A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1657: January (4 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp785-795 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1657: January (4 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp785-795.
"State Papers, 1657: January (4 of 4)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp785-795.
In this section
January (4 of 4)
The Dutch ambassadors at Elbing, to the States General.
Vol. xlvi. p. 173.
High and mighty lords,
My lords, just as we were ready yesterday morning to take our journey for Marienburg,
the general Vander Linde gave us a visit, and communicated unto us, that his majesty of Sweden would go directly from Grandentz to Holland without coming to Marienburgh, to expect there the duke of Brandenburgh; which news hath caused us to resolve to
abide here two or three days, and to expect further certainty of his majesty's coming into
these parts, that so we may know how to behave ourselves accordingly.
Elbing, Jan. 23, 1657. [N. S.]
A letter of intelligence to resident Bradshaw.
Vol. xlvi. p.163.
Right honourabel sir,
Since my last of the 19th instant, there was great expectation to heare of a greate action between the Swedish army and Polish, under command of general Charnetzky, comming out of Poland with some small forces to Danzig; but when hee was come so far as
Conitz, not thinking that the Swedish army was so neare him, he drew back with his forces,
and took another march higher up towards Thorn. Upon this newes the king of Sweden
commanded his army to march towards Bromberg, and lay watch upon the ennemy, what
course he will take to make himselfe a passage for to come to Danzig; but it seemes that all
the paines the Swedes take in this extreame frosty wedder to make the Poles fight, they
cannot make them stand, but they retire suddenly. Some are of opinion, that the Polish
army left the field in policie, and a spoiled contrey to the Swedes. It may bee admitted
in some respect, because divers heavie marches in Poland have undone and killed more Swedish souldiers then the ennemy himselfe; but for the most part they fear'd to engadge themselves in a fight with the Swedes. And indeed there is no hopes more to bee made to heare
hereafter of any great action betwixt the two armyes out of the alledged reason, for it seemes
the intention of both partys is directed by the perswasions of the embassadors for to treate
peace, whereof there is new hopes made by the Dutch embassaders, who returneth lately
from the duke of Brandenburgh, saying, that the duke is much inclined for to make peace,
and to that end he is to meet to-morrow the king of Sweden at Holland (a towne belonging to the duke three miles from hence) to have a private conference together concerning
matters of great importance, and especially how to revenge the great affront and injurie done
to them both by the city of Dantzig. It is thought the king of Sweden will yield much to the
king of Poland, if he could but exclude the citty of Danzig from the treatie of peace. The king of
Sweden and the duke will endeavour to make Danzig suffer for all their insolencies. The ante
præliminar articels of both sides, whereof I made mention in my former letters, are agreed.
The king of Poland hath left of from his injust demand to have Prussia restored from the
Swedes before the treatie, and is content that the matter or subject of the treatie shall be
Prussia, &c. &c. and that he will treate with the king of Sweden, the duke of Brandenburg, Cossakes, &c. conjunctim and not separatim, as he did desire before. This is all at
Yours to command.
From Elbing, Jan. 23, 1657. [N. S.]
I expect to heare shortly from your honour, concerning my humble request to enjoy the rest of my pension, and to have Lillie's allmanack.
Extract out of the secret resolutions of the states of Holland taken the 23d January, 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. xlvi. p. 165.
The states of Holland and West-Friesland having understood by a report, that upon the 5th instant in the assembly of the States General of these United Netherlands, there had been proposed by the commissioners of the province of Friesland, that their high and mighty lordships ought to proceed to the election of a field-marshal over the United Provinces, in the place of the deceased lord of Brederode, who officiated in the said charge in his lifetime; also having taken notice of all the circumstances, which happened about it, and especially that notwithstanding the said proposition by the lords, their noble great lordships commissioners in the said assembly was only taken ad referendum, with earnest instance, that the lords commissioners of the other provinces would keep their advices, and all further de liberations about the said subject in suspence, till such time there might be some resolution taken by their noble great lordships about it; yet there had been great endeavours used by some commissioners of the other provinces, to make a final conclusion upon the said business by plurality of votes; and having also taken notice of the provisional conclusion concerning the same taken on the sixth following, which being called into dispute by the commissioners of their noble great lordships with great endeavours, the final conclusion thereof was suspended for the space of fourteen days; after a serious deliberation of the above-mentioned, it is unanimously agreed, that at this present conjuncture of time and affairs, the appointing of a field-marshal or other head officer over the militia of the confederates is unnecessary, and for several respects would be altogether unserviceable; and especially that the consequence of such proceedings as abovementioned, and the execution of all such designs as can be drawn from thence, framed by the lords commissioners of some of the provinces, cannot be suffered or endured for the respect and honour of the province of Holland and West-Friesland, but that the same shall be opposed with vigour, for the preservation of the authority and right of the said province. And therefore the said lords states of Holland, after foregoing deliberation of the means and ways, which may effect their said expressed design, and which may hinder the progress of the said proceedings, as also to prevent the execution of the said designs, and to prevent the like hereafter; and having also curiously considered of the nature of the said militia, as also the right, which doth belong to the states of the respective provinces, have understood and judged it to be evident and demonstrative, that no command in the world, high or low, none excepted, can be conferred over the said militia, but with the express consent of the states their pay-masters. And therefore no field-marshal or any other head officer, who hath some command over the militia at the pay of the province, can be legally constituted, without the express consent of their noble great lordships. Wherefore the said office of field-marshal is held herewith for mortified by their said noble great lordships; it being also held by their said lordships for a certain rule and maxim, that a perpetual head over the said militia is not only unnecessary, but altogether unserviceable, for reasons and for some examples set down at large in the deduction concluded by their noble great lordships on the 25th of July last, in the year 1654; and that therefore this province is resolved to insist upon the same. But whensoever in times of war and necessity, their noble great lordships, together with the other provinces, shall think fit to proceed to the election of a head officer over the militia, the same shall then be done by them; but the said head not be perpetual, but only for such an expedition, campaign, or occasion, as shall be requisite; and the same being ended, that then the office of the said head or field-marshal shall also cease. And this opinion of their noble great lordships, they do declare to be also willing to explain further to their confederates, and to justify the particulars thereof more at large, if need be, &c.
Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburgh, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlvi. p. 1.
Right honorable,
If your honour writ to me by this post, the letter is intercepted, for my pacquet is wantinge. The post-master heere vowes there came not any to him for me, and hath soe given it under his hand, soe as the fault must be at the post-office in London, which I pray
your honour to require an account of, otherwise I shall be of noe use heere. Least my last
week's letter should allsoe have miscaryed in the like kind, I heere inclose duplicates of what
I then sent, with such intelligence as hath since come to my hands. I wonder there's yet noe
newse of Mr. Townley's arrivall at London; it seemes he made not soe much hast to appear before the councell as heere he pretended unto. I remayne
Hamburg, Jan. 13, 1656/7.
Your honour's very humble servant,
Rich. Bradshaw.
Minutes of a speech in the house of commons by secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxx. p. 371.
The scope of this bill is to set an extraordinary tax upon the old delinquent party, with a retrospect by way of approbation of what hath beene done of this kinde by his highnesse and the councell; soe that we are to consider;
1. What reasons his highness and councell had to lay the charge.
2. Upon what grounds it should be continued by act of parliament.
What moves me to speak in it. The place I have the honour to beare, &c.
The occasion was the last insurrection made by the old delinquent party. Who these old delinquents are, I suppose no-body needs any information: they are described in the bill: those, who were in armes for the late kinge against the parliament, or for Charles Stewart the sonne, or have adhered to, assisted, or abetted the forces raysed against the parliament, or whose estates have beene sequestred for delinquency. You knowe, sir, much better than I, and soe most men here, what the designe was before the long parliament. It was to alter our religion, and to subvert the fundamentall lawes. The bishops, soe they might enslave our consciences, and have us at their will to impose their ceremonies, which were but to popery, they were content wee should be at the king's will for our persons and estates. I remember myself, and many here remember much better, how many were banished into forreine parts, that they might serve God without feare, which they could not doe here. Many good ministers were imprisoned, others silenced: if two or three Christians met together to pray, this was a conventicle, and they were haled before the then power. I feare these thinges are forgotten, and wee value not the liberty wee have in these cases. I knowe what thoughts wee had then; but that was the designe. And soe in the state the prerogative was very high, but the people's liberty was very lowe. Wee have not forgot the German horse, that were to be brought over, and the army in Ireland, that was to be raised to enslave them first, and then to doe the same here. What was doeing in Scotland many gentlemen heere I doubt not, that rejoyce to see this day, can tell you large storyes of. Parliaments were set aside: how many had ye betweene 3° and 16° in thirteen yeares together? Not one; noe they had got a way to governe without parliaments, and the lawes in Westminster-hall began to be of little use. The judges, that were honest and true to the people's libertys, they were either removed or discountenanced, that ad placitum regis sunt sententiæ legis: other courts they flourished; the marches of Wales, the presidentship of York, the starr-chamber, the councell-board, the high commission, and I am loth to name the chancery; but good use was made of that too for their purpose that was arbitrary, and the design was to rack all thinges soe, a man could be met with there, that would not doe reason. The truth was, the designe was to governe us by power that might be turned against us, which was sayd quod placuit principi legis vim habet, and to delay the nation, the loosnes and prophaneness was * *.
Thinges were almost become desperate, and all men, who loved their countrie, thought all either of suffringe or off lyeinge. This, I say, was the first designe. To doe an arbitrary act out of necessity to save the whole, that's another thinge; but this was matter of choice.
In this conjuncture of affairs the long parliament comes, questions his counsellers, undertakes the cause of the nation, and advises the king: instead of listeninge to them, he takes the advantage of rayseinge an army in prosecution of his former designe, and to desend those, who were the instruments thereof. A great part of the nation, whom he and the counsellors had debauched, and who were seasoned with the same principles in hatred to the spirit of reformation and libertie, which appeared in the parliament, adhere to him, take up armes with him, and in his cause; and I beleeve noe-body here hath forgot how much blood and treasure this course hath cost this nation in a ten yeares warre, (for neare soe long hath this party of men held up their cause aforesaid against the good people of this land by an open warre;) and what havocke hath beene made of the lives and estates of many a good and honest patriot dureinge this time, is yet to be lamented; and the losse of your relations, the emptiness of your purses exhausted in this warre, the signall deliverances, which God hath given you, will not suffer you to forgett what our condition had beene, if we had beene given up into the hands of these men:
These are the men, sir, this is the old delinquent, that wee have to doe with in this bill.
In the management of this warre, wee have had many divisions and subdivisions amongst ourselves:
In the church, presbiterians, independents, anabaptists; in the state commonwealthmen, those who are * y, soldiers, lawyers, fifth monarchy men, every one labouring for their interests; but none of all these are now in question. But its the old enemye, men, that would bring in the hierarchy againe, and with it popery, persecution for conscience sake, bring in tyranny over our persons and estates, and endeavoured to have made the land desolate rather than not have brought this to pass, brought in all manner of prophaness and * * I wish wee doe not forget what manner of men they were. We did all once agree against them, and I hope we shall doe soe againe soe long as they reteyne their old principles.
I say, the worst in this bill is, to make these men pay an extraordinary tax for the support of the publique charge.
Ay, but they have compounded; many of them have for their delinquency; and they have had an act of oblivion, and are now in justice to be looked upon as the rest of the nation.
That sure is not hard to answer. Their composition was but for what they had done: sure it was not for all they should doe. The pardon was but of offences past, it was not like the pope's pardons, that are of all sins committed, and to be committed; soe that if they be guilty of new offences, it is just to subject them to new penalties, and they to be dealt with, as if they had made noe composition, nor had any such pardon granted them. But then the greater question is, what these men have done, which may justly cancell their former grants, and how this comes to be a common case; if some of them have offended, must all suffer?
In answere to this I would premise two thinges:
1. The question is not about confiscation of life and estate, which the former warre subjected them to, and which without their composition or pardon might have beene inflicted; their offence was capitall; but it is only, wheither they shall pay somewhat more for their publique charge, than those that have beene of the other partye.
2. Exception is propounded to them, who either have or shall give evidence of their haveinge forsaken their former interest.
The onus probandi is put on their side, and many have had the fruit of this: his highness and the councell having had good satisfaction concerning many of them, have discharged their decimation, and I suppose this bill is not or ought to be to reach to them; so that the question will not be of every individuall man, but of such only, as have not nor can give any testimony of their having changed their interest and principles; on the contrary have given a just ground of suspition, that they doe retayne them.
For those, who have actually had a hand in designeing, contriving, acting, or abetting in the late insurrection, and can be convicted thereof by testimony, that is under another consideration, and will not be pertinent to be spoke of under this head.
Then to answer that question, what they have done? It's true, there was an insurrection, and of some of the party, Wagstaffe, Wilmott, &c. but are all therefore to be punished? What hath the whole party done? This I would say in generall, that the old delinquent partye have not only the same intentions that they had, when they were in open armes, and notoriously manifested it to the consciences of all men, who will consider it, but they doe reteyne their old principles, and still adhere to their former interest; and what that is, I have spake before, but have beene all alonge hatching new disturbances to trouble the peace of the state: and although the testimonies doe not extend to such a proofe, as is necessary to a legal conviction; yet soe much is knowne of their actions and conversation of the whole partye, as may satisfye any indifferent man, especially a state, who ought rather to be too jealous, than secure, that they were generally involved in the late designe, and ought in reason to have the charge layd upon them.
To evince that, take a view of this party ever since the battle of Worcester. There you knowe their hopes were broken, and the lives and estates of that whole partye in the three nations subjected to your power. What, doth the parliament apply themselves to heale and cement, and to take away the seedes of division? Hence it is, that not only justice is done them * * * but an act of grace is granted to them, and by the government. What do they meditate? the overthrow of those, whose favour they were by the providence of God compelled to seek for: from that very day, untill the insurrection broke forth, they were in agitation of that designe.
Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, major general of the army in Ireland.
In the possession of los. Jekyll esq.
My lord,
The Irish pacquet is not yet come this week, nor have I received any thinge from your
lordship, since mine by the last post when I writ at large to your lordship. Since that
there is nothinge here spake of in the parliament, but the decimation, which hath met a very
sharpe opposition, so that its become doubtfull, wheither or noe it will passe at all. The issue whereof had beene knowne before now, if the speaker had not been soe ill, that he could
not keepe his chaire, so that the house is adjourned for a weeke.
God hath beene very gratious to us in the discovery of a very desperate designe against his highnes life, the perticulars thereof I have here sent unto you.
A day of thanksgiveinge is appointed here upon thursday next for this great goodnes of God. I am ill at this tyme, and must begge your lordship's excuse for this brevitye, and am
Your lordship's most humble and faithful servant,
Jo. Thurloe.
Whitehall, Jan. 13. 1656.
Amsferd, Feb. 2, 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. xlvi. p. 177.
The Brandenburg resident is making himself ready to return for England with the first. Mr. Dury proposed to be gone from hence for good and all about the beginning of the next week, to take the first passage either at Rotterdam or in Zeeland. They write from Franckfort, that the earl of Hohenloe (who is highly commended for his great understanding, activity, and zeal for the protestant interest) is for the present at the court of Heidelburg, whither the duke of Wurtenburg is shortly to come; for the said prince is said to be very forward for advancing Mr. Dury's work, and is coming only for that purpose to the elector of Heidelburg, to confer with him about the joint carrying on of that blessed design of reconciliation between the Lutherans and all the Reformed. The duke of York hath been up and down here in Holland and Zeeland, and did reside in the province of Utrecht at the house of the bastard son of the old prince of Orange, called the lord of Zulenstein. His pretence of going from his brother was a discontent for some affronts; but as soon as the news came of the gunpowder plot at Whitehall being discovered, he went away to his brother again; by which it appears, that he was here in a readiness to have come over to you, if the plot had taken; and now those, that are none of your friends, give out, that the news of that plot is but a fiction to make the Spaniard odious, and strengthen the lord protector.
The king of Sweden, before he will treat with the Pole, will have the states of Poland to meet. He will have none other to be mediators, but those who were at the last treaty at Lubeck, viz. France, Venice, and the states of the United provinces, whereby the emperor and Denmark are tacitly excluded. He will hear of no treaty at all, in case the Pole will stand upon a treaty for Prussia, for that he counts now his own, and he will have the Cossacks satisfaction yielded unto, and Ragotski his interest maintained, before any conclusion be made. These conditions as preliminaries cut off all hopes of coming to a treaty, seeing the Poles horse is fled, and since beaten. And the king himself is shifting to get away in secret, least the exasperated people of Dantzick for the misery brought upon them lay hold of him, and perhaps deliver him to the Swedes to redeem their peace; for some letters from thence mutter such a matter to be in the thoughts of the multitude. They are very angry here with the French for taking some of their ships; and it is said, they will arm extraordinarily at sea, and will make themselves strong enough against both you and the French at once, if you will join with the French to visit their ships. Thus the talk goes here; but what the states have resolved, or will resolve upon, is not come as yet to my knowledge. Zeeland is better French than Spanish. If you could keep them friends to the common cause it might move Holland not to look too high, nor too much to their private hopes of golden mountains from Spain, which in all likelihood the Spanish ambassador at his last being in this town, made them gape after. Yesterday were chosen four new burgomasters for this city, which to some is but small rejoicing. For these burgomasters have not only very great power in and over this city, but also are of main influence upon all public and universal affairs, so that if they be good men, the public doth fare the better for it; but if otherwise, and that they be capricious, they are able to set the whole state under disorders and confusions. The Muscovite is like to agree with the Swede, if the point of satisfaction do not spoil all. For this is the principal thing, which will be insisted upon, according to the Swedish instructions. There is a muttering, that this state is to assist the king of Denmark with 8000 men.
Commissioner Pells to the States General.
Vol. lxvi. p. 175.
High and mighty lords.
Since my last of the 20th instant, there is nothing certain to advise. The king of Sweden hath given order to divert the Weyssel stream from this city, and two engineers are busy about it, as they are informed here, in two places, namely at a place called Wittenburgh or the point of Montauw, and at another place called the Hooft. They
hope here, that they will not be able to effect any thing.
The horse of this city is commanded out to observe what they are doing, and to hinder them as much as they can.
Here is a report, but no certainty, as if general Charnitzky had ruined a strong party of two thousand men of the Swedish army. By the next post from Elbing we shall know the truth of it.
P. Pells.
Dantzick, Jan. 24, 1657. [N. S.]
Letters of intelligence.
Dantzick, Jan. 24, 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. xlvi. p. 177.
The king of Sweden and the elector of Brandenburg have appointed commissioners to treat with the French and Holland ambassadors at Stuthoff, who in the behalf of the Poles, will see if such conditions can be propounded, as that there is likely to be peace, and then they will leave the Muscovites, and join with these. But I fear the Poles will be as unwilling to quit Prussia as the Swedes will be to leave it; and so the war is likely to continue. It's certain the king of Sweden hath begun to turn the Weissell from turning this way, both at the Hoft-Shantz, and at Montaw; at which places he may easily cause the said river to alter it's course of coming hither. We have no certain news of any action, since the taking of Conitz by the king of Sweden. From Holland we have advice, that the lord protector and they are agreed concerning maritime affairs; which if true, I hope we shall have notice thereof from you.
A confiding man writes from Koningsburg, that the king of Sweden hath gotten a special advantage against the Poles; and therefore being in the pursuit of that, he hath excused him, why he could not stay for the elector of Brandenburg to confer with his highness, according to appointment; for it is said, that he hath cut off the pass from the Poles, so that every hour we expect to hear of some main and capital action.
The Polish general Gonziefsky would now willingly agree with the elector of Brandenburg, on the behalf of all the Samogitians; but the elector hath sent him word, that he could not enter into any particular treaty, before he had acquainted the king of Sweden with it; and that there was no dealing with the Polonian affairs, till the interests of prince Ragotsi, of the Cossacks, France, and England, were in like manner considered and secured. It is still confirmed, that Ragotsi with the Cossacks are upon their march. The king of Poland is preparing secretly to steal from hence, if the treaty doth not take effect. His life hath been very prophane and scandalous all this while, by reason of his continual banquettings, dancings, and playings at cards every day. There is a gentleman dispatched to the Czar of Muscovia with propositions of peace, but they fear he will not be content with their answers; for the Polonian final resolution is put off to the next parliament that can be held. But when will that be? Or what hopes are there for satisfaction from their parliament? Just now I am told, that both the armies have been engaged; but no particulars.
An information against one Carpenter.
January 14, 1656.
Vol. xlvi. p. 181.
Jan. the 14th at Mr. Relings about the hour of seven, Mr. Carpenter instrewment maker a little without temple-barr, did averr to mee, that he was last night in company with five gentlemen, now of his highnesses life-guard, who told him that this last plott discovered at Whitehall was contrived by the levillers, and that those five were not only accessary to it, but that to theire knowledge, better than three parts of the life-guards were. And that notwithstanding what was discovered, his highnesse durst not stirr, for they were not only of themselves confederates, but that to his and their knowledge the greatest part of the army syded with them, well knowing that his highness and his councell endeavours nothing more then the extirpation of the cavalrue. All which taken into consideration the cavaliers could not (to their advantage) syde with a faction more powerfull to pull down his highnesse, then they which would in a short time doe it, being (with the greatest under his highness) encouraged there to. And that the said carpenter did and doth pretend to be a cavalier.
All which Edmunde Hynde, dwelling at Mr. Hopper's at the upper end of Field-lane neere Holborne, will be ready to prove against Carpenter upon oath.
Boreel the Dutch ambassador at Paris, to Ruysch.
Vol. xlvi. p. 189.
My lord,
In pursuance of their high and mighty lordships commands in their letters of the 12th instant, I send here inclosed a copy of the order of the king's council of the 20th of Dec.
last, which I shall expect back again (if so be it be their high and mighty lordship's pleasure) that so I may not be put to further charges for a copy thereof.
Just now I received letters from Bourdeaux of the 18th instant, wherein the Netherland nation trading and dwelling there doth complain, how that the farmers imported and exported commodities, and will now make them pay more than what they used to do, and against the privilege of the year 1635 in the tolls, as strangers, who pay as much more toll as the native Frenchman, who for example pay, it may be, but three and a half and two and a half per cent. and the stranger payeth six, and seven, and five per cent. If this be suffered, all the Netherland factors are ruined in France.
Wil. Boreell.
Paris, Jan. 25, 1657. [N. S.]
Boreell, the Dutch ambassador in France, to Ruysch.
Vol. xlvi. p. 187.
My lord,
Yesterday I received from Geneva the account, which I sent here inclosed; wherein is
to be seen, what hath been received and paid away of all the moneys, which was given
and contributed in all parts towards the necessities of those of the vallies of Piedmont, which
I thought would be acceptable to their high and mighty lordships who may thereby see what
money was gathered in the United Provinces, and how paid away.
Will. Boreel.
Paris, Jan. 25, 1657. [N. S.]
Consul Strycker to the States General.
Vol. xlvi. p. 201.
High and mighty lords,
My lords, I could not omit advising of your high and mighty lordships, that here arrived two ambassadors from the great duke of Muscovy, who have yet had no audience,
it being but four days since. They came hither from Leghorn, and likewise in regard the
prince Bartucci Valier is somewhat indisposed of the gout, the occasion of their embassy is
held yet secret. Some presume it is to persuade this state to the continuation of the war with
the great duke; but if peace could be had, we do believe it would be accepted of, and good
words would be given to these ambassadors. It is believed by many, that the lords of this
state have given leave again to the Jesuits, that they may come and live in this state again
as formerly. They may thank the pope for it, for at his earnest request it was granted.
James Strycker.
Venice, Jan. 26, 1657. [N. S.]
Nieuport, the Dutch ambassador in England, to Ruysch.
Vol. xlvi. p. 195.
My lord,
Last night I received their high and mighty lordships resolution and letter of the
12th instant, concerning the complaints made by those of the great fishery in the Netherlands, about some bad usage of the English; and as soon as the papers are translated, I
will use all possible endeavours, by God's assistance, with the lord protector, that, according
to their high and mighty lordships resolution, sufficient order be given, as well for what is
past, as for the future. At the same time I received another letter from their high and
mighty lordships, with a copy of a letter of the lord ambassador Boreell of the 5th instant.
And I have also received their high and mighty lordships secret resolution concerning the
maritime treaty to be concluded with England. I sent this morning early to speak with the
lord secretary of state, to the end I might have a conference very speedily with the commissioners of this side. He appointed me to meet him at four of the clock in the afternoon, and
coming to him, he assured me, that the lord protector would fully cause to be represented
to the parliament the condition of the merchants of the intercourse belonging to the state
of the United Netherlands, that so the resolution already taken, forasmuch as concerneth
the same; may be redressed. For which having given him thanks, he said, that I was so
close, that I would not signify to him the name of the scribe of such false calumnies; but
that he had understood by the last post, that it was the lord ambassador Boreell, that had
writ it. That he therefore desired, that I would once assure their high and mighty lordships,
that what he had told me formerly concerning it, was and is true; and that he loved truth
and his honour so well, that he would not be afraid to make it good; and that in truth there
were never no such thoughts, and that they are feigned calumnies, tending against the af
section and interest of the lord protector, who in truth endeavoureth nothing else then to cultivate the amity more and more with their high and mighty lordships. I told him, that there
were men in France besides the lord Boreell, that write over news; and that therefore he
should not conclude it to be him. That I had named no-body, nor could not as yet; but
that since the like advices are come to the high and mighty lordships, and that upon the same
grounds and hope of getting rich booties upon such pretences out of the Netherland ships,
his honour declared once more with significant expressions, that it is altogether false, and
seigned to stir up jealousy between both. That during all the time of the war against Spain,
but two or three private commissions are granted; and that the council hath taken cognizance of the caution and security, not trusting the same to the admiralty as formerly. And
that they would never suffer, that any ships taken by their commissions should be brought
in any where else. His honour repeated yet very earnestly at last, that I might assure their
high and mighty lordships in his name, that they should find it of a truth, what he had said;
and afterwards, upon occasion, happening to speak with some of the lords of the council,
told them of the publication made at Toulon and Calais, and when I told them, that I had
heard, that this side was aiding and consenting to it, they denied it very expresly, and said
they never had any thoughts of it.
W. Nieuport.
Westminster, January 26, 1657. [N. S.]
Ambassador Nieuport to Ruysch.
Vol. xlvi. p. 199.
My Lord,
Being troubled, that upon the order of the parliament concerning the Netherland merchants of the entercourse, the same are subject to quartering of soldiers; whereupon I
thought fit to desire of the lord secretary of state, that I might have audience of his highness; and upon wednesday morning last I was conducted to Whitehall by the master of the
ceremonies, where I declared to the lord protector, that their high and mighty lordships
have agreed and consented, that the English merchants of the court of merchants adventurers in the United Netherlands should enjoy and preserve the liberties and freedoms obtained in the United Netherlands by former treaties. Their high and mighty lordships also
thought it just and reasonable, that those of the entercourse, at least those that were born or
do belong to the said provinces, ought not to be molested with any new taxes or assessments,
and yet in December last it was resolved in the parliament, that all the arrears shall be paid,
which will fall very heavy upon them. And therefore I desired, that his highness would be
pleased to give order, that the parliament may be better informed concerning the same;
and that the execution may be suspended. Whereupon he promised to speak with the council, and said to the lord secretary of state, who alone was present, that he should mind him
of it. And afterwards he said, that it was very strange to him to hear, that he was reported
to have contributed something in France for the renovation and publication of the old rigorous ordinances against the inhabitants of the United Netherlands. That he in truth never had any such thoughts; and that it would be very abominable, that he should advise
any thing, which he always judged to be unjust and unreasonable; but that there were some
people, who were not ashamed to do ill offices between friends, and to occasion disaffection.
That he had lately sent as ambassador a gentleman for France (meaning the lord Lockhart)
of whom he trusted their high and mighty lordships would receive nothing but good offices. And is so be he should do otherwise, that notwithstanding the particular relation he
hath to him, he would highly resent it. And added hereunto, that he sought no other than
to observe all good amity with all protestant princes and states, and especially with their high
and mighty lordships; that he very well knew, that there were bad people, that endeavoured to make bad impressions on the one and the other side, but that he on his part would
not easily receive it, and rather admonish their high and mighty lordships thereof; and that
he had long since recommended the same to me.
After a short compliment past upon him upon the discovery of the late plot, I parted from him.
W. Nieuport.
Westminster, Jan. 26, 1657. [N. S.]
A letter of intelligence.
Hague, Jan. 16/26, 1657.
Vol. xlvi. p. 205.
The states of Holland have delivered into the college of the States General a long deduction, wherein they prove the choosing of a field-marshal is a business of so great consequence, that it ought not to be regulated according to the plurality of voices, but by unanimous consent of all the provinces. They have likewise given in a design, that there should be a considerable fleet made ready against the spring, and resolved, in regard the English buy all the hemp up in that province, it should be forbidden for one month, that any hemp should be transported out of their havens. They are now again much troubled at that order was made anno 1651, in England, forbidding bringing any wares for England, that did not grow in the bringer's country. There are some ships arrived in Zealand out of Spain, which (as I am informed from good hands) have brought 300,000 royals of eight for the Spanish merchants. Concerning the ratification of the Elbing's peace, the states of Holland remain by their former resolution, that the elucidation must be done first. It is certain, the Spanish ambassador, when he was last at Amsterdam, spoke with several private merchants about hiring fifteen ships for his master's service; and had obtained them, if he had had ready monies; for the merchants would have six months advance, and would not handle upon credit. He doth now underhand intimate so much, that his king was resolved to give this states subjects free traffick in Nova Spania, upon condition they will insure him to transport his silver safe home. The Portugal agent da Costa gets no answer to his propositions, because his credentials are not right. The Spanish ambassador hath assured the States General, they will give them such information, how they shall easily recover Brasil, if they will break with Portugal. The states ambassador in France assureth the States General, that there is something concluded betwixt England and France, prejudicial to their navigation and commerce; upon which they have given order to their ambassador in England to enquire after it.
Dorp, the Dutch ambassador at Dantzick, to the States General.
Vol. xlvi. p. 221.
High and mighty lords,
My lords, in pursuance of what your high and mighty lordships have been pleased to
command us in their letter of the 9th instant, I have further informed myself of all
that happened at the taking and bringing in of the ship of the Broer Jansson of Enchuysen;
and I find, that a certain schipper of Dantzick, coming from the Sound hither, gave advice,
that two Holland ships laden with gunpowder, and designed for Koningsburg, were riding
at an anchor near the Grisont; whereupon presently order was given to the galliots of this
city to scout out to look after the said ships, which having been at sea some two days, they
found Broer Jansson at an anchor some two miles from the mouth of the river Weyssell,
where he was forced to come through soul weather; and lying there, he was assaulted by
one of the galliots, and brought up the river Weyssell, and at the fort of Weysselmunde his
powder was taken out, and his ship and the rest of her lading, after some few days, discharged, with an express promise of the magistrates of this city to pay the schipper his freight
and charges, and the merchants for the powder, which is not yet performed; but on the
contrary, a certain Netherland merchant coming hither, not long since, desired of the burgo-masters payment of freight and charges, according to promise, for the said schipper,
who was not only delayed, but also at last had such an answer given him, that he was afraid
to insist on any more upon it, but gave the business over. This is all that I know concerning that business.
Last night the horse of the city with some Poles were commanded out to retake the house of Grebin, wherein were some fifty Swedes, which they did after two assaults: all the Swedes except the commander and ensign were put to the sword, and the houses burnt down.
Dantzick, Jan. 27, 1657. [N. S.]
To the Venetian agent.
Antwerp, Jan. 27, 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. xlvi. p. 213.
They are about to give king Charles some more money, but not enough to cause him to undertake any thing. It is said, that they are treating in Spain to furnish him with a very considerable sum of money, that may help him. The English here are of an opinion, that the powder-plot is a simple invention of the protector, to make the people believe, that the royalists are acting that, so he may have the better occasion to restrain them the more of their liberty, and to drain more money out of them.
I believe all the expectation is at present to see the success of the fleet, which is expected home from the Indies. If it arrive in safety, without any detriment done to them by the English, the protector will not have that applause given him, which he hath had hitherto. In Cadiz are made ready twenty ships, which are to be sent out to meet the fleet, and to conduct them to some other port than Cadiz.
Barriere to Stouppe.
Brussels, Jan. 27, 1657. [N. S.]
Vol. xlvi. p. 215.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
I Received yours of the 19th, whereby I see, that you hope to put some order to my affairs. I can assure you, that you will put new life in me, if you can set my mind at rest in that particular, as I hope you will, since you undertake it. I cannot comprehend, how that lady can pretend not to restore the things, which she received since she was still paid. If the business can be done with madamoiselle Mayerne, that would be a business very commodious, in regard it would set me at rest, and give me time to do my business.
I pray let me know the particulars of the plot upon Whitehall. There is nothing to tell you.
33 57 66 30 13 82 and 93 98 34 85 17 11 43 70 12 7 35 45 31 65 33 23. If you can present my service at Kensington, you will oblige me.
Lockhart ambassador in France, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlvi. p. 225.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
May it please your honour,
My former mentioned my arrival heare upon tewsday last, and that upon the wednesday
I sent for audience, which I had not till the thursday night, when I was permitted to
wait upon his eminence. I fownd him a bed, and in appearance much indisposed. He
seemed to receive the compliment I offered from my master with abundance of satisfaction,
and pretended he took my being sent back for a good augure.
The complementall part being over, he discovered the businesse, which had occasioned Sieur Boscs letter to your servant, which because of it s l ent h I have set down as in tell i ge n ce from Flanders.
Tho' the debate of particulars concerning Dunkirk and the ship s was referred to a meeting appoynted upon the 28/18th instant, yet something was spoke in the generall, and I cowld discern no great alteration of his thoughts touching those businesses.
He seems to be willing to agree, that the lord protector may employ the six thousand m en. If before their t ra n s port a tion their shall be any considerable sturrs or insurrections in England, offers further to ass ist from this, and if that be not thought convenient, he layeth he will make so strong an in va si one in Fland. as Spayne shall find w or ke enough at home.
I shall (except ordered to the contrair) accept of his offers in these two particulars, as (in my humble opinion) not disadvantagios to you.
His eminence's carriadge in the businesse, that fell out betwixt the protestants and papists, hath been very candid. Mr. Augier's son is acquitt from all guilt, and he hath caused to be given a somm of mony to his widow, whom Mr. Augier kill'd in his own defence, and those that wounded young Mr. Augier are condemned, and theirupon they have fledd, and Mr. Augier himself hath tasted of his bounty to a much greater valew then the expence of his cure will come to.
The marquis de St. Andre Mombrun hath desyered to see me. I shall receive his visitt in the beginning of the next week, and after that I intend to see M. Turene who I here is not very we l pl ea s'd with the cardinal. It will be advantagios to me, that marquis de Montpullion know I espoused his interests with zeale.
The Dutch ambassador is industrious to perswade good men hear, that my master imployeth one in businesse, that will prove very prejudiciall to the trew protestant interest. Some Dutch merchants gave it out heare, that de Ruiter and some of our shipps had mett neare the straits, and foght. The quarrel, they say, was because the Dutch have order not to suffer themselves to be visited.
Sir, I have been so tedious to you already, that I dare lose no more of your tyme with
mentioning my acknowledgments of your favors to me. The lord knoweth I have not a
greater care upon me, than how to be inabled to walk in some measure worthy of his highnesses goodnesse and yours, and shall embrace no happinesse with greatter zeale, then that of
expressing myself to be,
May it please your honor,
Your most humble and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.
Paris, January 27/17, 1656/57.
The end of the fifth volume.
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