A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1657: April (1 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol6/pp158-170 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1657: April (1 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol6/pp158-170.
"State Papers, 1657: April (1 of 7)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol6/pp158-170.
In this section
April (1 of 7)
A letter of intelligence.
Flushing the 11 of Aprill 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. xlix. p. 11.
Much honored,
It doth much discontent our states, that the French king hath arested all theyre shipes,
which they have in France, which they say is at lest 500. But give me leave to let
you know, what I heard the lord Hugens, who is one of the ouldest of the states-generall,
say at the house of the leftenant-governor, on monday last, being come to compose differences there, and some others with him, and to take a vew of all the se-ports belonging to
Flanders. Hee sayd, hee knew this to be the stratagem of his highnesse and the cardenall; and that if they did meane to goe that way to worke, they would sowne take some
other course. And I doe asseure you, the Spanish embassador hath profered them from
his master, to give them good securetie to pay them 16000 souldiers, and pay 30 shipes,
with many other profers, if they will joyne with him. The princes, I heare, doth with
her partie very much solicet this byesnes: shee is to cum with her sonn to Flushing, to live
at her house there for some time; and the last weeke the states of this provinc had chosen
her son for theyre Stathower, as his father was, all of them in generall, onely one of them,
which was then sick, for hee is markes of Flushing and Trevere. And I doe beleve it wil
be shortly brought to passe; and if they doe begin, I know 3 provinces wil quicly follo.
This province doth now begin to make hast in making theyre shipping redy. The shipes
of Holland, that are to goe first to sea, are fallen doun into the Tessell, as I heare above
40. The 8th of this month wee have had a generall fast and praying, just as it was wont
to bee, when wee went every yeare to the fild. I doe asseurer you, theyre resolution wil
be suddenly taken now; for on the 13th of this month the generall meeting is apoynted.
Sir, I am but a simpel man in state-matters, and dare not advise any thing in the least;
but I doe asseurer you, the resting of these shipes, if they bee not quicly relest, will breed
ill blood; and in my simpel opinion it wil not be amise to let your fleete upon the cost
of Spayne keepe together, for I have heard by one that knowes much, hoo sayd they doe
intend to bite before they barke; but hee sayd not at home; for, beleve mee, they can
send a very good fleete abroad, and keepe a very considerable one at home. There goes a
report, there is to come 12 or 16 very greate shipes from the Dane; and they are to send
others thether. Young Trump, they say, is for sartayne the Danes admirall. The Danes
have at present an army of some 20000, foote and horse; and there is some 10000,
that is quartered not far from Hamboro, redy to ship upon ocasion, but not known whether yet. I spake with too gentelmen but too dayes since, that came from them, and
sayd that there was some 3000 Scotch among them. These men went to Bridges, and I
doe beleve they had letters from Middleton, for they stayd some time in those quarters.
By reason of the states being here, I could not goe this weeke whether I did intend, but
onely have been too dayes at Bridges to see my frindes there, and have hard by them, that
the duke of Yorke shall comaund his brother's troopes, which doth consist of some 10 or
11 thousand men, and shall have a quarter by himselfe in the Spanish servis, which when
his brother comes back from Brusseles, I shall know the sertayntie of it. There be 4 persons sent into England about a month since, col. Rogers, col. Farlo or Faro, col. Wood,
and mounser Gebson, but could not tell to what places; but hee sayd hee was seurer they
weare gon uppon some ernest byesnes into the contries. They went over by the packet;
and it seemes they take littel care at Dover. As for Rogers, I thinke hee hath bin described to thim, as I thinke, too yeres since; for he cannot disguise himselfe, but hee is very eyse to bee knowne: he is a tall man, much aboute the hight and thicknes of mounser
Roulf, fayre in his safe, though it bee full of poc-holes, and hath lost his right eye; if you
could light of him, I am sewer you should know much from him. I am sewer you know
how by the meanes of 400 Irish helpt don Jon to the towne of Sentgeline, and are now
in the man of Bridgis troopes, and don Don has given them some money, and a very
good Soe you may playnely see, there is no likelyhod of his coming as yet,
unles our people take it in hand, as I writt you in the last, being the 4 Aprill; for I am
seurer hee hath a greate many of the greate ones, that are very willing for it, and likewise for the Spaniard. I hope to know shortly, what profers the man of Bridges hath
mad to these parts; for at present most of the best of his are at the Hague, and in other
plases, soleceting to bring it to pase, if they can possibell. The states did expect the
French embassador coming uppon the 3 of Aprill. They sent theyre owne ship doun to
the Baill to waite for him, but I heare not of his coming; yet the peopell heere are soe
discontented with som of the princepal states heere, that they be redy to pul downe theyr
houses about theyr eares, as they have in Seland don som alredy; and if the French embasador doe come to that poynt of breaking with the Spaniard, they will sertaynly joyne
with the Spaniard against him. I could give you divers reasons, as I have heard, but it
would not be needfull; for our states weare never soe rich of mony and good shipes, and
doe byld more; for they never weere soe much aforehand since they were states before;
for theyr bankes will take noe mony in at Amsterdam at above 3 in the hundred, which
they can make greate profit of; for I have seene and doe know more in this my jorny,
then I have don in my 37 yeares servis of them before; and have seen, that they can and
are abel to doe. The fierelocks, that are made at Utrick, are sent for, to be brought to
Anwerpe, to be given out among his troopes; each fierlock has a cock for match, to bee
yoused like a musket, when they will. Soe assewring you, I shall not neglect any thing
that lyes in the compase of my power to serve you,
Your most humble servant in any thing to command,
Cristofer Allin.
The superscription
A monsr.
Monsr. Abraham Bobinton,
wonende in den Thredneedel-strhat,
tot Londen.
Extract out of the secret register of the resolutions of the lords states-general of the United Netherlands.
Mercurij the 11th of April 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. xlix. p. 8.
Received a letter from the lord embassador Boreel, writ at Paris on the 16th instant, and directed to the lord Griffier Ruysch, containing amongst the rest, that there was resolved in the council of the king of France, that the Netherland ships and goods should be presently seized in all the ports and harbours of the said kingdom, thereby (as they say there) to further the reparation of the injury and damage done to the said king, in the taking of two of his ships by the vice-admiral de Ruyter, in the Mediterranean sea; whereupon being debated, it is thought sit and resolved, that notice shall be given of all the said, to all the respective colledges, without expressing the name of the writer, with this earnest request, that they now will not fail to set forth with all possible diligence, speed, and vigour (though they worke night and day) their shares of the extraordinary equipage for sea, recommended unto them, that so the state of this country and the good inhabitants thereof may be preserved from all damage and danger; that likewise the said respective colledges of the admiralties will give notice, as soon as possible, to all the said inhabitants here, of the said arrest or resolution of the said king, to preserve them from damage as much as is possible. Likewise it is resolved, that an extract of this resolution shall be sent to the said lord embassador Boreel, to serve for his instruction; and also, if the said seisure done, continue in France, that he do take care to give notice thereof to all the Netherland inhabitants residing in France, to save their ships and goods as much as is possible.
Lockhart, embassador in France, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlix. p. 1.
May it please your honor,
I AM so much ashamed, that I must break so many engadgments concerning that particular mentioned in my three last letters, as if I did not feare your honor's displeasure with me, I should have forborn wryting by this. I have been putt off this three dayes
in end with promises of audience; and having this morning pressed his eminence by letter to know his resolutione in that particular so often insisted on, I have just now, when
the poast is ready to go away, recieved his answer, which expresseth regraitts, that the
businesse hath been so long delayed, appoynts to ane audience this evening, and after some
excuses for my so often disappoyntments, which I have not tyme left me to truble you with,
he tells me, he is now engadged to keep, since he gives it under his hand, and offers, if
I find cause for it, that he will dispatch an expresse with an account of what shall be aggreed upon.
I have sent hearewith an account of 36000 crowns remitted by your honor's order, and a lyn to mr. Ashurst to pay the whole product of them, as your honor shall appoynt. There will be yett some surplussage after the satisfying the officers of the finances, and mr. Wildegoes for his comission or provision for receipts, and for his brokeridge, of which I shall give you a clear account. I shall be much trubled, if you doe not find, that I have gott the utmost of the exchange in all these remitts, for I have faithfully endeavoured it.
The inclosed is to give his highnesse an account of a businesse I receaved his commands
in by the last post. I return my humble thanks for the good newes you gave yourself the
truble to acquaint me with by your last. I am,
Paris April 7/11 1657.
May it please your honor,
your most humble and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.
Vol. xlix. p. 2.
May it please your honor,
To give me leave to renew my humble sute in the behalf of John Tea, now serving
in major Alison's company. He is husband to my wyfe's nurse, who oblydgeth
me by her importunity to offer this truble. I have also the same thing to desyer for two
brothers of mr. Swyst's, whose names are George and Jasper Swysts; that begg'd for all
the three is, that they may have lieutenants places in those levies I heare are making for
Jamaica. I shall say nothing further concerning coll. Drummond and mr. Pirciville.
A letter of intelligence from Col. Bamfylde.
Vol. xlix. p. 10.
Having informed my selfe more particularly nowe of what the laste currier of the
Savoy brought to the embassadour, then I had by the laste poste, I can assure you
for certaine, that both the duke and dutchesse dowager have given the king of France
advertisement, that they are courted to a newtrality by the Spaniard; that less than
20000 men, besides the duke of Modena's forces, cannot probably support the French interest in Italy agaynest that of Spayne, which they immediately press the dispatch of, and
the remitting of some monyes which has been promised that duke. 'Tis sayd likewise by
some persons of great quality here, that the embassadour tolde the king at his laste audience, that the counte d'Harcourte, whoe had commanded formerly in Ittaly with great
success, and whose courage and conduct was well knowne to the Ittaliens, wowlde be very
well received by his master, and the rest of the Ittaliens, who were for the French interest, if he were employed agayne in that command; but if this be true (as 'tis not
unlikely) I doe not believe, that it will be consented to. Some of the wisest here doe
believe, that if all the duke of Savoy's demands be not consented to, and that he sees
the French assayres in a very good posture this campaigne in Ittaly, that he will yet betake himselfe to the newtrality. Since my laste, here is certayne newes come, that Valance is not besieidged, as I advertised you. The occasion of theyr writing it from Ittaly
by the laste poste but one was, that the Spanyards had drawne out of Allexandria and Casall 9000 men, and marched betwixt Aste and Valance to breake down the bridge of botes,
which those of the guarrison had built over the Po, to fall into the Millanois; which
haveing done, and put in more men and provisions into theyr forte lately built at Tizano,
they agayne relyedd their troops. There is advertisement come to 937, I beleive from
out of the 745 12 36 39 30 20 37 8, the 356 20 17 72 35 94, who is his 62 22
43 37 42 61 43 27 61 43 27 36, that the pope has sollicited him by some of the
clergye, in great credit with him, to enter into a leage with the princes of Ittally (for the
mayntaynance of the peace thereof agaynest all forraigne invasion, to which he endeavours
to drawe all the princes by private emissaryes) or at leaste to retyre himselfe to a newtrality. This has been urged as a thing conducing much to the generall peace, for the
good of relidgion, for the wellfare of Ittaly, and for his own particular interest, whoe may
bee ruined by the Spanyard, if they prevayle, and not gayne, if the French succeed, whoe
are likeliest to confer all the advantages of that warre upon the duke of Modena. The
duke of Parma (whoe is alyed to the king of Spayne, and whose territory lyes betwixt the
dutchy of Millane and Modena, and soe like to be swallowed up betwixt the French (if
they should succeed in Millane, and Modenois) will in all likely hoode doe the same, that the
duke of Mantoue has done, he haveing sent signieur Bellinzani (whoe was his resident
three months since in this courte) both to the duke of Parma and Florence. All theise
things put together rayse both jealousie and truble in this courte. Here are two curriers
arived lately, the one from Portugall, whoe demands succours agaynest the Spanyards
invasion, or at leaste an immediate and powerfull diversion in Catalognie. The king of
Spayne (as some letters as I have seen informe) haveing allready entered that kingdome
with 30000 men, and has permitted all the grandees of Spayne, that will voluntaryly engage in that warre, to arme at theyr owne charge, and that they shall enjoy whatever
they can conquer. All the intelligence both from Spayne and Portugall deliver the affayrs of that kingdome in a very ill condition, unless they can have some seasonable assistance from some of theyr allyes. I cowlde wish my selfe there with all my harte with a
good regiment.
The other courrier is from the king of Swede, whoe has written to be supplyed with
mony, and for what els I may peradventure informe you by the next. The business of
de Ruiter, and what the king has done theirupon in seising the ships and estates of the
Dutch, I advertised you of in my laste. I can say noe more nowe touching that affayre,
but that monsieur le president de Thoue is commanded not to demande audience as embassadour extraordinary, till he has complayned of the great affronte and trechery of de
Ruiter (whose action was really very base and unworthy) and received satisfaction therein.
The duke of Orleans will be here to morrowe. Here is a rumour, but noe great grounds
for, or appearance of it, that the prince of Condé is to goe into Spayne, either to command agaynest Portugall, or in Catolognie, hopeing to get a party in Provence and Guienne; but I thinke it is rediculous. Monsieur Shombergh, whoe commanded in St.
Ghillien, has been questioned before the marescalls of France for his rendition of that
place, and has not yet seen the king or cardinall. He magnifyes the carriage of the
Spanish troopes, whoe he says are returned to theyr ancient discipline and courage, and
tells wonders of don John and the prince of Condé. This is the 4th letter I have written to you since the laste of March stylo novo. My owne great innocency (which I both
have and doe offer to any tryall) and the stronge beleise I have of your worth and justice, affords mee some confidence, that I shall hear speedily from you, at leaste to knowe
what I may truste to, without which I am utterly ruined, being in all likelyhoode not
possibly able to subsiste ten days longer out of a prison, though for the present I appear
in the best equipage I can, that I may be able the better to performe what I doe. I leave
it to your consideration, being,
April the 11/1 1657.
Sir, yours, &c.
The admiralty at Amsterdam to the states-general.
Vol. xlix. p. 13.
H. and M. lords,
Upon your H. and M. L. letter of yesterday concerning the two French men of
war, which should be taken by vice-admiral de Ruyter in the Mediterranean-sea,
we could not omit returning this answer, that we have directly no advice concerning the
same, no otherwise than what we understand by the copy of the lord embassador Boreel's
letter, which your H. and M. L. were pleased to send to us: but having regard to the instruction of the said vice-admiral de Ruyter, given to him by us in conformity of your H.
and M. L. resolution of the 5th and 11th of Feb. as also of the 26th of June, and
by the circumstances, which we understand out of particular advices, we do believe, that
the same is so happened, and is true; and knowing the duty of the said vice-admiral,
we shall not much wonder at it, and may be ere long we shall hear of more effects of the
like nature. And in regard we are certainly informed, that the Netherland ships and goods
lying in the river of Roan are seized upon already, in all likelihood, by reason of the
taking of the said ships, or for some other reasons unknown to us; fearing lest the said
seizures may be also made in other parts of France, we have given notice thereof by provision to the merchant-men lying in the Texel, or to those which may come there, to
sail for France. We have again given orders to the commissioners, to detain the same
'till further order: wherefore we thought fit to desire of your H. and M. L. that you will
be pleased to order the same accordingly.
Amsterdam 12th April 1657. [N. S.]
David de Wildt.
The admiralty at Amsterdam to the states-general.
Vol. xlix. p. 15.
H. and M. lords,
In your letter of the 4th instant, we could not omit humbly to answer, that we in
pursuance of your H. and M. L. foregoing resolution and letter, for the lessening of
18 ships of the number, which we were ordered to equip under the number of 36 ships,
have already provided 12 under the command of vice-admiral de Ruyter in the Mediterranean-sea, which we hope will be joined with him ere long, to act there in such manner,
as shall be thought most convenient for the service of this state, in conformity to their H.
and M. L. instructions; and the six remaining are almost ready, whereof two will be ready to sail from the . . . . . . . . the end of this week, to ply in the Narrow of
France, under the command of vice-admiral Evertson, in pursuance of your H. and M.
L. resolution of the last of the last month; and the other four will be ready at the end of
this month, to convoy the merchant-men bound for the Mediterranean-sea, as far as the
Narrow of Gibraltar, and there to continue plying to and again, 'till they receive farther
orders, or shall be sent for either to join with the lieutenant-admiral Opdam, or with the
vice-admiral de Ruyter; and in the mean time to do all manner of prejudice to the Turkish pirates, or others, that they shall see meet withal. But also considering the tenor of
the inclosed papers in your H. and M. L. letter, and pondering with ourselves not only
the consequence, which may arise from the beginning mentioned therein, by disaffected
persons, who seemed to interpress, and apply the just proceedings of your H. and M. L.
for the freeing and desending of their subjects against the losses suffer'd by piracies and
. . . . . of neighbouring nations, as preparations of rupture, and the beginning of war;
and it may be under such false pretences (endeavouring their own covetousness) they intend to do, nor a prejudice to the good inhabitants of this state be . . . . what shall be
produced from other parts . . . . . . . . these countries. Wherefore we leave it to the
consideration of your H. and M. L. whether it will not be necessary for the service of this
state, to equip, according to the first project made by the commissioners of the colleges of
the admiralties, 12 sufficient ships more, to keep in the North-sea, or the channel, or
elsewhere, for the service of the state, which may be presently reinforced with the ordinary men of war serving for convoys for the respective masters, if need be, whereby we
judge the merchant-men will be greatly secured, and many other dangers prevented.
Amsterdam 12th April 1657. [N. S.]
David de Wildt.
Major Richardson to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlix. p. 17.
May it please your lordship,
I Have received your commands to be assistinge unto mr. Turner, and mr. Harper, excyzemen, for the collectinge of the rears of excyse in Aberdeen and countie, for the 4
months, from the 19th of Sept. 1655 to the 19th of Januarie 1655–6; butt I find that the
same is alreadie collected by the majestrates of this cittie, and, as the majestrates enforme
me, is accounted for to the comissioners; soe that the towne is neethinge in arrear, according to the rates they collected after. Balie Skein is this day gone towards Leith, to acquaint the comissioners therewith; but this I believe is occasioned by there several takes
and ascedations from Tilligonie, who was the farmer from the comissioners at first,
whoe granted leases to them both. Now this right or difference was never yet discust,
nor noe determination putt thereunto; soe that they both claime a right thereunto, as by
that power from Tilligonie; and the take of the majestrates from him appears to be posterior. I formerly acquainted your honour of some disturbance procured by a quaker at
the old towne of Aberdeen, where, at his returne from Envernes, I sent for him before
myself and the officers; and upon examination of himself and cornett Ward, finds that he
was sent to him by capt. Freeman of coll. Fairfax regiment, but to what end he would
not declare; but not giveing account of anye emploiement, it is evident, his busines is to
gather prosselites. He faith he is a minister of the gospell; but his tenents are dangerous, maintaining perfection in this life. Trulie, my lord, such men as these continued, are dangerous in the armie; for I think it not there principall to fight, nor to owne
authoritie longer then it may serve their own ends, as does somethinge appear by the cornett refuseinge to be uncovered in the court, when he was called to make answer unto such
questions, as was put to him to signifie his knowledge of the said quaker; soe that the
martiall was ordered to take of his capp, and alsoe the quaker, whose name is John Hall,
liveinge at Giglesworth in Craven, where there is manie papists.
He was turn'd out of this towne with a guard, and is not to return. My lord, there
is one Michell, an ancient rogue, with about 16 more on foot, that robbs the countriepeople about Bovenie. I have writt to the laird of Kinermonie, and the master of Forbes, who are the justices of the peace in those bounds, and nerest to them, to use theyr
dilligence for theyr apprehension; and that I have alsoe given orders to the governour of
the Bogg, and those at Bams, to assist them therein, when by certain intelligence they
can be sett. I remaine,
April 2. 1657.
Right honorable,
Your lordshipp's most humble servant,
M. Richardson.
Resolutions about some design of an insurrection.
That the time, with submission to the will and providence of God, be the 3d day of the week, and 7th day of the 2d month, in the night.
Vol. xlvii. p. 38.
That the several persons, of whom we have hope with us in the work, as well others as those of the . . . . . meetings be spoken with, each by himself, and their freedome be desired now to fitt and prepare themselves, and set their . . . . . . and familys in order; and that shortly they will be called upon in the work; withall that their abilityes be knowne for provisions.
That notice be given to those, that shall be willing to go with us, and accept that call upon the 2d day before we goe, and to meet at some convenient place in or near this city at the same tyme with us, but by themselves apart, that is upon the second day in the evening. And that they give up their names in this work as to the Lord; and that a covenant of faithfulness with us be administred to them all at the same tyme of meeting; and that they do manage this . . . . . of meeting with those mentioned, to take their names, to administer to them as afore, &c. and that brother Bourne and brother Spencer be added for assistants therein. That principally we endeavour and engage against the army, and principles of the army, the greatest and . . . . . . the generall and officers; and that according to reason and wisdom, we doe not separate colours, and engage against many strong enemyes at once, as the priests and lawyers.
Our judgment is, that haveing a convenient place and providence, we will seize upon a troop of horse, and execute their officers, and any centinell of guard of any and all prov'd soldiers that doe oppose us, and take their horses and arms, and horse our men with all, to take in with us those prov'd soldiers that shall submitt themselves.
That such gayne and spoyle as is due to the Lord, and to the treasury, and work of the Lord, according to the rule and practice of the scripture, both of gold, silver, brass, and precious things, &c. be brought into a common stock and treasury; and that officers be appointed to that charge, to receive that account, and . . . . . it accordingly; and that that which is for the brothers, for their particular encouragement, be equally distributed to the whole, those that engage, and those that stay with the stuff; besides, respect is to be had to all others with us in the work, over and above their wages and hire.
That due care be taken by those officers, to administer all those familys and relation of the brothers, that are with us in the work, according to their necessitys, upon information from the brothers, as the Lord shall bless and carry us on.
24. 1st month.
'Tis offered and agreed, that 3 brethren be chosen and appointed to receive and keep an account of all the gaynes and substance, that is to be consecrated to the Lord; and that it be onely disposed by the councell in the army, for the use of the brothers, and freemen, and their familys and relations, according to their need, and to the carrying on of the work.
That brother Spencer and Bourne be chosen to this trust for the 1st 3 months, with proviso as in the case of the choice of the officers.
The meeting of mr. Portman and his brother with us.
What they propounded from their light and waiteing in the work, and the rumours and vapours about towne, from their meeting, . . . . . . . . to know the ground, the manner, the tyme, the place of the work, and the persons we joyne with.
The answer we gave.
The 3 things he objected.
That Jones affirms, that we have not the Spiritt of God, shal be blasted, &c. and his 2 reasons, because the antient wise Christians are not with us, as mr. Carew, mr. Rogers, mr. Harrison, &c. and 2. because the tyme is not come by two months.
Our day of prayer the 31st of the 1st month. Yet we spoke with and gave notice to the . . . . meeting, to leave them without excuse; but cleaved to contrary. From what is done, is in seeking out and speaking with willing people in the several meetings.
2. Because we cannot receive their plain answer, without they knew all the principles and secrets of our work, with the engagements from them, which they rather look to weaken our hands, and dispose us, as Sampson was dealt with, then cordially to receive satisfaction, and to join with us.
3. Because there is several persons in the meetings, they have declared against us and our spirit, as not of God.
The brothers absent warned against the next time of meeting, appointed next first day night. The brothers warned to be ready against that time.
2 d ay 2d mo 57.
That brother Greene, Beverley, and D. . . goe to view, &c.
Mr. Longland, agent at Leghorn, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlix. p. 23.
Right honorable,
In som of my former I advysed your honor, how the Duch Ruyter had taken two
French men of war. This week it is confirmed from France; but what resolutions it
begets ther, we do not hear. The 3 Duch men of war, that wer here in port last wiek,
ar gon out to look for som French ships, that bring souldiers from Provence unto the
duke of Modena's state. Thes Dutch ar very hot in theyr chace against the French.
'Twer strange, if that nation should not resent it. The Duch do whisper it up and down
for certain newes here, that theyr Ruyter is to keep rendevouz with his squadron of 7
ships at Cales; and that 6 other ships of war ar now on theyr way from Holland, to join
with him, and in ten dayes after this another squadron; which order of supply they will
keep, that they may be a seeming convoy to marchant-ships (not to give their neighbours
jelosy) 'till they hav made up Ruyter's fleet as many as the Inglish; and then it will be
no hard text to unridle theyr meaning. I am certain, theyr discourse, from the ouldest to
the youngest, is altogether against Ingland. They talk much of a letter intercepted, written by his hyhnes the protector, and the king of France, to the king of Sweden, against
them; which they mak the foundation of theyr wel-wishes. Last night cam letters from
Venis, that the German emperor was departed this lys; which is a deadly blo to the Spanyard, far worse then the los of his plate-fleete, for al his hopes of support in the state of
Millan was from Germany; and now 'tis believed, thos princes will be imbroild amongst
themselves to mak a new emperor, seing the decesed had not don it in his lys-time; I
mean made his son king of the Romans, which will be a bit worth the caching. The
pope is lykwis very sick, but has created 6 cardinals. Truly, sir, the generall affaires
of Europe at present has such a face, as if theyr wer therein a concorrency to the Spanysh
downsal. I latly was of opinion, that a greater blo could not be given him then his deprivation of succour from Naples; but the death of the emperor, in such a condition,
without leaving a king of the Romans, is far worse for him. Instead of succour from
Germany, if the Spanyard does not send succour thether, the Austrian familly will be
outed. Thus it pleases God to deal with those princes, that do not giv him the glory of
theyr greatnes. I hav formerly acquainted your honor, that a Dunkirk ship of war, a
Savoyard, and two Mayorkins, were coosted at Port Longone, to rob our nation; and
the French ships hav latly, al 4 of them together, layn off Marittimo, the west-end of Sicilia, to keep that pas, where nere the Gland of Pantallaria they latly met with 2 Inglish, fouht with them about 6 howres, and being wel bang'd, were forc'd to retyre to Marittimo and Trapana, wher they were 14 dayes ago mending theyr ships. The
2 Inglish ships we suppose to be the An Persy, capt. Haire, and the Estland Marchant,
capt. Payn; each of them had upwards of 20 gons. Thes 4 men of war intend to keep that
station, wher they cannot want to do som mischief, seeing our nation do now trade into
Turkey with smale ships. Upon an Inglish ship, latly arryv'd here from Argier, escapt
thence 2 Dutch slaves, who in the crowd of several others of that nation redeem'd thence,
and imbarkt on the sayd ship, cam lykwys away, concealing themselves til the ship was
3 dayes at sea, when the master understanding of the bisnes being point blank against the
articles of peace, secures thes 2 men, to carry them back with the ship at her return to
Argier. Herupon the Duch having knolledge, complayn to the governor; and the captains of theyr men of war make great threats, that they wil tak them away per force. The
governor he issues out a decree for the delivery of the 2 men: whereupon I writ to the
secretary of state of the dangerous consequences thereof, which myght break the peace
betwixt the protector's hyhnes and that towne. I hav likwys advis'd the secretary, that
this is a bisnes not depending on the great duk's state (being acted abroad,) and therfor did
not any ways concern them to judge or determin; and if they should giv any sentence
herein for delivery of thes two men, (as they wil favour the Duch, being Austrian frends,)
I should make a publick protest, if I had any commission from his hyhnes to bear me out.
I am,
Leghorne 13 Aprill 57. [N. S.]
Right honorable,
Your faithful servant,
Charles Longland.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Samedy le 7e Avril 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. xlix. p. 29.
Il y a eu une lettre du prince Guiliaume, de Groningue, avisant, que l'assemblée des estats y est separée, & que ceux d'Omlande se sont fort hastes à se separer, de peur que les deputés des estats-generaux ne les trouvassent ensemble; & maintenant, l'assemblée estant separée, ils n'auront garde de se reconvoquer fitost. Cependant icy les Doleanciers parlent haut, menaçants de mettre sus pied toute la commune des Omlandes, qui seroient bien vingt-mille hommes; item, d'implorer le roy de Dennemarke, qui publie qu'il aura sur pied 50000 hommes. Les amis du prince Guiliaume tiennent, qu'il n'avisera ny pour ny contre l'envoy des deputés. L'on a consenty le transport de 150000 poudre, 100000 mesches, & 2000 espées, demandés pour le roy de Dennemark.
Le bailys de Goes, estant maintenant â Middleberg, parle tout autrement qu'il n'a parlé à Goes, declarant qu'on l'a forcé à quiter sa charge. Et toutes les antiens villes estant à present de maxime anti-Hollandoise, commencent à prendre en main la querelle du bailys, si que le magistrat aura de la peine à se sauver, ou à se maintenir.
Les ministres de Brandenborgh ayants fait instance pour une lettre au Muscovite, s'est tenue en surseance.
Lundy le 9e ditto.
A ce matin il y a eu conference entre les deputês de cet estat (dont le sieur Raesvelt auroit esté le premier) & les envoyés des electeurs de Mayence, Treves, Cologne, &c. dans laquelle conference n'est fait autre, si non que ces envoyés ont exhibé certains 10 ou 12 articles, comme ingredients de l'alliance qu'ils desirent faire. Ceux de cet estat les ont prins ad referendum, comme ils en ont rapporté à l'assemblée des estats generaux, qui apparement en voudront rapporter aux provinces.
Il y a eu besoigne sur le different entre le magistrat de Bois-le-duc, & le receveur Swerius, touchant les Beeden.
Il y a cu lettre du prince Guiliaume, escrivant, que dans la province de Groning Omlande il y a maintenant entier repos & tranquillité, donnant tacitement à entendre, que l'envoy des deputés icy sera inutile, & point conseillable; chose qui deplaist grandement aux Doleanciers & party succumbé. Les susdits 10 ou 12 articles sont fort secretes, & n'en sera donnée copie, que par un clerc secret aux provinces.
Mercredy le 11e ditto.
Le sieur Boreel a escrit une lettre secrette, par laquelle il mande, que dans le conseil secret a esté traité du tort & affront, que cet estat a fait au roy, parce que Ruyter aura prins ou dissipé deux navires François, & sur le bruit, qu'il a ordre de faire autant à tous autres navires François. Que le cardinal & quelques autres estoient d'avis, que que le roy manderoit l'ambassador Boreel à soy, pour luy dire bouche à bouche, qu'il declaroit la guerre à cet estat; mais que la plus douce opinion avoit prevalu, qu'on envoyeroit ordres pour arrester les effects & navires des Hollandois en toutes les havres, & que tel ordre deja estoit envoyé aux havres. Sur cela est icy resolu d'envoyer à l'ambassadeur Boreel la copie de l'instruction, que Ruyter a de l'estat d'addoucir la colere des François. 2. On escrit aux admirautés, d'advertir tous navires & marchands de cette nouvelle, pour se donner garde, comme les admirautés d'accelerer l'equipage des 36 navires. Le president a voulu conclure par pluralité, à faire negotier à interest certain 30 à 40 mille francs d'arrierage pretendu par la veuve de Tromp. La Zeelande & Frise s'y ont oppose avec vehemence, voulant que cela vienne de la Gueldre & autres defectueux dans les 10 millions confentys pour l'admirauté durant la guerre Angloise.
De mesme vat-il des 30 à 40 mille francs pour la fortification de Geneve.
Le president a propose la lettre escrite au Muscovite en faveur de Brandeborgh. Le sieur Verbolt est nommé pour examiner les retroactes.
Jeudy le 12 ditto.
Les sieurs de Raet & Goes, conseillers de la cour de Hollande, sont envoyés vers la ville de Goes en Zeelande, pour s'informer des faits arrivés à Goes; & par ce moyen la Hollande pourroit bien s'acquerir moyen de prester la main à ceux qui à present governent Goes; autrement ladite ville aura de la difficulté à se maintenir contre la province de Zeelande.
La veuve & heritiers de feu le sieur agent Bilderbeecke a fait plainte icy, que le magistrat à Cologne l'a demandé certain droit, que chaque maison doit tenir un garde; ce que durant sa vie on n'a pas exigé, par respect de sa charge; & on trouve cela icy estrange.
Il y a eu une lettre d'Embden, escrivant, qu'elle envoyera icy, dès qu'elle fçaura, que ceux des estats d'Oost-Frise viendront icy.
Les deputés des malcontents des Omlandes ont eu audience, requerants restablissement du sieur Tamminga dans sa charge de president: l'on encline à escrire en sa faveur, mais le prince Guiliaume est deja revenu à Lewarden.
La Hollande a proposé d'aggrandir la flotte de 36 navires jusques à 48, ce qu'on prins à rapport.
La Hollande a fait harangue de l'indignité de la procedure de la France, d'avoir fait cecy pour tin accident, fans avoir jamais ouy cet estat; & deja l'on parle d'Espagnoliser.
Vendredy le 13 ditto.
Ceux de l'admirauté d'Amsterdam ont escrit aux estats generaux fur le sujet du present trouble en France, & qu'ils jugent necessaire un fort equipage, & que par ce moyen on viendra aisement à bout de ce brouillerie; mais la pluspart des provinces se declarent nonprestes, en attendants plus de pouvoir.
La villed'Amsterdam & les autres maritimes discrepent encore touchant le terme à poser touchant le toll-lyste, si on la prendra pour l'an 1640, ou 1646; c'est-à-dire, trainent, pour voir ce que sera Ragotsky d'un, & le Dennemarcke de l'autre coté.
La Hollande desire, que dans les considerations on aura articles à presenter aux deputés des electeur & princes consederés, l'on mette principalement la liberté du commerce & l'amoindrissement des peages fur le Rhin.
Aujourd'huy est resumée la resolution sur l'audience hesterne des Doleanciers Omlandois, que l'on escrira aux estats d'Omlande, les requirants de vouloir surseoir l'introduction du nouveau resident Ham, au lieu du sieur Tamminga; mais ces Doleanciers se contentent guere d'une resolution si molle.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Vol. xlix. p. 21.
La nouvelle de l'arrest des biens & navires de ceux de cet estat en France, a cause icy
de l'alarme, quoique qu'on saffe mine de ne l'estimer guere; ne soit que protecteur favorise ou seconde la France en cela. Que diray je? En effect, durant la guerre avec l'Angleterre, les capers de cet estat ont exercé tant de pillerie & impieté envers leurs innocents voisins & alliés, qu'ensin Dieu devoit le resentir. Jusques encore toutes fois je puis
temoigner, que je trouve pas qu'ils veulent mitiguer ou changer leur ordre donné à Ruiter; ainsy tacheront plustost de se fortifier par mer. Et quant à protecteur, je scay de bonne
part, qu'on donne à estats d'Hollande des impressions secrettes, que protecteur se trouve fort demis de
ses amis, & que son dessein a grandissimes traverses; de quoy je scauray dire diverses
particularités, s'il estoit besoin. Mais je scay bien, que protecteur est asses accoustumé à tels
caquets; car il y a long temps que cela dure. Mais protecteur est fort trompé, s'il croit,
que estats d'Hollande ne desirent pas de le voir embrouillé & traversé. Il est vray, qu'autresois ils
ont esté contraire au seu roy d'Escosse mais c'estoit si long-temps, qu'ils le craignoient, desirant
bien de le voir embrouillé. Mais dès que protecteur est devenu maistre, il n'y a rien qu'ils
souhaitent plus que de le'voir embrouillé; & maintenant plus que jamaia. Je. suia
Le 13 Avril [1657. N. S.]
Vostre très-humble serviteur.
Selon que je puis voir, les estats d'Hollande font mine de ne pas craindre beaucoup la France croyant la pouvoir embrouiller en certainer provinces; mais le principal est, qu'ils croyent, que par & avec roy d'Espagne ils lui pourront nuire: item, aussy ils croyent, que le cardinal est plus sage que de laisser embrouiller la France.
Courtin to Bourdeaux, the French embassador in England.
Hague 13th April 1657. [N.S.]
Vol. xlix.p.27.
My lord,
We expect every moment the arrival of monsieur de Thou, we having news of his
being embarked. That which busieth peoples minds and tongues at present is, the
violence, which the vice-admiral de Ruyter hath exercised against the chevalier de la Lande,
in taking from him two ships of the king's, which he commanded. This is a business of
great importance, and which may have bad consequences, if the states-general do not do
justice upon the author of such a criminal attempt, and of so foul an action in all its circumstances. At the arrival of the lord embassador de Thou the states-general must declare
themselves. They have ordered all the admiralties to make ready all their men of war
with as much speed as may be; but Friesland will not give their consent to it, unless
they may be assured, they shall not be employed against Portugal, nor in the Balticksea.
Marigny to Stouppe.
Hague 13 April 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. xlix. p. 25.
They expect here monsieur de Thou. They have laid an embargo in France upon all the Holland ships in their ports. They seem here not to be willing to suffer it. They of France think to force these people thereby into a league; but that will not be. The elector of Heydelbergh hath lock'd up his wife, and at the same time took one of her women of honour, call'd Asfeld, for his concubine. This doth cause no small trouble in the Palatinate.
As to those curious pieces of that cabinet, which is thought will be sold, you have reason to say, that the merchant, that spoke to you of them, is a knave; and I have a worse opinion of him than you.
Colonel Daniel to general Monck.
Vol. xlix. p. 20.
May it please your lordship,
I have discovered in this garrison this day, the beginninge of an unworthy projecte
about the makinge of false coyne, and have herewith sente some of the money. The
mould that made them, with the examinations and the persons I have imprisoned till I
heare your lordship's pleasure.
I am veryly persuaded, the man was in parte in the beginninge of his designe; and whether hee intended to proceede or not, it is uncertaine. The man hath beene alwayes in the commonwealth's service, a serviceable ingenious carpenter or millwright; and it's probable may be reduced from this wickednesse; but this I leave to your lordship's wisdome and judgment. The other men are very harmeless, and weere meerly insnared. I keepe them all in prison, till I receeve your lordiship's commands concerning them.
This other inclosed I also receaved by the handes of my captain-lieutenant (who is turned
one of this sottish stupid generation of quakers). And 'tis true, two quakers, that I
turned out of St. Johnston, that they might not discompose or distract the spirits of the
garrison. Your lordship may view there spirits, that the levellinge p inciple lyes at the
bottome; for they mention that factious temper of the army about the tyme the levellers
appeared at the first, whose disciples they are. And beleive it, my lorde, there designe is
to draw soldiers from obedience: and in regard my captain-lieutenant is turned of this
forte, and I beleive will flye as heigh in these notions as any, nether valueinge the scriptures, ministracy, magistracy, nor any thing els, that answereth not his humours, and
beinge in St. Johnston at present, I desire your lordship's order, that he may not returne
to my company at Invernesse till his heighnesse pleasure be knowne concerninge him; for
all his designe is to seduce my company; and to that ende came publiquely to the mayn
guarde in Invernesse, and invited my men to goe here a vagabond fellow of their secte.
And I beseeche you, my lorde, if his heighnesse pleasure bee, that he stay not in the army,
that your lordship will give mee an order to major-lieutenant Henry Moore to be my captain-lieutenant, who is an honest conscientious man, and free from these whimsies; and I
hope I shall give your lordship a good accompte of the forces heere, and indeavour to
prevente these blasphemous herritickes from corrupting the foldyery, whereof your lordship would take special notice, that the discipline of the army be not inverted, for they
beginne to curse beyond bell, booke and candle, where there stupid sencelesse wayes are
detected and opposed. I leave it to your lordship's wisdome, and remayne
St. Johnston Aprill 3d. 1657.
Your lordship's most humble servant,
William Daniell.
Richard Bingham the coyner affirms, that he made all the mony in this one mould, first makinge one forte, and after the reste.
Extract out of the register of the resolutions of the high and mighty lords states-general of the United Netherlands.
Sabbati the 14th of April 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. xlix. p. 33.
Upon the request presented to their H. and M. L. in the name and behalf of Meynart de Percevall, at present commanding over a troop of the militia of this state at Dantzick, desiring leave to return home to receive his commission, and to be sworn as captain, as being beneficed by the lords states of Holland and West-Friezland; after deliberation had, it is thought herewith to consent in the said request, and the said petitioner may return home. The council of state is also desired to send some fit officers for Dantzick, to the end to command over the said militia. The lords commissioners of the provinces of Zealand and Friezland upon this occasion again urged the recalling of the said militia; but in regard the same was difficulted by the other provinces, and on the other side by sending of new officers to Dantzick aforesaid, new offence would be given, and consequently the militia of the generality would be employed in the service of another state, in opposition to some provinces, they protested against the said conclusion. The lords of Groningen declared to have no order about it from their principals.
To the Venetian agent.
Antwerp 14 April 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. xlix. p. 31.
We perceive in the end, that England cannot subsist without a king; and after they have tryed all their conclusion, they will come to this resolution likewise in the end, to live and to suffer others to live. In the mean time their legitimate king is asleep; but it may so happen, that when they think he is asleep, that he may be awake; but Spain is not in a condition at present to help him without the fleet from America.
The preparations continue for Portugal.
King Charles is at Brussels, for whose sake don John hath deserr'd his journey of going to see all the chief cities of this country, having taken such a resolution. The French have seized upon all Holland ships and goods within their territories. The Hollanders, I believe, will do the like to the French; but in the end they must agree. This disorder is occasioned by the private men of war of France, who disturb the navigation of the Hollanders.
Barriere to Stouppe.
Brussells 14 April 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. xlix. p. 35.
They do here nothing else at present but prepare for the campaign. They hope to have a very gallant army. They expect 12000 men out of Germany, and there be already 16000 horse, whereof the prince of Condé hath 3 or 4000 as good as can be had; and he hath also 4000 foot very compleat, so that much is hoped from this campaign, and the business of the duke of Mantua doth give good hopes for Italy.
I believe we shall understand by the next post, that the protector is crowned; in regard of the present condition of affairs, there is no difficulty to bee made of it. The king of England hath been here these two or three days with his brothers. The prince of Condé went to see them two days since, of whom he received very great civilities. It is said, that that king doth intend to command a body of an army this campaign against France.
The governor of Barbados to the protector.
Vol. xlix. p. 37.
May it please your highnes,
Haveing had lately occasions heare to summon togeather the generall assemblie
of this island, in order to the enacting of some necessarie bye-lawes, for the further
good and benefitt of this collony and security thereof, amongst other of theire addresses to
myselfe and councell, th'one hath binn a complaint relating to the sufferances, which the
people of this collony have of late undergone, by reason of the intermission of all trade
with foreigners in amity with England, with this island, not having the benefit to enjoy
that commerce with them (according to the rules and limitation of trade) which is premitted in the commonwealth. Their grievance in this particular (in assurance of your
highnes tender care for the good and prosperity of this collony equally with other parts of
the commonwealth) hath enduced them to beg your highnes gratious aspect towards them
therein, by a petition they have requested me to transmitt unto your highnes, which your
highnes will hearewith receave, and is humbly submitted to your highnes gratious consideration, to doe therein as your highnes shall see meete.
Wee have not for these six months past receved any intelligence from Jamaica, neither
hath any vessell toutched here, thither bounde, since lieutenant-general Brayne's departuer
hence. Upon some intelligence I receved of severall Dutch shipps in service for the king
of Spaine lieing under Cape Lopur on the coast of Genny, who had surprized and taken
divers ships of our nation, some bounde for this island, others for Virginia and other
parts, and intended with theire prizes (haveing taken in also some two thousand slaves) to
saile for Carthagena, I imediately dispatched hence an express to lieutenant-general Brayne,
giveing him advice thereof, that is possible some ships of your highnes fleete might labour
to intercept them, which expresse I hope might come seasonably according to the advice
I receved of their intentions to passe downe that way. I have not farther to enlarge at
present, but humbly to subscribe my self, as in duty am bounde,
Your highnes most humble and most faithfull servant,
Daniel Searle.
Berbados the 4th of Aprell 1657.
The Dutch embassadors in Denmarke to Ruysch.
Vol. xlix. p. 56.
My lord,
Having had already some discourse with the lords chief ministers of his majesty
about what is given us in charge by a resolution of the 27th of the last month, concerning the enlarging of a foregoing alliance with this crown, and undertaking to deliver
unto them on behalf of their H. and M. L. a draught of such amplication, in answer of
what was delivered unto us on the behalf of his majesty thereupon, the lord Ryx-hofmaster, and the lord Ritz, two of his majesty's commissioners, the lord chancellor being
indisposed, came to our lodgings two days since, and there held a conference with us; and
we delivered and read to them the draught, which we had formerly delivered unto them,
and made the same as plain unto them as we were well able; and the said lords undertook
to declare themselves upon it in the behalf of his majesty, which we do daily expect and
believe, that it will be such as will give a sudden issue to our negotiation. In the said conference, the said lords communicated unto us further, that since the departure of the last
post there hath declared to the resident of Sweden, besides the gravamina about some unequitableness and injuries committed concerning the tolls and passage of the Sound, that
reparation and satisfaction must be made to the king and crown of Denmark in this treaty to be made with Sweden, concerning two or three carspelen occupied by Sweden and
Norway in the last war, since kept from his majesty without any grounds (as we are
2dly, That reparation and satisfaction is also to be given for the hostilities used against the Brosembergh-treaty, by the besieging and occupying of Bremersforde, for some months after the conclusion of the said treaty. And satisfaction is also to be given for the keeping of the whole bishoprick of Bremen, about which in the said Brosembergh-treaty was promised, that there should be a treaty held with his majesty, then arch-bishop, and since all manner of treaty hath been declined by Sweden, though sent unto from hence. And, 3dly, that reparation be also made for the several unlawful actions and injuries done to his majesty of Denmark, about the lord Uleselt. Likewise they think to have reason to be troubled to complain of a letter, which his majesty of Sweden in the beginning of the Polish war should have writ with his own hand to the duke of Holstein, offering to assist him, if need were, with some soldiers, for the recovering of a certain office detained and possessed by this king, and upon which the said duke hath some pretence; and that thereupon the said duke began to speak not only very high, but also the said letter was exhibited to a considerable lord, his majesty's officer; but of this, as of other less pretended injuries, no mention was made to the said resident, yet they intend to apply them hereafter, if so be the business should come to extremity between the two crowns. Yesterday in the afternoon the said resident delivered an answer in writing to the said gravamina. What the gravamina are we have not yet understood; but by the said answer, as the lord embassador of Brandenburgh hath advised us since, there is not granted to the lords commissioners of Denmark, upon their gravamina, that a conference of commissioners is to be renewed for the said Norway carspelen, formerly begun and annulled by an abuse committed in the Swedish chancery, about the date of their assembling, and by the said answer the other two said points are laid down as ungrounded, and that of the arch-bishoprick of Bremen and Bremerforde is especially declined upon what is agreed in instrumento pacis with the emperor and the empire, concerning the arch-bishop of Bremen with Sweden, although they conceive here, that his majesty of Denmark cannot be shortned in his right thereby, as being a business done amongst others, to which his majesty never consented. We understood by the said lord embassador, that there is inserted point in project of Denmark, whereby is set down, that his majesty of Denmark is to have real assurance given him for the observing of what shall be agreed at present, without naming wherein the same is to consist; but the resident of Sweden doth also put in his answer, that there is no hope, that any farther security will be given on the side of his majesty than his word and seal. And in regard there hath been declared by commissioners to the lord embassador of the duke of Brandenburgh, that without real security there was little assurance to be had in any treaty, in regard that of Brosembergh made to so great an advantage of Sweden, yet the same hath notably broken in many particulars on the side of Sweden; and that his majesty at that time hath more cause to desire security of Sweden, than Sweden had to demand and desire the same of Denmark, by the Brosembergh-treaty, as it happened, and as it was agreed upon: and that as well by the discourse, as by the demand of satisfaction and separation upon the said points, the said resident, as it seems, doth apprehend that they do look here for some restitution of places or countries: wherefore he, to take away all hopes of any such thing, hath declared in very high words to the said lord embassador, that he had not only no power, but that he hath no hopes to obtain any power from the king of Sweden his master, to restore one foot of ground; and he desired, that the said embassador would signify so much to the commissioners of the king of Denmark, concerning the disputes about the tolls in the Sound. It seemeth as if Sweden were willing to make some agreement for the future; but this is not enough, his majesty is said to be resolved to have right done him in all the said points.
The difference in the mean time doth grow daily wider and wider between the two crowns. The subjects of his majesty are said to be very resolute in all places, and especially in Norway, where order is given to provide the country-militia with fit officers. The said militia doth consist of stout men, but not well exercised in marshal affairs.
Copenhagen 15th April 1657. [N. S.]