A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1657: April (4 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol6/pp198-208 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1657: April (4 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol6/pp198-208.
"State Papers, 1657: April (4 of 7)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol6/pp198-208.
In this section
April (4 of 7)
A letter of intelligence from col. Bamfylde.
Vol. xlix. p. 118.
This weeke has produced but little newes fit to trowble you with the advertisement
of, more then that there came a courrier expressly hither upon thursday laste with
the certayne information of the emperor's death; which is likely to produce a great
change in the affayres of Christendome, and particularly in those of Spayne. The catholique princes and nobillity of the empire encline to the election of the king of Hungary,
the late emperor's eldest son: the Jesuits and clergie are for the arch-duke Leopoldus;
but whither either of them will carry it, does not seem to be determinable in this place,
The prince of Conty goes hence towards Itally upon tewsday next. Here is a rumour,
that the Spanyards have demurred upon the putting of Trinne in the duke of Mantoue's
hands, which affords hopes here of regayning him; but of this I synde noe sufficient assurance to be depended on the Spanyards. The Spanyards have drawn almost all their
forces out of Cattalognia for the war of Portugall, the king having received a certain
account thence, that there are not less in all that country, both in field and garrison, than
3000 men. There is a person of quality sent, dispatched privately hence yesterday, to
the duke of Saxonye's courte. I have noe more to add, but that I am,
Your moste humble and moste faithfull servant.
Paris Aprill the 11/21 1657.
The superscription,
For mr. Simon Tanner, merchant
at London.
Boreel, the Dutch embassador in France, to the states-general.
Vol. xlix. p. 116.
H. and M. Lords,
My lords, the returning of many bills of exchange out of the Netherlands hither
doth occasion amongst the merchants a great complaint; and the seizing upon the
ships and goods, a great dearness in all wares, which are brought from the Netherlands hither. As yet the compters here at Paris are not meddled withall, as it happened in other
crowns and sea-towns; yet the exchange for the Netherlands doth stand still. It is to be
feared, that sufficient and timely notice is not given before the ports and harbours of this
kingdom to the Netherland ships, that are bound to them, to divert them from coming in,
by giving them notice of the seizure, and to cause them to return home.
Paris 21 April 1657. [N. S.]
W. Boreel.
Embassador Boreel to the states-general.
Vol. xlix. p. 129.
H. and M. lords,
My lords, in my last audience asking the cardinal, whether it was true (as I was
formerly told and admonished) that the business of the practice of the rule, unfree
goods, unfree ship, and unfree ship, unfree goods, was agreed upon between the king and
the lord protector; and that as soon as France should put the same in execution, England
would presently follow; his lordship said presently thereupon, that it was false; there is nothing in it; yea the protector himself had interceded by the king, that the said rule might
not be practised against the subjects of their H. and M. L. which is far from that he the
said lord protector should intend to practise the same. So that I find, that information,
which I formerly writ to your H. and M. L. to have been given me by a person of condition, not to be well grounded, yet I thought it my duty to signify the same unto your
H. and M. L.
W. Boreel.
Paris 22 April 1657. [N. S.]
Mr. J. Aldworth, consul at Marseilles, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlix. p. 131.
The 17th currant I gave you notice of the general seazure, that was heare made
on all Dutch estates; and that heare was advise of two rich English ships burnt
and sunck by 5 Spanysh ships of warr; which since, thankes be to the Almightie,
proves contrary, the two ships haveing escaped and well beaten the Spanyards, insomuch they escaped with much difficulty into Tropano, one of the Spanish commanders
slayne with many common men. From Tunis have received advice, that place is sitting
out 8 ships of warr, which undoubtedly will much prejudice the English ships. From
thence they advise alsoe, that from Algeirs is gone an ambassadour to his highnes. Five
Algiere ships of warr have lately taken a Spanish galley goeing from Genoa to Barcelona;
on her was store of money and passengers of quality. So I most humbly take leave, and
Marseille 24th Aprill 1657. [N. S.]
Right honorable,
your honnor's most faithful servant,
Jo. Aldworth.
The Dutch embassadors at Marienburgh to the states-general.
Vol. xlix. p. 132.
H. and M. Lords,
The reports, which we have had here of late, of a battle said to have happened between the Swedes and the Poles in Poland, we cannot learn, that they have any
ground or continuation. Letters, which came yesterday from Thorn, mention, that general Douglas having been for some days dangerously sick at Lanwitz, was arrived there;
who reported, that his majesty of Sweden was joined with the prince of Sevenbergen on
this side of Cracow, and that both armies marched directly towards Lublin, to fight general Charnitzky, and to divert the intention of the Poles from joining with the Littaw
general, Saphia. The king of Poland is still at Calisch, and hath summoned all the gentry to meet at Rava.
On sunday last prince Adolph, his majesty's brother, gave us a very magnificent dinner, in honour of your H. and M. L. and in acknowledgment of the noble reception lately made him at the Hague by your H. and M. L. He himself signisied unto us, that four Swedish men of war were come to ply to and again upon the coasts of Pomerania, and before the Pillauw, to defend and clear the seas of pirates, but with express order not to disturb any ships either of your H. and M. L. or any other subjects in their intended voyage.
Marienburgh 24 April 1657. [N. S.]
Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburg, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlix. p. 134.
Right honorable,
By yours, this post, I understande the reason of the delay of my instructions for
Musco. I thought his highnes might have otherwise resolved; but I see I must goe,
and that by the next post I may receeve my dispatches. I hope, that what I have writ to
you upon that business will be considered of, and that, together with my instructions, I
shall have notice of my vindication; otherwise I must needes say, I shall goe under great
discouragement. Though mr. Townley was sent for in custodie, as you write, which might
have been some justification, yet beinge he went not soe hence, as your honor well
knowes by the accompt I gave you, but in the most contemptuous manner he could devise as to meward, and that he is permitted in it; as allsoe, that the company have
since put that baffle upon me, of pretendinge to re-electe me deputie, when they
intended nothinge less (for which those of that party heere call them the veriest juglers in
the world) I ame thereby under much more contempt then formerly. I should be l0th
to excuse any command from his highnes; but to proceede in a service of that nature, lying under such scornfull assronts from the subjects of the state that sends mee, and soe
long suffered, must needs goe against the haire, and render mee, in the judgment of
strangers, rather removed to serve the ends of such enemies then any thinge els, beinge
they have soe long expected my vindication. Heere are various verdicts given upon the
newes of his highnes refusinge the office of kingship, most applauding him for it. I
trust the Lord directed that answer, and will his further councells and endeavours for the
good of the nations. It's much more to refuse kingship, beinge soe offered by a parliament, then to be a king; and surely in this posse et nolle est nobile. We may be happy
under any good forme of gouvernment, but certaynely most in that, which God shall
choose; and no doubt, but if kingly gouvernment be that, which he approves of, he
will incline his highnes hart unto it, and dispose allsoe such to submit, as may, at present,
seeme averse. For newes, we have nothing more then what the inclosed letter and paper presents. The certayne death of the emperor must needes work a notable change in
the empire, and influence strongely upon the warre in Poland, I hope for the better. It's
beleeved, that the emperor, great duke, and king of Denmarke were confederates with
the king of Poland, however they may now act; and its thought now the king of D.
will onely stand upon the defensive, whatever he might formerly intend. I cease your
further trouble, and remayne
Hamb. 14th Aprill 1657.
your honor's very humble servant, Richard Bradshaw.
Hamb. 14 April, S. V. [N. S.]
Vol. xlix. p. 136.
Since my last we have the full and certain confirmation, from all parts, of the Roman emperor's death, which happened on the 2d present, S. N. the 6th day after his majesty's sickness, according as my last imparted. The last letters from Vienna relate, that immediately upon his said majesty's decease, an express was sent by the court to the elector of Bavaria, to give him notice of it, and to desire his highness (according to his office, as rix-marshal) with all speed to write out a convocation of the states of the empire, for the choosing of a Roman king. Archduke Leopold (according to the deceased emperor's disposition on his death-bed) is appointed governor of the house of Austria, and the dominions thereunto belonging, as also chief general of the militia during the present interregnum. It's generally beleeved, that the princes electors will now condescend voluntarily to choose the young king of Bohemia for their sovereign; but it's also no less thought, that the house of Austria will take the advantage of this present considerable posture, and are resolved, maugre the dissention of whosoever, to carry on their work, and endeavour the establishment of young Leopoldus in his father's throne. The Danes continue their levies still every where with reasonable success. They are said to have now above 10000 men in Holstein, 12000 in Norway, and as great an army in Schonen, besides the garrisons. Great preparations are made in all parts of that king's dominions, but especially in Holstein, for the defence of that country. It should seem, they rather fear an invasion than intend any, the king having commanded 6 or 7 forts to be made in Holstein, whereby, if need be, the country may be set all under water. The said king hath laid a garrison in Sleswick (which is the metropolis of the duke of Holstein) and another in Kiel; and it's said he desired to lay one in Tonningen also, but that the duke had denied it, intending to keep the full command of that fort to himself. One of the princes of the house of Nassau is said to be in capitulation with the king, touching the chief command of his forces in Holstein. Letters from Thorn of the 7th present relate, that there was news there by an officer, that came thither from the Swedish armies, that his majesty of Sweden on the 21st past, stood with his whole army within two miles of Petershaw; as also that part of the Transilvanian army was already gone on the Weissel, near Opatowitz, and came to meet his majesty; and, that the Poles being advertised thereof, were retreated to Lublin. The said officer was of opinion, that his majesty did join with them within 3 or 4 days after his departure. His said majesty's sudden and unexpected march into Poland, hath deceived some of the quartians and gentry, who engaged to appear at Petershaw upon the rendezvous, but were forced, upon his majesty's arrival, to retreat towards Radom in great confusion. From Plotzko, Brissac, and other parts, its written, that several parts of the Polanders, that went out upon recognition, were met with and totally routed by the Swedes. In two letters, which the prince of Transilvania sent a-new to the king of Sweden, he gives his majesty notice, that at his being at Przeworth he had sent a party of his army against the Quartians under Potoczky, which also had met with them, inasmuch as their said general very narrowly escaped. He also informs his majesty of his taking of a considerable place called Przemish, and in it great part of the chief of the Polish nobility; but chiefly assures him of his being past the Wiessel near Opatowitz; and that understand ing, that the Poles assembled their forces near Solez (a castle lying on the river-side near Casemir) to stop his further progress, he had thought sit to cause a bridge to be made on the Weissel, for the more facile transporting of his whole army, being absolutely resolved to give battle to his enemies, and endeavour their defeat with the first opportunity, and thereby to remove all obstacles and remora's of a happy meeting with his majesty, so zealously desired by him. There is a report this day from Konigsberg of a bloody combat between his majesty of Sweden and the Poles, wherein the victory should have declared itself for the Swedes; but there being no news at all of it from other parts, we must expect the certainty of it per next.
Mr. Longland, agent at Leghorn, to secretary Thurloe.
Legh. 25 April 1657. [N. S.]
Vol.xlix. p. 142.
Right honorable,
I Latly writ you of a fyht in the channell of Malta betwixt 2 Inglish marchants ships,
and 4 Spanish ships of warre, when our advys then was, that the Inglish ships were
escapt; but now by a letter sent hether by one of the captaines of the Spanish men of
warre, one of the Inglish ships, cald the An Persy, is burnt, and the other, cald the Estland
Marchant, is escapt away. I hav translated the sayd letter, and herewith send you the
coppy, which is al the intelligence we heere hav about this bisnes. The ship was very
rich, and many marchants ar great losers by her. If thes 4 ships of warre keep theyr
station in that place, betwixt Cape Bona and Marittimo, not a ship of ours wil be able
to pas too and fro into Turkey. If your honor pleas to represent this danger to his hyhnes, that som few frigats may clear and open the way for trade into Turkey, it wil much
rejois the marchants.
The great duke's court is in morning for the death of the emperor. Here is a reporte, that the king of Polland is kil'd by his souldiers. The Tripolly and Argier ships of warre ar gon to serv the great Turk, beinge 17 ships. 30 sail of gallyes ar got out of the Castels, fynding the pas open, and the Venetian fleete absent; but the capt. basha lyes still at the Castels with a squadron of gallyes, wher he is provyding two or 300 smale boats to transport souldiers from the mayn to Tenedos, to recover, if possible, that yland out of the Venetians hands, which lying within 7 or 8 myle of the mouth of the Hellespont, blocks up that river and the imperiall citty of Constantinople, which does not becom the Turks greatnes: wherefor they must use al manner of meanes to recover it this former. By the death of the emperor, the Turks will fynd the esyer acces by land to the Venetian consynes in Dalmatia; for beinge to pas some part of the emperor's territoryes, 'tis supposd they wil now fynd litle or no opposition. The Spanyards had begon to block up Valenta in the state of Millan, but now they retyre back. Here has been strong newes this weeke, that the cardinall Massarin was dead, whereat the Itallians wer very glad; but I believe it not. At present is arryvd in this place from Marcelles my lord Gerrard, with one mr. Spencer, his gouvernour, who com to travel Itally.
I hav latly bauht a smale ship's lading of Seragusa wynes, and sent it hom to mr. Edward Goodwin, marchant, to sel for me. I had som thohts to have implored your honor's recommendations to his hyhnes or his councel, that the customs and excys myht hav bin eas'd, this beinge a new sort of wyn, which I now send hom to try experiment of its acceptation and vent in Ingland; and in such cases favour is shewed al the world over for marchants incouragement in any new commerce or desygn; but herein I wil not pres any thing upon your honor, knowing your naturall disposition to extend your favours and goodnes to your servant. I hav sent hom by the sayd ship a Barbary grey mare, not so young as I could wish her, but young anus, I hoep, to breed a couple of colts at lest, as I am wel informed. If she wer but fyv year ould, I should think her worth his hihnes acceptance. She wil be braught unto your honor by mr. Goodwin, and presented you fre of al charges for his hyhnes. I hav not sien a Barbary horse soe tal as this, but a mare never soe: she wil be the fitter to breed; she was never shod til she cam hether, which made her lam; so I puld off her shooes again. She is not for the sadel, but for breed, if she proves to his hyhnes lyking.
The Dutch embassadors in Denmarke to Ruyseh.
Vol. xlix. p. 156.
My lord,
By our last letter to your lordship of the 22d instant we writ then, that we had
had no opportunity to understand, whether any answer had been given to the resident of Sweden to his last memorandum mentioned in our letter; but since we are told
by the lord embassador of the duke of Brandenburgh, and the ryxshosmaster, that as
yet he hath had no answer given him. And the said lord hosmaster also communicated
unto us, that the said lord embassador apprehended, that the instance, which the said resident made to have a categorical declaration upon the points mentioned in the said memorandum, might chance to be answered in such a wise, that there might follow a
breach of treaty upon it; and yesterday it was desired by the embassador of Brandenburg,
that such an answer might be given by the side of Denmark, as not to occasion a breach
of the treaty. We shall suddenly learn how this will have prevailed, and what operation it's like to have; and it may be, we shall know in general, what is to be expected
from this crown concerning the said treaty, in regard to the lords of the council are assembled and debate about it; and it doth clearly appear, that on the side of Denmark
no long delay will be admitted. Besides the diligence, which is used to equip all the ships
of war of this kingdom with all possible speed, there is yet order given to hire more in
the United Netherlands and Lubeck. The lord Rosenwinge, who is at present in
the behalf of the king of Denmark with the duke of Brandenburgh, to endeavour to
dispose him to close with the interests of this crown, and to draw him off from joining
with those in opposition to the same, being joined with the king of Sweden, writes, that
he seeth, as yet, little likelihood for the effecting of the same, although many of the
said duke's council (as he understandeth) do very much desire it; and do apprehend it
necessary and serviceable.
Copenhagen 25 April 1657. [N.S.]
Lockhart, embassador in France, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. 1. p. 140.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
I am just now advertised by a billet from Card. M. that the landing of your army, will
be expected within a fortnight at farthest. I ame to have audience fryday next, and shall
then give you an accompt at large. The place 10 179 will be Calais or Bo lone 172.
But nothing is said concerning your fleet. Least this should misse the poste, I dare say
no more, but that I ame
Paris April 15/25 1657.
your most humble servant,
Will. Lockhart.
In the possession of the right honourable Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high-chancellor of Great-Britain.
Upon wednesday the first of this instant April 1657, between the hours of 8 and 9 at night, col. Rich did visit one Richard Lee, a prisoner at Lambeth-house, with whom the said colonel continued until past 4 of the clock in the morning. There was also in the company of col. Rich two other persons, who seemed to be countrymen, yet well habited. There were also several other persons, both men and women, with the said Lee, who continued there until the morning and hour aforesaid, amongst whom was the lady Vermuyden. That at the time when col. Rich went forth, the keeper of the house, James Ludlow, said, farewel colonel; who replied, that he was no colonel. Whereupon the said Ludlow (dissatisfied with his denial) followed him, and said, how sir! is not your name col. Rich ? He the said colonel replied, that his name was Rich; and laughing at the said James Ludlow, went away.
James Ludlow.
15 April 1657.
Upon the 10th of this instant April, Edward Dendy being at Lambeth-house to demand the names of the persons, being 7, who (as supposed of the plot) over night were, by warrant from his highness, committed to his custody; and discoursing near an hour with them, as to the unlawful and unchristian carriages of the said prisoners, the abovesaid Richard Lee, in the presence of several persons, said to the said Edward Dendy, tell your master (meaning the lord protector) that if ever I have my liberty, if I can get together (said the said Lee) but a hundred horse, I will charge him, though he were in the head of all his army, or words to this effect.
15 April 1657.
Edw. Dendy.
James Ludlow.
Upon saturday the 12th instant April, the abovesaid prisoners being by order from Edward Dendy removed to the Gatehouse, as they were passing by the abovesaid Richard Lee's chamber, he the said Richard Lee encouraged the said prisoners to stand fast; for, said he to them, your cause is good. And accompanying the said persons down the stairs to the outward gate, he encouraged them again after the same manner; and after they were gone, he the said Richard Lee told one Michael Meysey (one of the servants to Edward Dendy, at Lambeth-house) that their design should take effect, and that very speedily, notwithstanding all this. Unto whom the said Michael Meysey replied, Will the Lord work a miracle as on Gideon's 300. The said Richard Lee answered, Yes, God will do a greater miracle than that of Gideon's; and other words the said Lee used of the like nature. And further the said Michael Meysey saith, that Richard Lee, in his discourse with several of the prisoners at Lambeth-house, hath often called the lord protector, knave, traytor, and murtherer, and that the blood of those that were murthered in the late wars, would be charged upon the lord protector.
15 April 1657.
Michael. Meysey.
James Ludlow.
Sir Tho. Bendyshe, embassador at Constantinople, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxvii. p. 391.
Although soe longe a silence to so many of mine might well starve my expectation;
yet a late assurance, that your honor hath received them, keepes it alive; hoping
an answer therto, at your better leisure, which it becomes me to await; and therwith such
instructions, as may both direct and warrant my more active proceedings (as yet clogged
with restrictions) for his highnes interest, the which no one publiquely imployed has
more desyre to promote. But this I referre to your wisdome, which knowes best what to
prescribe, haveing only hereby intimated a readines to obey, whenever his highnes shall
thinke fitt to command; not adding farther to your trouble at present, save somewhat of a
complaint against the Venetian fleete, with choaking the mouth of the river; suffer not
our shipps to passe hither without delatory searches, which not only hath allready prejudiced our trade, but in the future may wholly destroy it. This would soone be
remedied, if by your honor's mediation (which is earnestly desyred) his highnes would
please to signifie his displeasure at it to the Venetian ambassador; your speedy effecting
whereof wil lay a greate obligation upon our nation heere, and no lesse uppon him, whoe
must professe himselfe,
Pera di Constantinople,
Aprill the 16th 1657.
your honor's most humble servant,
Tho. Bendyshe.
Extract out of the secret resolutions of the lords states of Holland and West-Friezland, taken in their assembly upon the 26th of April 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. xlix. p. 161.
There being debated by resumption upon the report and advice of the lord raetpensionary, made upon the 21st instant, in this assembly, in the name and behalf of the lords, their noble great lordships commissioners; who, in performance of their resolution of the 20th instant, after examination of what was already resolved by their H. and M. L. upon the news of the general seizure made by order of the king of France upon all ships, goods, and other effects belonging to the inhabitants of this state; and after resumption of the retroacta relating to the same, did weigh and consider what was fit to be done concerning the same, and what ought to be resolved, by reason of the said seizure, for the good of this state, and of the good inhabitants thereof. After deliberation had, it is thought fit and resolved, that to the said end, and that all diversion of commerce may be prevented as much as is possible, that there be strict proclamation made, with insertion of sufficient precautions and penalties, in the name and behalf of their H. and M. L. to forbid and prohibit the bringing in or importing into any of these countries, any commodity of the growth or manufacture of France, from any of the provinces, towns, or ports of that kingdom, as long as the said seizure shall continue in the said kingdom, or the inhabitants of this state shall be hindered to transport in their own ships for these countries such growths and such manufactures, without any molestation of the provinces, towns, or harbours; and that likewise, till such time as the said seizure is taken off, that the free commerce and navigation for the inhabitants of this state be re-established in all places and sea-towns of France.
Herb. van Beaumont.
Extract out of the secret resolutions of the lords states of Holland and West-Friezland, taken in their noble great lordships assembly upon the 26th of April 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. xlix. p. 163.
There being debated by resumption upon the report and advice made by word of mouth, by the lord raet-pensionary, upon the 21st instant, to this assembly, in the name and behalf of the lords their noble great lordships commissioners; who, in pursuance and performance of their resolution taken upon the 20th instant, after examination of what was already resolved by their H. and M. L. upon the news of the general seizure made by order of the king of France throughout all his kingdom, upon all the ships, goods, and other effects belonging to the subjects of this state; and after resumption of the retroacta, applicable hereunto, did weigh and consider, what ought to be resolved and undertaken by this state, by reason of the said seizure, for the good of this state, and the subjects thereof. After serious deliberation had, it is resolved, that in the behalf of their noble great lordships the business shall be directed to the generality, to the end, that by order of the lords states-general, all good offices and endeavours may be used, as well by the embassador Boreel with the king and the court of France, as by the commissioners of their H. and M. L. appointed to treat with the embassador de Thou, who was here yesterday in the quality of embassador from the said king, that the said general seizure may be forthwith taken off, and that likewise the subjects of this state, who are so excessively damnified by the said piracies and robberies for these several late years, committed by the French men of war, especially by those who sail from the ports of Provence, that they may have satisfaction given them for their damages obtained; and that to that end all sentences and judgments given for the restoring or releasing of any ships and goods brought in belonging to the subjects of this state, may be duly executed; and that if any of their ships and goods have been adjudged to the benesit and behoof of any of the subjects of France, that satisfaction may be given to the true owners, for what damage they shall have wrongfully sustained thereby. And for as much as concerneth the damages and inconveniencies sustained in the manner as abovesaid, which are yet undecided, that speedy justice may be administred upon the same, and the accomplishment thereof really and effectually performed upon the good inhabitants of this state, according to the grounds and contents of the marine treaty of the 18th of April 1651, made between the king of France and this state; as also in conformity to the edict of his majesty, which followed thereupon upon the 30th of May 1651; and that the said lord embassador Boreel do endeavour to dispose his majesty to oblige himself in due form for the performing of the one and the other to this state, and the good inhabitants thereof, effectually and really.
That likewise, for the preventing of the like piracies and robberies for the future, there may be provision made against the same, as there ought by a marine treaty of commerce, according to the ingredients and draught to be drawn up by the commissioners of their noble great lordships in performance of their resolution.
And that the one and the other being obtained, and that if in the first place the general seizure and interdiction made and laid upon the inhabitants and subjects of the United Provinces in France, be quite taken off, then in the behalf of their H. and M. L. shall be likewise restored the two French ships taken by the vice-admiral Ruyter, or any other commanders belonging to this state.
But in regard the ships, goods, effects, and the credits of the inhabitants and subjects of the United Netherlands, fallen by the said general seizure into the hands of the French, do undoubtedly receive in value the ships, goods, and effects of the subjects of France, seized here in this state, or which may be yet seized; that therefore the more to facilitate the taking off of the said seizure made by the king of France, if so be his majesty, beyond all expectation, cannot be prevailed with for the taking off of the said seizure, that then express order and charge be forthwith given to all admirals, commanders, and captains of the fleets and ships of war of this state, at present at sea, or which shall be sent to sea hereafter, to seize upon all French ships whatsoever they shall meet withal at sea, and to bring them in; yet taking such order however, that the said ships may in no wise be plundered, pillaged, or prejudiced.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Samedy le 21e April 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. xlix. p. 159.
Il y eu fort discours, voire impression, dans les estats generaux, qu'il sera necessaire de traiter avec la Spaigne, estant une opinion commune, que l'on ne sçauroit à la France faire grand mal, si non par l'Espagne, en l'assistant & subsidiant; & l'on bastit desja quelque chose sur le voyage, que l'ambassador d'Espaigne va faire vers Brusselles.
Il y a eu proposition & advis des admirautés, si on doit donner relief contre les fatalia pour le duc de Courland, demandant revision d'une sentence, qui a consisqué un sien navire.
Les deputés des admirautés ont fait plainte de ce que ceux de Zeelande ne sont pas venus encore: on a promis leur venuë à ce soir.
Il y a eu memoire des envoyés des electeurs & princes alliés, requerants avancement des conferences avec eux, en suite de leur voorslach.
Lundy le 23e Avril.
Du sieur de Thou, ny directement ny indirectement, n'a encoré esté faite aux estats generaux nulle notification, si que reciproquement l'estat n'a donné nul ordre pour sa reception. Ceux de la nation Fronçoise de mesme ne sçavent plus rien de certain, sinon un dire, que le secretaire Courtin viendroit à ce soir, pour faire la notification à l'estat. Ce matin l'on a nommé le sieur de Sterrenborgh pour aller en ches commander les troupes à Dansigk, avec 4 capitaines, 4 lieutenants, & 4 enseignes, si que les troupes seront reduites en 4 compagnies. Sterrenborgh aura pour son voyage 1500 livres, chaque capitaine 600 francs, chaque lieutenant 500 livres, & chaque enseigne 400 livres.
Il y a eu rapport d'une conference sur 2 lettres de Groningue, sur quoy est resolu d'efcrire à icelle province, en excuse de ce dont lesdites lettres ont accusé de la generalité, comme si les estats-generaux vouloient se mesler des assaires des provinces particulieres.
Mardy ce 24e Avril.
Le sieur president a rapporté dans l'assemblée, que le secretaire Courtin luy avoit esté notisier, de la part de l'ambassadeur de Thou, sa venuë à Rotterdam; & quoyque las de voyage, il eust bien encore desiré de soy reposer, neantmoins, ayant depuis son depart reçu encore d'autres & nouvelles depesches, il avoit trouvé bon de notisier sa venuë, sans plus tarder pour attendre l'ordre qu'on donneroit à sa reception & logement, selon les coûtumes. Sur quoy est resolu, que demain après diner, à 3 à 4 heures, le sieur de Merode & de Ripperda iroient avec nombre de carosses le recevoir près le Hoornbrugge, pour estre logé & traité selon la coustume.
Le conseil d'estat à fait plainte, que de cinq provinces n'estoit rien venu pour fournir le payement aux soldats dans Dansigk.
Ceux de Cuyck, Peers, & Gassel, ayants fait plainte de leur impuissance, & suppliants remission de l'impost des Mergentahlen, on declaré n'y pouvoir pas entrer.
Mercredy le 25e ditto.
Les principales besoignes, mesme celles des admirautés, demeurent icy accrochées, pour voir ce qui apportera le sieur de Thou; & l'on assuré sous main, qu'il demandera devant toute chose restitution des deux navires prises, & que sans cela il ne s'engagera à rien.
I y a eu une lettre d'Emden, parlant des querelles, qu'elle a avec les estats; estant dereches resolu, que les uns & les autres viendront icy vers le 15e May. Le sieur Canth du conseil d'estat va vers Dansigk, sous pretext d'affaires particulieres touchant son seu beaufrere Perceval; mais avec apparence, qu'il traitera de la part de Hollande quelque chose avec ladite ville, comme aussy ladite ville envoye un exprés vers Dennemark.
Cependant la Zeelande & Frise ont repeté leurs instances pour rapeller les troupes, qui sont à Dansigk, qui voudroient bien aussy retourner, n'ayants que les 5 sols par jour, & tout y faisant cher.
L'on escrit, que Ragotsky soit à Crakow, mais point de conjonction encore.
Jeudy le 26e ditto.
Le sieur de Gent president a rapporté, que hier, avec les autres deputés à souper, il avoit repeté le compliment de bien venuë à l'ambassadeur, sur quoy il avoit respondu si bassement, que personne n'avoit sçeu entendre ce qu'il disoit.
Il a demandé d'avoir audience seulement samedy qui vient; ce qui designe, qu'il n'a pas si grande haste, comme il a semblé. Et cependant toutes deliberations attendent après son audience, & après ce qu'il proposera.
Les deputés de l'admirauté d'Amsterdam ont demandé leur dimission, pour revenir la semaine qui vient, à cause qu'ils ne font rien icy de ce sur quoy proprement ils sont icy, à sçavoir, fur l'employ de la flotte. Mais demain on y avisera.
La proposition, que l'ambassadeur de Boreel a fait au roy, est grande; mais l'on doute s'il n'y rien obmis, car il ne parle rien de ce que le cardinal luy dit en l'interrompant.
Et quant à la demande qu'il y sait au roy, on auroit sçeu respondre par les placcards de cet estat, n'ayant jamais voulu permettre, que l'electeur de Cologne ou autres voisins fissent justice sur les gens de guerre de cet estat; ains les ayant prins, les falloit renvoyer icy pour estre jugé: de mesme donc devoit faire de Ruyter, renvoyant ces capitaines prins vers le roy.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Vol. xlix. p. 167.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
L'on a sujet de s'estonner, pourquoy le sieur Boreel se monstre à present si mauvais
François, qui cy devant a esté suspect en toute façon d'estre trop bon François. La
raison est in promptu; estant tout-à-sait affectionné à Holland. (comme on sçait de long-temps)
il a resté bon François, tant que France protegoit le Hollande; mais dés aussi-tost que le cardinal
(à qui on impute les maximes & actions de France) a fait faire l'alliance & amitie avec Cromwel,
dès aussi-tost il est devenu fort mauvais François, ayant de temps en temps escrit & fait
tout ce qui pourroit servir à enaigrir les esprits tant là qu'icy. Et la mesme raison est de
ce, que le sieur de Renswoude est devenu si bon Espagnol; à favoir, par ce que le cardinal a abandonné la cause de d'Escosse, car tant Boreel que Renswoude ont fondé leur grande
grandeur sur l'Escosse; l'un & l'autre ont leurs fils auprès de prince d'Orange. consequement près de
princesse royale. Et puis qu'à present la Hollande est ce qu'autresois a esté icy le prince d'Orange,
donnant les bonnes charges militaires des compagnies à pied & à cheval, tant le sieur Boreel que le sieur de Renswoude captent la faveur de la Hollande, principalement en la
voyant si faschée contre France, voire aussy contre Cromwel. Bref, tous deux sont des renards,
qui savent bien faire leur profit, comme tous les estats d'Hollande à present ne font autre profession que
pour tirer tout profit & commerce à cux. Voire quelle mine qu'ils sassent, ils haissent le protecteur
comme la peste; & qu'autrefois ils ont favorisé le partie de Cromwel, ce n'a esté que pour embroüiller & affoiblir le seu roy d'Escosse. Car la maxime de les estats d'Hollande est de tenir l'Angleterre embroüillée, sachant bien que rien n'est plus capable de nuire au commerce de les estats d'Hollande que l'Angleterre. Les estats d'Hollande envoyants à present un chef & divers officers vers Dansigk, donnent assés
à connoistre, qu'ils se mocquent du traitté d'Elbing; & neantmoins tiennent les Suedois par
cette expectation, & les Danois & Dansigk par cette garnison en devoir, ne s'engageant
nulle part, demeurants amis de tous, & par tout faisant leur profit. L'arrest en France les
surprend un peu, mais feront tout ce qu'ils pourront pour tirer la France à un accord & à
un traitté de marine, pour tirer tout trafic à eux, & se mocquer de Cromwel, de France, de
Sweden, de Dennemark, & de tout le monde; en peschant pendant que tous autres sont en trouble.
Je suis
Vostre très-humble servant.
Ce 27e Avril 1657. [N. S.]
The Dutch embassadors at Marienburgh to the states-general.
Vol. xlix. p. 184.
H. and M. lords,
My lords, after the reception of your H. and M. L. resolution of the 27th of last
month, we presently writ to the magistrates of Dantzick about the same, and
earnestly desired them, that the ratification of the act of stipulation might be speedily ex
changed; but as yet we have not received their answer to it, nor what they are pleased to
resolve upon it.
There are yet no letters come out of Poland, nor from the king of Sweden; but it is believed at the court of the duke of Brandenburgh, that his majesty of Sweden will within a short time approach towards Prussia.
We have, in performance of your H. and M. L. resolution of the 30th of March, endeavoured to understand by all ways and means, whether Dantzick have any design to stop up the harbour of the Pillauw, by causing some ships to be sunk before it; and we do find, that there is no preparation a making for the effecting of the same, and that if they had any such design, that they do not seem to prosecute it.
Marienburgh 27 April 1657. [N.S.]
Marigny to Stouppe.
Hague 27th April 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. xlix. p. 176.
Monsieur de Thou arrived here on wednesday last; he is to have his public audience to-morrow. It was believed at first, that he was come onely in quality of an envoy, and in case he did not receive satisfaction, that he was to return within eight days: but it was resolved, if he came here only as envoy of France, not to give him audience 'till the seizure of the goods and ships of the Hollanders in France should be taken off; and by that means he would have been sent back again by Holland. Here appeareth much eagerness, and all things seem to tend to a rupture, or else monsieur the cardinal must put water in his wine. The Spaniards are infinitely troubled at the death of the emperor, which will change the face of affairs in Germany. In the mean time, the house of Austria will have but the same friends, and the same enemies, which it had for the election of a king of the Romans. I believe, the elector of Naro will have more credit than all the rest together.
Courtin to Bourdeaux, the French embassador in England.
Hague 27th April 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. xlix.p.178.
My lord,
Your excellency will give me leave to take leave of you by this letter. I shall go
from hence within 3 or 4 days. Monsieur de Thou being arrived here, he is to have
his first audience to morrow; and I make no doubt, but he will inform you what it will
produce. If your excellency is pleased to honour me with your commands, I shall receive
them at the earl of Brienne's. I remain, my lord, &c.
Boreel, the Dutch embassador at Paris, to the states-general.
Vol. xlix. p. 180.
H. and M. lords,
My lords, to advantage themselves in this violence, whereof the like was never
heard, there are many things dispersed through all France concerning my proposition, which (with humble respect) are pure untruths. Wherefore I, according to my
duty and charge, did send your H. and M. L. by the last post the proposition itself,
translated into Low-dutch, which I proposed to his majesty. There were some lords,
that are my friends, who were of opinion, that I should do well to have presently printed and divulged the same; but because your H. and M. L. had not seen it, I thought it
was not sit nor convenient to do it.
Here inclosed I send you the said proposition in French, as I spoke the same to the king. Your H. and M. L. may be pleased to do therewith as the service of the state and the maintaining of truth do best require. There are many here, who do expect to see the same shortly in print; for besides all those, whose fortunes and dependencies depend upon the lord cardinal, all others do highly esteem of the contents of the said proposition; and that it doth lawfully belong to an embassador of a free state to speak with respectful freedom. Some say I spoke highly; that is true, for I have spoke as I have well seen and heard to be spoken before other princes and kings with a clear voice, and so loud, that the standers by in the chamber might have heard; but whether I spoke proudly, or fiercely, or unrespectfully to a great king, who is bound to give justice, protection, and order to every one in his kingdom, especially to subjects of a free-allied state, who are so highly wronged, as your H. and M. L. with God's grace are; thereof your H. and M. L. will be best able to judge by the proposition itself. They went about in all parts of this kingdom, to decry and make odious your H. and M. L. and your government, which is so renowned, very perversely and most injuriously. Wherefore I thought I was bound to justify your H. and M.L. with respect, so that every one, who was ill informed, might understand my meaning, and not only the king; so that now I have many witnesses, who say, that I neither exceeded in the matter nor in the manner of my speech. About two years since I made yet a clearer proposition in the like manner, against the unsufferable excesses and robberies. I then delivered my speech in writing to the king himself; but his majesty was then pleased to hear me patiently and graciously, and dismissed me without the least alteration, or shewing any discontent about what I had spoken, as being necessary, just, and respectful. And now likewise, no body could be offended, that is not interested in the business, unless they be such, who find themselves guilty in their consciences of the business I spoke about; and I only now in singleness of heart represented the great sufferings and excessive damages of your H. and M. L. subjects, the great violences, depredations and piracies committed so highly against them by some of his majesty's subjects, and which violences have now continued for these many years. I remonstrated what small justice, if any, with how much trouble the same was to be obtained, and what great charges the same would come to; and that in many businesses no justice at all was to be had, through the power of those who uphold the said depredations. This last is the biggest fault, which it seems I have committed; at least which is imputed to me by a high hand. I shall rest satisfied for my own particular, that I have served your H. and M. L. to the utmost of my power, according to your orders, and what is given me in charge.
Having desired audience of her majesty, and being introduced, the queen advanced to the end of her carpet, and with a troubled countenance said, My lord, I have already heard and understood what you spoke above to the king; you need not make it to me another time. Thereupon, her majesty going to retreat to her chair, I answered, Since your majesty is pleased not to hear me, I will recommend unto you the affairs and justice of my lords the states-general, concerning which I spoke lately to the king. And therewith I departed from the queen with due reverence.
W. Boreel.
Paris 27 April 1657. [N. S.]
Major-general Morgan to general Monck.
Vol. liv. p. 169.
My lord,
Since my comeing hither, I made some enquirie after those loose men, but doe not
find that lieutenant-colonell Rey, or captain Gordon, are returned from beyond sea;
onelie there is Midleton's brother, and the man that killed captain Powel, with 10 or 12
more, which have pilsred some countriemen, but as yet done noe greate dammage. I
have written to the justices of peace, to take care to suppress them, as alsoe to the troopes,
which quarter most conveniently for that purpose; and hope, in a short time to give a
good accompt of them. As touching grass for the troopes in these northerne parts, I have
taken care, that they bee provided for the ensueing sommer. Cornet Ward, of major-generall Berrie's owne troope, is a perfect quaker, of whom I understand major Richardson
hath given your honor an accoumpt, in referrence to his carriadge since he came into the
North: indeed he is a great despiser of the godlie ministrie. There is one Hall, a very
notorious person of that judgment, who, as I am informed, goeth upp and downe without a passe: as soon as I have examined him, I shall send from hence. I am informed,
he is sheltered and countenanced by cornett Ward, and he was desirous, that I should write
to your lordship, that he might have libertie to goe for England; and I was the more willing thereto, hoping you will please to order it, that (at least) he returne noe more, while
the regiment continues on this side Tay. Captain Hutton's lieutenant is likewise a quaker, but is not yet come out of England. If his stay bee continued, I think it better then
with the troope. Captain Hutton's cornett, whoe as yett is but a moderate one, I have given him advise, not to be led away with such dellusions. I doe assure your lordshipp, that
a few of these inferior officers in a short time may exceedinglie insect the armie, if care bee
not taken to prevent it; to which purpose my endeavours shall not bee wanting; but as I
am informed alreadie, many of the private soldiers begin to stagger. I remaine,
My lord,
Aberdeene 17 Aprill 1657.
Your most humble servant,
Tho. Morgan.