pleu à vostre majesté de donner, pour la main-levée des biens & effects de nos subjects, qui avoient esté saisies, & de
plus nous confirmer de nouveau, sous l'engagement de sa parole royale, que les choses,
qui nous ont esté asseurées par ledit sieur de Thou, devoir avoir lieu, seront sincerement observés; à raison de quoy nous avons creu estre de nostre devoir, de tesmoigner à vostre majesté par ces presentes, que comme nous avons une entire & parsaite confiance en la parole & l'adveu de vostre majesté, & en attendons les effects desirés, ainsy nous ne laisserons pas d'observer, & de faire observer tout ce à quoy nous sommes obligez en nostre
part; comme aussy nous ne manquerons pas de conserver tousjours le zele & la bonne
volonté de cultiver, & d'augmenter l'estroite correspondence, qui à esté entre vostre majesté, & les roys ses predecesseurs, & cet estat. Sur ce prions l'Eternel, &c. A la Haye,
le 17e Aoust 1657. [N.S.]
H. Peterson to mons. Petkum.
Hague, 17 August 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. liii. p. 98.
This day I dined with some of the states; and asking them questions, in case that England and Denmark happen to fall out, whether the states of these provinces would assist Denmark ? they made this answer, that this state will no: forsake Denmark.
I can assure you, that our's in Holstein are but in a mean condition, and the Swedes have already driven them as far as Rensborgh. We insist here for an assistance of 2000 horse and 2000 foot, without which we cannot subsist.
This day the embassador of France delivered the ratisication of his king to the states, in as ample a manner as they desired of him. Whether it will satisfy them or no we shall soon see; it is said they are not fully pleased with it.
In the mean time the fleet of this state, consisting of 48 ships, goeth directly for Portugal, and is to lie there upon the stream: they are victualled to the last of December. How the protector will like this, time will learn. This I had from the lords states, who have given order for the building several new ships of war out of hand.
To Bordeaux the French embassador in England.
Hague, 17 August 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. liii. p. 100.
My lord,
An extraordinary crowd of business happening for these three or four days to my lord
embassador de Thou, hath obliged him to a perpetual tormoil; and he is this day
so tired, that he was forced to take his bed for a little rest; yet not to let this post pass
without letting you hear from him, he commanded me to write to your excellency, and to
thank you for the great care, which you take to inform him of all that passeth in your
parts. The news here is, that my lord embassador de Thou had audience yesterday of the
states-general, and presented to them a letter from the king, importing a very full satisfaction of all that my lord hath proposed to them, to be the intention of the king. This
letter, which is already printed, hath redressed all affairs, which are now in as good a condition as can be wished; but most certain it is, that they stood in need of this remedy.
In the inclosed letter your lordship will find what passed on sunday last between the lords
embassadors of France and Spain: I do assure myself the reading thereof will please you.
Your excellency's most humble and obedient servant,
Du Laurens.
Boreel, the Dutch embassador in France, to the states-general.
H. and M. lords,
Since the 10th instant I received advice from the consul Henry Dennis, at Rochelle,
residing there, how that on the 4th of August the main-levée was published, so that
(saith he) every one may make use of his debts and merchandizes. He also adviseth,
that the same was so published at Bourdeaux; whereof our nation there hath not yet given
me advice; neither do those of Bayonne make any mention of it.
The clause, which is found in the publication of the king, how that the private men of war within the space only of three months shall supersede from molesting your H. and M. L. subjects, doth give great consideration and jealousy; and I find, that every one of the Netherland nation trading in this kingdom doth reflect very much upon it, to the very great prejudice and damage of the navigation and commerce, in regard no body will dare to trust his estate in France for fear of the like seizure; so that they do ill interpret that clause: wherefore I thought it my duty to make thus much mention of it. The vice admiral de Ruyter went on the 2d instant with five men of war from Toulon, without being able to obtain any thing in the desired restitution or main-levée of the three Netherland merchant-men taken by the French of Marseilles, and employed for Italy. It is said, that the vice-admiral is gone for the coast of Barbary and Tripoli. Your H. and M. L. consul Latseur writeth, that there was news at Marseilles, how that orders were come to Thoulon from the court to release the said three ships, whereof we shall have the certainty by the next. At Marseilles, on the 7th instant, was as then no publication yet made of the main-levée.
The commander de Witt was after the 2d instant come with a squadron of 7 ships of war before Thoulon, but is gone again, steering the same course which the said vice-admiral did.
There as yet at Paris is no publication made of the main-levée, which is requisite, in regard here before the residence of the court in April last, the publication and affixion of the king's declaration was made of the then decreed seizure; for thereby hereafter inconveniencies may accrue to the merchants whose books are entred by the justice. So that I find the merchants are resolved to address themselves to the council of the king about it, that the publication of the revocation of the seizure may be made in this city, where it first begun.
W. Boreel.
Paris, 17 Aug. 1657. [N.S.]
Mr. Robert Browne to secretary Thurloe.
Argeire, the 7th Aug. 1657.
Vol. liii. p. 102.
Right honorable sir,
The 25th June I wrote your honor by mr. Bristoe, beinge accompanied with the
basha's and divan's answere to his highnesse's letter, demandinge restitution of the
shippe King David, which hoape are come safe to your hand. These at present beinge in
answere to your's of the 23d Aprill; in conformety thereunto, I presented his highnesse's
letter to the governors of this place, in the behalf of alderman Fredrick's businesse, pres
singe the matter of restitution with as much ernestnesse as possible; but to little porpose,
theire answere beinge this, that they were sufficiently convinced, that his highnesse would
demand noe forrain nation's shipps nor goods, but such as did really belonge to his own
subjects: but those that did the fact beinge gone in the grand seignior's service, they could
dce noething in refferrence in said businesse, till their returne; when will take the businesse
into farther consideration; as by the enclosed translate you will perceive. Soe at present
subscribe myselfe
Your honour's most humble servant,
Robert Browne.
Lieutenant-general Brayne to secretary Thurloe.
Right honorable,
It hath pleased God to visitt me with two relapses after my late sicknes, of the last of
which I am but newly recovered: and truly the whole time of my abode here may
well be called one continued sicknes, for I have not had a week's perfect health together;
soe that I am noe wayes able to doe his highnes that service, which I desire and ought to
doe, if I had ability of body. Therefore I shall humbly begge your honor wil be pleased
to move his highnes, that some person more able of body and parts may be sent hither to
releive me, for truly I am very sencible the place and designe doth require it. I have sent
the Blackmore-catch to Barbadoes, to keep up a frequent correspondence, according to your
honor's order, and have sent along with her some provisions, that were most subject to decay; which I doe rather to take off the scandall they cast upon us, that wee are ready to
starve, then for any other advantage I expect thereby, (though I hope there wil be noe
losse in it.) I have likewise ordered the catch to bring downe hither as many planters as
she shall finde willing either in Barbadoes or the Leeward-Islands; for I finde the souldiery
Iasie and unsetled, expecting to be always maintayned at the publique chardge: those of
them, that I found able to live of themselves, I have dischardged, to ease the state in provisions. I have likewise lent the planters, that came downe from Mevis, some provisions, it
being now a time of want with them. Wee have (through his highnes's care) at least sixe
months provisions good in stoare, which, God willing, shall be husbanded to the best,
though I feare much of it will decay before wee come to use it all. Nothing considerable
can be expected to be done by the shipping we have here, for (excepting the small vessells)
wee have none sitt to goe to sea, and these are imployed to watch about the island, to
keep the enemy (mentioned in the Spanish letters herewith sent) from landing; which is of
great difficultie, considering the small boats they come in, and the lardge space they have
to land in. However, I hope well, and I shall use my utmost endeavour as long as the
Lord shall please to afford me health and strength. I have no more at present, but that I
Your honor's most oblidged servant,
W. Brayne.
Cagway in Jamaica, 7 Aug. 1657.
The information of Nicholas Toll of Rotterdam in Holland, merchant, taken upon his oath at Great-Yarmouth, in the county of Norfolk, this 7th day of August 1657, before us Thomas Gooch and Thomas Bendish, bailiffs of the same town, as followeth:
Vol. liii. p. 70.
This informant saith upon his oath, That on saturday last the first day of this instant August, old stile, he being at the Brille in Holland, waiting for passage over the sea to this town of Great-Yarmouth, fell into company with one Lawson, a ship-master of Sunderland, who came thither then from Flushing; and told this informant, that four days before, he being at Flushing, did see a friggot belonging to Flanders, with seventeen guns, go out from thence to sea, to goe to the northward; and that six days before, as he wasinformed, there was two friggots more of two and twenty guns a-piece, that went out from Flushing, to go to the northward; and that the report was there, that all those three friggots were to join together, and go to meet the island fishing fleet in their return home from Holland, to take or spoil them; and further said, that the report was, that the said three friggots had in them thirteen hundred men; and that the commanders of those three friggots were all Ostenders; and that they were sitted and furnished with victuals, and men, and other necessaries there at Flushing, to go forth to sea.
Per me, Nich. Toll.
Thomas Gooch,
Thomas Bendish.
A letter of intelligence.
Hamburgh, 18 Aug. 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. liii. p. 91.
My lord,
For news from Dantzick they write still of Ragotzky's being beaten, and hath made
a very dishonourable peace: I hope it is not true: on thursday we shall have the certainty from Barsloe. The king of Sweden's army is supposed to be upon their march for
Jutland: there hath past no action; the Dane will not stand.
The syndic of this town, doctor Peterson, is gone out of Flanders for London, about Haye's business: he is a subtle man.
Capt. Stoakes to secretary Thurloe.
Right honorable,
It is my duty to acquaint your honor, how that on the 29th precedent, two Hollanders
came forth of Cadiz, bound for the Canary Isles, whom I caus'd to be search'd for letters, and in whom were found many, all in Spanish, some of very greate concernment, and
those from eminent persons; the choyse of which have translated into English, and sent
your honor with the originalls; others I have sent to the commissioners, they intimating a
speciall order from the king for the speedy settinge forth a considerable fleete of forty sayle,
and also discovering their intentions for the secure bringing home their treasure and goods
from the Canary Islandsby the Hollanders; which I hope will be taken into serious consideration, for the prevention thereof.
Thus, with my due and daly prayers for the continuance of your health, encrease of your honor and guidance in your weighty affaires, I subscribe myselfe, as in all duty I am
Your honor's faithfull servant,
J. Stoakes.
Rainbow, 8 Aug. off Cadiz, 1657.
Tho. Dodson to doctor. Henry Jones.
Cashell, 8 Aug. 1657.
Vol. lii. p. 354.
Right honorable,
Your's of the 23d, and your other of the 25th, I have not receaved untill the sixth
of August, by reason I was travailing, and could not meete your friend till then, of
whom I have receaved the same mentioned in your letter, for which I render you manney
thanks for your care therein; it was verie necessarie for my intended ways, and to pass over
the wynter.
Being most joifull and much incouradged to have my correspondencie setled with a person of your great merritts, sufficiencie, judgment, zeale and discretion, as I find by your judicious letters, I shall therefore freely and faithfully informe you all that shall come withen my reatch.
And for the present I lett you know the name of the partie, of whome I made an obscure mention in my last letter of his affection to Charles Steeward: it is collonell Ponsonby, who married a lady hare by Dublin, hath an estate there in Ulster, and lives in an other faire estate of his owne withen 3 or 4 mile to Corrigg. There is another was amongst the Irish in Spaine, and in France with my lord of Insiquin, verie secrett and familiar, gott a rich match in England, and lives at mr. Grace his lands in the countie of Kilkenny; his name is collonell Harvy. There is an other hard by Knockfergus, who is verie intimat with the Irish, and with the ould adverse partie, telling them all newes: he is of nature talkative, but for his part I know not butt his woords may condemne him much; his name is mr. Davis, a publick person.
He that was some two yeere agoe, or later, governor of Athlone, and had done severall privatt favours to the transplanted, is a meere Irishman, and of the O-Neales; he lives now in Ulster, in command amongst his friends. If occasione were, judge you what he would doe.
The newes come from the Irish banished bishops beyond seas, to the relicts of their clergie heere in Irland, is, that by the meanes of the queene of Swede, and of her chancheller, a Jesuit, a discoverie should be made of some plott his royall highnes the king of Swede and others had for to destroy the catholique religion in all Europ; and to prevent the same, the studdie of the poope, of the house of Austria, and their allies, and of all the church of France, and their faction, to procure a peace between France and Spaine, and then to fall uppon England, Irland, and Scotland, as being the cheefest places to maintaine the protestant religion. It is not in favour of Charles Steeward, butt for their owne intrest this is spread amongst the people. There is a plenarie indulgence, or a jubilee coome over to the few priests left, to be given to all the Irish catholiques uppon receaving the sacrament, consessing their sinnes, fasting and praying for a peace between France and Spaine, for the exaltation of the Roman faith, and for the totall extirpation of all heresies; and this does much deceave the peaceable people. Some of the English doe advise the Irish to pray for that peace, and when it comes they shall have ease. The ould English and Insiquine, party will openly say, that whatsoever invasion shall come in, they shall injoy their estats, and he that most hath, shall have the better quarter. Insiqune is much cried up by the people everie where. There is much setlement of the minds of people since his royall highnes is proclaimed.
There landed a messenger from Macarty or from Sullivan by order of Charles Steeward, withen these three weekes, from an Irish frigatt in Correberry, and was for twelfe houres to learne the state of the harbours and country, and went back with the same vessell. If Sullivane be come to the country that it is hard but I shall find him out, and give you notice. The invasion to be intended for England is noe further feared; that the enemy finds a dislicke or dissention in England, that would invite them thither uppon advantage, if the peace be hindred there is noe feare. I could trouble you with trissling things, but I will not. This is all for the present from
Your assured, most faithfull and humble servant,
Thomas Dodson.
Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, major-general of the army in Ireland.
In the possession of the right honourable the earl of Shelburne.
My lord,
I Obeyed your comaunds as to the contents of your former letter, and gave your lordship an account thereof by my last, whereto I shall not need to add any thinge, save
that your lordship need not be carefull about that buissness; it is well enough understood
by all your freinds and servants here. I am not able to performe my promise with you as
to that account I undertooke to give your lordship about the settlement of Ireland by this
post. Truly, my lord, his highnes hath beene soe much at Hampton-court of late, and
many of the councell out of towne in other places, that considerations of this kinde have
beene retarded: I will not say, but there are some other hindrances, which I hope God
in his good tyme will remove out of the way.
The last night we received letters from Jamaica from lieutenant-generall Brayne, whereby I understand, that colonel Moore with his men are landed safely there. The state and condition of that island is much altered, blessed be God: they have now very good health, and great plentie of all manner of provisions, and a very hopefull trade is begun; soe that through the goodnes of God, in a small tyme his highnes will be from further charge, and a good foundation lay'd of future advantages against the enemye. There is noe very considerable newes from France. I heare this day, that the French armye is marchinge towards the sea-side in Flanders; but wheither they will undertake any thinge of consequence, I am not able to say. There is nothinge from other parts worth the writeing; and therefore with the tender of my most humble services to your lordship, I rest
Your lordship's most humble and faithfull servant,
Jo. Thurloe.
Whitehall, 8 Aug. 1657.
My lord Richard continues in a most hopefull way of recovery; not the least ill accident hath fallen out since his bones were sett, praised be the Lord.
Schneider to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.
Koningsberg, 20 Aug. 1657.] [N. S.]
Vol. liii. p. 106.
My lord,
I Believe your lordship hath already heard of the defeat of Ragotzky, and the conditions of the peace, which he hath accepted of the king of Poland; but we will
not yet believe it here: the relations are various, and every one writeth and speaketh according to his affection; so that I can write nothing of a certain, only that this news doth continue. Monsr. d'Avangour went from hence 8 days since to find out the king of Sweden;
and the embassadors of Holland are steering their course that way likewise: they are to
endeavour to make an accommodation between the kings of Sweden and Denmark.
The Muscovite is in a good understanding with the elector of Brandenburg: we do not fear him, but the Polanders threaten us very much; whereunto the embassador of the king of Hungary doth also contribute much, who doth endeavour to make a particular agreement between the king of Poland and the duke of Brandenburg.
Marigny to Stouppe.
Hague, 20 Aug. 1657. [N. S.]
Vol.liii. p. 108.
I am so employed, that I have only time to tell you, that I have received your's of the 10th. You will do me a pleasure, to tell that knave of a clerk, if you have an opportunity, that he must address himself and his associates to make the propositions, unto which he had mentioned to you; and that the only consideration, which I have for you in the assurance that I have, that you will bury in oblivion to all eternity the thought, which he forced you to have of it, is the cause why I have not divulged it as it ought to be. I do esteem those persons too well, whom he believed one might speak unto of it, that I would not put it into their thoughts; and I believe you were forced to do what you did. I will send you word when I go for Franckfort. Yesterday monsr. de Thou presented the king's letter to the states, wherein his majesty doth approve of what he hath done. He demanded of these lords, in his majesty's name, whether they would interpose themselves as mediators between Sweden and Denmark? The cardinal Mazarin would wish that the Swedes were not busied, to the end to make them come into Germany. We shall see whether that will take.
Mr. J. Aldworth, consul at Marseilles, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. liii. p. 110.
The 14th corrant I gave your honnor ample notice of whatt came to my knowledge. I have att present only to give you notice, that Ruyter with his squadron is still at Thollon, wheare also arrived 5 dayes past the chavalleir du Parke, with 4 ships of warr, and 7 great Dutch ships fully laden with powder, masts, tarr, pitch, and all sorts of amunition.
Att Genoa the sickness is still so furious, that noe magistrates are there to putt any order to theire misery; and it's generally supposed, that the said place will be totally ruined.
Two dayes past arrived heare a barque of this place from Tripoly; from whence he brings advice, the Turk's forces have lately taken 5 Veneitian ships and a gaily; but there is no certainty thearof. So for the present I most humbly take leave, and remayne,
Right honnorable,
Your honnor's most faithfull servant,
Jo. Aldworth.
Marseille, 21 Aug. 1657. [N. S.]
An intercepted letter to the lord viscount Conway.
Venice, 21st of August 1657. [N.S.]
My lord,
As for news this week, the state hath received information of a sight betwixt their
armado in the Archipelago, near the island Scio, from whence our best mastich
comes, and of which the Turk makes delicious bread. This island the Venetians had besieged, which the Turk came to relieve. At the first meeting our Venetian armado had
the better of it, but with the loss of their much-lamented general; afterwards they suffered
much by them, the Dutch-hired ships refusing to sight, because they had a captain of
theirs shot to death by order; but the Venetians loss doth most consist in men, not any
ships lost. Their adversary the Turk is great and terrible, because of his immense power
and wealth; and all they can do is, to defend their yet remaining city of Candia, which
hath cost either of them vast treasures. The Turk persists in his siege, by reason of his
honour; not thinking it for his glory, to give over a city after 8 or 9 years siege, and for
his conveniency too, by reason it lieth near upon the mouth of the Archipelago, and hath
been a harbour for the Maltese and others, enemies to that empire. The Venetians are
resolved to defend it to the utmost, not only for the place's sake, (being the only kingdom
of three which they have left); the Turk having before got from them Cyprus and Negropont, but also to Zant and Corsu, which stand in the mouth of their Gulph. Zant is
dear to them, because it bringeth them a great revenue by currants; and Corsu, by reason
of its strength and situation, for it is the key to Venice, being able to surprize all ships
that shall come to this place.
Thus much for the general affairs of this state. As for our particular, this last week since we came to Venice there hath happened a mighty storm, which hath destroyed the most part of wine in the territory of Padua: for the storms here in Italy, where they come, are violent, I myself having taken up hail-stones as big as pullets eggs, which upon what place soever they light, if it be upon the corn before the harvest, it cuts off the eares, as if they had been cut by a sickle; if upon the grapes, it bruiseth them so, that they putrify; insomuch, that a gentleman here in one half hour loseth the whole revenue of one year: for here the gentleman letteth not his land for money, but for the crop it bears, reserving so much wine and corn for himself, giving the rest to his labourer; which corn and wine he sells in the best time of the year, and so doth he raise his estate.
But, my lord, methinks I hear your lordship opposing me, wondering we have not often in Italy a famine. To which I answer, that these storms are never universal, but sometimes for half a mile, sometimes five miles about, sometimes more, but never universal.
Your lordship's most humble servant,
Tho. Baines.
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
In the possession of the right hon. Philip lord Hardwick, lord high-chancellor of Great Britain.
Honorable sir,
My brother Clarges being obliged to take a journie into Scotland, which diverts him
from the prosecution off his pretences to the place of a commissioner of the admiralty in mr. Hopkins's vacancie, which, I suppose you know, my lord protector was
pleased to give him some hopes off, itt is my earnest desire, that you will be pleased to
move his highnesse, as effectually as you can in his behalf, which I shall esteeme to bee
as great a favour as you can possibly doe mee att this time. I have bin informed by him
of a feare he had, that you distasted some expressions or his in the parliament, concerning
the post-office, which I never heard of, till hee told mee; and hee assured mee, that at
his first speaking of itt hee never knew you were concern'd in itt, but accidentally declared
his sence, as a thing hee was unsatisfyed in; and what hee said after by way of reflection,
proceeded rather from an eagernesse of speaking, than any malice to your person; which
I beseech you to beleive, for I am confident hee truly loves and honours you. I have
written to his highnesse by this post in his behalfe, which may give you a good opportunity to bee favorable to him; but I desire you, if his highnesse shall dispose of that
place, that you will take an occasion to move him to provide some other way for him;
which I shall take as a reall effect of your affection and kindnesse to
Your very affectionate humble servant,
George Monck.
Edinburgh, 11th August 1657.
Resident Sasburgh to the states-general.
Vol. liii. p. 125.
My lords,
From the Spanish army of the 18th instant they write, that the French army
marched through Nimeguen, and had set on fire the suburbs of Bouchain, and made
some shot upon the city in a bravado, continuing their march 'till they came before St.
Venant, which place they are busy to assault. The Spanish infantry is said to desert their
colours very much, through want of money: some of them have been overtaken and
hanged for an example and terror to others; but it seemeth this doth not make them to
leave running away, saying, they would rather die than endure any longer such miseries; so that the Spaniards want foot very much.
Last night here arrived an express out of Italy, who is gone with letters from the duke of Mantua to don John of Austria: he is said to bring all the particulars of the defeat of the French before Alexandria, which is far greater than that they had the last year before Valencienne; and that it is not known what is become of the duke of Modena. The certainty of this I hope to have upon saturday next. The said express bringeth also news, that the Venetians have obtained another great victory against the Turks about Tenedos.
Just now cometh the news, that St. Venant is surrendered to the French, and that they are marching towards Graveling.
Van Sasburgh.
Brussels, this 22th of August, 1657.[N. S.]