A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1657: March (3 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol6/pp117-132 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1657: March (3 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol6/pp117-132.
"State Papers, 1657: March (3 of 5)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 6, January 1657 - March 1658. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol6/pp117-132.
In this section
March (3 of 5)
A letter of intelligence from Blank Marshal.
Bruges 25/15 March 1656/7.
Vol. xlviii. p. 305.
In my two last I gave you the particulars of our affairs here, so that I have nothing
more of moment to add at this time, only that Charles Stuart is still here for want of
money, but without fail next week he is for Bruxells, and indeed they have reason to make
him welcome, for by his means St. Gillain was upon friday last surrendered to don John;
for Bristoll was sent by Charles Stuart to the leguer to don John, to draw off the Irish
within, which he most cunningly did, and sent to that party, who presently obeyed, in
regard he persuaded them all was for Ch. Stuart: the number of the party that revolted, was
500, who are come to serve Charles Stuart. There will not be 600 with that party more than
what I writ to you in my last. We expect great matters now. We are to have, or would
have, six regiments of horse, when we can raise them. I intreat you have a care of the
business at home. My life for it, I shall give you all your due from hence. Look to
I shall every post expect your commands at Flushing, for I dare not hazard or trust any to receive any goods of yours here, for they are unlawful, and great enquiry made for them: for fear of the worst, I have no worse factor than my wise to receive your commands, which is very chargeable to keep two families; but I strive for the security of your goods, and I intreat you to be pleased to take care I may receive of that commodity I had last, and a way how I may keep with you, if I remove from hence, which is probable I shall with the first, if any go. If you put me not in a condition to go to Bruxells with Charles Stuart, I shall not be able to answer your expectation so well as I would do; for here will be few merchants left. I am confident, if you knew my condition, you would do more than you do. Sir, I entreat you remember me by the first, and let me know whether mine comes safe to your hand or no.
For news we have little here, but only a great rumour of your crowning a king, which holds us in all parts much discourse. The Hollander has sent 24 men of war to the Sound for the assistance of the Danes. We have our factors in all places. Middleton is not returned.
I rest your obedient servant,
B. M.
A letter of intelligence.
Vol. xlviii. p. 175.
Much honored,
This is to sertiefie you, that since my departure from the plase of my resedence,
I have not met with any thing worth the acquainting you withall; for having bin
at Fleering, and at Ferendam, at Sparendam, Monekedam, and Edam, and now am at
Amsterdam, all which places are very comodius for the byelding of good shipes; and
from thence I shall goe through the sea-townes of north Holland, and soe to Rotterdam,
and those places, and soe through Sealand home. I have seene a greate many of very
good shipes in these places, and at my returne shall give you an exact account of them all.
The agreement with the man of Bridges and this towne is not don yet, soe far as I
have hard heare, by the meanes of captayne Pow, hoes father was pentionares of Holland. Hee brought mee into the company of many of the best of the towne, where I have
heard many discourses amongst them, and doe perseave, they like very weel of his prosers, and likewise of don Jon's for the lending of shipes and mony; but they make a
dout, if his byesnes should miscary, how they should have theyr losses repayred. They
have therefore desired from don Jon some towne for theyre securitie, which I doe beleve
is Dunkerck; but the messenger made answere, his master could not doe it, before hee sent
to the king and counsell of Spayne. I doe perseve it shall passe as being undertaken by
divers marchants, and the states of the towne will not seme to one it, as I doe perseve.
But mynheer Pow told me, they must disburst the mony; hee serves the under secretary of the towne, speakes good English, and I doe perseave if theyre weare any neede
to know any thinge from him, I doe see hee would doe it for mony. There is * * * from
south and north Holland with the first to sea 60 sayle more. They say heare theyre admarall Updam shall goe with them. There shall goe 18 or 20 good shipes to ly before
Danswicke. They beate there drumes evere day al over for saylers, which I see they doe
much want, but the souldiers are taken out of the companyes. There was shipped here
to dayes since some 1200 souldiers. The states have broken up theyre settin at the Hauge
till after Easter. I have not hard they have concluded of any thing yet, for the townes
cannot agree. Heare is newes com, that the king of Powland is dead. I shall make all
the hast I can back; so resting
Amsterdam this 16/26 March 1656/7.
Your most humbele sarvant,
in any thing to serve you,
Christefer Alling.
Consul Maynard to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlviii. p. 181.
Right honourable,
I have received your honor's letter of the 17/27 January by the Hynde packet-boate.
The slacknesse of the master hath much prejudiced the designe of carryinge letters,
but I shall endeavour to recover what wee have loste, by haestninge them from hence
with all expedition, and observe to dispatch a ketch every fortnight, according to my instructions from mr. Noell and mr. Clerke.
The queen of Portugall hath made choyce of don Fransisco de Melo to goe ambassador to his highnesse my lord protector: he will be ready to departe aboute the middle of May, and hopes by that tyme gen. Blake may have some occasione to sende a frigott for Ingland, that he may take that opertunity for his passage. His education hath been a soldier, and is now generall of the horse: he hath a little of a scoller in him. The 20th of this month here arryved an expresse from the East-India by land, with a packet to the king, which gives them good newes, that the Portugueze hath not only risen the longe siege of Calumbo in the island of Selon, but hath cut off above three thousand Hollanders, and taken seaven hundred prisoners, with all thire artillary in that island, and baggage, and sunke seaven ships, and driven the Dutch out of Selon, which is of great concernment to this nation, being the cynname comes from this island, of which the Hollanders have lately injoyed the benefitt, to the great prejudice of the Portugeze. The packett, which your honor sente me, I presently sente forward by the Wakefield frigot to gen. Blake, which comes to London with provisions. They stopt here two days with contrary wyndes. I have not heard from gen. Blake these fifteen days, neither have I any letter from him for Ingland. By an expresse, which I sente for Lagos, the governor of that place writes me, he was gone into the bay of Cadiz, with his whole fleet, and left only the Nonsuch ketch there. I have signified to gen. Blake, that I have order to dispatch a packet-boate every fortnight for Ingland. The Maideston frigot is now here with the prize she took. The hides shee brings are all solde to a very inconsiderable prise. If somebody were joined with the purser-generall by an order from his highnesse, and impower'd to take cognisanze of what is brought and sold, there would be much money saved to the commonwealth. I have made bold to hint this once before to your honour.
Wee have had noe certinge intelligence since my laste to your honor from Cadix, by reason the Spaniards hinder all boates from coming over, haveinge drawn a very considerable army on the borders of this kingdom, and supposed they will sit down hither before Olivenca or Elvas, two of the considerablest garisons in Portugal. This troubles the queen, fearinge the Spaniard hath too many friends in this courte. The 22d of this moneth the general departed for Elvez with two thousand men out of this citty, and that day the queen sente for me, and told me, she was much comforted, that his highnesse fleete continues in these partes, by meanes of which her kingdome is secured from any invasion by sea. Without doubt shee would give a considerable sum of money towards the charges of the fleete, if she had assurance of thire continuance in these partes; for they excuse the charge of settinge out a fleete of thire owne, which they would be constrained to doe, if gen. Blake were not here, which saves them a vaste sume.
Two dayes since here aryved a Hollander from Allicant, that reportes there is greate preparations in Andaluzia for Portugall, and said there was a flyinge reporte that at Gibraltar was arrived a gallion from the Havana, with a million of peaces of eight for the king's account. Capt. Collart aryved here lately from the West-India; he reportes the Nova espania fleete was in Vera Crux, and that his highnesse's shipes in those parts, did resolve to fall on them in that parte. I am told by some Portuguezes, that are acquainted with the West-India, that it had been very easy for the Inglish fleete to have taken out the plate of the gallion that was sunk last year in the cannal de Batramma.
Mr. Bucer is departed, from whome I expect some certinge intelligence very speedilly, and so for the future I shall be more satisfactory in my intelligence then I have been able hitherto. The peace with Ingland is not yet proclaimed here; these people expecte news what is done in relation to that in Ingland.
I am sorry to heare, there are yett such desperate people left, that durst attempt to assassianate his highnesse: as God hath wonderfully preserved him hitherto, so I hope he
will keep him to the end; to whose protection I commite your honor, and rest
Your honour's most faithfull servant,
Tho. Maynard.
Lisbon the 16/26 March 1656.
I have kept my letter from shutinge up to the laste minute, expectinge some newes from Spaine. This very instant is come to my hands a letter from Cadiz, written to a person of quallity in this city, but I know not the person who write it. A coppie I send your honour verbatim inclosed.
Mr. J. Aldworth, consul of Marseilles, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlviii. p. 221.
Right honorable,
Since my last unto you, I have received advice from Thollon of the 24th current,
that one of their ships, that was in course, had taken two ships, one of 36 gunns
bound from Legorne to Alleppo, laden for accompte of Jewes to vallew of two hundred
thousand dollars; the other comming from Alexandria with goods to 50 thousand dollars
bound for Holland: the former killed the ship of war 26 men, and hurt as many more,
but perished after in the sea. The latter is brought to Thollon, and will be adjudged
lawfull prize, as generally supposed. Ruyter, commander of the Dutch squadron, lately
come into those seas, have taken two of the king of France's ships, that was out in course,
one of 50 brass gunns, and the other 36. The men, except the officers, they have put
ashore at Barcelona; part of them are here arrived, and report, they are gone homewards. Heare have been noe late newes of a fleete. A barque, that lately arrived heare
from the coast of Barbary, reports, that some off theire frigattes was at Titawan. Right
honourable, I have given you particular information of my oposition by Codgil and Holworthy in my establishment as consill, as also that by theire rumors, and employing of
base people to doe mee a mischief. I was constreyned not only to keepe my house for
some tyme, but forct at last to retire in the territories, in which tyme Codgil and his assistants came to mee, and forced mee to make him a declaration, the substance whereof
was, that I resigned him my power; and that I would not opose him in exercising the
charge of consil: which declaration hee knowing to be forct from mee, and by consequence of noe force, did not make knowne, much lesse put in execution till now, that
Holworthy would againe then shew himselfe disobedient to his highnes commands, in being more then willing to make my forct declaration vallewable, wherby Codgill might
still remayne consil, which have caused mee to apply myselfe to the court of parlament
of Aix for justice, who being noe lesse willing to uphold the authority of his highnes,
hath declared my declaration to bee null and of noe force, expresly commanding the
court of admiralty heare to establish and confirme mee in the charge: All which I have
thought fitt to give your honor notice off, doubting some informations might be made you:
so humbly take leave and remayne,
Right honourable,
Your honnor's most faithful servant,
Jo. Aldworth.
Marseilles, 27th March 1657. [N. S.]
Mr Bradshaw, resident at Hamburg, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlviii. p. 219.
Right honourable,
I am right glad to understand by your honor's letter this day received, that the officers of the armie have soe amply assured his highnesse of their good affection and adherence to him, soe necessary in the transactions you have in hand, which I trust the Lord
will issue to the great good of the state. I shall be glad to see mr. Meddowes heere, and
ready to serve him, as I have done those other gentlemen, the publicke ministers of his
highnesse, as they have past this place, beinge sorie I cannot be otherwise serviceable for
the great charge the state is at heere of me. Noe doubt but the kinge of Denmarke
will give a better welcome to your publick minister now than he did to me, whose hap
it was to be sent to him, when he was soe little a friend to our state. From the assurance your honour is pleased to give me in this your letter, I shall expect shortly to see an end of that longsome businesse with mr. Townley, and hope it will be (as you
say) to my satisfaction.
Since my last, little hath occurred heere of moment, but what you will find in the inclosed letters. The kinge of Denmarke goes on vigorously againe with his levies: though
he seemed at a stand lately, its now beleeved he will shortly attack the kinge of Sweden
in one part or other, though the defensive is onely pretended. The states of Prussia under the duke of Brandenburgh have lately petitioned him in a pittifull manner to quiz
the kinge of Sweden, and take care for his allmost ruined country, as they say: but for all
what they and the Muscoviter can doe, hee seemes yet firme to the kinge. This is too
busye a tyme to give you further truble. I cease it therefore, prosessinge myselfe
Your honor's verie humble servant,
Richard Bradshaw.
Hamb. 17th March 1656/7.
I have sent one to the Danish court, to see if I can get more certayne knowledge of their designe in raysinge such forces.
A letter of intelligence to resident Bradshaw.
Vol. xlviii. p. 213.
Right honorable sir,
Since my last of the 20th instant, the post from Thorn came hither yesterday,
and brought this newes, that the king of Sweden is gone from Thorn to Cracovic
into Poland, for to join with Ragotzy, and to have a mutual conference with him concerning the war against Poland. His army is said to be strong 60000 men, which hath
taken in a great towne in Poland called Lemberg, and is come now so sar as Samosce, who
goes for to take possession of Cracovie, to whom the Swedes will deliver up this great
and metropolitan city, for to advance his dessein. The earle of Waldeck, general to the
duke of Brandenburg, came to Thorn with 1500 horses the 20th of this month, and is
gone for to convey the king of Sweden to meete with Ragotzy, and so soone as this
conference is done, the king is to returne to Thorn, and to goe with his army against the
king of Dennemarke. The letters of Thorn made with this post no more mention of the
embassador of Ragotzy, if he be gone with the king of Sweden into Poland or no; I
shall enquire to know the certainty of it. Letters from Dantzig with this post speake
the continuation of the king of Poland's being now at Chenstochova with many senators
of the kingdome, and keepes their a parlament; but before the king came there, general
Lubomirsky presented to the queene of Poland two colours taken from Ragotzy his avantgarde, and that the Roman emperor hath sent 20000 Hungarians, and 4000 Dutchmen
in Transylvania, for to make to Ragotzy a diversion. Some letters also mention, that
the emperor of Turkie hath sent to the king of Poland, for to aske of him, if he will let
passe his army through his contry into Silesia and Bohemia, to make warr against the
Roman emperor; and if he please to permit this, he hath promised to call back Ragotzy
with his forces, for to make him leave Poland, being his vassall. Of the Muscoviter
there is no more newes come then what I mentioned in my last. His embassador continues yet at Coningsberg, and cannot gett his dispatch from the duke of Brandenburg;
but it is feared if the duke's answer and declaration be not to his mind, that all the Polish forces, joining with the Muscoviter and the Tartars, will fall into the duke of Prussia his contry, and spoile all what they can. The stopping of the river Weissel neare the
Heust is partly remooved, and taken up from the great water, which is come downe,
the river with the force of the streame, two great botes and chests filled with stone are
clear gone, and it is feared some more will follow. There comes this day newes, that
generall Wittenberg is sett in closer prison then before, because he intended to betray the
city of Samoisce, with some citizens of the Scottish nation, for to deliver the same to
Ragotzy. This being all at present, I remaine
From Elbing the 27 of March
1657. [N. S.]
Yours to command.
A letter of intelligence from the Danish court.
17 March 1656/7.
Vol. xxxvi. p. 257.
Yesterday the king of Denmark en passant had a meeting with the duke of Holstein at Dannewert, a quarter of a mile off the said duke's court, where they were very merry together, but had never a word of state affairs; they parted at last, to the outward appearance, well satisfied, and in much confidence one of the other. In the interim, the dukedom of Holstein is filled with Danish troops, and there is hardly a village betwixt this place and Hockstadt, where there are not soldiers quartered already, the number whereof augments daily, for that the levies are most earnestly continued in all places. I am assured, that there are already above 10000 horse and foot in Holstein, and that in three or four weeks, there will be an army of 16000 men effective betwixt Lubeck and Hamburg. In certain, they intend to have three considerable bodies, viz. one in Norway, one in Schonen, and one in Holstein, besides their navy, which is to consist of 40 sail of the best ships of Denmark, and 24 Dutch frigates, wherewith (as the embassadors of the statesgeneral have assured his majesty) their masters are resolved to assist him. It's believed by all, the said states are brewing some affairs of consequence, and will ere long declare (as its thought) against his highness and the state of England: there are some who do not stick to say openly, that within less than a month's time, Holland will be found enemies to England, and side with the king of Spain and Denmark against them. The land-day appointed at this place by the king is to begin this day, of the issue of which the Danes exprest much comfort and encouragment, hoping that as large subsidies will be granted to his majesty by their states, as were so readily condescended unto by the Danish states at Odensea; who indeed (if the report be true) behaved themselves very generously, in granting and proffering of their own accord more than was demanded or desired of them. A great many of the chief noblemen raise whole regiments at their own cost, and shew such great zeal to serve their king in this his martial enterprize, and so heroic a resolution to revenge themselves of their natural enemies and antagonists; for so they term the Swedes, as that it almost is incredible.
However, I am assured that the treaty between the Swedish resident Darlies, who hath received a plenipotentiary commission from his majesty for that purpose, and the Rixhoffmaster and chancellor of Denmark is closely continued at Copenhagen, and great pains taken by the said respective plenipotentiaries to take up the business, and to unite those two northern crowns by a perpetual confederacy, if it may be possible.
From the Danish court at Flensburgh.
20th of March 1656/7.
To my last I have nothing to add, but only to give you notice of the rix-marshal of Denmark's arrival to this place, with 2000 horse and foot out of Denmark, who on wednesday last, at the king's command, presented themselves in gallant order upon a large high mountain opposite to the castle of this city, where the king lodgeth, being a 1000 horse, and as many foot effective. I saw and counted them my self: they were indeed both gallant men and horse, and carried six field-pieces drawn by six horses apiece along with them. The king, queen, and whole court came down from the castle to see them, after they were all prepared. And a little after, as well horse, foot, and canons, gave three general salvos, and thereupon their majesties retired to the castle, appearing extremely satisfied and encouraged by the sight of such brave forces. After the court was retired, the said forces marched in the same order into the town, where they were all quartered, and are still remaining there. It is thought they will yet continue here for two or three days, where, it is said, there will be a general muster. Their haughtiness is perceivingly augmented since the coming of these forces, inasmuch as they now defy all princes, and are so confident in their present and future strength, as that they dare boldly and publickly affirm, they care not who is their friend, or enemy. Some of the better sort having heard something of the coming of an envoy from his highness to the king, with a letter in favorem Suecorum something sharply prepared, have the confidence to say, they wonder what authority his highness assumes to himself, to question them about their affairs, and to prescribe them with whom they should make peace or war, whereas they never troubled themselves with what they did in England. If he would be their friend, well and good; if he would not, all was one to them; they cared as little for his friendship as for his enmity, &c. The king made his proposition to the assembled states of Holstein here, who began their sitting on tuesday last the 17th present: his demand was fifty rix crowns for every plough, which is valued at 1500 rix crowns throughout all the country. If such a large subsidy should be granted, viz. 50 rix crowns of every 1500, it would amount to an incountable sum of money, being above 18000 ploughs, and at least as great estates in money, and so more than six and thirty thousand times 15000 rix crowns in the country of Holstein; but it seems the states are altogether unwilling to yield to such great contributions, which could not be condescended to without the ruin of a great many of the poor sort, who having no estates but in trades, pensions, and salaries, would upon that account be forced to contribute the one half of their substance, which would questionless drive them to a great extremity. We hear, that in their answer the states have proffered 16 of the demanded 50 rix crowns, which yet is enough, and amounts to some nine tun of gold; but is refused by the king, who yet, as is said, hath let fall the one half of his demand, and will now content himself with 24 rix crowns, but no less. It's thought the states will not add above 2 rix crowns to what they have proffered, at the most.
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlviii. p. 217.
I Received yours of the 10th instant. For newes heere wee have none; all thinges are
quiett and well. As concerning Charles Stuart, I cannott heare any certaintie of his
great readinesse to shippe as yett. Wee heare he wants monies for the carrying on of his
businesse; butt I believe in a post or two I shall informe you more particularlie of the
certaintie, whether he will come this summer or noe. The Scotts have bin speakeing as
though there came some letters to some of them, as though the Dutch would joyne with
him in this businesse, but as yett I can give noe creditt to itt; but I shall acquaint you
further of what I heare shortly, and remayne
Dalkeith 17 March 1656/7.
Your most affectionate
humble servant,
George Monck.
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlviii. p. 215.
Honoured Sir,
The occasion of my giving you this trouble att this time is in the behalf of majorgeneral Drummond. Understanding there are some men att this time to be raised
in England, if itt be for Jamaica, I desire you will get him a regiment; for I am confident he is one, which will bee very serviceable in that businesse, and very honest. I hope
there will bee noe danger soe long as hee commands Englishmen; and he will bee fitt either
for plantation or field-service. Lieutenant-general Brayne knowes him very well, and, I
know, will bee as glad of him as any man you can send: I believe he would doe his
highnesse more service there then two or three of any of the colonells that have been sent
yett. Craving pardon for this boldnesse with you, I take leave, and remayne
Dalkeith 17 Mar. 1656/7.
Your most affectionate
humble servant,
George Monck.
Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, major-general of the army in Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.
My lord,
The parlament is now upon the 10th article of the remonstrance, which concernes
religion. The debate upon that began this afternoon. By the beginninge I perceive
it will last very longe. If that were well over, we should soone see what the issue of our debates would come to, there beinge but two articles behinde, besides the great one, which concernes kingship. In point of money, they have dealt very well, haveinge voted 1300000
pounds to be setled, not to be removed but by consent of his highnes and the two houses of
parlament, besides such temporary supplies, as the necessitie of the nation shall require. I
cannot see, that there can be any great difficultie to come to a just settlement, if the busines of religion can be well agreed. For other thinges and persons, I am not able to say
much now, in respect I have been attending the parlament all this day, and have now
many thinges to dispatch; and therefore will only begg your lordship's pardon for this short
account of affaires, and remayne
Whitehall 17 March 1656.
Your lordship's
most humble and faithful servant,
Jo. Thurloe.
William prince of Nassau to the states-general.
Vol. xlviii. p. 253.
H. and M. lords,
My lords, I advised your H. and M. L. from Leuwarden, of the 11th instant, all
that had passed concerning the ordering of the provincial government of the province of Groningen. Since that time I arrived here two days since, and the business happen'd just so as I advised, and feared in my former; for the commonalty this morning
desiring with great violence, that the burgo-masters and council of this city would begin
to consult about the ordering and settling of the government; whereupon in the forenoon they appeared in the town-house together with the two dissenting members of the
Ommelanden, with a firm resolution to settle the government; but presently coming out
again with an intention to return to their business again in the afternoon, without that
the commonalty knew what had past in the council, the said commonalty fell with such a
sury upon the house of the burgo-master Tiassens, that they quite spoil'd it, and in a litle while they did the same to the house of the councellor Buningh. The lord Tiassens I
fetched out of the church, and saved him in my lodgings, with some other lords; and,
in all likelihood, there had been many houses served in the like kind, if through God's
mercy the same had not been prevented by the burgers garrison, who were forced to appear in their army amongst 'em. Towards night, the burgo-masters were conducted to
the town-house by musqueteers, where they gave order for the settling of the government; and that to morrow the lords shall be sworn, and consequently all things will be
managed again in quietness, as formerly.
Groningen 28 March 1657. [N. S.]
H. and M. lords,
William Frederick
of Nassau.
The Dutch ambassadors in Denmark to the states-general.
Vol. xlviii. p. 255.
My lords,
Our last to your lordships was of the 25th instant: since there hath been spoken
with the ambassador of the duke of Brandenburg, about the pretended contraventions of the Brosembrosch treatie; but as yet there hath been no further overture made on
the side of Denmark, than only of some frauds, which should be committed by the Swedes about the tolls in the Sound: and time of a few days is taken, to make the prooss
together concerning the same. The resident of Sweden and the ambassador of Brandenburg did very much insist, to the end all other gravamina, together with the above-mentioned, might be given in altogether; but that was declined by the commissioners of his
majesty. The levies of this crown do go on a-main. Two men of war and a yatch lie
sail-ready to go for the Elve, and great haste is made with the equipping of the other
Coppenhagen 28th March 1657. [N. S.]
A letter of intelligence.
28th March 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. xlviii. p. 257.
I Have not much to add to my former, only concerning the work made by the Swedes in the river Weyssel, for the diverting of the water; that the said work hath not yet suffered any damage, but that the bridge which lieth over the Weyssel by the fort the Hoost is ruined by the water, which I had from one that saw it; so that it is to be supposed, that the design of the Swedes will have its desired effect in time, the same not being to be done in a moment.
The Danish Ambassador went from Dantzick on Saturday for Coningsbergh, where he will not remain any long time, having left most of his train in Dantzick.
Lockhart, embassador in France, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlviii. p. 223.
May it please your honor,
With my last by mr. Walker I sent the coppies of those papers you former commanded, and in my letter troubled you with such reasons as in the haste I then
was in I could scrape together, for my concluding that businesse upon the tearms I did.
There was a chief one, which I ommitted, judging it unfitt to be mentioned publickly;
mr. de Bordeaux by express advertised king of France, that your affaires wer in great disorder. The story of the
particulars I shall not trouble you with; they related principally to the levellers, ld. Fairfax,
ld. Lambert and the army. I confesse, I did not take the allarum so hott as most heare did,
having two dayes before received yours, which spoak all things to be in a good dispositione towards a settlement, and that such, who had no freedome to what was in agitatione, had expressed willingnesse to acquiesce into his highnesse and the parlament's resolutions; but consithering, that in so criticall a tyme a day might bring forth great alterations, I did not think it rationall to obstruct the conclusione of the main design, by disputing particulars of no great importance, which may receive what melioration can be desyerd, after your interest in the con ty n ent is once settled; and my having
all along their promise, that the forces raised in England may be employed in your
own service, in case any trobles shall fall out their, did much encourage my signing.
I beseech your honour beleave, that what I have said either in this or my former, is not to justify my self as having served you well, but to lessen my guilt in having served you ill.
I have nothing to add by this, in relation to publick businesse, save that I have spoake a word concerning the affair of Ne w port, and that of the shipps for the Straights; and cannot find they have any certain resolutions touching either of theise businesses.
Sir, after my acknowledgment of guilt and ill services, it may seem strange to you, that I have confidence to mentione any thing concerning myself, which I resolved to have delayed till a more seasonable tyme, if I could have found out any law for necessity; but indeed my debts are swelled into so vast a bulk (upon the account of making up a new equipage, the transport of my wise and family, and the furnishing a house heare) as in my own strenth I am not able to grapple with them; and theirfore I must beseech your honor to move his highnesse and counsel to allow me four months advance. I doe not intend by this to desyer any thing beyond what you were pleased to tell me was the cownsell's pleasure to order for me; but the advance of it will enable me to make my preparations for following the court this campaigne, if his highness's inclyn should answer the cardinal's desyers in doing so.
The preparations for taking the field betyms goe on with all the professions of diligence
and industry that may be. The news of the surrender of St. Gillain are not yet arryved,
tho' it's still feared they will come to soon. The treacherous design of the Irish their was
managed by Ormond and Digby, and the service done by them is owned by Ch. Stewart
as very acceptable to him, by which he hath very much incensed this court against him,
and is even blamed for so lasche ane actione by his frends at the pallais royall. The
president Chenallie is sentenced into perpetuall banishment, and the confiscatione of his
estate. Their is hops the duke of Mantua will stand neutrall this summer. Valence will
be in some danger, if the convoy that is now upon the march thither, miscarry. This week
affoording me no news of consequence, I begg leave to renew my prayers for your protectione, and the honourable assurances of my being,
Paris March 18/20 1656/7.
May it please your honor,
your most faithfull and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.
May it please your honor,
As I was putting up this packett, a servant of my lord Falconbridge's brings me
news of his master's arryvall heare yester-night, and deliver'd me the inclosed to his
highness. I writt to my lord, when he was at Lions, and lett him know the commands
I had received concerning him. I shall wait upon him this afternoon, and by my next shall
give an account of what I can learn of his own and contrie's inclinations.
At the sollicitation of duke d'Espernon and others, I have given a passe to sir William Godolphin, to goe see his lady in England, who lyeth at the point of death: he is to wait upon your honor, to the end he may give you an account of himself. I could learn nothing of his deportment here, that can be in the least prejudiciall to him. I have also granted a passe to Edward Mountague esq; son to my lord Mountague. I thoght to have sent your honor an account of the mony remitted last week, but mr. Wildegoes, whom I employed in it, being out of the way, I must deferr it till next.
I am your most humble and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.
Nieuport, the Dutch embassador, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlviii. p. 229.
Right honorable,
I Have receaved by the last post the inclosed reference of the commissioners of the admiraltie, residing at Amsterdam, concerning the two ships, which have seised the four
English ships on the coast of Guiny, No. 1. And send likewise herewith to your honour
the certificat upon oath, passed before the magistrate of Middelburrow, No. 2, and sour
Spanish letters, which I could not get translated before this day, being quoted No. 3. dated at Cadiz on the 18th of Octob. 1654. No. 4. dated in Sevilia on the 2d of February 1655, No. 5. on the 18th of April 1655, and No. 6. on the 20th of the same moneth,
all stilo novo; whereby it doth appeare, that the said two ships pretended to bee of Amsterdam and Middelburrow, are not of such a condition as some men have clamoured, too
rashly giving credit to the calumniation of some loose men in the said ships, who having
quitted their native country, have not been ashamed to utter themselves, that they should be
hanged, yf ever they did returne thither againe; as by some of the English masters hath
been deposed before the gouvernor of the Barbados.
I can assure your honor, that the lords my superiors are very carefull on such occasions,
and will never bee wantinge to give such effectual orders, that good speedy and vigorous
justice shall be administred there. Remaininge
Barkshire-house, this 18/28th of March 1656/7.
Your honor's most humble servant,
Will. Newport.
Extract out of the register of the resolution of the lords states-general.
Jovis the 29 of March 1657. [N.S.]
Vol. xlviii. p. 263.
There being once more produced to the assembly the complaints about several contraventions against the treaties of peace and marine, made respectively with the king of Spain, in the years 1648 and 1650, by several merchants living at Amsterdam, lately made to the council of the admiralty residing there, and by their lordships signified to their H. and M. L. in their letter bearing date the 23d of January last; as first, that they have now for a long time troubled the merchants trading in Spain with the bringing of certificates, to demonstrate that the merchandizes, which are sent from hence for Spain, are originally manufactures of these countries, and do belong to the inhabitants thereof. Secondly, that a certain ship, called the Hare in the field, is detained at Cadiz with her whole lading, both ship and goods belonging to the inhabitants of this state, except a few goods laden in England, without the knowledge of the interested, and is threatned with confiscation. And thirdly, that the governor of Alicant doth cause the inhabitants of this state, trading there under the title of redemption, to pay ten in the hundred for pepper brought in there from these countries. Whereupon being debated, and special notice being taken of the advice given by the lords commissioners of the colleges of the admiralty, who were here on the 21st of the last month about the said points, and which was read in the assembly of their H. and M. L. on the 27th following; it is thought fit and understood upon the first point, that on the behalf of their H. and M. L. there shall be agreed in the best manner with the lord ambassador of Spain here, to the end some mark or demonstration, as abovesaid, may be agreed for a mutual satisfaction, whereby the merchandizes, being manufactures of this state and in Spain, may be freed from all molestation. But before the same be enter'd upon, the lords Huygens and others their H. and M. L. commissioners for the affairs of sea, are desired to consult with the present commissioners of the admiralties here, which expedient is thought fittest for that end, and which may be brought into practice to the least inconveniency of the merchant.
Upon the second point, that before any final resolution be taken concerning the same, that further information of the state of the business be first expected and had.
And what concerneth the last point, that about the same also, particularly by the lords Huygens and others their H. and M. L. commissioners for the conference with the said lord ambassador of Spain, complaint shall be made, and redress desired therein, that so his answer and the success of the said request being heard and seen, that then there shall be further resolved concerning the same as shall be found fitting, according to the exigence of affairs.
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlviii. p. 261.
Honoured sir,
Understanding that mr. Hopkins, one of the members of the house,
who was a commissioner for the admiralty and navy, is lately deceased, I have a
request to you, that you would stand my brother doctor Clargis his frend, to get him the
place, which mr. Hopkins had as commissioner of the navy. I beleave hee will bee a very
fit man for it, being that much of the busines of the commissioners of the navy is in accompts; and for sea-busines he will quickly bee knoweing in it, being an ingenious man;
and for his honesty and good husbandry for the state, in what they shall imploye him, I
shall undertake. I desire you will bee pleased to recommend him to his highness for it;
and truely I hope you shall heereafter find cause to thanke me for recommending him to
you. What you doe for him shal bee acknowledged a great favour to
Your affectionate frend, and humble servant,
George Monck.
Dalkeith 19 Martii 1656/7.
General Monck to lord Broghill.
Vol. xxxvi. p. 584.
My lord,
Understanding that mr. Hopkins one of the commissioners of the admiralty
and navy is dead, I desire you to doe mee the favour to use your interest with mr.
secretary Thurloe for getting one of his places for my brother docter Clargies; and if you
please, that it may be the comissioner place of the navy.
Though hee is not versed in sea-affaires, yet hee is well exercised in accompts, which
is a great part of the busines of the comissioners of the navy, and for that perhaps hee will
doe as well as any; and for his honesty I shall oblige. If your lordshipe please to speake
a word in his behalfe to my lord protector, you will lay a doublee obligation uppon mee:
foe desireing your lordshipe to pardone mee for this boldnesse, I take leave and remaine
Your lordship's moste humble servant,
George Monck.
This 19th of March 1656.
For the right honorable the lord Broghill, lord president of his highnes councill in Scotland, at mr. Mollowes his house, neere Charing-cross, London.
Mr. Longland, agent at Leghorn, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlviii. p. 269.
S. T.
Right honorable,
The Duch here report that Ruyter is gon to Cadiz to meet another squadron from
Holland, to join with the Spanyard, and conduct the plate-fleete into Cales. 'Tis
certainly advysed the emperor of Germany has made the duk of Mantua his vicar-general
for Itally, and for his entertainment allowes him fifty thousand crownes a year, besyds
restored to him a strong towne which formerly belong'd to his familly; wherupon the said duk has delivered up to the Spanyard the strong town and cittadel
of Casale, by which meanes the towne of Valenza latly taken by the French wil be much
streiten'd for vitells, and esily regained by the Spanyard. Both partyes mak great preparation for this somer's field. 'Tis noiz'd as if the king of France would com in person,
but except the French send a general of theyr own, and a protestant, they wil do no
good in Itally; for the pope has a great influence upon papists, who ar esily corrupted
with money. The written newes this wiek from Rom reports the king of Spayn proffers
the protector a fre trade in the West-Indyes, and exercys of our religion in al his dominions, if he wil breake with France and Sweden, and joyn with him; wherby it appeares
the mynds of the Spanyard is somwhat abated, and that they hav so much need of peace
with Ingland, that they would purchase it at a great prys. 'Tis generally observed by
the Itallians, that by the outward appearance, as affaires now stand, pease cannot long
continue 'twixt Ingland and Holland, which if it bee soe esteemed by your honor, an early
squadron in thes seas to joyn with the French might keepe the signory therof; as also
peace with the Turks of Barbary would be necessary, seing it may be had for sending
for, wherby our ships might hav those ports of Tunis and Tripolly to send for al
occasions. In the ship Thomas and Lucy I hav sent your honor 4 chests of whyt wyn,
and a Parmazan chees, marked as in margent, to be delivered by mr. Smith, which pleas
to accept from,
Right honorable,
your most humble and faithful servant,
Charles Longland.
Leg°. 30 March 1657. [N. S.]
The commissioners from the duke of Brandenburg, to the states-general.
Read the 30th of March 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. xlviii. p. 275.
H. and M. lords,
The duke of Brandenburgh, our gracious lord and master, hath understood by a good
hand; and the lords ambassadors of France, and of your H. and M.L. are well informed of it, that the magistrates of Dantzick do intend to stop the Diep of the Pilaune;
and therefore the said duke is necessitated to set forth some ships of war and men, which
shall keep thereabouts upon the road to visit the ships that shall pass to and again, that
so pernicious a design may not take effect against a neighbourly duke, who never gave
the said city any cause to proceed so unfriendly; and that therefore no jealousy might be
given to any, the said duke charged us to give your H. and M. L. notice thereof, and to
assure you of all sincere amity; and their subjects are to expect, as formerly in those parts,
all friendly reception.
Daniel Weyman.
J. Copes.
The Dutch embassadors in Prussia, to the states-general.
Marienburg 30th March 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. xlviii. p. 273.
H. and M. lords,
My lords, some of the ships, which were sunk in the Weysel by the Hoost, begin to
move and float, in regard the sand, wherewith they were filled, is spool'd out of
them, and are now filled with stones, and caused to be sunk between the piles, which are
yet standing. The water of the Weysel doth now run into the Werder, which is almost
covered over. Since his majesty of Sweden departed from Thorn, he marcheth with
great diligence towards Ragotzky, his majesty's army consisting most of horse and some
few field-pieces. The earl of Steenbock is arrived here, and here is also expected the
paltzgrave of Sultzbach to command over the troops in these parts. The said earl faith,
that the army now with his majesty doth consist of 18000 men, and in as good order as he
ever saw it. The king's brother, prince Adolph, is at Thorn, where he is expecting his
majesty's orders, whither he shall steer his course.
D'Avangour to Bordeaux the French embassador in England.
Thorn 30th March 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. xlviii. p. 271.
My lord,
I will not only make excuses for my silence, wherewith you may reproach me for
some weeks, which was occasioned through my indisposition; but I will justify beforehand the interruption, which I foresee I cannot avoid in the journey, which I am obliged
to make with the king of Sweden. He is marching towards Cracow, there to join with
the prince of Transilvania, whereof he received certain news by his commissioners, who
arrived here to day; and in regard this king's army doth consist at present only of horse,
I shall not have leisure to write to you upon the way; but however I will not fail to inform you of all that shall happen before and after this communication, which certainly
must be of very great importance and consideration, not only to the Poles, but to all those
that shall declare in their behalf, and that have an interest in the peace of their commonwealth, that this great conjunction of forces will be soon able to ruin it.
After this discourse there must be no speaking to you of your negotiation. You see well enough, that it cannot but be crost by this new league, which produceth new pretences, instead of moderating the old ones. Likewise is this the true cause of the firmness, which was found in the mind of the king of Sweden, which is also encreased by the obligation, wherewith he faith he is tied not to treat without his allies, for whom he persists to demand passes. Monsieur de Lombres is gone in the mean time to the court of Poland, to observe the motions and inclinations of that court, to appease which France doth so earnestly desire, and which is wholly prevented through the solicitations of the house of Austria to the contrary.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Samedy le 24 Mars 1657.
Vol. xlviii. p. 279.
Les deputes de l'admirauté ont prins reces jusques a mercredy, qui vient; et alors s'advisera sur l'employ des 36 navires, sans qu'on parle encore des 12 restants. La Zeelande ne veut point conclure pour consentir audit equipage, et aussy pour le last et veylgelt, quoy que la Hollande l'aye fort urgé. Quant a la ratification de la Hollande, l'on parle encore fort diversement.
Le resident de Denmark a esté hier en conference secrete et jurée devant aucuns membres de Hollande, pour sonder la Hollande touchant un traité plus expres avec cest estat; au moins pour rompre la ratification, consequement le traité d'Elbing; car autrement on seroit obligé d'assister le roy de Swede comme attaqué.
Lundy le 26 Ditto.
De la part de Dansigk est requis payement de 13200 florins Polonois, que la ville a deboursé au sieur Perceval pour la solde des soldats des cest estat. Item de mettre ordre pour le payement du 6 sol pour jour a chaque soldat. Cela est mis en mains et a la disposition du conseil d'estat.
Les ministres de Brandenborgh ont requis quelques deputes, pour proposer en conference particuliere quelque chose d'importance. Mais on a resolu de desirer, qu'ils veuillent le faire par escrit.
Les deputes des electeurs et princes du Rhyn, &c. ont requis conference sur leur proposition du 23 mars, sur quoy sont requis les deputes cy devant nommes pour cette besoigne.
Mardy le 27 Ditto.
Ccux de Hollande ont produit leurs considerations sur la declaration du roy de Sweede touchant les elucidations, qui en effect tendent bien a accepter ce que la Sweede offre et lasche, mais neantmoins n'y acquiescent point; demeurant vray que la Hollande ne ratifie point.
La Hollande propose, qu'aux embassadeurs en Prussie soit escrit a sin de s'interposer encore et plus serieusement à exhorter les roys a la paix. Aussy presseront messieurs de Dansigk a ratifier l'acte de stipulation du Juliet.
Les embassadeurs feront aussy office pour divertir le roy de son dessein de deriver la Weyxel.
La Hollande a dirigé les estats generaux a consentir en l'equipage des 36 navires de guerre.
Les ministres de Brandenborgh ont encore obtenu conference a ce matin, remonstrants les menaces du Moscovite, et qu'en vertu de l'alliance cest estat est obligé d'assister l'electeur; priants au moins une lettre dehortatorie: cela est encore sepose.
Il y a un concept placcart contre les duels. Il y aura quelque concept deduction touchant les pais d'Outremeuse. A Goes il y a eu tumulte, dans lequel le sieur Vandernisse, le frere de celuy, qui a esté icy des estats generaux, est tué.
Mercredy le 28 Ditto.
Aujourd'huy en fin la pluralité des provinces a donné au sieur le Maire la charge de resident en Dennemarck contre la Hollande, qui vouloit avoir tel Gerard Smits.
La Zeelande travaille pour avoir plus de compaigne en Zeelande; pour reprimer la canaille ou commun peuple, ayant desja veu plusieurs espreuves combien aisement ce peuple s'incite a emotion, et fraischement a Goes.
Le prince Guiliaume escrit, que ceux de Groningue & Omlande ont de nouveau convoqué un lantdach, avecque apparence, qu'ils s'accommoderont sans les deputes des estats generaux, et devant leur venue: que pour tel effectledit prince y alloit lundy le 26.
Les deputes des admirautes sont revenus, meme aussy ceux de Zeelande, deliberent sur l'employ des 36 navires.
La Hollande ayant donné la compagnie du feu Perceval au capt. Outshoorn a donnée cela d'Outshoorn a jeun Perceval.
Jeudy le 29 Ditto.
Ceux de Hollande auront proposé diverses choses dans la generalité; 1. qu'ils approuvent ce qui s'est fait et arresté ou devant contre l'abbé de Cloosterraet. 2. qu'ils notifieront a l'ambassadeur de Spaigne, de ne pouvoir souffrir, qu'en Espaigne on confisque les manufactures Anglois et bien des Portugais. 3. Ils auront proposé un advis, que 1'on devroit faire quelque nouvelle instance pour la cassation de la compagnie de pox et goudron en Sweede; et si cela ne se pouvoit obtenir, qu'on obligeroit le roy de ne la continuer pas apres la fin des années. L'on a fait emaner et imprimer un placcard contre les duels.
Hier on a eleu le Maire pour resident en Dennemark: aujourd'huy la Hollande a declarée d'avoir a luy objecter ce qui l'empeschera et le rendra incapable d'avoir la charge.
La Hollande aussy a proposé de n'admettre plus aucun escript a ceux addressé aveque quelque titre de honneur, mais aveque deu respect et en forme de supplication.
Vendredy le 30 Ditto.
Aujourd'huy ceux de Hollande ont proposé leur contradiction contre le Maire nommé resident en Dennemark, a cause qu'il auroit tenu propos de faire desister son competiteur par quelque satisfaction. Si que pour encore cet affaire est demeurée en surseance.
Les deputes de l'admirautes ont fait quelque ouverture de leur besoigne, tant touchant l'equipage et l'employ de 36 navires, que touchant les moyens; dont la substance est, que bonne partie en seroit employée au canal et au boght, et que le last et veyegelt ne suffit point pour l'entretien. Ils ont demandé leur dimission; sur quoy sera advise demain. Les ministres de Brandenburgh ont fait quelque nouvel instance touchant leur affaires.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Vol. xlviii. p. 265.
C'est plus pour rire, que pour se fascher, qu'on voit la Hollande si contraire au bon
le Maire: l'histoire est, qu'estant cousin de madame d'Achtienhoven, il a fort assisté
ladite dame de son conseil; et specialementen ce dernier accident d'un certain malheureux,
qui avoit declaré, que monsieur d'Achtienhoven son mary l'avoit gaigné avoir pour empoisonne ladicte dame sa femme. Tant y a que le sieur d'Achtienhoven l'ayant du pouvoir
et credit, principalement en Nort-hollande, estant pensionaire d'Enckhuysen, et estant
membre des estats de Hollande, l'a fort monstré son mal-talent au bon le Maire; si
qu'un jour en plein assemblée il l'appella Cromvelliste, a cause, comme je croy, qu'il est
beaufrere du sieur Cooper; et aura eu quelque commission de protecteur. Cela a eu tant de suite,
que la Hollande non-seulement a donné sa voix (pour le residential en Dennemarck) a un
autre, mais encore outre cela tache de renverser l'election par pluralité faite fur ledit le
Maire, a scavoir par les voix de Zelande, Utrecht, (le sieur Vander Holk estant son parent
aussy) Frise, Overyssel, et Groningue. Ceux d'Hollande luy font une querelle d'Allemand; disant qu'il a tasché, pendant qu'il a pretendu la charge, de gagner quelcun par
argent. Il dit, qu'il a tenu discours avec un des estats (le croyant son interieur amy) s'il
n'y auroit pas moyen de faire desister tel sien competiteur, le sieur Schoock, aussy des estats
generaux, et pretendant la meme charge, proposant, si donnant esperance au sieur Schoock
de luy faire avoir autre satisfaction, il ne voudroit pas desistera ceder a le Maire. Mais quand
l'autre dit cela estre contre le placcard de corruption, ledit le Maire a acquiescé. Et si cela est,
comme dit le maire, toute la Hollande est criminel; car elle donne des compagnies entieres pour gaigner des voix: comme par tel moyen elle a gaigné le sieur de Renswoude.
Item par l'advancement de son fils en le constituant ministre en Espagne. Bref, on intente
une action fiscalisante contre le pauvre le Maire. Mais c'est pour rire, et toutefois je vous
puis asseurer, que les principaux de tats d'Hollande et specialement de Amsterdam, portent a protecteur une affection
fort mediocre; et cela les creve, que maintenant on parle encore plus de l'aggrandir, et
c'est de pure crainte de protecteur qu'ils ne font tout le mal, qu'ils peuvent à Swede, ny tant de
bien que Denmark pretend. Car autrement l'envie tant de Denmark comme de etat d'Hollande est fort bonne
a se ruer ensemble pour Denmark pour le 175, et le Denmark, lesquels vous scavez estre et avoir esté
capitaux ennemis de protecteur. Je suis,
Ce 30 Mars 1657. [N. S.]
Monsieur, votre tres humble serviteur.
Jamaica. The examination of two Spanish prisoners taken the 20th of March 1656.
Vol. xxxvi. p. 384.
Pedro DE SALAS, aged about sixty-four years, being examined, faith, that he is a neighbour of this island, and that he went from hence to the town of St. Jago in Cuba, about two months agoe, master of the piragua, wherein he was taken, which is called St. Bartholomew.
That he carried off Onofre Fonseca, a captain, with his family, which consisted of forty men, women, children and slaves. That since the English took this island, he hath made four voyages to Cuba, and carried about forty persons each time, and that he believeth there have gone of this island, in several boats that the governor of Cuba sent, about three-thousand persons.
That it was reported for certain in St. Jago, that there had come two ships of advice from Spain, the last whereof touched at Baracoa, in the island of Cuba, about twenty days ago, and brought a packet, advising that there was a very great armada ready to come for the Indies; and that they were to come first to an island to the windward called Tortugas, and that they expected them in April at the farthest. That there are eight hundred soldiers to be raised in St. Domingo, Havanna, and Cuba, and five hundred of those that went off of this island.
That the governor of the town of Cuba told him, when he was coming away, that he should tell the people that are in this island, that they should have a little patience, for they should have succour very speedily. Notwithstanding, if any of them was desirous, that he should embark for Cuba.
That there was a boat sent to this island from Cuba, to bring advice of the coming of the armada, which arrived here after this deponent's departure from hence; and before he came away from Cuba, there was intelligence brought, that the said boat was returned, and by soul weather forced to the leward of Cuba; and that the master de Campo, don Christopher de Francia, was aboard the said boat; upon which news his wife sent for some things ashore, which she had intended to have sent him in the Piragua.
That there was a ship of twenty-four pieces of ordinance lading at Bahama, thirty leagues to the leward of Cuba, bound for Spain; and that there was another upon the coast, which was conceived to be an enemy. That he set sail from the town of Cuba upon sunday last, being the 15th of March; that he was to come to the river of Hinanal (some ten leagues from Port Antonio) being a small creek not capable to receive any ship.
That his lading was thirty-nine jarrs of malasses, 1200 lb. of cassabe, 259 boxes of conserve, 105 manoxos of tobacco, eight bushels of salt, two chests of sugar, one chest of chocolate, three pair of shirts and drawers, two pair of shoes, two pair of thread-stockings, two white doublets, one pair of breeches, 4 pair of socks, two towels. That most of the piragua's lading was his own, and some part for don Francisco de Liba, and also the cloaths.
That there are about a dozen families of Spaniards upon this island, which may consist of some 200 men, women, children, and slaves.
That their habitation is in Oristan, a day's journey from Guativacoa, near the river of Alcovan, some fix leagues from the sea, and twenty-one from Hibanal, where the piragua was to come.
That though the distance of the river from the Spaniards be great, yet it is commodious, in regard it is a secret close place, and cannot be discerned from sea.
That there lived some sew negroes in a plantation-walk near the said river, who upon the arrival of my piragua gave notice thereof to the Spaniards.
That the negroes, that are not of the Spanish party, are some 200; but knoweth not in what part of the island they are.
That when he came last from the island, the Spaniards were building a boat in the river of Alcovan, but they wrought but slowly, in regard they wanted materials.
Francisco Morreno being examined, saith;
That he lived in this island of Jamaica, and when the English took it, he with his wife
and family embarked for the town of Cuba, where he hath lived ever since very sickly and
poor; and upon sunday last, being the 15th of March, they set sail from Cuba in the perigua called St. Bartholomew, wherein he was a common man, and so agreeth with the
declaration of the other prisoner in every particular of consequence; but addeth further,
that the governor of Cuba was providing of boats, piraguas, and launces, against the arrival of the fleet, to bring over soldiers for this island.
That those, that went off of this island, were desirous to engage in this expedition, but that they were not as yet reduced into companies, nor any officer appointed.
The commissioners of the admiralty in Holland, to the states-general.
Read the 31st of March 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. x'viii. p. 281.
H. and M. lords,
The present commissioners of the colleges of the admiralty having received advice
from the lord ambassador Boreel in Paris, concerning the many and several piracies
which are committed upon the Netherlanders by the French in the channel and narrow
of France, they do find after examination of the said lord ambassadors letters, how necessary it is, that the said piracies, and which are feared yet to increase more, may be effectually prevented. And in regard there are already taken by your H. and M. L. good and
full resolutions for the preventing of piracies, as that of the 5th and 11th of Feb. 1656.
which only remain to be put in execution in the narrow sea: wherefore the said commissioners having special regard to the service of this state, do desire, that the said resolutions may be speedily affected with the good liking of your H. and M. L. and that in the
mean time by provision, a squadron consisting of six good ships of war may be employed
in the narrow of
And that these six shall be of the number of the 36 or 48 ships, ordered by your H. and M. L. or yet to be ordered to be equipped and set forth to sea.
Which said six ships may be ready to set sail within a week or a sortnight at the most under the command of the vice-admiral John Evertson, or under such other chief commander as the admiralty in Zealand shall be pleased to employ over the same, furnished with the said alledged resolutions of your H. and M. L. to be for his instruction.
And with this the said commissioners do conceive to have fulfilled your H. and M. L. intention; and therefore with your permission intend to return home to be here again upon the 17th of the next month, and then presently to bring the same to a good end, and advised and delivered to their H. and M. L. on the 30th of March 1657.
Extract out of the register of the resolutions of the states-general of the United Netherlands.
Veneris the 30th of March 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. xlviii. p. 267.
Was read in the assembly a certain memorandum of the commissioners of the respective colleges of the admiralty residing here at present, containing their considerations upon the contents of the resolution of the lords states of Holland and Friezland of the 19th instant, concerning the equipping and setting forth to sea of 36 ships of war for this approaching summer, upon the last and safe conduct money, as the same is at present. Whereupon being debated, it is thought fit and understood, that a letter be writ to the said colleges of the admiralty, that they will proceed with all diligence in the equipage of their shares in the said 36 ships of war, and the provinces are desired forthwith to bring in their consents upon the petition of the six hundred thousand guilders.
The lords commissioners of Zealand do stick to their former declaration upon the subject of the said equipage made the 27th instant.
The lords commissioners of Friezland declare, that they have yet no order for the said equipage.